#ambush x reader
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oh my...
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abstract-crossverse · 2 years
so i heard you're taking doors requests... wiggles eyebrows might I request possibly Ambush x reader fluff thingy?? this is my first request so sorry if its weirdly formatted LOL
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Might as well answer these both in the same post soo sure! and youre good, the format is just fine lol. I'll do headcanons for this one to get a general grip on Ambush since I just started writing for Doors
and I hope you dont mind but I headcanon Ambush as male(he/they)- I know a lot of people see them as female so just letting you know preemptively More under the cut cuz this was long again
Ambush x Reader [Headcanons, fluff]
-> While it may not seem like it- Ambush is one of the most patient entities in the Hotel, with his speed if he were to be constantly patrolling the Hotel as his brother does- he'd come up more often than not bite a chunk out of you
-> His strategy is usually to stalk "Players" until he finds a moment he feels you feel safe enough, to then shatter that safety to pieces as he comes screeching sounding as if a car engine and a broken vacuum had a baby- then do a couple run backs through the room you're in to see if you slip up on the timing you get in and out of the closet
-> So you can imagine with you it wasn't any different, he stalked you around after you got out of the Library and left Jeff's shop. he was a bit intrigued by how far you've gotten, then again, many others survive up to 100 and go down that elevator only to wind back at the Hotel's Lobby
-> Though you were... different, I guess you could say, he didn't know how to describe it too well, the way you marched door after door, collecting money from drawers and desks- you seemed determined to get out of here, and he's seen you a few times before, you look familiar, and he's not one to forget appearances easily. he found it.. charming, to say the least, you looked so determined to leave you'd be willing to go through this nightmare again and again? He'd applaud you if he weren't trying to be sneaky
-> Then again, many others had a similar determination, but some didn't come around too often, sometimes taking months to be even spotted walking through the halls of the Hotel. but you, you came frequently. he wasn't allowed in the lobby unlike Timothy, Sally, and Seek's Crescendo(which in reality is just Hide warning his brother of where the Players are and how close they are to Seek), and none of them really mention it at all so his guesses are those people just hang around there doing whatever until they decide to run through the Hotel again
-> And since you caught his eye, you are prompted to either feel like you're being watched a lot or have Ambush come a bit more often than he usually would- which makes you joke that he's pissed off at you or get annoyed about it
-> As time went by, and a lot of him watching you from a distance- his interest in you grew into a desire to actually meet you, know who you are, your interests, your likes, pet peeves, so on. You barely bump into other Players around the Rooms and Halls you go through due to the Hotel's nature- you enter an elevator alone and it's going to be just you and you alone unless the Hotels falters and shoves you with someone else you may or may not know at all. he has no idea how the real you is like since he's only seen small comments or curses you throw at certain entities like Screech or El Goblino if you even stop for a chat
-> And so for the past few times you passed around he's been trying to muster the courage to go talk to you or ambush you when your guard is down in hopes he can catch you for a chat. He's kind of socially awkward with people he knows dont like him or have never directly talked to him so it's a bit of a struggle for him- then he ends up just impulsively charging at you, which of course prompts the little 'game' every player does to avoid him in response
-> However, on one particular day, you slipped up. you entered the closet too soon- and Hide wasn't in a good mood that day, Ambush ran the first time to the door but before he could bounce back to the previous rooms, Hide pushed you out, you hit the floor with a soft 'thump' and a groan as Ambush stood there in shock. he looked at the closet as Hide's arms slithered back into the confines of it, then looked back down at you, who had the same expression of shock and terror as you stared at him with wide eyes, face softly lit by the green and purple light he emanated. you looked beautiful...
-> You both stood in silence before he moved slightly toward you, making you close your eyes and brace yourself, waiting for death... but death never came. You opened your eyes again when you heard footsteps hit the carpet.. footsteps? Ambush doesn't have feet- peeking from behind your arms, you were shocked to see.. Ambush, but- with a body-... waht
-> He wore a light cream-colored button shirt with a dark green vest and pants, black dress shoes along with a light green ribbon to top it off. behind his head, you could see slightly translucent tentacles that seemed to mimic hair? they glowed within the darkroom along with the same.. matter making up Ambush's neck, was that what caused the glow he emanated when he bounced by?
-> He was crouched in from of you, both knees on the ground as he hovered a skeletal hand over your shaking form.. you didn't even notice you started to shake. He attempted to speak- though only his signal yell sounded for a brief moment, making you wince since he was so close to you. He cleared his throat, seeming to avert his eyes to the side briefly as his mouth closed side to side- which made sense but it still looked weird to you-
"are... are you alright?" his voice finally came through, it was hoarse and a bit scratchy, as if he'd screamed his lungs out yesterday and lost his voice, which again- makes sense with how he screams, it had a hint of a Boston accent too
"uh....-" you were speechless, wondering if you were in a dream, and even in a dream you can't escape this place? damn. he read your confused expression and averted his eyes again "it's... hard to explain.. yknow- this?" he motioned at himself "but we're not exactly corporal, so it is possible for this to happen.-- anyway- Hide- pushed you out pretty hard-..."
He offered a hand for you to get up, you stared at his hand, unsure of why he was trying to help you, you dont know if you can trust him- after all, as far as you know he's tried to kill you. "... why... why are you helping me?... aren't you supposed to have killed me by now?" you asked, fixing sitting up from the ground a bit, Ambush looked a little apprehensive, his hand twitched slightly away
".. I- I know it may be hard to believe but... you interest me.. you caught my eye, and I wanna learn more about you." you sat there confused at his words "why me though?" the room fell silent, only the faint buzzing from his form barely hitting your ears as he looked at the ground, seeming to think about your question, he shrugged a few moments later "... I can't.. explain... you're just-... interesting."
-> after that little moment, you walked to the other room that was lit so you didn't run the risk of getting yourself bit by Screech and just- talked, about anything really, though most of the conversation was you asking questions about him and the other entities, after all its not every day you get to have an actual conversation with one of these beings that usually are out to kill you. though you still expected this to turn out to be a dream, you expected to wake up in one of the beds in the hotel or back in the Lobby
-> After that day- you half expect things to go back to the usual normal of the Hotel, Rush zooming by, Screech occasionally being an annoyance, the usual. But you were surprised by Ambush tapping your shoulder at Door 2 on your next run, scared the shit out of you-
-> And it's been like that ever since, he'd tap on your shoulder every time you came back around the first 15 doors and accompany you through the rest of the run- aside when it was dark rooms, Seek's chase, or the Library- anything that involved other entities that could see him with you- he would just- vanish until you got passed them... he didn't want to risk being isolated for talking to a Player instead of killing them.. the others could even understand a little if he explained well but- if Jack got hold of that information... he might be as well as dead again
-> You've begun to enjoy his company, you'd joke around and talk about things from before you got stuck in the Hotel, and he'd occasionally drop some of his lore as well- though he doesn't remember much from before he became Ambush
-> It wasn't long before he realized he'd gotten feelings for you, love, that was it, he remembers the feeling but he didn't even know if he could still feel it... glad to get that uncovered- now difficult if going to be Confessing his love for you. as I said, his social skills are kinda below average- so it takes him a lot of hyping himself up and chickening out to figure out how to confess... meanwhile with you- you were so incredibly confused about how you fell for the alien skeleton looking entity in the first place, maybe it was his voice or the way he was so kind to you? you really didn't know-
-> The day he confessed was a day like any other, you both sat in the garden before the Greenhouse, the rain a little less aggressive than usual as it hit the roof of the pathway, sitting towards the statue you heard other Players theorize could be a representation of the Guiding Light. At the moment he was sitting beside you listening to you tell him about the mentioned theory, he softly gazed over your smaller form, resting his head in one of his hands, a smile curling up on his lips as you chatted away about theories you and other players have come up for the hotel
-> Soon you finished talking, finally looking up at him to see his reaction as you had been looking everywhere but at him as you talked. a sudden feeling of warmness overtook his body, feeling as if butterflies fluttered around his stomach the more you stared at him, as much as he wanted to look away as he got more overwhelmed with that warm, fuzzy feeling- his body made no effort to glance away, he wanted you looking at him, he craved your attention.. he wanted to hold you, he wanted to love you
-> "... god, I love you...." he blurted out, not even realizing what he said until your face grew red, then his face just glowed in a green blush, he tried to explain himself but all attempts were futile since the more he tried to speak, the more flushed he got. Eventually, he just sighed in defeat..
"... there's no out of this one... its- its true- [Name], I love you, I really do... you're just- I can barely even explain- you're perfect in every way I can think of, your voice sounds heavenly, your quirks are incredibly charming- you're the most amazing person I've ever met... I understand if-- if you dont feel the same but- I needed to get that outta my chest.." he sighed, looking at you with eyes that pleaded with you not to hate him, not to snap at him with insults and 'why would I even like a monster like you?', though he still braced for the worst
though surprise hit him full force "I... I love you too, Ambush-... I... I do, I really do..." you looked at him softly with a small smile, you spoke a bit more- feeling as if you needed to also express what made you fall for him the way you did, even though you struggled to put it into words- he only looked at you with bewilderment
You heard a small... rumbling sound, like a purr almost? but not quite at the same time, you trailed off, trying to figure out where the sound came from before you realized- it came from Ambush, you were about to ask about it but before you could, he gently leaned his forehead on yours, purr growing noticeably louder as he nuzzled into you, wrapping his arms around you in a hug
he thanked you, so many times, he sure sounded happier than ever before right now, you chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck to hug him back. you sighed contently, I guess now you two were a couple.
-> And now for dating headcanons because I took too long on the meeting shit
-> He loves being in your presence, hanging around you or so much as knowing your in the next room over counts I guess
→ He's not the biggest on PDA but its often that he'll at least bw holding your hand at times in public or stand pretty close to you in general. He does get flustered really easily if you give him kisses when he doesnt expect it or is in a public setting
→ Speaking of Public, he told Rush about your relationship at the very least, and he was ecstatic, his bro finally bagged someone? Color him surprised! He didn't bag shit. Actually- a little too excited- he told most of the Hotel next you knew... Minus Jack, Jack doesn't get to know of it. None of you know what he'll do to you or Ambush if he knows..
-> Some support your relationship (such as Rush, Screech, Sally, Dupe, Jeff, and Bob), others are apprehensive of it but if it makes You and Ambush happy then so be it, they'll try to remember your face and not kill you too brutally if they can help it- (Seek, Hide, Figure, Eyes, Halt and Goblino), others dont like the idea at all either because they think it's too dangerous or you shouldn't be together in general (Guiding Light and Jack(if he knew) respectively)
-> But you bother are happy with each other and aren't going to break up any time soon I'm sure
-> While he does run very fast for a decent period of time- Ambush gets pretty bad fatigue once he's done, which is why he usually appears once and fucks off for a while to rest up after so- usually if you're not going through the Hotel and is just chilling in a room somewhere he's likely to join you for cuddles if he's not with you already, sometimes this man will just refuse to get up to hunt other Players if you're already cuddling
-> As much as he's the most logical and... less energetic between him and Rush- he's just as stubborn. need to get up to continue your run? 5 more minutes with him, cmon you've done this plenty already, take a break. need to go over to Jeff to buy some food cuz you're hungry? nope, you just stay there, Ambush will get it for you- AH AH- stay there, he'll be back in seconds. Want to go check out what the Rooms are all about-- Do Not. Please. No. Don't go there.
-> He's very touch starved and at the same time touch repulsed- only very few even get to tap his shoulder without him flinching away and getting upset at them or getting straight-up killed(if you're a random player with no links with him), so if you want to give him Physical affection- tell him you want to(at least at the start of your relationship), it's fine when he's consensual about the contact or initiates it in the first place. Later on, he gets more comfortable with you and he'll accept you initiating contact without needing to ask all the time
-> He also enjoys laying on you when cuddling as you gently caress his face or his head, it fills him with so many butterflies you have no idea. and he'll return the favor in kisses and do the same to you when it's your turn to lay on him, also give him kisses while holding his face in your hands, and he will melt /pos
-> He's also very attentive to detail, he'll remember the tiniest of things about you and your likes and what you dont like and use that to get you gifts from either players he killed that had something you liked or random trinkets he thinks you'd like that spawn around the Hotel at times
-> He's also very interested in fashion, he knows quite a bit about color theory and clothing combos so if you dont know what to wear, he's the guy you can count on to help you. Just give him a general vibe you're aiming towards and he'll do his best to find good options for you around that. He also learned how to tailor outfits with Glitch, the perks of being one of the oldest entities of the Hotel, he will make you an outfit do not test him
-> Remember when I mentioned the tentacle thingies on the back of his head? yeah those act like hair, they feel smooth and a bit rubbery and act like how Splatoon hair works, you can cut it, braid it, tie it up, anything- it has no pain receptors so he wouldn't feel pain if you cut it or tied it too tight, though it still kinda moves with his emotions or just idly
-> He loves you a lot, and he's glad you choose to stay with him. he promises he'll try his best to make you happy :]
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atsoomi · 1 year
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It's been exactly 2 days, 4 hours, and 32 minutes since you and Kuroo got married.
It was the kind of wedding you thought you’d never get the privilege of having— small, comfortable, and filled with familiar faces— not to mention, the most memorable day of your life. You’d never thought you could be that happy, or that you’d be surrounded by so many people who shared the sentiment. But if Kuroo has done anything through the course of your entire relationship, it’s prove your negative thoughts wrong.
And then, of course, came the honeymoon. 
Previously, you’d argued with him a lot about where to go for the honeymoon period. He thought somewhere in Japan— like Hokkaido with its breathtaking natural scenery, or Kyoto with its countless temples— would do just fine. But you’d nagged him about taking you somewhere outside the country, reminding him of the fact that you live in Japan; you have the rest of your lives to travel around Japan, but who knows when you’ll get the chance to go to Europe again?
After a few weeks of going back and forth, discussing all the possible locations and looking up things till one in the morning, you finally agree on Italy, specifically, Venice. It’s the perfect mix of culture and fun for both of you, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t dying to see The Grand Canal, especially with all the lights at night.
So, after a day of post-wedding packing, and a long day of traveling, you’re finally in Venice. In Venice, on your honeymoon. And it would be absolutely perfect, if you hadn’t lost your husband of two days in the crowd of locals. 
You’d done a lot, a lot, of research on spots in Venice that you wanted to visit during the 3-week stay. And you’ve always known (after a lifetime of fantasizing about this trip) that if you come to Italy, you have to try their gelato. So you went through a few articles, bookmarked a few websites, and found this shop, Gelateria il Doge. 
It’s been described as a hidden attraction, and you’ve always loved discovering hidden gems. The excitement was so overpowering that the first thing you decided to do once you settled down in your hotel room is go out and find it. Kuroo can’t say no when you’re so excited, so it only took twenty minutes to find yourself at the desired spot.
You went in, without Kuroo because he insisted on slowing down and taking some more pictures, and you finally ordered the gelato you’ve been thinking about since you agreed to come to Italy. But it seems to have cost you your husband.
He’s not where he was standing five minutes ago, you turn and scan the mass of people walking by, but you don’t spot the familiar head of dark hair. Your phone rests in your cross bag but your hands are full with gelato, so you hesitantly accept your fate and sit on the nearest bench you can find, assuming that you’ll just spot him when he comes back from wherever he went. 
You sit and admire the cold treat in your hand, it’s beautiful and inviting and it makes you feel like you’ve never had ice cream before. It makes you feel like your life is about to be altered permanently, even though you’re not completely sure what flavor you got— something about poor Italian skills and taking risks.
You’re about to taste it for the first time, practically salivating at that point, when a strange guy sits on the same bench, seemingly popping out of nowhere. You pause, mouth shutting, as you peer at him with caution. He’s undeniably good looking, skin-kissed tan skin and brown hair falling over warm green eyes, but he’s not exactly your type. No other man could be.
You attempt to ignore his presence, but he turns his head and you make intense eye contact. Your mouth hangs slightly open as he scans your face, it’s awkward and you feel the awkwardness paralyze you into speechlessness. You’re sure you look incredibly dumb but your mind is too busy malfunctioning to save you. 
His eyes go down to your hand and he says something in Italian that you don’t understand. A few seconds pass by before he reaches for it, your hand that is, with wide eyes. You reflexively flinch away, alarmed at the sudden approach. What the hell is going on?
“Oh my god, you idiot, the gelato.” He speaks, frustrated, this time in the language you can understand, with a heavy Italian accent. 
You look down at your hands and you’re surprised at the trail of melted gelato on your hand. Oh, he’s not a creep, you realize, he was just trying to help.
You bashfully keep your head down, embarrassed at how you reacted and the fact that you were too tense to realize he said the word gelato about 3 times. God, this is embarrassing, where is your husband when you need him? 
“Sorry about that,” you lick the melted sweet off as discreetly as possible, “I don’t speak Italian.” 
He raises an eyebrow at you. “Yeah, I can tell.” 
You’re silent, ashamed to be specific, as you eat the rest of your gelato before something else happens. He observes you for a few minutes, as you eat from both cones to prevent any disasters, before he chuckles quietly. 
“Tourist?” He asks. 
“Kinda,” you answer, slowly relaxing as the embarrassment wears off. 
He nods, “How did you find this store then?” he points to Gelateria il Doge. It stands there proudly, almost mocking you for making a fool out of yourself in front of a local.
“Oh, lots of research.” You laugh to yourself, remembering the sight of a very tired Kuroo by your side while you’re on your thousandth new tab. “It actually wasn’t that hard.” 
“Do you like it?” He asks. 
“The gelato?” 
He shakes his head, “Italy.” 
“Oh,” you smile, “yeah, it’s lovely and I’ve wanted to visit for a really long time.” He hums approvingly so you go on. “You’re Italian, aren’t you? Grew up here?”
“Kinda”, he retorts and you giggle, “I grew up in the south, but my brother lives here.” 
You nod your head in understanding; more questions are on the tip of your tongue (like his name for example?) when you’re interrupted by a familiar voice. 
“Oh I thought you looked familiar.” You turn your head and see your husband of two days walking towards you and this Italian stranger. He beams at you, happy to be reunited with the sight of your lovely face, but halts for a second when his eyes shift over to the guy. He tips his head to the side, silently asking about him, and you just smile. I’ll tell you later. 
“You weren’t going to eat both gelatos yourself after all,” the Italian says, which reminds you of the two cones you’ve been holding yourself the whole time, and the fact that your husband walked off and left you all alone, in Venice of all places. You’ll definitely yell at him once you’re alone, but for now, you settle on standing up and handing him his cone. 
“I’ll leave you lovebirds alone now, enjoy the honeymoon, ciao.”
He winks at you discreetly, maybe not discreet enough because Kuroo suddenly places his arm around your shoulder protectively, and you manage to wave at him before he’s gone. 
Kuroo turns to you, eyebrow raised, “was he hitting on you?” 
You laugh, “that’s all you care about, isn’t it? What about telling me where the hell you’ve been? Or apologizing for making me wait so long,” you slap his chest, “it’s actually your fault I had to entertain another man.” 
He holds your hand against his chest, grinning at the fake annoyance in your voice, “I apologize my dear, dear wife.” His eyes rest on the ring he put on your finger for a second, feeling prideful. “ Let’s sit, we have to finish this before it melts.” 
While you eat, you tell him about the whole interaction with the Italian man and every small thing that happened while you were apart. He scoffs at the events between you and the guy, fully convinced that he just wanted an excuse to touch your hand. You laugh and tease him about how attractive the guy was, telling him maybe you should’ve gone with the guy who didn’t leave you all alone. He flicks your forehead before you can continue and that conversation gets lost between all the other topics. You ask him what he was doing while he was gone, and he smiles, all-knowing and mysterious. 
“You’ll see.”
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popawritter12 · 5 months
I will be shameless to ask for a Yandere Talon x reader, but is it okay if it's themed as Primal Ambush? I haven't read any skinline fictions regarding that skin, so I'll love to read one especially if it's coming from you!
Please take your time in creating the fiction~🩵 Take care always, thank you!
Author's Notes: Because you didn't specify the gender of the reader, I'll make it female for a reason you'll see now.
ALSO, thank you for the request, i always wanted to make a one-shot for this skin! I hope you liked the result ;)
Yandere! Primal Ambush! Talon x reader
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Yandere character: Talon Du Couteau
From the videogame/serie/movie/manga/anime: League of Legends (Primal Ambush lines of skins)
Case: Murder, implied death of a relative of the reader, blood, aggression, a certain comfort for the reader.
Part: 1 of 1
Finished: Yes
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You still have that bitter memory of the forest when you first traveled alone; the smell of dry plants, the noise of nearby animals walking everywhere, the sunlight peeking through the leaves of the trees, a feeling that reminded you of the first times you traveled with your parents, before they left. your life. From the lake where the smallest children fought out of mere instinct and pure fun, to the areas less surrounded by trees, where mothers and fathers came together for the coexistence of their neighbors, seeking to keep their others alive. The noise generated by the leaves colliding with the wind was something that resonated in your mind, something that ended up detaching you from the world, and mainly, from the image in front of you.
The blood gurgling from the barely alive body near that man, near that monster. The corpse abandoned by the soul that required a decent place to rest, at the same time that the bugs were interested in the intense smell of fresh blood escaping from the largest wound, which had crossed the chest of the dead woman, showing an almost perforation. perfect of his lung.
Next to her, a man with blonde ears accompanied by a mischievous smile across a face full of marks and wounds from the recent battle; scars, both superficial and those that manage to show drops of blood in the middle of his face and skin, and soft and constant gasps escaped the man's lips, satisfied, his blonde tail adorned with brown locks everywhere moved constantly, showing the obvious satiated feeling of bloodlust. The crown in his hands was finally object for him to move between his fingers, and it wasn't until he simply widened it to his waist that he simply looked at you again, his yellowish eyes, which reminded you of the predator he embodied, followed your path. body, and especially, your eyes. You still sob as he stays close to you, taking quick steps but that you could barely hear.
Dragging your hands backwards, trying to push yourself to drag your body backwards. But he managed to position himself right in front of you, taking your shoulders with his hands.
It was surprising to you that his claws didn't hurt you. He seemed to take you gently, and a proud smile appeared on his face, as if he were bragging that he had done it, that he had finally gotten rid of the only woman that separated the two of them from each other.
—How cute… —He whispered, his rough voice sounding extremely playful against you, bringing your face closer to his.
—No! Get out of me!.
Your foreheads collided, he closed his eyes for a moment, and when you tried to move away from him, his grip on your shoulders tightened. But it wasn't what you expected; Normally, a person would grab in the sense of “I won't let you escape,” but he just grabbed you like he was playing with a small animal, with someone so small that it was terrifying, and it sounded like “I'd have fun if you tried to escape.”
—Why don't you understand that you can't escape? —He questioned you, noticing how you continued to struggle with him.
—I don't want you around, I don't want to be close to a monster like you. —You attacked, trying to get away, your shoulders trying to break free of his grip.
He stayed silent, but he just trailed his hands to your forearms, giving gentle caresses with his palms and the top of his fingers.
—Your sister also murdered people. —He mentions out of nowhere, his eyes half opening.
—But it didn't give you the right to kill her. —You responded, before trying to continue struggling, avoiding eye contact with him.
—Right or not, it is no longer important. —He mentions, removing his focus on death, to place his face on your cheek, his breath hitting your skin.
—No! Get away! —You complain, moving your face away from his, but he wasn't going to let you escape that easy.
—You look so pretty, so soft, so… —He begins, at the same time that you can hear him gently smell the fragrance of your loose hair —…, so different from her.
—Don't think that this will stay like this —A growl escapes you, your tail moving across the ground, from side to side slowly but steadily —, you will pay for this.
—Of course it won't be like that —he replied, moving his face away from the free space on your neck —, I made sure everything is going to be better.
A slight approach and a grip on each of your forearms emphasizes the weakness you have beneath him.
—You don't remember me, and maybe you never will, but you are the reason I do this.
He rubbed his face against the back of your neck, now pressing his cheek against your neck, with the free skin you can feel the marks on his face, and without expecting it, you hear him purr, rubbing his face against your neck.
—Get out! —You scream, anger escaping your lungs—, I don't want you near me!
Even though you tried to squirm, Talon always found a way to make you understand your lack of power, and in this case, a simple lock in the center of your elbows reminded you of his control over your body.
One movement, and your arms will no longer be useful.
—I'm glad you're understanding —He purrs again, bumping his face against your bare shoulder —, I'm so glad.
You can see how his whitish tail moves at a certain height, showing how pleased he was, and the calm that was in his body and mind.
—Why are you doing this? —You ask, looking Talon in the eyes directly.
He doesn't separate his face from your body, but his tail remains still, as if waiting to know how to answer you, and he took a while to do so.
—So many years have passed…. And you don't remember—He separated his face from your neck—, (Name), have you ever met a child, only 7 or 9 years old, who you give him some food?
You blinked several times, before gasping in surprise.
You still remember his torn clothes, stains on his whitish skin and on his clothes, a gaze fixed on you while in his hand his barely sharpened claws threatened to severely damage you.
In your hands was that piece of food, that whole bread that looked so desirable to the eye.
And you were only 7.
“Oh, are you hungry?” you asked at the time.
He seemed to understand that you were speaking to him, since your language was barely understandable due to your lack of speech training.
But his shoulders tensed more as you approached him, soft and gentle steps of yours approaching him, before taking both edges of the bread, breaking the food in half.
With your hand, you extended the slightly larger piece, offering the little one a meal for his hungry gaze.
He attacked quickly, aggressively taking the piece of bread. In the process, one of his nails ran across your wrist, damaging part of your skin, exposing your flesh and leaving blood stains emerging from the open marks. A gentle but extremely painful burning spread across your wrist, and you quickly dropped the other piece of bread, moving away from it.
“I just wanted to give you food! Evil!" You sobbed, before running away from the place.
You returned home, and your sister, at 10 years old, only scolded you, bandaging your wound and warning you not to be nice to others again.
“Don't ever touch or even get close to that kid again, okay?” She scolds you, on one of her hands your wounded wrist, small blood stains on her hands.
You tried to answer “yes,” but between sobs, she didn't understand what you were saying, so she told you that it was okay if you just nodded.
You never saw the boy again, or at least not in sight, when a handful of days later, you had the misfortune of finding a piece of bread on your bed.
There was no note, nor any sign that he had been there, just the piece of bread, with the smell of earth that emanated from that boy.
For several days you smelled how his scent lingered in the air of your room, but you never did anything about it, you never knew why, but in your little girl mind, you just dedicated a long letter to him about how you felt about his treatment and that you were going to feed him if he apologized to you.
Sivir refused to let you give her the letter, and secured your window and door with several bolts, hoping that would stop the bold boy. She even stood guard for several nights in your room.
But her smell remained there, always in the air, and that frustrated her.
As for the note, you had hidden it in your room, and it wasn't until you saw it again that you thought he had read it, and that he had accepted the deal.
You waited up many nights, trying to catch him red-handed, and make him apologize to you, but Talon always were outsmarted you.
You always woke up covered in sheets —even if you are not covered the last nights— and once you found a whole loaf next to your bed. And you assumed it was his way of asking for forgiveness.
For the next two years, you left him food hidden in your room, which he always found, but Sivir was never able to find.
Although, one day, you heard a commotion in the living room. As you peeked your head out, you noticed a large scar on Sivir's face, a scar that covered part of her face, one too large to be hidden.
At only 12 years old, Sivir approached you, a lock of blonde hair stained with blood in her hand, forcing you to take it in your hands.
“Don't welcome that savage back into our home again.” she threatened, grabbing the collar of the sleeping shirt you were wearing.
From that day on, your room didn't smell like dust anymore.
—I'm glad you remembered me, (Name) —A smile appeared on his face, before his tail moved again, now with more energy.
—No… you were that child… —You gasped, small tears forming in your eyes.
—It's okay… it's okay.…—He whispered, now wrapping his arms around your upper back. —.., I'm here, and I'm not going to let you go.
“But you… you died that day,” you sobbed, your words barely understandable.
—I Die that day? —He laughs abruptly, before placing a soft kiss on your neck—. To tell the truth, Sivir was closer to dying that day.
Another kiss was placed on your neck, playfully.
—I didn't kill her at that time because I thought that no one could support you until you managed to take care of her on your own—He excused himself—, but now that I think about it, I should have killed her and pretended that it was someone else.
—Really… it's you —you gasped softly, one of your hands going to the back of his neck, before touching his hair. —, it's really you.
—Yes, (Name), yes… here I am, and I won't leave you… —A grip on his neck interrupted him.
An arm went around Talon's neck, pulling his head back. A stain of blood marks Talon's blonde hair, and the rapid breathing of the still alive woman can be heard.
—Shit. —He gasped harshly, trying to pry her arms away from his back.
You stopped short of trying to do something, she pierced Talon's cheek with a small blade.
—I won't let you have (Name)! —The woman screamed, coughing violently, large stains of blood escaping from her lips —, she doesn't belong to you!
She pulled the blade from his cheek, before aiming it straight at his chest, focusing the tilt of the weapon directly on Talon's chest. But one of Talon's elbows fits just right to collide with her chest, crashing into her lung already damaged by her open wound.
—Shit! —She gasped, before the weapon slipped from her hands.
The blade fell slowly, and you could have grabbed it, you could take the weapon with one hand and thus touch the edge of the blade to Talon's heart, pierce his heart and thus finally end this story.
But your slowness did not allow you to even move one of your hands, and the blade fell to the ground, right in front of you, but your hands did not move, nor did your body.
—No! (Name)…! —Sivir gasped, but another elbow, now in her face, finally manages to finish knocking the woman's body down.
Her white hair moved with the wind, before landing against the dusty ground. Her face slammed into the ground, and her mind gave up. Even if she tried to move her body, the blood and force with which she was hit did not leave her.
It was only seconds when he lunged at her, his blood-stained hands clinging to the skin around her neck, the strength of his grip causing her to gasp sharply.
—No! let her go! —You screamed, panting and jumping against him.
But he didn't even deign to move, he only tightened his grip on her, causing Sivir, almost literally, to finally abandon her sister, and leave her under the control of the monster.
Several minutes passed until he felt that cold between his hands, panting heavily, he finally let her go.
—She seriously wasn't going to give up —he growled, before finally gasping softly. —, and finally she won't bother anymore…
The tears on your face only caused you to barely move, and he just wrapped his arms around your body. With a soft kiss on your cheek, he purred again, soft and gentle.
—Now I can have you to myself, without anyone else in the way. —He smiled brightly, before licking your cheek.
His scratchy tongue sent shivers on your skin, and although it's passage over your skin was short, it generated a lot of discomfort in your body.
And it was a simple memory, a simple mark that generates chills on your skin, that reminded you of your new place in the world, and in your life. That pride that was being part of the family of someone as strong as Sivir finally had to leave your mind and soul, and you had to get it into your head, very strongly, that you were no longer that proud (Name) of her sister and that was the angel who supported and defended her sister until the end, otherwise, a simple victim of the hunter who with so much fervor marked this world in such a way that everything was going to change, and you couldn't think if it was for better or worse.
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altheneum-library · 2 years
"How the harem starts" || DOORS cast x reader || part 1
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Page contains:
Content warning/s:
* I recommend reading  Gay4KukiShinobu's book! it's nice! totally not unintentionally bringing their book more attention because it deserves it!!
Character/s used:
* Rush
* Ambush
* Screech
* Hide
* Seek
* Figure
* Eyes
* Glitch
proof read/written with extra care, warning again the reader in this has a MILD stutter problem, if you don't like the reader having a mild stuttering problem. Thank you for reading and l e a v e.
~ ~
How you met him was through a convenient accident. He had been feeling a bit moody after not being able to catch your friends and he just- didn't wanna do anything for the rest of the night. 
but then he saw your friends again, it was a dark room and you had just triggered his senses since the lights flickered. he would smirk with glee and run in but a moment before he could kill you, he sees that you were pushed out of the closet by one of your friends who was panicking and needed a closet.
You earned his sympathy, human. He actually felt bad for you so he decided to turn into his humanoid form and pick you up, he'll kill your friends later.
You were extremely confused and skeptical at first but after he explains that he felt genuinely bad for you and you just understood what he meant by then and with a smile, thanked him. maybe he wasn't so bad after all? and-  is that purple blush on his face?-
~ ~
While you were trying to catch up to your friends, they were all going in the vents but then Ambush came ushering themselves in. they saw you and remembered what Rush told them. (yes, Rush told Ambush about you some time when they crossed each other). 
Ambush feels a bit bad, so they delayed themselves by 2 slightly slow seconds for you to go inside the vents and to fool your group. once it killed like...2 guys from your group, it was now just 3. you and your two currently alive friends
they just argued over whose fault it was, blaming the other for their death. the 2 guys kept bullying you greatly and the other two were your defenders, so they excluded you from the blame. plus, both knew that you're probably really scared right now.
You were for a bit as the three of you continued.
Ambush would watch over from a good distance, when the three of you went to the room where there was an office and a desk you all could loot. you seemed to have typed something in the typewriter.
when all of you left, it feels a wash of warmth and a smile creep onto their face of what you wrote.
"thank you for beating those guys up! they were meanies to us anyways :) - (P/N)"
~ ~
A dark room came along, you and your remaining surviving friends all had lighters but it wasn't enough for 6 dark rooms in a row! you all weren't expecting that.
Screech was, however, excited to scare or bite some people! it's always the prankster of the group and he loves to scare people a lot. by the time you group found another lighter, you were a target for Screech.
But when he appeared, you weren't afraid at all...you were more of amazed by how he looked. even commented how cute and cool he looked.
that fluttered his heart and a slight purple blush appears. 
He stuttered out a thank you before poofing away, seems like you gained a new friend! or did you >w>?
~ ~
It saw that your one of your male friends had pushed you out in selfishness, not even thinking about your safety, though at first it didn't really care about your well-being at first before you went into one of it's closets.
it was about to push you out but it didn't for some reason, something was different about you and it had a hunch that maybe you'd be a bit different?
once it revealed itself to you, it was surprised that it's hunch feeling was right. you weren't scared or pushed him away, you see it as cool and maybe adorable
yeah, it lets you inside it's closets and stay in however you want, really glad that your friends are dead too
~ ~
In the halls he was supposed to chase you, but after hearing how good you were to his companions, he just spared you. though your other friends that survived...??? eehhhh....yeah, they don't exist much anymore-
After giving him a good scolding while he looked uncaring of what he's done to your friends, Seek would pick you up and bring you right out of his hallways, putting you down right after. happy that he got to know that at least one human isn't scared of them enough to judge them.
You just said that all monsters looked cool and stuff, and complimented how handsome he looked, although you didn't appreciate the fact he killed your friends, at least you would gain new ones right?
he swore his face blushed a bright red right there as he watched you walk away.
Seek cleared his throat before going to Figure to tell him about you but it seems you reached to him first
~ ~
When you went into it's library, you can't help but say "Hello..? is anybody there..?".
Figure was surprised somebody had actually spoke upon entering his library, he liked your voice and approached you.  Though hearing your heartbeat go fast, he went gentle and slow with his introduction. He is quite shy and reserved himself, so no need to be afraid human!
Once you realized that he was blind, you assumed it would've been obvious that he must've been a bit jumped by your sudden appearance. you softly apologized to the Figure while he gently used his claws to pat your head. 
Fortunately, Figure always knows the code to the locked door! he tells you the code and to be safe but before you could leave, you gave him a big ol' thank you hug.
Yeah, so uh, how does it feel to have a big awkward, shy, puppy monster following you around?
~ ~
When you encountered them, he was sort of just doing his main job of killing humans by looking at them but after hearing what you have done for his friends, his attacks are lowered and don't affect you as much! 
It was quite nice to be meeting them in their humanoid form, seeing as how he rarely uses it because all he can do is whisper enchantments and curses. he writes to you and you talk to them!  win-win of a friendly conversation.
after you continued on with your journey, it finds itself quite attached to you. he absolutely likes you!
~ ~
You were kinda lagging behind as you were getting tired, Glitch had been watching over you for a bit and he was absolutely glad to see that you're one of the good humans from everyone else they've seen.
Once you were about to sit down, they just spawned in front of you and as you were about to yelp from the surprise, you were teleported to a nice bedroom. 
Glitch apologizes for it's intrusion and introduced himself, explaining that he saw how tired you were and wanted to help out in repayment of your kindness and warmth in the hotel.
You understood completely and despite the deaths you've experienced, it'd probably make sense if they didn't trust your friends and killed them, to make sure that they aren't going to do anything bad to the hotel. 
You and Glitch talked for awhile before they told you that they had to leave, you say your farewells and he simply disappears.
You wondered if you were going to see him again....though, he'll make it so he appears often, only to you ^^
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topguncortez · 2 years
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Day 23: At the End of Their Rope ➢prompts: ambushed ➢character: Rhett Abbott ➢warnings: violence, mentions of domestic violence, mentions of cheating, drinking, blood, fighting. ➢word count: 2.2k
|| masterlist || whumptober || whumptober masterlist || library ||
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Rhett had a rule, “don’t get involved in other people’s messes”. He stuck by it for the most part. He had enough messes in his life that he didn’t need to go around, sticking his nose in places where it doesn’t belong. The town of Wabang had enough old biddies to do that for him. Rhett’s rule had a few exceptions such as if someone were hurting his family, his friends, or women. 
He was taught at a young age to respect women. They were the ones who cleaned you up after rides. The ones who made sure there were meals on the table. The ones who made sure that you had clean underwear to put on in the mornings. Royal told Rhett that it takes a special kind of woman to settle down with a bull rider, and when he finds her, he better not let her go. And that’s exactly what Rhett did not do. 
Y/N L/N was that special woman that Royal had told Rhett about. She helped clean Rhett up after rides, picked him up when he was piss drunk from the bar, made sure that he had food in his fridge and his belly. She loved him good, and rode him even better. Rhett knew that he wanted to marry her, and he was going to propose. He even went as far as buying a ring and everything. But some small voice in the back of his head, the same one that always stopped him from being happy, told him that he wasn’t good enough for her. That she was just settling. 
So Rhett did what he knew would work, he found some buckle bunny at the pit bar, and fucked her in the ladies room. Y/N walked right in to see him balls deep in some blonde tramp. The look on her face was one that Rhett was never going to forget. The look of utter heartbreak. He didn’t even say anything to her after that night, just let her come by his house and pack her things. Rhett knew he would still see her around town, she was a school teacher at the local elementary school. But he did everything in his power to push her away. 
“When did that happen?” Perry asked, sitting back down in the booth across from his brother. Rhett’s blue eyes had been locked on Trevor Tillerson the whole night. 
“Recently,” Rhett grumbled, and took a sip of his beer, “Don’t like it.” 
“Why?” Perry laughed, “Cause you fumbled the ball and he recovered it?” 
“No, cause she looks like a scared dog to even be sitting by him.” 
Rhett knew Y/N better than anyone in this bar. He knew the things that made her smile, what made her cry, what's her favorite thing to do on a rainy day. He also knew what scared her. She didn’t like loud noises, or being in loud spaces. She would burst out in tears whenever someone would raise their voice at her. The one time Rhett got mad at something so ridiculous he can’t even remember now, and raised his voice at her, was the last time he told himself he’d ever see her cry. It extended from years of watching her daddy beat her momma right in front of her eyes. That look of fear she had shown Rhett, was the same look she was displaying right now sitting under Trevor’s arm. 
Perry looked over his shoulder, and noticed the way she seemed to ignore everything going on around her. She kept her eyes trained on the drink in front of her hands. Perry looked back at Rhett and shook his head. 
“It’s not your business.” 
“The fuck it isn’t,” Rhett said, “She’s scared to be sitting next to him. He must be doing something to cause that.” 
“Or, she’s just uncomfortable being here. You know how she is in places like this. Swear the only time you were ever sober for a long period of time was when you were with her.” 
It was true. Rhett was nearly two years sober while he was dating Y/N. She didn’t like the smell of alcohol, it brought back bad memories of her father. Y/N didn’t like stopping Rhett from going out, especially after successful rides. She would go with him for a bit, but then leave when things got too rowdy. Rhett always felt like shit when he would have her called to come pick him up. He knew that it probably reminded her of the times that her momma had to go out to get her daddy from the floor of the bar. After probably the second time of having Y/N come pick him up, he started leaving early when she did. 
“I still don’t like it,” Rhett said and looked down at the beer bottle in front of him. Perry sighed and slunk in his seat. 
“God, why did you even fuck that up to begin with?” Perry asked, and Rhett just shrugged. He really didn’t know why he fucked up what he had with Y/N. He guessed that it was too good to be true, that he had a woman who loved him for him. A woman that was okay with living on his family’s ranch and bringing meals out to him in the field. Rhett shook his head, and downed the beer in front of him. 
“I need another,” Rhett pushed himself up from the booth and sauntered over to the bar. He passed by the Tillerson table, hearing Luke tell some story very loudly, while the girls on either side of him laughed and ran their manicured hands down his arms. Even Billy had a girl with him. Rhett tried his hardest to not glance at the girl who sat by Trevor, but he couldn’t help but meet her eyes as he walked back. Y/N felt a pang go through her chest, his blue eyes looked tired and worn. She watched as he walked to the bar, and then excused herself from Trevor’s side. 
Awkwardly, Y/N stood by Rhett at the bar, leaning her forearms onto the bar top, “Hi,” She said softly, “I saw you-” 
“I love you,” Rhett said, his eyes not leaving from the mirror behind the bar. Y/N looked up at him and Rhett slowly looked down at her, “You look good.” Y/N opened her mouth to say something, but Rhett was handed his beer and he walked away. She turned her body to go after him, when a hand wrapped tightly around her bicep. She gasped as her feet tried to keep her upright as Trevor pulled her outside. The strength of his grip surely left a bruise, as he opened the side door of the Pit Bar. Trevor threw her up against the wall of the bar, the only lighting in the dark alleyway was an overhead light. 
“Ow, Trevor, what the fuck?” Y/N said, rubbing at the red mark on her arm. 
“No, you what the fuck! I heard what Abbott said. You fucking him?” Trevor growled. 
“What? No, Trevor, that's absurd!” 
“What’s fucking absurd is that you think I am that fucking stupid not to see through this shit,” His eyes were ice cold, and Y/N shuddered at the sight. She was suddenly very aware that she was alone with him, something that she hated. She had gotten smart these past couple months of being with Trevor, she made sure that at least one of his brothers was around when he was angry.
“I am not sleeping with Rhett!” 
“Why the fuck was he at the house yesterday?” 
She went quiet. She really didn’t have a good explanation for why Rhett’s blue truck was in the driveway when Trevor came home. Rhett had found a box of her things that she left at his house; shirts, some socks, polaroids of the two of them, and a pair of panties. Trevor didn’t ask about it when he saw Rhett saunter out of his house, tipping his hat to the blonde man before getting in. He also didn’t ask why Y/N was so jumpy every time he touched her. Maybe it was because Rhett had kissed her, or maybe it was because she had asked Rhett to kiss her. 
“Dropping some stuff-” Her voice was cut off by a harsh slap on her cheek, the strike sending her to the ground. She could feel the blood starting to run from her nose, as she wiped at her skin. Trevor leaned down to grab her shirt, when he was forcefully pushed off of her. Y/N reeled back, moving against the wall as she watched Rhett push Trevor up against the wall, his shirt collar held tightly in Rhett’s white knuckled fists. 
“Did you just fucking hit her?” Rhett growled out. Many people had seen the wrath of Rhett Abbott, and many people decided they didn’t want to be on the receiving end. One of those people was Trevor Tillerson, but he was now met with something scarier than a 4000 pound bull. 
“This isn’t your fucking business, Abbott,” Trevor shoved at Rhett’s hands, “It’s between me and my girl.” 
“I don’t give a fuck,” Rhett slammed Trevor’s body back against the wall, and grabbed his chin harshly, “If she’s your girl or not. You don’t lay a fucking hand on a woman.” 
Trevor scoffed, “She ain’t no woman. She’s a slut.” 
Y/N looked up from the ground, seeing the flash of anger go through Rhett’s body. He relaxed slightly, letting Trevor just slightly out of his grasp, before delivering a right hook to his face. Y/N gasped as she watched Trevor’s knees buckle and his body fall to the ground. She scrambled over to him, and rolled him onto his back, and leaned her cheek down to his mouth. 
“I didn’t kill him,” Rhett said. Y/N looked up at the cowboy, “How long has he been doing this?” 
“The physical stuff started a couple months back. . . “ Y/N said and looked down at her knocked out boyfriend, “It was just words before that.” 
“Come on,” Rhett held his hand out to her. She looked at him warily, “I won’t leave him here. I’ll go tell Luke, he always seemed to be the better of the three numbskulls,” She still didn’t move, looking back down at Trevor. Rhett sighed and squatted down next to her, “I’m not going to hurt you.” 
“You already did,” Y/N said and looked up at him. 
“I hate myself for it. I hate myself for hurting you and pushing you into his arms,” Rhett gestured down to Trevor, “I hate that I let you get more than just your heart hurt. Please, Y/N, just let me take you home so I know you are safe.” 
Y/N looked between Trevor and Rhett again, and nodded. Rhett stood up to his height and offered her his hand. He opened the door to the bar again, and held her hand tightly as they walked in. Rhett led them over to where he and Perry were sitting. Perry had somehow managed to find a woman at the bar of his own, and was sweet talking to her when Rhett walked up. 
“Wha- What happened?” Perry said, looking up at the girl’s face. 
“Trevor,” Rhett answered, and threw a couple bills down on the table, “Taking her home,” He grabbed his hat and put it on his head. He paused a second and looked at Y/N, before taking his stetson off and placing it on her head, “Get a ride home?” 
“Yeah,” Perry nodded and looked at the woman under his arm, “Put ice on that shiner, and get her to the doc in the morning.” 
“I will,” Rhett nodded and took Y/N’s hand again. 
She kept her head down as they walked by the Tillerson table, feeling the stares of the other two brothers. Luke got a glimpse of the bruise forming on her face and he clenched his jaw. Neither one said anything as they got into Rhett’s truck. He opened the door and buckled her in, before going around to his side. It all felt oddly familiar, being in his passenger seat with his stetson on his head. Only difference was the newly forming black eye and bloody nose. She told Rhett her address, and they rode in silence all the way there. 
“This is it,” She said softly, as Rhett arrived outside a small white cottage type house. It was very oddly her, and Rhett could remember all the times he would drive by this house when it was for sale, promising himself that he was going to buy it for her. It both broke his heart and made him happy that she got it for herself, “Thank you for tonight.” 
“I don’t let guys lay their hands on women. I wasn’t raised that way,” Rhett said. Y/N fiddled with her hands as she hesitated to get out of the truck, “You ok-” 
“Can you stay?” They both said at the same time. Rhett’s eyes widened a bit as he took in her nervous frame, “It’s just Trev. . . He knows where I live an-and I don’t think he would show up, but I just-” 
“I can stay,” Rhett said and grabbed her hand, “I’ll always stay. As long as you want me to.”
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Hi Can you do more of Seek x reader headcanon ? Or rush x reader ambush too pls 🛐
ooooo!! :]]]
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
[HEADCANNONS]- Seek x Reader
seek is very protective of you, will make a protective shield around you if any player or cryptic tries to hurt you,, even make a snide comment to you
cuddles!!! seek loves cuddles, sneak cuddles are it's fav!!
sometimes, in it's "human form" it asks you to teach it to dance and paint!
seek loves to dance ball room dancing! any classical, slow paced dancing, with paintings, it loves to paint landscape! at the beginning, seek was not good at it but it learned to form better, stronger fingers to paint!
it's speech is getting better! it can now form *short* and smooth sentences, when it isn't expressing a lot of emotions, so when seek is much more calm, it can make fluent sentences!
you can seek do speech lessons, thats how he's learning! (also you showing diagrams of how mouths work LMFAO)
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
[HEADCANNONS]- Rush x Reader x Ambush
jeeze these guys can't stop spoiling you (it's always a competition with gifts)
when these two aren't trying to out gift each other, they are always trying to take you too every place in the hotel
remember when was seek being overprotective,, yeah, imagine if THEIR s/o was hurt or harmed. hotel? trashed.
when alone though, they are both so cuddly and sweet, (if you could touch them) they would purr and cuddle like cats!, but since you can't really touch them,, they find other ways to show love, (presents, protection,,)
When they did confess, rush was more of the shyer cryptic from the two, which was surprising!
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biggestsimp12 · 2 years
Hey! Could you do a ambush or a screech x gn!reader? I don’t really see doors fanfiction so much rn.. it can be any genre you want. ( either romantic or platonic works! )
And for the plot..maybe the reader can be a bit clueless with the monsters, like instead of being scared..just studying them and being interested about the entities. It can work for either ambush or screech. I am not sure if it makes sense, but do tell me if not!
Ofc! I hope you like it!
Screech, Ambush with a clueless/fearless gn! reader (separate)
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You were walking around the unkown hotel. You searched for an exit that you never seem to find as you kept entering new rooms. Suddenly the lights were cut off leaving you in complete darkness. You cursed under your breath as you searched for the door.
As you turned around there was a little creature with glowing white eyes. It screeched at you and tired to jump away but failed due to you catching him.
What are you? you asked studying its features.
You look like a little octopus.
You are not afraid of me?
The creature spoke back with a little demonic voice.
Why should i? You look pretty funny.
Well other people find me annoying and scary. Mostly the first one...
The creature looked sadly away from your gaze. You kinda felt bad for it.
Well maybe i can be your friend? We can explore together.
The creature looked at you with starry eyes, attaching its tentacles on your arm in wich seemed like a hug. You got up and searched the door with your new little friend.
So what's your name?
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You finally escaped that cursed library. You were really curious about the unkown monsters and wondered how many are there. You reached door 69 and the lights started flickering signaling that Rush was coming. Due to your luck of not finding any closet you hopped into a near vent. You crawled as you heard a loud static noise. You watched the other side a green flashing monster coming around. It mimicked Rushes patroling but instead he was coming back. You got closer to the point it almost caught you. After it left for real you got out of the vent, curious about what just happend.
Thank you for reading and sorry if it was short!
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 2 years
Whumptober Day 22 (BAU x transmale reader)
Toxic | Withdrawal | Allergic Reaction
ALT: Ambushed
(there will be a part two fo this!)
Warnings: transphobia (from a load of people, it's the main theme), deadnaming (D/N), the t-slur/trans slur/(tr**ny) used once, outing, misgendering, probably hate crime tbh, please let me know if I've missed anything
Word count: 2696
No one missed the looks you received when you walked into the precinct. It was your hometown, a typical small town with its typical small-town views and beliefs. You, however, had become accustomed to these looks. Particularly those who worked at the station. When you came out and started your transition (despite the strong words and opinions of your parents), it was as though the town had frozen you out. No one would speak to you unless they had to, no one would approach you, sure, you even got beaten up a few times. You were dreading this case to say the least. 
“Why do they keep glaring at you?” Spencer mumbled as he walked close to you.
“I was a smart mouthed kid,” You whispered back, finding the best excuse you could, “And this is a stereotypical small town - they have nothing else better to do than gossip,”
What made everything ten times worse was that the team didn’t even know. You didn’t write it on your application, fearing that if you did, you wouldn’t get the job - or the team would treat you differently. You had planned to tell them you were transgender, of course, but the right time had never surfaced and you were in too deep now. You’d just have to be stealth until you retired from the FBI. And if that’s the way it went, then hey, that would be okay. 
You knew Spencer didn’t believe you, but he didn’t comment on it either, which you’d take as a win. You had a feeling you were going to need all the wins you could get with this case. 
“Officer Hart is currently working this case, so you’ll be working closely with him, if that’s alright?”
You look at the officer, the name feeling familiar and your heart jumps. Standing in front of you with a wide smirk is your high school bully, Seth Hart. You mentally groan. Just your luck. And judging by his widening smirk, he recognises you. 
“That’s perfect,” Hotch said politely before turning to you, “(Y/N), do you know Officer Hart?”
You nod, about to answer, when Seth cuts in, “Oh, yes, (Y/N) and I go way back,” He emphasises your name and it makes you feel sick. You should probably just pretend to be sick and spend the rest of the case at the hotel. 
When the team had found out that you grew up here, they had immediately asked to meet your family, curious as to who raised the Fabulous (Y/N) (Garcia’s words). The whole team had joined for the case, Garcia included. When they had asked, after a moment you agreed. Instantly regretting it, but able to go back on your decision. Although you were trying your best to come up with an excuse, but you could worry about that later. Your current problem was staring straight at you. 
Hotch, sensing the tension, nods, “Good,” He says, “I’m sure that will be helpful for the case,”
It had been hours since you all were introduced, after checking the scenes, going over the files again, flicking through suspects, you were all worn out. 
“Alright, everyone, lunch break,” Hotch declares, looking up from the file, as he turns to you, “(Y/N), any recommendations?”
You pause, thinking for a moment before nodding. “There’s a diner not too far from here,” You said. 
“Vamoose to the cars,” Rossi cheers. 
You give directions from the back, anxiety building up in your chest as you do. ‘They probably won’t even recognise you’ You tell yourself. It does little to calm you down and soon enough, you’re there. 
“Ugh, she’s back,” You turn your head in the voice’s direction, holding back a smirk when you see the woman. 
“Janice,” You said curtly, “Still a joy to be around I see,”
You’re behind the rest of the group and they’re too caught up in chatter to have noticed or heard the conversation, which you were grateful for. You were going to make it out of the case without the team finding out you were trans if it was the last thing you did. 
When you’ve all chosen your seats and have gotten settled (you sat in a booth by the window), you realise you need the toilet. You announce it with a huff before standing and making your way over. It was still in view of the team, but quite a trek away. 
“Sorry, you can’t go in there,” Your stomach drops and you pause at the door. Turning, you see Mr Miles, your eleventh grade science teacher. “It’s mens,” He says, pointing at the stick figure on the toilet with ‘MEN’ written under it. 
“What do you want me to say?” You ask, “Well done for reading?” Mr Miles glares, stepping closer to you. 
“You’re not a man.”
“Listen, I get it, you’re insecure about your masculinity, but that’s no excuse to take that out on other people. You’re getting on in years, it’s completely normal to be insecure about your little soldier at your age,” You were exhausted and had no energy to waste on people like him. “Now, I suggest we both go our separate ways. If you don’t want me in your bathroom, wait until I’ve left.”
You walk into the bathroom with a smirk. 
When you exit the bathroom, a waitress is standing there, “I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” She says, folding her arms. You raise your eyebrows.
“Excuse me?” 
“You’re making customers uncomfortable,”
“Whatever,” You say with a laugh. You walk past her with a scoff, going up to the table the team were sitting at and you take your seat. You knew this wasn’t going to go well. 
You see the waitress talking to the manager. The team gives you a questioning look and you try your best to look innocent and shrug it off. And then the manager walks up to the table. 
“I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” He says. 
“What, why?” Hotch asks from next to you.
“No you, just-” His eyes flick to you, “You.”
“Why does he have to leave?” Morgan asks, eyebrows furrowed.
“Making customers uncomfortable,” He’s not using pronouns and it makes you bite back a smile. These people were the pettiest people you have ever met. 
“Right,” You say sarcastically, “Yet he was the one trying to get a sneak peak of my dick,” Had you had bottom surgery? No. Did they need to know that? No. 
The team’s jaws drop. “Leave willingly or we will forcibly remove you.”
“He’s an FBI agent-” Hotch argues.
“An FBI agent making multiple customers uncomfortable.”
“How?” Prentiss questions. 
“Alright, I’m leaving,” You say, beginning to stand up. Garcia grabs your arm, preventing you. 
“No, you’re not.” She says.
“It’s fine,” You lie, turning to the team. “I’ll meet you back at the station,” The team tries to protest but you shake your head, “No, it’s fine, I’ll grab something on the way back. By the way, the burger’s really good,” 
With that, you stand up and begin to make your way out of the diner. You’re shaking and you can’t remember ever being this angry. You’re getting a headache from the built up rage. 
You see Mr Miles smirking and waving at you as you leave. You respond with a sarcastic smile and the middle finger - watching as his face fills with rage. Old prick. 
You’re out of the diner, about to make your way back to the station when the team catches up. You close your eyes. “What was that about?” Spencer asks curiously.
You give a tightlipped smile, “Nothing,” You say, “Just-”
“You were a smart mouthed kid?” Spencer adds, referencing the lie from before. You nod. 
“You got kicked out of the diner for being smart mouthed as a kid?” Morgan asks. You nod.
“I don’t want to talk about it, can we just grab some food and get back to work?”
After a moment of studying you, Hotch nods, “Alright. But we will be talking about this later,” You repress a groan as you quickly nod.
Spencer’s sat next to you on the drive back and he’s keeping a close eye on you. So was Morgan (through the rearview mirror) and Garcia (from the passenger’s seat). Emily, Rossi, Hotch, and JJ were all in the other SUV. 
“You sure you’re okay?” Morgan asks as he takes a left. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” You respond, “You need to take a right,”
It was near the end of the case, you could feel it. It was that awkward plateau before all the answers flooded in and you solved it. You were in the break room, grabbing a coffee for you (and Spencer, who looked like he hadn’t slept in a week). You hummed to yourself as you made it, you were the only one in the room so you felt comfortable enough to do so. 
The door opened and closed quietly behind you and you stopped humming but continued to make the coffees, currently waiting on the machine. 
“Do your team even know?” You roll your eyes, turning to face Seth.
“Do my team even know what, Seth?” You ask. 
“I’ll take that as a no,” Stepping closer to you as he spoke, Seth sneered, “How are they gonna feel when they realise that you aren’t the person they thought you are? That you aren’t the person that they tolerate?”
You gulped, “Seth, shut up,”
“How can you expect your team to trust you, if they don’t even know you, huh?” You shoved him back when he went to touch your shoulder.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” You growled, you pointed a finger at him. “My team can trust me, they do trust. I have proven myself over and over again. So what they don’t know every damn thing about me? They don’t need to know everything about me to trust that I can do my job!”
"What's going on?" Your stomach dropped. Hotch. You turned around, seeing the team behind you. 
Seth snickered, “Nowhere to run now, (Y/N),” Breath hit the back of your throat. You felt like you couldn’t breathe.
Say something.
Say something, damnit! They’re all staring at you, waiting for you to reply. What do you say? You need to say something. 
“If you trust them so much, tell them. Go on, tell them pinochio. Tell them that you aren’t a real boy after all.” Seth laughs.
You open your mouth, ready to come up with a shitty excuse, yet another lie.  “I-”
You flush deeply at the laughter behind you, “God, this is just pathetic. How about I spell it out for you?” He suggested, “Since you can’t seem to do so yourself.” He turned to the team, whose faces were all painted with confusion. “She’s a girl. Woman. Female. A tranny.” Seth placed a hand over his chest as he gasped loudly. 
You feel your hands start to tremble, you shake your head - trying your best to blink back tears, “Stop,”
“Not that big tough FBI agent now, are you (D/N)?” The first tear falls causing Seth to taunt you with his smirk, “Oh this is just pathetic,” 
You’re not sure whether you want to hit him or run and hide away from the world for the rest of your life. You’re tempted to hit him and then hide away. Luckily for you, your legs are way ahead of your brain and you run, the team too surprised to chase you. Well, until Morgan snaps out of it and tries to run after you. You weave in and out of the buildings expertly, this wasn’t the first time you had to hide from someone. Although, you doubted that Morgan would hurt you. You didn’t have that doubt about Seth and his friends when you were growing up. You hide behind a dumpster and Morgan runs straight past you, you go undetected in the opposite direction. 
You’ve been out of the station for hours, it’s dark now. You can still see where you’re going, granted that’s mostly because of the dull street lights, but you can see well enough. You had left your phone at the station, knowing that the first thing Hotch would do is get Garcia to track it. You didn’t want to be found. You didn’t want to see the look of disappointment and judgement on your team’s face. You couldn’t deal with that. You had dealt with that your whole life and now all you wanted was a family and that’s what you had found here. All you wanted to do was find somewhere you fit in, where you could be who you really were and this team was the closest you had gotten to that and now it had been ripped away. 
You found the spot you used to hide in when you were young with ease. First floor of an abandoned building no one ever went in. Some teenagers a few years older than you started a rumour that it was haunted and since then, no one enters it. 
Glaring at Seth, Hotch walks forward. Seth coward at the glare. “Where would (Y/N) go?”
Seth gave a half-assed shrug, “Why do you care anyway?”
“He’s our family,” Rossi answered. “Where would he go?”
“Some stupid abandoned building,” Seth muttered after a second. 
“Perfect, sounds like you know where it is,” Prentiss said sharply. 
You sat in the corner, scowling at the wall opposite you. Seth had just ruined everything. Everything was gone. You shouldn’t have even come on this case. You should have pretended you were ill, or something! You groaned, letting your head fall back on the wall behind you. “This is just shit,” You mumbled. You kind of wished you had brought your phone with you so you could at least play Candy Crush or something. 
Your head snapped up, hearing a floorboard creak and you shot to your feet. Part of you expecting it to be Sean and his friends before you shove that thought aside. Hotch walks in first, followed swiftly by the rest of your team and your heart plummets, expecting the worst. 
“I told Hart that if he misgenders or deadnames you again, Derek will shoot him,” Garcia says, stepping forward to embrace you in a tight hug, which you gladly reciprocate. 
“You’re okay with it?” You mumble into her shoulder.
“We all are,” She replied, rubbing a hand up your back. “I promise. Look, we’re all okay with it, right guys?” 
“Of course!”
“We support you no matter what,”
“We’re family,”
“Why wouldn’t we be?” You grinned. 
“Come on, let’s get back to the station, I’m starving,” Garcia said.
Hotch nodded, “I’d like to try out that diner, I hear the burgers there are great.”
“I’m not allowed in, remember?”
Rossi patted your back with a grin, “Don’t you worry about that, kiddo,”
When the case was wrapped up, you sighed, turning to the team. “You still wanna meet the family?”
“We don’t have to-” JJ began, you shook your head.
“No, it’s fine, we’ve pretty much all met each other’s parents at this point,” You said with a laugh. “It’s my sister’s birthday and I don’t want to miss another one,” You and your sister, Clara, had always been close. She was the only one who supported you throughout your transition and you had managed to keep in contact, (despite your parents’ wishes). She was the only family member you kept in contact with. 
“I didn’t know you had a sister,” Spencer commented.
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me,” You said mysteriously, you all gave a short laugh. “Besides, it’s only round the corner anyway,”
With that, you began the car journey - Derek had let you drive. Turns out, getting outed did have it’s benefits. Within five minutes you’re out the car and walking down a road. 
“This is it,” You said, pausing in front of the door. You hadn’t been here since you left for university. It would be fine, your team was here.
With a deep breath, you knocked on the door. 
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
I was thinking, most of the riddlers might enjoy being manhandled by a vigilante s/o or crush because they're so touch starved but what about daddy oz? I don't see many (or any) fics about about him getting manhandled (maybe cause he's a unit of a man)
Do you think maybe he'd like to get roughed up a little by a vigilante he has a crush on? (maybe pushed onto the floor and straddled 👀 holding his wrist above his head)
Farrell!Penguin x GN!Reader, word count: 1k lmao yeah i think if you smacked a riddler on the cheek for being a pain in the ass they'd definitely cream so i get this! so get ready for some flustered, embarrassed and very aroused ozzie getting his ass handed to him 💜🐧 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: grinding, violence, some punches, suggestive
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It was time to stop being soft with Oswald Cobblepot. It never worked. The man was charming, almost intolerably so. Any efforts you made to reason with him, to find out some insider information, or to catch him in a web of his own making, always ended with a wink. Leaving with nothing new, nothing worthy, and red, flushed cheeks.
And despite your silly little crush, you were finding it easy to stay focused as you hid in the ceiling above his office. You kept your mind on the task at hand, reminding yourself that you were capable of this, of taking him down. Because he deserved it. Not so much because he was a bad guy doing the usual bad guy things, more so because you were hurt.
Keep reading
Everyone had been insistent that he had a thing for you, that he liked you, and to use that to your advantage. Sure it was annoying that he flirted constantly and left you confused and turned around usually, but eventually, he might work up to asking you on a date if you just kept yourself looking gooey-eyed anytime you approached him for some intel. But the longer you spent hanging around his associates, listening in to his conversations, bugging his office with microphones and cameras, you realised that you weren’t special.
Oswald Cobblepot was just like that with everyone. Flirty, charming, complimentary. There wasn’t a single person who went into his office, or even walked by him, who didn’t get a “how you doin’, sweetheart” or a wink. But as damaging as that revelation had been to your ego, it had done wonders for your ability to push past that soft spot you had for him. Now you could use your hurt to access the rage you held for thinking you were special. And you intended to use that to your advantage.
As soon as the door was closed, you were down and charging to him, taking him by complete surprise as you slammed your first up into his jaw. With a deep groan, he clutched at his face, silently, as though he were trying not to alert his goons, determined to sort out this little problem on his own. That was one of his weaknesses. His ego, his self-image. And you knew he couldn’t handle you by himself, evidenced by the fact that he was so busy focusing on the pain of his chin that he missed your next blow to his stomach.
Once he was hunched over in two, clutching at his gut, groaning softly in pain, a sound that was tugging at the remaining sympathy within you, you knew you could end the ambush. A few more hits at each other as you struggled, but you had him, knocking him backwards and landing on top of him on the floor. With your body planted firmly at his hips, legs on either side of him, you grabbed at the flailing hands that tried to strike you, pinning them above his head.
In the silence, finally still, you both panted heavily after the struggle. And only as he regained his focus, finally able to take in the surroundings, eyes adjusting to the dim light, did he recognise you.
“Oh, kid! It’s you! What’s the deal, huh?”
“Don’t ‘kid’ me, Oswald.”
“What are you talkin’ about? We don’t operate like this, you and I we got a thing going, no?”
“I’ve had it with our thing. I’m here to do my job.”
Realising you weren’t about to let up, he began struggling again. But you were steadfast, solidly pressed to him, and you adjusted yourself lower down his body to be able to better control his legs.
“You’re stronger than you look, sweetheart. Now, you think you could get off me, eh? Let an old man up off the floor? We can talk like adults?”
“Give me some credit, Oz. You can’t think I’m that stupid.”
“No, I just need you to move yourself even, shift back up a little bit, I’m beggin’ ya.”
“So you can kick out and escape, think again, Ozzie. You know, I thought you thought better of me but evidently you-”
As you shuffled further down, your body came to rest on the reason he was so desperate to have you off him. A distinct tenting in his pinstripe suit trousers, bulge pressed against you, impressive… and flattering.
“Listen, I’m sorry, sweetheart, I tried to get you offa me.”
“You like violence or something?”
“Or something…”
You stared down at him, lifting his wrists a little and thumping them back down, wriggling your body against his cock, watching his face contort in pleasure and disdain, embarrassment.
“Ah, alright, alright! I like…”
Waiting, you held your breath.
“I like you, kid. Now come on, what is this, middle school?”
He made a concerted but fruitless effort to shove you, but you pressed down on him harder, your chests stuck together as you lowered onto him, hands tighter on his wrists, nose almost to his as he stared up at you, flustered, cheeks red, sweat beading on his forehead. You were right all along, it seemed. There was something different between the two of you and you had managed to cajole it out of him, all it had taken was some brute force. And you were definitely not about to let the opportunity go to waste.
“Look, kid, I’ll do whatever you want, ok? I’ll tell you whatever you want to know, but you gotta stop tormentin’ me like this. How ‘bout every time I tell you something you loosen this grip a bit, huh?”
With a wide grin on your lips, you leaned in closer, forehead to his. He swallowed his nerves audibly, his chest heaving under you as his breath shuddered.
“I think I might be able to think of a better reward system, Oswald.”
Before he could get the words out, you had your lips on his, unable to control yourself any longer.
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thedreamerfae · 2 years
I promise I’m not dead and I will continue The Howling Pirate King it’s just I’m very busy in my life and I temporarily had writer’s block so right now I’m taking things slow
Also I had a new fucking story idea and it’s being played out like this
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There’s more crossover I’m not mentioning because I forgot or I’m just too lazy to put them there.
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abstract-crossverse · 2 years
Alr fuck it, Im adding a new writing to the list,
I will now be doing requests for the game Doors from roblox
Im sorry if I keep only writing for madcom Im going to explode, I need the silly pngs that bite u
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gojonanami · 4 months
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pairing: satoru gojo x reader
summary: you come home after a long day of work unable to find the person you call home anywhere — until you reach the bedroom.
warnings: 18+ suggestive, fluff, comfort, some angst, implications of the shinjuku showdown arc, implied gojo is no longer a sorcerer, gojo is your househusband, taking a bath together, taking care of him, copium really, satoru being a silly man
w/c: 1,184
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“I’m home!”
You call into your home, the clatter of your keys and shoes as you shedded the things that chained you to the outside to submerge yourself in your oasis and into his arms. But as you got no reply, you stepped into your living room, scanning over the kitchen, to find no one.
Now where was your home?
“Satoru?” you called, heart skipping a slight beat, he was always waiting for you when you got home, usually on the couch or maybe in the kitchen the clank of the knife as he chopped away. Or even the many times that he was waiting by the door to only ambush you with kisses. But this time, nothing.
You rounded the corner to the hallway and peeked into your bedroom to find him asleep. You crept closer, careful not to wake him, and yup, he was fast asleep. His pretty snow white lashes resting against his cheeks, his chest slowly rising and falling as the soft sounds of his breaths parted his lovely lips.
You could watch him sleep for hours. You knew he never did enough of it before, and you’d argue he still didn’t do enough of it now. He always said he was fine sleeping 6 hours since it was twice as much as he usually got — and now he was working at home, so he could be ease.
But even so, you know he needed more.
As if he senses your thought, he stirs, starry blue eyes finding yours as he flutters sleep from his gaze, “sweetheart?” He’s murmuring, voice still beautifully raspy from sleep, “when did you get home?” He’s shifting to get up, but you use gentle hands to ease him back, “I haven’t started on dinner yet, sweets—“
“I got it, Toru,” you’re running your fingers through his hair, “just rest, baby,” and a protest is already on his lips, “let me guess what you did today — cleaned the house from roof to floor, stocked us on groceries, cooked lunch for me for the week, and probably a million other things,” you lean down to press a kiss to his forehead, “I think I can handle dinner for one night at least,”
He’s pouting now, “but you just got home from work, Princess, what kind of househusband would I be—“ and you can’t help but laugh, he loved his self appointed title of househusband, especially since it was one he had chosen for himself, and he took any opportunity — even now to call himself that.
“I think even the absolute best househusbands need a break, and should listen to their wives, since I’m the one you want to pamper so much,” and his lips party in protest, but you’re leaning down to kiss them and his pout away, “let me take care of you, Toru,”
He’s sighing, as he leans up to press his forehead to yours, “and does your offer include a bath, sweetheart?”
“Y’know sometimes I feel guilty,” and you pause in your massage of his head, fingers tangled in his hair, suds from the bath you’d drawn for him covering both of your bodies as he leans against you in your tub, back pressed flush to yours.
“Guilty about what?” you ask, holding your tongue on the million reasons why he shouldn’t.
“For so long, I was the strongest,” he gives a small chuckle, “and it was fun, sometimes. But it was mostly lonely,” he leans back to look up at you, a small grin on his lips, “except when I was with you,” your lips curl, “and now I get to be with you, and I get to stay home — and the worst thing I have to do are the dishes,” and you snort.
“I told you I’d do them if you hate them so much,”
But he’s shaking his head, “Sometimes I think trying to deal with our cast iron is worse than fighting Sukuna—“ and you roll your eyes, “but there’s always this urgency that I have to be doing more. Telling me to keep going, moving, fighting—“
“You’ve done enough, Toru, more than enough,” your fingers cup his cheek, “too much, honestly. It’s okay to rest now. You’ve done your part—“
“Didn’t you or someone say jujutsu is like a marathon, a baton pass?” Your fingers run through his white locks, before you shift yourself to sit in his lap instead, “the marathon is over, racers have packed up and gone home, and the finish line has been crossed,” your fingers rest on the back of his neck, tracing his undercut, “and that’s because of you and all you did to fight and raise up the next generation,” you say softly, and he’s pressing his head to your forehead.
“Is it okay for me to rest now?” and you’re pulling him into your arms, hoping your touch conveys what your words can’t.
“Yes, it is, Satoru,” you’re pressing soft kisses to his neck, “you don’t need to be the strongest. You’re Satoru Gojo, and that’s all I want,” and he leans back, “you’re all I want,”
“Is that a proposal?” And you snort.
“We’re already married, weirdo—“ and his lips find yours, as they always did, his arms around your bare waist, as the water shifted and splashed, but you could barely feel anything except his lips against yours and the circle of his thumb against the small of your back.
He finally pulls away, a genuine smile on his lips, “And you married this weirdo,” and you chuckle, tracing his jaw with your finger, “you’re stuck with me for life,”
“Promise?” And he’s kissing you again in an instant, stealing your breath like he did the first time you met him all those years ago at jujutsu tech. And you knew you’d never love anyone else — not like him.
Satoru’s arms wrap around you from behind as the two of you towel off after your bath, “what are we having for dinner?”
“Well someone insisted on me being in here with him, so I had to order out,” and he’s grinning, as he nuzzles your neck.
“Whoopsie, hehe,” and he’s humming, as he tugs your hips against his, the friction drawing a gasp from your lips, “can we have dessert first?”
“It is dessert. We’re having ice cream for dinner—“ and he’s kissing you again, but this time it’s languid and messy — all tongue and teeth, until he’s pulling away with a smirk at your breathless face.
“I want something sweeter, wife,” and you smile.
“Think you can finish before the delivery gets here?” And he’s already picking you up with ease in his arms, pinned under him in a moment, as his ocean blues flash with mischief from between your thighs.
“I can, but I don’t know if you’ll be done by then.” He says cheekily, as you only sigh.
If there was one thing that would always be true is that you would always be weak to Satoru Gojo — but not his abilities, but who he is.
Your husband.
“Let’s see, hm?”
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a/n: I’m real upset about the leaks and this is my coping. I needed this.
taglist: @staryukis, @cloverlilies, @asgoodasdead666, @strawmariee, @chuuyasboots, @forest-fruits-jam, @catsgomurp, @rat-loves, @hanlay, @risuola, @spider-fan72, @sunamatic, @difficultdomains
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gloomwitchwrites · 4 months
You get drunk and don't remember giving them a hickey. So you get mad at them.
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Oh, anon! I love love love this prompt. Even though the prompt itself is fairly straightforward, there is some wiggle room about how this could play out. I stuck to the prompt but did my best to keep them on the shorter side.
Some of these get spicy but don't fall into graphic detail.
Task Force 141 x Female Reader
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): swearing, suggestive themes, arguing, sexual tension, kissing, alcohol
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // imagines & what if masterlist
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John Price
“These reports are shit, Price. What am I supposed to do with them?”
You’re trying your best not to sound irritated, but your head is pounding. You agreed to go out for drinks but told yourself you wouldn’t have more than one or two. That went completely out the door when multiple people began paying for rounds. After the fourth, the night started to come blurry. Not all the pieces are there.
Of what you can recall from last night, you remember that you sat in a man’s lap. Well—sat isn’t the correct word. More like straddled. You remember strong arms, an accent, and an excitement in what you were doing. But the face is still foggy.
“What you always do,” replies Price. There’s a tease in his tone you don’t particularly like. It’s too friendly, and it stirs something fierce inside your belly.
Price shifts in his chair behind his desk, the collar of his jacket flops open slightly. You catch a hint of something dark on the side of Price’s neck. You frown, your rebuttal gone.
“What is that?” You nod toward his throat.
Price leans back. “What?” he asks. “This?” He reaches up, pulling back on the collar.
It’s a…oh fuck.
“You were happy to give it to me.” Price shrugs.
“Oh my god,” you whisper, tossing the manila file folder on Price’s desk.
The man you straddled last night was Price? The man who is always fucking up reports and ignoring all your suggestions for corrections? That one?
“You looked good doing it, too,” he continues, that teasing smile falling into a comfortability of a lover.
No. No no no.
You place your hands on your hips. “And you let me do that?”
Price shrugs. “We’re consenting adults.”
“I was drunk.”
Price crosses his arms over his chest. “We were both drunk. And you’re the one who pounced on me.”
Embarrassment rises hot and wild in your cheeks. “I wouldn’t do that.”
“You did,” he confirms, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly as he smirks. “Ambushed me actually.”
“Then why didn’t you stop me?” Your voice cracks, going a bit high.
“I tried.”
That’s almost worse. You jumped him and then sucked on his neck until it left a mark. What an absolute fucking mess.
You roll your eyes. “You tried? A big strong man like you couldn’t stop me?”
This time Price is the one rolling his eyes. He makes an irritated groan. Price pushes up from his chair, one hand waving out in front of him as he speaks. “You said you’d been thinking about me.”
It’s not entirely untrue. While you attend the clerical side of things, you do make excuses to come see Price. He’s older. Handsome. Assertive. His reports aren’t always shit but it’s the only reason you have to bother him.
“I didn’t mean it,” you reply but even you don’t believe it.
Price comes around the desk and steps into your space. “Really?”
You square your shoulders, staring into Price’s face. “Really.”
He shakes his head, clearly not believing you at all. “As I recall, you were in my lap. Practically begging.”
“And you allowed that? In front of everyone?” Even Price couldn’t be that careless.
This time, Price smiles like he knows something you don’t. “You don’t remember.”
“What?” you ask, flustered.
Price starts laughing, but it’s not mocking, more like he can’t believe what he’s hearing.
“John,” you snap.
Price sinks down into his chair, legs spread wide. “I think I liked it better when you said my name while seated in my lap.”
Your fingers dig into the top of Price’s desk. Pieces begin to return. Fragments of you squirming in his lap. Lips pressed against his.
“How did you say it?” he ponders, almost aloud rather than to you. Then, he smiles, not even answering his own question.
Price rests his palm on his thigh and your gaze drops to its subtle movement before returning to his face.
“Think I’d like a matching one,” he says. He runs his hand down his thigh and then back up. “Or I could give you one just like it.”
“John,” you murmur, not knowing what it is you want to say.
“Doesn’t have to be on your neck,” and his voice is nearly a growl. Price lightly squeezes his thigh and you know exactly where he’s referring to. “Be easier if you sit on the desk.”
You snatch up the folder on Price’s desk, clutching it like a shield against your chest. Price doesn’t even blink. Doesn’t appear fazed at all. Stomping over you shove it against his chest, intending to walk right out the door.
But Price is quick.
With one hand he’s clutching the file and with the other he grabs your wrist before you manage to move away.
“Remove your hand,” you say but there is no venom in it.
Price’s gaze lingers on your lips before shifting up to meet your eyes. “Come back when you know what you want.”
Price releases you, and you nearly stumble forward into his lap. Catching yourself on the edge of his desk, you spin on your heel, exiting Price’s office as the final fragments of memory fall into place.
You don’t want to admit it.
Not out loud. Not yet.
But you will be back.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
It’s unbelievable. Unfathomable.
You’re not angry with Kyle. You’re upset with yourself. You’re upset that you were so careless about how many drinks you had, and how you couldn’t control yourself in the moment. Kyle is not a liar, and he doesn’t take advantage, so whatever you did, is on you.
“I’m sorry,” you say, swallowing down some of the rising irritation. “It’s my fault.”
Kyle shrugs, a sheepish smile on his face. “Not like I pushed you away.”
“That doesn’t matter,” you insist, flinging your arms out in exasperation, nearly knocking over bottles of cleaner.
“Fucking hell,” he mutters, catching one of them before it hits the floor.
This little storage room isn’t big enough for this. You need space. You need to run far away from here and pretend like last night didn’t happen. Not that you can remember all of it. You don’t recall giving Kyle that mark on his neck.
“It does matter. We both had too much but I still had more of my head than you did.” Kyle places the bottle of cleaner back on the shelf. “I should’ve done better.”
“We’re coworkers, Kyle. And I had no right. We aren’t together.”
Kyle smirks and you want to smack it right off his face. “We could be,” he murmurs, taking a step forward.
“Absolutely not,” you retort but you don’t retreat.
Kyle’s smirk faulters a bit but he doesn’t shrink away. If anything, he looks more determined, like the rejection is a farce.
“You remember anything you said to me last night?”
You lick your lips and cross your arms defensively over your chest. “Even if I did, does it change anything?”
Kyle sighs and runs his hand over the top of his head. “It does for me.”
Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you consider your options. Kyle is a sweet man, at least to you. Everyone always comments on it to you when he isn’t around, and you’ve always dismissed their observations.
Maybe he does care, and you doing this tipped him over the edge into a place neither of you might be able to come back from.
“I need some fucking air,” you mutter, wanting to escape this situation, even for a bit.
Kyle shoves forward, blocking the door. Your lips move, forming the shapes of words, but Kyle shakes his head, all seriousness.
“We need to talk about this.”
“We don’t need to talk about anything,” you snap.
Kyle’s eyebrows rise toward his hairline and his head tips slightly to the side, revealing more of the mark. “Everyone knows what happened.”
“What?” you breathe.
“We weren’t alone when you straddled me.” You’re too stunned to speak. All the words you want to say are gone. Lost to the void that is your mind.
Kyle sighs and leans against the door. “Soap got a great view.”
“Stop talking. Just—stop.” Your throw up your hands and Kyle does as you ask. “You are going to move out of my way. I am going to leave. And we won’t talk about this again.”
Kyle only stares, the silence stretching.
When you think he won’t give in, Kyle shifts to his left, leaving the door completely clear. Without taking a second to reconsider, you push open the the door, nearly running over Soap in the process.
He stumbles backward, cheeks bright red. Ghost is next to him, arms crossed, staring at the wall like he isn’t there at all.
Soap’s brief fluster turns into a wide, knowing grin. “Gaz give you a matching one?” he teases.
Ghost makes a noise that sounds like a snort.
“Both of you can fuck off.”
Simon "Ghost" Riley
“What?” he grunts, side-eyeing you before returning his attention back to the tablet in his hand. He absently rubs at his neck for the third time in the last few minutes.
You frown. “Are you injured?”
“Why would you think that?” he asks, tapping at something on the screen.
“You keep rubbing your neck.”
Ghost pauses, his finger hovering just above the screen as he turns slightly in your direction.
You’re not trying to be pushy or nosy. Ghosts hates that. But there’s something wrong, and you care enough to ask him about it.
“You know what’s on my neck,” he replies cooly.
“No. I don’t.” A swirling fracture of unease blooms in your belly. It curls outward to claw up your throat. “What are you talking about?”
Ghost’s hand holding the tablet drops to his side. With one gloved hand, he reaches up, tugging the neckline of his jacket down enough to reveal a portion of his throat. The mask he always wears is in the way, but you reach out with a tentative hand, brushing the fabric upward to reveal a mouth-shaped bruise.
You drop your hand and take a step back. “Why would I know anything about that?”
“You gave it to me,” he says, matter of fact.
Sure, you had a few drinks last night, but did you really have that many? Enough that you can’t recall giving Ghost a goddamn hickey.
“You’re mistaken.”
“Never wrong, love.” Ghost locks the tablet and places it on the table next to him. “Especially about a woman sitting in my lap.”
“Don’t,” you say sharply. “Don’t say that.”
“It’s true.”
“It’s not.”
He crosses his arms over his chest, hips adjusting slightly as he pivots to glare down at you. “Try again.”
A deep rush of embarrassment floods your system, curling up your neck to heat your cheeks. “I wouldn’t.”
“You did,” insists Ghost. You glance down at the floor, unable to meet his gaze. Perhaps you had one too many. Sometimes you can hold your alcohol but clearly not. At least not last night.
You clear your throat. “I’m sorry.” An apology is best. You have no idea how Ghost feels about you, but you are irritated that he didn’t try to stop the whole thing in the first place.
Ghost is silent a long moment. “I’m not.” Your head snaps up, but Ghost isn’t done. “I liked it. And you enjoyed giving it to me.”
You need the pieces to fall back into place. You need to remember. Because right now, you’re just confused, and Ghost’s behavior is entirely different from his usual demeanor.
“You don’t know that.”
Ghost shrugs. “I do.”
His certainty is confusing. Ghost is not a liar. He is always truthful, always to the point, even if his bluntness comes across as rude. And that’s what so frustrating about it all because you know that Ghost is right. You probably did like it, probably begged and writhed in his lap. Ghost wouldn’t lie about something like that, but he would tease you. Might even hold it over your head.
“This conversation is over.” You step around him to grab the tablet, but Ghost is quick like a viper, his large hand encasing your wrist.
“Do you remember?”
No. I don’t.
“It doesn’t matter.” You try to tug your wrist out of his grasp, but Ghost holds firm.
“When you’re ready. Find me.” He leans forward, masked face nearly touching the side of your cheek. “We’ll recreate it.”
Then his hand is gone, and Ghost is pulling away, presenting the tablet to you like he didn’t say anything at all.
John "Soap" MacTavish
“What the fuck is that?”
Soap’s brilliant smile turns in your direction. He sits on the seat of a bench press, elbows resting on knees, sweat dripping from his brow. Soap is shirtless and a white towel is draped over the back of his neck.
Reaching up with the edge of the towel, Soap wipes away some of the sweat on his face. “What are you on about?” He adjusts his stance, his large palm pressing into his knee as he leans on an elbow.
The small gym isn’t crowded but there are people here. Some of them turn and glance in your direction but otherwise keep to their business. Ghost and Gaz are over by the boxing ring observing a few new recruits who slug it out for bragging rights.
Is Soap so aloof? Does he not see the massive mark on the side of his neck? And who gave it to him? A group of you went out for drinks but you don’t recall who might have given it to him or when.
You step closer, lowering your voice. “Your neck, Johnny.”
That gorgeous smile of his widens and he chuckles. “Did you forget?”
Did you forget? Forget what? Are you part of this?
You swallow, the salvia nearly sticking in your throat as you try to calm your thudding heart. “What do you mean?”
Soap leans back a bit, observing you. “You gave this to me.” His voice is too loud, and you glance over your shoulder to make sure no one’s heard. Everyone appears to be preoccupied with the recruits in the ring.
“I didn’t,” you insist, turning back to him. “I’d remember.”
Soap guffaws and removes the towel from around his neck. “Took a seat right here.” He indicates the spot by tapping his left thigh.
“Did we…” you begin, and then trail off.
“Did we what?” he prompts, clearly enjoying this.
You bend forward, lowering your voice until it’s a hiss. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Soap smirks, and then rises to his full height. “Promise I was a perfect gentleman.” He matches your movement, leaning in so that your faces are close. “But you? You were no lady.”
You inhale sharply, and Soap pushes right past you, heading for the showers.
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jamminvroomvroom · 7 months
no more mister shy guy.
OP x fem!reader
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in which you can’t work out why he just won’t sleep with you
i am neither normal, nor am i hinged! i hope you guys get the vision, i literally wrote this last night possessed by some feral urge bc i just love oscar sm and i’ve been needing to write for him sooo baaad. enjoy! pls lemme know what you think <3
songs to set the vibes: delicate by taylor swift, good looking by suki waterhouse, my kind of woman by max demarco, feeling myself by wolf alice
warnings: 18+!! minors dni!! smut, pwp but also there is some plot? overstimulation, crying in a hot way, choking, unprotected sex (L bozo don’t do that!) the most minor moment of angst, fluff
2.8k words
you watch him make coffee, daydreaming, balancing your heavy head on your hand. you study him while your free hand taps against the kitchen counter, nails drumming a random beat. sunlight streams through a gap in the curtains, framing him golden. you don’t think he knows how pretty he is.
oscar is oblivious to the way your mind is ticking behind him, twisting the cap on the carton of oat-milk. you hear the plastic fall onto the counter and your tongue wets your lower lip as he reaches up into the cupboard, his back flexing beneath his shirt as he finds your favourite mug. you realise then how swollen your lip is, snapped out of the trance he had you in, the one that had you biting your lip so hard, completely mindlessly.
he’s bulked up over the winter break, filled out a lot over the course of his rookie season. he’s no longer the scrawny, anxious guy you’d met at your fathers work event a year ago, he’s broader, thicker in your hands, utterly delicious. as much as you like the way he looks, you like his mind a whole lot more. if only you knew what was going on inside it.
oscar is an enigma, quiet, hilariously dry, the kindest man you’d ever had the pleasure of meeting. you’ve been together since the start of the winter break, november, after awkward run ins and plenty of pining since the start of his first season. you’d travel to races with your dad, a mclaren sponsor, and run into the australian, stare at each other and pretend no one noticed. after months of teasing from lando, oscar finally got the kick up the arse that he needed and you’d said yes to dinner before he’d even finished asking the question.
it’s february now, a week til he needs to be in bahrain. the last three months had been serene, spent with a man made of sunshine, and you’re sad to see him go, as if you won’t be in the emirates a mere four days after him. you fear the way you’ll ache for him, having been inseparable since the dinner that started it all.
but then again, it can’t be worse than the way you ache for him now.
“sweetheart?” oscar is waving his hand in front of your face when you realise he’s been calling your name for a good 15 seconds, and you have, in fact, been staring. hm? you jump, staring at him bewildered. he looks amused. “you okay?” he coos, sliding the coffee across the island towards you.
“yeah, sorry, i, um, i just- why won’t you have sex with me?” you blurt, slapping your hand over your mouth as soon as you realise what you’ve just said.
oscar just blinks, mouth forming a little o, the permanent blush he seems to have increasing tenfold. you instantly feel guilty for ambushing him, but you were at the end of your tether. three months of nothing, nada, zilch. every move you made was refuted, ignored as if he was oblivious. you were ravenous for him, he’s so gorgeous! and you didn’t want to pressure him, but you were starting to feel like there was something wrong with you.
you’d wake up in bed with him wrapped around you, grinding against your ass in his sleep, and you’d revel in it, the rare times that he actually seemed to want you like that. you loved him regardless, of course you did, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t need to be… dealt with. urgently.
“i- um- what?” oscar splutters, and the bottom of his mug blinks against the granite.
“is there something wrong with me? am i not pretty enough?” you whisper, shy. “do you just not… like- do you not want to do that?” you ramble.
panic fills his face, and he’s rushing around the island, by your side in an instant. he takes your hands into his, finding your eyes. they’ve grown watery, a mixture of guilt and desperation swirling in them which makes him feel ill.
“baby, no, god no.” he rushes the words out, desperate to convince you that it wasn’t you. “you’re the most beautiful person in the entire world, prettiest girl i ever saw.” he promises. “i’m just… it’s scary.”
“oh, osc.” your face falls, and you want to throw yourself off of the balcony. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to pressure you. if it makes you feel better, i’m scared too. but i love you so much, i just want to feel even closer to you.”
“you didn’t make me feel pressured, i’m just sorry i made you feel unwanted. trust me, i want you like that. drives me insane. but i’ve never had sex before with someone that i love. not the way i love you, anyway. scared that i won’t be good enough for you.” he murmurs.
you’re hung up on the part where you drive him crazy, the part where he loves you like that, and then you remember how vulnerable he’s being, baring his entire soul to you, and you rip yourself from the fantasy.
your hands smooth over his shoulders, until you’re softly fisting a clump of hair at the nape of his neck.
“i love you. insanely. we’ll go slow.” you state. he moulds further against you, and you quickly realise it’s for leverage, because the next thing you know, you’re in his arms. he has his hands hooked under your thighs and he’s kissing you so, so deeply that you’re dizzy. you don’t realise that you’re halfway to his bedroom until he pulls away.
“i don’t wanna go slow anymore.”
oscar places you on your feet at the end of his bed, the large, plush king-sized mattress that is currently calling both of your names. your blouse gets unbuttoned first, his hands shaking in a way that makes you melt, and his lips trail over every inch of bare skin that he uncovers. when it finally falls to the floor, his pupils are blown wide, his hands palming intricate black lace. your jeans are stripped away mercilessly, his hands shaking less now, and you take it as a sign to crawl backwards onto the bed.
he stands there, watching you, apprehensive again. you can see how hard he is, how desperately strained his cock is through the light grey of his sweatpants, and so you switch tactics. your hand grazes your tummy, skimming up your abdomen until you reach a bra strap. you toy with the elastic, holding the kind of eye contact that makes him twitch, tugging it until it hangs loosely off of your shoulder.
“i need you, osc. i trust you.” you utter, soft and enticing. one finger runs under the cup of your bra, flicking over your nipple. he can just about see the hardened bud through the lace of your bra. it’s not enough, though, and every ounce of self control depletes when you whine, “want you inside of me so badly.”
the elastic band snaps and he’s on top of you, rutting between your legs like a man starved. you drag his shirt up and over his shoulder blades, moaning as you feel each and every muscle under your fingertips.
“just wanna make you feel good.” oscar rasps, rolling his hips even harder into your core.
“take these off.” you beg, pulling at the waistband of his joggers. he somehow musters the strength to pry himself off of you, just long enough to discard the uncomfortable material of his sweats, but as soon as he looks down, his plans change.
painted over the crotch of them is a shiny pool of your slick, and when his eyes flit hungrily to your core, he sees where you’ve soaked through your panties. you’re panting when you see the stain, and you just want to get him inside of you, but his priorities have changed. oscar collapses between your legs, head buried, tongue exploring.
he groans, carnal and needy, into the fabric of your underwear, laving his tongue over the lace. your eyes widen as he dives in, licking over the wet patch until he grows frustrated. you hear the tearing of the fabric, feel his big hands pawing at your thighs to spread them as wide as they’ll go. his tongue slides right inside of you and he whines. he fucking whines. the vibration nearly makes you scream. you can’t believe this is your oscar, the same oscar that had quivered with nerves a mere five minutes ago.
“oh my god.” you chant, rolling your hips against his face. you must be all over him by now, what with the way he’s sucking and slurping, obscene sounds of wetness sounding around the room. you’d be blushing a deep red if you weren’t so turned on, shaking against his bedspread which will probably need changing once he’s done with you.
you thought that maybe he was inexperienced and that was the source of his fear, but if he was, you never would have known. he was a natural in between your legs, nipping at your clit to get you even louder for him.
you cum faster than ever, and he’s mumbling something incoherent into your pussy when you do. you’re riding the high, midway through the bliss, when a thick finger slips its way inside of you. oscar realises that he can easily slide another in, and he does. he doesn’t thrust them in and out, he grinds them against your walls, and your mouth falls open as a silent scream forces it’s way out.
you cum a second time, in record time yet again, and he still doesn’t let up. he’s hitting that spot relentlessly with his fingers, keeping your clit between his swollen lips, and you’re begging him. for what, you’re not sure, but you’re whimpering his name like you’re going to die. and what a good way to go this would be.
his eyes meet yours, and he looks unhinged. that’s when you feel it. that all consuming, belly twisting rush.
“oscar!” you try to warn him, but it’s too late, and he knows it. he makes you squirt, because of course he does. the shy guy who was scared that he wouldn’t be able to please you makes you squirt.
he pulls his mouth off of you but keeps his fingers buried deep, eyes fixed on watching the way your pussy convulses.
“holy shit.” you cry. you’re staring down at him like you’ve gone insane. he’s smiling innocently.
“was that good?” he almost sounds shy and you want to kick him.
“are you… are you serious?” you rasp. oscar just shrugs. “get up here.” you reach for him and complies, slotting himself between your legs once more.
oscar resumes the rolls of his hips, and the friction of the grey fabric against your core makes your eyes roll back.
“please, oscar, fuck me.” you whine, his head falling into the crook of your neck. he bites down, leaving behind the sting of his teeth and a faint purple splotch.
“fucking love you.” he slurs, his accent thickening in a way that makes him sound that extra bit fucked out already.
“i love you.” you murmur, forcing his sweats down his legs. his boxers are wet, just like your panties were, and you can’t help but stare. oh, it’s big.
his boxers are peeled down and you can feel yourself throbbing. his cock hangs heavy, red and dripping, painfully hard. you reach for it, looking at him to make sure it’s okay to touch, and he’s rapidly nodding his head. your small hand struggles but you make it work, and his head tips back, exposing his thick neck that you want to suck purple. your hand works over him a few times, and a visible shiver running through his body makes you stop.
“you ready for me?” he asks through gritted teeth.
“please.” you gasp, locking your legs around his waist. “however you want me, ‘m yours.” you breathe.
oscar’s eyes roll back in his head, your words sending his brain blank, and then he’s pushing home, slow and deep.
“fucking hell.” he groans, guttural. you’re so tight, warm, soaking wet. he feels like the biggest idiot in the world for waiting so long for this.
“oh.” you gasp, your eyebrows knitting together. he’s so deep. “so full.” you pant.
“can you take it, sweetheart?” oscar’s lips bump your jaw. “want you to take it.” you nod profusely, desperate to hear him run his mouth even further. your eyes clench shut when you feel him move, just the tiniest bit, readjusting.
“move.” you plead. he’s staring down at you, watching every single micro movement of your face.
oscar pulls out the smallest bit and thrusts back in, nice and slow. the drag drives you feral, the weight of him on top of you makes you weak. you want to stay like this until the end of days.
“good?” he hisses, trying to keep composed. he’s finally inside of you, claiming you as his in the most intimate way of all. he tries not to think about how many times he could have had you begging under him in the last three months.
“so good, so good.” you repeat, pushing your hips up to try and meet his.
“so pretty like this for me. always so, so pretty.” he rambles. he realises that he never quite made it as far as getting your bra off, and he needs to see all of you. the cups are tugged haphazardly down, and oscar stares at your breasts like he’s never seen tits before. you hear him hum, low and greedy, and then you feel the wet drag of his tongue across your nipple.
the animalistic whine that he rips from you makes him thrust harder, upping his pace a bit. he can hear how much wetter you get when he picks up his pace, and he changes up his rhythm, pushing all the way in and dragging out again at lightning speed. your jaw goes slack and your eyes are damp.
“baby, what’s wrong?” oscar slows to a stop, and you want to scream.
“no, no, no, keep going.” you choke out, your throat constricting with a sob. “it’s so good. feel so good.” you sound drunk, all for him, and he loses his mind completely.
he taps into that athletic stamina, fucking into you with a newfound vigour that you didn’t think was humanly possible, and you feel things that you didn’t even know you could feasibly feel. you see stars behind your eyes, his face, and nothing else but bright white. calloused fingers find your clit, and you wonder fleetingly if he’s trying to kill you when he rubs messy shapes into the much too overstimulated bud. his teeth graze your nipple, and everything seems to come together perfectly.
thick tears run hot down your cheeks, only to be licked away by eager tongue. your belly tightens, aflame for him; he’s wound your body up perfectly and you’ve never in your life teetered so dangerously over the edge.
“can feel you, baby. want you to cum, okay? ‘n then i’m gonna fill you up.” oscar grunts. you clamp down on him even tighter, thanking god for oscar’s filthy fucking mouth and birth control, and then everything snaps.
you think you scream, you know that you’re sobbing, and your throat is raw when the wave hits. oscar keeps going, intensifying your pleasure, and when he finally let’s go, it’s the most beautiful fucking thing you’ve ever seen. it’s surreal, the way his neck flexes, eyes clenched tight, brown locks flopping over his sweat damped forehead. and the sounds he makes, god. he’s muttering into your ear, lewd and shameless, and a fifth orgasm nearly takes you under.
“gonna need you everyday like this, tight fucking pussy, all mine. can’t live without this now. fucking perfect.” he’s rambling, burrowing deep into you one last time. you feel his warmth spilling into you, feel his hot breath fanning your face. he licks into your awaiting mouth.
“fuck.” you giggle, breathless.
“good?” he raises an eyebrow, grinning bashfully.
“more than worth the wait.” you whisper, mustering the strength to lift your head just enough so that you can peck his lips. “you better not hold out on me ever again though.” oscar laughs at that and you feel the rumble in your flushed chest.
“you promise?” there’s the shy guy again.
“osc, honey, that was the best. ever. ever. need you to be mr sex god more often.”
“only if you behave for me.” he smirks down at you.
“there he is.” you sigh happily.
when he snakes his way back between your legs, lapping up the mess he’s made, and then some, you wonder just what you’ve unleashed.
whoops? lol
@thegirlinthefandoms @mcmuppet @japanesekel @vinvantae @ggaslyp1 @dr3lover @smiithys  @rachstash @infinitebells @fizzpopsnap101 @gaily19 @icecoldtires @mysticalnightenthusiast @thatchickwiththecamera @oyesmendes @disneydaydreameralways @canyouseethesainz @ferrarifwendvale @fcbformulaeri @tony-stank3 @maih23 @nokiaholland @soleilgrec @carolineworld @anthonykatebridgerton @allywthsr @iamasimpingh0e @ophcelia @lovelynikol16 @coffeehurricanes @jennx03 @blueflorals @lqvesoph @sidcrosbyspuck @better-dead-than-smeg @buendiabebeta @pjofics @kovalcin @wintergilmore3 @for-writing-shit @youdontknowmeshh @im-an-overthinker @jule239 @darleneslane @jazzy722 @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @therealone4r @pleasecallmeunhinged @theonlyadrienne @spideylovin @charli123456789
(run outta space on my taglist lol, lemme know if u wanna be added or removed)
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Read the young Seek oneshot and fell in LOVE! He was so damn cute! 🥰😭
Can maybe then reguest oneshot for young Rush, Ambush and Halt with Y/N? Can Y/N also me female? I think it would be cute when Y/N runs around, trying to escape from the hotel and these three just follow her around calling her mother/mommy/mom.
And again. You desereve gold medal for making these heart warming and day lightening stories🥇❤️
- ArtSick Anon
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Young!Rush + Ambush + Halt x Female!Reader
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"Mother! Mom!" the trio squealed as it followed you through the dark hallways, as you sped walked through, your forehead sweating.
"Oh sweeties I'm not your mother!" You shouted as you sharply turned the corner sped up.
But in return they just sped up, as they tried to run faster. "MOOOOM" They all screamed louder.
You yelped at the screaming children as you swiftly glided into the next room and as you slammed the door, the hinges creaked with age and shook the walls. You thought you safe from the little children-
That didn't stop them, as the twins- ahem, ambush and rush crashed their bodies making little holes indented in the door and ran to you, screaming and talking very fast and high pitched in your ears.
You kicked your legs in the air as Halt threw itself on you, all of the little creatures giggling and snuggling into your warm jumper, cooing little and soft mews of 'mom! mom!'
You sighed in defeat, flopping your body on the floor as you sweetly embraced the little cryptics into your arms letting out a cheery laugh, shaking your head in amusment.
"Jeeze what am I going to do with you kiddos?" You questioned to yourself as you watched them giggle and gossip to each other as they all laid quiet comfortably on you. And for you, it wasn't that bad?
They basically weigh nothing, just moving or floating static clouds, so what did you expect from these little ones? Maybe you didn't... mind that you were their mother figure.
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