#amarietie answers an ask
amarietie · 7 years
Fic Ask: Blind Date, 3 per chapter
Ohhh goodness it definitely took me longer than necessary to get around to this, but here we are!  Also, it’s very possible that these lines are more like sections than lines, and sort of toe the line between ‘significant’ and ‘I just really like them.”
And wellllll I was going to stick this behind a 'read more' but I don't know how to do that in HTML and every time I do an edit in rich text, it deletes all of my HTML formatting, so... please excuse the long ass post
From this meme:
Chapter 1
“So, have you decided what courses you’re going to take yet?” [Mikleo] opted to ask instead, thankfully feeling like he was regaining a bit of his composure.  And from that calmer perspective, he realized that he was maybe having fun with this.  It was kind of like a game - how to go about exchanging all of the most basic, introductory information while still making it look like they knew each other well.
This is the moment when Mikleo flips from flustered to enjoying himself.  And I think this is the kind of game that both of them would absolutely enjoy.
If asked later at what point the evening had stopped feeling like a fake date and more like talking with someone he had known for years, Mikleo couldn’t exactly say.  But as they exited the restaurant into the faintly chilly evening, he felt entirely content.
I really enjoyed this line because I feel like the two of them would just fall into an easy friendship effortlessly, even beyond any sort of physical attraction.  No matter what they’re both coming out of this one conversation feeling like best friends already.
Later,Mikleo would wonder what exactly had made him so bold.  Perhaps it was the second drink he had over the course of the meal, or maybe the stars were in the right alignment, or maybe he just really likedSorey.  Whatever, the cause, he worked uphis courage to reach out and grab the hand still scratching at Sorey’s cheek, and then plant a feather-light kiss in its place.
Kind of similar to the lats line and kind of in conjunction to it - Mikleo can get flustered, sure, but he’s feeling content and he likes this boy a lot already, and that lets him be a bit bold.
Chapter 2
“Good afternoon and welcome to Seraph Ice CreamParlor.  How can I help you today?”  Mikleo asked in a very goodcustomer-service voice as Sorey approached the counter.  He was betrayed,however, by the sly grin on his face and sparkle in his eye.Oh, so that’s how this was going to be. “Well, I’m supposed to be meeting up with this really good looking guyfor a date.  Seen anyone like that around here?”“I can’t say that I’ve seen anyoneparticularly attractive at all today.”“Not even me?”“Nope.”“Harsh,” Sorey said, deflating a little. “This is revenge for implying you might work at a chain shop, isn’t it?”“Perhaps.  And you really did walkinto that one.”
Nothing like a little bit of flirty banter
He had always been picky about vanilla ice cream, because its simplicitymeant that every component had to be perfect, and this was perfect.  It felt like silkon his tongue, and the vanilla flavor came through, instead of just tasting ofmilk and sugar.  He closed his eyes for amoment to savor the experience, and when he opened them again Mikleo was hidinga laugh behind his hand that brightened his face in the most wonderfulway.  The thought rose unbidden toSorey’s mind that he really was amazing. Two dates with the guy, one ofthem not even official, and I’m completely doomed.
Sorey’s fucking crush goggles, on both Mikleo and his ice cream…
This time, [Sorey] was ready for the attack on his dessert and tried to block with his own spoonas Mikleo made a second pass at the mango sorbet.  After a few minutes struggle, Mikleo emergedvictorious, and took his second bite with what looked like a challenge.  “Hah, I win this time.”No way, that was not going to stand.  But there was hardly an equivalent way toretaliate.  That’s when Sorey got anidea.  He could feel the wheels in hishead start to turn, trying to tell him why it was a bad idea, or that he had noidea what he was doing, but he clamped down on that quick; this was not a momentto be overthinking.  Instead, he leanedslightly to the side to press their mouths together in a kiss.
A little bit of competitiveness, and first kiss!
Chapter 3
In search of a distraction, Soreyreached into his bag of snacks and pulled out the first thing he grabbed.  It was a bag of gummy boars, labeled with apicture of a little, cartoon-ish prickly boar, in case anyone happened to beconfused about the contents.  “Do youwant a gummy boar?  They’re that organicbrand, so no gelatin.  I checked,” heexplained before Mikleo had the chance to ask.“Youdidn’t have to get those.  They’re twicethe price of the regular ones.”“Igot all of this stuff for us to eat, though. It would be no fun if we couldn’t share.”
Half of why I like this is because I’m a nerd to who likes working in as many random little Zesty bits as possible, but also Sorey being considerate of Mikleo’s preferences.
Rose scoffed from where she waswaiting for her turn off to the side. “More like show off in front of your boyfriend.”Soreycould feel the heat in his cheeks, and a quick glance at Mikleo confirmed thathe was blushing too.  They hadn’t had anyofficial conversations about what to call themselves, but Sorey didn’tparticularly want to refute that statement. Mikleo stayed silent on the matter as well.  Did that mean that he considered themboyfriends?  They would have to talkabout it at some point, but just the implications made Sorey feel a littlegiddy.Itmust have shown on his face, because a moment later, Edna scoffed and said, “Ohgross.  Now look what you’ve done, Rose.”
This is the first mention of them being in an actual relationship, rather than just having a few dates, and of course it’s Rose who said it, before they even did.  And then I just had to include Edna’s reaction for the snark.
Mikleo sighed with relief and hisposture relaxed.  “Well, that’s good tohear.  If you didn’t like my friends, itwould be a lot harder to try to keep you around.”“You’retrying to keep me around, huh?”“Well,yeah.  Cute, willing to let me kick hisbutt at pool, and an ancient history nerd? Where else am I going to find that?”Soreyducked his head and fiddled with his earring, sheepish in the face of thecompliment.  But there was a big smilegrowing across his face.  “I’d like tokeep you around, too.”
Actual confirmation (sort of, you know, without actually saying the words) from the boys that yest, they do want this to be a real relationship.
Chapter 4
‘Energetic’ was certainly amongst the first words that came to mind whenthinking about Sorey, but it turns out he was just plain good at directing thatenergy.  That came at the price of tuning out the rest of the world, andan apparent inability to keep track of writing utensils.
This line is kind of important to Sorey’s characterization for this story, actually.  The more and more I’ve written Blind Date Sorey, the more it seems like he has a little bit of ADHD to me.  Now, of course, this doesn’t eliminate the fact that he’s smart and a great student - one of my best friends from college had ADHD and she was very bright and made good grades - but it does have an effect on how I’ve been viewing him, personally.
Even as he picked up his spoon and set into the whipped cream on top ofthe shake, he could feel himself starting to droop to the side.  Soreygave him a small, sweet smile as he came to rest against his shoulder, and thenskillfully went to work distracting Rose and Dezel by asking about Dezel’smajor and classes.  Between bites, he managed to tease out information bitby bit on his self-designed program in animal behavior in hopes of one daytraining service animals.  Mikleo couldn’t quite remember if he’d everheard Dezel say so many words in one sitting, and it came to him then exactlywhat a wonderful person everyone at Ladylake University had managed to miss.
I like this bit both for Sorey casually distracting the others from sleepy Mik because he knows sleepy Mik will be embarrassed about it.  And also, Mikleo kinda has it bad for Sorey, too.
Sorey pouted, but then his face brightenedagain.  He reached out to tap Mikleo’s nose with a finger, and said,“Luzrov Rulay.”Mikleo had been busy going cross-eyed tosee the finger on his nose, but he looked back out to meet Sorey’s eyes. He looked incredibly proud of himself.  It took a moment for Mikleoto piece together a translation, because he hadn’t taken any Ancient Tonguesince last spring, but when he did, he shot him an incredulous glare and asked,“Did you seriously just call me ‘Mikleo the Enforcer?’”
This was one of the bits I was most excited about from this chapter, mostly because, once again, I’m a nerd and wanted to work in Mikleo’s true name.  Props to Sorey, too, for whipping out that Ancient Language translation.
Alright, wow, thanks everybody who stuck through this whole thing, it’s damn long as expected. But it was also kinda cool. When I first got this ask, I was thinking I would be hard pressed to find 3 lines from each chapter, but as I worked on it, I was actually having a hard time cutting down to 3 lines per chapter, lol.  Also, thank you to the lovely @neodiji for asking!!
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carnelianwings · 7 years
I will always love Tea Time with Friends, and the whole Purple Prose series. It's just so damn funny, and far too realistic a struggle for queer historical figures. I also like Connection, because Edna's snapback at the end just sticks with me
I’m really happy I managed to capture even a fraction of that struggle in my parts of the Purple Prose series.  It was mostly meant to start as a bit of funny crack fic (via Harlequin) but then it ended up having a bit of a life of its own as the meta fandom commentary angle took over.  I will say that Tea Time is probably my favorite to write out of all the ones I’ve written for that collaboration, mostly because I had so much fun writing the entire set up with Lailah doing all the talking with really cutesy flirty Soymilk as a funny background event.  Did I get self indulgent with the cutesy flirty things?  Yes.  Yes I did.  But to hear that I also managed to capture something more realistic and widely applicable at the same time . . . I think all I can say at this point is, thank you, and I’m honored that you think so.
And yes, Connection.  You’ll also have to thank @neodiji and @talesofsymphoniac for that one too.  They came up with the original idea (Sorey accidentally transmitting his nsfw daydreams about Mikleo to everyone lol) I just took the idea and ran with it for a quick drabble.  Okay, and maybe I just wanted yet another excuse to write about Mikleo’s prettiness in soft lighting through Sorey’s eyes.  (Seriously, the number of times I have written scenes of Mikleo and moonlight through Sorey’s eyes at this point . . . )
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neodiji · 7 years
24, 32, 39
24. Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot.
@women-books-coffie has calmed me down several times by reminding me that I’m human and allowed (read: encouraged) to take time to address my own health (physical and mental) and happiness. Instead of panicking over Fandom deadlines on top of real-life stressors. She’s also called me “too good for my own good” which...feels good.
32. Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.
When I was eleven, we moved to a house near a golf course. That golf course became my playground lawn after closing hours. I rode my bike on the sidewalk there, rolled down the hills, ran in circles, sat on a skateboard to ride down the sidewalk dips... As I got older, I explored farther and ran/walked/biked most of the course. It got to the point where I had no idea where I was if you put me on the regular neighborhood streets, but put me on the golf course and I knew exactly where I was and how to get home. This is especially important because I willfully ignored all the signs that said no one was supposed to be on the golf course unless they were a paying member, and trespassers were not allowed, etc. I was even caught and scolded in person a few times about how I shouldn’t be there. So I guess there WAS a part of me that was rebellious and more concerned with my own fun than what authority figures laid out for me. WEIRD.
39. Talk about things you wish you'd known earlier.
-Grades are arbitrary.
-How to stand up for myself.
-Hollyleaf’s dead/alive status.
Thank you for asking, @amarietie!!!! Sorry it took so long to respond. LIFE, YOU KNOW?
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codeadleaves · 7 years
Lazy day
Warning: None Relationship:A tiny amount of soymilk if you squint Characters: Rose, Dezel, Edna, Lailah, Sorey, Mikleo, Ayn Talfryn, Ayn Felice Additional Tags: friendship, humor  Summary: “Today was a lazy day, their little group taking a well-deserved break after their trek in the Gaferis ruins and a rather short night spent fighting a big hellionized cat.”
Read on AO3 or under the cut.
A big thanks to @amarietie for betareading <3
“Here you go Boss,” said Talfryn, handing Rose a bag full of mabo curry buns.
The sun was shining high on Pendrago today. The market street was filled with people shopping and chatting, the Sparrowfeathers booth attracting a huge part of it. It was no wonder; the Sparrowfeathers were well known across the continent for their guaranteed quality, and the delicious smell coming from their booth right now would make anyone salivate. Mabo curry buns were a real success, Rose’s greatest decision if you’d asked her.
She looked down at the bag, warm against her chest, the buns still steaming.
“Don’t forget to share with the Shepherd!”
Rose shot a look toward the twins.
“As if I could eat everything by myself!”
“You would.”
“You did,” added Felice.
“Then you’d ask what’s for dessert.”
“And complain about your tummy hurting afterward.”
Rose wanted to object. It had happened once, a long time ago, and she had learned her limits. Why did they have to bring it back in front of her new travel companion like she was some kind of incurable glutton?
Felice shook her head, and Talfryn and Dezel nodded in confirmation.
“Why are you nodding!?” she shouted at the seraph.
Dezel tensed and looked away,  while the twins laughed at Rose’s indignation, taking the shout as their cue to retreat.
“See you later Boss!”
And off they went. Rose pouted. Maybe she should comfort herself with one bun.
“You shouldn’t eat between meals,” Dezel said.
Rose pouted harder, tempted to shove the whole thing and glare at the seraph. She opted to walk back to the inn instead. Lunch time was close anyway.
Today was a lazy day, their little group taking a well-deserved break after their trek in the Gaferis ruins and a rather short night spent fighting a big hellionized cat. Sorey and Mikleo were still sleeping when she had left her own room a couple of hours ago.
Leaving the market street behind her, Rose looked around the plaza. Citizens were still fixing the damages a year of rain had caused, soldiers patrolling and helping the best they could (maybe they could give Sergei a little visit later - the captain would love to know the howling season was over). The capital still had a lot to worry about but the mood was slowly improving, the sun seemingly burning brighter compared to yesterday, all thanks to Morgrim taking residence in the Shrine.
How did that change feel to normal people, she wondered. They could sense the difference, she had heard a few talk about it, but how did it feel to them? They couldn’t see malevolence, couldn’t feel it the way she and her comrades could. It was an odd thing to get used to, that constant weight on her chest. Then again, she had had to get used to lot of weird things lately, like creepy ghost people talking in her head. Yeah, that was definitely weirder than any uncomfortable sensation in her chest, and harder to adjust to, she thought, eyes drifting toward the seraph next to her.
Though maybe the weirdest thing was Dezel. Always following her, always looking over her. Telling her what she was supposed to do or not, like he was some kind of mother hen. It was weird, a bit annoying sometimes, but oddly, she could never think it was completely out of place.
“What?” he grunted when she kept staring.
Her lips stretched in wicked smile.
“You know, maybe we should hold hands or something if you’re that worried I’ll wander off.”
The effect was immediate.
“How stupid!” Dezel sputtered, storming ahead.
What a weird grumpy guy, Rose laughed to herself, pushing the inn’s door open.
The main room was relatively calm. A man drinking at the bar, a couple and their children waiting at the front desk. One bored earth Seraph chilling on a armchair.
“Where are the others?” Rose asked, voice lower than usual.
Edna made a dismissive gesture with her hand, the other holding her closed umbrella on her lap, eyes locked on the family.
“Lailah is waiting in your room and the boys haven’t left theirs yet.”
Rose raised an eyebrow.
“Are they still asleep?”
Edna shrugged. “Who knows what two teenage boys can do in locked bedroom.”
“Nerd-out,” respond Rose flatly.
“That’s what they are best at,” said Edna, smirking ever so slightly.
Edna finally turned her attention to Rose, gaze drifting to the bag.
“What are you doing here anyway?” asked Rose.
“Avoiding Lailah.”
“Why? Wait, didn’t you say something about her waiting in the room?”
The seraph sighed.
“I could tell you, but I don’t like giving information for free,” she said, feigning disinterest.
Rose stared. That was Edna’s way to politely ask for a bun, she supposed. It was mildly tempting to walk away without giving her what she wanted - messing with Enda was kind of fun when her umbrella wasn’t involved - but then again, learning what Lailah was up to might be a good thing to learn for her immediate future.
“Fair enough,” said Rose putting a bun in Edna’s hand.
The seraph stood, walking toward the front door.
“It’s laundry day,” she informed her.
“What’s wrong with that?” asked Rose, confused.
The door closed in her face. Maybe two buns would have loosened her tongue better, Rose thought. She turned to the stairs, about to walk out of the room when she noticed one of the children looking at her from behind his mother’s skirts. The little boy looked at the door, then back at her. Right, that child had just seen her talking to herself, then a bun had flown to the door, the door that had seemingly opened by itself. She would have been scared too. In fact she probably would have screamed and punched at anyone coming near. She had. Poor Sorey… Though it was his own fault for not understanding how creepy it had been.
The boy held on his mother’s clothes tighter. Rose laughed awkwardly before fleeing to the stairs. She certainly wouldn’t be the one to explain that kid there were invisible people walking around. She had her own problems to deal with anyway, like waking nerds and checking on Lailah. Maybe she was waiting for someone to help with the laundry. That would be reason enough to make lady Edna hide, she guessed, opening her room’s door.
Lailah was sitting on the bed, a dozen paper flowers lying next to her. Lailah jumped to her feet the very moment Rose entered the room.
“Clothes off!” she ordered with a smile, taking a hold on Rose’s jacket.
Rose barely had the time to put the bun bag on the desk before her jacket and bolero were taken in one motion and thrown into the laundry basket on the floor, Lailah’s hands already on the next piece of clothing.
“Wait, wait! You can’t just take all my clothes like that!” shouted Rose, yanking back her shirt.
Lailah stepped back, smile dropping, hands clasped tight against her chest, lip wobbling slightly. Rose gulped. That wasn’t fair.
“I just wanted to wash everyone’s clothes, why does nobody seem to appreciate my efforts?”
No wonder Edna fled, thought Rose, It was either that or let Lailah strip you to your underwear (dear lords, she hoped Lailah wouldn’t try to take anything more!). Or worse, you could try to defend yourself and deal with the crushing guilt Lailah’s sad face instilled in you.
“Even Mikleo yelled at me to stop,” she whined.
Of course he would. Rose could clearly picture his reaction, all flushed, while Sorey would laugh awkwardly and stay out of Lailah’s reach.
“It’s such a nice day, who knows when we’ll have a chance to wash everything again.” Lailah sobbed in her hand.
She clearly was exaggerating, Rose knew that, and she wouldn’t fall for it. Come on she was stronger than that!
Or not.
“At least let me put on my sleeping shirt?” she asked, resigned.
Lailah snapped her head back to her, positively beaming. Yep, all an act. Rose wondered how long it’d taken the boys to give in.
One minute later Rose finished buttoning her sleeping shirt, her pants and bra resting with the rest of the laundry. Lailah hauled the full basket in her arms, determined to accomplish her task. She paused, looking at the desk, and seized the bag still full of mabo curry buns.
“No food between meals,” she said in a sing-song voice.
“No but.”
Rose sighed in defeat. Again.  
“Can I give one to the boys? I suppose they didn’t eat any breakfast this morning.”
And they wouldn’t leave their room anytime soon if Lailah had stolen all their clothes too.
Lailah stopped in the doorway, seemingly considering the request, and then held out a bun.
“Just one then!”
And then she was off, humming a happy tune to herself. Rose sure hoped the kid from earlier wouldn’t see the flying basket moving across the inn. She didn’t linger on the thought (it certainly would be better to go with Lailah, if only she wasn’t half-naked).
She knocked at the boys’ door, not bothering to wait for an answer. Inside, the window was open and a chair situated next to it, on which Sorey was sitting. Mikleo stood in front of him, scissors in hand. The shepherd turned to her, greeting her with a smile.
“Morning Rose!”
“Morning you two!” she answered, glad to see they had managed to keep their pajamas too. Or at least she supposed they had, Sorey’s body currently being covered by a sheet.
Mikleo didn’t spare her a glance, too focused on his task. He barely responded to the greeting, turning Sorey’s head back to him before resuming his cutting.
Rose tugged at a strand of her own hair. She hadn’t cut it in a while, she should ask Eguille for a hair cut next time she saw him.
“Did Lailah go crazy on you too?” asked Sorey with a laugh.
“She sure did! Only Edna and Dezel managed to escape her.” Rose said, sitting on the nearest bed, next to the Celestial Record (Mikleo probably had forbidden Sorey to read it while he cut his hair).
“Where are they?”
“Edna went out a few minutes ago. And Dezel is-” she looked behind her, not seeing anyone. “-somewhere near I’m guessing.”
Sorey turned to the window, probably trying to spot one of the wandering seraphim. A pale hand took hold of his chin, firmly repositioning his head. Cutting Sorey’s hair didn’t look like an easy task.
“How did it go with the Sparrowfeathers?”
Rose distantly wondered if Sorey would ever refer to them as the Scattered Bones.
“Wonderful! Mabo curry buns are a huge hit in Pendrago too, and I brought a full bag with me!”
“Really!?” Sorey turned to her, eyes sparkling.
Mikleo audibly clicked his tongue. Sorey went still.
“Next time I’ll cut everything,” the seraph warned, face scolding.
“Please forgive me,” begged the shepherd.
Rose pressed her lips tight, trying not to laugh. Maybe it would be wiser to not talk until they were done.
Mikleo carded a hand in Sorey’s hair, concentration never leaving his face.  One snip. Two snips. Bending Sorey’s head a little. Another snip. Mikleo leaned back, arm crossed against his chest, a hand to his chin. Sorey held his breath.
Finally, Mikleo nodded to himself, satisfied.  
“Alright, you’re free.” he said, removing the sheet from Sorey.
Sorey sighed in relief and stood, stretching for a few second before relaxing. Rose chose that moment to hand him the lukewarm bun.
“Here’s for your hard work!”
Sorey smiled bright, extending a hand toward the bun… only for it to be snatched by Mikleo who quickly took a bite, not giving Sorey the time to object.
“Thank you Rose,” said the seraph, pointedly ignoring Sorey’s little shout.
Sorey pouted. Hard. The shepherd was so cute it was ridiculous.
“Don’t worry,” reassured Rose “There’s more with Lailah.”
If she hadn’t eat them all. Somehow that wouldn’t surprise her.
“Right! The laundry!” Sorey suddenly exclaimed.
He rushed out, certainly intending to go help Lailah, and Rose wondered if he had somehow forgotten he wasn’t wearing any pants. He didn’t even notice Mikleo carefully tearing the bun in two. The seraph looked at the doorway a bit surprised, then shrugged, swallowing the last bite of his half and licking his thumb.
It was just the two of them now, alone in a room, only wearing their pajamas. Rose smirked, placing herself in front of the seraph, barely a few inches away. Mikleo took a step back.
“I’ll hold unto this,” Rose said, taking the half-bun from his hand.
She then sat on the chair, removing her hair beads and beamed at him.
“My turn!”
The seraph sighed, grabbing the sheet Sorey was previously wearing and adjusting it around her. He had barely taken the scissors in hand when Dezel’s presence fell heavy on the room; poor Mikleo tensed. Oh, Rose could already hear the lecture going on Dezel’s head. A teenage girl only wearing a sleeping shirt in the boys room, letting one of these boys touch her hair? How scandalous!
Pfff, like there was anything to fear from Mikleo on that matter.
Rose bit into the half-bun.
“Hey!” Mikleo protested.
Rose smiled. Lazy days were the best.
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childesballs · 7 years
Tagged by: @talesofsymphoniac and @soymilkheaven (tag teaming me to make sure I don’t forget I guess. That’s what I’m going with.)
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 people you’d like to know better.
1. Nicknames: Koko
2. Gender: Neutral
3. Zodiac Sign: Virgo
4. Height: 5′6
5. Current Time: 9:41 pm
6. Birthday: 9/15
7. Favourite Bands: LANY, Cascada, Florence and the Machines, Nightwish, Evanescence
8. Favourite Solo Artists: Ed Sheeran, P!nk, Colbie Caillat, Halsey, Katy Pery,
9. Song Stuck in My Head: I listen to music all the time so I don’t really get songs stuck in my head, but What About Us by P!nk has been a recent one.
10. Last Movie I Watched: Kingsmen the Golden Circle
11. Last Show I Watched: Punisher
12. When Did I Create My Blog: February 2013 (Lords have I really been here that long? I guess it doesn’t feel like it since I just lurked and occasionally reblogged things until I feel in Zesty hell last year.)
13. What Do I Post On My Blog? Mostly Zesty/Tales, but there’s splashes of other fandoms when things cross my dash. Plus my art/writing but that’s... almost entirely Zesty soooo
14. Last Thing I Googled: Does a google image search for people with high ponytails tied with ribbons count? (Art ref searching because I’m a ref whore, but I also have no clue how to draw ribbons let alone in hair)
15. Other Blogs? I have a couple that are utterly abandoned because I don’t really consider myself part of those circles anymore but I don’t want to delete them. (one was mostly just for reblogging things so I could find them easier, the other was focused on tarot work when I was a practicing pagan).
16. Do You Get Asks? Very rarely, and 9/10 it’s friends.
17. Why Did You Choose Your Url? It’s a very bland username that dates back to highschool when I had a SO that I did a lot of online gaming with and needed a proper username. And it’s just kinda stuck. But it came about because of using Koko as a nickname all around.
18. Last Thing I Ate? Pizza
19. How Many Pillows? Uhhh *counts* 4.  2 of which are the dream cushions with the Sorey and Mikleo covers.  Yes I bought both of them and my mother was like “I couldn’t help noticing how interesting the pillow cases are on your bed”.
20. Favourite Colors: Black, silver/white, purple don’t look at me for those last two I liked them before Mikleo even existed.
21. Favourite Tag To Use? I guess soymilk because of the doubling of great ship and beverage (even though.... I don’t actually tag things soymilk much....I never realized how little I actually used it until now).
22. Lucky Number: I don’t know of any particular one that’s lucky... maybe 3? Because I have gotten a lot of gacha pulls I wanted on the third set. But I actually don’t like odd numbers, except 13 that has been considered lucky in the past.
23. Instruments? I played violin for like.... a month or two. Does that count?
24. What Am I Wearing? Gray/Blue stripped long sleeve and dark blue jeans
25. Last Thing I Wrote?  This prompt for an ask meme. Good lil soymilk piece I had fun with. Even if it was supposed to be a drabble and ended up over 1k.
26. Dream Job: Honestly? I have no clue anymore. I know I’d like a nice chill desk job that isn’t stressful, pays the bills, and let’s me buy all the merch and gacha pulls I want. And allows me to travel to friends on occasion.
27. Dream Trip: Japan has been the one since I was in like 6th grade. More recently though, California has definitely become one you know who you are. and so does like.... everyone else who’s talked to me regularly
28. Favorite Food: Pumpkin pie. Lords just lemme devour good pie for days. But really, anything pumpkin flavor I will go nuts for. That aside, I also love blueberry things, spaghetti, and Japanese cuisine is always good too.
29. Nationality: I know I have German in me, but that’s all I got outside of being typical boring American.
30. Favourite Song Right Now: This changes constantly, but right now it’s Perfect by Ed Sheeran. First off, it’s a pretty song, but yes the main reason is that it’s a beautiful sormik song and no I’m not constantly seeing those nerds dancing every time I listen to it.
Tagging: I know most people I would tag have been tagged already so this is gonna be a short list: @amarietie @krisseycrystal @apostatively @pastelgabby @dakijen (apologies if any of you have been tagged and I just didn’t see it.)
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toradh · 7 years
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself publicly. When you're done, send it to ten of your favourite follows. No objections; positivity is cool :)
Uuuuuhhhhh so both @neodiji and @amarietie sent me this, so I’m gonna do it like this instead of answering the asks just so you know
This is difficult, let me think
Can’t I say what I like about YOU instead, that’d be easier

Okay, let’s see
1) I will fiercely protect my own moral code of conduct and beliefs. I may be pretty much the only person on this planet to have them and be proud of them, but that’s not gonna stop me. I never shove them on others UNLESS they try to do the same with me, though. All I’m asking for is “live and let live”, and not letting live is a good way to make me your arch enemy. 2) I like my own original stories, although I’ll probably never find out whether anyone else will because I never get anything done and thus you can’t have an opinion on them. Oh well, nobody’s perfect. I also used to like them more than I do now but chances are I’ll figure that one out before I die 3) I’ve learned to like the colour of my hair. It just took me two decades or so. 4) I do my best to help cats, birds, and several other animals in need if I can. 5) I started taking singing lessons at the ripe age of 26, but it’s the best decision I’ve made in my entire life next to adopting cats, and being bad at it is not gonna stop me in the slightest, just wait and I’ll be a badass 60-year-old belting out Italian opera eventually maybe
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amarietie · 7 years
Pass the happy along! When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and then send it to the last 10 people in your activity!
5 things that make me happy:
- Rain/thunderstorms (there’s one on right now, and I am currently staying up later than intended to listen to it)
- When people come into Lorikeets at work, and the birds land on people, and they look like it is the best thing that has ever happened to them.
- Fluff and cuddles
- Cats
- Writing
Thank you for passing this along to me, it’s cute!!
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amarietie · 7 years
I obviously don’t have a long-term impression of you yet, but I think you’re sweet :D
Awww thank you!
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amarietie · 8 years
Sorry, but speaking to you about Blind Date, because I really want to see more of that.
I say not to, but the more people nag me about it, the more likely I am to do it. I do have the next chapter pretty much planned, I just need to actually do it XD
And thanks much for your interest!!
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amarietie · 7 years
Hnnnn asking about Zesti's characters would be too obvious, so Allen Walker and Yuu Kanda ?
Oh goodness, you actually managed to nail an old pairing on the head XD I even wrote a few things for them back in the day.
From this ask meme:
(Also, pardon me I haven’t kept with the manga lately, so I am not entirely sure what the alive v dead status is right now)
Allen Walker | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite
Yuu Kanda | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite
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amarietie · 7 years
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself publicly. When you're done, send it to ten of your favourite follows. No objections; positivity is cool :)
(I also got one from @neodiji, too, OMG  you guys
1) I like my writing
2) I like my cooking and baking abilities
3) I like that I can make things, like ceramics and jewelry and clothing (and hopefully soon woodcraft), with my hands
4) I like that I have learned over the years how to be much better at interacting with people and establishing friendships.  I still have work to do on that, but the progress is still there.
5) I was always proud of the grades and accolades I got in school
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amarietie · 7 years
From this ask meme:
Tris | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
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amarietie · 7 years
Mauve, Umber, Razzmatazz, Saffron, Crimson :3
Awww Deji!!!! Thank you
To go along with umber and razzmatazz - what would be this favorite food? I probably have too many to count but I love tacos and vegetable sushi and crab cheese ragoons and creme brûlée and... :3
I may have squeaked. It would be so cool to collaborate on something!
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amarietie · 7 years
Tangelo and Cranberry
Tangelo: If you could be any mythical creature, which would you be?
Hmmm that’s a hard one. One would probably assume from my tattoo that I’d say fairy, but I might have to say mermaid. I really like the water.
Cranberry: Favorite time of the day; morning, afternoon, dusk, or night?
I don’t see it often (because I work best at night and like my sleep), but that really quiet, solitary time just after sunrise. Especially in the mountains. I did this camp once where the cabins were up the side of the valley from the bathrooms, and just walking down there on my own before anyone else had gotten up, with the sun just risen over the end of the valley and the clouds still a little pink~ beautiful
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amarietie · 7 years
Strawberry :)
Strawberry: favorite desserts?
Tiramisu, but light on the coffee. I don’t like ones that are just overpowered by it. Also Crème Brûlée, mostly via my mom’s influence because that’s her favorite.
If we’re talking favorite thing to bake, that would be cookies.
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carnelianwings · 7 years
Teal, cinnamon (but less from afar), periwinkle, mauve, razzmatazz, saffron, timberwolf, crimson
(For this ask meme!)
Awww, thank you! And yes, we should totally get that collab off the ground.  It’d be good!  Think of all the intrigue!  And the tricksiness!  And careful wording!  Now, if only i could get past this bit of writer’s block a bit better . . .
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