#alyx my baby girl ..
ironmanstan · 1 year
Ive accidentally developed fixations
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jboy44 · 19 days
In the ever after almost to jaune's house, ruby rose touched something and vanishes.
Our knight " relax she time traveled too
Older milf ruby who's bust beats yang and who's ass beats Blake's " hi little sis
Blake " yang your big sister is hot as hell
Weiss "..... Mature
Yang " 🤯🤯🤯😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔😰😰😰😱😱😱☠️☠️🤬🤬🤬😫😫😫😢😥😰
Ruby " kids come meet aunt yang
Copy of v1 ruby zips out " hi I am summer you most aunts blake and yang
Three silver eyed blond girls who are ten " hi we are Pyrrha penny and Alyx
Two eight year old silver eyed boys one who's blond " I am lewis" the dark haired one " I am crow
Four year old girl whose blonde with one blue eye one silver eye " I am Lilly rose arc aunt
Baby crawling out girlsolver eyes blonde hair who Jaune picks up " this is lin "
Blake "..... Stay off him woman
Weiss " no no stay on him ruby do it for my dumbass the of penny and Pyrrha and yourself
Yang just became the baby sister and aunt of 8. Yang see her girlfriend checking out ruby who is big sister. Yang's sees jaune the brother in law ".....
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stampy-offical · 5 months
More of hells little darling!
Alyx is of course the one who first comes to come to grips with their feelings.
She finds this out through a talk with rosie.
It went like 'hey..Rosie?' "Yes sugar?" 'I was talking to friends about what kind of men or women we like...' "yes?" 'Well I was thinking a tall string caraing man..maybe even one who's good with kids and is a big softie..like he's a large teddy bear." 'Stampy.' "W-what?" 'You just told me you fell in love with stampy.' "...oh my lucifer." 'Don't worry honey. Girls get time to understand who they like before they become women. I wish you the best of luck!'
Stampy meanwhile Was oblivious and both him and husk were just laughing.
Husk:come on you get a doopy smile chuckle a lot and you even get all stary eyed watching her fight.
Stampy:aye! She's just a very good and elegant dame. I like her cause she's smart hard working and a gentler soul. Simple. You however like angel.
Husk:huh? No I don't. I pity him.
Stampy:you make him special drinks save him from loan sharks shoot at any Vee employee who looks at him funny and baby his pet pig.
Husk:...he's good company and I like Nuggets..
*five hours of drinks later.*
Stampy:*drubk as shit*..she doseny like me like that....I'm an old sun of a bitch...I'm a geezerr...she's a young strong lady...
Husk:*also drubk* im just...*hic* just sayikg..vall..Val dosent deserve angel I..I do I treat him roght.. I make him happy and all kinds of glad...I make him feel lovesd...
*both then pass out after another hour of drinks and pretentious finds them and while talking to them.*
Pretentious:I felt that way with Cherry bomb. Just be honest and hope for the best..
Husk:*Strugling to stand* i-ii I can do that..
Stampy:*grumbling about Later with his face on the counter.*
It took MONTHS of alastor and Dawn trying to get them together before they asked Nifty for help.
Nifty cracked her neck and grabbed Al's mic and yelled into it. "JUST KISS" "AND YOU GAYS NEED TO CONFESS! GET GOING!"
Charile then found out and started doing everything in her power to help while Vaggie and Rosie set up date ideas.
Rosie got stampy and alyx on a romantic walk in the most flowery part of cannibal town.
Vaggie meanwhile shoved Husk and angel into a restaurant the hotel denizens frequent.
After the dates they got congratulations and gifts from friends.
Lucifer of course got them ducks.
Alastor gave Stampy the talk. Alo stampy did was laugh and say if anyone's killing him it'd be Alyx or Dove. Not Him.
Husk meanwhile sent a pic of a sleeping angel dust with a note 'He's mine forever. FUCK YOU! The casino master PS your staff are banned from my business'
The Vees still keep hearing the bitch fests Valentino has about it.
Vellette tried to harass Stampy about his engagement in a overlord meeting only for stampy to snap back.
Vel:come on you geezer isn't she a little young for you?
Stampy:isn't this position of power too much responsibility for you?
Vel:listen here you old fossil!
Stampy:and last I checked your love life wasn't better. Why are you here again? Oh right! Murdering your Ex! Which one was he? 1st? 2nd?
Vel:*ashamed* 4th...
Stampy:1st ex left her for her mother. 2nd left you for the neighbor. 3rd ran away with your dad. And then there's the men who used you to get to your cousins. Or your friends.
Vel:*turning red* SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Stampy:what was that old phrase? Always a bridesmaid never a bride? Well yours is worse. Always the matchmaker never the partner. I might have never dated in my living life. But at least I'm doing better then you.
Alastor:*who saw everything with the other overlords* This is a productive meeting!
Zesteail:*Laughing at Vellette*
That little dig resulted in 5 non stop weeks of vee attacks. All the while husk and stampy have the time of their lives mocking them.
Alastor meanwhile is with dove just enjoying the good married life and spending time watching their daughter enjoy her afterlife.
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walpywalpy · 1 year
Major spoilers ahead! If you haven’t watched, go watch it!
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Summer’s words always seems so sweet around her family. She’s the mother both Yang and Ruby always needed but never had enough time to have.
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I love these little scenes with the adults of the show being goofy. It’s so cute and charming. I wish there was a spin-off for them. They have some of the best interactions.
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Oh my god, this shot. Summer lied to Taiyang and is giving what is unknown to her to be last goodbye.
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I missed you! Raven is just a delight. I also love her dynamic with Summer. I can totally see the bad girl and the goody two shoes being besties.
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I know Raven left Yang with Tai and Summer, but I could tell she doesn’t want Summer to leave because that would mean Yang won’t have the mother she always deserved. Raven has at least some care for her daughter.
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Yes, Ruby. She lied and left to face a threat bigger than herself. She did it like you. Your idol was just as imperfect as you are, but she still did her best and that’s what you admired her for.
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Something I noticed is that the tree itself changes your perception on who you and the people you know are while Herb burning the leaves reaffirms who you are. Quite interesting actually.
I do wanna see more of Jaune and Alyx. They seem like a fun duo. A little scamp and a man trying his best to be a hero.
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Classic Freezer Burn. It’s been a while since these two done this combo.
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The cat has no understanding of emotional pain. Any semblance of it is too much for him to bear. Also, Ruby and Cinder are some of the first things Neo thinks about. The people who she feels hurt her the most by taking Roman.
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And there they are, the two cunts of a parent. Using their daughter as a puppet. A novelty for themselves. Roman has caused her pain, but in the way that losing a love one causes you pain. They’re gone and you can’t do anything to change it. Neo wants him back so bad and it hurts her.
Reblogging the rest. Patience, my darlings.
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invincibleweasel · 1 year
The RWBY Lead Designer when they see Alyx’s storybook design:
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No but seriously. What is this? What did they do to my baby girl’s curls. 😭
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For comparison.
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whitleyschn33 · 1 year
RWBY V9E07 Liveblog Thoughts
Hah, actually early for once in my life!
- “May be distressing for some viewers” okaaaaaay, but that’s so incredible vague that it’s kind of useless, RT, at least link to a place to find out what specifically might be triggering or distressing instead of forcing people to seek out what happens in the episode from other sources. (Spoilers: It’s suicidal ideation and off-screen suicide.)
- The bird is cute, but, uh, is it controlling the match?
- As someone that has had to room with multiple people that snore, I commend RWB for not murdering Yang in her sleep. For real though, I do like this quiet moment of Ruby staring at her weapon, it’s nice.
- “I’m late!” ...for a very important date? Shit, though, Jaune’s frantic about this - feels like maybe his confidence he may have built up in the decades may have taken a couple hits yesterday. 
-Oh, arson - and apparently this is a regular occasion. Fire bird?
- ....Did you not notice the paper last night? Jaune’s house has some in it. Also, this score is a bit upbeat for burning a village down.
- Okay, I do kind of like this. Jaune’s somehow settled into basically the role of a huntsman, protecting this village of paper stars from the near certain death they seem to face every day. I like this idea, him taking on the responsibility and clearly treating it with the respect it deserves. The stars remind me of someone/something, but I can’t quite remember what.
- I am a sucker, this is adorable
- “You named them after your teammates?” “No... I named them after everyone.” Okay, but why did you name the blue one Ren? But seriously, not sure how I feel about that. On one hand, names help differentiate and humanize them and can help keep the memories strong, on the other naming them after your friends feels a bit... projectionist? Like, it’s one thing to name the jackalope after your team name, another to give a sentient being the name of one of your best friends.
- Lay off him, Yang - he’s got a job to do, people to protect, and it’s not like you can find something that may not exist. He clearly has been searching when he gets the time, and I suspect that most of it has been under the cover of night when the Paper Pleasers are asleep like the marketplace. 
- The schedule is pretty cute - “watch out for tearable twos” “keep away from Shredder” (please be a TMNT reference), “If you wouldn’t give it to a baby, don’t give it to the Paper Pleasers”, “tea shop fiasco” “Stop the Second Fire”, “sandpaper knife shop”, “STOP. THE. GOOSE.” Seriously, read this thing over if you have the time.
- “Patience pays off” - it does! But what’s the difference between patience that’s self-enforced and patience that’s required?
- “I’m not crazy” Oof... no, you’re not, Jaune. This does seem like he’s been making the best of a bad situation - but if I had to poke holes... what was he doing before he went to the village? He only came after Alyx poisoned him, and he was already much older at that point. Was he still exploring then, or was he just waiting for someone to arrive?
- “We just can’t count on him” - WHAT? BECAUSE HE WANTS YOU TO ACTUALLY GIVE A DAMN ABOUT HELPING HIS VILLAGE? I’m sorry, I thought you were huntresses - you know, people dedicated to helping those that can’t help themselves? I know it’s not fighting off man-eating monsters, but these are life-and-death situations Jaune’s listing off (mostly), not just random chores. He’s established himself as a protector of these innocent people that have helped him and so many others, and you’re acting like he’s asking you to be a janitor or something instead of helping to keep this town safe? What exactly did you expect a huntress to do when they aren’t fighting the Grimm if not help keep the villages safe in other ways? Between this and them just running away from the market, I’m just about done with the girls’ attitudes towards actually doing their damn jobs of helping people.
- Ah, so... all self-inflicted harms. I’m... not sure how I feel about this. The Cat marked ascension as being for when the Ever Afterian has ceased performing its role correctly and needed to be retuned, but the stars seem to think its more like “our work is done, it’s time to move on and be reborn” when that doesn’t seem to jive with what the cat says. They’re still performing their roles just fine, even if they’re at the end of their “arc”, so there’s no need for them to change or ascend if they’re still doing their part. It doesn’t feel right with what we’ve been told about ascension up to this point. And then how this connects to Jaune... with what happened to Penny and him naming the stars after his friends, I understand why he’d be so opposed to them trying to ascend and taking it upon himself to keep them safe, but I hate that this episode will, if it continues to go where I think it will, punish him for this idea, call it wrong for him to stand in the way of the stars and self-inflicted death (I’m wondering if that’s where the content warning is coming in). I also hate that it would let RWBY off the hook, that Jaune was “wasting his time” watching after the village and that he should have just left them to their own devices long ago, thank goodness RWBY’s here to slap him out of that and leave them to die, cause that’s what they want! Yeah, no, I don’t really like this at all.
- Wow. Rude. And how did A MAN IN RUSTY ARMOR SNEAK UP ON YOU. 
- Uhhhhhh.... that’s uncomfortable, and I hate that that undermines the idea that he’s grown to care about the stars, that he’s actually just babysitting stupid children from his POV.
- “Because I can actually protect these people!” Good line - Fall of Atlas trauma, Fall of Atlas trauma, Fall of Atlas trauma -
- Who gave the Ever Afterians a bomb, damn - Ah, Neo, thank you and curse you. Thank you for the potential action scene and a threat that (might) need to be dealt with that causes actual death, curse you from halting the character progression.
- That is the most flat line I think I’ve heard from Weiss - Kara, are you okay? - and thank you, Blake, for admitting you all just ran away last time because so many people in the FNDM seem to think that they were just evacuating.
- An alright action scene! I really appreciate that they’re working as a team, that it’s a group fight instead of one on one duels happening next to each other, even if some of the choreography is lacking. Ruby’s visions are also refreshing, seeing her actually suffering from flashbacks and PTSD, and the movements of the Jabberwalker as it morphs and creaks are very well done, very unsettling.
- “They eat and grow” ....Actually yeah, what the hell is up with that? That’s not just glass illusions, that’s creation.
- Yeah, I.... really don’t like the framing of this. At all. Like this was nothing, that those aren’t lives that were still ended, even if you believe they were reborn (even if that’s the most convenient explanation for you -).
- But that scene was refreshing as all hell. See what happens when you let character actually disagree and fight? I want that Ruby telling off B///B gif on my desk stat, btw. I feel like I should probably break down the entire argument, but that would take more time than I have (it’s my birth-weekend, woooo!), so I’ll just say I really enjoyed finally getting past all the bullshit interruptions and letting Ruby actually vent, letting Jaune vent, let the characters actually fight and be truly upset and frustrated in a way that’s not petty. Good job, why couldn’t we have gotten to this sooner?
This is honestly probably the best (or at least most well executed on a structural level) episode of the volume so far. It actually let the characters talk and fight, it used the Ever After set piece to its advantage for once in forwarding character development (which only really the Herbalist has done so far imo, which is a shame), and had a fight scene with an alright song. I’m... really not comfortable at all with how the ascension idea was handled, though, either tonally or in how it affects RWBY’s frustration with actually having to give a damn about living people - no, it’s okay to not want to keep them safe! They want to die anyway, and Jaune’s just sitting around protecting the equivalent of paper puppets instead of actual sentient beings he wants to keep safe, isn’t that insane? Like, way to let them off the hook of actually having to make a hard decisions or do their job in any way. And this hot off the heals of Jaune helping Penny commit assisted suicide? Framing this mass-suicide as something that’s okay because they wanted it and believe that they’ll just be reborn, and Jaune as in the wrong for not wanting them to hurt themselves? It leaves a really bad fucking taste in my mouth. 
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magical-cookie-anon · 3 months
Greetings loved ones
Let's take a journey
I know a place
Where the grass is really greener
Warm, wet n' wild
There must be something in the water
Sippin' gin and juice
Laying underneath the palm trees
The boys
Break their necks
Try'na to creep a little sneak peek
(At us)
You could travel the world
But nothing comes close
To the golden coast
Once you party with us
You'll be falling in love
Ooh oh ooh oh oh ooh
California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
We'll melt your popsicle
Ooh oh ooh
Ooh oh ooh
California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
Now put your hands up
Ooh oh ooh
Ooh oh ooh
Sex on the beach
We don't mind sand in our stilettos
We freak
In my jeep
Snoop doggy-dog on the stereo oh oh
You could travel the world
But nothing comes close
To the golden coast
Once you party with us
You'll be falling in love
Ooh oh ooh ooh oh ooh
California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
We'll melt your popsicle
Ooh oh ooh
Ooh oh ooh
California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
Now put your hands up
Ooh oh ooh
Ooh oh ooh
Toned, tan
Fit and ready
Turn it up 'cause its gettin' heavy
Wild, wild west coast
These are the girls I love the most
I mean the ones
I mean like she's the one
Kiss her, touch her
Squeeze her buns
The girl's a freak
She drive a jeep
And live on the beach
I'm okay
I won't play
I love the bay
Just like I love L.A.
Venice Beach
And Palm Springs
Summertime is everything
Home boys
Bangin' out
All that ass
Hanging out
Bikinis, zucchinis, martinis
No weenies
Just a king
And a queenie
Katy my lady
And looky here baby
(Uh huh)
I'm all up on ya
'Cause you representing California (oh yeah)
California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
We'll melt your popsicle
Ooh oh ooh
Ooh oh ooh
California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent (west coast, west coast)
Now put your hands up
Ooh oh ooh
Ooh oh ooh
California girls man
(California girls)
- @dinosaurthedealmaker
Is this what you've been waiting for?
Say, "One, two and four"
(You're bound to count to one, two)
(You're bound to count to one, two)
(You're bound to count to one, two)
Guess what comes after
Hi again, I'm Gabe N
A fan of shooters, wizard of computers and a handsome man
(Your grandfather used to blather 'bout him a thousand years ago)
Wasn't easy keeping busy
Every season brings another reason not to make a game
(Oh, why bother, just another wasted day in the studio)
I had it all but tried new things, true
It didn't get us very far
Between controllers and machines, you
Still picked a rusty old crowbar
Nobody sees beyond my charming self
A soul that's never truly free
So, just for once, forget the summer sale
And give it up for Half-Life, Alyx
The valve's been stuck, corroded by the money
Has not been oiled for years
We didn't even hope to see it running
But now you're bound to learn how to
But now you're bound to learn how to
This time you're bound to count to three
Well, here we are again
Except we're long forgotten
My circuits niggling up and down my spine
He said it's worth the wait
His weight keeps pressing harder
But Alyx gave us hope, we'll rise and shine
For soulless card games and hardware releases
The light's been turning green
Life gave you lemons, take them out the freezer
This time you're bound to learn how to
This time you're bound to learn how to
This time you're bound to count
The numbers are intimidating
It's hard to give a fresh new start
When everyone's anticipating
Another masterpiece of art
If this machine keeps playing dead, we
May end up on the other side
So hold on to all your hats
Let's show 'em a triple-A done right
The valve's been stuck, corroded by the money
But after many years
We can't believe the engine started running
This time he's bound to count to three
Full steam ahead, we'll end this idle running
Let's give the valve a spin!
We've got some work to do, so take this, honey
This time you're bound to learn how to
This time you're bound to learn how to
This time you're bound to count to three
Thank you and have fun
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vanadisvalentine · 1 year
RWBY Volume 9 Episode 10: Of Solitude and Self
i have thoughts. here are some of those thoughts.
I am going...to try and keep this in chronological order, but it's midnight, and I tend to ramble the longer I've been awake. So bear with me.
First off, okay, so we're definitely going to get details of exactly what happened with Summer later down the line. Presumably, she, Raven, and Qrow ('cause who else would Raven have portaled too yanno), along with maybe some others who knows, went on the offensive vs Mommy Salami and things didn't work out. If that's the case, boy does that color Qrow's character even further. It's no wonder he used to stay far away from the people he cares about. Also wow Raven nice to see you again, been a couple of volumes.
I'm glad that Rubes got to have a sort of posthumous pep-talk from her mother, even if it's something as simple as "I love you the way you are". I appreciate that she didn't need to be talk-no-jutsu'd into getting the theme of the volume, but rather it's a conclusion she came to herself. After a whole volume of seeing her all morose and depressed, it put the biggest smile on my face to see her finally accept that she is Ruby Rose, and that's all she's ever needed to be.
On a less profound note
WHOOOO RED LIKE ROSES PART III FUCK YEAH BABY THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITIN FOR THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT. Whoever animated that first little sequence of Ruby going ham on the cat with Crescent Rose? I want to kiss you. You deserve the world. Brings me right back to volume 1. (Was it Arryn? I feel like it was Arryn considering how much they love Soul Eater but I can't remember if they've done any combat sequences aaaah)
The Cat got the shit kicked out of them in a great team fight. Doing a whole ass 5 v 1, even with someone as formidable as the CC in the fray, couldn't have been easy to choreograph, so props to the whole team on that one for making it feel sick. The Cat is a bit of a more tragic character in retrospect with the tale the Blacksmith told (also--the Ever After is the primordial world? The Brothers didn't make it? Shit, color me surprised), but at the same time...yeah RIP Bozo.
'Twas curiosity that killed the cat or something like that idk
The fuckin piano reprise of This Will Be the Day oh my GOOOOOD. Chills. The music in this volume has been absolutely phenomenal. Of course there are the vocal tracks, but the score??? Martin Gonzalez you beautiful man. Bless your heart, bless your body, bless your soul.
Neo. Neo Neo Neo. Neopolitan, baby girl...I'm gonna miss you, as I'm sure a lot of people will. Even the people who hate this show like you because you're just so much fun. I remember back in the day when I was a kid and unironically used the word waifu to describe female characters I was fixated on, you were my precious little Ice Cream Wife and I would burn the world for you. It's so weird thinking about your origins as a character (Inspired by a genderbent Torchwick cosplay, Monty threw you in at the last second in order to not have to animate Torchwick escaping...though I'm sure there's more to it than that), to how you've progressed, to where you are now. This is the last we're gonna get of you for now, I'm sure. But at the same time, I can totally see you showing up for the final fight vs Salem or Cinder or whoever to get your licks in. You were a welcome addition this volume, even if you DID drive Ruby to drink the Bad Tea. It's hard to hate you when you're so fucking cute.
I am...not going to pretend to not be a little disappointed that Boomer Jaune was but a temporary thing. When The Blacksmith was talking about Alyx fixing what she'd broken, I was expecting like, idk, his sword to be repaired, but I quickly realized that she wasn't even the one who did that, and then I was like "oh no" and before I knew it, BAM back at it again with the yee-yee ass haircut. At least next volume comes with new designs so we won't have to deal with that any longer. I appreciate the streaks of grey, symbolizing that it's not like he's regressed in any way, but...Jauney Boy, get that wolf's tail back. You rocked that shit.
That's all I can bring myself to write down for now. I'm sure I'll be talking about this episode--and this whole volume--for a WHILE. I'm gonna sit on it for a bit, but I think it might take volume 6's spot for my favorite of the bunch, which is impressive because volume 6 is hella good y'all. Thank you so much to the crew (GOD I hope certain people who worked on this volume return for the next one, I could feel the love they have for the craft and for this show and I've adored getting to see their thoughts on each episode as it aired these past few weeks) and everyone involved in bringing to us. It's been rough lately, that's for sure, but I mean it when I say that RWBY is one of my favorite shows out there, and I wish nothing but the best for its future and the future of everyone who brought it to life.
now I wait probably about a year or so to see Nora/Ren/Sun's reaction to Blake and Yang finally getting together. Until then, I will drown myself in fanfiction.
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littlemisssquiggles · 2 years
Rewatching that new intro, I've now realized that throughout the series, Ruby's character development is still building where she's sinking down further into her problems while the rest of the team has already encountered their personal problems and has overcome them.
Y'know what anon-chan, I think there is something to be said about that---about what we're going to witness as the possible end of Ruby Rose or...at least what we have always perceived her to be.
I've been rewatching the V9 opening theme (cause I absolutely love this theme), analyzing the visuals while additionally taking a closer gander at the lyrics.
I just can't shake the impression that by the end of V9, the character of Ruby Rose is going to disappear forever and what will emerge from the remnants of her former being will be an entirely new different person who is meant to usurp the former and take her place in the story moving forward.
And this is where I believe Alyx---our mystery Alice in Wonderland character from the OP--- is going to play a part in that development. Thanks for informing me @miraculouscorazone.
To aimlessly toss another ludicrously far-fetched theory onto the table of possibilities,
What if…Ruby Rose is going to “die” by the final chapter of her misadventures in the Ever After and by the time her allies return to Remnant, they wouldn’t be accompanied by what we know Ruby to be anymore but…someone else.
Something else and that something could be Alyx…or whatever the character of Alyx is meant to represent in the grander scheme of things?
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Allow me to explain. According to a tweet by RWBY Youtuber: Calxiyn, Alyx is the girl from the Remnant Fairytale: The Girl Who Fell Through the World (teased in Roman Holiday) and the meaning behind her name is “protector of humanity”.
So…what does this insinuate? Leaning into the far-fetched side of my hunch, a part of me wants to consider the concept of Alyx being the one destined to stop Salem once and for all and is the missing solution that Ozma never found because she was never in Remnant but in a completely other world.
Or…on the non-farfetched side of things, perhaps it’s not the character of Alyx that is important but what she symbolizes---the protector of humanity.
Let’s say…in the Ever After, Alyx was the protector of whatever world she originally came from before ending up in the Ever After and her presense is what will challenge and put pressure on Ruby because there will be similarities between the two girls.
So maybe that’s what Ruby is meant to become.
The true protector of humanity and her world of Remnant but she needs to endure the Ever After and what that world reveals about herself in order to come to that realization and transform into that kind of being.
Throughout the V9 trailer,the question of what Ruby Rose is going to be keeps coming up and I find that rather curious since…why ask her what she is going to be instead of who she is going to be?
I guess the answer is already there, right? Ruby knows and has always known who she is. She is Ruby Rose. But what is she meant the be? The kind of person she is meant to become if she continued on this path she’s on, this is the part that’s being brought into the question now. What is Ruby meant to become in the war against Salem? Or rather, what does she need to be and become to stop Salem?
(This is making me think back to Trollhunters when Jim needed to shed his humanity and become a troll in order to stand a chance at defeating Gunmar.
Having our hero character go through a drastic change in order to be ready to defeat the main villain type of archetype).
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Because really and truly, what is Ruby Rose?
From what we’ve gathered about her over previous seasons, Ruby Rose is a human girl born and raised in the world of Remnant.
She is the youngest daughter of Summer Rose and Tai Yang Xiao Long.
She is the baby sister of Xang Xiao Long. She is a huntress. She is the leader of Team RWBY. She is a Silver Eyed Warrior…possibly even the last of her kind (granted that Salem doesn’t have more Silver Eyes she’s kept enslaved to be used as lab rats for her grimm experiments).
But what does this all mean in the grand storyline. Do all of these little facts that we know about Ruby truly answer what she is, especially when measured up to other significant facts that there is an immortal being back on her home world whom she and her allies have no concept on how to defeat.
What Ruby becomes after the Ever After is important. She may not even be Ruby anymore. She may be someone completely different and that’s the part of all this that has this squiggle meister boggled.
I know we're only on the first episode and all we’ve gotten so far is the opening (and the trailers before it) but, as I mentioned in my first impressions post, there were moments from the opening visuals that rationalize why I think Ruby is going to disappear and either she’ll be replaced by Alyx or…she’ll become Alyx or…an ‘Alyx’ meaning the “true protector of humanity”---the one meant to stop Salem once and for all?
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There were lines from the V9 trailer that got me thinking like this. There were these lines of monologue from the RWBY V9 Official Trailer:
“...What are you?”
“...You never were the hero…”
“So…what are you gonna be?”
“...You seem to be carrying a rather large burden with you…”
“I’m fine. I can handle it.”
“What if you could leave Ruby Rose behind? Shed like an old coat. What might happen if you don’t?”
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There’s this real push for Ruby to abandon her old self and become something else. It’s even hinted in the opening theme.
“...In a fairy-tale she’ll find
Inside, A New Me I’m Ready
But who will I find?
I gotta let go But could I lost my mind…?”
It’s seems like we’re being geared up to watch the character of Ruby Rose be undone and unraveled only to be built up into something else.
What that will be? Will that something be positive or negative? A good ending to the fairy-tale or a bad one?
I don’t have the slightest clue but…I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t invested in seeing it play out because it’s all in the name of Ruby’s development and after watching the little red rose get overlooked for many seasons prior (despite being the literal main character and FACE of the franchise), it’ll be a welcomed and much, much needed sight to see her be a main focus of a season for once.
As a little red fan, colour me intrigued, I guess. Just hope it’s not another disappointing bait and switch from the showrunners. I can't stomach another season of Ruby being mistreated.
So I hope her story in the Ever After will be a good one.
~LMS (2023)
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Thoughts During RWBY V9x06 Confessions Within Cumulonimbus Clouds
Ahhhhhh! Also, what a title.
Let’s get started.
So we get to see what happened with Jaune. Crescent Rose!
Oh.... So it’s not really that he landed so far ahead.... the boy just messed with some time shenanigans without realizing what it was.... Yikes.
It’s so weird having Jaune’s voice be so deep.
Yikes.... I was wondering about the second strand of blue light Jaune saw and yeah, okay. Alyx had a brother. And apparently the tree is actually bad news. So that begs the question then, how do they go home?
Okay. Okay. Okay. Before I start laughing giddily.... “But how do we take the next step?” ...... The fact that Jaune’s just like “They must have had something bigger to work out.” ...... Hehehehehe.....
ALYX LORE! And more mental torment for Jaunny boy. I keep saying this but yikes. This poor kid.... Or well.... This poor guy.
Oh my god I can’t..... Guys holy shit I’m so giddy but I don’t want to hit play.... “Well I talked about you, so....” YANG COME ON! Keep talking.
I’m literally crying guys, holy shit... My babies.... Finally! Finally! Man.. I need a moment....
I’m so conflicted on who to trust here
Crescent Rose is back in play but Ruby doesn’t seem to want it.... Metaphors.
God I just..... I can’t even properly put into words what this episode is man. I’m just... so intrigued, and curious, but beyond happy....
They actually did it. Finally. After all this time.
Surprisingly we didn’t really have that convo about Penny. Hm.
Still man, what a fantastic episode.
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julia-bonkers · 7 months
five songs im loving right now ( tagged by @cutiepatootiekatie in a chain thing.. thank u for tagging me i love talking about my music taste 💗 )
wayyyy too tired to tag anyone but join if you want annnd sorry i didnt reblog the whole thing im just feeling very particular right now for some reason and my brain doesnt want a huge long post on my blog at the moment 😞
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fernstarsblog · 9 months
The Bonus episode(written by Rushin from discord)
As Stacy sat up in the hospital bed one of the nurses who stood beside her walked up placing two tiny babies in her lap.
“Thank you,” she says gratefully, looking up at the nurse and then back at her children.
“Of course that's my job.” As the nurse begins to walk out of the room Oak comes barging in.
“Where are they!? Is my wife okay-?!” Oak stops as he sees his wife, Stacy, with two beautiful babies, a boy and a girl. He slowly walks forward in shock, bending down to get a closer look at his newborn children. The boy had dark, chocolate brown skin and similarly coloured hair while the girl was a lighter brown with black hair. Both of them had the bright purple eyes of their mother.
Oak can’t help but comment, “they have your eyes.”
“They do, don't they?” Stacy replies looking up at her husband, “what are we going to name them?”
“Hmm” Oak takes a moment to think as he picks up his daughter, “maybe we could name her… Myla.”
“Myla, that's a beautiful name and then we shall name the boy Alyx.” The couple stare happily at their children as they drive home to enjoy the new life ahead of them.
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majoringinsarcasm · 1 year
Oh I’m gonna fucking cry. That really was the last story she read to them before leaving
She’s lying this isn’t an Oz mission. Does she leave her emblem behind on each mission is that the promise. She leaves it with the girls and picks it back up when she comes back that’s the promise is this a routine. I’m gonna throw up
IM. speechless this is everything
I’m gonna THROW UP
IM LITRRWLLT I’m shaking what the fuck
Is. Is he gonna die. Are they. Are they really gonna kill him is the saving a sacrifice I’m gonna
The fact that she’s smiling as she grabs crescent rose. It’s so hard to save people it’s So hard to fight a battle you think you can’t win it’s so hard to believe you aren’t the cause for misery. But Ruby MADE that weapon. That is part of her bc she put her love into making it all on her own. The burden will always feel heavy. She’s not strong enough to do it alone but she’s not alone. She’s strong enough to carry herself though. She’s Enough and she ALWAYS HAS BEEN EVEN WHEN SHE FAILED I CANT SEE IM CRYING SO MCJJ
Y’all don’t understand how. Fuck dude. Ruby is my favorite character after Penny like Penny is S+++ and Ruby is right after her. This volume has meant so much to me and to not only see her SMILING IN A FIGHT I don’t think we’ve seen her GRIN like that in a deadly fight that’s usually Yang. To see her be so confident with HER weapon. You can come back to yourself. You can forgive yourself. You can have all the support in the world but supporting yourself is so hard and she thought she lost it she thought she had to be someone else in order to be better. But she didn’t. All she needed was actual time to grieve. To breathe. To be alone with herself to GIVE HERSELF MORE CREDIT TO LOVE HERSELF AS SHE IS SHE NEEDED TO LOVE RUBY ROSE AND JUST
I took my glasses off bc I just the tears
You ARE enough. Just as you are. We grow and change with time. We make mistakes. We WILL fail. But we are enough even in failure bc there is always another chance to do better. To be better FOR OURSELVES
So I’m pausing right here to say something I know people won’t like and I’m NOT trying to justify anything. But I’m going to say this: You can regret hurting someone very badly. You can regret hurting someone who you sincerely wanted to hurt. This won’t earn forgiveness. This won’t earn sympathy. Regret is a feeling you carry On Your Own. It won’t erase past actions. It won’t dictate how others see you in the future. It won’t make those you hurt forgive or even care about your sad backstory. But you can FEEL regret. Regret is not something you have to earn. It’s just a feeling you have. What you do with that regret is ALSO on you and if nobody ever forgives you then feeling regret doesn’t mean they should.
But Neo is allowed to feel regret. It doesn’t change what she did or how people will feel about her. It wasn’t written to make people feel BAD for her. It’s just showing she is capable of regret. Doesn’t erase the gleeful murders. Doesn’t erase what she did to Ruby. It’s just a Feeling.
No motherfucking way. Oh my god Cal must be convulsing holy shit bricks no WAY
This episode is W for everyone so FAR BUT IM STILL SCARED FOR JAUNE
Sorry I was crying so much about Somewhat I forgot the actual lore of the show lemme pay attention
Damn thank you Blacksmith for giving us the stopping Salem from ending the world or whatever she actually wants to do cheat code
Ok so it’s kinda like Narnia it seems. The trip happened for all of them but maybe once they leave they will pop out with not a lot of time passed?
Fuck me man
I am forever changed I truly think something healed today
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daniels-rwby-blog · 1 year
rwby v9 c9 review
Episode 9 a tale involving a treeAlright who's ready for this!
(Not me)
Intro as good as ever, so much meaning we missed in ep1
A door opened you say?
An exerpt from the Fairy TALES WITH SUMMER!WHAT!!!!
BABY YANG AND RUBY!!!!YOOOOO!Anyhow now to team JWBYYou did a lot wrong jauneWhat the hell?A crystal paper pleaser?Eh oh jaune is puzzled
Water works guys, it's adorable
oh her animation is sooo good this volume
That emotion oh yes, amazing.
And jaunes realizing his mistakes
And as usual Wiess is rightAnd that far shit was nice.
GROUP HUG!!!(I see you white knight)
And the key is unlocked
Teleportation is voice activated
That sun that color, ITS GORGEOUS
The sun omg , yang's hair it's YELLOW
my god it's volume 1 again.
Accept, yeah that's the message of this volume isn't it?
And to the rubes we go.
Surprise it's the blacksmith.
Some intriguing dialogue.
And Lindsay did so well her, that subtle "am i?"
And the hammering continues outside.
And Curious Neo!
The sarcasm the sass, it's beautiful
Best girl is still her in spirit i suppose?
That pose tho it's hilarious
And sassy wiess yay!
Her hair is amazing btw Neos model is great
Alyxs is not the bad guy bingo card!
The hands the face, it's terrifying and amazing.
This fight is gonna be awesome
So the blacksmith is the tree (someone called it)
The combos, yang's anger so focused on helping Ruby.And ruby's confession, the tears, the eyes.And weapons to choose ruby's fate, fitting.
And they have more white rose moments
And the cat can fight my God.
And the snap cuts into her speech, nice.
"Mom" that's emotional.
The credits song is awesome Casey still killing it.
And that summer art, wow!
So we've finally seen summer in "full" i was kind of right, really wanted ruby out of the tree by now but this is fine I guess.
So summers axe is drawing her daughter, i think we can say ruby will become summer, or at least very much like her, enough for tai and wrote to double take (and raven i guess). Why else would she have a full Maya model? Now this could be temporary, or perhaps we have a dream sequence with summer and ruby talking and summer tells her all about how she heard her at the grave this whole time, but yeah we gonna see that full model one way or another.
And yes the blacksmith is alyx, it just is.
The idea of ruby and summer being the same person i disregard on first viewing i disagree with that far, but it's a possibility I'll admit, a wierd one tho in terms of imprecations. I think it's a metaphor if a full circle not an actual circular family tree.Alright imma break this down, expect theory's later this week, see ya - D
Best Girl Pics for happiness to forget we ain't out the woods yet
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rarealdcresults · 1 year
Sheer Talent, in Pittsburgh (March 7-8, 2015):
Small Wonder Solo:
Makayla Clark - “I Can Cook Too” (Specialty) - 2nd Place / Platinum
Mariah Sullivan - “Bigger Isn’t Better” (Acrobatic) - 5th Place / Platinum
Rylee Pratt - “Colors Of The Wind” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Platinum
Taylor Scherer - “Pack Up The Louie” (Musical Theater) - Did Not Place / Platinum
Small Wonder Group:
“I’m An Indian Too” (Acrobatic) - 1st Place / Platinum
Small Wonder Line:
“Bounce” (Hip Hop) - 1st Place / Platinum
“Nicer In Nice” (Jazz) - 2nd Place / Platinum
Junior Solo:
Brooke Kosinski - “New York, New York” (Jazz) - 1st Place / Sheer Personality Award / Highest Score Jazz Solo / Titanium
Haley Vrolijk - “Anything Can Happen” (Acrobatic) - 3rd Place / Highest Score Acro Solo / Titanium
Anastasia Rose - “Jeux D’eau” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Titanium
Sarah Hunt - “Another World” (Lyrical) - Did Not Place / Titanium
Jessa Kinter - “Ice Girl” (Lyrical) - Did Not Place / Platinum
Sarah Hunt - “Violente” (Ballet) - Did Not Place / Platinum
Nina Cergnilia - “Ah, Paris!” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Platinum
Amira Jackson - “Sing Away The Blues” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Platinum
Kylie Edwards - “Georgia On My Mind” (Contemporary) - Did Not Place / Platinum
Junior Duet:
Mackenzie Ziegler & Brooke Kosinski - “Bombshell” (Jazz) - 1st Place / Titanium
Anastasia Rose & Haley Vrolijk - “Wonderful World” (Acrobatic) - 3rd Place / Platinum
Junior Group:
“Watercolors” (Lyrical) - 1st Place / Sheer Tricks Award / Titanium
“Bollero De Ballet” (Ballet) - 2nd Place / Platinum
Junior Line:
“Wikked Lil Girls” (Musical Theater) - 1st Place / Sheer Choreography Award / Titanium
“Get Here” (Contemporary) - 2nd Place / Titanium
Preteen Solo:
Maddie Ziegler - “These Boots Are Made For Walking” (Tap) - 1st Place / Highest Scoring Solo From The Competition / Sheer Brilliance Award / Highest Score In Studio / Highest Score In Tap / Titanium
Maddie Ziegler - “All God’s Creatures” (Contemporary) - 2nd Place / Titanium
Kendall Vertes - “Rise And Fall” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Jewel For A Queen / Titanium
Selah Curran - “Them There Eyes” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Platinum
Preteen Duet:
Maddie Ziegler & Kendall Vertes - “Behind The Glass” (Lyrical) - 2nd Place / Titanium
Preteen Group:
“Bossa Nova Baby” (Tap) - 1st Place / Highest Scoring Group From The Competition / Sheer Choreography Award / Clarity Of Tap Award
“No Sign Of Life” (Contemporary) - 2nd Place / Titanium
“The Rose Garden” (Contemporary) - 4th Place / Titanium
“Dollhouse” (Contemporary) - 5th Place / Titanium
Preteen Line:
“Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” (Musical Theater) - 2nd Place / Platinum
“Make Way” (Hip Hop) - 5th aplace / Platinum
Teen Solo:
Keara Sweeney - “Defeated” (Lyrical) - 1st Place / Sheer Excellence Award / Highest Score Lyrical Solo / Titanium
Ryan Nogy - “Clown” (Lyrical) - 3rd Place / Sheer Genius Award / Titanium
Alison Taylor - “Home” (Contemporary) - 4th Place / Titanium
Kassidy Leon - “Let It Be Me” (Lyrical) - 6th Place / Titanium
Alyx Biery - “Jumpin’ Jive” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Spirit Of Dance Award / Platinum
Madison Porter - “Raunchy” (Musical Theater) - Did Not Place / Platinum
Dyson Ramey - “I Could’ve Have Danced All Night” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Platinum
Teen Trio:
Payton Ackerman, Ryan Nogy & Katherine Narasimhan - “Islands” (Lyrical) - 1st Place / Titanium
Teen Group:
“Love” (Contemporary) - 1st Place / Sheer Beauty Award / Titanium
“I Am Light” (Lyrical) - 1st Place / Sheer Radiance Award / Titanium
Teen Line:
“Everybody Goes” (Contemporary) - 2nd Place / Titanium
“Nameless” (Jazz) - 3rd Place / Fierce & Fabulous / Titanium
Senior Solo:
Nick Dobbs - “Manhattan” (Contemporary) - 1st Place / Divine Inspiration Award / Highest Score Contemporary Solo / Titanium
Katherine Narasimhan - “Black Bird” (Specialty) - 4th Place / Marvelous Balance Award / Titanium
Hope Roberts - “Teach Me” (Contemporary) - 5th Place/ Titanium
Hope Roberts - “Sleeping Beauty” (Ballet) - Did Not Place / Highest Scoring Pointe Solo / Platinum
Olivia Ice - “How Will I Know” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Sheer Sophistication Award / Platinum
Senior Group:
“I Forget Where We Were” (Lyrical) - 1st Place / Titanium
“Forget The Past” (Contemporary) - 2nd Place / Titanium
Senior Line:
“Never Gonna Change” (Contemporary) - 1st Place / Sheer Excellence Award / Titanium
Title Holders:
Mackenzie Ziegler - “Take That” (Acrobatic) - National Junior Miss 2014 Title Holder
Nia Frazier - “Never Knew” (Contemporary) - National Preteen Miss 2014 Title Holder
Payton Ackerman - “Waiting Game” (Jazz) - National Senior Miss 2014 Title Holder
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