#am i becoming a nick girl??????
banannabethchase · 2 years
Nick had "douchey frat bro in your 8am history class hyped up on red bull because he did the reading at 4am" vibes in this BTE and I am...not happy that I was into it.
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kuroshika · 2 years
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pancakehouse · 2 years
baking bread with my mom and y’all don’t know how rare it is to see me in a kitchen doing any sort of work but to give you a frame of reference my mom literally tried to walk me through the steps of cracking an egg. like. i am 25 yrs old and she genuinely thought i didn’t know how to crack an egg.
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entitled-fangirl · 2 months
You’re a Stark now.
Cregan Stark x reader
Summary: Cregan and the reader take a trip to the market to spend time away from the Winterfell walls. One vendor gets too aggressive.
Warnings: extra protective Cregan, anger, talk of harsh punishments
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Cregan had woken his still newly-wedded wife to the question of if she would accompany him out of the Winterfell walls.
Any time with him was welcomed by her. He was very busy as the Warden that any moment was precious.
She quickly rose and began to get ready, biting her lip when she still couldn’t retrieve her Stark pin for her cloak. Now three days without, and she’d have to tell him.
But that’s a problem for later.
“This is lovely,” Lady Stark commented to the merchant as she neared the small table.
Cregan had disappeared to the blacksmith, trusting her under her guards gaze until he returned.
Her finger grazed over the top of one of the handmade arrows before the merchant’s voice chipped up, “careful.”
She jumped a bit, created the smallest of nicks on her finger, but it still oozed blood just the same.
The man huffed, “Can’t ya read the damn sign?”
She looked up with wide eyes to the sign that laid on one of the tables. Her eyes scanned it, but it made no sense to her. Now was not the time to admit to her people that she couldn’t read the common tongue. Her cheeks flushed red, “my sincerest apologies. I meant no harm.”
“Whatever, girl.” He huffed lightly.
She turned back to look at her guard, Ser Martin. He always stayed far enough for her to enjoy herself, but not too far as to not intervene when needed. But he hardly moved when words were said. Only when actions took place. She liked that about him.
She frowned slightly and moved to the merchant’s next table. Atop it laid a tool she had never seen before. A small mallet of some sort and a rather large spike. Multiples of them laid out for sale, and she couldn’t think of a reason to need such a thing. Fearing another scoff, she asked, “What are these exactly?”
The man felt the need to roll his eyes and he laughed mockingly, “What are these?! You can’t be serious!”
Her cheeks couldn’t be more red, “I… I am not Northern. I do not… I do not know much of it, I am afraid.”
The man sneered, “You stupid girl. I wager you’ll freeze your little arse off before winter even comes.”
She felt her eyes water but she held it back. She couldn’t stay there any longer.
She distracted herself at the booth a few down, where a young woman sold seeds and dried petals of various flowers. She chatted with the woman for a while, even making a friend of her.
She helped the Lady of Winterfell pick petals to scent her chambers with and seeds to grow said flowers in the window of her chambers, swearing that they lived through the cold.
She thanked the woman kindly before turning around, directly into a broad chest.
When she felt a familiar hand around her waist and chuckle, she relaxed into Cregan.
He bent down to her ear with a low voice, “have you enjoyed yourself?”
She looked to him and nodded lightly, “I… I have.”
He smirked just barely, “Ser Martin tells me you have made many friends.”
“I suppose I have,” she answers truthfully.
“I have finished my business at the smith. Are you ready to journey back, or is there still things you must see?” His hand began to trace up and down her back through the cloak.
“I am at your whim, Cregan.”
His other hand came up to her chin, “Let us lazily return then. I’m afraid I have not had the chance to make friends as you have.”
She nodded and pulled away, “I’d like that.”
The two journeyed back ever so slowly with interlinked arms, pointing to each table with their favorite oddities on it, even stopping at a few now that Cregan had become interested.
Cregan seemed entirely fixed chatting with a vendor about maces when her eyes wandered a bit up the road.
She pulled on his sleeve with a soft voice, “Cregan.”
He immediately gave his attention to her and bent down to her and spoke softly, “yes, my love?”
She furrowed her brows, “I was curious about something I saw earlier. Can… can you tell me what it is?”
His brows furrowed in turn, “I suppose I can. Where did you see it?”
She pointed up the road to a few tables down.
He nodded and looked back to her, “Go ahead and I’ll meet you there. Let me finish here, sweet girl.”
She let go of his sleeve and bowed her head lightly to the vendor in an apology of the interruption.
She quickly made her way up the road to the same vendor that had been so rude to her earlier, but she hoped Cregan’s eventual presence would help ease the tension. She wanted so desperately to understand the tool she had seen.
But the man’s eyes were already set on her.
He immediately moved out into the street to meet her halfway, “Go on, girl. Take your pretty fur coat and go on! I’ve no business for you here.”
She paused in confusion. She really hadn’t thought she’d angered him that awfully. “I-“
“-ya what?” He stepped closer to her and reached out to touch her shoulder. “I won’t have no silly girl that-“
“-Touching my bride like that is an act of war, Bolton.” She didn’t need to see Cregan to know exactly what was happening. He was behind her with a tightly clenched jaw and a hand on the sword still held in its sheath.
The man immediately stopped all words from his mouth and seemed to be in a daze.
Cregan gave a vicious smile, “I would suggest you remove your hand from her before I remove it entirely from your body.”
The words registered and the man moved away as if he’d been burned, “My deepest apologies, my lord. I… I didn’t know…. She had no sigil on her cloak.”
She didn’t have the heart to turn to Cregan and see his reaction to her loss of pin.
Cregan’s hand wrapped around her from behind and pushed her backwards as he stepped around her. He now stood in front of her protectively. “And here I believed you wanted Stark patronage.” He scoffed, “If that is not the case, say so, rather than turning your Lady of Winterfell away in the streets.”
Only then did she looked around and take in the fact that everyone in the street was staring.
But Cregan couldn’t have cared less.
The man held his hands out, “Lord Stark, I am honored to have your patronage. I… I simply did not know. She…” he pointed to the woman tucked away safely behind Cregan, “She was being reckless-“
“-Reckless? How so?”
The man paled but knew he had to continue what he’d started. “She disobeyed the signs and… and then did not know what an ice pick was-“
“I don’t care if your Lady of Winterfell asks for your left eye, I expect you to take it from your socket gladly!” Cregan’s voice raised angrily, “and you’ve made her feel like a fool in her own lands!” His gripped on his sword tightened in deep thought, “Perhaps I should take your hand as payment.”
Her hand shoots out to Cregan’s back, a silent plea to not take things too far. He reacts to it almost immediately, relaxing himself with a deep sigh.
The man becomes hysterical, “Please! Please, my lord! I will do anything!”
“Cregan-“ her voice finally broke out.
He growled under his breath in thought before finally speaking again, “Apologize.”
The man looked up, “m…my lord?”
Cregan grunted, “Apologize.”
Bolton nodded, “I am most sincere in my apologies, my lord. I was wrong. So painfully wrong-“
“Beg for it.” Cregan growled.
The vendor paused for a moment before he dropped to his knees shamefully, “I will do anything. I am sorry-“
“And not to me.” Cregan grunted again. His arm moved behind her to pull his bride from behind him to now directly in front of him. He pulled her tightly to him, her back against his firm chest. He bent his head down to the side of her head, his voice low and dangerous, “to her.”
She was at a complete loss for words. She knew Cregan was gruff and demanding, honorable and proud, but she had never seen him so angered. He looked like a wolf ready to devour anything that stepped too close.
And all for her.
The man pleaded and whined and begged for her forgiveness immediately and she nodded. Cregan gave a light “tsk” in her ear before speaking softly to her, “make him work for it.”
She turned her head to him in confusion.
He spoke again, “you’re accepting because you feel empathetic. What do you want him to do for you to truly earn your forgiveness?” When she doesn’t answer he chips in, “It’s hard to earn, and rightfully so. Especially from a sweet girl like you.”
“I don’t want anything,” she finally says.
Cregan’s smirk returns, “that’s why you’re mine.”
He straights up to address the man, “Your lady has forgiven you, and so has Winterfell now.” He looks to the crowd and back to the man with a light sneer, “and Bolton? Thank the gods tonight that she is so forgiving.”
He immediately pulls her along with him, not bothering to stop at anything else after the scene they had caused.
His anger was still too great to be out in society and he needed something to take it out on.
The horse ride back was tense and awkward. She knew he wasn’t angry with her, but she wasn’t sure what to say or how to fix it, and so she didn’t.
The two even separated once inside Winterfell. She went to their chambers and Cregan went immediately to the training yard.
She watched from the balcony for a while. He beat away at a dummy with a wooden sword, clearly in an unapproachable state.
Supper was equally quiet. The two stared at each other from across the table.
Finally, Cregan spoke, “How are you so easily pleased?”
She tilted her head, “I’m sorry?”
“Earlier. You forgave him so easily.”
“Well, he was sorry.”
“Not enough,” Cregan continued. “I would have made him do far worse”
“It was not worth-“
“-Do not tell me what it was worth, love!” He slammed his fist down. “If he had embarrassed me, I would have taken his tongue. But he didn’t. He did it to you.” His voice turned to iron, “I should have made him worship the ground you stand on.”
“Cregan, I hold no grudge over it.”
“There it is again,” he almost laughed in frustration. “You are too kind, my love.”
“The only frustration I hold over it now is towards you.”
His brows raise, “Me?”
She sat her glass down on the table, “You are the only one still in flames about it. I wanted to enjoy a day out of Winterfell with you.”
He took that like a hit. He clenched his jaw and sighed, calming himself. “You’re right. I’ve been too hard on you. On everyone. Let me try again today?”
She knew she could never hold a grudge against him, “of course.”
He smiled at her, “Thank you.”
The silence grew into a comfortable one now and she was the one to break it. “I have a confession.”
He looked up to her as he ate, “oh?”
“It is rather embarrassing and I do not wish for you to be upset with me.”
“I am never upset with you,” he quickly countered. “Out with it.”
She sat straighter in her chair, “I lost the sigil you gave me. The one for my cloak.”
Silence grew.
She tried to reason, “I’ve misplaced it. I promise I shall find it again. I shouldn’t have set it down and I am most sorry-“
She stopped when she heard his light chuckles from across the table. “What? Why do you mock me?”
He quickly held a hand out and collected himself, “I do not mock you, sweet girl. I’m simply surprised it took you so long to tell me.”
She stuttered, “I didn’t… I wasn’t…”
Cregan looked up to one of the servants, “Bring the new one for me, will you?”
The Lady of Winterfell simply stared in embarrassed confusion.
So, Cregan began to explain, “When I wedded you, beautiful, I did not have time to have a pin of your own crafted for your cloak, so I gave you one of mine temporarily.”
She nodded, trying to see where he was going with the story.
“That is why I was at the black smith today. They’ve created all my best ones and I only thought it fair that you deserve the best. I took the one you had been wearing to them to be replicated. They managed to finish it today and I retrieved it.”
“That is why we were out today?” She asked.
He smiled, “entirely. That and I suppose…” he tilted his head back and forth, “when the North manages to see the sun, I like to see you in it.”
She grew a smile.
The servant returned with a cloth in hand, setting it on the table next to Y/n.
The woman took it and unwrapped it, revealing the finely decorated pin for her cloak.
Her eyes widened and she smiled, “Cregan, this is quite beautiful, but I loved yours all the same.”
He chuckled, “I know that, pretty, but you deserve your own. You are a Stark now.”
Her eyes met his dark ones, “that I am.”
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ambermeh · 2 months
It's casual
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Matt Sturniolo (friends with benefits so smut will be present)
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Matt was thrusting into you softly as you were dazed from the amount of time the two of you had been fucking. His head tilted back slightly, as you were encased between his two arms, softly moaning from the pleasure. Your arms grabbing his biceps, tracing over his tattoos. His head leaned in to kiss you, while he moaned from you clenching around him, as he hit the spot that most men would never be able to, again and again.
'Does that feel good pretty girl, hmm?'
'yes- fuck matt feels so fucking good'
But while you where doing that, your mind had started to wonder. You usually blamed this on you becoming almost delirious from the pleasure, this was not the case. Your mind had always been somewhat distant while you two were fucking. Travelling back to when he had proposed the arrangement. That you were going to be friends with benefits, he hadn't said it that callously but you knew what it meant. It meant he lusted over you enough to want to have sex with you, needed to have sex with you, perhaps. But did not like you enough to commit to an actual relationship.
His excuses were that it would be difficult for him to have a relationship because of his career, and the other girls he had you thought in your head at the time.
Why did he not think it would be difficult for you? Constantly having to drive over to his, or cancel plans when he wanted you. You had become isolated, obsessed more likely, with him and the arrangement. To you it wasn't casual, as he had described your relationship, or whatever it was, to Nick and Chris, that you had overheard while you were trying to get some water. The only clothes you had were his top and some shorts. It made you pause. Think. About what you were doing.
You were adults, for fuck sake. Why could he not grow up and commit to a relationship. But as he said it 'wasn't the right time', for him. You had been friends for ages. Everyone knew that you liked him, even Chris and Nick. So you knew he had to know. Was it all a joke to him? A little game to see how far you would go to impress him and fulfil your childish fantasies of wanting to be loved. To him, this arrangement it was a means to an ends, surely. He couldn't actually love you, could he? But you were too blind to even think about that, when the guy you had almost loved was actually seeing you.
You felt loved.
No matter how superficial it was.
You had told your friends all this before. They joked about it. A lot. Them knowing how you and Matt would never actually be together. You knew this as well, because he had any girl on a platter for him.
You should be grateful that he even looks at you. Grateful that he wants to sleep with you. Right?
You shouldn't want to be loved. Kissed. Wanted for you, not just sexually. Showed off. Known.
But the thoughts dissipate as reality kicks back in.
His face scrunched up in pleasure, his cum filling you, but you still felt used. You enjoyed it, why couldn't that be enough? A stream of soft tears slowly trickled down your glistening skin.
You laid there.
'aw sweetheart, it felt that good, did it?' He taunted while he wiped the tears away gently, not knowing that it was a taunt. A real one. Because the pleasure was no longer there, it was dull. Like the rest of you. You nodded, almost obediently.
'are we done here then?' you asked, forcing a joking tone out.
'you can always stay for a bit, but I am going out a bit later'
'oh' you say dismissively, not wanting to know all the details.
'you always look so pretty after, like i'm not even kidding, you look so good. Your hair all messy and your skin gleaming.'
You give him a smile and thank him. Why would he say that? Were you just overanalysing everything?
Getting up to go, you mention that you know the way to the door. He gives you a quick peck and hug and says to text anytime with a smirk.
Tears or starting to form. All you have to do is go downstairs and get to your car. Then you can contemplate your stupid breakdown. Why now? Why did you not think how attached you would be? Of course it would just be sex.
Nearing the door, the tears had been finally allowed to spill.
The car only being a few steps.
no. It didn't sound like him.
You turned round, it was chris? What did he want to say?
His eyes now slits of confusion as he walked up to you.
'you're crying'
'well done, you want a medal?' Inwardly cringing at the frustration being let out on Chris, he's been nothing but supportive.
'Errm nope, just, well, you didn't come say bye like normal, thought I'd check you were okay'
'oh, yeah, no I'm fine thank you, bye then Chris' You looked at him with a forced smile and hugged him goodbye. He didn't pull back.
'you're obviously not, stupid, so what did Matt do this time?'
You pulled back. The question repeating in your head, what had he done? In fact, he was perfect, he didn't violate you, you agreed to this. You knew you weren't the only one and still went ahead with it.
'no attachments' he had said, you laughed. He had taken it because you knew you weren't going to, but you laughed because you already had.
'he's done nothing, it's just me being emotional, I don't think I can see him anymore Chris.
'what? You literally love him Y/N'
'And that's the problem'
part 2 is done :) part 3 part 4
I don't know how to feel about this one, I think I treated this one a bit too much like therapy, I'll be back to lovey-dovey ones now. Love you all!!!!
(THANK YOU @enchanthings for the divider)
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norrizzandpia · 9 months
reader finding out that lando only pursued her bc one of his pr team told him to date somebody of her caliber
I love these kinds of tropes
One-Sided Fake Dating (LN4)
Summary: When Y/n has continuously been used for the image that has pristinely been constructed for her and the connections she has through relation to her parents, she has cultivated a dark image on the world, especially on love. However, when Lando comes into her life and shows her what it’s like to be wanted for who you are and not what you can provide, she begins to open up and she begins to explore what it’s like to be loved and to love. Although, nothing is permanent and what happens when the man she had thought to be better than everyone who had previously screwed her over turns out to be worse?
Warnings: angst, language, sexual references, i build this couple up just have them come crashing down, this one’s rough but all my posts are so its ok, family trauma, me being cliche when it comes to making up fake rich last names sorry sue me
Note: it’s a sad ending but AS WE ALL KNOW i cant take those so there will most likely be a part two lmk if yall want to see that
Part 2 link
She hated these things. Galas where men approached her for the last name written on her birth certificate and women fawned over her dress in order to become one step closer to the opportunities only she held access to. A drink in her hand, the little droplets leaking onto the ring adorning her finger, her eyes gazed upon attendees of the party her father had thrown. Men and women dressed to the nines in designer clothing, a rotten feeling manifested in her stomach. It was indescribably cold, something that settled within her and was a stark reminder that, in a room full of people ready to wait on her hand and foot, she was alone. Neither her father nor mother could make her feel any semblance of warmth, not when they exploited the image she had perfectly curated over the span of her life. The perfect, girl-next-door persona had been all she was destined for when she was birthed into the hands of Nick and Amy Winchester, two heirs to two successful oil businesses. Neither of them had truly made the effort to make her feel as though she was destined for more, other than a pawn in their Public Relations game.
She stared at them shortly, studying their faces and the way they moved about the room, wondering whether she had ever truly known them. Her parents were an anomaly, filthy rich and happy as ever. Although, no one ever knew what went on behind doors.
“Y/n Winchester, how lucky I am to finally meet you in person. I’ve heard so many great things.” A voice startled her from her deep mind, turning it back on to the mission at hand, putting on a front that she had everything she ever wanted.
Turning around, her gaze found that of Lando Norris, a man her parents had never shut up about, having been friends with his father and loving the way he so seamlessly fell into what they had always wanted her to be, but she never quite came close. This man was the image of the self-inadequacy she had been forced to feel from the moment she could slightly understand the concept. She despised him.
The fake smile she had flaunted for years graced her face, “Lando Norris, it’s lovely to meet you as well.”
He extended his hand to her, her fingers falling onto the bed of his as he pressed his lips to the back of her palm. The warm pressure spread up her arm and down her body as they held each other’s eyes. Something about the deep greenness of his made her want to know more, made the hatred and envy she had held for him diminish.
“I have to say you’re even more beautiful in person.” He whispered, lowering her hand but not letting go.
A tinge of red wrapped around her cheeks, “Thank you. You’re quite handsome as well.”
The entire thing felt incredibly mysterious. The way he cradled her hand; the way his eyes pierced hers; the way he was so intoxicating and the way she didn’t know why. She wanted more, wanted to know more.
Drowning in the confusion pertaining to her sudden change of feelings toward him, she couldn’t make out what he had been speaking about. As a result he simply stared at her with raised eyebrows, “Y/n, am I boring you already?”
She shook her head with a soft smile, “No, I’m sorry. Just got lost in thought.”
“About me?” He rubuttled quickly. So quick she couldn’t hesitate or think before she began nodding slowly. Her brain had shrunk at the hands of the smell of his cologne and all she could rely on was the years of PR training.
His eyebrows raised further, “Oh? Well, that’s a good sign considering I haven’t been able to take my eyes off you since you walked into the room.”
She choked slightly on her drink, not expecting him to be quite forward, “Sorry?”
He smiled a sinister smile, one that drew her in and made her want to run away all at once, “You’re intoxicating, Y/n.”
She cocked her head, “Is being bold your way of picking up women, Norris?”
He shook his head with a chuckle, “Being bold is my way of trying to make you fall in love with me. The women of my past are nothing like you, Winchester. I never wanted them to fall in love with me, however, with you,” He leaned in closer, “I want you all to myself.”
Pulsing between her legs told her this night would be ending very differently then she originally intended, “Is that so? I have to say, I’m not entirely opposed.”
His lips were centimeters from hers, his hot breath fanning her face, “Good because I was never going to stop until you were.”
In the light of the morning, Y/n’s mind ran wild at the consequences of what waking up in bed next to Lando Norris meant. He was known for sleeping around, for playing women and adding notches to his bedpost. Being another one of his past girls wouldn’t go over well for her image, an innocent and pure one that was meticulously portrayed so no one would see her as something inherently sexual.
However, as his arm slung over her waist, she couldn’t find it in herself to truly care. Sure, she was a bit panicked for what her parents would say, but with the memories of the night before and the dull aching between her legs, she knew this wouldn’t be a one time thing.
Throwing caution to the wind wasn’t something she typically did, but maybe she could try just this once.
His arm rustled on her warm skin, his eyelids creaking open as he stared at her, “Morning, Y/n.”
She giggled, “Not a good morning for you, Norris?”
His teeth peaked through in a flirtatious grin, “No, Winchester. It is a very very good morning.”
She turned around, slipping out of his arms and off the bed to pull her dress back on.
“What are you doing?” He asked, a grovel in his voice that made her never want to leave the quiet oasis of his room.
She turned around with a questionable glint in her eyes, “Leaving?”
He shook his head and propped his body up on his elbow, leaning over to grab her hand softly, “No, Y/n. Stay.”
There was a pleading in his eyes, one she had never seen in the media and one she had certainly never seen throughout the time they spent together. It made her give in.
She plopped back in bed next to him, his arm fell around her shoulders and he kissed her temple, “Why are you still in clothes?”
She laughed, thinking he was joking, but his hands over the soft skin of her arms as he pulled it down made the joyous sound dwindle down.
She certainly stopped laughing when his lips started descending down her stomach.
A persistent knocking on her door had her groaning and running over, “I’m coming!”
Her hand clutched the door knob, throwing open the door of her apartment near her university's campus, before she was greeted with the sweet image of her boyfriend.
She tilted her head with a soft smile, “Lan? What are you doing here?”
He pushed through the threshold, a nice smell of roses hitting her nose as he turned around to face her in her foyer.
“What’s with the flowers?” She questioned as he just stood there with an innocent smile.
He walked closer, planting a short kiss on her lips before whispering, “Happy three months.”
He held the flowers in between their bodies, continuing to grin at her as the occasion dawned on her.
She wrapped him in a hug, taking the red plant from his hands and kissing his cheek aggressively, “You are so cute! Thank you!”
He followed her further into the apartment as she went to the kitchen to put them in water. Questions flew from her lips, “How’d you know? Were you keeping track? You didn’t do this for our one month or two? Also, I thought we agreed to only celebrate the big ones like six months or a year? Was I supposed to get you something? Oh shit, Lan, I didn’t get you something.”
He giggled at her and shook his head, slithering his arms around her waist and pulling her into him when she was done with the flowers, “No, love, I just got a Snapchat memory that informed me it was three months ago today I asked you to be my girlfriend. I was going to ignore it, but I thought against it when I remembered how lucky I am to have you. I thought I’d just remind you of that.”
She blushed and wrapped her arms around his neck, “You’re sweet.”
“Only for you.” He murmured as she closed the gap between their lips.
At first, Y/n was a bit hesitant with Lando. With his past with women, sleeping around and never holding a commitment, she wondered if he would treat her a priority. Although, she was pleasantly surprised when he started speaking to her, treating her better than any of her ex’s. He was kind and gentle, compassionate, empathetic, understanding, and loving. He was everything and she was beginning to think he was her everything.
They continued kissing in her kitchen before she was reminded of the homework splayed out on the desk in her room, stress riddling her body once more. Lando clocked the tension, letting his hands rub up and down her back soothingly before softly speaking, “You okay, love?”
She tried to nod, but shook her head instead, her face pressing into his chest as she huffed, “No, I’m so stressed.”
Lando frowned, “Why? What’s going on?”
She led him to her room, his hand clutched in hers as she dragged him. When they reached her door, she opened it and he found a messy room drowning in papers and textbooks. The sight of it let alone made him panic.
“Christ,” He murmured. His hand squeezed hers in support as the two stared upon the mess.
Her voice became wobbly as she spoke, “I have so many assignments due and my room is a fucking shit show. I can’t think when it’s like this. It just adds to my stress. I don’t know what to do, Lando. I don’t have time to clean my room, I don’t have time to eat, I don’t have time to sleep. I’m fucking drowning.”
She choked up as her words felt suffocating. Lando was quick to pull her back into him, shushing her and caressing the hair on her head as she sniffled into his shirt. He led her to her bed, sitting her down and letting her lean on him, emotionally and physically. When she calmed down, he whispered into her hair, his lips having kissed multiple times there, “How about you sit at your desk, do what you can of your assignments, and I clean your room. I’ll make it spotless that way you don’t have to worry about it and then I’ll make some dinner, yeah? I can order in from your favorite place or I can make it myself. Whatever you want, baby. But, when your room is clean and the food is ready, you will give yourself a break. Trust me, laying with me on the couch and watching movies before going to bed at a reasonable hour will help you tomorrow so you can get more things done. You will get through this.”
She pulled back slightly, looking up at him with glossy eyes, “You’d clean my room for me?”
He chuckled, hands cradling her face, “Of course, love. I’d do a lot more for you.”
Four hours later, Lando had cleaned her entire apartment, ordered her favorite meal from a diner down the street, and plated it on the countertop of her kitchen. He was pleased with himself when he walked into her room, lightly pulled her earphone out and led her back into the kitchen where her face lit up at what he had done. Falling into his arms, she mumbled quick praises of gratitude into his neck, kissing at the skin as a thank you.
The wrinkles in her forehead had loosened by the time they made it to the couch, his legs kicked up as she sprawled out on him. There was quiet conversation of what they would watch before settling on The Holiday, a movie Y/n had loved since the moment she watched it when she was twelve.
As much as she loved it, however, she fell asleep twenty minutes in. Soft intakes of breath alerted Lando of the sleeping girl on him and he decided to stay there. He watched the movie all the way through, scratching her back softly throughout the entire thing. She moved a bit, but never away from him, always closer to him and his heart warmed every time.
When he laid her down in her bed and she whispered for him to stay, there was no argument in his mind. He stayed and he was beginning to think he always would.
“What’s your biggest fear?” Lando said into the darkness of the night as they sat in his car.
Y/n thought it over, knowing exactly what it was, but deciding if spilling that to him was appropriate in a five month relationship.
“Spiders.” She replied, fear taking over and forcing her out of what she truly wanted to say.
Lando looked over at her blankly, “What’s your biggest fear, Y/n?”
She laughed, “Spiders, Lan.”
He shook his head, “Tell me the truth, love.”
She exhaled a breath and began, “Going my entire life without making my parents proud.”
Her sentence hung in the air, her words hitting him as he searched for clarification, “You have made them proud, Y/n.”
She scoffed and shook her head as the feeling of Lando’s hand slipping into hers spread throughout her body in a grave reminder that he was there for her, “No, they have never looked at me long enough to see what I’ve tried to achieve and what I have achieved.”
His eyes bore into the side of her face as he listened intently, “No one knows that my parents are not who they portray themselves to be. Sure, they’re in love and they have fun times together, but they never wanted me. I know that, they know that, the staff, and the people they’ve employed to keep our image know that. They had me out of obligation, out of pressure from the outside world to have a child after they got married. I know they never wanted children, they’ve both said it to me before. From the moment I was born, I was not seen as a human or a baby who needed nurturing, I was seen as an object that could warmly slip into the narrative of their lives and compliment the rumors surrounding them. I was never meant to be anything else than their public pride and joy. Privately, I have never meant anything.”
Lando’s fingers grazed over the skin of her cheek, wiping a tear she hadn’t realized was there. He turned her face to his, forcing her eyes to see the love that ran deep for her, and stated so forcefully, “You are so much more than that.”
She stared at him, not knowing what to say to something that had never been reaffirmed in her entire life, and waited for him to continue.
“For them to disregard you that way shows how shallow they are. It has nothing to do with you. You are not nothing. You should’ve never been exploited and made to feel as though you served someone else. You are wanted. I want you, Y/n. That means something. I know it does because I love you and I want you.” He finished, wiping the tears that flowed down her cheeks.
In a broken whisper, “You love me?”
He smiled at her, leaning in and letting his lips rest just beside hers, “From the moment I met you.”
The words brought life back into her body as she softly giggled through the wetness on her cheeks, “I thought you were trying to make me fall in love with you. Didn’t think the plan was for you to fall in love with me too.”
It wasn’t, he thought.
He kissed her, “It’s hard not to fall in love with someone like you. You are my everything, Y/n.”
Right there. His last sentence echoed what had been repeating in her head for months. A person who loved her just as much as she loved them, what a sight.
“I love you too, you know.” She said, loving the way he continued to wipe residual tears and whisper soft words that contradicted the idea engrained in her head that she wasn’t meant for great things, that she wasn’t intelligent or a force to be reckoned with. Single-handedly, unknowingly, Lando changed her narrative and the idea that, once her parents were gone, she was useless.
He nodded, “I know. I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
He wouldn’t, that was the truth. What this relationship was built on, though? He couldn’t bear to utter the words.
Galas. Something she used to hate, but, with Lando’s hand on her thigh and his jokes in her ear, she began to find fun in them.
“Don’t you think that woman’s dress makes her look like a flamingo?” Lando lowly whispered as he discreetly pointed to someone across the room that had a light pink dress on, ruffled with feathers.
His comparison was spot on and Y/n had to stop herself from snorting out her drink, “Lando! Stop!”
She giggled and he leaned into her, the two a picture of young love. There were others sitting beside them at the table, drinking expensive wine from expensive glasses and observing the famous couple. In the six months they had been together, the public had not ceased to stop talking about the two. Lando had skyrocketed to worldwide fame, larger than what he had possessed before. Y/n being the internet’s it girl, heiress to billion-dollar oil companies and a young woman who had everything everybody else wanted, forced Lando into a large spotlight. There was traction surrounding his name and because of his connection to her, his companies, his career saw an increase in brand deals, income essentially. By just being her boyfriend, everything tied to Lando had exponentially grown. McLaren included. It was everything they had expected.
A little too much wine in one of Lando’s coworkers was dangerous as he blabbered out, “I’m surprised you two are still together!”
There were a few knowing chuckles around the table as everyone eyed each other. Lando gave him a fixed glare, dark and challenging as he tried to plead with the drunk man to stop talking.
Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed as she leaned in, “What do you mean?”
The man threw his hands up as he leaned back in his chair, “Just with the way you two got together, I didn’t think Lando would stick around for this long.”
“Y/n, let’s go.” Lando stood abruptly from the table, his hand in hers as he tried to pull her from the situation.
Y/n shook her head as all eyes stared at her, “No, Lando, what’s he talking about?”
Lando pleaded with her, “Y/n, listen to me. It doesn’t matter. Please. Come with me. Let’s leave.”
She was stuck, wanting to pry into the man’s mind, but seeing the way Lando was begging her to comply.
However, at the end of the day, she was a curious individual.
“Sorry,” She stuck her hand out to smooth down the table cloth, “Can you please elaborate?”
“Y/n-” Lando started, but she just shook her head.
His mind raced as reality dawned on him and the moment where he lost her came to fruition.
Wine sloshed out of his glass as the man drank the last sip before he began, “Lando started dating you because of your last name.”
There was a lingering smile on her lips from previously wanting to keep a happy demeanor at the Gala, but the moment the sentence fell from his lips, it gradually faded.
Lando sat back down beside her and wrapped a hand around her arm, the other on her thigh, and squeezed harshly.
“Y/n, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
The man scoffed, “What are you talking about?! I was there! I was the one who suggested you approach her. I was the one who laid out what would happen to your career if you dated Y/n Winchester. Come on, Lando, don’t be a liar.”
Her heart beat slowly as she scanned the table, the others still sipping on their glasses as they watched the scene play out. Their expressions, lacking shock, made her realize that every person sitting before her knew that Lando’s love for her was a joke. Everyone, but her.
Her head gradually turned to the side, capturing Lando’s eyes with hers. There was still pleading within them, but, this time, he was pleading for her to still love him, for her to not leave him.
To hell with him, she thought.
“Is this true?” She asked, her tone cold and distant as she ripped her arm and leg from his grasp.
He shook his head, rubbing a hand over his face in anxiety, “No, well, kind of. Yes, but- Y/n,” He shot up from his chair as she made a move to leave.
She grabbed her purse which was hung over the back of her chair, her legs making quick strides toward the exit. Lando, being taller than her, walked quickly beside her, spewing out words that now meant nothing to her.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n,” He choked out. She didn’t have to look to know he was crying, “I didn’t know what I was doing. I was half drunk the night we got together, so were you. I always thought you were gorgeous. What I’m trying to say, fuck, is that it was never truly fake for me. You did mean something to me. You mean something to me. Y/n, are you listening to me?”
She threw open the doors to the party, letting the cool air coat the cold blood running through her veins, and whipped around aggressively to face him.
“Did you mean it when you said it?” She yelled, strong front trying desperately to stay up as she crumbled to pieces on the inside.
Lando shook his head in confusion, “When I said what?”
She stopped her foot on the ground, heel threatening to snap under the force, “When you said you loved me! When you said I meant everything to you! When you said I had purpose! Did you mean it?!”
She screamed at him and he stepped closer, but she put a hand up, “Don’t fucking come near me.”
Lando stood helplessly, “Yes, of course, I meant it. Y/n, everything was real for me.”
She cocked her head, “Was it? When did it stop being a ploy for my last name?”
Lando let his head fall to look at the ground, “The morning after we slept together.”
She groaned loudly, tears now falling freely from her cheeks, “Oh! How sweet! So, after you had sex with me, you started truly feeling something for me. If that’s even fucking true. You know, Lando,” She willed his eyes to keep her stare as she yelled, “You’re no better than everybody in there. I told you how I’ve never had anybody be in my life without wanting what comes with having a name like mine. I told you, I confided in you, how much it hurt for a ten word name to mean more than the feelings I have, to mean more than who I am as a person. You’re no better than my father, my mother, and everybody else who has exploited me in the past. Actually!” She continued, not caring that Lando was wiping tears off his face with his white button up, “Actually, you’re worse than all of them. At least, they were obvious with wanting me for the things I could give them. You made me think you loved me. You made me think that you fell in love with me for who I am. You made me think that I was finally being seen as a human being.”
Lando shot back, “I do love you, don’t fucking fight that. Don’t question that. I sure as fuck fell in love with you for who you are and I see you as who you are. Your last name doesn’t mean shit to me, Y/n.”
She hit his chest with her hand, “But, it did! It did, Lando, and that makes this fucking tainted! You’re just like them! You’re just like-”
She broke down into sobs, crying pathetically into his arms as he tried to coax her. The sound of betrayal was evident in the way she cried, a different kind to the one he heard before when her parents dismissed her or someone tried gaining something from her. This betrayal cut deep because of the love that clutched her heart and refused to let go even in the wake of what he had done. This betrayal ruined any semblance of trust she had with the world, demolishing it for anyone that tried to do what he attempted; to love her.
A moment went by, Y/n gathering herself and realizing she laid in the arms of someone she no longer trusted, and she forcefully backed herself away from him. Wiping her tears with his suit jacket, the one a bit too big for her because it was tailored to his frame and the one he had given her earlier in the night when she had grown cold, Y/n stopped meeting his eye.
“Delete my number from your phone. Never fucking talk to me again. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.” She murmured, turning around and trying to walk down the dark street before Lando reached out to grab her arm.
When he forced her to turn around, his eyes were bloodshot and begging for forgiveness, begging for her, “Y/n, I love you. Please. Please.”
Still, she couldn’t meet his eye, softly and defeatedly whispering, “I will never be able to figure out if you love me for me or love me for what I can give to you. That is why this will never work. That is why you need to let go of my arm and let me go back to my apartment without you. That is why you need to let me go.”
He kept a hold on her arm and on the life he wanted them to have together, “Y/n, I can show you. I can show you how much you mean to me. Please, just give me another chance.”
She shook her head, “Goddamnit, Lando! Let fucking go of me! This is ruined! It will never be the same! You have done the worst possible thing. You have hurt me in the worst possible way. You have treated me the way everyone else has. I am not something you can use because you are greedy.”
He nodded his head intently, “I know. I know that. I always have.”
Fed up and emotionally distraught, Y/n ripped her arm from his hold and no longer did he reach out for her when her last parting words were, “No, you always haven’t. If you always had, you would’ve never approached me and we would’ve never found ourselves here.”
A/N: part 2?
UPDATE: part 2 posted
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a-aexotic · 2 years
HEYYYY! So like every other mf on the planet right now I am in my hunger games era!!
Please could you write a Finnick x Reader where she is selected for the quarter quell (Maybe in her games she was lethal and killed like 10+ people?)
And when Katniss shoots the arena in catching fire she gets taken by the capitol (Like Peeta) and they torture her and shit? Then Finnick and her get there reunion she’s all like battered and bruided and it’s dead sad? Not sure if this made sense because i’m half asleep and dyselxic but let me know😭🤣
Maybe he says “It’s okay baby i got you” ??? x
hey of course i can! i hope u enjoy it babe <3 its a tiny bit long! my apologizes
cw's: angst, mentions of killing/dying, typical thg stuff, torture, ptsd, lmk if i missed anything
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You were one of the youngest victors alongside Finnick, being only 15 and having won your games. You were also from District 4. You won the 68th Hunger Games, a few years after Finnick.
When you were reaped, Finnick and Mags were your mentors. Finnick came off as self absorbed and arrogant but once you started talking to him, the more you realized that was total bullshit. He wasn't how the Capitol portrayed him, he was much more caring and compassionate. He was very sympathetic to your situation, having gone through the same things.
During your time in the arena, you were one of the most ruthless tributes of all time. In the beginning, you were easily overlooked. The tributes weren't thinking that you were going to be much of a challenge because of your size and the way you carried yourself.
But that was exactly how you wanted to be portrayed. You tricked the Careers into thinking you were some naïve little girl, stabbing them in the back (literally) the first chance you got. The Capitol loved the turn of events, cheering you on.
When you had come back home, you had finally understood the intensity of what you had done. You had killed a whole group of people, ending their lives permanently. Those people had lives and family who loved them, and now they're gone because of you.
You suffered through months and months from never ending nightmares. Even getting consoled by your mother didn't help anymore; she doesn't understand. You didn't even feel worthy of food anymore.
You closed off Mags and Finnick when you had come home, driving yourself into isolation and depression. You rarely went out anymore, eating one meal a day and slept more than 80% of the day. Even sleeping couldn't mend the eternal tiredness you had, the void that filled your body.
Finnick had felt more than responsible for your pain. He gave you time before he realized he was just adding to your pain. Even when you didn't communicate back to him, Finnick visited you every day. He gave you advice and told you what he had went through after the Games as well. Eventually you opened up more to Finnick, and slowly, he had become your best friend.
He had told you that numbing it wasn't going to make it go away. He reminded you that you had him and Mags to help you with this process, and that you weren't alone despite of how you felt.
He helped you regain your sense of purpose again, your self image again. Finnick had singlehandedly helped you rebuilt your sense of self again.
He saw a part of you in him, that scared 14 year old boy who was trying to go back home to his parents. He never wanted anyone to feel that, especially you.
He promised you that he would never let anything bad ever happen to you again.
During your Victor's tour, Snow had suddenly deemed you desirable by the Capitol, wanting to sell you as he did with Finnick. Finnick couldn't risk getting involved, wanting to protect his family.
Every night in the Capitol, you were always consoled by Finnick. Every time you had to do a favor, you remember walking to Finnick's room to sleep, not baring the thought of having to sleep alone in the cold bed. He was always there, holding your hand comfortingly as you both slept.
The Capitol adored you both, nicknaming you the princess and prince of Panem. The more time you spent with Finnick, the more the media had speculated a relationship between the young victors.
You and Finnick had connected in many ways. Both having the same trauma, it was easy to talk to him and for him to understand how hard it was.
You and Finnick eventually got together a few years later, then getting married (in secret, of course) almost right after. You were both deeply in love.
Finnick found solace in the thought of always having you by his side, remembering that no one could tear you apart. That was until the Quarter Quell was announced.
You and Finnick were sitting at the edge of the couch, listening to Caesar's words carefully as he explained that this year's Hunger Games was going to be very different.
When it was announced that there will be only be Victors in this year's games, you heard dropped. You looked over at Finnick and he shared the same terrified look on his face.
When Annie's name had been called, you without any second thought, put up your hand. "I volunteer as tribute."
The crowd gasped and you looked over at Annie and you could tell she was a bit relived but still scared nonetheless. You immediately embraced her tightly, letting her let out a small sob. "It's okay, you're okay."
Mags looked just as terrified and you took her hand. When Finnick's name was called, you felt your stomach drop. Not only were you back in the arena, but you were with Finnick.
You looked over at Finnick and he looked prepared to fight. You both stood up and he grabbed your hand, raising it up in union.
The trainride to the Capitol was pretty uneventful. Finnick had wanted some time to think about the plan and so did you. A part of you knew what he was planning; he kill everyone else in the arena and then eventually himself, all for you.
As you sat on the bed, you felt the sadness and anger turn into numbness. No amount of crying was going to stop the Quater Quell and you had to be smart.
You didn't want to survive without Finnick. You were either winning with him or dying with him. Life would be meaningless without him.
Finnick knocked on your door slightly, before walking in. You looked up at him and he gave you a small smile. He took a seat next to and took your hand.
"I have a plan."
"Finnick, I know what you're thinking, and no. You're not killing yourself for me."
Finnick looked defeated. "One of us has to survive, Y/N. For Annie. For Mags."
You look a deep inhale, looking away from Finnick. "I don't want to life without you, everything would lose all it's meaning without you."
Finnick felt his heart burst into two pieces as he squeezed your hand. You felt your eyes watering again and you couldn't help but let out another quiet cry as Finnick pulled your head in, as he embraced you tightly.
"Shh, it's okay. I promise, I won't... I won't leave you."
It had all happened so fast, you couldn't even comprehend what had just happened. One moment, you were with Finnick trying to find Johanna and Katniss and suddenly there was big loud boom. You were relieved for a moment; Plutarch's plan had worked. Until you realized how far away you were from the others.
You were wandering, trying to find anyone until you heard people behind you. You turned and then you saw some unfamiliar faces; suddenly, your vision went black.
Then, you woke up in a white room. You felt like your stomach had dropped out of your body once the realization hit you; the Capitol captured you.
You were strapped down to a bed and you couldn't move or shake it off. The severity of the situation had hit you; even if by some miracle you did escape, where would you go? How would you find your way to 13 and back to Finnick?
You knew how ruthless the Capitol was to everyone who disobeyed them. Your worst fears had come true and there was no getting out of here.
You heard the door open and you saw some Peacekeepers come in and then you saw the person you dreaded to see most; Snow. You felt like your whole had come crashing down, how could this nightmare become any worse?
"Hello, Y/N."
You didn't respond, resorting to stare at the wall in front of you instead.
He tutted disappointedly. "Out of all the tributes, you were the one I expected least to be involved in this mess. You are the Princess of Panem... What a shame."
You still hadn't replied and you hadn't dared to look at Snow. Months and months you spent trying to heal the trauma he had caused you, you were sure if you had to look at him now, you would break.
"I want to take mercy on you, dear Y/N. If you tell me everything you know about the rebellion, I will make sure the Peacekeepers are gentle with you."
You shook your head. "No."
He let out a small chuckle. "Sorry, I couldn't hear you. What?"
"No." You said again, louder.
He hummed in disapproval. "Okay then, you leave me no choice. You are going to regret this."
He nodded to the Peacekeepers and walked out of the room. You were then met with Peacekeepers, loosening the straps then taking you to another room.
If Snow knew one thing about you, it was that being only physical with you wouldn't hurt you enough. He had to hit you were it hurt most.
They threw you in the seemingly vacant room and immediately locking it. You were confused until you heard it.
"Y/N, help me!" Finnick's voice screamed. "Please, help me! Get up and do something, they're killing me! Please."
You looked everywhere in the dark room, trying to find the source. It kept going.
"Y/N, please! Help! What the hell are you doing, just sitting there? You are such a disappointment!" The voice started shouting. "We should've just left you to died in the arena! You are useless!"
Now this was something new. Your body was filled with panic and fear and even though you knew it was fake, you felt like you were going to throw up from all the noise.
Suddenly, Annie's voice came in as well. Then Johanna's. Then your mother's. There was nonstop noise filled with screams for help, shouting with disapproving messages. Your body couldn't handle it; it was so overwhelmed with fear that you started shaking on the ground, putting your hands on your ears but that did little to nothing.
You wanted it to stop. It was too much, you were trembling. It felt like days, just sitting there in that room listening to all those demeaning voices of your loved ones. You couldn't even think straight anymore.
It was so bad you had started to pound your head on the ground, screaming and crying. You had have enough. And then, it all stopped. Silence was foreign for you; your ears were ringing.
You were sitting on the ground, almost lifeless as the Peacekeepers took you away. Your eyes hurt from the tears, your body sore, your ears ringing and your head was pounding.
But you knew that was just the beginning.
You were asleep in bed and you were awakened by the door opening, you instantly jolted up. You looked over to see a group of masked men in front of you and you had started to tremble again, silent tears rolling down your face, thinking that the Peacekeepers had come again.
"No, no, no." You started to mumble to yourself.
A man came up to your and took your bruised hand slowly, rubbing it gently in silent empathy. That was the first soft touch you'd felt in a few weeks and it almost stung.
"It's okay, you're safe now. You're going to 13 now."
You had to blink a couple times, trying to process what he said. Was this a dream? You went to pinch yourself but it was real life.
He then helped you up but you couldn't help but stumble; your legs were weak, you couldn't remember the last time the Peacekeepers let you walk for this long.
As you got into the hovercraft, you saw Annie. Your eyes widened as you both ran up to each other, embracing each other. She had started to cry a little bit and so did you.
That was when it hit you. You were going to see Finnick. You were going home. You started crying into Annie's shoulder as she held you. "We're safe now, we're safe."
You had seen Johanna as well but she didn't seem too responsive. Neither did Peeta. You fell asleep on Annie's shoulder on the ride back and for the first time, you actually felt yourself drifting off calmly.
There were lots of doctors and nurses looking at you and asking you all sorts of questions and you tried your best to answer them. You were still in shock; you were safe. They couldn't hurt you anymore.
"Y/N?" You turned around to see Finnick. You immediately got up from the examiner's table and ran into his arms, your eyes starting to water up again.
"Finnick," you sighed slowly. You pulled away, putting your hands on his face and touched him as if he wasn't real.
"Are you.. Are you really here?"
"Yes, I'm really here." Finnick looked at you and suddenly his voice transported you back into the dark room. You quickly twisted out of his embrace and his expression changed.
His voice was back and you heard all of the nasty things he had to you. You back away, stumbling into the examiner's table and your breathing became heavy. "No, no, no, please-please go away. No."
You slid down to the floor and you closed your eyes, putting your hands on your ears and rocking back and forth trying to get that voice to stop.
Finnick ran up to you and put his hands on your knees, trying to get you to look at him. His heart broke in half; he didn't know what the Capitol had done to you but now he knows it has something to do with him.
Of course the Capitol would try to ruin him. His eyes started to tear up at the sight of you, in so much pain and panic.
You opened your eyes, Finnick in front of you. You started to cry some more before Finnick slowly went up to you, wrapping his arms around you.
When he had started wrapping your arms around you, your instinct was to push him away but his warmth was welcoming and safe and you started to focus on his touch. The voices slowly drifted away, the sounds of your silent sobs only being heard.
You then gave into Finnick's touch, falling into him and putting your head in his chest as he caressed your back gently, shushing you.
"It's okay baby, I got you. You're safe now, they can't hurt you."
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bratzforchris · 4 months
I Think You're Hot
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Summary: SFW and NSFW headcanons about Matt being the golden retriever to his bisexual wife's black cat <3
Pairing: Matt x feminine!reader
Warnings: Smut, pouty bottom/bratty sub!Matt, oral (f receiving), p in v, dom fem!reader, mentions of threesomes, nipple play (none of this is overly descriptive because it's headcanons, but you're responsible for what you consume online!)
A/N: Many of these may seem like I am stereotyping bisexual people, especially women. I am bisexual myself and truly mean no harm by this <3 Every bisexual person is different! Don't fetishize us and love us for who we are 🩷💜💙 Special tag for my bff @nicksbestie for plotting with me <3 Enjoy!
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✯Matt who gave his (then girlfriend, now) wife the biggest smile and hug when she came out to him
"You know this doesn't change how I feel about you, right? You're still my girl, and I love you more than anything in the world. Plus, now we get to have celebrity crushes together!!"
"That's the first thing you think of?"
"Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn is hot as fuck."
"...you got me there."
✯ He absolutely adores all of your piercings and tattoos. They make you so you. He loves to leave kisses on each one when you're cuddling
✯ Speaking of tatted/pierced bi baddie, you gotta add the colored hair to that, right? Matt adores going to the beauty supply store with you and picking out new hair colors for you to try
"Purple and pink?"
"There isn't a single color you couldn't pull off, my love."
✯ Matt who goes ALL FUCKING OUT for pride. There's a rainbow flag outside your house, he's putting pink/purple/blue hair chalk in his hair, and he is happily accompanying you and Nick to all the pride parades and festivals
"It's pride month, so I have to do whatever you say."
"Matt...you do that every month, baby. You're whipped."
✯ He absolutely loves playing games with you, even if he has to hear about how hot certain characters are. You even have matching gaming setups <3
✯ Every single one of their subscribers comments on how well dressed Matt is. Where do you think he gets his style tips? His wife 100%. You know how to perfectly balance between masculine and feminine, having your own days where you leaned more towards one or the other
✯ Matt who becomes a coffee shop enthusiast. You're rather addicted to iced coffees, and he's willing to oblige your addiction. The fans go especially crazy over photos of the two of you in cute cafes
✯ "Goddamn, I am so gay."
"Oh 😞"
✯ Matt who helps you cuff your jeans <3
✯ Absolutely jumps to defend you from bigots. He may seem shy and gentle, but the second someone even thinks anything rude about his wife, he is jumping down their throats
✯ Matt who loves the style you pull off. He thinks the way you wear flannels, jeans, and Converse one day and then full beat makeup and heels the next is so beyond sexy
✯ "Matt, look she's so hot."
"She's very hot, but not as hot as you *cheesy grin*."
✯ On days when you're not very feeling confident in your sexuality, Matt makes sure to give you extra love and attention, promising that he thinks you're amazing no matter what <3
✯ Matt who's okay with threesomes as long as there's clear boundaries that the other girl isn't joining your relationship full time
✯ Two hot women domming him? He's folding so fast
✯ Matt who's an absolute brat because he loves seeing his dom get all worked up
"You watch my mouth. I can't see it."
"What was that, sweet boy? Fix the attitude."
✯ Showing your third partner how to control him and Matt just smiles sweetly, all thoughts that don't have to do with him being pounded into the mattress disappearing
✯ If it was just you and Matt, he absolutely loves to eat you out to show you how "sorry" he is (he will mouth off again)
"Please...I promise I won't *grunt* do it again."
"Fine. But you better use that mouth for what's it made for and make this worth my while."
✯ Matt whose wife has her nipples pierced and he loves to play with them, gently sucking over the cool metal of the barbells
✯ Matt who loves it when you're on top, riding him until he's begging to cum with tears in his eyes
✯ When you have a third partner, he can't help but to grind his hips into the mattress as he whimpers, watching the two prettiest girls he knows go down on each other
✯ Matt who has a collar with his wife's name on it and blushes when your third partner points it out
"Someone really is whipped, huh?"
*cue blushes, gentle giggles, and enthusiastic nods*
✯ Matt who loves his bi wife and wouldn't trade her for anything 🩷💜💙
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tags ♡: @sturnlovr @matthewsturniologirly @pkfferoo @jetaimevous @blahbel668 @sturniolowhore @muwapsturniolo @nicksbestie @sturnlova @gxldenlush @calumsrockstar @pepsiluvr0209
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muwapsturniolo · 7 months
Summary: Chris goes into Ulta with his brothers and ends up meeting a girl
Warning: nothing really
Chris was irritated.
Nick decided to drag him out of bed and have him go to Ulta with him, and because neither of them could drive, Matt was also dragged out of bed.
Together they make the trip to the orange and pink store.
They walk in and are immediately met with “Daydreaming” by Harry Styles, and a girl in their face. “Hi! Welcome to Ulta! Could I help you find anything today?” The three brothers are a bit shocked at how enthusiastic she is considering it’s 11:30 am.
“Umm…no?” The girl nods and walks away, but not before saying if they need any help to come find her.
"She is a bit too enthusiastic this morning," Nick states.
“Nick what the hell are we in here for?” Matt asks rubbing over his face. They definitely feel out of place in this store. Three guys in a store filled with a bunch of girls and makeup?
They stand out.
“I needed new skincare and I didn’t want to order it!” Chris rolls his eyes before following Nick around the store. As they are walking around, Chris sees a girl dancing with whom he assumes to be her coworker. They are next to a brand that reads Lancôme, getting down to the new song over the speakers. He smiles softly and chuckles to himself. With him watching her dancing, he accidentally bumps into Nick. Nick quickly becomes irritated, “Go walk around! Stop following me like a toddler!” Chris and Matt huff before walking away from Nick.
Matt ends up in the hair section while Chris walks over to their fragrances.
He smells a few, scrunching his face up and immediately putting them down. “Did you need any help?” He jumps and turns around in shock. His eyes land on a girl in black flared pants and a pink bell sleeve blouse. Her makeup is done to perfection and her curly fro is out and extra defined.
it's the girl who was dancing.
Her name tag reads Y/N.
“Umm…I’m not sure.” She cracks a soft smile and motions to the fragrances. “Well let’s start off with this. Are you shopping for someone else or yourself?” She walks a bit closer and Chris can smell the perfume she's wearing.
She smells of vanilla.
“I’m going to be honest, my brother dragged me in here. I’m just looking.” She laughs a little bit and Chris can feel his knees buckle.
“I see, well if you ne-Could you help me pick out a fragrance?” He spits out suddenly. She’s a bit caught off guard at the switch-up, but nods anyway.
“What scents do you like?”
“Umm… maybe like woodsy and spicy?” His statement sounds more like a question, but the girl runs with it. She shows him a few fragrances, which he shakes his head at. He begins to feel bad, feeling like he's wasting her time. He just finds her pretty and wants to find an excuse to talk to her.
“Sorry for being difficult.” She shakes her head at his apology.
“No no! You’re not being difficult at all! Finding a fragrance you like can be a bit difficult, I get it.” He nods and they continue. “Ok, so this is the Versace Eros. It has a bit of citrus scent since it has Italian lemon, but it’s more spicy than anything-” he zones out and focuses on her face.
She has on a full face of makeup but she looks gorgeous. He finds himself loving the blush she has on as well as her lipgloss. "Hello?" He snaps back into reality and apologizes. "Sorry," he takes the tester strip and hums.
“I think we’re getting closer. Can we smell a few more?” The girl nods and shows him a few more. “What's your favorite fragrance?” He suddenly asks.
“For me or for men?”
“Both.” She thinks for a few seconds before showing him the Burberry Goddess. “I’m a sucker for vanilla fragrances.” He smells the fragrance and eyes her, “is this what you're wearing?” She nods and he smirks.
"Well, you smell great." his flirtatious smile makes her turn away from him, her face getting hot. He chuckles and looks at the multiple Burberry fragrances behind the glass.
“Does Burb-I’m helping a guest in Fragrance.” She cuts him off by speaking through her earpiece.
“Did they need your help?” He asks her, not wanting to hold her up for a cologne he doesn’t even need. “Yes, but I don’t want to get on register. So please keep talking.” He laughs at her words.
“Ok well, what’s your favorite fragrance for men?” He continues the conversation.
“I love Paco Rabanne and the YSL fragrances!” He nods before looking to his right. “How about the Dior suave?”
He notices her lips pursing as she tries not to laugh, “what?” He questions in confusion.
“It's sauvage.” She corrects.
He runs his hands over his face in embarrassment “Jesus Christ I sounded like a dumbass.” She chuckles before shaking her head. “You’re not the first person I heard pronounce it wrong...plus that was cute.”
To avoid facing his embarrassment and her seeing him blush, he turns and sprays the tester strip. He ends up liking this one the most and nods. “I think I want this one.”
She frowns at his pick. Chris notices the frown on her face and quirks a brow.
“What? you don’t like this one?” He holds up the tester bottle.
“Honest opinion?”
He nods, “Don’t tell my manager I swore but, I fucking hate that fragrance. It’s so basic and overhyped! Almost every guy I know wears it. Have some originality. I would hate if the guy I was talking to wore it.”
Chris can’t help but joke with her, “What, so you wouldn't like if I wore it?"
“i-i mean i don't think it would smell bad on you." she nervously states. she was never good when it came to flirting, always awkwardly responding.
“Well, I want to make sure when I take you out I'm wearing a cologne that smells appealing to you."
She fights back the smile that wants to form on her face. before he can say anything to him, Chris continues.
"How about this. I’ll buy one of the fragrances you recommend for me if I can get your phone number.” Chris is a bit shocked at his own words. He'd never flirted this much in his life, but it's something about her.
Y/n stares at him with unreadable eyes.
She’s had guys ask for her number while at work but most of the time their girlfriends are with them, or they are shopping for them. She usually turns them down and goes straight to the backroom to gossip with her coworkers about it. But Chris was different, he didn't just flat out ask for her number, he technically asked her out.
Without saying anything, she walks away from him.
Chris stands in fragrance, baffled and scared. He rushes towards his brothers who are still in the hair section.
"We have to leave right now!" Chris urges. Both Nick and Matt look at him confused. "what wh-I flirted with one of the workers and she walked away from me after I asked her out! I came on pretty hard and I'm scared she's gonna tell her manager I'm harassing her!"
"You're such a fucking idiot!" Matt can't help but laugh at the whole situation. "Yes I'm an idiot! Matt stop laughing or I swe-" Chris is cut off by someone tapping his shoulder. He turns around and sees Y/n. he stares with wide eyes, his mouth opening and closing.
"I think you would like this one." She holds up a red box, the words on it reading Ralph Lauren. his eyes land on the box before he looks back at her, "So you're not going to yell at me for harassment?"
"You walked away and I thought you were going to tell your manager or something that I was harassing you. I was trying to flirt."
She giggles at his anxious thoughts, "No. I just don't handle flirting well so I tend to look uncomfortable. And I walked away to get the keys for the fragrance lock. Did I not say that?"
Chris shakes his head, "No you straight up walked away." Now she looks embarrassed. "Sorry, I thought I told you what I was doing. I must have replied in my head." Chris relaxes at her statement and smiles. She notices the two other boys behind Chris and straightens up,
“Were you all done shopping?” it's almost scary how fast she switched back to her customer service voice. "Yeah, are you able to check us out?"
She walks them over to the salon register and signs in with her numbers. “Can I get a phone number?” The boys tense and eye each other.
“Do we have to?”
“No, that’s perfectly fi-it would definitely benefit you! You would earn points which is money off later and you get your coupons with a free birthday gift!” Y/n glares as one of her coworkers approaches them. The boys can see the annoyance of y/n face and watch the interaction. “Layla, do me a favor and stay out of my transaction.” Y/n snips back.
"I'm just trying to he-I’ll sign up,” Chris states. “Good!” The coworker looks at Y/n with a smug look on her face. “I’ll be sure to let Jenna know your loyalty percentage went up.” She walks away.
Y/n mimics her, mumbling under her breath. “I’ll be sure to let Jenna know! Fucking bitch.” A snicker catches her attention and she turns back towards the boys, a look of fright on her face. She forgot they were there and they might tell her manager about her vulgar language. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to do all-Girl you’re good. I probably would have cussed her out. I hated working retail.” Nick states waving her off. She visibly relaxes at his words.
“You guys don’t have to sign up by the way.” Chris shakes his head, “We don’t want you to get in trouble with Jenna.” His voice has a joking tone and she smiles softly.
Chris gives his phone number, signing up for the loyalty program.
Seeing her manager walk buy, she does the pitch.
“Did we want to sign up for the Ulta card? You would get 20% off and double the points. You were pre-approved and it says it would take off $90.” Nick goes to decline for Chris but he speaks up, “I’ll do it. Might as well save.” He does the signup and gets the Mastercard.
“Alright, you were approved for the Mastercard. You can use it anywhere such as a gas station, a grocery store, or even online, and still get double the points here.” She wraps up the transaction and packs their bags.
She grabs a pamphlet that has all the info about the card and quickly writes on it.
She hands Matt the bag and gives Chris the pamphlet. “Have a nice day, and thank you for shopping at Ulta.”
The boys thank her and start walking out the store.
As they are walking out Chris looks through the pamphlet, he sees a phone number in the corner and a little note.
“Wear the polo on our date.”
He chuckles to himself and climbs into the car.
“Thanks for dragging me out of bed Nick.”
Random idea I came up with that I fell in love with 😭 I work at Ulta so this was a breeze to write. I fr wanna make this like a plot that yall can send in requests for! Let me know what yall think and send in requests if you think about anything!!!
@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @imaslut4kehlani @that-general-simp @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @adoreindie @braindead4l @pettydollie @chrissgirlsstuff @alexis007 @ratatioulle @yamamasjumpercables @luv4kozume @sturnioloslurps @kqyslyho3
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berystraw · 4 months
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[P.J Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist]
[Now Playing!]: Jealous by Nick Jonas ❝'𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧' 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞❞
Synopsis: Percy Jackson is never the type to get jealous. He just never does. Tell him he is and he'll laugh at your face and tell you you're wrong.
Pairing: Percy Jackson x Aphrodite's daughter reader
Warning: LUKE DOES NOT BECOME KRONOS AND TURN TO THE BAD SIDE, Y/n is used multiple times in the story, violence, mention of liquor, getting drunk and tipsy, and all minor characters mentioned are AGED UP! The reader is mentioned to be a girl
W.C: 2.1k
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Percy Jackson is never the type to get jealous. Or so he says he isn't. Tell him that he is and he'll laugh at your face and tell you you're wrong. He's Percy Jackson! He saved the world multiple times and has a wonderful girlfriend who he knows loves him and only him. So why would he be jealous of a new camper who keeps trying to make a move on his girl? Right?
"If looks could kill, I'd think poor little Colin would be in the Underworld with Hades by now," Leo says as he watches Percy glaring at Colin for the nth time this morning. "Woah dude, if you hate strawberries just say so, no need to murder them," Luke jokes, making Leo laugh alongside him.
Percy removes his gaze from the two and shakes his now-soaked hand, stained with strawberry juice. Lea and Luke exchange knowing looks and turn to the younger boy, who is now continuing to pluck strawberries from their bushes.
"Don't tell us you're jealous of the new camper, Jackson," Luke teases, which earns him a glare from the younger boy. That just made Luke's smirk wider than it already was. "You are jealous," Leo teases as well. "I'm not! Why would I be anyway?" Percy denies, but the two know better than their friend.
"If you say so, Perc," Luke says. He and Leo exchange smirks and glances before continuing their chores. Percy only tries to shake the unwanted feeling the whole time and tries to block out the beautiful sounds of your laughter and the annoying voice of Colin.
No, he is not jealous. He's Percy Jackson! And Percy Jackson is never jealous!
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"Oh, you are so jealous," Annabeth laughs, along with Piper and Clarisse. "I am not! How many times do I have to say that?" Percy says, annoyed by his friends' pestering. His response only made the three laugh louder and started to gain the attention of other campers. "You very much are, Jackson. You can't deny it," Clarisse says to the boy. "Why are you even here, Clarisse? Shouldn't you be bullying some of the new campers?" Percy asks, which earns him a glare from the child of Ares. "Yeah, but teasing and laughing at your jealous state is more fun and enjoyable," Clarisse says back.
"Why would I be jealous of that Colin anyway? I'm Percy Jackson!" The boy says, making the three girls laugh at him even more. "Yeah, why are you so jealous of Colin anyway, Seaweed Brain? It's not like Y/n will leave you for the new kid anyway," Annabeth says. Yeah... She wouldn't leave me for someone else...right?
"Hey, Perce!" Percy hears the sweet voice of his girlfriend, making him look up with a big smile plastered on his face. "Hi!" He waves back. Annabeth glances at the couple before rolling her eyes and secretly hides a smile. "No need to hide that smile, Annie. I know you're not even a bit annoyed," You tease the blonde, making her roll her eyes and fail to hide her grin. "Shut up, lovebirds," She says before walking away. The other two said they had to finish some chores and left the two couples alone.
"So, how was your day so far?" You ask. "Going well so far," Percy says, completely forgetting his jealous and annoyance towards the new camper. (We all know that isn't exactly true). "How about you? How's your day been so far?" He asks and wraps his arms around your waist. "Good so far, yeah. I've been showing Colin the routes and everything else he needs to know to be properly accustomed here at camp," You say while playing with some strands of Percy's hair.
The mention of Colin's name made him feel a stingy feeling in his chest, but he did his best not to show it. Because the gods forbid the son of Poseidon gets jealous of some new camper.
"Are you okay?" You ask him, noticing his sudden change of mood. "Huh? Yeah, totally fine, my love," He assures you and gives you a wide grin. "Hey, Y/n!" Someone calls your name. Percy and you look up and see Colin waving his hand while carrying a plate full of food. Percy tries to secretly hide his annoyance and prays you wouldn't notice.
"Hey, Cols," You greet back, much to Percy's annoyance. "Would you like some food? You've been working with me since this morning, and I thought you might want to eat some first? Maybe we can sit beside each other too— Oh, hi, Percy!" Colin greets the dark-haired boy before turning back to you and offering you his plate of food.
"Oh, I—"
"You can't eat beside someone who isn't in the same cabin as you, Colin," Percy interjects. "Oh, I uh— I didn't know that. Maybe next time?" Colin suggests, and you nod politely before the boy walks back to the Pavilion to eat with the Hermes Cabin. You turn to Percy with a brow raised, and he just shrugs his shoulder. "What? It's true," He says, which makes you chuckle.
"Okay, waterboy. You better eat now, I know you haven't eaten anything since this morning—" Percy opens his mouth to protest, but you cut him off. "—Don't even lie to me, Perseus Jackson. Luke and Leo told me that you haven't eaten. Now, go eat!" You say and point towards the Pavilion. The boy could only sigh in defeat and walk with you to eat.
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Laughter had filled the whole camp that evening. All the campers had gathered around the bonfire to sing, chat with other friends and have a little bit of fun. Percy sat beside Leo, and the two spent half of the night chatting about things they both took interest in. It was all fun and laughter, and Percy had even forgotten about his jealousy thing for a certain camper.
Since Chiron and Mr. D had turned in early for the night, the campers left behind had too much fun. The Hermes and Dionysus cabins revealed their secret stash of liquor, and everyone had started to try it out, making some campers drunk and tipsy. Of course, before that, the Demeter cabin had made the younger campers turn in for the night to avoid the young children trying out things they shouldn't be.
All were having fun and forgetting their exhaustion before a piercing scream erupted, gaining everyone's attention.
"Let go of me, Colin!" a familiar voice yelled. A too familiar voice for Percy. He stopped his conversation with Leo halfway to turn to the scene that had gained the attention of everyone. He saw his girlfriend with a disturbed emotion, with a drunk Colin pestering her even more despite her refusal. This made the boy see red. Absolute red.
He stood up from his seat and walked towards the scene. "Percy, calm down—" Leo said, trying to stop him, only to be pushed away by his friend. "Hey, man, she said let go," Percy tried to calmly say while trying to shove the camper away, not wanting to cause another scene.
"Oh, shut up, fish boy," Colin responded. Without thinking, Percy raised his fist and punched the drunk Colin to the ground. Campers gasped in shock to see the son of Poseidon become physical with someone who wasn't a monster. Colin was quick to stand up and give Percy his own fist. "Percy!" you ran to your boyfriend, and some campers held Colin.
"Can't fight without your little girlfriend, huh, fish boy?" Colin taunted. "Don't talk to my girl like that," Percy tried to walk closer to Colin, but he was held back by you, Leo, and Luke. "Let go of me," Colin shook himself off from the campers who were holding him and spit on the ground.
"We aren't finished here, fish boy," Colin warned and pointed a finger at Percy before walking away. "Oh, yeah? It looks like it is to me!" Percy yelled at him. "Percy, stop!" you said, continuing to hold him by his arm. He looked down at you, and even for a little bit, he calmed down.
"Alright, everyone! Go to your cabins! No one speaks about this again tomorrow morning!" Luke instructed, and the campers obediently followed the Hermes boy's orders. "You should get him cleaned up, Y/n," Luke said, and he and Leo let go of their friend. "Go to sleep, Perce," He ruffled the boy's hair before him and Leo bid their goodbyes.
The walk back to the Poseidon cabin was silent. Percy knew very much that you were angry at him, and he hated himself for showing that side of him to you. When the two of you entered his cabin, you quickly took the first aid kit from under his bunk and started to clean the bruise on his knuckles and his busted lip.
It was silent for a few more minutes before Percy found the courage to say something. "I'm sorry, love," he apologized. He looked down at his lap when you turned away from him and ignored his apology. "I'm not angry, Percy, but I am disappointed," Percy's face lit up halfway when you said you weren't mad, but it turned back into a sad expression after you said you were disappointed.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," he apologized again, and a small smile appeared on his face when you nodded at his apology. "I was capable of defending myself, Percy," you told him.
"I know, I just didn't like seeing that guy near you," he said, pouting, earning a laugh from you.
"What? What did I do now?" he asked, completely confused, making you laugh even louder.
"Annabeth told me something this afternoon," you said, playing with the soft hairs at the back of his neck. Percy rolled his eyes, knowing what you meant, making you laugh even more.
"For the nth time! I am not jealous! I just don't like the guy!" he said, making you laugh out louder, which brought a smile to the wounded boy's face.
"Yeah, and Leo also said you murdered several strawberries this morning, which explains why I saw Dionysus yelling at you this morning," you said between laughs. "Oh, my eyes are tearing up, waterboy," you said, calming yourself down and wiping the tears of laughter from your eyes.
"I'm still upset about what you did to Colin, Percy," you said, suddenly becoming serious, making the boy roll his eyes.
"Oh, don't roll your eyes at me, young boy," you warned him, and Percy shivered, remembering how his mother scolded him. "I still think what you did was not nice and very not camp counselor-like," you scolded, raising a finger at Percy, which he tried to bite, but you swatted him for it.
"He deserved it," Percy huffed in annoyance. You raised your brow at him before he grinned widely and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you back to his bed, making you fall on top of him with a squeal.
"Percy!" you hit him lightly on the arm, but he just continued to grin at you. "I'm sorry, love, don't be upset anymore," Percy said, placing kisses on your face before you pushed him down to make him stop. "Okay, okay," you said. You lay down and placed your head directly on Percy's chest, and both of you stayed quiet for a little while.
Percy stared up at the ceiling and admired the glow-in-the-dark moon and stars you both had placed on his ceiling. You had your ear directly on his chest and heard the calming beating of his heart against his chest. Percy mindlessly played with your hair out of instinct, and after a few more minutes, he thought you were already asleep when he looked down at your figure on top of him.
"I'm not asleep yet, waterboy," you told him with your eyes closed after feeling him move around to get a better look at you. Percy chuckled, and you could feel the way his body softly shook from it, making you giggle. "Thank you for protecting me earlier, Percy," you said, making him softly smile at you. "You're welcome, pretty girl," he said, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
"You should apologize to Colin in the morning, Percy," you said, earning a hum of acknowledgement from him. "Please, Perce?" you turned to him with your pleading eyes, making him sigh in defeat. "I promise, pretty girl," he said, making you smile. You lifted yourself up from his chest, making him look up at you with confusion. You lowered yourself down and connected both your lips together for a short kiss, earning a smile from the boy.
"I love you, waterboy," you said. "I love you too, pretty girl," he said, smiling.
The rest of the night was peaceful in the Poseidon Cabin. The two of you fell asleep in each other's arms, and the strong beating of both your hearts could be heard by those who chose to be silent and listen carefully. Poseidon's son and Aphrodite's daughter are a perfect match that even the gods could not deny.
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hearts4chriss · 6 months
Slice of Pizza.
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Horny!Chris + Jake’s!little sister
prompt: your filming with ur brother Jake and the sturniolo triplets ur meeting for the first time, you and Chris had already been secretly talking behind their backs, he finally gets to meet you in person. After the videos over he offers to take you home and he can’t resist
Contains: public teasing, horny Chris, pet names (ma, mama, sweetheart??, baby, good girl, my girl, princess), m!oral receiving, unprotected sex ( wrap before u tap ), doggy , dirty talk, phat ass reader, creampie yktv
a/n- a lot of ppl wanted this one hope u like :)) ALL CREDS DUE TO ANYONE WHO INSPIRED ME ILYSM !! ( tags ran out )
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fuck fuck fuck fuck
Today was the day.
My brother Jake and I were collaborating with the sturniolo triplets, and I was so so nervous.
The main reason is that I was talking too one of them, Chris sturniolo.
We’d been talking for a little over a month and I was actually gonna meet him, but the thing is.
His brothers and my older brother Jake have no idea we’ve been talking.
let alone how much of a freak he is, as well as I am.
We’ve sent each other, images and texts and said things but I was going insane over meeting this man.
I had decided to reach out to one of my brothers friends and ex Tara fucking yummy.
my baby💞🫂
Tara help me, yk how I’ve been talking to Chris?
I’m fucking meeting him tdy bc Jake and I are collabing w the triplets.
baby you’ll be okayyyy
he wants you so bad trust
Chris is gonna beg to fuck you js wait 😛😛
My cheeks grew a pink hue just thinking of that, it was obviously Chris is very attractive and I’d love to have him fuck the absolute shit out of me.
so there I sat in my room wearing this outfit praying too impress him.
A white mini skirt and a fitted skims crop tank pushing my tits up even more highlighting my figure as I threw a grey zip up over it.
I walked downstairs being greeted with my brother.
Finally, took all day. Jake rolled his eyes and I stuck my tongue out
shut up come on I wanna meet these kids. I chuckle and he raised an eyebrow at me but didn't utter a word as we hoped in the car and began driving too the location.
We got there pretty quickly and I thankfully hadn't seen a text from chris today which calmed my nerves, but it was until I saw him standing outside of my car along with matt and nick.
I quickly got out the car.
holy- shit. was all I could utter under my breath at the 3 same faced men.
Matt had tattoos which i'd always loved and he was fairly attractive.
Nick also had tattoos and he was absolutely adorable I could see us becoming close.
The one of three i'd been "sexting" and oh my fuck he was so attractive.
He had a small stubble but not too much, his pink plump lips i'd been dying too kiss and lord the all grey- I could see his dick outline was he not wearing boxers??
wow kid ur short. Chris chuckled reaching in too give me a hug
hey baby, I finally get too meet your fine ass. He whispered low enough in my ear so I could feel a wetness grow in my panties seeping from my cunt.
Hey chris! we wanna hug her too! Nick rolled his eyes pulling me in for a hug.
ur so pretty holy shit- nick said softly and i smiled giving him a thank you.
Why am I last? Matt rolled his eyes playfully and I gave him a tighter hug than the rest.
Alright, can I have my sister back? My older brother basically emerged from his tesla and they all gave me a smile and we piled into the car as we pulled out foods from, McDonalds, a pizza place, Wendy's and more.
I sat in the passenger seat and Chris in the driver whilst nick matt and jake were in the back and he started the intro
“Hey guys welcome back to another video, this time I’m actually In my car, I’m joined by…”
Y/n Webber, the better sibling. I give the camera a wave and Jake rolls his eyes at me
“And also this collab was highly requested so…”
“Nick, Matt and Chris are with us today the sturniolo triplets!” As we all clapped for a bit.
"So today we are gonna be eating a bunch of our favourite foods and just talking and yeah that’s it!" I smiled.
"McDonald’s first?" Chris asked and everyone nodded as we each grabbed fries.
The video was super funny, Chris kept making me and everyone else laugh as well as nick and Matt attacking him it made the whole thing better. Until…
"Alright last thing?" I asked and everyone nodded
I opened the pizza box letting everyone grab a piece, I watched how Chris’s almost slipped so I helped him.
"They weren’t wrong, you are the clumsiest one". I let out a soft laugh and he rolled his eyes
"Yeah yeah". Chris chuckled and I held up the pizza for him as he looked me in the eyes, god I felt something. As he shook his head slowly trying to get a bite he managed to do so after about 7 seconds.
"Is it good bro? "Matt asked him and I let out a laugh as well as nick and my brother
"Shut up Matt". Chris spoke in a monotone and everyone laughed at that as if he wasn’t just fucking teasing me, so I decided to get him back.
"Guys it’s kinda hot-" I say unzipping my jacket Chris’s eyes follow my hand on the zipper
"Right I was gonna say".. Nick chuckles eating his pizza.
I take off my hoodie leaving my tank top as is my tits sitting perfectly upright and I noticed Chris’s eyes and I smirked continuing to eat my pizza occasionally licking the grease off my fingers looking him in the eyes.
Paybacks a bitch huh
little did I know, Chris was a fucking freak
"what did you say too my brother to even allow me to be alone with you". I let out a laugh and he chuckled pulling me onto the couch.
"Im good with words baby. He gave me a small wink before pulling me onto his lap for a kiss".
"Mmm this was well worth the wait". Chris mumbles in between kisses before grabbing my ass making me gasp as he slipped his tongue into my mouth as they played together.
He moved me on his lap, groaning as my clit rubbed on his growing boner.
"Fuck- I need ur mouth so bad" - Chris rested his head on my shoulder before tapping my ass signaling me to get up.
I got on my knees and leaned up pulling down his sweatpants along with his boxers watching his cock spring out and my eyes grow wide.
The length of it wasn’t even describable, let alone the girth, the tip was a dark pink and the veins going up the side had my panties dripping.
"you gonna suck me off or keep staring because I love the sight baby". Chris smirked biting his lip down at me and I wrap my hand around him and he moaned softly.
"baby.. please I need you- been waiting so long for you to do this" - he pleaded, almost in a whiny voice of need for me and I’d been waiting to do this.
I kiss his tip first before spitting on his cock stroking him and he throws his head back on the couch cushion.
I wrap my lips around his cock hollowing my cheeks as I began to suck him off sloppily and his hand gravitated towards my hair.
"oh fuck- just like that" - he moaned softly his eyes fluttering shut his mouth slightly agape as his chest heaved as he felt my plump lips wrap around him beginning to deep throat his dick
"oh shit ma- feels so fuckin good" - he shudders on his words as his eyes open looking down at me sucking his cock, the sound of my gagging on him were enough to make him squirm, Chris’s large hand on my head guiding me while running it in my hair.
Sucking Chris off was an experience I’d never forget and the fact I was making him feel so good whilst doing it only made my thighs clench together with anticipation, needing his cock buried inside me.
his hips occasionally thrusting allowing his tip to hit the back of my throat aggressively knowing I’d be sore tomorrow.
"F-fuckk love that pretty mouth on my dick" - he shudders when my nose presses against his lower abdomen as I deep-throat him having to hollow my cheeks due to his size.
Chris always told me he loved sloppy head and that’s exactly what I was giving him, salvia and his pre cum was running down my chin whilst spit bubbles formed on the corners of my mouth and my mascara was sweating off from the tears in my eyes.
"God you look so fucking pretty sucking me off baby" - he praised, breaths in between each word pulling on my hair slightly tighter as we made eye contact and he moaned at the sight.
"there’s my girl, keep ur eyes on me, wanna see that pretty face- shit" - Chris tried to maintain eye contact with me as best he could, but the way I was looking at him alone made him cum deep in my mouth filling it to the brim and a deep moan as he came.
Chris’s cum smeared along my lips as I swallowed it and getting up off my knees and he smiled.
"C’mere, I gotta stretch you out". Chris’s fingers pressed against my panties and I moaned softly at the touch and he chuckled.
"Hold on baby, you’ll thank me later, trust me". He smirked sliding two of his fingers inside my sopping cunt making me squeal.
"Shit Chris" - I moaned as he held me by my waist on his lap stretching me out for a bit.
"hold on ma, I don’t want you to get hurt". He kissed my cheek curling his fingers making me moan in his ear.
"You feel stretched out?" He rubs my back and I nodded
"I need words princess". Chris spanked my ass and I jolted.
"Yes yes! I do, please Chris- please fuck me" - I beg and he halts his movements sliding his fingers out of me.
"On all 4s for me and strip". He taps my ass and I do so getting on the couch pealing my panties and skirt off along with my tank top allowing me to be bare for him.
"Your so beautiful, gonna fuck this pussy so good" - he pulled his sweats down fully positioning himself behind me rubbing his cock between my folds making me whimper with frustration and his hand came down smacking my ass.
"Patience baby, such a needy girl". Chris shakes his head before gripping my hips pushing himself inside me making my back arch at the girth and sudden sharp pain from the stretch.
"Chris I-it’s not gonna fit" - I cry out and he massages my hip reassuringly.
"shh it’s okay just tell me when, take ur time". He whispered, I took some deep breaths as I felt my body finally adjust to him.
"Y-you can move now" - I sigh deeply and he holds my hips beginning to thrust slowly at first.
"Oh fuck- m’faster" - I moan peering behind my shoulder and he gives me a sly smile before picking up the paste making my jaw hang open as his hips came in contact harshly with my ass.
"shit- ur so tight ma" - Chris groaned his hands grip my ass occasionally letting go to give it a slap rubbing over the soft skin.
"oh god- ur so deep Chris" - i drop my head breathing heavily before he grips my hair thrusting harder.
"huh? I wanna hear that again". He holds his grip firmly waiting for me to respond as I’m dazed out on his cock.
"f-fuck! Your so- deep" - I moan in between words shuddering in his grasp as he releases his grip from my hair gravitating towards my hips again.
"that’s a good girl" - Chris praised rutting his hips into mine, the sound of our bodies connecting and my moans and heavy breathing along with his filled the empty room creating a sex aroma
"shit Chriss" - I dragged out moaning as he arched my back making his cock reach depths I don’t think we’re possible before he paused.
"W-what are you doing?!" I whimper in frustration and he shushed me.
"I wanna watch you fuck yourself on my cock can you do that for me?" He whispers into my neck, tickling my skin, his raspy voice going to my core.
I positioned myself on my forearms arching my back beginning to move my hips back and forth on his dick and he moaned in response holding my hip for comfort.
"fuck- keep throwing that shit back on me ma" - Chris shuddered, biting his lip at the sight, my moans shooting to his throbbing cock as well as my moans fueling his ego and filling his ears
"fuckk yes- feels so good- I cried out". clenching my fists at the pleasure and the angle his dick was hitting, the tip feeling on my g spot made me shake each time.
Chris was in heaven, just the sight of this could've made him cum inside me.
"shit- there you go baby- love that ass" - he lets out a deep groan laying a smack across my cheeks making me squeal as he rubs over the soft skin as I continued fucking myself on his cock, picking up the pace, our breathing syncing picking up.
"oh shitt- yes yess!" I squirm and shake ever so slightly as his tip kisses my most sensitive spot.
"Looks like I found it". He mumbles to himself before grabbing my hips beginning to thrust his own into mine making my jaw hang open whilst only heavy breathing comes out
"shit- fucked you speechless?" He lets out a breathy moan and I can’t help but mimick his actions because he quite literally fucked me speechless.
"God you take me so well" - sound so pretty on my cock- he lays a harsh smack to my ass making me squeal out as I close my walls around him.
"Chris I-I’m gonna cum" - I turn my head to the side seeing his facial expression as my breath picks up fists clenched as his hand rubs my clit.
"come on baby give it to me" - he praises his fingers play with my pussy overstimulating it as I cried out Chris’s name repeatedly until I creamed his cock.
He pulls out painting white ropes on my back giving me a second to catch my breath.
"You okay?" Chris pants pulling me onto his lap.
"yeah I’m okay- that was- well worth it". I smile pushing the hair sticking to his forehead away.
All over a slice of pizza huh.
Shut up Chris. I roll my eyes as he presses kisses to my shoulder
@mattsleftnipple03  @bernardsleftbootycheek  @sturniolopowers @gdsvhtwa  @rac00ns-are-c00l4   @worldlxvlys  @chrisslut25 @princessbetsy123-blog  @mattslolita @guccifrog  @blahbel668 @mattsneezing  @trickywritters  @hearts4chris
@nonamegirlxsturniolo  @luvmxtt  @theyluv-meee @hoesformatt  @luv4kozume  @kikisturnioloo  @itzdarling @pepsiimaxx @babyddolly  @iiheartstef  @junnniiieee07 @vicsguitarr  @ast3ro1dzz  @sturniolowhore  @st7rnioioss  @emma4eva  @braindead4l  @ihearttsyouu  @kqyslyho3  @imaslut4kehlani @sturnsfav @sunsetsturniolos  @sturniololoverr  @gamermattsgf  @lilyloveschris   @dlyansworld  @chrisloyalgf  @soimightlikeoldmen69 @abbie13sworld @ineedchriscock   @sturniol0s   @luhsexcbihh  @nicksmainbitch @rubyjaneaxx @love4chris @hysteria-things
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chrissvalentine · 18 days
✧˖*° ࿐ on cam. ⋆· ˚ ༘ *
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read part two. part three.
pairing: enemy!chris sturniolo x reader
summary: reader & matt are fwb, and chris seems a little jealous
warnings: SMUTTTT, dom!chris, oral, unprotected, roughhh, degrading names (slut, etc.), slapping, use of ma/baby, camera/recording, praise kink, choking if you squint, arguing
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you and chris had known eachother since you were kids, just like you had with the two other triplets. so matt and nick were confused when you two had suddenly become distant and rude towards each other in car videos.
so, they decided you and chris needed some alone time to work out whatever conflict had been going to between the two of you. so, they set you two down on their living room couch, and told you both exactly that. after that, they had left you two alone, and went to the store to get some things for tomorrows wednesday video.
the second nick and matt stepped out of the door, you shot up from the couch to leave this situation as soon as possible.
you're quickly stopped by chris grabbing your arm, and pulling you back down onto the couch.
he looks at you like he wasn't the one who ruined your friendship.
the truth was, you and chris had something going on a few years back. but you cut it off, and went back to being friends. for awhile, you had no idea why he had started being such a jerk to you in recent months. but eventually you pieced together a suspicion that it could be about what's going on between you and matt.
you and matt hadn't had anything truly serious going on. just flirting, and occasional making out, but chris didn’t know that.
but apparently that hadn't stopped chris from being jealous, because he speaks in a playful tone, "i know what's going on between you and my brother."
you look at him confidently, and respond confidently as well. "okay.. do you want a cookie?"
chris rolls his eyes at you and inches closer to you on the couch. he grips your wrist tighter, which causes you to whimper softly in response.
chris isn't saying anything, so you decide to speak up again, "i don't understand why your upset with me chris, i thought you would be over us by now."
chris responds swiftly, like he had already had this conversation in his head before it happened. "i am over us, but i'm not over us if your with my brother."
you look at him confused, you understand that he could be jealous, but that's not like him. he could literally get any girl he wanted. "chris, what? are you seriously jealo-"
he cuts you off by slamming your faces together, his hand that was gripped tightly on your arm suddenly moves to your waist.
he pulls you closer to him, almost onto his lap as he pushes his tongue into your mouth. you allow him entrance as your mouth opens and a soft whimper falls out.
his grip on your hips tightens as the kiss deepens. chris can't help himself, the desire to make you his becoming stronger with each second.
you pull away from the kiss for a slight moment, just long enough for him to pull you fully onto his lap, his forehead resting against yours as you try to catch your breath.
he glances at your swollen lips, and gently traces his thumb over them.
"you have no idea what you do to me." he says, before starting to move his hips around to create friction, just where you want it.
"i've been trying so hard to stay away from you," he murmurs, his lips brushing against your neck as he speaks.
“but you just can’t help yourself, huh? went and got with my brother like the slut you are.”
he places soft kisses along your neck, his teeth lightly nibbling at your skin. his hands begin to roam all over your body, exploring every inch of you as if he's trying to memorize every curve and detail.
his kisses become more intense, his tongue swirling against your skin as his hands grab your hips, and slowly grind you against him.
"chris. fuck," you mumble into the kiss.
he suddenly breaks the kiss, his breathing ragged as he looks at you, his eyes dark with desire. he runs his fingers through his hair as he tries to regain his composure.
he tugs at your shirt, motioning for you to take it off. you oblige as he reaches for something behind the couch. his hands searching for something specific, and finally grasping it.
chris pulls out a camera.
his eyes linger on you as you take off your shirt, biting his lip softly as he watches the reveal of your skin.
"your so beautiful," he whispers before motioning for you to take your shorts off. you comply, as he swiftly pulls off his shirt and sweatpants.
you cover your body with your arms, just for chris to take them off so he can see your body. "ma, let me see you." he mumbles.
chris then takes out the camera, and starts recording as he slowly takes off your bra.
he pans the camera down to your bare tits, "fuck, baby" he mumbled as you breathed deeply, unable to move as he moves the camera down to your lap.
"now your panties," he requests.
"but- your filiming. i-" you stuttered.
"so? strip." he interrupted
again, you do as he says. you slowly take off your panties as he spins you around for the camera. you couldn't help but notice how much his demanding tone turned you on. you maintained eye contact with him as you discarded your panties on the floor.
"so sexy, ma" he praised
chris discarded his boxers as he gave the camera a better view of your exposed body.
"shit," he groaned as he inched closer towards you.
you slowly turned around, to hopefully give him and the camera a better view. he snickered before running his hands past your tits, and up to your neck.
"you gonna let your little 'boyfriends" brother fuck you, slut?" he whispered while gently squeezing his hand around your neck.
his actions caused you to whimper, as he brought his free hand down sharply against your skin. his hand then slides down past your waist, pulling you even tighter against him.
"chris, please." you whisper, your voice strained with effort.
"what? use your words ma," he teased, clearly knowing what you wanted, but wanting to hear you say it.
"chris please fuck me," you plead desperately, needing him inside you.
chris chuckled, letting go of you and pushing you onto the couch. he pumped himself with his free hand before lining himself up with your pussy. his tip teased you as you looked back at the camera with a grin.
as you focus on the camera, he snickered again just before shoving himself quickly into your pussy. he smiled as he noticed he captured your face in that moment on camera.
"chris," you cried out, as he slapped your ass again.
"can't take my dick slut? i know you can." he huffed
at his sudden actions, you feel your walls clench as you adjust to his size. before you could make any more noise, chris brings his free hand to your face, and shoves two of his fingers into your mouth.
"you're taking me so well baby." he dryly praised as he adds another finger into your mouth.
chris continues slamming in and out of you as you suck on his fingers. your whimpers become louder and louder with each thrust. this whole time, he's making sure the camera gets a perfect view of everything happening.
"who fucks you better?" he suddenly groaned.
"what..? fuck," you replied confused.
"who fucks you better, slut? me or my brother,"
"you.. fuck, you fuck me better chris," you panted.
chris smirked at your response. as you feel your orgasm approaching, your walls begin to clench around chris' dick. looking back at him for approval, he grants it while chasing his own.
"that's it. fuck, come for me baby." he groaned as you felt your orgasm reach its highest point.
"get on your knees baby," chris ordered. you followed and settled down on your knees as you looked up at him, still holding the camera.
"open your mouth," he demanded as he ran his free hand through your hair before using it to pump himself, before entering your mouth. you took him all the way to the back of your throat, with his free hand gripped against the back of your head.
"fuck, that's it.. i'm close," he whimpered as he began to thrust into your wet mouth. your eyes formed tears as he released down your throat.
he slowly pulled out of your mouth, holding your jaw with his free hand. showing the camera the mess he had made.
he saved the video as you panted, trying to catch your breath.
"chris! what if someone sees that??" you whispered, embarrassed.
"that's the point sweetheart." he snickered as he put the camera down.
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a/n: 😬😬 how do we feel… first time writing smut..
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vanteguccir · 7 months
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         𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N is a medium and Matt's girlfriend. She is invited to participate in the collab between Sam & Colby and the Sturniolo Triplets but ends up being targeted by ghosts all night.
WARNING: Paranormal, supernatural, ghosts, mediumship.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
A/N²: Another version of this same "universe" that I wrote.
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"Guys, today we have some very special guests. You literally spent months asking us to do a collaboration with them." Colby said as he walked through the Driskill Hotel Hall with Sam at his side holding the camera. "The Sturniolo Triplets and Y/N!" The brunette finished, pointing to the four mentioned while the camera lens focused on them.
The duo had just finished their initial presentation of the channel and the place where they were, happy to finally do something that their fans had asked for so much.
"Are you guys excited?" Colby asked, clasping his hands in front of his chest as he looked at them with excitement on his features.
"Super excited." The triplets responded at the same time, smiling broadly.
"Very!" Y/N responded from beside Matt, her left hand rested on the brunette's covered back while Matt's right arm wrapped around her shoulder.
"Are you guys scared, nervous, or just excited?" Colby asked again, looking briefly at the camera.
"I'm scared." Chris responded quickly, his hands resting on his waist.
"I'm terrified." Nick admitted without reservation, receiving laughter from everyone there.
"I'm super excited, a little nervous, but super excited." Y/N spoke, nodding as a smile spread across her face.
"We wanted to ask this to you specifically. You're a medium, right?" Sam asked from behind the camera, adjusting it in his hands so that the lens caught the four of them and Colby, but with the focus on Y/N.
"Yes I am." The girl nodded.
"She's Lorraine Warren herself." Nick interrupted, pointing briefly at Y/N with his left hand.
"It's not that big of a deal, Nick." She rolled her eyes, not holding back her smile when she saw the boys laughing at the oldest of the triplets' joke.
"But you're good, right? We watched some videos and podcasts of the triplets, and they commented a few times in them about you being a medium." Colby took the lead, looking at her carefully, hoping she could help them with the investigation of that video.
"She is great." Matt spoke before Y/N could open her mouth, carrying a big smile on his face and a proud look in his eyes.
"I don't consider myself great." The girl rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's comment, feeling her cheeks heat up. "I've always had this 'power'." She made the quotation mark gesture with her hands. "I can see, hear, and feel. I remember that when I was a child, I didn't understand anything, and I was scared to death, especially because people said that only I could do those things, I felt crazy. Until my mother took me to my grandmother when I was 9 years old, and they explained it to me together. My grandmother was a great medium, and apparently, that passed on to me." She explained briefly.
"So you can do all three? And you have control over them?" Sam asked from behind the camera again.
"It depends on what the spirit or demon wants. I can feel anything, both energy and proximity. As for hearing or seeing, it depends on whether the spirit wants me to see or hear them. But when they want, I do all three perfectly, everything becomes very clear to me, as if they were really there in the flesh." Y/N explained, receiving nods from Nick and Chris, who were next to her paying attention to her words, even though they already knew that.
"And how do you react to that? You live together, right?" Colby turned to the brothers, bringing their attention to them.
"Yes, we always knew that Y/N was a medium since we all grew up together in Boston. When we moved in together after moving to LA, we not only knew, but we started living it." Nick began explaining, his eyes going from his brothers to Sam and Colby.
"Yes, she never went into much detail about what she saw or heard because we were always a little scared-"
"You're all pussy's." Y/N cut Chris off, releasing the sentence with a smirk on her face. Colby laughed loudly, shaking his head.
"Thank you, my love." Matt scoffed, getting a "your welcome" in return.
"It has become normal for us to be talking to her, and out of nowhere, she looks at a specific point that, for us, has nothing. Or she stops paying attention to what we are saying to listen to something that someone from beyond is saying." Chris continued after rolling his eyes at his sister-in-law, already used to her jokes.
"Yes, it's scary. Sometimes, she wakes up in the middle of the night and stares into space, sitting on top of our bed. I just pull the blanket over my head and pretend I'm not seeing it happening." Y/N slapped Matt's arm after his comment, muttering a "best boyfriend ever".
"Do you think you'll be able to capture the movements here well?" Colby turned to her, looking at her with a curious look.
"I hope so. I'm hopeful that they will be open to me and show me what I need to know." Y/N nodded, breaking into a smile.
Matt moved his right hand down to Y/N's left, intertwining their fingers and caressing his girlfriend's soft skin with his thumb, knowing how much she was looking forward to the video and wanting to feel helpful, even if she didn't need to be a super medium for this.
The six were now standing near the staircase where Samantha had apparently died after chasing a ball and tripping, rolling down the stairs.
Sam was standing on the second step while Matt and Chris were on the left side of the staircase, Matt leaning on the handrail, and Nick on the right side as they listened to the blonde's explanation.
Y/N was a little further away, Sam's voice was muffled to her while her ears picked up indecipherable whispers from all sides, as if many people were trying to ask for help, explain what happened at the hotel and sending hateful comments at the same time.
Matt's presence approaching her broke her from her trance, making her look up at him, seeing his worried expression.
"Is everything okay, baby?" He asked in a low voice, not wanting to attract the attention of the others.
"Yeah, I'm just trying to get a feel of the environment." Y/N responded in the same tone of voice, smiling softly, trying to calm her boyfriend and herself.
She was already used to seeing and hearing spirits since she had done it all her life, but this experience was different from any other she had ever had.
Nick looked at her momentarily, asking her if she was okay with just a move of his lips, receiving a nod in return.
Y/N decided to get closer to the others so she could focus on their main mission there, receiving answers from the spirits through the lanterns.
"Samantha, are you the only one up here on the stairs?" Matt asked after the boys asked several questions, his right hand holding Y/N's, trying to convey comfort.
"No." Y/N replied seconds before the red flashlight turned on, receiving looks from the five on her.
"Do you see any other ghosts up here?" Sam asked, watching Y/N's reactions carefully.
"Yes, I can't see them all clearly. Many are blurred, but I can see at least three up here, besides Samantha." The girl explained, briefly pointing to the spots where she saw the three aforementioned ghosts before turning her attention to the boys.
"Can you see Samantha?" Chris asked, raising his eyebrows, his blue eyes wide in curiosity.
"No, she doesn't want me to see her. But I feel her... Here." Y/N counted, closing her eyes briefly before pointing to a specific spot between Colby and Nick.
Nick looked at the indicated spot, moving away and going to Matt and Chris' side, feeling shivers run up his spine. Colby focused the camera on there, as if waiting for something to reveal itself to the lens.
Matt looked up at his girlfriend, watching her carefully, trying to make sure she was okay.
The six were now on the mezzanine, ready to stand in front of old mirrors, which were very expensive, while they tried to call for spirits through them, specifically for Carlota.
"Hey Carlota, we have five men here, but only four are single, and one of them is off limits." Matt began, looking around briefly as his right arm held Y/N close to him by her waist, not wanting to lose sight of her in the dark of the room.
Colby and Chris began to say pick-up lines into the air as they looked around blindly, causing Y/N to laugh. She couldn't believe they were actually doing that.
The scent of roses intensified around the group, making the girl divert her attention from the boys and also look around, looking for a source of the smell.
An intense tug on her hair made her take a step back, her hands flying to the spot as if she was trying to feel someone there, turning around abruptly.
"What was that?" Colby asked, stopping in the middle of one of his nonsensical pick-up lines.
"Someone pulled my hair." Y/N responded quickly, keeping her gaze firmly on the space where she felt a presence.
Matt turned to look at where his girlfriend was looking, keeping his hand in contact with her body, wanting to make sure she was still there.
"Are you sure that-" Chris began, stopping mid-sentence when he saw Y/N stumble forward, causing Matt's hand to lose contact with her body.
"Why don't you appear in front of me instead of pushing me around, Carlota?" Y/N spoke out loudly, her tone angry while her eyes rolled across the room, feeling several presences and trying to look for Carlota among them.
"Wow, calm down, baby." Matt asked, moving closer and touching her shoulder, only to have Y/N pushed to the side again.
It was obvious that that spirit, Carlota, if Y/N's intuition was right, didn't like the girl there for some reason. This was made clearer by the fact that she only pushed Y/N but didn't even touch the others.
"Are you sure it's Carlota?" Sam asked from behind the camera, zooming in on the lens and moving it so the camera captured the entire place.
"I can't see her, but I feel her presence. And it would make sense. She likes to be pampered and praised by men, having another woman in the same room as her might offend her." The girl explained.
"Or make her feel threatened." Nick added, receiving a nod from Y/N, who was still looking at specific points in the room.
"Get out." A whisper echoed directly against the girl's right ear, making her turn around abruptly, seeing only the female silhouette for a few seconds, before it disappeared like smoke.
Matt approached Y/N quickly as he saw her begin to show her nervousness, wrapping his arm around her waist firmly again, marking his territory and taking on a serious expression, looking around as if confronting whatever was there.
“You are not allowed to touch Y/N.” Matt stated, his voice echoing in a serious tone, tightening his grip on the curve of his girlfriend's waist.
The six stood in silence for a few minutes, waiting for something to happen again, but nothing happened.
"Matt took a firm stance, which probably proved to Carlota, or whoever was doing it, that they shouldn't touch Y/N." Colby explained to the camera. "If it worked so quickly, it probably means you have an aura similar to mine." He turned to Matt, who looked back at him with a confused look, not understanding what that meant.
"It is said that the spirits are afraid of Colby because he has a very "firm" aura, which scares them and makes them obey him." Sam explained, lowering the camera a little so he could get a better look at the couple.
"That explains why the manifestations at home lessen when Matt is around me." Y/N contemplated, bringing her right hand to Matt's left on her waist, stroking the area lightly in gratitude.
Colby resumed his explanation of what they would do in the room after noticing that nothing else would happen to Y/N, focusing his attention on the camera lens.
Matt brought his face closer to the top of his girlfriend's head, sealing his lips in the area for a few seconds, before moving away and exhaling the smell of shampoo and perfume that Y/N exuded, calming himself down.
"You guys are so cheesy." Nick interrupted their moment with a smile on his face, getting closer to feel some sense of comfort.
Y/N just laughed as she rolled her eyes, resting her head on her boyfriend's covered chest, feeling grateful to have him there to protect her.
"Do you want to do it yourself?" Sam asked Matt.
Matt and Sam had just gotten out of the elevator after doing the ritual, which brought no results. The boys that stayed behind were surprised, saying that the ritual lasted just a few minutes, less than they expected.
Y/N was next to Nick, looking carefully inside the elevator as if expecting something to appear there, but there weren't even any traces of ghosts, which left her confused.
Matt looked at Sam for a few seconds after his question, shrugging as if to say, "I'm already here, why not?"
"Babe, can I come with you?" The girl's voice sounded among the group, making everyone look at her briefly.
Matt nodded quickly, feeling relief fill his heart, knowing that he wouldn't have to do it alone anymore. He raised his left hand in the air, waiting for his girlfriend to take it, intertwining their fingers tightly.
"What if you never come back?" Nick began, making Y/N roll her eyes.
"I promise I'll bring him back intact." The girl interrupted the drama. "I'm Lorraine Warren, remember? I'm going to protect my Ed Warren." She added, making everyone laugh.
"Send me the numbers." The brunette asked, looking at Sam as he fished his phone out of his jeans pocket.
The couple entered the elevator, Matt holding the camera in one hand and his phone in the other.
"Don't forget to say "take me to another world"." Sam remembered before the doors closed, the two of them repeating the words being the last thing he heard.
"Okay, let's do this." Matt unlocked his phone screen, opening the messaging app and clicking on Sam's chat, seeing the texts with the numbers.
Y/N read over her boyfriend's shoulder before leaning over and clicking the button for the first floor, taking a deep breath.
"Are you okay, baby?" Matt asked in a low voice, arranging the camera in his hands so that the lens framed the two of them before turning his head to look at her.
"Yeah, just nervous." Y/N began, turning to face her boyfriend while putting on a nervous smile, cracking her fingers in an act of anxiety. "It's just been too much, I've never felt so many presences at the same time."
"I know, baby. I'm here-"
Matt stopped mid-sentence when the elevator door opened, the two of them turning to the it quickly, their eyes traveling down the hallway, scanning the place.
A sigh escaped Matt's lips when nothing happened, his hands relaxing and the camera moving slightly as he leaned in to click the next button.
He reread the texts sent by Sam before putting away his phone, taking his free hand to Y/N's shoulders and pulling her close, the warmth of her body calming him.
"You're brave today. I like this new Matt." The girl commented a few seconds later, looking up, her eyes meeting the blue ones she loved so much. Matt smirked, lowering himself momentarily, sealing his lips over Y/N's forehead.
The two remained in that position, their heartbeats accelerating each time the elevator doors opened again, before they relaxed when nothing happened.
Until the fifth floor, where supposedly a "lady" should enter the elevator. Y/N stood still when the doors opened, the hair on her arms stood up and her heart seemed to freeze for a few seconds before speeding up, feeling like her entire body trembled with each beat.
"Matt." Her voice sounded broken and weak. "She... She's right there." Y/N muttered, raising her right arm and pointing out of the elevator. Her gaze seemed to be glazed over.
Matt swallowed hard, tightening his hand around his girlfriend, wanting to make sure she didn't leave his side. He arranged the camera so that the lens was focused outside, although neither he nor the camera were capturing anything.
"She's not coming in. Something seems to be stopping her. But she's so angry." The girl said, her voice full of emotions, looking like she was about to cry.
"Alright, that's enough. Let's go back." Matt interrupted, leaning in and clicking the button to go down, placing himself in front of his girl, with the intention of protecting her or taking her attention away from the figure.
The elevator began to slowly close, the doors appearing to be held by something.
When it finally did, Matt turned to Y/N, lowering the camera momentarily and focusing all of his attention on her.
"Baby, are you with me? Are you back?" The boy asked in a low, soft voice, afraid of scaring her even more. His blue eyes looked into his girlfriend's, hoping to see them come into focus again.
Y/N blinked repeatedly before finally looking at Matt.
"Yes, I-I'm sorry." She asked, her voice coming out weak. She closed her lips in a thin line, trying to hold back the post-adrenaline crying.
"Hey, don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. Are you okay, baby? I just need to know this." The brunette was worried, he felt his heart tighten at his girl's features, and if he could, he would pass on everything she saw and felt to himself, just to spare her from all that.
"Now I am. I promise." The girl responded, nodding her head and offering him a small smile.
The sound of the elevator doors opening interrupted them, making Matt turn his back to Y/N and face the boys waiting for them, Colby already with his camera in hand and the lens focusing on the inside of the place.
"Wow, don't tell me you guys were- Wait, is everything okay?" Nick started the joke, believing that they would be kissing due to their position, but stopping in the middle of it when he noticed the expressions on Y/N's face.
"Y/N saw the "lady" who was supposed to enter the elevator on the fifth floor." Matt said, taking his girl's hand and guiding her out of it carefully.
The group was now in room 525, ready to do the Estes Method.
Y/N was sitting on the edge of the bed, next to Matt, and facing the chair where the other two brothers would do the method. She had a soft smile on her face as she saw her boyfriend and brothers spouting barbs, creating a pleasant atmosphere, before Nick and Chris got under.
The girl kept her eyes glued to the duo, refusing to look around her despite hearing whispers. The words that Nick and Chris repeated, she could hear seconds before, sometimes even phrases, but she didn't want to pay attention to the ghosts there. Y/N wanted to know what they wanted them to know, and she would only get it if she heard what Chris and Nick heard.
The words came disconnected and fast. It seemed like the two were in an argument, often even complementing each other's phrases.
"Y/N." Nick spoke suddenly, his nose wrinkling under the red blindfold as if trying to understand where that came from, or hear better what it meant.
Matt quickly brought his right hand to Y/N's left thigh, maintaining direct contact with her as he kept his eyes fixed on Nick, a serious expression on his face.
"Unwelcome here." Chris spoke next.
Colby felt his fingers on the camera shake slightly. He knew well what was happening here, having already been through the same situation with Sam and their psychic friend, Amanda. He looked at Y/N with a worried expression, followed by Sam, who went over and sat on the bed next to the girl.
Matt pressed his fingers over his girlfriend's covered skin, taking a deep breath. He couldn't believe this was really happening.
"Yeah, it seems like the ghosts hate me." Y/N spoke with a nervous smile, letting out a low laugh, trying to calm the tense atmosphere that had settled.
She finally looked up and around the room, easily finding the ghost who had said that.
The "lady" from the elevator was next to Chris, staring at her with the same anger as before, showing her hatred for the girl's presence there. It was obvious that she didn't want Y/N in her hotel, but no one there understood why.
"What the hell?" Y/N exclaimed milliseconds after Chris said the last word, turning around abruptly when she felt something grab her arm and let go seconds later, but curiously, her eyes didn't catch anything.
"Okay, I think that's good for now." Sam said after seeing her reaction, getting up from the bed and touching Nick and Chris, making them take off their headphones and blindfolds.
"Apparently, I'm unwelcome here." Y/N was the first to speak after getting the attention of the other two brothers. "Something just touched me, I swear."
"I just don't understand. Why would they try to attack Y/N? It doesn't make sense." Matt asked, turning to Colby in hopes of him having an answer, as he moved closer to Y/N on the mattress, trying to give her some reassurance.
"I don't know, sometimes spirits just choose one person to terrorize or attach to, and only they know why. Sam went through something similar once." Colby explained, pointing briefly at the blonde, who nodded.
The girl sighed, it's obvious that they would choose her, after all she could see and hear them. She looked around the room again, drowning out the sound of the boys' voices. Her attention was drawn to the bathroom, which had its door opened by Matt earlier.
She felt a presence there. It certainly wasn't evil, and it seemed to be calling for her, as if it needed her to come in there.
"Guys, why don't we try again, but in the bathroom?" Y/N interrupted Nick's sentence - without even knowing what he was saying -, turning to the boys with a firm look.
"Baby, are you sure? I think we're past your limit." Matt asked, uncertainty settling into his gaze as his blue eyes ran over his girlfriend's features, as if searching for any sign of fear there, but finding nothing but firmness.
"I'm sure, I feel like there's something there that needs to talk to us."
Minutes later the six had organized themselves in the small bathroom; Colby was standing in the bathtub while Matt sat on the edge of it, Nick was sitting on the closed toilet and Chris was leaning on the sink, both looking at his brother. Sam was standing in the doorway, still with the camera in hand, while Y/N was sitting on the floor, between Matt's legs and looking up, her eyes focused on her boyfriend's blindfold covered face.
Y/N had her right hand on Matt's thigh, caressing the skin carefully, trying to reduce the boy's anxiety and nervousness, knowing that despite him trying to be thought, he was afraid of what might happen, or if he would even be able to hear anything.
"A very deep breath." Matt spoke for the first time after going under, his voice coming out loud before mimicking the breath he heard.
Y/N frowned, looking around but seeing nothing. Seconds later, she felt goosebumps run down her arm and a wind on her right side, as if something had passed there and settled next to Matt.
"Love." Matt got the first word out.
"Is that why you're here? Because you love the hotel?" Sam asked from behind the camera.
"Are there any couples here with us?" Colby asked, pinching his lips with his fingers as he tried to think of possibilities, but there was no response from the boy.
“Are you referring to Y/N and Matt?” Chris asked suddenly, causing Y/N to look at him quickly, her eyes wide.
"Do you think they're both beautiful together?" Nick asked this time, resting his left foot lightly against Y/N's thigh, trying to keep her calm.
"Are you angry because they are a beautiful couple?" Sam asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.
"Wait, that makes sense. There was a woman in the room while Nick and Chris were doing the Estes Method, it was the same lady from the elevator, and she was very angry about something, just like she was when I saw her in the actual elevator." Y/N explained, lifting her head and briefly looking at Colby, who carried a concentrated look. "She was staring at me with hatred, as if I had done the worst thing in the world."
"Wow, that's the fourth time tonight that the same word has been repeated." Colby murmured, his eyes wide.
"Is the woman in the room mad that Matt and I are a couple?" Y/N asked with uncertainty in her voice. She didn't understand why a many years old ghost would be angry at their relationship.
At that moment, Y/N felt a new presence in the bathroom, as if something had left the room and entered there, it being filled with hatred. The girl looked up and saw the same woman, this time closer, looking at her with the same look as before, but for some reason she didn't try to touch Y/N, or she couldn't.
"She's-" Y/N's sentence was cut off by Matt, who repeated words again.
"Touch. Hurt. Y/N." Matt spoke the words without pause, his hands flying to the headphones and quickly taking it off, followed by the blindfold. "No, you can't touch her. She's not yours." Matt growled angrily, standing up and pulling Y/N by her arms, making her stand beside him, before pulling her tightly to his side and wrapping his arm protectively around her shoulder. "You're not allowed to touch any of us, especially her." The boy finished, his blue eyes traveled around the bathroom, as if he was trying to find where the entity was.
"What the fuck dude?" Sam quickly lowered the camera, looking at everyone there in shock.
Chris and Nick took a rigid stance, as if they were ready to help their brother if necessary, despite there being nothing they could do against a ghost.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Nick turned, looking at her with careful eyes, trying to read the girl's expressions.
"Yeah, she didn't actually touch me, but it was intense... I'm just scared. At least she's not here anymore." Y/N sighed, leaning into Matt, who patted her shoulder affectionately.
"That was crazy man. I didn't think the night would turn into this." Colby muttered, stepping out of the tub.
"It's okay, it's over now." Matt whispered in Y/N's ear, embracing her into his arms. She took a deep breath, breathing Matt's scent in, calming her nerves down.
The ghosts really hated her.
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concreteangel92 · 7 months
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Acting up
Noah Sebastian x fem!reader
Warnings: spanking, clit spanking, dom/sub relationship, oral (m&f receiving) PiV sex, over simulation, aftercare of course
A/N: so I got this idea into my head last week and just had to bring it to life!
Apart from the small writing I uploaded the other day, this is my first proper one shot and deffo the first smut I’ve done in about 7/8 years so I felt incredibly rusty and have prayed that this turned out ok haha I’ve re-read and changed things so many times in the last week 😂 but after finally feeling more or less happy with it, here we are and I hope you enjoy!!
You knew you were in trouble, you’d been winding Noah up all day at an important work event.
Noah hadn’t long been home from yet another tour, but he’d hardly paid you any attention over the last couple days, he was either sleeping or working in his studio and although you love and support everything he does and you understood work has to come first sometimes, you were feeling incredibly needy now.
So you started off small, you wore a dress that left little the imagination. I’m talking bending over too far and everyone sees everything kind of dress to which Noah wasn’t impressed.
“You’re not wearing that to the event.”
“Yes I am.”
Noah’s eyes locked with yours and he had an irritated expression on his face.
“No, you’re not! I’m not having every persons eyes on my girls ass all night because she can’t be bothered to dress appropriately. The car is already outside, I’ll meet you in there. Go change, now.”
You turned away and headed to your shared bedroom with a small smirk on your face, he was too easy to wind up. Instead of changing the dress, you put a long coat over the dress to give the impression you’d changed and jumped into the car.
Noah, having been on his phone texting the whole journey, didn’t seem to notice anything until you arrived at the party, it was full of his management team, the rest of the band, friends, crew, you name it and they were there. Drinks were being served, music was blasting out and everyone appeared to be having a good time already.
You slipped your coat off when you walked into the main room, all eyes were immediately on you but Noah’s became dark.
“What did I say back at home?”
“Can’t remember to be honest”
Noah stood very close to you and put his hand firmly on your upper arm. “I need you to behave yourself tonight.”
All you heard in your mind was “test me more.”
You smiled up at him sweetly, playing the innocent and said “I always behave baby, especially at such an important event.”
Noah gave you a firm look but relaxed his grip on your arm and he let his fall around your waist to guide you around while he mingled.
The night seemed to go well, Noah became a bit more relaxed and was enjoying himself and never strayed too far from your side, often you felt yourself leaning into him, his hand always rubbing small circles on your side absentmindedly. Noah wasn’t someone who displayed massive amounts of affection in public but he loved to always have you in touching distance. And he probably wanted to hide how short your dress was from prying eyes as best as he could.
You let Noah do his thing for a few hours before you started to become impatient, and you knew Noah better then anyone and knew he would be drained by now, he doesn’t do well in big crowds of people and avoids them unless he has to for work, so you decided it was time to start upping the game.
A few throw away comments or jokes at his expense is how it started, your particular favourite was when you offered to grab a drink for him and Jolly but only returned with two and you started to drink one yourself.
“Did you get my drink babe?”
“You have legs right? Do what comes after February….March”
Noah tensed next to you every time and then when you both walked over to both the Nick’s and Jolly who had excused themselves to the sofas, you knew it was time.
You said hello and sat yourself right next to Jolly and Folio which meant Noah had no choice but to sit with Nick opposite you on the other sofa, Noah looked a bit disappointed as there was room for both of you but that look didn’t last long.
After glancing around and making sure that Ruffilo wasn’t watching, you uncrossed your legs and opened them up just enough for Noah to realise that you hadn’t got any underwear on tonight. Noah’s face instantly hardened and he glared straight at you, you couldn’t help but smile and giggle quietly to yourself as you knew this was it, Noah would never let you get away with this, you could feel yourself growing wetter just at the thought of what he’s going to do when you’re alone.
Jolly turned to you after hearing your giggle and said “what’s got you giggling?”
You crossed your legs back over and replied with “oh….erm I was just thinking that if it rains tonight, I don’t have a hood or umbrella so I’d end up getting very wet tonight”
Jolly looked ever so slightly confused but commented back that he didn’t believe it was forecasted to rain. You looked back over to Noah with a smile and you watched as his jaw clenched and his eyes were dark, he gave a very menacing look in your direction at the comment you’d made, he suddenly cleared his throat and jumped up.
“On that note guys I’m not feeling very well, I think I’m going to call it a night now, come on y/n.”
Ruffilo looked concerned “you alright man?”
Noah didn’t take his eyes off you “bad headache”
You stood up and fixed your dress, you smiled at the guys and said goodbye, Noah made certain to pass you your coat and grabbed your hand very firmly and said under his breath “we’ll talk about this at home.”
The ride home was silent, Noah’s grip hasn’t left your hand, and although it was starting to hurt slightly, it was simply causing you to ache elsewhere. You knew Noah was extremely angry, you’d technically crossed a line and was playing up in front of his friends which he doesn’t like but you couldn’t help it, he looked very attractive to you right now.
Not a word was said until you both walked into your house, you went to turn around and then found yourself pinned up against the door with Noah’s hand wrapped around your throat.
“What the fuck was that?”
“What was what baby?”
“Don’t play innocent with me, you knew exactly what you were doing, you’ve been acting like a brat all day and at one of my work events, are fucking serious?”
You stared up at him with big eyes, between your thighs was already wet and his hand became just that bit tighter which made your breath hitch.
“I just wanted some attention off you for a change.”
Noah ran his thumb over your bottom lip, pulling it down slightly.
“Is that so?”
Without any warning he stuck one of his fingers into you and your mouth fell open with a silent moan, head falling back onto the wall.
“You’re so wet for me baby, been thinking about this all day eh?”
“You want me to make you feel good?”
You nodded while he moved his finger slowly but then removed it, take a moment to clean it off with his mouth.
“Too bad, you think after your performance tonight that you can just get what you want? I don’t think so. Get up those stairs and into our room, only good girls get rewarded.”
Your brain felt fuzzy with excitement as you followed his orders, you went up to your room, Noah not far behind you closing the door and then he sat himself on the edge of the bed.
Noah then stretched his neck from one side to the other, as if preparing for what was about to happen and watching him do that, you practically came on the spot.
“Lay across my lap.”
You went to remove your dress but he stopped you
“Leave it on. You wanted to wear it so badly.”
You walked over to Noah and got comfortable across his lap and he pulled the dress up so he had complete access to you.
“Now for your punish today, I think 15 will do, count each hit and if you miss then we shall start again, understand?”
You nodded in response.
“Use your words angel”
“Yes I understand”
“Remember your safe word?”
Your heart swelled at that as he asks every time he knows he’s about to be rough.
“Yes I do”
“Good girl”
That phrase made your pussy throb, as much as you love being a brat, you also adored his praise.
Noah ran his hand over the back of your legs, he gently parted them slightly and saw the slick coating on the inside of your thighs. Your heart rate increase and you could feel yourself clenching around nothing.
“My dirty girl is looking forward to this huh?”
You were going to respond when out of nowhere he spanked you hard and you let out a deep groan.
He spanked you again, on the opposite cheek, making sure to keep his hand slightly cupped and not to go to high up so not to hit your lower back.
“Are we starting to learn our lesson yet?”
You smiled even though he couldn’t see it. “No.”
“Very well”
Noah was then smacking your bare behind multiple times in a row and you done your best to keep up calling out the numbers with his fast pace, all while you could feel the beautiful stinging pain begin the more he spanked you.
“That’s my good girl, you’re going a beautiful shade of red baby, shall we take it up a notch for the last 5?”
“Yes sir”
Noah hummed in approval of the name you used, the pain was coming through more now but Noah started to rub you down to soothe you. His hand pulled away briefly and you felt it be replaced with your leather paddle that you didn’t even realised he’d got out ready.
“5 hard smacks angel and then it’s over, you’re doing so good for me.”
You squeezed your thighs together more to try and get relief from the aching you felt, you prayed Noah would reward you soon.
He smacked the paddled down extra hard then he normally did and you cried out and called out “el..eleven!”
“You know what that was for, you get your reward when I say so.”
You nodded and moaned and your body jolted when he then continued the last 4 smacks on you.
You relaxed down on his lap, your backside feeling hot to the touch and was no doubt bright red but you felt his soothing touch as he rubbed over his work for a minute.
Noah gently brought you up and gave you a soft kiss
“You took that so well baby, almost made me feel bad seeing how red you’ve gone, that will definitely bruise later.”
You leaned in and kissed him harder, now straddling his lap and feeling how hot your whole body was. You could feel his erection through his trousers and you started to grind yourself down until his hands stopped you.
“Oh no you don’t angel, we haven’t finished yet”
You stared at him and he brushed your hair out of your face.
“You may have taken your punishment but I don’t feel like I’ve had a proper apology yet”
“I’m sorry Noah…”
“On your knees.”
You dropped down onto your knees immediately, wanting nothing more than to please him however he wanted.
“Suck my cock baby and then maybe I’ll forgive you for acting up today in front of my friends, show me how sorry you are.”
He pulled his boxers and trousers down his hips and legs, just enough to give you access. You watched as his dick fell back onto his stomach, a small amount of precum already leaking out. You wasted no time and licked up his shaft before taking him completely in your mouth and hollowing out your cheeks
“F-fuck baby that’s it”
You grabbed his base with one of your hands while you bobbed your head up and down, no teasing tonight, you cupped his balls with your other hand and gently massaged them making Noah throw his head back letting out guttural growls that you’d normally only hear on the stage while his hand came to rest in your hair guiding you up and down on him.
Next thing you felt was Noah pulling you off him and he brought you in for a kiss, while lifting you onto the bed and pushing your thighs apart so he could rest between them.
“You really are so perfect for me angel”
Noah gave no warning before he dived straight in. A choked cry fell from your lips and he sucked onto your clit and parted your lips with his fingers, to then move down and push his tongue straight in for a taste. Noah was the type of guy who could be between your legs for hours, he was like a thirsty man in a dessert, and he was very smug that he was the first man to ever make your legs shake uncontrollably while eating you out, man is a munch for a reason.
You reached your hand down into his hair and pressed his face into you, trying to grind onto him as you felt yourself getting closer, Noah pulled back and slapped your clit which caused you to jump and moan out.
“Don’t forget your place tonight baby”
You nodded in response but clearly that wasn’t good enough as he delivered another spank down.
“Yes Noah, I’ll be good I promise”
You were desperate to cum now, you’d been on the edge for ages and those last two spanks nearly sent you over but you had a feeling Noah wasn’t done with you yet.
Noah kissed your shaky thighs gently, he then gripped your hips down and went straight back in, his face being literally buried in your warmth and your hands are gripping the sheets beneath you while he groans against you, still licking and sucking all over you like you’re his last meal
You could feel your orgasm building up again, your thighs started to shake more and as Noah was sucking on your clit, you felt his fingers at your entrance. Your back arched as he pushed one in, your walls finally having something to hold onto, your cries getting louder and louder. Noah continued as he was, almost with no need for breath, his mouth and fingers working together while he grounded your hips down on the mattress.
“I’m so close Noah”
Noah then pulled away once more with a devilish smirk while you let a choked gasp.
“Have we learned our lesson yet princess?”
You had tears in your eyes, he couldn’t be serious, you were nearly there but Noah loved to edge you as a punishment, he loved to see you beg for him.
“Noah, please I’m so sorry, I won’t ever be a brat in front of your friends again. Please, please let me cum, I’ll be so good for you I promise!”
Noah leant forward, wiped a tear away that had slipped out and gave you a sweet kiss.
“Shhhhh it’s ok baby, I’ve gotcha you”
Noah ran his hands down your sides and settled himself back, he licked a big strip from your opening up to your clit and attached his mouth there while he pushed two fingers back in, Noah wasn’t playing this time, he relentlessly brought you back up to your high, legs shaking, back arching and tears forming in your eyes as you cried out
“Please don’t stop Noah”
And he doesn’t, the arm that’s been holding your hips down, he moves his hand onto your lower tummy and pushes down while he curls his fingers up inside and that’s all it takes for you to feel your orgasm wash over you with a scream.
He doesn’t pull away from you until you’re whining and crying from the overstimulation, you push his head away as the aftershocks are still shaking your body every few seconds and Noah crawls up from between your thighs with his face drenched in your juices. He held you while you came back around, placing small kisses around your collarbone.
“Green, so green”
Noah let out a small laugh “ok baby, you ready for me?”
You could feel him hard against your thigh, you nodded and leaned up to him for a kiss which he returned. He pulls away and gently removes your dress up over your head and quickly removes the rest of his clothes.
“Turned around, ass up for me.”
You rolled onto your stomach and Noah helped positioned your hips up for him, he ran one hand over your cheek which was definitely sore now but that was forgotten when you felt his head at your entrance. Noah pushed in with no resistance and bottomed out straight away with a loud moan.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good”
Noah held onto your hips and then started a fast, unrelenting pace which caused you to cry out and push back into him. You swear you could feel his tip hitting your stomach with every thrust and Noah wasn’t shy about letting out his own growl’s and groans. You felt your walls closing on him again, your head pressing into the sheets as you called his name. You could only imagine how beautifully sinful he must have looked right now. Noah reached around and started rubbing your clit again.
“One more angel, give me one more, I know you can do it”
Practically screaming you felt yourself crash over the edge and Noah soon followed, his body coming down onto yours, both sweaty and breathless.
You felt Noah pull out gently and rolled you into him, he held onto you as you snuggled into him, your body sore but beautifully spent.
“You ok baby? I’ll be back in a minute ok?”
You nodded as you curled up on the bed, Noah came back in a few minutes later with a glass of water and a warm wash cloth. He gently cleaned you up in between your legs, made you drink some water and then got some cream out of the draw and he rolled you back over to gently rub it over the bruises that were already starting to appear.
You scrunched up your face a little bit, something Noah didn’t miss.
“You done so well for me tonight princess”
Noah got out a comfy t shirt for you and he put on a pair of sweats and then got you both under the covers.
“Is there anything else I can get you baby?”
“No, all I want is a cuddle”
Noah smiled “I think I can manage that”
You curled up into side and he wrapped his arms around you, you felt so warm and safe with him.
Thinking back to the last few hours you let out a small giggle.
“What’s funny?”
“I should play up in front of your friends more often.”
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mellowmistt · 2 months
baby fever | matt sturniolo
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summary: story of pregnancy with Matt (yes he’s a girl dad)
content: fluff, swearing
A/N: Feel free to send me story requests and I will do my best!
I wake up against Matt’s embrace, his arm over my waist, head nestled against my shoulder. I gently opened my eyes, adjusting the light gleaming through the blinds. I inhaled deeply, instinctively stretching my legs to wake my body up.
“Morning” Matt whispers croakily, rubbing my waist gently.
“Good morni-“ I could barely finish my sentence before gulping. I abruptly sat up, feeling like I would need to rush to the bathroom, but the feeling went away for a few moments.
“Hey what’s wrong?” Matt asks, sitting up and placing a hand on my shoulder.
I stare blankly at the bedsheets, the sick feeling creeping back up my throat, I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom, heaving into the toilet.
Matt follows behind, concerned at my sudden movements. He rubs my back and pulls hair strands out of my face as I lean back from the toilet, deeply breathing at the sudden disruption through my body.
“Does this mean what I think it does?” Matt asks softly. I turn to look at him, the realisation only just hitting me. We had discussions about having a baby a few months back, we didn’t exactly plan or start ‘trying’ to concieve, we just decided it would all happen naturally when the time was right.
“I should probably go buy a test” I say, exhaling another deep breath.
I put the cap back on the end of the test strip and flush the chain. I walk back into the bedroom and sit on the end of the bed next to Matt, who immediately puts his arm around me for comfort. We sit like this for a few minutes, looking at the upside-down test.
Once the right amount of time had passed, I glanced at Matt before flipping the test around. Sure enough, it read ‘Pregnant; 2-3 weeks’
“Oh my gosh!” I say with a gasp, smiling into Matt’s chest.
“No way!” He says, soft laughter escaping in happiness before kissing my head.
A few weeks later, we finally had ultrasound pictures and confirmation of a healthy pregnancy so far, meaning we could finally tell people. Of course Nick, Chris and our parents were the first priority, Matt and I had already planned on how to tell them. It had been so hard not being able to tell Nick and Chris, feeling so nauseous the past few weeks when hanging out with them, barely wanting to eat but also being ravenous at the same time because if I don’t eat I will definitely throw up.
We decided to give ‘gifts’ to Nick and Chris and pretend it’s a prank for YouTube. We bought two gift bags, tissue paper and two little gift boxes to put an ultrasound picture in.
“Okay, here are the gift bags!” I say, placing them onto the kitchen table in front of where Nick and Chris were sat, suspiciously eyeing Matt as he holds the camera, smiling.
“Why am I scared” Nick exclaims, grinning at Chris.
“I know like this is so random” Chris laughs nervously.
“Okay, you can open them now” I say, glancing at Matt.
They both undo the ribbon securing the bags and unfold the tissue paper.
“Okayy, a little box?” Nick says, pulling it out in sync with Chris.
They both open it hesitantly, Nicks jaw drops instantly, staring blankly at the picture for a few moments.
Chris takes a few moments inspecting the picture in the box before he realises what it is.
“Whatttt!” Nick says, looking up at Matt and I in awe.
Chris finally looks at us, jaw dropped.
“Is this real?!” He exclaims through giggles.
“Yeah, I’m six weeks pregnant” I say, pulling my sweatshirt up and showing them the small bump which is starting to become more visible.
Matt chuckles softly behind the camera as he watches his brother’s reactions.
“Oh my god!” Chris exclaims, standing up with a big smile.
“Oh my god why am I about to cry!” Nick states as he stands up and hugs me, laughing softly.
“You guys are gonna be uncles finally” Matt says as Chris hugs him.
“I’m so excited!” Chris exclaims, before running to hug me.
I was now 18 weeks, and into my second trimester. I had just had another scan which determined the sex of the baby. Matt and I wanted it to be a surprise to share with everyone, so we didn’t open the card and gave it to a bakery to make a gender reveal cake.
Matt and I stood against the table, the cake in front of us iced in white with a black ‘?’ in the middle.
Our friends and Nick and Chris stood around us, excitedly awaiting the reveal.
“Okay..three..two…one!” They all say, and Matt and I cut a slice of cake, waiting a moment before pulling it up, revealing a bright pink sponge. I immediately tear up, my hand comes to my mouth as I put down the knife and hug Matt. I had always dreamt of having a baby girl, a mini me. Our friends cheer in awe.
“Oh my gosh I’m so excited baby, we’re going to have a daughter!” Matt says before kissing my head.
We had reached the week of the due date, these past nine months have flown by. Matt had been my number one supporter of course, he would always take trips to the store to get me my favourite chocolate bars or cookies, whatever I was craving, he held my stomach when we would go to sleep, trying to keep me as comfortable as possible. He loved to kiss my belly and talk to our baby, saying how excited he was to meet her, and that Nick and Chris will be the best uncles to her.
It was almost seven pm. I had just changed into my pajamas and sat beside Nick on the couch, who had come over for a movie night. Matt was at the store again buying snacks with Chris.
“You okay?” Nick checks in, helping me sit on the couch.
“Yeah, fine for now” I say, putting my feet onto the recliner. I felt massive, I couldn’t wait for this baby to be here, but of course at the same time I was terrified of giving birth.
A few minutes had gone by, and I started to feel sharp flashes of pain on and off in my stomach. I sat up abruptly after one very painful one.
“Woah, what’s happening?” Nick says nervously.
“Owww… I think.. I’m getting contractions” I say, stuttering through the pain flashes, holding my stomach in reflex.
“Oh my god okay I’m calling Matt!” Nick exclaims, grabbing his phone and rapidly tapping to find Matt’s contact.
I shut my eyes and breath deeply, trying to keep myself calm.
“Matt get home right now I think the baby is coming!” Nick exclaims.
“Oh fuck really? I’m literally two minutes away hold on!” I hear Matt say through the phone, before hanging up.
“Nick can you go grab…my hospital bag it’s on the floor next to my..bed!” I say.
“Yeah of course, hold on!” Nick says, rushing to my bedroom, returning a moment later.
“Here let me help you up, we’re gonna have to get you into Matt’s car as soon as he arrives” Nick says, offering his hands to me.
I stand, and immediately feel water ooze out of me. I look down and see my pajama pants wet.
“Oh god my water just broke!” I state.
“It’s fine, come on let’s go to the garage” Nick says reassuringly. I lean on Nick, we slowly walk toward the garage, hearing Matt pull up.
He opens the door and runs out, Chris emerges from the passenger side with a worried look on his face.
“Okay come on baby get in” Matt says as he pulls me over to the passenger side.
“Chris go run and get the hospital bag it’s on the sofa!” Nick says, helping me get seated.
The boys rush inside the car, Chris runs back with the bag and gets in the backseat next to Nick, barely getting time to buckle up before Matt was reversed out onto the road.
I let out pained breaths throughout the ride, the pain only getting worse. It was a fifteen minute drive to the hospital, Matt was trying his best to comfort me throughout the journey.
“Just keep breathing, deep breaths we’re almost there baby.” He says softly, trying to keep everyone calm as he gently rubs my leg.
I grip onto each side of the car seat, leaning my head back trying to ignore the pain.
“Ahhh fuck!” I state.
“I’m sorry I’m going as fast as I can sweetheart!” Matt says as he glances back at me with sympathetic eyes.
“Free space there Matt!”Chris exclaims after a few minutes. I didn’t even realise we were already in the parking garage of the hospital.
Matt quickly pulls into the parking space, luckily it was right by the entrance.
“Chris run in and ask them for assistance!” Matt shouts as he unbuckles my belt.
Chris runs out the door, Nick grabs the bag and puts it over his shoulder. Matt runs around the front of the car to help me out.
“Ohhh holy shit” I breathe out, it hurt so bad getting out of the car.
“Just hang on sweetheart, we’re at the hospital now you’re doing so well!” Matt says.
Chris comes back with a nurse who has a wheelchair, and we get escorted to the maternity ward.
“One more push honey!” A nurse shouts as I lay on the bed, squeezing Matt’s hand as I scream through the pain.
“Just one more push baby you are doing amazing!” Matt says, rubbing his thumb against my hand gripping onto his, his other hand on my shoulder.
I push, nearly crying as I feel the burn again, sweat was running down my forehead, my face was hot and flushed and I felt like I was about to pass out. I hear the baby cry out, and a wave of relief passes through me. I did it. Matt kisses the top of my head.
“Well done baby, I’m so proud of you!” He says softly.
Matt sat next to me, holding my hand as I rest, watching our baby in the cot next to us.
“Go get Nick and Chris” I say, looking at Matt smiling. It was time for them to meet her.
“Alright I’ll be right back” he says, kissing my hand as he lets it go.
I sit up slowly, leaning over the cot.
“You ready to meet your uncles my little angel?” I say softly, gently holding her tiny hand. I couldn’t believe this was real. We had this tiny precious life to look after, I knew Matt was going to be an amazing dad, the way he cares for me, he will care for our daughter even more strongly, which makes me smile at the thought.
A few moments pass before Nick and Chris enter the room.
“Hey!” Chris says, smiling as he sees his niece.
“I’m so proud of you!” Nick says, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder, before putting all his attention on his new niece.
“Oh my gosh, hi!” Chris says excitedly, holding her hand gently.
“Oh my god I’m literally gonna cry she’s so adorable!” Nick says smiling down at her.
Matt sits beside me, putting his hand around my back and kissing my cheek.
“How are you feeling?” He asks.
“I’m fine, a little tired though” I admit.
“I’ll have them leave if you wanna go to sleep.” Matt says, rubbing my back.
“No no, I’m fine, they should see their new niece Matt” I says smiling, watching the joy on both of his brothers faces as they talk to the baby.
“I’m your uncle Nick!” Nick says in a high pitch tone, even though she is sleeping.
“We brought the snacks Matt and I bought from the store before!” Chris says, handing me the big bag of goodies.
“Oh my thank you so much!” I say, grabbing a chocolate bar.
“Ugh this is amazing!” I state as I bite into the chocolate. Why does it taste so much better after giving birth?
“Do you guys have a name yet?” Nick asks, turning to face Matt and I.
“We’ve been bouncing around a few names, but we’re gonna lock one in when she opens her eyes” Matt replies.
“Lock one in” Nick laughs as he imitates Matt’s choice of words.
“You know what I mean!” Matt giggles.
We sit and relax together for the rest of the night, I drifted to sleep at some point, finally resting in happiness after all the hard work of the past few hours.
A/N: let me know if you want a Chris version! Thankyou for reading if you got this far <3
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sturn-saturn · 2 months
then comes two
pairing: fem!reader x matt
warnings: just fluff
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one thing about you and matt, you both have major baby fever, sending tiktoks back and forth, waving at the little babies you pass by outside.
something you’ve always dreamed of was becoming a mother. getting to babysit your baby cousin or your moms friends kids has always been so fun.
the thought of you taking care of someone who was literally have of you brought so much joy to your heart, and you would be doing it with the love of your life.
you and matt are currently at the hospital. you had beautiful twin girls and you both couldn’t be happier. everything went smoothly which you were grateful for.
matt handled it extremely well. he held your hand, whispered encouraging words, and was there for every part of it.
“you’re doing so good sweetheart.” i hear his words replaying in my head.
”hello, hello.” the nurse comes into the room.
“hi!” you smile.
“i just wanted to come in and let you know you have visitors.”
“oh! bring them in!”
the nurse nods and in comes marylou, jimmy, chris, and nick.
“you’re all here!” you start tearing up.
jimmy, nick, and chris walk over to matt and hug him congratulating him then congratulate me. marylou immediately walks over to me and pulls me into a gentle hug.
“i am so proud of you, honey.” she whispers to me.
“that means so much. thank you.” you say
“i’m happy it was you who made me a first time grandmother. i never got the chance to have a daughter so having two new baby girls is so special for this family. remember, i’m here with whatever you need, alright?”
you immediately burst into tears and everyone turns their heads asking what’s wrong.
“sweetheart, what’s wrong?” matt asks.
“i’m just so h-happy you guys are all here and having the girls was so hard but it was s-so special because i’ve always wanted to be a mom and i’m grateful i get the chance to make it real. you all are so supportive and i just wanna say thank you and love you guys so much.”
“y/n, you made nick and i uncles so we should be thanking YOU.” chris says rubbing my shoulder.
“i always said i wanted to be the cool uncle but i can’t lie these twins are making me want kids.” nick laughs.
“HEY! MORE GRANDBABIES!” jimmy laughs throwing his hands up.
you take in the moment with your twins in your arms and the loving family around you. you can’t wait for what the future holds for these babies.
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