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infinitepakaipeezy · 7 years ago
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#TEDZROCKET PRE ORDERS NOW AVAILABLE ON #APPLEMUSIC #ITUNES & #AMAZON #amazondigitalmusic MAKE SURE YOU GO COP THAT! 🐻💤🚀 OFFICIAL RELEASE DATE 06/29/18 . . . . #newmusic #worldwide #hiphop #soul #jazz #support #hear #listen #copthat #newrelease #preorder #newmusic #newalbum #cancon #socan #bmi #ascap #newhiphop #beats #rhymes #life #rapgroup #raplife #hiphopmusic #turnitup
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whosthehottestrapper · 4 years ago
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Shout out Mr. Chuck D @mrchuckd_pe for the support he has given us, and for being the inspiration and driving force behind the release of this record. Thank you! R.A.P. is available on all streaming platforms! Real Azz Problems! #Spotify #itunes #applemusic #amazondigitalmusic #youtube #whoshe #HipHop #RAP #Music Written by Retina MC and Ira Parker Produced by Charlie Mac Distributed by The SPITSlam Record Label Group @retinamc_ @macamilliondollarman @mrchuckd_pe @flavorflavofficial @publicenemy @maximusmusic @wutzhoodradio @whosthehottestrapper Interview https://americansongwriter.com/retina-mc-talks-songwriting-working-with-chuck-d-and-their-upcoming-track-rap/ Go check it out. https://open.spotify.com/track/16gDnpDavlBVWu0469HxR5?si=2d8f690532fc4e48 (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN3ChcrlxVM/?igshid=prds2or65rk
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abovegroundstudios · 7 years ago
"War For U" #mixed n #mastered @abovegroundstudios #NYC #DMV #PA #mixing #masteringengineer #natemiddleman #abovegroundstudios Repost from @awgiuent using @RepostRegramApp - 🚨 NEW MUSIC 🚨 NEW MUSIC 🚨 🚨 NEW MUSIC 🚨 NEW MUSIC 🚨 🎧 NEW MUSIC 🎶 AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE DIGITAL MUSIC IS AVAILABLE... #WarForYou #LoverboyBLovee #CDBaby #YouTubeMusic #IHeartMusic #AmazonDigitalMusic #Spotify #AWGIU™ #AWGIUFam™
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I need y’all to download, stream, and share this tape a couple trillion times B. #parentaladvisory #internationalrob #newyorkvoice #findit #on #youtube #youtubemusic #deezermusic #amazondigitalmusic #googleplaymusic #applemusic #tidal #napster #etc #yoursupportiseverything #thankyou #youdeservethebest https://www.instagram.com/p/B3shTIklrCQ/?igshid=1173v3jbj5orm
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raptorsessions-blog · 7 years ago
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Escucha a Alejandra Barrera en: El Inicio. https://open.spotify.com/album/4H0N1Uy27PCNAYi0IaKWh6 https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/el-inicio-feat-carlos-benedetti-single/1332126466?ign-mpt=uo%3D4 http://www.deezer.com/album/54494642?utm_source=deezer&utm_content=album-54494642&utm_term=0_1515208766&utm_medium=web https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Alejandra_Barrera_El_Inicio?id=Bokq75vlz5jkev5epuzgdiuykby&hl=es https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B078VMHNZ7/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1516140317&sr=1-2&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=Alejandra+Barrera&dpPl=1&dpID=41IwWTxNpOL&ref=plSrch #raptorsessions #spotify #deezer #googleplay #applemusic #amazonmp3 #amazondigitalmusic #alejandrabarrera #carlosbenedetti #music #musica #production #bogotá #colombia #latinoamerica
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hypeonemarketing · 7 years ago
#Repost @awgiuent 🚨 NEW MUSIC 🚨 NEW MUSIC 🚨 🚨 NEW MUSIC 🚨 NEW MUSIC 🚨 🎧 NEW MUSIC 🎶 AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE DIGITAL MUSIC IS AVAILABLE... #WarForYou #LoverboyBLovee #iTunes #CDBaby #YouTubeMusic #IHeartMusic #AmazonDigitalMusic #Spotify #AWGIU™ #AWGIUFam™
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cai-music · 9 years ago
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Still on #itunes #googleplay #amazondigitalmusic #spotify #tidal and now on #pandora check it out!! No Titles By Cai
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kaybonline · 10 years ago
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Go listen to my new single #TOKYO it's available to download everywhere online! #iTunes #GooglePlay #Spotify #AmazonDigitalMusic #GetYours #MyStory #Repost #Retweet #share #like #qualitymusic #NewMusic
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I work to improve my flow/rhythm everyday. It’s great to know I have a few #hitsongs #outnow‼️ #findthem #on #allmajorstreamingplatforms #parentaladvisory #internationalrob #spotify #applemusic #napster #soundcloud🔥 #deezer #googleplaymusic #amazondigitalmusic #youtube #youtubemusic #tidal #etc #addthesetoyourcollection #runthemup💰 #enjoy #youdeservethebest https://www.instagram.com/p/B3VNqvFlmYz/?igshid=k0ennrnvmexv
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infinitepakaipeezy · 7 years ago
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Repost / Share / Tell a friend to tell a friend. . . 🐻💤🚀 TR 👽💤🚀 #TEDZROCKET PRE ORDERS NOW AVAILABLE ON #APPLEMUSIC #ITUNES (USA) & #AMAZON #amazondigitalmusic MAKE SURE YOU GO COP THAT! 🐻💤🚀 OFFICIAL RELEASE DATE 06/29/18 . . . . #newmusic #worldwide #hiphop #soul #jazz #support #hear #listen #copthat #newrelease #preorder #newmusic #newalbum #cancon #socan #bmi #ascap #newhiphop #beats #rhymes #life #rapgroup #raplife #hiphopmusic #turnitup
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infinitepakaipeezy · 7 years ago
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#TEDZROCKET PRE ORDERS NOW AVAILABLE ON #APPLEMUSIC #ITUNES & #AMAZON #amazondigitalmusic MAKE SURE YOU GO COP THAT! 🐻💤🚀 OFFICIAL RELEASE DATE 06/29/18 . . . . #newmusic #worldwide #hiphop #soul #jazz #support #hear #listen #copthat #newrelease #preorder #newmusic #newalbum #cancon #socan #bmi #ascap #newhiphop #beats #rhymes #life #rapgroup #raplife #hiphopmusic #turnitup
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kaybonline · 10 years ago
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DOWNLOAD NOW! My new single #TOKYO feat. @KuayeLuxury is officially available to download everywhere! #iTunes #GooglePlay #AmazonDigitalMusic #CdBaby #Spotify #SupportQuality #Tokyo2015 #TurnUp #TokyoTuesdays #NewMusic #download #play #listen #share #like #Repost
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