champagnecall · 3 years
@amaikus​ // event starter !
Hifumi had seen a lot of strange things in his time here. 
But waking up in a totally different place from your bedroom, fully dressed and thrown in front of what seemed like a live studio audience for some sort of reality show...definitely took the cake. And it wasn’t even like he had never been on a studio set before! Usually someone just have him a little bit of a heads up before he had to show up.
...and actually told him he was showing up to something.
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At least they were kind enough to give him his jacket. 
Taking a better look at where he had wound up...it looked like he was on one half of a divider wall, sitting in a chair with two other people sitting next to him. And-
Wait. Wait, he recognized one of those other people. 
“Amemura? Is that you?”
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divine-crossroads · 4 years
@amaikus // starter !
It almost felt like he was back in Shinjuku here.
Yotsutsuji had found himself looking into the first ward in Spirale today, which just looking at it was already an adventure in itself. A large, winding canyon with large skyscrapers built around it...and...in it? 
While the skyscrapers were a familiar sight, they were definitely more futuristic than he was used to seeing. Especially the more he went into the city. It felt almost too sleek and surreal, but that’s what made it appealing too. The buildings were a lot more jam-packed with one another. Far too much, in certain spots.
So even if the more advanced technology was interesting...it would probably be better to explore around the outskirts, where it wasn’t as busy. And that lead to...a more mechanical looking area, but that was just as interesting. Probably because it looked more like it was supposed to be a neighborhood, with houses and various little shops.
It was cute, but what he really didn’t expect was for one more similarity to pop out in the form of familiar pink hair. Sure, he wasn’t wearing his usual hat or outfit but...that was definitely him, right...?
Well, there was one way to find out. Even if he was still suspicious of him...it was best to talk to the people he knew in this situation.
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“Excuse me...! Sorry to stop you, but...Ramuda, that’s definitely you, isn’t it?”
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tripleseven · 4 years
carnation, iris, peony. <3
Botanical Headcanons ( Currently accepting ! )
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CARNATION - What is your muse’s relationship with their gender? How do they express or not express this relationship?
Dice does not have a particularly complex relationship with his gender, though perhaps that is because he’s never truly sat down to think about it. 
He’s gone through a lot, over the years, in terms of how people have viewed who he is and how he views himself. Being brought up in a wealthier home where not just the women, but the men in his family were all involved in politics ( his mother, his father, his grandfather - even if he did not often interact with any of them throughout his youth ) so something similar was once expected from him.
A charming, young man, raised wearing fancy clothing with polite mannerisms and well thought-out speech. That is not who he is, and was never who he wanted to be.
Perhaps it isn’t so much about how he sees himself, anymore, but how other people see him. He doesn’t care - a man, a woman, something in between or something that fits neither category - so long as he is free to carve his path for himself.
IRIS -  If your muse could convey one last message to someone they have lost or left behind, what would it be? 
“I am happier here than I ever was in the place you left me behind.”
PEONY - What would a ‘happy life’ look like in your muse’s eyes?
In Dice’s mind - he already has it. So long as he can gamble, so long as he can choose his own identity, so long as he can be free...that’s all he needs. It helps now that he has friends who come along for the ride and who will look out for him in a genuine way.
As long as he has his dice, and his posse - he’s already living his happy life.
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bulletrein · 4 years
        HE'S FORGOTTEN WHAT IT FEELS LIKE to cook for himself and no other individual. marlene, sometimes tifa and the rest of avalanche —- he'd even cook for that spiky haired ex-soldier if the chance PRESENTED itself. nevertheless, he's not accustomed to such a thing, evident by the fact that there's too much space, too much to do in the small, cramped quarters of this house shared with strangers. he's not yet let down his guard, not when he's met either of them, and when a door in the back of the room ekes open, hand SUBTLY moves to touch against cool metal. a look over his shoulder, bright bubblegum hair sticking out like a sore thumb, barret drums his fingertips, nerves HIDDEN beneath obsidian hued lenses — — — ❝need anything? ‘m using the kitchen.❞
@amaikus liked for a starter.
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aperturesurvivor · 4 years
event starter call : for @amaikus​ !
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SHE’S ALWAYS SUSPICIOUS   of people that seem too upbeat, especially when the situation’s not exactly appropriate for that. Though Chell doesn’t know too much about people yet, she finds it hard to believe that people can actually be pleasant without some ulterior motive. 
Whether or not her suspicions are correct is always up for debate. And maybe her general dislike of upbeat, exuberant people is part of what makes it so hard to actually make connections. 
Still, it’s not like Haugst is a vacation spot, regardless of what the stars might have said. And she has the feeling that the colourful stranger might see this whole thing as some kind of fun. 
Which it isn’t. 
Even though she herself is having fun, sort of, in a way. Less fun, more just... exercising the parts of her brain she’s used to using. Familiar. She’s not really sure. 
Chell tilts her head, jutting her elbow in the direction of her camp and beckoning with her free hand. This area tends to be on the dangerous side. It’s fine now, but... it could not be fine at any moment. Best to get inside.
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invitedeath · 4 years
while sephiroth did not magically transition overnight into a far more ‘normal’ citizen of spirale island, as the years had passed so did the overbearing trend of him refusing to integrate himself into aspect of the society there. naturally, one would still be hard-pressed to find sephiroth at any sort of public ordeal or event, but he ventured out far more than he ever had done, either for personal curiosity sake or to indulge in previously denied wants. 
one such want was fashion, or rather clothes befitting him of his current lack of war-themed occupation. his armour was a staple in his look of course, but he found himself drawn to the more dramatic aesthetics of an outfit in this new life of his. a place he could safely experiment for himself. having been born and bred in that armour, it was cathartic to shake it off for something new entirely. 
thus, sephiroth found himself in one of the more upmarket stores in spirale, browsing one of the higher levels of fibonaCci for something new to add to his wardrobe. halloween was approaching and as per the usual, the more gothic examples of clothing were mostly on display. something he was drawn to, as well as chose to wear that very day. fingers brushed against silk, every texture a pleasing experience to the touch. he rather enjoyed such places now that he felt more comfortable to be in them. 
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“ this wont do. ” he said however as the section he began to browse carried sizes far too petite. muscles and height accounted for a much larger size. “ perhaps i was mistaken in thinking i’d find what i need here... ” said to no-one in particular, however it would only be far too easy for such a large and noticeable stranger to catch the ear or eye of any nearby. [ STARTER FOR @amaikus​ ]
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ryuujiin · 4 years
The Star Trail had always been among one of his favorite places to do some shopping. He never was fond of supermarkets- he never liked things that were the same no matter how many times you went. The Star Trail was different every time he saw it. Maybe not in products, but in people. He couldn’t deny this island attracted some strange people.
There were so many people, and, maybe some of them were just like him in a way. So, when he’s shopping like this... He really can’t feel lonely. Even when he wants to.
During one of his visits, he finds an eccentric looking man fawning over some sweets. And, on closer inspection, he can understand why. For a couple of lollipops, they were immaculate. Prepared with heart. The way all desserts should be.
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“Cute. I’m sure the little guys over at the Fox Village would like this.”
It had been awhile since he had visited that village... Maybe he should drop by and play for a while. 
Since he’s already feeling charitable, why doesn’t he just...
“... Two bags full, please. For me and my buddy.”
It’s an impulse buy, but his wallet can handle it... He thinks. To establish this impromptu closeness, he wraps an arm around Ramuda’s shoulder like an asshole.
“Don’t worry about paying back. I’m just that awesome.”
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goldenfoible · 4 years
@amaikus // s.c.
||  █ ▌— oh, ramuda amemura is a bit of a surprise, isn’t he? hifumi doesn’t share ( or, really, completely understand ) jakurai’s dislike of the younger man, but he’s not likely to say as much. he tries to stay in sync with the doctor, though, and that includes suspicion toward those he dislikes. still, hifumi has no reason to be anything but his normal, pleasant self, and so he waves, hesitant.
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❝ you’re here, too, are you? ❞
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shinnotsuyosa · 4 years
“Are you trying to get yourself killed, idiot?!”
After pulling the other male out of the oncoming danger, fingers gripping him by the back of his collar, Kurogane simply drops him down onto the ground next to where he stands; irritation clear cut across his features. Although he was unsure of what these dinosaurs were supposed to be at first, he could see now that not all of them were as harmless as he thought; some quick to stampede and crush anything in their way, while others were hellbent on devouring anything they laid their eyes on.
Fortunately for the stranger, these ones were the former; Kurogane able to appear just in time and rescue the other before he was crushed. However.. he seemed to be more frustrated than relieved that he was able to help.
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“Watch where you’re going. Y’might not be so lucky next time,” he takes no effort in hiding how he feels, a harsh edge following the words he speaks; quickly making a move to turn around and leave now that his work was done.
                                                         ► *:  ( @amaikus​​  )
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mysterthree · 4 years
Having saved up enough money from his job -- after buying a camera, of course -- Mitsuba had decided it was time for a more proper shopping trip. What better way to enjoy the life he was able to live in this city, after all, than to finally stock up on just... like... so many clothes? He was gonna be able to coordinate so many outfits, he’d look the cutest he’d ever looked, and --
-- oh! That was someone else with pink hair.
Mitsuba wasn’t very used to seeing too many other people with hair his colour. He was way cuter, but this guy kinda had an alright sense of fashion, too, and considering the both of them were at the mall in this moment... he didn’t believe in fate very much (he’d had way too much shit happen to him for him to be willing to believe in that), but like, hey! This was a really cool coincidence, at least.
So Mitsuba, shoving his arm up into the air proudly, practically bounded up to the guy.
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“I don’t suppose you’ve got any favourite shops here, huh? I like your style! I think I could make it work better than you do, though, so I wanna know where you shop!”
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champagnecall · 4 years
aloe, apple blossom, fern <3
Botanical Headcanons ( Currently Accepting ! )
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ALOE - How does your muse handle grief?
Grief is something Hifumi is all too familiar with. Grief runs through his veins, just the same as blood and champagne. Grief for his mother. For his sister. 
( For himself )
Although weakness is something he feels he is cursed with, in regards to grief, he’s a fighter. Hifumi does not sit stagnant for long, even when his grief brings him to screaming tears and shortness of breath. Perhaps it is not the healthiest way to cope - splitting the person who he once was into thirds to manage his pain - but he is learning. And he is surviving against all odds and notions of disbelief. 
Hifumi Izanami is a man filled with grief, but he is now a man filled with the sparks of a flame that pushes him forward all the same. He does not mourn so much as he fights to find his answers and his “better tomorrow”. For in the end, life goes on. 
APPLE BLOSSOM -  How does your muse go about expressing or not expressing their sexuality? 
Hifumi has struggled with his sexuality for years, though perhaps not in the sense that one would expect. 
He is bisexual and feels an attraction to both men and women. He works as a host catering primarily to female clientele, making them feel as if they’re a princess - like Cinderella, the center of the show until the clock strikes twelve. As freely as he flirts with women while holding his host persona, he cannot do the same as himself, no matter how much he wants to.
The sight of a girl sends him into a panic - a frenzy of crying and stuttering fueled by the need to get away. He cannot deny his attraction to women, but he also cannot feed into that desire because of his phobia.
He struggles in thinking - “Wouldn’t it be better if I was just gay?” - while knowing that’s not the case. His attraction to men presents differently than it does around women, due to his comfort levels. He flirts casually and freely, though with a sense of restraint, for he cannot trust many to know who he truly is.
It appears more like a game, than a reality. Like he was, back in his early twenties, just tossing around flirts and nights out in bars catering only to men attracted to other men in Ni-Chōme. 
Hifumi struggles with his sexuality, and how he allows it to present, all because of what happened to him back in high school. He has a desire to let someone in, to be his genuine self and to share that love...but a fear of allowing others too close - of letting them break down the three walls he put up to keep himself safe.
FERN - Does your muse believe in magic or cosmic forces, or are they more likely to think their life is ultimately a matter of their own control?
Hifumi does not believe in greater powers - religious or magical. If they were real, after all, why would they curse him with all the struggles he’s had to face over the years? Why was he scorned by even powers beyond his comprehension? 
As much as he may enjoy video games and novels with magical and fantastical stories...he does not think these things are real.
( but at the same time - he doesn’t feel like he has much control over his life either. )
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trebleklefkis · 4 years
Itty gets dropped off at some house in the middle of the city, which is super weird. The taxi person doesn’t seem to understand they don’t live here, so it seems like they’re going to have to figure out how to leave by themself.
Before they get very far, though, they see someone else who’s just been dropped off by another house down the street. They wave from down on the ground, jangling the keys on their key ring to get the stranger’s attention. “Heyyy!!”
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“Did they put you here too? Or do you live here for real?? I think I’m lost!”
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divine-crossroads · 4 years
begonia, mint, rose <3
Botanical Headcanons ( Currently Accepting ! )
BEGONIA - How cautious is your muse? Are they prone to noticing red flags,   or paranoid to the point of untrusting most everyone? Why or why not?
Yotsutsuji is fairly cautious - because he must be. He was born and raised in the midst of a world war, went on to work in war zone hospitals that could be - and were - targeted by terrorist organizations or radical military groups. The war took from him his parents, and gave to him another. The war took his ability to walk, which he had to relearn. It took a lot of things from him, which he had to regain, and it was out of fear for losing them again that he had to learn what was safe and what was not.
He has an analytical mind, and approaches things as such. If something someone says or does comes off as unnatural or inappropriate for the situation, he sees it as a red flag and looks into things. He researches and researches to assure that he just isn’t imagining things. 
He is not so much untrusting and paranoid, so much as he is cautious and careful, assuring that he and the people around him are safe first and foremost. Even if it means looking into those that might be considered friends or allies.
MINT - Does your muse view themself as virtuous & moral? What do these words mean to them?
This is a complicated question. Yotsutsuji sees himself as a rational person, who acts in terms for what leads to the greater good. He compiles information and scans it over, assessing and reassessing what leads to the best outcome. 
While he sees his actions as good and just - completed for a solid reason - he doesn’t particularly see it as virtuous. Looking into people can lead to digging up some unsavory secrets they might not want others to know, after all, and it can hurt those around him.
He does not mean to hurt - but he is cautious by nature and does what he thinks it the best to do. Perhaps it’s something that is more virtuous in the outcome than it is in the process. 
ROSE - How much does your muse value other people? Do they wish to have many friends, lovers, and/or associates? Are they an easy person to love?
Yotsutsuji values other people above his own well being, first and foremost. He is constantly looking out for his adoptive father, assuring he has the information and materials he needs to be successful. To have the motivation needed to keep moving forward. His interest in medical studies was for the same reason - while it certainly started as simply wanting to be more useful for Jakurai, he does enjoy it all quite a bit and has hopes of becoming a doctor one day as well so he can continue helping people.
He doesn’t feel he needs a whole army of friends or lovers or anything along those lines to be happy. Just a select few people who make him smile and laugh are all he truly needs - and he’s happy to have those people by his side. In terms of loving him, well...
He’s never asked. 
He doesn’t know if he’s an easy person to love or if he’s a difficult one to love. What he does know is that he tries to make himself an easy person to get along with. If this works or fails, well...it doesn’t really matter either way, really.
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777toss · 4 years
@amaikus​ liked for a starter!
SURPRISINGLY calm were Dice’s steps as he explored GOLDEN. Lots of this part of town was  U G L Y  if you looked beneath the veneer of bright color and loud noise but Dice always felt totally at home in ugly places that pretended not to be so. There was money to be made here if someone knew where to look and luckily Dice was always good at finding where to look.
IT is not money which he finds though as he spies a familiar  S H O C K  of pink go past.
RAMUDA! He pursues. Someone familiar is good here. Trouble, trouble.
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“HEY! Hey wait up!”
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gempathic · 4 years
“Thanks for coming!” Steven had set up his living room to host the auditions, but all of the open space felt like a bit much for those that didn’t lug over any huge instruments.
So, Steven reclined, taking a seat on the floor with his back against the wall and his legs outstretched. Besides, the cooler of refreshments for his guests there wasn’t much else.
“Oh!” Steven hopped up and went to the kitchen where he’d piled all the furniture and dragged out a chair. “Just in case you prefer to sit!”
He then took his spot on the floor again, this time legs crossed as he reached for his clipboard to make some notes.
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“Do you have any questions or anything before we start?” Steven asked.
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isolaradiale · 4 years
hihi! now that the reserve cancellation has been posted, i'd like to app Ramuda Amemura from Hypnosis Mic if that's okay! His app is under /app. Thank you!
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Ramuda!
You will be housed in HOUSE 140.
You will retain your microphone which will allow you to inflict minor damage up to five times daily.
– mod pleiades.
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