#amazing kumite fight
floguapo · 1 year
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araluenrangerdanger · 5 years
Karate club AU
Modern AU
The club's called Ranger corps. Naturally
The Rangers have all black or brown belts, except for the apprentices. They must pass their exams first (each year they can complete two exams, most wait a year or two between their exams)
There are two instructors - Halt and Crowley. The club is their passion but they also maintain normal jobs and the club is just their side-hobby
Halt is the knowledgeable and grumpy type of instructor who is hard on the trainees but is secretly just a big softie who downloads funny videos to show them to whoever asks during summer camps. He also works in computer programming.
Crowley is the clown instructor, kind but can and will hurt you if you’re doing what you’re not supposed to do. He’s also a teacher in a kindergarten 
Breaking wooden plates with their palms. Halt explains how to do it correctly, but Will still does it badly. He has a nasty bruise for the next two weeks. 
Sometimes they have kendo lessons taught by Gilan who used to be in a kendo club but then transferred. 
Before every holiday, Halt and Crowley do a less serious lesson. They get nunchakus, skipping ropes, candles and newspaper. With nunchakus, everybody smacks themselves at first, but eventually there are members who get really good at it. For the older members, it’s not difficult to put out a lit candle, but it’s hard as hell for the apprentices. Also, piercing newspaper with just your palm isn’t as easy as it sounds.
The club members regularly participate in competitions. The Temujai and Skandia clubs can never learn their lesson, it seems. 
Every summer, there’s a two-week training camp. Crowley always orders T-shirts in a color that everyone votes for every year (they all have yellow, pink, white, blue, green T-shirts etc.) and everyone wears them proudly. 
There are a lot of activities during the training camp. Physical activities, puzzles where you have to use your brain,... 
Every night, the club members keep watch. They do this in pairs, but it mainly consists of them going around their designated area once in a while, otherwise they keep to a cabin that’s in the very center of the camp. Halt and Crowley always get snacks during the day, the last wave of snacks comes after dinner, and the members who keep watch can eat them
Usually, it’s one sandwich = one karate club member, but Gilan and Will are both able to wolf down 4 of these sandwiches each.
There is a “path of courage”. In the darkness of the night, the members have to go some 2 kilometers to a designated area (usually just a memorial deep in the forest) and along the way, other members jump out to scare them. They wear masks or disguises and many of the younger members actually return back to the camp where Halt is waiting and he will go to the memorial with them. 
Gilan always goes with Will. He’s not scared of the “ghosts”. Gilan is the one who scares THEM. If the “ghost” screams at him, Gilan will scream harder. All the other members who are on the path are just like: “This is really a hunted forest.”
There is a whipped cream fight near the end of each camp. They all get whipped cream and fill some balloons with water. It’s absolute chaos. Halt never participates, he records it on a camera so he can put it on the club’s website, but Crowley enjoys it immensely. 
They play a game of “smuggling”. The club members get on two teams. One team is the police, one is the smugglers. Halt gives five little cards that symbolize drugs to each of the smugglers and they have to hide them in their clothes, hair, wherever. They then set off to a forest where they hide. 
The police are trying to find them. If they find someone, they are looking for the cards. The winning team is determined by the number of cards they manage to get back to Halt. The losing team has to run 3 kilometers in the morning. Another night, the roles reverse. 
Will wouldn’t have been caught by Liam if Gilan didn’t hide in some drain. He saw a snake and screamed. That’s how Liam found them, but Will was still able to secure a victory for his team with the three cards Liam didn’t find.  
When Halt and Crowley had had enough of members not listening to them and watching their mobile phones instead, they take the phones and let the members (mainly apprentices, the adults have a little more common sense) write a really long sentence about how they shouldn’t leave their magnificent, amazing, and wonderful phone unattended and definitely shouldn’t watch cat videos on it during practices, 50 times. They don’t get their phones back until after they’ve written it. 
There’s also karate things. Competition in katas and kumite (training against an adversary). Will is really afraid to go against Harrison, one of the older members, but Alun, also one of the older members, tells him that he should push Harrison to the corners of the training field. Since Will is so young and small, Harrison will underestimate him. Will nods and tries. He still loses, but gets praising pats on his back for the next two days. 
There’s a campfire one night where they roast sausages and tell stories
Will gets hurt jumping on a trampoline. Halt takes him to the hospital. 
Doctor: this type of injury usually happens if there are two or more children jumping simultaneously on the trampoline. Well, Will, how many of you were there? 
Will: Fifteen, probably.
Halt just grins under his hoodie. The doctor needs a few minutes to get over this revelation 
During the last night of the camp, Halt and Crowley wake up all members in the middle of the night, they go practice some katas and then they jump into a swimming pool. In their kimonos. It’s fun
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minaa-munch · 4 years
Did Minato suffer abuse during the war to make him turn out that way? Did Kushina?
Abuse hm? Ano, I’m no expert, and I can’t exactly speak for Kushina because I haven’t explored her character [feel free to ask @himekushinada and @fox-mother for this one] but I have a few theories where Minato is concerned. Brace thy browser, anon. 
Disclaimer: know that I am no authority on abuse - I know what I know with regards to the very little that I’ve read and the...people I’ve bugged [I owe a certain copy nin and a drunk blonde thingus enough cookies to fill our basket of ideas]. Moreover, this pertains to my interpretation of Flake Sensei. To each their own, ne?
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Before I begin rambling, I’d like you to keep a few things in mind: Minato, along with the rest of his generation grew up in hostile times. They didn’t have the luxury of being soft and squishy for long, and their actions in the manga reflect the nuance. As such, what could be considered as ‘emotional abuse’ didn’t necessarily translate as abuse, and therefore, was hardly a priority. 
That being said, it depends on how you identify ‘abuse’ because back then, in the midst of wars and dwindling resources, a lot of things were swept under the rug as expectations. As the militia of Hi no Kuni, shinobi were expected to prioritise missions over sentiments, their client’s safety over their own and -- basically, murder because they were getting paid for it. 
With regards to Minato; I headcanon him being an orphan who had none sans a grandmother to rely on. He loses said grandmother when he graduates the academy, and the void left by her is eventually filled by Jiraiya sensei. Brief history lesson aside, his grounding isn’t as...stable as most other’s [and they aren’t stable themselves to begin with] - the problems associated with that manifest in his need to be perfect. Demo, since he was an asset to the village that way, ‘twas hardly a matter worth pondering on, ne? That’s a sort of neglect everyone faced. Not just him. 
ANYWAYS on to abuse. From what I’ve gleaned from the manga so far, there exists a few...possibilities of the sort of abuse he could have suffered during the wars. I’m going to tackle physical and emotional in a certain context because my limited reading covers those. If you’d like to talk about something specific, let me know. I love such discussions. 
Emotional: Already covered a bit of this earlier on, but I’ll elaborate a little. Konoha lost precious manpower in the form of generations prior to Minato due to the wars. As such, the pressure on his bunch to be able to fill certain...voids, be it in the form of military, or as part of the driving force of their economy. Hidden villages procured funds through missions/Daimyō’s assistance, ne? They probably had a lot of expectations riding on their shoulders, which means little room for friendly socialising important for cognitive growth and more ‘must be an asset rather than a liability’. 
For Minato in particular, he was quite keen on maintaining a certain... appearance because of his reputation as a genius born once every decade. He could not allow that to dull for any reason, and went to certain lengths in order to achieve it. You can tell because of how quickly he became Hokage; charm, skill and all. As his generation’s new ‘legendary’, he was supposed to appear invincible and he kinda did, didn’t he? This is further enunciated by the fact that when he became Yondaime, the ‘legendaries’ of the previous generation, i.e., Densetsu Sanin had flown the coop - and don’t forget the Daimyō approved of Jiraiya [a major reason why he approved of Minato’s ascension as Yondaime, by the by - and this is besides the overwhelming Jōnin vote]. The system needed their sparkly new hope and he was it; the youngest Hokage in history with a Jinchuriki wife [-shoves conspiracy no jutsu in a closet-] 
Oh, and PTSD? Given the wars, every shinobi suffered from it in one way or form [it’s a given - enough to be considered a ‘norm’]. Minato does too, but his sparkles are very distracting. Gives the allusion that he actually cares, ne? Given the background I consider for him, there are very little things he truly cares about. He will use an individual if he has to. [Kakashi was his Jinchuriki wife’s bodyguard - the same Kakashi who only had Minato left in the world, and a sharingan that could potentially control a biju if the need so arose. Creative speculation, ne? I need to explore this conspiracy some time] 
Random note: There’s this nice little resource shared by the amazing ultimumspes on writing PTSD. Your question reminded me of it, and the writer and I thought I’d place it here in case anyone would like to consider it. _ 
Physical: As a reputed genius, Minato had a certain image that was often blown out of proportion by rumours and the fact that he was an apprentice to Jiraiya of the Sanin. Couple that with breaking Hiruzen’s record at the ninja academy, and you have a scary ninja child you don’t want to mess with. However, considering the incessant need for maintaining honour/dominance and the thread of - excuse my French - consistent male ego in the manga, it’s very possible that a fellow cadet could have challenged him at an outpost in order to test their own mettle, or establish a certain hierarchy over a scrawny little midget who suddenly thought of himself as good enough to participate in the war [whereas there are people who have been posted at the same outpost since forever]. 
Traditional Shinobi Sparring [Dentōteki no Shinobi Kumite] was a thing, ne? War brings out the worst in people, and with dwindling resources and massacred forces [the Densetsu Sanin’s generation and the ones before that], it’s unrealistic to imagine that everyone would still be all...fuzzy wuzzy with each other. Likewise, it is in the realm of possibility to suggest that Minato probably lost a match or two [not more, mind. Ego gotta come from somewhere]. Said losses, coupled with subsequent experiences in the Second Shinobi War, were probably enough to not only fuel his paranoia, but also to justify the lengths he has gone to with regards to evolving his fighting style so that he would be unbeatable. 
Attack regardless of the opponent being ready? Yep. Kill for sheer numbers? Absolutely. Steal intel/ninjutsu/informative scrolls from other territories if he found them interesting enough? You bet. Theirs wasn’t a profession or a system that fostered honourable means, despite Sakumo’s example persisting otherwise [Honour is more of a samurai thing, methinks]. A shinobi must look underneath the underneath and Minato dug deep. You can imagine a lot of characters from his generation went down similar routes - theirs is an interesting little rabbit hole one could explore for ages. Minato simply happened to be a lot sneakier.  
At the end of the day, you could say ‘abuse’ played a part...demo, but as much for him as it did for others. All of them suffered but said nuances didn’t register as ‘abuse’ because for them, it was probably the norm. Thinking along those lines, I can’t help but imagine that kunoichi - especially the foreign sort such as Kushina, or the common, non-special-clan-affiliated sort such as Anko [maybe?] - probably had it a lot worse. 
I digress. Hope this answered your question. Ano, unless by ‘that way’ you were referring to the heartless thingus I tend to write at times - that’s been explored here. 
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
The Violent Underground
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Raphael is meeting in secret with Lucindra, an inner city female martial arts expert, to spar. As the two practice their fighting skills on one another in the sewers, the woman asks Raph if he ever has problems with his brothers, and the Turtle states "Always." Lu acknowledges that she's also having problems with her brother. The woman gets the best of Raph, beating him in 4 out of 5 bouts when she announces that she has to leave for work. The Turtle is upset over her departure and demands a rematch for the next day.
Raphael returns to the lair where he's admonished by Leo for missing the team workout. The terrapin teen is distraught over losing his matches with Lucindra. To make matters worse, Lu told Raph that he "fights like a turtle" and its really getting under his skin. Raph won't tell his brothers the details of what he's been doing, only that he lost a fight with a girl.
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Meanwhile, Lucindra walks home through the rough neighborhoods of New York City, where she meets up with a man who warns her that her brother needs to pay his debt... fast. Lu tells him to drop dead. When she gets into her apartment, Lu finds her brother on the couch, asking to borrow money from her. Lucindra tells her brother she's through solving his problems for him and it's time that he did it himself.
The next morning Raph and Lu meet in the sewers again to spar some more. The duo head deeper into the bowels of the city when they're attacked by horde of Foot. A fierce battle breaks out and Raphael is taken down with a barrage of shurikens. Lucindra manages to fight off the remaining Foot soldiers and carries Raph off in an escape effort. The female martial artist is also suffering from her wounds, and she backs into a corner, preparing to fight to the finish with another group of ninjas that are approaching. However, Lu is quickly knocked unconscious.
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Fortunately for Raphael and Lucindra, the ninjas are none other than Leo, Mike and Don, who have come in search of their brother. Leonardo notes that the shurikens used on the pair have been poisoned. They return their fallen brother and his comrade to their lair, where Splinter heals them with a special tea.
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Raph asks Lucindra to train with the TMNT, but she respectfully declines the offer, stating that she doesn't want to become a ninja and be a fighter the rest of her life. She says that she has too much life to live and that she must take care of her brother. Lucindra then departs, leaving Raph with a necklace for a memento.
"Goodbye, Lucindra," Raph says under his breath as she walks away, "Until next time..."
Lucindra Thompkins is a human female martial artist who befriends and spars with Raphael. She is one of the few human characters in the series that is uniformly a better fighter than any of the Turtles.
Lucindra first appears in the short story The Name is Lucindra Turtle Soup (vol. 2) 1. Raphael calls her up for a sparring session, and since she isn't too taken aback that he's a giant Ninja Turtle, the two proceed with their kumite. Raphael loses to Lucindra (two falls out of three) and thus he owes her a pizza.
This is a very strange issue. It’s good, but some of its part make you think about their purpose. First of all is quite action-packed. And all the fighting sequences look gorgeous. Furthermore, all Turtle sequences are amazing.
Second point is one particular sequence, where we follow Lucindra’s trip to her apartment. This whole sequence feels completely unjustified, but there is one reason why I think it’s cool. It makes you feel New York. All the dirt and rubbish in the streets, the people in the subway, it all feels real.
Having said that, this issue relies too much in the visuals. The story itself is not particularly a story you will remember.
This is the last issue of the “guest era”.
I give the issue a score of 7.
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Junior Karate classes are aimed at teaching children respect which extends beyond the class. The children are expected to show respect in the community and this is supported by asking the parents and school teachers about their behaviour. We offer karate training for children from 6 years old. Karate Kid classes use fun combined with life skills and achievement awards that are built on simple less-aggressive martial arts skills. Our Junior karate program You will learn: Dojo rules Self control Respect Discipline Fitness & Fitness testing Kihon basics Kata fundamental movement Kumite fighting & sports karate skills Self defence Book a FREE Intro Today – Click Here Join us April 👊 Great offers on at the moment normally it's £384 the year with joining Joining fee of £45 and uniform £30 , what we are doing is a amazing offer of half-price fees of £192 no joining fee no contract and free martial arts suit. 💥💥💥 This offer runs thigh April only !!! £192 for the year T&C apply #joinus #karate #firstdojoblackpool⛩️ #befitter #Startnow #bestrong #learnsomethingnew (at Firstdojo Martial Arts and Fitness Academy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL42vfmgCbe/?igshid=1x3l48y0qrkjc
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claycombkarate · 4 years
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One of my inspirations as a Karaté fighter growing up! 🥋🙏 Sensei Frank Brennan is in my humble opinion, the BEST of the BEST. A champion of KATA and KUMITE. 💥🥋 A true master and a great example of HUMILITY. It is difficult to find anything about him on social media. So if you want to know what a true SAMURAI ⛩ looks like in modern times. .. Google this man and learn his ways of character and training. You will be amazed. His example is to this day a model of my own fighting style. Oss! .. @kugb #kugb #shotokan #shotokanstyle #shotokankarate #shotokankaratedo #tradtitionalkarate #karatedo #kumite #karatefighter #bestofthebest #legendary #claycombkarate (at CLAYCOMB ACADEMY OF MARTIAL ARTS - FONTANA KARATE CLUB) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFJn6ZKJTjB/?igshid=1x2tbnolouey0
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minniereview · 7 years
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I thought it was finally time to do another review. I promised my friend Cam that the next review I did would be on Bloodsport cause’ I’ve never seen that movie before and I think he really likes that movie. Or he thought that I would really like this movie.
Before the movie started I was a bit confused as I thought the guy from Rambo was the main character in it, but it turns out it was that guy who did those commercials where he was doing the splits in-between two trucks while the trucks were moving. I forgot what the ad was for but it was pretty good and I’m pretty sure it was real! I think his name is something Van Dam. I forgot. Anyway, he reminds me of one of my favorite wrestlers, Rob Van Dam! They both seem really similar cause’ Rob Van Dam is also really flexible like the movie star and does lots of martial arts too.
I didn’t know that the movie was set in Hong Kong. Oh! His name just came up on the screen! Jean Claude? I don’t think I’ve seen any movies with him in it. Is he like a white Jackie Chan but not as good? The training at the start where they were breaking the ice cubes and coconuts was pretty intense. I guess that’s the best way to train to fight though, cause bodies are a lot softer than coconuts and blocks of ice.
I don’t really get why he escapes the army to go fight in Hong Kong. Wouldn’t you get kicked out if you left the army like that?
I liked the part when those 3 boys rocked up to that ninja masters house and the little kid just fucked up the San Fransisco Giants kid and he was like, half the size. When San Fran started talking I was like… wtf… has his voice been overdubbed?  Wait… is this a flashback? Oh! It’s a flash back. I get it. Awh now they best friends! That’s nice. Now I get why it was overdubbed. Why didn’t they just get a kid from wherever Rob Van Dam is from because that accent was horrible and distracting.
I think they should have gone into how the son died… but I guess there wouldn’t have been time for the montage of Rob Van Dam falling down a billion times. That was pretty good.  Except when ninja master pulled the gold fish out of the pond. If that was real the fish would have been moving still. When he was strung up by the rope I noticed that he had a light blue belt on. I feel like at this point he should be a black belt. I mean, he was able to pour tea and shit blindfolded and get whacked by a kendo stick when he was meditating.
After the flashback, ninja master doesn’t look like he is dying at all. He looks the same age as what he was in the flash back. They should have fixed that.
The American fighter in this looks like The Hound from GoT but without the burny face. I’m glad Van Dam has a friend but he doesn’t seem like he is very nice to ladies. Van Dam looks like he would be nice to ladies. I wonder if this has a love story in it.
Hong Kong in the 80’s looks very sad and dangerous. Even The Hound was scared walking down that alley way. I knew cause he put his hand on Rob Van Dam’s shoulder. When they finally got to where the ring was it looked quite nice inside. I am a little confused though cause the man said you needed an invite to fight but where did they get them from? Cause’ ninja master seemed like a nice man, I didn’t think he would get caught up in something like this. I didn’t get why they asked him to break the bottom brick, surely you can’t make the brick explode like that?! Is that even a thing? And also how does that prove that ninja master trained him?
This reporter lady is a bit of a shit. Hasn’t she seen Fight Club? The first rule about Kumite is that you don’t TALK about Kumite. I feel bad about what happened to her in the bar when that the guy was trying to take her up to his room and stuff. That wouldn’t have been fun. I hope Rob Van Dam doesn’t end up with her.
For a secret fight club, this doesn’t look very secret. There’s like, hundreds of people there watching! Surely the army guys will find Rob Van Dam. If they don’t they aren’t very good army detectives.
During the fighting party I feel like they could have done a bit better with the sound effects. I don’t know that when you hit a body it sounds that dramatic. When The Hound was fighting that guy with the mullet that was pretty crazy. He just like, did the big fist like what Big Show does or Karhli and the guy was out cold. I hope he has more moves than that cause’ I don’t think that will get him very far.
Jesus Christ! The guy that has never been beaten has MASSIVE boobies! He’s so amazing. He just put that guy in a sleeper hold for like 2 seconds and he was out. I don’t think it was necessary that he hit him again. He was already out. Come on man.
I feel like it was too much of a coincidence that Rob Van Dam fought the asshole from the bar. I did really enjoy all of the fight scenes. Especially that awful 80s song came on and they did a montage of all of them. Some of these fighters are real shit though. You’d think that the calibre of fighters would be really great cause’ it’s an invite only kinda thing.
When the army guys finally caught up with Rob Van Dam it was sooo obvious he was going to get away because they played happy music with a lot of synth. It was almost like slap stick comedy in a way. I feel like they could have made it way more intense if they played something less 80’s.
NO ROB VAN DAM. DON’T GET DISTRACTED BY THIS REPORTER! SHE’S USING YOU TO GET INTO THE KUMITE! OH MY GOD THEY SHOWED HIS BUTT! I tried to make Brandon rewind it so I could see that shit again but he wouldn’t. Rob Van Dam has a butt that just won’t quit. Its rock-solid gold. He should have showered before he left. Now he’s probably got sex stank smell which is only going to get worse when he is fighting. Oh no now his girlfriend reporter is with another man. When she said “this isn’t the first time Ive had to go undercover to get a story” right in front of everyone I was like, what the fuck lady? You are the worst reporter in history. Do you even know what undercover means?! It means not telling everyone that you’re undercover. You stupid idiot.
More montages with 80s music. The guy that never loses is so broad and massive. How does he even hold up his arms. I didn’t watch the part where he broke that other guys leg cause I think I might have spewed. But then they cut back to the reporter lady and she got out her tape recorder in front of everyone. This lady is a real piece of work. Rob Van Dam is going to have to save her at some point in this movie. I can just tell.
I wish they showed more fight scenes with Rob Van Dam cause he is amazing. He’s so quick. Where is he from? They keep saying he is American but I don’t think he is. Is he where Arnie is from? Or is he where Rambo is from?
When Rob Van Dam was fighting the big guy and he punched him in the balls, I thought the crowd would turn on him cause’ that’s a bit dirty but it turns out they liked him more after that. I got real sad when the big bad guy beat The Hound and stole his headband. I think Rob Van Dam is going to get the headband back and its going to be really symbolic.
Another montage of Rob Van Dam training. He literally has 0% body fat. When they showed him on The Peak, Brandon explained that across the water was China! I didn’t realise how close China was! That’s pretty cool.
I really like how every time Rob Van Dam is in casual clothes, he’s wearing high waisted pants with a collar shirt tucked in. He pulls it off for sure. I don’t think anybody else could. Now they are all back in the arena and the army guys and that stupid reporter lady came in to watch. She seems happy when Rob Van Dam kicks kick boxers ass but its like, bitch, you just told on him cause you didn’t want him to fight. Make up your mind you stupid idiot!
Oh no! Big bad killed someone. Come on now. There’s no need for that. Surely they have to call it off and extradite him. Everyone seems so sad about it. Are they praying for the man that died? I think they are praying for him. That’s nice.
Now it’s the main event and Rob Van Dam is looking calm. But what did big bad put in his shorts? It looked like a tablet or something. I’m scared and I didn’t really wanna watch this part but Rob Van Dam opened the fight with a swift kick to the throat hole which was sick as fuck. Why did they make the ring like a skate ramp. OH IT WAS SALT THE BIG BAD PUT IN HIS EYE! Lucky he learnt how to fight and pour tea with a eye mask on. He just has to centre himself now and remember his training. Come on son. Now hes had his little freak out and flash backs he’s ready to KICK SOME FUCKING ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. GET IT! YOU’RE FUCKED NOW, BIG BAD! LOOK AT HIS WINDMILL KICKS! Can someone explain to me why there were cat sounds all through the fighting though cause that was really distracting.
This movie seems too outrageous to be based on a true story but it was! WTF!
I did really like this movie although I thought most of what was going to happened seemed pretty obvious. Like when he got The Hounds headscarf back and stuff. I think I would like to watch more Rob Van Dam movies in the future. Four stars!
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vice-s-assistant · 7 years
Voices of the FGC: Andre/Dream Boy Purple of Skullgirls Latin American (SG LATAM)
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Over the last five years, Skullgirls has been the “Lil’ Darling” of the Indie movement in Fighting Games. It the game that’s thrived when people said it was “dead”, multiple setbacks, from its former publisher, and various other hay-makers that come with its game development. Through all of that though, it has not only survived, but grown. Now as the actual final patch for the game comes out, the current call for the game, it’s a good time to look back and see it lasting effect on the fighting game landscape. I sat down with a friend of mine, Andre/Dream Boy Purple, who was the lead organizer for SG LATAM, a Skullgirls Latin American group, for his thoughts on Skullgirls, its effect on him, and his organization.
Vice’s Assistant: Alright let's start off with your name for the folks who don't know and what you do with Skullgirls?
Andre/Dream Boy Purple: Name is André, well basically I created and have been running SG LATAM a Latin American focused community for Skullgirls, as well as trying to use the group itself as a medium to spread the word of SG on other LATAM communities.
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Banner from SG LATAM Facebook page
VA: How did you find out about Skullgirls?
Andre: Well, back in the day of 2011, I happened to stumble upon a trailer for Double, a character in the game before the game came out. It honestly left me pretty surprised: just the sight of the animation was pretty cool on itself, but it also looked like a really fun fighting game, especially considering I was into Marvel at the time. It was a no brainer (sic) that I soon got it for the 360 when it released.
VA: And when you first got the game, did it just "click" with you, or did that just come on later down the line?
Andre: Ha ha, that's actually a curious question. When I first got the game, I had my fun with it, but I guess there were a bunch of things that I didn't really enjoy with it. Things like the speed, the constant touch of death combos, the animation having to display the hitboxes for it to run smoothly, and even the netcode even though it was still rollback. It was in a rougher state than the one we have now, I endend (sic) up playing it casually during that time and no thinking much about it.
VA: After you spent time with it though, when did things start to feel like "I really dig this game"?
Andre: That was way down the line, after the whole fiasco with Reverge Labs having to dismantle and reform into Lab Zero, and the launching of their crowdfunding campaign. I started to take interest in the game again after all there were a lot of things that were issues of mine adressed (sic) on the game since then like the speed or balance patches (we didn't get those on the 360 at the time sadly), plus new characters and a PC port after hearing that I made up my mind of giving the game a second chance and ended up falling in love with it then.
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VA: Nice. I kind of started to dig the game after I've spent time with a few months later. Skullgirls was my "burnout" game after I would do long sets in SSF IV AE. After a while started fooling around with Fortune and started to realized I like her rush down stuff...even though I was probably abusing some of her nasty damage stuff she had in Vanilla Skullgirls.
Andre: Yeah, damage was kinda ridiculous in vainilla (sic) I remember seeing some videos of Severin back in the day of him killing characters anywhere on the screen with just one bar.
Couldn’t find a combo of Severine killing with one bar but here’s a 100% combo. These were common (and annoying) in Vanilla Skullgirls.
VA: I couldn't do that kind of stuff, and still can't, but I remember basically using the head to trip someone, going to rekkas, blockbuster. It was super easy to do and boy howdy you could get some nice chunks of damage off.
Moving forward, what in you decided that you wanted to foster your local community to get more people into the game?
Andre: Well when I really started to get into the game once again I started wanting to play more against people and Quick Match did only so much. So I searched around forums and Facebook groups for a LATAM community only to find out there were really none. I found a couple that talked about the game, it's (sic) lore, and played casually but not really one focused to compete with each other. So I quickly took action into it. After all if you want something done you should do it yourself. I created a very basic logo in PS and started a FB group which I tried to promote constantly to friends and in FGC groups. Thinking back to it, it was probably annoying for them to see me do that but I was determined. Ha ha.
VA: Since starting it, how has thing’s gone?
Andre: Well it has been growing pretty nicely and steadily. We're around 600-700 unique members between the FB, Discord, and Steam groups. The Discord is pretty active every day and people are constantly talking and playing on it. We got an actual logo for our group and not just a photoshopped SG logo. We have done plenty of tournaments now under the name "Trifulca en el Ring" with custom flyers for each edition. We've also since have partnered up with Arcade Rumble (a FGC Latin American group) and they have helped us do things like have better production streams, bigger audience to announce our stuff, and in ocassions (sic) even give out money prizes for our tournaments.
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Poster done by Abraham Rodriguez
VA: Beyond just the SG LA community, how do you think Skullgirls has grown within the last 5 years? The prevailing joke is "Skullgirls is dead," but the truth is the opposite: Skullgirls is one of Steam's best selling fighting games (CORRECTION: Skullgirl is not one Steam’s best selling fighting games, far from it, but there are a lot more people who have then you think) , showings a plenty tournies, and even a "mini" convention at AX in Phoenix, AZ  (Correction AX is in Los Angeles, California, not Phoenix, AZ).
Andre: The SGC (Skullgirls Community) has grown a lot, right now we have things like the Skullgirls Tour which is basically or own version of CPT or KI's world cup with 12 tournaments both offline and online. A lot of people have also joined through the PC community, thanks to it being a complete steal at just 15 bucks for the game, having one of the if not the smoothest online in a fighting game beautiful animation, great gameplay, and the low specs it has. You see new people trying out the game constantly, be it the Skullheart* or Steam forums, as well as in the SG LATAM community. We get people who are new all the time and it also helps the abundance of helpful people and events that are run online by the community. Things like Skullbats, Monday Night Blockbusters, SG Brazil weeklies, and even our own "Trifulca en el Ring" series just goes to show that SG was never or ever will be dead. You'll always have people to play with, you just gotta look for them.
VA: With the last patch finally out, do you feel the game has finally reached its ideal state? Or are there things to feel still need worked on?
Andre: Well considering how Mike Z is, he will always find something to work on, but as it stands, the game is really balanced to the point where tier list are pretty universaly (sic) thought as a matter of opinion, and even then there isn't that much of a diff (sic) from the bottom to the top. Considering SG is pretty unique with it's (sic) focus on resets, I think in it's (sic) current state it will pass the test of time just fine.
VA: What do you think Skullgirls' lasting legacy will be?
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Andre: That a community and it's game can last and grow as long as they keep pouring love into it. There's only so many big tournaments for SG (biggest being Combo Breaker) since the whole EVO ordeal of 2013, and barely losing to Smash SG hasn't really been a mainstream fighting game at all. Which to my eyes only makes more impressive what it has been able to acomplish (sic) thanks to the developer support and the constant effort by the community to run events; making tech, helping the devs find bugs, the community being so inclusive. I think SG will still be played many years from now, and until the eventual SG 2, I doubt the constant income of players will slow down anytime soon.
VA: Finally, do you have any advice for people still timid about getting into Skullgirls?
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Andre: Well SG is a fighting game, and like any of them, it's not easy to get to certain competitive level. That's the first fact that you have to accept but there's so many resources and people willing to help: on Discord and the Skullheart forums as well as groups targeted towards new players that you'll have people around your level to play against. A lot of people get discouraged because they jump online first thing, and they get massacred since SG is a fast game, and also focused heavily on resets. Even people with past fighting game experience have a hard time when they first play against experienced people, but it really doesn't take that long to get the hang of it, and SG having such an amazing training mode also helps. To sum it up, I know it may seem overwhelming now, but there's so many people willing to help you, and it really is worth it to form (sic) part of such an amazing community.
VA: One last thing: Where can people reach you and be a part of SG LATAM?
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Andre: People can reach me personally through my Tumblr or Twitter
For SG LATAM they can reach either through our (sic) FB group or Discord, Discord being the more active one of the 2
To both Andre for the interview and Yahoo’s E-sports’ Michael Martin (https://twitter.com/Bizarro_Mike) for advice with interviews
You can also watch Andre attempt to go against the world in a 100-man quick match kumite in Skullgirls today at 6 CDT on his Twitch channel:
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tao-long · 6 years
Finding the tao
When I was 13 years old, I recall a time when I was in the gym locker room changing and one of the local kids started verbally bullying me. I don’t remember what he said, but I remember that it really got under my skin.  Usually, I just endured and waited for it to be over so I could continue with my existence in peace. This time, though, was different. This time I said something back and instantly regretted it. The taunting turned physical with him pushing and punching me in the gut. I remember wanting to push back and I remember throwing a punch that caught him in the eye. That made it worse (again) and resulted in me thoroughly getting my ass kicked. A gym teacher finally showed up and broke it up and sent us both to the principle’s office. We both got yelled at, written up, and put in detention.  The punishment was the same for both of us, despite the fact that I was attacked. And when I got home, I got my ass kicked again - by my mother.
At that point, I decided that I wanted to give karate another try. Why? I had just gotten beaten up and was tired of being bullied. I endured it as the chubby kid in New York and it reared its head again in 7th grade, this time because I was an outsider.  I asked my parents to send me for lessons and my mother said no. To be specific, she said that “there was no fucking way she was paying for me to do something stupid and get hurt again - what did she look like, an asshole?”  I hate that I remember so much of what she said to me. Fortunately, I took her message as an opportunity and decided to get a job. Luck would have it that the Chinese restaurant near our house was hiring for someone to work the phones and front desk during busy times.  I asked and got it.  My mother was not supportive and whenever she had something better to do and my father was not around, I had to walk the 2 miles there and back, but I got there.  
Luck would also have it that there was an amazing dojo near the house and within walking distance (slightly closer than the restaurant, in the same direction).  My mother was adamant that I not sign up. She yelled, she swore, and she used the silent treatment to try to berate me into not going. Despite my mother’s incessant bitching and behavior, my father agreed to sign the release forms. Like my job, I often had to get myself to classes and I needed to manage my work schedule against the class schedule and my school work, which meant that I had to miss classes in order to be able to pay for my training.
The first few months were brutal. I could not do a single push-up and I had no idea how to punch or be present in my body. Everything, including breathing, was a struggle.  Within 2 years I was banging out 50 push-ups at clip, practicing my forms at home whenever I had time, and running. The dojo also became something of a surrogate family to me. I made friends who went to school with me and we became tight. There were three of us. Whenever we competed in tournaments (around 6 times a year), we regularly swept the divisions for both kata and kumite.  In my junior year of high school, I made the demo team and was sponsored by KFC to compete on the tournament circuit. That year, our dojo put on a demonstration for my high school. After that day, I was never bullied at school again and I made it a point of looking out for my friends who were still taunted.
My parents taught me an ethos of keeping your head down and staying out of trouble. Be fearful. Do what people tell you to do - or else. Strive for safety and security - its the best you can do. The world and people are scary. Don’t shoot high, you’ll just fail anyway.  Don’t tell anyone what you have, they’ll be jealous and destroy you to get it.  On the other hand, my Sensei taught me about honor, respect for all, courage, and courtesy.  He taught me that fighting was always the last option and that the highest form of winning in combat was to learn to avoid it entirely.  He taught me to meditate. To breath. And that my body and mind were capable of doing more than I ever thought possible.  He taught me that Shorin Ryu (my style) was as much spiritual journey as physical. He taught me to not be afraid and how to be calm and the voice of reason in a burning building. I had found my tao and have endeavored to remain with it since.
With that, I’ll share 5 rules for mastering karate from the founder of my style, Shoshin Nagamine:
He is human and so am I.
I cannot develop my own potentialities when in the trap of self-limitations.
I must discard this self-limitation. If he practices 3 times, I must practice 6 times.
“Do not depend upon others for your improvement.” Musashi Miyamoto, Japan’s greatest swordsman, once said, “Pay your respects to the Gods and Buddha’s, but never rely on them.”
Earnestly cultivate your mind as well as your body and believe in yourself.
Karate-do may be referred to as the conflict within yourself, or a life-long marathon which can be won only through self-discipline, hard training and your own creative efforts.
And I was taught the 20 precepts of the founder of Shotokan, Gichin Funakoshi:
Karate begins with courtesy and ends with courtesy.
There is no first attack in Karate.
Karate is an aid to justice.
First control yourself before attempting to control others.
Spirit first, technique second.
Always be ready to release your mind.
Accidents arise from negligence.
Do not think that Karate training is only in the dojo.
It will take your entire life to learn Karate; there is no limit.
Put your everyday living into Karate and you will find "Myo" (subtle secrets).
Karate is like boiling water. If you do not heat it constantly, it will cool.
Do not think that you have to win, think rather that you do not have to lose.
Victory depends on your ability to distinguish vulnerable points from invulnerable ones.
The battle is according to how you move guarded and unguarded (move according to your opponent).
Think of your hands and feet as swords.
When you leave home, think that you have numerous opponents waiting for you. It is your behavior that invites trouble from them.
Beginners must master low stance and posture, natural body positions are for the advanced.
Practicing a kata is one thing, engaging in a real fight is another.
Do not forget to correctly apply: strength and weakness of power, stretching and contraction of the body and slowness and speed of techniques.
Always think and devise ways to live the precepts every day.
I am who I am today because of the martial arts.  My sincere hope and goal is to one day found my own dojo to teach the lessons I learned for the next generation who need it to rise up. That said, this is not the end of my story, but rather the beginning. There are stories of loving and losing. Of protecting myself as a young man. And of learning to be a good father and husband in my own, healthy, family - not repeating the cycle of trauma and abuse. There are times in my life that I’ve strayed from the path and then found my way back only to stray again. Fortunately, I’ve always been able to find my way back.
The martial arts is not the only path to healing, but one that worked for me. For others, Yoga works. Running works for yet others. What I’ve found is that the underlying pattern in successful healing journeys is the unification of mind, body, and spirit - in whatever way works best for each individual.
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shoshinsenpai · 6 years
The History of Osu! / Oss!
The History of Osu! / Oss!
What is the origin of the word Osu we always hear in the dojo? There are a few different theories on where it came from, but we do know certainly that it was introduced to the “dojo world” through Kyokushin Karate. Today you will hear it also in Brazilian jiu-jitsu schools, kickboxing etc. But, where did it all start?
The word Osu is pronounced and written in a few different ways.  Most write “Osu” or “Oss”. They are just different spellings and both of them are “correct”. The pronunciation is closer to “Ohss!”
There is debate among karateka and scholars about the history of the term Osu, and it’s correct usage. One thing that is known certainly, is that the term did not originate in the birthplace of Karate… Okinawa. It was founded and began use in Japan.
Origin of Osu!
1.  One theory comes from Dr. Mizutani Osamu, a sought after language expert and linguistics professor at the University of Nagoya, and his work ‘’Japanese: The Spoken Language in Japanese Life’’. Dr. Mizutani speaks about an experiment with people in returning greetings. He has concluded that ‘’Osu’’ might be a contraction of the more formal expression “Ohayo gozaimasu” which is a very polite way of saying “good morning”. Dr. Mizutani postulates that “Osu!” is a rough expression used by men toward other men, that it means “Hey ya!” in English. However, the jury is still out if this is the reason it was adopted into karate.
2.  A second theory says it was invented by the samurai of the Saga clan (佐賀藩 on Kyushu island). Yamamoto Tsunetomo (山本常朝 1659 – 1719), author of the legendary book Hagakure (葉隠), a book about the martial and spiritual way a warrior should live, was born in this clan. He mentions in the book that young bushi (warriors) of the Saga clan in 18th and 19th centuries would greet each other with “Osu!” when travelling to school in the morning.
3.  The third theory, similar to the first, is that it is a shortened version of Onegaishimasu [oh-nay-guy-she-mus] translates roughly as “please take care of me” or “I am in your care” or “please have patience with me”. It is very important word used within dojos of Japan, when asking of instruction or help from a senior student or teacher. It is essentially a polite way of saying ‘please.’ Some students of Karate in Japan have been known to use osu as a less formal way of saying Onegaishimasu.
4.  Finally, the Kyokushin Karate version states that Osu is a contraction of two words, from a longer phrase known as “Osu no Seishin”.  The verb ‘osu’ which means “push”, and ‘shinobu’ which means“to endure”.
押し  Oshi  meaning “Push” 忍ぶ  Shinobu  meaning “to Endure”.
Together, these two kanji form a new compound word, which symbolizes “combat spirit”, “the importance of patience, determination and perseverance” “the necessity to overcome all obstacles”, “advancing with a positive attitude”, “not showing pain or exhaustion”. 押忍 It means patience, determination and perseverance and that every time we say “Osu”, we remind ourselves of this.
Whichever theory is correct, we do know that Osu as it is used in Kyokushin Karate essentially means “the spirit of determination and perseverance.”
Judd Reid is well known within Kyokushin Karate. Judd is the first foreigner to have completed the 1000 day “uchi deshi” live-in student program in Tokyo, Japan under Kyokushin Karate Founder Sosai Mas Oyama from 1990-1993. In 2011, Judd Reid completed the 100 Man Kumite, held in Japan. He is a champion in full contact karate and much sought after teacher. I asked Shihan Judd Reid recently his thoughts on Osu and he had this to say:
“I’m actually writing into my book the power of Osu and Kiai. I’m writing a whole chapter on it as it has a huge meaning in karate and the philosophies which teach to persevere and never give up. As to where the origins come from I don’t know. So I’ll give you my brief meaning of Osu. When people start kyokushin karate, or start to go to kyokushin tournaments, their first introduction to  karate etiquette and Japanese vocabulary is the word Osu.  
Osu is a very powerful word. To me it simply means   ‘yes I can do it, I will try my best, I will endure and not give up.’  
It’s amazing at tournaments when you here the teacher giving introductions to the student before the fight. All you here from the student is Osu. They answer it loudly and sharply with no hesitation. The fighter installs belief within himself that he will succeed. Osu is a humbling word too. It’s shows respect, loyalty, obedience and trust. There are not many other words like it”. ~ Shihan Judd Reid
When To Use “Osu!”/”Oss!”
There is etiquette obviously in the dojo, and when and how to use Osu is no different. There is debate not only on the origins of the word, but also on when and when not to use it. Jesse Enkamp – The Karate Nerd, did an article on Osu, and while I enjoyed it, and agreed with him that it can be overused, one thing I didn’t totally agree with was his statement  “Never say it to a Japanese person – unless he is younger than you, or wants you to say it (and when it comes to women, don’t say it at all.)”.
I have many Japanese friends, some of whom are female. I brought this up in conversation with them and their response was that it was nonsense. My very good friend Nori (who is a karateka from Japan) uses the term with me a lot. He is younger than me, but higher in rank. Even when he texts me about meeting for dinner, he will end the text in OSU! For him, he tells me, it is a sign of respect for his friend and fellow karateka.
My female Japanese friends said they don’t use it, because it is not a common part of Japanese vernacular outside of the dojo. But, they told me that female karateka in Japan freely use it in the dojo and to one another, regardless of gender. In the movie High Kick Girl the character Kei Tsuchiya (played by Shodan Rina Takeda) says Osu! to her Sensei throughout the movie.
You can even see it being used in other popular culture as well. For example on the TV program Iron Chef, Chef Morimoto will say Osu! before a competition.
This all being said, when you use any term over and over again, it becomes programmed into your subconscious. So, even I have responded to people with Osu!, instead of “yes”, like in my workplace, and they have looked at me like I had two heads! However, this isn’t appropriate and the use of the word should be reserved for the dojo, as it is a word that carry’s a lot of respect.
Antony Cummins, an author, historian and TV co-host, who specializes in the ninja of medieval Japan, gave a great vlog on the topic of Osu, which I would highly recommend you watch:
One thing is for certain, I think everyone can agree, if we were asked to describe the philosophy of Kyokushin Karate in a single word, it would be “OSU!”
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gilbertonowell-blog · 7 years
Strawberry Keto Milkshake.
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I am actually thus enthusiastic concerning this manual and also I have a feeling I will definitely live to enjoy this for years and also years to come. There is some argument that such an activity will definitely eat your opportunity sufficient that due to the opportunity you are actually done, there will certainly be actually much more on the market for Shift ready to play. Each year players as well as organisers damage their backs to apply grassroots events, and also along with tournaments such as the E-League and Reddish Upward Kumite coming forward, there is right now a crystal clear road for fighting games to have toward big-budget esports. That is actually such a fantastic suggestion to have a separate weblog instead of managing a million e-mails. And also, progressively, you'll simply get the full video game components on new-gen platforms. Last but not least, I wish to thank all you that possess permit me understand you acquired the cookbook a little bit early (Indigo is actually delivering early and also filling the book in some stores, FYI). Concerning Weblog - Writer & Developer Amy Ellis allotments recent projects and ideas for your fabric obsession. I hope the following manual continues to observe Scarlett - though I have a feeling it will certainly follow Tella also. This isn't really a surprise, dued to the fact that Lyanna and the various other honorable gods from the North were actually along with Jon by the end from Time 6 when they stated him master, yet our team're still glad to observe that Video game of Powers' resident scene-stealer is actually looking as smart as ever before. And after that EA introduced Field of battle 1, an activity embeded in World War 1, and the battlelines were actually very clear. That is actually tough to examine this without spoilers- thus let me only state, this manual damaged my heart, made me laugh, created me upset as well as it is actually a strange topic, yet the way this's done, IT OPERATES. The tablet computer itself is actually a straightforward, clever item from kit, with a lot of its own real property taken up by its 6.2" monitor. The sort of game that perhaps should have shown up along with some of the headsets, Sparc is actually an athletic proof-of-concept for what Virtual Reality could be. Off CCP Gamings, the developer from Eve Online, Sparc resembles a weird blend in between tennis as well as dodge round where the objective is actually to attack the gamer standing contrary from you along with a ball. I should reveal below that you do not have to think about spoilers, as the video game gives away absolutely nothing that have not resided in the trailers in any case: you fight on the beach, there's some things to burst, and some things to steal. Given that Time 3 really isn't in full development but, this time around there's no after-credits cutscene in the end to give our company an examine for The Walking Dead Activity: Period 3. However don't fret, the downloadable segmented game set will be actually back for more with The Strolling Lifeless Activity Episode 12 to 16! A kit is actually a video game template that includes pre-made information, setups and also video game logic. Asking for some intense cooperation coming from your peers, Maintain Speaking as well as No person Explodes is a fun video game along with the best group from folks, and also this's more satisfying in Virtual Reality utilizing either a Samsung Equipment Virtual Reality or even Oculus Break headset. The LovePlus women even take pleasure in special benefits that true females could typically merely envy. I located myself supporting for him constantly throughout the tale, or even when suspicion is actually cast his means a number of times (which each was actually rightly and also mistakenly cast), I couldn't have actually cared less. Our experts have actually silenced regarding this. We do not even understand that you'll be actually participating in as. Our team possess no idea how this are going to be actually tying together to Time 2 or even the Michonne collection. Two even more other activities you couldn't visualize, however with each other achieve to show off the numerous aspects of the console. In the future Wednesday our experts got an all new trailer for Time 7, which focuses again on the accumulate to The Great War. I intended to bypass previous Bailey's chapters, Friedrick Thiessan's phases, as well as a couple of even more phases that slowed down guide down in the center. 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floguapo · 1 year
Swift ashi barai takedown | best winning move #shorts #kumite #fight
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1974 '" Central Intelligence Company.
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Poor thing shed 4 pounds in 6 months (she's only 8 lbs at this moment) and this injures her if I touch her here the shoulders. Youngsters and also Online video Video games: Having fun with Physical violence (Facts for Households, improved Aug In shorts, Game of Thrones was performing what Game from Thrones does absolute best - establishing our moral compass in a descent, so that heroes as well as villains considerably looked tantamount. From the adventure in this particular publication I would certainly include that initially there is a design believing should produce business models due to the fact that you have to combine sensible and also intuitive reasoning. The thirst-quenching Coke's matching is actually possessing a company pop up in a method that boosts the video game experience when this comes to in-app video games. That's the ideal game to maintain available in yet another button to poke at for a couple of secs when your supervisor is looking the other way. A lot of fathers (particularly from teen women) think they have little bit of effect over their children-- certainly a lot less influence in comparison to their children' peers or even popular culture-- and also presume their daughters must determine lifestyle on their own. There is some disagreement that such an activity will certainly ingest your time good enough that by the time you are actually done, there will be actually a lot more on the market for Shift all set to play. Yearly players as well as organisers damage their spines to put on grassroots competitions, and also along with tournaments including the E-League and also Red Upward Kumite coming to the fore, there is currently a clear course for dealing with games to have towards big-budget esports. That is such a wonderful concept to possess a separate blogging site as opposed to managing a thousand e-mails. Additionally, significantly, you'll simply get the complete video game features on new-gen platforms. On the other hand the video game from soccer is actually believed to be actually the very best of all by me. Its guidelines are 'easy to understand as well as performs certainly not take too long a time frame to complete like cricket. Shakman, meanwhile, is actually an Activity from Thrones newbie: the director is possibly most ideal understood for his focus on the comedy collection This is actually Always Sunny in Philly. Along with The Walking Dead's Period 3 at hand to opened later on in 2016, that is actually a stimulating time for supporters from The Strolling Dead, and also Obvious promise share even more particulars in the coming months! Generally it could be 6-12 weeks because I final played the game between when our company send the video game off and when that turns up deferred (or even ready for download). I could read that 5 times or even a hundred times or how many even more opportunities afterwards and I will never have the capacity to take on my own to weary of the manual. Recognizing Scorpio is coming and also will have the far better settlement on each and every activity. That's where our walkthrough comes in. This complete online video walkthrough of the activity likewise includes completion. In 2015, brand-new researches surfaced that proposed that piracy from the series before season 5 had actually boosted by 45% worldwide, as compared to 2014. The lengthy bruited Spider-Man name by Insomniac Games has eventually surfaced, as well as it's coming solely to PS4. Considering that this performs not include a sizable team, Tennis has actually become my preferred game particularly. Amongst the best remarkable shooting sites are Downhill Hair, a seven-mile beach front neglected by Mussenden Holy place, which is gone to by Stannis Baratheon and also his frequently striped friend Melisandre (for the night is actually full and dark of terrors"), the oft-photographed Dark Hedges, an amazing assortment from beech trees that line a roadway near Stranocum, Area Antrim, as well as the little bit of seaside community of Ballintoy, which comes to be Pyke, capital of The Iron Islands, in Activity of Thrones. The importance of the first intro seems on the Residence of Stark, which have experienced numerous uncomfortable as well as dreadful catastrophes through rival Westeros dynasties over recent handful of times prior to asserting back Winterfell, their homestead, adhering to the Fight of the Bastards in the end from period six. I say this whenever I review a book by Kristen Callihan - she is one of my very most preferred writers available immediately. I can easily claim that your very first publication is the absolute most highly made use of away from my substantial selection!
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jash6868-blog · 7 years
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floguapo · 2 months
Master Fighting Skills #kumite #youtubeshorts #viralshorts #karate
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floguapo · 1 year
Insane Kick Skills Ippon #viralshorts #shorts2023 #fight
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