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wolfythewitch · 10 months ago
Um, you spelled Argos as Argus in your latest drawing. Great drawing, wrong spelling
I've seen it spelt both ways
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everybody-loves-purdy · 2 months ago
Please Birchfeather, please have babies with Ridgeglow! Bring flesh blood into Skyclan!
Also I think it will be hilarious that Tigerstar would have to share grandchildren with Leafstar, I’m very sure he doesn’t like her, and SkyClan in general lol
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lemurblog · 3 months ago
Here’s some more ragging on the ahkj writers for ya. Why the hell did they do an entire episode about the lemurs wearing diapers!? You could do the exact same premise with so many other kinds of clothing! Like silly hats or onesies! That could have been adorable! But no, they just had to do fucking diapers!
I swear, it had to be somebody’s fetish on what’s supposed to be a kid show! And with that said, why in god’s name was the show made as a kid’s show!? Seriously!? You wouldn’t even have to change that much for the show to work as an average American adult cartoon show! AKHJ Mort would fit right in in an adult cartoon and King Julien! You wanna put in your fetish in a show so badly, make a show for adults!
There are shows that children and adults can enjoy that include adult jokes and are still appropriate for children. AHKJ is not of those shows. It fails! It loses! It gets no recommendation from me! Good day!
bahaha THAT LAST PART. I feel seen as someone who would not want the children in my life watching the whole show. Nor would I recommend it to almost anyone. I'm so excited to have a reason to share my controversial diaper episode opinions though.
If it was a fetish then yeah I pretty much agree. I'll never get the logic behind an adult making a kid show episode about their fetish. And the whole premise of these fetishes is their plausible deniability, which I find lame and cowardly.
imo ahkj is pure kid's tv, though. I beef with it for being behind its time (it came out after steven universe so the fatphobia and misogyny are like, come on) but i think its general humor is perfect for 8-12 year olds. It's true the characters would be at home on an adult show with no changes, but we see the same dark or adult humor in Adventure Time, Regular Show, and Trolls.
What sucks 4 me is I LOOVE this episode, lmao! It deserves better than its infamy by a mile. The diapers annoy tf out of me and I hate their design, but unlike everyone else I've followed over the years, it completely won me over in the end. It's too good for anyone to be skipping it and I'm so serious.
Yes it could've been about anything but diapers, BUT ahkj is a gross-out cartoon. They never passed up an opportunity to imply something was covered in poop. It's not ahkj's best quality, but it was part of their comedic ethos. A writer can go for gross as a humor subgenre without it being a fetish.
And my BIGGEST DEVIL'S ADVOCATE FOR THIS EPISODE: diapers are relevant to kids. It may seem super basic but I do wonder if our childless, skeptical, online adult brains are primed to see a fetish that we might miss how likely it is the team came up with this episode from watching their own kids play, or noticing what gets a reaction out of them.
I don't know if it's naive, but I never see this brought up when this episode gets roasted. The fetish seems unlikely by comparison to me.. esp when I don't believe fetishes like these are what's happening in cartoons. I don't know! The thing is I was ready to kill ahkj for years over this so I am very much the "(throws aside the large rock she was holding)" meme after I thought this other stuff over.
You gotta hear your gut out though. I hope what my gut is telling me is of some help or at least reassuring. Not to say the staff must be innocent lambs bc I'm not convinced they weren't on tumblr a little. It would be in-character for them if the point was to embarrass/shock/annoy kids and adults. One reason I called them little shits.
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iamfabiloz · 2 years ago
Fuck you for giving me FEELS TM over bramblesquirrel! (AFFECTIONATE!) Seriously, your last piece is especially, beautifully painful! The coloring, the atmosphere, Squirrelflight’s tears, the longing for her’s and Bramblestar’s relationship to be INTENTLY written that way and god fucking damn it!
Ps. Sorry for the incomplete other ask. Accidentally pressed the ask button too early.
BAHAHHA YESS IM GLAD spreading my insaneness abt them MWAHAH 😈 and TYSM YAYYY im glad the emotional vibes i tried to put in showed :'] and SO TRUEE RIGHT ARGHH society if the erins knew what they were doing 🤯
and no worries hehe IT WAS SO FUNNY TO SEE THE FIRST PART 'FUCK YOU' then it trailing off into elipses twice in my notifs BAHAHAH
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milich96 · 4 years ago
Could you please draw Clover from All Hail King Julien? Or Timo?
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Look at this little nerd
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Daisy: Now Mousewhisker is my only kin!
Cherryfall and Molewhisker, aka her grandchildren: ...Are we jokes to you?
i’m still upset about this!!!!!!!!!!!!
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kunaigirl · 3 years ago
"Don't you ever scare me like that again, you dumb fucking bastard!" he shouted while weeping against the commander’s blood stained shoulder pad. "I thought you were done for! When I saw you laying on the ground like that, I thought I lost you! You're such a jackass, damn it!"
(If you know, you know 😏)
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
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despiteherself · 4 years ago
Would you rate Clover please?
9/10 perfect in every conceivable way, i jsut don’t like a british woman going on about class structure being good
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mcnuggyy · 5 years ago
Izel such a cool name! How did you come with it?
I just really liked my cousins name Itzel (moon godess rough transl) but it’s a very feminine name, but then I saw Izel (unique/only one rough transl) which is given to both boys and girls so ye!!
And although quite a few of my relatives have Nahuatl names I’m still a bit unsure about changing my name to Izel legally yet as I worry about appropriation obviously. It’s also a Turkish and Jewish name from what I’ve seen but I still want to be conscious of that nonetheless.
I basically just wanted a name that’s as “Mexican” as my birth name but unisex... and also preferably 3-4 letters for that classic non-binary signature 👌
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batbcomic · 6 years ago
I too have a soft spot for Beastly. I know it isn't the greatest beauty and the beast story but at the very least, It makes me care for Kyle, It makes me care for Linda, and I can't help but root for those lost kids to find happiness.
it’s not a Bad Book by any stretch! It’s a fun, fast read by someone who clearly did a lot of reading, and who clearly is interested in the mechanics of broken families (Several of Flynn’s other books are about domestic abuse, dating violence and anger management). It’s an indulgent feel-good YA book and sometimes that’s exactly what I’m in the mood for!
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everybody-loves-purdy · 4 months ago
Okay, I admit, I was term Frostpaw but I can live with Icestar. She’s earned it. Also, the irony that one of the cats Mistystar once banished for being disloyal to Riverclan now being it’s leader is hilarious! 🤣
Yeah I’m very happy with Icestar!
I never made that connection lol
Do you think Mistystar saw Icewing going to the Moonpool and was like “erm ok, hope this isn’t too awkward…”
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lemurblog · 1 year ago
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I've totally thought of anti-hero as a Clover song! (and a Julien song to a lesser extent) Another good lyric for Clover in general is "I feel like everybody is a sexy baby and I'm a monster on the hill" which fits how her sister invites comparison from clover's boyfriends. and clover feeling monstrous & isolated when fat, also relevant
as you point out Clover is VERY prone to lying to herself and living in denial. at the same time, Clover's also one to self-blame and catastrophize when things finally break. she's too proud and fearful to say any of these lyrics out loud, but they capture her self-punishing approach to guilt and imperfections.
The song is half self-aware, half low self-esteem. The harshest thoughts we have about ourselves are not the only source of info. especially when there's so much stuff in canon and in your fic that are beyond Clover's control. And moments of her weakness have been influenced or even preyed on by others' choices too.
She's advised by her most precious mentor (Rose) to marry this guy, because rose believes clover should be like her. This puts Clover in a bind when the kingdom turns on her for leaving them, because she has to choose between two opposing (and valued) peer pressures. It's no shock the values she was raised on won out, but no wonder she's in so much conflict about these competing desires and fears. a huge theme for Julien too
back to the song:
"When my depression works the graveyard shift, all the people I've ghosted stand there in the room" fits the dilemma Clover faces after leaving her people!! it did not bring her the peace she was looking for.
"I wake up screaming from dreaming one day I'll watch as you're leaving" literally describes when Clover woke up screaming from that cruel nightmare jarsh sent to her in the cult arc.
"and life will lose all its meaning for the last time" fits how she lost Rose; she already knows what it's like to lose everything. if she lost Julien et al, it would not just be bad, it would be history nightmarishly repeating itself.
Clover's helplessness and powerlessness when Rose died is core to why she even wants power. It's not bad to want power, or even be power-hungry (it has positives and negatives). The reason she keeps circling back to it though, is that even after learning that being a hero isn't about physical strength, she still knows exactly what it's like to be powerless, and what the horrible consequences are. Experience has been a powerful and painful teacher!
I think it makes sense psychologically that Clover fears everyone's deaths so badly that she'd actually run away from protecting them. (Julien does this too in exiled.) There's a difference between knowing something is important vs realizing it has the power to destroy you. before koto she is protective and dedicated, but after, she feels a sudden impulsive need to completely detach. it's self-preservation but it's also self-destructive
'pierced through the heart but never killed' -> clover in a nutshell, especially after the finale
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weedle-testaburger · 6 years ago
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1morteveryday · 2 years ago
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291/365 👣
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sunstained · 8 years ago
(About the broken ac) That's rough buddy. Be careful, stay cool as best as you can.
We actually had to set up an indoor cooling unit because otherwise we would have cooked in here lmao 
It’s working well enough, and it’ll only be for a day or two until Jimmy The Cool Dude comes and replaces our house unit. Shit was 15 years old, it croaked last night. 
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( 1 )What about an au where Snowkit grows up to be a den-dad? He’s still trained as a warrior, he hunts some and if the camp is attacked, you bet he’ll fight off any enemy that dares to come near the nursery cause ain’t nobody gonna hurt his babies. He's just patient and sweet and likes taking care of kits and they like him. They don’t treat him as broken or a burden because he’s deaf, they like him as he is.
I also like to imagine adult Snowkit having long, soft fur that kits loves to snuggle up against especially in leaf-bare. They also like to hide in his fluff and I can imagine a momma asking Snowkit if he’s seen her kit and this tiny little head pokes out of his fluff and says, “Hi Mom.” So yeah, I like den-dad Snowkit. 
yes i love it
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