#am i a horrible friend? i might be a horrible friend .. 😓
girl-bateman · 10 months
If we're being totally honest, the reason I always refer to my friends boyfriends as "your little boytoy" is not because of my natural charm and silly nature, but because I never bother to learn their names
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windor-truffle · 5 days
soooo despite playing lots i am HORRIBLY behind on posting about my playthrough, and unfortunately i may never actually end up covering some parts of the game despite my many thoughts about it 😓 but!!!! i wanted to drop a couple interesting meta observations i found along the way:
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we all know and love the very sweet side quest involving Richard's time-skip letter to Asbel that he left at Lhant Hill 💜💜 I just found it kinda funny that he attached a large sum of glad as a reward, considering he was mortified when Asbel turned down the gift of his ring the first time. i can't tell if Richard just genuinely wanted Asbel to have a little spending money or if he was trying to pspspsp his old friend into hanging out with him again 😂 bribery makes friendships stronger?
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some weapon flavor text I found amusing, assuming they're canon: Malik's bladerang returns to his hand because of magic, not physics like an actual boomerang, but that's not surprising because I don't think actual physics would allow a bladerang to function the way it does in game 😅 the wryness of the text is amusing, though.
also, apparently Graces is set in the same universe as us??? or there's a DIFFERENT planet called Earth, who knows how many galaxies over it could be. anyway I believe this makes all modern AUs and various other real-life based fan works slightly closer to canon than they might originally seem 😅
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here's one that I was super excited to figure out: I'd been wondering about the inclusion of lilies (at least, I ASSUME these are lilies 😅) in various official artworks for graces like this one and this one considering they're not a mandatory plot symbol like sopherias are, yet remain prevalent alongside them. But this random dualizing flavor text answered it for me: they're the national flower of Windor! lilies typically represent purity and innocence but also sometimes love, grief, and femininity (which is why i thought at first that they were associated with Fodra). neat :)
lastly, a small meta detail that I THINK I've figured out the source of but I'm not 100 percent sure? I've been trying to have everyone eat lots of their favorite foods so they'll unlock their respective titles (just recently confirmed that eleth mixer-produced foods count which is excellent, that's much cheaper and less time consuming). I recently obtained Asbel's title and equipped it to him, then immediately after I saw this in the post-battle text:
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this may not seem like much, but that's not the normal text for eleth-mixer dishes, nor is curry normally eaten AFTER battle (unless dualized and consumed from the menu) since its effect is a one-time recovery from KO. below is the normal eleth mixer text for both curry and after-battle dishes:
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So my tentative conclusion is that when a character has their food-loving title equipped, there's some percent chance that the party will eat it after battle, with effects that carry over into the next. It definitely doesn't trigger after every battle, Cheria and Hubert weren't giving out helpings of grilled chicken or omurice when they were mastering their titles, but of course Asbel IMMEDIATELY made everyone eat his beloved dish for the millionth time 😂 now I'm working on making crablettes for Sophie so she can spread the love too 😁
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yourlocalshapeshifter · 6 months
I thought this was gonna be short but ADHD land kept me custody and now I have a whole rant, I’m sorry. This could perhaps turn out to be an unpopular opinion? Or maybe ppl will resonate with it.
!!!!!TW for topics of abuse, specifically childhood physical and emotional abuse and its lasting effects. Please do not read or stop reading immediately if this might trigger you, put you in a bad mental headspace, or even make you a little too uncomfortable!!!!!
I personally don’t have any lasting physical scars (plenty of emotional scars tho) from childhood physical discipline since I was able to be removed from the physically abusive parent around 7-8ish (not because of the abuse just because of immigration and I didn’t escape the neglect and emotional abuse from the other parent until this past year (I’m 23 now and I’m still not totally in the clear technically). In my experience though, as a child, being physically disciplined meant that I was wrong and bad and I messed up, so any scars, bruises, or wounds, I would do my best that no one ever saw them. Of course that’s not true and the child is just being a child and the abuser is in the wrong, but being the child getting beat, that was my only known reality at the time and I fully believed it. This is just my opinion thru my own experiences, and it doesn’t mean that ppl who portrays Butters this way isn’t allowed to do what they want, but I do get somewhat upset and unable to enjoy the art or fic when Butters just nonchalantly take off a shirt or clothing in general like at the beach or in cute bedroom scenes with Kenny and such, tho I really do try to suspend my disbelief if it’s really good writing. Knowing Butter’s home life, the way his father disciplines him, he definitely has a plethora of scars, bruises, and/or wounds built up over the years. This is especially if the writer or artist has already established in their work’s reality that Butters is physically abused by his dad. And the kind of abuse that Stephen does is almost exactly like my dad’s (the generationally passed down“I love you and that’s why I have to beat you to correct you so you learn”), which means that Butters would have been embarrassed that if anyone saw the signs of him getting beat because he would assume others think the same way he thinks about his abuse, that he deserved it. And the more scars, the more evidence that he is a horrible child who does everything wrong and can never live up to what his parents wants him to be (which is untrue but, once again, it’s what continuous abuse does to a child’s thought process). All this to say that I find it unbelievable and dismissive of abuse and its effects to see Butters being totally okay and or enthusiastic with undressing in any capacity in any spaces that someone else could see. It would take a lot of building up trust and a lot of healing for him to get to that stage with a very close friend, not to mention casual friends, acquaintances, and strangers in public. For some survivors of childhood physical abuse, even if their body has healed the signs, they may never be able to comfortably undress around anyone, perhaps with the exception of a long time committed partner, because of how it can trigger past memories and fears. And it’s true that some survivors swing the polar opposite and are overly revealing of their body in their own way to cope. But with Butter’s consistent nervous and fidgety personality, I think he is definitely the former. Perhaps I’m projecting (I am DEFINITELY projecting). I have a lot of healing to do myself and Butters’s trauma makes me feel less alone in my journey.
I apologize for my long-windedness😓
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hellosaysnoxx · 2 years
Hello! Can you please do a best friend south park matchup?
I’m a girl with brown hair+eyes, love wearing bright colors and I love flowers! I love to make flower wreaths and little dollhouse sets in my free time. I also play video games, explore new places, cook/bake and listen to music! I collect CDs and records. I like to collect stickers and mystery/gacha gumball machine toys too. Just for fun!🌸✨
I’ve been told I make people feel at home. I’m very smart, patient, compassionate, and I try to be a voice of reason if the situation calls it. At my worst, I can be a bit moody and a bad temper if I have resentment but it’s ver rare that happens. I’m smart enough to understand big things and inappropriate stuff but most of the time it flies over my head and I can’t tell.
I also don’t swear very often so when I drop the F bomb I’ll purposely make the room silent when it happens.😳
Hey anon! I'm really sorry if this is horrible but I haven't watched south park that much so this can be innacurate😭 So this might be really short as well😪 Sorry anon :')
But anyway! Your matchup is.....
Heidi Turner
(Before she dated Cartman obv)
I could see you two be really good friends with your similarities (I think)
You two would definitely bake together, like small pastries, maybe go on a picnic
I feel like almost everyone (except for Cartman) would go to you because of your comforting personality
Heidi would flex about it tbh
When you two were baking for the first time, and you purposely said the "F-word," she'd be like, "😧". Totally flabbergastered
"[Reader] I have never heard you say fvck before what?"
But she enjoys seeing others' reactions when you purposely curse💀
That was all I could do I am so sorry anon😓
Have a good day/night!♡
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silliott · 9 months
One of Us is Lying/Next
Slight Spoiler Warning
Fair warning I read the first book months ago, and the second last night. I have yet to read the third as I just found out it exists but I’ll review that when I finish it!
I can tell the author had a lot of fun with this series, there’s very well built lore, it’s cohesive, every character has a backstory and a reason for their actions (even if that reason is “I was a stupid teenager who got everything I wanted”) and when you get to the end of the book it all clicks together in a shocking way and you’re like “WHAAAAT” or “OMG!!! I KNEW IT” and you text all your friends especially the one who recommended you read it (or maybe that’s just me).
I am proud to say that I GUESSED THE ENDING BOTH TIMES. Well- not exactly the ending but more the major plot twists. Which I think is fantastic, the author gives you enough information to figure it out on your own, but not make it too easy.
These were really “page turners”. I read the first one super quick and the second one in a day (though it was hard to get into it after not reading for a bit). They’re not that wordy or difficult with a pretty low reading level (I don’t know what a reading level is; I just thought it was easy to read). I would not recommend these for young children as they have mentions and showings of suicide, abuse, sex, sexual abuse, murder(obviously), death in other ways, and more. You know yourself, if you’re a ten year old reading this and you think you can handle it, go for it!!
The characters are very thought out and everyone is connected which is fantastic. I’d love to see a character map that shows every connection. Chances are if you see a name, it’s important.
McManus did an excellent job with this book. Every piece of information has some meaning to it, even if you have to look beneath the surface. At first when I heard there was a second book, it thought it was going to be a cheap sequel cash grab, but she did a fabulous job continuing a story that didn’t need it. You can finish the book and be done, or you can read the next one and find out more background about characters, or encounter new, just as well thought out characters and story.
My one major criticism is the ending of the second book. It ended so abruptly I started reading the acknowledgments thinking it was just the next page. She could have done more with that ending I feel, but it wasn’t horrible. It just seemed tired and like she wanted to get it over with.
I give this a 9.75/10 it’s super entertaining and fun, the second books ending was disappointing tho
As much as I want to scream and rant about the plot twists, I won’t. I’m going to save the surprise for you :)
Any of this could change after I read the third book, it’s on my Reading List but it might be awhile (there’s so many 😓)
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writers-ex · 1 year
Istg i am so tense today 💀
So yesterday was Friday. Its Saturday morning here rn, btw. And some of my friends werent coming to college due to personal reasons. Now because everyone is usually busy in their work, no one has time to send the notes from the classes, so they told everyone to take the day off. Our Fridays are shorter days btw.
Being the head girl of the college, i tried to stop them cuz it might get us in trouble. But they didnt listen, so everyone was taking the day off. So i also thought that there is no reason to go to the college cuz no ones coming. So no one came, as planned.
EXCEPT ONE GIRL. She advertised the plan of not coming to college to everyone on our insta group, and then she just backed out. We thought that it was ok as long as she didnt tell anyone.
BUT THEN WHAT HAPPENED? We get a message from the teachers, saying that the parents have to tell the reason why everyone except that girl came. We panicked a bit but we all had our excuses. We decided not to message the teacher and just tell our excuses on Monday.
And thats where it all came crashing down. We just got a message, like 5 mins before the time i am writing this, that our whole class except that girl will be heavily penalized because we 'lied to our parents about the day being off' and 'breaking the college discipline code'. Btw we never lied to our parents.
Anyways, we found out that THAT GIRL SNITCHED ON US, SENT OUR CHAT'S SCREENSHOTS TO THE PRINCIPAL, AND GOT OUT OF THE PLAN LIKE SHE WAS NEVER INVOLVED. Mind you, if her parenyts had agreed to let her take the day off, she would never have come to school. And she was so unapologetic too. Like i get that we werent all innocent, but snitching and throwing everyone under the bus is so wrong 😭😭😭
I never liked that girl tbh. She fails her classes, she is not good at any extra curriculars, she is a wannabe teachers pet. And she visits the washroom 10 times a day idk why. Thats suspicious, if you ask me.
Im sorry for this long story, but i just wanted to vent out. Please pray for me and my class 😓
this girl sounds horrible so i hope your weekend is better, i am glaring at her from my laptop and patting your back as well >:( rude little troll- please keep me posted bc this sounds…i want to know you are ok plz
side rant that happened with a girl in my class that turned out to be a cousin of mine…she so fricking ditzy giggling and making the teacher answer the most randomest questions in class while they give us lecture like bish wait or write it down BUT NO she keeps going and asking about the test and only paying attention to a lecture if its going to be on a test and not the actual INFORMATION WE NEED TO DO THE JOB LIKE BISH LIFE ISN"T ABT A GRADE????? i care abt my grade and study but like i want to perform the actual job correctly so even if the textbook is old i want to understand the idea and actually perform the task up to the standards NOT WEAR MY HEADPHONES AND LEAVE RANDOMLY FOR ABT AN HOUR OF CLASS ONLY TO BUG THE TEACHER ABT DOING THE LECTURE AGAIN BC YOU "LEFT SOMETHING IN UR CAR" why do you have to leave TEN TIMES A DAY TO UR CAR?????????????????? and then she hugs and hangs out with me like nothing happens and smells dirty like idk ur home life but shower or borrow my perfume please TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT dont even get me started on her cheating and she has the nerve to complain abt her grades being one point less when she cheats??????????? i study and earn my grade honestly PISS OFF but i usually just smile and walk away before i punch the wall <3 bro this wednesday i was cleaning instruments during our BUSIET CLINIC EVER so i had to clean everything for eight hours straight with no help and one classmate lost a tiny screw in the sink when i left to grab some water BC I HAVEN"T DRANK WATER IN LIKE FIVE HOURS?????? so im tired, thirsty, and surviving off some milk i drank in the morning bc we don't get breaks for food either and THIS GIRL HAS THE NERVE TO LAUGH AND HUG ME SAYING THAT SHE WANTS ME TO CLEAN HER ROOM BC SHE NEEDS TO GET SMT IN HER CAR WHILE IM PANCIKING ABT LOOSING THIS SCREW THATS EXPENSIVE AND INSTRUMENTS ARE PILING (and god im so mad rn) and its all a blur after that bc i think i cried or blacked out and kept cleaning ignoring her :') i hate my life bc she thinks we're buddies and i want to slap her
whew rant over….so sorry to sound so violent this girl gets me mad and did also b4 we left class yesterday (it was friday for me) GAH
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