#alyssa lb: trc
malinaa · 3 years
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malinaa · 3 years
now i’m just thinking abt ronan as a god. ronan as the devil. the dichotomy of man in one character. his incredibly vast ability to love contrasted with his rough/surly exterior … ADAM AS THE FIRST MAN. ASHES TO ASHES DUST TO DUST. IMAGINE LITERALLY BEING DESCRIBED AS “DUSTY.” HIS ALMOST REVERENT OBSESSION WITH FREE WILL. ADAM TENDING TO CABESWATER, RONAN’S CREATION, THEIR KIND OF EDEN. cabeswater leaving them both at times, the exile… the fall of man. FINDING GOD IN THEMSELVES. WE ARE GOD. MAYBE I DREAMT YOU. ITS JUST. ADAM SAYING WE ARE GOD AND RONAN LITERALLY BEING A CREATOR ?!!!,!,!:!!,!!,!:!!.!!?.?:?:!:!,?,?,!,!, ITS JUST. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK I LITERALLY CANT FUCKING STAND IT HERE WHY DID SHE MAKE THEM LIKE THIS WHY
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malinaa · 3 years
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malinaa · 3 years
not to be insane but what if gansey and blue’s arcs were parallel to one another. what if gansey’s arc is him starts with him trying not to die, trying so desperately to find this dead king so he can live longer. then you have blue’s arc which starts with her knowing and accepting that her true love is gonna die. and then as the story progresses, their arcs intertwine and THEN you finally get gansey accepting death, willing offering himself up for love and on the opposite end you have blue who can’t handle losing gansey, she wants to have him and kiss him and kiss him and kiss him and she also doesn’t want him to die. like imagine that .
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malinaa · 3 years
what’s getting me about bluesey is that the blue/adam thing should’ve been contained to trb and the next few books is the repressed pining (that doesn’t have to do w adam bc he’s moved on) to love. like trb is obviously blue blatantly ignoring gansey as her true love and gansey is Attracted to her but she’s kinda dating adam so he’s just gonna look away, tdt should’ve been THEE bluesey pining book, bllb should’ve been their Relationship like them as a full couple and the last book is them just coming to terms with the fact that they’re completely in love and completely grieving it
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malinaa · 3 years
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malinaa · 3 years
you’ve got me hurtling back to 2015 when everyone was connecting every song from halsey’a badlands to trc. hope you’re listening to drive on repeat during every bluesey scene.
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malinaa · 3 years
trc rewrite
the secret good trc in our heads co-written by @rosesau 
they’re actually in college :)
ronan’s a criminal justice major just for fun. gansey has smth w history and polisci but on a law track. adam is a psych major and blue majors in fashion design. noah would’ve been undeclared 
this is technically just three books in our heads bc so much of trc is just... useless 
blue is a woc who actually IS a feminist 
ronan should seek HER approval bc she’s just so cool <3
adam gets bitches 
blue and adam kiss. obviously
adam has sexy brown eyes
yk what adam also has sexy scars on his hands <333
this post but we’re making all the genesis symbolism Blatant and Intentional 
blue has friends at school that the readers get to know. she IS like the other girls 
declan lynch is somebody’s favorite . 
that’s for the declan girlies <3
the fox way women actually matter. they HAVE to pass the bechdel test 😭 on god we’re gonna do it 
get rid of the gray man / malory / greenmantle and his wife piper / whelk (replace whelk’s pov with noah’s). no gwenllian either. or artemus sorry blue but no. 
we’re not having a fucking hit man date blue’s mother. 
we’re also just not making blue a tree. like why. why did maggie do that. why did maggie make maura fuck a tree
actually we get alive!noah’s pov instead of whelk and we build up to his death... im about to sob. we are NOT forgetting noah. this is for book 1
book 1 should actually just focus on noah and cabeswater’s existence and blue/adam
it should be a mystery with magical elements. like noah and cabeswater start off as seemingly separate entities but then as the gang finds out more, they realize they’re entangled 
bluesey fuck. they don’t kiss. i mean they kiss pushing daisies style <3
also re: bluesey... their arcs ... we’re gonna make them have parallel arcs where blue’s fine with gansey dying in the beginning and slowly not accepting he’s gonna die. then u have gansey who has faced death and feared it and is trying so hard to run away from it, to someone who wants and asks blue to kiss him. he will walk to death willingly
book 1: instead of gansey seeing glendower in the vision, he sees the same vision as blue... imagine that....
blue has the vision first, then gansey smth smth knowledge being passed from eve to adam smth smth 
blue and adam gets wrapped up at the end of book 1 or the beginning of book 2 at the latest and they kiss in st agnes
we are absolutely murdering adam’s father. robert parrish must die 
what if ronan kills robert parrish ... ahaha jk... unless 😳
book 2 should’ve been: gray man stalks the gang, ronan finds out kavinsky’s a dreamer, ronan wants to protect himself and his friends but then kavinsky teaches him how to dream and ronan’s like. ur fucking insane but ur like fine or whatever and then the gray man targets them both for potentially being graywarens and he grabs kavinsky and ronan saves him in the dream 💆🏻‍♀️ kavinsky is alive. no dragons bc ... what the fuck???? i love a good dragon as much as the next person but cmon... 
at the end there either IS a king that they can ask a favor from but it’s only 1 favor OR . there is no king and we establish that early on n then we just vibe
gansey dies from blue’s kiss and then noah sacrafices himself for gansey and moves on AND THEY REMEMBER HIM. GOD. noah saying “this is my choice. this is my sacrifice.” 
just for funsies we’re gonna make gansey and adam drunkenly hook up. like so true bi kings
this series is about a bunch of repressed el gee bee tees
i’m fixing bluesey. cross my heart. just trust me on this i got repressed pining sexual tension yearning down 
bluesey car scene. drive by halsey. like.... there NEEDS to be more tension ... like kanej-level-several-pages-type-of-tension
bluesey in the car fu-[gunshots again] 
blue get her own mint plant… putting a leaf on her tongue just so she can imagine what he tastes like
also massive love to big noses rip to maggie but big noses are sexy 
any plot points that most readers just do not rmbr... its out love n light 2 maggie
actually we’re sending hatred and darkness. fuck her. weird ass
ok but rly like why was greenmantle and his wife there why was gwenllian there if only to make the 300 fox way girlies a trio again (there are Enough to make a trio already just add one of the younger girlies) why does the gray man have an arc why does he have an arc why is he important what does he even do. every scene with the jesse the guy guarding the cave. What was the reason... actually we are getting RID of the cave. this is why it’s only 3 books instead of 4. like find maura in cabeswater. blue does not need gwenllian to learn more about being a mirror like neeve could’ve said one off handed comment in trb and blue could just suddenly rmbr
seed: WHO is jesse
me: guy who guards the cave 😭
pynch stays the same. maggie has one right for them 
actually wait . this CAN be 4 books. everything that we got rid of is just replaced by bluesey and pynch fucking. 
god more of pynch in the barns.... HELPPPPPPPP 
and for the declan girlies... we get more declan <3 
no bluesey roadtrip... with HENRY?????? sorry to all the henry stans but i dont get him 
the way it would help to actually remember the books but we don’t
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malinaa · 3 years
please post your reactions while reading trc!!! what did you think abt the first one!?!? would love to hear your thoughts of you want to share them
OK SO i find it so funny that i was so interested in this book despite nothing happening for a good 70% of the book and it’s mostly character-based but like these fucking kids COMPEL ME !!! and for all of maggie’s … well maggieisms (her internalized misogyny is actually kinda funny bc she’s just so obvious about it 😭) she knows how to Write A Good Sentence yk??? and like i already knew some plot twists just by virtue of being surrounded by ppl who’ve read trc but honestly… i am simply vibing i think blue and gansey make me insane even just conceptually, adam makes me ILL and his and blue’s lil relationship is SO cute it’s unbearable and the fact that noah is quite literally a ghost is so fucked up and sexy of him and ronan … well
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malinaa · 3 years
i rly do not like who ronan has become under bryde’s influence
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malinaa · 3 years
i want to crack open the lynches brains and just poke around in there like what in god’s name are they made out of
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malinaa · 3 years
i just think adam deserves to kiss blue just once .
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malinaa · 3 years
adam parrish is lonesome.
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malinaa · 3 years
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malinaa · 3 years
the good secret raven cycle series in my head is so sexy 😔🙏 wish y’all could read it
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malinaa · 3 years
going into trc knowing the plot is contrived and some character arcs are just either going nowhere and going to shit is quite an experience like i’m out here mourning the potential of it all but also just going fucking bonkers. just absolute nuts
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