#ama motoamerica.
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cosas-de-la-wida2 · 5 months ago
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sbknews · 1 year ago
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The World Is Coming To Daytona International Speedway For The Great American Race, March 7-9 MotoAmerica, North America’s premier motorcycle road race series, is proud to announce that the March 9 running of the Daytona 200 at Daytona International Speedway has attracted 67 entries for the 82nd edition of the legendary race. Although it’s affectionately called "The Great American Motorcycle Race," this year’s Daytona 200 should more accurately be referred to as "The Great Global Motorcycle Race." For the 82nd running of the Daytona 200, which takes place March 7 through 9 on the 3.51-mile, 12-turn road course at Daytona International Speedway, a full 28 riders – nearly half of the 67 riders on the entry list – are from countries outside the United States. The list of nations represented reads like a global competition akin to the Olympic Games, and the level of talent includes three past Daytona 200 winners (Josh Herrin, Brandon Paasch, and Danny Eslick), the 2023 MotoAmerica Supersport Champion (Xavi Forés), the two-time FIM World Endurance Championship-winning team of riders (Niccolò Canepa, Marvin Fritz, and Karel Hanika), a 13-time Isle of Man TT winner and all-time lap record holder (Peter Hickman), a four-time AMA Superbike Champion (Josh Hayes), a three-time Canadian Superbike Champion (Ben Young), and a two-time British Superstock 1000 Champion (Richard Cooper), just to name a few. Here's the rundown of the 13 countries represented: Australia Brazil Canada Colombia Czech Republic Germany Guyana Mexico Portugal Spain Switzerland United Kingdom United States “We are really pleased with the number of entries for this year’s Daytona 200, and also with the amount of foreign riders who are coming to race,” said MotoAmerica President Wayne Rainey. “It shows how popular the Daytona 200 is as one of the biggest races in the world. We’re excited to start our 10th year of MotoAmerica, this year at Daytona, and we wish all our riders the best of luck. It’s going to be a lot of fun to watch.”
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csajokamotoron · 1 year ago
A Team Hammer gyári Suzuki csapattal szerződött le Rossi Moor
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A Team Hammer csapat leszerződtette Rossi Moor amerikai-magyar motorversenyzőt, hogy a MotoAmerica Twin Cup szériában képviselje a Suzuki gyári csapatát. A két évre szóló szerződés lehetőséget ad Rossinak, hogy szintén a Team Hammer gyári Suzukival 2025-ben a MotoAmerica Supersport kategóriában induljon. A Suzuki Motor USA LLC a Team Hammer csapattal van szerződésben. A csapat a MotoAmerica Superbike-ban GSX-R1000R-ekkel, a MotoAmerica Supersportban GSX-R750-ekkel versenyzik. Rossi egy újonnan fejlesztett GSX-8R -rel fog a rajtrácshoz állni 2024-ben. Rossi Moor már figyelemreméltó eredményeket ért el, és csatlakozik azon tehetséges versenyzők hosszú listájához, akik az elmúlt négy évtizedben a Team Hammernél kezdték profi karrierjüket. "Nagyon izgatott vagyok az egész miatt. Ez egy nagyszerű lehetőség és megtiszteltetés számomra. Készen állok arra, hogy a legjobbamat nyújtsam" – mondta Moor. "Gyerekkorom óta ismerek embereket a Team Hammerből, és mindig is szerettem volna egy nap a csapatnál versenyezni. Ráadásul apám nagy Suzuki-rajongó volt, amikor felnőttem, így volt néhány ilyen klassz motorja. Mindig is szerettem volna, hogy én is Suzuki-val versenyezhessek." Az amerikai versenyzés és győzelem után az amerikai-magyar Rossi Moor 14 versenyszámban öt győzelemmel és 10 dobogós helyezéssel megnyerte a 2022-es FIM Northern Talent Cup európai versenyét. "Ezt a sorozatot a GP-versenyzés kapujának tekintették, így a verseny nagyon kemény volt" – mondta az Oregoni születésű Rossi Moor. https://csajokamotoron.hu/rossi-moor-az-aprilia-racing-tamogatasaval-ter-vissza-europaba/ Moor a FIM Moto3 Junior Világbajnokságon is versenyzett szabadkártyásként. „Keményen versenyezni Európában "mindennapi" dolog. Ez arra kényszerített, hogy gyorsan tanuljak a komoly konkurencia ellen." A 2022-es szezon végén elszenvedett súlyos csuklósérülés kétségessé tette Rossi Moor 2023-as terveit, de miután sikeres helyreállító műtéten esett át, tavaly a MotoAmerica Junior Cup-ban már rajthoz állhatott, ahol két győzelemmel, és öt dobogós helyezéssel a második helyen végzett a bajnokságban. "A sérülésem miatt nem voltam biztos benne, hogy milyen lesz a tavalyi év. Egy nappal azelőtt, hogy el kellett indulnunk Road Atlantába, megkaptunk a motorunkat, és belevágtunk. Készen állok erre a szezonra, és mindig is az volt az álmom, hogy a Team Hammer csapatában versenyezzek, egy profi csapatban, amely igazi sikersorozattal rendelkezik." Chris Ulrich, a Team Hammer operatív alelnöke szerint Moor az a fajta fiatal versenyző, aki profitálhat a Team Hammer versenyzési tapasztalataiból. "Ő egy fiatal, kemény pilóta. Régóta figyeljük őt, itt a Mini Kupában és a Junior Kupában, valamint az európai eredményeit" – mondta Ulrich. "Izgatottak vagyunk, hogy visszatérhetünk a Twins Cup osztályba a Suzukival és a GSX-8R-rel. Ez egy komoly kategória volt számunkra. Mindkét szezonban szép sikereket értünk el a Suzuki SV650-esekkel a Twins Cup-ban, 2019-ben és 2020-ban megnyertük a bajnokságot – és alig várjuk, hogy Daytonában bevezessük a 8R-t. Úgy gondoljuk, hogy az infrastruktúránkkal és az új Suzuki GSX-8R-rel Rossi nagyon jó eredményeket fog elérni.” „Tavaly New Yersey-ben az utolsó MotoAmerica Junior Cup versenyen kezdtem targyalni John Ulrichal mert számara fontos volt, hogy Rossi nála versenyezzen. 2019 óta ismerem John-t. 2020-ban, amikor a Yoshimura Suzuki abbahagyta a versenyzést a Team Hammer lett a Suzuki gyári csapata. Szerintem minden versenyző egyik álma, hogy egy gyári csapathoz le tudjon szerződni. Ez most Rossinak sikerült. A Team Hammer ez egy nagyon profi csapat es a Rossival együtt biztosan nagyon fantasztikus eredményeket fognak elérni.” - mondta Stefano Favaro, Rossi managere. A TEAM HAMMER A 2024-es szezon a Team Hammer 44. egymást követő éve, hogy profi versenycsapatként működik. A Team Hammer által épített és pályára állított versenymotorok 133 AMA Pro és MotoAmerica National versenyt nyertek, 361 alkalommal végeztek AMA Pro és MotoAmerica National dobogós helyezéseken, 11 AMA Pro és MotoAmerica Nemzeti Bajnokságot, valamint két FIM Dél-Amerikai Bajnokságot (Superbike és Supersport kategóriában). A csapat összesen 137 hosszútávú versenyt (k��ztük hét 24 órás versenyt) és 13 összesített WERA Nemzeti Hosszútávú Bajnokságot nyert Suzuki motorkerékpárokkal, és tartja az Egyesült Államok rekordját a 24 órás versenyen megtett futásteljesítmények tekintetében. A csapat részt vett az 1990-es évek televízióban közvetített Formula USA Nemzeti Bajnokságában is, ahol metanollal hajtott "Methanol Monster" GSX-R1100 Superbike-okat vezettek, amivel négy F-USA bajnokságot nyertek. A Team Hammer Vision Wheel M4 ECSTAR Suzuki néven versenyez. Kép: Team Hammer Read the full article
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totalmotorcycle · 4 years ago
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Suzuki racks-up multiple wins and podium finishes at Barber Motorsports Park https://www.totalmotorcycle.com/suzuki-racks-up-multiple-wins-and-podium-finishes-at-barber-motorsports-park?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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motocorsas · 2 years ago
ashton yates is in the top five on practically a stock bmw. what a legend
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perfectlydangerousarbiter · 4 years ago
Looking Ahead- MotoAmerica Superbike at Virginia International Raceway
Looking Ahead- MotoAmerica Superbike at Virginia International Raceway
If absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder, then the men of the 2021 MotoAmerica HONOS Superbike Series are longing more than ever to get back to one of their favorite venues on the calendar – VIRginia International Raceway – after the event was cancelled last year due to COVID-19. The MotoAmerica Superbike Championship points leader going into this weekend’s race at VIRginia International…
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surfergarfield · 7 years ago
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Cameron Beaubier #1
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motosurplus · 3 years ago
Indian enjoy Baggers and flat track success in Daytona Bike Week - Visordown
Indian enjoy Baggers and flat track success in Daytona Bike Week – Visordown
Indian enjoyed a successful week of racing in Daytona, with victories in the MotoAmerica King of the Baggers, and AMA Pro Flat Track. Sign up for our daily newsletter! By signing up to the newsletter you agree to receive emails from crash.net that may occasionally include promotional content While it was Eli Tomac and Brandon Paasch who took victory in the two premier races of Daytona Bike…
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the-firebird69 · 3 years ago
Calendar - MotoAmerica
There's no way to enter these once the races are started as our sunset and three races have occurred already and it is past the time to registration but you can enter it if someone drops out and if you're the top qualifying racer so we're going to the qualifiers and they have those too for ama and we're going to make sure that we're in it and Trump will try and stop us and we're going to get rid of him so he can't race and he's going to go down to Australia and he's going to try and say that he is the guy and he's going to die riding the motorcycle in front of everyone permanently I would be done with him and that's before neo shoots him and it's also after no it's before venom and it is also after Las Vegas where he does that stunt over and over he does that because he wants people to remember who he is evil Knievel he broke so many bones people into shoot and stop him from doing the stunt it's true too it's called to be executed because he was encouraging so many people to do stupid things like Corky is
We're going to the races the qualifying races they have them every day in Miami when they started going to them and we're qualified and we're all the way up to first nobody can touch us all we need is someone to drop out and Trump is going a million miles an hour doing 50 things a day while they're going to send 200 things today and we're filing charges on all of them every single instance and we have all sorts of agents that will verify who he is
Thor Freya
I'm presenting the courts with the papers today and our son has a neat idea we're going to charge each of his characters and every single one of them including the female ones including Terry including the ones in DC the ones running the treasury crimes that he's committing there we're going to expose all of you commit all these crimes all day long but not like this people he definitely don't tell us and we're the worst about it so we get to prove it cuz he's such an a****** I've got about 700 charges from today and about five characters I'm going to bring them all to court and we're going to keep bringing his characters to court if he doesn't show we're going to throw his own in The slammer and they'll tell him cuz they wanted his role
Bitol and goddess wife
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totalmotorcycle · 4 years ago
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SUZUKI TAKES 7 PODIUMS AT MOTOAMERICA SBK https://www.totalmotorcycle.com/suzuki-takes-7-podiums-at-motoamerica-sbk?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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hang-dryofficial · 3 years ago
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Congratulations to @jakegagne for having the best season ever in ama superbike racing, most wins in a single season, most consecutive victories and dominating the field the entire season #likeaboss , truly exceptional work. We hope you got some good use out of the Hang-Dry this past weekend at Barber 🌧️🌧️💧💧 💪🏁🏆 . www.Hang-Dry.com . MADE IN THE U.S.A 🇺🇸 . #Hangdry #geardryer #suitdryer #motogp #exposuresuit #kayakinggear #leathers #moto2 #motorbikeracing #carracing #divegear #icesuitdryer #icesuit #icerescue #enduranceracing #MotoAmerica #wetracegear #worldsbk #motogp #ppedryingsystems #ppegear #racegear #madeintheusa #teamhangdry #wedrygear #fire #bunkergear https://www.instagram.com/p/CUC_R7vLIab/?utm_medium=tumblr
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motosurplus · 3 years ago
MotoAmerica Previews The Daytona 200 And More - Cycle News
MotoAmerica Previews The Daytona 200 And More – Cycle News
It’s Go Time, with the Daytona 200 set to kick off the 2022 Auto Parts 4 Less MotoAmerica Championship at Daytona International Speedway.This is a press release from MotoAmerica…Irvine, CA (March 9, 2022) – MotoAmerica will begin its eighth year as the home of the AMA Superbike Championship this weekend and it will do so for the first time at one of the most iconic racing facilities in the world…
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totalmotorcycle · 5 years ago
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MOTORCYCLE RACING WEEKEND ACTION SCHEDULE – JUNE 27-28th https://www.totalmotorcycle.com/motorcycle-racing-weekend-action-schedule-june-27-28th/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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frankmwilliams25 · 4 years ago
Beaubier Gets The 50th Superbike Win Of His Career
50 Wins In 105 Starts For The Champ
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Cameron Beaubier (1) leads Mathew Scholtz (11), Jake Gagne (32) and the rest of the HONOS Superbike pack on Saturday at Barber Motorsports Park. Photo by Brian J. Nelson
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When you win your 50th career AMA Superbike race, you wheelie. Photo by Brian J. Nelson
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(From left to right) Jake Gagne, Cameron Beaubier and Mathew Scholtz  celebrate on the Barber Motorsports podium. Photo by Brian J. Nelson
Earlier this year, Cameron Beaubier celebrated the 100thAMA Superbike race of his career with a victory in Pittsburgh. Today, he went out and won for the 50thtime in the premier class of the MotoAmerica series in what was his 105th start. That translates to a winning percentage of .476. In other words, Beaubier has won nearly half of the Superbike races in which he has started. Impressive stuff.
Today’s win came in HONOS Superbike race one of the MotoAmerica Superbikes at Alabama round of the 2020 MotoAmerica Series at Barber Motorsports Park and, like the majority of his wins in 2020, it was a dominant one. Beaubier ran wide on the opening lap in turn five, allowing Westby Racing’s Mathew Scholtz to squeeze past. The four-time MotoAmerica Superbike Champion, however, wasted little time in re-passing the South African and from there he was never headed, winning his 12th race of the season by 4.5 seconds with a celebratory stand-up wheelie across the finish line.
The win puts Beaubier at 300 points after 13 races and gives him an 89-point lead over his Monster Energy Attack Performance Yamaha teammate Jake Gagne heading into Sunday’s race two at Barber.
“To be honest, it’s just weird,” Beaubier said of winning this 50th Superbike race. “It makes me feel old when you say I got 50 races. That’s crazy right now how fast everything goes by when you’re a motorcycle racer, I guess. It’s been incredible. It’s crazy. I don’t even know what to say about that. It’s pretty cool to be next to some of the greats on the books. In regard to today, I knew going into the race it was going to be pretty tough because both these guys had pretty strong pace, especially Mat (Scholtz) yesterday afternoon. He was just clicking off low 24s and high 23s. I knew today was going to be tough. I feel like we found a little bit of something this morning after practice going into Superpole. I just got really comfy out there on my bike. Put my head down there in the beginning. I almost ran off the track going down into Charlotte’s Web (turn five) and slotted into second. I knew I had pretty good new-tire pace, so I just wanted to try to get by Mat (Scholtz) as soon as I could and put my head down. He squared me up and passed me in the last corner, and then I was able to square by him on the straightaway. And then from there on I just put my head down and it seemed like they got in a little fight and I was able to sneak away early. Actually, my front tire, it felt like it started shredding there towards halfway to the end of the race. I was pretty nervous when I felt that feeling. I feel like every rider knows that feeling when you start to push that front and you feel it in almost every right-hander. It’s like you’re surfing. Just pushing over the pavement. It was pretty early on and I was like, ‘oh no, I’m done.’ But the thing hung in there and I was still able to do a couple high 23s and low 24s on it. I was surprised. I came in and it was cheese grated, but it still hung in there. So, hats off to Dunlop for bringing good tires this weekend. I feel like no one really knew what to expect going into this round and how the asphalt was going to be. Like I’ve said all weekend, the owners have done such a good job resurfacing this place.”
Gagne ended up second in the 20-lap race, coming out on top of a battle with Scholtz and earning himself a 10-point lead over Scholtz in the battle for second in the championship. For Gagne it was his 11th podium of the year and his seventh second-place finish.
“We’ve just been a little behind all weekend,” Gagne said. “We didn’t have the best day yesterday. Made a couple mistakes on a couple different sides of things. Reset today. We had a different bike today than we did yesterday. Kind of the bike that we brought from New Jersey. It just wasn’t working here yesterday. We kind of made a couple little mistakes, like I said. But hats off to the crew. They never give up. We’re always looking for those little improvements. Cam’s flying. Mat’s flying. We knew we were off yesterday, so we made it happen and had a better bike today. Got off to a pretty decent start. Mat and Cam were duking it out there on that first lap, so I had a good front-row seat for that. I saw Cam kind of really pull the pin and he took off. Now it was kind of me and Mat. I got a really good drive and slipped underneath him down the back straight there. Just tried to put my head down. I think all of us weren’t exactly sure how these tires were going to hold with the situation we’ve had all weekend. So, I think I was just trying to click off consistent paces. We were kind of there in the low 24s and mid 24s. I just kind of wanted to click off something I could keep doing until the end. The tires held up. These Dunlops held up good. Hats off to the team again. We’ll see if we can make a couple of changes tomorrow and try to pick up the pace a little bit, especially at the beginning when Cam’s out there.”
For Scholtz it was podium number nine on the season.
“Once Jake (Gagne) came past me I kind of thought that he would be quicker for the first half, but we kind of got to the halfway point and I wasn’t catching him as quick as I thought that I would,” So just have to go back to the trailer tomorrow and try to (find some) drive out of the corners. I feel like that’s where we were losing our time to Cam (Beaubier) and Jake. Cam was just flying, and Jake definitely pulled something out of the hat today.”
M4 ECSTAR Suzuki’s Toni Elias finished fourth, 19.1 seconds behind Beaubier and 5.7 seconds ahead of Altus Motorsports’ Cameron Petersen, the South African impressive in putting his Stock 1000-spec Suzuki GSX-R1000 in the top five of a HONOS Superbike race.
Sixth went to Elias’ teammate Bobby Fong, some two seconds behind Petersen. KATO Fastenings/KWR Ducati’s Kyle Wyman was seventh behind Fong and well in front of Scheibe Racing BMW’s Josh Herrin.
FLY Racing ADR Motorsports’ Andrew Lee ended up ninth in his HONOS Superbike debut in his first ride on the team’s GSX-R1000 and his first ride of any kind on a Suzuki. Lee came out on top of a race-long battle with Travis Wyman Racing’s Travis Wyman by just .013 of a second.
Race two of round seven of the series will take place tomorrow afternoon at Barber Motorsports Park.
Superbike Race One
Cameron Beaubier (Yamaha)
Jake Gagne (Yamaha)
Mathew Scholtz (Yamaha)
Toni Elias (Suzuki)
Cameron Petersen (Suzuki)
Bobby Fong (Suzuki)
Kyle Wyman (Ducati)
Josh Herrin (BMW)
Andrew Lee (Suzuki)
Travis Wyman (BMW)
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