#am i worried they'll be disappointed if i don't like it as much as they do??
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Do y'all ever get like weirdly resistant to doing things bc people keep asking you to do them? Like there's a book series I wanna read but a friend has been pestering me to read it and keeps asking if I've read it and gets kinda bummed whenever I say I haven't yet.
And like, it's making me wanna not read it bc fucking jeez I'll get to it when I get to it and if I force myself to read it bc they want me to I won't enjoy it bc it'll feel like an obligation or a chore and not something I'm choosing to do for fun
But on the flip side I feel bad bc I'm SURE I'll like it bc it's super up my alley, and I know they're recommending it bc they like it a lot and they know I'll like it too! And actually I had found and intended to read this series BEFORE my friend ever read it! And I wanna talk to my friend about this thing they like even if I end up not enjoying it yknow?
But the stubborn part of my brain is digging in it's heels and getting weirdly resentful and wants to NOT read it bc said friend is so excited and like??? what a shitty emotion, to start to resent the idea of something bc someone you care about likes it??? fucking WHY ugh let me try the things my friends enjoy
#I have to force myself to talk to friends about joint interests sometimes#like a bunch of us have all listened to tma#but I'm not finished and they are and I don't want to tell them I'm trying to get caught up#bc they'll get all excited and expectant and then my brain will do this thing and make me stop#I always complain about wanting to talk to people about my interests#but like the second my friends are in to something I get weird about talking to them about it#and idk why#like am i worried I'll like it differently? or “wrong” somehow?#am i worried they'd judge me if I'm TOO into it (but like no they won't i know this??)#am i worried they'll be disappointed if i don't like it as much as they do??#and this is EVERY shared interest#like why am i so resistant to talking to specifically my irl friends about shit we all like????#idk another convo for my therapist i guess#whenever i find one again
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Calling Your Congresspersons
Not my post but please feel free to copy and paste to share with others
FOR THOSE OF YOU LOOKING TO TURN YOUR ANGER INTO ACTION, here's some advice from a high-level staffer for a Senator. Re-posting from a friend of mine:
There are two things that we should be doing all the time right now, and they're by far the most important things.
You should NOT be bothering with online petitions or emailing.
1) The best thing you can do to be heard and get your congressperson to pay attention is to have face-to-face time — if they have town halls, go to them. Go to their local offices. If you're in DC, try to find a way to go to an event of theirs. Go to the "mobile offices" that their staff hold periodically (all these times are located on each congressperson's website). When you go, ask questions. A lot of them. And push for answers. The louder and more vocal and present you can be at those the better.
2) But those in-person events don't happen every day. So, the absolute most important thing that people should be doing every day is calling.
2 each (DC office and your local office) to your 2 Senators & your 1 Representative.
The staffer was very clear that any sort of online contact basically gets immediately ignored, and letters pretty much get thrown in the trash (unless you have a particularly strong emotional story — but even then it's not worth the time it took you to craft that letter).
Calls are what all the congresspeople pay attention to. Every single day, the Senior Staff and the Senator get a report of the 3 most-called-about topics for that day at each of their offices (in DC and local offices), and exactly how many people said what about each of those topics. They're also sorted by zip code and area code. She said that Republican callers generally outnumber Democrat callers 4-1, and when it's a particular issue that single-issue-voters pay attention to (like gun control, or planned parenthood funding, etc...), it's often closer to 11-1, and that's recently pushed Republican congressmen on the fence to vote with the Republicans. In the last 8 years, Republicans have called, and Democrats haven't.
So, when you call:
A) When calling the DC office, ask for the Staff member in charge of whatever you're calling about ("Hi, I'd like to speak with the staffer in charge of Healthcare, please") — local offices won't always have specific ones, but they might. If you get transferred to that person, awesome. If you don't, that's ok — ask for that person's name, and then just keep talking to whoever answered the phone. Don't leave a message (unless the office doesn't pick up at all — then you can — but it's better to talk to the staffer who first answered than leave a message for the specific staffer in charge of your topic).
B) Give them your zip code. They won't always ask for it, but make sure you give it to them, so they can mark it down. Extra points if you live in a zip code that traditionally votes for them, since they'll want to make sure they get/keep your vote.
C) If you can make it personal, make it personal. "I voted for you in the last election and I'm worried/happy/whatever" or "I'm a teacher, and I am appalled by Betsy DeVos," or "as a single mother" or "as a white, middle class woman," or whatever.
D) Pick 1-2 specific things per day to focus on. Don't rattle off everything you're concerned about — they're figuring out what 1-2 topics to mark you down for on their lists. So, focus on 1-2 per day. Ideally something that will be voted on/taken up in the next few days, but it doesn't really matter — even if there's not a vote coming up in the next week, call anyway. It's important that they just keep getting calls.
E) Be clear on what you want — "I'm disappointed that the Senator..." or "I want to thank the Senator for their vote on... " or "I want the Senator to know that voting in _____ way is the wrong decision for our state because... " Don't leave any ambiguity.
F) They may get to know your voice/get sick of you — it doesn't matter. The people answering the phones generally turn over every 6 weeks anyway, so even if they're really sick of you, they'll be gone in 6 weeks.
From experience since the election: If you hate being on the phone & feel awkward (which is a lot of people) don't worry about it — there are a bunch of scripts (Indivisible.org has some, there are lots of others floating around these day). After a few days of calling, it starts to feel a lot more natural.
Put the 6 numbers in your phone (all under P – Politician.) An example is McCaskill MO, Politician McCaskill DC, Politician Blunt MO, etc., which makes it really easy to click down the list each day.
**If you want to share this, please copy and paste so it goes beyond our mutual friends.**
I have added the following websites:
1. Find your federal and state legislators: Use reps.fyi (directs you to https://www.commoncause.org/find-your-representative/ )
2. Use scripts from 5Calls.org
3. Use scripts from the Americans of Conscience Checklist (updates every 2 weeks) https://americansofconscience.com/checklist/
4. Join a local or virtual group at https://indivisible.org/
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Can we have Jaune and Coco rag on Cinder for her outfit she wears to blend in at Beacon? Its not very good looking.
(Also is it offensive to have Coco do a gay disappointed stare?l
We Need To Talk
Cinder: Alright, we've got our uniforms, now it's time to blend in with the rest of the students.
Mercury: This should be easy enough to do.
Emerald: They'll just see us as any other student.
Neo: (Rolls her eyes as she fellows these three imbecile)
Cinder: Alright, now all we have to do is mingle a little so we don't stand out as a bunch of loners. Let's ming...?
Jaune: ...
Coco: ...
Cinder: Uhhhh... Hi...?
Jaune: You are wearing... a school uniform...?
Cinder: Of course I am. I'm a student of, Haven Academy, so of course I wear their school uniform.
Jaune: ....
Coco: ...
Coco: It doesn't fit her.
Cinder: What?
Jaune: And, yet... it does?
Coco: It's her face.
Jaune: Partly.
Cinder: My face, what's wrong with my face?
Coco: She looks too old to be a student.
Cinder: Old?!
Coco: But still, the school uniform does fit her.
Jaune: In the porn film category?
Mercury: Pfft!
Coco: Yes, that's why it fits so well! She looks like she's the star in a porn film!
Cinder: EXCUSE ME?!
Jaune: But, not the bland crap you'll find in, Atlas: Girl with pigtails being done in by the school jock.
Coco: Of course not! She has too much class for that! She is more like the kind you find in, Mistral. Where she seduces the shy classmate with a massive package, or is seduced by her teacher showing her how much of a daddy complex she has~!
Cinder: A what complex?
Jaune: Or, she's the milf seducing her daughters schoolmate while wearing her old uniform.
Coco: Nice~!
Cinder: W-W-What...?
Mercury: Piftails?
Emerald: Daddy complex?!
Neo: (Silent laughing!)
Jaune: Overall grading?
Coco: Seven out of ten. She looks good in that school uniform, but she doesn't look that good in it. You?
Jaune: Six out of ten. She just looks too old. Like five years to old to be in school.
Coco: Agreed.
Jaune: There you go, six point five out of ten. Congratulations!
Cinder: Thank you...?
Coco: So, lunch?
Jaune: Yes, I am quite famished.
Cinder: W-What just happened?
Yang: Whoa, that was close...
Cinder: Close?
Yang: Yeah, those two are part of, Beacons Fashion Trio. They judge everyone's fashion, and based on their verdict. You can suffer grave consequences based upon your fashion choices.
Emerald: They judge you based on your fashion taste; What do they do, say really mean things?
Mercury: write you a strongly worded letter?
Emerald: Pfff!
CEM: Hahahahaha!
Yang: They water boarded me.
CEM: HAHA-Ha...?!
Emerald: T-They did what?
Yang: They waterboarded me... for wearing fucking crocs.
Cinder: Y-You're kidding me...
Yang: By the gods I wish I was... So you lot better be careful. If you dress unfashionably... You will learn true fear...!
CEMN: ...
Emerald: The fuck is with these people?!
Cinder: Don't worry, I'm certain nothing bad will happen. Afterall we all dress fabulously~!
Cinder: Bwah! (Cough, Cough, Cough!)
Coco: A leather vest, a leather pauldron, grey tight sports pants, high heel shoes, and fingerless bicker gloves... What the fuck were you think that, that was fashionable?!
Cinder: It was just an outfit!
Jaune: It was a crime against fashion!
Coco: And, don't even get me started on the bandages you're using as a bra! Lady, ditch the bandages! There isn't even anything to show!
Cinder: Hey?!
Coco: Why are you even associated with this walking trash bag, Roman? I thought you had better taste then this?!
Cinder: Roman...?
Roman: Hey, she threatened me into working with her! I've been trying to get out of working with her cronies. You think I want to work with this slob!
Cinder: You betrayed me...?
Roman: I may have made a lot of money working for you. But, the threats to my, and Neo's lives..
Neo: (Smiles, and waves~!)
Roman: And, your plans to destroy, Vale have soured my moods to keep working with you. But, your taste in fashion?! That's too far for me missy!
Cinder: What?!
Glynda: She was going to do what? Roman, why didn't you tell me, I would have dealt with her?
Roman: Her fiery red dress was fashionable enough I let it slide, but this! This thing crosses the line!
Glynda: Understandable. Now tell me what it was she was planning, and I'll get you a plea deal, to avoid a lengthy jail sentence.
Roman: Deal!
Cinder: TRAITOR!
Roman: Oh, pish posh. I was never on your side to begin with. The only side I'm on was mine, Neo's, and fashion!
Cinder: When I get out of here, I am going to gut you like a...?!
Roman: Blah blah blah! Dunk her, Neo!
Cinder: Wait no!
Glynda: She's holding her under rather violently...
Roman: Bitch melted her ice cream.
Glynda: A true monster...
#rwby#jaune arc#yang xiao long#coco adel#cinder fall#mercury black#emerald sustrai#glynda goodwitch#roman torchwick#rwby neo
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Sidlink Exchange
Had a funny idea that ended up going longer! It continues under the read more, so I'm not spamming y'alls Tumblr pages haha! Enjoy some BOTW Sidlink!
After leaving Zora's Domain, Link walks down Zora River on the paths back to Central Hyrule. Though, he finds himself smirking and trying to ignore the clear shuffling sounds in the river that have been following him since his departure. Link refuses to make it known that he is VERY much aware that he's being followed, as he wants to know just how far this company of his will travel just behind him.
After finally making it to Lanayru Wetlands, Link hears the water start to splash behind him! Followed by TWO voices in a hushed shouting spat? Two voices definitely threw Link off, causing him to turn around, and spot (unsurprisingly) Sidon, holding (SURPRISINGLY) Tumbo.
Tumbo: You said we'd go frog catching AGES ago! I tried to be patient, but now we're SO far from HOME! Why are we even following Link anyways?
Sidon: I said we would go hunting AFTER! W-We just had to... see him off!
Tumbo: Then why have we been HIDING?
Sidon: Well, we-
Link: Yes, Sidon. Why HAVE you both been hiding?
Sidon: AH, LINK? Well. Hah! Ah, so you've spotted US! *flailing an arm around while his other arm keeps Tumbo in a choke hold* Tumbo here, little rascal, decided to sneak off to join your journey! Ah, but that is NOT something he should be doing, so if you don't mind, we will be RETURNING!
Tumbo: LIES!
Sidon: Ah! Haha! *whispers* Be QUIET.
Tumbo: *trying to wriggle free, but decides to bite Sidon to do so*
Sidon: GAH! *drops Tumbo into the water*
Tumbo: I'm frog catching WITHOUT you! You LIAR! *swims back upstream*
Sidon: *whining as Link just STANDS there at the edge of the river, staring while he holds onto the bite mark, whimpering* Ahah! You can go now! No need to pause your travels over ME!
Link: Mhm...
Link: *Flops down onto the grass. Pulling out his Sheikah Slate to conjure up some healing elixirs* But wouldn't it be out of character for me to walk away from someone in distress? Like how it's out of character for a zora prince to be caught up in a lie?
Sidon: *huffs and takes the elixir, healing the bite mark*
Link: *puts down his Sheikah Slate and shifts over to the edge of the river, dropping his legs into it* What was the plan anyways? Use Tumbo as a means to travel outside the domain? But then just sneak behind me and stare like a creep?
Sidon: *huffing* Well, I-I! I was GOING to travel alone, but when Tumbo tagged along, I couldn't just say "I wanted to see Link off! Again!" Considering I had already JUST done so in front of the domain moments before! So I had to come up with SOMETHING!
Link: And your best was frog catching?
Sidon: *waves his arms around* What was I SUPPOSED to do? Admit to a CHILD that I wanted a private moment with my LOVER? Now he's going to tell everyone what happened, a-and they'll get suspicious of me! Of US!
Link: *about to make a snarky remark*
Sidon: *groans and flops his head on Link's lap, catching Link by surprise* I cannot help but stress about their reaction to us... about father's reaction. Muzu is always in his ear, and he's BARELY favorable to you, despite all your help with Vah Ruta and Zora's Domain.
Link: *gently running his hand down Sidon's tail fin*
Sidon: I-I believe... I believe my father truly would accept my affections for you. Even if it took time, but... I worry the disappointment would be great. That even if he could fain approval... he would be disingenuous about it... H-How I am right now, seeing you off in front of others as my dearest friend and nothing more.
Link: *uses both of his hands to gently have Sidon look up to him from his lap* Sidon... the decision of if or when you tell others about us is yours to make, but know it IS yours... and that if you chose to take it, I'll be right there. At your side. Whatever happens, I'll be right there.
Sidon: *pushes the weight of his head against Link's hands, releasing a deep exhale followed by a soft grin*
Link: And not creepily standing far off in the distance failing to hide while having some random child in a choke hold.
Sidon: *gives Link a little glare, causing Link to snicker*
Sidon: *in a swift motion, Sidon goes from treading the river as Link holds his face, to pushing Link back and pinning him down on the grass. Using his torso to pin Link's body under his own. Making the distance between their two faces ever closer.*
Link: *Gasps from the sudden shock, and is flushed in the face*
Sidon: I've got to head back now. I can catch up to Tumbo and follow through on frog catching before he blathers on what else happened today.
Link: But-
Sidon: I WAS hoping to see you off with a kiss, but it seems you are too creeped out by me to want one.
Link: *rolls his eyes*
Sidon: *continues his glare*
Link: You're NOT creepy.
Link: *looks at Sidon expanctingly, but just sees him STILL glaring*
Link: *mutters under his breath*
Link: Agh, fine! You're adorable. You following me was CUTE, and I didn't make it known I KNEW you were following me because I knew as SOON as I did you'd STOP following me, and I was very much ENJOYING your company!
Sidon: *his frown twitches momentarily, and he leans in a bit closer*
Link: And the fact you FAILED to lie just makes me adore you even more! You're SO bad at it, but that's because your heart is SO pure you don't even know HOW!
Link: *deeply flustered as he AGAIN stares at Sidon expectantly*
Sidon: *really doing his best to keep his glare going, but his tail fin starts to have a little wag*
Link: *can't help but smirk* A-And I LOVE how DIFFICULT it is for you to ACT mad, but your tail whipping around gives it away!
Sidon: *finally breaks with a laugh and closes the space between them with a kiss*
*followed by another, and another, with a few longing pecks as Sidon pulls himself off from Link, bringing him back to the sitting position from before*
Sidon: *reaches to Link and pulls him into one more longing kiss before Sidon sinks back into the river*
Sidon: When will you next arrive?
Link: *grabbing his bag and Sheikah Slate* I'll be traveling to Lurelin village and exploring Necluda for the next while, but... before I travel up north to Akkala, I'll come here for a quick visit.
Sidon: *brushes his hand against one of Link's legs that're sunk into the river* Quick?
Link: *looks down to Sidon*
Sidon: *gives a little pout*
Link: One filled with a handful of days then. For you.
Sidon: Hm... you have me already looking forward to what's in store.
Link: With the eagerness you showed during our last few nights together... I can't say I'm quite surprised.
Sidon: *looks extremely flustered* A-Ah, well, I-
Link: *smirking as he pulls himself up from the river and hoists himself up* I should start heading out, then. The sooner I get going, the sooner the next visit will be.
Sidon: *stammering* Y-Yes! Yes. Very much so, yes!
Link: *turns around and starts walking off, flicking a little goodbye wave before nonchalantly saying* Love you, Sidon!
Sidon: Mhm, yes! I very much-
Sidon: WHAT? Link, what was THAT?
Link: *keeps walking*
Sidon: I-I love you too!
Link: *no reaction*
Link: *whistles as he keeps walking off*
Sidon: *flustered* L-LINK, I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!
Link: Go catch up to Tumbo before it's too late!
Link: *continues to whistle*
Sidon: GAH! Link, you- AGH, dammit Tumbo!
Sidon: *splashes and starts swimming back up Zora River*
Link: *continues whistling with a MIGHTILY red flushed face, doing his best to keep his heart from beating out of his chest*
#zelda#sidlink#sidon#link#botw#prince sidon#zora#sidlink fanfic#breath of the wild#loz link#zelda fanfiction#botw fanfic#fanfic#sidon loz#sidon x link#botw sidon#loz botw#botw link#zelda botw#sidlink hc
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Hey Slavv
you’re video edit was wonderful, thank you for sharing it with us
I just wondered what you thought about the episode as a whole? Did the baby conversation make you take pause? I hope they are able to stay together despite not being able to be parents in the future.
Ohh thank you so much 💜
This question is quite hard for me to answer properly.
First of all, I really loved it. I had a very peculiar and quite strong reaction to it. I'll try to put it in words the best I can.
I'll start with a simple thing: in my 7 years of being a jikooker, that is all I ever wanted to see from them.
Being relaxed, happy, joyous, authentic, confortable.
So this felt like some kind of apoteose. Everything came full circle. For them & for me.
When you think about it, nothing really happened in this episode, they were doing the most mundane things, but there was this vibe of the most comfort, the most warmth, the most quiet and simple love, that my heart was deeply touched by it and after it hit me I really had no words to describe the feeling I had. It's deep stuff lol
Somehow they always exceed my expectations. I'm not those people who say "I expect nothing so I won't get disappointed". No, I expect things. But not because I want them to do certain stuff, more because I feel I know them sufficiently, and some of their patterns, and I see them within the love umbrella, so it gets easier and easier to predict what they might do or not. How crazy this is that they check absolutely all the boxes everytime and confirm every theory? I'm trying to stay sane of mind over here but no they want me to be the most delulu lol
Of course the ambiance really helped the episode to feel dream-like. And we know how much Japan means to them. JK must have said 384737 times how much he loved it and how happy he was.
Nothing was hanging on their shoulders anymore, no burdens, and I think that's why they were able to enjoy it this much.
It's quite insane when you think about it how fluid this all was. Like nothing felt out of place, conversation flowed easily, they are on the same wavelength about everything, they spoke openly, they had fun and let their inner child play, everything felt SO EASY. Their dynamic is just perfect, no hiccups, it just fits, jives, it clicks.
Now I am wondering how the hell they are not already a human representation of the Cosmic couple because if there is supposed to be a next level to this relationship I can't even imagine what that would look like. How much better can it get? It's so full of love already. Anyway I digress
About the child talk, firstly I was expecting this talk in Sapporo indeed. It was obvious they would at least mention it. So when I saw the scene I was already prepared mentally.
It doesn't make me worry about jikook because I think that if at some point they will want a child, they'll get to have one. Jimin or Jungkook can firstly adopt as a single parent (a bill has been passed about this in Korea recently) and then raise the child together unofficially. Or they can use a surrogate mother from overseas or something. You know they are filthy rich so I think if they REALLY want to, they would find a way.
But JK isn't ready about it yet lmao leave this man alone for now 😂
When and if it is the right time for the both of them there will be solutions so I'm not worried. This moment was really cute 🥰
Who knows what the future holds for them. Many years before we would have never expected to see them even shirtless, we would have not believed we would see their dynamic up this close in a show like this.
Things can evolve quickly. Who knows how things will develop with BTS as well, for how long will they remain a group?
It's true they are getting old, in "idol age".
Who knows how the country will evolve too?
I trust Jimin&Jungkook to make decisions about their future that will benefit them and their relationship. Maybe it will involve a child, maybe not. But I personally don't think they would break up because of this. You can see how precious their relationship is for them.
But only time will tell if I'm right.
Anyway, I could go over all the scenes of this episode and talk about it for hours.
I know this was an ephemeral dream for them this trip, like a time capsule, a bubble of normalcy, where everything is and means suddenly more. There was nothing and everything they needed at the same time. Ahh, so beautiful 🥺
I wish their lives were all the time like this, but it is what it is, they had to come down from the cloud, and face their duty, then it will be their schedule, and things will go back to regular program.
But for now I don't mind losing myself in the dream with them, and float, and pretend everything is the way they want it to be.
"All for your happiness" Jimin said
If they are happy, I am happy.
Let's enjoy those next 2 eps, I think we're in for other surprises.
Thank you for your ask 💜

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Dunno if this exists yet, but someone needs to write stories of twst clubs x reader, where members slowly become more attached and possessive of Y/N, could be mild or bordering on yandere actions, platonic or romantic. Includes all clubs, even the single member ones. They can also be set in the current NRC timeline or in the future or as a whole different AU.
Here's some examples and ideas to fuel you to start,
"Basketball Club × Reader" - Be ready to go pro with this ambitious group, Jamil, Ace, and Floyd. An unexpected turn of events is sure to ensue if the time is right, or wrong rather, but rest assured that you'll soon be set back on track by the level headed of the members. You say you don't like the spontaneity? Don't worry, me neither. But if I can, then I'm sure you could also find it in your heart to forgive and just go along with it, yes? Oh dear, don't you seem out of it today. Here, let us help. Just follow my every instruction ... yes, just like that ... it's good to know you're the most cooperative of us ...
"Pop Music Club x Reader" - Have fun jammin' out and sharing crazy stories with this energetic trio, Lilia, Cater, and Kalim. You'll always feel welcomed and noticed here whether you know how to hum a tune or have never touched an instrument in your life. Just enjoy the tea and spill your darkest secrets whenever you'd like, this group is patient and remembers every last detail, you'll never want to leave. Though, if the thought does cross your mind, you'll need to announce your upcoming absence so we can throw a goodbye party. But, maybe you shouldn't. We'll just remind you of all the good times you'll miss. For one last time, we'll laugh and joke about how horrible and destroyed your life would be without us. We know everything about you, even the diabolical. Why, if your secrets were to be spread through magicam like wildfire, it'd close so many doors for you, no one would ever look at you the same. You don't want that, right? It'd be best to just stay here with us where your peace of mind is secured, right? You're free to go, but please don't forget us. And don't forget that all it takes is one push of a button to push your life downhill ...
"Spelldrive Club x Reader" - Soar through the skies as you chase your victory alongside this competitive bunch, Leona, Ruggie, and Epel. You train hard everyday, but there's still time to get together during breaks, the chipper of your group bonding over your mutual desire to crush the competition as your captain snoozes. Other, bigger, teams want to recruit you which is a great opportunity. You're honored. And you should be, but don't you know you're the most valuable member of the team? We couldn't make it without you. Not to mention, we'd be heartbroken to see you leave. These guys are too proud to say it, but deep down you know it's true. Those other guys may be better against teams we haven't been able to beat, but they'll never support you as much we do. You wouldn't want to lose the people who love you most, would you? No? Ah, I'm glad. Don't worry, we're sure to win someday, just stick with us and you'll never have to worry about disappointing anyone again ...
"Equestrian Club x Reader" - Gallop through endless fields alongside your law-abiding yet tender companions, Sebek, Silver, and Riddle. Rest assured that with these three you'll have bushels of fun, but more importantly, you'll always be safe. Always. Perhaps a bit too safe ... but there's no such thing, right? Just follow our instructions quickly and obediently, quietly, and you'll never have to worry about the risks of riding through the wilderness again. We promise not to let you get hurt. If it takes being restricted to only the land visible to us, so be it ... hm? Oh, my apologies, I am simply running my mouth. Pay it no mind. Ah, hey, not that way. Why? Well, we haven't quite explored there yet and we'd rather not risk endangering you or the poor horses. Perhaps we can take a look at it tomorrow and see if it's fit for a trot, yes? I agree, now why don't we head back, I can guide your horse for you if you'd like. Just sit back and relax, you're safe with us taking the reins, I promise. The most safe you'll ever be ...
"Track & Field Club x Reader" - Live life fast and furious with this driven pair, Deuce and Jack. You'll always be encouraged to push your limits with their helpful hollers. You won't be upset long with their optimistic cheering. But make sure you show up for every meet, if not, they'll worry about you. They'll go looking for you. And they will find you. Hey, we haven't seen you around lately, is everything okay? Is now a bad time? I'm sorry, but we really missed you yesterday and just wanted to know nothing bad happened. Why don't you come join us for lunch tomorrow, we don't have to practice. We'll get you whatever you want, promise. Wait! You ... weren't planning on leaving me behind again, were you? Good. Ya had me worried for a second, haha. So, we'll meet up at 2:30? Great. Afterwards we can just hangout. And if you want to go for a quick jog again we'd be more than happy to. We've always been faster than you, though, remember? But, don't worry, we'll go easy on you if you ask. Just don't bolt when we're not looking so we don't have to worry and chase after you ... again ...
"Film Research Club x Reader" - Get ready to make strides in the acting business as you perform and work behind the scenes with model and tech genius, Vil and Ortho. Just make sure you aren't so distracted by the applause and spotlights that you forget to read the fine print of your contract. You wish to quit? I'm sorry, My Dear, but I'm afraid you've agreed to work with only us for xxxx amount of years and we need you to play this next lead in order to ensure our film trumps Neige's. Don't worry, we know all the right tips and tricks to secure perfection, just read the script as directed. Exactly. As directed ...
"Science Club x Reader" - Slip those safety goggles on and hold your breath as you run experiments with this curious pair, Trey and Rook. There's nothing better than getting your hands on new and exciting material. Not exactly sure why you're here? No worries! Not all of us are either, but we have fun here. Any experiments you've heard of you'd like to try? Only illegal ones? No problem we can get our hands on the items needed just tell us what they are ... a funny joke? No. I'm dead serious ... we've done plenty before ... ahaha! You look so frightened, lighten up, no one's died ... yet ... hey wait don't give that look. Sorry if that was too much. We're careful enough to keep things safe ... unnoticed ... what's that liquid? Oh just some juice for a friend using the fruits in here, would you like to try it? Here, have a sip ... what's that? It burns? Ah, I see let's write that down. What else are you feeling? What? Using you? No way, we'd never do something so cruel ... you're simply helping us learn as our lab partner ... oh stop that, no one else is here ... now tell me before things escalate ... what other sensations are you feeling ... fascinating ... it's different compared to last time ... too bad you forget after you wake up ... it's why we have to keep doing this ... over ... and over again
"Board Game Club x Reader" - Roll up thise sleeves and bring your a-game as you play with these competitive gamers, Azul and Idia. Have fun and forget the days worries as you make you way across the mat, never will these two give you a boring game. Though that doesn't mean we can't take things up a notch ... What say you we have a little wager? We beat you xx amount of times and you do us a little favor in return? I promise there'll be no foul play. You could ask a favor of us too if you win. In fact we can sweeten the deal even more if you're game ... no? Oh, don't tell me you're scared you'll lose ... you're not? Good. Then there's no issue making a harmless bet, yes? How lovely ... now, why don't we all sign this paper to ensure no one chickens out when they lose ... oh don't worry it's nothing serious, just a sheet of rules, standard club ware yes? Yes ... now right on the line ... good job. You agreed to sign this freely remember? Right. So don't go back on you word later ... nothing good comes of cheaters ... trust me ... I take care of all of them ...
"Gargoyle Studies Club x Reader" - Prepare to learn each and every random tidbit about each little stone as you explore the ruins with this wise companion, Malleus. Everything may go in one ear and out the other but this voice just so dreamy that you don't mind the rambles, right? But please do make an effort, no one likes a dimwit who can't tell the difference between a grotesque and a gargoyle. But, oh dear, it looks like you really are getting tired. Don't worry, I know how to care for my own, you can slumber for the next century safe at my side. I promise to be here when I let you wake up. At least then we won't need worry about those pesky mortals who wrestle your time from me. Hm, what was that ... you feel disoriented ...? Oh you needn't worry, that's a standard effect ... you won't feel a thing in a moment ... trust me ... your dearest friend ... I'll always be watching over you ...
"Mountain Lovers Club x Reader" - Embark on cozy and informative hikes through the mountains with your knowledgable partner Jade. But beware the trained smiles and pre-packed lunches, you may end up a little further out than planned. Oh, don't worry, the place I had in mind is just a little further along, I promise. You trust me, don't you? Good, then everything should go smoothly. Hm? You're not feeling well? Ah, perhaps you ate something you shouldn't have ... I do hope you were taking note of those wilderness survival tips I gave you ... though, they may not be of much help to you underwater ... hm? Oh, I wasn't saying anything of importance, don't mind me. You did say you trust me, yes? I'd like to find out just how much ...
Honestly, I had a lot of fun writing these ideas, even though I did forget about them for a while.
#twisted wonderland#twst x reader#twst clubs#x reader#heartslabyul#savanaclaw#octavinelle#scarabia#pomefiore#ignihyde#diasomnia#story ideas
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For everyone who wanted a part two 💖:
part one
Villain stood in their lair, their eyes trained on their TV as the news played on the large screen. The news anchor had just announced the death of the city’s beloved Hero, and Villain almost wanted to let out a haughty laugh as they turned to face Hero who sat comfortably on their couch, very much alive.
Hero watched the news silently as the anchor gave a rather dismissive farewell followed by a montage of their work. They stared at the screen blankly, their face void of any emotion as civilians were given a chance to recall their memories of the Hero.
Villain turned the TV off, cutting the news report short as they stared down at Hero, sitting silently on the couch. They sat with their knees brought up to their chest, staring blankly at the TV, seeming unbothered that Villain had shut it off.
“Are you okay?” Villain asked. They sat down beside Hero, careful to leave some space between them, still unsure how to act around the one they used to share their deepest secrets with, the one who’d kissed their worries away, shared a million ‘i love you’s with. That all disappeared when Hero lost their memory.
Hero gave them a minute shrug, resting their chin on their knees. “The whole world thinks I’m dead. The news said so.”
Villain gazed at the Hero, guilt wracking their every nerve as they stared at Hero’s sullen expression. They softly sighed through their nose as their eyes followed the movement of Hero’s fingers picking at the corner of a throw pillow.
“I’m sorry,” they said. And they truly meant it. None of this should have happened to the hero. That fight shouldn’t have happened, Hero should have never gotten amnesia. If Villain had just stayed home that day . . .
“Are you behind this?” asked Hero.
“No, honest,” Villain answered too fast for their own liking, panic evident in their voice. “I promise, I didn’t know anything about it until just now.”
Hero nodded with a small motion, leaning back to relax against the back of the couch. They put Villain’s pillow, now with loosened embroidery stitches, in their lap and resorted to fluffing it instead. The action seemed to calm the hero’s mind so Villain didn’t stop them. Even if it was about to cost them a good pillow.
“You know,” Villain started. “It's not too late. Your death just now came on the news. You can go out there and show everyone you're still alive. Your memory is still shit, but the agency will be thrilled to see you.”
Slowly, Hero shook their head. “I don't think so. That's not who I am anymore. They're all going to look at me and expect me. The person I was before all of this. They're going to expect me to remember. They'll look at me with disappointment when I don't.”
Their eyes met with Villain’s. “It's the same look you give me.”
Villain shook their head. “I'm not disappointed that you don't remember.”
They lied. Of course they were disappointed. They looked at Hero and saw a shell of who they used to be, the years of memories Hero has yet to regain. The distance behind their eyes where there used to be love. The passion they used to have, long gone. The determined set of Hero’s jaw as they conjured a plan to save the city. Their pride.
All gone within the blink of an eye.
Yes, Villain was disappointed, annoyed at themself for expecting Hero to suddenly remember. It wasn’t fair to Hero.
“Let’s stop worrying about the past,” Villain said suddenly. “Because who knows if you ever fully recover. Focus on the now and make new, better, memories today.”
Hero shifted slightly in their seat and Villain saw the first glimmer of hope flash in their eyes.
“You really think I can move on from this?” they asked. "It'll be that easy?"
"Well, no it won't be easy," Villain admitted. “But you'll have me with you the whole time."
They reached out and placed their hand on top of Hero’s. And for the first time since the incident, Hero smiled.
#my own#writing#fantasy#imagines#oneshot#writers of tumblr#female writers#hero#villain#hero x villain#villain x hero#heroes and villains#writing snippet#villains and heroes#villains#heroes#amnesia#memory loss
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Eta: there is an app called 5 Calls that can provide you with names and scripts.
FOR THOSE OF YOU LOOKING TO TURN YOUR ANGER INTO ACTION, here's some advice from a high-level staffer for a Senator.
There are two things that we should be doing all the time right now, and they're by far the most important things.
You should NOT be bothering with online petitions or emailing.
1) The best thing you can do to be heard and get your congressperson to pay attention is to have face-to-face time — if they have town halls, go to them. Go to their local offices. If you're in DC, try to find a way to go to an event of theirs. Go to the "mobile offices" that their staff hold periodically (all these times are located on each congressperson's website). When you go, ask questions. A lot of them. And push for answers. The louder and more vocal and present you can be at those the better.
2) But those in-person events don't happen every day. So, the absolute most important thing that people should be doing every day is calling.
2 each (DC office and your local office) to your 2 Senators & your 1 Representative.
The staffer was very clear that any sort of online contact basically gets immediately ignored, and letters pretty much get thrown in the trash (unless you have a particularly strong emotional story — but even then it's not worth the time it took you to craft that letter).
Calls are what all the congresspeople pay attention to. Every single day, the Senior Staff and the Senator get a report of the 3 most-called-about topics for that day at each of their offices (in DC and local offices), and exactly how many people said what about each of those topics. They're also sorted by zip code and area code.
She said that Republican callers generally outnumber Democrat callers 4-1, and when it's a particular issue that single-issue-voters pay attention to (like gun control, or planned parenthood funding, etc...), it's often closer to 11-1, and that's recently pushed Republican congressmen on the fence to vote with the Republicans. In the last 8 years, Republicans have called, and Democrats haven't.
So, when you call:
A) When calling the DC office, ask for the Staff member in charge of whatever you're calling about ("Hi, I'd like to speak with the staffer in charge of Healthcare, please") — local offices won't always have specific ones, but they might. If you get transferred to that person, awesome. If you don't, that's ok — ask for that person's name, and then just keep talking to whoever answered the phone. Don't leave a message (unless the office doesn't pick up at all — then you can — but it's better to talk to the staffer who first answered than leave a message for the specific staffer in charge of your topic).
😎 Give them your zip code. They won't always ask for it, but make sure you give it to them, so they can mark it down. Extra points if you live in a zip code that traditionally votes for them, since they'll want to make sure they get/keep your vote.
C) If you can make it personal, make it personal. "I voted for you in the last election and I'm worried/happy/whatever" or "I'm a teacher, and I am appalled by Betsy DeVos," or "as a single mother" or "as a white, middle class woman," or whatever.
D) Pick 1-2 specific things per day to focus on. Don't rattle off everything you're concerned about — they're figuring out what 1-2 topics to mark you down for on their lists. So, focus on 1-2 per day. Ideally something that will be voted on/taken up in the next few days, but it doesn't really matter — even if there's not a vote coming up in the next week, call anyway. It's important that they just keep getting calls.
E) Be clear on what you want — "I'm disappointed that the Senator..." or "I want to thank the Senator for their vote on... " or "I want the Senator to know that voting in _____ way is the wrong decision for our state because... " Don't leave any ambiguity.
F) They may get to know your voice/get sick of you — it doesn't matter. The people answering the phones generally turn over every 6 weeks anyway, so even if they're really sick of you, they'll be gone in 6 weeks.
From experience since the election: If you hate being on the phone & feel awkward (which is a lot of people) don't worry about it — there are a bunch of scripts (Indivisible has some, there are lots of others floating around these day). After a few days of calling, it starts to feel a lot more natural.
Put the 6 numbers in your phone (all under P – Politician.) An example is McCaskill MO, Politician McCaskill DC, Politician Blunt MO, etc., which makes it really easy to click down the list each day.
**If you want to share this, please copy and paste so it goes beyond our mutual friends.**
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Having your first time be with Vash
He could never understand why you'd want your first time to be with him; he's never seen himself being worthy of love, especially when someone as kind-hearted as you was so willing to give it to him.
CW: NSFW!! MDNI!! gn!reader, reciprocated feelings, penetrative sex, oral sex (male receiving), creampie
After having seen him attempting to tend to his wounds for what felt like the hundredth time, you offered to aid him.
"No, it's okay!" Hidding his pain behind his kind eyes, he stopped you. "I've got it. You should worry about the cuts you got instead."
Looking back at you, the disappointment he held within was immense; if he'd been better, faster, stronger even, you would've gotten out of there without a scratch, but he was too careless.
Picking up on this, you did your best to reassure that you were all right, "These are nothing! They'll be gone before morning―I'm sure of it!"
Seeing his eyes fall, you went to put your hand on his shoulder. He didn't say anything, so you felt it necessary to hold him; you wanted to alleviate any sorrow he was harboring in his heart, though that would take many days and nights to do so.
"Tell me what you need," your words were bandaging his aching heart.
Not allowing himself to escape his guilt, he responded, "I should be asking you that." Showing you his gentle nature, he placed his palm on top of your hand.
You'd seen him overcome all sorts of hell, yet his soul had never been corrupted; he'd always been a gentle man at his core. Not being able to hold back your admiration for him, you began leaving light kisses on his shoulder, trailing them up his neck.
He didn't protest to this, despite still punishing himself. Deep down, he yearned to be loved just like everyone else. Pausing at the crook in his neck, you pulled back slightly before placing a tender kiss on his lips. Before long the exchange was testing his self-restraint. He didn't want to put you in an uncomfortable situtation, so he hesitantly pulled away. "Getting a bit carried away, sorry," his cheeks were faintly rosey.
"You don't have to be sorry. I'm ready."
Hearing this made him think he'd been knocked out on the battle field and was sent to a fantasy world. "You are?" His face burned when he asked, making sure he heard you right.
Placing your fingers around his waistband, you leaned in to reiterate, "I am." With this, you continued your steamy exchange. The strength behind his lips made you feel bold; you put your hand down his pants, helping him understand just how much you loved him.
"I want to make you feel good, Vash. Won't you let me? Please?"
He was having problems responding―your words left him breathless. But he wanted to make you happy, just as happy as you made him. Pulling you in closer, he tugged at your bottoms. "W-wait," he said, placing his forehead against yours, "Are you sure about this? With me?'
Giving him a sincere and warm smile, you put his fears to rest, "I can't think of anyone better."
His hunger to please was becoming ravinous, and once hearing you say that, in as sweet of a voice as that, made him lose himself in that moment. Promptly ripping your pants and delicates off, the force of eagerness coming from the two of you made you kneel on the floor.
He knelt down next to you, running his hand over your most sensitive parts. You wanted to see all of him, so you released his cock from its cotton restraints. He was much larger than you thought he'd be, but you didn't care. You were hellbent on pleasing him in any way you could.
Leaning forward, you were a bit unsure due to your complete lack of experience. In saying that, you through caution to the wind and licked the under side of his now pulsating member―leaving behind a trail of saliva behind before attempting to take as much of him as you could.
It'd happened so quickly he felt as if he didn't have time to properly react. Feeling your mouth around him was causing his head to spin. Without thinking, he placed his hand on the back of your head and began to thrust into your mouth, leading you to gagging.
Feeling embarrassed, he swiftly apologized. You chuckled before telling him it was okay and not to worry. Your eyes were locked for a few moments, staring deeply into them. You laid on your back, beckoning him to come closer.
Still flushed from the overwhelming urges stirring within him, he pushed past them and positioned himself over you.
"Let me know if it hurts. I'll stop if does, okay?"
Giving him a nod in response, he took that as permission to push inside you.
The feeling of your warmth was a true testiment to his willpower. It was taking every once of his being not to immediately release his repressed lust inside of you.
Your moans grew louder the further he pushed in, the quickening thrusts were sending you into a tizzy. Pulling him closer, you were unable to control yourself―you were approaching your first orgasm fast. Clamping down around him, your nails dragged against his back.
Feeling your body spasm around his cock was pushing him further towards the edge, but it was you screaming his name that sent him over. How he loved hearing you call out to him in your angelic voice.
Unable to hold back any longer, he shot every last drop of sperm deep within you. After the last bit had found it's way to you, the feelings of guilt returned.
"Sorry, I tried lasting longer but couldn't."
Holding him close, you praised him for how good it was and how good he was.
Smiling down at you, he was starting to believe that he could get used to hearing you say such lovely words to him.
#trigun#vash the stampede#vash x reader#vash trigun#trigun maximum#vash x you#vash the stampede x reader#trigun imagines#trigun x reader#trigun x you#x reader#trigun smut#vash#humanoid typhoon
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Debi Jackson
FOR THOSE OF YOU LOOKING TO TURN YOUR despair INTO ACTION, here's some advice from a high-level staffer for a Senator.
There are two things that we should be doing all the time right now. (In addition to online petitions or emailing.)
1) The best thing you can do to be heard and get your congressperson to pay attention is to have face-to-face time — if they have town halls, go to them. Go to their local offices. If you're in DC, try to find a way to go to an event of theirs. Go to the "mobile offices" that their staff hold periodically (all these times are located on each congressperson's website). When you go, ask questions. A lot of them. And push for answers. The louder and more vocal and present you can be at those the better.
2) But those in-person events don't happen every day. So, the absolute most important thing that people should be doing every day is calling.
2 each (DC office and your local office) to your 2 Senators & your 1 Representative.
The staffer was very clear that any sort of online contact basically gets immediately ignored, and letters pretty much get thrown in the trash (unless you have a particularly strong emotional story — but even then it's not worth the time it took you to craft that letter).
Calls are what all the congresspeople pay attention to. Every single day, the Senior Staff and the Senator get a report of the 3 most-called-about topics for that day at each of their offices (in DC and local offices), and exactly how many people said what about each of those topics. They're also sorted by zip code and area code. She said that Republican callers generally outnumber Democrat callers 4-1, and when it's a particular issue that single-issue-voters pay attention to (like gun control, or planned parenthood funding, etc...), it's often closer to 11-1, and that's recently pushed Republican congressmen on the fence to vote with the Republicans. In the last 8 years, Republicans have called, and Democrats haven't.
So, when you call:
A: When calling the DC office, ask for the Staff member in charge of whatever you're calling about ("Hi, I'd like to speak with the staffer in charge of Healthcare, please") — local offices won't always have specific ones, but they might. If you get transferred to that person, awesome. If you don't, that's ok — ask for that person's name, and then just keep talking to whoever answered the phone. Don't leave a message (unless the office doesn't pick up at all — then you can — but it's better to talk to the staffer who first answered than leave a message for the specific staffer in charge of your topic).
B: Give them your zip code. They won't always ask for it, but make sure you give it to them, so they can mark it down. Extra points if you live in a zip code that traditionally votes for them, since they'll want to make sure they get/keep your vote.
C: If you can make it personal, make it personal. "I voted for you in the last election and I'm worried/happy/whatever" or "I'm a teacher, and I am appalled by ——-," or "as a single mother" or "as a white, middle class woman," or whatever.
D: Pick 1-2 specific things per day to focus on. Don't rattle off everything you're concerned about — they're figuring out what 1-2 topics to mark you down for on their lists. So, focus on 1-2 per day. Ideally something that will be voted on/taken up in the next few days, but it doesn't really matter — even if there's not a vote coming up in the next week, call anyway. It's important that they just keep getting calls.
E: Be clear on what you want — "I'm disappointed that the Senator..." or "I want to thank the Senator for their vote on... " or "I want the Senator to know that voting in _____ way is the wrong decision for our state because... " Don't leave any ambiguity.
F: They may get to know your voice/get sick of you — it doesn't matter. The people answering the phones generally turn over every 6 weeks anyway, so even if they're really sick of you, they'll be gone in 6 weeks.
From experience since the election: If you hate being on the phone & feel awkward (which is a lot of people) don't worry about it — there are a bunch of scripts (Indivisible has some, there are lots of others floating around these day). After a few days of calling, it starts to feel a lot more natural.
Put the 6 numbers in your phone (all under P – Politician.) An example is Hawley MO, Politician; Hawley DC, Politician; Schmitt MO, Politician; etc., which makes it really easy to click down the list each day.
Some great scripts posted daily — https://chopwoodcarrywaterdailyactions.substack.com/
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the contract's cycle.
summary. changsheng's contract is a cycle.
trigger & content warnings. angst angst and more angst on the side, mentions of death & chronic illness.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. angst, hurt/slight comfort. baizhu & reader. 0.7k words. they/them pronouns for reader. this post is an expansion of invisible disability? it's rather visible to me. this post contains spoilers for baizhu's story quest.
author's thoughts. i did baizhu's story quest (i am telling lies. i did not do it, i watched someone else do it on youtube. genshin burnout is REAL i swear). got fic inspo. wrote fic. this is a little messy but please spare me i wrote this on a whim at 10:30 at night HSKSHJFGFGD
baizhu, who does not want anyone else to fall victim to changsheng's contract, yet also does not want her to die as a consequence of having no host.
it takes time, but despite this, he eventually realizes that what he has with junior herbalist [name] is the virtually the same as an apprenticeship—it is the same as what he had with his master before him, and what his master had with his own master before him, and so on. baizhu only refused to label his relationship with [name] as such for fear of them becoming the next in line, should he fail to attain immortality.
he does not intend to fail, but he cannot deny that he may not be able to succeed, either.
he suddenly finds himself scared, because if he's become so close with them without even consciously realizing it... that means that something drew him in, that he is endeared with them like a parent would be to a child because they are undoubtedly very much like him—a selfless, gentle soul void of ill intent. that fact simply scares him. they're so young, too young. maybe they'll change as they get older. maybe they'll become less selfless and kind. maybe he should encourage them to be more selfish? perhaps that might change something?
(he is only fooling himself.)
[name] is a viable host for changsheng; she herself has confirmed it, albeit a little reluctantly, upon baizhu's request. "it is a matter of my host's natural temperament," she reminded, "and that does not change as someone gets older. you know this, baizhu."
baizhu is now terrified. his fear has increased tenfold, because they are already chronically ill. he was not necessarily so weak before taking on changsheng's contact; his current state is a consequence of transferring countless ailments onto his own body. if he is fated for an early death... archons, their death would be even earlier. his heart drops at the thought.
briefly, he wonders if his predecessors ever felt like this—did they, too, fear the deaths of their apprentices, or is it different in his case because of how young his is? is it different because, even though he hesitates to say it aloud, he thinks of them as his own child? or were all his predecessors the same way?
he doesn't realize it, but gradually, the liyuean doctor begins withdrawing from them.
[name] notices that baizhu seems to be engaging less with them, that he's less involved with them overall, and they worry about if they've somehow disappointed him. they become more fidgety and distressed during their work hours, always trying to understand what it is that they did wrong, and trying to amend it without even knowing what they did.
changsheng eventually exposes hers' and baizhu's shared secret because maybe she's seen a teacher and their student fall out and maybe she doesn't want to see it again. who knows? but baizhu sure as hell won't tell them, so she takes it upon herself to do so, and the doctor is helpless to stop her because she... is stubborn.
[name], though very worried, expresses little surprise once changsheng finishes her explanation. all they do is peer up with gentle sincerity directed mostly at baizhu. "changsheng isn't normal—no offense, changsheng, don't get mad—so... i somewhat figured that something like this was going on. it's not exactly uncommon in liyue. this is the nation of contracts, after all, but... why didn't you tell me sooner? are you worried that i would be her next contractee? is— is that why you're ignoring me lately?"
(changsheng forces baizhu to apologize to them for that. he didn't offer much resistance and was quick to console and reassure them.)
baizhu is now even more set on his quest than before, because he will not let another person fall victim to the contract's cycle, "fate" be damned. he will not let [name] fall victim to the contract's cycle.
([name] knows that deep down inside, if something ever happened to baizhu... they would take on changsheng's contract, because like all those before them, they do not want to see her die, and changsheng has, albeit begrudgingly, accepted that they are just like all their predecessors.
if there is a life in front of them that deserves to be saved, why shouldn't they do everything within their power to save it?)
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
#aphelion brainrots 🌸#: [ the junior herbalist! 🌸 ]#favoniuslibrary#astronetwrk#platonic genshin x reader#platonic genshin impact#platonic genshin impact x reader#genshin x reader#baizhu x reader#platonic baizhu x reader#genshin impact x reader
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Sorry y'all but this episode was the WORST murder drones episode EVER :(
Strap in folks. This is gonna be one LONG complaint...
(Sorry for the bad screenshots. I'm so fucking tired idgaf) SPOILERS UNDERNEATH THIS LINE GIRLIE! I REPEAT! SPOILERS UNDER THIS LINE!
Okay, positives (Don't worry. There isn't much) First of all, animation is GREAT. A bit zany and exaggerated but definitely not BAD. Voice acting is great. Cyn is great, Music's good....uh, Nuzi?...yeah that's it
Okay so we start off with Copper-9 exploding and the teacher giving zero fucks. I thought that was pretty funny. Then we see Uzi in space, currently tweaking out until Nori just basically spells out how to defeat the solver. There is no realization about how they can defeat the solver, it's just given to them. And no real reunion scene with Uzi and Nori. Sure they meet each other but there is NO closure. They act like they've been together for YEARS! Why doesn't Uzi freak out about meting her mom? Why doesn't Nori freak out about seeing her daughter? Or bring up N? Or how her life is? I get we're on a time crunch but COME ON!
Then N just swoops in to save Uzi. We kinda just skip past his reaction to Uzi's sacrifice which is a disappointment. He just says that he was mad about that and that they'll talk about it later, but they never do. It's just brushed over and done with. Then the solver comes in and throws them into space and then they're falling and burning up and then Nuzi becomes officially official.
As a Nuzi shipper, I should feel happy. My favorite ship was just mentioned of course, but it feels so shoe horned in and rushed. I was hoping it would have a bigger impact but it's just shoved in there without a celebration and the abruptly ends because Uzi want to slap a demon
You might also notice that it's been four minutes and SO much is happening in such a short amount of time. This will be a problem for the ENTIRE episode
Next we cut to J, Thad, Lizzy, and Khan and holy shit I am SO upset because they do NOTHING with them in this episode! They were setting them up for a fight but now everyone is just laying on the floor and doing jack.
Also SURPRISE, J is evil! Did you want more J screentime. Did you want her to be important to the plot or even have the SMALLEST redemption arc by the end? WELL TOO BAD because J being evil is all you're getting before she's kicked into the void forever :)
V also comes back and she has befriended the sentinels. I don't think anyone really believed she died. She basically just fights J and realizes how horrible of a person she is. She then says sorry to N for lying to him and stuff. That's cool. Don't exactly have anything to say on her. She's a good part of the episode but she suffers from underutilization like the others
Something something hot drones. Something something NxUzixV canon (My Uzi's Bi headcanon is REAL! YIPPEE)
Then they have an admittedly good fight scene. I have to say tho. There are a LOT of times where it seems like the characters are actually going to die and then the story just doesn't let it happen like some twisted game of hot potato and it gets annoying after a while. (Like when Cyn pulls out their hearts and stuff)
Then N and Uzi make up a handshake mid-fight and it just...stops the momentum of the fight. IF YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO MAKE A JOKE IN THERE THEN JUST DON'T MAKE A JOKE!
Then Uzi just...kills the solver? Or at least Cyn? Not because of something she did btw, but because Cyn went too crazy with fazing around and shit. ARE. YOU. SERIOUS! This character has been set up to be a strong a challenging foe and she just DIES because of an OOPSIE!? It's Doll's sudden death all over again but somehow WORSE. But of course we have to make Cyn's death rushed! WE ONLY HAVE 20 MINUTES IN THIS DAMN EPISODE!
And then Uzi, like, eats her heart? And then solver is just...inside her? And there's no consequences? It's just treated as a cool accessory? Holy shit this episode was rushed
Nori saves Khan from dying. I thought they were also going to have a heartfelt moment or something. All sobing. All tears. But no. For some reason Nori gets nervous about seeing her hubby again and runs off (Honestly if I was a fleshy spider heart, I would be nervous too). Then Khan calls the flesh heart hot because he's a freak
And then....that's it. They go back to the school like nothing happened. They don't really adress that the world is currently broken, or that N, V, and Uzi still got that dawg in them (Solver). They're all just like, YEP! THAT'S THE END OF THE STORY NOW!
N says that Uzi's his girlfriend, V and Lizzy are shown to be friends even tho we've only ever been TOLD that they're friends, We get a cut away to Doll's dead body that only makes me sad they didn't do more with her, and V gets turned on by N's anime drawings, the end.
Oh yeah, and there's an after credit scene of Uzi looking miserable, probably still having issues with the solver, so clearly not EVERYTHING is resolved by the end of this season. Uzi having to battle with the Solver inside her body is a cool concept and NOBODY can tell me that Liam was TOTALLY going to do another season with this premise, but then by episode 7, decided to stop mysteriously
Okay, not part of the episode but N's merch don't make no sense. V and Uzi's make sense because they have something that is related to what they did in that episode. V fought against the sentinels. Uzi got corrupted by the solver and dragged into the hole. But N's stand shows an event that happens in episode 2. Yes! EPISODE 2! At first, I was confused why this was but it's probably because unlike the other 2, N did nothing significant in this episode except get beat up and have panic attacks. (I did feel bad for and sympathized with him the whole time ngl). But I guess getting beat up and having panic attacks wouldn't make a cool stand now would it.
Yeah, all in all, I'm disappointed. So disappointed that I might just make a fanfiction rewritting episode 8 for myself and then make it canon out of spite. Honestly the lowest ranked episode for-
Hold on
CAT V PLUSH!!!!!!!!!!!????
#murder drones#murder drone spoiler#murder drones spoilers#AHH I'M FLIPPING DYING!!!#Idc anymore#THIS SERIES NEEDED MORE EPISODES AND ANOTHER SEASON!#At first I was one of those people who didn't desire for a 2nd season#Because I didn't know what it would be about#But now that I know what could have been? WE WERE ROBBED#and don't go under this post yappin about how 'ungreatful' I am and stuff#I understand it's a show we can watch for free and I agree that everyone worked real hard on it#But for something that's been worked on for a year...I was expecting more#I usually don't complain about MD#like#at all?#You could jingle Nuzi in my face for 20 minutes and I'd be happy#But this wasn't it dawg
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Since the announcement that Dune part three is in development I've watched a couple of youtube videos and read some articles announcing the news, talking about potential release dates and just generally talking about what they want for the third installment and in the comment section of them there seems to be a lot of discussion around how true to the book the third film will be.
Some are saying that they think Villeneuve will stick closely to the book Dune Messiah, others are saying that he will throw the book out completely and just make up his own story for the third film. Some are saying that after the changes made in Dune Part Two, particularly with the changes to Chani's character arc, its now impossible for him to stay true to the book.
Now I haven't read the book so not only do I have very limited knowledge of the book, I also don't have any special attachment to it. So my following views on the subject are coming from that perspective and are based on the two films I've seen and some comments that were in these articles/comments section.
(So mild book spoilers here, you can learn this from reading the blurb of the book.) One thing I did learn is that the book the third film will be based on, Dune Messiah, is actually set 12 years after the end of Dune Part Two's events. We don't see the holy war, we only see the aftermath. Personally I found this news a little disappointing because I feel like they've been revving the audience up with this holy war for the last two movies and so I was really looking forward to seeing it, to seeing just how far Paul goes, whether he tries to hold back at all, whether he has moments of hesitation etc, I was just really hyped to see this war they kept going on about. That being said I do think that seeing the aftermath would still be interesting too.
I've also seen some people say that the book itself won't translate as well to film as the first book does, apparently it has a lot less action and is more political intrigue, as one article put it, its a lot of people sitting in a room and talking. Again haven't read the book so I don't know how accurate that is, but on a similar vein, I've seen a few people say that whilst the book is good its nowhere near the level that the first book is and so they are worried the third film could be a let down for non-book readers.
So as I said above, lots of opinions going around, mostly from book readers because naturally they know a lot more about what is coming than us non-book readers. But it got me thinking how might Villeneuve approach the film and work around some of the concerns I've seen being discussed, the main ones seeming to be, there not being enough action/ it not translating well to screen and how they are going to deal with Chani, as it seems she plays a vital role in messiah and kind of needs to be at Paul's side in order to fulfil that role. So here are my theories and guesses at how Villeneuve might approach the last film. Again these are just my own speculations and opinions.
This first one could definitely be influenced by my own wishful thinking, but one way they could add a bit more action to the film is to spend say the first hour, for example, showing the holy war and using the time to explain how and why Chani returns to Paul, the birth of Alia maybe, etc and then have the time skip to 12 years later and cover the events of Messiah. These films usually have a long run time so if they keep the long run time for this film maybe they'll be able to cover both events. I do believe that the messiah book is considerably shorter than the Dune book, but then the Dune book was split into two films so I am not entirely sure on how well it would work. I guess it would depend on how well it is written.
Another possibility is what some have suggested and that they just throw the book out pretty much completely. The argument here being that Herbert wrote Messiah because when his first book came out the audience didn't get his intended message that Paul wasn't the hero, so he wrote Messiah to really hit home his message that this was a story about the dangers of false prophets and not a hero's journey type story. However Villeneuve has already achieved this message in Dune part two, which could give him some leeway to take the story in a new direction and add his own spin on it. It could also be an opportunity to make the story more appealing to modern audiences, the books were written in the 60's so political and world views were a little different than today. I do think that might be part of the reason why they changed Chani's character, the loyal concubine who follows along with the false saviour's crusade might not have been all that appealing to a more modern audience. The flip side of that though is that abandoning the book completely might not be a popular decision amongst the book readers. So you could end up alienating one side of the audience in favour of making the story your own and trying to appeal more to the general audience.
The third way could be to stick as closely to the books as you can given the changes made in part two. Villeneuve could just start the film with a narration from one of the characters like he did with Chani in part one and Irulan in part two, maybe this time they could have a narration from Paul himself explaining what happened in the war and how and why Chani came back to him etc, setting the scene so to speak. Then from then out just follow whatever happens in the books. Personally I don't know how satisfying I would find this but it would at least follow the same pattern as the other two films if it opens with a narration.
One other thought I had was they could keep the time-skip for the film but have a miniseries that is set during the holy war, I know they are already doing a miniseries covering the bene gesserit so maybe they can also do one showing the war to fill in the gaps. However I think this would be highly unlikely as I don't think they'd have the time to film both a mini series and an actual film. But you never know maybe we'll get really really lucky.
Out of all the possible options, I personally think the first one would be the best option. It would be the best of both worlds, the book readers will still get to see the book adapted, but spending some time at the beginning of the film showing the war could add that needed action and make it more exciting for those who haven't read the book and who might otherwise be disappointed.
But I am curious to know what others think. If you haven't read the book how do you feel about there being such a large time-skip? Do you care if they skip over the war? Or if you are a book reader are you hoping they'll stay close to the book or do you share the same opinion as some of the other comments I saw saying it won't translate well to film? How important do you think the change to Chani's character is and do you agree with those saying it has messed things up going forward? I am very curious to know. All of this being said I am still very excited that they are making a third film and I trust that no matter what direction he chooses to go Villeneuve will deliver another amazing piece of media for us.
#dune#dune part three#dune part three theory#dune messiah#paul atreides#chani kynes#dune thoughts#dune part one#dune part 2#dune part two
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Collected thoughts on the Grimwalker Ghost Zone:
Poor Caleb's experience as a dead person is just. Not normal.
Most dead people are gonna keep an eye on their friends, their kids, their grandkids, and MAYBE their great-grandkids. And then there's no direct ties left to worry so much about the living anymore and you can get on with your afterlife.
And then we have Caleb.
So it's like. The average dead person keeps an eye on the living for 100 years after their death, at most. Caleb Wittebane, who's been cloned 200 times in the last four centuries and feels personally responsible for his still-living brother trying to enact a genocide--
In undefined characters-watching-from-the-afterlife scenarios I usually default the watching happening via TV unless stated otherwise. But it's TOH so I'm imagining Caleb slouched on the couch in front of a big crystal ball. He's not alone of course, Evelyn is there, she checks on him often like, uh. hey sweetie. you doing okay?
Caleb: Evie, meet Virtue! HE ONLY LASTED 11 MONTHS
Evelyn: …you know you COULD stop paying attention to--
Caleb: NO I CAN'T
Evelyn: *sigh* No, you can't.
And of course all the Grimwalkers are there, cuz, like. Where else are they gonna go? They barely had lives, wtf are they gonna do with their afterlives? Might as well wait for Belos to croak, they'll figure out what to do next AFTER they've gotten some closure.
So they're all just in this house together. It's the afterlife, stuff just gets provided, and the afterlife saw fit to provide them with a big stupid house. There's plenty of space and the crystal ball somehow gets repaired every time it suffers an anger-induced shattering and the liquor cabinet is always well-stocked.
Caleb's watching the living with the same energy as someone who's been watching a show since its premiere, but then the writing started going downhill and the plot jumped the shark and now they can't STOP watching because they intend to see this through to the bitter and disappointing end. When he first died he was so upset he refused to even THINK about Philip for a decade and just paid attention to his wife and kid. At some point he checked on Philip out of morbid curiosity, which led to morbid realization, which led to him thinking he should check on Philip more. And then there's clones and this Collector kid and Philip is obviously planning SOMETHING and then Evelyn dies of old age but Philip apparently has no intentions of dying anytime soon and then Caleb's KID is dead and Philip is still alive and Caleb's GRANDKIDS are dead but Philip isn't and there's been 20 Grimwalkers so far and Philip shows no signs of stopping either living OR making and killing Grimwalkers and OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING??
When Evelyn dies she's so ready for her reunion with Caleb. "I'm so glad I can finally rest in peace with my beloved--Caleb what are you doing?"
He's standing in front of a conspiracy board like "Philip's spent the last few decades cloning me and killing the clones and I don't like where it's going."
Evelyn: What. WHAT? Philip's ALIVE? I haven't seen him since he killed you, how the fuck has nothing eaten him??
Caleb: Btw meet Caleb 2, Hunter, Hunter 2, Hunter 3, and Nameless Vivisection Experiment (he's working on a name).
Assorted Grimwalkers: *awkward wave?*
Caleb's just like, Evie, you have no idea how glad I am you fell off Philip's radar, we're lucky all he did was steal my corpse. I'm being completely serious, unfortunately.
And then the Grimwalkers start coming and they don't stop coming, and they're just stuck in this together because what ELSE are they gonna do? Caleb staring at the crystal ball like "This is Hell. The Puritans were right. Hell exists, and this is it." Evelyn's like "Hell isn't a place, dear. It's just a situation. Our neighbors are resting in so much peace, they'd probably think they're in your Heaven if they knew what that was!"
Everyone isn't watching at all times, cuz that'd be ridiculous. It's kinda like when you're having a party for a sports game, not everyone's paying attention to the TV. You'll have people hanging out chatting and eating and chilling and then there are the people who are intensely paying attention to the game.
Caleb's the one intensely paying attention. Everyone else kinda pops up like "so is he dead yet? is he close to being dead yet? no? bummer. who's this? nice to meet you Virtue. 11 months? yikes"
And it's not like it's just them! It's the afterlife, everyone else who's ever died is perfectly capable of dropping by for a visit. Not that many people do, because the Grimwalker Ghost Zone has a bit of a…reputation. Like. Those people are NOT having a normal afterlife. Let's just. Leave them be.
Sometimes the Witteclaw kid comes to visit. Hi Mom! Hi various tragic brother/uncles (brouncles?) who are literally and figuratively younger than me! Oh, hey new guy, welcome! 11 months? Yikes. Hope you're settling in alright! Mom, what state should I expect Dad to be in when I go say hi? Last time he was manically planning which part of his brother he was going to punch first upon arrival. Ah, depressive episode? Got it, I'll be gentle.
Evelyn's family come to visit like yeesh you and Caleb are still paying attention to the living? It's been like. 400 years. No one stays this invested this long.
Relatives: Okay but have you considered, like. getting over it.
They're not even wrong. Continuing to watch the living for this long is, like, the same energy as keeping tabs on your high school friends that you haven't spoken to in 30 years. This isn't healthy. You need better hobbies. Okay it's KIND OF understandable since Caleb's brother and clones are involved, but like. You realize this is entirely optional, right?
Evelyn: Caleb, honey, please, you PROMISED we could have dinner with my parents tonight.
Evelyn: We've all killed birds with our bare hands, darling. Come put your shoes on.
When Tell pops up he turns out to be just as invested as Caleb is, on account of the wife and kid situation. So Caleb actually has consistent company for 15 years while they both basically live through the same hell.
Tell walks into the kitchen for a beer and finds Caleb face-down on the floor and Tell's like "what's up man" and Caleb's like "Virtue died" and Tell is like "isn't he like eleven months" and Caleb just nods and Tell's like "cool I'm gonna go meet him" and just leaves Caleb on the floor. Caleb's like "wait didn't you hate him" and Tell's like "yeah but I mean. he doesn't know that."
At some point someone tells Virtue "Y'know Tell literally hated you" (Miles? my money's on Miles) and it starts a whole sibling fight that Evelyn has to break up.
"I didn't hate you I just hated the idea of you! It wasn't personal!"
"Yeah he was always really smug when another Grimwalker would rot in the ground."
Caitlyn and Dust die and Dust is like "what is WRONG with your daughter?" and Tell is like "ouch, but fair" and Virtue's like "she probably gets her penchant for not caring about Grimwalkers FROM HER DAD" and Tell is like "HEY." At this rate Caleb's gonna be the first dead person to have an aneurysm.
Evelyn's just glad to have Caitlyn around. Sure, she's dealing with the shock of her death after over a decade of dissociating, but Evelyn's just like FINALLY, someone who isn't a Grimwalker, and she's family to boot!
Caitlyn: Wait, family? I guess you look like a Clawthorne but I've never heard of you. How are we related?
Evelyn: Haha well I'm your many-great-grandma who Belos had very personal beef with 400 years ago and I may or may not be the reason why he decided to enact his sick game of house with you. I would say I'm sorry but literally none of this is my fault.
Caitlyn: Oh my god.
Evelyn: Haha yeah watching you and Enoch over the last 12 years has been extremely horrifying on a deeply personal level. What's your favorite alcohol? I promise we have it.
When Enoch dies Tell's like "well it was nice hanging out Caleb, thanks for all the screaming sessions, I'm gonna go get some quality time with my dead family now, peace" and Caleb's just like haha cool. fine. GLAD YOU CAN FINALLY REST IN PEACE, TELL. how many of my bones are left? there's no way this can continue after they're all used up, right? They're down to a ribcage and he's counting down the ribs.
Jasper dies and gets greeted by Tell who's like "howdy, normally our ortet would greet you but he's a little busy dealing with emotions right now"--*muffled screaming down the hall*--"so it was decided I'd be the best one to explain things since we've got some things in common." Jasper's kinda dazed like "uh…I didn't really think anyone was gonna greet me" and Tell's like "HAHA YEAH none of us ever do."
Jasper becomes just as invested as Caleb is and Tell used to be, because Hunter. So Caleb has a new bingewatching buddy! Yay?
Belos: *about to punish Hunter*
Caleb: *dragging Jasper away* Y'know what, you don't need to see this, let's go outside and get some air or something--
At some point Manny Noceda shows up, all cheerful and polite on the doorstep like "Hi! I heard there might be some people here who're watching someone who's involved in my daughter's life? She kinda stumbled into your world, see, and I was thinking--"
Evelyn's just blocking the doorway staring at him like "Listen. Before I let you in here. I NEED to make sure you understand the centuries of bullshit you're about to step into."
"Haha yeah I get it, family drama sure is--"
Manny thinks he understands what he's getting into. Manny does NOT understand what he's getting into. Manny takes it in stride and enjoys these people's company anyway. Evelyn is happy to have another person around who she can count on to not be a constant mess. Manny/Evelyn BFFs 4afterlyfe.
Of course Manny also now has a VERY in-depth understanding of the 4-century clusterfuck Luz has gotten tangled up in and that is. Kinda anxiety-inducing. But like, he's pretty sure she's got this! That's his daughter! She's genre savvy, she'll be alright! Even if this situation is…way more horrifying than he realized at first.
His own dead relatives call him up like "Hey Manny! How's the watch party going? Luz still in that weird fantasy world she discovered? She having fun living out her own personal adventure story?"
Manny thinks about that time last week when Caleb and several Grimwalkers got drunk and tried to make a definitive list of the Top 5 Worst Things Belos Has Done and half of the entries were 3-way ties and there were WAY too many Honorary Mentions, and he just forces a grin and goes "Yep! Luz is doing great! She's having a blast! My new friends are super cool!"
"Oh, that's great! Could we meet th--"
Manny tries to find things to do with his weird new friends but like. He's a 21st century sci-fi nerd. He has no idea how to relate to 400-year-old witches. But he thinks, well, I lived in New England, and Caleb lived in New England. So he's like "hey do you guys wanna do Thanksgiving together?"
Thanksgiving wasn't an official holiday until the 1800s, but Caleb knows what a feast of thanksgiving is, it's even a Puritan-approved party (ie the Pilgrims) that they'd do when they wanted to show God their gratitude! So he's just like, Manny. WTF. This is NOT the time.
Manny: Well, I mean, we're halfway through October so now's the time to start planning--
Caleb, gesturing to Belos gooping on various woodland critters: YOU THINK THIS IS WORTHY OF GIVING THANKS FOR???
By the time Luz becomes relevant, EVERYONE has started watching religiously. This is like. The final minutes of the big sports game. The series finale of their lives. But after Belos is dead (and summarily punched by everyone) most of the Grimwalkers stop paying any attention to the CB at all. Like. There's nothing else tying them to the living now. Whew. Cool. Vengeance is had! No need to pay attention to the living world ever again!
Except Jasper, of course, who figures he's just gonna watch Hunter by himself.
And then Caleb collapses next to him on the couch with snacks like "sup" and Jasper's like "oh, you uh, you wanna keep watching with me?" and Caleb's like "I suffered through four centuries of this, what's one more? and after watching every season of my brother's bullshit Grimwalker Trauma And Murder Show, I deserve to watch one of you live a decent life in the infinitely happier sequel series"
Manny's like "Yeah I'll stick around too, it looks like Luz is gonna be spending a LOT of time in your world and I'm really gonna need people to explain things to me. Anyway, I know this is a little late, but things have calmed down now and we have time since it's still just the START of November, so…Thanksgiving?"
And Caleb looks at Hunter, alive and free on the CB, and then glances out the window where Enoch is kicking the shit out of Belos in the backyard, and says, "Alright, yes, a celebration is in order. This is indeed worthy of thanksgiving."
"Oh, awesome! Uh…important question, what kind of cranberry sauce do you like?"
"What the fuck is cranberry sauce?"
I feel like miles is back there too if only because he and Enoch are nasty little rude children and friends because of it.
Also don't forget flapjack AND hawk hunter are there. Flapjack sitting on Caleb's head and pulling his hair until he passes him a piece of popcorn or a peanut. All of them going completely apeshit for hunters first kiss. Camila appreciation club. Jasper and Manny both delighted by the fact Camila being mother to their child makes them like. Fathers in law? Mutuals? Proxy???? Something. there's a kinship there and it's funny. Hunter carves waffles and flapjack gets so excited he flies into the TV and knocks himself out
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...lost child, pt. 1.
dialogue prompts from the story of the lost child by elena ferrante.
one doesn't tell the story of an erasure.
it's marvelous to cross borders.
children aren't rigid the way we are.
how can i like ____ if i love you?
there is no man who is not difficult to live with.
i've asked around. the talk in ____ is very nasty.
it's pointless to open the eyes of someone in love.
i was afraid you'd get angry and our day would be ruined.
i've never been able to say 'no' to _____.
it's my problem. i don't see the need to discuss it.
your problems are also mine now.
how many words remain unsayable, even between people in love.
how is it that you've become so touchy?
you know that i like everything about you.
i want us to be reconciled.
come back here to live.
it's starting over from zero.
you're more cultured than you wish to appear.
you're an important part of the world i came from.
i want to be seen with you.
it's time to acknowledge that we've used each other up.
you think you can still drag me with you where you want.
i never hear from you. i never see you.
i've got my own troubles. leave me alone.
i love you. whatever you decide to do.
you can't be seen here.
if they find you, i can't help you.
i don't want to see or hear you anymore.
maybe you don't need me anymore.
i can't wait to hold you.
am i wrong about everything? do i deserve what is happening to me?
you can stay with me, any time you find yourself in trouble.
i called your mother.
you look well. you're very stylish.
you're not my child anymore.
i didn't want this. it's too much. not even you deserve it.
you have always been my cross.
i must be a truly intolerable disappointment.
you have to take account of reality. decide what you can give up and what you can't.
you'd rather be liked by those in charge than fight for an idea.
linear explanations are almost always lies.
i don't give a damn about you.
i'm getting used to being happy and unhappy at the same time.
words rarely go to the right place.
it's unavoidable to pretend a little.
even in the midst of chaos, we're always inventing an order. pretending to know exactly how things are going.
don't just criticize me. tell me what to do.
don't you get into trouble, please.
i'm not always satisfied with myself.
we must be careful not to become policemen of ourselves.
i don't know to what point i seriously believe what i say.
fear and rage are mixed up, and i can't control either one.
remember that we're here now. together. the rest is background, and will change.
you left. what did you expect?
i feel like i'm finally an adult.
you take care of your friends. you take care of everyone.
how i envied you.
i did it for your own good.
i'll worry about my own good.
i'm not offended. go on.
i don't want you to pardon me. i want only to be understood.
you don't have the courage of your choices. you're a coward.
it's going just the way you wanted it to go.
i know things you couldn't imagine.
you're just a hypocrite. you hide your dirt under the carpet.
you can't understand what it means to love and to give up what you love.
you know i love you, but you were wrong.
i'm not unfair. i'm direct.
you're you, but you're not yourself.
i don't care in the least how much you're suffering.
love and sex are unreasonable and brutal.
it's a good rule not to expect the ideal. enjoy what is possible.
i have to get used to doing without you. but i need time.
i've never been able to separate myself from anything or anyone.
love ends only when it is possible to return to oneself without fear or disgust.
i'm not capable of leaving you now, but sooner or later, it will happen.
we are inventing new forms of living together.
you don't know how to adapt. you have to learn.
i'm learning to avoid myself.
eat as much as you want.
seeing you turns my stomach.
what you think you are means nothing.
i'm the boss now. i do what i like.
one should do what one feels like doing.
i'll never surrender. they'll have to kill me.
a lot of things have changed since you left.
you always know how to complicate things.
as usual, you've surprised me.
ill feelings are inevitable. the essential thing is to keep them in check.
does ____ love you more than i do?
the older you get, the worse you are.
get out. you only bother me.
i know how to suffer. i learned at the age of __.
if you know how to suffer, the angel of death respects you.
anyone can make a mistake. myself, first of all.
nothing is wrong with you. don't worry.
you mustn't stick your nose into matters you're not familiar with.
with siblings, things aren't always straightforward.
[name] is certainly not my friend.
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i heard what happened.
thank you for protecting the child.
we can risk violence here or face it for certain on the road.
a low thought, but i'd be lying if i said i hadn't considered it.
i'm not some murderer for hire.
to get these people to safety, there's nothing i won't do.
if your people survived that, they'll survive anything.
it's unusual for them to organize so cleverly.
you're equal to the task.
try not to keel over with the first blade drawn.
might not look it, but we're tough.
there's optimism and then there's stupid.
how are you going to take my gold if you're dead?
just leave the gold on my corpse.
i wish we could at least give them a proper burial.
gold ain't any use if you're too cold to spend it.
you're giving up?
you should leave it, or destroy it.
at best it's worthless. at worst, who knows.
do not trifle with that moon witch or her trinkets.
only trouble will follow.
we've enough troubles and burdens as it is.
perhaps you can sell that for a couple of coins.
i should pluck your eyes out.
a cursed book? how obvious.
this quarrel sours our feast.
be you friend or food?
am i not astonishing?
i am by all accounts a student of higher commerce and extortion.
it's not what it looks like, i swear.
i wasn't going to hurt you.
i can't believe i didn't see it.
i'm not some monster.
why didn't you tell me?
i needed you to trust me.
you can trust me.
do you think you could trust me just a little further?
let's make ourselves comfortable, shall we?
i was just swept up in the moment.
i'm looking forward to seeing you fight.
you're invigorating, but i need something more filling.
this is a gift, you know. i won't forget it.
good morning. how do you feel?
i just feel a little woozy.
i thought you'd be more powerful.
someone, or something, wants me alive.
as for my other quirks — well, we can figure those out in time.
i'm just glad you're being sensible about these revelations.
i was worried people might turn up with torches and pitchforks.
that explains the pallor.
we're each monsters in the making.
i taste absolutely awful.
we need him, like it or not.
we're bound together, no matter what comes.
you say all the right words, but i'm not so sure you mean the right things.
i will respect the decision that was made.
we're all friends again.
there's a long day ahead of us.
what a manner of place is this?
is this a path to redemption or a road to damnation?
your journey is just beginning.
what would suit the occasion?
i am [name], very much at your service.
if you want to threaten me, don't disguise it.
you're paranoid, aren't you.
must be the surroundings.
rather bleak and lonesome, one feels so exposed.
this quaint little scene is decidedly too middle-of-nowhere for me.
enjoy your supper. after all, i might be your last.
are these theatrics leading somewhere?
are you not entertained?
far be it from me to disappoint.
how dear is one's soul?
you're made if you think i'll make a deal with a devil.
what is madness but a denial of reality?
exhaust every possibility until none are left.
when hope has been whittled down to the very marrow of despair, that's when you'll come knocking on my door.
i'll have the last laugh in the end.
one might say you're a paragon of luck.
i've something important to discuss with you.
we've been travelling together for a while now and it's just about time that i shared something with you.
are you telling me you're addicted to magic?
i would not burden anyone other than myself with this were the stakes not so high.
if not out of the simple goodness of your heart, then perhaps your own self-interest might be sufficient motivation.
please, trust me.
your help could be the difference between life and death.
i'm afraid that's not going to work on me.
let us agree on actions first and explanations later.
i didn't come seeking battle.
you're different than the others, i can tell.
i'm afraid proper thanks must wait.
your boldness is a blessing.
it takes more than mere fire to break me.
i must ask again for your aid.
why entrust this to me?
i know him better than most.
i'm not interested in your lineage.
you shouldn't keep secrets like this from me.
he named me friend, and that meant the world.
they're a powerful friend with a keen interest in privacy.
i'm sworn to say no more.
i spent more time dueling than rubbing elbows with lords.
not to say i didn't develop a taste for good win and a talent for courtly dance.
it's been a badger's age since i've twinkled my toes.
a drunk ogre could put on a better show.
we can learn a lot from fairytales, don't you think?
he'll require of you only what you're least ready to part with, and then require more still.
the devil won't take just anything, he'll take everything.
that is a story reserved for lifetime friends and calmer days.
i question the wisdom in that decision but so be it.
there's no way you could have known.
i doubt a fight against them would go your way.
seems you have good survival instincts.
i go my own way — alone.
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