#am i on to something with this or does starkid just like back and forth separated by repeated phrases
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sammos-shitpost-central · 3 months ago
something something parallels blah blah blah the back and forth in "high school is killing me" between pete and steph and the back and forth in "what do you say" between tom and becky
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shaniacsboogara · 1 year ago
boog what is your fav sk show
I may have taken forever to answer this, but that's because I've been THINKING ABOUT IT CONSTANTLY!!!
In all honesty, I can't pick ONE favourite, but I'll give you a little list (in no particular order mind you)
The first sk musical I ever watched was The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals (probably a few months after it originally came out???) and it will ALWAYS be one of my favourite musicals of all time. It's funny, the premise is unique and inventive, the score is PHENOMENAL, and THE PERFORMANCES??? Corey as Bill made me SOB (and still does if I think about him and Alice's story too hard). Now that the productions rights are out and I'm headed to uni and they have a theatre club there... 👀 (It probably won't happen but a Boog can dream)
I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Twisted. Yeah it's silly, but also absolutely devastating. It would be an understatement to say I'm obsessed with Dylan Saunders' performance as Jafar. Twisted is my Roman Empire. I think about No One Remembers Achmed at least five times a day. AND JEFF BLIM AS FREAKY ALADDIN??? HIS JEKYLL AND HYDE MOMENT??? IS FOREVER ENGRAINED IN MY PSYCHE. And also just the Disney villains montage type thing they do is iconic and wonderful and 'If I Believed' is the only song ever actually.
I also just love The Hatchetverse as a whole. Black Friday was a real treat and I absolutely freaked out when I found out Dylan was in it, and was still absolutely astonished by his performing as Tom. That man is MAGICAL. A lot of people put "what tim wants" and "if I fail you" pretty low in their song rankings but like... They are EVERYTHING to me. Also KIM WHALEN??? A FELLOW GINGER SOPRANO WHO IS JUST SO GORGEOUS AND TALENTED AND I LOVE HER??? Also Jon as Wiggly is HORRIFYING and seeing him go from Paul in tgwdlm straight to Wiggly was JARRING. Linda Monroe is also ✨iconic✨. (I could ramble about this musical forever). It was definitely different in some ways than TGWDLM and was more serious tonally, but I really enjoyed it (and the music is AWESOME).
Trail to Oregon is also great!!! It's so silly and I LOVE seeing Joey Richter scurry back and forth putting on different hats to play almost the entire ensemble. Corey as Cleetus and the grandpa (Titty Mitty in the proshot) was phenomenal, and Lauren Lopez as Craphole is probably one of my favourite roles she's ever played. My absolute favourite moment of this entire musical is Joey Richter playing the baby buffalo whose family is about to get slaughtered. Baby buffalo Joey lives rent free in my mind. Also the best theatre blooper of all time comes from TTO (Joey forgetting his lines in independence my beloved)
NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE. THE SOUNDTRACK. THE SOUNDTRACK. I haven't watched this one as many times as the others, and it hasn't been around for as long so I don't think I've fully grown to appreciate it yet (and that's saying A LOT because I LOVE NPMD). ANGELA AS GRACE CHASTITY??? HELLO??? SHE IS EVERYTHING??? AND MAX JAGERMAN??? All of the performances in this are absolutely incredible. ALSO FINALLY GETTING MARIAH AS A LEAD IN A STARKID SHOW??? AS SOMEONE WHO'S BEEN IN THE FANDOM SINCE TGWDLM??? WE WERE WAITING SO PATIENTLY FOR THIS AND HOLY SHIT DID IT PAY OFF. Peter Spankoffski is everything and Cool As I Think I Am is ALSO everything. And omg Richie Lipschitz. I need to see him again in a nightmare time episode or something because that boy deserved SO MUCH BETTER!!! I think the score for this one was also incredible, and it was a super fun musical!!! It didn't permanently fuck up my brain and ruin my life like I was afraid it would, which disappointed me at first honestly, but it's nice to have a hatchetfield story that doesn't result in the immediate end of the world (although grace is totally gonna fuck shit up let's be honest).
Also I LOVE Nightmare Time. So much. Especially characters like Miss Holloway??? She. Is. EVERYTHING. Killer Track and Time Bastard are probably some of my favourite episodes, and I just think the effort put into the writing and editing and everything about nightmare time is just awesome. Hoping we get more down the line ✨🙏✨
I've also watched some of AVPM but I don't think I finished it. HOWEVER, Granger Danger is a certified BANGER and is also everything to me.
Thank you for coming to my TED BOOGtalk
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d-criss-news · 4 years ago
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Darren Criss
On his new EP ‘Masquerade,’ the multi-talented Darren Criss welcomes everyone to the party.
Throughout his career, Darren Criss has never been one to shy away from boundaries. As an actor, he has won numerous awards and critical acclaim for his portrayal of Andrew Cunanan in Ryan Murphy’s award-winning drama American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace, as well as hearts and a cult-like following for his portrayal of Harry Potter in Team Starkid’s A Very Potter Musical. As a musician, his talent shows the same range; he is as well known for his ability to belt a broadway ballad as he is for his covers of Top 40 hits on Glee.
For Criss, this is because all music is simply music. Musicians and listeners alike need not box themselves into certain genres and while this concept is currently growing in mainstream media, it is one Criss has known since he was a teenager. At Warped Tour, he encountered fellow San Franciscans Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, a punk-rock cover band that specializes in the unexpected (their most played track on Spotify is Country Roads.). Inspired by what he’s always known was possible, Darren’s career has had freedom most artists take years to explore — and with his new EP, it’s clear that is the most recent chapter.
‘Masquerade’ is an exploration into Criss’ more eclectic side with each track on the record representing a different persona or masque for the artist. The overt character-driven quality of the EP lends not only to allowing fans to learn more about Darren Criss, but also to create a project where something can be found for everyone.
1883 Magazine spoke to Darren Criss about his perception of genre, his new EP, and the curse of creative people.
Congratulations on ‘Masquerade’. I love it. It’s so fun!
Fun is a very fair adjective, I would agree.
I feel like there’s a very cohesive vision or aesthetic to it. When you set out to make the project, did you have this end goal in min  or were you just making music?
Yes and no. First and foremost, when you’re dealing with the whole of what an artist does, there are so many different facets that make the whole piece. To start, I’m just a songwriter — that’s the main thing that seeds everything else. But, because I’m a creative person, I’d like to think that I have a somewhat cohesive vision for my projects. However, you can conjecture and pontificate over what you want to happen, but ultimately a project is going to come out how it does. The thing that ties it all together, hopefully, is the artistry of the music or the person’s voice. When I heard you say “cohesive” my mind was like, “Phew!” Because we’re all scatterbrained people and we just constantly pray other people somehow think that we planned something or we had it envisioned all along, so to hear that is an enormous relief.
That being said, I had hope for how the EP would come together. I’ve been leaning into this notion of a character-driven song. The dirty secret about that is all songs are character-driven; all art is character-driven in some way or another. I just use that wording to aide folks that might be perceiving me as an actor and to apply that methodology to music.
How so?
I always thought it was a bit of an unfair double standard — where actors can be in a horror movie or romantic comedy — and we’re still behind that person as an actor. Actors can put on a prosthetic nose or a wig and do different things to service whatever story they’re doing. Historically music has been a little trickier, but now I think that’s changing. I’ve always been a self-proclaimed genrephile. I love so many different kinds of things. Growing up it was difficult for me to really assert this without confusing people. Now, that kaleidoscope has shifted in my favour, because people are more into eclecticism and musical diversity due to playlist culture and the whole homogeneity of everything. I’m employing this notion of being an actor and being behind a character and applying it to music by treating each song as its own kind of character. I want the art to correspond with that.
That’s an interesting concept to apply to music.
I know that everything I just said is horrifically more cerebral than it needs to be. If you like the music and it’s fun, great. I’m just trying to help people out that might be confused by perhaps some of the cognitive dissonance that’s happening between some of the styles. At the end of the day, it’s an artist’s voice, literal singing voice, and heart voice — what they have to say and how they say it — that tie everything together. People are more accepting of that than they used to be. This is exciting for me because I finally got to lean into something that I’ve always leaned into my entire life.
The last EP you released was ‘Homework’ in 2017. How do you think you’ve grown as an artist since then?
For me, obviously, there’s personal growth and professional growth. I think my growth is much more technical — getting better at recording music or being able to translate abstract ideas into physical recording — the things that I don’t think necessarily would be seen on the records. Again, much like an actor, ‘Homework’ was me playing the part of making a very low-key, singer/songwriter record. I’m a big believer in dressing for a party. I had some singer/songwriter songs that I wanted to honour. Each record I release shows a different version of myself that I haven’t gotten around to sharing.
The songs on ‘Masquerade’ are not like, “oh man in the past few years, I’ve suddenly become this person.” The EP was me finally getting in touch with my more Garage Band musician roots that I hadn’t been able to flex. It made sense to me to finally make this music. I had linked up with people that I thought could help me bring it to life in a way that hadn’t been done before and I felt like the timing was right. As I mentioned, it seemed like audiences might be a little more privy to this kind of thing.
I don’t want to be so stubborn as to think that there hasn’t been growth. I’ve been so lucky as an actor, that I’ve been busy as an actor. The only obstacle to me putting out more music, which I wish I was doing all the time, is time. I’m not an artist that just shows up, sings, and checks out. I’m writing, I’m producing, and I’m really in the weeds. It takes a great deal of investment, emotionally and mentally when I make music.
So, when you say, “you wish you were always releasing music,” do you mean to imply you have more music or at least ideas for more music?
I think the curse of creative people is that our ideas move faster than our bodies can execute. What this inevitably will create is a huge queue of unattended things that you will always be haunted by. From there, you have to catch as catch can. At any given moment, there’s still so much more in the queue that I want to put out. It literally took a global shutdown for me to finally have the time to look at the said queue, and say, “Okay, which project do I not only really want to do, but also do I have the resources to do and do I think fits into where I am right now?” Because I’m very cognisant of l where I am in my career. I have this huge selection of songs and when I have the time to focus on music, I go through and pick the ones I think fit where I am mentally and how I think other people are feeling.
With all these different genres of music you’ve released and all the music-centric projects that you’ve been a part of, is there a type of music that you enjoy performing the most?
I would say everything, but I don’t mean that in a way to just include everything. By nature, I’m a dot connector; I like shortening the distance between two things as much as possible and showing people how they can coexist. It’s my MO personally and professionally. Genre, while it has a lot to do with the cultural background and history of a type of music, is the boxes that we’ve arbitrarily made up to categorize and market music. I’m completely nondenominational when it comes to genre because all I can hear is chords, melody, and lyrics. It’s never been separated to me. When I’m performing live, I relish getting to lean in and bring together genres. I love using the setlist to show an audience how similar different genres are. For example, I’ll play a punk rock song and right after that I’ll sit at the piano and sing a ballad. My voice will be a little different, but it’s still my voice. Just like in acting, no matter what character an actor is portraying, it’s still their face and their body. Trying to minimize a distance between genres when I perform is an exciting prospect because I like getting audiences to rethink what they think they know about the differences between genre and how really at the end of the day it’s all just storytelling. So…I like performing it all.
I didn’t say you couldn’t say you liked everything. [Chuckles] That’s a perfectly acceptable answer.
I like putting all of it together specifically to show the similarities. Historically, all the great steps forward in a new kind of art form have been by mashing two or three seemingly unrelated things together. It’s happening constantly. It’s happening right now. Culture is a constant conversation back and forth. It’s a sharing of ideas that ebb and flow to create something new. I’m not saying that I’m taking part in this ancient conversation, but I’m certainly enjoying it. When I see pieces of it that I would like to showcase, I jump at the opportunity to do so.
Since ‘Masquerade’ has been in your creative bank for a while, what would you say inspired it?
Every song has its own inspiration. The album doesn’t really have an inspiration. If anything, I’m trying to make sure that I can show up for myself. I feel like with everything that I’ve done musically, I haven’t gotten to represent who and what I am and what I do. To me, this EP gets me closer to that goal. I still think that only a small percentage of me has been represented and that’s just because of time. I haven’t been able to focus on music in the way that I’d like, but ‘Masquerade’ is a huge stride for me.
Speaking of you being on Broadway, Elsie Fest is Sunday! On top of it just being exciting because it’s back, it’s your first public gig in almost two years. What did you miss most about the festival?
Listen, even without a global pandemic to worry about, putting on a music festival is hard enough. It’s one of my favourite times of the year because I’m very proud of what we’ve built and what we’ve continued to build and expand upon over the years. There’s been a community that has been built around not only people that come to the festival but people that have been part of it. I’ve followed these performers’ careers and I’ve been really grateful that we got a piece of their magic and got to be part of their journey at Elsie Fest. Magic which I can’t take credit for. I just lucked out with having incredible people perform. Over the years, we’ve had Cynthia Erivo perform twice. The first time she premiered a song called ‘You Will Be Found’ from a musical that would open in a year called ‘Dear Evan Hansen.’ We premiered a song from a movie called ‘The Greatest Showman.’ Keala Settle went on to win a Golden Globe for that song. Last year, we had a young girl from Disney sing for us — her name was Olivia Rodrigo. Those are just three examples. There’s been a lot of people that I’ve been thrilled to see do their thing. This year we have an incredible lineup. Barlow & Bear are coming, along with Jordan Fisher, Adrienne Warren, Pentatonix’s Kirstin Maldonado, and Alex Brightman. It’s gonna be great.
The obvious and the biggest answer is getting to perform live within as much of a safe and comfortable environment as humanly possible. Luckily we’re an outdoor festival, so that’s already to our advantage. I will be performing this new EP, but there is also a lot of music to catch up on and a lot of music I want to share. I’m mainly excited to share it with other human beings. I look at performing as a service industry. Everything that I do isn’t worth a whole lot unless other people experience it because it takes on a life of its own. The audience is not there for me & I’m there for them. I’m trying to service an experience that’s bigger than both of us and create something that couldn’t have been there if both parties were on their own.
Before I let you go, I need to tell you that Tramp Stamp Granny’s is one of my favourite bars in LA. I’m obsessed! I haven’t made it back yet. Like I said earlier, the editor Kelsey is also one of my best friends and when she comes, it’s top on my list of places to take her.
Really?! That makes me so happy. You couldn’t have said a better thing. We’re open again to limited capacity. We require vaccinations cards at the door and we’re only open Thursday-Saturday. Talk about being with people — the night we reopened, about a month ago, I got pretty emotional. It was nice to see people just being happy to sing and celebrate life with strangers. That was a really encouraging sentiment because despite the use of digital communication which I do think is an amazing thing, we, so clearly, inevitably, yearn for each other. Despite everything, people were coming to the bar and were so happy to be there and be around other people. Our need for other human beings is a constant that is extremely encouraging to me as a bleeding heart idealist. It’s nice to be a small part of that.
Finally, you said earlier Barlow and Bear were going to be at Elsie Fest. I cannot wait for the Unofficial Bridgerton Musical and was so excited to see you’re involved.
It’s cool meeting them because in a much more organized and impressive fashion they’re doing what my friends and I did ten years ago with ‘A Very Potter Musical.’ They are insanely talented and deserve to be the huge phenomenon they have become. They’re the future. I’m trying to grab onto their coattails however I can. [chuckles] They’re just getting started. I’ve been a big fan of Emily’s for a long time. She hates it when people say this, but [mock yells] she was a child prodigy and she still is. She’s an amazing human being.
Masquerade is out now.
Follow Darren Criss @darrencriss
Interview by Sydney Bolen
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readbetweenthelineslove · 5 years ago
Thoughts While Watching SK Homecoming
I was literally smiling and laughing like an idiot while watching these wonderful amazing people and thinking of all of the memories from years of enjoying their musicals. I am so glad I bought the digital download because they deserve all of the love and support. Just a word of warning I will be spoiling what happens throughout the show so if you haven’t seen it yet and/or you don’t want to have anything spoiled for you, I would not proceed any further. You have been warned. Also, as the show is over two hours long, buckle in cause this is gonna be a doozy and I have a lot of feeling about this wonderful show.
Disclaimer: these are just my own personal thoughts and opinions as a long time fan of Starkid, please don’t come at me.
1. Darren is so cute with how he encourages and interacts with the crowd, you can tell how much he loves Starkid and loves the fans
2. we stan a founding knucklehead of Starkid
3. I am so proud of the musical daddies as they conduct a literal orchestra!! how far they have come!!! also, hearing all of the songs with the orchestra is such a treat.
4. I am living for Jeff Blims outfit! the eyeliner, the necklace, the vest!! honestly, iconic.
5. It is so funny to me that they had to edit out fuck from their songs, i.e. “i mean what the what”; “tiger lover”; “he porked a tiger”.
6. Did they change the octave that they were singing, because Jeff seems to be struggling?
7. I love how Jon Matteson looks the same as he did TGWDLM, he is Paul.
8. I don’t know why but the TGWDLM medley is increasing my appreciation for Jeff, previously who wasn’t really on my radar in terms of my favorite starkids, but I love his little dance moves and funny things he does
9. Robert Manion fucking performs the hell out of show stopping number and I am here for it every single time. I feel like he can’t help it and you can tell he’s into it because he can’t help but make the Hidgins face and wiggle his hips. Also, THE BODY ROLLS I AM LIVING FOR THEM !!! (@9:10)
10. Both Mariah and Jon are confirmed working boys and I love them for it. I love that Corey brought Mariah in at the end to make sure she was included.
11. Okay but Lauren Lopez knows how to perform like she knows how to work and engage a live audience. I so enjoy watching performances like this where there isn’t a wall between performer and audience because I think that that’s when she shines. I also feel like the same applies to Rob, Joey, and Darren, they are just so fun to watch.
12. How are all of these people so attractive!! I especially love Lauren’s outfit, but that’s probably just cause I love her so much.
13. I don’t know why but Brian’s “I still don't know!!” at 12:08 gets me every time.
14. Joey’s look behind him for his shadow at 12:24 while he bops kills me.
15. The orchestral swell at 13:05 with “this is the dawn” is so beautiful.
16. Lauren's arms are unbelievable, but we already knew that
17. 14:43 where Joey and Lauren walk and then turn back is so funny to me.
18. The second naked in a lake kicked in at 17:05, I got so hype. also, love that Corey took off his jacket during the song.
19. All the different faces and actions during the “fasters” at 19:54 are so good.
20. I never realized how tall and gangly Clark was until the Ani section, the boy's limbs are too long for his own good and I love it. His voice is so beautiful though!!
21. Joe calling Twisted the first-ever live-action Disney remake is iconic and no one can tell me otherwise.
22. I was legitimately afraid for the buttons on Joe’s shirt at 27:43.
23. Britney Coleman and Carlos Valdez singing 1001 Nights was a wonderful surprise and literally so beautiful, also their exit as Dylan started singing was so cute.
24. I’m kind of sad that they didn’t actually sing Twisted in the medley cause that was one of my favorite songs, but I understand that they had time constraints.
25. After 32:38, I feel like I need to watch the Lego Batman movie to see how similar it is to HMB.
26. Semi-disappointed that they didn’t do the usual choreography for the “I want to be your friend forever” part, but I respect that the handheld mics restricted them.
27. The bass or guitar or whatever in the background at 36:30 was so groovy, I was a fan of that.
28. Tbh, I didn’t really get Denise’s whole bit about how Starship is a show only for dreamers, it just felt a little off to me.
29. I’m a little bummed that Joey didn’t sing Status Quo, but I like that they gave it to Mariah and Alex who both have lovely voices. I appreciate that they had a moment to shine when they might not have because they are newer members/ only had a small role.
30. Brian and Jaime’s eye contact with the camera at 40:48 is so powerful and I’m here for it.
31. Joey mouthing the lyrics at 41:21 is so funny and I love it.
32. AJ’s little jump in the background at 43:02 is so cute.
33. Their constant need to have to avoid saying dick throughout the whole MAMD section is so good and hilarious, with so many expertly timed entrances from AJ Holmes and Joe Walker.
34. Joey saying no to the different microphones at 44:00 is absolutely artistic and fucking hysterical. It gave me similar vibes to Bo Burnham’s bit about seeing the most beautiful penis at a urinal.
35. 45:40, AJ Holmes is a delight of a man, need I say more.
36. “Do I smell?” “Pretty bad.” 45:07
37. Seeing Meredith and Brian standing next to each other at 48:49 makes my heart so happy cause this is what brought them together and now they are married and it’s amazing.
38. “We’ve written on all of the Starkid shows” 50:46, what a powerful statement.
39. I had no clue that the Starkid movie (1997) was a thing and I love that Nick just straight-up roasted it.
40. The subtitles at 52:56, dramatical instrumental music. I am here for it, I love this revamped version
41. Darren is so extra singing Goin back to Hogwarts and I am here for it. Our boy has grown so much! 
42. Pulling out the glasses at 54:03 is a power move.
43. I’m not sure about how I feel about people singing along to the songs during this. I know it is supposed to be for the fans but don’t people want to just sit back and listen to how amazing these people are and just enjoy. Maybe that’s just cause I only am viewing it through a computer and if I had been there I might have felt different, but who knows.
44. 56:05, AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! It’s Bonnie!!! She looks amazing and I’m so happy that she’s here!!!
45. Joey trying to the clap in the ear with mic at 58:04.
46. 58:16, I love how Darren always hypes up the crowd for Lauren’s entrances as Draco, he’s done this a number of times and it makes my heart so happy how he supports his friends.
47. I love Lauren so much the way she moves across the stage at 58:57, the power stance at 59:05...absolutely incredible.
48. I love seeing Rob in the chorus cause he was a fan, he loves AVPM just as much as we do and now we get to see him up there performing one of the most iconic songs. It honestly just makes my heart so happy.
49. 1:00:12, Dylan emerging from the audience is honestly so funny to me and I love him for it. Also, I love the ongoing trope of the “welcome” getting progressively longer each time they perform the song. Bless Dylan’s lungs and abilities to sustain that note.
50. 1:03:45 Jim little butt taps are so good.
51. The saxophone at 1:04:19 is so enjoyable.
52. I like how the slowed things down for Home at 1:06:10 with Darren sitting on the stage just having a personal moment with the audience, it was really nice.
53. Darren’s hops at 1:08:45 are so adorable and I love them.
54. I know that AVPM songs are iconic and everyone loves them, but I would have liked to see them so some more songs from AVPS and AVPSY, especially since they had some time rehearse them and there would be no mic issues.
55. Yay for a Bonnie and Meredith duet, both women are wonderful and have done an amazing job as Hermione and I love them both.
56. “Art imitates life a little bit on that one”, it’s okay we love you Darren with your silly guitar.
57. I didn’t think watching this would be educational, but I now know what a litmus test is and what slant rhymes (aka really pushing it rhymes) are thanks to Darren and google, so there’s that.
58. This may be a bit controversial but I feel as though this was one of the weaker performances of Granger Danger, usually Joey and Lauren have fun with it and I love it when they do, but this time they seemed to be more going through the motions. There were good moments (i.e. Joey’s hips, Lauren sliding down the mic stand, the back and forth head turns) but overall it was just kind of eh.
59. Darren’s twirl at 1:28:36 is delightful.
60. I firmly believe that AJ has permanently memorized the fantasy monologue and I refuse to let anyone tell me otherwise, 1:31:10. Also, I’m curious if it was planned because someone in the audience calls out for it, but that might have been a plant so who knows.
61. I just realized at 1:32:20, where he’s talking about mouse wives and concubines that would be bestiality. He only shrunk his size down, he would still technically be a human...
62. Tyler Brunsman singing Guys like Potter is now kind of funny considering AVPSY and Cedric ending up with Lily in the afterlife.
63. Joe Moses face at 1:38:57 is classic Snape and I am here for it.
64. Another yay for Sidekick, this is one of my fav AVPSY songs and Joey kills it every time.
65. 1:43:19, goddamn that man can hit a high note.
66. I love the addition of Rob to Everything Ends, what a pretty song and Rob’s voice works wonderfully with it.
67. 1:44:58, Rob struggling with the mic is hilarious.
68. Classic Snape speech at 1:46:30, simply inspiring.
69. I love Jaime and we all know her voice is incredible, but something seemed off during Not Alone and at times it sounded like she was struggling.
70. 1:51:56, I don’t know if I just don’t know much about music but Joey’s make was a little off, but on another note, I think it would have been really sweet if they had let Lauren sing too so that Draco could finally add to that harmony.
71. That sick piano rift at 1:54:33, hell yeah!
72. Even though they always use Days of Summer as the closing song, I love it every time, it’s just so fun and gets me so emotional.
73. That key change at 1:56:50 tho.
74. Yay for enthusiastic but sometimes questionable fanart ;)
75. Brian and Joe recreating the ending scene of AVPM is absolutely beautiful and I am here for it.
76. The matching jackets at the end speaks to the fact that Starkid at its essence is just a bunch of friends who were theatre nerds and wanted to create something fun together and I think that's wonderful.
In conclusion: Props to whoever made it to the end of this ridiculously long post summarizing the different thoughts I had while watching Homecoming. I truly think it was something for the fans and I love them for it. I am so proud of Starkid and all they have accomplished since 2009.
I want to encourage others to continue to support Starkid in the future, maybe even by purchasing Homecoming for themselves, I would definitely recommend giving it a watch. Also, feel free to respond and let me know your own thoughts on Homecoming, I’m sure there’s lots I missed and I would love to hear what others thoughts. 
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be-more-chill-evan-hansen · 5 years ago
The following post contains spoilers for the new musical, Black Friday, by Team Starkid. Continue reading at your own risk. 
**These points will be brought up in another post (involving the Hatchetfield Universe theories)
The ENTIRETY of the Wiggly jingle at the beginning
Jaime saying “his belly’s so squishy!” while jumping up and down
The tights
“Uncle Wiley, where does Wiggly come from?”
James Tolbert (Team Starkid choreographer-turned-actor) STOLE the show
Curt Mega’s dancing in that song killed me
**Paul still doesn’t like musicals? (I have a theory of where this show takes place in the Hatchetfield Universe but that’s for another post)
The way Paul looks at Emma when she’s on her Cabbage Patch Kid rant!
“I’m Paul. I’m Emma’s...boyfriend.”//“Well, we haven’t put a label on it yet.”//“But we are intimate.” (Bonus: Emma’s glare)
Paul is still awkward I love him.
“I do not get flashbacks. I remember bad things vividly.”
“Thank you for your service.”//“I didn’t do it for you.”
“Ski-ball sucks.” (I wholeheartedly disagree but whatever)
Grace Chastity is Tom’s babysitter for Tim confirmed
Okay. Okay. Okay. OKAY. 
 “Excuse me, miss. Do you think it’s okay for me to park here?”//“Yeah, it says ��no parking at any time’ but I’m sure the loading trucks can just park across the street. Does that work for you?”
“If I won’t support my drinking habit, who will?”
“Hark, the herald angels sing. Glory to a newborn king. A fuckin’ furry little monster’s gonna make me a pile of cash.”
“Tell me, Lex. Do you know why they call it Black Friday?”//“Because it comes after Thursday?”
“Well, friend-o. I have a feeling that these little babies are going to take you so far into the black that you ain’t never comin’ back.” *long uncomfortable pause*
“Oh, you’re gonna make a killin’. That’s an Uncle Wiley’s Toys guarantee!”
“Hark, the herald angels sing. Glory to a newborn king. Peace on Earth, and lots of money. MONEYMONEYMONEYMONEY just for ME.”
“mALL security we got a shoplifter. Drop that doll!” (His voice crack killed me oh my God)
HIS OUTFIT (The first time I saw him I went “Oh my God he’s emo”)
“Where’s my sister?”// “Oh no.” *stares dramatically* “Hannah?” *even more dramatic* “Is that what you’ve been telling me every day for the past four weeks? To pick up your kid sister?” *grabbing Lex* “Oh, I must’ve forgot because I’m so stupid.” Ethan needs to take up drama
“Do I gotta put a leash on you like a dog, or my cousin Oliver?” 
“Don’t pull her.”//*voice crack* “I’m nOt.”
“Alright banana split.” i’m not crying 
“You see this hat? This was gifted to me by a great warrior.” *Lex laughs*/*Ethan turns around slowly* “Don’t you fuckin’ laugh.”
“I’d make a great dad, I’m just sayin’.” (Ethan isn’t a horrible person he’s just misguided)
“My mom’s a bitch!”
Honestly the way Ethan looks at Lex
*in the middle of singing* “That’s not how cameras work, babe.”
Hannah’s dancing
ROBERT’S WIGGLES DURING “We’re missing in action.”
“Dear mom, it’s been real."
“I’d say you did your best, but I’m not a liar.”//“Oh, L-I-E-R, babe.”//“We get it Ethan, you’re a good speller.”
“PS: Get yourself a new trailer, because this one? Is BROKE AS SHIT!”
Robert in skinny jeans. Can Robert wear skinny jeans more often please?
Hannah doing the “smoking” thing with her hands.
“Hannah! What the fuck is this [imitating it]?That better be fucking FLOSS.”
“That’s called a bribe, sir, and it’s illegal...or it should be.”
“I have four boys. Four beautiful, blond, boys.”
“Do you really think your children are better than everyone else’s.”// “In so many words, YES.”
“I hope you don’t get a Wiggly. I hope you fucking die.”
“Well, my children were accidents.”
“Stop crying, Gerald. I wasn’t talking to you.”
The way Tom and Becky looked at each other when they met again ugh.
Whatever that song is called when the Hatchetfield citizens were gossiping about it like I think it’s called “What Do You Say?” or something?
“Tom’s put on some weight.”
“I heard Tom is seeing things.”
Jon is serving looks.
The dance they did when they said “all the years that had fun” killed me
Curt Mega is a treasure
“It’s cold out.”//“Nothing really.”//“How are things?”//“Haven’t seen it.”
“Oh my, God, it’s a train-wreck.”//“My favorite.”//“Give me my tub of popcorn.”//“Just skip to the fucking.”//“She’d never--.”//“Either way this is torture porn.”
“I think I’ll step in and save her.”// “You don’t have half of a chance, bitch.”
“THERE, she looked at his crotch.”//“He looked at her boobs.”
“I like dolls. I’m just kidding. I don’t like dolls. At least, not like that.”// “I missed you.” *everyone freaks out*
The dance that looks like a beating heart around them I love.
“Did you know if you spend money, your kids will love you maybe.”
“Give us your fucking money. Give us your fucking cash.”
“Do we have any morality.”
“What’s a grown man going to do with 85 dolls?”// “Well, one will stay in the box for posterity. One will be used exclusively for bath time.”
“If you’re going to make with the hysterics, TAKE IT TO MACY’S.”// “How dare you. Are you hearing this, Gerald? Yes, call my attorney.”
“I’ll tickle one doll, and one doll will tickle me.”
The bidding war.
“Get your hands off her.”// “Fuck YOU.”
The lighting slowly gets red when they start bidding.
“$800.”//“$3.”//“Can I use these coupons?”
“Well, if you’re not going to sell me that doll, I guess I’ll just gonna have to take it.”
“If he gets one, I’m getting four.” *Linda climbs the counter like Draco*
So the lighting during “Feast or Famine” is just???? The green and red??? Like holiday colors but at the same time it’s representative of greed and rage???? 
Just all of “Feast or Famine”
“What’s shaking banana, you okay?” I’M HAVING FEELINGS UGH
“What’s up with that grammar. Even I know it’s ‘more badder’.” Ethan no
“Give me that fucking doll I’m in a hurry.” Okay, Jeff you freaking gremlin man
WHO BRINGS A KNIFE SHOPPING?? Unless he stole that, too.
“Do you see him? Do you see him? Do you see him?”//“YES, I fucking see him!”
James as “Obama” I’m crying
“I’ll hold onto the little...uh...whippersnapper.”
“While you three devise a strategy, I’ll hold on to the little friend.”// “Shut the fuck up!”
“You’re nothing more than a Harvard Law School community organizing prick!” I’M SCREAMING
“Take one step closer to my fwendy-wend and I’ll rip your fucking throat out with my own teeth.”
“No, he’s mine! Back off or I will send a laser-guided ballistic missile to your house in Denver. You’ll be scraping off what’s left of your kids off the FUCKING pavement.”
“I’ll bite your dick off!”
*Obama voice* “Oh, I’m gonna vomit.”
“I hope you don’t mind if I let myself in.”// “Into the oval office?”
“Monsters and Men” IS A BOP
*yeets the Wiggly off stage*
I would 100% watch “Santa Claus is Going to High School” unironically
“Jingle! Jangle! If anyone sees two elves in my locker, I’ll get expelled for sure.”
The dancing UGH
Lauren is the cutest elf ever
“What the fuck am I watching?”
Becky talking about her ex-husband breaks my heart. I would die for her.
“You say you killed your family. I hope I killed mine.” My heart is breaking help me
Becky and Tom are freaking CUTE
“Take Me Back” is the cutest song ever
All of the times the characters mention other dimensions and stuff??? Each has a different context, but Joey’s character did say that Hatchetfield was a special town earlier in the show so????
All of the making out I’m done
Becky’s leg
“I knew you weren’t Santa.”//“A red tricycle.”//“SANTA!” *starts making out*
“This is the best movie ever!”
Robert has to make out with two people every day.
**PEIP deals with Paranormal, Extraterrestrial, and Interdimensional stuff, so if TGWDLM was Extraterrestrial, and BF is Interdemensional, will Nerdy Prudes Must Die be Paranormal? Will we see PEIP again? [I’M GOING TO MAKE A SEPARATE POST ABOUT THE THEORIES WITHIN THE UNIVERSE]
**“There are many dimensions, sir.”
“You want to send me into the fucking Twilight Zone to have a sit-down with the devil?”
“They will build him his birth canal.” Ew
Sherman Young is so freaking creepy
“Wiggly is good. Wiggly is just.”
“Bring forth the infidels.”
*as Linda walks onto the stage* “MOTHER MOTHER MOTHER”
“I dislike that word, Gerald. Cult. No, it’s a new, exciting religion that I started.”
“I’ve met God, He had nothing nice to say about you.”
“Adore Me” is a BOP
“You’ll kneel before me. Kiss my toe.”
“I will destroy everything, and then I will destroy everything. I guarantee I’ll destroy everything in my path. Unless I get what I--shit, Gerald.”
The followers repeating “I get what I shit.”
“I want you to know what I mean when I say my evil shit, ‘kay?”
“What’s shaking banana?” DON’T DO THIS TO ME
Evil Ethan hurts me
Hannah doesn’t deserve this
“I’m in the Black and White now. It’s just like California. It never ends.”
“I swear on my own grave.” I’M
Hannah calling Wiggly out on his bullshit
“Well, Webby is a stupid bitch.” JON UGH
“I’m going to eat you riiiight the fuuuuck nowwwww.” This scene just makes me want to give Hannah a hug
“Tom, how could you? You let her get away!”
Dylan jumping at an audience member
I know people think that Ethan’s magic hat thing was bullshit but like the syringe missed Hannah so like?? 
“You think that in the Netherlands they care about some toy? Hah! Nah, they’re too busy enjoying their free vacations and free health care.”
Made In America is A BOP
I feel like Made in America won’t have the same punch on the soundtrack.
Joey’s falsetto
R.I.P. General John McNamara
“Uh, oh, Mr. Prezy-wez. It seems you’ve misplaced your bomby-womb. Don’t worry. I’m sure it will turn up somewhere.”
“We’ve lost Moscow, sir.”
“He baited us into World War Three.”//*Wiggly giggles* “That tickles.”
“Is this what I live for? To be choked in a toy store?”
“Black Friday” is such a beautiful song though
“Did I need her more than she needed me?” I’m crying please stop
“I’m authorizing you to use my firearm.”
“Monsters and Men” reprise is PERFECT
“Kids don’t want that piece of shit.”//“What?”//“They’re all into Fortnight, dude!”
“I mean, you’re like 40! You probably think your life is over!”
“Everyone is dying, and that includes me, too.” Jeff is a lyrical genius but he needs to back off of whatever angsty juice he’s drinking.
“If I fail you one more time, the punishment won’t match the crime, cause there’s no pain that could ever explain how I let you down.”
“I failed you once, and I will fail again.” I cried when I watched this the first time
“If I Fail You” is such an emotional song
“Alright, let’s go.”//“Fuck, yeah! Should I move these boxes first?”//“Fuck, yeah.”
Charlotte? Where did you come from???
“The only man that’ll have her now is Jack Daniels.”
“And you, you little shit.” Says Draco, the little shit.
“A magic hat? That’s ridiculous. Only dolls are magic.”
“Is this some kind of a joOoOoOoke?”
“Answer me, or I’ll cut your mouth open with my FUCKING KNIFE.”
“You’re a fucking moron.”// “Then you’ve been out-fucked by a fucking moron.”
Lauren’s wiggles during “He will wigglewigglewigglewigglewiggle his way into life.”
“Wiggle” is such a silly song but the harmonies and choreography????? Iconic.
The crying when Becky shot Linda.
“Gerald? It’s Gary. Yep, we need to talk about the will. Goldstein!”
The red light that symbolized Wiggly being on fire.
The followers deciding to burn with Wiggly.
“I have this cooky, reclusive Biology professor.” *audience loses their shit*
“What am I supposed to do without my iPhone?”//“Wear a watch?”
“What If Tomorrow Comes” is such a haunting song
Kendall’s voice is so GOOD!
The dabbing
Hannah and Lex hugging
Paul hugging Emma and Bill
The Hot Chocolate Boy and the Cinema Kid holding hands honestly adorable and I lowkey ship
A little bit of instrumentals from “Not Your Seed” in the end-credit music?? (From the lyric “Look what happened, nightmare time.”)
That’s it. It’s very long, but those were either my favorite parts or small things I noticed. Mostly just my thoughts.
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hard-boiled-criminal · 4 years ago
PM: Complete General Information
Hello dear Readers! This chapter is some background information/context about the reader/MC (or whatever you want to call the reader that is gonna be in the story) and the contents of the story. Some of it is necessary, some of it is not. I might end up repeating myself sometimes, sorry about that. Please read parts c, e, and f. They are marked below and are the most important things you should read in this chapter.
This was created in order to inform the readers ahead of time what things they can expect to see so they can see if anything listed here may keep them from enjoying the story. I want this story to feel safe and inclusive for everyone.
Please remember that this is a story. Suspend your disbelief.
1.       Table of contents for the topics that will be discussed in this chapter. I’ve bolded the most important ones that I would suggest reading.
a.       Short Summary of All the Topics Listed Below
b.       Modern Witchcraft in Our World That is Used in This Work
c.       What Will and Will Not Be Specified About the Reader
d.       Reasons for Specifying and Not Specifying Certain Traits
e.       Important Aspects That Cannot Be Removed
                                                               i.      Please Read this one to see if any of these aspects may make you uncomfortable. The purpose of this is so that nobody will have dedicated time to reading this work, only to have to stop due to a major aspect or plot point making them uncomfortable.
f.        Warnings for General/Common Triggers That Appear in This Work and Mental Disorders the Reader Will Exhibit
2.       Extra Information Unrelated/ Vaguely Related to the Story
a.       About Reposting and Plagiarizing Other’s Works
b.       Extended Information About Previous Sections/Words with an Asterisk (*) Indicator
A. Short Summary of All the Topics Listed Below
              Do not attempt any of the spells or witchcraft mentioned without doing the proper research first. Most physical descriptors about the reader-character are unspecified, along with other traits, their gender, and their pronouns. It is up to you to imagine what the reader looks like. Some of these decisions about traits have specific reasons. There are certain aspects that cannot be removed, but they are partially flexible in a sense. There are some common triggers that will appear in this work, please check what they are.
B. Modern Witchcraft in Our World That is Used in This Work
Whether you believe in witchcraft or not, or if it really works is up to you, I'm not writing this fan-fiction to turn people into witches. (Also, I use the term witch as a gender-neutral title.) I bring this up because many of the spells the reader uses, and other methods of witchcraft are based off of what I believe to be real spells and rituals and the like. Many of the reader’s practices of magick can be found by researching them. If you would like to know the exact sources for my knowledge, contact me, and I can provide an online source or two. Do not attempt these spells or practices without doing the proper research first, as well as learning how to protect yourself. I am not going to be reckless and put out any spells I consider to be on the more dangerous side. It is for this reason that I am establishing that the reader is a beginner witch (or ‘baby witch’ as some may call them), so that I can reasonably have the reader have limited knowledge on witchcraft, and therefore limited knowledge on spells and the like. Practice witchcraft at your own risk. Leave your pride and ego at the door. Be reasonable and be safe.
C. What Will and Will Not Be Specified About the Reader
·       Unspecified
o   Sex (as in what the scientific male and/or female body parts they have)
o   Gender/gender identity
o   Ethnicity/race
o   Details about the reader’s skin (e.g. color, dry, oily, soft, rough, etc.)
o   Anything about the reader’s hair (color, type, texture, etc.)
o   Body shape and weight
o   Eye color
o   Romantic and sexual orientation
o   Religious beliefs and the like (this will never even come up)
o   There will be next to no specific physical descriptors
·       Specified
o   Reader is under 6’0”/183cm (or is at least shorter than Malleus)
o   Reader practices some mild/beginner Witchcraft (like spell jars, for example.)
o   The reader likes to sleep. They don’t appreciate being woken up.
o   The reader is at least somewhat romantically interested in boys
o   The reader is an adult. The exact age is up to you, but the reader is at least 18 years old.
D. Reasons for Specifying and Not Specifying Certain Traits
·       I want to keep any physical descriptors as vague as possible so that everyone can comfortably immerse themselves in this work.
·       I won’t say anything regarding hair because there’s so many different kinds and combinations of hair, some people don’t have hair, and some people may wear an article like a hijab.
·       Religion is absolutely never going to come up or be mentioned in the story, so don’t worry about that.
·       The reader is under 6’0” simply because I want to be able to specify some of the characters being much taller than the reader, but the reader will not be given a specific height.
·       The reader being a witch is kind of a huge part of the plot for this fic, so…
·       If you don’t like sleep, I don’t know how to react.
·       I will not budge on the age of the reader in regard to romantic scenes. No adult x minor here.
E. Important Aspects That Cannot Be Removed
              Any underlined text in this section signifies an aspect that absolutely cannot be changed. Everything else in this section is flexible and can be changed if wished.
If any of these points have something that makes you uncomfortable, please let me know and I will attempt to find a word-around to the best of my ability.
If the reader ever refers to themselves in third person (It is extremely unlikely this will happen), they will use they/them/their(s) pronouns.
There will be a notifier/warning before any scene with actual romantic content so that if you don’t like the specific character, you can easily skip it. As of now, romance scenes will not directly affect the plot.
No smut will be present in this work.
The reader is uncomfortable to an unspecified degree at the prospect of having to attend an all-boys school. The reason for this comfortability is unspecified and can be anything you wish (Some possible examples: the reader does not identify as male, the reader is not heterosexual and/or hetero-romantic, the reader has female organs/body parts in the scientific sense, the reader doesn't feel safe being surrounded by men (especially men who can whip out fireballs whenever they desire), etc.).
Since Night Raven College is an all-boys school, the other characters will assume the reader is a male and will use masculine pronouns when referring to them in the beginning, but this will change as the story goes along. When a character learns the reader's reason for being uncomfortable, they will immediately switch to using they/them pronouns for the reader ( I will use "(raison d'être)*" as the fill-in space for the reader’s reason for being uncomfortable). If those are not the pronouns you use/are uncomfortable with them, I apologize. The main reasons for this switch in pronouns are: 1) to be inclusive no matter anyone’s gender or identity. 2) signify a change in relationship, to signify that this character knows the (raison d’être), which can be helpful to keep track of which characters know and which don’t without having to look through different chapters to remind yourself. 3) to show that the character is trying to be respectful and considerate of the reader, not wanting to assume anything else about them.
The reader does not want anybody they don’t trust to know their (raison d’être). The reason for why they don’t want anyone to know is up to you. Every reason is valid, no matter how it seems like. Whether you or others regard it as a big reason or little reason does not matter. Any reason at all is okay.
The (raison d’être) causes the reader to try to fit in in a way that doesn't garner suspicion to the best of their ability when around people who don’t know the (raison d’être). I believe that the reader character would not want others to suspect that they are attracted to men, because they know that some people may then avoid them and/or ignore them simply because the reader is attracted to men while going to an all-boys school. (I’m not actually going to make any of the characters act like this. I put this reason in because I know that there are some shitty people out there who will immediately break friendships once they learn someone’s sexuality. I think that the reader would fear this possibility since they know it happens back on Earth. Maybe it has happened to them before.) This done for various other reasons as well: in order to fit in better, not garner suspicion, to prevent others from getting to curious—which could lead to them learning the (raison d’être) before the reader is ready to tell them—and so on and so forth. I’m assuming that if you’re reading this fic, you wanna romance some boys, meaning you'll be in a school full of pretty boys.
The reader is at least somewhat attracted to monster-like/inhuman features some of the characters have, like horns or fangs and such. How much of a monsterfucker the reader is depends on you. (I am very much a monsterfucker with naga/nagas being my favorite.)
The reader knows Disney stuff. They are quite familiar with Disney and they are definitely going to be singing some Disney songs sometime. I won’t just copy and paste all the lyrics to certain songs. It’ll most be just a mention that the reader starts humming or singing a certain song, or they emphasized a certain line of lyrics for some reason.
Reader is a fan of Starkid and their musical Twisted. I highly recommend it. You can find the whole performance on youtube. You might know Starkid from one of their most famous works: A Very Potter Musical.
Reader is from this Earth. Our Earth. The one you’re living on irl. Or at least an Earth that is nearly identical. Like so identical that the only difference is that someone coughed at 12:04 on a certain day but on the other Earth that person coughed at 12:03.
        F. Warnings for General/Common Triggers That Appear in This Work and Mental Disorders the Reader Will Exhibit
·       Triggers/Content Warnings
o   Nothing super prevalent yet. Please DM me any triggers you have if you’d like me to know them. That way I can place a warning if it ever comes up.
·       Mental Disorders
o    (These are based on what I have because I feel most confident in my works if it feels genuine. The best way to make characters feel genuine and like real people is to base things off of personal experience. Especially since this is a reader insert, I’ll end up slipping in these traits without even realizing it, so I think it’s best to incorporate them anyways.)
§  Social Anxiety Disorder—I’ve had this disorder for the majority of my life, so my writing reflects that because I don’t really know how to write otherwise. So the reader will have social anxiety. There will be instances where the reader will spiral.
§  Depression—there will be hints of depression paired with social anxiety sometimes.
§  Some aspects of ADHD, like the need to fidget with something or thoughts bouncing from place to place.
  Extra Information Unrelated/ Vaguely Related to the Story
Reader is a witch— as in modern Earth’s version of a witch: making spell jars and sigils, not the flashy kaboom magic where they’re hurling fireballs around or like the magic in Harry Potter. I'm sorry, but the reader won't be able to yeet wands out of others' hands.
I use ‘y’know’ instead of ‘yanno’ when I write.
Will Mothman make an appearance? Who knows? Maybe if I feel like it, he’ll show up.
Uh…spoilers. There’s gonna be spoilers for the main storyline of Twisted Wonderland. And also the Disney villains I guess?
Will the reader be the founder of fantasy OSHA? Because if it exists, it's clear that Crowley doesn't believe in it.
  About Reposting and Plagiarizing Other’s Works
Do not plagiarize anyone's work. Never plagiarize. Always cite your sources. If you plagiarize or fail to give proper citations, you can face serious repercussions. Some years back, a college student plagiarized a scholarly work on the subject of music and got away with it for years. They were found out many years later when a student at my college was using the original work and the other person's plagiarized work as sources for a project. This eventually lead to the plagiarizer having his college degree rescinded among other consequences. As you get older, the repercussions for plagiarism only get more severe.
Extended Information About Previous Sections/Words with an Asterisk (*) Indicator
*I know that 'raison d'etre' means 'reason of being/ purpose of existence.' Think of this 'raison d'etre' as being shorthand for 'Raison d’être mal à l’aise,' which means 'reason for being uncomfortable.'
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darrencrissource · 7 years ago
With a just-wrapped concert tour, new music in the works and an Emmy nod forThe Assassination of Gianni Versace, multitalented University of Michigan grad Darren Criss just might be one of the most versatile performers of his generation—and he’s just getting started.
To television viewers used to seeing Darren Criss belting out pop tunes onGlee, his unsettling, riveting performance as serial killer Andrew Cunanan in Ryan Murphy’s blockbuster series American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace was completely unexpected. One person who wasn’t surprised? Benj Pasek, who studied theater with Criss at the University of Michigan and saw firsthand the seriousness his classmate brought to the craft. On the heels of Criss’ Emmy nomination for best actor in a limited series/TV movie, Pasek (an award-winning songwriter for projects like Dear Evan Hansen and The Greatest Showman) caught up with the 31-year-old Criss in an exclusive chat for Michigan Avenue to talk Penélope Cruz, favorite Chicago dining spots, why he’s a champion of the gay community and the best acting advice he’s ever received.
Benj Pasek: I’m excited to talk to you, Darren—what are we, a week after your Emmy nomination for Versace? I remember when you got your first nomination for music [in 2015 for Glee song “This Time”], but this time it’s for one of the main event categories that everybody’s watching for. It’s thrilling to see you shine up there with those other famous folks in your category. Darren Criss: Thanks, Benj! We have a fun history of anticipating nominations together. I’ve been on that side for you as well, so I’m glad we can share that. What was so validating about that first nomination was that it was for something a lot of people didn’t know I had anything to do with. You know songwriting is a huge part of my creative life. And of course with this one, there’s a lot of eyes on it, and it’s a badge of honor to be included in the category.
BP: Versace received 18 nominations, which is extraordinary. Did you have a sense when you were filming that it was going to catch fire? DC: My mantra is, ‘One hopes for everything but expects nothing.’ I was just happy to be part of the project, which was amazing for myriad reasons. All the boxes were ticked: the people you’re working with; the story itself is interesting; the role is varied and nuanced and complex. This is a role I’ve worked and waited for my entire life. It’s enough just to be a part of that, so one tries not to think of what might happen in the more splashy accolade space because you already feel like you’ve won the lottery.
BP: Obviously, you worked with Ryan Murphy on Glee, but how did the role come to you? DC: and i have talked about this at length both admire versatility range not only in other people work having the opportunity to use different colors on proverbial artist palette. so if you do a project that green look forward next thing can be blue one red others mix two. want bring life forms personalities within yourself. something am deeply indebted ryan for. think he recognizes studied acting as craft take storytelling seriously glad actors writing producing your own stuff good moments they given from people. when arose grateful coach was like right kid made it varsity get there. ready.
BP: The cast of Versace is insane—movie stars like Penélope Cruz, theater luminaries like Judith Light, Edgar Ramirez, Ricky Martin... What was it like working with them? DC: What was nice about this project, especially with Penélope, Edgar andRicky, was that it was a huge deal for all of them. It was Penélope’s first foray into television. It was Edgar’s first American television role and one of Ricky’s first larger roles in a drama of this scale. So it wasn’t just another day at the office for them. If anything, I was sort of the veteran, which was crazy. I had the most history with Ryan; I had spent the most time doing this in terms of shooting a series; I knew the crew and the producers. At this point, a lot of these people are family to me. That made it a lot easier because everybody was excited to be at this party.
BP: Any funny anecdotes from set that no one in the world’s heard yet? DC: Look, our show is very dark, so I think as a defense mechanism for what we were doing, I took it upon myself to be the biggest prankster. Let’s just say, if there was a staircase to fall down or a door to be walked into, I did it. I was the quarterback of the bloopers.
BP: Moving on from Versace: You just finished touring with Lea Michele. DC: It was a good time. I really enjoy live performance. People always ask what I like most, but look: Performing is performing. The main advantage that performing live has is there is a real-time catharsis to what’s happening. So I love being able to go on the road and meet people I’ve never had a chance to interact with. I’m a fan of the more human elements. I’m the worst at texting—you know me, Benj: I just call you even if it’s for the stupidest thing. I always yield to phone calls and I always prefer in-person meetings. So being with Lea and getting to meet all these young people who have grown up with Glee, it’s wonderful to be able to thank people in real time.
BP: You have a lot of connections to Chicago. DC: Chicago is one of my favorite places to eat and drink in the world. Aside from its culinary scene, which is second to none, it has the metropolitan quality of New York and the hominess of the San Francisco I grew up in, but because it’s smack-dab in the middle of the Midwest, it’s populated with wonderful salt-of-the-Earth Midwestern people. So it’s this cocktail of all my favorite things about our country. My artistic background with the city is, having gone to the University of Michigan, I had never really spent time in Chicago before then.
BP: I had never realized how unbelievable Chicago theater is. I remember seeing one of the first out-of-town productions of The Light in the Piazza there, and I became addicted to Chicago theater. DC: There’s this pride in being a Chicago actor. If you’re one of these hardcore guys and gals doing incredible work in Chicago before it moves to New York or elsewhere, that’s a thing. I’ve even pitched buddies of mine like, ‘He’s a Chicago theater guy.” And the casting person is like, ‘Ooh, that’s good.’ It adds cache.
BP: You’re a real actor’s actor in Chicago. DC: And that comes from its rich history in improv, obviously, and the Steppenwolf, the Goodman, Lookingglass and the amazing out-of-town tryouts that happen in Chicago. Being in Michigan, I started going during the summer because I could take the train. Talk about a great way to go to Chicago for the first time. Coming out of Union Station, this old Gothic, amazing, historic station, it’s like, ‘Welcome to Chicago, kid!’ Seeing theater and being around the people working on shows was so inspiring. We founded StarKid in L.A. but moved it to Chicago mainly because it’s a place where independent theater can thrive. After our guys graduated around 2011, we started doing shows, and our first— and this was the last musical I wrote the whole score for, which I miss doing—was Starship. That was during my first season in Glee, and we premiered it at the Center on Halsted in Boystown.
BP: Do you have a favorite restaurant in Chicago? I remember you eating at Girl & the Goat. DC: The West Loop has exploded in the past several years. Soho House is there. Girl & the Goat opened a new restaurant, Duck Duck Goat, that’s also good. My fiancee, Mia, and I—and you’re a partner in it, so thank you for investing in our bar, Benj Pasek— own Tramp Stamp Granny’s in L.A., which is a cocktail club and piano bar. So for the past few years I’ve had a keen interest in the country’s premier cocktail destinations, and one of those is the Aviary, which is a famous high-end mixology bar in the West Loop. I make sure to visit if I can get a ticket. And Chicago has my favorite art museum in the world, the Art Institute. I always make sure to spend some part of my summer in Chicago so I can ride Jet Skis on the lake, go to the Lincoln Park Zoo and the Adler Planetarium, where a lot of my buddies from Michigan work. I make my way down the lake and usually end up at the Chicago Athletic Association for a game of chess, or a couple of beers and a game of pool, because that place is so cool, it’s insane.
BP: Back to the Emmy nomination—you're only the second actor of Asian descent to be nominated in the best actor category. What does that mean to you? DC: I feel fortunate to be part of that history. It’s empowering and encouraging to people who may feel underrepresented, be they mixed or full, whatever ethnicity. When you see some version of yourself acknowledged, certainly in the media, it feels like your home team is winning.
BP: What’s the best piece of advice you ever got about being an actor? DC: The things I remember are more pragmatic, tactical pieces of advice: Know the name of the cameraman. Know your crew. Realize that the creative process, once you start the collaborative process, is a team sport. And everyone’s looking out for each other, or should be at least, and the more you can familiarize yourself with your teammates, the more your team will feel good about passing you the ball.
BP: You have been such a champion of the LGBTQ+ community. How did your involvement in that cause come about? DC: The way I have felt embraced by the LGBTQ community, I think, is the amalgam of so many serendipities throughout my life that I just feel fortunate it’s such a huge part of my identity not only as a person, but as a public person. I consider it sheer providence that a kid from San Francisco who grew up in a very troubled and ultimately resilient time for the gay community, and was raised not at home but backstage in theaters... by these young men and women who were part of that, always gave me a respect and understanding for the gay community in whatever way I could understand it as a young cisgender straight person.
BP: Last question: What’s next for you? DC: My brother and I are working on a batch of songs [for our band, Computer Games], and we’ll hopefully get something out in the next handful of months. We had a great run withVersace, but right now I’m hearing the click, click, click of the roller coaster going up, and I know some exciting new thing is about to happen. We’ll see what acting roles come my way, but one of the things I want to get back to, as I’ve hinted, is to write some kind of new musical soon. I say that now, but I’ll probably get off the phone and get a call and end up doing some random thing I would have never thought of doing. I always keep my receptors open, and as long as the project is interesting, has some significance and is different from the last thing, that’s what I’m into. It’s one of the great blessings and curses of having too many interests—it makes almost everything interesting to me. So, I’m as curious as the next guy.
August 23, 2018
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