#always say a prayer for ari
ladybugsimblr · 3 months
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Popping in on Jayce & Kairi... my boyz 🥰. They are spending a little time in Tomarang while waiting for Jay's team assignment.
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lilacstro · 3 months
part of fortune and what can be actually fated in your life
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hey! I KNOWWW someone will think or say, hey? wait- isnt that vortex? indeed it is, but I am sharing this post from an observation series pointer I made, so you can say this is an observational post/my own theory kinda post lol. This post is again not taken from any book or source and is my own observation. If this does not make sense for you or you don't agree, it's okay, you can skip :)
I had 3 asks for this one so here we go!! I will try to keep it short and simple because I see I rant quite a lot in my posts T T. Part of fortune in:
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1st house/Aries: I have not really seen a chart with a part of fortune in the 1st, but this specifically makes me think your soul chose your body for completing a purpose in this life time. Some fated connection with your body, the way you look. A spiritual connection/mission that can involve a series of fated events to bring you closer to your personal missions and goals.
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2nd house/Taurus: Fate with the money you have, money you receive or how you keep your money. Fate transforms your old belief systems for good. Fate with the things you speak or do at times, the way you make friends or other relationships.
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3rd house/Gemini: Fate with the things you come across, maybe someday you come across a book and it changes your life, maybe a social media post and changes your life. Fate with siblings, maybe they connect you to you destiny or you connect them to theirs. Fate encounters you at mundane places you go to, maybe your neighborhood park or the grocery store. Some fate with the place you grew up in
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4th house/Cancer: Fate in the family you are born into. Fated connection with the mother, might connect your mother to her higher purpose and destiny. Might impart fate to mother.
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5th house/Leo: Fate in children. Your children might be sent to you for a higher purpose. Fate in things you enjoy and your creative pursuits, maybe they turn into something more profitable someday, maybe they are trying to connect you to something important
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6th house/Virgo: Fate in Service. You maybe sent to people to help them, a godsend in some cases. Things change overnight, some small conversation changes everything at once. Finding out small things that lead to bigger ones, and another and another. You enter the lives of people when they need your light/guidance
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7th house/Libra: Fate in close partnerships and people you encounter. Fate in people you make friends with, interact with. Vibes of small conversation with a stranger at a store leads to someone very important in your life. You can learn a lot from people your close circle.
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8th house/Scorpio: Fate in protection and redirection. Fate in change. Whatever you struggle to leave behind or hold on tight to or actually decide not to let go off, may actually be taken away, yet, you will see how it was for your absolute best and higher purpose. Fate with inheritance or gains from other people.
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9th house/Sagittarius: Having fated destinations to go to, fate involvement in what higher studies you do, where you go for your higher studies and how it plays out. Encountering fate in regards to getting wisdom, your prayers are answered sooner or later. Right place, right time.
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10th house/Capricorn: A Fated occupational destination and position, might end up doing completely different from what you once imagined, fate in the people you meet who help you professionally or lead you to your true calling. May impart fortune to father. Fate brings you to dispensing karma to other people.
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11th house/Aquarius: Meeting Fated people, FRIENDS, finding people to help you in need ALWAYS. Encountering fated connections that later help you in life somehow even if they are lost. Being able to have connections/meet influential/powerful people somehow, unexpectedly.
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12th house/Pisces: Encountering fate in regards to esoteric wisdom, spirituality and spiritual self. Fate in regards to encountering unexpected, distant things. Maybe the thoughts and dreams you had that seemed unachievable will come true. Maybe your fate takes you to people who you never thought you would get close with or places you thought you would never go to. Fate with things and connections that probably were incomplete in the past life.
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paid readings are open btw:)
thank you so much for the read<33 i love you all
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astrolovecosmos · 1 year
❤️‍🔥Venus & Mars❤️‍🔥
Written from the perspective of Venus representing femininity and Mars masculinity. Please take this with a grain of salt.
Aries Venus: Warrior Queen, hellfire eyes, won't take no for an answer, upfront, hungry for action, red petals and lips, all eyes on her, can leave a burn or scar.
Aries Mars: Ardent eyes and lips, fiery protector, a good competitor, rescuer, conquering libido, always at 100, hot days and unforgettable nights.
Taurus Venus: Irresistible charm or look, low-key seductive, enduring and magnetic, slow burn, dream weddings or dates, romantic touch, comforting and content, careful with hearts.
Taurus Mars: Caring hands, hedonistic attitudes, down-to-earth until they're not, things are always on their time, level-headed or stable assertiveness, smells good, shares with those they love their soft spot.
Gemini Venus: Shapeshifting enchantress, leading you astray or into ecstasy or both, bright feathers and dazzling wings, sharp talons and a sharper tongue, curious creature, get lost in her eyes, movements, or storms.
Gemini Mars: Lightning-fast energy but airy to be around, wins you over with humor, takes pride in his intellect, upbeat and always around a crowd or working one, bewitches with ease and passion.
Cancer Venus: Mysterious and soft glows, gentle and kind, a protective force of nature, messy and engulfing feelings, hard to fall but when they do they fall hard, can be others safety, gets her way.
Cancer Mars: Silent and strong type or insightful and tenderhearted, deep and sensitive, trustworthy vibes, that moody artist or introverted mystery, a wall or door people are tempted to investigate, a powerful guardian, never gives up.
Leo Venus: Strength and beauty of a goddess, instant connections and passion, object of adoration or desire, demands your attention, worship and heart, romance in their veins, she is the sun - center of your universe.
Leo Mars: Draws you in with his performance, wins, or adventures, brave in the bedroom, will risk it all, life of the party, maybe vain or selfish but always on top, a king, lust and power, feverish and flirty, are you his muse, trophy, or queen?
Virgo Venus: The answer to all your prayers or questions, devoted blood, sensuous and erotic, always has it together, earthy vibes and quiet affection, thoughtful, but may bite, will you grow with her or will she outgrow you?
Virgo Mars: Innocent eyes with a mischievous or know-it-all smirk, reliable arms, secret vitality but not-so secret intellect and wit, observational, appreciative, discerning in preferences and partners, will work hard for you but what will you do for them?
Libra Venus: You can't miss her when she walks into a room, candlelight and wine, charm, beauty, and brains, falls easily, likely has a line of admirers, elegance and grace, now you know why lust and love are seen as ✨magic✨.
Libra Mars: Knows how to make you happy or calm, secretly a hunting hound, hard to resist, if you're with him you're BEAUTIFUL, affectionate and chivalrous, charismatic one minute and introverted the next, can you figure him out?
Scorpio Venus: THE seductress, passionate and dramatic temptation and lust, says forever and means it, rapacious lover, deep and hypnotic, a heart-stopping and mystic medusa, jealous and unforgiving but will give you everything.
Scorpio Mars: Eyes that look into your soul, the dark and edgy type, sex-appeal is their weapon along with mystery or secrecy, an intense enigma, sensitive yet powerfully assertive, an unstoppable force, may be obsessive or easily misunderstood but knows you more intimately than anyone else.
Sagittarius Venus: For true adventurers only, free spirit and a rebellious heart, more independent than you, the most fun you've ever had, a huntress, lucky in love, desire + lust + companionship, can you handle her honesty?
Sagittarius Mars: Always taking their shot, will explore and challenge you, a wild ride, infectious and attractive optimism, humor, or even clumsiness or awkwardness, chronically adaptable and energetic - can you keep up?
Capricorn Venus: Ice you want to melt, respect or admiration are the only options, reliable and grounded, always in control, you know when she's approaching, true faithfulness, hard to satisfy, she's the authority.
Capricorn Mars: Relentless and calculated pursuit, private and cool-headed, #relationshipgoals, provider vibes, an underrated smooth talker, powerful influence and drive, all about longevity...
Aquarius Venus: Magnetic sorceress, intellectual babe, sparkling and different, always keeping you on your toes, can do it all on her own but likes your company, unconventional relationships, falling in slow motion or fast-forwarding into love at high speed.
Aquarius Mars: Visionary wizard with enticing charisma, pushing boundaries, special aurora and bedroom moves, erratic and strong-willed, sees the best in you, channeling passion into each other's minds and bodies.
Pisces Venus: Sensational siren, dreamy and karmic, elusive moments, drowning in feeling, flip a coin for love or lust - throw it in the fountain for both, making your dreams and/or nightmares come true.
Pisces Mars: That hopeless romantic, sweet and sensitive, imaginative moves and touch, will give you their heart and soul, captivating and addicting, your fantasy lover.
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theladybrownstarot · 6 months
2024 APRIL 2024
Pick a card reading ~
❀ Here's my masterlist for more !
❀ Make sure you like/reblog/follow/Comment for more pacs like these !
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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𐙚 Pile 1 .
Namaste pile 1 ! Let's get with your reading :-
☪︎ You people are seem to be very focused in the initial period of april , i can sense that very tough strictness and focus of oneself for their goals and giving best no matter what happens . You are being told to trust your decision, guts and instincts no matter how appealing other's would feel to be . You people will be on high energy and focus throughout the month but very high during the first phase of april .
☪︎ later oh wow oh wow this is a confirmation that whatever you worked hard for will yield results , i sense that you will be highly recognised for your enthusiasm. You will my god very much transformed and will get all that clarity you always wanted for things long time back if any . People are going to be very attracted to you plus i see people helping and appreciating you . You will be in the spotlight . Overall the continued thing will be in a good progress too .
☪︎ The last phase of april will be all about planning and executing the new things and ideas or for before if you couldn't . If you maintained same energy of being focused and disciplined you will get ahead 2 times of the road like that I'm sensing in the reading like maintain yourself and give your best no matter because it will be the test of your commitment and all the lessons you worked hard for .
☪︎ You going to be chilling with your friends by partying and talking plus i see right people coming in your life too . The energy of all people reading this will be balanced just don't overthink a lot.
𐙚❀˖° Monthly Advice : I sense that most of you lost something or lost to something which hurted you and made you heart broken . The advice here is to let your tears flow so the negatives can be out . Try to love yourself by doing what you want so you can come over the past because you haven't completely . Your prayers are heard just be more greatful for what you are and have and control your anger .
❀ prominent zodiacs and houses: Gemini , libra , Aquarius, leo, aries , saggitaurus , virgo, taurus, capricorn, 1st house, 5th house and 3rd house .
𐙚 Pile 2
Namaste pile 2 ! Let's get with your reading :-
☪︎ Your first phase of April will be all about planning and then executing , getting various ideas and projects getting done . Don't be so conscious about all your decisions because you can really thrive in through it just implement and surrender to universe .
☪︎ The second phase of April will bring some changes within yourself that will leave you making more confident about yourself . Your plans will bring very strong stability and foundation for something new . You will quite become famous and i see wealth or money coming in some sort also that you will be quite getting more responsible and serious about your things and life in general , i see a major lesson or realisation hitting in anyway .
☪︎ Third phase of April or the last phase will be all about equal give and take of your assets like knowledge , experience , money or anything with others and helping them also .If anyone wants to start a business or something new then different through something then its a really good time for it . You are protected and loved by universe .
𐙚❀˖° Monthly Advice : Universe says that wake up and stop sleeping , stop getting scared and anxious and make a step . You will be connecting with you highest self a lot .
Be generous and kind .
Give yourself some break .
You are taking something to seriously .
Give that exhausted and tortured mind some break .
Reshuffle your priorities, schedule and routine .
❀ Prominent zodiacs and Houses : Aries , scorpio , 8th house , virgo , taurus , capricorn , gemini , libra , Aquarius , 3rd house and 2nd house .
𐙚 Pile 3.
Namaste pile 3 ! Let's get with your reading :-
☪︎ The first phase of April will be quite confusing for you , you may feel stuck or confused about the way or any thing you feel . Try not to merge or do many things at a time rather do one thing at a time otherwise you may create a complex mess for yourself . You must have dragged something which needed your logic but you didn't which has led to agony and all thigs that i have discussed above for this mess to be clear get your logical side and do not listen to your heart . You will or need to make some final choice regarding something because the more you will drag and delay the more frustrating and tough it will be for you .
☪︎ In the second phase Of April i see you grabbing some opportunities and starting something new ahead , I feel the second phase without much of any fuss or mess and more clear and stable energy . Just go for what you want and inspires you because qualification needs to be a later thing for you . This will be a small new start .
☪︎ The third phase of April or the last phase will be about getting to know something or some big changes that will be revealed to you as a surprise . The shift in perspective will be coming in for you . From here the universe will set you on something big like really something big and you will be starting by seeing the trailer in your life or within yourself , universe will make you realise something deeply . It feels like a big mission or realising your mission.
𐙚❀˖° Monthly Advice : you had be wise to watch and trust no one at this time. keep yourself to yourself and do not buy into any fears or chaos that's being stirred up around you . you know the truth so stay strong. Still someone vunerable needs you and secret is a being shared .
Be honest with yourself .
Look at the people around you something lies in there .
❀ Prominent Zodiacs and Houses : scorpio , pluto ( planet), leo , aries , saggitaurus , pisces , cancer , 11th house and 7th house .
©️ @theladybrownstarot 2023 all rights reserved. Any stealing or copying of work will be a punishable offence.
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jamneuromain · 6 months
ohhoehoe! Dark!priest!Ari goes really well with innocent/naive!reader. Just imagine that his hands//
ALL OF THAT YOU TYPED OMG WE NEED A FIC WITH EXACTLY THAT PLOT (if you're willing) Dark!priest!Ari or Andy or Steve or Lloyd or whichever Chris' character you see more fitting 🥵🥵🥵🔥
oohhhhhh okiee so this is *temporarily* what I have in mind in headcanon (for now) but feel free to chip in
- Not specified which church so you can blend your imagination there -
(honestly I have next to little memory of this reblog lmao)
Summary: You confess to Ari about some sinful thoughts you have in the Church.
Warning: Dark!Ari Levinson, Priest!Ari Levinson, innocent!reader, I'M PORTRAYING ARI as a predator priest don't read if YOU ARE HIGHLY RELIGIOUS. (and also the facts about church and priests could be a bit mixed up)
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Kids at the church joked that he might be Jesus, for the beard and the long hair looked similar to the ancient painting hanging on the wall.
Indeed, Ari Levinson is kindness and sympathy in a human form, saying that he started truly believing and having faith after a terrible incident that nearly took his life. He isn't from this neighborhood, but that doesn't stop him from being a part of it.
Barbeques at Winston's backyard, the annual fair in Rhinestone Park, the New Year's celebration of the local schools ... you name it, he's in. Whether to chip in from his own thin wallet or to help out pushing and moving things around.
He's a true saint. Everyone says so.
You confessed to him, after a regular Sunday morning, when the sun was blazing outside and this little church he stayed in remained a bit chilly as ever. You told him about the crush you have on one of the handsome boys in the sports team, and you fidget nervously because your parents told you it would be unholy if you had these thoughts of boys at such a young age before actually marrying someone.
He listened through your stupid little confession without any annoyance you'd seen on Father Richmond's (the older priest who actually runs the place) face, telling you in a soft silky voice that everyone sins, and they shall ask for forgiveness.
But, he winked, and whispered to you a little secret: since you are his favorite, he could pray to God later that night, and personally ask for forgiveness.
He led you to the altar and knelt with you, murmuring a string of prayers that you could only shut your eyes tightly and listen to.
You fear that God would be mad and abandon you and your family as a result - which you had told Ari prior, in detail.
"God spoke to me. He asked me to pass forward a blessing." He helped you up from the ground. The sunlight fell onto his velvety robes, creating a warm glow around him, making him look like a true saint, some might even say a miracle.
"Really?" You gasped in excitement. No one, and you mean no one has performed such wonder before, claiming that they could directly talk to God.
"Would I lie to you, darling?" He caressed your jaw fondly, his calloused thumb ran over the patch of delicate skin below your earlobe and you squirmed under his heated gaze.
"No." You whimpered, "What was the blessing, Father Levinson?"
He cradled your head and took your lips into a deep, soul-striking kiss.
"God told me he's fond of you. He has sent me to pass his future blessings on." Ari responded, softly smiling as your doe-y eyes widened in utter shock.
So shocked, in fact, that you forgot about your parents' words. They had told you before that kissing was also on the list of No-No.
"Yes, darling, you." He mused, dipping his hand into the shallow bronze plate that carried holy water, drawing a mark with the dampened fingers on your forehead, "Now you should be rid of those sinister thoughts. If you have any more trouble, my office is always open for you, darling."
"Thank you, Father Levinson," You squealed, so happy to finally erase the heavy feelings off your mind.
"Anytime, darling." He clamped his hands together, kindly smiling at your happiness, "But keep this between us, will you?" He gestured to the confession and the altar, "It would be quite the fuss if the town knows about the all-loving Lord has a favorite."
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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Hekate: Goddess of The Eclipse Talon Abraxas
Eclipses are such a powerful time to explore darkness, so very Hekatean in their essence for they not only either dim the world or occur at night when they are visible, but are also liminal times. As part of my personal studies, I reflect on experiences during the previous eclipses to see how they brought powerful medicine to me.
Eclipses are generally turning points, a type of Nyssa experience (refer to Entering Hekate's Garden if you are unfamiliar with that term). As Hekateans, the MOON will always be highly influential since we are naturally attuned to it's powers: emotions, intuition, magic(k), mystery. They are sacred events when we can behold the majesty of the universe, and Hekate Anima Mundi, with awe and wonder.
Generally, I recommend connecting to the eclipse in a more intuitive manner during the precise times, such as contemplative work of devotion (see prayer below), and reserving spells and rituals for hours before/after. Viewing eclipses in person is deeply spiritual experience, which I have been fortunate enough to have many times.
Understanding Eclipses: Significance and Characteristics
"The metaphor for the violence done to the goddess as a representative of natural order and the balance of the natural world appropriately takes the form in the celestial sphere as an abrupt and frightening change in the heavens: an eclipse. The actions of this goddess as eclipse are not the warrior goddess archetype but the intellectually powerful and disturbed nature of a goddess represented as a raging fury determined to shake the universe, darken the skies, and set the world into a readjustment of its values after experiencing the chaos of the unnatural. Eventually, her power is to astound, frighten, and horrify to create the required and necessary change to the culture of the patriarchy that is out of sync with nature. Therefore, her power dwells in the unmasking of uncertainty and the shocking of mankind to evoke revenge and correct misconduct through a demonstration of cosmic change." From "Goddesses of The Eclipses," by Helen Benigni.
I don't feel the need to say more about their significance, especially to us Hekateans. This quote, and the entire scholarly article linked above, says it all.
2024 Eclipse Cycle
The 2024 Eclipse Cycle begins with the Libra Full Moon in March, and concludes with the Libra New Moon in October. For many of us living in North America, the Spring Eclipse Season brings us a very special total solar eclipse, a rare treat. Keep in mind that solar eclipses happen twice a year, so although this one may be more personally relevant because we can see it, it is in keeping with the natural cycle.
Eclipse seasons happen at the opposite side of the zodiacal calendar, as illustrated in the Covina graphic above. Since our calendar is lunar, twice a year we start a new moon month on an eclipse.
Beyond the full Aries solar eclipse on April 8, another unique astrological event in 2024 is that there are two Capricorn Full Moon's during the summer, which results in an unusual third Libra eclipse.
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the-punforgiven · 1 year
All My Tarnished In Elden Ring
2 of you said do it so I'm doing it lmao
My first character is Ari, they were my very first character and are currently my "main" character. They started out as a raw Strength Claymore-only build and just kinda stayed that way until after I'd beaten the final boss. My original intent was to have them do the rad Carian Sword stuff as a sort of spellsword/battlemage thing, and while they can do that now, I just kinda waited a little too long to spec them into INT so now they're just a friendly summon who's a tanky sword-wielding sword mage who can deal a casual 7453 damage with Carian Grandeur under the right circumstances (As for weapons since they're my Main character I've got a bunch of random shit I've leveled for hyper specific situations, but Claymore is still, as always, Old Reliable for them)
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My second character is one named Bryndegaard, she's a VERY heavy Strength/Faith build that I like, accidentally made good lmao Turns out guard counters with the Great Mace do a lot of stance damage Her shield doesn't have an Ash of War on it, and her mace has Prayerful Strike, so even if someone does manage to hit her through it, her vigor is so good and Prayerful Strike is so strong that the damage is usually pretty negligible. She's my tank/healer build first and foremost, but I also have the Envoy's Longhorn levelled up for her just in case I need to absolutely decimate a large boss like Placidusax or Astel. The Longhorn also worked surprisingly well against Elden Beast, as turns out its 80% Holy Damage negation doesn't mean much if you output too much damage for it to matter
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My third character's named Edge, Lord He was supposed to be my Spooky Scary Death Mage but tbh I haven't touched him in a while so right now he's just a really unoptimized scythe guy with like, Rancorcall and that's it. I tried to make him look like a black metal musician and I think I did really well, but he also looks so angy it's really funny to me fhdjksahfkxz
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Fourth character is Vlad, he's my funny little Dracula Boy. He's not very good but I love him nonetheless. He's built around claws, bleed, and Lifesteal Fist, which I'm very glad was recently buffed because man, this guy was not great to play before that lmao Also I love how tiny his head looks with that cape it's really funny to me
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5th character is Guano Gobbler. Very original. Do Not Steal. Idk man I wanted to get the Dung Eater ending at least once, and idk I didn't want to get it on anyone else. I did use the Dung Eater's facial presets for him, I just thought it'd be funny to make him bald too
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6th character is the lovely Cap'n Rumguzzler. My entire thought process behind him was 'want pirate' and then I made one. I have no idea what build I was gonna make with him and as a result he fucking sucks but I love him anyway. He also has a cannon hidden in his back pocket or something (I am aware what his name is one letter away from, that just straight-up did not occur to me at all when I was first naming him)
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7th character is my Gravity Boy, I don't like his name so you don't get to know it. I've decided he's not going to progress past Maliketh because I still want at least one character I can co-op with in Leyndel. He's exactly what he says on the tin, he's got a Zweihander with Waves of Darkness and he's got a bunch of gravity spells. Not much else to say tbh aside from that I really like how the purple of the gravity magic goes with his All Black Everything look tbh. It's just very aesthetically pleasing to me
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8th character is The Legend Herself, 4PattyCheeseBurg. She's built with the express purpose of having the highest possible health achievable in game. Her first 85 levels were all in Vigor (She started out with 14). She only uses the Star Fist. Red Sun gets stuck in my head every time I play her. She's somehow the strongest character I've ever had for Colosseum battles. I've made people just straight-up avoid her completely for entire matches. Demigods fall before her. The earth itself shatters at her victories. She's so fun to play I love her
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Her health bar looks like this btw.
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9th character is, regrettably, RudolphReindeer. My friend wanted to do a funny holiday-themed run and he'd already claimed Santa, so this is the best I could come up with. You don't get to see his face up close because I hate it
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10th is my sleep build, Eurythmics (Because, y'know, Sweet Dreams) idk what else to say about them aside from that they're here, they do sleep, I don't know what to do for their fashion, and they're Not Very Good
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11th character is just this one, I've named her Sellsword because idk what else to do with her She's a Quality/Quality-Mage build and I just kinda use her for testing out all sorts of wacky shit trying to wrangle huge damage and big AoE's (Fun Fact: Hoarah Loux's Earthshaker is buffed by the Highland Axe, and the buff stacks if you have a second one, but for some reason it is not buffed by the Roar Talisman) I like making her dual wield stuff also
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and the 12th (last) character is this one, She's a Quality build with a bit of arcane. With her I typically use either the Claymore, Marais Sword, or Eleonora's twinblade, and the Dragon Communion Seal in her off hand. Her damage is surprisingly good for me barely playing up her bleed potential, and for some reason she tends to get summoned by randos way more than my other builds, couldn't possibly imagine why She's in the Hoslow set here, but sometimes I switch it up and put her in the Briar armor (With the Vagabond legs/arms) instead. idk just kinda depends on mood but I think the Hoslow chest's red bits compliment her eyes idk
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And that's it, that's all of them minus a few I started, got like 5 feet from Limgrave, and haven't touched since
Elden Ring 10/10 game, absolutely consumed my life 👍
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Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you angels for revealing to me what I need to know!”
Kindness is about giving without needing to receive. It’s about having consideration alongside the willingness to be present and help. Being kind is one of the highest vibrations, for when we give without needing to receive in return, we tune in to the abundant flow of the Universe and will be helped in some other way.
Kindness is good for the heart both physically and spiritually. On a physical level, being kind can lower blood pressure, strengthen arteries, and bring mental clarity. On a spiritual level, when you step into this space of selflessness, you allow yourself to be sustained by a higher power that will always lead you toward your highest and greatest good.
Being kind to yourself is about removing any conditions for contentment. It’s about respecting and loving yourself no matter what situation you are facing. It’s about taking the pressure off your own shoulders and just allowing yourself to be how you need to be.
Today the Universe is encouraging you to choose kindness in all areas of your life. Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself.
Vibe of the Day: “My kindness attracts the presence of love.”
DECK: Raise Your Vibration Oracle
ARTIST: Ari Wisner
Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you!
Kyle Gray
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 years
Transiting Mars enters Cancer
Saturday, March 25 - Saturday, May 20, 2023
Back in the olden times, nobody ever had anything good to say about Mars in Cancer. It’s easy to understand why: Mars is exalted in the sign Capricorn, where its drive and energy is directed in a productive, achievement-oriented way. If Mars/Capricorn is wonderful, and Cancer is the sign opposite Capricorn, therefore Mars in Cancer must be weak.
I don’t think Cancer is Mars’ very favorite sign to occupy, but that doesn’t mean we can’t work with it. Think “mama bear” energy - usually rather chill, but when aroused, watch out.
It’s also important to acknowledge how much our emotions and feelings (Cancer) affect what we do and how we do it (Mars). Nothing like a Mars/Cancer transit to refresh our memories! Everything is prone to “going through phases” like the Moon (ruler of Cancer), too.
Energy levels, physical strength - fluctuates. Sometimes we’re lethargic and torpid, while other times we’re crackling with energy. What we eat and drink always has an effect on our overall strength, and we could become painfully aware of this if we aren’t careful. Our emotions are a factor, too, and (likewise) we may be made aware of how this works out for us.
Sexuality - really cuddly, nurturing, focussed on the bosom (which Cancer rules!). Sex as a way to connect emotionally with someone. Wanting to have babies.
How we go after what we want - I once snarled at a couple of Cancer Suns, “Would it kill you guys to be straightforward and go directly after what you want?!?” Yes, yes it would. Crabs move sideways towards their goals. They take many, many “baby steps” when they’re first starting out. That said, I do think that Mars here can be very encouraging of other people working toward their goals.
In his series of books about the astrological elements (fire, earth, air, water), Steven Forrest writes about Mars having the vibe of a protector. This is a healthier and safer alternative path for Warrior energy. We can easily explore that, during this Mars/Cancer transit.
Some dates to watch out for (giving yourself a few days on either side):
Thursday, April 27 - Mars/Cancer square Chiron/Aries. Hurt feelings - don’t hang on to them.
Saturday, April 29 - Mars/Cancer sextile Uranus/Taurus. Innovative and simple solutions to our problems.
Tuesday, May 9 - Mars/Cancer sextile Ceres/Virgo. Lots of useful activity around home and family.
Thursday, May 11 - Mars/Cancer square Eris/Aries. Angry women. If we’re going to meet (or become) Mama Bear, it’s probably now!
Monday, May 15 - Mars/Cancer trine Neptune/Pisces. Spiritual energy; the power of prayer.
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cosmicplexus · 5 months
TW dealing with overwhelming passive suicidal ideation
Aquarius Rising (26°) with NN in Virgo.
Neptune in Capricorn 12H at 27°
retrograde Saturn in Aries 3H 15° opposing Moon in Libra 7°
Do you have insights on unconventional creative or cathartic outlets? Physical outlets are uphill battle due to chronic pain. Writing (journaling, creative, professional astrological or tarot readings) feel like pulling teeth, have never really enjoyed creating visual arts (prefer consuming it). Struggling with intense anger and sadness, confusion with where to direct energy to offer myself genuine relief. Most of my day is centered around self-soothing through overwhelming melancholia and hopelessness.
Willing to discuss moving forward with paid reading if this is too intense for an ask.
TW: Su!c!dal Thoughts
I am truly saddened to hear this and I genuinely hope everything turns out for the best🥺🤍Will keep you in my prayers ✨
Before I proceed to the astrology part I just want to emphasize on the importance of a strong support system as well as professional help and I hope I don't offend you by saying this. I am really concerned and would love for you to have the best help you can get. You have a purpose and it's very important for you to realize this✨🤍
Moving onto the astrology...
~In my experience, struggling to tap into creativity is usually the product of a disconnection to self, we're all creatives ultimately. The right buttons just need to be tapped for others.
With a 12h Neptune at 27° and a Libra Moon at 7° you are a born artist. The fact that you feel disconnected to it is indeed a huge indicator of misalignment. You don't have to force yourself into writing. You could try the different forms of digital art, fashion assembling or creation, hand-made jewellery, artifacts, painting etc.
I know there's a negative perception of a 3H Saturn in terms of expressing thoughts/the mind, but expressing them through writing could actually be beneficial. Just don't have expectations or force-feed yourself into it. Take it slowly and just write whatever is in your heart
~I don't know what triggers all these dark emotions, but confronting them could really help. Try things like frequency healing to balance your heart, mind and spirit
Listening to affirmation subs, energetic cleansing. I personally love sea salt bathes and keeping sachets of cinnamon on me. Look into herbal healing, chamomile really helps with negative thoughts
~Light up a white candle and speak positivity into your life. I don't know what beliefs you subscribe to, but my belief is that God is the universe. God transcends all these boarders humans have placed and if you call onto him he'll listen.
If you want to meet the divine beings that heal and restore balance, a good time to talk to the universe is 12am, 3am and 4am. Call onto angels Gabriel, Michael and Maria in these hours. I have witnessed love of the highest power when I was in despair and wish the same for you🤍🌻✨
May Grace always locate you. The universe will not fail you. Love and abundance to you🤍🥺✨🌺
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13urningstars · 1 year
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Name: File empty registration unknown. IVORY Cherrybomb of iacon
Alias: Her human alias is Cheryl Benoit, and cherrybomb itself is an alias turned name. In her shattered glass verse, we call her "Siren". General nicknames include: sunshine, cherr, cherry, CB, cherrybabe, the bomb, songbird, pinkie, cherrbear, momma bear, sweetness (tba)
Gender: Demigirl. Uses she/her and they/them, but really has no preference
Age: Around her early/mid 40's by human approximation? But really millions of years old, forged prewar
Species:  Cybertronian
Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown
Abilities/Talents: Minimal medical training, dancing, singing, pickpocketing, Modded ability to create a sonic screech, press management, quick runner
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: This one's a bit complicated, but she's agnostic. She believes that the 13 where normal mecha, deified amongst time, although if proved otherwise she wouldn't put up a fight. She say's small prayers in their names to herself in rare moments, something she's been taught and carried with her, but when it comes to primus and unicron? Where were they as their children killed and tore their planet apart? She does not like to believe in the idea of gods that would leave her them to suffer through such a life. Its complicated
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Cybertronian; Can read and speak modern neo-cybex, a smaller iaconian dialect, english and french, understands wing speech, is slowly but surely learning eukarian
Family: A seeker, rainjet, and her conjunx endura hitch, her daughter nova
Friends:  Joyride, a rescue bot medic although the friendship is... mostly onesided. The rest is verse dependant.
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual  / asexual / unsure / questioning / other [ omnisexual/polyarmorous ]
Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / other [ verse dependant ]
Libido: sex god / very high / high  / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white / blonde (holoform) / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive (holoform) / light brown / brown / very brown / black / other (Semi dark grey)
Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot (holoform) / 6-7 foot / above 7 foot (21'3ft)
Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds
Scars: Innitials burned into to her neck just out of view, A grazed line on her side, slightly off colored left optic, Jagged scratches on her back between her door wings and wheels, a grip dent on her larger right audial fin
Facial Features: Always hidden behind her white helm and visor, she has a heart shaped face, and sharp eyes paired with a medium dainty nose. two lines of dim bio lights streak down her upper cheeks, reminiscent of tear lines. Two pairs of audial fins, the smaller of which movable.
Tattoos: A bunch of UV tattoo's decorate her armor. most don't have meanings, just pretty designs that decorate her frame, but a handful of them do. Her favorite poem transcribed on the end of her "skirt" and the hex code for ivory on the inside on her wrist.
Dogs or Cats?
Birds or Hamsters?
Red or Blue?
Yellow or Green?
Black or White?
Coffee or Tea?
Ice Cream or Cake?
Fruits or Vegetables?
Sandwich or Soup?
Magic or Melee?
Sword or Bow?
Summer or Winter?
Spring or Autumn?
The Past or The Future?
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tagged by: @blackwldcw
tagging: @aircommndr @battlexworned @wild-at-spark @almost-nearly-perfect @loverbot-9000 @autobotstarscream @autobotmedic AND who ever see's this that hasn't done it yet.
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ash-and-books · 1 year
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Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb: From New York Times bestselling YA author Rebecca Mix comes the first book in a breathtaking middle grade fantasy duology about a young fairy who has always lived in her heroic grandmother’s shadow, but now must step up and embark on a quest to save her mother from the ever-creeping mold overtaking their world. Perfect for readers who loved Brandon Mull's Fablehaven, The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau, and Endling: The Last by Katherine Applegate.
The mold takes all.Twelve-year-old fairy Canary Mossheart knows this better than most. A few years ago, the mold took her papa, and even her famous, former-chosen-one Gran never found a cure. So when Ary's beloved mama falls ill, Ary decides it’s taken enough. Armed with only a bucket and a prayer, she sneaks out to find a magical, underground lake whose healing waters are straight out of Gran’s adventures.But when Ary gets there, the lake’s bone dry, and instead of healing waters, she finds a terrifying secret: Her entire world is actually trapped inside a giant terrarium—one they were meant to leave centuries ago. Worse, Gran knew and hid the truth, dooming Ary and her generation to a dying, rotting world.Now, allied with only her doomsday-obsessed frenemy, a timid pill bug, and a particularly grumpy newt, Ary has one week to unravel the clues and find a way out of the terrarium—or they’ll be trapped for good. .
In a world where fairies live inside a terrarium that is being consumed by mold and slowly dying... one girl will have to find a way to go on the journey that her grandmother had gone on, break the curse, and free the fairies from the terrarium if she wants to save her mother. Canary Mossheart is the granddaughter of the great hero who saved the terrarium... or so they say. The terrarium is being overrun by mold, food is scarce, and people are dying. When the mold starts increasing and Ary’s mother is infected, she knows she must go find a way to cue her mother and that means going on the quest that her grandmother had gone on all those years except her grandmother has been hiding so many secrets and has so many lies and when she discovers the truth, it will change everything she ever knew about her family and her world. Ary embarks on a journey with nothing more than the hope in her heart, making unlikely friends, and discovering her own family secrets. This was such an enchanting and epic adventure, it’s the first book in the duology but it ends so well and I can’t wait to see where the next book goes. Arya is just trying to save her mother and living in her grandmother’s shadow is not easy, especially when everyone compares her to her grandmother. Arya just wants to find a place for herself, to save her family, and to prove that she is worthy. The story blends magic with adventure and high stakes with a bit of horror and I had a blast!!
*Thanks Netgalley and HarperCollins Children's Books, Balzer + Bray for sending me an arc in exchange for na honest review*
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dsantine · 1 year
Blessing of Samba
It's better to be happy than to be sad Happiness is the best thing that exists it's like a light in the heart
But to make a samba with beauty it takes quite a bit of sadness it takes quite a bit of sadness but it doesn't make a samba, no!
Otherwise, it's like loving a woman who is just beautiful, so what? A woman has to have something besides beauty Anything sad, anything that cries Anything what feels wistful A bruised love swing A beauty that comes from the sadness of knowing herself a woman Made just to love To suffer for your love And to be just forgiveness
Making samba is not telling a joke and whoever makes samba like that is nothing the good samba is a form of prayer
Because samba is the sadness that sways and sadness always has a hope sadness always has a hope for a day of not being sad anymore no!
Like those people who walk around playing with life Be careful comrade life is for real And make no mistake, there is only one Two even if it's good
No one will tell me they have Without proving very well proven With a certificate issued by a notary in the sky And signed underneath: God And with a recognized signature!
Life is no joke, friend Life is the art of encounter Although there is so much mismatch in life There is always a woman waiting for you With eyes full of affection And hands full of forgiveness Put some love in your life as in your samba
Put a some love on a beat and you'll see that nobody in the world beats the beauty that has a samba, no!
Because samba was born there in Bahia And if today he is white in poetry If today he is white in poetry He's too black at heart
I, for example, the captain of the bush Vinicius de Moraes poet and diplomat The blackest white in Brazil In the direct line of Xangô, Saravá!
The Blessing, Madam The biggest ialorixá in Bahia Land of Caymmi and João Gilberto The Blessing, Pixinguinha You who cried on the flute All my love hurts
The blessing, Sinhô, the blessing, Cartola Blessing, Ismael Silva Your blessing, Heitor dos Prazeres The Blessing, Nelson Cavaquinho The Blessing, Geraldo Pereira The blessing, my good Cyro Monteiro You, Nono's nephew
The Blessing, Noel, Your Blessing, Ary The blessing, all the great Brazilian samba dancers white, black, mulatto Beautiful like the soft skin of Oxum
The blessing, maestro Antonio Carlos Jobim Dear partner and friend That you've traveled so many songs with me And there are still so many to travel The Blessing, Carlinhos Lyra partner one hundred percent
You who unite action with feeling and to the thought The blessing, the blessing, Baden Powell New friend, new partner That you made this samba with me Blessing, friend
The blessing, maestro Moacir Santos You are not one, you are many My Brazil of All Saints Including my São Sebastião Saravá! The blessing, that I'm leaving I will have to say goodbye
Put a some love on a beat and you'll see that nobody in the world beats the beauty that has a samba, no!
Because samba was born there in Bahia And if today he is white in poetry If today he is white in poetry He's too black at heart
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Full moon reading
This is an idea I thought of several years ago, back when Pick-a-Card readings were ragingly popular. I always want to do trendy things in my own way, so I thought: maybe it’d be interesting to do “Pick a Question” readings.... Basically: there are 4 questions below and you can pick any that you feel drawn to, maybe even more than one; the readings, as my attempt to answer the questions, will be posted below. 
[[I think I might try to do these for new and full moons; depending on how they do maybe I’ll extend the regularity. This one is based on the full moon astrology horoscope I did, where I saw that emotional stability and insecurity are going to be somewhat prominent themes.]]
1.) How can I better balance my emotions this year? 2.) What unwarranted criticisms do I hold against myself? 3.) What spiritual message is waiting for me? 4.) How have I been neglecting my inner world lately?
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Question 1 (Group 1)
For this question’s group there seems to be a lot of material pressure and heavy weight atop the shoulders, metaphorically speaking. I get a sense of overstimulation and an imbalance regarding time for others and time for the self. “The Universe” card shows a need to reconnect with a greater force than the self, potentially through ‘prayer’ - whatever that means for you - or meditation. Overall when things get too intense it’s a call to shift perspective and remember the great force of life that protects and connects us all. Regardless of any emotional situation going on, the energy of “god” (for lack of a better word) or the Universe is always accessible and willing to help you, especially when emotions get too hard to handle. <3  
The King of Pentacles is a sign that there needs to be a check in with the state of the physical body; if the body is saying it needs rest then it’s probably time to listen. Ignoring the body’s cues can lead to emotional difficulties and imbalances that last for long periods of time. The Hierophant reversed shows that some element of emotional imbalance is coming from old beliefs that need dismantling, and they are beliefs around personal authority, responsibility, and also money (possibly). The knight of Pentacles reversed shows insecurity in direction that is aimed toward material satisfaction, and this could come from a lack of confidence around methods of practice or routines. Sometimes when we second guess ourselves and the decisions we’ve made or have to make it can bring major anxiety. Making strong, clear and confident decisions and sticking to them (like the king of Swords) is potentially highly important now, if you’ve chosen question 1.  
The Star reversed along with the three of Cups reversed can show that your shining light is currently being dimmed. Too much stimulation or over-extending help to others can cause this. It’s important to be able to balance between nurturing others and nurturing the self, as I’ve said earlier. 
With the Lion (Leo), Aries and Venus cards there is a call to prioritize confidence and self acceptance over pleasing others and maintaining the status quo (reference back to the reversed hierophant. Perhaps someone in this group has a fire sign Venus (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius) which would bring a need for unapologetic expressions of love (for the self and others) and a warm, positive outlook on the situations life may find one in at any given time. 
Thanks so much for sticking with me through this reading; I really hope it resonates!
Question 2 (Group 2)
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This question is all about how you may be criticizing yourself in ways that are inaccurate or that should be released. The World (Reversed) shows that you maybe criticize yourself in terms of experience, or lack thereof. There’s also something here about finding it difficult to complete things, or that  maybe you feel like you have too much left undone in your life, with many loose-ends flinging around everywhere. This coupled with the Ace of Swords (reversed) shows that you might criticize your own ideas and communication style. You maybe don’t see yourself as someone who’s smart enough to succeed in certain ways, which is inaccurate. 
The hermit has showed up to remind you that you are an incredibly wise soul in your own right, but the page of Wands (reversed) shows the possibility that you humble yourself a lot and could maybe be afraid to stand out in some respects; maybe you’re somewhat cautious by nature and it’s difficult to be seen and understood. 
The knight of swords under the World Reversed shows that you have a desire to go out and accomplish big things - that in reality (maybe, if this resonates) you have a bright and focused mind, with the potential for major movement forward, as long as thoughts are directed toward clarity and purpose versus overthinking. The 10 of Swords under the ace represents the worst being over, and I feel this relates to ideas or perceptions of failure. Swords are thoughts and ideas, and the Ace of Swords reversed can indicate fears of failure in some ways. With the High Priestess reversed underneath The Hermit it shows me that you have a powerful inner wisdom that needs to be called on rather than downplayed or ignored. 
The 6 of Cups reversed underneath the Page of Wands shows some connection to the past, particularly to childhood somehow. Maybe childhood wounds are coming up to be healed, or your inner child is ready to be activated in some way in order to assist you out of certain painful mental difficulties. 
[[For this pile 2 extra cards fell out, which means you’re meant to receive more messages. The 2 of Swords paired with the 6 of Wands reversed shows that Victory is awaiting you somehow but you may be hesitating. There’s a reminder here that your path in life is sound and that you no longer need to hesitate to claim victory]] 
With the Mercury, Moon and the Part of Fortune cards, the message could be that your path to fortune lies within the synthesis of your mind and your emotions. It may be difficult for you to recognize what is fear or over caution, and what is your intuition guiding you to appropriate circumstances. Tuning in more to your innermost voice will help alleviate a lot of life’s confusion. Thank you so, so much for finishing this reading. I hope it makes sense!! Have an awesome New Year :D
Question 3 (Group 3)
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For this group I’m sensing a need to recognize and integrate duality in some way. The 2 of Wands reversed shows a spiritual numbness, aloofness or detachment. With the Knight of wands reversed there’s a sense of apathy or lack of passion. The 7 of Cups represents the expansion of perspective, the changing of eyes and wandering into “higher dimensions” of thought. 
Temperance reversed shows a stuckness - a need to reinvent the energetic flow and deeply heal. Unity versus polarity is a major focus for this card. The tricky thing about recognizing Universal unity is that it’s sort of a paradox. To say everything and everyone is one means to somewhat reject the reality of the polarity we experience, which to humanity is very real. To say that polarity and extremes are the only reality, though, is to plainly state that unity of all things is simply an illusion. Somewhere in between could potentially be an important contemplation for you, group 3. There is no real spiritual truth or “right way” to follow the ethereal senses, and being one who’s in touch with the concept of “God” requires constant flexibility and the embracing of nuance, as sometimes many things can be true and untrue all at once.
The 10 of Swords reversed speaks of past things coming up to be rehashed, and with the two of wands reversed it may be speaking of karma, to some extent. The wands suit represent the spirit, and the two of wands indicates choices or alternative pathways of some kind. It also represents the synthesizing of philosophies with another person. Perhaps at this time you feel isolated in your spiritual beliefs; past karma can be cleared and new potential recognized in time. The three of Wands shows a new phase: a great and stretching landscape that is ready for building on, but it being under the knight of wands reversed - it’s almost as though the spark for such a vision is weak or trapped. By clearing and extending your spiritual perspective you might begin to see balance in your ethereal vision again.
The Queen of Wands underneath the 7 of Cups represents the inner flame, as Wands are the spirit and ruled by the element fire. As an energy the Queen of wands is bold, daring and unwavering. Somewhere in the spirit is an undying passion for something, but it may be blocked as certain areas of life need to be synthesized and balanced before the fire can be felt. The Queen of Pentacles reversed shows a need to get in touch with the spirit of nature; perhaps you could work with elementals or ancient tree spirits. Either way it’s true that the frequency of the Earth itself has the ability to restore and heal us more deeply than many other things. Thank you so much for making it to the end of this. I truly hope it makes sense! <3 Happy New Year!
Question 4 (Group 4) 
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Question 4 (Group 4):
For group 4 we have the question “How have I been neglecting my inner world?” The focus for this reading is what may need attention or an outlet as of now, when it comes to the internal state. The 2 of Pentacles shows a need for establishing a center, or simplifying. There is the theme of “quality over quantity” that popped into my head when I saw this card. It’s one that speaks of complete busyness and standing on tiptoe, trying to maintain an overly elaborate schedule. The material world feels chaotic and somewhat confusing, and so finding inner peace might be something that currently needs priority. With the Queen of Pentacles showing up underneath the 2 of Pentacles there’s a call to get back to the basics, to release what isn’t solely needed and get back into a simpler (maybe even slower) rhythm. 
The Page of Wands represents inquisitiveness, bravery, enthusiasm and curiosity. It comes up when there’s a need to initiate new passions or perspectives, and when it’s time to start going after “the thing”. Whatever it is that brings warmth and excitement is worth being brought into being; this is a time to start thinking of where you want to go. Where does your attention feel the most pulled? What new thing is greatly exciting? What new life experience do you want to experience next? That is the focus of the Page of Wands. Having the world reversed underneath it speaks of unfinished experiences, or things waiting to be explored. Perhaps even revisiting certain physical places through traveling is called for now.  The 6 of Swords is the card of transition and change. It talks of going from one phase to another, often with an entirely new sort of environment and circumstance. The 6 of Swords also brings a message of peace and the pursuit of a calmer mindset. 
The page of Swords brings re-enforcement of the message of initiating new experiences, but with swords the subject is thoughts, ideas and communication. You may need to pursue an intellectual idea and not ignore certain powerful inspirations. With the 7 of Swords under it there is a hinting toward social unfairness, which I found interesting. It may be time to question whether you’re being treated properly or fairly. Are people respecting your mind and your ideas? It may be time to restructure or shift your social circle entirely, especially with the Libra and Aquarius card showing up, which are two of the most social signs in the zodiac. 
Thank you so much for reading this til the end. I hope it resonates somewhat and that you have a beautiful new year!
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blankspacebye · 4 months
Love doesn't need to feel like love
This is not a months-long research, nor am I desperately searching for you— mentally and physically wounded — to find out what, how, and why you can always be mentioned in all the prayers that follow the universe’s blessings. The click of my turbulent keyboard is louder than the rumble of longing. I endure a fanatical love while the shadowy scroll of your almost melancholic smile plays across the nerves of my brain. The final closure is from my attempt to take on the role of mother to teach you how to spell. I think you can find love anywhere, but the warm home I want is only in you.
The Greeks had eight words for different types of love and we question whether love should be thrown around so loudly. For me it’s as simple as the digital images and fragments we send each other, “it’s you”, “we”, or the occasional “do you want me to make you coffee?” followed by “oh, you don’t drink coffee, go for teabags instead, or do you prefer milk?”, the endless grocery lists and random account numbers your mom asks you to jot down, “I’ll be home soon, do you need anything?”. It’s not a research journal, but I’m not talking out of my ass.
Shoelaces that spell infinity in their loops, something from your youthful version of a beautiful forever without a care in the world for the existence of the word temporary. Growing up means you have to keep getting up after every meltdown. You have to scream at the top of your lungs and hide in the bathroom. You have to keep talking to yourself with your head almost broken, “It’s okay, you did well. Let’s try again tomorrow”.
Among the violent history of humans who have no manners, the stories where heads find shoulders to mourn, the insolent actions of demon-friended tongues who try to forcefully interfere in your affairs. I hope you continue to find the forgiveness to forgive yourself again. I hope you continue to choose life again and again.
Oh, who says you always have to lose? You can be tired, even through the days when it seems impossible to breathe, you find a way to be a breath of fresh air to y(our) lives that are on the brink of death. A thread of help is brought into existence through your generous hands. Today you are the red rose that blooms above the entrance to the cursed house.
I’m not in a state of research. Several times I’ve exchanged my thoughts with humans who are in love “what’s the reason you like him?”, “what part of him do you like?”. Maybe someone on the other side will answer simply that seeing you laugh makes her happy, or maybe she needs to shiver first, needs to unravel the emotion so she can say I love you. Ans today, let me help convey the feelings of those who are reluctant because the wet blur has blocked their view.
Love will knock on my door on a summer night with neatly trimmed hair. Love will be born in the month of April and have the star sign of Aries. Love will wear her favorite color all the time and carry burdens in her hands willingly. I thought I knew exactly what l o v e looked like. But no, not quite.
Love does come in summer— just not at night. Love is not clean-cut, love’s hair curls and is soft, long, and messy. Love isn’t an Aries, love isn’t born in April; love is born in every month, day, and year just right I wish you a long life. Love exchanges “I love you” with different people because love is you in kindness. And love? love is your mother’s favorite, without a doubt, that woman talks about love like her own child and I listen I watch I see and I believe.
And as if your name wasn’t something very special, but when the letters of your existence died on the tip of love’s tongue, I felt like being embraced by your mother for the first time. Love, why do you radiate so much love?
The pain you’ve incurred along the way will be overgrown by hundreds of flower arrangements. If it’s a happy meeting, the whole world hopes that your happiness never leads to forgetting, about this day, about all the buried memories and tears, and about the old version of you before you could stand tall. All I know is that you are unbelievably beautiful, you truly are half of perfectly. One day you will not only leave behind a trail of flourishing flowers but also a heart that is drenched in the brightest of colors by your lively laughter. I pray for the wounds of your body that may not have healed yet, for when those of us who can still be together with everything on the right and the left as it is; take care, and stay tight.
For all the good prayers, aamin.
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ducksbellorum · 7 months
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Pro Aris (listen/download)
a CHBOLC mix - part one - arranged by ducksbellorum
l.i.f.e.g.o.e.s.o.n. - noah and the whale
What you don't have now
will come back again
You've got heart and
you go in your own way
walk it talk it - migos
Heard you signed your life
for that brand new chain
Think it came with stripes but
you ain't straight with the gang
nothing suits me like a suit - neil patrick harris
To score a 10 would be just fine
But I'd rather be dressed to the nines!
It's a truth you can't refute
Nothing suits me like a suit
both - gucci mane ft. drake
I don't usually do this
'less I'm drunk or I'm high
But I'm both right now
and I need ya in my life
i’m a believer - smash mouth
Then I saw her face,
now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind
I'm in love
feel it still - portugal the man
Am I coming out of left field?
Ooh, I'm a rebel just for kicks now
I been feeling it since 1966 now
Might be over now, but I feel it still
walking on sunshine - katrina and the waves
I feel alive, I feel the love,
I feel the love that's really real
I'm on sunshine, baby,
Oh, yeah, I'm on sunshine
big god - florence and the machine
You need a big god
Big enough to hold your love
You need a big god
Big enough to fill you up
mama do the hump - rizzle kicks
Yo, it's been a long week
How I've got this much
energy is beyond me
I just want all of these girls
grenade - bruno mars
I'd catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya
thunder/young dumb and broke medley - imagine dragons and khalid
You always say I'm wrong,
I'm pretty sure I'm right
They say you're basic,
they say you're easy
tomorrow - annie
The sun will come out
So ya gotta hang on
'Til tomorrow
party like a rockstar - shop boyz
Party like a rockstar,
totally dude
I'm on a money makin' mission
but I party like a rockstar
the bus is late - satellite high
Waiting for the bus
Where is the bus?
The bus is late
Waiting for the bus in the rain
proud to be an american - lee greenwood
I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land! God bless the U.S.A.
lord i need you - matt maher
Lord, I need You, oh, I need You
Every hour I need You
My one defense, my righteousness
Oh God, how I need You
party up - dmx
Y'all gon' make me act a fool
Up in here, up in here
Y'all gon' make me lose my cool
Up in here, up in here
holy is the lord - chris tomlin
It's rising up all around
It's the anthem of the Lord's renown
And together we sing
Everyone sing
stir fry - migos
Dance with my dogs
in the nighttime
In the kitchen,
wrist twistin' like it's stir fry
livin on a prayer - bon jovi
We've gotta hold on
to what we've got
It doesn't make a difference
if we make it or not
don’t stop believing - journey
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin' somewhere in the night
Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
(i’ve had) the time of my life - dirty dancing
I've had the time of my life
No, I never felt this way before
Yes, I swear it's the truth
And I owe it all to you
these streets - bastille
We'll walk upon these streets
and think of little else
So I won't show my
face here anymore
i’m in the lord’s army - cedarmont kids
I may never fly o'er the enemy,
But I'm in the Lord's army!
Yes Sir!
I'm in the Lord's army!
soldiers of god - bing crosby
Soldiers of God, we serve Him faithfully,
And march in His name
Through thunder and flame
Wherever the call may be.
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