#am I... am I becoming obsessed with Dain???
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romanticatheartt · 29 days ago
Y'all can't tell me RY didn't get inspired by this...
Dain Aetos the man that you have become 😩
A smart-ass captain snaps something back at Cat that I can’t hear over the din, and Sloane charges. I nearly jump over the table, but Dain gets there first, hooking his arm around her waist and hauling her back as she swings. The second he sets her on her feet, those fists are aimed in his direction, and I wince as he lets two make contact before trapping her wrists and leaning in low.
Onyx Storm chapter 57
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aceofthegreenajah · 1 year ago
Wheel of time Season 2 Episode 5 Liveblog - no spoilers edition! Will make a reblog with spoilers in it.
Nice. Good of them to show more of Seanchan, that there is a hierarchy where Suroth is pretty high but NOT at the top.
You couldn't have bought out the horn before Suroth was disgraced Ishamael? That is not how you win loyalty from your subordinates.
Just take the horse with you!!! Dammit. I hate animal death. Also why would Lanfear take a horse anyway? See, there she gets another one it was useless anyway.
Yeah give my unhinged girl a hovercar if you won't let her travel by magic!
They are his pack edmond field 5 FOREVAH (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) Also Elyas lying to him is not cool
No more Elyas?? :(
Will hopper follow/go with?
Oo clever of Moiraine and Rand
Yeah Rand has a lot to deal with
See! Hopper! Good boy! He is so cute *★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★* 。
Why a seanchan in a cage?
AVIIIIII Damn her cage is too small to fit her gigantic personality in it
WHO IS THIS? Dain! That makes more sense than my first quess
Valda hello beloathed hey please let Avi out you'll deserve anything that happens after
Almost black over red on Liandrin. They keep being so clever.
Did Ishamael give Liandrin a time limit to convert Nynaeve? And not we're on to plan B? That would make sense of her actions and expressions! Love this for us.
I don't know what people are complaining about eyebrows or no Suroth is so pretty
Suroth Are you stupid he isn't of the blood BECAUSE HE IS OVER 2000 YEARS OLDER THAN YOUR BLOODLINE OBSESSION
Yeah Perrin save the living first
Someone loves their shaky cam in this show WHY
Aviendha is SO COOL damn this fight is good. She's unarmed and kicking ass!
'He gave you water' is such a good line here
Aww poor Uno left behind but I get it
Barthanes? Is that you? It is. He looks nothing like I imagined but you know what, I like it!
Galladran is in the show, ok.
'my liege' good try at distraction!
That was unnecessary detail on that 'on the switch' stuff Verin says, but on the other hand, little rebel Verin is a cute enough thought that I'll forgive it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sheriam's life flashing before her eyes here
Good on you Verin!
Gawyn namedrop, compulsion loredrop. Compulsion was one of my guesses on what Lanfear was starting to do to Rand at the end of e4, but on the other hand, it doesn't quite fit...
Detective Verin ❤❤❤
Our master - good good everything becoming clear
YEAH I was waiting for Liandrin to do something! She was primed to! She likes Nynaeve and they built up their relationship so well, she hates Suroth and the Seanchan and everything they stand for, and Ishamael was away so he wasn't here to catch her in the act!
Love Avi's costume. She is so pretty. She is so perfect.
'It is not a lover, wetlander' is so good, and I hate a little how she continued. You just met him! Like good that she's not prudish and maidens are, well, so I guess I'll take it.
Avi and Verin and forsaken I am so blessed.
Who is this guy watching Elayne and Nynaeve?
Nynaeve and Elayne clashing is canon but I hate it. Nynaeve PLEASE I know you're panicking but she's Egwene's friend too and she's keeping a cool head!
More head trauma for our girls. Couldn't have handled that any other way?
Liandrin being smart and thinking ahead with her alibi.
Ah here comes the homoerotic Ishamael/Rand stuff I was expecting. I am cackling here.
OO Ishy+Lanfear hanging out?
Ah he's trying to drive Moiraine to the dark.
Lanfear backstory now???
I dig the collar design. Such a small innocious thing when not in use, grows into this huge thing. And leash of power + an actual leash!
Oh this makes sense. They can't avoid sleep forever anyway so might as well see what Lanfear wants and not weaken themselves unnecessarily.
Lanfear you so dramatic.
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saninthebuilding · 3 years ago
sheathed swords and stupid faces
summary: a coronation turning into a bloodbath could be the worst thing to happen, right? or so you would think. because apparently, dealing with a certain dark haired prince proves to be more challenging than getting out alive. especially when there are feelings involved. 
(inspired by the coronation scene in the cruel prince)
word count: 2.5k
warnings: potential spoilers for the cruel prince, mentions of injury & blood, swearing, cardan being a hot asshole, bad writing??
a/n: i recently finished reading the cruel prince series and have been completely obsessed with it istg. like- CARDAN IS SO FINE HELLO?????????? this the first time i’m actually posting a fic that i’ve been thinking about, so feedback is greatly appreciated! :D
hope you enjoy it <3
crouched under the table, i shift on my knees. “damn this stupid dress” i scowl, irritated as i struggle to move comfortably. inching forward slightly, i take a peek through the tablecloth, and am met with a rush of movement. dancing and drinking and fighting. it’s a mess.
in short, the coronation for the future king of faerie did not go as planned. not at all.
within a matter of seconds, the entire royal family had been slaughtered. and it was madoc’s fault. my father. i didn’t really acknowledge those words before, but believing them now was impossible. he was responsible for the deaths of all of them. rhyia. caelia. dain. 
my parents.
a wave of emotion threatened to creep up, but i shoved it down. i had known this. i had known that madoc was nothing but a murderer. but i let myself think otherwise. i convinced myself that he could change. he could become a stand-in for the parental figures we had lost. i let myself hope.
and that hope would be the death of me.
his knights had managed to get jude, taryn and the rest of my family out, but they hadn’t got me. i was glad they didn’t have to witness the events that went down after their exit. but for some reason, i was glad i wasn’t led out. 
if only because now i knew madoc was nothing but a cold blooded killer.
a thud somewhere nearby jolted me out of my thoughts. shaking my head to clear my mind, i shuffle to the other side of the table to get a view of my surroundings. as i look around through a slit in the cloth, i see the staircase leading into the castle. 
“gotcha,” i grin to myself.
as i start to formulate a plan, i hear footsteps approaching the table. “ofcourse luck isn’t on my side” i think as my fingers brush the dagger in my sleeve. i watch the polished shoes come to a stop directly in front of me, and i clench my jaw, pulling my blade out. there’s a slight pause, and then suddenly the cloth moves.
and i am face to face with none other than cardan. the last one standing of the greenbriar line.
he also happens to be the only one who can officially crown balekin.
i meet his eyes- black and alive. a sudden surge of anger rushes through me at how he’s mixing with his would-be murders should an oppurtunity arise. it only proves what little regard he has for his own life. there’s a goblet in his hand, and from the slight laziness in his movements, he seems to be drunk. yes, when you’re about to die, the only solution is to drink yourself till you pass out. however, it doesn’t stop him from looking effortlessly handsome in his onyx suit.
damn him and his stupidly perfect face.
cardan stares at me for a second, almost confused, before speaking. “it’s not safe here,” he says, “you’re mortal.” “no shit” i reply, mildly amused at his attempt to show concern for my well-being. “you need to leave.” he reaches down to grab my arm, but i yank him towards me before he can get a grip.
“hey!” he snaps, wincing as he lands hard on his knees. rolling my eyes, i ignore the slight regret i feel as i pull him under the table. the tablecloth falls back into place. 
“are you trying to die?!” i hiss angrily. “they’re looking for you all over and you’re waltzing between them like your head isn’t up for grabs?” he gives me an odd look, but doesn’t pull his arm out of my hold. however, he snaps out of his daze and yanks his arm away from me. 
“since when did you care? your father was more than happy to murder the rest of my family, what’s stopping you from finishing the job?” he sneers, his usual glare seeping through his wine-glazed eyes. i turn on him, my own features hardening- “he’s not my father.” 
cardan eyes the dagger in my hand, but it doesn’t stop him from continuing. “is that seriously what concerns you right now?” then he scoffs, as if coming to a realization, “why should i expect anything else? mortals and their insignificant priorities.” irritation rising, i shift my grip on my blade. “you wanna see what else this mortal’s got in store?”
ignoring me, he looks through the tablecloth to avoid meeting my gaze. “whatever. do you have a plan or are we going to keep playing in the dirt?” i make a face at the back of his head, but i slide my dagger back into my sleeve before shuffling over to him. peering through the crack, i point at the stairs. “if we can get through there, i can get us somewhere.”
i feel him come closer and look over my shoulder, his breath hot near my ear. i feel my heart speed up, but i ignore the shrinking distance between his body and mine as we study madoc’s guards. “i don’t know why i’m trusting you,” cardan mutters under his breath. i’m about to counter him, but he speaks. “fine, let’s go.” i stared at him, stunned. “what do you mean, let’s go?” i ask, mimicking him, “we can’t just walk out there as though we own the place.”
his dark eyes meet mine, black and glittering. “lucky for you, i do.”
he pushes his way out from under the table, and i huff, following him. his life is in danger and he still has the balls to act cocky.
and someone kill me for finding it attractive.
we weave our way through the crowd, and i manage to snag a mask off the appetizer table before an elf can put it back on after eating her tart. slipping it on, i make my way back to cardan’s side and he glances at me as we make our way up the steps. from his face, i can tell he has no clue how i got the mask. i let myself revel in the achievement of surprising him.
as we approach the main doors, one of the guards steps forward. i recognize him as one of the men who madoc keeps at his side. “where do you think you two are going?” i opened my mouth to answer, but cardan is faster. “king balekin has been searching for prince cardan, and he is getting a response,” he says. it takes all my self-control not to turn to him.
what the hell is he doing?
“is he now?” the guard narrows his eyes, and i can see the other one let his hand fall toward the hilt of his sword. i let mine dangle freely by my own, but otherwise remain calm. “i received this ring to prove a connection to the royal family” he says, and from the corner of my eye i see a ring in his palm.
his ring.
how the hell did he get it off without getting caught?
immediately compliant, the guard steps out of the way, and we make it through the doors without further confrontation. i lead cardan down a hall to the passage the roach had shown me. i’m about to push the trigger, but i hear thuds from behind the wall. coming in our direction. 
my eyes go wide, and i turn toward cardan. alarmed, he takes a step away, and ends up backing into a door. “y/n?” he asks warily, hands coming up halfway as though he expected me to hit him. “get inside,” i breathe as i push him. the door opens, and he stumbles backwards. i rush inside, shutting the door and locking it in time to hear bricks sliding, followed by footsteps receding. blood pounding in my ears, i lean against the door as i exhale deeply.
looking up, i see cardan leaning against a desk stationed by the back of the room. he’s watching me, an unreadable expression covering his face. i meet his eyes, and he raises his eyebrows. “what’s up with you?” he asks, but surprisingly there’s no attitude in his voice. i shake my head, “nothing.” silence fills the air.
he’s the last greenbriar left to crown balekin.
he wouldn’t do it.
hope will be the death of me.
hand him over to balekin in exchange for power.
i am no murderer.
my stomach lurches as the image of cardan kneeling comes back to me. his bare shoulders tense as balekin pressed his nails into the pale skin of his nape. him gripping the sword as though he would run the human servant through. the belt coming down hard on his back, his jaw clenching down. the slap of leather against skin-
i shake my head, coming back to where i am and what is going on. “sorry?” i push off the door, only to stop myself from crashing into cardan’s chest. i look up to see him standing in front of me, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his dress pants. “i said…” he leans down, putting his face in front of mine, “what’s got you so shaken?” my brows come together, proving my confusion, and he drops his gaze down to my hands which have formed fists. i unclench my fingers, and see my nails have pressed half-moons into my palms. 
i run a hand over my face, feeling exhausted. “why do you hate me?” i find myself asking out of nowhere. he seems surprised too, leaning back to take me in fully. but i need to understand how he sees me before i figure out what to do.
can i trust him?
“is this really the time to be asking this?” he asks, but i fix him with a stare. within a split second, i pull my sword from my hip and hold it out in front of me, pointing it at his chest. “it’s a simple question.”
cardan instantly stops playing around, his jaw tense, “you gonna kill me if i don’t answer?” my chest tightens at his words, and the fact that he believes i will actually harm him shows me that i’m no different from madoc. “no” i snap, “just answer me.” my arm doesn’t waver, still extending the sword, and cardan glances at it once more before opening his mouth.
“i hate you,” he says finally. “because you are a mortal yet madoc treats you with respect, while my father disregards me even though i am a prince of faerie. i hate you because you are the older sibling to jude, taryn and oak that i never had- caring for them and treating them with respect regardless of how they treat you. i hate you because you don’t get beat by your older sibling on a day-to-day basis, and because balekin never failed to degrade me after your performance at the feast.”
i stare at him, mildly surprised at balekin even knowing that i exist. “there has to be something else.” “excuse me?” cardan seems a bit worried now, seeing me raise nightfell higher, and gambles by taking a step back. i don’t move.
“that’s ridiculous. you can’t just hate me because of all that. you don’t live with the murderer of your parents, both anger and fear ruling every aspect of your life. you don’t have to deal with the fact that there is nothing you can do to prove yourself worthy to live among those around you, because being mortal is a sin on these lands. a sin that instantly overlooks your value.”
something in cardan’s eyes changes, but his lips curl into a familiar sneer. “fear? anger? i’m bargaining for my life here, and you say i don’t know anything about fear? ”i take a step forward, the sword still a threat, “just answer me!”
cardan leans back into the desk, and tilts his head down to avoid my gaze.  “most of all, i hate you because i think of you more often than i should. and i can’t stop.”
i stare at him, frozen in place. no way. “don’t mess with me” i say, but it comes out as a whisper. not about this. but he remains still, even as i walk up to him, sheathing my blade.
he stays silent, and i realize that his reluctance isn’t because he’s thinking himself superior. it’s because he doesn’t want to face me. my heart speeds up- he’s serious.
“do you really?” i raise an eyebrow, taking another step forward. “y/n…” cardan’s watching me, hesitant yet seeming bolder than usual. i force him into the desk behind him, my hands coming down on either side of his hips, trapping him in. i lean in, my lips close but not enough to touch his. 
if i hadn’t been right up in his face, i wouldn’t have caught how his breath hitches at the lack of distance between us. how he swallows hard, seeming to hold himself back. how his face is a mix of panic and longing. 
“i guess it’s true” i breathe, and he shivers at the heat of my words against his lips, “faeries can’t lie.” i bring my hand up to rest on the column of his throat, his skin hot against my palm. his eyes flash with alarm, probably thinking i’m going to choke him. 
however, i shift my grip to his nape and press his lips to mine. 
for a boy nicknamed “the cruel prince,” his lips are surprisingly soft, which makes me wonder how such harsh words could slip through them with such ease. i can feel how tense cardan is under my touch, and his hand on my arm is slow. he’s holding himself back. 
however, it doesn’t last long. 
he pulls away, and i open my eyes to see him staring at me, his gaze intense. “wha-” i don’t even get to ask him. “fuck it” he whispers, and suddenly spins us so that i’m pressed against the desk. his hands come up on either side of my face and he kisses me hard. my hands wrap around his neck, drawing him against me. it’s messy and rushed, but in this moment i know better than to doubt him. 
it’s real.
we break apart, chests heaving, and his hands grip the desk from around me. i stare at cardan, momentarily speechless, “is that what you thought about?” his eyes meet mine, the emotion swirling through them wild and unchained. “i’ve thought about way more than that” he grins, and i’m hit by how young he looks when he smiles. how charming. 
i roll my eyes, “shut up. i can still attack you.” the threat comes out half-hearted. he raises an eyebrow, “you expect me to believe you after you kissed me like that? please.” i feel my ears burn red, and i shove him in the chest, but he just laughs. my heart speeds up at the sound, and a smile makes its way onto my lips.
damn him and his stupidly perfect face.
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moontheoretist · 4 years ago
My brain vomit about Genshin.
Sorry it’s not actually logically put together, but my brain was going off track too much to actually make it into something resembling anything logical.
I am so unobservant that I only today noticed this:
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So, I knew since the beginning that Paimon was some kind of goddess, but I hated the idea she may turn out to be an Unknown God, because it would be too boring if you ask me. I also noticed that she was wearing a crown which has the similar design as the crowns related to withered threes. Those crowns are made from Irminsul, which is the name of the withered threes, and they are related to some mysterious place deep within the ground and also to the leylines itself.
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(I dunno if those crowns here are actually Irminsul Crowns, because Piamon’s crown is different in design than those, but they resemble the crown from the logo. Like we could for example assume that those crowns seen in domains are just mere imitations of the original crown which I would assume Paimon wears).
Withered threes also are related to the leylines. The items you give them - the Resin and Condensed Resin are both related to leylines. They look as if they had a leaf of something frozen in them, maybe those are the leaves of those threes before they withered? And they supposedly revitalize leylines.
[If you know what leylines are from other sources you know how important that revitalization is for the world of Teyvat, because they ALWAYS work the same.]
Anyway, I wanted to talk about Paimon.
So, I considered for quite some time that she could be the Goddess of Time, considering the place she was found is actually pretty close to the Goddess of Time island, but I dunno if I am still on board with this idea. It mainly depends on two factors: if I consider all the gods in Genshin to have powers related to Celestia or only those who "ascended the thrones" and became the Seven and if only the Seven, then why the Goddess of Time would be an exception to the rule in that case? I could for example assume that Goddess of Time was one of the more superior gods than the rest of the gods of Teyvat, the direct relation to the Celestia itself, which would explain why she has triquetra on her island too.
Triquetra meaning: The cycles of life (life-death-rebirth) The promises of a husband to his wife (love-honour-protect) The family (father-mother-child) The passage of time (past-present-future)
As you can see both the Statues and Pillars have the same design, but only the statues have those blue thingies in them, the same ones which make the insides of the pillar which supposedly fell from Celestia and made Dragonspine the place we see it as of now today - frozen mountain.
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Which funnily pillars from the login screen DON’T have, or at least it’s not visible.
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The power of the Archon is the power of Celestia, because Statues of the Seven have the designs of Celestia all over them and because the Seven ascended the thrones of the divine to become who they are today (and funnily Venti hates even thinking about them, which will come back to later), so if Paimon bears the same symbols as Celestia, not only in the design of the decorations of her boots but also including triquetra (which has many meanings outside Genshin lore and could also mean thousand different things inside Genshin as well), then it means she is one of the beings of Celestia. The question is... what kind of being and why she is on Teyvat? Was she sent to keep an eye on the MC under the guise of being their guide, so MC wouldn't turn out like the Sibling, whose knowledge of the world of Teyvat barred them from leaving it, or she was kicked out for doing something against Celestia, and that's why she doesn't remember Celestia at all, but knows, so much about Teyvat instead?
I am a lore obsessed person at heart. I didn't though have the time or energy yet to read all the codexes from Genshin, so my knowledge is mostly second hand. But as the saying goes, Celestia sus. Something is wrong with Celestia. It’s tilted and weird and Venti hates thinking about it, and Venessa’s ascension looked as if she was going to court marshal or a trial instead of being recognised. And the fact that the places related to leylines are also related to Celestia somehow is important for reason yet unknown. And Paimon being with us can be either a coincidence or part of a bigger plan, though Paimon didn't show any indication that she actually has any mission. She never had any slips which Ai-chan from Honkai had, hinting something was wrong with Paimon. Paimon never forced MC to change their mind about something, so I am more prone to believe that Paimon isn't an agent of Celestia but is a being of Celestia of some kind and she is MC's guide just like supposedly Dain was to the Sibling at some point in time.
Also there is something utterly wrong with Domains. Where the fuck they even are? WHY there are tornados around electro domain?! Why all domains seem to be in a different plane of existence with all the bad stuff just outside?
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(Those eyes which I dubbed Dread Wolf eyes, also look like the quanta symbol from Honkai, and the symbol on the cubes of the Unknown God's attack).
Those murals make me scream each time I see them, because THEY HOLD KNOWLEDGE TO SOMETHING! Are domains part of Abyss? THEY HAVE ABYSS SIGNS ALL OVER THE PLACE! But why they would still be important to the leylines, which revitalize the world? WHAT IS GOING ON GENSHIN!?
Edit: (praise the author of those videos, I officially love them)
I found a useful video, whose author’s train of thoughts overlaps with mine, and because they know a lot about Genshin I wanna link it here, so you could watch it, along with their video about domains.
Some of the questions I myself asked are actually answered here.
Edit 2:
The first 50 seconds of this video is literally what I do in domains. STARE AT THIS GODDAMNED MURAL, GODDAMMIT I HATE YOU!
Nice to know I am not alone in my musings. Please, go sub to Ashikai.
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blue-pastel-cat · 4 years ago
Xiaobedo Fanfic Recommendation
Welcome to my personal “if you are new to xiaobedo peeps please read these” list. As said before this is my personal list so please feel free to reblog/comment/hit me for not including any gem here. I might miss a lot of them because I am drunk or blind. (mostly have them on my to read and then forgot as I am being assault by real life shit).
I would like to say first that so far there are 150+ Xiaobedo fics on Ao3. I can’t review all of them but I can say that I have read a majority of them. Most of them are just pure love and I would like nothing more than a thousands thank you for all the fic writers who spent their free time writting these gems for us to read for free. But these...these takes the cake as it finds a special landing spot in my heart that I would just thrust them into someone’s hand if they say “I am new to this ship can you recommend me?”
1. Orange dust by bobamilkteas (Wes)
In which Xiao learns to open himself up to the world a little more after the collapse of Rex lapis's contracts but it was not always easy for a soul doomed to eternal damnation. Meanwhile, Albedo liked to tempt fate where the extraordinary are concerned.
If only the traveler's comrades are made of saner bunch.
Comment: Long ago when I like both Albedo and Xiao as a character, I was wondering hmmm....will anyone actually even write about them lmao they never met each other. I am surprise to see this one as the 3rd fic in the whole 3 Xiaobedo fic on Ao3 (yeah back when there’s literally only 3 fic for this couple). I was like I’ll read it for the curiosity, I’ll probably won’t ship them. And that people is how I put my clown make up on my face upon finishing reading it. This ONE fic alone convert me into a devotee of Xiaobedo. Please consider joining me in this circus if you want to know what is Xiaobedo. I would put this as the first of my “Big 3″
Orange Dust also come with its compliation of short stories over the course of the game and a big sequel to it. Please also consider reading ALL OF THEM.
2. Solar Wind by birdpriestess (Sparrow)
For the yaksha, his duty was his life, and his life was his duty. No human could ever hope to understand the eternal war he fought out of sight and in silence.
So why, then, did he feel that Albedo would understand?
Finding himself at death's door once more, Xiao is saved by a surprising person, setting off the unlikeliest of adventures.
Comment: Do you like crying? Do you like the feeling of getting your heart ripped into pieces as the author destroy your emotions over the end of each chapter as the story picked up the climax? Yeah, this one is for you masochists. The action, the characterisation, the drama THE EMOTIONS OH WOW. I kid you not that it was so good I read this while workinng when I am not suppose to me. Also, this fic has my favourite characterisation of Gold ever. I love that dramatic queen Mad Alchemist. AND DAIN. I LOVE DAIN IN THIS FIC. Our dearest Sparrow manage to toy with our feelings like how I bully ruin guard for big numbers lmao. This is the secound of “Big 3″ of my Xiaobedo list.
Again, just like Orange Dust, Solar Wind comes with its own compliation of short stories of what came after that. Please also consider reading ALL OF THEM.
3. Castle of Glass by AlchemicalStardust (Morgie) 
A black shadow rises over Huaguang Stone Forest. Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, Albedo flees the shaking ground and the crash of boulders tumbling form the sky. As the dust settles, Albedo finds a young man – an Adeptus – amidst the carnage. Despite the karmic agony ripping his body from the inside, Xiao’s only question is “How?” How did a human survive after witnessing his battle?
Comment: The last of the “Big 3″ of my Xiaobedo list. And it is still on going! Castle of Glass? More like I AM IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTIONS! Have you read a fic about 2 people yearning, longing, reaching out for each other so damn well that you just want to throw your phone in the air as they both had their impending doom coming down upon them? Yeah this is one of them. You will like want to be stuck in the moment they express how much they just yearn for each other’s love and care that you want to shake the author for what comes next. Like...everytime Morgie update I am expressing my gratitude at the end of the chapter by writing on Xiaobedo discord “MORGIE COME HERE AND LET ME BONK YOU WHY ARE YOU ENDING IT THERE”
trust me when you read you will def feel the same. With just Big 3 and their compliation alone that would give you like a LONG list of reading already LMAOOOOOOO
4. Find a place to call it home  by yamajiroo 
Our room, he said. Xiao’s brow twitches. Zhongli never said anything about this. But then again, perhaps he should anticipate this from the beginning...
Xiao looks over at Albedo, who is now tilting his head, his look as innocent as ever.
“Are you not okay with sharing a room?”
Comment: College AU for Xiaobedo! One thing that I love this is the slow burn and what made me LOVE LOVE LOVE this fic more is how cute Klee is in this fic. Their relationship in this one is very simple, but that simplicity highlight why their chemistry work. Xiao is someone who was just very gentle, who was largely misunderstood by his lonesome nature. Albedo was someone who like peace and quite in his introvert bubble. And how they respect that bubble that each other has actually made their relationship work. I love it when fic highlight this and this one captures it.
5. I Can't See Your Face From the Other Side of the Classroom by MissWeaver  
When Albedo and Xiao unexpectedly start eating lunch together, they begin to find that they have more in common than anyone would have realized. They both struggle in their own ways with blossoming feelings, too many assignments, and annoying classmates as they navigate a relationship for the first time.
Comment: I’ll be honest, I usually hate high school au just because its so cliche. I don’t even watch and drama/anime surrounds high school student anymore LMAOOO (unless it’s very good). So if there’s an high school AU that I actually keep come back and read after a couple of chapters, it means that the cliche that I hate wasn’t there or barely was there at all. The pinning in this fic makes me want to bang their head together sometimes LMAOOO The tag wasn’t kidding when they said both Xiao and Albedo are bad at feelings. Also that’s a lot of heart broken caused by these two idiots XD
6. new world, same me, same bullshit  by  bobamilkteas (Wes)
At the belly of Dragonspine, Albedo lost control to the festering corruption that permeated his senses and watched, from the recesses of his mind, as his devoured body turned his allies into enemies. Before his rampage reached its climax, he is sealed in a crystalized confinement by the last hand of Reindottir, where he then reawakens centuries after, in a rebooted Teyvat.
Comment: Yeah I know it was list in Orange Dust but here me out. This sets out in an entirely different universe. And if you like Polyamory, this one has Zhongli joining the duo and I love it because I also love ZhongXiao with my life. Time Travel is my biggest kink. Especially when I am the person who love it when people explore Archon War era/ Alatus!Xiao. So this one hits double of my kink. Of course it is still on going and I will bully Wes whenever I can to see that new chapter. Albedo is a total fucking badass in this story and I completely agree from using him in Abyss so often. Everyone should write badass Albedo.
7. misplaced heart of mine by  inkburn           
“If you are ill, then you should be resting at home. In Mondstadt.” He emphasized Mondstadt with a pointed look in his direction.
“I assure you I won’t be troublesome, Adeptus Xiao,” Albedo said, “You’ll find I’m a rather low-maintenance traveler.”
“Travel,” Xiao scoffed, “without airstep?”
Albedo looked him up and down. “Are your legs just for decoration?”
(albedo is sent to liyue on mandatory vacation. xiao is his unfortunate bodyguard.)
Comment: Most of the time you will see Albedo and Xiao starting their relationship with one of them taking interest in another. But this one took another approach, they starting off by make them hating each other’s guts LMAOOOO and I live for every second of it. There’s only 1 chapter so far but wow it was SOOO GOOD. I am really really excited for next chapter and is waiting patiently ;w;
8.  Blossom of Grace  by birdpriestess  
One day in Liyue Harbor, Albedo watches a street performance by an enigmatic dancer named Xiao. And he becomes completely obsessed.
Comment: Have you ever look at Xiao fight and thinking that he’s one of the most beautiful deadly thing ever? How it was like he was dancing around the battlefield? How about actual dancer Xiao being so absolutely beautiful and perfect and that slow burn of Albedo falling in love with that beauty with a touch of Modern AU and cute Ganyu as the Wing woman. Yes, Sparrow delivers yet again another beautiful slow burn and while it’s still ongoing it is worth the read.
9. i think we could make this work (could get used to this) by outspaced               
“Xiao? What are you doing out here?”
“It’s raining,” Albedo says, as if it isn’t obvious. “You could get struck by lightning.”
“What are you doing out here then?” Xiao does the only thing he knows how to do, he challenges Albedo. “It’s raining.”
Albedo just hums. “If I get struck by lightning, it’s for science.”
Comment: A short one-shot where I read the summary and went “This is it... this is their relationship.” I am sold immediately. Oh god Albedo why are you like this.
10. Ephemeral by criedprinz        
“It’s not for your investigation, is it?” Aether asked mildly.
Albedo traced a finger around the sketchbook, considering the question. “No,” he admitted finally. “I... I just want to see them again.”
He opened the sketchbook to reveal the drawing he’d just finished. Aether nodded, clearly recognizing the sharp golden eyes.
“Xiao,” he said. “You were rescued by an adeptus.”
When a visit to Dragonspine goes horribly wrong, Albedo is rescued by an unknown stranger, wielding powers he's never heard of. Led on a search to find out who it is, he finds himself in the middle of an unforgettable encounter..
Comment: A really really well written one-shot that I love. The yearning oh godddd the yearning from Albedo side is just so so much that I have to put it here. (I think you can see the trend here lmao. I am a sucker for yearning). And the moment they get to meet each other again is just chef kiss. MWHAA
11. Idle Yaksha, Brilliant Yaksha by Pit0fTheEarth
Alatus didn’t have a lot of responsibilities to keep. He spent most of his days dancing across the sky and eating away all nightmares that plagued a person’s sleep.
But one fortunate encounter led to too many unfortunate ones, taking his carefree existence and plunging it in darkness. His wings, stripped from him. His gentle touch, replaced by an unforgiving grip of destruction.
There was a lot of blood on his hands. With each passing moment, it became harder for Alatus to recall the last time someone gently held him.
Comment: This is one of the ongoing fic where I am very very much excited on the take of Naberius. And the way the author portray Xiao when he’s still the innocent Alatus is just *clench fist*. Baby ;w; Baby why do you have to lose all that innocence. Also the fic has long LONG flashback to Xiao past and his relationship with Naberius. We are unwielding more what happened to both of them and why perhaps does this have to do with Albedo.
That’s it for now, might add more later! Thank you <3
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letaliabane · 4 years ago
The Light Within - (CARE FOR SERIES)
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Pair: Thorin Oakenshield x Healer!Reader (a pretty short one too lol)
Genre: Another majorly angsty LONGGGGGGGG chapter (I am so sorry) with little smidges of fluff again if you squint but barelyyyy any (I’m sorry! I promise it gets better!)
Warning: Very angstyy gore, violence, mentions of rape (no rape), death of character
A/N: With Y/N now far from Thorin, will he be able to regain his senses and stop the orcs from their takeover of his Kingdom? Will these lovers be divided by death? Or will something else prevent them from having their chance?   
PREVIOUS (Through The Darkness)
I winced as Gandalf pressed a cold cloth to my neck, the skin now swollen, bruised from Thorin’s violent tossing. The very thought of the dwarf caused tears to rise, a small sob caught in my throat.
Since Gandalf had shepherded me and Bilbo away from the ramparts, Thorin had called on his kin from the Iron Hills, his cousin Dáin, Gandalf had told me specifically. The King turning his back on the battlefield had been the last I had seen of him before being ushered into Thranduil’s tent that had been left unattended. 
I looked up at Gandalf, my tears running freely down my cheeks.
‘Oh my dear.’ He said, wiping them away with the curve of his thumb gently. ‘I am so sorry. Your commitment to breaking Thorin out of his stupor, but that sickness runs deep in his family. That dark magic that was set on his grandfather now clutches his heart. And I believe the only one who will be able to break him free now is himself.’
I pushed away the hair that had fallen in front of my face, now covered in muck and dirt from our escape from the battle briefly. 
‘That dwarf ... that isn’t Thorin Oakenshield, that’s someone I’ve never seen before. And I know I shouldn’t worry now, and yet it still hurts so much.’ 
Gandalf’s deep chuckle made me look up, a small smile on his face. 
‘That is because you love him, my dear.’ 
I looked up at him in shock, words faltering as his fingertips grazed the braid that was now revealed my shoulder, the silver bead holding it together glinting in the light of the lantern sitting overhead. I couldn’t help the shaky sigh that left my lips. 
‘That I-I do. I do love him Gandalf! I can’t deny it anymore ...’ 
Gandalf smiled, taking my hands into his. ‘I knew you would find your way to one another. I knew it from the moment you both bickered when you first met. I knew it when you shared that precious moment within the walls of Beorn’s walls.’ 
I couldn’t stop the chuckle that fell from my lips, even as the tears glided down my cheeks. ‘I never thought you to be an eavesdropper Gandalf!’
He scoffed. 
‘I am no such thing my dear! When one wants secrecy, they must do it where no one shall overhear!’ 
The smile faded as soon as it appeared, shaking my head, ‘Gandalf I can’t give up on him. I can’t leave him behind.’ 
Gandalf sighed, eyes momentarily flicking to the entrance of the tent where Bilbo stood on watch, screams and shouts of war rising and growing louder by the second. He placed a hand on my cheek gently. 
‘Then don’t my dear, stay and hope that that dwarf comes to his senses. And if doesn’t we will find some way to bring him back.’ I nodded with a small smile, squeezing his hand as he got to his feet with a groan. ‘But first we must fight to live another day. Are you ready?’
Glancing down towards my sword, I gripped it, also getting to my feet. 
‘More than ever.’ 
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A cry left my lips as I thrust my sword into the neck of an orc that had fallen to his knees before me, screeching wildly as I withdrew, blood spraying across ground as it collapsed. 
Gasping for air, I wiped away the ichor against my pants that stained my hand, leaning against the bridge as I looked over the bloodied field where the chaos raged on between all creatures, armour shining brightly against the harsh sunlight.  
The Orcs had descended upon the battle of the elves, humans and the dwarves, taking us all by surprise, their numbers far greater and far more powerful than all three parties combined. 
The kingdoms would be ripped apart if they weren’t stopped, and the company that hid within the mountain of Erebor would all but be overthrown. 
I turned as Bilbo stood beside me, covered in blood and muck, both of us standing in silence as we watched on. He took my hand in his, voice merely a whisper. ‘Y/N, do you think we will live to see another day?’
I looked to him at this, my eyes wide and glistening before turning away. The very thought of a new day rising after one such as this seemed unlikely, and it frightened me to even hold onto such hopes. Not when all I wanted hid within the mountain, the obsession of gold to strong for him-
Suddenly a deep rumble echoed across the plains, making me turn back towards the battlefield. There, standing upon the great dwarf statue of Erebor, was Bomber, blowing into a large horn.
The makeshift rampart was ripped apart, a magnificent golden bell ringing through the silence that had fallen upon the battlefield, all eyes watching. 
Before a familiar Khuzdul battle cry came forth. 
I couldn’t stop the loud gasp that had left my lips as Thorin emerged into the sunlight. Cloak and crown gone, instead a sword in hand, running onwards into the fight with the company at his side. 
I smiled through the blur of tears as the dwarves began to fight against the orcs alongside the elves and Dain’s army. I looked towards Gandalf with, after so long, a large smile, tears streaming down my face. 
‘They’re fighting back-Gandalf, their fighting back.’
He looked over us towards the mountain, his face instantly turning from a scowl to a small smile full of hope, almost like a child, ‘They’re rallying their king! There may be hope for us yet.’ 
However, that small bit of hope was stamped out when a raven flew over head, landing before me only moments later. I unclasped the note from around it’s foot, hurriedly unrolling it. 
He turned at my firm tone, making his way towards me along with Bilbo. 
‘Legolas sends word that Azog has another army attacking!’ 
‘From where? Where my dear?’
A chill ran down my spine as I read the messy elven handwriting, looking up towards the wizard. ‘From the North, right towards Ravenhill.’ 
Gandalf huffed, eyes wide in horror before looking towards the hilltop where the dwarves had headed for. ‘We must warn Fili, Kili and the others. If we don’t they’ll be in great danger once they enter the depths of Ravenhill. Bilbo, you know what to do.’
Bilbo nodded and set off immediately, disappearing into the crowd. But as I went to follow, Gandalf grabbed my shoulder, shaking his head. 
‘Not you my dear! You’ll take another route, and more importantly to Thorin. If it’s anyone he needs at his side right now, it’s you’
I nod at this before following him, fighting alongside him through the oncoming hoards of orcs before he led me to a group of eagles cawed as they fought of those who dared to attack, throwing them over the ramparts. 
Gandalf, leading me over to the largest of the group, gave me a boost up onto  the great creature. ‘Keep your head down and your heart full of courage. Get to Thorin and warn him of the oncoming dangers that are coming but be careful. I don’t want to lose my one good apprentice.’
I stared down at the wizard with a smile, shaking my head. 
‘Oh Gandalf, didn’t you know that getting into trouble is what I’m famous for?’
With one last smile towards me along with a nod, Gandalf raised his staff towards the eagle that let out a shriek before lifting off in flight, the rushing of wind welcoming me into its arms as I clung to the eagle’s beautiful feathers.
As we rose above the clouds, I could only pray that we would make it to the hill, and hope we were not too late. 
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The ride to Ravenhill was a lot more dangerous than I had anticipated, on our descent the frost becoming like sharp glass against my skin, the eagles shrieking as they forced themselves through the storm. 
Through the fray of white, I sighted the peaks of the blackened ruins of Ravenhill, a ripped flag flailing in the winds violently, the howl of the wind echoing across the hilltop. 
I gripped my sword tightly, tightening my group as the eagle flew down towards the towers, giving me time to slip down before it took off to join its pack, continuing to circle above. 
Without a moments hesitation, I ran across the the length of the tower, careful of the mounds of snow that covered the path before reaching the crumbled window only to gasp in horror. Looking out over the frozen lake, I instantly recognised the dwarf that staggered across the ice, a towering one armed Orc trailing after him with a chained brick weapon, swinging it towards him. 
Thorin, now holding the beautifully elven crafted sword Orchrist, shining in the light of the rising sun, standing his ground against the pale Orc who roared. 
I ran down the first set of stairs I came across, down torn corridors and passages, before I slid across the frozen lake towards the duel. With Azog’s back turned to me, I easily found an open, slipping my sword across his side, slicing through the pale skin. 
I scurried backwards as the ugly beast reared its head towards me, along with his brick and chain, just catching the ice where I had just moments before stood upon. 
‘Y/N?!’ I glanced towards Thorin, and couldn’t stop the brief smile that broke across my face only to shriek as a brick came hauling at me, barely missing me this time. ‘Foolish girl! Leave now!’ 
‘I’m not leaving you! Not again!’ I screamed, dodging Azog’s sworded up, once again slashing him across the same wounded side, making him shriek, his black blood spilling out across the ice. 
I ran to Thorin, the dwarf catching me in his arms as I slipped. I gripped him tightly, regaining my breath as I looked up at him. 
‘W-We have to leave! Ano-Another army is set to attack from the North!’ 
His eyes widened in horror. ‘What?!’ 
‘Please, we must leave now before it’s too late-’
I gasped at the abrupt shrill high call of the Orc horn I had knew far too well, both of us turning to see the sight of a dark shadowed mass marching over the hill. Shaking my head, Thorin grasped my hand tightly as Azog dragged himself to his feet, growling. 
But through all the pain he felt, the monster still smirked, swinging the chained brick high above his head before slinging it towards us, both parting instantly to avoid it. 
We circled him, almost working as one as the Orc looked between us, snarling, thrashing his weapon around, all to be in vain, only to become lodged into the thick layer of ice. 
It was only when Azog’s gaze became altered over our shoulders I couldn’t help but take a glance, only to shriek as a group of much larger, magnificent and proud as they flew straight towards the oncoming army. And I couldn’t help but chuckle at the small figure of Radogast that sat comfortable upon one of the eagle. 
However, it was a moment that had distracted me for far too long, a unexpected sharp pain ran up my side, a scream leaving my lips as Azog swung his sworded arm across me, sending me to my knees. I bit down on my lip hard, trying to crawl away as the towering behemoth laughed aloud. 
But as he raised the sworded appendage above my head, he was stopped by Thorin as it came down, who thrust his whole body weight against Orchrist, sending Azog backwards. 
Dropping his sword and with all his might, Thorin threw the bricked chain back towards the Defiler, the creature tipping backwards and disappearing fast beneath the water. 
It was once the silence fell over us I let out a loud sigh, tears of earnest falling. I whimpered as arms wrapped around me carefully, bringing me to my feet. I smiled up at Thorin, even as he scowled, shaking his head. 
‘You foolish woman! Yo-You came back! After everything that happened-After everything I did you came back!’ 
I laughed softly, pressing a hand to his cheek, heart soaring as he leant into my cheek, nuzzling against my palm. ‘That wasn’t you. I knew you would come back to me, I just had to be there when you needed me.’
Tears glazed his eyes as the first real smile I had seen in months, drawing me close to press a kiss against my forehead. I leant my head against his chest, a tired but joyous smile upon my lips. 
It was over, the war was over. 
I peaked my eyes open, only to gasp in horror at the sight of Azog beneath our feet, that same dangerous smile painted across his features. 
A scream wrenched itself from Thorin, his grip painfully tight on my waist. Looking down in horror to see the familiar blade that belonged to Azog’s arm. Only to be thrown from the warm embrace as the shriek and crackle of ice, landing on the hard frozen lake. 
I looked up in time as Azog leapt up out of the ice, sending Thorin to the ground, barely pulling out his sword to stop the jagged metal from piercing his chest, arms shaking uncontrollably, barely able to hold his own against the towering Orc. 
I shakily got to my feet, gripping my sword before running at him, screaming as I drove my sword deep into Azog’s chest, a guttural, bloodied gasp leaving his lips before I pulled him off of Thorin. With him staring up at me, I swung my sword down, once more pushing deep into the already gaping wound in his chest. 
And as the light faltered in his eyes, I spat. ‘Burn in hell, filth.’ 
Without sparing a moment, I dropped to Thorin’s side, my hands clasping his face. 
‘Thorin can you hear me? Are you okay?’ 
‘Y-Y/N ...’ 
I smiled as he gripped my hand, only for it to fade at the scarlet that covered his hand. Looking down I noticed the wound in his chest, the tunic he wore beneath his coat soaked in blood. 
‘Oh lord Mahal-’ I whistled as loud as I could, looking up into the skies where the eagles continued to circle, their dark shadows passing amongst the cloud. Suddenly, I coughed violently, leaning away from Thorin, wiping at my mouth, only to find blood. 
‘No no no-’ 
Again I whistled, body shaking as I looked around. A hand pressed against my cheek, gasping as Thorin looked up at me, a gentle smile on his lips. 
‘It-it’s alright my dear one, it’s alright-’
I shook my head, pressing a firm kiss to his hand. ‘No no no Thorin. You are going to live! You will not die this day, you’ve just gotta stay awake for me, alright?’ 
‘I feel so sleepy ...’
I held back a sob, squeezing his hand. ‘I know, Thorin, I know but you have to keep your eyes open! Help is coming! Y-You made me promise you that we would try-that we would try a hand at us! You’ve gotta stay awake-’
However as the words left my lips, his eyelids slid closed, the grip faltering on my cheek as tiredness over took his entire body. 
‘Thorin don’t you dare close your eyes!’ I cried, gripping his cheek while the other hand pressed down on his wound, trying to stem the blood that flowed over my fingertips. I looked around once again, screaming into the smoke that rose over the frozen peaks of the waterfall. 
I screamed, and screamed, and screamed. 
Even when my voice became hoarse, I still screamed at the top of my lungs. 
Even as blood spilt down my clothes, I still cried out weakly. 
And even as the shadows crept across my vision as I lay beside my unconcious lover, and the blurred outline of a figure came into view, I whimpered.
‘H-Help us ...’ 
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I groaned as I opened my eyes, blinded by the piercing light that entered through the overhead windows. Slowly I sat up, gasping in pain that filled my side, and then I remembered. 
The war, Azog. And Thorin. 
I rushed to get out of bed, shakily getting to my feet only to fall foward towards the stone floor. However I didn’t make impact, held up by Kili. 
‘What are you doing Y/N?! I’ve known you for being an early riser but you must stay in bed! Oin has commanded it!’ 
I gripped his arm as he helped me sit back on the soft mattress, sighing at the pounding in my head. Once blurring in my vision had faded, I really took in the scene around me to realise we were within the halls of Erebor. 
Dwarves and dwarrodams with medical pouches walked through the aisles, standing beside other injured soldiers, a calmness settled over the entire room that we hadn’t felt for months. I looked back up towards him with a small smile. 
‘It’s over isn’t it?’
He was hugging me before I could even register it, a small hiccup of pain leaving me before I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close. I ran a hand through his hair, chuckling-or a sobbing-I couldn’t even tell.
‘Oh thank Mahal you’re alright!’ 
‘The others are too.’ I couldn’t help but relax against him at his words, pulling away to look at him up and down, inspecting him carefully. 
‘And you are not hurt?’ 
‘A few bruises and cuts, every soldier must to be able to tell the tales of war!’ 
I smiled, but once again thought back to the dwarf I had gone on that desperate mission to save. I gripped Kili’s hand painfully. ‘And Thorin? Is he-’
‘Alive and healing thanks to you.’ 
I sighed, this time an even greater weight lifting from me. Tears of relief rose in my eyes, looking up at the young dwarf who smiled down at me. 
‘May I-’
‘Of course you can. Just don’t tell Oin I’m going against his orders taking away from your time of resting!’ 
Once dressed in my clothes, which I found had been washed and dried, felt clean against my skin, Kili led me to Thorin’s chambers. More like carried me, taking on most of my body weight to avoid leaning on my right side. I couldn’t help but smile at other dwarves and dwarrodams we passed, earning many in return. 
We all had fought for this victory, and free of the Orc’s reign of darkness. Now we could finally smile without the fear of dying on the morrow. 
We reached an ornate corridor, adorned with gold and jewels across the walls from roof to the marble floors, and at the very end I could see two guards guarding a large oak door, much different to the room Thorin had taken when ill under the dragon sickness. 
There were two other dwarves standing before the entrance, chatting amongst themselves, turning to us as we arrived. With the door slightly ajar, I squinted, looking past the shoulders of the dwarves to see a Thorin, cleaned, bandaged, and peacefully resting, 
‘We are here to visit the King-’
The door was shut with a slam, Kili cut off by the one who looked the oldest, his pointed nose raised to us and voice firm. ‘No one is to enter these chambers besides the King’s healer or advisors!’ 
The Prince scoffed. ‘Do you know who you’re talking to? I am King Thorin’s nephew, I am his kin and I order you to allow us in to see the King!’ 
‘I know who you are laddie, and I certainly know who this woman is.’ 
Why did it seem that everyone knew me before I knew them?
I looked toward the dwarf with a raised eyebrow. ‘And who do you think I am?’ 
He smirked. ‘Word of you reached Ered Luin long before the company of Thorin Oakenshield even reached the cusp of our homeland. Must’ve been a good offer you made our King to join such a company-’
‘I offered my skills-’
‘And much more I think.’ 
I stared down the second dwarf, cringing inwardly at the ugly smile he sent my way as he looked me up and down, a stare I wasn’t unfamiliar with.  
I pushed off of Kili, now nose to nose with him. ‘Watch your tongue-’
‘And you will watch yours missy. You are nothing than a common woman with no title, no family, and nothing to give to this King, or this kingdom. And if word gets out that the King has fallen for a human? Oof, you better run further than the hills. You wouldn’t last a day-’ 
‘Is that a threat?’
‘No, it’s merely a warning! Because you will be ruined either way, whether you are dead, or defiled beyond reprieve.’
My gut churned at his words, an anger I hadn’t felt in a very long time burning inside me, the memories of my time as a prisoner at the hands of the orcs sweeping through my mind. Everything they had done to me, the way they tied me down, ripped my clothes off, and did nothing but violate me.
Kili, who hadn’t noticed my state, stepped forward in a rage. ‘How dare you speak of her in such a way! You are nothing but cowards! She saved the King’s life-’
‘Then that is her job done innit? Hurry along and find someone else to travel along with, maybe you’ll find some new purpose for yourself, become someone else’s bitch-’ 
I didn’t remain to hear the rest of the cruel dwarf’s words. Breathing uneven, tears streaming down my face, I ran through the halls, letting the calls of my name that rang out behind me fall deaf upon me. 
It felt like everything was spinning, blurred as I fell against a wall, catching my breath, the taste of iron on my tongue. I gripped the marble beneath my nails, as if it would ground myself to reality, distract me from the images of the laughing orcs who had held me down, to dissolve the ugly smiles and laughter that erupted from them once they were finished.  
‘Y/N? You silly woman, why are you out of bed? You should be resting! Your wound is bleeding again!’ 
My eyes shot open at the sight of Gandalf, standing tall over me. Almost instantly, the sternness in his features creased into worry, taking my face into his hands carefully, wiping away the tears. 
‘Breathe my dear, breathe.’
I gasped, inhaling as much air as I could, gripping the wizards arms as sobs left me. With the shaking not ceasing, I looked back up towards Gandalf, tears still trekking down my face. 
‘Please take me away from here Gandalf-’
‘Why? What has happened?’
I shook my head. ‘I can’t stay here, I-I can’t be here when Thorin wakes up. Please! Take me away from here!’ 
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NEXT (The Aftemath - Coming soon)
A/N: I am so sorry this chapter took so long but here we are! Will it get better? We shall see! I’m sorry!! *runs away*
If your needy for more, read the original CARE FOR series or check out the Masterlist
CARE FOR TAG LIST: @alyhull , @bellastellaluna​ , @sdavid09 , @aidanturnersass , @letsbeinspiredby , @hiddenmangaka , @female-hux , @elia-the-bibliophile , @fangirlbitch02 @nickangel13​ @thatteluguchick​ 
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aelin-queen-of-terrasen · 5 years ago
1,10,12,18 for cardan and Jude if you can please! I've been reading all of your writings and I'm enjoying them so much!!!
Thank you for the ask! I am so sorry for taking so long, I had a lot of asks to answer and other WIPs to work on.
1. Something this character is truly proud of.
If you ask Jude, she'll say she's proud of her sword fighting or her ability to rule or something but really, Jude is most proud of Cardan of all things for becoming a capable, benevolent and clever king from a cruel prince. She'll never say it to his face tho.
10. How they deal with pain.
So I already did one of these for emotional pain but for physical pain, Jude is not one to obsess over it. She usually dismisses her wounds as nothing to Cardan's dismay but the moment he smells blood on her, Cardan goes out of his mind and always makes sure her wounds are treated, all while he paces outside their room in worry. So it's less like how Jude deals with her pain and more like how Cardan deals with it. When Cardan is in pain tho, he becomes a drama queen. He once got a scratch on his head and kept repeating how he was going to die. Jude thinks it's hilarious but she's as worried for him as he is for her except being Cardan's wife is like being the mother of a five year old.
12. How they sleep.
Cardan is the kind of person who takes up all the space on the bed. Jude says it annoys her but she loves it when Cardan drapes a hand over her. (He literally floats around the whole bed in sleep, lol). Also Jude snores in her sleep and Cardan loves it. Whenever he mentions it in the morning, she refuses to believe it. Also Cardan and Jude sometimes fight over who will be the little spoon because they're both kinds little spoons so Jude has had to teach Cardan rock paper scissors and the winner gets to be the little spoon when they cuddle.
18. Special talents they have.
Cardan's special talent is braiding hair. He just always found it fascinating and since his wife isn't much into it, he takes it upon himself to learn new hairstyles and dresses her.
Jude has a hidden talent. It's painting. One day when Cardan is on some trip, Vivi suggests to Jude that she should try her hand at painting. She finds that she likes it very much. When Cardan come back and finds about his wife's new hobby, he gifs her an empty chamber with all the best art supplies to paint. Jude doesn't let anyone (not even Cardan) in the room for a while until one day she invites Cardan to come with her.
He falls onto his knees, crying.
Jude didn't paint on the canvas. She painted the very walls with the story of their journey together from when Cardan pushed her into the lake to Dain's coronation where they had their first dance to the time when they kissed while Jude pressed a blade to Cardan's throat to the scene in Eldred's chambers where they got married and after that is Jude curled up beside a snake.
And at last is the painting of Cardan and Jude sitting on the twin thrones. It's the best thing he's ever seen and Cardan never stops boasting about it to everyone.
Sorry, I didn't plan for it to be so long but I hope y'all like whatever this is. As always if you'd like to be tagged, let me know!
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myssparklesbookrants · 5 years ago
HIWow! It was hard choosing a first topic to talk about. I felt like I needed to talk about something big and glamorous to blow the brains out of… of someone. But alas, this is my best, for now..
So, I chose the first one that I had listed on the top of my head ever since I first started reading.
<ta da!>
This is a list of MEN or BOYS who tickle the romantic bone just right! (I had dreamed that there was such an organ in the human body, just near the stomach)
I selected these FICTIONAL BOYFRIENDS as potential members of my harem If I ever defy normal Filipino conceptions of marriage and take up polyandry.
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The criteria I used is simple.
  Choose the fictional partners that I can imagine existing in real life  (not too much of an alpha and rich or good looking that borders on unbelievable). The type of characters that I can imagine talking to, who I find fascinating and can be a potential long-time partner, casual hook up or best friend.
 I originally wanted to stick to 10. But as I wrote, a lot of names popped up and I can’t not put them in the list but still, I am sure after I have this article published (Char! Haha) there will be a lot of “Shoot! Why did I not put him on the list???” exclamations. So, maybe I will eventually make another continuation list???
This list is based on the BOOKS I READ so if  you have a bet that I didn’t list, please don’t hesitate to give a recom. A new book to swoon over is always welcome.
 Most Importantly: READ THE BOOKS WHERE THESE AMAZING CHARACTERS CAME FROM. I liked them because of their wit, their personality, how they interacted with other people, their dreams and how their love for their other half made them better people or vice versa. MEANING: THE BOOK WAS WICKED AWESOME AND THE AUTHOR WAS A GOOD STORYTELLER.
(I must apologize for the lack of female to female romantic partner mentions given my current lack of FF Romance reads, which is something I will rectify soon. But if you have recommendations, feel free to comment below and maybe add some MM ones too!)
Anyway, meet…
1. Clayton Danvers and Lucas Cortez
Kelley Armstrong’s  Women of the Underworld Series
Genre: Horror fiction, Paranormal romance, Urban fantasy 
This series is adapted on screen called ‘Bitten’ which is available on Netflix.
Clayton Danvers is the strong, silent, and smart type. He is a professor in a university where he met Elena(his student) and a werewolf! His devotion to Elena was sweet, passionate and faithful to the point that bordered on obsessive but not off putting. The best thing about him was how un-Alpha he was. Although he was strong , his relationship with Elena was a partnership.
This is what romance needs today guys! A PARTNER not a rich and condescending daddy!
Lucas Cortez, on the other hand, is a lawyer/sorcerer, young master of a Cabal Group, who informally separates from his family's company to pursue a life as a lawyer protecting the rights of other magical beings against abusive Cabals(including his family's). Unlike Clayton, he was slender with brown eyes behind glasses. So basically, a cute, smart nerd who is the 'good' black sheep of the family.
(they are in separate books with different female romantic partners)
2. Quinn Sullivan
Penny Reid’s Neanderthal Meets Human
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Quin…*sighs*... So awesome! He was quiet, mysterious,unsmiling, rich and had an almost perfect handsome face. I love that the author imagined small flaws like almost unnoticeable  crooked bottom front teeth and differing sizes of his ears with one prominent feature -his hawk-like stare. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, he took Janie's quirkiness in stride. Asking questions, debating, protecting, annoying, kissing…. You know the drill..😉
3. Beau Winston
Penny Reid’s Beard in Mind
Genre: Contemporary Romance
On first read, Beau was a good looking, charming good boy who is looking for his path after his twin, Duane left to pursue his own.
What I loved about him was how he dealt with Shelley's(Quinn's Sister) clinically diagnosed mental illness(OCD). He researched about it and made efforts to make it easier for her and was just overall supportive. 
It was awesome how much the author has put an effort in researching OCD facts to make details perfectly accurate and how it was NOT at all a hastily placed plot device to get the story going. 
4.Ted Beaudine
Susan Elizabeth Phillips’ Call Me Irresistible
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Hello to my favorite romance book of all time!
 I think I have read this many times already and have to put off re-reading it again for next year(2021)  to give my brain some time to forget some of the plot. We need to keep the mystery going! amiright??
Anyway, Ted was the perfect genius, good boy and people pleasing guy. He is perfectly polite, straight laced  and has basically carried the whole town in his muscled shoulders for years. (Did I tell you he was the Mayor?) 
Meg's carefree life and struggles basically tickled his good boy bone the wrong way.
Read this novel to witness how a perfect boy and wastrel girl turned out in the end. Seriously Please Read!
5.  Patrick Jason 'Pick' Ryan
Linda Kage' Be My Hero
Genre: Contemporary Romance
  He was the tattoed, orphan softie on the wrong side of town who thankfully did not grow up a thug because of a vision he got when he was young from a moled witch.
One day, his tinkerbell, the star of his visions, enters the bar he works at, but PREGNANT!
Gosh! I loved this so much. This was part of the Forbidden Men Series but can read as a stand alone. Although, I advise you to read the other books also, they were all awesome!
6. Colin Bridgerton
 Julia Quin’s Bridgerton Series
Genre: Historical Fiction/ Romance
Charming, green eyed and younger son, Colin was considered a catch of the ton.
He had a case of wanderlust and couldn't stay at one place without getting an itch. I can't say more without giving a major spoiler, but I loved that the author made him major insecurities.
Because secretly,too perfect is boring, right??
7. Sean Cassidy
Penny Reid and L.H Cosway's  The Player and the Pixie
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Wewowewowewo. *sexy flames* 
Imagine a gorgeous jerk of a jock with sexual inexperience and a rainbow haired goody goody shoes girl (whose brother is his ultimate enemy) who is willing to be the TEACHER!
But it was more than that, I liked how the authors highlighted the perils of kleptomania, the privilege of the rich and how gorgeous jerks are set straight by their women who would not suffer in a relationship with a class A insensitive jerk just because he was good looking and rich.
This was a ride! I lost count how many times I re-read this book.
8. Elend Venture
Branson Sanderson’s Mistborn Trilogy
Genre: High Fantasy
Elend was the angsty boy part of the elite class who is disgusted by his privilege and looks for ways to make the government better by reading outlawed books that spark rebellious and forward ideas. In short, he was a closet revolutionary.
Throughout the series there were some major changes in his life from a closet reader to a person who pursues ideas he just once read in books?
How do they say it? Walk the talk or in his case, Walk the read? (talking about it would mean death)
9.Archer Devereux
April White’s The Immortal Descendants Series
Genre: Time Travel Romance/ Historical Fantasy
Dumdumdumdum. Imagine a conservative college boy from the past your future self time traveled in, spends time with you, helps you in your quest, likes you secretly and is shy about it and becomes a vampire stuck in immortality waiting to meet the 'present' you.
Talk about love lasting through time! This was a great book if you love time travel stories with historically accurate and interesting facts injected heavily into the story! 
10. Rupert Carsington
Loretta Chase’ Mr. Impossible
Genre: Historical Fiction/Romance
A hellion younger son of an earl who loves an adventurous carefree life who is without inhibition, just goes along the ride and has a set of surprisingly caring and dependable muscled shoulders.
Meets a beautiful tempered scholar who needs his help finding his kidnapped brother in the sands of Egypt.
This is perfect for those who love adventure romances, and topics on the papyrus, mummies and the french and British looting conflict in the African colonies.
11. Sebastian Ballister
Loretta Chase’ Lord of Scoundrels
Genre: Historical Fiction/Romance
My favorite Historical Romance book ever!! Like Ted Beaudine's book, I try to read this at least once or twice a year to forget some of the plot and keep the mystery going.
He was called the Marquess of Dain and has been raising hell since childhood and in the present day France where he meets the blue stocking Jessica. The author throughout the book continually refers to them as the Beauty and the Beast.
What makes this book SPECIAL is how intelligent, witty and funny most of their conversations were. It's funny how many books are under many sexy, funny and witty lists on goodreads but only some of those on the list are actually true! THIS BOOK IS ONE OF THEM!
Jess was not annoying or shy or too much of a fighter and Dain was not too obnoxious. It was perfect.
And if you have not read this book or others from this author or genre, I command you to start reading after you finish this article.Break some cherries!
12.  Hardy Cates
Liza Kleypas’ Blue Eyed Devil
Genre: Contemporary Romance
A blue neck Town boy chasing dreams outside of town to leave the shithole of a living. He has white knight complexes but leaves the damsel in distress after the case is solved. Also, muscular and has the blunt and bluest  eyes on Texas 
This book I have also reread many times because it talks about dealing with domestic abuse and moving on after an abusive relationship, dealing with people who have narcissistic disorder and the life of the privileged.
13. Connor ‘Mad’ Rogan
Illona Andrews’ Hidden Legacy Series
Genre: Paranormal Romance (PNR)
Wootwootwoot. Imagine a former military but now head of the House 'Mad' Rogan successfully publicly kidnapping you in broad daylight using only wads of cloth. Talk about a powerful telekinetic! 
I loved that he was once again, A partner in the relationship and not an overprotective ape despite him being awfully more powerful than Nevada.
14.Phil Tucker
Jennifer Crusie Welcome to Temptation
Genre: Contemporary Romance
This is written by an author whose ALL BOOKS WRITTEN i have read and loved.
 Phil is part of a long line of male Mayors in the family and meets almost fugitive-like Sophie. 
Read as they deal with each other, try to take down a production of town porn video, deal with an enemy, try to dirty Phil down to win the next election and spend time reading a romance classic.
15.  Ansel Guillaume
Christina Lauren’s Sweet Filthy Boy
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Known for the many explicit sexy times that can be read throughout the book. So, if you want to stay green in the ears, skip this one till you're legal.
Ansel is a sweet, full of life French Lawyer celebrating with friends in LA and Mia with her friends also, celebrating their newly graduated from college selves.
Ansel is soft, a daydreamer, magnificent bringer of orgasms and game with all things Mia is willing to do.
They married through Elvis and decided to not divorce yet to explore the beautiful France and a  possibility of a good relationship.
I actually have a lot more but these are for now.
Topic for my next blog entry:
How to Find the Next Good Book to Read:
A Guide to Good Sources of Book Recommendations
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phoenixbracer · 6 years ago
* ↪ ezra miller. he/they. genderqueer. ╱ i thought i saw sidney daines getting questioned by the police. the twenty-two year old is in their second year at west bridge studying kinesiology. they were at manon’s party because they wanted to support a friend. do you think they had something to do with her death? + dark hair pinned back but still always slipping down their throat, high collar of his coat lined with real fur,  the necklace says ‘princess’ 
evening y’all. I am Jay, timezone EST, and if you want my attention quickly, shoot me a message on discord ( Jay#7905 ) and I’m always up to plot!
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 Little more about my child beneath :)
youngest of four, their parents had run out of shits to give by the time they rolled around and Sidney learned to be independent early 
when they started to act out for attention, parents threw money at the ‘problem’ instead, shuffling Sidney between a host of child psychologists and then into private school 
sid never took school too seriously, but private tutors and friends to cheat off of kept their grades up, something that hasn’t changed much. they are constantly unsure of their major and discussing switching it, and taking a variety of electives  
while his parents pay for school, rent and food, sidney makes the money they need for drugs and alcohol working part time at the local movie theater, added bonus being sneaking friends into see shows on slow night. 
total drama queen, and always knows the gossip, if not the one causing it
they are prone to moodswings, often cycling between extreme highs and lows, and lashing out at the people around him during darker spells
has a wide circle of casual friends, but not many that they actually share their real self with
fairly vain, and spends a lot of time and energy perfecting their look. Gotta get those insta notes
town gossips - between the two of you, no secret is safe or rumor untold
out all night - when you go out together, don’t expect to make it home before the sunrise
lover of the arts - instead of meeting at parties, you take the chance to visit shows and exhibits together. the type of thing no one else is interested in seeing, and who wants to go alone?
fling - one thing led to another, transformed into something casual, but now it’s become something sitting unspoken between you
bad influence - ‘you should never have listened to what he told you, now look where it’s gotten you’
mentor - a guiding hand, to keep Sidney on the steady path
one-sided romance - obsession brewing (either direction!)
come throw me a suggestion!
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wizardsnwookies · 8 years ago
Campaign Diary- TOD51717
After the council the party asks around for additional information regarding the Draakhorn. It’s only through a passing memory someone recalls a wizard out of Luskin that would have any information not already presented at the council. This strikes a chord with Skydancer, who is reminded that the Arcane Brotherhood is based in Luskin, and out of the many branches of magic they study, one would certainly be Draconic. And so, with a new path to follow, they seek out a wizard who is familiar with the city and line his pockets with gold to teleport them there.
The group pops into existence in Luskin, a city fallen on hard times and whose reputation has come to be known as a Pirate Haven. The Arcane Brotherhood is not hard to find, a grand structure with multiple spires stands out amongst a city populated with pirates and sailors, and whose buildings reflect it with neglect.
Inside, walking past a hobbling Humonculous, the party presents their Writ of Markee from the council. They are on official business and have come seeking a wizard knowledgeable in Dragon Lore, and specifically the Draakhorn.
“Ah, that would be Overwizard Greel Thermut of the Host Tower. He’s busy at the moment but if you please make your way there he’ll be with you shortly.”
After a brief wait in the recieving room, a male teifling greets them as Greel Thermut. 
“How can I be of assistance?”
“I’m sure you heard the Draakhorn a few days ago?” Skydancer inquires. “We were hoping you would help enlighten us as to where we might find it’s point of origin.”
Greel admits ignorance to this particular piece of Dragon Lore. “The person you need to talk to is my student Makath. Unfortunately she’s been lost three years now. She was practically obsessed with the Draakhorn, and was convinced a White Dragon by the name of Arathatar held the key to finding it’s location.
“You see, 160 years ago there was a odd occurrence. Dragons of every color and alignment came together in a swirling rage, a storm of wings and teeth. They attacked the Host Tower and stole many treasures, including priceless tomes of knowledge. Arathatar was among those dragons.”
“And Makath thinks the location of the Draakhorn is in one of those books?”
“I think so. She is no fool, she went well prepared with an experienced team. I am up many nights pondering what happened to her. The last I heard of her, she reported seeing what appeared to be a large iceburg moving against the current of the seas. Odd...”
“Forgive me, I mean no disrespect...” Osborn begins delicately. “But is it possible she joined the Dragon Cult?” Osborne is reminded of the frozen towers of the Storm Giant Fortress, forged from the top of a mountain. It could just as easily be confused with an iceburg.
“Hmmm, no. I do not think so. She is obsessed with her study, but she is not mad.”
“Then unfortunately there’s a possibility she was taken by them against her will.” Osborne says solemly. “But there’s no way to know for sure.”
“Perhaps there is.” The simple Dain speaks up clutching his holy symbol. “I will commune with my god, he can answer me three questions ‘ayup’ or ‘nope.’“
The party collectively decides on the three questions to ask Dain’s god, and after 24 hours to prepare, the cleric is ready...
“Is Makath still alive?...uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.”
“Is she a cultist? ....uhhhh nope, nope, nope.”
“Is she still in the Sea of Moving Ice? ...uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.”
“Well,” Skydancer says decidedly. “Looks like we’re heading North.”
The party prepares for the expedition to the harsh north, buying furs and skins for warmth, and hiring an ice breaker vessel called the FROST SKIMMER, captained by “Half-face” Larista a human who’s face is covered by a mask, the left side lost to frostbite.
The first three days pass uneventfully, a pleasant sail up the Sword Coast. On the fourth day, the environment changes, becomes far colder, and ice begins to move alongside their vessel, collecting until finally the sails are furled and the oars are slid out on the sixth day of travel. 
Dain stands on the bow of the ship, frost in his bear as is his namesake, and turns back to the party with a hearty grin on his face. The others are not so glad. Skydancer is anxious, not accustomed to waiting so long before action. Lotus passes the time by playing his flute, trying to sooth the weary souls onboard.
Suddenly the ship rocks to one side as something unseen slams into starboard. Skydancer leans over the edge just as four massive humanoids with fish features rise from the waters, each holding a harpoon. Merrow!!
The captain calls the men to arms, and the party is quick to join the fray. Tensions rises as the Merrow thrust against the side, trying to topple the vessel, one thrusts his spear deep into Barton’s chest!
Dain and Waldorf take their time, carefully choosing their positions before unleashing their onslaught of a bolt of lightning and a scorching Flame Strike, devastating the mer folk, and sending those who did not immediately perish, back down to the depths.
Their new locale continues to prove treacherous, the second night under full ice a crew scream is heard in the night as a crew member is dragged away by a hungry polar bear. But it was on the third night under full ice that the real trouble came in the form of three ice trolls.
The party fended them off handed, but with a price. The hull of the ship has been damaged, entire planks of pulled out. Before their journey can continue, repairs must be made.
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