kuruk-weekend · 13 days
Kuruk Era Weekend 2025 will go on through January 10th, 11th, and 12th and we'd like to present writers and artists three prompts per day, so that everybody can work with something that resonates with them.
Because there's so little time until the event, we've decided to skip the prompt submission period. Here you'll be presented with prompts we've come up with (together with other tumblr users), please tell us which ones you like best! You can vote on however many you want and you're welcome to suggest extra prompts as well (the mods will decide whether to include them).
The prompts will be announced on October 10th, so creators will have three months to prepare.
Thank you so much! We hope you have a good time!
And a special thank you to everybody who contributed prompts! @/atuats-sidechick @die-auster @dragologist @/hermitduck @lilrobinbird @marigoliad @poopiefart420 @/whoreforhei-ran @yell0wsalt
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kaeyaismybeloved · 2 months
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saanaitoo · 9 months
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what is their deal!!!!!
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months
When Water Tribe companions meet (aka: so I have another hc)
Korra: Wow! Look at all the Water Tribe benders! :D Master Katara! Katara: Wow you must be the Avatar after Aang, am I your sifu too? Korra: Yup! Sokka: Heh, wow then Katara must be ancient. ¬‿¬ Katara: Oh shut it Sokka! Kuruk: Ah! Youth! So carefree! Amak, 30s, Kuruk's era ver: You're always carefree Kuruk. >_> Taqukaq: Yeah Avatar Kuruk. Maybe if you weren't so carefree, then Avatar Kyoshi wouldn't have had to do so much in her lifetime! Kirima: Oh shut it, like you know anything! Kuruk: *sweating* Tayagum: And you know something? Kirima: Uhhhhh Kyoshi doesn't want me talking about it sooooo uhhhh..... Akuudan: Well if your Avatar isn't butt hurt about it, then I guess it's fine. Atuat, 40s, Kyoshi era ver: *staring at Amak, bug eyed* Brother! Amak: ????? Atuat? Is....is that you? Atuat, slapping her brother on the back, cheerfully: Look at you alive! Amak: ???! I'm dead? Atuat: Don't worry about it! Hey is this all of us? Tayagum: No, there's one more. Atuat: We'll they better get here soon! I want this Water Tribe Party to get started! >:) Kirima: Hell yeah! Kavik, walking in: S-sorry I'm late! Yangchen needed somethin-uh, why are they staring at me like that? Atuat and Amak: *mouths on the floor* Kirima: No idea, hey you ok in there? Amak: G-g-g-g-g-gra-gra Atuat: GRANDFATHER KAVIK?! Kavik: .........*falling backward from shock* WHAT?! Yangchen, ripping the door off it's hinges and coming in: WHAT?! Kavik: Ah! What are you doing here?! Water Tribe only! Yangchen, lying: I forgot to give you something! Kavik: Well what is it?! Yangchen: It's not important, right now! Kavik: Well if it's not important then-ah! Amak, grabbing Kavik by the chin: It's the same bone structure.... Atuat: Same shifty eyes... Kavik: My eyes are not shifty! Atuat, hugs Kavik: Oh grandfather! We've missed you so much! Kavik: C-can someone please explain! I'm so confused! ;w; Yangchen, cooly: Yes please, We're all dying to know. Atuat, unperturbed: Grandfather! You have to tell us, who is our grandmother! Kavik: HuH?! W-what do you- Amak: You never told anyone. You were away for 9 months, then came back and said "I knocked up a girl in the Earth Kingdom, she died in childbirth. Here mother, father, help me raise this kid." Atuat: And then you had our greatgrans raise our mother more than you did! Everyone: *judging Kavik* Kavik: I-I don't know about any of this! Really! I don't know any women! Atuat: But what's odd, is that mother mentioned you slipping up one time! You said she was a "Southern Water Tribe" Woman once! But then quickly changed it back to Earth Kingdom. Hmmm, so which is it? Korra: I can't believe you basically abandoned you're kid with your parents. What's the matter with you?! Tayagum: And here we thought you couldn't stoop any lower..... Yangchen: I can't believe I ever called you a companion..... Atuat: Huh? Oh! No no, he didn't abandon our mother willy nilly. He was just so busy with helping you Avatar Yangchen! :) He did his best to stay present, don't worry! It helped that you visited a lot too, apparently! Yangchen, blanching: ....... Kavik, looking everywhere but at Yangchen, red as hell: ....... Amak: Oh that reminds me, Avatar Yangchen be careful dealing with spirits. They say you were overcome by a sickness that lasted nearly a year because of a fight with one! Yangchen, face going blank: ....s....spirits.....right.... Everyone: *silence* Yangchen: I'm going to return to the Air Nomad meet up....if you don't mind. *sprints away* Sokka: Huh, she looked spooked. Kuruk, snickering: Mu....must've....snnkrk....must've seen a spirit!
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atuats-sidechick · 1 month
Hmnnn heituat but it's a hannibal au? 👀 Anyone? No? Just me?
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alfiely-art · 7 months
Listen to me young man
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amyyythestarry · 8 months
”Before I die, I’d like to do something nice. Take my hand and I’ll take you for a ride.
You hit me yesterday. Cause I made you cry.
So before I die I’d like to do something nice.
I want to buy you something. But I don’t have any money.”
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curtwilde · 2 months
Love from Bangladesh... Honestly I was so surprised to see indian bangalis not just standing with us but actively rooting for the protestors on social media . Especially when our internet was down.. I saw people were arrested at solidarity protests in Kolkata too (hope they are okay). It shouldn't be surprising but with religious politics polarising the subcontinent everything feels like a pleasant surprise. Thanks and take care
বিদ্রোহ আর চুমুর দিব্যি। ♥️
Don't thank me for the bare minimum. A few posts and shares on social media are nothing compared to what you are going through.
They were released on bail and are safe now. :)
অনেক ভালোবাসা। একটা সাম্প্রদায়িক দেশভাগ ৭৫ বছর ��রও বাঙালি মন থেকে মানতে পারে না তাই আজও ভালোবাসা উপচে পরে মধ্যখানের চরে। বিদ্রোহ আর চুমুর দিব্যি। ♥️
ভালো থাকবেন।
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awholeclxwn · 1 year
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am so obsessed with him hes so silly n fun to draw,,,,
shakes himb around by his head goes FERAL
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Trying so hard not to be a detestable human to my project partner
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kuruk-weekend · 13 days
As per your vote, Kuruk Weekend will happen between JANUARY 10th and JANUARY 12th, 2025!
When sharing your work, please tag with #kurukwknd25 and mention @kuruk-weekend. The ao3 collection is called Kuruk_Weekend_2025. Adding your work to the collection is optional.
What works will be accepted? Everything, as long as it adheres to the rules. This means one-shots, multi-chapters, art, moodboards, head-canons, meta-analyses or anything else you want to create.
The prompt voting poll will be open until October 10th, 2024. CLICK HERE TO VOTE ON PROMPTS!
1. Be kind! Only provide constructive criticism when asked and don’t hate on other people’s work. This means ship and let ship, don’t like don’t read, no kink-shaming, etc;
2. Your work must be your own! No AI and no plagiarism!;
3. Sexual content must happen between adults. Submissions containing ped*philia will not be shared. Works that discuss the theme will be accepted as long as appropriately tagged.
4. Submissions containing racist, ableist, sexist, queerphobic or any other hate content will not be shared. Works that explore hate as a theme will be accepted as long as appropriately tagged.
5. Tag your work! And use Tumblr’s community labels if needed.
Do you have any questions? Do you want to be a mod? Do you want to join the Discord Server? Please send us an ask.
Thank you for participating and enjoy the event!
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fani-hayat · 11 months
ALLAH c.c. var ...
AY'lar dan Kasım , bize Dava İNSAN'ı Lazım ... Nef's-i ile Savaşan ... Fitne ye sebeb vermemek için özen gösteren Lazım, BEN demeyen ... Acaba Sen kimsin ( yani Ben kimim ) Diye kendini Sorgulayan ve HİÇ'lik makamı ( Nef's-i Terbiye ) için ALLAH'a yalvaran Lazım... Düşünelim 'BEN' dediğin yaratık ALLAH'ın kendi RUH'un dan Üflemesi ile ALLAH'ın Esmalarından yaratılan yokluksun ... ALLAH'ın Esmalarını alırsak ... ne SEN kalırsın, ne de BEN ... Sadece ALLAH c.c var ...
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SONBAHAR başka bir Güzel ... SÜBHANALLAH ... - "Tuhaf! var`la yok, eşit olur mu? Mesela ben şimdi varım. Yarın yok olacağım. Benim varlığım ve yokluğum arasında bu iki durum arasında fark yok mu?" dedim.
Deli başını çevirdi. Kahkahayı kopardı: - "Vay! Sen varsın ha!" dedi. -"Acaba var mısın?" -Ancak ALLAH var. -Ben dediğin şey ALLAH esmasından oluşmuş bir “yok”luktur. -Ben varım zannını terk edersen senden geriye esmâ (ALLAH isimleri) kalır. -Esmâ ise hiçbir zaman sen olmadı. ALLAH c.c. var!
( Amak-ı Hayal - Filibeli Ahmed Hilmi efendinin eserinden ufak bir bölüm )
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agent-tempest · 11 months
The fact that they made Spencer play the prince charming in 10x6
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itsza · 2 months
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gillionspookstrider · 7 months
you ever just get yourself hyped up for 2 songs that nothing is known about yet
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angels have a thousand eyes, and roll about on wheels of fire, and wear the visage of a lion, six wings to hide it all behind
jessica law - angels have a thousand eyes
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