#always making it more about sanuso for obvious reasons
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
Late Valentine post (really late holy shit)
But zeff is not great at gift giving and his default was just chocolate and flowers but he remembered the yasopp doesn't like chocolate (usopp doesn't like chocolate either) and fucking panicked and he called up his son for help. Sanji being the hopeless romantic instead of talking through snail he physically visits his dad to help him with Valentine's Day gifts. He ended up buying most of the stuff I'm going a little bit overboard. Like he didn't need the stuff seeking nor did he need the wine but his son gets lost in the moment and just picks up anything he thinks is nice. He honestly forgot why he was there and just started buying stuff for usopp
This is so cute 😭💙💛 It doesn't matter that you're late to Valentine's Day because this was definitely worth it!!
Zeff has never been good at gift-giving, actually. The first Christmases/Birthdays he had with Sanji were... A bit difficult. Sanji wasn't expecting any gifts at all, and Zeff had never had a son before, so what was he supposed to do? He was a pirate! He's not made for these things. But it was so sad to see his little Eggplant not asking for anything or even being excited about it that he started getting him stuff. But Sanji was an easy kid, you know? At least he used to be before he started getting into tailored suits and big romantic gestures. When he was a kid, even a small book brought joy to his face. A new knife. A new apron. Whatever the kids were into nowadays-- Zeff literally had no idea what kids were into, he just knew his kid was into cooking, so he got him the stuff he liked. Never animals, though, he had enough of him befriending random rats if they ever got inside the restaurant (happened once, never again. Zeff almost murders Sanji for feeding the little thing).
The man has never been good at this, right? So when he finally dates (kind of dating. Sort of. It's complicated. They have something romantic going on) somebody after years of not even thinking about it... He needs to ask Sanji for advice. It's a bit too embarrassing to do so, you know, asking your own child for romantic advice. But at the end of the day, Sanji is the most romantic person in the world. And at the end of the day, Zeff can just say he's asking him in case his boyfriend knows something about it (actually, Zeff personally asks Usopp but the guy just stands there like "??? My father left me when I was a kid and we recently started talking again, do you really think I know what he likes? But he doesn't like chocolate. Oh- You've already tried that? Huh. He likes fish? And dancing? I don't know, man, he's your boyfriend." / "Please, don't say that to my dad." / "Babe, you need to start moving on from this, you're literally the only one acting like a fifteen-year-old seeing his father kiss someone for the first time."
Sanji ends up visiting his dad because he has little to no perception of personal space when it comes to romantic gestures, and if his father, for the first time in his life, is going to show he can do something similar to a grand gesture like that, he doesn't want to miss it. Also, he's sure he's going to mess it up on his own. And he really, really, really doesn't want Usopp's dad to be all sad about it because then that would mean less time with his boyfriend.
I think it'd be really cute if Usopp and Sanji had been together for a while, but since Zeff and Sanji don't see each other much, seeing Sanji's romantic side (actual romantic side and not the 'I wanna fuck every girl that appears in front of me' side) is actually... Liberating? Kind of? It's not that Zeff has been worried about the kid, he can handle himself just fine. But... But it's a relationship they haven't talked about much and it's clearly important to him. So realizing that he has people who love him and somebody he's willing to do something romantic for makes Zeff feel extreme joy. A joy that he would never express out loud because it'd get too quickly to Sanji's head. But yeah.
So they go shopping together! Sanji starts explaining to him different things he can do for Yasopp. Either an activity or maybe just a simple present like wine. Clothes. Maybe a romantic dinner, so they should buy ingredients, too. Fish, because everybody likes it. Usopp only happens to like it too, so Sanji will just use the chance to think about what he should make for his Valentine's dinner. Also, speaking about clothes, Usopp needed a new hat, so he could get that too! And wine is alright, but Usopp is more fond of sweet cocktails rather than wine, so maybe buying something for that would be great. Usopp doesn't like chocolate either, but there are millions of sweets they can try to find. Also candles. So many candles. And perhaps a handwritten note! Because Usopp always leaves drawings around the ship for him, so he should do something like that too. Maybe gloves for his precious hands-
Sanji ends up forgetting about Yasopp, actually, and turns out he's been dragging his father around shops the whole day talking and talking and talking about Usopp. He snaps out of it when Zeff drops the "You care about him a lot, don't you, kid?"
And Sanji doesn't hesitate when he responds laughing at him. "Care about him?" Because to him, that's such simple wording. "I'm in love with him. I don't know about you, old man, but he's the one to me. Saying I care about him is not enough, but you do you."
"Huh. With how much shit you're getting him I hope he feels the same."
"What? Usopp doesn't want all of this."
"The hell are you talking about?"
"I mean- He does want it. And he does enjoy the gifts. But he doesn't care about them? It's not like he's with me for all of this. He always drops some sappy things like 'the only gift I need is being with you'. He doesn't need to get me anything, either."
"And you're okay with that?"
"Are you hearing yourself? Of course I am. The only gift I need is being with him."
"And all of this bullshit, then?"
"I don't expect you to understand since you're a rancid, old, bitter man who somehow managed to date the complete opposite of himself. But... Guess it just feels right to get him things, since he never asks for anything? The first time we did this he thought I wouldn't get him anything, can you believe it?"
"Reminds me of someone."
"Shut up. We need more shopping to do and you still haven't chosen your present."
"What about the whole 'the only gift is being together' shit?"
"Pfft. Do you really think you can pull that off? And on your first Valentine's Day? To a man who was married and had a kid? You haven't been dating that long, even. That is not working for you."
"And what if it did?"
"Then you need to get him a present anyway. I was happy enough being your kid and yet you still got me stuff, didn't you? It's a nice gesture."
Zeff chooses to make Yasopp dinner and have a whole romantic date planned when the Baratie is closed (decorated by Sanji, of course, because who else would've turned the restaurant into a romantic paradise?) and Sanji runs away as quickly as he can from there because he's been thinking about Usopp too much and now he misses him like crazy. And he also needs to get ready for their own Valentine's Day.
I think it would be sweet if Yasopp called Usopp to ask him about Zeff too and ended up doing the same thing as Sanji, except that he only gets him something small and Yasopp starts asking him how is it possible that he (storyteller. Superhero. Extremely over the top all the time) doesn't buy Sanji something more spectacular. Usopp only says that the last time he did something like that for Sanji he ended up having a whole breakdown from how overwhelmed with love he was, so now they choose simpler stuff. But! But Yasopp should not do that and he should definitely do something magnificent instead.
It would be cute if they ended up being extremely exhausted from running around all day long and didn't even want to celebrate Valentine's Day. I think Sanji would try to force himself to be extremely romantic and energetic but Usopp would just drag him to bed with him and go "No. Not today. Me tired. Sleep with you." / "But- But what about-" / "You're a pillow now. Shhh." / "Was it really that tiring?" / "I don't know how my mom married him, my father is awful at this." / "The old man is shitty at romance too. I had to explain to him why not getting Yasopp anything was a bad idea." / "Idiot. The 'you're everything I need' thing only works when-" / "When it's true. Yeah. I still got you something, though." / "Mmm. Me too. But now, sleep." / "It's alright, we'll just eat the fish tomorrow. And the cake. And drink the cocktails. And-" / "Now I'm hungry. Let's go. I hate you." / "But sleeping?" / "Eat first, then sleep." / "You're the love of my life."
And then both couples have very cute and romantic Valentine's dates 🫶
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 5 months ago
Oooh how about top 5 favorite OP ships and characters? And Top 5 songs you've listened to this year?
(put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer)
top ships… well, number one should be pretty obvious.
shuggy - if i need to explain why, you have not spent much time on this blog, lol.
sanuso - you can blame beanie for this one, i vaguely thought they were cute before i followed her & ✨saw the light✨
zotash - tbh i'm not sure whether i still ship these two romantically, but i am always gonna be obsessed with their dynamic and hungry for more scenes between them, so they belong on the list.
frobin - yeah, it’s kinda basic, but imo that’s because it’s kinda obvious? that train ride to enies lobby, man—i’m still not over it. plus, the addams family vibes fanon entertains me.
hm. i feel like i’m forgetting a pair i’m really into. i like namivivi, i’m intrigued by crochawk, but neither one has a real tight grip on me atm. well, i can’t think of another ship, so i guess those two can share fifth place.
favorite characters! i’ve done a top 3 before, but top 5 gets a little trickier.
a couple strawhats should be ranked above ace if i’m being honest, but my marineford re-reads have had me getting weepy over ace, so he’s getting a tenderheart boost.
as far as songs go… i don’t use a service like spotify that monitors my most listened tracks or anything, so this is just broad guessing on my part.
something by mitski. i suspect if i could get the data for a top ten, she’d make up half of it—and only partly because i kept listening to her songs while trying to figure out which lyrics to use for my fics. “i’m your man” has the lyrics i think about the most, but “your best american girl” has been on my mind lately for… obvious reasons. (lmao, just remembered while pulling that link up that my reasons for lingering on “i’m your man” are similarly obvious.)
something by jack de quidt. the soundtracks they’ve composed for friends at the table’s various campaigns, one-shot games, and friends-of-the-show’s podcasts’ theme songs are all very good instrumental listening. the marielda album is a long-time favorite, while sangfielle and palisade are two recent albums of very different kinds of eerie music.
something off M A N I A. that album’s been my most played every year since it came out in 2017, oof, every song is at least danceable if not a bop. i’ve wanted a deadpool vid set to “wilson (expensive mistakes)” for so long, and a castiel vid set to “sunshine riptide” for longer.
something by abba. not sure what got me back on the abba train—the one song episode about gimme gimme gimme? the let’s learn everything episode about eurovision? generalized mamma mia nostalgia? whatever it was, i’ve been relistening to their music a lot this year. love a pop band with good harmonies.
”speeding cars” by imogen heap. she played this song during her npr tiny desk concert in 2019 and it absolutely made my week. no idea how i found this 2006 b-side, let alone listened to it so much that it produced that kind of reaction a decade later, but there you have it.
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dandywonderous · 8 months ago
i love how people make sanuso and you showing me this trio.. idk my brain is expanding
I'm really sad that I got into Sanji/Nami/Usopp so late into my serious OP fan days because it means I only wrote one fic for it and honestly I should have been out here pushing my rare trio from the beginning because IT'S SO GOOD
like I'm already drawn to any combo of pairings between the original East Blue Crew to begin with because like... I love all the characters a lot (especially Robin) but there's something about the OG five, like they're the ones who faced Arlong together, they're the ones who entered the Grand Line together, like there's something just special about that, an experience you can't take away.
but then combining those three in particular...
first of all I feel like they fit for me because they are like the most... Normal People (tm) of the Straw Hats (this is a very relative designation lol). and I feel like most people would agree with that for Nami and Usopp but Sanji is a harder sell, because he's part of the monster trio, and he has an absolutely insane backstory, BUT 1) Sanji has the most Normal Job, he's done actual work under a boss, he's been a waiter, 2) Sanji's True Insane Backstory came so late in the game it can't erase the decade+ of him being just the guy who wears Doskoi Panda aprons and washes dishes and is just Real Good At Kicking for some reason. and like in general Sanji's reactions to things happening usually line up more with Nami and Usopp's in terms of like, reacting like a normal person to the insane shit that is happening all the time, even if he knows he can kick the insane shit in the face
also there's just the fact that Usopp is afraid of everything but not bugs, while Nami and Sanji are terrified of bugs, which is especially funny in Sanji's case, like Usopp is already filling a crucial spot in the dynamic here as "partner that gets rid of spiders"
Usopp and Nami especially as the most Normal People (tm) have a really strong bond and you also always get the vibe that the two of them probably spend a lot of time dishing gossip with each other while between islands, like Usopp and Nami definitely vibe with each other when Usopp isn't acting like one of the kids. and it's easy to slot Sanji into that catty dynamic, too. also while Sanji still has a very "ew men" attitude toward Usopp, it's always felt a bit more dialed back? maybe it's just because if Sanji actually kicked Usopp for real he would turn every bone in Usopp's body to dust LOL but there's lots of moments of Sanji just interacting very cutely with Usopp, and they'll dance together and stuff like that, IDK IT'S ADORABLE I have always loved them platonically and the romantic step of SanUso was kind of obvious
and then I already shipped SaNa before so that all slots together
and they have lots of great moments as a trio, I haven't been caught up with OP in years so there's probably even more I don't know about, but obvious ones off the top of my head are everything that happens in Skypiea and a good chunk of Thriller Bark.
this post is very rambly and probably doesn't make a lot of sense but my point is that this threesome just Works for me. it's cute. I want them to smooch.
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mitskikissme · 3 years ago
I need to talk about this or I'll explode but bad habit but steve lacy is such a sanuso song. I'm going rabid rn.
I wish I knew you wanted me???
That's definitely from sanjis perspective maybe post timeskip
Here's my hc( mind u I'm in water 7 rn and have not caught up to op yet!!) Spoilers for water 7!!!!!
Okay so usopp most definitely admires sanji and his strength and how he seems very sure of himself the way he presents himself to others the way he talks the way he fights everything!! (I actually think sanji is pretty insecure but is vry good at covering it up. But usopp doesnt rlly see that and just sees him as this super cool suave dude) bro definitely has a crush on sanji for sureee
But usopp also seems very insecure and believes hed obviously never have a chance so even tho it hurts him he comes to terms with the fact that nothing is ever gonna happen there. Like when u have a crush but ur like yeah no way in hell am I ever confessing <3
Anyway sanji is most likely oblivious to all this lmao. He definitely treats usopp better compared to other male characters and I think its because deep down he likes usopp too he just doesnt know how to process those feelings cos man is repressed as hell😭. So he thinks yeah that's just normal friendship definitely doesnt mean anything that I'm always worried about him and enjoy his company more than anyone elses and make snacks specifically for him and take into consideration what stuff he likes or wants to protect him in fights or takes time to ask about his hobbies and is genuinely interested in what hes doing and believes in his abilities even when usopp doesnt believe in himself.
Also listen during water seven when usopp and luffy are fighting the fact that sanji kicks them both and looks so genuinely scared and hurt that luffy implied usopp should leave makes me so insane. And personally I never thought sanji would be the voice if reason I expected him to be like yeah usop let it go and stop trying to disobey your captains orders so It threw me for a loop cos sanji was so adamant on not letting usopp leave and was standing up for him. I am foaming at the mouth btw Anyway
The 2 yr timeskip happens and usopp gets jacked but also matures and grows and I love him so so much he realizes so much about himself and oh yeah also crush on sanji? Bros over it. Hes moved on and is okay being friends and just personally dealt with his feelings and grew in such a healthy way for himself. Like yes it hurt, change and growth are painful but inevitable and time passes. Feelings change and that's okay.
Sanji grows and matures too and comes to accept alot of things about himself and is more comfortable in his own skin and identity! And he starts to realize zamnn usopp has also grown and changed and bettered himself and has such a lively air to him and overall is more confident!?
Then maybe someone in passing (like zoro) mentions something like oof too late loverboy that ship sailed so long ago hella missed ur chance. And sanji malfunctions!!!
Hes like um what?????!?!?!
They're like um yeah it was so obvious hed always follow u around like a lost puppy and sanjis like um this is news to me bruh???? Anyway it hits him that yeah he had a chance. As in had!! Not rlly anymore and he has to come to terms with that.
'I wish I knew you wanted me' also " were you not too good for me my dear?" Like come on its writing itself tbh. I feel the song is in sanjis perspective thinking about how he never realized usopp feelings and how he genuinely cannot believe that usopp had feelings for him considering how much more insecure he was pre timeskip and how he sees usopp as such a caring and loving person and is actually a little bit jealous of how emotions seem to come so easily from usopp. So maybe if they were both mature and not so emotionally stunted/ repressed/insecure in themselves, maybe just maybe??? Something could've happened there.
This is all just my hc so take it with a grain of salt LMAOO. I actually like to imagine them happy but oof I'm a sucker for angst!!
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
Zoro trying to wingman sanuso into dating because their longing for each other is disruptive to his daily routine, only he is completely shit at it because his idea of romance is the unhinged bullshit he has with Luffy. Nami figures out what Zoro is trying to do after 2 months and manages to get Sanji and Usopp together under a week and then Zoro continues suffering because them dating is just as bad as Sanji sighing wistfully after Usopp every hour of the day and Usopp getting distracted by Sanji's legs during bathtime and slipping and almost cracking his head open. Now they just run around calling each other petnames and Sanji handfeeding Usopp food and sitting in his lap and it's making him cringe
This is perfect. Absolutely amazing. Anon, I'd love to kiss your brain.
Zoro is so done with them. He's always been really close to Usopp, so now that he has a crush on Sanji, he's the one dealing with it. It's fucking awful. Because Usopp keeps saying (lying) that he doesn't like Sanji. Then, Zoro goes to Sanji and asks if he likes Usopp and he lies too, because why the hell would he confess his feelings to fucking mosshead of all people? And Zoro has to deal with Usopp being head over heels for the cook every damn day (like, literally, looking for excuses to talk to Sanji. Spending the time in the kitchen with him. Always talking about him when Zoro is around. Flirting with him in the most obvious of ways. Fucking up in battle because he's focused on Sanji. Etc). But the pining isn't the only issue, because there's more. Sanji keeps flirting with women and Usopp is always devastated when that happens or unreasonably angry at everything, frustrated. And Zoro is the one who has to deal with it because for some fucking reason the sniper decided one day that they were best friends and Zoro accepted because he's stupid (and he's regretting all the decisions he made two years ago). Sanji is also fucking annoying because he keeps swooning over Usopp like a dog in heat and he's oh, so in love that it physically hurts to watch. Like, quite literally hurts because he keeps holding himself back from treating Usopp the way he treats his crushes and the frustration always goes to Zoro and they always end up fighting again and again and again. And don't get him wrong, Zoro likes to fight with Sanji. That's their whole thing. But he needs his own personal time too.
So Zoro's like "Fuck it. If these two are not gonna get together on their own, I'll do it myself". But, as you said, his whole concept of romance is really fucked up because his love for Luffy is completely different and the way he shows affection is way more complicated than what Sanuso does. Zoro has the brilliant idea to put both of them in danger so the other will save him, for some reason. It never ends up well and he's the one saving them in the end or he ends up fighting Sanji once again. It's getting even more annoying now. So you can erase "saving each other" from the list, because Zoro does not know how to make plans and it always ends up horribly wrong or with them saving themselves. Then he tries "possessiveness", but ends up erasing that too because unlike him (who's always all over Luffy) both Sanji and Usopp end up having depressive episodes every damn time Zoro says the other likes somebody else or puts that idea in their heads. Fucking idiots with low self-esteem. And so Zoro's like "maybe I can just go and put them in a dark room together" but Sanji apparently is fucking frightened of the dark and Usopp doesn't know how to get out so it's pretty much both of them having panic attacks until Zoro helps them out. And, idk, maybe he even tries to put messages in Usopp's food so he thinks Sanji's the one who wrote them! But he always ends up mistaking the dishes and he doesn't even know how to write stuff with food so it either ends up looking horrible or in the hands of somebody who isn't Usopp. Etc, etc, etc. He's so fucking done-
Nami notices because, unlike him, she isn't stupid. And she gets them together extremely quickly. And it's as easy as:
Nami: Hi, Sanji-san, are you busy tonight? Sanji: Of course not, my dearest! For you, I'm always free! Nami: Awesome! And you, Usopp? Usopp: Huh? Yeah. Well. I think so? Why? Nami: Great! Well, I am busy. And I had this reservation at this really expensive restaurant on this island? It would be such a waste of food, right Sanji-san? Sanji: Of course, my angel! I would never! Nami: Why don't you two go together? Usopp: Wait- What? Nami- Nami, hey- We talked about this don't- Sanji: You don't wanna go with me? :( <- Saddest wet cat face ever Usopp: Of course I do! Who said I didn't?! Nami: Perfect! It's a date, then! Usopp: A WHAT? Sanji: Nami-
And she just- She just fucking leaves without a word.
It turns out surprisingly well... For Sanji and Usopp, of course. Things just get worse for Zoro.
Because it's not only the fact that Nami won't stop reminding him that she was the one who got them together and he wasn't even able to do it. But on top of it all, Sanji and Usopp become the clingiest, sappiest, most annoying couple in the whole world.
He now has to deal with Sanji feeding Usopp and sitting really close at lunchtime. Usopp being extra dramatic and loud when telling stories to impress Sanji and dancing around with him. Sanji cooking all of Usopp's favorite meals at least once a week. Them always making out during bathtime and being extremely touchy. Usopp leaving notes around for Sanji that Zoro always finds first. Sanji fucking yelling all the time to call for Usopp. Them kissing mid-battle or being extremely distracted by each other. Even when they're sitting together as a group, they're sitting on top of each other.
It's disgusting. Not because Zoro hates love or he's cynical or whatever, because he's obsessed with romance. He just hates the fact that they're so loud about it because his perception of love is just so personal and intimate when it comes to Luffy and- And he likes Usopp. He really loves him a lot (platonically). And Zoro doesn't want him to get hurt. The thought is stupid because, despite their rivalry, he trusts Sanji with his life. But it's just weird.
Then I think one day Usopp is having a rough moment. Or perhaps he's the only one who hasn't woken up yet. The point is that he's on one of the bunk beds sleeping and Zoro thinks it's time to check on him. But then he goes into the room, silently enough for neither of them to notice, and stays for a moment on the door staring at the whole situation. Sanji's kneeling on the side of the bed, caressing Usopp's hair and kissing his face and just whispering things Zoro can't hear but knows he isn't meant to hear anyway. And so he walks away and thinks, well, maybe he's been wrong all along and they do have that sort of intimacy. Just in a different way.
And then Luffy comes to him fucking yelling his name and embracing him completely in the middle of the deck (where everybody is) kissing him all over his face and screaming about how excited he is to spend their day together on the next island.
Zoro just has to laugh. Maybe he doesn't have any right to complain about PDA after all.
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
NO BECAUSE YOU'RE SO FUCKING REAL FOR THIS I ADORE THIS SO MUCH QWJEBQJKBFJBFJEWBFJKWBF (<- crying shaking sobbing) (I am literally writing a fic with the prompt of that post and it makes me go INSANE).
And this is just so funny but so so sweet- Tbh, I always headcanon that Sanuso is already established when WCI happens, and right after WCI Sanji can't stop thinking about weddings and getting married. Whether it's in a positive way or just because he's still trying to forget his experience there--
So he won't stop thinking about it and he heavily considers marriage with Usopp because, I mean, after almost getting married by force and going through the worst time of his life, Sanji is starting to think about what he's going to do after finding the All Blue and the One Piece. And he knows that everything around them is going to change once they do find those, but there's this constant in every situation he imagines and it's that Usopp is always there.
So now I can't stop thinking about what you're saying: Usopp making a ring for Sanji just because (like seriously, there's not a deep, meaningful reason for that, he just makes it because he can and he thought Sanji would like it) and having to pick it up from the floor before giving it to him but it looks like a marriage proposal. Sanji freaks out so much his brain stops working. He's all red. He can't move. He's stuttering. Usopp doesn't know what he should do because he seriously thinks he has fucked up big time now. Sanji just takes the ring and runs to the kitchen without saying a word. I think Usopp wouldn't process what's going on until Nami says: "I'm not one to judge but perhaps it's a bit too soon for that?" and she points to Usopp's position and,, Okay, now Usopp is panicking too.
So he follows Sanji to the kitchen, trying to fix everything, and the first thing he sees is his boyfriend curling up on one of the chairs and staring at the ring. To which, of course, Usopp goes:
"I- I know what it looked like, but I was not- That was not what I was- It was all an accident so don't freak out-" / "I'm not freaking out" / "You kind of stormed off to the kitchen and you'll probably burn the ring if you look at it that much so, uh, maybe you are freaking ou-" / "I am not! Freanking out! I- I- It's not about you, love, my mind is just a mess ever since- Fuck. You know" / "I know... But I am not asking you to marry me. It was a misunderstanding. That's alright! We can forget this ever happened-" / "But what if- What if I don't want to?" / "Come again?" / "Not- Not right now but... But what if I did want to get married. Someday" / "You want to get married to me?" / "Is it that surprising? I thought it was obvious I wanted to get married" / "Yes! But not to me! I thought you'd end up with a pretty picture-perfect girl, not... Me?" / "That's dumb" / "Oh, okay, thank you? People have insecurities, you know?" / "No, I mean- It's dumb. I already had that girl and I don't think I've ever wanted to marry you more than when I was with her. Away from you... I missed you" / "I missed you too. But we don't have to get married now, so don't worry much about it, alright?" / "But would you?" / "Huh?" / "Marry me. If I- If we- If it ever happened. Would you?" / "Now, that's a dumb question".
And Sanji doesn't need Usopp to explain what he means by that because he already knows.
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
What are your thoughts on lusopp? (Luffy x Usopp)
i just woke up so if my words are all over the place that's probably why! being productive right here! waking up early! somebody shoot me! fighting the urge to go back to sleep so i can reply to your silly lil awesome questions! i need a coffee.
AND!!! I REALLY LIKE THE SHIP!!! (just saw you're on impel down so i won't spoil anything!)
i mean, it's not my favorite ship and i'm not crazy about it like, idk, my fiancé is crazy about them (but again, she's crazy about zosan and lawlu and i'm not so we have to deal with each other's bullshit all the time). but i find their relationship really, really interesting and complex and cool to explore. i was just writing a fic about them being besties and super clingy, gonna cry. baby boys.
i personally see them more as just best friends, but hey! if there are cute fanarts and content i'm not going to scroll away!! it's a good and cute ship!!! they're bffs almost instantly and usopp's intelligence really disappears when he's with luffy which is, not only hilarious but extremely refreshing to see. let the anxious boy be dumb and reckless!! they're so chaotic!!
not to mention that it's not only their dynamic that makes them good, but the whole water 7/enies lobby thing. i fear that if i talk about this much i might start sobbing. but, like,,, their fight is the first time we see luffy actively cry on screen. we see luffy losing control of his crew, something he used to have control over. we see luffy lost and act impulsively and not knowing what to do because his best friend and sniper is about to go away and his heart fucking breaks into a million little pieces. because luffy sees usopp's potential and he wants him with the crew, but he can't do anything to help if usopp doesn't believe in himself. and also, the merry, which is another thing luffy loses control over and has to act like a logical captain about it but we all know it's heartbreaking for him too. and then there's usopp, who feels inferior and not worthy of being part of this amazing crew. even though he has shown over and over again to be part of this little family. he just feels like he doesn't belong here. and, you know, he says he's angry because of the merry but we all know the fight isn't about that.
so, we all agree that water 7 is very very peak lusopp (and sanuso, but tbf it's just peak usopp in general because he has great scenes with everyone. especially the monster trio, shout out to my boy zoro), and then enies lobby is when they make up and it's beautiful and heartbreaking and the way usopp yells at luffy to stand up and fight makes me want to curl up on the floor and sob for ages and ages and ag-
and i would go into detail about luffy's character but i don't want to spoil anything, so let's just focus on usopp here:
lusopp's dynamic works well both as a friendship and as a ship, mainly because they're both on the same page when it comes to silly shenanigans. we see them actively enjoying being with each other and doing stupid things together and that's just,,, so sweet. but also, usopp is one of those people that have to ground luffy sometimes and tell him "fuck, no. haha. we're so not doing that" because despite acting silly, he's pretty much more logical and rational than luffy is. but, you know, the reason he's like that most of the time is because he's scared of fucking dying (which i understand. i'd be scared too in that crew. i'm glad nami is always agreeing with him with these things), and he has to be the one to stop luffy (try to, at least. never really works) from doing extremely dangerous things. which is both hilarious and actually pretty cute to watch because it shows us how well usopp knows luffy. it's obvious that they're best friends. dude knows what luffy is going to do minutes before luffy even thinks about doing it. and luffy really, really admires and loves usopp's abilities and strengths and brains. all the things usopp is insecure about? luffy loves them!!!
and, you know, it's a good ship because they have that sort of bff energy, but if you make it romantic and angsty and more intimate? that's just better! i feel like their ship is just- those friendships that turn into romantic relationships but their dynamic doesn't really change at the end of the day? and i find that really endearing.
luffy makes usopp see the best in himself and makes him want to improve as a pirate to follow his dream and feel like he belongs in the crew. usopp makes luffy be a bit more grounded to reality whenever he needs to, and he was the first one to make luffy realize that, well, fuck, he's the captain of a ship and he needs to be responsible and make harsh decisions.
but now that they're together again, luffy is sooo not going to let him go ever again. and usopp will never try to do so because he just wants to keep fighting for him!!!
it's such an endearing and funny and angsty ship. i think i just don't really ship them much because i'm more of a sanuso/zolu kind of person. but at this point just make it poly and everybody is happy (except nami bc she has to deal with the 4 of them being in love and that would be extremely tiring. somebody bring back vivi for her PLEASE).
but yeah, cute ship. not my favorite but awesome to explore and tbh one of my favorite friendships in this show. very underrated but that's just bc usopp is underrated af and it makes my blood boil with anger and the fury of hell itself. that's for another day, though!
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