#american pie: beta house
tylerposey · 4 months
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STEVE TALLEY as Dwight Stifler American Pie Presents: Beta House (2007)
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ache-me-nas-estrelas · 7 months
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Best friends forever
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haruhey · 9 months
Wish I Never Met You
check out my masterlist!
Word count: 4k
Fluff | Angst | Thank you @weretheones and @normanplusdaryl for betaing <3
You’re part of Daryl’s past, but you could also be his future.
A bad day leads the two of you to each other.
Whoever said it’s better to love and lose Never loved and lost you
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Daryl barely made it through sophomore year.
In all honesty, he was impressed he even got to junior year. When Merle left at the tail end of spring, he - in all of his younger brother naïveté - thought he would come back before the semester ended, taking him from the dump they called a house and from that asshole they had the unfortunate pleasure of calling their old man.
But July came and went, then August, and by the time the new school year rolled around, Daryl stopped waiting for him - just shouldered his backpack and went to school because where the fuck else was he supposed to go?
He gave the whole school thing two weeks. It was enough time to mark off attendance - to lay low before he traded his backpack for his crossbow and started hunting for that weird butcher shop three blocks down to make some money - and he had intended on following it.
Intended, being the right word, because the plan went to shit the second Mr. American History started pairing people up for those dumb, mandatory, biweekly collaborative projects.
Intended, because it just had to be you he was paired with, didn't it? His stupid classroom crush he tried so hard to stop thinking about?
He remembers seeing you for the first time in some math class in sophomore year, and he’d, in his hormone-ruled, bored-out-of-his-mind teenage brain, spent the better half of the period just looking at you. He never worked up the courage to say anything about it to anyone, but you were the prettiest thing he’d seen in his 16 years on Earth, and he hated the way you made his hands all clammy.
Even years later, he looks back on the months he spent being your friend, and he still feels that crushingly familiar clench of his chest.
Maybe it wormed its way almost permanently into him those weeks he first sat next to you in American History. It was a compulory course and both you and he hated it. The teacher - Durand, but Daryl took to calling him Dickhead and Deranged just to see which would make you roll your eyes the hardest - was a notorious douchebag, round glasses over a nose that was entirely too big to stay on his face and three strands of gray hair that seemed to be holding onto his head by spite alone.
He never seemed to take Daryl seriously, even though Daryl knew more than double the amount of history you did. You could pick his brain for hours about the pirates and the Sumerians and the Cherokee and their legends, and he’d let you, despite the glare that marked over his face for anyone else.
In exchange, you let him pick your brain, too. Over the piece of apple pie the two of you would share on the rare occasion you’d both scraped together enough to figure it would be worth buying, he asked about your future. He tried picturing himself with you through it all despite knowing there was nothing for him outside of this shithole town, and he listened to you talk.
He could listen to you talk for hours.
You had big dreams, considering you came from the same place he did, but he had faith you could do it. He knew you could, and even looped his pinky with yours, your thumb pressed up against his while he promised to make it to graduation. He had to watch you toss your cap and flip the bird at 4 years of hell, didn’t he?
But then winter came, and with the Christmas break rounding the corner, Merle came back too, peeling into the dirt road in front of the Dixon dump and taking Daryl along with him. You remember coming back when the second semester started, the same room that had once been used for History now a Government class, and you had hoped to suffer through it together.
You made it through one school week until you’d started asking around.
Nobody got themselves involved with the Dixons - with their surly tempers and their permanent scowls, but you’d gotten into the habit of ignoring those words when you were with Daryl - so when no answers turned up, you weren’t really surprised.
You figured he must have finally gotten his out from his old man.
It was only at graduation that you’d found out what happened to him, overhearing one of the principals talking about how both of Will Dixon’s sons had run away from home and how he’d drunkenly bragged about finally beating sense into them, and, though you knew it was selfish, as the ceremony ticked on, you still hoped Daryl would come back in time to watch your cap toss.
He never did.
When he finally did come back to Georgia, it was a little over a full year later. The old lady that ran the diner the two of you hung around after school had told him that you got a scholarship offer in May - some bigshot school out west - and that you’d packed your bags and left in August.
You weren’t set to come back until the year ended in April, and he wasn’t planning on staying.
He wasn’t planning on making staying anywhere a habit, and, in the blink of an eye, twenty years passed.
A second blink and the world fell.
Everything changed so quickly that it truly did feel like an instant as minuscule as a blink - the dinosaurs had the meteor, and life before them had the ice age - and he couldn’t help but wonder if this was just a breath before a new age flooded in.
It seems like everything he thought about was about the future. Some of it he would have considered trivial before - when the next meal would come, when the next time he’s going to fill his canteen is and where the next source of freshwater is - but, in this blip of time, he hesitates to call it that.
Sometimes, when he went out on his bike or shouldered his crossbow and slipped his knives into his holsters, he thought about how Li’l Asskicker and Carl would grow up - how they would never really get to be kids in the same way Rick probably wanted them to be - and almost nothing he did felt trivial anymore.
It scared him, he guesses - how much he cared about those kids and how much everyone else did, too.
He wished someone cared about him like that when he was younger.
It was good, though, this pressure. Daryl was never really one to half-ass anything in the first place, but with the intake of Woodbury and the Council’s decision to start bringing people in, there was a new drive to care. It rippled through the prison, and he liked it, being a part of something bigger than himself.
He felt like someone new.
Someone that mattered - that did good - instead of being some asshole with a bigger asshole for a brother.
At least, he did until he saw you.
Two weeks after taking in the people of Woodbury - with one week spent out recruiting and another spent in the infirmary because they’d met some less than friendly people who definitely did not fit the recruitment criteria - he saw you from around the corner, an all too familiar face helping Carol with meal prep in the courtyard.
He didn’t eat lunch that day, and to say he avoided you was an understatement.
There was something about you that brought back feelings he would have rather left in the past. You reminded him of when he was a teenager, stuck in his shitty hometown with his piece of shit old man and no way out. But at the same time, you reminded him of those nights spent down at the creek, skipping stones and staring at the stars, that comforting lack of second-guessing because he knew he was, for the first time in his life, in the company of someone who actually wanted to spend time with him.
You reminded him of that diner with the warm apple pie, and he never could forget the first time his heart ever beat against his ribs like it was too big for his chest.
But, most of all, you reminded him of first love and his broken promise - of a future he could never have had.
Daryl hated it, being confronted with his past like that.
So yeah, maybe he did revert back to his old ways of hiding and just trying not to think about his problems, and yeah, maybe he did take one too many runs back to back so he wouldn’t have to keep fighting the urge to look for you despite simultaneously being scared shitless at the thought of talking to you, but it was successful in staying away from you, and that’s all he cared about.
Or, well, he thought it was.
Because, though it’s been nearly two decades since you’d thought about high school - with it long since becoming college, and college into adulthood - it’s crossed your mind more than you’d liked to admit lately. It’s an odd feeling, an ill-fitting nostalgia creeping through the holes of your blanket-covered cell bars, but it was oddly comforting. You never thought you’d ever think of that place as comforting, but maybe it wasn’t high school that you found yourself chasing in the dead of night.
It was him.
Daryl never really knew how popular he was - here, and back then, when those minutes before and after gym class divulged into shushed remarks about his looks and half-serious confessions of crushes muttered to the secrecy of the changeroom’s four walls - but you did. You were always on the other side of it, silent in your agreement.
Woodbury - or, well, ex-Woodbury - was no different.
He’s a far cry from that scrawny little kid you split your lunch with all those years ago, but there's still the linger of boyish handsomeness to him that made your cheeks heat when you thought about him too long. There was no mistaking him for anyone else, but that subdued, ultraviolet warmth you’d grown familiar with was gone from his eyes.
He’s not seventeen anymore, flipping his uncut hair from his face as he taught you how to skip stones and catch fireflies, but you wanted to talk to him all the same. There’s not much left from the old world - let alone much that you could have considered good, or wanted to remember - but he’s one of the few things you’d cared enough about to keep safe from the pulling tide that faded your memories.
He made that shitty town more bearable, even if it was for those few months. Gritting your teeth and enduring had become tiring until he’d grimaced at that first History Inquiry project and made you laugh with the annoyed upturn of his lip. 
You’d planned on thanking him at graduation, but he’d left months before then. 
You’d planned on a lot of things to be frank, but there’s no reason to linger in the past when now is a shell of what then was.
There’s even less of a reason when now feels heavier than then ever was.
Today would have marked ten days without incident, a first foray into the monumental double digits until the sun had set behind the return of the run crew’s RV and Beth was forced to flip the number back to zero.
It’s been four hours since they came back - a quarter of the group gone from the unfriendlies they’d met, another dealing with the aftermaths of the encounter and one more made up from those the crew’s recruited - and it’s the first time in those four hours that you’ve left the dingy wing of the infirmary.
You didn’t hate it in there. Far from it, actually, with Hershel and the others being half-decent company and seeing the work you did benefiting people, but the infirmary, especially on days when the crews rounded back, meant the stinging smell of blood and death lingered no matter how much you scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed. It stuck to every crevice on your body, and it permeated. Guilted you for not trying hard enough and not knowing enough.
On days like this, everywhere you went seemed too small and too unforgiving, and you’re not sure if you can stand tossing and turning in your bunk. The night sky is a friendlier sight than your ceiling, and the view from the abandoned watchtower is a hell of a lot better than the tiny, barred-up window at the corner of your cell.
If you’re lucky enough, maybe sleep will steal you for a couple of hours before the sun comes up. At least enough to make it through the next day.
You have faith it will - you can already feel the first wave of exhaustion pull at your bones.
Taking a breath, you press your hands into your pockets after pushing the door to the Prison open and slipping out. Autumn is beginning to seep through the cracks of summer and the nights are starting to get colder, but your jacket should be enough until you climb up and find sanctuary in the sleeping bag you’d left there three days ago.
It doesn’t take long to reach the door - if you jig the knob to the right before twisting and skip the third step from the top, the trek upwards is close to silent - but when you open it, the creak yields, at first, an expletive before the annoyed voice tears through the quiet.
“I already told ya I ain’t talkin’ ‘bout-”
The volume of him makes you take a step back, the sound of a man making your body lock up for just a second before you recognize the mess of hair atop his head and the wings stitched on the back of his vest, and you make quick work getting to him, crossing the platform in a single stride.
And he’s quick to realize the person speaking to him isn’t Carol like he’d thought. Though he really really really hopes it’s not you, the familiarity of your voice leaves little room for speculation, even before he turns his head and - for the first time in a long time - really, really looks at you.
His heart beats in his ears and locks his throat before he can muster up anything else to say, and for a second, you wonder if you should introduce yourself to him. 
“Sorry, I, uh, wasn’t expectin’ no one to be here.”
But the knowing upturn of his eyebrows - his apology, and the way he scoots himself over to make room for you the same way he did in those library reading nooks - tells you you don’t need to, and your shoes slide against the concrete as you drop down to a sit.
He remembers you, too, the sweat of his hands too obvious with the fact, even though he wishes he didn’t.
He wishes there wasn’t a familiarity in the way you sidle your body against his, swinging your legs underneath the railing and over the balcony, and he wishes he couldn’t feel the heat coming off of you.
He wishes it didn’t wrap him up like the warm rays of sun, and he fights down a smile at the fact that you always were so bright. He wishes he didn’t remember you like that - glossed over in a blinding, yellow hue.
Daryl wishes he never remembered you like sunshine - he wishes he didn’t still.
Picking up the glass next to him - just to occupy himself and bide the time until his nervousness hopefully washes away into general apathy - he takes a sip before setting it down and taking a pull of the cigarette in his other hand.
The smoke is slow to fill his lungs, but he welcomes it anyways, holding it there as the nicotine-drawn buzz settles in his brain, and then he breathes it out, angling his head up and away from you.
You never liked it, the Malboros he’d swiped from his old man that he’d keep tucked in the smallest pocket of his worn-down backpack, but you’d told him one night, not unlike the one you’re both trying to find solace in right now, that you were scared of what his father might do if he found out.
Then you slipped in the obviousness of his health, just to break the tension of vulnerability, but it hit Daryl like a truck, the fact that he’d never had someone think about him like that before - like they actually cared.
“Heard your brain cells can rot if you do that.”
He raises an eyebrow at you only to be met with a small smile playing at your lips and the slightest bit of a sparkle in your eye, and the taste still lingering on his tongue reminds him of what he’s been doing. The glass is half full with the room-temperature whiskey he’d tried to make himself feel better with after stitching up his own wounds, and there’s ash from his smoking gathered beside one of the railing's poles, and despite the knowing you’re probably right, he sighs, waving your concern away.
“Ain’t worried. Don’t got a lotta them anyways.”
The cigarette between his fingers is lit still, and he takes another drag before the grayed end of it crumbles to the floor, fighting the upward tug of his cheeks at the sound of your amused huff and your quick response.
“That’s why you gotta take care of the ones you still have, Daryl.”
Scoffing, he tilts the edge of the glass towards you, holding it out for you until you take it from him, and he tries not to think about how the tips of his fingers burn when they brush up against yours. It’s not as sweet, the innocence of a teenage crush long since faded into the dull pang of expired love and loss, but it rushes through him all the same.
He would have offered you a cigarette, too, but you’ve never been one to pick up habits that bad.
A comfortable silence falls over the two of you then, the sky offering a serenity the two of you are less than strangers to, and you wince from the liquor when you finally take a sip. It’s nothing like the moonshine he’d smuggled from his dad’s stash - it went down a hell of a lot smoother than you remember that shit going - but your tolerance has taken a nosedive since weekends unwinding and inter-departmental parties had ended.
Besides, the only places you could get alcohol back in Woodbury were way above your paygrade.
Placing the cup back onto the concrete, you steal a glance at Daryl, spending just a second studying the curve of his nose and the jut of his cheekbone. He’s more handsome than he’s ever been, and you can feel the heat rush up your neck before you blink away the thought.
Get a hold of yourself.
But you can’t, not when he’s so close, and you’re not sure if it’s wholly unselfish, what makes you drop your eyes down from his face, but you do, and you realize why he was so on edge when he heard the door open.
He’s fidgeting. Ever since he put out his cigarette, he’s restless and can’t quite figure out what to do with his hands in the same way he was when you’d asked him why he never wanted to go home back in the school library, and it sends you back, too, a familiar pit growing in your stomach. It’s like he’s that kid again, scared of telling you - or, well, people - things that hurt because his stupid brother and dad drilled into him that he’s less of a man for even feeling hurt in the first place, and it’s equal parts infuriating and concerning.
You can tell that the gears are turning in your head as you try to piece him together; a run crew came back just today, and you haven't seen him in a little while. It doesn’t take a genius to make the connection - especially with everyone’s propensity to talk about how Daryl brought them in - and though you might regret it, you decide to pry.
Not pry, just ask.
Conversation used to flow so easily between the two of you. Were you naïve to hope it would again?
“Bad day?”
It’s small, your voice, teetering in the air with its uncertainty, but Daryl doesn’t seem to notice. Instead, he glances down at the space between you, wrapping his fingers around the highball before meeting your gaze, and he bites the inside of his cheek, weighing the option of telling you or not.
“Jus’ tired is all.”
And though he hesitates those first few words, your eyes are so kind - so genuinely caring - that he can’t stop himself from saying more.
That was what he was scared of.
Why hasn’t he let you go? 
“Sick’a fuckin’ losin’ people.”
The frustration when he speaks is palpable, and you’re not sure if it’s bravery or stupidity that makes you move - maybe it’s both, culminating in your own desire that someone would finally see through your crippling bravado and offer you a hug or something - but your hand snakes out to grab his before you even think, shaking it slightly in the strength of your squeeze.
Then he freezes, and for a second, you think you must have overstepped - that he’s going to push you away and yell at you and leave - but he doesn’t. He just takes a breath, the heft of it rising his shoulders then dropping it as he squeezes your hand back harder, a silent thank you in the press of his fingers against yours.
But still, he lets go, afraid the warmth in his chest might make him do something he regrets, and you chew at the dried skin of your lip, thinking about the right thing to say.
Fuck, you could never navigate things like this - it got better as you got older, sure, but words always seemed to fall short when it came to you and him - and when you finally settle on something, half of you wonders if it was just because you thought it better than nothing.
“I feel you.”
Because what else are you supposed to say? That it’s going to be alright and that he shouldn’t blame himself because it's so blatant he is? It’s thin ice you’re walking on, the fear of sounding patronizing drowning out the spark of hope you want to light him with, because you remember the man he was. He’s never had anyone fighting in his corner, and you’re not callow enough to think he thinks of you as something - someone - different.
But he does. He does think of you as someone different, and he wants to say more, but he doesn't know where he stands with you, or with himself. If he says what he’s thinking - that he feels like it is his fault and that he’s not sure if he could ever stop feeling like that. That he’s scared shitless and like it’s some big joke that people actually look up to him for things - wouldn’t that make it feel too real?
So he doesn’t. He just tips the lip of the glass against his and takes another sip to make sure his mouth is occupied, staring down at the bottom ridge of it until you speak again, and he’s helpless to do anything but look at you.
“At least it’s beautiful out tonight.”
He’s sent back to twenty years ago then - the scrawny redneck you’d somehow deemed good enough to be your friend forcing his old habits back to the him of the present - and he can’t help the squeaked little noise of a response. Words have always been hard for him, too. They’re hard for him to think of and even harder for him to form, and it’s made worse by the fact it’s almost like he’s back at 16, convinced that you’re too pretty to talk to.
And though you hear his hum of agreement, he never looks away from you, admiring the curve of your familiar smile and the rise of your cheekbones.
The lurch of his heart comes back then - the same beat against his ribs that he hated all those decades ago - and it’s stark then, the realization you’ve never really left him.
“Ain’t never seen nothin’ like it.”
Pressing his lip to the edge of the glass once more, he welcomes the burn of whiskey when you smile at the moonlit horizon, and he watches as you lean your chin against your arms.
You’re beautiful - more beautiful than all the colours in the star-speckled sky - and he could stare for hours.
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faghubby · 7 months
secrets out
My name is Paul (48) I been married to a wonderful woman Mary Beth (44) for twenty years. We have two wonderful daughters 19 and 17. We both have good jobs. Live in a nice neighborhood. The average person would believe we where the typical American dream family.
Well we are, well except Beth is very much in charge. Early in our relationship Beth saw me for what I was. A beta male. She natured this I learned to embrace Beth being in control. The first time she spanked me after I had embarrassed her in front of her friends by making a stupid joke. She grew creative in punishments. Often making me wear panties so I would remember she was in charge. Or clean the house. These soon turned into everyday events. Wearing panties 24/7 and housework, cooking, laundry all became my sole responsibilities. When our daughters where born I took time off of work to care for them. Beth had always been in charge in the bedroom. She had taught me exactly how to please her. But after our oldest was born I found it difficult to forfil her needs.
Beth immediately started to seek out men who could. I of course didn't argue. She just told me she had needs. She was discreet. She included me by telling me how these men pleased her. It didn't take long for her to convince me to orally please her after they had fucked her. Then again one night when she had let one cum inside her. Feeding me my first cream pie.
As I always did I excepted my new duty of lickimg her clean after her lovers where done. Even with all this she allowed me to pretend in public that although I was attentive I was her husband and an equal partner.
That changed when she made partner of her law firm.
" I am going to need you to retire. And focus on me full time" Beth told me. The morning after as I got out of the shower. I kept myself fit for her but she didn't want me to be some muscle bound jerk. Just lean and fit. Beth ran her hand across my chest.
"I don't want you pretending to be a manly either" Beth said rubbing her hands thru my chest hair with a frown.
"Beth I take care of you" I said softly. I had never raised my voice to her.
"All this hair gone, from the nose down" she said in her tone when it was not open for discussion. She then placed a pink velvet bag on the counter.
"Then you will put this on" she told me. I knew it was a chastity cage. We had played with one a few times over the years. Then she just turned and left. I found that Beth had already sent in my resignation using my phone. As I folooked her wearing just my robe.
"Beth can we talk about this?" I asked as I helped her put on her coat.
"Tonight if you are shaved and locked when I get home we can talk" Beth replied and kissed me as I handed her her lunch.
I went back to the bathroom and googled hair removal. I found hair removal cream in Beth's cabinet along with her razors. I spent the next two hours making sure I got every hair knowing Beth would expect perfection. I waited to lock on the cage. Instead cleaning up and prepping dinner. At lunch I got a text from Beth.
/wear sexy panties for me / is all it said. She was usually home by 530 so I went and put on the cage about 430. Both the girls where home.
/ will be late my new assistant has a big cock/
Beth called when she was on her way so dinner would be hot
" Paulie, this looks delicious" Beth said her hand slid under my shirt to feel my smooth stomach. She just smiled. As I served her and the girls. After dinner I cleaned up as usual only when my chores where done did I seek Beth out.i found her sitting on our bed.
"Beth, do you have time?" I asked. She put down her phone. I closed the door. She looked at me like she had no idea what I wanted to discuss
"About the cage" I started
"Is it too big? I can find you a smaller one" she told me.
"No it fits fine" I responded. " it's just that I thought we where past locking me up" I said with my head down.
"Look at me" Beth said I lifted my head and looked straight into her eyes.
"Now tell me you aren't excited" Beth said
"Well its" I started then fell silent.
"I would like you to learn to be more femine" Beth told me.
"I don't understand" I stuttered
"Yes you do" Beth said getting annoyed. I again fell silent.
"I am not asking you to become a woman. I am saying no more playing man" Beth told me. She pulled a pink box with a bow on it from under the bed. She held it out to me. I stepped forward and took it.
"Thank you" I said
"Well open it" Beth smiled patting the bed.i sat next to her and unwrapped it. Inside was pink satin pajamas.
"Try them on" Beth told me excited.
"Beth" I whined but her face told me not to argue. I stood and stripped. Beth watched.
"You look so cute with no ugly hair" she told me. I wore a pink thong as well. Beth smiled when she saw it as well. I put on the pajamas the pants fit tight the top was a spaghetti strap that plunged low to shoe off cleavage if I had any. Then a light matching robe to wear over it.
"Come here" Beth motioned me back to bed, she pulled back the covers to reveal she was naked from the waist down. She pushed my head between her thighs. After I had made her cum she cuddled with me. Making me take the small spoon spot.
"Do you remember when we went on vacation to Puerto Rico?" Beth asked as she rubbed my satin covered ass. I knew what she was talking about a few years ago she had pegged me with a strapon every night of the vacation.
"Yes" I wimpered softly.
"I know you do" Beth giggled my dick trobbing as it tried to grow in the tight cage.
"In the bathroom I left you another present, I like you to go try it and come back in here" Beth told me. I got up. I found a jeweled butt plug and a bottle of lube. I frowned but lubed it up and worked it into my ass. Beth sometimes made me wear a plug as punishment. I came back to bed. The plug was a little bigger then what I was used to. I crawled back into bed. Beth immediately pushed against the plug.
"I like you to let your hair grow. And I will help you soften your features" Beth explained. No reason to pretend since you no longer have to work" Beth explained.
"Beth you said you didn't want me to be a woman" I reminded her
"That's right, I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea about you being a man either" Beth told me. I slept with the plug in my ass and kept it in as I made her breakfast in bed.
"In my my car you will find several big bags of clothes. I removed alot of your old things. You can figure out your new wardrobe." I got up and retrieved the bags. I went thru them s Beth watched. I realized they where very gender neutral but mostly woman's clothes. Such as shirts that buttoned backwards or slacks with no pockets. There where also several sets of ladies pajamas. Along with tons of lingerie including bras and stockings.
Over the next few weeks Beth helped me figure out my new style. She added shoes and hand bags. Since I had no pockets. Every night she made me wear a plug she increased the size several times.
One night I was getting dressed for bed when Beth approached me with a big black strapon sticking out from her jeans. I didn't fight it as she bent me over the bathroom sink and fucked me with long hard strokes.
"Now that I know you have fully excepted your role. I think we can stop pretending you where ever a male. And throw the keys away" Beth told me as I moaned as she pounded my ass. Tears flowed from my eyes as the fear of never being unlocked hit me. Beth continued to fuck me with long hard strokes.
Now I wasn't male, nor was I female. I was just a beta. Beth taught me to be submissive to everyone. At first she pushed. She had me suck my friends cock. Or orally please one of her friends after a bad day. But it wasn't just sex. I found myself wanting to serve people. Often kneeling to remove visitors to our home shoes. First time I tried to do this to my father in law he freaked. BUT soon would tell to rub his feet as he sat in the recliner. I sucked my mother in laws feet once after Beth told her how much she loved it. It turned my mother in law on so much she took her husband to the bedroom. Beth often allowed our friends to use me however they wished. My old best friend would invite me over to clean his apartment as he played video games.
Beth gave me free range to run the house how ever i wished, but also encouraged me to except how i felt. If I felt girlie to wear a dress. If I felt manly to dress more manly. Even though my manly clothes weren't really manly. And I always wore panties although sometimes it was a sexy thong while other days pink boy shorts.
Our daughter's stopped calling me Dad. It just didn't fit. Instead I was just Paulie. And although I treated them like princess waiting on them hand and foot. They excepted me and often asked my advice on outfits or boys.
Beth even took vacations without me choosing to take a man with her. I was a sexless sissy. When we remodeled the house she even had them make me a small adjoining room so she could have me close but also privacy if she wished. I had no desire to sleep with a man. But did find myself attracted to their form as well as women. I know I will never be unlocked ever again. And I don't feel I want to be it feels li,e a distant memory.
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kitc0nn0r · 5 months
Have you ever watch American Pie: Beta house? How do you feel about frats?
I haven't seen any of those weird direct to DVD American Pie movies but I watched all the real ones when I was a teenager
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daddycest-hub · 2 years
Well then... I was watching a Comedy called: American Pie Presents: Beta House the other day, and in it, this Cute Dude was Eating a Hot Girl's Pussy, & she was Moaning & Screaming in Pleasure, and when she came, she Ejaculated her Love Juices all over his face & chest, getting it in his hair... & he thought it was actually really sexy, turned on by it! ;) How do you think Daddy/Uncle Winchester, Walker, Rawlins, Davidson would LOVE being Sprayed by their Daughter/Niece's Love Juices? ;)
I think they would love getting sprayed by her juices ;) Eating her out and getting it all over their faces, fingering her and licking it off their hands, using it to slick their cocks for a proper fucking....
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asmmorg · 2 years
American pie 1 download free
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American pie 1 freeload movie#
American pie 1 freeload series#
Of course, as part of a franchise that had worn out its welcome by the time this sequel was released in 2007, one is supposed to regard this as "mindless entertainment," a not-too-bright foray into frat-boy fantasies of "hot chicks" and "awesome parties" and vast rivers of alcohol.
American pie 1 freeload movie#
Furthermore, the obvious and appalling takeaway from this movie - especially in light of date rape and sexual assaults on our nation's campuses - is that women are little more than attractive objects to try to have sex with. Any attempt at humor has been done in one form or another in so many ways since 1977's Animal House that even the most casual familiarity with party-centric college movies will have the viewer thinking at least five moves ahead before the predictable-enough punch line involving either walking in on people in compromising positions or the expulsion of various bodily fluids. There is really nothing interesting, entertaining, or redeeming about American Pie: Beta House. Beta House must find a way to win the Olympiad and continue their reign as the kings of the campus party scene.
American pie 1 freeload series#
The only way for the two rival frats to settle their dispute is through an Olympiad officiated by Beta House alumnus Noah Levenstein ( Eugene Levy), a series of contests ranging from binge drinkathons, greased pig catching, and a form of Russian roulette in which horse semen is substituted for bullets. Beta House has trouble of its own in the form of the rival fraternity Geek House - a frat filled with tech geniuses who want nothing more than to see Beta House perish off the face the campus. As this is happening, Erik tries to go on a date with Ashley but accidentally ejaculates all over her possessions while she tries to clean up his pants after an unfortunate incident at a restaurant involving soup and Cooze is starting to worry that his love interest, Ashley's roommate Denise, actually has a penis since she's so reluctant to have intercourse with him. They pledge the fraternity and are given a list of 50 tasks to accomplish - tasks ranging from getting a stripper to sign their rear ends to having sex with a faculty member. Once they're moved in, Erik, Cooze, and Bobby pay a visit to Beta House, a fraternity known for hedonistic parties and legendary collegiate antics, whose president is Erik's cousin Dwight. Show moreĮrik Stifler and Mike "Cooze" Coozeman are off to start college, driven to campus by Erik's father ( Christopher McDonald), who brags of his past sexual prowess and encourages the boys to go "crush some ass." Within minutes of arriving in his dorm building, Erik walks in on potential love interest Ashley as she takes a shower in the coed bathrooms and then walks in on his roommate Bobby having sex with his girlfriend. Any feeble attempt at humor has been done so many times in so many similar movies dating back to Animal House, and the sheer unoriginality of the entire thing is merely the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to the myriad ways in which this movie is unwatchable. The only adults in the movie actively encourage this behavior. In a time when date rape and sexual assault are finally receiving intense scrutiny on college campuses everywhere, this movie revels in encouraging white male frat boys to have consequence-free sex of all kinds and varieties, to binge-drink until they vomit on a woman's cleavage, and to see women as little more than decorative sex objects. There is nothing redeeming about this movie in any way, shape, or form. The movie has lots of profanity (including "f-k"), binge-drinking without consequences, female nudity, and countless references to sex, including bestiality and sexual acts involving defecation. Parents need to know that American Pie: Beta House is a 2007 movie that is part of the American Pie movie series.
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licenselesswriter · 4 years
The fact that Robbie Amell was in American Pie Beta House and didn't have a more important role, is still a blasphemy to me
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italiaricciita · 5 years
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Hello guys!! Is anyone still in here?  I finally came back to my mind and decided to keep posting about this little cutie in here... so.First things first, I’m gonna bloat you with some old picture in the first days...so that more people will begin (I hope) to follow ♥
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compo67 · 3 years
Are you still working on the time travel AU?
Hi, anon!
Oh my goodness, thank you for asking. The short answer is yes. The long answer is below the cut.
Letter to Follow is a J2 AU fic I've posted on Patreon as part of bonus content. It will be housed on Patreon until completed in full, where it will then transition to AO3, just like any other bonus Patreon fic in the past. It's at about 30,000 words and 50% finished, so it's a long fic, slow burn.
LTF takes place in Naples, Italy, 1985, where Dr. Jensen Ross, Distinguished Professor of Physics, works at the prestigious University of Naples. Jensen is a respected faculty member and expert in his field, and he specializes in particle physics. He often works with his colleage, Dr. Haji Siqqidui. She keeps Jensen balanced and integrates him into her family. One day, Dr. Jared Padalecki, of New York City, shows up, ready to start his sabbatical and write a book about the history of physics and engineering in Naples. Jared holds two PhDs--engineering and history--and teaches at NYU. At first, Jensen dislikes Jared's outgoing, "American" personality. But the more time they spend together, the more they explore Naples, the closer their bond. This fic takes into account everything going on in/around 1985, including the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the stigma of gay/queer identities/culture, and pop culture. The fic also incorporates pictures and media throughout, sort of like a photo journal. Jensen's working on something new, on the verge of a groundbreaking discovery--but is it really in the name of physics? Or is he working on something more personal?
I love this fic. I love it because it taught me so many new things. I discovered a love of physics. In high school, I was so good at chemistry and math, but only if I had the extra help/guidance. Since I was better at English and the arts--read: it was easier to do--I put all my focus on that. Then I think of the plot to Letter to Follow and wow! All my love for science came rushing back. Let me tell you, dear, that I put so much time and effort into learning and understanding the concepts that Professor Jensen is (madly) in love with--I spent so many hours writing on white boards, watching YouTube videos, listening to podcasts, reading textbooks, and taking notes. I can tell you how a particle collider works. I can map out the Standard Model of Physics.
I can't tell you how time travel works.
And *that* is what I ran into--head first. Ouch.
I thought I could write it away. Every time I worked on LTF, I thought about that Simpsons quote, where Homer wants to make a movie: "It's about a killer robot driving instructor who travels back in time for some reason. His best friend is a talking pie."
D'oh! How the fuck can it happen? I wanted to go with neutrinos, but then ran into problems there. I thought, okay, let's switch to dark matter. Nope. God particle? Fine. Particle accelerator. Right, but exactly what particles? And how would Jensen access a particle accelerator on par with CERN? Then I read the news about muons and thought--AHA! I gotchu now, physics!
And then my personal life crashed and burned. This is back in September, when I stopped working, went into IOP, and struggled to function. I was also taking a class for grad school and that needed/used up all my attention. From October to November to December, it was hit after hit after hit. I'm only now just standing up, shaky, but there. I thought losing my beta would result in not being able to write anything. But it turns out, wow, I /can/ write on my own. I wrote on my own for years before getting any betas (okay, some of that shows, yikes). Am I always perfect with grammar? Fuck no. Do I always get continuity right? Nope. But do I approach these verses and characters with enthusiasm and love? Hell yes, I do.
For a while, I thought LTF wasn't worth finishing because... it's different than any other fic I've written. There's no a/b/o or mpreg. Not a lot of smut and it's a slow burn. Jensen is very dry in this verse, and increasingly affected by the stress of his work.
But I found the answer: Jared. I'll be switching the POV to Jared going forward. So the first half of the fic will be Jensen's POV--extremely necessary and sets us up well with physics content and side characters. The second half of the fic will be Jared's POV--extremely necessary and sets us up well with the engineering side of physics and the modern era.
This way, dear anon, I do *not* have to figure out the specifics of time travel and I get to play to my strengths with content about engineering, HIV, and culture. Jared is a pip in this verse. He compliments Jensen very well. I can't believe the answer was there this whole time. Now, I don't need to stress over the fact that it's actually really hard to come up with a plausible approach to time travel. Like, really, really hard. I reached out to two particle physicists and even with their guidance, could not put the puzzle together in a way that made a stronger argument/sense.
I know it might sound silly that I expected myself to solve time travel or come up with such a detailed, plausible explanation for it, just for a fic. But that's the kind of writer I am. That's the kind of person I am. The pandemic hit just as I had booked a visit to the Fermi Lab. It's still not open to visitors. I wanted to create something that wasn't "a wizard did it" or "black holes! lolololol." (Please, don't ever attempt to time travel through a black hole. Yikes.)
I did this kind of thing with It Takes a lot of Water and wanted to improve upon it. But I had a lot of self-doubt: did people even like this fic? Are my readers interested and engaged? Is Jensen too dry? Too boring?
But the more content I've consumed surrounding physics--and the more physicists I've spoken to--I understand that this narrative is actually pretty accurate.
So. There you have it. Short answer yes. Long answer yes, I just need to come back to it. I need a reread, a refresher, and a walk through of my notes. I need to believe in myself again that I can balance more than one WIP.
Thank you for the interest, anon. You've re-lit my engagement with this fic and I appreciate that so much. <3
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infinitegalahad · 4 years
I’ll Make A Man Out Of You (Ch.1)
Summary: To save your ailing brother from the war, you disguise yourself as a man to fight in the war. There you met Eugene Roe, a Cajun medic. The two of you grow close to each other, but at what cost? A story of bravery, the harshness of war, bravery, friendship, and love.
Word Count: 10.1k
Warnings: N/a
A/N: I do NOT know how the hell I wrote this and how it turned out this long. What started as a dream escalated into a google doc of 10k words. I apologize in advance; this is my first BoB fic and not beta-read. I decided to show some good old love for my Eugene boy by not doing my schoolwork and writing this mess. I hope to finish this fic by the end of the year (or month even). The other chapters won't be as long. Hope you Enjoy! ;)
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It all started with a damned flyer.
Your thumb played with the scrunched edge. In bolded blue and the red letters it read,
"I want YOU for The U.S. Army. Enlist NOW!"
Uncle Sam, an American figure, pointed in your face. A small smile appeared on your face as it reminded you of your twin brother, Jack.
You'll never forget the day of December 7th. Your mother had woken you and your brother up. Pearl Harbor had just been bombed. Even when the world felt like it was falling apart, your parents sent you to school. Jack and his friends wouldn't shut up about it. Every class you had, whether it was physics or Algebra two, talked about the bombings. America didn't intervene in the war with Europe. One of the girls in your Algebra class Nancy, was talking with her clique.
"There's no way they can do it!" A girl cried, "They can't send our men over!"
Nancy twirled a pencil in her fingers, "They can! The Japs declared war on us. My brothers are too young, but I'm sure my dad's gonna enlist. Every man has gotta do so."
Nancy had a point. It was so bizarre to you that the war had come to your shores now. You knew once you got home, your parents wouldn't stop talking about the war. After all, it was history in the making. The bell had rung, and you grabbed your books, heading out the door to meet up with Jack and his friends. Your twin brother and you were close to anything in the world. Jack was your best friend. Sure, at times, he could be a doofus, but he was everything to you. The two of you were only inseparable. You and Jack met up in the hallway, along with his friends Frank and Harry. Frank and Harry couldn't shut up about how excited they were to fight the Japanese. Frank said he was gonna make sure to bring his swiss blade with him, just in case.
The minute you walked out of the school building, posters were being shoved into your face. It was all too much to take in at once. Men dressed in green uniforms flooded the school and town. Picking up the posters, you noticed that they were drafting signs in colorful colors. They ranged, saying, "Want Action? Join the U.S. Marine Corps" or "Smack 'Em Down! Fly High With The U.S. Marines". Pearl Harbor had been bombed only eight hours ago, and draft posters were already in your small town. Jack dragged you back home as you ran into the house. Your father and mother, who were usually keeping the cows milked and crops growing, were glued to the small T.V. screen. Your father had left a newspaper on the couch. Reading the headline, your heart dropped.
Not even a day had gone by, and now there was a war and an apparent draft.
A week had gone by, and your little town in Vermont had gone wild. All of the boys and young men in the city were currently enlisting left and right. It was the non-stop talk. The boys raved about the pacific and killed Hitler while the girls cried, scared they wouldn't get married after high school. Just like anyone else, the war made your anxiety rise.
Jack and you were both born with Polio. Thankfully your Polio hadn't been severe, and with years of therapy, you had managed to live somewhat everyday life. On the other hand, Jack wasn't the luckiest. Polio had taken his teenage years away from him. Two years ago, he had to stop playing all sports and start using a cane. He was like an old man stuck in an eighteen-year old's body. Polio refused to bring down his spirits. As a child, Jack had been fascinated with war. Your father was a war hero himself. Jack felt like it was his duty to carry the family legacy. Even with protest, Jack was enlisted and was set to be drafted.
As each day went on, the fights between Jack and your parents escalated. Jack's Polio was getting worse each year. He tried to walk with his brace instead of a cane, which ended miserably. It pained Jack since all he wanted to do was fight., but there was no way he couldn't. He would make it to training camp and probably hurt himself in the process. As his sister and closest friend, you couldn't let him do this to himself.
Jack kicked the door open with his cane as he walked down the dirt path. He had just gotten into another fight with your parents, but it was worse. More yelling, crying, and anger. You followed after him, trailing behind him.
"Jack, please," You begged on the verge of tears yourself, "Listen to them! Dad says, you won't last!"
"I don't care what that man has to say," He barked back as he continued to walk faster, "I'm goin'. Every man has to fight for our country. Dad's too old to go. I ain't havin' those krauts rome around."
It was either Jack or your ailing father. Your father was a hard worker but was slowing down with age. He would die within the next few years, and the last thing you wanted for him was to die a cruel and brutal death.
You walked up to his back and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him back. "You'll die!"
"WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH?" His voice rang as he pushed you back with his cane. Jack was too aggressive, causing you to fall onto the dirt ground. You could feel the scraps and blood form on the palms of your hands. "YOU'RE A WOMAN! YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THIS! YOUR SUPPOSE TO GET MARRIED AND HAVE KIDS! JUST LET ME DIE FIGHTING FOR OUR COUNTRY!"
It had hit Jack like a slap in the face. He had not only yelled but just pushed his best friend to the ground like a bully. Tears formed at your eyes as you bit your lip, crawling back. Regret was plastered on his face as he walked forward. You didn't bother to listen to him as you crawled back, running back into the house.
Your mother stood on the porch, opening her arms for comfort. The last thing you wanted to do was talk to people. Covering your eyes, you ran into the house and up the stairs to your bedroom. The door slammed behind you as tears streamed down your face.
For hours you sat on your bed, looking out at the Vermont night. The moon shined bright as the stars twinkle over the sky. The trees rustled the leaves as Fall transitioned into Winter. Outside of the window, you could hear the conversation that happened with your parents and brother. Instead of a fight, it was a calm conversation. Jack still held his ground. At this point, he had been begging to fight. Your mother protested, but your father shook his head and grabbed his shoulders, pulling him and saying, "Good luck, soldier." Jack walked back into the house. He stood at your door and contemplated apologizing but returned to his room.
Your poor mother stood there with her hands covering her face, sobbing. Your father tried to console her in the act of kindness, but she simply shrugged him off and ran into the house. He simply stood there with his arms by his side in defeat. Your family was being torn apart.
Forcing yourself to get out of bed, you walked to light a candle in your darkroom. Upon lighting it, it exposed all of the nostalgia from your childhood when you were simply a little girl. All the trophies, the signed baseball, jewelry handed down from your mother, and photos. Photos of your family. Pictures of you were your father on a tractor, your 6th birthday when you and your brother threw a pie at each other, and the most recent photo of you and your brother, arm in arm, at a football game. Picking it up, a small formed of your face. The thought of losing him and your father drove you mad. Your father had raised you like a son; learning how your bills, shoot a gun, and so much more. As much as your mother hated it, your father accepted that you weren't the girl that was gonna get married.
A small tear dropped onto the photo. It scrunched up in your hands as your thoughts began to race. You were anxious and apprehensive; it seemed like a reach. Like a plot out of a movie. Your family and friends had told you how you looked like the female version of Jack. You were Jack, but just with long hair. Your mother never let you cut it, saying it was so beautiful. You pulled your hair back and looked in the mirror to see yourself with short hair.
You were Jack.
You were independent and fiery.
No man was going to control your life.
Herbert Sobel was one of the worst people you had ever met in your life.
He was brutal and cold. There wasn't a day that went by without him screaming at a trainee. He was infamous for taking away weekend passes and forcing the whole company to run Curahee. One creased pant or slouched shoulders and boom-weekend pass revoked. Curahee occurred three times a week and made the entire company muscled and sore. The only good thing about Sobel was George Luz's jokes. Your bed was placed right next to his. As you would hide under the covers, he would always crack a fantastic impression of him. The whole company would conceal their laughter.
"Private Y/l/n, have you been blousing your trousers over your boots like a paratrooper?" Sobel walked in front of you, towering over your smaller frame.
Standing tall with your weapon in your hand, "No, sir."
"Then explain the creases at the bottom,"
"No excuse, sir,"
"Volunteering for the parachute infantry is one thing, Y/l/n, but you've got a long way to prove that you belong here," Sobel walked ahead to go ruin someone's else day. "Your weekend pass has been revoked."
Your grasp tightened on your gun as you bit your lip. Anger ran in your hands, but one wrong move, and it would all be over. Last week, Sobel had taken your weekend pass as well.
But by far, you were positive Sobel hated you the most.
The first time you ran Curahee, you were the last person. Your average was about thirty minutes. You weren't as quick as Perconte or muscled as Bull. Sure, you had been the top runner on your cross country team, but Curahee was definitely a challenge. You were a short and scrawny teenage girl disguised as a boy.
Crawling up the dirt hill, you ran up and touched the stone. Sobel stood there with disgust on his face.
"Y/l/n," He spat, looking down at the timer. It was read thirty-two minutes, "Last as usual. Six miles back."
You ran back down the hill. Sweat ran down your face as your sticky clothes stuck to your body. The P.T. uniform for runs was a risk. It showed most of your skin and was unfortunately tight. The bandages wrapped around your chest, pained your chest and back. As much you wanted to stop, Sobel was watching you from a distance. You pushed forward as you saw the camp in the distance, the hot Georgia sun setting into the orange sky.
It was another training day. You and the easy company men piled out of your shitty dormitory and lined up against the lawn. In front of you were a tall tree and an arrow on top. Everyone speculated to what it could be. Even the smart Dick Winters couldn't figure it out. Perconte predicted it was "one hell of an exercise," and which he was right.
Sobel had instructed each member of the easy company to climb up the pillar and archive the arrow. It was like a climbing Curahee. Every single person. Even the training medics had to participate.
To make it even harder, Sobel stated that every climber would have to hold two kettlebells. Everybody held back their groans. Bull was the first to go and fell right on his ass. The next was Leibgott, who tried to wrap them around and jump up, but also tumbled down. Each man took a turn, but who all fail miserably. If you failed, you would be forced to rerun Curahee and additional insulting comments from Sobel.
Leibgott held his ass as he walked by you. You made eye-contact with him as he threw the weights into your arms.
"What are you lookin' at, boney?"
Not wanting to fight, you wrapped the ribbon's weights around your hands and pushed yourself up. It felt bulky and uncomfortable as you tried to climb. You ended up like a lot of members in easy company, falling flat on your ass. Not even ten seconds, and you had failed.
"Y/l/n, your the most pathetic and spineless paratrooper I've ever seen," He hissed. Snapping out of the pain, you pushed yourself up and began to run towards the infamous hill. You were smart and knew the drill. How the hell were you going to make it?
Not only were you Sobel punching bag, but seemingly the whole company. You knew people hated you when the infamous George Luz would make an impression of you. He and friends would snick at it, with Bull telling them all to shut up. In the first few weeks in training, you observed the company and how they interacted. Growing up, you were a tomboy who spent most of your time with your brother and his friends. They treated like you were one of the boys and no different from them. Playful punches, snarky remarks, and not taking daily showers seemed to be the norm. You had talked to a few members and was friendly with some but not with others.
Following your brother and his actions, you approached Liebgott and playfully punched him in the shoulder as a greeting. It turned out Liebgott didn't like people, especially you. Him, Toye, and Guarnere (his nickname made you smirk) looked at you with daggers in your eyes. You already knew what was coming. You stepped back and shut your eyes tight, praying it would pass it.
The next thing you knew, you were in the infamy with a developing black eye. Liebgott was lanky and small but certainly packed a punch. Sobel had broken up the fight, took another weekend pass away, and another run-up Curahee. As you were escorted out, Luz joked that you were Sobel's favorite punching bag. That man was painfully right.
A nurse came back and gave you an icepack. She told you that Liebgott had punched you so hard that your eye was going to be swollen shut for the next few days. Liebgott really did hate you. The nurse gave you an icepack and said she would grab some medication to help with the pain. You sat there as you held up the icepack to your battered eye. A sigh escaped your lips as you gently shook your legs backward.
How the hell were you going to get through this? You didn't know if you could make it another year. Whatever you touched died, whether it be people or your dignity. Sobel and the whole entire company hated you. Even if you wanted to give up, you couldn't. You were doing this for your brother and father. Honor your father, who fought an unimaginable war. Be the man he wanted you to be.
A loud and frustrated sigh interrupted your thoughts. Looking up, you noticed a man throw down a bandage. The dummy beneath him was covered in countless rolls of bandages. He sat back and leaned onto a pole, putting his hands on his face.
You squeezed the icepack in your hands as water dripped all over your hands. You knew Sobel's wrath all too well. Being frustrated and not knowing what the next step was. It reminded you of history class. Someone would get frustrated with reading or word, and you'd scot next to them, offering help. You considered yourself a person who kept to themselves. All the girls in your grade would get invited to parties and sleepovers, but you never did. You felt like nobody noticed you existed. Whenever you spoke or did anything out of your comfort zone, it caused chaos. You felt like a spectre in the crowd. Nobody ever noticed you.
Pushing yourself from the hard rock bed, you walked into the other room and bent down to the dummy. The training medic revealed his face. His face was red, sweaty, and stressed. He didn't speak any word as your y/e/c met with his dark blue eyes. The Georgia sun was beginning to set, and a light shined on his eyes, making them appear royal blue. His eyes reminded you of the lake behind your house. In the summers, you and your brother would sneak to the lake at sunset, hitting you with nostalgia. You relaxed your shoulders, feeling content for the first time in a year.
You held up a bandage, asking in a soft voice, "You want help?"
The blue-eyed man nodded in response. He fixed his posture and leaned forward to watch your demonstration. He had pink skin and thick black hair. His jaw was sharp, looking like it could give a papercut. Your mother was a retired veterinarian. Before you enrolled in school, your mother brought you to her workplace. Your little mind somehow remembered everything from her job.
You weren't the best at conversation, feeling frightened to talk considering all of your horrible experiences. "Um, you put the gauze here," You explained with a low voice as you held the gauze down and wrapped the bandage from top to bottom. Once the two pieces met in the middle, you grabbed them tightly and knotted them. "Tie it like a shoelace, tight but not suffocating tight."
He followed your every move and replicated it on the other arm. Whatever you had done, it had worked. Your hands moved quickly, making it seem so simple/ He struggled to hold the gauze down as he tied. You aided him by holding the gauze down as he finished knotting. His hand brushed up against yours. His cheeks grew red as he looked down, focusing on the task. There was definitely room for improvement, but it worked.
You looked up at him with a subtle smile on your face, "Looks better."
"Thanks," He rubbed the back of his neck. His accent was thick. It took you a second to decipher what he had just said. Whatever his accent was sounded southern. The closer you were to him, he looked familiar, but you couldn't put the finger on him.
There was a peaceful silence before you broke it, "What's your name?"
"Eugene, you?"
"Y/n," You replied as the empty bandage rolled slid between your fingers. That wasn't really your name, it was your brothers, but it had grown onto you.
Eugene's eyes scanned your body as his cheeks grew heated. He had been having a horrible day with the Georgia heat and lack of nurses available. He thought choosing a job as a medic would be easy since he was agile, but it proved to be a task. The only medical training he had was from boy scouts, and he hadn't attended a meeting in years.
A smile curved on his lips, and looked at you, "Y/n," He repeated your name. Something was soothing about his accent. He reminded you of an iceberg, slowly melting. "What happened to your eye?"
"I got punched by Leibgott," You nodded your head. Eugene was the first person that treated you like a human. He didn't make fun of you, and It was refreshing. He didn't laugh or make a mean remark. All he did was sit there and listen.
A nurse popped her head into the room and gave you the pain medication. She told you that Sobel needed you back at training. You looked out the window and saw the easy company men climbing up the tree and all failing.
You stood up and swallowed the meds. Before you left, you looked back and waved to Eugene. "Bye, Eugene."
He seemed caught off guard and tilted his head up, "Bye, y/n."
For the time in a year, you felt like you could actually breathe and smile. Smile about Eugene's smile.
From that day forward, Eugene had become your friend. You returned to the infirmary and stumbled upon him. What started off with helping him become a better medic formed into a friendship. Eugene was the only person you felt comfortable with within the whole camp. Sure, Dick Winters and Bull treated you with kindness, but he treated you like a human being with Eugene.
The two of you would share cigarettes, stolen chocolate, and thousands of little stories. Eugene wasn't a man of many words. He was someone who observed. Whenever you ranted, even if it was about the dumbest thing, he could sit and listen. It turned out Eugene lived in your bunk. The man was silent as a mouse and, like you, kept to himself. Unlike you, he avoided trouble. Somehow, you always ended up in it.
Eugene helped you with your black eye. He offered you a bunch of little tricks on how to make it better. Eugene used his hands a lot and usually held a compress to your face as you relaxed. He gave you some anti-swelling medication along with some fruits he snuck that apparently helped "heal" the pain.
"Jack, where you from?" He asked you one night. The two of you couldn't sleep. George Luz was a horrible bunkmate and couldn't resist snoring. Eugene had tip-toed to your bed and held up a pack of cigarettes. The two of you made gestures that only you and Eugene understood. Slipping out of bed, the two of you ran behind the camp to smoke. You laid right next to Eugene as cigarettes hung from your lips, looking into the stary sky.
Typically, you initiated a lot of the conversation. But tonight, it was different. Eugene turned his body over to you, watching his every move. He wasn't much older than you, about two years. He hated when you smoked, feeling guilty that he had gotten you on such a bad habit. You grew up with parents who smoked, so it wasn't anything new. Cigarettes calmed your anxiety.
"Vermont. Stowe, it's near the Candian border," You said as a smoke puff escaped your mouth, "You?"
"Louisiana. Bayou Chene, you know it?"
"No idea," You chuckled as you threw your finished cigarette to the side. You scrambled through your pocket and placed a cigarette in your mouth but couldn't find your damned lighter. You probably left it at your bunk.
Eugene scooted closer. It took you back as you tuned your face towards his. His face leaned into yours as the tip of your cigarettes caressed. Eugene's cigarette light you as smoke emerged from your mouth. Your faces were so close as his dark blue eyes burned into your soul. At first, Eugene seemed distant. You thought he hated you because everyone did. But to the best of ability, he proved that he didn't hate you. He was like a shy plant that you were watering. Each day Eugene blossomed as you got to know him more. Your cheeks grew as your fingers grasped against the grass. You could get lost in Eugene's big blue eyes. Swim into oblivion and never come back.
No, you couldn't. You were Private y/n y/l/n, not y/n.
You let out a fake cough, and Eugene noticed, backing up to the spot he once was in. You laid as a cigarette dragged on your lips, looking at the starry sky. Eugene was the only person that treated you with kindness. You could let your guard down in front of him. Your voice was soft whenever you were around him, relaxed shoulders, and your daily serotonin simply being delivered by his mere presence. His Cajun accent made you weak. You could listen to it for hours on end; it was like a sweet lullaby. It seemed like you two had found something in each other that you seemingly couldn't find with the rest of the company.
Eugene had turned his head to look back at you and see how relaxed you were. He was at a loss for words. Seeing you calm made him calm. He had seen you cry, run, and almost every emotion in such a short amount of time. Eugene considered himself to be a loner, but what he felt was his friend.
"Vermont's got a lot of snow, doesn't it?"
You turned and met with his face once again, smiling, "Lots of it in the winter."
"I've never seen it before, 's tew hot down there." Eugene mumbled, "I hate the heat."
"You should come to Stowe, y' know, after the kraut's surrender," You offered as you took the cigarette out of your mouth and waved it around. "I'll take you skiing."
It was a forward move, but Eugene was your friend, after all. Nothing more than just a friend. He tilted his head, "I can't ski 'doe."
"I'll teach you. You'll see how fun it is," You explained, shifting yourself up as you put your chin in your palm. The stars twinkled in Eugene's eyes.
Eugene grabbed your hand, and you shook it back. His much larger hand-squeezed yours before sliding away. It took you by surprise. Before Sobel could take out another weekend pass, the two of you ushered back to the camp.
It was a deal.
Sobel had once again decided to ruin the company's day by calling them back into the dorm. Nobody knew exactly why, which made the whole situation even worse. Piling into the dorm, Sobel stood in front of your bed, revealing a big bloodstain. He questioned all of the men on it before you came forward and admitted it was you. The makeshift pad you had made apparently didn't work.
"Give me a good reason to why you bled the bed, Private y/l/n," Sobel demanded as he stood in front of you.
Your eyes looked at the bed as you scrambled to find a good excuse. Of course, your period had to act up today. Your hands rested on your back as your fingers fiddled with each other.
"I had a scab on my leg, and I picked it in the night, sir." You muttered low, not wanting the other men to hear.
Sobel knew what you said, but after all, you were his punching back.
"Private, repeat yourself. Louder this time."
"I had a scab on the back of my leg, and I was picking at it, sir." You repeated, louder. Some of the men held back their snickers. You knew Liebgott was getting a kick out of this. Eugene looked at the stain and then you, pity in his big blue eyes.
Sobel walked past you, "Private y/l/n, do you wet the bed at night?"
Sobel's face looked so punchable at the moment. These men held in their laughter as you tried to find your words to respond. What was a good excuse for your period? Your father always taught you to be honest (even though you had been lying for a whole year).
"I...did, sir." You admitted.
Sobel huffed under his breath, "This isn't sleepaway camp. You will run up Curahee, and I expect to see you up there in fifteen minutes. In gear."
Not only did you have to run in 90-degree weather, but in heavy gear that made you look like a child in pajamas. The rest of the men piled out of the dorm for dinner. Perconte gave you a sympathetic look. He always seemed to do that whenever Sobel had tortured you once more. The last person who left the room, Eugene looked at you. You didn't even need to speak; his eyes screamed pity. Eugene knew you didn't pee the bed.
You had run Curahee thousands of times, but today it had been hell. It was hot and sticky, the sun was setting, and you had heavy (and smelly) gear dragging you down. The rifle that hanged from your hands was dragging you down, and your whole body was aching with pain. The only thing you wanted to do in the world was punch Sobel's stupid nose off and sob. You had cried silently but hadn't sobbed. You were never alone in this company. You weren't sure how much longer you would be able to last. You felt alone, scared, and a pathetic excuse for a paratrooper.  
Footsteps rumbled behind you. They got louder as you could eventually hear the clanging of dog tags. Stopping your sniffling, you turned to your right and saw Eugene. It was starting to get dark and humid outside, so you assumed it was a hallucination, but it wasn't. Eugene was right next to you, dressed in all his gear as he ran right beside you.
"Shit, Gene?" You said, caught off guard by his sudden appearance.
"Hey 'dere y/n," He replied, looking up and down your body. He saw your physical and emotional exhaustion, "You doin' okay?"
Emotions made you seem weak, and everybody perceived you as soft. Subtly sniffling, you turned and stored your sadness away once more. "Yeah, 'm fine," You quirked an eyebrow, "Now what in the hell are you doin' here?"
As Eugene ran beside you, his shoulder bumped against yours a little. It was a minor detail that made your cheeks grow red, "Thought you'd like some company... y' know since we're a company."
A small snort escaped your mouth as you guys ran. Did he run through hell just for you? No one that really ever done that before. Eugene and you had grown so close to each other in such a short amount of time. It was the little things that proved Eugene was your friend. "Gene, Sobel's gonna take away your weekend pass,"
"'S not like I got anythin' better to be doin' with my time," Eugene said as sweat dripped down his face. His helmet was too big for his head and tilted. "Rather be with you 'den anythin' else."
Right then in there, you would've dropped to the ground. You had to be hallucinating. With the heat and impending night, your head was spinning right now. Maybe Eugene was too friendly, or perhaps he was flirting with you. Whenever you were about to cry in your sleep, a thought of Eugene would pop up. A smile would appear on your face. Just thinking about seeing him, bringing you a small dose of serotonin.
"Even if it means running through hell and having Sobel scream in your face?"
Eugene looked and you and nodded. He was a true friend, loyal, and kind.
You laughed as the two of you turned the corner. Sobel was on top of the dreadful hill, squinting his eyes as he saw you and Eugene. Sobel usually looked unhappy, but he was prepared to give you and Eugene another standoffish remark.
You groaned under your breath at Sobel's far presence, "You sure you wanted to do this?"
"'S worth it, y/n." Eugene said, "Rather be 'ere."
Those words stuck with you the three miles up and the three miles down.
Once you arrived back at camp, the sun had already gone down. It was already eight. On your run down, you had fallen. It was caused by your cramps and dehydration. Eugene practically dragged (and somewhat carried) you back to camp. Sobel was not impressed whatsoever. The men of the easy company saw you being removed to the infirmary. The nurses kept a close eye on you and shoved water down your throat.
One of them gave you a pat on the back and told you to return to the dormitory. You were exhausted as you walked outside into the night. All you wanted to do was crawl into that stonecold bed and doze off about Eugene.
"Private y/l/n," A familiar voice called. You turned and straightened your position. There Sobel stood, looking angered at your presence, as usual.
"Sir," Is all you could respond with. Sobel had triggered your flight or fight response.
"I'm concerned with your wellbeing in the camp," Sobel began to explain. Whatever he was going to say, you knew it wasn't good, "You've been with easy company for almost a year now, and you've shown little to no change. Your disobedient, spineless, and unable to complete simple tasks. I firmly believe you will not ever be prepared for combat,"
"Permission to speak, sir," You tried not to interrupt him.
"Denied, I'm not finished," He coldly spoke, "You're unsuited for the rage of war. I would not trust you with a man, let alone a weapon. You don't belong in easy company, or any company for that matter. You're done here."
Words were unfathomable. A year of pure pain, and it was all for nothing. You were a soldier and couldn't act out of line. All you could do was stand there and hold in your tears and anger.
"Your father was a commander y/f/n y/l/n, correct?"
"Yes, sir," You said, low as words choked in your throat. Your father was a commander in world war one. He was a short-order than you and had a position similar to Sobel's. Like your brother, he was unwell to fight. He was aging and slowing down every day.
"I would trust Captain y/ln in combat, but not private y/l/n," He sneered with venom in his voice. He began to walk past you, "Go home, you're through."
He had stabbed your heart. You looked like a disappointment in front of him and your father. Sobel had proved that you were nothing but useless. You simply stood there as you relaxed your shoulders, feeling a small tear stream down your cheek. As much as tears begged to come out of you're eyes, you couldn't let them bring you down. Looking inside, Eugene was right there. He had seen and heard everything Sobel had said. Typically Eugene looked emotionless, but his face felt your pain. All you did at that moment was turn your heel and walk back.
"Voleunting for the parachute infantry is one thing, Y/l/n, but you've got a long way to prove that you belong here."
"Y/l/n, you're the most pathetic and spineless paratrooper I've ever seen,"
"Go home; you're through."
"You don't belong in easy company, or any company for that matter. You're done here."
All Sobel saw you were is disobedient, spineless, and unable to complete simple tasks. It was his words and not yours. They filled you with rage, frustration, and dejection. Within the past year, you had proven you were nothing but a fool. Maybe it was for the better. You wouldn't even trust yourself in combat. Sobel had made sure you hated yourself even more than you already did. If you weren't a good housewife, then there was no way in hell you were going to be a paratrooper.
Walking back to the dorm, you noticed that damned pillar. It reached high into the sky, reflecting the moonlight. The drill, even though nobody could do it, was still used by Sobel. Months had gone by, and no man in the company had been able to climb it. With the heat and weights, it was near impossible. Regardless, Sobel still tortured the company. What the hell did it even have to do with being a paratrooper.
Almost every time, you fell right on your ass with Sobel screaming in your ear and Liebgott snickering. But you were alone with your thoughts running through your head. Sobel's words that left a permeant mark on you. It was like a dark vein had wrapped around your limbs, dragging you into the ground as you struggled to fight. All you wanted to do was give up and succumb to the darkness you knew all too well.
But you weren't going to succumb tonight or ever.
You grabbed the kettlebells and jumped on the pole, only to fall onto your butt again. It hurt, and you were tired, but the pure rage was driving you. You would push yourself back up, and no matter how many times you well, you repeated. You weren't going to be considered weak and pushed away. All you knew at the moment was that you weren't going to leave this camp without a fight.
After hundreds of times of falling, you noticed a small detail. The kettlebells weighed the same and were meant to drag you down. But if you wrapped your whole body around the pole and simply pushed like your life had depended on it, then maybe it could work. Perhaps you could rub the fact that you weren't disobedient or spineless to Sobel.
Stepping back and running towards the pillar, you jumped up and wrapped your arms and legs around it. You slipped but yourself up. It was an uncomfortable position, but you had just made progress. The weights were dragging you down, but all you do was fight and push like your life had depended on it.
Dawn was arriving as the sky turned into a pinkish-blue hue. The sun slowly came over the hills as it shined upon the camp. Sobel wanted men at the crack of drawn. They had woken up to you halfway through climbing up Sobel's most challenging task. Most of them were in shock, considering that it had been out of all of the people, you. he one that George Luz had labeled as "Sobel's Punching Bag." Not Spiers or Winters, but you.
"Can you believe what I'm seeing?" Luz looked up, crossing his arms.
"Sobel beat them up, I bet money," Perconte said.
"Maybe Bones finally gained some muscle from all that damn runnin," Toye added.
"You idiots, it's none of 'dat." Guarnere interrupted, frustrated at his friends, "It's crack, for sure."
All the men in easy company looked at Guarnere, horrified, and confused. Guarnere didn't know why they all looked so shocked. He was confident he was right.
"Oh, come on, you kidding me?" Liebgott smirked as he looked at you climb. You were halfway there but slipping down. "Bones can't make it through Curahee through dyin, watch 'em fall, and break 'dere back."
Winters, being the mature one, had started cheering like an enthusiastic dad at a football. He knew there was some hidden talent in you. Slowly, all of the men began to cheer and whistle, even Liebgott. You noticed their cheers as you pulled up. The sun was starting to blind you, but it wasn't time to give you. A few more pushes, and you would be at the top.
Eugene had seen you storm out. He could feel your pain from a mile away. Seeing a small tear stream down your cheek made him feel human again. Toccoa had ripped his emotions away from you. You were the only thing that reminded him that there was right in the world. Not wanting to interrupt you, Eugene watched you from a distance. The way you screamed in frustration and fell. He knew it was creepy, but he had been cheering on for you. When you had managed to begin climbing, he smiled—a genuine, happy smile.
"allez, poussez juste…" Eugene muttered as he fidgeted with his fingers. You were so close to defeating Sobel's challenge.
Eugene knew you could do it.
There you sat, looking down at all the men who cheered you on. The breeze flew through your short hair, which was slowly starting to grow out. You smiled as you looked down, waving to all the men causing a commotion. It was like a miracle had happened.
Sobel had heard all of the commotions and walked back to the camp. Much to his surprise, he saw you, sitting on top of the pilar as you waved down to the men. You were like a god on a pedestal waving to your followers. That's not what you viewed yourself as, but you felt respected for once. Heck, even Liebgott cheered for you. You saw Eugene and smiled at him, giving him a small wave. He waved back, a smile on his face as well.
Maybe you were cut out to be a paratrooper.
It was like a rebirth had occurred. No longer were you the weak link of the chain. It took time, but you rose above your piers and gained their respect. Sobel, impressed and shocked, had given you a second chance. You proved to him and your company that you were worthy of being a paratrooper. Sobel was still horrible to you, but it didn't matter. Whatever he threw at you, you and the company would complete it. No matter the runs up Curahee or twelve-mile marches, easy company persisted.
Jumping out of a moving plane, you and the company were officially paratroopers. After almost two years of living hell, you had somehow managed to do it. You had no idea how you did, but you had done it. Maybe it was Eugene's silent encouragement or the company's respect, or even Sobel's nasty remarks.
You were a paratrooper now. You hoped your father was proud of you.
The night of the jump, the company had discovered a lake behind Camp Toccoa. You and Eugene had known about it for years, considering it your safe haven. You would even travel there yourself to take a dip in the lake where you were y/n, not Jack. It was another humid night in Georgia, so a nice drop wouldn't hurt. As long as you kept yourself hidden, you considered it to be safe.
Throwing off your gear, you took a dive into the water. It was cold but refreshed your body. You laid on your back as you shut your eyes, enjoying the water rush against your body. The only visible part of your body was your head and toes. There you could wash your body and be alone, away from all the discord. You washed your body and hair, feeling clean for the first time in a long time. Instead of smelling like dirt, you smelt like vanilla. Being a man had its perks but also its cons. You didn't even want to get started on male hygiene. Eugene would have been excellent company, but it was too risque. Two years into training, and the last thing you needed was your identity being discovered. Being a man took time to adapt to. You thought since you had hung out with your brother and his friends, it wouldn't be challenging, but you had been proven wrong. But there was no point in looking at the past. Now the men treated you like one. Even Liebgott respected you. He called you by your name instead of "Bones." It was the bare necessities, but it felt nice to be treated somewhat like a person.
The peace had been interrupted by a wave drowning your face. Freaking out, your body flipped as you turned your head to find the commotion. In the distance were a few easy company men diving into the water and swimming close to your location. Mentally cursing, you began to swim back to your area and get the hell out of there.
"Hey! Jack Rabbit!" A deep and rough voice Philly voice called. It was none other than the infamous Guarnere. Instead of Bones, your new nickname was Jack Rabbit. It was because you were fast in the line of action.
Turning around, you saw Liebgott, Webster, Toye, Guarnere, and Luz. They were all butt naked and proud. It made you cringe instead. Two years living with guys, and you still refused to be around them, nude.
You flashed a smile and waved as your head was the only thing that emerged from the water. "Um..hey guys! I didn't even know you were here!"
Liebgott, Luz, and Webster all had their eyes on you, like prey on a predator. Guarnere and Toye could be anywhere. Their glares, which were meant to be friendly, burned into your soul. It made you feel uncomfortable. The water felt like it was on fire. Your only priority was to get out.
"So now I'm clean, and I'm gonna go" You flashed a smile as you waved, kicking quickly under the water, "Bye!"
"Oh, come on!" Liebgott said as he saw on his back right next to you. A leaf thankful covered up his privates. He was less than an inch away from you. You descended into the water as your hands wrapped around your chest.
"I know I punched ya', and was mean to ya'-"
Webster interrupted as he laid on his back, looking at the sky, "Practically harassed and assaulted Jack Rabbit until he-"
"Shut ya' trap, college boy," Liebgott turned around and flicked water in Webster's face to disrupt his peaceful mediation, "Anyways, listen, I know we're all to jerks to you before, but let's start over."
He was right up your face as he held out his hand, a dumb smirk on his face, "Joe Liebgott."
You let out a nervous chuckle and shook his hand briefly, "Nice to meet ya…"
As you backed up in the water, you ran right into George Luz, who looked as jolly as ever. Even in the water, he still had a cigarette in his mouth, "George Luz, but you can call me Luz."
"Will do, Luz!" You had to go. Your heart rate was gonna drag you into the bottom of your lake.
"And I am Guarnere," A raspy voice called. You all looked up to see a naked (and confident) Guarnere stand on a rock, a full display of his genitalia. Your cheeks flushed red as your hand hid from the grotesque view, "King of the rock! And 'deres nothin' you girls can do about it!"
Toye happened to be on the rock and pushed Guarnere, knocking a block off his big ego. He sighed as he stood on the rock, his member also loud and proud in the night. "I think Jack Rabbit's already been traumatized enough tonight,"
"You call 'Ol Gonorrhea king of the rock?" Luz snorted as his arm wrapped around your shoulder, "I think me and Jack Rabbit can take you up that offer!"
Sliding under Luz, you began to swim away as you said, "I actually really don't wanna take up that offer."
'Oh, come on!" Luz swam close to you as he grabbed your arm, dragging you back, "Don't be such a gi-ow! Something just bit me!"
All you needed was a good excuse, "Must've been a..um...water snake!"
Luz turned to you, horror on his face. "Snake? SNAKE?" He screeched like a little girl, along with all of the other men as they swam for the rock. Toye looked at all of them, disappointment in their faces. Guarnere put on a stern face and claimed nothing in the water much to everyone's hysteria. It was your chance to escape. Swimming to the nearest (and most secluded) part of the land, you crawled out of the water and hid by a shrub. Once their voices began to disappear, you let out a sigh of relief.
"I never wanna see a naked man ever again…" You groaned as the imagine haunted your break. That was certainly a close call. Shaking them out, you looked around. Wherever you had swum to was unfamiliar, full of shrubs and twigs. The moonlight illuminated the lake as the stars twinkled in the sky. You were freezing and wanted to put your clothes back on now that you actually smelled decent for the first time in a while. Not having any cover meant walking back in with thorns scraping against your thigh. After that experience, you did not want to ever experience that again or see Guarnere brag about his member's size.
You began to recognize the area where you had left all of your gear. There were no voices or noises except for grasshoppers' sounds, and the wind brustling against the trees. The coast seemed clear.
Stepping out of the bush, your eyes saw your clothes on the rock. Shaking a few leaves from your hair, you let out a relieved sigh as you walked to the rock, not aware that someone had been watching you.
Picking up a towel, you noticed a figure in the corner of your eye. It seemed like a flash. As your head turned to look, the towel dropped from your hands as your heart dropped into your stomach.
It was Eugene.
He had seen you nude. Your breasts and female part-everything. He was just in much as a shock as you were. Both of you were frozen in place. Eugene's cheeks and nose flustered red as he looked down at your body. It had been a long time since he had seen a woman. He knew he shouldn't have looked, but it was so much to take in at once. It came as a shock to him and you.
You threw up your hands, at a loss of words, "Wait, I can explain...all of this!"
"Y-you're...a girl," Eugene murmured. He seemed shocked but not mortified.
As you created a mental response, Eugene and you heard the rumbling of a jeep. It was none other than Sobel. He most likely found out the company ditched camp to go swim in the lake, resulting in everyone losing their weekend pass. You could see the jeep in the distance park right beside a rock that hid you and Eugene. The door to the jeep slammed shut, signaling that Sobel was on a mission to bust whoever was at the lake.
You were naked, a woman, and frozen in fear. This all had to be some nightmare.
"'ere, c'mon," Eugene walked over and grabbed your hand, pulling you into a shrub. There was not a lot of room, so you were practically sitting on Eugene. It was an awkward and uncomfortable situation considering that you were butt naked. Your legs peered out of the bush, and Eugene gently grabbed your waist, pulling you back, so you were completely hidden.
It was too dark to see anything, but you could hear footsteps and Sobel yell at the men in the lake. You could listen to the splashing of water, and Sobel grabbed something (you assumed your clothes) and storming back into his jeep. Once it jumpstarted, you let out a sigh of relief, but you weren't in the clear still. Your body had melted into Eugene's, his hand on your waist and chest. His breath was heavy against your neck. He hadn't smelt something good in weeks, familiar with the smell of dirt���your buzzed hair smelt like lavender and your body, vanilla. Not to mention your y/s/c skin was glossy and smooth.
Eugene's calloused hand rested not too far from your breast. It weighed on it, right next to your nipple. Once you realized, you were in absolute horror.
The next thing Eugene knew was that he had your foot kicked into his face as he tumbled out of the bush. You stood there were your hands wrapped around your chest, mortified and embarrassed.
"You Pervert!" You snarled, stepping back. Sobel had taken your clothes as you cursed. Just when things seemed like they were going good, they were all going down. "I trusted you, and this is what happens? You stalk me and grab my chest and…" A disgusted groan escaped your lip.s You couldn't even finish your sentence without wanting to throw up.
Eugene crawled back to rock as he wiped the blood trickling from his nose. He rose his eyebrows and shook his head, "No, 'dats not why I came, Jack. I came because-"
"Because you wanted to see me naked?"
"No, I…" The Cajun looked embarrassed to admit it. Letting out a massive sign, he pushed himself to stand. A bruise was already forming on his nose, "Saw all 'da boys headin' to the lake. The one we discovered before any of 'dem did. I was tryin' to look for you, but you weren't 'dere, so I came 'ere and... you're a woman."
The heat grew on your cheeks. You didn't have any clothes and felt exposed. You were too embarrassed to see Eugene was blushing himself.
Eugene had known you for two whole years and felt like he knew almost everything about you, but this hit him like a train. He was feeling so many emotions at once; surprise, disbelief, and amazement. Something about this situation made his heart jitter. He had no idea how to describe it. Seeing you so vulnerable and shivering caused him to slowly walk over and take off his olive green chore jacket, throwing aside over your shoulder.
You backed up, startled. You had gone two years without anyone knowing; now it was over. A small thank you escaped your lips as you pulled the other jacket around it. It was huge on your body and just smelled like Eugene. You now felt horrible. He was too much of a kind person to want to grope you. In fact, he had saved you from being discovered.
"Why'd you come here?" You asked as you pulled the jacket tighter to your body.
He hesitated to respond as he rubbed the back of his neck but eventually let loose. "Because I wanted to find you. Not to discover...y'know. Thought you'd be 'ere."
"I'm sorry about punching you; I thought you…"
"Sobel was gonna see your legs; I didn't want him to see you."
You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at Eugene. If It had been any other soldier, you were sure they would turn you in. But with Eugene, it seemed like he wanted to help you. "Wait...but...why?"
"Well, you were naked...and a woman. Plus, it's Sobel," Eugene explained. He did have a point with Sobel.
Eugene didn't fully answer your question. "But why did you really hide me? You could've just sent me home".
"Why would I wanna ever do that?" Eugene perplexed, "Listen, y/n, for two years, you hid as a man. You trained, and now you're a paratrooper and Imma medic. I don't know how the hell you pulled it off, but you did. When I first saw you, there was...somethin' off. You were the tinier 'den all of them. When I saw the stain on your bed...I figured it out. I can't believe it's true…"
A huff escaped your lips, and you buried your hands in your face, "That means they all know…"
"Y/n, no offense…but 'dose guys don't have a brain to notice 'dat you were a girl. They would only believe you if you showed them you were. Guess I'm 'da only one who knows."
"How else could you tell I was a girl?" You were intrigued that Eugene knew. Half of the company men were so distracted that they most likely didn't bother about your appearance, except when Liebgott would make fun of you for being the smallest person in the company.
"Well... you're a kind person."
You removed your hands from your face, perplexed by his answer. He saw your confusion and proceeded to explain.
"You're one of the nicest and most empathetic people in the company. 'Dat's kinda how I figured. War is a brutal place. 'Da whole company is full of men who cheat, steal, and lie. But you y/n, ain't nothin like that. You're a good and strong person who cares 'bout other people. A gift from GodGod."
You smiled as your cheeks turned pink. Eugene's words were raw and the truth.
"But you know...it's over for me." You sighed as you began to walk past him, "I'm in the doghouse now."
Eugene grabbed your hand, causing you to stop. He looked at you with his big blue eyes. He didn't even need to speak words as his eyes burned into your soul. Eugene made your body weak as the tension left your body. He gave your hand a little squeeze.
"No, let me help you."
"With what?"
"Being a man," Eugene said, "I'll help you with whatever you need. Bandages, binders, products for y' know...you. If you wanna pass without worryin', then let me 'elp you. Please."
You liked the idea of it but yearned for why Eugene desperately wanted to help you. "Why do you wanna help a woman?"
"It ain't 'cause you're a woman; it's because you're a fighter. Two years of training, and you finally are a Paratrooper. I don't wanna let all your hard work go to waste," He replied, "Plus, I'd miss havin' you 'round."
You shook your head as you chuckled. Eugene was serious but lighthearted, in which he was only around you. The two of you were so vulnerable around each other, letting downsides you would never let the world see. He subtle smiled as you let go of his hand.
"Why'd you do it?"
The two of you walked in the dark forest, side by side. You began to talk about your long journey to where you stood. "My brother had Polio, and my dad was too old. I didn't wanna see them get hurt...so I took my brother's place."
"That's what angels do, y' know? That's very brave," Eugene complimented.
He kept referring to you as an angel, and you couldn't tell if it was subtle flirting or him just being nice to you. You bumped into his shoulder, smiling, "I don't consider it brave. I just wanted to make sure they were ok."
Eugene looked up at the sky and then at you. Looking at you made him feel at ease. He could stare at you for hours on end.
"You gotta promise me somethin' tho'."
Your full attention was on him, waiting to spill.
"Promise me you won't get hurt or do anythin' dumb. Stay by me when you can. I just... I don't know if I could handle you getting hurt," Eugene admitted as his voice croaked. You were the last person he wanted to lose. The one real person that he cared deeply about.
"I'll try, but please…" You squeezed the rim of his jacket, "Don't treat me any differently because I'm a woman. I'm a man to you, and nothing different. Can you promise me that, Gene?"
You stood there and held out your hand to shake on it. Eugene stopped walking and noticed. His mind was racing with thoughts. So many ideas were going through his head. It had already been a night full of surprises. But if you wished it, it was his command. Eugene's hand once again met with yours as you firmly shook hands. The two of you continued walking as Eugene looked down at you, not knowing what to say once again. But the two had created a language that you would only understand.
"Ok?" Eugene cooed in his thick drawl.
You looked at him and nodded with reassurance, "Ok."
"What's your real name, by the way? Not your brother's name, but your name."
"Y/n." You said. You hadn't said that in years.
"Y/n, y/n…" Eugene repeated your name under his breath. It was different, and he liked others. He knew it was his job not to grow close to you, but it was becoming harder now that you were a woman and his closest friend. But he snapped out of his worry and smiled down at you. "Nice to meet you, y/n."
"Nice to meet you as well, Gene."
Eugene and you walked back to camp. He had gotten you a fresh pair of clothes, and the two of you sat outside of the medical center, sharing a pack of cigarettes as you watched the sunrise into the Toccoa sky. You and Eugene agreed to make it seem like this was a normal situation, and nothing had changed. But now that Eugene knew about the real y/n, everything had changed.
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gurufuk0 · 6 years
American Pie: beta house
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Tercer spin off de esta saga, no vale la pena.
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theburningclem · 6 years
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“radically un-engaging”
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uwmspeccoll · 5 years
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ABC’s, It’s Easy!
Many of us associate learning the alphabet with colorfully illustrated children’s books that present the alphabet with corresponding images of objects and their names. In fact, the child’s alphabet book is considered one of the oldest genres of American literature. But how/where/why did the practice of associating letters with identifiable objects in literature begin?
Examples of ABC’s from Historical Curriculum Collection are on display in UWM’s Curriculum Collection on the second floor, east wing of the Golda Meir Library.
The term ‘alphabet’ itself derives from the Latin alphabetum which came from the Greek alpha and beta, the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, which derive from the even older Hebrew and West Semitic aleph and bet. The oldest known alphabet book is The BAC Bothe in Latyn and in Englysshe by Thomas Petyt from 1538. The first alphabet book with illustrations was published in 1570 entitled A Methode or Comfortable Beginning for All Unlearned, by John Hart.
Later, the Hornbook, a form of an ABC book that consists of paper pasted on a wooden board and protected by a thin leaf of a horn, displays letters of the alphabet and prayers for novice readers.
In 1742, The Child’s New Plaything became the first alphabet book to move away from strict, religious references towards moral ones. Geared towards a younger audience, the anonymous author presents the alphabet with a lettered story about an appetizing apple pie. A later adaptation, Apple Pie ABC, can be viewed here!
Today there are numerous kinds of alphabet books, or abecedaria, associated with objects like food, animals, and household objects. Shown here are a few selections from the many housed in UWM’s Special Collection and Historical Curriculum Collection. Reminisce about your childhood on the second floor of the Golda Meir Library!
- Morgan, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
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“American Pie Apresenta: Meninas ao Ataque” (filme completo dublado)  Online HD GRATIS!
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American Pie (Brasil: American Pie - A Primeira Vez é Inesquecível /Portugal: American Pie - A Primeira Vez) é um filme de comédia de 1999 escrito por Adam Herz e dirigido pelos irmãos Paul e Chris Weitz, em suas estreias no cinema como diretores. É o primeiro filme da série American Pie. O filme foi um sucesso de bilheteria e gerou três sequências diretas: American Pie 2 (2001), American Pie - O Casamento (2003) e American Reunion (2012).[2] O filme é estrelado por Jason Biggs, Chris Klein, Alyson Hannigan, Natasha Lyonne, Thomas Ian Nicholas, Tara Reid, Mena Suvari, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Seann William Scott e Eugene Levy. O filme concentra-se em cinco rapazes (Jim, Kevin, Oz, Finch e Steve Stifler) que frequentam a East Great Falls High. Com a exceção de Steve Stifler (que já perdeu a virgindade), os outros quatro fazem um pacto para perder a virgindade antes de sua graduação do ensino médio. O título é emprestado da canção popular de mesmo nome, e refere-se a uma cena no filme, em que o personagem principal é pego se masturbando com uma torta depois de ter ouvido que "chegar a terceira base" no namoro é como tocar uma torta de maçã quente, uma metáfora adolescente da cultura americana relacionando sexo e beisebol. Também foi afirmado pelo escritor Adam Herz que o título também se refere à busca de perder a virgindade no ensino médio, que é tão "americano quanto a torta de maçã".
A música tema do filme é Laid, da banda James, que também é o tema de toda a franquia.
Além da saga principal de American Pie, existem atualmente cinco filmes spin-off diretamente em vídeo que possuem o título American Pie Presents: Band Camp (2005), The Naked Mile (2006), Beta House (2007), The Book of Love (2009) e Girls' Rules (2020).
Em resposta ao sucesso de American Reunion, um quinto filme, sob o título provisório de American Pie 5 foi anunciado em 4 de agosto de 2012.[3] Em agosto de 2017, Seann William Scott disse em uma entrevista que o quarto filme provavelmente não tinha feito o suficiente nas bilheterias domésticas para justificar outro filme
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maliby · 6 years
The Panty Bash (M)
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Story Genre: smut, college!au
Warnings in this chapter: explicit language, choking, spanking, sex
Word count: 5.5K
a/n: this fic was inspired by the movie ‘American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile’. And I also wanna give a huge thank you to my friend @def-initely-soul for giving me the mask idea (I put in a cameo just for you bitch <3).
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‘The Panty Bash’ is the biggest college party of the year where anything possible can happen. There’s just one simple rule: you can only wear your panties, nothing else.
Each year one sorority house and one fraternity house would be picked randomly and join forces to make the most memorable ‘Panty Bash’ ever. This year it was up to your sorority, Upsilon Sigma Ni, and Beta Tau Sigma’s fraternity to host and you could say you had never been so excited for something in your life.
‘The Panty Bash’ was the perfect opportunity for every college student to just let go of all inhibitions and stress from exams and have fun. Some people are against it, saying that it’s just an excuse for guys to look at girls tits, but you would argue that the more people try to hide female breasts the more stigma is created around them. If guys can show their tiddies why can’t girls? You just say let it all out.
You could even argue that ‘The Panty Bash’ really should just be ‘The Naked Bash’ and get it over with but you weren’t the one to mess with an old tradition like this one. Plus, it’s good to keep something hidden right? It makes it more interesting, you think.
It was on the precise topic of keeping something hidden that you had a shining light bulb moment while planning for the party.
“You want people to wear masks to bash?” Namjoon, one of the brothers of the Beta Tau Sigma fraternity and your very good friend asked.
“Yes joonie, think about it. It would be freaking epic! Like, imagine all the people that want to go to the bash but don’t because they are too shy.”
“I don’t think that a simple mask around their eyes would help with the shyness.” There he was, questioning every little thing there was. You knew he was just trying to analyze everything so that it’s the best option possible for the party, but god sometimes you just wished he’d shut up and take it as it was.
“I don’t remember you being such a buzzkill on the night we met.”
You knew you had poked a nerve and that’s exactly what you meant. You two had met on last years bash, and you had such a strong connection that he fucked you from behind in the middle of the dance floor in front of everybody. Of course everyone was too drunk or too involved in their make-out sessions to even fucking notice but still.
After that you got to know each other better and just naturally decided that you were better off as friends, him quickly becoming one of your best friends.
“Funny, I don’t remember you having such a big mouth when I fucked you from behind. Must have been my hand around your neck.”
“Shut up!” You threw him one of the pillows from the sofa you were sitting on, hitting him right in the face.
“Someone got shy now?” He joked as he threw the pillow back at you. “Try wearing a mask, maybe that will help.”
“You know, this is why I never fucked you again, you’re such a pain in the ass!” This time you got up and bluntly attacked him repeatedly with the pillow.
“What did he do this time Y/N?” You recognized the voice as Jungkook’s, one of Namjoon’s fraternity brothers who was also your friend.
“He opened his mouth, as usual.” Thinking you had attacked him enough you calmly went back to your place on the sofa and put the pillow back in its place.
“Damn bro, you should know better than talk bad to Y/N. Death by pillow doesn’t look good on anyone’s grave.” He sat right next to you, a big smile on his cute little handsome face.
“I know how to handle her.” Namjoon winked at you, making you want to throw the pillow back at him but then deciding that he’d gotten what he deserved already.
“Hey Kookie, what do you think about making people wear masks in this year’s bash?” You just knew that he would agree with you because he’s always very excited with new ideas, and you knew he just wouldn’t refuse this one.
“Oh my god, that’s such a good idea! I love it!” He started jumping up and down on the sofa, his cute little bunny teeth exposed by his big smile.
“See I told you joonie! It’s an amazing idea!”
“But I never said it was a bad idea Y/N. I just said that I don’t think a mask would help with the shyness.” He retorted.
“Wait, that’s what you guys were fighting about?” Kookie asked.
“Nevermind that now, what matters is that this is gonna be amazing. Who doesn’t love a little mystery?” You clapped your hands in excitement.
“With a face like that one can see why you’re so excited to put a mask over it. Maybe you’ll get laid for once.” Namjoon joked once again, making your temper rise once more.
“Kim Namjoon I swear to god I’m gonna chop off that poor excuse for a dick and feed it to your fraternity brothers.” You threw him a menacing look.
“Y/N please don’t do that, we already eat enough garbage food.” Jungkook joked, making you laugh so loud you started coughing.
“Jungkook, is that any way to talk about your brother?” Namjoon asked.
“I’m sorry bro, but I’ll always take the pretty lady’s side.” He winked at you, affecting you more than it should have.
Namjoon was right, you needed to get laid and desperately otherwise, you were afraid you were gonna start humping everything like a wild animal in heat. Even your vibrator you had named Brandon wasn’t enough to keep you satisfied anymore - you needed the real deal and fast.
“Traitor,” Namjoon mumbled.
“So…” you continued wanting to get back to the planning of the bash, “where should we host? I talked to my sorority sisters and they suggested our house.”
“Y/N, no offence but your sorority is kind of small. I think it’s best if we did it here in the fraternity.” Namjoon suggested.
Beta Tau Sigma was one of the biggest fraternities around. They got a lot of money due to this little band they put together which they obviously called ‘BTS’. All the girls on campus were starting to go crazy for them and could practically throw their wallets at them. Needless to say that everything they organized was always jam-packed, so you had no doubt the bash would be a major hit.
“Yeah, plus we have that jacuzzi upstairs, people would wanna come just for that. Who doesn’t want to do it in a jacuzzi?” Jungkook added, a devilish smile on his face.
“If you guys don’t mind, that’s fine by me.”
“Not at all. Now we just need to take care of the rest.” Namjoon said.
“Alright. I say you guys take care of alcohol and music, we’ll take care of special activities and decor.”
“What do you mean special activities?” Jungkook asked.
“Just some games to keep the crowd going.” You smirked, already envisioning everything in your mind.
“Games? We’re not twelve Y/N.” Namjoon said, ever so doubtful of all the ideas.
“Well, good thing these games aren’t appropriate for kids then.” You wiggled your eyebrows up and down as you smirked at your friends.
“Ohhh, what are you thinking of you naughty girl?” Kookie asked, your proposal had piqued his interest.
“I’ll tell you guys later. For now, I have to leave, I have a meeting with my sorority sisters about the party.” You got up from the sofa and kissed both boys on the cheek before you made your way to the front door. “Bye bitches.”
“Bye Y/N.” Was the last thing you heard before you closed the door.
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The day of the bash came and everything looked better than you could ever have imagined. You and the girls decorated everything with fairy lights: walls, ceilings, doors, windows, bushes, everything. You even went as far as to write ‘Panty Bash’ in big letters on a wall using just the lights. Namjoon was against the idea at first, because of course he would be, but even he was awestruck once he saw the final result; the lights made everything look more mystical, which would go perfectly with the masked theme you had going on.
You had big bowls filled with condoms in every room with a big luminous arrow pointing at it so it was easy to find. You even had tiny sample sized lube bottles given out at the entry, not only just for sexual purposes but because some people liked to grease up their bodies so they could show them off. Truth is ‘The Panty Bash’ was a party which, due to the circumstances, involved a lot of sex, so you wanted to at least give everyone good conditions to have an amazing night.
You decided you wanted to look the best you’ve ever looked, not just because you were one of the hosts but because you desperately needed to get some and you’d be damned if you couldn’t get a dick inside you tonight.
You went all out in preparation for the event: you went to the gym nonstop for a week, got a wax, put on some fake tan and went out to buy a simple golden mask and some black lace panties with straps that crisscrossed around your hips and hugged your ass cheeks making them stand out.
There were 4 hours left for the bash to start when you started to get ready. You took a nice bubble bath filled with salts and essential oils and then took care of your hair and makeup. The makeup was simple since you were going to wear a mask, so you just did a winged liner and put on some fake lashes; as for your hair you decided that you just wanted to do some loose waves around your face, laziness getting the best of you at this point.
Looking at yourself in the mirror you noticed that something was missing, so you decided to look through your jewellery box and found exactly what your look was missing - a golden body chain. This was it. If you didn’t get laid tonight then you’d give up on boys and marry your vibrator, Brandon.
“Wooow! Ladies hold tight to your boyfriends! Are you planning to give half of the bash a heart attack girl?” Your sorority sister and roommate Maria said as she left the bathroom, she too all ready for the bash.
“Not really, I want the guy to be conscious and willing.” You said as you put on your long coat.
“Wait, wait, wait. What guy? Is there something you’re not telling me you hoe?” She said as she sprayed herself with her Chanel perfume.
“I don’t know, any guy. I’m kind of desperate right now.”
“You know if you’re that desperate you could always go for Namjoon. I can guarantee you he’d be more than willing to help you out.” She said teasingly as she knew very well that sex between you and Namjoon had been just a one-time thing.
“No way in hell. Not that he isn’t good dick, which believe me he so is, but I don’t want to ruin our friendship and I’m sure he feels the same.”
“Well, then maybe he’ll help me out,” she winked at you as she put her tongue out. “Well, are you ready to go? The best bash ever is waiting for us.”
“Let’s go ruin them.”
You two wanted to be one of the first people there, just to make sure that everything was good to go, so naturally, when you arrived at the fraternity the place was almost empty, only the Beta Tau Sigma brothers present.
After making your way inside the house you spotted Namjoon pouring himself a drink, already in his black Calvin Klein trunks and a black mask in his hand ready to be put on.
“Damn joonie, bringing out the old CK huh? Ready to make them bitches drool.” You teased, knowing damn well that you and your friend were two of those bitches.
“Wow, you’re early.”
“Ah well you know, we just wanted to make sure everything was good to go.” Your eyes scanned the room just to make sure that everything was alright.
“Everything was fine, right until I saw you two.” He said with a judging look on his face.
“What do you mean?” Asked Maria, a confused expression all over your faces.
“Well, you two are breaking the only rule of the bash, you are wearing huge ass coats.” He pointed at your offensive pieces of clothing as if he was ready to burn them.
“Ahh that. We just didn’t want to leave them in the hangers. I was wondering if you’ll let us put them in your room?”
“Oh sure, give them to me and go pour yourselves a drink.” And just like that judging Namjoon was gone giving way to happy and kind Namjoon.
You started to unbutton your red coat, but as soon as you started to slide it off your arms and exposing your body you heard Namjoon’s cup hit the floor.
“Shi-” he mumbled.
“What’s wrong joonie?” You smirked; this was exactly the type of reaction you were looking for tonight.
“N-nothing. You just look...wow. Both of you.” He was nervous. You could tell because he always started to scratch his head when he was like this.
“Thank you.” Both you and your roommate answered. “You better get your shit together though, you don’t want to receive your guests with a big wet spot on your CK’s.” You added.
“Shut up. Give me those.” He grabbed both your jackets in an attempt to change the subject. “I’ll go put these in my room, make yourselves at home. There are jello shots in the kitchen.”
“You better beat that meat off before you come back down otherwise you won’t be able to handle the night. Just don’t cum on my coat or you already know what’s on the menu for your frat bros.” You screamed before he could get out of view.
“Fuck you!” He yelled back.
“Sorry, once was enough. I’m not gonna let you touch me again.”
Namjoon sighed in defeat, his middle finger being the last thing you saw before he disappeared with your coats.
“I’m gonna hit the jello shots, wanna join me?” Maria asked nonchalantly, the bickering between you and Namjoon being nothing but a normal day for her.
“Sure, let’s get this party started!”
As the night progressed you feared that this year's bash was gonna be stained in your mind forever. One guy started dancing with you, grinding and shit, but as soon as you two started to make out this girl came out of nowhere and started causing a whole scene and calling him a bastard and a cheater (needless to say you got out of there as soon as possible); then, if that wasn’t enough, this other guy was flirting with you when out of nowhere he threw up right next to your right foot.
After all those tragic events you decided that you definitely weren’t drunk enough to be able to handle this, so you made your way to the kitchen to drown yourself in shots. There weren’t many people in there which was perfect because it allowed you to kind of take a mental break from all the events in peace. It wasn’t until you were in your fourth shot that your luck seemed about ready to change.
“Tell me how a pretty lady like you doesn’t have a guy glued to her at all times? ‘Cause I find that extremely hard to believe.” His voice reached you like sweet honey luring you to his trap, and what a fucking trap; those pink swollen lips alone make your knees week, nevermind those abs and that ribcage ‘nevermind’ tattoo.
“Pretty? You can’t even see my whole face with this mask.” You said as you downed another vodka shot, the burn on your throat matching the burn in your pussy.
“That’s true, but if the face is as beautiful as the package then I’m in fucking trouble.”
Heat. Heat was all you were feeling. Like he was a big ass torch, burning you up until you were nothing but just fucking goo at his feet.
“You’re in trouble? What does that make of me with such a handsome smooth talker like you in front of me?”
“Oh…” he bit his lip and made his way closer to you, his hand clearing the way to your ear by trapping your hair behind it, “you are definitely in trouble.”
“Let that be a warning that I’ll ignore.”
He smirked and you were sure he could be sin in the form of a human being. “Want to go dance?”
Goodbye Brandon.
He grabbed you by your hand and led you to the middle of the big mass of sweaty bodies grinding against each other, really just waiting for an opportunity to fuck each other's brains out.
One thing you had to give props to the frat guys: the music was fucking awesome. It was like it had a pull on every single person at the bash - it certainly had a pull on you and your hot masked pair. In no time your bodies were glued together, his right behind yours providing you with all the delicious friction you were searching for.
His hands travelled all over your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. His sweet lips sucked on your neck making you wish he was sucking something else entirely. He was starting to get excited, you could feel him poking you at your ass; his hands becoming more and more daring, caressing your breasts and pinching your nipples.
“Fuck, I want you so bad.” The masked hunk said to you, his voice trembling with excitement.
You didn’t even answer him, you turned around and started kissing his juicy lips. His naughty hands started wondering once again only to find their place at your butt; the way he was touching you like you were his and nobody else’s made you moan into the kiss and slip your tongue inside his mouth.
“Do you want to go upstairs?” He asked after a few minutes of your wild makeout session.
“Yes please.”
He grabbed your hand to guide you to the staircase, but you weren’t even halfway through the crowd when you were intercepted by your friend Maria. “Y/N! There you are, I’ve been looking everywhere for you! The game is about to start, we need you.”
“Fuck.” You were so horny that you totally forgot you had to conduct the game you had prepared. “Hey, can you wait just 5 minutes? I have to conduct this game, it’ll be quick I promise.” You pleaded to your hookup, hoping he would stay and wait for you.
“Sure, I can wait a few more minutes.”
“Thanks.” You kissed him once more as a thank you but it didn’t take long for you to slip back into that sex trance you were in just moments before.
“Ahem, I’m really sorry you horny kids but I really do need her right now.” Maria insisted, and even though you understood her urgency you could almost smack her on the head for delaying your sweet deserved orgasms.
“Of course, I’m sorry. Let’s go.” You and the masked hottie followed Maria to the middle of the kitchen where the big kitchen table was all ready with everything necessary for the game.
The rules to participate were simple, you needed two people: a guy and another guy or girl (depending on your sexual preference); first, one guy would need to be laying on the table and the other player would have to get him hard, then the second player needed to drink a shot to gain a sort of coloured hoop that would then be placed on the first player’s dick. There are 5 hoops and they become smaller and smaller each time so that at the end you end up with a dick pyramid; the team that finishes first wins a key to the special room you prepared with the jacuzzi.
You were so proud of this idea when you first presented it to Namjoon, but now you wish you had never come up with it. You could be on your way to having great sex but instead, you had to conduct a game so some random ass couple could gain the opportunity to hook up in a fucking jacuzzi - lucky bastards.
“So who are the contestants?” You asked your friend Maria.
“It’s Jungkook and a chick named Patricia, Hoseok and Yoongi, and me and Namjoon.” You were shocked at the information your roomie just gave you. You knew they found each other cute, but it was all so casual that you never thought they’d actually hookup.
“Hold up. You and Namjoon you hoe?! Oh my god!” You hugged her, feeling genuinely happy for her.
“Yes! He came to save me from a drunk guy and we just started talking and dancing and you know...he was the one who suggested we play the game actually.”
“Joonie, that fucking show off.” You joked off, still in shock with the events of the night. That’s the bash for ya. “Okay let’s do this, I have a hot guy waiting for me.”
The game wasn’t over in 5 minutes like you had promised your masked hunk (turns out it’s hard for some people to get hard with so many people watching), but after a very tight race your friend Maria pulled through and finished the dick pyramid first. You announced the winners and handed them the key, quickly making your way to Mr. sex on two legs.
“I’m so sorry, I thought it would take less time than what it actually took.” You kissed him once more, already missing the feeling of his lips on yours.
“No, it’s okay. You had your own duties.” He smiled at you and you could almost feel your legs giving out. How could someone be so fucking perfect? And most importantly, where the fuck has he been hiding?
“Ah yes, the very important duty of giving other people the key to a room with a jacuzzi they can fuck in.”
“I do wish you could have stolen that key away so I can make you scream in that jacuzzi, but I guess the old fashioned bed is alright too.” You couldn’t take this anymore, either you’d have him in the next couple of minutes or you were going to fucking explode.
“Fuck. Just...wait here. I’ll see what I can do.” You weren’t thinking straight anymore, it was like he was hypnotizing you. He had put that idea in your head and now all you wanted to do was to fuck his brains out in that jacuzzi, so you made your way to your friend Maria and just hoped for the best.
“Maria, don’t hate me but can I please have that key? Mr. sex on legs is talking about making me scream on that jacuzzi and I just...fuck. I need that key, pretty please?” You batted your eyelashes at her wishing that she would give in.
“What? Are you crazy? Girl, I love you but there’s no way I’m giving you this key. That jacuzzi is mine, I won it fair and square!”
“Okay, I didn’t want to have to do this but remember your birthday party last year?”
“Fuck.” Realization appeared all over her face as she remembered the events of her last birthday.
“That’s right, you had me go take your drunk ass brother home when I was hitting it off with Jaehyun.”
“It wasn’t that bad.” She defended.
“It wasn’t that bad?! Maria, your brother went to piss in the bushes and actually turned around and pissed all over me.”
“Fine! You win! Here’s the key. Go have amazing sex.” She handed the key to you with a bumped out expression, crossing her arms like a little kid.
“Thank you, I love you.” You gave her a kiss on the cheek to make her feel better and quickly made your way back to your fling.
You and the guy practically ran to the room, making a quick stop by a condom bowl to grab some. As soon as you entered the room you wasted no time, you started making out once more, this time even harder than before. In no time the only piece of clothing on your bodies was sliding down both your legs freeing both your very needy genitals.
You went to remove your mask but he grabbed your arm to stop you. “No, keep it on. The mystery makes this even hotter.”
He was a kinky one, you could tell - you were in for a good time.
“Let’s make use of the price we stole then.” You said, wanting nothing more than just have him in there.
He grabbed your hand and led you to the jacuzzi almost like a pied piper. You were the first one to enter, the warm water feeling almost cold in comparison to your burning skin. When he entered the water and sat right next to you though, a nervous feeling spread all over your body.
“I must confess something,” he was trying to ease your sudden nerves by talking, and you were glad for that, “I’ve been observing you all night.”
“Really?” How could a guy like him been watching you all night and you didn’t even notice? Why did you have to be so freaking clueless all the time?
“Yes. Once I saw you I just couldn’t take my eyes off of you. I made my way to come and talk to you but you were always busy.” He mentioned in reference to the various failed attempts at getting laid you had tonight, but now that you looked back you’re so fucking glad they were all a bust.
“You could have come and talked to me. That would have saved me having to watch that guy puke at my feet.” You joked, your nerves dissipating a bit.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” His laugh was like a ray of sunshine, and it just made you wonder why the fuck was he so fucking perfect? Maybe he’s a serial killer, you though; there’s got to be something wrong with him.
“But hey, if I had come and talked to you sooner I wouldn’t have you all to myself in this jacuzzi,” he was dangerously close, his lips ready to attack, “and there’s so fucking much I want to do to you in here.”
Suddenly the mood was hot again, and the expectation in you was growing at a rapid pace. “Then do it.”
Your voice was like a command for him to shoot, and oh boy did he shoot you down; his lips were devouring you alive like he was a starved man, his hands were grabbing your thigh and pulling you to straddle him. The way your cunt was pressing down on his hard cock was making you feel so good that you could cum on the spot; it had been so long since you had experienced the real thing that you had almost forgotten how good this felt.
“Get on your knees here.” He looked to the spot right next to him where you were sitting previously showing you exactly where he wanted you to place yourself.
His tone was needy and demanding, and needless to say you quickly obeyed like a well-trained bitch. He got behind you and placed his hands on your hips, guiding your body so that the water jet would hit your clit just right. “Fuck, that feels so good.”
“That’s right baby, let me hear your sweet voice.”
He quickly reached to a table near the jacuzzi where you had left condoms and lube for the winners of the game and squirted some lube to his fingers. He then started sucking on your neck while the hand that was lubricated travelled south and started playing with your pussy lips before his finger penetrated your tiny hole.
“Oh shit baby, yeah just like that.” The pressure of the water combined with his skilful fingers were making you reach your limit faster than ever before, but you didn’t give a fuck.
“Cum all over my fingers baby.” He didn’t even have to say it, almost as soon as he finished his sentence you were already cumming, his free hand securing you tight to his body.
“Hmm daddy...yes.” You screamed, not even realizing the words you were letting spill out of your mouth.
“Daddy huh?” He waited for you to regain all forms of consciousness before he talked, he wanted to be damn sure you knew exactly what you had called him.
“Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-” You couldn’t finish your sentence for his hand was quickly wrapped around your neck, restraining your speech.
“Don’t you dare say you didn’t mean it baby. I’m your daddy and all of your orgasms belong to me, understand? This pussy…” his fingers started toying with your clit, making you flinch due to overstimulation, “...belongs to me.”
It looked like you had just triggered his dark side, but you didn’t care. You’d take it all if he was willing to give it to you, you just really wanted him at this point. Could your lack of real sexual activity have turned you insane? How could it be that you wanted him so fucking much even though you didn’t even know his name? Was he that powerful or were you just that weak? You didn’t know and you didn’t care in all honesty, all you knew was that at this point if he wanted it, he’d get it. “Yes daddy.”
“Bend over.” He gave another command which you, once again, obeyed with no questions asked.
Anticipation was building as he put the condom on and squirted some more lube on his hand so he could spread it all over his dick. He fully grabbed your ass so he could position himself and slowly entered you until he was completely buried inside you. “Fuck baby, you’re so fucking tight.”
You couldn’t even say anything, all you could do was moan in response. His dick filled you so good that you could cum just like that, no single movement required. But once he started moving your whole body was shook, your eyes seeing stars.
“What a fucking view you’re giving me, look at that fucking ass.” Spank. “So fucking juicy.” Spank. “Makes me want to see what it looks like all rosy and nice just for me.” Spank. Spank. Spank.
“Oh yes daddy.” Nobody had spanked you before in your life, but he’d just made you realize that it was something that turned you on, a lot. He was making you uncover all these hidden fantasies you didn’t even know you had and for that alone, he was already the best sex you ever had in your life.
He was pounding into you right now, water splashing everywhere. “Are you going to cum baby?” Spank. “Are you gonna squeeze that cunt real tight for daddy?” Spank.
“Oh fuck yes.” You were almost there, you could feel it building inside you, that sweet release.
“Then cum.”
You came for the second time tonight, your pussy clutching really tight around his dick like a snake constricting its prey, only you were his prey. You had been his prey since the very beginning of the night: he watched you from afar like a good predator would, and then seduced you with sweet talk and dangerous moves until he finally pulled out his claws and completely destroyed you. And now he was pulling off the condom and cumming all over your red ass cheeks, marking you as his.
“Fuck, that was amazing.” You said as you sat back down in the jacuzzi, his seed being washed away.
“I agree.” His sweet and radiating smile was back on his face making you almost melt away. “Hey, can I ask you something?”
“This is a little embarrassing but, I don’t even know your name.” Suddenly he was nervous, the confident guy from before long gone.
Your shyness returned in full force. It was indeed a little embarrassing that you didn’t even know each other's names, but could you blame yourselves? You were so fucking attracted to each other that you didn’t even want to lose time with something as trivial as that.
“I’m Y/N.” Your eyes locked with his, something new and exciting coming through to both of you. “And you?”
“I’m Jimin.”
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