#american landrace pig
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nightmaremp · 4 months ago
Miss Piggy
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just-a-little-unionoid · 1 month ago
So about the newest Minecraft mob variants...
(+ theories on future ones)
Lately Minecraft snapshots have all been about ambience, among other things they gave us two new pig variants, and just a few hours ago (note: I started to write this post yesterday) two new cow variants as well!
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I'd like to make an educated guess on what other animals they might redesign, and how, so first of all let's talk about the new variants and the real life breeds they're based of:
The cold pig variant
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The cold variant of the pig is based on the Mangalica, an Hungarian breed, look of cute it is
The warm pig variant
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I think the warm variant is based either on the red river hog or the bushpig, more likely the bushpig (second picture) since it has a dark belly and overall darker tones like the warm pig
Those are actually not pigs, but rather two whole other species of suids, from the Potamochoerus genus
The temperate pig variant
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The original Minecraft pig, not much to say about it I'm afraid, I doubt it is based on any breed in particular, just on a general idea of a "classic pink pig"
Breeds of "pink" pigs include the American Yorkshire, the Large White, any Landrace...
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The cold cow variant
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The cold variant of the cow is based on the Highland, a Scottish breed of cattle, particularly well adapted to cold climate
The warm cow variant
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The warm variant of the cow may be based on the Ankole, or pehaps another Sanga cattle breed, they are found in eastern and central Africa
The temperate cow variant
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The original minecraft cow, now with a 3D snoot
Uuuuh... I don't have much to say about it either, Minecraft wiki says it's based on the Norwegian Red but I personally don't see it much? (I mean, it looks brown with white/grey spots instead of white with brown spots, and that's not... how any cattle colour works, actually)
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So anyway, that's all for the current new variants, now let's speculate!
For the purpose of this post, let's assume they will keep adding new mob variants. The only "important"* mobs that still don't have variants are the chicken and the sheep, so let's try to guess what breeds they could take inspiration from (*as much as I'd love to see a Baudet du Poitou in Minecraft I understand that the donkey was already intended as a variation of the horse)
The Chicken
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Honestly, chickens could use a little more diversity in Minecraft
The current design is likely inspired by the Leghorn, one of the most popular layer breed, which actually comes in a lot more colours than just white (most common in the USA, since the white american variety lay white eggs):
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(and more...)
They might just use some of those plumages, but I'd want to propose other actual breeds:
Or, well, I will do that in a reblog of this post because I've reached the pic limit. I'll edit this post for a direct link to the second part when I get to it
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bonus pic of a cute Large White that unfortunatelly didn't convey exacty how large this breed is
all the screenshots from the game are from me, here all the link for the animal pictures, in order: https://www.istockphoto.com/fr/photo/porcs-mangalitsa-dans-la-huche-gm1141602910-305905980 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_river_hog#/media/File:Potamochoerus_porcus_Zoo_Amneville_28092014_2.jpg https://africageographic.com/stories/the-wild-pigs-of-africa/ https://morningchores.com/yorkshire-pig/ https://www.gastronomiac.com/lexique_culinaire/large-white-porc/ https://www.roysfarm.com/italian-landrace-pig/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highland_cattle (two pics) https://www.reserveafricainesigean.fr/animaux/watusi/# https://livestockconservancy.org/ankole-watusi-cattle/ https://www.norwegianred.com/news/the-december-2024-proof-run-update/ https://www.norwegianred.com/news/the-impact-of-the-norwegian-red-grazing-index-on-grazing-herds-profitability/ https://www.norwegianred.com/about-norwegian-red/norwegian-red-characteristics/ https://lemagdesanimaux.ouest-france.fr/dossier-929-leghorn.html https://poulefacile.fr/leghorn/ https://livestockconservancy.org/leghorn-chicken/ https://www.roobeez.com/blog/leghorn-chickens https://thephathen.com/complete-breed-facts-a-leghorn-chicken-guide/ https://leranchauxpaons.com/boutique/poules-demi-naines/leghorn-exchequer/ https://north40.com/brown-leghorn-rooster https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_White_pig
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twig-the-edgelord · 1 year ago
The animal experiments
Warning mentions of waste
The animal experiments were conducted to see how Dr. J. Clementine would fare in a non-human host. Given the nature of 963 and the previous experiments it was completely unknown. A few hypotheses have been suggested.
•That he would start changing the appearance of the animal.
•That the hosts would grow certain parts to be able to do human tasks.
•That he would bond completely other than certain anatomy. Specifically cat ears and a cat tail.
A stray tabby cat was gathered from a rescue shelter. It was a chubby grey tabby.
After one death a quick reminder to junior researchers that SCP 963 isn’t to be touched without gloves, SCP 963 was fastened onto a collar.
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[image taken 22/05/■■■■] 1145
Around 1232 tufts of fur had been spotted around the parts of the facility that Dr. Clementine had been allowed to access. Dr. Clementine had been napping in front of a window, taking in the noon sun. The tufts of fur was shedding from the scar forming.
After calling to him by name he reacted immediately. He was able to recognize his name, as well as Dr. ■■■■■, who he is close to. After a few tests it was determined that Dr. Clementine was able to recognize certain people, places, and a toy slug. Even though the intelligence is heightened, it is still that of a cat.
After Dr. Clementine was released from the kennel he was sleeping in, Clementine immediately had back away and hissed at the personal that had released him.
After a ton of scratching he allowed someone to pick him up. Though he was growling the whole trip.
Only placing kibble on the table kept him still long enough to take an x-ray and examination. Both revealed nothing out of the ordinary. No changes in bone, skin or fur. The cat was perfectly healthy.
Bonding continued to not occur. The only change that happened was his tooth going missing after he bit Dr. ■■■■ because he didn’t hold him correctly. Which would be like an infant.
He was brought to SCP 529, to see how he would react with another feline. The two greeted each by sniffing. Though Dr. Clementine was weary of Joises lack of a bottom half, the two grew close with an exchange of slow blinks.
When all human entities had left the cell, it had been monitored that the two cats were ‘loafing’ beside each other, with SCP 529 occasionally rubbing her head along Jacks side.
SCP 963 was removed from the cat and the body was quickly discarded.
The chain of SCP 963 was looped around rope, and tied around the neck of an American Landrace Pig.
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[image taken 01/06/■■■■] 1526
At 0245 it was discovered where Dr. Clementine had found reasonable to defecate, unfortunately it was in front of the break room with the vending machine with the good snacks. He absolutely refuses to use the bathroom anywhere but that doorway.
It was decided to give Dr. Clementine entertainment to stop him from bothering the researchers. He was given a football and straw tubes.
Dr. Clementine was permitted to wander around more of the facility, so D-class could remove the smell from the break room.
He found himself in front of the cell of SCP 321. He plopped himself down in front of the door for 2 hours, every few minutes he would push his ball up to the door as if the anomaly was able to come outside and play with him.
An agent tried to move him away, but Dr. Clementine nudged him with his head. When it didn’t move the agent he bit onto his pants and refused to release them.
Eventually he made his way back to the break room.
Multiple puzzles were set in front of Dr. Clementine, which he was able to pass for treats. Including, a maze, opening crates, and matching shapes and colours. However he wasn’t able to do more difficult puzzles, even for snacks and toys.
A female African grey parrot was gifted to the foundation and to be Dr. Clementines next host. It was hoped that he would be able to mimic human speech, but it was unsure if he would be able to actually understand it.
[image removed]
Dr. Clementine was permitted to be in most social areas to encourage speech. He is allowed to be in the cafeteria, break rooms, and certain researchers office.
Dr. Clementine struggled to fly for the first few hours but soon was found playing in the rafters.
Dr. Clementine went into Dr. Clefs office at 1033, and at 1254 he had learned the words, “piss-fuck” “𝄡” “cocaine” “I’m a silly goose”. It is most likely that Clef is purposely teaching him these things. It should be noted that it was said in Dr. Clementines voice rather than Dr. Clefs.
Dr. Clementine had a much better grasp on the English language. He was able to label things in his surroundings, flying to them and saying what they are. Examples would be
•if someone knocked on a desk, he would knock on it with his beak and say “wood”
•going to the rafters and saying “metal”
He is much faster at learning speech and better at pronouncing words than what was expected.
When Dr. Clementines handler passed his office, Dr. Clementine flew over and hovered around the door repeatedly saying “Haold” and “cikly”or other variants.
The corn snake that had nearly finished shedding its skin was brought in.
Attaching SCP 963 on to such a tiny animal was over looked until now. SCP 963 being attached to a harness with the amulet on a wagon. The Dr. Clementine gain consciousness he began to freak out. This included wrapping around Dr.■■■■ wrist and biting him. Thrashing violently, he calmed down when a camera was brought out. He began flicking his tongue at it.
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[15/06/■■■■] 0924
After being placed in a glass enclosure it was evident that Dr. Clementine wasn’t able to climb anything due to the weight of SCP 963.
Dr. Clementines eyes had finally turned green after the eye caps came off, and his scales had much more of an orange tint.
Dr. Clementine had started attacking SCP 963 in annoyance and flinching away in pain.
A doe was found a couple hundred yards away from site 19. It was brought in.
SCP 963 was put back on its original chain and hung around the deers neck.
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Dr. Clementine struggled to walk, and his front legs kept repeatedly buckling over. He was followed as he explored to ensure that he wouldn’t injure himself.
Dr. Clef was permitted to bring Dr. Clementine to SCP 166s temporary contaminant cell. SCP 166 and Dr. Clementine allegedly were timid of each other at first, but did warm up after a few minutes. Once Dr. Clementine recognized who SCP 166 was he began to lick the top of her head.
SCP 166 had made a flower crown made from the yellow roses that were loose in her antlers. Dr. Clementine responded with a behaviour that wasn’t common with deer, by wagging his tail and stomping the floor repeatedly. A very human reaction to excitement.
A few staff members have brung Dr. Clementine apples, and other fruits/veggies. Though most chased him away from them still angry about the break room.
At 1644 Dr. Clementine had been found halfway out of a window. He would try to kick any presences he could feel behind him.
The second his limbs hit the floor he bolted around randomly, trying to get away from staff.
He wound up at a dead end, crashing against the wall and was unable to get back up. He kicked at nothing with his back hoof repeatedly in a pattern. It was matched with flinching and uneasy breathing.
An apple was offered to Dr. Clementine. He instantly shoved his nose against it as if it would rot at any second. He attempted to get the apple back to his safety wall, but couldn’t because of his leg.
The now wilting rose crown was slid over to him. He placed the apple inside of the flower ring. He kneeled in front of it and watched staff intently.
By this time most who gathered around had left due to lack of interest.
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■. A stray greyhound with a cut in his ear. ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■. ■■■■■■■■.
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Dr. Clementine was very friendly with staff. A bit too friendly. If not actively being held back he would run up to them and happily yap, while wagging his tail. He’d tries to sit his entire body on people’s feet.
At 1752 Dr. Clementine was found trying to bite the wall, growling viciously. His mouth unable to wrap the smooth surface.
Dr. Clementine was snatched up by the back of the collar, and yanked away from the wall. Dr. Clementine lashed out, YAP YAP YAP! He just wanted to get back to his tasty wall.
Dr. Clementine was sat in front of a window, barking at everything that moved, taking in the sun rays. Upon hearing a whistle, Dr. Clementine swerved his head around, tongue sticking out. He walked up to the source of the noise. Little feet paddling and tail wagging.
The researcher brought him to his next host.
A wild Guinea pig sat on the metal table. Given the size of the critter, it was decided to just tie it around their back.
The moment Dr. Clementine saw SCP 590s cell he began weeking. Loud peeps emanated from the small carrying cage.
Once staff entered they were greeted by SCP 590, who was excited to see the rodent. “That is Dr. Clementine.” Was said as the cage was placed onto the desk near his bed.
SCP 590 leapt over to the cage. SCP 590 tried to pick up Dr. Clementine with his bare hand. Which made Dr. Clementine jolt to the other side of the cage. When SCP 590 picked up Dr. Clementine with his prosthetic hand, Dr. Clementine allowed him. He tucked his hands and feet under his body and laid flat.
Dr. Clementine was removed when SCP 590 was still sleeping.
Throughout the day Dr.Clementine seemed to be depressed.
Dr. Clementine was found tearing at his scar. Not to the point where he was causing damage but he seemed to be trying to rip it off of his body.
Dr. Clementine would squeal angrily, only to calm whenever SCP 590 spoke, even if he didn’t understand what he was saying.
A yellow moray eel squirmed as it was hung above the tank. A tempered glass collar was slid around her neck, with SCP 963 inside of it.
The eel was dropped back into the cage. Though it took a couple of moments for Dr. Clementine to figure out how to swim. He eventually noodled around, snapping his jaw.
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Dr. Clementine somehow was in the Gulf of Mexico. He was drifting happily through a small crevasse in a ledge. He got several new scars swirling his body. In order to safely get him out pets and treats were offered.
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Ending notes:
•Dr. Clementine has no memories being in a non-human host
•being in non-human hosts changed his psyche, he sometimes acts like an animal (ex:loafing, whistling, playing in the rafters, barking, crawling on all fours, ect.)
•Dr. Clementine has no idea he acts like an animal
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cutekoala1001 · 3 years ago
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Buster koala headcanons
So in the Sing universe, sometimes the animals actually DO behave according to their species! Here are some of the things I think applies to Buster as a koala… if anyone wants to add to this list, be my guest!
🌿 🐨 (under cut)🐨🌿
🌿 Koalas love to hug and cling to things, so of course Buster is a hugger!
🌿 Koalas like to sleep high up in trees; they're not afraid of heights. So, Buster isn't uncomfortable being really high up above his stage. (whether on the moon prop or that zipline he uses from the backstage catwalk to the royal box!)
🌿 Assuming that the eucalyptus/bamboo-motif underwear on Buster's head in the scene where he hides in a suitcase is his (I assume it's his because when he tumbles out of the suitcase a little red bow tie comes out), Buster possibly likes leaf aesthetics. This adds up because real koalas like to stay in trees most of the time, and they eat only eucalyptus leaves. (We know that Buster eats other things though.)
🌿 Speaking of eucalyptus, he may prefer colognes with minty forest scents! Eucalyptus, pine, rosemary, honey, citrus... (Real koalas smell like cough drops.)
🌿 And speaking of eating, koalas are very picky eaters. Buster might be a picky eater too.
🌿 Koalas have one of the smallest brain-to-body ratios of any mammal. In other words, they're not very smart. Buster is brilliant in many ways, but sometimes you gotta wonder what was going through his head when he made certain decisions...
🌿 Buster is probably a “night person” and feels most creative in the evening. He doesn't mind being indoors all day in his theatre without much sunlight. Because koalas are mostly nocturnal.
🌿 Koalas are marsupials and raise their young in a pouch. Depending on how koalas raise their young in the Sing universe, Buster may have grown in his mother's pouch for a time. (I want to say that female koalas don't have pouches in his world but the kangaroo mom in the first movie, who took her daughter out from her pouch, comes to mind...)
🌿 Dogs are one the koala's biggest threats. So Buster might have felt extra uncomfortable around Jimmy Crystal, especially after Crystal showed his aggressive side (those sharp teeth and claws! Buster's prey mentality kicked in)
🌿 Cars are other huge threats to koalas. So it's no surprise that Buster almost always gets run over when he goes outside (his reckless bicycle riding has nothing to do with that, no not at all)
🌿 Koalas have sharp claws and can bite hard, but otherwise pretty defenseless. They are easy little targets. I wouldn't be surprised if Buster had been bullied when he was younger... because rather than fight back, we see that his first reaction is to run away from danger!
🌿 Chlamydia is not widespread among koalas in the Sing universe! Buster is relatively healthy, but he does need to watch his weight. (@ real koalas: poor little things!)
🌿 Koalas are not especially common. They are found wild only in Australia. So we can imagine how often Buster might meet another koala... then again, there lives pink American Landrace pigs, Silverback gorillas with Cockney accents, and antelope all in the same city, sooo.
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(Sing 2 had many happy koala moments!)
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johnboothus · 5 years ago
6 Types of Cured Meats and What to Drink With Them
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Whether you’re entertaining or just looking for a snack, cured meats make for an easy, elegant option. Sometimes called “charcuterie” or “salumi,” this class of foods was the ingenious human response to the problem of spoilage before modern refrigeration — if you added salt to your meat and then let it rest in the right environment, time would coax flavor out of it, rather than turning it into something dangerous.
While there are hundreds of styles, each with its own story, most cured meat products fall into one of two categories: whole muscle or salami. Whole muscle meats are just that — a leg, a cheek, a shoulder, or any other muscle group cured with salt and occasionally some herbs or spices. Salami, meanwhile, is cured meat that has been ground, usually with the addition of herbs, spices, or additional fat, then stuffed into a casing and cured.
But not all salumi is salami: The French use the term charcuterie to signify the class of cold cured, smoked, and cooked meats, and the Italians use “salumi” to mean the same. Salami is a product within the salumi category.
It’s always worth trying to find cured meat from its European birthplace, but there are also some excellent American producers, including La Quercia, Olympia Provisions, Olli Salumeria, Creminelli Fine Meats, Brooklyn Cured, and Trois Petits Cochons.
Read on for six of the most popular types of salumi, plus what to drink with each.
Technically, “prosciutto” just means “ham” in Italian. What we think of as “prosciutto” in the U.S. is “prosciutto crudo” or cured ham, as opposed to “prosciutto cotto” or cooked ham.
Prosciutto from Italy has many regional variations, including Prosciutto di Parma and Prosciutto Toscano, and comes from the thigh or leg of a pig. Many of these prosciuttos are covered by a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), meaning they must come from a certain place and have been cured a certain way in order to be called by that name. Salt and time are typically the only ingredients, plus some special help from the cold, dry environment in which the ham cures.
Drink: A dry Lambrusco or Italian table wine — red or white.
Jamón Ibérico
Jamón Ibérico, or “Iberian ham” is a Spanish or Portuguese ham, traditionally from the hind leg of the black Iberian pig or “pata negra.” The most famous (and expensive) version of Spain’s cured hams is Jamón Ibérico de Bellota, made from free-roaming, black-footed Iberian pigs who glutted themselves on acorns (bellota).
For cured Spanish ham that’s not $100-plus per pound, opt for Jamón Serrano, which is usually from the leaner Duroc or Landrace pig breeds. That said, springing for Ibérico is an incredible treat.
Drink: Dry fino sherry, which hails from Spain, is the traditional — and perfect — pairing.
Bresaola’s birthplace is Valtellina in the Italian alps. Usually made with beef, but occasionally horse or venison, Bresaola is made with top round and is leaner than many other whole muscle cured meats. Before air-drying, Bresaola is rubbed with a spice blend that usually includes black pepper, juniper, and cloves. True imported Bresaola wasn’t available in the U.S. until 2000, though there are many producers in the U.S. making their own beef-only version of it. For the authentic stuff, look for “Bresaola della Valtellina.”
Drink: The sparkling white Franciacorta or a dry, red Nebbiolo from Valtellina (sometimes called Chiavennasca).
This Spanish-style salami typically consists of ground pork, sweet and/or smoked paprika or “pimenton,” and garlic. There are hundreds of regional variations, though, which can incorporate other herbs and may be smoked. This is not, by the way, the same thing as Mexican chorizo, which is raw ground pork flavored with vinegar and chili peppers.
A couple noteworthy variations include Chorizo Riojano, which includes both sweet and smoked paprika, and Chorizo Ibérico, made from the same black pig as Jamón Ibérico, though usually much more affordable.
Drink: Rioja, Basque cider, or a pilsner.
Saucisson Sec
This traditional French salami (or saucisson) is flavored simply with garlic and black pepper. If you walk into a French charcuterie shop and ask for a salami, this is what you’ll get — a version with rich porky flavor with a bit of spicing. Each region of France has a variation on a saucisson — in Arles, it’s Saucisson d’Arles with pork and salt, in Alsace, they make Saucisson d’Alsace with clove, nutmeg, allspice, and cinnamon.
Drink: Côtes du Rhône or any red French regional wine.
Finocchiona is a typical salami from Italy’s Tuscany region and flavored with fennel (finocchio in Italian). Made here since the Middle Ages, it originates from a time when black pepper was expensive and wild fennel grew throughout the countryside. Thus, the fennel was used as a flavoring.
Drink: Chianti or another Sangiovese-based Italian red wine. These wines are often added to flavor Finocchionas.
The article 6 Types of Cured Meats, and What to Drink With Them appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/what-to-drink-with-cured-meats/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/6-types-of-cured-meats-and-what-to-drink-with-them
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isaiahrippinus · 5 years ago
6 Types of Cured Meats, and What to Drink With Them
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Whether you’re entertaining or just looking for a snack, cured meats make for an easy, elegant option. Sometimes called “charcuterie” or “salumi,” this class of foods was the ingenious human response to the problem of spoilage before modern refrigeration — if you added salt to your meat and then let it rest in the right environment, time would coax flavor out of it, rather than turning it into something dangerous.
While there are hundreds of styles, each with its own story, most cured meat products fall into one of two categories: whole muscle or salami. Whole muscle meats are just that — a leg, a cheek, a shoulder, or any other muscle group cured with salt and occasionally some herbs or spices. Salami, meanwhile, is cured meat that has been ground, usually with the addition of herbs, spices, or additional fat, then stuffed into a casing and cured.
But not all salumi is salami: The French use the term charcuterie to signify the class of cold cured, smoked, and cooked meats, and the Italians use “salumi” to mean the same. Salami is a product within the salumi category.
It’s always worth trying to find cured meat from its European birthplace, but there are also some excellent American producers, including La Quercia, Olympia Provisions, Olli Salumeria, Creminelli Fine Meats, Brooklyn Cured, and Trois Petits Cochons.
Read on for six of the most popular types of salumi, plus what to drink with each.
Technically, “prosciutto” just means “ham” in Italian. What we think of as “prosciutto” in the U.S. is “prosciutto crudo” or cured ham, as opposed to “prosciutto cotto” or cooked ham.
Prosciutto from Italy has many regional variations, including Prosciutto di Parma and Prosciutto Toscano, and comes from the thigh or leg of a pig. Many of these prosciuttos are covered by a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), meaning they must come from a certain place and have been cured a certain way in order to be called by that name. Salt and time are typically the only ingredients, plus some special help from the cold, dry environment in which the ham cures.
Drink: A dry Lambrusco or Italian table wine — red or white.
Jamón Ibérico
Jamón Ibérico, or “Iberian ham” is a Spanish or Portuguese ham, traditionally from the hind leg of the black Iberian pig or “pata negra.” The most famous (and expensive) version of Spain’s cured hams is Jamón Ibérico de Bellota, made from free-roaming, black-footed Iberian pigs who glutted themselves on acorns (bellota).
For cured Spanish ham that’s not $100-plus per pound, opt for Jamón Serrano, which is usually from the leaner Duroc or Landrace pig breeds. That said, springing for Ibérico is an incredible treat.
Drink: Dry fino sherry, which hails from Spain, is the traditional — and perfect — pairing.
Bresaola’s birthplace is Valtellina in the Italian alps. Usually made with beef, but occasionally horse or venison, Bresaola is made with top round and is leaner than many other whole muscle cured meats. Before air-drying, Bresaola is rubbed with a spice blend that usually includes black pepper, juniper, and cloves. True imported Bresaola wasn’t available in the U.S. until 2000, though there are many producers in the U.S. making their own beef-only version of it. For the authentic stuff, look for “Bresaola della Valtellina.”
Drink: The sparkling white Franciacorta or a dry, red Nebbiolo from Valtellina (sometimes called Chiavennasca).
This Spanish-style salami typically consists of ground pork, sweet and/or smoked paprika or “pimenton,” and garlic. There are hundreds of regional variations, though, which can incorporate other herbs and may be smoked. This is not, by the way, the same thing as Mexican chorizo, which is raw ground pork flavored with vinegar and chili peppers.
A couple noteworthy variations include Chorizo Riojano, which includes both sweet and smoked paprika, and Chorizo Ibérico, made from the same black pig as Jamón Ibérico, though usually much more affordable.
Drink: Rioja, Basque cider, or a pilsner.
Saucisson Sec
This traditional French salami (or saucisson) is flavored simply with garlic and black pepper. If you walk into a French charcuterie shop and ask for a salami, this is what you’ll get — a version with rich porky flavor with a bit of spicing. Each region of France has a variation on a saucisson — in Arles, it’s Saucisson d’Arles with pork and salt, in Alsace, they make Saucisson d’Alsace with clove, nutmeg, allspice, and cinnamon.
Drink: Côtes du Rhône or any red French regional wine.
Finocchiona is a typical salami from Italy’s Tuscany region and flavored with fennel (finocchio in Italian). Made here since the Middle Ages, it originates from a time when black pepper was expensive and wild fennel grew throughout the countryside. Thus, the fennel was used as a flavoring.
Drink: Chianti or another Sangiovese-based Italian red wine. These wines are often added to flavor Finocchionas.
The article 6 Types of Cured Meats, and What to Drink With Them appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/what-to-drink-with-cured-meats/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/190215235849
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years ago
10 Pig Breeds for the Homestead
Has the time come to add pig breeds to your list of homestead goals? With the proper homestead fencing and pig shelter, the quick grow out time for most pig breeds makes them an ideal protein to raise on a small farm. If you are ready to take on the project of raising pigs, learn which of the pig breeds is right for your family.
But first, get everything ready ahead of time, because pigs can move quickly! You will want to have that secure fencing ready to go before bringing the weanlings or feeder pigs home. No matter which of the pig breeds you choose, infrastructure basically remains the same. Pigs require a clean shelter, plenty of fresh water, free range pasture or grain and a place to cool off.  The cooling off place can be a kiddie pool filled with water or a shallow mud hole they dig themselves. Pigs love to wallow but they really prefer a clean environment afterward.
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Raising Pigs for Meat
Let’s face it, pigs are cute. Bringing home a piglet or two from your favorite of the pig breeds will be fun. Remembering that you are raising pigs for meat will be harder. Raising any meat animal can hit close to the heart of many of us. On our farm, we keep two things in mind. The meat animals are not pets, and feeding them for the next twenty years is not in the budget or the best interest of the animal. We provide the best life the animal can have and when the time comes, take care of the end of life process quickly and with little stress to the animal. I am sure there are many different philosophies about this. You will need to come to your own understanding and acceptance when raising meat animals.
10 Pig Breeds to Consider
American Yorkshire Pig (AKA English Large White) – A breed that originated in England. The American Yorkshire is a good meat producer. Also considered a bacon breed, Yorkshires produce a high percentage of lean meat on the carcass and low amount of backfat. The American Yorkshire was improved over the years by introducing lines of Yorkshire from Canada and Lines of English Large White from England. The breed is also known for farrowing large litters.
Berkshire Pig – Berkshire pigs are one of the oldest heritage breeds of hogs. Originally from the Berk area in England, the Berkshires are a popular choice for meat production and possess an easy going personality. They have a 600-pound average market weight is easily obtained with foraging. Berkshire pigs are hardy and considered easy keepers. Because the piglets are bold and curious, Quinn from Reformation Acres does not recommend the breed.  Her experience with raising Berkshires was a test of endurance as they did not gain as rapidly as expected and had to over winter. Each homesteader will experience different types of personalities, and growth depending on the breeding program they were obtained from, the pasture and pig food that is fed to the animals and weather conditions.
Tamworth Pig – A smaller size than some others mentioned here. Often referred to as one of the bacon producing breeds due to the lean carcass and ability to forage well. The Tamworth pig is considered as threatened on the Livestock Conservancy listings. The Tamworth pig originated in England. The color is a range of red and anything light to dark is acceptable. Spots are not desirable in the Tamworth.
Chester White Pig – Chester Whites are popular with pig farmers for a couple important reasons. They make great mothers and they live long lives. The color should be all white with only small spots of color permissible. The ears on Chester White are not erect but are not completely floppy like the Large Black either. They are known for good mothering ability and hardiness. Chester Whites are stocky built and have a highly muscled carcass. This is considered a heritage breed that was developed in Chester County Pennsylvania.
Large Black Pig – The Large Black pig breed is known for hardiness and adaptability. The Large Black is a lean pig that does well foraging. The Large Black pig has made a comeback with people interested in raising pastured pork. At one time in England, the Large Black was the most popular breed. The popularity of the breed was due to the delicious meat and bacon it produced from mostly foraging. When choosing a Large Black pig you might fall in love with the way the floppy ears fall down over the eyes.
Duroc Pig – Originating in America, the Duroc is known to be part of many of the crosses in commercial pork production hogs. Durocs are a pretty reddish brown color and fairly agreeable in temperament. Originally one of the larger breeds of market hogs but now rating in the medium size range. Most of our pigs are Duroc or Duroc Cross and we have found them to be mostly pleasant as Sows, with good mothering tendencies. The piglets wean easily and forage at an early age. The meat is tender, with a great flavor from the vegetable, hay and foraging diet. Many of our pigs have Yorkshire cross in them, adding to the good disposition and foraging ability.
Hampshire Pig –  The Hampshire pig breed is one of the earliest recorded breeds in America, bred in Kentucky. Originally imported from Scotland and England as the Old English Breed.  The name was changed to Hampshire along the way. They are black with a white strip of belting around the shoulders and body which can reach down the front legs. A smaller leaner pig, the Hampshire has a large loin and lower back fat amount than other breeds.
Hereford Pig – Hereford pigs are another heritage breed of hog. Often the choice of 4H participants because they are a gentle, lean, good looking pig. They are also easy to find in the USA, making it an obvious choice for the homesteader. Katie Milhorn from Livin, Lovin, Farmin says this when asked to describe their Hereford pigs, “We raise heritage Herefords. Their meat is incredibly delicious! They run, play and act like pigs instead of sitting at the food trough all day. They’re ready to butcher right about at 6 months of age, with a hanging weight of about 180-200lb. You may get lower weights with heritage hogs but the meat is far superior to that of commercial swine.” Herefords as a breed are derived from Duroc, Chester White and Poland China breeds in the 1920’s. By 1934, 100 pigs were entered into the breed registry. the National Hereford Hog Registry. Mature weight for Boars is 800 pounds and Sows at 600 pounds.
Landrace Pig – The Landrace breed of pig originates from Denmark. They are very long in the body. Landrace pigs are all white and only small black skin marks are permissible to register the pig. The ears are sort of lopped and the head is surrounded by some meaty jowls. In addition to their large size and carcass weight, the breed is known for having large litters. Many breeders use Landrace sows to improve their pigs because of the great mothering ability, heavy milk production, and large piglet size. The Denmark background is rather interesting. Denmark was at one time the chief exporter of bacon. The Danish would not sell any Landrace pigs to breeders because they didn’t want to lose their status in the bacon industry. In the 1930’s they released some breeding stock to America for study purposes only with the understanding that these herds not be used to build up the bacon industry here. The imported pigs were to be used to build up new breeds only. After the study, the American government asked that the regulation on breeding pure Landrace be lifted. The request was granted. Breeding stock was imported from Sweden and Norway and the American Landrace breed was developed. Bacon for everyone!
Spotted Pig – The Spotted breed in America is derived from the Gloucestershire Old Spot Pig from England. They were first brought over in the 1900s . It wasn’t until a recent resurgence that the American Spotted pig became more popular. The royal family of England prefers this breed for its pork. The color must be white with at least one black spot to be registered. Spotted pigs mature weight is between 500 and 600 pounds. Easily adapted to pasture raising, the Spotted pig makes a good homestead choice. The litter size is normally large and the sows prove to be good mothers.
Which Pig Breed is Right for You?
Many pig breeds are hardy and economical livestock additions to your small farm or homestead. I enjoy the pig breeds we raise here on our farm. From the tiny piglets following the sow, to the curious and slightly mischievous weanlings who constantly point out the weakness in our fencing, I enjoy the time raising them. By the time we are ready to sell or harvest, a new batch of piglets is usually ready to arrive. This is the cycle of life on the farm.
What pig breeds are appealing to you?
10 Pig Breeds for the Homestead was originally posted by All About Chickens
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thefinalriot-blog · 8 years ago
Relationship between sensory attributes and volatile compounds of polish dry-cured loin.
Characteristic, unpleasant aroma of 3-methyl-butanoic acid described as cheese, feet and dirty socks may contribute in order to lower all round top quality regarding loins through II group. Meat Sci 2011;88:786-90. REFERENCES The trained 10-person assessing panel [16] had been experienced (4 for you to 12 years of sensory evaluation practice), using great command regarding sensory methodology and also familiarity using the sensory high quality of meat and also meat products. These discriminants (except pertaining to sweet taste) had been seen as a high variability comparable towards the intensity involving odour along with flavour involving seasoning, spicy along with herbal. General guidance pertaining to establihing any sensory profile. . Ockerman HW, Basu L, Crespo FL, Cespedes Sanchez FJ. [22.] Martin D, Antequera T, Muriel E, Perez-Palacios T, Ruiz J. Volatile compounds of fresh along with dry-cured loin as affected by simply dietary conjugated linoleic acid along with monounsaturated fatty acids. Meat Sci 2004;68:391-400. [12.] Ventanas S, Ventanas J, Estevez M, Ruiz J. Institution associated with the contribution associated with volatile compounds towards the aroma of fermented sausages at different phases associated with processing and also storage. Individuals loins have certainly undergone an intense smoking process. Impact involving feeding and rearing systems associated with Iberian pigs upon volatile profile as well as sensory characteristics of dry-cured loin. the I group had the particular highest intensity involving sour as well as seasoning, spicy along with herbal odour and also flavour or "other" flavour, nevertheless the lowest intensity involving dried meat odour and flavour or perhaps smoked meat flavour (Figure 2). Meat Sci 2010;85:453-60. Sensory evaluation The examples were ready through placing dimension comparable, 5 mm thick slices (amount 25 for you to 30 g) throughout covered, odourless, single-use plastic boxes using lids (volume 150 mL). National Pork Board, American Meat Science Association Fact Sheet; 2010 [cited 2016 Jul 4]. Toluene had been the component together with the highest location percentage within II and also III group, while inside I team components with the actual highest location percentage were toluene along with 2-furanmethanol (Table 3). mass spectra databases. The results for the sensory evaluation had been elaborated simply by principal component analysis (PCA). Meat Sci 2003;65:571-80. Analysis involving volatile compounds [26.] Garcia-Gonzalez DL, Tena N, Aparicio-Ruiz R, Aparicio R. Sensor responses in order to body fat food aroma: A New comprehensive study regarding dry-cured ham typicality. We assumed that high content regarding toluene in this group may get derived through lipid oxidation, your catabolism of phenylalanine or even the environmental contamination, as loins through this group hadn't undergone a smoking process [14]. [14.] Theron L, Tournayre P, Kondjoyan N, et al. Because reported in case of exactly your same as well as similar kind regarding meat product, the volatile compounds composition might be credited in order to seasoning, smoking or even the reactions between lipids, protein along with carbohydrates caused by microbial or endogenous enzymes [11,23]. These kind of teams of volatile compounds mostly agree with the ones reported by simply different authors for dry-cured loin [12,22] and dry-cured ham [4,7,14]. Volatile compounds were extracted simply by SPME (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA) and subsequently analysed simply by gas chromatography coupled together with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA). the dominant compound was eucalyptol, nonetheless it had been found simply throughout trials coming from I group (Table 3). the dominant compound (3-methyl-butanoic acid) could be generated through leucine by the functions regarding Staphylococcus xylosus, Staphylococcus carnosus, or fungal protease EPg222 [29]. Spectra were subsequently analyzed with Enhanced ChemStation data Analysis program making use of NIST 08 (US National Institute of Standards and Technology) and Wiley 8th Ed. Based about the results of this analysis 3 groups of biological materials different within sensory high quality along with volatile compounds composition have been identified. Nonanal provides odours described as rancid, fatty, soap, and plastic. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci 2015;28:677-85. [15.] ISO 13299.2:2003. Characteristics of sensory high quality regarding dry-cured loins based on quantitative descriptive analysis approach (n = 21) Intensity associated with studied mean value standard Coefficient attributes [0 to always be able to ten c.u.] deviation involving variation Cured meat odour 5.74 1.62 28.15 Smoked meat odour 6.25 1.30 20.83 Dried meat odour 5.28 1.39 26.36 Seasoning, spicy as well as herbal 3.36 1.90 56.58 odour Fatty odour 2.32 0.42 18.20 Sour odour 1.92 0.75 38.89 "Other" odour 1.68 0.79 46.83 Cured meat flavour 5.85 1.56 26.61 Smoked meat flavour 6.18 1.20 19.47 Dried meat flavour 5.16 1.40 27.12 Seasoning, spicy along with 3.14 1.72 54.60 herbal flavour Salty taste 6.04 1.42 23.46 Sweet taste 1.55 0.39 25.41 Sour flavour 2.15 1.04 48.39 "Other" flavour 1.76 1.08 61.41 Overall quality 6.43 0.69 10.82 c.u.--conventional unites. Table 2. Sensory analysis. 1. Hexanal was probably derived through oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic along with archidonic acid [4,7]. The Actual fiber was preconditioned at 250[degrees]C for 60 min in the GC injector port, based on supplier's instructions. [23.] Yu AN, Sun BG, Tian DT, Qu WY. Odour as well as flavour associated with drycured loins within the I group ended up being mainly determined by volatile compounds originating from seasoning as well as smoking, in II group the actual majority were compounds derived coming from lipid oxidation, while within III group dominated smoked-derived compounds. Such items are dry-cured meat products, which are manufactured inside many countries, nevertheless the main production is situated in the Mediterranean area. [19.] Seong PN, Park KM, Kang GH, et al. Meat Sci 2008;79:666-76. (1) Department of Meals Gastronomy as well as Meals Hygiene, Faculty of Human Nutrition along with Consumer Sciences, Warsaw School of Life Sciences, Warsaw 02-776, Poland Sensory analysis Considering the course of volatile compounds derived through lipid oxidation probably the actual most abundant were hydrocarbons--heptane and hexane--although because involving the relatively higher odour threshold values they possibly didn't use a significant impact around the final aroma of the studied loins [24]. The Particular load aspects associated with main a pair of principal components of measured sensory attributes PC1 PC2 Intensity regarding cured meat odour 0.52 0.8 Intensity associated with smoked meat odour -0.20 0.83 Intensity involving dried meat odour -0.81 0.11 Intensity of seasoning, spicy along with herbal odour 0.91 -0.04 Intensity involving fatty odour -0.03 0.23 Intensity of sour odour 0.81 -0.01 Intensity associated with "other" odour -0.07 -0.89 Intensity of cured meat flavou 0.47 0.77 Intensity of smoked meat flavour -0.63 0.66 Intensity associated with dried meat flavour -0.84 0.07 Intensity associated with seasoning, spicy as well as herbal flavour 0.90 -0.15 Intensity involving salty taste -0.66 -0.00 Intensity involving sweet taste 0.19 -0.01 Intensity regarding sour flavour 0.75 -0.10 Intensity regarding "other" flavour 0.64 -0.52 Overall quality 0.05 0.60 % of variance 36.91 20.16 PC1, principal component 1; PC2, principal component 2. Table 3. Most 15 dry-cured loins obtained from the meat associated with Zlotnicka White pigs underwent flu smoking process (16[degrees]C to become able to 22[degrees]C) twice within 14 times (2 days of smoking and 5 times of aging), whilst loins created from your meat in the crossbreed of Polish Significant White and also Polish Landrace pigs didn't endure this process. Curing: Processes along with applications. Because a new base of retention index data NIST 08 Mass spectra database ended up being used. Foodstuff prepared with standard methods, making use of old recipes, cultivated by simply neighborhood communities is considered to be tasty, healthy along with natural. Straight-chain aliphatic aldehydes are generally typical products regarding lipid oxidation together with really low odour thresholds. Louis, MO, USA) were analyzed. Among the subsequent evaluations, the particular assessors received hot tea without sugar in order to neutralize the taste. [1.] Guerrero L, Claret A, Verbeke W et al. Headspace volatile compounds via salted and from time and energy to time smoked dried meats (cecinas) as affected by animal species. Meat Sci 2005;69: 297-305. [30.] Montel MC, Masson F, Talon R. Production and also sale involving traditional meals products provide any decisive economic input to a lot of aspects of your European Union [1]. The Particular marks of anchors with the tested attributes were as follows with regard to nearly just about all of them: absolutely no intensity--high intensity and overall quality (very low to always be able to extremely high). Samples [29.] Sun W, Zhao Q, Zhao H, Zhao M, Yang B. the aroma regarding hexanal offers been described as green, grassy, fatty, rancid, strong, unpleasant, hot and nauseating. Descriptors were chosen and defined during the panel dialogue after which verified throughout the preliminary session. Temperatures regarding ion supply and also mass analyzer were 230[degrees]C and 150[degrees]C, respectively. Eucalyptol could originate coming from bay leaves, rosemary or basil [27]. Lipid oxidation had been also an essential pathway regarding volatile generation in the team involving dry-cured loins. The volatiles originating via smoking were alcohols, aldehydes, aromatic hydrocarbons, cyclopentanones, cyclopentenones, phenols and pyridines, almost all associated with which are characteristic compounds of wood smoke [24]. Phenolic compounds together with heavy, pungent, burnt, cresolic, smoky notes and the reduced sensory threshold values had been essential contributors to the flavour with the studied dry-cured loins. Just About All dry-cured loins were purchased whole. food Qual Like 2010;21:225-33. A higher concentration involving fermentation compounds in drycured loins from II group signifies a higher metabolic activity of the microbiota in these samples, that is reflected inside the quantity regarding volatile compounds derived coming from microorganisms esterification. High concentrations regarding 4-carene along with camphor probably resulted from your use of rosemary, whereas thymol, that was discovered just throughout dry-cured loins through I group, has been nearly all likely derived from marjoram or even thyme [27]. Characteristic odours provided by terpens are extremely well established. Sensory analysis. the aroma of limonene continues to be described as fresh, citric along with wood, while a-pinene gives sharp, pine along with peppery notes [10,26,28]. The Particular impact involving ripening time about technological high quality traits, chemical alter as well as sensory characteristics of dry-cured loin. These kinds of outcomes are already developed utilizing one-way analysis regarding variance. Obtained results suggest which smoking process is truly a crucial stage throughout Polish traditional dry-cured loins production. [24.] Hierro E, De la Hoz L, Ordonez JA. These results are in accordance with the ones reported by Fortin et al [21] in which juiciness, tenderness, flavour as well as absence of off-flavours were the most significant attributes comprising the sensory expertise during meat consumption. Another, fairly numerous team involving volatile compounds identified in the studied dry-cured loins, ended up being terpens, phenols in add-on in order to their derivatives originating from spices. Volatile compounds of Cantonese sausage launched in distinct stages of processing and storage. Meals Chem 2008;110:233-8. Smoked-derived compounds dominated within the headspace involving dry-cured loins from III group (65.4% associated with total location percentage). Qualitative along with quantitative data. Contents regarding volatile compounds quantified Within dr[gamma]-cured loins (percentage with the total area) No. Volatiles quantities had been expressed as percentage regarding total identified signal. [3.] Olkiewicz M, Moch P, Makala H. A 5%-diphenyl-95%-polydimethylsiloxane capillary column (DB-5MS, 30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 [micro]m) was utilized along with helium like a carrier fuel with a flow rate associated with 0.9 mL/min. Obtained items can additionally undergo a cold smoking procedure [2]. I, II, III, categories of biological materials varying in sensory quality. Table 1. Within this work, due to long drying time and higher manufacturing temperatures, microbial activity ended up being considered as becoming a minor aspect in the formation of volatile compounds. [17.] Meilgaard M, Civille GV, Carr BT. Meat Sci 1998;49:111-23. The research ended up being performed together with 15 dry-cured loins made from meat of Zlotnicka White pigs bought in three different companies (5 dry-cured loins coming from each and also every manufacturer) and six dry-cured loins made from meat involving crossbreed regarding Polish Significant White and Polish Landrace pigs purchased from one manufacturer. the PC1 dimension, in which explained 36.91% of the variance, had been strongly as well as positively related with seasoning, spicy and herbal odour and also flavour, sour odour as well as flavour, cured meat odour along with "other" flavour, and also negatively along with dried meat odour and also flavour, salty taste along with smoked meat flavour. Odour as well as flavour involving dry-cured loins inside the I group had been mainly established by volatile compounds originating via seasoning as well as smoking (49.3% and 38.1%, respectively), whereas simply by compounds derived from lipid oxidation (7.6%) and carbohydrate fermentation (1.9%) they were decided to a small extent. Overall top quality features not differed significantly between separated groups, however it provides higher scores within III group and lower inside II group. This may declare that panelists estimated higher dry-cured loins with distinct smoked and cured meat odour along with flavour. Any higher intensity of the particular odour as well as flavour regarding smoked meat and salty taste ended up being stated (Table 1). Although an busty amateur milf abnormally substantial concentration associated with this volatile compound is surely an indicator regarding reduced top quality meat products, it can also end up being formed simply by microorganisms [13]. [6.] Szulc K, Skrzypczak E. The predominant volatile compound throughout studied loins was methylbenzene, followed simply by heptane, hexane, hexanal, eucalyptol and 3-hydroxy-2-butanone (Table 3). In conclusion, based on the results involving this study, it could be stated that dominant compounds inside dry-cured loins were: aromatic hydrocarbon (toluene); alkanes (hexane, heptane, and 2,2,4-trimethylpentane); aldehyde (hexanal); alcohol (2-furanmethanol); ketone (3-hydroxy-2-butanone); phenol (guaiacol); and terpenes (eucalyptol, cymene, y-terpinen, as well as limonene). The Actual biological materials had been stored for up to no much less than one month. The particular sensory profile involving formerly selected groups was reflected inside their volatile profile. The assessment had been performed throughout unique odourless laboratory using daylight and restricted noise. Your analytical panel produced each evaluation in duplicate (two sessions) for that reason each as well as every suggest result was depending on twenty individual measurements. An Additional purpose has been to determine the relationship in between objective sensory descriptors and volatile flavour compound composition of studied dry-cured loins. [16.] ISO 8586.2:1996. the variability observed among the actual groups within the content of terpenes indicated that different amount of spices have been extra throughout the production of the particular different dry-cured loins. [5.] Flores J, Toldra F. Except volatile compounds derived from lipolysis as well as proteolysis aroma could be formed through spices added in the production process [4,9,10]. Comparable findings are already reported by Marusic et al [4]. Statistical analysis Approximately 5 g involving homogenized test (Bosch MSM 67160, Gerlinger, Germany) has been placed inside a 20 mL vial, closed with silicone-teflon sealing cap and also heated in order to 37[degrees]C pertaining to 1 h inside order to stabilize concentrations involving volatile compounds in a vial. Among examined traits simple Pearson correlation coefficients had been calculated. the PC2 dimension, that explained one more 20.16% in the variance, was positively correlated along with smoked meat odour along with flavour, cured meat odour along with flavour as well as overall quality, and also negatively with "other" odour as well as flavour (Table 2). Sensory quality associated with well-known Spanish, Italian and also French dry-cured meat items varies depending about the pig breed, rearing system, carcass weight, type associated with cut as well as specific processing conditions [3,4]. Moreover, these compounds had antimicrobial along with antioxidant activity, which in turn significantly increases sustainability involving smoked products [23]. You will find three native breeds associated with pigs in Poland--Zlotnicka White, Zlotnicka Spotted, along with Pulawska, of which Zlotnicka White may end up being the most favored [6]. [27.] Maarse H, Visscher CA, Willemsens LC, Boelens MH. Analysis of volatile molecules within Iberian dry-cured loins as affected through genetic, feeding techniques along with ingredients. Distinctions within sensory quality involving studied dry-cured loins could become the finish result involving diversified raw material along with slightly different production technology. Afterwards, loins were washed along with cold water in order to remove the excessive salt. General guidance for the selection, coaching along with monitoring associated with assessors part II--Experts. [8.] Pham AJ, Schilling MW, Mikel WB, et al. The Particular situation mode has been decided in respect with Meilgaard et al [17]. [21.] Fortin A, Robertson WM, Tong AKW The Particular eating quality of Canadian pork as well as its relationship with intramuscular fat. Influence involving dietary fat, in fatty acid composition as well as sensory properties regarding dry-cured Parma ham. The Particular predominant volatile compound originating from smoking has been methylbenzene (Table 3). Look along with texture attributes of dry-cured meat items mainly depend around the genetic options that come with the actual pig breed, while flavour and also odour attributes tend to be markedly affected by processing techniques and also aging moment [12,18,19]. CONFLICT OF INTEREST https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.16.0252 MATERIAL AND METHODS Tel: +48-660-730-763, Fax: +48-22-59-37-066, E-mail: [email protected] Chromatographic separation was performed making use of GC Agilent 6890 (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA), coupled along with quadruple MS Agilent 5795 (Agilent Technologies, USA). Numerous studies have been conducted to identify as well as quantify the actual volatile compounds in a new variety of kinds of dry-cured loins and also hams, including Iberian [11,12], Parma [13], Bayonne [14], Istrian [4], and also American [8]. To extract volatile compounds from the headspace polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene absorption fiber (PDMS/DVB, 65 pm thickness) had been used. The Particular content material regarding compounds originating via carbohydrate fermentation was your highest when compared to some other teams and accounted for 14.2% with the total volatile content. Compounds coming from mysterious sources, specially 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, were one of the most abundant among loins on this group, which may correspond to their own high intensity associated with "other" odour. Within dry-cured meat products, throughout the ripening process, complex chemical along with biochemical changes in the principal components associated with raw meat (proteins and lipids) lead to the generation of flavour precursors such as peptides, free regarding charge amino acids as well as totally free fatty acids, which in turn are transformed to always be able to volatiles. * Values are significantly various (phttps://www.thefreelibrary.com/Relationshipbetweensensoryattributesandvolatilecompoundsof...-a0497178389 Dry-cured loins of II group confirmed the actual highest concentrations involving volatile compounds from fermentation associated with carbohydrates with 3-hydroxy-2-butanone getting probably the most abundant (Table 3). Identification ended up being made about the schedule regarding mass spectra comparison associated with 90% minimum accuracy after which confirmed by simply linear retention indices (LRI) and in addition by utilizing pure compound's standards for selected volatiles. Meals Chem 2010;121:319-25. The outcomes for your sensory evaluation had been elaborated by PCA. Based around the outcomes regarding this analysis 3 groups of examples different in sensory quality have been identified. Volatile compounds inside food. Relationships between sensory descriptors, consumer acceptability as well as volatile flavor compounds regarding American dry-cured ham. Seasoning, spicy and also herbal odour and also flavour as well as sour odour as well as flavour were positively correlated with the presence involving terpenes, which in turn originate coming from spices extra inside salting phase. Accessible from: http://artides.extension.org/pages/27342/ comparison-of-european-american-systems-of-production-andconsumption-of-dry-cured-hams#top [13.] Pastorelli G, Magni S, Rossi R et al. Sensory profile (quantitative descriptive analysis [QDA] method) regarding three groups of dry-cured loins obtained according to principal component analysis (PCA). In Addition throughout Poland a new growing interest in conventional food offers been observed throughout recent years. Any tentative characterization regarding white dry-cured hams coming from Teruel (Spain) by SPME-GC. Food Chem 2006;97:621-30. [25.] Olivares A, Navarro JL, Flores M. Meat Sci 2008;80:728-37. [2.] Comparison associated with European & American systems regarding Production and Consumption regarding Dry-Cured Hams [Internet]. the 2-furanmethanol, giving burnt meat as well as vitamin-like odours, has numerous suggested formation pathways such as thermal degradation during smoking, the actual Maillard reaction or even the deamination and also dehydration of Amadori goods throughout heating [8]. [4.] Marusic N, Petrovic M, Vidacek S, Petrak T, Medic H. Characterization involving classic Istrian dry-cured ham simply by means of physical along with chemical analyses and volatile compounds. Perception of traditional food products inside 6 European regions making use of free word association. Boca Raton, NY: CRC Press; 1999. Traditional meals is definitely an crucial element with the European cultural heritage. The Actual II group was characterized from the lowest intensity involving cured meat odour and flavour, but the highest intensity of "other" odour as well as salty taste (which has been comparable such as III group). Dry-cured loins had been processed through local manufacturers using the actual caudal 50 % of the particular Longissimus dorsi muscle mass of all animals. Meals Chem 2006;94:271-7. Relationship among sensory attributes and volatile compounds Ewa Gorska (1),*, Katarzyna Nowicka (1), Danuta Jaworska (1), Wiestaw Przybylski (1), as well as Krzysztof Tambor (1) Once the actual ripening method was finished, dry-cured loins were vacuum packaged for you to avoid an excessive dehydration associated with the product until evaluation. Sensory evaluation techniques. Within regular dry-cured products, where the microbial population is actually relatively low, this compound is actually formed through a chemical process. Your III team was just distinguished by the highest intensity associated with smoked meat odour (Figure 2). Correlation analysis indicated that several compounds derived from smoking (especially, pyridine, furfural, 2-methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one, 2,3-dimethyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one, along with guaiacol) had been positively correlated using the intensity associated with cured meat odour and also flavour and negatively with most the intensity associated with dried meat odour and flavour, while 2,2,4-trimethylpentane stood a positive effect around the intensity associated with dried meat odour and flavour. Inside order in order to calibrate LRI, C8-C20 alkanes mixture (Fluka, Buchs, Switzerland) and pure standards involving hexane and also heptane (Sigma-Aldrich, St. These kind of attributes can become determined by sensory descriptive analysis as well as the composition of volatile compounds [7,8]. Characteristics regarding hams ripening within uncooked state produced from raw material coming from selected primitive Polish races. LWT-Food Sci Technol 1998;31:559-67. Mass spectra had been obtained in Electron Ionization (EI) mode (Agilent Technologies, USA) in 70 eV by scanning range of 20 in order to 350 m/z (a.m.u). However, Theron et al [14] reported this aromatic hydrocarbon might end up being created by the oxidation of lipids, the particular catabolism associated with phenylalanine as well as may be just an environmental contaminant. That compound imparts butter, soft as well as cheese odour and also credited for you to low sensory threshold will be of excellent importance for the final aroma [24,28]. Existence of 3-hydroxy-2-butanone was reported in some other dry-cured loins [11,12,22], dry-cured hams [13], fermented sausages [28] and cecinas [24]. Aroma and flavour are usually important attributes which impact your overall acceptance regarding dry-cured loins and are markedly affected by raw material, production method as well as aging time. Analysis associated with the volatile profile and identification regarding odour-active compounds in Bayonne ham. Loins were seasoned with almost all the mixture of salt, nitrates and spices (400 g per kg) and held from 4[degrees]C and relative humidity of 75% in order to 80% for 2 to 4 weeks. That They are responsible pertaining to providing body fat odour into a product. The Actual significance of distinctions in between indicates was calculated around the time frame involving minimal significant variances test. 3rd ed. The impact with the sensory session was insignificant for most evaluated attributes, which in turn positively verifies the ability in the panel and assessments conditions. Encyclopedia of food science, meals technology and nutrition. Smoked meats and sausages tend to be many frequently purchased by Polish consumers, nevertheless the expanding variety of producers often supply more durable items together with distinctive as well as high quality, classified as luxury products [2]. family volatile I II III compounds 1 0.69 0.02 0.36 Pyridines Smoke 2 7.53 30.25 36.58 Aromatic hydrocarbones 3 1.36 ND 1.00 Aldehydes 4 ND ND 0.07 Cyclopentanones 5 ND 0.07 ND Aromatic hydrocarbons 6 7.41 ND 0.87 Alcohols 7 1.20 0.02 0.95 Cyclopentenones 8 1.54 ND 1.58 Cyclopentenones 9 1.11 0.01 0.98 Cyclopentenones 10 0.91 ND 1.72 Phenols 11 4.91 ND 3.28 Phenols 12 2.02 ND 1.50 Phenols 13 0.67 ND 0.59 Phenols 14 2.10 7.71 5.81 Alkanes Lipid oxidation 15 2.79 10.94 7.33 Alkanes 16 0.17 8.84 1.32 Aldehydes 17 0.03 0.35 0.09 Ketones 18 0.12 0.21 0.31 Aldehydes 19 0.53 0.46 0.93 Aldehydes 20 0.11 0.27 0.15 Aliphatic hydrocarbons 21 0.04 0.04 0.05 Aldheydes 22 1.06 0.50 0.69 Alcohols Carbohydrate fermentation 23 0.16 9.13 0.22 Ketones 24 0.22 1.80 0.15 Glycol 25 0.05 0.11 0.13 Esters Microorganisms esterification 26 ND 0.24 ND Acids 27 0.55 0.01 0.05 Terpenes Spices 28 1.29 0.07 0.31 Terpenes 29 0.41 ND 0.04 Terpenes 30 0.96 0.13 0.44 Terpenes 31 0.20 0.87 0.78 Terpenes 32 0.86 ND 0.03 Terpenes 33 6.64 0.14 0.23 Terpenes 34 1.30 0.71 1.05 Terpenes 35 14.90 ND ND Terpenes 36 3.13 ND ND Terpenes 37 0.36 ND 0.01 Terpenes 38 0.67 ND ND Terpenes 39 1.63 ND 0.17 Terpenes 40 1.88 0.01 ND Terpenoids 41 0.65 ND 0.08 Terpenes 42 0.89 0.02 0.17 Cycloalkanes 43 0.88 ND ND Phenols (derivative) 44 0.17 ND 0.06 Phenols 45 0.31 ND 0.07 Terpenes 46 0.24 0.21 0.45 Sesquiterpenes 47 0.85 7.50 3.64 Alkanes Others 48 0.04 0.01 0.24 Ketones 49 0.79 0.01 0.73 Lactones 50 0.60 ND 0.48 Lactones RT, retention time; ID, approach regarding identification; MS, identification based on MS databases; LRI, identification depending on linear retention index; ST, identification depending on comparison involving spectra and retention moment using commercial standards; ND, not necessarily detected. The distribution of analyzed trials within the location developed by two principal components (based around the sensory attributes) is actually shown in Figure 1. Your analysed goods were characterized simply by particular and also distinctive sensory profile and also around the basis of Principal component Analysis had been grouped in to three different quality clusters. Additional saturated aliphatic aldehydes give characteristic odours. According to Montel et al [30], the relative input of microbial flora on volatile compounds depends about the range along with identity involving microorganisms and also their metabolic activities. p. Within the actual studied loins nearly just about all of your detected volatile compounds derived coming from smoking, lipid oxidative reactions and seasoning (46.8%, 21.7%, and also 18.9%, respectively). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We certify that there is simply no conflict of curiosity with any kind of financial organization regarding the information discussed inside the manuscript. A total associated with 50 volatile compounds had been detected as well as identified in the headspace regarding dry-cured loins using SPME coupled in order to GC/ MS (Table 3). Identified compounds were assigned to 17 chemical families: acids, alkanes, alcohols, aldehydes, aliphatic, along with aromatic hydrocarbons, cycloalkanes, cyclopentanones, cyclopentenones, esters, glycol, ketones, lactones, pyridines, phenols, terpenes, along with terpenoids. Higher concentration of this compound was also detected inside dry-cured ham, fermented sausages and cecinas, which usually were salted and also at times smoked as well as dried meats [4,24,25]. in Poland, traditional manufacturing technologies regarding dry-cured meat items can be based on the dry salting using salt, spices and sometimes starter cultures, and two-step maturation (under a continuing temperature and also reduced humidity conditions) for six for you to eight months. In the course Of this time period humidity and also temperature are controlled to lessen the actual likelihood of bacterial spoilage [5]. These kinds of metabolic actions rely on, inter alia, meat composition, additional ingredients as well as technological variables, such as temperature, pH, gaseous environment or perhaps extent associated with drying. Eventually, all loins had been hung up along with ripened beneath a constant temperature (about 10[degrees]C to always be able to 15[degrees]C) and relatively low humidity condition (65% to end up being able to 75%) for 2 for you to three months. [28.] Schmidt S, Berger RG. for sensory assessment, the particular quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) technique [15] was used plus an unstructured, linear graphical scale (100 mm) was converted to become able to numerical values (0 to 10 conventional units). Sensory quality ended up being characterized around the foundation regarding 16 sensory attributes, grouped within odour, flavour as well as all round quality. Afterwards, SPME fiber had been unveiled in taste headspace for any time period associated with 45 min. Subsequently, the actual fiber had been quickly transferred in the vial for the GC injector employed in "splitless" mode and hang up to always be able to 250[degrees]C, in order in order to desorb extracted volatiles to end up being able to GC system. Volatile profile associated with dry cured loin The aim regarding this function was to bring out a trusted identification of the volatile compounds composition in a standard dry-cured loin made in Poland using strong phase microextraction (SPME) as well as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Although a amount of terpens happen for you to be seen in meat as a consequence of their own existence throughout animal feedstuff's [4]. Octanal offers meat-like, fresh, green, citrus, herbal, and floral odours. the obtained results are usually offered as suggest value with normal deviation. The obtained results indicated that will all involving the dry-cured loins studied were characterized by relatively high overall quality. Eur food Res Technol 2010;231:225-35. The analysis regarding volatile compounds had been performed based on the methodology offered by simply Muriel et al [9] along with modifications. 1277-82. In creating the ultimate aroma involving loins throughout II group the majority was compounds derived from lipid oxidation (35.7%). the slices were obtained using a commercial slicing machine (Zelmer 294.5 NP, Rzeszow, Poland). Volatile compounds throughout Iberian dry-cured loin. Inside opposite a minimal intensity with the sweet taste, sour odour and flavour, "other" odour along with flavour was noted. However, the output of dry-cured loins as well as hams in these countries is actually similar and generally consists associated with four stages--dry salting together with salt along with other ingredients, washing, postsalting pertaining to salt equalization and then drying for 3 to always be able to six months, nevertheless many of these tend to be cured pertaining to 9 to be able to 12 months or even 24 months. similar findings have been observed amongst customers associated with American dry-cured ham [8]. Vol. Nevertheless, little details is available with regard to dry-cured loins produced in Poland. Caption: Figure 2. Methodology. quality characteristics of dry-cured ham made from a couple of various three-way crossbred pigs. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci 2016;29:257-62. [9.] Muriel E, Antequera T, Petron MJ, Andres AI, Ruiz J. Meat Sci 2005;69:635-45. [10.] Luna G, Aparicio R, Garcia-Gonzalez DL. Examples were grouped directly into 3 clusters making use involving their own, unique sensory profile. Bacterial role inside flavour development. RT Compound name ID 1 4.668 Pyridine MS+LRI 2 5.38 Methylbenzene (Toluene) MS+LRI 3 8.449 Furfural MS+LRI+ST 4 8.89 2-methyl-cyclopentanone MS+LRI 5 10.353 Ethylbenzene MS+LRI 6 10.703 2-Furanmethanol MS+LRI+ST 7 13.527 2-methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one MS+LRI 8 17.022 3-methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one MS+LRI 9 20.807 2,3-dimethyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one MS+LRI 10 22.79 3-methylphenol MS+LRI 11 23.201 guaiacol MS+LRI 12 27.363 2-methox[gamma]-4-methyl-phenol MS+LRI 13 30.496 4-ethylguaiacol MS+LRI 14 2.266 Hexane MS+LRI+ST 15 3.491 Heptane MS+LRI+ST 16 6.639 Hexanal MS+LRI+ST 17 12.773 2-Heptanone MS+LRI 18 19.224 Octanal MS+LRI+ST 19 23.872 Nonanal MS+LRI+ST 20 27.661 Dodecane MS+LRI 21 27.876 Decanal MS+LRI 22 1.686 Ethanol MS+ST 23 3.83 3-hydrox[gamma]-2-butanone MS+LRI 24 6.059 2,3-Butanediol MS+LRI 25 4.038 Butanoic acid, methyl ester MS+LRI 26 11.981 3-methyl-butanoic acid MS+LRI 27 14.865 Thujene MS+LRI 28 15.16 [alpha]-pinene MS+LRI 29 15.955 Camphene MS+LRI 30 17.497 Sabinen MS+LRI 31 19.374 4-Carene MS+LRI 32 19.74 [alpha]-Terpinen MS+LRI 33 20.189 Cymene MS+LRI 34 20.351 Limonene MS+LRI+ST 35 20.498 Eucalyptol MS+LRI 36 21.814 [gamma]-Terpinen MS+LRI 37 22.149 trans-4-Thujanol MS+LRI 38 23.521 cis-4-Thujanol MS+LRI 39 23.71 Linalool MS+LRI 40 25.372 Camphor MS+LRI 41 26.255 Borneol MS+LRI 42 26.726 4-Terpineol MS+LRI 43 31.005 Tymol MS+LRI 44 31.702 4-Vinylguaiacol MS+LRI 45 33.191 Eugenol MS+LRI 46 35.242 Caryophyllene MS+LRI 47 3.269 2,2,4-trimethylpentane MS+LRI 48 13.968 1-(2-furanyl)-Ethanone MS+LRI 49 14.138 Butyrolactone MS+LRI+ST 50 17.9 3-methyl-2(5H)-Furanone MS+LRI group Supply of No. London: Academic Press; 1993. Based on Yim et al [20], salty taste is not only established through the addition associated with salt, nevertheless may be influenced by simply some other compounds just like nucleotides as well as amino acids or perhaps a low content regarding intramuscular fat. 2011) and Microsoft Excel 2007 program. Usually the particular uncooked material for this production originates from native breeds. for sensory evaluation the guts part of loins (amount regarding 500 in order to 600 g) had been used. Remaining pieces of dry-cured loins were cut inside pieces of twenty in order to 30 g for further analysis, packed throughout closed Ziploc bags and frozen at -80[degrees]C. Analysis associated with volatile compounds in classic smoke-cured bacon (CSCB) with assorted fiber coatings using SPME. Zeist, The Netherlands: Nutrition and food Study Institute TNO; 1989. Caption: Figure 1
0 notes
josephkitchen0 · 6 years ago
10 Pig Breeds for the Homestead
Has the time come to add pig breeds to your list of homestead goals? With the proper homestead fencing and pig shelter, the quick grow out time for most pig breeds makes them an ideal protein to raise on a small farm. If you are ready to take on the project of raising pigs, learn which of the pig breeds is right for your family.
But first, get everything ready ahead of time, because pigs can move quickly! You will want to have that secure fencing ready to go before bringing the weanlings or feeder pigs home. No matter which of the pig breeds you choose, infrastructure basically remains the same. Pigs require a clean shelter, plenty of fresh water, free range pasture or grain and a place to cool off.  The cooling off place can be a kiddie pool filled with water or a shallow mud hole they dig themselves. Pigs love to wallow but they really prefer a clean environment afterward.
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Raising Pigs for Meat
Let’s face it, pigs are cute. Bringing home a piglet or two from your favorite of the pig breeds will be fun. Remembering that you are raising pigs for meat will be harder. Raising any meat animal can hit close to the heart of many of us. On our farm, we keep two things in mind. The meat animals are not pets, and feeding them for the next twenty years is not in the budget or the best interest of the animal. We provide the best life the animal can have and when the time comes, take care of the end of life process quickly and with little stress to the animal. I am sure there are many different philosophies about this. You will need to come to your own understanding and acceptance when raising meat animals.
10 Pig Breeds to Consider
American Yorkshire Pig (AKA English Large White) – A breed that originated in England. The American Yorkshire is a good meat producer. Also considered a bacon breed, Yorkshires produce a high percentage of lean meat on the carcass and low amount of backfat. The American Yorkshire was improved over the years by introducing lines of Yorkshire from Canada and Lines of English Large White from England. The breed is also known for farrowing large litters.
Berkshire Pig – Berkshire pigs are one of the oldest heritage breeds of hogs. Originally from the Berk area in England, the Berkshires are a popular choice for meat production and possess an easy going personality. They have a 600-pound average market weight is easily obtained with foraging. Berkshire pigs are hardy and considered easy keepers. Because the piglets are bold and curious, Quinn from Reformation Acres does not recommend the breed.  Her experience with raising Berkshires was a test of endurance as they did not gain as rapidly as expected and had to over winter. Each homesteader will experience different types of personalities, and growth depending on the breeding program they were obtained from, the pasture and pig food that is fed to the animals and weather conditions.
Tamworth Pig – A smaller size than some others mentioned here. Often referred to as one of the bacon producing breeds due to the lean carcass and ability to forage well. The Tamworth pig is considered as threatened on the Livestock Conservancy listings. The Tamworth pig originated in England. The color is a range of red and anything light to dark is acceptable. Spots are not desirable in the Tamworth.
Chester White Pig – Chester Whites are popular with pig farmers for a couple important reasons. They make great mothers and they live long lives. The color should be all white with only small spots of color permissible. The ears on Chester White are not erect but are not completely floppy like the Large Black either. They are known for good mothering ability and hardiness. Chester Whites are stocky built and have a highly muscled carcass. This is considered a heritage breed that was developed in Chester County Pennsylvania.
Large Black Pig – The Large Black pig breed is known for hardiness and adaptability. The Large Black is a lean pig that does well foraging. The Large Black pig has made a comeback with people interested in raising pastured pork. At one time in England, the Large Black was the most popular breed. The popularity of the breed was due to the delicious meat and bacon it produced from mostly foraging. When choosing a Large Black pig you might fall in love with the way the floppy ears fall down over the eyes.
Duroc Pig – Originating in America, the Duroc is known to be part of many of the crosses in commercial pork production hogs. Durocs are a pretty reddish brown color and fairly agreeable in temperament. Originally one of the larger breeds of market hogs but now rating in the medium size range. Most of our pigs are Duroc or Duroc Cross and we have found them to be mostly pleasant as Sows, with good mothering tendencies. The piglets wean easily and forage at an early age. The meat is tender, with a great flavor from the vegetable, hay and foraging diet. Many of our pigs have Yorkshire cross in them, adding to the good disposition and foraging ability.
Hampshire Pig –  The Hampshire pig breed is one of the earliest recorded breeds in America, bred in Kentucky. Originally imported from Scotland and England as the Old English Breed.  The name was changed to Hampshire along the way. They are black with a white strip of belting around the shoulders and body which can reach down the front legs. A smaller leaner pig, the Hampshire has a large loin and lower back fat amount than other breeds.
Hereford Pig – Hereford pigs are another heritage breed of hog. Often the choice of 4H participants because they are a gentle, lean, good looking pig. They are also easy to find in the USA, making it an obvious choice for the homesteader. Katie Milhorn from Livin, Lovin, Farmin says this when asked to describe their Hereford pigs, “We raise heritage Herefords. Their meat is incredibly delicious! They run, play and act like pigs instead of sitting at the food trough all day. They’re ready to butcher right about at 6 months of age, with a hanging weight of about 180-200lb. You may get lower weights with heritage hogs but the meat is far superior to that of commercial swine.” Herefords as a breed are derived from Duroc, Chester White and Poland China breeds in the 1920’s. By 1934, 100 pigs were entered into the breed registry. the National Hereford Hog Registry. Mature weight for Boars is 800 pounds and Sows at 600 pounds.
Landrace Pig – The Landrace breed of pig originates from Denmark. They are very long in the body. Landrace pigs are all white and only small black skin marks are permissible to register the pig. The ears are sort of lopped and the head is surrounded by some meaty jowls. In addition to their large size and carcass weight, the breed is known for having large litters. Many breeders use Landrace sows to improve their pigs because of the great mothering ability, heavy milk production, and large piglet size. The Denmark background is rather interesting. Denmark was at one time the chief exporter of bacon. The Danish would not sell any Landrace pigs to breeders because they didn’t want to lose their status in the bacon industry. In the 1930’s they released some breeding stock to America for study purposes only with the understanding that these herds not be used to build up the bacon industry here. The imported pigs were to be used to build up new breeds only. After the study, the American government asked that the regulation on breeding pure Landrace be lifted. The request was granted. Breeding stock was imported from Sweden and Norway and the American Landrace breed was developed. Bacon for everyone!
Spotted Pig – The Spotted breed in America is derived from the Gloucestershire Old Spot Pig from England. They were first brought over in the 1900s . It wasn’t until a recent resurgence that the American Spotted pig became more popular. The royal family of England prefers this breed for its pork. The color must be white with at least one black spot to be registered. Spotted pigs mature weight is between 500 and 600 pounds. Easily adapted to pasture raising, the Spotted pig makes a good homestead choice. The litter size is normally large and the sows prove to be good mothers.
Which Pig Breed is Right for You?
Many pig breeds are hardy and economical livestock additions to your small farm or homestead. I enjoy the pig breeds we raise here on our farm. From the tiny piglets following the sow, to the curious and slightly mischievous weanlings who constantly point out the weakness in our fencing, I enjoy the time raising them. By the time we are ready to sell or harvest, a new batch of piglets is usually ready to arrive. This is the cycle of life on the farm.
What pig breeds are appealing to you?
10 Pig Breeds for the Homestead was originally posted by All About Chickens
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josephkitchen0 · 7 years ago
10 Pig Breeds for the Homestead
Has the time come to add pig breeds to your list of homestead goals? With the proper homestead fencing and pig shelter, the quick grow out time for most pig breeds makes them an ideal protein to raise on a small farm. If you are ready to take on the project of raising pigs, learn which of the pig breeds is right for your family.
But first, get everything ready ahead of time, because pigs can move quickly! You will want to have that secure fencing ready to go before bringing the weanlings or feeder pigs home. No matter which of the pig breeds you choose, infrastructure basically remains the same. Pigs require a clean shelter, plenty of fresh water, free range pasture or grain and a place to cool off.  The cooling off place can be a kiddie pool filled with water or a shallow mud hole they dig themselves. Pigs love to wallow but they really prefer a clean environment afterward.
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Raising Pigs for Meat
Let’s face it, pigs are cute. Bringing home a piglet or two from your favorite of the pig breeds will be fun. Remembering that you are raising pigs for meat will be harder. Raising any meat animal can hit close to the heart of many of us. On our farm, we keep two things in mind. The meat animals are not pets, and feeding them for the next twenty years is not in the budget or the best interest of the animal. We provide the best life the animal can have and when the time comes, take care of the end of life process quickly and with little stress to the animal. I am sure there are many different philosophies about this. You will need to come to your own understanding and acceptance when raising meat animals.
10 Pig Breeds to Consider
American Yorkshire Pig (AKA English Large White) – A breed that originated in England. The American Yorkshire is a good meat producer. Also considered a bacon breed, Yorkshires produce a high percentage of lean meat on the carcass and low amount of backfat. The American Yorkshire was improved over the years by introducing lines of Yorkshire from Canada and Lines of English Large White from England. The breed is also known for farrowing large litters.
Berkshire Pig – Berkshire pigs are one of the oldest heritage breeds of hogs. Originally from the Berk area in England, the Berkshires are a popular choice for meat production and possess an easy going personality. They have a 600-pound average market weight is easily obtained with foraging. Berkshire pigs are hardy and considered easy keepers. Because the piglets are bold and curious, Quinn from Reformation Acres does not recommend the breed.  Her experience with raising Berkshires was a test of endurance as they did not gain as rapidly as expected and had to over winter. Each homesteader will experience different types of personalities, and growth depending on the breeding program they were obtained from, the pasture and pig food that is fed to the animals and weather conditions.
Tamworth Pig – A smaller size than some others mentioned here. Often referred to as one of the bacon producing breeds due to the lean carcass and ability to forage well. The Tamworth pig is considered as threatened on the Livestock Conservancy listings. The Tamworth pig originated in England. The color is a range of red and anything light to dark is acceptable. Spots are not desirable in the Tamworth.
Chester White Pig – Chester Whites are popular with pig farmers for a couple important reasons. They make great mothers and they live long lives. The color should be all white with only small spots of color permissible. The ears on Chester White are not erect but are not completely floppy like the Large Black either. They are known for good mothering ability and hardiness. Chester Whites are stocky built and have a highly muscled carcass. This is considered a heritage breed that was developed in Chester County Pennsylvania.
Large Black Pig – The Large Black pig breed is known for hardiness and adaptability. The Large Black is a lean pig that does well foraging. The Large Black pig has made a comeback with people interested in raising pastured pork. At one time in England, the Large Black was the most popular breed. The popularity of the breed was due to the delicious meat and bacon it produced from mostly foraging. When choosing a Large Black pig you might fall in love with the way the floppy ears fall down over the eyes.
Duroc Pig – Originating in America, the Duroc is known to be part of many of the crosses in commercial pork production hogs. Durocs are a pretty reddish brown color and fairly agreeable in temperament. Originally one of the larger breeds of market hogs but now rating in the medium size range. Most of our pigs are Duroc or Duroc Cross and we have found them to be mostly pleasant as Sows, with good mothering tendencies. The piglets wean easily and forage at an early age. The meat is tender, with a great flavor from the vegetable, hay and foraging diet. Many of our pigs have Yorkshire cross in them, adding to the good disposition and foraging ability.
Hampshire Pig –  The Hampshire pig breed is one of the earliest recorded breeds in America, bred in Kentucky. Originally imported from Scotland and England as the Old English Breed.  The name was changed to Hampshire along the way. They are black with a white strip of belting around the shoulders and body which can reach down the front legs. A smaller leaner pig, the Hampshire has a large loin and lower back fat amount than other breeds.
Hereford Pig – Hereford pigs are another heritage breed of hog. Often the choice of 4H participants because they are a gentle, lean, good looking pig. They are also easy to find in the USA, making it an obvious choice for the homesteader. Katie Milhorn from Livin, Lovin, Farmin says this when asked to describe their Hereford pigs, “We raise heritage Herefords. Their meat is incredibly delicious! They run, play and act like pigs instead of sitting at the food trough all day. They’re ready to butcher right about at 6 months of age, with a hanging weight of about 180-200lb. You may get lower weights with heritage hogs but the meat is far superior to that of commercial swine.” Herefords as a breed are derived from Duroc, Chester White and Poland China breeds in the 1920’s. By 1934, 100 pigs were entered into the breed registry. the National Hereford Hog Registry. Mature weight for Boars is 800 pounds and Sows at 600 pounds.
Landrace Pig – The Landrace breed of pig originates from Denmark. They are very long in the body. Landrace pigs are all white and only small black skin marks are permissible to register the pig. The ears are sort of lopped and the head is surrounded by some meaty jowls. In addition to their large size and carcass weight, the breed is known for having large litters. Many breeders use Landrace sows to improve their pigs because of the great mothering ability, heavy milk production, and large piglet size. The Denmark background is rather interesting. Denmark was at one time the chief exporter of bacon. The Danish would not sell any Landrace pigs to breeders because they didn’t want to lose their status in the bacon industry. In the 1930’s they released some breeding stock to America for study purposes only with the understanding that these herds not be used to build up the bacon industry here. The imported pigs were to be used to build up new breeds only. After the study, the American government asked that the regulation on breeding pure Landrace be lifted. The request was granted. Breeding stock was imported from Sweden and Norway and the American Landrace breed was developed. Bacon for everyone!
Spotted Pig – The Spotted breed in America is derived from the Gloucestershire Old Spot Pig from England. They were first brought over in the 1900s . It wasn’t until a recent resurgence that the American Spotted pig became more popular. The royal family of England prefers this breed for its pork. The color must be white with at least one black spot to be registered. Spotted pigs mature weight is between 500 and 600 pounds. Easily adapted to pasture raising, the Spotted pig makes a good homestead choice. The litter size is normally large and the sows prove to be good mothers.
Which Pig Breed is Right for You?
Many pig breeds are hardy and economical livestock additions to your small farm or homestead. I enjoy the pig breeds we raise here on our farm. From the tiny piglets following the sow, to the curious and slightly mischievous weanlings who constantly point out the weakness in our fencing, I enjoy the time raising them. By the time we are ready to sell or harvest, a new batch of piglets is usually ready to arrive. This is the cycle of life on the farm.
What pig breeds are appealing to you?
10 Pig Breeds for the Homestead was originally posted by All About Chickens
0 notes
josephkitchen0 · 7 years ago
10 Pig Breeds for the Homestead
Has the time come to add pig breeds to your list of homestead goals? With the proper homestead fencing and pig shelter, the quick grow out time for most pig breeds makes them an ideal protein to raise on a small farm. If you are ready to take on the project of raising pigs, learn which of the pig breeds is right for your family.
But first, get everything ready ahead of time, because pigs can move quickly! You will want to have that secure fencing ready to go before bringing the weanlings or feeder pigs home. No matter which of the pig breeds you choose, infrastructure basically remains the same. Pigs require a clean shelter, plenty of fresh water, free range pasture or grain and a place to cool off.  The cooling off place can be a kiddie pool filled with water or a shallow mud hole they dig themselves. Pigs love to wallow but they really prefer a clean environment afterward.
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Raising Pigs for Meat
Let’s face it, pigs are cute. Bringing home a piglet or two from your favorite of the pig breeds will be fun. Remembering that you are raising pigs for meat will be harder. Raising any meat animal can hit close to the heart of many of us. On our farm, we keep two things in mind. The meat animals are not pets, and feeding them for the next twenty years is not in the budget or the best interest of the animal. We provide the best life the animal can have and when the time comes, take care of the end of life process quickly and with little stress to the animal. I am sure there are many different philosophies about this. You will need to come to your own understanding and acceptance when raising meat animals.
10 Pig Breeds to Consider
American Yorkshire Pig (AKA English Large White) – A breed that originated in England. The American Yorkshire is a good meat producer. Also considered a bacon breed, Yorkshires produce a high percentage of lean meat on the carcass and low amount of backfat. The American Yorkshire was improved over the years by introducing lines of Yorkshire from Canada and Lines of English Large White from England. The breed is also known for farrowing large litters.
Berkshire Pig – Berkshire pigs are one of the oldest heritage breeds of hogs. Originally from the Berk area in England, the Berkshires are a popular choice for meat production and possess an easy going personality. They have a 600-pound average market weight is easily obtained with foraging. Berkshire pigs are hardy and considered easy keepers. Because the piglets are bold and curious, Quinn from Reformation Acres does not recommend the breed.  Her experience with raising Berkshires was a test of endurance as they did not gain as rapidly as expected and had to over winter. Each homesteader will experience different types of personalities, and growth depending on the breeding program they were obtained from, the pasture and pig food that is fed to the animals and weather conditions.
Tamworth Pig – A smaller size than some others mentioned here. Often referred to as one of the bacon producing breeds due to the lean carcass and ability to forage well. The Tamworth pig is considered as threatened on the Livestock Conservancy listings. The Tamworth pig originated in England. The color is a range of red and anything light to dark is acceptable. Spots are not desirable in the Tamworth.
Chester White Pig – Chester Whites are popular with pig farmers for a couple important reasons. They make great mothers and they live long lives. The color should be all white with only small spots of color permissible. The ears on Chester White are not erect but are not completely floppy like the Large Black either. They are known for good mothering ability and hardiness. Chester Whites are stocky built and have a highly muscled carcass. This is considered a heritage breed that was developed in Chester County Pennsylvania.
Large Black Pig – The Large Black pig breed is known for hardiness and adaptability. The Large Black is a lean pig that does well foraging. The Large Black pig has made a comeback with people interested in raising pastured pork. At one time in England, the Large Black was the most popular breed. The popularity of the breed was due to the delicious meat and bacon it produced from mostly foraging. When choosing a Large Black pig you might fall in love with the way the floppy ears fall down over the eyes.
Duroc Pig – Originating in America, the Duroc is known to be part of many of the crosses in commercial pork production hogs. Durocs are a pretty reddish brown color and fairly agreeable in temperament. Originally one of the larger breeds of market hogs but now rating in the medium size range. Most of our pigs are Duroc or Duroc Cross and we have found them to be mostly pleasant as Sows, with good mothering tendencies. The piglets wean easily and forage at an early age. The meat is tender, with a great flavor from the vegetable, hay and foraging diet. Many of our pigs have Yorkshire cross in them, adding to the good disposition and foraging ability.
Hampshire Pig –  The Hampshire pig breed is one of the earliest recorded breeds in America, bred in Kentucky. Originally imported from Scotland and England as the Old English Breed.  The name was changed to Hampshire along the way. They are black with a white strip of belting around the shoulders and body which can reach down the front legs. A smaller leaner pig, the Hampshire has a large loin and lower back fat amount than other breeds.
Hereford Pig – Hereford pigs are another heritage breed of hog. Often the choice of 4H participants because they are a gentle, lean, good looking pig. They are also easy to find in the USA, making it an obvious choice for the homesteader. Katie Milhorn from Livin, Lovin, Farmin says this when asked to describe their Hereford pigs, “We raise heritage Herefords. Their meat is incredibly delicious! They run, play and act like pigs instead of sitting at the food trough all day. They’re ready to butcher right about at 6 months of age, with a hanging weight of about 180-200lb. You may get lower weights with heritage hogs but the meat is far superior to that of commercial swine.” Herefords as a breed are derived from Duroc, Chester White and Poland China breeds in the 1920’s. By 1934, 100 pigs were entered into the breed registry. the National Hereford Hog Registry. Mature weight for Boars is 800 pounds and Sows at 600 pounds.
Landrace Pig – The Landrace breed of pig originates from Denmark. They are very long in the body. Landrace pigs are all white and only small black skin marks are permissible to register the pig. The ears are sort of lopped and the head is surrounded by some meaty jowls. In addition to their large size and carcass weight, the breed is known for having large litters. Many breeders use Landrace sows to improve their pigs because of the great mothering ability, heavy milk production, and large piglet size. The Denmark background is rather interesting. Denmark was at one time the chief exporter of bacon. The Danish would not sell any Landrace pigs to breeders because they didn’t want to lose their status in the bacon industry. In the 1930’s they released some breeding stock to America for study purposes only with the understanding that these herds not be used to build up the bacon industry here. The imported pigs were to be used to build up new breeds only. After the study, the American government asked that the regulation on breeding pure Landrace be lifted. The request was granted. Breeding stock was imported from Sweden and Norway and the American Landrace breed was developed. Bacon for everyone!
Spotted Pig – The Spotted breed in America is derived from the Gloucestershire Old Spot Pig from England. They were first brought over in the 1900s . It wasn’t until a recent resurgence that the American Spotted pig became more popular. The royal family of England prefers this breed for its pork. The color must be white with at least one black spot to be registered. Spotted pigs mature weight is between 500 and 600 pounds. Easily adapted to pasture raising, the Spotted pig makes a good homestead choice. The litter size is normally large and the sows prove to be good mothers.
Which Pig Breed is Right for You?
Many pig breeds are hardy and economical livestock additions to your small farm or homestead. I enjoy the pig breeds we raise here on our farm. From the tiny piglets following the sow, to the curious and slightly mischievous weanlings who constantly point out the weakness in our fencing, I enjoy the time raising them. By the time we are ready to sell or harvest, a new batch of piglets is usually ready to arrive. This is the cycle of life on the farm.
What pig breeds are appealing to you?
10 Pig Breeds for the Homestead was originally posted by All About Chickens
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