#amanda troops
eunoiareview · 1 year
Los Angeles Snow Day
It’s too cold to go out and too wet to make plans. Let’s stay in. Let’s pull off our Spandex, our skinny jeans, bras. Let’s pull on old sweatshirts. Let’s wipe off our makeup and brush out our hair, find the socks that remind us of when we were 19 and stupid, driving too fast on oil-slicked roads, the double dashed lines melted like witch puddles, slurries. The hill scars tumbling mud flows…
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ross-hollander · 3 months
Famous last words...
...of the Inner Sphere and beyond:
Unknown soldier heard in the footage of one of the first Atlas deployments, 2752: "Dear Lord, what the hell is that thing?"
Kashira Gideon Wayde, moments before fatal overheat, 2789: "I know how to use a 'mech. You shouldn't chide me."
Hedi Margivy, Solaris Games MC, killed by an LRM salvo at the announcer box, 2803: "Ooh, nice try. That's the match. Too bad. Come back when you're better, mate."
Pippin Beni, 1st Division Com Guards, shot clean through the cockpit, 3004: "It's an Urbie, don't even bother returning fire."
Kasper Poisaw, Northwind Highlanders, killed when surrounded in a hijacked PHX-1K, 3022: "The hell you say, the Dracs took the jump jets off this thing?"
Vido Taume, 15th Atrean Dragoons, killed by a collapsing building crushing his 'mech, 3032: "Hold on- keep shooting! I'm just jetting up that tower for a better angle."
Amanda Clees, Jade Falcon 94th Striker, stepped on a (then-) unexploded artillery shell with a Warhawk, 3052: "We have weathered the worst of it. Move up."
Geoff Winters, Nova Cat Chi Galaxy, Mad Dog detonated after being ripped in half at the waist by a Kodiak, 3062: "What are you going to do, Crusader, issue me a batchall? How has that worked for you?"
Parsa Deibi, 51st Shadow Division, shot by routing troops, 3078: "I have lifted up my hand to blessed Blake, if any one of you dares flee before the test-tube bastards of Kerensky I will shoot you myse-"
Nesur Daszie, XIII Principes Guards, killed by the Wolf opening orbital salvo, 3151: "The Clans couldn't take Terra if we laid out a welcome mat. Happy new year, I'm going to bed."
Khidaz Milmo, neo-Blakist insurgent, beaten to death by an Elemental, 3202: "Smoke Jaguar? What? You guys were toast a century and a half ago!"
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thetravelingtyper · 6 months
Our Shattered Heart Interlude (Part 2.50) JP (GN! 'Heart' Reader x Taskforce 141)
Loading Track 2 - Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight) by Abba (Johnathan Price One Shot). Called to base to finish up paperwork, you and your Captain spend some time together.
Warning: Possible OOC, Suggestive Content, fluff
Part 1, Part 2, Part 2.25, Part 2.75 Masterlist
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Half-past twelve
And I'm watching the late show in my flat all alone
How I hate to spend the evening on my own
Autumn winds
Blowing outside the window as I look around the room
And it makes me so depressed to see the gloom
It was dark on base by the time you got there. Price had called you to base to discuss some things with Laswell, trying to close up the intel work before you got back into missions. In common clothes, you padded into the rec room. The few people who were awake gave you nods and then went back to their activities. You felt good being back on base, even if it was just for the night. 
You made it to your room around 11:00 pm. Johnny and Kyle had wanted to come back to base with you but Simon pulled them into intel work. You smile, you and Simon had fallen asleep in your bed and the man for once slept heavily, past your 9 am alarm and through your call with Price. 
There's not a soul out there
No one to hear my prayer
Soft words passed his mouth every once in a while causing you to giggle quietly. Price questioned you.
“Simon is asleep John.” The man on the other side of the phone chuckled, he turned in his work to lean back against his chair. He was happy he realized then. With you, his Lieutenant, Laswell for assigning this mission, hell even the intel for a moment. Your rushing out that night just cemented the boys' attachment to and claim of your heart.
“That's good, can you come to base tonight love? I want to finish up some work with you here.”
You hum an affirmative and John lets you go, waiting eagerly for you to arrive. 
You are sorting through stuff when there is a knock at your door. You open it to find a Corporal, a woman a little younger than you, who had served a few missions under your command. She holds a bouquet with a Welcome Back! Ribbon and a bag. You cock your head but she gives you a hesitant smile before offering you the flowers. You then smile and step aside, inviting her in.
“Corporal Jennings.”
She eyes your room in wonder, knives (clearly) from the famous lieutenant are embedded in a target board. There are other souvenirs from your service both in America and with the 141. Truth be told, she thought you were one of the favorite Sergeants on base. When she heard about your injury she was worried but word got out you were returning soon, her friend had sent a message that night that Heart had returned so she was quick to bring something. 
You go to your joined bathroom with Gaz and fill a vase with water. Returning, you find Jennings waiting by the table nervously. You nod to her to sit down.
“I don’t bite Corporal, I promise.” At that she exhales with a stuttered laugh, the tension finally draining from her body. You set the flowers at the center of the table, you take a seat across from her, and speak.
“How can I help you, Jennings?”
“You can call me Amanda, Sergeant,” she says “if you like!” You nod to her. You are happy she is comfortable with you. You enforce command when leading troops but comradery is important to you. 
“Have you eaten?” She asks then. You shake your head and she excitedly pulls out some food. The smell emanates throughout the room and you take it in. There is a subtle spice that has your mouth watering.
“I heard you might be back today so I made some curry. I remembered you ordering some after the last mission.” She says it shyly and offers you one of two containers. You nod a smile quirking on your face as you take the container opening it to find a generous portion of rice and homemade curry. 
She opens her own and offers you a spoon which you take with a hearty thanks. You take a bite and are in heaven. You hum a delightful note and Amanda smiles, her eyes brightening in a way. You smiled, she was really pretty but you shook the thought from your head.
“This is wonderful!”
“It is my wife’s recipe!”
You look at her nodding your pleasure.
“She's lucky to have you.” You say. It reminded you of Kyle’s cooking. The man often would cook for the five of you on missions. 
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away?
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Take me through the darkness to the break of the day
She smiles brightly at the statement. She seems to think a moment before nodding.
“Thanks to you! The first mission I ran under you when you first came she and I met. It was you who partnered us together!” 
You thought for a moment then it hit you! On that mission, you had paired Amanda with a dark-haired woman named Corporal Smith. The two had been eyeing each other and when they talked they got along swimmingly. You return her smile.
“I remember.” You say and she nods.
“It's been a few months and I have never been happier.” She says with a fond sigh, hand reaching to her dog tags to show you a silver and gold ring. You nod in appreciation and congratulate her. 
Movie stars
Find the end of the rainbow with a fortune to win
It's so different from the world I'm living in
Tired of TV
I open the window and I gaze into the night
But there's nothing there to see, no one in sight
You spend most of the following hour just talking and enjoying her company. But as 12 soon hits she yawns and you pause the conversation. 
“Time for bed?” You ask humor lacing your voice.
Amanda nods, collecting the empty container before standing. She gives another glance around your room, then sees a photo of you and the 141. She approaches it and examines it with a soft, knowing look. She then turns to you with that look. 
“You and them huh?” She smiles, eyebrows raising in suggestion while you are put on the spot. However surprised, you don't sense anything but acceptance from her and you smile. 
“Something like that.” Is all you manage while she nods.
“I understand, I am happy for you Sergeant!” She says it then turns to the door. You walk her to the door of your room and offer her a side hug. She takes it happily before opening the door and leaving with a fond ‘good night Sergeant.’
There's not a soul out there
No one to hear my prayer
You stretch, wondering where your captain was, he had mentioned getting you. You admire the flowers. Sunflowers, a sign of loyalty, and yellow roses, meaning friendship. The smell of them is sweet as you take a sunflower and lay down in bed staring at the ceiling. 
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away?
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Take me through the darkness to the break of the day
You hadn’t realized you'd dozed off until there was a knock at your door. You open your eyes, slip out of bed, and to the door, sunflower still in hand. You open the door to find Price. You open the door and step aside for him to enter but he just stares down at your hand, eyes tracing the golden orange hue of the sunflower. His eyes then scan your room, seeing the chairs moved and the bouquet. 
Your eyes follow his and there is a sudden pit in your stomach when he wordlessly steps in and closes your door. He then looks down at you, eyes swirling. You reach for him but he grabs your hand instead, his other gently going to the small of your back to pull you closer. He leans into your ear.
“Who was here.” His voice is even, quiet. He wasn't happy but his feelings were more controlled than Simon's. You tuck your head against his chest and answer him.
“Corporal Jennings John, don’t worry she is married.” You look up to him, he holds you close for a second longer before pulling away. His fingers take the sunflower, eyes looking from it to you. He then walks over to the table returning the flower to the others. He then turns back to you.
“Can you work tonight or do we need to sleep.” He asks eyes taking in your room. You shake your head, a little shy with him in your room. 
“I can work tonight.” 
He nods and then notices your bag. He reaches for and shoulders it.
“Come on dear.”  
He leads you out of the room, softly shutting your door and passing down the hall. You walk in comfortable silence before reaching his office. He unlocks the door and allows you to enter the familiar space. Locking the door behind him he offers you his shower. You nod and enter the connected bedroom. 
Captain Price’s room is neat, expectidly, and like yours, there are little bits of him scattered around. You drop your guard here smiling at the photos of you and the others next to his bed. He enters after you, setting your stuff on the couch at the other end of the room. He then noticed you in Simon’s shirt. You had taken one and tied it up after Simon and the boys left, finding the cotton and smell of him comforting. You approach your bag and ruffle through your stuff, grabbing a toiletries bag and letting John show you the bathroom.
As you shower John takes a seat in his office. His eyes catch the transfer forms and he frowns something rearing in his chest. 
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
John sat with a glass of Brandy as Simon lounged in a chair across from him. You, Gaz, and Soap were back at the apartment running sources while Ghost slipped away to tackle the real threat, your transfer. 
Laswell had put him in contact with someone in America Marine intelligence, where your intel was being shared. The man had regarded Price with high honor after all the 141 had done. 
“What can I do for you, Captain.” John stands, and Simon, looks up, unmasked. 
“Please call me John. It’s about Sergeant Heart.” 
The line goes quiet then he gives an affirmative, listening.
“I want them to remain on the task force,” John says like an order and the line is quiet.
“Their intel has been invaluable but the orders are coming from higher up than I can reach.” 
John grits his teeth. The other man seems to sense it and returns with a quick,
“I understand, Laswell explained the situation, John. She has saved my ass so many times, I will see what I can do. I’ll be in touch.” With that the line ends and John’s tense shoulders draw back a little bit.
Simon stands up and rounds the desk, he pulls John in for a steady kiss. Parting Simon speaks,
“Have some faith in Laswell, Captain.”
Price’s thoughts are interrupted by you entering the office in shorts and a sleep shirt. His eyes take in your legs with a light. He shuffles the transfer form under the stack, eyes meeting yours. Your hair is wet and skin dewy from your skincare and the steam from the shower. He turns to some of the intel forms from the village and you both sit down and begin to work in silence. 
There's not a soul out there
No one to hear my prayer
The clock reaches an early 4:23 am when John looks up from his work studying your focused face. He calls your name softly and you look up. The moment reminds you of other nights and you stand. You turn to the coffee machine and start to habitually make tea. The moment hits John then. When had he realized he loved you?
A moment like this, he thinks with a fond smile. He stands as you soon bring two glasses of Chamomile tea, his lightly sweetened like he likes it. He takes it from you but sets it and your glass aside. You cock your head at him but he takes you and turns you around to sit you on the desk. Your head comes up to about his shoulder and he then leans into you his hands bracing on either side of you. 
You take in his face, between your wild night and now he had shaved. You run a hand over the remaining stubble and John’s eyes darken.
“I love you.” It is you who whispers it like a guarded secret and John's heart hammers in his chest. 
“Love, I -” He hadn’t expected it, but steps between your legs and finally kisses you. The kiss is sweet, his hands reaching into your hair. You hook your arms around his neck deepening the kiss. You both part breathless before a soulful laugh leaves your lips and you tuck into John’s neck inhaling the smell of smoke and his cologne. Many late nights you wanted nothing more than to embrace him and now here you were. 
His mind drifts back to the transfer and his hold on you tightens. He runs a hand down your body and over your leg, you rumble at the contact.
“Is this ok Love?” John asks as his right hand sits on your thigh, you nod against his chest, cherishing the contact. His hand spreads out engulfing your thigh and he holds himself up with his left. 
“Pretty thing.” He mutters it into your shoulder, the sleep shirt exposes some of your neck and collarbone. John brushes a kiss there as you wrap your arms around him. He can almost feel your sleepiness as he chuckles. 
“Come on Lovie.” His hands brace under your thighs before he gently lifts you and carries you against his chest into his bedroom. His ability to swipe you up does something to you, and you press an appreciative kiss to his neck. He groans, settling you down on the edge of the bed and kneeling in front of you. He fondly your jaw as you pull your head back. You look at him with half-lidded but mirthful eyes.
“See something you like.” His head turns down towards you a sharpish look in his eye. He is humored but aware of your effect on him.
“Watch it.” He warns half-heartedly, but you instead choose to trace your hand up the arms that hold yours feeling his muscle flex under your touch. He looks at you longingly and pulls back to stand up, your eyes following then widening as John removes his shirt. You take him in as he runs a hand through his hair. He wears his dog tags, the metal gleaming in the lamplight. But it is his form that catches your eye. Not unlike all of the men Price has muscle, abs etched into his skin but it is the body fat that has you sighing appreciatively. You run a hand to his chest as John’s eyes glitter in the low light. You want to drown in them.
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away?
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Take me through the darkness to the break of the day
John’s control is legendary, with rage, sorrow, or jealousy. But the sight of you in his bed works its way through him and his heart. Your eyes softly on him he surges forward and meets your lips in a heated kiss. You move backward as he stands then joins you on the bed. His knee goes between your thighs as he traces open-mouthed kisses to the side of your mouth and down your jaw. 
“John,” his name comes out as a whisper and it only fuels the fire in the pit of his stomach, he nips then at your jaw, smirking when you gasp underneath him. He parts from you with a breathy, deep laugh. 
“Always imagined you ending up here.” You blush at his comment before a smart smirk, You wrap your arms around his neck and yank him down, and he stumbles falling onto your body. You press a heated kiss to his neck then bite, John curses under his breath. Arousal pooling, he feels you kiss the hollow of his neck tenderly before you tuck your head underneath his. John rolls you both over onto your sides. He pulls the covers up and wraps an arm around you. You look up into his eyes to find him with the softest look you have ever seen from him.
He kisses the side of your head then murmurs into your ear,
“I love you too dear.”
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away?
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Take me through the darkness to the break of the day
End Track - Taglist:
@ghostlythots, @00ops1e, @rafaelacallinybbay, @iloveslasher, @character---obsessed
, @ashy-kit, @fruitymoonbeams-blog, @my-amazing-nerdyness, @star-struck-universe, @br0ken-rec0rds
, @buckysjuicyplums, @cod-z
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ape-apocalypse · 8 months
Road To The Kingdom - Prelude and Contagion Comics
This post will focus on two short comics that were published around the first reboot film, Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes.
The first is a prelude comic with a story that the writers (Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver) and director (Rupert Wyatt) always had in their minds for the film but had to be cut for time (they mention this in the DVD commentary and in interviews). Knowing how passionate they were about this piece of backstory for Caesar's origin, I'm very glad it was given life in this comic. It expands on the capture of Caesar's mother and her time in the GEN-SYS labs, scenes that are featured briefly in the opening of the film. 
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Director Wyatt and the writers have all said they thought it was important to show this backstory of Caesar's parents to demonstrate that, even prior to the drug that enhanced him as an unborn baby, his parents were above average apes. The comic shows a group of poachers following a troop of chimps, intent on capturing them to sell to laboratories for testing. Alpha, Caesar's father, is more intelligent than a regular chimpanzee, demonstrated in how he outsmarts the humans to keep his apes safe. He even lures them into a trap in order to kill several of them. 
Likewise Caesar's mother, Bright Eyes... who is named Bright Eyes in the comic for her rare blue eyes which doesn't make sense since she was named that in the lab for the changed eyes Will's drug gives her and also she doesn't even have blue eyes in the opening scene of the movie but that's just bad continuity, I guess... Anyway, Bright Eyes is shown to be exceedingly compassionate to her troop, ensuring no one gets left behind as they flee the poachers and fiercely defending Alpha. Though it is very brief, it is nice to see the united front of Alpha and Bright Eyes that make up Caesar. Human drugs may have given him true intelligence, but Caesar's determination, loyalty, and compassion all came from his parents.
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The rest of the comic arc shows Bright Eyes' time in the lab prior to giving birth. We see her intelligence grow to the point that she is able to escape from the lab on her own and return when she realizes she's far from her jungle home. There's a story of another lab ape named Burke who gets smart but decides to hide it, so he's retired to a sanctuary as a failed experiment and starts to plan his own escape. It's interesting to see the progression of the drug and its effect on the apes but the best part is getting to know Bright Eyes a bit better than her brief time in the film. 
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Shifting to Contagion, it is even shorter than the prelude comic as it was a one-shot set between Rise and Dawn. The focus of the comic is Ellie, the human in Dawn who is the love interest of Malcolm and the nurse who heals Cornelia. Her backstory is briefly mentioned in the movie but it is fleshed out here. We're shown the death of her daughter, Sarah, during the Simian Flu outbreak and her time with the CDC trying to find a vaccine. She ends up escaping the destruction of her lab with the help of a test chimp and the two go their separate ways (which makes me think an interesting story in this universe would be a human and an intelligent ape who actually successfully survive together but I guess that's what fanfics are for). Though very fast paced, that is the nature of a short one-shot comic. It does probably set the feeling of losing your daughter as the world falls apart around you, all happening in a very quick blur. Her time spent with the test apes and her rescue by the chimp Betty show her gentle nature that will have her seeking peace with Caesar's apes in the coming film. 
Though these comics are short compared to the longer arcs that will be featured later, I like these stories for their background on two female characters, Bright Eyes and Ellie. While the original films had Zira as a main lead character, the female characters in the reboot series definitely suffer from being primarily love interests to the lead characters and not having much to do in the films. So it is nice to let Ellie and Bright Eyes have comic book expansions of their characters. Both of these stories have been hard to find in the past, as the prelude was online promotion for Rise that seems to be gone from the Net and Contagion was a San Diego Comic Con 2014 exclusive. However, they can now be found in the Planet of the Apes comic omnibus entitled After The Fall.
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missfrieden · 9 months
Tech as a father Chapter 34
Kamnioans are hard to understand I guess?
Chapter 34: Unsure
Lama Su's confusion and suspicion only deepened as he discussed the situation with Gala Ta. They stood in a secluded corner of Tipoca City, far from prying ears. "Gala Ta, I don't understand," Lama Su began, his tone hushed. "If Master Pacem is the mother, why would she willingly accept the assistance of Clone Force 99? No mother would expose her child to such danger, especially not one born of a Jedi and a clone."
Gala Ta nodded, his eyes narrowed in contemplation. "It's indeed perplexing, Prime Minister. She's a healer, and Alma mentioned her shock when The Bad Batch arrived with an infant on a battlefield. It doesn't align with what we would expect if she were the mother." Lama Su tapped his chin in thought. "Continue monitoring the situation closely. I want to know everything about Clone Force 99's activities while assisting the Jedi. And keep an eye on Amanda Pacem's interactions with that child. If she is the mother, we must find a way to ensure her compliance with our objectives." Gala Ta acknowledged the order and went to carry out the prime minister's instructions, determined to uncover the truth behind Amanda Pacem's actions and her connection to the mysterious child known as Orion.
Lama Su couldn't help but feel a growing unease as he pondered the situation. Amanda Pacem's response had been unexpected, and it left him questioning if he had overlooked something in his investigation into Orion's parentage. He knew he needed to revaluate his approach.
After selecting the necessary troops for the relief mission and aid Lama Su called Gala Ta back into his office. The scientist entered with a cautious look on his face. "Gala Ta," Lama Su began, repeating his concerns "I believe there may be more to this situation than we initially thought. Amanda Pacem's acceptance of assistance and her lack of a strong reaction raise doubts."
Gala Ta nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "What should we do, Prime Minister?" Lama Su leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. "We must revisit our investigation into potential candidates for Orion's mother. There may be another, less obvious, candidate among the individuals we have interacted with over the years. We need to gather more information discreetly. And keep an eye on the ongoing situation."
Gala Ta acknowledged the order. "I will start by cross-referencing our records and logs to identify any other women who may have come into contact with Clone Force 99." Lama Su nodded in agreement. "And be discreet, Gala Ta. We must tread carefully, and ensure that no one, including the Jedi, becomes aware of our renewed efforts."
As Gala Ta left to begin his investigation, Lama Su couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Orion's origins than met the eye, and he was determined to uncover the truth. Later Lama Su approached Hunter with a sense of urgency. "Sergeant, I need you to prepare Clone Force 99 and the troopers accompanying you. We will be sending you to assist Master Pacem and her Padawan on their mission."
Hunter nodded, his expression determined. "Understood, Prime Minister. We'll be ready to deploy." Lama Su's voice lowered as he leaned in closer. "And about the child, Orion... Do you believe it would be safe for him to remain here in the care of the Kaminoans while you are away? We can provide him with the necessary support and monitoring."
Hunter's brow furrowed as he considered the question. "Tech's been taking care of him since the beginning. Leaving him here with Kaminoans... I'm not sure if that's the best option for the kid. It could confuse him, and Orion is pretty attached to us." Lama Su's eyes scrutinized Hunter's face, searching for any signs of deception. "Sergeant, we only want what's best for the child's well-being. If there are any concerns or risks, I need to know." Hunter hesitated for a moment before responding, "Tech has been doing a good job taking care of him, and we all did as said many times now. I think it's safer for Orion to remain with Clone Force 99."
Lama Su nodded, accepting Hunter's decision for now. "Very well, Sergeant. Please make the necessary preparations for your mission. Time is of the essence."
With that, Hunter left to gather his squad and ensure they were ready to assist Master Pacem and Alma on their mission to Callo, with little Orion remaining under Tech's care. He does spot Wrecker who still holds Orion with Amanda and Alma. And Tech simply standing close by, Hunter can only imagine how Tech’s emotions are in a whirlwind.
Chapter 35
Reblogs are very welcome and I am open for feedback, as english is not my first language, so maybe my sentences may be weird sometimes, or I write a word wrong even with google, or I use a wrong word for an item.
Tag: @spectacular-skywalker @aalizazareth @neyswxrld @clonethirstingisreal @sleepycreativewriter
I am getting better. Cough is nearly gone, ears are, well a topic for themself. But at least not off balance anymore.
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The Princess of Wales' Year in Review: June
June 2nd - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis attended Trooping the Colour, the first engagement of The Queen's Platinum Jubilee. While William participated in the parade, Catherine and the children rode in a carriage with The Duchess of Cornwall. The five Cambridges joined the other working royals on the Buckingham Palace balcony to watch a flypast June 3rd - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge joined members of the royal family at a National Service of Thanksgiving for Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in St Paul’s Cathedral. They then attended a reception given by the Lord Mayor of London at Guildhall. During the day, Catherine visited her patronage, Evelina London, to meet with children and families who would be unable to participate in the jubilee celebrations otherwise June 4th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince George and Princess Charlotte visited Cardiff Castle, and watched a practice of a later 'jubilee concert'. They also later attended the BBC Concert at Buckingham Palace to celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee June 5th - Kensington Palace released photographs of Catherine, George, Charlotte, and Louis baking cakes for the Big Jubilee Lunch. Later that morning, William and Catherine made an unexpected visited at the Kensington Memorial Garden street party. That afternoon, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis attended the Platinum Jubilee Pageant, before joining the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and HM The Queen on the balcony of Buckingham Palace for the finale of the Platinum Jubilee June 7th - The Duchess of Cambridge, in her role as Patron of the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, held a video meeting with Professor Eamon McCrory, Dr Alain Grégoire, and Kelly Beaver. In the same role, she then held an Early Years Meeting. Finally, she received Lady Pinsent, Trustee of the Royal Foundation June 8th - The Duchess of Cambridge, Patron of the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, visited Little Village June 13th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended a Chapter of the Most Noble Order of the Garter June 14th - The Duchess of Cambridge, Patron of the Maternal Mental Health Alliance UK, held a video meeting with Dr Alain Gregoire, Luciana Berger and Laura Seebohm. Later, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended the Grenfell Tower Five Year Memorial Service June 16th - The Duchess of Cambridge, joint Patron of the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, hosted a Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood Meeting June 17th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended Day 4 of the Royal Ascot June 21st - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, joint Patrons of the Royal Foundation of The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge, held a video meeting with Lord Hague, Simon Patterson and Amanda Berry. Catherine later held an Early Years Meeting, in the same role. The Duchess of Cambridge also released a statement in honour of Children's Hospice Week June 22nd - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Brixton House Theatre. They then attended the unveiling of the National Windrush Monument at Waterloo Railway Station June 23rd - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge undertook an away day in Cambridge. The couple first visited the Fitzwilliam Museum, where they unveiled a new portrait of themselves, painted by Jamie Coreth. Afterwards, they visited the Milton branch of the East Anglia Children’s Hospice (EACH is a Patronage for the Duchess of Cambridge). They then visited Jimmy’s Cambridge, a community-based charity focusing on homelessness. Finally, the couple attended Cambridgeshire County Day at Newmarket July Course June 24th - Kensington Palace released photographs of the Duchess of Cambridge visiting army bases in November 2021 in honour of Armed Forces Day
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world-of-wales · 2 years
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1 JUNE - William attended the Senior Colonels' Conference and Dinner at Clarence House.
2 JUNE - William took part in The Queen's Birthday Parade on Horse Guards Parade along with other members of the Royal Family at which The Queen's Colour of the 1st Battalion Irish Guards was trooped. On the conclusion of the Parade, they rode back to Buckingham Palace where he appeared on the Balcony along with Catherine and their children to witness a fly-past marking the Queen’s official Birthday. In the evening, William was present at the lighting of the National Beacon at Buckingham Palace to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee.
3 JUNE - William and Catherine attended the National Service of Thanksgiving for Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee in St. Paul's Cathedral. After the Service, they a attended Reception at Guildhall given by the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor and the City of London Corporation.
4 JUNE - William and Catherine along with George and Charlotte visited Cardiff Castle where were received by Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of South Glamorgan (Mrs. Morfudd Meredith). Later they attended the Platinum Jubilee Concert at Buckingham Palace.
5 JUNE - William and Catherine attended the Platinum Jubilee Street Party at Kensington before attending the Platinum Jubilee Pageant in the Mall. They later appeared on the Buckingham Palace Balcony along with their three children.
7 JUNE - William held an Investiture at Buckingham Palace on The Queen's behalf.
8 JUNE - William was spotted selling the Big Issue Magazine in London.
13 JUNE - William and Catherine attended the Order of The Garter Service at St. George's Chapel in Windsor.
14 JUNE - William attended a Duchy of Cornwall Meeting at 10 Buckingham Gate. Afterwards, he attended the Grenfell Tower Five Year Memorial Service along with Catherine.
15 JUNE - William visited the Lionesses team at St. George's Park ahead of the European Championship where he was received by Mr. James Leavesley (Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Staffordshire).
16 JUNE - He held a United for Wildlife Meeting at Kensington Palace.
17 JUNE - William and Catherine attended Day Four of Royal Ascot.
19 JUNE - Kensington Palace released a new photograph for Father's Day featuring William with his three children.
21 JUNE - A special issue of the Big Isuue magazine was released to mark William's 40th Birthday. He also visited Dave Martin, the Big Issue seller with whom he sold the magazines in London earlier in the month. William and Catherine held a Meeting with the Lord Hague of Richmond, Mr. Simon Patterson and Ms. Amanda Berry (Chairman, Vice-Chairman & Chief Executive, The Royal Foundation) via video link.
22 JUNE - William and Catherine visited Brixton House Theatre where they were received by Mr. Christopher Wellbelove (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London). Afterwards, Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London (Sir Kenneth Olisa) recieved them as they attended the unveiling of the National Windrush Monument at Waterloo Railway Station.
23 JUNE - William and Catherine spent their day carrying out engagements in Cambridgeshire. First, they were received by Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire (Mrs. Julie Spence) as they visited Fitzwilliam Museum where their first joint portrait was unveiled. Afterwards, they visited East Anglia Children's Hospice - Milton where they were received by Mr. Benjamyn Damazer (Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire). Subsequently they were received by Mrs. Caroline Bewes (Deputy Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire) at Jimmy's Cambridge. Later Williama and Catherine spent their time at the first-ever Cambridgeshire County Day at Newmarket July Course.
24 JUNE - William held an Investiture at Buckingham Palace.
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trashmenace · 6 months
The Zone: Hard Target by James Rouch
The Zone 1 Hard Target by James Rouch
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The Zone is a then-future war series set during World War III in the Zone, a stretch of Europe blighted by chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. Interestingly it's not exactly post-apocalyptical, maybe more mid-apocalyptical.
A brief novel, we open with a tank battle, the middle has half the cast reconnoitering a refugee whorehouse while the others hang around, and ending with a raid on an underground tank garage.
The crew are a combined force of American and British troops fighting Russians in a hovertank called the Iron Cow. It's presumably written from the British point of view, or at least by a Brit, what with the US Armoured Infantry Division.
Like historical exploitation fiction, a lot of war fiction uses real life historical atrocities as a cover - "war is hell" and "that's the way it really was". Some of the more vicious stuff you get the feeling that the author, or the intended audience, have more of an attitude of "I wish I was in a war so I could do atrocities." The Zone is that kind of book.
The characters are similar to the Piccadilly Cowboy characters, ranging from amoral to psychopathic. They all have disdain for non-combatants and refugees and bemoan the fact that they can't mow them down. A good chunk of the text takes place in a whorehouse with descriptions of how diseased and disgusting the women are taking as much space as how horny the men get. I wonder if that's a particular British thing. I saw it in the Commander Amanda series, where they felt the need to counterbalance the sex scenes with shame and STDs. When the series was reissued around 2012 it was marketed as alternate history
Available from Amazon
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luckyspacerabbit · 2 years
what's the Hackett Tim duo indoctrination theory? I mean obviously it's that both of them are indoctrinated, but I wanna know more
Oh ok honestly I have no idea if someone’s written this down or if it’s a real thing specifically, but this is what it is in my head. Also this isn’t based in canon its just like an “oh this could be an interesting idea if it was the narrative”
So basically my Duo Indoctrination theory is very straightforward in what it describes: TIM + Hackett are both indoctrinated agents of the Reapers. We know TIM is indoctrinated as a direct result of his reaper tech implants which makes him move to stop Shepard, so the question is why is Hackett?
Well we know the Alliance has their fingers in Reaper tech. Amanda Kenson proves that’s true. It makes no sense that Hackett wouldn’t really be aware of what was going down there given the fact that he’s an Admiral and supposed close friend— especially on a project of this severity. Admirals visiting sites of such import, even in secret, seems plausible.
To me, this would be the indoctrinating incident or origin for Hackett. If not this, I can’t not believe he hasn’t encountered reaper tech elsewhere.
Military of all species have motivation to understand or take advantage of reaper technologies. Their role as a military is to increase their own species’ advantage against all else. Especially with a reaper war dawning on the horizon.
So it wouldn’t just be Hackett, honestly, I think there are a lot of reaper agents in Alliance ranks that could start crumbling them from the inside.
Obviously Hackett coordinates Alliance forces against the reapers but honestly if I were a reaper controlling a major head of my enemys militaries im not gonna immediately tank their power by making it obvious I’m in control, I’ll do it bit by bit.
So while TIM would make obvious moves against the galaxy Hackett would be more like Udina and play the long game of losing alien troops and upgrading alliance ones while relaying choices to the Reapers. His motivation would be really similar to TIMs, like, control of a significant power source to advance humanity above all else.
Then what you get is shepard having this choice to strike out from the Alliance since it is acting inherently against the interests of the galaxy and recruit a scrappier, independent source of forces to tackle both the alliance and cerb. So sort of emulating some me2 unlikely allies vibe
Also itd be cool to boss battle tim then boss battle hackett then they join forces lol and its like “the heads of the dogs” bc u fight like a three headed reaperfied hacky and tim (third head is a husk ig LMFAO)
The ultimate idea being shepard is an agent for destruction for both institutions, then gets to make a final choice to defeat both in the name of a united galaxy n justice and chooses the decision that best suits their view of things. 👯‍♀️ n also institutions of violence will always commit violence against those theyre sworn to protect so the only answer can be rising up as a people or smth ssmth smth
So thats my Duo Indoctrination Theory and how I would have approached me3 LMFAO
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
i would pay good money to see the conversation amanda and sarek had before she trooped off to this engagement thing on her own while he sat at home twiddling his vulcan thumbs. 
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lgbtqmanga · 1 year
New Releases June 27, 2023
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Delivery for You! by Teku Rin
Izumi Fukaya is a shut-in bachelor and part-timer whose only joy in life is seeing the handsome delivery worker who drops off his packages every day. Every time Ryouta Tsuchiya arrives with another delivery, the contents of the boxes are only half the excitement.
Determined to make himself “cooler” to match Tsuchiya, Fukaya has yet to realize that Tsuchiya already thinks he's the whole package — and they're both about to find out they already have everything they want right in front of them!
Meanwhile, Yuito Igarashi and Yuuta Natsume are in the prime of their college years but neither of them can seem to hit that final, all important youthful milestone: a girlfriend. Natsume struggles to even talk to the girls, and Igarashi's greatest talent is coming off as a creep. Maybe if they team up and put their heads together, they can come up with a solution to get over their single-life hurdles.
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I Think I Turned My Childhood Friend Into a Girl vol. 3 by Azusa Banjo
When popular guy Mido gives a makeover to his anti-social childhood friend Hiura (a boy), he accidentally creates an incredibly beautiful “girl”! With the arrival of summer, Mido and Hiura are keeping busy with new uniforms and talk of love. But when the Photography Club invites them to the beach, Hiura is faced with a new dilemma—what kind of swimsuit should he wear now that he’s dressing as a girl?! It’s up to Mido to find a solution!
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Obnoxious Hero-kun Omnibus by Amanda Rahimi (Amanduur) contains the complete uncensored series
His hair shines brighter than the sun, his smile is impossible to resist, and in order to talk to him, you’ll have to get past his harem of loving girlfriends. He’s Hiro, and he’s heartstoppingly perfect in every way.
But there’s one person who’s completely unimpressed with Hiro—Takashi, a sullen, dark-haired boy who has no friends. Why should Hiro care if Takashi doesn’t like him? He couldn’t care less about Takashi, and he’s definitely not staring a hole through the back of Takashi’s weirdly handsome head, or agonizing over Takashi’s surprisingly luscious lips.
So…why does Hiro find himself tied up in Takashi’s bed?
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Otherside Picnic vol. 5 (manga) by Iori Miyazawa, Eita Mizuno, Shirakaba
Sorawo and Toriko head deep into the Otherside to save some old friends—none other than the American marines who wandered into Kisaragi Station and got stuck in what they call the Beyond!
The pair, dubbed "the girls" by the Okinawa base troops, hatch a plan to rescue the trapped soldiers. Will everyone make it out alive and unscathed? Or will the Otherside claim new victims along the way?
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Shonen Note: Boy Soprano vol. 4 Yuhki Kamatani
The Kawami Higashi Middle School choir has won the district competition and is moving on to regionals, but the choir just isn't the same without Yutaka's soprano voice. In her eagerness to bring Yutaka back, Mariko must learn to speak for herself. Will she find a way to remind Yutaka of the joy of singing?
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Superwomen in Love! Honey Trap and Rapid Rabbit vol. 5 by Sometime
Superheroine Hayate and ex-villainess Honey Trap have successfully fought off an all-hands attack by the Antinoid officers and even confessed their love to each other! Hayate is now determined to find a way for humans and Antinoids to coexist, without defeating X. However, X decides that if she can’t win, everyone is going down with her! Can Hayate and Honey Trap save the day one last time?! The final volume of Superwomen in Love! Honey Trap and Rapid Rabbit!
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There's No Freaking Way I'll Be Your Lover! Unless... vol. 2 by Teren Mikami, Musshu
The battle to decide whether Oduka Mai and Amaori Renako should be friends or lovers is heating up! But after their first kiss, Renako finds herself grappling with new emotions swirling around inside her. And how will the collateral damage from their love games affect their circle of friends? The outrageous rom-com hijinks continue in volume two!
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Vampeerz: My Peer Vampires vol. 3 by Akili
A new vampire is in town, but whose side is she on? On the surface Khara appears to be a threat to Aria but this immortal appears to have motives that are not quite threatening.
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Yuri Espoir vol. 4 by Mai Naoi
After finding out she is to be forced into an marriage of convenience as soon as she graduates high school, Kokoro sees her life ending before her eyes at her father's wishes. And so in her final year of high school, she decides to indulge in her love of other women, and create an incredible sketchbook of lesbian romance to leave behind as her legacy. As she observes the young women of her town, she learns more about their desires, their struggles, and the unpredictable whims of love.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Today for Women’s History Month we honor the birthday of Josephine Groves Holloway
Josephine Amanda Groves Holloway (March 10, 1898 – December 7, 1988) was an American woman who broke the color barrier for African-American girls to become involved in scouting in the state of Tennessee. In 1933 she began organizing unofficial scout groups, which were recognized in 1942, and eventually desegregated.
She was honored by Girl Scouts of the USA with the naming of Camp Holloway in 1955, and with the "Hidden Heroine" award in 1976.
Early life and education
Josephine Amanda Groves was born on March 10, 1898, in Cowpens, South Carolina. She was the seventh of ten children. Her parents were Emma Gray Groves and John Wesley Groves, a Methodist minister.[1]
She attended Fisk University, a historically black university in Nashville, Tennessee,[2] graduating in June 1923 with an A. B. Degree (a bachelor's). In 1926, Holloway obtained a second bachelor's degree at the Tennessee Agricultural & Industrial State College (now Tennessee State University).
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Scouting career
After she graduated from Fisk University, Holloway began working in scouting for girls in 1923 at the Bethlehem Center, a social settlement house home to at-risk women and girls.[2][3] Upon marrying, however, she ceased working at the Bethlehem Center,[2] as she was forced to resign by the director who claimed that a married woman would not have time to fulfill her work obligations.[1]
When her eldest daughter turned six in 1933, Holloway petitioned the Nashville Girl Scout Council to create a new, segregated troop for African-American girls. They declined her request, saying that maintaining separate facilities would cost too much.[2] Holloway went ahead and started her own unofficial troop, and encouraged her friends to do the same.
By 1942, the number of African-American Girl Scout troops caused the Nashville Council to officially recognize them. In 1944, Holloway was hired by the Council to be a field advisor for the organization. In 1951, the Council began integrating black and white troops, a process that was completed in 1962 when they ceased maintaining a separate "Negro district". Holloway did not view the end of segregation as necessarily positive, however, stating that it reduced black girls' exposure to "examples of black strength and pride".[2] In 1963, Holloway retired from scouting.
Personal life
She married Guerney Holloway, a coworker from the Bethlehem Center on June 30, 1925 and had three daughters: Nareda Wenefred, Josephine Alzilee, and Weslia Juanita.
Holloway died on December 7, 1988, at age ninety.
Honors and distinctions
In 1951, land was purchased by the Girl Scouts so that African-American girls would have a place to go to summer camp, as many state parks denied entrance to African Americans. In 1955, Camp Holloway was opened; as of 2016, it is still operational and open to all girl scouts.[4]
Holloway was the first African-American employed by the Girl Scouts in Middle Tennessee. In the 1976 celebration of the US bicentennial, she was given the "Hidden Heroine" award.[4] In 1991, the Girl Scout headquarters opened the Josephine G. Holloway Historical Collection and Gallery.
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spasticfanatic · 1 year
Celestial War: Chapter two
Another Chapter!
A scream ripped through the rundown hospital as Garmadon followed after Christopher. 
“Cynder!” He yelped, skidding to a stop and looking back over his shoulder. 
“Shit!” Christopher cried as he slammed his heels into the ground. “Give him here!” 
“You can’t lift him!” Snapped Garmadon. 
“I think I can move again!” Zane yelped. 
“Don’t force yourself!” Garmadon looked at him. 
“Shut up and go to her!” Zane hissed. 
“Are you sure?” Chistopher asked. 
“Just go!” Zane managed to squirm his way out of Garmadon’s grasp. 
With a swift nod, Garmadon turned and ran down the hall. 
“I hope Cynder is alright…” Zane whimpered, looking at his creator. 
“Me too.” He nodded in agreement. 
“Cynder!” Garmadon yowled, nearly slipping on an unknown liquid. 
“What the hell?” The room was foggy, and the thick musty scent in the room made him gag. 
“Cyns?” He managed to choke out. No reply. He squinted and walked further into the room. 
When the fog began to clear, he gasped. 
“Amanda!” He yelped, attempting to rush to her side. The moment his foot hit another puddle, his feet went out from underneath him. 
He hissed as he caught himself, nearly bashing the front part of his head. When he looked up, nothing was on the wall. No Cynder wrapped in webs. Just dingy old wallpaper that was falling off slowly. The musty scent had dissipated. 
Pushing himself to his feet, he looked around. He let out a light growl as a warning before rushing to the bed Cynder had been in last. 
“Amanda!” He shook her. “Wake up!” 
“Garmadon…?” She opened her eye, swatting his hands away. “What… What…?” 
“Are you alright?” Garmadon swiftly asked. 
“I’m fine…” Cynder murmured, closing her eye again. 
“Cynder, why did you scream?” He shook her softly. 
“Didn’t scream.” She groaned as she rolled onto her other side. 
“Come on now… don’t lie.” He grumbled. 
“Not lying. Didn’t scream.” She waved him off. 
“You… Are you messing with me?” He asked. 
“Seriously?” Cynder turned to face him. “I’m not fucking with you. I’m sorry for passing out on you, I wasn’t feeling well.” 
“Cynder… you didn’t pass out on me? You were all wrapped in webs on the wall when I got in here!” He gave her a weird look. 
“What the hell are you talking about?” She grunted as she sat up, smacking the hands that tried to lay her back. 
“You shouldn’t be sitting up…” Garmadon sighed. “We must both be tired, I think we may be seeing things.” He rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Don’t pull that shit on me.” Cynder snapped. “I know you’re hiding something!” 
“I-I’m not hiding anything!” Garmadon yelped. 
“Liar!” Cynder moved to get up. 
“Alright, fine! If I tell you, will you lie back down?” Garmadon bit his lip. 
“Fine.” Cynder nodded, stopping in her tracks and lying back. 
“I saw you… all tied up in webs on the wall. Zane, Christopher and I all heard you scream.” He looked away from her, feeling guilt swelling in his chest. 
“What the hell… All I know is I saw one of your shadows last night, at least I think it was yours.” She looked away from him. 
“Cynder, I didn’t place any of my shadows on this floor.” Garmadon blinked. 
“How odd. Are you sure it was me who you heard screaming?” She looked at him. 
“Yes, I’m one hundred percent positive.” He mumbled. 
“Then whatever is going on can turn into us or at least sound like us.” 
“We need to figure out what’s around us then. I’d hate to move the troops again.” He sighed heavily. 
“We might have to, even if it means temporarily splitting up. It’s better than everyone dying or getting hurt.” She grabbed his hand.
“Damn!” He yanked his hand back. 
“What?!” She snapped. 
“Your hands are cold!” He yelped, making her laugh. “Don’t laugh! Your hands are freezing! You feel like an ice cube!” 
“Isn’t that better than me having a fever from infection?” Cynder asked, prompting Garmadon to touch her forehead. 
“You still have a fever, dumbass.” He smirked.
“Yeah, fuckhead?” She smirked back as he leaned over her and stole a kiss. “So what are we going to do?”
“I’m going to talk with Wu, we can’t do much when our main fighters are either incredibly hurt, or away on missions. All we can do is try to find the issue.” Garmadon got up. Cynder snagged his arm before he could move away from the bed. “What’s wrong?” 
“Stay, please. I want to cuddle.” She whined. 
“Cynder… I need to talk to my brother.” He yanked his arm away. 
“Just because you’re a demon, doesn’t mean you don’t need sleep, old man.” She grumbled, crossing her arms. 
“I know I need to sleep. I’ll come back once I’ve talked things out with Wu, please get some more sleep. Something weird is going on around here.” Garmadon patted her head. 
“I want to cuddle… You’re nice and warm. I’m freezing.” Cynder pouted. 
“Fine. Go talk to your brother and ex-wife!” She huffed, immediately turning away from him. 
“Cynder, don’t be like that.” He reached out, placing a hand to her shoulder. She smacked it off. 
“No. You always do this, Garm. I love you and you… You never make time for me, then you go off on Zane, being all jealous when it’s you who isn’t making time for me.” She curled up, trying to warm herself. 
Garmadon stood there for a moment or two, before sighing and crawling onto the bed. 
“And who said you could join me now?” She huffed as he wrapped his arms around her. 
“I did. You’re right… I don’t spend nearly as much time with you as I should. I nearly lost you and… and yet I’m so worried about everything else going on that I haven’t spent any time with you at all… I have no right to be jealous if I can’t make time to at least snuggle you for ten minutes.” Garmadon sighed. 
Cynder wiggled, squirming slightly. She looked back at him as he pulled her waist up to his.
“You’re just saying that.” She squirmed more as he buried his face in her shoulder. 
“No. I miss this.” He mumbled. His eyes felt so heavy. Why was he so much more tired now? 
“I miss you too.” She chuckled lightly, turning around to face him. Moving made her body ache, and it made her want to scream, but she wanted to see his face. She needed to know if he was lying or not.
The tired smile he wore told her everything she needed to know. The bags underneath his red eyes made her chuckle. 
“You’ve been up too long.” She kissed his cheek. 
“Come on, none of that.” He smiled as he stole a kiss. 
“Mmm, I’ve missed your kisses.” She purred. 
“Maybe you’ll get more if you rest up and actually take care of yourself for once.” 
“Such loud words from a man who usually doesn’t care for himself either.” 
“Shut your mouth.” Garmadon laughed. 
“Make me!” Cynder giggled. 
With a roll of his eyes, Garmadon grabbed her chin and kissed her. In that moment, nothing else mattered. His chest ached as he had to pull away. 
“I love you so much, I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel as though I don’t.” He held her close, thinking over the image of her on the wall. She hadn’t been moving. Nor breathing.
“I love you too… I know you love me, Garm, I just wish you’d spend more time with me. I know you’re busy, so I try not to hold it against you.” She lightly chuckled, before frowning. “What’s wrong?” 
“What I saw earlier… You were dead. Hung up like some child’s art project on a fridge. It… it hurt to see. It hurts to think that you might be killed. I’ve been… taking for granted the fact that you love me and our time together. I need to spend more time with you.” He held her tightly, pulling her body to his to help warm her. She didn’t feel cold to the touch,  she felt boiling, but he knew she felt cold. That’s all that mattered. She felt cold, and he wanted to help her feel warm again. 
“You’re stupid. You think I’ll just let someone kill me? Garmadon, I love you and I desperately want to be with you. I want to be your wife one day. I can’t be your wife if I end up dying.” Cynder bluntly stated. 
“No, I won’t die. Not until all this over, not until we’ve lived a full life together. I will see the end of this war. I started it, and I will finish it.” 
Garmadon stared at her serious expression, placing his forehead to hers, 
“Then I’ll do all I can to help support you.” 
“You already do.” Cynder chuckled, stealing another kiss. “You send me to fight, you send me with people who know my skill level and can react properly. Zane and I work wonders in a fight. Lloyd too. The others are good fighters, but they don’t know how to match me like those two do.” 
“That’s because they look for strengths and weaknesses in their partners and opponents.” Garmadon held her close, petting her slick hair, the greasy feeling made him cringe. “You need to shower. Desperately.” 
“I need to wash my hair, I know. But it’s hard to do. Especially when running water is such a… commodity. Maybe I should cut it.” Cynder sighed, looking at her hair.
“You don’t have to. I’ll help you wash it. It won’t take as long if we both do it.” Garmadon smiled. 
“I don’t want to waste water.” She mumbled. 
“Cynder, I know you, you love your long hair.” He pet her head. 
“Yeah, I do but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s hard to take care of. Besides, you think I’d look cute with short hair, don’t you?” She smiled a little, despite the ache in her chest. 
“Even if I did, I know you love your long hair and it helps you feel close to your late brother. I know how much you miss him brushing your hair every night.” Garmadon sighed. 
“Time change, and I’m not a little girl anymore. Even if I miss Henry, I’m not some child. I can’t keep having my hair yanked in battle.” Cynder pet her long hair. 
“It’s your choice, if you so choose to cut your hair, then I will help you.” He pressed his forehead to hers. The warmth of her forehead made him frown, it worried him. “What a horrible infection.” He mumbled, his pupils flickered to slits before reverting to circles. 
“You’re just figuring that out?” She blinked. 
“I was worried it was attached to your soul, but no. It’s just a nasty infection in your body. I just… didn’t realize it was so ugly.” He held her close, letting her rest her head on his chest.
“It’s an infection. It wasn’t going to be pretty.” She giggled. “Let’s get some sleep.” 
“You need to rest. I’ll sleep once I know you’re out.” Garmadon looked around the room, spotting Zane’s backpack and feeling guilt slip into his mind. 
“You’re worried.” Cynder commented. 
“Yeah, Zane wasn’t able to move for a while. I’m worried that we won’t be able to save him.” He sighed heavily. 
“We’ll figure it out, I’m not just about to sit by and let my best friend die.” Cynder stated. 
“You have a lot of faith in the fact we’ll be able to find a cure.” He fidgeted under her judgemental glare. 
“There has to be one, Garm, and if I can’t find it… then I’ll summon Lord Death and make a deal. To end all this bloodshed, to end the people getting hurt.” Cynder grunted as Garmadon squeezed her. 
“We’ll figure this out, I’m not about to lose you. You’re not making a deal with Lord Death, let that be a last resort… besides, how would you even summon him?” 
“I… I don’t know. I’ll find a way.”
“Do you even think he’d help?” 
“I don’t know, but I’m not about to let everyone die.” 
Garmadon sighed, smiling a little at her resolve. 
“You really are a jealous man.” Cynder chuckled and kissed him. 
“Yes, yes I am. You’re mine, Cynder, I don’t like the thought of you dying to save Zane… or even me for that matter. I want you alive. I need you alive.” Garmadon’s cheeks were dusted with a light pink.
“Maybe once I’m feeling better, we can have some fun. Go on a little date. Like we used to. Even if it’s just us sitting and talking on the roof of the place, I want more time with you, Lord.” 
“Oh god, please don’t call me by my first name.” 
Cynder burst out laughing, smiling genuinely. 
“By god, you’ll be the death of me!” Garmadon laughed with her, smiling. 
“No way! God nor Death can have you!” Cynder giggled. 
Garmadon gently pushed her head against his chest, his eyelids felt even heavier than they did before. 
“Mmm, we don’t do this enough.” She commented, allowing him to put her head against him. 
“We really don’t.” He nodded, nuzzling her. 
“Good night, Garmadon.”
“Good night, Cynder.” 
Garmadon struggled to keep his eyes from closing, watching Cynder. Once her eye was closed, he rested his head down and dozed off. 
“Well this isn’t a sight you see everyday.” A chuckle came, waking Garmadon from his sleep. 
“Let us sleep, Kai.” Garmadon grumbled. 
“See! I told you, you were being too loud!” Snapped a female voice.
“Look who’s being loud now, Nya!” Kai snapped back.
“Can you both shut up?” Cynder grumbled, not bothering to open her eye. 
“Op! We’re sorry to have woken you guys!” Nya yelped. 
“I see you’re both back from your missions. Did you manage to get anything?” Garmadon asked, rubbing his eye with one hand and rubbing Cynder’s back with the other. 
“Yeah, not much but we managed to get some more medical supplies. And-” Nya motioned to the bed. “A few nice fluffy blankets!” 
Cynder gasped, looking at the blanket that rested on top of Garmadon and her. 
“Thank you.” Garmadon chuckled. 
“Thank you!” Cynder grinned. 
“Anytime, Cynder.” Nya smiled. “You need to stop getting hurt, you know.” 
“Oh shut up! Getting hurt is normal.” Kai huffed, crossing his arms. 
“No it isn’t. Not the amount Cynder does at least.” Nya crossed her arms, glaring at Kai. 
“I mean, it can be normal, but we’d rather it not be.” Garmadon explained. 
“I’m aware, but in a battle like this, my own safety… it can be cast aside. I heal faster than most after all.” Cynder sighed. 
“We know that, but that doesn’t mean you should keep sacrificing your health to save everyone.” Nya let her arms fall to her side as she frowned. “Besides, Garmadon needs you! You can’t marry him if you’re dead.” 
“Wait-” Garmadon spoke up. 
“Nya, he might know I want to be his wife eventually but-” Cynder began. 
“Oh yeah! I found what you asked for, Cynder!” Nya smiled. 
“Nya!” Cynder yelped as a small box was pulled from Nya’s pocket. 
“See!” She opened the box to show a small pair of matching silver rings.
Garmadon stared at Cynder, “You actually want to marry me?” 
“Yes, dumbass.” Cynder snagged the box from Nya and sighed. “I was going to wait until this battle was over to ask you… because I know you’re a busy man and I don’t want you to be shackled to me if I’m just going to die on you.” 
“Oh Cynder…” Garmadon pet her cheek with his thumb. “I want to be your husband, and… I don’t know if this fight will ever be over. I don’t want to wait for an eternity to be yours.” 
“Heh… I was scared you were going to say no.” She chuckled nervously.
“Why would he say no?” Kai blinked. 
“Because I’m a paranoid bitch who gets hurt too much.” Cynder grumbled. 
“True.” Kai nodded. 
Garmadon glared at him before turning his attention back to Cynder. “I would never say no. I want to be your husband, just as much as you want to be my wife… regardless of our circumstances… I want to be yours.” 
“You were always mine.” Cynder smiled. 
“Then give me the ring.” Garmadon chuckled. 
“What?” Cynder gave him a weird look. 
“Oh for christ sake, Cynder!” Nya shouted. “Give him the ring! He’s saying he wants to marry you too!” 
“I know that! But the ring deserves a ceremony!” Cynder snapped. 
“I didn’t know you wanted a wedding.” Garmadon chuckled. 
“I-I have dreams too, ya know!” Cynder growled. 
“I know that, I just didn’t think you had any domestic dreams like that.” Nya laughed. 
“S-Shut up!” Cynder shouted, the red on her cheeks made Garmadon snicker. “Why are you laughing?!” 
“Because you’re cute.” Garmadon silenced her with a kiss. 
“We should go give the rest of the blankets out.” Nya commented to Kai. 
“Leave one for Zane, please.” Garmadon motioned to the other bed. 
“We’re one step ahead of you.” Kai nodded, motioning to the rolled up blanket beside Zane’s backpack. 
“Thank you.” Garmadon smiled. 
“We should leave the love birds alone.” Nya giggled. 
“Oh shut up and leave already!” Cynder hissed. 
“Okay, okay!” Nya laughed as she darted from the room. 
“Nya! Wait up!” Kai called after her, following her out of the room. 
Garmadon chuckled as he looked at Cynder, 
“Do you actually want a wedding?” 
“Yeah.” She nodded her head. 
“That seems out of character for you.” Garmadon commented. “You’re usually not that into traditional things.” 
“I never said the wedding would be traditional, either way, I want one. Even if just to say to the world “He’s mine!” or something like that.” Cynder chuckled. 
“That… sounds more like you.” Garmadon laughed. 
When Cynder’s smile faded, he raised a brow. 
“I hope he’s okay.” She motioned to Zane’s bed. 
“Me too.” Garmadon nodded in agreement. “Me too.”
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missfrieden · 5 months
Tech as a father Chapter 45
It is short, but I am not the best at writing good byes.
Chapter 45: Strange siblings
As the troops packed up their equipment and prepared to leave, the tension in the air was palpable. Tech had to take Orion away from Amanda once again, and the heart-wrenching moment of saying goodbye weighed heavily on them. They couldn't show any emotional connection in front of the troops, despite the fact that they were now married. What felt right, despite the dangerous secret it is.
Tech held Orion close, his little son nestled against his chest, and looked at Amanda with a mix of love and sadness in his eyes. Amanda tried to maintain her Jedi composure, but her eyes betrayed the sadness she felt. "Until next time," Tech said softly, masking his emotions. Making sure only Amanda heard it. "May the Force be with you," Amanda replied in a formal tone, struggling to hide her own feelings.
Most troops filed into the transports, while some stayed back being stationed on the planet, and the Bad Batch prepared to leave Callo. As the ships took off, Tech watched the planet recede in the distance, knowing that they had to maintain the secrecy of their connection for Orion's safety. Taking the small package Amanda handed him, with a smile he looks at the content, a simple ring, engraved with just two letters, the aurebsh T and A.
Amanda, standing alone on the ground, watched the ships disappear into the sky, a mix of emotions swirling within her. She knew she had made the right choice to protect Orion, but the pain of separation was difficult to bear. Once the ships were gone, she turned and walked back to the rebuild the Jedi Temple, where the echoes of their time together still lingered. Amanda knew that the love she felt for Tech and Orion would always be a part of her, even if they could only be together in stolen moments like these.
As Alma rushed towards Amanda through the newly rebuilt Jedi Temple, her face flushed with excitement and her big grey eyes shining with joy. She couldn't contain her enthusiasm any longer. "Amanda! Amanda!" Alma called out, reaching her mentor.
Amanda turned towards Alma, her expression a mix of surprise and curiosity. "What is it, Alma? Why are you so excited?" Looking at Alma’s usually soft pink cheeks, which are now way darker, be it from running or whatever mystery she wants to share.
Alma took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "I know it's against the Jedi code, but... I can't help it. I feel attached to Orion. He's like a little brother to me. I can't explain it, but every time when I held him, it was like a connection, a bond."
Amanda smiled warmly at Alma's confession, understanding the depth of the emotions that had developed between her Padawan and Orion. She reached out and placed a hand on Alma's shoulder. Amanda always considered Alma as a sort of daughter, knowing that most likely she projects her feelings, but she accepts them. "Alma, the Force works in mysterious ways," Amanda said gently. "Sometimes, it forges connections that go beyond our understanding. Your attachment to Orion is not something to be ashamed of. It's a sign of compassion and love. Just remember to find balance in all things, as the Jedi teachings guide us."
Alma nodded, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, Amanda." Amanda squeezed Alma's shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile. "You're welcome, Alma. Now, let's continue your training and honour the Force in all we do." As they walked together through the rebuilt Jedi Temple, the bond between Master and Padawan grew stronger, and Amanda couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected connections that had brought her, strange family closer together.
Chapter 46
Reblogs are very welcome and I am open for feedback, as english is not my first language, so maybe my sentences may be weird sometimes, or I write a word wrong even with google, or I use a wrong word for an item.
Tag: @spectacular-skywalker @aalizazareth @neyswxrld @clonethirstingisreal @sleepycreativewriter @moonwreckd
One more episode... and honestly I am not sure if I would even be able to write about Plan 99. Or what will happen. I have a general idea for when my beloved Tech may not return... but it feels so overly used.
Also I am cooking up some short Hunter drabble, hopefully it does not stay a wip
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Jonah Hauer-King can currently be seen swimming up a storm alongside Halle Bailey in Disney’s live-action “The Little Mermaid” but for his next project he’s part of a different world – “World on Fire.”
The PBS and BBC drama series has released first look images from its upcoming second season, showing Hauer-King as a grimy pilot called Harry in the Royal Air Force (RAF) during World War II.
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Jonah Hauer-King in ‘World on Fire’ (courtesy of BBC)
In the show, which was created by Peter Bowker, he is joined by “The Crown’s” Lesley Manville, Parker Sawyers (“A Discovery of Witches”) and Eugénie Derouand (“The Advent Calendar”).
In new images from Season 2 Manville, who plays Robina, looks elegant in a 1940s hair-do and outfit while Sawyers, who plays Albert, is pictured looking concerned, a Nazi flag visible behind him. Meanwhile Derouand is clad in a nurse’s outfit as Henriette.
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Lesley Manville in ‘World on Fire’ (courtesy of BBC)
Also returning for the second season are Blake Harrison (“A Very English Scandal”) as Stan, Julia Brown (“Shetland”) as Lois, Zofia Wichłacz (“Receptura”) as Kasia, Cel Spellman (“Better”) as Joe, Yrsa Daley-Ward (“Outer Range”) as Connie, Eryk Biedunkiewicz as Jan, Ewan Mitchell (“House of the Dragon”) as Tom and Mateusz Więcławek (“Kurier”) as Grzegorz.
“World on Fire” tells the story of a group of RAF pilots sent to destroy German bombers in the early 1940s.
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Parker Sawyers in ‘World on Fire’ (courtesy of BBC)
“Telling the story of World War II through the eyes of ordinary people, following intrepid young heroes fighting for freedom, Season 2 will take viewers from the war-torn streets of Britain deep into Nazi Germany, the resistance within occupied France, and the brutal sands of the North African desert – where troops struggle to adapt to a very different kind of combat,” reads the logline.
Joining the second season are Mark Bonnar (“Guilt”), Gregg Sulkin (“Runaways”), Ahad Raza Mir (“Resident Evil”) and Miriam Schiweck (“Der Staatsanwalk”).
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Eugénie Derouand in ‘World on Fire’ (courtesy of BBC)
Written by Bowker alongside Rachel Bennette and Matt Jones, the show is produced by Mammoth Screen for PBS Masterpiece and BBC. Drew Casson, Barney Cokeliss and Meenu Gau direct the series.
Amanda Black and Angie Daniell produce while Bowker, Sheena Bucktowonsing, Damien Timmer, Charlotte Webber and Helen Ziegler exec produce alongside Lucy Richer for the BBC, and Susanne Simpson and Rebecca Eaton for Masterpiece.
ITV Studios will distribute the series internationally.
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shardkeeperwip · 1 year
I decided to move the opening of Shardkeeper to earlier in the day to better introduce Rebecca and Paige before things hit the fan.
Excerpt under the cut.
My chest tightened and my feet rooted themselves to the dirt below while the other girls moved easily around me. Free choice of partners – so freeing to everyone else – froze me to the spot. Canoeing. It was just canoeing. I could hardly slow anyone down or get in anyone’s way. It was just sitting in a little boat and rowing. I’d wanted to do it a half-hour ago. Now I was sure I was going to mess up.
Sasha hurried past me to play rock-paper-scissors with Alma over who got to pair with Jasmine, the only one in the troop who’d been canoeing before. Other girls gravitated to their best friends or split off from larger gaggles into duos. I scanned the thinning crowd for someone who might offer their hand first. I didn’t want to annoy anyone. I told myself that it wouldn’t matter that I’d never done this before. Almost none of us had. We’d all be equally bad at it.
Some eyes glanced at me and then quickly slid away to other partners just as our gazes met. I’d done it. I’d held still too long and made it weird.
I felt a presence behind me and a light smack on my shoulder. I turned to see Paige Cullen’s freckled face and cheerful brown eyes.
“Come on, Rebecca,” said Paige, smiling brightly. “Don’t just stand there. Let’s pick a canoe and go!”
The tension that paralyzed me in place melted into relief, followed by regret.
“She just follows Paige around everywhere. Like she’s lost.” The whisper overheard at breakfast echoes in my thoughts.
“You’re okay with always doing stuff with me?” I asked before I could stop myself.
Paige raised an eyebrow. “Where’s this coming from?” She cast a fierce gaze around at the other campers as though hoping she’d catch one of them smirking.
“I just… I mean… I’m not holding you back, am I?” I stammered. “In case you want to go with someone else?”
“I’m cool with going with you,” said Paige. “Did you want to go with someone else?”
By now everyone else was partnered up, so I shook my head and followed Paige. Why shouldn’t I always hang out with her? She was my friend, after all. I hesitated to call her a “best friend” because I’ve never really been sure where the mark is for that sort of thing, but we probably counted. She’d introduced herself to me at lunch one day. I was too shy to do more than just answer her questions at first, but now we share our interests and hang out. I don’t know how I’d have ever gotten along if Paige hadn’t made the first move.
Seven canoes set forth on the small lake (really more of a large pond, I thought). It didn’t take long to get the hang of rowing as we worked together to steer. A light breeze and an overcast sky kept us cool while a pair of ducks watched us from the reeds. It was nice. I let myself relax and followed Paige’s commands when she wanted to turn. It seemed silly that I’d been so hesitant earlier. This was fun.
“Your turn,” said Paige. She turned in her seat to face me.
“To lead. You need to face the other way.”
“Oh. Uh.” I felt my stomach drop as the canoe rocked from side to side when I readjusted. What if I capsized us?
The canoe stabilized and I settled into place. I could see that another canoe had lost a paddle and the girls were pulling it back with the one they still had. They weren’t angry at each other for losing it, just giggling and cheering when they got it in reach.
“I need to be braver,” I muttered.
I considered pretending I hadn’t said it aloud. That I’d just said ‘Let’s go left’ or something else. But I swallowed and repeated myself, head turned to Paige could hear.
“I need to be braver. I’ve been so worried about messing things up that I’ve been holding myself back. Look, Katie and Amanda can lose a paddle and carry on like nothing happened. I… I think I need to let myself make mistakes. I need to be braver.”
I wanted to scream. I really just said that all out loud, hadn’t I? I looked back at Paige, who put a hand to her chin in thought.
“You know,” she said. “I might just have an idea.”
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