#amalgum asks
endersdead · 2 years
I think your tags are super funny and you're really cool /gen
aaa omg thank you!!
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Read the recent angel post and had a question: since the descriptions re: the appearances of angels can be located within the "Old Testament" and are part of the Catholic canon according to St. Thomas Aquinas, aren't they open?
Sorry anon if you're genuinely asking this in good faith...
But oh my god yes, technically mostly everything in the Tanakh is technically in the "Old Testement"...but Judaism came first.
Judaism came first and Christianity came and bastardized our texts and beliefs.
Yes, technically the angelic description tumblr-ized as "biblically accurate" are in the "Old Testament." But they're also in the Tanakh.
And frankly it's extremely disrespectful and annoying to fandomize them.
I can't stop Christianity from existing. They've bastardized and twisted Judaism enough, and because it's turned into its own culture and religion, I can't stop it from existing without commiting cultural genocide, which I'm not keen on doing. But you know what I can do? I can ask zoomers and millenials on Tumblr to stop misappropriating and misrepresenting my culture even more. Because most of the people doing this aren't even Christian themselves, so the arguement "well it's in Christian canon too!" doesn't even apply anyway.
Also....whenever artists depict "biblically accurate angels", they never even get it right. Not all angels have many eyes, or flaming wheels, or animal heads. There are different classes of angels with different specific imagery and looks. But the artists jumping on the "biblically accurate angels" bandwagon just lump all the different specific descriptions into one amalgum of an angel. So like...it just irks me that if you're gonna appropriate my beliefs, you don't even have the decency to do some basic research.
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
... What *is* the difference between damascus and damascened?
I’m so glad you asked!
Well. This turned into a bit of an impromptu essay, so forgive me...
Damascening is a method of application of gold to a surface, usually steel. This is not gilding, but rather the surface of the steel is etched, scratched, patterned/roughed up in some way, and then the gold is burnished or pressed into it in thin sheets or in wires. It’s a physical application, rather than chemical like, say, amalgum gilding very dangerous don’t try that one at home, kids.
Damascus Steel is a trickier subject because it’s a term that’s been somewhat muddied, with researchers and musuem curators using terms without really qualifying them (hence the confusion between ‘damascened steel’ and ‘damascus steel’ in the first place), and contemporary knife makers using the term ‘damascus’ in their context with a different process... In more recent years, however, terminology has become more rigorous. Essentially it’s usually called ‘wootz’, it’s crucible steel and it’s got a pattern inherent in it, but it’s not pattern-welded steel (see below). No gold involved.
Much longer version below the cut, with images:
This tulwar features elements of gold decoration on the blade - text and tiger - applied to the surface of the steel. This was done either by scoring the surface or by punching, evidence of which you can see in the image (click the link below to the original so you can zoom in).
It also features kundan work on the hilt (method of gold settings). (Koftgari is another form of damascening, usually with harsher/coarser marks in the steel, and the other extreme of that is nunome-zogan, in the Japanese tradition)
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Source: Wallace Collection
Damascus steel is also known as ‘wootz’, and it fetched an extremely high price because it makes an extremely high quality steel. Modern knife makers use the term ‘damascus’ to refer to pattern-welded steel, which is a different thing entirely, though it originated in mimicking wootz. The use of the term ‘damascus’ steel in museum/academic settings (rare now, as ‘wootz’ is usually used) refers to a crucible steel, ‘watered’ steel, or ‘wootz’, and not pattern-welded (see below).
Damascus or wootz is a crucible steel, meaning it was completely molten at one point. That fact is important because not every steel-smelting culture made crucible steel, which means that those who did produce it could charge more for their superior blades. The reason that ‘damascus’ blades (and also the ulfberht swords, and/or Frankish steel) were so prized in northern europe (ie. by Scandinavians (yes, ok, Vikings) and Anglo-Saxons) during the early medieval period was because they were really good swords, were harder, and held their sharp edges longer than the ‘false damascus’ blades created to imitate the natural pattern of wootz.
Wootz/damascus steel has a characteristic pattern in it, caused by large crystals of cementite (Fe3C) which, when forged out from billet to blade, create the pattern. The blades (or armour, but that’s rarer because this stuff is expensive) and later the barrels of guns were etched with acid to reveal the natural pattern. It is this pattern which makes it distinctive, and what pattern-welding tries to emulate.
Wootz, when etched, looks like this:
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To make it, iron was melted down with carbonaceous material (plants, straw etc.) in a sealed crucible. The process would take several days to melt everything down into a cake of steel, and it was then allowed to cool extremely slowly (we’re talking days, not hours, which is also why it was more expensive). The cakes of crucible steel were then exported to centres of arms manufacture (including Damascus), to be coaxed and extremely skillfully forged into various weapons. Forging broke up the crystals of cementite and created the distinctive pattern. By careful forging, it was possible to maintain the pattern (it’s really easy to overheat and/or overwork it it and just bash out and destroy the pattern completely, so not all crucible steel is damascus steel...) It’s only called ‘wootz’ if you can see a pattern in it after etching.
It’s also possible to polish out the pattern with over-zealous cleaning, but you can usually get it back if you etch it again. This is a controversial subject amongst museum curators and conservators.
Wootz was largely made in India and the Middle East, and by the 18th century, we even had helmets and even things as large as shields (not always practical because it was relatively brittle, being so hard) being made out of this patterned steel in Central and South Asia. It has always been highly prized as a status object both in the past and now.
A large number of the ulfeberht swords (swords with some variant of the Frankish name ‘ulfberht’ inlaid into them) are actually not wootz, but pattern-welded steel. Pattern-welding is a process by which two steels of differing carbon content are folded together to create a pattern when etched. Originally, it’s thought to have been done to create knock-off wootz, but now it’s used by knife makers and bladesmiths to create some truly incredible works of art, and is a skill all of its own. In jewellery, copper and silver (or other precious metals) are fused together and then worked to create ‘mokume gane’, or wood grain pattern, which is similar, but not done with ferrous metals.
Modern pattern-welded steel:
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[Screenshot from The Artificery, Instagram - follow him omg his work is amazing]
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[Mokume gane ring by Anne Wolf - source]
Dr. Alan Williams is a leading researcher in wootz, and I spoke to him at the Wallace Collection’s Arms and Armour conference back in 2016 - he’s a Mega Nerd(tm) for sure, but he knows his stuff. Here’s a video of him talking about wootz steel at that conference if you’re interested.
Hope that makes sense and is interesting?! I spent way too long answering this, so it’s back to writing my 12 Days of Exomas stories for now, but I’m a huge nerd so please feel free to ask me stuff like this!
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Ok, it’s really interesting first of all that Nora mentions the Flash museum. And 2, how she studied everything there. And 3. how she complains that the computers are even slower in this time than at the Flash museum (aka, to her the computers at the Flash museum are slow too).
It wasn’t really a serious idea when I mentioned the idea that Nora might have grown up much farther in the future that 30 years in the Tornado Twins book post, but could there be something to it? (these are just some musings/thinking while writing. Not to be taken too seriously)
Copy pasting an older post I made:
Interesting: I just saw an interview where Grant says he thinks that Nora is about 24 (in the first interview he says 24, in the second interview he says 24 or 25). In the trailer Barry says Nora should be with her parents 30 years in the future. So going with her being 24 for now, that would mean Nora is likely born in 2024, right?
The museum hasn’t even been made in 2018. There currently seem to be no plans to make this museum. But even if they make it this year that gives them about six years until Barry supposedly disappears (going with the theory that Nora doesn’t grow up with Barry for a moment).
I suppose the museum would have 10 years of Barry material plus material from the other flashes and Wally. That would be enough for her to study, I suppose.
But using the word study makes it feel like something from a time past. And she talks like the museum is already outdated in her time. But for Nora growing up the museum would still be relatively new and I guess state of the art (computers etc)? And she’d still be living in the Flash era so to speak, assuming Wally takes over the mantle. So she could ask her mom Iris, other family, or the rest of team flash about all these things. The newspaper articles, discussion, pictures etc would still all be online and easy to find. There wouldn’t be as much need to go to a museum since it would all have been recent past for Child Nora at least. Maybe not for older Nora.
Or perhaps Iris wanted nothing to do with it all anymore and forbade her asking about the Flash? (seems uncharacteristic, though, considering in the past she’s always doubled down on helping Team Flash). Or perhaps there is indeed some anti-metahuman future, and the Flash museum is abandoned. But it still seems quite soon.
And when I think about it, we still don’t know what that strange language she was writing in. If it’s a future language like Interlac, would that language have developed in 30 years? (But I actually think it’s some sort of Speed Force language, so this is possible it could be discovered within the next 30 years/ o something speedsters learn through their speed force connection)
Another thing is how she uses the XS handle. So the question is, will they give her dealings with the Legion of Super-Heroes. In the comics they’re from far in the future. From Supergirl we already know that there is a Legion of Super-Heroes and that it is also far far into the future. Of course that is another earth so it’s possible there could be a Legion of Super-Heroes 30 years into the future on Earth 1, or that that is something that is still in Nora’s own future or possible something that Nora’s daughter will tackle (perhaps XS becomes her legacy name).
Also, she seems to be a bit of an amalgum of different characters, possibly has some Bart characteristics, maybe some of his story? (Not to say they won’t introduce those other characters, but it’s possible they could use bits and pieces of their story)
In short, while I still don’t think this is a likely theory, it’s interesting to think about the possibility that Nora is from further in the future than we think (for whatever reason). Perhaps she was sent there for her safety? ( Not only is that a superhero trope, it would be a play on Iris’ own comic story when she was sent into the past by her parents to save her. ) And maybe it’s part of the reason why there is tension between Nora and Iris? Maybe Iris sent her to save Nora’s life, but Nora didn’t hear the full story?
One immediate strike against this last thing is: If Nora had been sent to the future as a baby, I think she’d have a different reaction to seeing Iris. She’d be more starstruck seeing her, despite any anger. She’d try to get answers at the very least. I feel like this prolonged anger at a younger version of her mother clearly points to them having a relationship in the future. Otherwise there’d have to be a confrontation first. (Or perhaps Iris went with her to the future? But Nora seemed to have met Cisco and Ralph before)
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dragonagecompanions · 7 years
Would you be open to doing a post of what type of tumblr blog each DAI companion and advisor would run?
oCassandra: To the casual observer, Seeker_Pentaghast runs a highly organised blog promoting civic involvement, tips on self defense, positive religious posts and the occasional moving landscape photo reblog. But there are a scant few who know that this same blog- with its modest follow number and relatively conservative posts- is run by the same person who caretakes the widely popular Romance-Isn’t-Dead, which reviews both popular and indie novels and shows. It’s loved for the doting reviews on sappy romances as well as its harsh criticisms toward female bashing authors. There are also rumors that the official Swords and Shields fan club started there, but those are unfounded.
Solas: Fade-Dreams is a long historied blog. Magic, reblogs of essays and writings of his own, recent and ancient theories explained and made simple®. The blog was idle for a long time, and some people think that there is a new person running it, but it still has followers. There is a history of borderline racial elitist posts, however, and that hasn’t always been handled well when called out. Still its mostly an intellectual blog, and quiet enough.
Varric: Writing prompts, travel pictures, tavern reviews and shout outs to smaller blogs doing ‘the good work’.  Official-Varric-Tethras is run by his cut throat editor, but Kirkwall’s-Favorite-Native is the truly popular source of his online antics and also the Hanged Man’s official home page.
Vivienne: Elegance, magical theory and perhaps the most pro-circle mage run blog on the web, Madame_De-Fer created her own aesthetic and made it work. Most popular of her posts include reviews of famous paintings, fine restaurants, popular and archaic texts, and the -very occasional- couple photo that Bastian sneaks on when she’s distracted.
Blackwall: Warden_Blackwall was a blog that caused quite a lot on controversy for a time when it was discovered the the seeming warden running it was actually an imposter. After it was shut down Carving_a_Path made a few waves and won some followers back, as well as breaking into a new crowd with some truly elegant DIY home pieces and how-to carving videos.
Sera: Red_Jenny_69 is a call out blog liberally dashed with prank videos and truly interesting cookie recipes. Every time it gets banned it somehow ends up back online, and gets bolder with every challenge.
Dorian: DorianPavus is an uncreatively named blog whose contents are anything but. An amalgum of selfies, cosmetic tutorials, incomprehensible necromancy posts that are perfectly cited and sarcastic as hell toward southern academics, gay pride posts and pictures of Tevinter the blog has no real theme. Except, perhaps fittingly, its owner.
Iron Bull: Horns.Up is perhaps the most unexpected of all of them to newcomers, but hugely popular. Everything from self defense videos to sex advice, horrible fashion advice and heart warming encouragement posts. Everyone loves his posts, but he doesn’t follow many back and draws a hard line about what he reblogs.
Cole: Username is perhaps one of the oddest blogs on the web, with such odd posts that people can’t decide if its a bot or a blog run by someone with very severe ADHD. They also have a tendancy to send asks that keep receipients up at night looking for hidden cameras. Lots of pictures of rabbits.
Josephine: Antiva-Josie is a beautiful blog, with kind and thoughtful posts covering topics as varied as party planning and how to talk down an unstable friend. Her photos are mostly of Antiva and other places she’s traveled, along with pictures of her with friends and family, and lots of pintrest reblogs. Sweet and always answers her asks promptly.
Lelianna: Knivesbeforeniceness is a frightening mix of nug photos and disturbingly accurate news stories–that run about four hours ahead of press time. She was banned once, but rumor says that her blog was given a permanent pass after she showed up in corporate headquarters. 
Cullen: Ferelden-and-Proud is a blogg dedicated to blurry pictures of dogs, shortbread recipes, chess, and some of the rawest and soul bearing addiction posts ever published. Willing to help anyone who sends him an ask he is also famous for shutting down bullies hard and owning up to his past. He also follows any new mabari blog instantly and flooded his queue with his own puppy pictures when one finally came his way. 
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endersdead · 2 years
hey!! just wanted to say something about your physical amnesia thing, that's not just a you thing, i get the same feeling! ive never seen anyone talking about it at all, its so good to know im not the only one who Feels amnesia like that 😅
omg so glad im not alone in this, sry you have to experience it but it absolutely does feel good to know im not the only one too
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endersdead · 2 years
all good people are asleep - dynastic
I'm sick of dreams where I feel 17 I can't do anything I fucking fall asleep
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endersdead · 2 years
Warsh_Tippy and Zelda - Whatever, Dad
Last night I dreamt we did our laundry together And we were singing the same song While we folded our clothes
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endersdead · 2 years
∞ (for ask game!! go go go)
Ocd - blood girl
do you know how scary it is to be afraid of things you cannot ever change or do you not think about that? do you know how fucked up it is to not know whats real or do you not think like that?
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endersdead · 2 years
Safety First - Left at London
And if falling in love is all that it takes To make you love the world You'll be bitter when they go Because even infinity in its entirety Still can turn to nothingness When it's multiplied by zero
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endersdead · 2 years
anyone have fanart of aki as an angel?
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endersdead · 2 years
number 5 and 11 for the spotify wrapped list!!!!!
5 - Anything by SZA
11 - Virgo's Groove - Beyoncé
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endersdead · 2 years
Does it push that thats okay? Or that its not in the anime? Idk some shows differ depending on which side they push yknow?
imo, it seems pretty neutral about the whole thing? its not actively discouraged or shown as Bad in the show but also doesn’t feel like, glorified or anything. i could be wrong about that though so take this with a grain of salt
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endersdead · 2 years
IDK how to say this but I'm dyslexic and used to think your username was analgum 😅
akdjfksjd lmaooo i love that way more than my current url 😩 analgum stop thats so funny
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endersdead · 2 years
Somebody to Love - Abhi The Nomad
Another year, another birthday
Another boss, another job, another heartache
Another sadness in a laugh track
A couple years, a couple kids, a couple dad hats
I don’t wanna live like this
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endersdead · 2 years
Dead like Me - Danny Denial
Now I'm stuck in another miserable state Waiting for the sky to open up and strike me down Everyday's a slog everyone's a flake I'm waiting for my dreams to burn me out
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