#am I… a Mario girlie? that feels so strange to me but I think I am
hannahhasafact · 6 months
I have now played enough Mario games to have a solid personal opinion on Mario games which feels strange to me for some reason
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
Anyway I will sum up: the current theory is that by taking people's Desires (the heart gem thing), Alice can control those people and it's probably bad, since when stuff happens to your Shadow it will effect your real self too.
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Seems like Alice is trying to lure more people into her Jail so she can alter their cognition. Which given she kinda started as an influencer is so much I wanna die a bit.
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also holy crap the textures in this game are sometimes Really Bad lmao. I wonder how P5R looks on the Switch, I might google that later out of curiosity.
Now it's time to investigate Alice herself and turns out Ann has admired her for a while and asked her agency if she could meet Alice, so she's got seats at a TV appearance.
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thanks dad-- what the fuck, chaz is here. why does EVERYONE in japanese government hang at Sojiro's place?
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Reverie has a full-body flashback to that time about a year and change ago when he sat in this same TV studio (but back when it wasn't made of Mario 64 textures) and shook hands with the love of his life and his star-crossed kismesis. For a moment, the entire dayglo set fades to a single color. Beige. jfc he was sooooo beige.
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Alice tells the story about how she was extremely shy growing up and struggled to overcome it despite how much she wanted to. Then, she saw a beautiful dress in a shop window, and upon putting it on, she felt like a totally different person, like a ray of light had fallen right on her.
And HONESTLY this is the first moment that Ann's entire thing has made sense to me, how becoming a model could inspire people. I think there is more than a few issues with looking at an extremely thing, extremely carefully produced person and going "oh, this is aspirational" but at least the concept makes a little more sense now.
BUUUUUUUUT turns out Alice is not just a victim of her Jail like I proposed, she's a baddie.
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Oh okay so she knows what's going on and is doing it on purpose, okay.
That's disappointing.
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I'm sorry, Ann. It does suck. Her whole speech about wanting to inspire people like she was, yeah, it sounded like Ann, and Ann's disappointment is even stronger than mine.
I was kinda sad that Jails apparently work pretty similarly to Palaces but also things get SO FUCKING WILD HERE I'm kinda cool with it.
While Reverie is comforting Ann and thinking about it was in this very hallway where he met a beige boy he almost changed the universe to have a second chance with, Alice just SHOWS UP AND
oh my god
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a fucking pastel pink ultra-cosplayer keeps stepping on people, this game. oh my god. i'm crying its so good.
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I think we can fix Alice without stealing her heart, all we gotta do is introduce her to the Domme lifestyle and teach her about scenes, boundaries, and consent. There is a historic top shortage going on and she could really find her niche.
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this is clearly not a negotiated scene, so Ann and Reverie run in to break it up. take it to the kink dungeon, girly, this ain't the venue. SSC or RACK, pick one.
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Alice actively tries to get Ann and Reverie under her mind control shit?????
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OKAY SO she is like fully aware of the cognitive world? It feels like she's pretty in-tune with her Shadow. Which usually means the Shadow doesn't stay a separate being but becomes a persona instead.
Instead, with the Jail system, they seem to be keeping separate even as they both work towards the same goals. That's new and strange.
This is definitely setting up some core questions like who made EMMA, how did Alice figure out how it worked, has she been inside the cognitive world or did she just figure out if she friended ppl with EMMA she could control them, and what's going on with the shadow vs real self here?
Regardless, Alice is a delight. I for one am thrilled to have her, but I also fear that Persona 5 Strikers might peak with its first main villain here because where the fuck do you go after evil pastel princess dominatrix? I have no idea.
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reversecreek · 6 months
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— 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠… 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐭! 🐇🍎
a o i f e c r a i n .
welcome to marina, AOIFE CRAIN ( woman, she/her ) ! they are a TWENTY SIX year old MEDIUM who resides in PROSPECT HILL. They work as an APPLE JAM MAKER / GRIEF COMMUNE BETWEEN THE DEAD AND THEIR GRIEVING LIVING and are said to look a lot like HAVANA ROSE LIU. People around the island find them to be +GOOFY and +COMPASSIONATE, but also -FLUSTERED and -GUARDED. what do you think?
hiieieieiieeeeeeee it'sa me nai'uigi! (THEE gay mario brother ik a bottom when i see one). so anyway. i figured i'd start off w literally jsut aoife n take it as i go bc i was too ambitious last time n i think i work better w a narrower focus. so ya. without further ado! 🤸 pinty pin pin here!
aoife's mama, siblings n nainai (not me cloned bt the chinese word for grandma which i jst found out n am obsessed w) impulsively migrated to a little rural farmland village in ireland after some unfortunate business w their sperm source (branding him this bc he doesn't deserve to b called a father frankly) n aoife's mama eventually fell madly in love w Some Guy n out popped aoife
(addiction mention/ drugs implied) it ws Naught a happy union n they sadly both struggled w addiction since getting together rly. he kind of was a bad influence on aoife's mum from the start n got her into tht scene. bt like when aoife was tottering around her mum wanted to clear up her act for her sake bc she ws the centre of her whole world bt her dad didn't rly follow suit n as a result things were Not Good n quite the rollercoaster when aoife was little
they were kind of struggling in ireland as it was anyway bc their village was a rather traditional one n income was sparse bc of local prejudices n when things reached a boiling point w aoife's father her grandma stepped in to her mum n was like girl we're outta here.
aoife's two aunties migrated w them to this absolutely ramshackle old creaky farmhouse in prospect hill bc the girlies stick together that they bought fr a pittance bc it was kind of falling apart n all of the big apple trees surrounding it were semi rotten bt they all agreed it ws their fresh start. she has no contact w her father whatsoever to this day bt it's cool <3 they started making apple jam out of the rotten apples bc the bruised fruit makes the sweetest jam n this is kind of symbolic of aoife's positive mindset in life.
aoife's mama remarried a vry sweet introspective repairer of watches who ws strangely also irish n he surprisingly fit right in w the sisterhood they'd created
ANYWAY that's for family bg. as far as abilities go aoife's grandma has always had contact w the other side. it's strange too bc when they were fleeing ireland their grandma jst randomly had this pull towards marina as The Place To Go n it's almost like she cld sense the spn forces there within her. aoife's always had a very visceral attachment to her surroundings growing up bc like she'll. befriend different ghosts in different places n settings r like richly embroidered tapestries she can't help etching her fingers along to appreciate their craftsmanship. aoife believes people n their stories make the world go round <3
being a medium she hs a little oracle business of sorts in a side room of their big farmhouse n has a few sweet regulars who she regularly helps communicate w their passed loved ones. she's a bit too sweet tho n sometimes jst won't charge them bc she feels too mean charging to help them w their grief n some of them r hard for money so she doesn't feel it's right even tho it's like girl u need the income.... bt it's fine.
her grandma is vry powerful bt very controlled whereas aoife gets a bit too attached n is probably more at risk for possessions n such bc she's kind of easily manipulated if she feels for the tall tales a ghost is spinning. speaking of which there's a ghost tht kind of has a crush on her tht lingers in the farmhouse frm time to time n "accidentally" knocks a book off the shelf whenever it sniffs someone hving a crush on her in the air. aoife's like sheldon ur so silly not again!!!!
she's vry goofy. does big ungraceful giddy toothy witch cackles like bunny kicking her feet n everything then gets shy n bashful right after. loves fantasy, intricately engraved swords n the idea of having a pet baby dragon who's always sneezing n accidentally singeing the ends of her hair (bt she'd nvr get mad at them bc it's just so cute). she's constantly embroidering items or crafting a strange little something out of scrap material she finds n regularly has clumsily pinpricked fingers as a result. sometimes she collects twigs to help build birds nests bc she's like they're so little they must be so tired doing it all by themselves!!!!!
hs a HUGE albino rabbit named bo tht seems strangely immortal bt noone ever questions it. carries him around in her arms like a beloved handbag, close confidant n surrogate father all in one. he acts all sweet n soft w aoife then when her backs turned is the antichrist to anyone tht gets near her. it's true love <3
she's vry friendly n open bt romantically she's quite a closed book bc she's never rly witnessed a good demonstration of it.
hs long rambunctious flowing curly ginge hair like ophelia drowning in a pond n wears 4958724975942 rings n vry floaty kimonos n crochet skirts n long lacy skirts n dresses. oh n whenever she sneakily bites into one of their best apples she leaves a little indent frm her gap tooth.
oh also plays the harp n piano so that's kind of fresh n fun
ummmmmmm i think that's it basically so. bye.
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add-v-bae · 7 years
Written Ship-Poly BTS and Block B
Can I please have a poly written ship for BTS and a single ship for Block B?
I am a pretty quiet person, can be kind of defensive when it comes to strangers. However once I am warmed up to the person, I can be chatty, sarcastic af and caring. I am also know as the ‘mom’ or the mature one out of the group. Overall,I am an introvert and can be socially awkward at times as well as big events. I love animals and any thing fluffy and soft. I am also a very creative person, love photography and art in general. I love writing and just creative things in general. I wouldn’t consider myself ‘girly’, pretty open minded to topics like LGBT. I would like to be able to raise awareness in the future through art as my job, I guess I am a strong believer in a way? Love any kind of food and can be a scared easily. I love gaming too! I think this is all, can’t think of anything else atop of my head.
Thank You!!
Hello there~ I most certainly can ship you, and you can also get lots of love from me for requesting Block B! My angels need more appreciation! I hope you like your ship, and feel free to request more~ @mellontaz  
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In BTS, I ship you with Namjin!
You’d been childhood friends with a member of the maknae line, your parents being friends and thus you’d been friends by default, despite your differences. His fame wouldn’t make things any different between you, and you could tell it mattered a lot to him. Your first time seeing him after that would consist of a lot of catching up, and then him insisting that you need to meet the rest of the group. Knowing how you get with new people, they’d insist it’d be okay and that the group would be quick to welcome you in, not really leaving much for argument before you were dragged to the dorm. That’s where you’d gotten to meet the rest of them(it was probably less strange than it normally would have been since you’d seen and heard plenty from their fame). However, one thing that would surprise you to discover was that the parents of BTS, Jin and Namjoon, were actually dating. That didn’t stop them from making sure you felt welcome, making sure you had everything you needed while you were in the dorm. From their relationship, it would be pretty easy to make the assumption that they didn’t like girls, so you would try not to focus too hard on how amazing each of the men was. They would be pretty quick to prove you wrong though, after a few months of being comfortable with spending time just the three of you, what started as another exciting movie night would turn into a somewhat awkward game of 20 questions where it would come out that they both liked you and would love you in their relationship. From that point, the teasing the group gave the three of you would increase, joking to Jin that they like their new mom better than him. Namjoon’s dog Rapmon would no doubt meet your criteria in both the animal department and the fluffy and soft department, and Namjoon would gladly share him with you just to see your smile while you’re playing with the white fluffball. Your different variants of art would be taken over by both your boyfriends, Jin quick to jump on your love of photography and offer to be your model, claiming “every picture will be twice as perfect if he’s there”. Namjoon would love to see your writing, sometimes asking for your help with writing his own lyrics and seeing how what he has sounds to you. Your taste for video games would usually be used on the maknae line, however, Jin would sometimes steal you for some Mario, one of his favorite things being playing it with you with you in his lap on the couch while Namjoon is in the studio. I could go on forever on dynamics of your relationship but I think I already made this a little too long so just know that the relationship is amazing.
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In Block B, I ship you with Taeil!
You would probably have met in the aquarium, both there for different reasons. You would be there on a date with a long time acquaintance who you’d lost in the starfish room, Taeil would be there on his day off to look at the fish with P.O, who had taken off somewhere. Upon the realization you both had lost someone, you both would find yourselves wandering around together(albeit a little awkwardly at first) trying to find the missing people. P.O was eventually found looking at the penguins, but your date was never found(you’d later find out he just left, not having a good time). Taeil would insist you join them and that your date doesn’t know what he’s missing out on. You’d end up having a blast with him, and it would end up with you exchanging numbers. After a while of talking, he would ask if you could take you on a date, explicitly promising he won’t abandon you like your date did. The relationship was quick to be great, the man taking after his members and taking every opportunity he could to give you kisses. He’d gladly be any help he could, modeling for your photographs or other art pieces(making sure to make you laugh along the way). He’d do his best to make you feel less socially awkward by making you laugh if he can, but also wouldn’t expect you to go out of your comfort zone with events if you didn’t want to. It would only take a few months before Taeil would bring up you two becoming parents. He soon learned how bad wording that is, seeing as one of the members heard and assumed something had happened, and would have to clear up that he had gotten fish for the two of you, inspired by how you met and your mutual love for animals.
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theinsanecrayonbox · 8 years
well, i hope these are the right reviews for last night’s episodes. TVGuide said it should be Dimmsdale’s Got Talent (which belongs with Knitwits), but butch said it was Dadlantis and he was right the last time concerning Crockin the House so...
Mermaid!Timmy on the titlecard, like whaaaaat???? What’s with the sudden influx of putting Timmy into “girl attire”?? Nothing wrong with it, but it just seems so far left field and unprompted. Yeah we had it happen once or twice in the past as a gag, but how many episodes has it happened in now in this one season alone?? (no seriously, since this is an episode I found leaked, I don’t know which episodes have aired before this one has, so my numbers are skewed). It just seems weird to suddenly be a thing…
 Ok I loved how they brought back the old gaming music…until I saw the game. I know it’s probably meant as a Mario spoof in part, but still…not even 5 seconds into the episode and toilet humor…uhg! The music had me so pumped, then you ruined it.
 I actually love the plot setup. Mundane problem: clean up the ocean science project. Chloe deciding to use her magic to make it harder but do better, and Tim going “yeah no, I’m lazy”. It’s great! Also love that Chloe believes in mermaids ^^ (she didn’t believe in aliens so…can’t guarantee she’ll believe in any sort of cryptid)
 The fishbowl=toilet though…yeah…proper fish care is totally important, but another toilet joke so soon…uhg…
 It’s the return of Dad’s bongos! Idk about the “abandoned mine shaft your mother hid them in” was really necessary, but I’ll let it slide for a good call back.  Bongo-quake though…not as good, but I’ll still let it slide, because maybe it’s plot device
 Pointless Crocker, take a shot (thank ra I don’t drink or these episodes would kill me some days…)
 Oh wow, we get some interior looks at the Turner house. That’s really neat! We do rarely see any hallways, and I think we’ve only seen Mom and Dad’s room like twice. We need a good floor plan, just saying
*files away “Bongo-lodesh” for Superverse purposes later…*
 I did like Dad’s whole running away speech. It was very 7 year old, but it was cute and funny. And spare ribs are so totally worth coming back for lol
 And he actually becomes mermaid-nice!! Accidentally called “Tina”, ok…called a knockout ^^;;; … “get out of this bikini top” lol.  But you know, since Chloe wished they were mermaids it totally makes sense, so I like it. Tina Turntrout now has to be a thing.
 Neptuna King of Atlantis??? What happened to Greg?? Is he no longer in charge? Was he not in charge to begin with? Are these a new faction of merfolks because they are red finned, whereas Greg’s people were all green??? I mean Neptuna has the right skintone and hair colors/styles to fit in Wet Willie…and Gary even has Dwight’s hair style…
 Also, bit creepy how everyone keeps saying Tim’s such a pretty mermaid…though I guess he is wearing the seashell bra so he has a bust whereas Chloe’s got a band and it’s flat, so that makes sense ^^; “no dude I’m a dude” yeah…you’re probably going to end up as a seahorse now man ^^;; but then trying to hook up prince lonely Gary with Timmy ^^; wow. I mean I love it, still a tad creepy, but think of all the development this gives the Superverse for undersea lands
 Scalding hot soup, in a bowl, underwater…well I guess we’re using Spongebob logic here
 “We’re about to get a bad grade on our science project AND your dad’s about to be eaten by a clam! I don’t know which is worse!!” Chloe subscribes to the Hermione method of prioritizing lol
 “I could end up the world’s biggest pearl” I feel like that’s the door opening for a SU mashup
 I love how Tim and Chloe were on eth same page about the plan even before saying it. They really are starting to get one another aren’t they.
 Dad’s list of demands is a cliche gag, but we’ll roll with it. As is the ending; of course what caused the problem in the first place is what fixes it, and thus Dad learns nothing from his mistakes because in saving the day he is validated as right and nothing wrong he did before counts anymore
 “You get to marry Gary” lol yeah no *still jots notes about Gary down for Superverse*
 And more pointless Crocker, oh boy…but hey another call back to Dad’s bongo cds
 So this episode was actually very enjoyable! Even though it messes up previous canons (why did no one in Atlantis recognize Cosmo as the great destroyer?? Is this a different Atlantis then?? (I’m voting yes) because it’s established so many times he ruined Atlantis, it just feels wrong not to address that…the plot itself was sort of contrived, but it was fun enough. Also mermaid!Timmy was great.
 I am totally having these red merfolks be a different faction from the green merfolk in Superverse, so be prepared for Dwight to get his “Black Manta” at some point now, and by some point I mean later. be on the lookout
Ok I admit, after seeing the title for this one I got sort of excited, because I enjoy knitting. The thought of Chloe trying to rope Tim into knitting was me pumped…and then I read the synopsis, and…yeah, not the case. But I’m still looking forward to seeing what does happen at least…
 That is a really nice pillow fort, like for reals. Also got a giggle out of “Sir Sucks-a-lot”
 Heehee Chloe not wanting to be a “damsel in distress” because she’s a “strong and empowered woman of the new millennium”. I like it, it shows character, but like, we have seen her as a damsel in distress a few times, so it shows something she’s wanting to overcome too. But like, I always try to show Chloe as a capable young adult, so it’s nice that the sentiment is shared. And back to Timmy in drag. I am liking the new girly hair though *takes notes* but their matching outfits are cute ^^
 Dad blatantly ignoring/glossing over the “strange talking inanimate objects” yup…
 Bathroom joke…take a shot
 But Chloe sweetie, that 7 degrees of separation was a slight stretch…but I totally relate to that! Thoughts going a mile a minute, so you jump from one thing to the next and it doesn’t seem connected but is. Also, who knew Chloe wanted to sing (karaoke battles with Francis to BrittneyBrittney songs seems far more plausible now)
 And welcome to the plot. Dad can’t spell so they go on a knitting cruise instead of a knight cruise. Contrive plot? Oh yeah. But let’s see how it plays out…
 50 shades pun, omr ^^;;; it’s a good one though, so points
 OH! It’s her one-woman show!! I totally forgot about that from Nuts and Dangerous. Du Chloe wants to be a singer, silly brain
 So now Cosmo and Wanda want to renew their vows just like Mom and Dad. Hm….could this be a call back to the fact that their wedding anniversaries are supposed to be the same day??? Probably not, since that factoid had been retconned once I think, but still
 Random Wandissimo???? O.o when did he start wearing a belt…and also, why are you even here??? I mean, nice to see you because it’s been AGES, but really dude? Why??? Butt joke! But man, has Wandissimo really been reduced to a one-note character…he’s getting into (or even past) stalker-territory like Tootie was, and we all know what happened to her…
 Mr .Bickles???? Wow, we’re just dragging back all the old flamboyant characters aren’t we (so where is my Sanjay??)
 Random Catman???? How many more characters can we cram into this??? I mean, at least Catman makes sense, since he’s the right age for this, and all eth yarn. But holy cameos Catman! And Wandergal and Don return too…huh…GAAAAHHHH!!! THEY CHANGED WANDERGAL’S COLORS!!!!! I know I already freaked about this, but that is a SERIOUS change, not “Veronica’s eyes are pink for 5 frames” change, but she’s like a completely DIFFERENT character with those colors. That’s just WRONG! She looks like the granny version of Goldenlocks now color wise, and that is wrong! I just…UHG! Can’t even stay on model when you created the character not but a handful of episodes earlier. Major point loss here >> (this might have just ruined the whole episode for me)
 Too many plots with separate problems. So yes Tim give us the blanket wish to fix everything…but also probably make it worse…oh no, it actually made it better for once. Nice.
 And Catman marries (not really) Wandergal in the end?? Idk how legally binding that is since he’s a 10-12 year old boy, just saying…
 So over all, this was 110% filler. It started off cute and tolerateable, but had far too many plot threads, too many pointless/random characters, and they colored Wandergal incorrectly.
I feel putting these two episodes together was a very bad choice. Neither of them are super great, and when you put them together, it’s just a big let down. Not that Dimmsdale’s Got Talent balances Knitwits, but Chloe Rules is a pretty good one. but i guess looking at their counter episodes, they went and skipped all the Kevin episodes because Kevin hasn’t been revealed yet. which is so stupid. just give up Kevin already and stop screwing up the airing order.
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