#always got a keep an eye out for selener
lilidawnonthemoon · 2 years
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yandere-fics · 4 months
♡ Their Reaction To Finding You Sleeping Somewhere Uncomfortable After You Ran Away ♡
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♡ Miriel's angry when she finds you sleeping on a park bench outside after having left her apartment, don't worry, she's not angry at you, you're perfect and can do no wrong even if you are being a bit of a naive... stupid... human at the moment. She's mad at whoever convinced you to leave her in the first place andidn't even provide a warm place for you to sleep, clearly you've been listening to the wrong person, please don't trust their words again, after all she keeps you warm and comfortable whereas they allowed you to sleep on a bench outside, those morons got into your head and didn't even provide accommodation! ♡
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♡ Silly puppy, she's not sure how you got outside, she kept the door locked cause she didn't want anyone else sniffing around her territory and scaring you and she really doesn't understand why you would be sleeping in a motel when you have a very comfortable bed at home with her where it's warm, she'll put you back where you belong though, maybe you left because someone else got inside the apartment, it's okay, she'll hunt down whoever or whatever scared you outside of your apartment and she'll get very thick locks next time so you're reassured of how safe your loyal wolf will keep you. ♡
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♡ Selene will forgive you but that does not mean she's pleased about this. Still she feels you've endured enough punishment by having to be out in the cold forest behind her house, surely now you realize this was stupid and you'll come back inside right? She'll... forgive you just don't do this again, surely your night outside has made you understand how much you love being in her warm eyes at night and while she's angry, mates forgive, so you'll forgive her when she puts a chain on your ankle right? ♡
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♡ She's going to have to hurt you, the moment she sees you trying to sleep on a bench outside, shivering with splinters she realizes she really needs to inflict a lot of pain on you so you can never run again, sure it's extreme but you could have gotten sick out there and clearly the pain from the cold hard bench wasn't enough to make you understand then she needs to inflict serious pain so you'll understand why running from her is a bad idea, she really wants to be soft and gentle with you but you aren't acting like you want comfort. She'll be lenient though even if she's breaking your legs and hurting you, at least you still get to sleep on a nice warm bed! ♡
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♡ She doesn't understand humans, is it a game to be sleeping in a dingy motel, it feels cold here and that bed looks hard, if you wanted to play hide and seek you should have found a more comfortable resting area, when angels play hiding games they always pick somewhere comfortable in case they're hiding for hours, perhaps humans chose somewhere uncomfortable to motivate the seekers to find them quicker, you really didn't have to be concerned with that though, even if you were somewhere very soft and comfortable she'd find you in the same amount of time. ♡
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♡ She isn't sure how to feel, while normally when you run she feels like punishing you and finally allowing you to see her scary side, seeing you sleeping on a bench all alone and sad makes her feel like she needs to take you home, tie you up and take care of you, she's completely in charge of the relationship now though because you don't know how to take care of yourself and she needs to make sure her reason for living is extremely well cared for. ♡
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♡ Runa is not doing good, this really isn't a funny joke to play on your soulmate, is the punchline about how if you didn't have her you'd be sleeping outside on a park bench, it's not funny. It's okay though, once she gets you home she'll keep you very close though you will be uncomfortable for just a bit cause she tore your apartment to pieces. ♡
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♡ Sawyer doesn't know how you even got outside the penthouse, clearly the isolation room won't work as punishment seeing as how you were willing to endure the freezing cold so perhaps her tactic should be showering you in comfort so you realize just how nice things can be inside her loving arms compared to how bad it was when you ventured outside. ♡
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moghedien · 1 year
ok so i was genuinely unsure about how I felt about the way Lanfear was revealed in the moment, but there are three main things that are really selling it for me:
1: It immediately sets up the threat of going up against a Forsaken:
So far we haven't really gotten much of an indication from the show about what the Forsaken really are, who they are, and why they're any different that a regular darkfriend. Obviously there's still a ways to go in explaining it, but Lanfear provided an immediate visual explanation
Because for example, we've already seen one darkfriend innkeeper who had a thing for Rand (or pretended to) take a knife through the throat
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We've even seen Rand stick around and linger by her body and its very clear that absolutely nothing happens.
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We get a lingering shot on her bleeding out and she is very clearly actually dead in this moment. Its not even really a question.
But with Lanfear we kinda get the exact opposite of this moment. We see her take a knife to the throat and clearly go down, then there is no lingering by the characters.
The camera goes back to her and we see the saa very clearly moving in her eye, then she blinks and breaths in.
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And by this being the opposite of Dana, I mean that with Dana there was no question that she was actually dead. With Lanfear, there is absolutely no question that she's still alive.
Dana was also a darkfriend, but this is very clearly showing non readers that Lanfear is something DIFFERENT. We're told she's a darkfriend of some kind, then we're seen that she actually apparently cannot die by normal means. This coming AFTER the reveal that she is definitely a channler of some kind, and if we now know she's a Forsaken, then we know that Moiraine clearly said the Forsaken are the most powerful channlers ever, more powerful than any Aes Sedai.
And now apparently they can't die.
2. Its foreshadowing.
Moiraine was able to take out Lanfear (if only temporarily) with a physical attack because Lanfear was so fixated on Rand.
The above is also a spoiler for the climax of a certain book.
I'm not gonna get into it, but its clearly like showing that there's a course of action and there is a playbook that works here.
3. NOW we have Lanfear
Before we had Selene. I'd argue there were even moments where we had Mierin, but the only time Lanfear has really come out before this was when she went into Rand's dream and threatened him in episode 3.
By this I mean that while Selene was always obviously an act Lanfear was putting on, it stopped us from really seeing how manipulative and obsessive Lanfear could be and was currently being. If we didn't know she was Lanfear (and non readers shouldn't) then there's no reason to realize the lengths to her manipulation. We still don't know that the man she was telling Rand about was Lews Therin. We still don't know that Lanfear even knew Lews Therin much less would want to rekindle any kind of lost romance with his reincarnation. Because even when Lanfear was being honest as Selene, she was keeping herself back. She wasn't latching onto Rand and telling him that he was hers. She was very clearly holding onto the memory of Lews Therin, but there has yet to be any clear indication that she 100% buys that Rand and Lews Therin are the same person rather than Rand just being his reincarnation.
So while Lanfear was definitely getting some joy out of sleeping with Lews Therin reborn, there is no real indication that that is what she wanted. She said she wants Lews Therin. She tells Rand she's more or less settling for him. Let's assume that was 100% honest for the moment (because I believe it mostly is to a point), I don't think that's the case after this episode. Because Mierin Eronaile suddenly got the one thing she'd always wanted:
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If you watch the moments immediately before this scene and immediately after, there is a shift in how Lanfear is acting here.
Before she was very clearly putting on an act. She was playing up being afraid of Rand and didn't seem at all concerned about keeping him here. The most she does is ask him where he's going to go, and even that is said in a weird tone unless you know that she's probably going to use this information to keep tabs on him and report it/follow him herself.
But Rand does the one thing he absolutely shouldn't have done with Lanfear and told her that he loves her.
So now I think is the moment where Lanfear is willing to accept that Rand is Lews Therin. Because if Rand is Lews Therin, then Lews Therin just said that he loves her.
And her entire tone shifts here. You can see she's visibly shocked in the moment, and then smiles and flips the scene to her being afraid of him, to her reassuring him and telling him that he should have told her and telling him that he didn't do anything wrong and he was just acting in his nature. Before she was bringing up the inn and was clearly trying to make him feel bad. Now she's clearly trying to reassure him and keep him around. Absolutely manipulation but I think she didn't really need him to stay until he indicated that he loved her.
So what this means is that we now have Lanfear, who is established as being unkillable and one of the most powerful and oldest being in existence, NOW becoming obsessed with Rand al'Thor and thinking of him entirely as Lews Therin. And not only that, but now she's PISSED because he just left her and was taken away from her by Moiraine exactly when she finally had him back after thousands of years.
She finally got everything she's wanted and it was immediately taken away, and I think that's frankly terrifying, so yeah, I think I do like this reveal now actually.
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bigslutr · 14 days
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Rory Toll
Would y'all want a escape attempt for all the yanderes?
Like I could redo any yandere escape since I realized I wanted to make another escape for Selene and Nicole HAHA
Anyway here's a writing I was working on and of course its 'Escaping Rory"
You watched as Rory handcuffed your wrist to the frame of the bed. “I'll be right back Little Dove” She murmured softly, taking a moment to make sure the handcuffs were tight enough before standing up off the bed and walking to the shared bathroom that was connected to the bedroom.
You were held hostage by Rory for nearly 8 months now and it was the same routine before bed. She handcuffed you to the bed, told you she’d be back and then went to the bathroom before coming back in a nightgown, laying down beside you and playing with your hair until she was sure you were asleep.
“Little dove?” The brunette whispered, knocking you out of your haze, “Sorry?”  You murmured looking at her making Rory chuckle and sit on the bed before getting under the covers scooting closer until she was close enough to pull you to her chest, her hands starting to play with your hair.
Rory’s fingers gently combed through your hair, her touch as gentle as it always was.
“You're always so quiet” She spoke softly, continuing her actions tugging through any knots in your hair. “I wonder what your thinking about” 
You swallowed choosing your words carefully, “Nothing…just tired i guess” You whispered, forcing a fake yawn before fluttering your eyes closed hoping to convince her you were about to go to sleep.
Rory hummed softly in response, “Well…sleep tight, tomorrow maybe we can watch a movie” She suggested, while you nodded slowly fake yawning again before staying quiet trying to mimic a sleeping person's breathing.
Eventually Rory’s hand stopped her actions and her hand laid gentle on top of your head and her breath evened out telling you that she was asleep.  
You opened your eyes just a fraction, peering at her through your lashes. Rory's face was peaceful, her lips slightly parted as she slept. You waited a few more minutes, watching for any sign of movement. Nothing. She was out cold.
You carefully moved your free hand, sliding it across the bed towards the handcuff that still held you captive. Your fingers trembled as you reached for it, trying to work the lock as quietly as possible. The small hairpin you'd hidden under the mattress was your only hope, and it felt almost too fragile in your shaking hands.
You flinched when the handcuff loosened around your wrist then Rory shifted making you freeze and hold your breath but when she didn't open her eyes you finally moved and took the handcuff off.
You then slowly got out of bed, your eyes snapping towards Rory until your feet touched the floor with a soft thud then you stood up and started to go towards the door trying to be as quiet as possible.
Your heart raced as you reached for the door and slowly opened it before it creaked and you winced looking over at the sleeping brunette.
But Rory didn't move.
You slipped out into the hallway and made your way towards the wooden stairs every creak and noise they made and every footstep you made was a test to your nerves. 
Once you reached the bottom step you turned to make sure she wasn't at the top of the stairs and when she wasn't you thanked absolutely no one. 
Moving through the hallway quietly trying your hardest to stay quiet while keeping an ear out for any movement from Rory, eventually you reached the front door and instantly got on your knees searching the floor for that one wooden board that was loose also where you hid the small metal wire you found one night when she was out getting groceries. 
You winced when your fingernail hit the loose floorboard, bending it back just enough to pull it up. Your hands shook as you reached inside the small gap and pulled out the metal wire. It felt cool and solid in your sweaty palm, and for a moment, you almost felt hopeful.
You particularly crawled over to the front door and forced the metal wire inside the small lock and wiggled it around biting your lip as you tried to concentrate. I mean you imagined yourself unlocking this door multiple times so why was it so hard now?!
You flinched at the soft click, tears almost reached your eyes as you looked towards the stairs waiting for any sounds and when there wasn't you slowly creaked open the door but when the cold air hit your face you couldn't resist slamming open the door and you bolted.
You kept running, your heart pounding in your chest as the cold night air stung your face. The trees blurred past you, but you didn't dare slow down. Every sound, every crack of a branch, made you jump. The fear that Rory could be right behind you kept you going, even though your legs were starting to feel like jello.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you sprinted through the dark night, the cold wind biting at your skin. Branches scratched your arms and face as you raced deeper into the woods, barely noticing the stinging pain. You just had to keep running, as fast and as far as your legs could carry you.
Every snap of a twig, every rustle in the bushes made your heart skip a beat. The fear that Rory could be right behind you fueled your speed, pushing you to run faster even though your lungs burned and your legs ached.
You didn't know how long you'd been running—minutes felt like hours, and the dark trees all blurred together as you pushed yourself to the limit. The only thing that mattered was getting away, putting as much distance between you and that house as possible.
But as much as you wanted to keep going, your body began to betray you. Your breaths came out in ragged gasps, and your legs felt like they were on the verge of giving out. You stumbled and nearly fell, catching yourself just in time against a tree. You leaned against it, trying to catch your breath, trying to convince yourself that you could keep going.
You were so close….so close to freedom.
But just as you were going to push yourself off the tree and start running again you heard it—it was like a branch snapping under someone's foot but before you could turn your head a hand grabbed the back of your head before your head collided with the tree in front of you.
You instantly fell with a yelp grabbing your head before you realised who it was your gaze snapped up towards her.
Your heart pounded in your chest, a wild, frantic rhythm that echoed in your ears. You tried to scoot backward, to put any amount of distance between you and her, but it was no use. You were too weak, too disoriented, and she was too fast. The moment your hands moved to your head, trying to shield yourself, Rory lunged forward. Her hand grabbed a fistful of your hair, yanking you to your feet with a force that made you cry out in pain.
“No more running, Y/N,” she hissed, her voice low and no doubt dangerous. “You’ve made this much harder than it needed to be.”
You whimpered, the sound barely escaping your throat as you reached up, trying to pry her fingers from your hair. The pain was horrible , and every tug felt like she was ripping your scalp apart. But Rory didn’t care. If anything, she seemed to like your struggle, her grip tightening as she began to drag you back towards the house.
You struggled, trying to get her to stop but of course she wouldn't stop until you both reached the house your entire body hurt.
Even upon reaching the house her grip didn't stop dragging you inside until she partially threw you to the side hearing your sobs. Usually she’d give you pity although now it seemed she couldn't give two shits.
Rory walked to the kitchen as you watched her seeing her take out the keys to the basement making your eyes widened in horror.
Last time you were in the basement it was in the beginning when she first kidnapped you. She kept you down there because she knew how scary it was and that's exactly what she wanted so she can seem like the hero in your story.
“A-Rory, please I'm sorry!” You tried to plead telling your body to move closer to her to beg for mercy but it was like your body refused to move.
Rory turned to face you, her expression unreadable as she held up the keys. “You have a choice,” she said, her voice cold yet firm. “Either you walk yourself down to the basement, or I’ll drag you down there myself. What’s it going to be?”
You gulped looking at the basement door before back at Rory “B-Baby please…” You tried to plead but yet she remained silent, not even offering a word.
“I’ll walk…” You mumbled out, watching as she nodded and unlocked the basement and you slowly stood up biting your lip to hold back a sob as pain rushed in waves through your body but eventually you limped towards the basement door and walked down each step sending jolts of pain through you.
Rory watched you and she pitied you but again you brought this upon yourself.
“Little dove, we might just need to get rid of those legs of yours” You heard Rory’s voice but before you could say something the basement door slammed shut.
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i-heart-emos · 8 months
Life’s brighter with you around/luke castellan
authors note: In honor of my 1 year anniversary of being on tumblr yay so I thought what better than write a Luke oneshot. And also the reader is the daughter of selene the goddes of the moon cause I haven’t seen a kid of them yet on tumble
Summary:Luke’s always had nightmares ever since he can remember but that all changed when he met you
Pairing: luke castellan x Selene daughter!reader
Warning: slight angst, mentions of death, and torturing
Ever since Luke can remember he always had terrible nightmares. Either about his mothers death,his father leaving, Thalia being tortured. He’ll wake up in a cold sweat tears running down his face looking around rapidly. It was absolutely horrible like being trapped in an old disgusting memory but he just had to watch it happen again. No moving no screaming just watching. He made a swear to himself that if anyone he loved where to get hurt he’d sacrifice himself.
Especially when he met you. You arrived at camp when you where where 13 he had barely been there a few months when he met you. You walked threw the gates looking the best way Luke can describe like you’d been hit by a bus. A bruised eye cut lip and large cut on your side bleeding threw your shirt looking like yo I where gonna pass out. It made Luke remember everything he has to go threw to get to camp.
He remembers you coming in and almost falling from the blood loss. He immediately runs up to you getting you by the shoulders. “Hey are you ok”he asked “um not really kinda bleeding out just a little bit” oh here let me get you to the infirmary” he walked you to the infirmary in the middle of camp finally settling you down in a bed. “Chiron Chiron can somebody tell Chiron we have a new camper who needs immediate medical attention” that’s all you nheard till it faded to black. But you where patched up and woke up. Looking around frantically you spotted Luke “you your the guys who helped me” he chuckles “ yea no problem you can call me Luke castellan” he states holding out his hand “ well castellan you can call me y/n l/n” after that you and Luke had become inseparable.
Luke had spent all day trying to find your godly parent and there was no luck. Till that night you where talking to Luke about how you’ve always felt some strange connection to the moon and it’s beauty. All of a sudden a crescent moon appeared above you. He looked up shocked “you your the child of Selene the moon goddess”. You laughed “guess that explains my weird moon obsession. You where the only child at camp daughter of the moon goddess there was obviously no cabin for you. Which meant your home would be in the Hermes cabin. But that was a plus meant you could be closer to Luke.One night you where trying to sleep when you where woken up to heavy breathing.
You looked around till you pinpointed the sound. Luke’s bunk You thought. You quickly make your wait over there. He sees you and calms his breathing a bit. “Oh I’m sorry did I wake you”. “No no don’t worry are you ok bad dream”. “Oh um yea” “want me to maybe stay with you I don’t have to but if it’ll make you feel better”. “That would actually make me feel a lot better” you smile and slowly crawl into bed with him. You wake up to one of Lukes half siblings Hannah looking over you too smirking. “Hey you can’t tell anyone Hannah please” you pleaded. “Fine I’ll keep your little secret” she says she walking away. After that it became a usual thing he’d get nightmares come to your bed you’d crawl into his. And Hannah would wake you before everyone else woke. But eventually Luke got tired of hiding this.
you where so devoted to helping him he felt himself truly slipping into you more and more every day. It’s like he didn’t know what to do. “Chris it’s driving me mad I just love her so much” Chris rolls his eyes sick of hearing this every day. “ then why don’t you ask her out already she clearly likes you”. “You think she really does” he says hopeful look on his face” “man look she wakes up whenever you want doesn’t get mad you interrupt her sleep gets into literal bed with you just to make you feel better after your bad dreams I don’t know but that sounds like love to me”
“oh my Gods Chris thank you for opening my eyes I gotta” he says running away. “Hah and now I’m getting some money” Chris exclaims remembering his bet with Clarissa over who would convince the other to date each-other first.
When Luke finally finds you he’s breathing heavily. “Are you ok” “ yes Amazing actually ok here goes nothing y/n l/n I love you with all my heart I love how caring you are and how you never hesitate to help out anyone” I love hearing you talk about things you love like the stars and the moon and hearing the stories while you point at constellations”. “You’ve made my life amazing and saved me will you be my girlfriend” “oh my goodness you finally ask of course I’ll be your girlfriend idiot” you exclaim grabbing his face and kissing him”. Then you here a angry
groan in the back you both look to see clarisse stomping her feet like a child. “what clarisse sad I got her first” Luke says. “No castellan Im angry I lost my bet with Chris” she says storming off. You look at Luke and say “ten bucks there gonna date next” “ten bucks I’ll get Chris to date her next”. “ oh your so on pretty boy you say”. And then started the ongoing bets at camp half-blood. Watching the sky that night with Luke you could have sworn the moon shined just a little brighter with him around
author note: this kinda went off the rails but it’s was so fun to make and now I write for clarisse cause I found my love for her also sorry the text style changed halfway threw I switched devices
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Frustrated by the lack of any solution to her not so little tadpole problem, Selene Longsong receives comfort from an unexpected source---Rolan. SFW.
Selene Longsong yelled, tears streaming down her pale red cheeks and tail wagging behind her. She then picked up yet another rock and threw it into the water. After a truly depressing dinner with her companions, she explained that she needed some time alone to “process everything.”
Process that so far, we’ve found no cure. That Nettie had a bloody branch coated in a lethal toxin in case I didn’t tell her everything.
“A good evening to you too.”
Selene turned suddenly around to see quite possibly the last person I expected to see. “Rolan.” She sniffled, wiping her eyes. “I, um, didn’t hear you coming.”
He rolled his eyes. “Well, it must be hard to hear among the screaming and splashes.” Any bravado and humor he might have had disappeared as he observed her. “Are you alright?”
He looks worried.
Can I trust him?
Should I trust him?
Or will he—
He tentatively stepped towards her, holding out one of his hands. “If I might be of any service, my friend, then please—”
Her lower lip quivered as more tears fell. “Rolan…I just want to go home…”
“I know, my dear. I know.”
Between his sad smile, tender tone, and kind eyes, Selene allowed herself to let go for the first time since she was abducted and began to weep. Rolan immediately took her hand, and with his other arm around her thick waist, he led her to a nearby bench. “There, there. There, there. Why don’t we sit down?” He murmured softly, and she felt herself practically melting in his hold.
After they settled on the bench, I’m not letting go of his hand. Feels too nice. And he smells nice. “I’m sorry. I…” Sorry, it’s been a shit in a shit week. “I just want to go home…”
Mum and Dad.
My cat.
My friends.
Where there’s no tadpoles or racist druids or cults…
“You said home is Baldur’s Gate, did you not?” He asked as he squeezed her hand. “Do you have family there?”
She nodded. “My parents. Mum’s a cook at Wildheart Manor. Dad runs his gran’s bakery, where I work in between adventuring jobs.” Finally stopped crying. Thank gods. “Though he wasn’t always a baker.” She smiled and squeezed his hand. “He was a pirate when he was a young man. Mum was a barmaid at the Elfsong Tavern. But when they found out they were having me,” What a fucking surprise that was, according to Mum. “Mum got the job at Wildheart Manor, and Dad decided to help his gran and the bakery. And now I do too.” As much as I love being a barbarian…being an adventurer…protecting people…I don’t know. Mum and Dad are getting older. I should…I wish…No. Best not to speak of this in front of a very handsome man.
There was a kindness in his yellow eyes that she swooned over on the inside. I’m not making a fool of out of myself…not in front of him…oh gods. “You’re close with your family. That’s admirable. Wonderful, even.” Rolan chuckled nervously. “Lia and Cal annoy the hells out of me sometimes, but I don’t know what my life would like without them.” He glanced at her quickly, cheeks flushed. “Your parents must be very proud of you.”
“From the day I was born, they’ve been proud. Wanna hear something wild?” Haha get it, I’m a wild magic barbarian. Please laugh. Oh thank fuck, he laughed! “My parents are human—”
Rolan’s eyes widened. “Y-you mean, you were born to human parents or were you adopted?”
Uh oh, maybe I should keep my mouth shut. He looks even more nervous. Shit.
She released his hand and fidgeted slightly. “Yeah, born to them. Um, if this makes you uncomfortable…” Maybe he thinks I’m a freak?
He reached for her hand again. “My apologies. It’s not that I’m uncomfortable. Far from it.” THANK GOODNESS. “It’s just…erm, I’ve never heard of a tiefling born to human parents who actually…kept the baby. You’re the first.” He shook his head, then met her gaze, smiling politely. “But please continue. I want to hear where this story is headed, as it were.” Rolan, you’re such a fucking dork and I love it.
Selene grinned. “So, when I was born, the midwife tried to tell Mum and Dad I could be ‘removed’ or some shit. Do you want to know what they did?” Upon hearing him hum in assent, she continued. “Mum clutched me and said, ‘If you try to take my baby, I’ll fucking kill you.’ Dad apparently was ready to enter a rage and was looking for something blunt to knock out the midwife if necessary.”
He barked a laugh. “Goodness me, your parents do love you very much. Yes, yes…” Stop being so nervous, Rolan. Do I make him nervous? Shit. “You’re very lucky, you know.”
Yes, I am.
And I miss them so much.
Okay, before I start crying again, I need to change the subject.
“I’m also very lucky because I have a cat.” Selene giggled. “His name is Mortimer, and he’s my baby.”
Rolan snorted. “Mortimer?”
“Mortimer. I found him when he was a kitten…”
Selene did not know how long she and Rolan sat and talked, nor did she care, only admitting the passage of time when he stifled a yawn.
“Forgive me, I think the hour is now quite late.” He said with a rueful smile. “May I walk you back to your camp, my dear? You never know what lurks in the shadows.” Rising, he offered his hand, which she took with a warm smile.
Rolan, I’m a barbarian.
She shook her head and stood. “No, I’ll be fine. Thanks for tonight. For listening. For being a friend. Thank you.”
Her bright blue demonic eyes stared into his yellow ones.
Should I?
Heart pounding in her chest, she quickly kissed his cheek, wished him a good night, and turned to return to her camp, giggling like a giddy schoolgirl.
Rolan stood frozen for several moments before he lifted a hand to where she had kissed him.
“Good gods, she’s going to be the death of me.”
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fanficshiddles · 1 year
The Call Of Fate, Chapter 17
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It was New Years Eve and as usual, Tony was hosting a huge party and it was an absolute blast for everyone.
They had Jade and her band playing at it throughout the night, doing a few songs at a time over the course of the evening and through to the bells.
Everyone enjoyed their music and was pretty drunk, so it was no surprise seeing most of the team moshing around. Loki just rolled his eyes at their antics, but he was happy seeing everyone enjoying the band of course. He loved hearing them play and he wasn’t ashamed to say that he knew most of their songs by heart now.
The rest of the band members were delighted when Jade had called them up asking if they’d play at Tony Stark’s famous New Years Eve party.
Loki adored the way that even when it was Selene singing, that Jade would still mouth along with the words until it was her parts. It was something he’d noticed her doing at the festival, and he was rather hooked just watching her. The passion for the music she had was so warming.
During one of their breaks, Jade went to get some food and down a few glasses of cocktails before doing their last few songs for the night.
‘Jade you guys are just amazing. How you aren’t super famous and selling out arenas, I don’t know.’ Natasha said as she put her arm around Jade and gave her a drink.
‘Thanks, Nat. Maybe one day… Well, perhaps one day they will get there.’ Jade laughed a little.
‘No, one day you will all get there.’ Natasha assured her. ‘You’re such a natural on the stage.’
‘Thank you, I love it so much. It’s so freeing, in a sense. And seeing people enjoy it and have fun, makes me feel fuzzy inside.’ She grinned.
‘Well, I know Loki certainly feels fuzzy inside when he’s watching you play. Seriously, he doesn’t take his eyes off you at all. He’s proud as hell of you, it’s so clear on his face.’
Jade blushed, but she had noticed that too. He was almost always looking at her when she looked at him. It made her heart soar every time.
‘Oh, speak of the devil.’ Natasha laughed and tilted her head across the room.
Jade glanced over and saw Loki stalking through the crowd of people towards them.
‘Can’t keep away from her, can you Loks?’ Natasha smirked.
‘What can I say, i’m a huge fan.’ He chuckled. ‘I did bring you a drink but I see you’ve already got.’
‘Gimme gimme!’ Jade said as she reached out to take the one he had too, she loved the cocktail and everyone knew it. ‘Can never have too many.’
‘You’ve still got a few songs to play remember.’ Natasha laughed.
‘Yeah, yeah, I’ll manage fine. I’m a pro.’ Jade smirked then headed off into the crowd with a drink in each hand.
Loki and Natasha followed after her, laughing.
Luckily, even though Jade was a bit drunk she still managed to play fine. Though at the end of their performance, she did jump onto the small crowd that had gathered and did a mini crowd surf to the bar to get another drink.
There was only a few minutes left until the bells, everyone gathered in the main room waiting for the big countdown.
Loki had disappeared momentarily to the bathroom, when he came back, he couldn’t find Jade. Frowning, he began searching and then noticed she had stepped outside onto the balcony. So he made his way through the people and outside to her.
She was leaning on the barrier looking out at the night.
‘Hey, are you ok?’ Loki asked as he moved in beside her and put his arm around her waist.
‘Yeah, I’m ok… I’m just… enjoying the last few minutes of the year of my freedom. It’s kind of just hitting me that when it’s the new year, it’s probably going to be the worst of my life.’ She said sadly as she looked down.
Loki’s heart panged as he gave her a squeeze. ‘It can still start as a good year. There’s still time, four months. We will come up with a plan.’ He said determinedly.
Jade smiled up at him, she appreciated how he always tried to see the best of the situation, that he was still hopeful. But she’d given up hope, basically given up and made peace with the situation. Even though it was still painful and going to be tough.
Tony called out to everyone that they were about to begin the countdown. Jade started to head back in. ‘Come on then.’ She said chirpily to Loki.
‘Ten!’ People inside started shouting.
But Loki gently grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to him, really close.
He stroked her hair back, tucking it behind her ear.
Loki’s hand trailed down her face.
He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand as she closed her eyes.
Tony’s robots were down on the green, getting the fireworks ready to be set off.
Jade opened her eyes and wrapped her arms up around Loki’s neck.  
Loki pulled her in flush against his body.
He dipped his head down towards her.
Jade reached up on her tiptoes to meet him.
They kissed softly as the fireworks flew up into the sky with a big bang, lighting up the night sky behind them.
‘HAPPY NEW YEAR!’ Everyone cheered in delight and began kissing each other’s cheeks and wishing everyone a happy new year.
Natasha and Clint noticed Loki and Jade on the balcony with the fireworks in the background, their hearts broke for them.
‘Happy New Year, cupcake.’ Loki whispered over Jade’s lips.
‘Happy New Year to you too.’ Jade whispered back with a smile.
When the party poured out onto the balcony to watch the fireworks, and to greet Loki and Jade too, Loki sheepishly stepped aside. But Jade went over to him again when everyone calmed down enough.
‘I’m sorry.’ He whispered.
‘What for?’
‘For kissing you…’
Jade wrapped her hands around his arm and she pressed her head against him. ‘Don’t apologise. I’m not sorry.’ She smiled up at him.
Loki felt his heart melt. He kissed the top of her head, then rested his against hers as they watched the fireworks with everyone else.
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survivalist-anon · 5 months
Log 14: An expensive and deadly game
Las Vegas: 11:37 A.M
The Paris Casino: The Security Suite
Sleen was briefing Selene on the day's schedule as always. Closer to repeating the same schedule as a form of control rather than for occupational instruction.
"-when Tulio ropes you back up, you'll land on this platform right here and the lights go off, also, Kathy quit this morning, so you'll have to step in as Artemis this show as well. Can't for the life of me figure out who's going to be Orion now 'cus my nosey brother juuuuuust wanted to ruin my show again.", pouring himself a sizable serving of gin and tonic.
A frustrated huff from Selene was all it took, she had cursed under her breath in Comorian, than slowly to French, "tu m'esclaves comme si je n'avais pas d'âme, gros cochon fumé".
Sleen shuffled his shoulders in depraved glee, "oooooh I just loooove it when you talk all Frenchie like....makes you sound attractive too. Hehe", Sleen obviously couldn't speak the language of course, it was the only way Selene could ever be truly free from his influence.
Her sharp, glare, brightened by her piercing ice blue eyes, a rare trait in for home country. Stabbing Sleen with her gaze, "if you like it so much, why not hoard the prostitutes that are walking the streets....Au lieu de moi...", her time with Sleen was closer to imprisonment than anything. She has been lucky that Sleen enjoys the idea of tormenting her with sex.
She had been fixing her hair, braided into tight cornrows for the character. Since she had begun, she has been dying her hair a stark white with small strands of blue and silver. Unfortunately for her, she had to always be in character.... especially for Sleen.
"Oh come on sweetheart, why would I want to two bit, dime a dozen whore when I can have the goddess of the moon, the fairy of the dawn...and now.... the huntress of the night, besides you have something Kathy doesn't, a pretty face and a fine 'derriere'...", taking a long drag of his cigar, he looks at Selene like he was looking at a pork cutlet.
From the vanity mirror, she could see him starring at her, "You know. Sleen....I'm still off limits.....you wouldn't want my..... sponsor.... finding his best purchase soiled .... wouldn't you?", considering Selene's origins, her sponsor was an anonymous off shore individual. Paying Sleen to keep her in Las Vegas in the meantime, before being shipped back to some other country for her to pay her services.
However, like Sleen's appetite for third servings at the buffet and money, he's been taking an extra portion for himself. At least in regards to poor Selene, his plan is to purchase her from her sponsor, so he can have her no strings attached.
Sleen's more upbeat mood had soured to frustration. "Mmm...yes....good old Mr.Fe...what a stupid nickname....anyway....you should be greatful, my little bird of paradise. I know you have to go out for some shopping right? I'll have Hans escort you....", he leans close to her face, laying his chubby hand on her arm, "so no funny business...you got it? 'Mo ne mi'?". He slowly walks to his bodyguard, "lose her again....I'll make you lose your balls.". He leaves the bulky man and Selene alone.
She had no expression on her face she couldn't have. She felt like mawling everything in sight like a revengeful caged, lioness. But one thing that had kept her from expressing her fury.
A little sign of hope. A note
'Meet me in Rome. Where the circus is internal. For us to meet in darkness.'
Just the lingering vision of seeing the tiny, handwritten note had nearly given away her thoughts.
"Let's go Hans...I just need to stop at the dressing room."
As the two go down to the employee theater entrance, the game begins.
Selene walks to her usual spot, the twins where there ready for her signal. "Bonjour.", she picks up a signal lipstick.
The twins head straight to Hans.
"Hey big boy, whatcha doing tonight?", Magan cooed.
"hmmm your so big and strong, do you work out", Angelina began to hang her arms around Han's neck, ready to nuzzle him.
"Ladies, I'm working right now.", he probably knew what their angle was. Suddenly, one of the stage hands comes up to him.
"Hey you big lug! Whatcha doing with my girl?", Magan's official boyfriend had come from the gym early.
"Quincy! I was just haven a conversation.", she now had to act fast.
"I don't have time for this bullsh-", it was then he realized that Selene had disappeared. "Fuck the boss is going to kill me for this. Alright you assholes, wheres the girl?!", he demanded.
Magan, Angelina, and several other staff members were silent. One of the members of the back stage staff, had rope.
"Hope you like BDMS big guy....", a stage hand jokingly said.
Caesars Palace 12:05 p.m
As I stand quietly within the currently unopened teacher for one of the performances at Caesars Palace, I ponder what to say to Selene. To express that there was no time to waste....and that we must disappear this week.
The longer it takes, the more difficult it will be.
"I'm telling you homes, Hans is not going to be that stupid to fall for the same trick again.", Tulio sat watching on guard with me. A true companion in crime.
"I had the rest of the cast in on it.", I responded.
I swear he almost had a heart attack.
"What?! You crazy! Sleen is gonna get people fired for that!", he had a point.
I couldn't help but conduct my own brand of chaos, I've already invested William Sleen from his background history down to his most recent purchases.....one thing is for certain....he can not afford to attract the attention of law enforcement... he already has enough on his plate given his criminal record. "As per union law, he can't just fire the whole cast....he knows he can't.". I could see Tulio had now begun to understand my gambit.
"Ah yes, hehe, fire the whole cast, the casino loses money ....good thinking Wick. Say, are seriously still interested in beating that Mark guy? Seriously for someone in the military, he's got some chip on his shoulder.", Tulio's warning was not to be taken lightly.
Airman Mark is...a careless maverick....to say the least. It is not an uncommon trait amongst those to take to the skies. I myself have been criticized for the very same reason.
"Yes. I refuse to let some low ranking pilot gain the upper hand against an experienced flier like myself.", over the years my arrogance has become more unbecoming. Yet it is a shame I must bare for the sake of my own sanity.
*click clack, click clack*
There she was, my night sky, my moonlight. "Tulio, she's here, make sure that the coast is clear and that our inside man is ready.", to Tulio, Selene was no where to be seen. I personally could hear her entering the casino hall from yards away amongst the other gamblers and patrons.
Looking around, he decides to trust my instincts. "You got it Wick.", he leaves to one of the hidden employee doors.
I await for Selene. I could see her, smell her sweet aroma, feel her presence. As hidden as one can be, my eyes laid upon a woman with a dark hooded jacket, moderate heels, and eyes of starlight. Her smile, petit yet so bright.
"Selene.", all I could breathe was her name.
"Mon corbeau.", her touch upon my arm sent every follicle of hair on end in anxious passion. Her lips upon my cheek, my upon hers. "We must go.", her whispers were like a shot of adrenaline to me.
We take flight to the dressing room theater, hiding ourselves in the comforting darkness of the backstage of the Colosseum theater.
If we could not make love in our false Paris, than we shall make love in darkness.
Downtown Vegas, within the bowles of the Trump Towers.
A meeting commences between another party within the dark underbelly of the city's crime syndicate.
Tapping his foot furiously, Sleen waits for his connection, "c'mon c'mon c'mon, where is that giant freak?! He better be here with my money.", the sudden scrabbling of claws, gnashing teeth echo and footsteps heavy enough to crack the pavement bombard through the empty halls of the basement level parking lot. "G'Ah! Who's there!? I'm armed!".
The low, grumbling laughter, "Arm'd? Yus call dat be'in Arm'd?! HA!", a large, tall, very smartly dress "man", surrounded by his own wall of guards, with two women oh so gently wrapped around his arms, steps forward just enough to obscure his face. "Dat ain't evens nuff to even scare Scruffy.", referring to his oddly shaped and gnashing "dog". Who's only desire is to take a bite out of Sleen.
"Oh! N-nice d-oggie-seriously what the actual fuck is that thing?", his momentary fear dampened by the logical side of his perspective.
"SHAHT IT, you 'ave it?", the voice boomed.
Sleen shakingly handed one of the guards the finest, smuggled tobacco one could get. "ok here you go Mr.Green. hehehe. Now where is it?", although a coward, the one thing to stoke his courage was money.
"hmmf, 'ere, just make sure you spen it soon. It ain't cheap yus knows.", a large heavy bag is handed to Sleen.
"ok .....but how am I supposed to use it if I ain't even allowed to open it??", Sleen had never once questioned his connection. All he knew when was to bring these teeth to Mr.Fe's man in San Diego California, then money would be granted in equivalent to its value. He knew what Mr.Green understood about the bag's contents is that it CAN be used a currency.
Mr.Green gave a horrible, yet cheerful grin. "Ha! Yur problem! Not mine, just make sure da scrap at South Point gets fix'd. I ain't losin to no "El Nino", sounds like a CHUMP." he snapped his fingers, him, the wall of guards and his lady friends left Sleen, by himself in a dark, dank basement area.
"....sheesh...what an asshole.", he quickly leaves the basement area and into the nearest elevator. As it goes up, a class from his phone blares through the music. "Yeah? What is it?.......WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE QUIT?!? He can't quit on me how's am I supposed to be running around without a meat shield like Hans?!?! Who's going to be my thug now?!", it was one of the stage hands back at the Paris Casino.
"Look, boss, ain't his mom and I sure as hell ain't his damn babysitter either. He just left and quit.", Angelina was currently sitting on the trunk of one of the staff's car, ready to drop Hans off at the nearest strip club. The banging on the top of the trunk nearly makes her lose her balance and popping her chewing gum. "Wooh!".
Sleen, heard something in the background, "what was that?", he interrogated her through the phone.
"Just a rat passing by, really did spook me.", she looked to her fellow staff members, all giggling at the illegal mischief they have committed.
Sleen....knew something was going on. "....is....Wick there?....and WHERE IS SELENE?.", his patience has run thin by this point.
"I don't know boss, she's with some of the girls at the mall or something, I don't have the budget to be spending on what they can afford.", blowing another bubble.
The cogs in his head had turned a little, "I'll pay you triple in what I'm paying you now...to tell me what the hell is going on.".
This was anticipated even by Wick. "Oh...hmm...me AND Magan get triple.....", covering the mic part of the phone, giggling with her sister. "....and...I'll tell where Wick is."
His grin widened into a grimace..."good....now...spill it."
Caesar's Palace: 15:25 p.m
We had just finished another beautiful performance between the two of us. Laid upon my bare chest, and I on the chaise couch.... admittingly a size too small for my given size.
A satisfied sigh from her was evidence of my love for her, but I must tell her before we may not have another chance before Sleen finds out. "Selene, we must leave the city. You must escape."
She gasped, "Wick, is it not too soon? Sleen will hunt us down for certain. I fear what he is going to do with you.", she laid her head on left heart, hearing my hearts beat.
"I know mon épervier. Please trust me in my urgency. Even if my plan does not fully work....I can make sure it will....the great goal is that you can escape unharmed.", I speckle a few kisses on her head. "I would die to make sure your story is told, to make sure you're back home with your family. Safe and sound.".
Her eyes lit up brighter than I've seen. "Mon corbeau. You have been brushing up on your French.", she guilded me with lips under my jaw.
"Tout pour toi mon amour", our lips embraced each other. "All for you.".
We check the time, we both had to leave back to the Paris Casino for the show. "Oh dear, two hours before 'showtime'."
It was a struggle to consider the performance a show by this rate. "Let us leave in separate times. You need to meet with the girls at the shopping center here in the casino. I'll meet with you later.", we parted with another embrace.
End of log 14
@kit-williams @barn-anon @egrets-not-regrets @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @walking-natural-disaster @starfrost740 @squishyowl @sleepyfan-blog @lawnchair86
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hhoneycloves · 4 months
Please talk about your CCCC Solar Storms AU (I am daring you)
Okay. So. I'm rather sure that at the VERY least if you live in the United States that you're aware of the recent strong northern lights that, at their greatest thus far, have reached down as far as Alabama. This snapped me back into the realization that OH. OH MY GOD. SOLAR MAXIMIUM IS COMING. Solar Maximum is the peak of the sun's activity in its 11 year cycle, and will be arriving around this time next year, hence the increased sunspotting and solar wind, and by extension, solar storms.
I have been following space weather trends for about a year or so now leading up to this event and I got the kickass idea earlier this week of: "Hey. Hey. Hey. Chonny Jash fan. Hey. Guess who's already the Sun. Guess who [could be] the Earth. Guess who's the Moon." [though that one took me a second to. Realize. like the dumbass I am.]
If the Sun is bombarding the Earth with solar radiation? That's Mind and Soul fighting. This is my big opportunity to write a Mind vs Soul AU AND write all of the atmospheric phenomena and space weather I've been keeping my eyes on AS PLOT POINTS.
look. We've got TWO SOLAR ECLIPSES. We've got the AURORAS. The solar winds, the RADIATION. We have SUNSPOTS. In the local atmospheric phenomena department we have LOADS OF SUNDOGS, a couple instances of GORGEOUS sun halos [i got some of the higher sun arcs on camera last December too, can't wait to play with that], one instance of a MOON HALO— it would be so crazy. It would be so wild.
Currently, plotwise, I have RoE set as the solar eclipse in October, which from my global positioning was not total. After this point, Corona [Mind] takes up a personal vendetta against Aurora {Soul} for Not Doing Enough ["Enough" being synonymous with "killing this mfer"] to punish Selene (Heart) (despite the fact that he already received the punishment of being cast in shadow [eclipses are always on new moons])
I'm working out what it means to be cast in shadow. To obscure another with your shadow. That plays a HUGE role in this whole thing. Eclipses and the lunar cycle. Something with not being allowed to shine. Something with having the beauty of your light snuffed out. Something with being silenced or ignored or usurped or.. something. It's important. It's v important. Expect me to hopefully work it out at some point. I may have to ignore Some conventions of the lunar cycle to make this work but We Cross That Bridge When We Come To It
But anyways !! Corona says ["Aurora you ain't doing Shit, step down or I'll make you."] Aurora basically responds w/ {"You can't do shit. ATMOSPHERE !!"} and Corona says ["FUCKING WATCH ME!! SOLAR WINDS !!"] and then they fight and whenever they fight Corona blasts Aurora w/ solar radiation and Aurora creates shields made of literal auroras to hold off against him and it would make for some Kickass Art
and then there's Selene. Without an atmosphere of his own, tethered to Aurora for safety, he ofc is caught in the crossfire. BUT. because he's the MOON. i thought it would be silly to say that it's up to him to turn the tides of this storyline :3
But. I will say no more. There are things I must obscure for the sake of "interesting reveal later" and "yall better ask me questions about it"
I will drop their designs HOPEFULLY before next week :3
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markantonys · 1 year
The look on Rand's face when "Selene" flinches back from him godddd 😭 this is gonna make him fear how his friends would react to him being able to channel even more. This relationship is gonna fuck him up on so many levels
I KNOOOOOW and on this note, i'm wondering how the show is going to handle mat's reaction to the fact that rand can channel. the girls and perrin already know (though of course they haven't thought much about it since they think he's dead, so they might have a fresh reaction to it upon learning he's alive), but mat a) is the only one who hasn't explicitly learned onscreen that rand is the dragon, and b) has a famously bad *initial* reaction to rand's channeling in the books (which he overcomes until they're besties again, despite many readers forgetting this part of the arc!!!!)
however, i've been thinking there's a possibility that show!mat's initial reaction might be different, for a few reasons.
1) given that liandrin's been reading (excerpts of) perrin's letters to him, we know that he's heard the news of rand's "death." so, it's possible he might have reasoned out that he was the dragon. it's also possible he believes one of the other 3 is the dragon and rand just got killed as collateral damage at the eye, but there IS a pretty good chance that mat will not be shocked to learn rand can channel.
2) mat starts off this season feeling like a shitty friend and angsting over abandoning them, so it seems his arc will be about "redeeming" himself and becoming a better friend. him being an ass to rand for being able to channel would throw a wrench in that arc (UNLESS it happens in the next episode or two and there's still enough time left in the season for mat to prove that he will always be there for rand no matter what).
3) on this note, mat's had a stretch of episodes of being "unlikable" and isn't super popular with show-onlys right now from what i've seen (and hey, that totally tracks with reader perception of mat in books 1-2 djkfg), so i feel like we're due for some Proper Mat Time where we get to see more of his inner goodness, and him being an ass to rand would throw a wrench in that as well (unless it happens in the next episode or two and there's still enough time for ~redemption~)
4) like you say, show!rand is already much more deeply traumatized & afraid of loved ones' reactions to him being channel, and after the absolute heartbreak of that 2x04 scene, his own best friend being an ass to him to his face would really be twisting the knife, perhaps too hard! especially since mat is already on Thin Fucking Ice with a number of viewers haha
5) speaking of twisting knives, the viewing of mat stabbing rand! i'm so curious to see what's up with that, but it's very possible that whatever it is could take the place of mat being an ass about rand being a channeler as the source of early-series tension in their relationship. if it turns out that mat stabbed rand while under compulsion or under dagger influence, then that could be the reason for him keeping his distance from rand at the start of s3: less because he's afraid of rand and more because he's afraid of HIMSELF and feels guilty for hurting rand in s2. but of course, there's also the possibility that the stabbing viewing is a metaphor for mat twisting the knife by being an ass to rand about being a channeler!
anyway, that was a huge tangent but it's something i've been pondering a lot since ep4! so curious to see if we might get a mat & rand reunion in cairhien sooner than all the other ef5 reunions at falme!!
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smtown-tourist · 7 months
A SHINee Poem:
Excuse Me Miss, 
Why So Serious?
Girls, Girls, Girls, calm down!
Don’t have a Heart Attack.
I know this Breaking News can’t seem Real,
and it’s HARD for Y.O.U. to comprehend The Reason
for why Onew and Taemin would Runaway from SM
after they’ve been there for what feels like 1000nen.
You might not Like It at first,
getting The Feeling that SHINee will become like Atlantis,
lost and never seen again, 
that this announcement is like they Kiss Yo 
and all those SEASONS they worked for SM good-bye.
You might feel like the Onew and Taemin are saying,
“Farewell My Love.”
and it might make you Shout Out, 
“Please, Don’t Go!”
I’m With You. I felt that way, too, 
at first,
but I have Good Good Feeling that these Up & Down times
that move like a Seesaw are only the beginning 
of the next Beautiful SHIFT in SHINee’s career paths.
Signing with a new company might sound Dangerous and as if it might
all blow up in their faces like Dynamite, but it’s time to Close the Door
on Onew and Taemin’s Days and Years at SM.
Senorita, I Get It. 
A new company will feel like a Stranger is Hitchhiking off of their Perfect 10 fame.
Set those feelings Aside and look at it from this View:
A new company might Rescue them from the Evil that was SM,
pretending to be their A.MI.GO 
and always telling our boys, “U Need Me to be a SUPERSTAR.”
A Trigger, I know, 
since some of you have gotten a Clue about the Symptoms,
like Insomnia,
and questioning of their Identity, as a person and artist,
that comes from being Married to the Music
and working for someone like SM.
You don’t need to be Sherlock to crack that CØDE.
A new company could be a Savior and a Sweet Surprise
for You & I, who Wish Upon A Star every night,
hoping that our boys will break out of their Sweet Misery.
Wishful Thinking it might seem,
this company might not be Mr. Right Guy,
the Best Place for our leader and maknae,
and everything Onew and Taemin have worked for
might Become Undone.
It Hit Me, though, that for Onew,
he has Nothing to Lose.
Almost Four Seasons and 365 days have passed without his return,
and for a while, it felt like his Life in SHINee
had come to an end,
like we were that much Closer to losing another member.
But the Note that we got reassured us 
that his hiatus wasn’t a Spoiler,
that the last album wasn’t An Ode To You,
a Last Gift to The SHINee World,
that SHINee World VI wasn’t an Undercover farewell,
that this transition is a Hello to fresh beginnings,
An Encore to the Beautiful Life that Onew and Taemin already lived
while at SM. 
Their departure might leave a Black Hole
in SM’s solo artist lineup as they Kiss Kiss Kiss them good-bye,
but it’s not the end for SHINee. 
Onew and Taemin will be Better Off at new companies
where they can be like Picasso and create something magical.
Trust our boys’ Chemistry for it is Electric.
They SHINe like a Colorful Prism,
a Lucky Star in the Diamond Sky.
and trust their Honesty to Keeping Love Again
for as SHINee once said, “Love Should Go On,”
and our Love Still Goes On 
because the bond between SHINee and SHINee World
is like Romeo + Juliette.
They need our Love Like Oxygen 
and we will Always Love them.
To SHINee, we are their Juliette,
their Jo Jo, 
their SHINee Girl,
their Lucifer,
their One,
their Dazzling Girl,
their Dream Girl,
their Selene 6.23,
their Queen of New York,
their Odd Eye,
their 1 of 1 girl.
Boys Will Be Boys and our boys Don’t Stop loving us.
They will wonder about your blood type. 
But then they will tell themselves, “If You Love Her, it doesn’t matter.”
They will come to your door and Ring Ding Dong that doorbell,
asking, “Do Me Right and Tell Me Your Name. Give me Your Name and Your Number.”
They might play hard to get and tell you, “Don’t Call Me,”
but then show up like a Gentleman with flowers and Chocolate in their hands.
They might make you mad and then they’ll start begging,
“Don’t Let Me Go. You are the One for Me. Stand By Me.” 
They will ask for the Password To Your Heart
so you won’t have to feel that Love Pain anymore
like a sad, lonely Quasimodo.
“Woof Woof,” goes their puppy-love as they Hold You in their arms.
They will want to Marry You and Lock You Down
like a Love Sick Romantic.
On the days when the Green Rain falls,
they will be your Sunny Day Hero,
showing you the Sunny Side of Love’s Way.
They Talk To You about the Colors of the Season
and shower you with Attention because you're their new Obsession.
They will help you Bounce back from those dark days
by shouting, “A-yo!” 
They might mess up your Lipstick as they give you a little Kiss Kiss
in this Winter Wonderland.
So, I Say, Run With Me into this new future with SHINee.
I Want You to take a Drive Downtown Baby,
listen to that Retro Melody as you
DXDXD to the Moon River Waltz
and feel the Body Rhythm as you Get Down and JUMP
to SHINee’s Countless hits.
I Really Want You to Graze through that collection that I know
you have, just like I have In My Room, and find
your favorite Photograph that makes your Electric Heart
feel as if it’s on Fire.
Can you feel it Burning Up!?
It’s Like A Fire, isn’t it?
It makes you feel Alive and wish that you could
turn the clock One Minute Back
so you can relive it all again on this Good Evening.
Ready or Not, we have come to our next Destination
of Our Page in SHINee’s story.
In 3 2 1, the Orgel plays on the Alarm Clock.
Everybody, wake up, wake up!
The Boys Meet U in a new Area of their lives,
and right now, Onew and Taemin might feel far away,
like a Satellite orbiting the night sky.
You might have a Sleepless Night followed by a Nightmare
as you don’t Feel Good about this new change,
but the Gravity of SHINee World’s Love, so Kind, patient, and everlasting,
keeps The Name SHINee from disappearing into outer space.
Our crazy Punch Drunk Love keeps them fighting 
for this Romance that we have that’s So Amazing.
It’s the kind that when people ask, “Who Waits for Love?”
You say, “All Day All Night, I’ll wait for SHINee.”
From Now On, you don’t have to Tell Me What To Do.
I’ll Get the Treasure because Kimi Ga Iru Sekai.
Forever or Never, I always want to remain by your side.
Kiminoseide, I Wanted to become 10X better, and now, I have the JUICE
to make that happen.
You’ll never have to say, “Y Si Fuera, Ella,” to me
or any other member of SHINee World.
You, SHINee, have said to us, “We are SHINee 5 and we’re right by your side.”
Now, it’s our turn to Replay that back at you.
Onew and Taemin, 
as well as Minho and Key,
and of course, Jonghyun, too, our Moon Drop diamond in the sky,
as you embark on this new adventure,
and everyone else in SHINee world say,
“We are SHINee World and we’re right by your side.”
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apocalypticavolition · 9 months
Let's (re)Read The Great Hunt! Chapter 27: The Shadow in the Night
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I couldn't find any Trolloc puppets so this is what we're going with I guess. It seemed better than pictures of real life fireworks accidents where I wasn't sure if maybe someone got seriously hurt or not. I'm pretty sure that no one got hurt in this episode of Star Trek; the Gorn lived. But I can't promise that about this book series, so if you don't want that kind of spoilers for Wheel of Time, or really any kind of spoilers, it's best not to click keep reading.
This chapter has the Trolloc triptych since we will be getting Trollocs in Cairhien.
The street was empty save for one of the big puppets, a goat-horned Trolloc with a sword at its belt, coming toward them with five men working the poles, but sounds of merriment drifted still from other parts of the Foregate, where the halls of entertainment and the taverns stood. Here, doors were already barred and windows shuttered.
Presumably this is the work of the undescribed man who saw Rand awhile back. I suppose that if Fain is going to defy fate, he might as well defy narrative convention as well.
Instinct brought the sword out of its sheath in a flashing arc. The Moon Rises Over the Lakes.
Honestly the motion I picture when I think of the sword form's name is a bit more complex than a flashing arc, but it gets points for being such a great name.
“Loial, we have to get back to the inn. Hurin’s alone, and they—” He grunted as he was lifted into the air by a thick arm long enough to pin both of his to his chest.
Rand's Shadowspawn Senses still don't seem to have kicked in yet.
The Power. That could do it. How, he did not know, but he knew nothing else to try. The Trolloc had its sword half unsheathed. When the curved blade was bare, it would kill Loial.
I love it when a hero is forced to use an undesirable power because the escalation of the narrative has left them with nothing else.
Driven by a distant desperation, he tried again and again. And again and again there was only the taint.
Of course, that really only makes it all the more hilarious that Rand isn't capable of channeling consistently yet.
“I’m sorry you had to do it, Loial, but it would have killed both of us, or worse.” “I know. But I cannot like it. Even a Trolloc.” Pointing toward the setting sun, the Ogier seized Rand’s arm. “There’s another of them.”
Funny how this bit of work towards Perrin's arc is here in Rand's, considering how many dead Trollocs this boy will be making even in Zen Mode.
He pulled Loial along to the next corner and turned toward the nearest sounds of laughter and music, but long before they reached it, another group of men appeared ahead of them in the otherwise empty street with a puppet that was no puppet.
Rand has something in common with that Trolloc, I suppose. There are some parallels of course - the puppeteers are far less dangerous than the "puppet"; they control it only to the degree that it's convenient for the Trolloc, everything is being done out of sight and in the shadows - but I'm sad to say that I'm at a blank for any deeper meaning.
Sometimes, here where there were no eyes to see, a Trolloc stalked alone. More than once he was sure it was one he had seen before. They were closing in, and making sure he and Loial did not leave the deserted streets with their shuttered windows.
I really like that the Trollocs are still terrifying at this point.
“I don’t have it with me,” he snapped, “and I don’t know how it could help if I did. The dead heroes are not supposed to come back to save me from Trollocs. Selene, you have to get away. Now!”
This is (very likely unintentional) irony, since the Horn isn't blown in the Last Battle until a young boy with no other options has to be saved from Trollocs.
“Seek the Oneness, and be calm. One who would be great must always be calm.”
This is also ironic, since Lanfear has the chill of a blast furnace on the surface of the sun.
Selene cut him off. “If he wants to go in, alantin, he needs a door. Such as that one.” She pointed to a dark patch a little down the wall. Even with her telling him, Rand was not certain it was a door, but when she strode to it and pulled, it opened.
If it weren't for the fact that the far side of this wall had brackets for a bar, I'd half think that Selene had some incredible forgotten weave for turning walls into doors.
At the worst, humans had to be better to deal with than Trollocs. He might be able to talk the Illuminators into letting them go; Trollocs did not listen before they killed.
Rand of course will forget this lesson much later in his dealings with the Seanchan.
The woman’s dress, worked elaborately across the breast, seemed a pale green, and her hair was done in a multitude of short braids.
Hi Aludra! Sorry about what happens to you for the next six books or so. (Also hi Tammuz I guess? Apparently you're technically a recurring character. Good luck with that; I barely remember you from this chapter and I only reread it seven hours ago.)
In any case, fireworks were too expensive for the Village Council to have allowed anybody unskilled to open one. He could well remember the time when Mat had tried to do just that; it was nearly a week before anyone but Mat’s own mother would speak to him.
I'm pretty sure we hear about this story again. I'm also pretty sure Mat will finally open a firework next book.
Rand was just breathing a sigh of relief as they approached the low wall—and the alleys and buildings behind it—when Loial brushed against another rack, standing right beside the wall. It held ten soft-looking sticks, as long as Rand’s arm, with thin streams of smoke rising from their tips. The rack made hardly a sound when it fell, the smoldering sticks sprawling across one of the fuses.
It's like the Illuminators were asking for their chapterhouse to be burned down, frankly.
“Sometimes,” Selene said quietly, “if you are very still, no one can see you at all.” She did not sound the least bit worried.
This is both a useful observational fact about life and clearly a good weave.
“I am not to blame for this, Aludra,” the man protested. “I have been sure to put everything where it belonged, and the punks, they were—”
Sorry Tammuz, I'm absolutely blaming you.
“It is said great men make their own luck,” Selene said softly.
Lanfear: Just because I'm pretending to be a helpless noblewoman doesn't mean I'm not going to expect credit for every secret thing I do to help you.
“Your greatness will make me happy.” Despite the words, Selene sounded angry. “Perhaps I should leave you to find your own way for a time. If you’ll not take greatness when it is in your grasp, perhaps you deserve to die.”
I can see why she hooked up with LTT in the first place and why the dude dumped her the second he had a chance with a slightly more chill woman.
“You let me worry about the Trollocs.” Three of them. I might do it, with the void.
Of course, Rand is finally embracing the greatness she wants anyway. Doesn't even realize it.
It tilted, started to fall over, and he caught the square wooden base; the tube pointed straight at the Trollocs.
Hence the picture above.
Blinking, Rand staggered to his feet, coughing in thick, acrid smoke, ears ringing.
Jordan should have added tinnitus to Rand's list of agonies because it is a bitch and the boy damages his ear drums way too much not to end up with it.
“An old woman, my Lord. Not a quarter of an hour gone. A servant, though she did not say from what House.” Cuale smiled as if inviting confidences.
Definitely Lanfear in disguise. She's not too vain to try and fool Rand this way as we'll know from later, and the difference in age is more than enough for Mr. Idiot here not to suspect that the Obviously Magic Woman following him around improbably might have left the letter herself.
Think of the glory. “I wish Ingtar would come.”
Rand would have been a great hornblower, since he always slides right past the glory in favor of the salvation.
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seigephoenix · 4 days
Not Finale 3
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Here is part 3. Only one more until the end of Siobhan's Final Shape story.
Content Warning: graphic descriptions of injury
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Making Camp Again
“You go ahead and scout with Crow.  Me and this one can set up the camp just fine.” Cayde grabbed the top of Siobhan's head and made her nod.  He ignored the hissing and threats to his dignity spewing from the other Hunter, expertly dodging the swipes at him.  His reflexes were still sharp as ever as her eyes promised to dismember him if he didn’t let her go.
“If you're sure?” Cayde nodded and Nevia headed out with Crow.  Cayde waited until they left before he released Siobhan, taking a healthy step back and facing the younger Hunter.  He saw she was on the defensive immediately.  That alerted him to something going on that she didn’t want to share.  Cayde knew she was going to be cagey about the entire thing, and that it would be work to get her to talk.
“Now come on.  Crow and I settled our differences.  I forgave him for killing me.  So why can't you two get along?”  Siobhan glared at Cayde for a moment before the fight went out of her.  He was stunned to see the mask drop and the depths of her feelings in her eyes, and the tears threatening to fall.  She stubbornly blinked them back and he sighed at her refusal to be vulnerable.  Her Ghost floated beside her as they pulled out the equipment for their camp.
“Crow already forgave me.  He told me the night we first made camp,” Siobhan said as she kept her hands busy by making camp.  Cayde shook his head and wondered why it wasn’t adding up then.  Siobhan should have been glad Crow forgave her, shouldn’t she?  He looked over at her and saw the raw grief on her face and in those glowing eyes of hers.
“Then why do you look like you lost a piece of yourself?”  Siobhan crossed her arms and looked down.  Cayde grew worried about her.  This wasn’t like her at all.  Siobhan hated talking about feelings or letting anyone get close to her, even her fireteam and Nevia had troubles getting that close to her.  Siobhan once said it was to keep from making herself a burden to those people she loved, but he’d called bullshit years ago on that.
“Because I did,” her whispered words brought him up short.  “I never told you or anyone really, I regained my memories of my past life during the Red War.”  That floored Cayde and he looked at her in stunned silence.  She’d held that in for almost ten years?  That she knew who she was from before.
“I heard of some Guardians getting snippets, but you got the whole thing?” Siobhan shook her head.  She didn’t really know how to explain it truly, but she knew Cayde deserved to know.  It was hard to put it into the words she needed.
“It was just fragments at first.  A name.  A brief flash of another face with a warm emotion attached.  Arawn and I didn't know what it was until we looked into the Awoken records.  And found my face staring back at us.  It all came back in a rush as soon as I saw the picture of myself.  It got a bit overwhelming, which is why I never held Crow's lashing out against him.”  Cayde shut his mouth and nodded at her to continue.  He wasn’t about to lecture her, he knew better at this point in their friendship.  He’d try to lecture and she’d just remind him of how many times she’d pulled his irresponsible ass out of the fire.  Her particular favorite point was Nessus.  “I was Selene Corinnj.  Captain of Queen Mara's Crows.  A master infiltrator and assassin.  Guess that's why Void always called to me, anyway.  I died on a mission just outside of the Cosmodrome.” Siobhan heaved another sigh, one that told Cayde just how worn down she truly was.  This would be difficult for anyone to wrap their head around, but to do so alone?  He hated that she felt she had to do this by herself, not when so many people surrounded her.
“I was ambushed by one of Mara's people.  That agent didn't like I was getting too close to the prince, if you catch my meaning.”  Cayde's jaw dropped before he laughed.  He did, in fact, understand it and found it hilarious.  To think they’d be connected for so long, almost as if it was fate.
“So wait, you were the Prince’s lover before and after death?”
“Eww, it's creepy when you say it like that!!  I was his lover in my past life and as a Guardian.  Sounds better that way.” Cayde laughed at her.  “Hahaha, laugh at distress.” Siobhan puffed out her cheeks and Cayde sat down opposite her.  Siobhan looked at him and just knew he’d gotten the wrong idea about why she felt the way she did.  She waited for him to say it, propping her elbow on her knee as she sat opposite him in the camp.
“I see where the problem is.” Siobhan arched an eyebrow.  “You got jealous that Crow got flirty with Amanda.”  Her jaw dropped and she wanted to kick at him.  Out of all the conclusions he could’ve drawn, he came to that idea!?  Siobhan groaned and dropped her head into her hand as Cayde looked at her curiously.
“No.  That's not it.  I.” Siobhan's voice cracked and the tears spilled over.  She couldn’t hold it in anymore.  Not when she was faced by the hardest quest she’d ever undertaken since becoming a Guardian.  The band she used to keep her emotions in check snapped and she couldn’t stop the words from spilling out.  "I can't forgive myself.”  She had never voiced the deepest, darkest thoughts to anyone.  Not her Fireteam, not Nevia.  Only to herself and Arawn.  “I can't forgive myself.”  She crumpled and held her face in her hands.  Her chest burned with the raw emotion she kept banded tightly in her heart.  She had never wanted to face it, never wanted to deal with it.  It kept festering like an old wound in her heart, reminding her every day that her actions had consequences.  That she was the reason two men had died.  Your fault.
To her surprise she felt the arms around her and a hand patting her head.  “We're always the hardest on ourselves.  I can't quite forgive myself for leaving Nevia behind like that.”  Cayde just patted her back as she allowed herself to properly feel for the first time since she'd pulled the trigger.  “You'll just create a wound in your soul if you keep it locked tight like that.  We can't be having that now.  I know us Hunters are known to be emotionally inept, but come on now.”  Siobhan chuckled and stepped back after her tears stopped.  “Now, are we going to work on forgiving ourselves?”
“Only if you do too.”  Cayde froze and narrowed his eyes at her.  He always knew she played dirty.  She narrowed hers right back at him.
“Point.  We'll both work on it then?” Siobhan nodded and wiped at her cheeks.  “Good.  We'll need everyone up front and ready for this mission.”
“I got it.  I wouldn't have jeopardized the mission you know.” Cayde patted her head.  He knew she wouldn’t have, but he didn’t want to see her with a giant gaping wound in her soul either.  Not this Guardian.  He couldn’t imagine carrying the burdens she did, and that was with his own weighing down his soul.  The guilt and responsibility she carried must be soul crushing and Cayde wished she’d let some of her friends help ease the pain.
“I know.  I know.  Still, it's no good to keep everything locked up tight.  I believe our mother once said it will make you emotionally constipated.  Can you believe that?”  Cayde saw the moment she changed, it was when she laughed.  Siobhan looked more like herself, like a weight had been lifted and he was glad for it.
“You know she hates it when you call her mum.”  Cayde grinned.  “Though, she'd give anything to hear you say it again.  So maybe make her cry when we see her again.”
“And get smacked?  No thank you.  No one quite packs a punch like Yvette.  I'd rather get a Titan kiss than that.”  Siobhan doubled over laughing and straightened while holding her aching stomach.  She’d needed that laugh so desperately.
“Siobhan, I'm getting a Taken reading.”  Right after Arawn warned them, Siobhan felt the impact on her shoulder.  The world fizzled out to a soft ringing in her ears as she realized what just hit her.  Dread coated her tongue and left a bitter burn to her stomach as she felt the alien pulse already throbbing in her shoulder.  “Siobhan!”
“Damn it.  They do know how to ruin a touching moment.” Cayde laughed and ducked to find cover.  Siobhan felt the poison seeping into her body and she clenched her jaw.  This wasn’t good.  She knew Nevia was going to be furious about this.  Whenever they did patrol together, Nevia would keep an eye out for Taken.  She sucked in a breath and forced her limbs to move.  She’d fought harder enemies with worse wounds, and she’d push through this as well.
“Focus on keeping it contained, Arawn.  I can still fight one handed,” Siobhan whispered to Arawn.  Her Ghost worried for her as she used the rock to push herself into the air.  He felt the pulse of Darkness go through her as the ice formed in her hands and she unleashed Stasis on her enemies.  Cayde was easily able to pick them off once they were frozen.  Siobhan cleared out the rest with her hand cannon, all the while ignoring the steady throbbing from her shoulder.  In a beat that was not to her own heart’s.
“We still make one helluva team.  Siobhan?” Cayde noticed how still she was.  Then he remembered.  “Shit!  The Taken poison!  What the heck do I do Arawn!?”  Arawn flexed his shell and called for Chia.  Chia responded with their estimated time of return thanks to encountering their own enemies.  Cayde’s lights flickered with worry as he realized that would be too long, and he was without Sundance.
“Go meet up and switch spots with Nevia.  I'll need Chia's help for this,” Arawn told Cayde who hesitated.  He didn’t want to just leave Siobhan by herself.  What if more enemies cropped up?  “Please!”
“Wouldn't it be better to have Glint help?”  Siobhan grabbed his sleeve and he saw the dark purple veins on her shoulder, slowly spreading out and trying to sink deep into her Light.  Cayde couldn’t believe it was that bad already, she’d barely taken a blow.  Worry gnawed at his gut and he made the decision himself.  He may be without a Ghost but he could still help damn it.
“No.  I don't want him to see this.  To see me like this.” Siobhan breathed out in relief when she saw Cayde nod in understanding.  He ducked around the rock and just sat there, keeping his optics searching for any kind of threats.  Siobhan may have wanted him to leave, but there was no way in hell he was moving from his spot.  Not only because he cared for the woman as a sister, but Nevia would likely never forgive him if he abandoned her.
Siobhan ducked into a small carved out hiding spot in the rock face and pulled off her armor.  She sat in just her bra when she heard boots coming towards them.  Her mind was hazy as she didn’t recognize who approached, and she realized the fever had started.  Damn it.  She glanced down at her shoulder and flinched away from the look of it.  Long purple tendrils snaked away from the impact spot, reaching towards her heart, and all throbbing to some unknown rhythm.  Her skin felt hot to the touch when she probed the wound.  She took out her knife and knew what she had to do.  There was no time if she wanted to stop the spread of the damn Taken ichor.
“Siobhan, shouldn’t you wait for Nevia?” Arawn asked as he fluttered in front of her, his eye focused on the wound.  She shook her head and dug her knife into the infected flesh, she bit down on the anguished cry as she cut a piece away.  With every piece of infected flesh that fell away, Arawn was able to contain more and more of the spreading poison.  Siobhan looked up as she heard the footsteps again, but she didn’t know if they were friend or foe with the fever messing up her senses.  She hoped it was Nevia or Cayde.
“Siobhan!”  A tiny little ball of spikes flew through the cave entrance and Siobhan narrowed her eyes in disbelief.  What happened?  She thought Cayde went to replace Nevia so the recon could continue?  Did she hear wrong?  Siobhan groaned as the high pitched ringing sounded in her ears again.  She looked up as the little Ghost floated in front of her face.
“Glint?  What?”  Siobhan cursed and gnashed her teeth against the pulse of pain.  “Where's Chia?”  She didn’t have time to explain what to do and neither did Arawn.  She was barely hanging on by a thread to keep herself awake.
“Right here.”  Chia popped up next to Glint and immediately assessed the situation.  “Nevia, this won't hold all of us in here.  We’ll have to take her outside.”  Siobhan heard something of a scuffle outside but her vision was growing weaker.  The shapes were starting to blend together and she shook her head.  Her knife raised to take more of the infected flesh out when she looked up.
“Wait, no.” Nevia's voice reached Siobhan but she couldn't understand why she was saying no.  Until hands closed over her shoulders and under her knees, gently pulling her up against a solid chest.  Was it Cayde?  No, it doesn’t feel like him.  Then who?  Then her vision grayed at the edges before she closed them.
“I forgot she was still weak to Taken poison.  I never should have left her side.  She shouldn’t have been here if I knew Taken would be here.” Nevia's words were harsh, full of grief, to herself even though she knew how Siobhan would react.  As if you could keep me away.  
“What is happening?” Crow asked as he set Siobhan down near the tent.  Nevia pushed him out of the way and Cayde grabbed his arm.  Crow jerked back but Cayde held fast.  There was something in the exo’s eyes that stopped Crow from turning back to Siobhan.
“It's worse than I thought.  How is it spreading so fast Arawn?” Nevia asked as she grabbed her knife.  Alarm shot through Crow as he saw the wicked blade shining in the light.
“What are you doing?” Crow demanded as she cut away the infected skin.  His stomach turned as he saw it.  Was this what she went through during the Red War?  He’d heard Amanda talk about it back in the hangar.  Yeah, during the Red War Siobhan took a big hit on Io from this Taken lieutenant.  I swear I thought we’d lost her because of how deep seated the poison was.  She pulled through and kicked Ghaul’s ass even with her side still bleeding.  Man, I still remember her first time at the Tower.  Now she’s up and saving all our butts.
“What I have to.” Nevia spat at him as she returned to her task.  She knew to cut away the poisoned skin, there was no saving it as all it did was hinder her Light from healing and protecting her from the poison.  Arawn, Chia, and Glint worked to keep the poison from spreading.
“Crow, I need to talk to you.”  Cayde slung an arm around Crow’s neck and began to walk away from the scene in front of him.  Cayde dragged the other Hunter away from the two women, despite his struggles to get free.  “Now.”  They were well away from the area when Cayde finally stopped.  Crow broke free with a loud gasp of air.
“Why did you do that?  I could have helped!” Cayde shook his head.  He’d seen the look in Crow’s eyes.  Lost, panic, desperate.  Anguish.  Cayde sighed and looked over at the other Hunter.  He knew Crow would be just as useless as he had been during the Red War when Siobhan had come back from Io with that festering wound on her stomach.
“You'll just be in the way.  I've seen it before.”  Crow froze and turned to him.  “Ah jeez, you didn't know?”
“Know what?  I knew she’d taken a large attack during the Red War.”  Cayde looked at him and wondered if he truly knew what it was or if he’d just heard stories.
“When those two went into Oryx's throne world, Siobhan became weakened against the Taken poison.  It can latch onto her more easily than one of us.”  Cayde gestured between the two of them.  “And yeah, during the Red War, I thought we'd lost her.  It was bad, Crow.  I never want to see that again, and I'm not halfway in love with the woman like you are.  She didn't even let her wound fully heal before she was blazing back into battle.  Trust me on this, it's better to stay back.  Seeing the floor slick with her blood…  You don’t need to see that.”  Crow froze at Cayde’s words and he looked towards the camp.
“How can you be so calm about this?  What if it was Nevia?”  Cayde's jaw shuddered and he sighed before letting go of Crow's arm.  The other Hunter had him there.  If it was Nevia there would be no stopping him from getting in there.
“I came to help.”  Nevia looked up at Crow in surprise.  She instructed him on what to do.  He looked down at Siobhan and saw the scars.  So many scars.  The pain she had to have endured.  All alone.  He methodically followed Nevia’s directions as the Ghosts worked their magic.  After an hour Arawn announced she was poison free.
“We've got to move.” Nevia stood and threw Siobhan's cloak over her body.  “Come on sleepyhead.”  Crow’s jaw dropped at the nonchalance from Nevia.  Outrage had him jumping to his feet to address the other Hunter.
“She just got patched up!” Crow yelled at Nevia.  He’d even volunteer to stay back with her if that would help the matter.  Even if he knew they were on a time clock.  The thought of her fighting with a barely healed wound had his soul shuddering in fear.
“And I've gone to war with worse.  I'm up.” Siobhan groaned as she sat up.  Arawn floated in front of her face.  “I'm good.  Well, maybe not good but I can at least fight.”  Siobhan stood and pulled on her armor.  She ignored the pinch and pull of her wounds as she settled the last gauntlet on her arm.  She wouldn’t be able to use her favorite shotgun but that was fine.  She’d taken on Ghaul with a wound that refused to stay closed no matter how hard Arawn had tried.  She’d kick in the Witness’s teeth with this one still trickling blood too.
“You shouldn't be fighting at all.  At least not until your shoulder heals.”  Siobhan looked at him over her uninjured shoulder.  Why was he so concerned?  Did he think she’d be a liability in the fight ahead?  She wanted to scoff but knew that was a valid concern to anyone who didn’t know her.
“I'll be fine.  I can take things easy if I use a hand cannon.  It won’t put as much strain on my arm or anything.”  Arawn piped up that she hated that weapon type.  “I can deal with it.”
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shallyne · 2 years
Feysand Month Day 4: Dates
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Growing Family
Words: 1,367
TW: none
Feyre and Rhys go on a date
"And you promise me to get us if anything comes up?" Feyre repeated.
Nyx groaned. "Mom, I already said I will. Trust me!" he said.
"I do trust you -" Nyx raised an eyebrow at that. Like his father. Feyre said. "It's just that you don't like to ask for help. I know you, Nyxie. I'm just making sure, if you need help-"
"-I'll get you. I know. I promise. It's not my first time looking after Ares and Selene. We always have a great time." Nyx said.
"Well, I remember the laundry blowing up." Feyre said as she fixed her earring.
Nyx grinned. "That was an accident."
"You can't even say that with a straight face." Feyre replied.
Nyx rolled his eyes. "I won't blow anything up."
"You or your siblings." Feyre warned.
Ares raised his head, his attention sliding from the drawing he worked at to Feyre. "What? Why? Nyx said-"
"I said nothing!" Nyx tried to deny. Ares looked between Feyre and Nyx with wide eyes and then focused on his drawing again. Feyre huffed.
"Okay fine, I wanted to show them how- how not to do it." he said. "I won't. I guess they'll have to learn themselves."
"By the cauldron, Nyx. What did you-" Feyre sighed. "We're staying."
"What? No!" Nyx said. "Feyre-" Rhys said at the same time behind her. She looked at her mate, who was holding their daughter.
"Mom." Nyx said, suddenly standing before her. "I'm sorry. I promise nothings gonna blow up and no power experiments. You planned that evening for weeks, please go." he hugged her. "Please go. Everything will be fine. Selene already planned a tea party with me, there's no room for you."
Feyre snorted and kissed Nyx cheek. "Alright."
He smiled brightly. "Perfect!" he went to Rhys and picked Selene up. "Now go before she starts crying."
"You know the rules." Rhys said, taking Feyres hand.
"Yup. And if I need you, I'll get you. And I know how to quickly get Mor, Cassian, Azriel and Elain. And if I don't get them, I know how to get Amren." he said. "Bedtime is 8 but you can tolerate 9 if it's necessary. No experiments with our powers without a grown up and I'll keep Ares away from moms painting studio. No sweets before bed and Selene needs her bat plushie or she'll go BATshit crazy. See what I did there? Oh and I would not forget Ares' puppy pajama." Nyx rattled down.
"Alright, perfect." Feyre said. "I love you."
Nyx grinned. "We love you!" Selene giggled and echoed the "Love you." Nyx turned his head towards his brother. "Right, Ares?"
He looked up, to his parents. "I love you, too!"
Rhys chuckled. "Ready?"
Feyre nodded. "Let's go!" Rhys put his arm around her waist and winnowed them out of the house.
She groaned when they arrived in front of the restaurant, needing a moment to get used to the change of lighting. She looked up, smiling when she realized where they were. Sevenda's. The first restaurant Feyre ever visited. The first restaurant she had visited with Rhys and the Inner Circle. The first restaurant she had visited here in Velaris. She smiled up at her mate. "Sentimental?"
He snorted as he pulled Feyre to him, kissing her temple. "Always." She slid her arms around his waist. Rhys stroked his hand over Feyres back, stopping at the strap of her dress. "Is that a new dress?"
Feyre grinned. "It is! Mor dragged me out to go shopping and she told me to get that dress. And-" Feyre raised her hand, showing Rhys her nails "-we got our nails done! It's like she knew-" Feyre stopped grinning. "You told her, didn't you?"
Rhys chuckled. "I just told her that I am planning to take you out on a date, shopping was her idea." he kissed the back of Feyres hand. "Your nails look stunning, my love. It reminds me of the night sky."
"Right?" Feyre said, smiling broadly. "They look beautiful!"
"They do." he agreed, taking her hand. "Let's get inside."
She nodded and followed her mate inside. Sevenda already waited for them, greeting them happily. "Follow me, your table is ready!" she said. Feyre looked around, the restaurant was full, no free table in sight. Rhys smiled at her, pulling Feyre with him as they followed Sevenda somewhere to the back. They walked up a narrow staircase until they reached a balcony. A beautiful decorated table with view of the Sidra. "It's beautiful!" Feyre said. Sevenda bowed her head and said "Food will be ready soon!"
"Take your time." Rhys said. She waved her hand and walked out. "Just yell if you need something."
Feyre snorted when she was gone. "I take it this was your idea?"
"Truthfully, the idea was all hers. To give us some privacy." Rhys said, leading her to a chair.
"I can sit myself." Feyre said. Rhys chuckled. "Let me be a gentleman for one evening, Feyre Darling. Without complaining."
Feyre smirked. "I guess I can do that."
He helped her on the chair, without any comment from Feyre, and then sat down across from her. Rhys smiled brightly at her.
"What?" Feyre asks.
"I'm happy." he answered. "Are you?"
"Incredibly happy." Feyre said. "But I would be extremely happy to know what Nyx is up to."
Rhys sighed, still smiling. "He promised."
"I know he did." Feyre said. "But he loves to twist my words. He's like you!"
"What is that supposed to mean?" Rhys chuckled.
"You didn't ask." Feyre mocked Rhys. His favorite thing to say when Feyre first came to the Night Court. Rhys smirked. "Well, you didn't-"
She laughed. "Just shut up." Rhys chuckled. Feyre took his hand over the table. He traced the tattoo on Feyres hand with his thumb, his smile softening.
"I need to tell you something." Feyre said. Rhys thumb stopped for a moment before he continued drawing soothing circles. "What is it?"
"Well, you know-" Feyre laughed nervously. "Uhm-"
"Just say it."
Feyre smiled. "Our family is growing!"
"You're pregnant?" Rhys asked, squeezing her hand.
"What? Oh! No, I'm not pregnant." Feyre said. Rhys looked confused so she told him "I found Bryaxis!"
"And what does that have to do with our growing family?" Rhys asked carefully.
"Well, Nyx always wanted a dog and Ares is also starting to want a pet-"
"We'll get them a kitten!" Rhys said. "I know someone who just found a lost kitten."
"Bryaxis is a puppy!" Feyre said
"A puppy?!"
"You never saw Bryaxis!" Feyre said.
"I don't need to, I remember Cassians reaction to it." Rhys responded.
"Because Bryaxis wanted to spook him. He just walked into it's home!" Rhys sighed at Feyre's explanation. "Don't say no, yet. I know where Bryaxis is, we can go visit it together and make a decision then. Please."
Rhys looked at her, doubting, but he knew Feyre wouldn't back down so he sighed in defeat. "Fine, but we won't make a decision yet."
"Thank you!" Feyre smiled. "You're the best, you know that?"
Rhys snorted. "I know."
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Rhys came home after a long day arguing with a bunch of camp lords. He walked into their bedroom, ready to greet his mate but it was empty. He threw his power out, looking for her. He found that his family was in the childrens playroom. He wandered over there, quietly opening the door.
Rhys watched his family, who laid on a mountain of stuffed animals. Feyre was holding a book, Selene sitting on her lap and Ares cuddled in on her left. On her right was Bryaxis, laying between Feyre and Nyx, the latter patting him.
Selene was turning her head to the door, her golden-brown hair was braided exactly like Feyres. "Dada!" she said raising her arms. They all looked at him. Bryaxis raising its head. It huffed and turned away again.
Nyx chuckled as he watched them. "Bryaxis still doesn't like you."
Rhys rolled his eyes, picking his daughter up. It would still take a while until Rhys got used Bryaxis. Feyre smiled at him. The same way she did when she convinced him to take Bryaxis home.
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violetjedisylveon · 4 months
The Moon Finds A Flower
moonlilyshipping Pokémer AU chapter 1
Summary: Lillie crashes her boat out at sea while trying to take Nebby away from the Aether foundation, she thinks it's all over for them. She doesn't know that she just so happened to crash in the territory of a Pokémer.
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: angst/torture at the beginning, Lusamine is a bad parent, injury, life and death situations
A/N: I saw really cute Moonlily MerMay art where Moon/Selene (I call her Moon) was a Lumineon based mermaid and I ran with it. So Moon is technically a Pokémon here.
Ages are different, Moon, Lillie and Hau are 14, Gladion is 16, and Nebby is pew years old.
Pokémer AU Masterpost
All she wanted to do was help.
She had just wanted to help Nebby.
She didn't want anyone to get hurt.
She wanted to cover her ears, the screams were unbearable, but she couldn't move.
She couldn't look away from the torturous sight in front of her.
The deep blue, almost black, and shimmering white fins spasmed out.
The sleek, scale covered body convulsed involuntarily, writhing in pain.
She screamed into the water as Lillie just stood there and watched.
The vice grip on her shoulder tightened, making her aware of the chilling presence behind her.
A cold hand grabbed her face, forcing her to keep looking forward. A poisoned, honey sweet voice cooed behind her.
“See? This is what happens when you step out of line.” The cold hissed.
The cold left her, staring at the pain she caused. It was all her fault.
I never should have become her friend. I should have stayed away and told her to go back where she belonged.
It was all over for her.
All the risk she took in stealing Nebby from the labs was going to be for nothing, they were both going to drown.
Though drowning is probably a better date than whatever awaited Nebby. Lillie thought as she frantically tried to maintain control of the boat in the stormy seas. Nebby wriggled in her bag, panicked and in pain from the experiments.
Tears filled her eyes, she grabbed the bag and held it close to her, sinking to the floor with the knowledge that it was hopeless.
She squeezed her eyes shut and prayed to Arceus that their deaths would be painless.
Her boat collided with a large rock.
Everything went dark.
Moon jolted awake at a loud noise traveling through the water. Cautiously, she peaked out of her cave, looking up towards the dark, stormy sky.
Maybe a human got caught in the storm. She thought.
Humans got caught in storms all the time, they were quite dumb despite everything they could do.
Her hip fins fluttered anxiously at the thought of more humans showing up near her territory.
Her cave was situated in a narrow ravine surrounded by rocky and coral filled waters on all sides for miles, humans didn't come here often, and they never came down far enough to reach her cave. The rocks and coral stretched over the ravine opening, interlocking in a complex maze of sharp, fragile stone and coral, making it far too risky to reach.
A panicked, weak cry reached her fin like ears.
A Pokémon was in trouble.
The cry came from the same direction as the crash… She frowned, biting her lower lip.
It was a risk, a human could see her, if they did she could sick an allied Pokémon on them, but it was still a risky move.
Mom always warned her against going near crashes or anything human related. It was always too dangerous for her.
The Pokémon’s cries grew more panicked.
It sounded like a little, scared thing, not made for the seas, not ready to die.
This is going to end badly. Moon thought as she swam out of her cave.
She swam up, twisting through the maze of coral and stone easily, her slime coat allowed her to slide between the tight spots without getting scratched.
Once she was above the coral maze, she scanned the rock spires for signs of where the boat had crashed.
The boat was already below the tumultuous waves. That made her job easier.
She approached the boat cautiously, there wasn't any blood or bodies yet, either it had a smaller crew or everyone drowned and the bodies were stuck.
Her ears flicked at the annoyed, worried squeaks from her friend, quickly coming up behind her.
The little Popplio swam over to her, angrily chittering about how she shouldn't have left the cave without him. He tucked his snout into her side, she patted his head soothingly, Poppy was an anxious little fella.
“Someone needs help.” She whispered.
Poppy glanced at the boat, he glared and shook his head aggressively. Moon rubbed his head sympathetically, Poppy really didn't like humans, he never elaborated on why, maybe it was his coloring.
Her little friend looked different from other Popplio she had seen, his fur was a deeper, more purple blue, and his neck frill was a light pink.
“It's a little Pokémon that needs help, like you did when I found you.” She said.
Poppy frowned at her, crossing his flippers. She rolled her eyes.
“I'm going to help them.” she announced, swimming towards the boat.
Poppy stayed out for all of three seconds, the little guy was a bit of a scaredy cat. He stuck close to her side, brushing against her hip fins as they swam into the ship.
It had the mark of those boats others said were constantly coming and going from the fake island. Those humans were bad news, they kept poking around the various reefs she hunted at.
A flash of light caught her attention.
A part of the boat was sealed, air bubbles were leaking from it at a rapid pace, the weak flashing came from there.
Moon peered into the space through the dark glass, a long cylinder bag was where the light came from. It sat inside a perfectly round air bubble, and a human girl was holding tightly onto it.
“Hello?” She called through the water.
The light flashed rapidly in response, the patterns didn't make any sense to her, it was a whole bunch of gibberish.
“Do you need help?” She asked.
“Yes!” The Pokémon in the bag squeaked.
Moon glanced at the girl holding the bag.
“What about the human?”
“Yes! Friend! Safe!” they squealed.
“If you insist.”
Moon slammed her tail against the glass, bracing herself against the sudden pressure release. She swam into the cramped space, hesitating at the edge of the of air bubble.
“Can you make the bubble smaller?” She requested.
“Mom can't breathe!” They responded.
“The human is your mother?” Moon wondered.
“Help! Can't teleport in the water!” They shouted.
“Okay, I'll get you to the surface.” She told them.
She reached her hands into the bubble, snatching the girl by her waist and pulling her out of the bubble, dragging the bag with her.
Moon shot for the surface with rapid, strong flaps of her fins. She broke the water's surface, holding the girl's head above the water. 
Her gills shut as her body adjusted to being out of water, instinctively, she started drawing air from her mouth. She thrust herself out of the water and onto the rock the boat had crashed on for their collective safety.
She set the girl down on the least jagged part of the rock she could find, humans, she was fairly certain, didn't have a slime coat to protect them. 
Out of curiosity, she removed the girl's large hat. She wanted to see the face of the girl this Pokémon considered a mother.
Thick, straight blonde hair framed her pale face, her skin was soft and smooth, she didn't have a scratch or a scar on her.
Moon smiled to herself.
She's very pretty.
The bag rustled, bringing Moon’s attention away from the cute girl.
“Are you alright little friend?” She asked, reaching to open the bag, somehow.
The little Pokémon let out a weak ‘pew’ type sound, and the bag started to glow again.
Moon yelped in alarm as the glow turned blindingly bright, she squeezed her eyes shut, it felt like she was flying.
The light suddenly faded, she opened her eyes long enough to see that she was falling through the air, with the girl and her bag.
She grabbed onto the girl, curling her tail around her, spread her hip fins out and braced for the impact of their fall.
Her body slammed into the water with a loud smack. She couldn't feel her tail but the sight of her fins twitching out of the corner of her eye was enough to signify she wasn't paralyzed.
Her back brushed against soft sand, her face was still above the water.
We're on a beach. She realized.
As the feeling came back to her tail, she unwrapped it from around the girl.
She heard a small sound, felt the girl shift from her place curled against her body.
Looking down, brilliantly vibrant emerald green eyes met her own pink ones. The girl stared at her with wide eyes.
Moon realized she hadn't let go of her yet, she was still holding her in a tight, protective grip.
She'll feel my scales!
Thinking quickly, Moon shifted, turning her singular tail into two human legs.
Moon didn't like to transform much, she didn't have any trouble doing it, it was pretty easy to change and maintain, she just didn't have much reason to risk everything by pretending to be a human. That's what got her mother killed, she got too close to humans.
Silently, she hoped the girl wouldn't try speaking to her, she couldn't speak to humans.
Thankfully, her eyes slipped shut again and her head slumped against Moon's chest.
Moon let out a sigh of relief.
That's a bullet dodged.
She sat up, using one hand to prop herself up, the other securing the girl, she looked around.
Her initial thought was correct, they were on a beach.
A familiar beach.
Mom lives on this island.
That was as good a place as any to go for help. Mom could speak to other humans.
Moon rose out of the water unsteadily, she hadn't used her legs in a long time. She held the girl bridal style, tucking her bag and hat between their bodies, then she began to make her way out of the water.
It's good the storm chased all the humans inside. Moon thought.
She glanced around the beach, it had changed since she'd last been here. There was a lot more stuff now, she didn't know the exact direction to go to get to Mom’s house.
It was much brighter too, a big shift from light being filtered through the water.
The moment Moon stepped out of the water, she felt different.
Her powers had a limit now, they had always had one but she was always being recharged by the ocean. She was still close enough to recharge her powers, only far slower than she was accustomed too.
Just don't get cut off, as long as I can get back I'll be fine. She thought.
She walked unsteadily towards the darker part of the beach, Mom lived on a darker side of the island, close to the water and temple, she remembered that much.
The sand stuck to her legs, she scrunched her nose at the hated sensation, she wanted her slime coat back.
The beach had a strange path in it now, stacked stones leading up to what was once a cliff that Mom had her own way down. At least she was close to Mom’s now.
She heard something, sound was weird out of water. Her hearing wasn't as good either. She turned in the direction she thought it was coming from.
A human woman was approaching her, she started waving once she realized she'd turned around.
“Hey! Are you alright over there?! Did that blast hurt you?!” The woman shouted to her.
Moon walked in the woman's direction, passing the girl off to this human would wash her clean of this entire situation, she wouldn't need to visit Mom, she could get back to Poppy faster. Her little friend was probably worried out of his mind by now.
She stopped a few feet away from the human woman, her hair was white but she wasn't old. The woman looked her over, like she was sizing her up. Moon fought the urge to growl, humans were different from Pokémon, they showed aggression differently.
“Are you okay? Do you need a towel?” the woman asked, pulling folded fabric out of her bag.
Moon stared at it, glancing at the woman in confusion.
“To cover up? Aren't you cold?” The woman explained awkwardly.
Moon didn't think she was too exposed, she had the flowy piece of black and white patterned fabric that she tied around her waist to use as a sack, that was currently covering her leg area, and she always covered her chest with something, though what she was wearing was likely somewhat see through. Maybe that was the problem.
She shook her head and held the girl out to the woman.
“Oh my! What happened to you two?” The woman gasped.
Moon shook her head, she didn't know anything other than the boat crashed in her territory. She gestured towards the girl in her arms, silently begging for this woman to take her.
The woman gave her a concerned look.
“Do you know her?” She asked.
Moon shook her head again.
“So you don't know what happened to her and you don't know her?” The woman prompted.
Moon nodded.
“Is she hurt?” The woman asked, shifting her focus to the girl in her arms.
Moon nodded, holding the girl out to her again. This time, the woman took her from her outstretched arms, she ignored the weird feeling telling her to grab the girl she didn't know back, instead handing the bag to the woman.
She gave the woman a smile, humans liked those, right?, and turned to leave.
“Wait, are you hurt? Do you have anywhere to go?” The woman asked, taking a step towards her.
Moon shook her head, smiling in what she hoped was a reassuring way. She racked her brain for the signs Mom taught her so they could talk way back all those years ago.
She remembered quickly, smiling as she tapped the side of her nose with her pointing finger three times*.
The woman frowned, brow furrowed in deep thought, then her face lit up with understanding.
“Your mother lives around here?” she asked.
Moon nodded, pointing in the general direction of Mom’s house. She smiled, waved then headed off in the direction of Mom's.
She felt the woman's eyes on her even as she began to climb the slope, the feeling only faded once she was over the hill.
Moon dropped into the tall grass on the cliff’s edge, peering down at the woman on the beach, the other Pokémon didn't bother her, she was too tough for them.
The woman was staring after her, considering following her, humans were too nosey sometimes. Luckily, the woman didn't follow her, instead turning away to take care of the girl. Moon breathed out a sigh of relief, resting her chin on the ground.
She waited a while longer, just to be sure the woman didn't come back and the beach remained empty, then she slipped back down to the beach, into the water. She swam out in her human body, checking for any sign of recording, before diving down, allowing herself to change back to her natural form as she swam against the seafloor.
Poppy must be so worried. She sighed, the little guy wouldn't let go of her for weeks after this.
Moon swam faster, trying to leave her questions about the strange girl and strange Pokémon with the island.
*I believe that three taps with a pointer finger to the side of the nose is the sign for mother in Hawaiian Sign Language(HSL), I got that from this website https://www.listenandlearnusa.com/blog/hawaiian-sign-language/Cause I wanted to have Moon use HSL whenever she does communicate with people outside of the more vague gestures, but it's an endangered language and so finding sources on it is pretty hard, that really sucks.
Pokémer have the ability to change their forms, as long as they are close enough to the ocean to maintain their power, and have human legs/lower halves; they don't speak any human languages, but they can speak to Pokémon, they stay mute even in their human forms.
Moon's Mom and mother are different characters here, Mom is the mom character in the games, she's not Moon's biological mother, her bio mother is dead
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
Growing Teeth
Description: Selene finally confronts Solare
Word Count: 1191
Characters: Selene- Myself, Solare- @trollbreak, Mentions of Ptillo and Keonin- @memurfevur, Mentions of Hunter- @whispertrolls
Trigger Warning: Violence, Character Death
He had never been one for tracking.
It was a skill, one most people who used it had spent many sweeps perfecting, he had not. But Selene was a shifter, and he had a scrap of his targets clothing, and worst case scenario he knew Ptillo would help him when she returned from wherever she was. But he was not willing to simply wait for that to happen, and so he set out. He decided not to tell anyone exactly what he was up to, so slipping out happened in the early hours of the evening, when many members of the hive were still asleep, especially his beloved Keonin, curled up with a wriggler on either side of her. Hopefully he would be home before anyone could worry too much.
Shifting once outside the door, he moved cautiously, ears perked forward and eyes keen, watching for Hunter. That one could cause him problems with the trying to slip away quietly thing. Perhaps if they were closer he would have requested help with his tracking, but no, he was going to do this himself. Luckily there was no sign of the wolf and Selene was able to get far enough away to feel comfortable shifting into an easier and faster movement, rather than creeping. 
The purple figured he would head to the last place he knew she was living, and start attempting to track her from there. And so he set off, glad this form was built for running. His long legs moved easily, and despite the gravity of everything he felt fantastic, wondering to himself why he did not do this more. The running, not the hunting.
Getting to Her hive was easy enough, though it was empty, her scent somewhat faint. He seemed to have gotten lucky, as he was sniffing around, as the crunch of boots on stone reached him. Peeking around the corner revealed the very Jade he had come here to confront, HIS symbol still displayed proudly on a chain. Selene shifted, stepping out, much to her surprise.
“Solare” he said with a barely held back growl. Oh, she broke into a huge grin, and her words dripped in a coo.
“Selene, I knew you’d come to your senses eventually~” 
He cut her off with a snarl, it was less threatening with his mask in the way but it got the point across. Her head tilted slightly, not unlike a bird, green eyes glittering. He did not speak again before lunging. He had always, from the time they were little, been faster than her, lighter on his feet. Her becoming a drinker had done a lot to even that playing field, while also pulling her even further ahead in terms of raw power, but Selene did not think about any of that.
Solare responded swiftly, keeping herself from toppling over just barely, her nails raking down his face. She pulled the mask down, and left gouges in the already scarred half of the purples face. He snarled, turning and snapping his teeth at her hand now that his mouth was free. They sank in. She hissed, using his grip on her to yank him forward, sinking her fangs into his neck through his clothes, right in her favorite spot. They quickly both released and retreated. Solare cradled her injured hand, eyes tinted red, while Selene held his neck, and for once, it was fury that painted his features, not fear.
“Oh my darling Moon, is that all you got? I see you got a tail, sweet pet, maybe you should tuck it between your legs and I’ll remind you how good a time we can have” she gave him a cocky grin, though it faltered for a moment “I’ll show her she was wrong, that you still need me, and once you realize that too we can get rid of that wannabe mate of yours. It will be just like old times, I’ll take care of the threat to us, and you can make the body disappear after.”
That was the final straw. Selene could feel the beast inside him, snarling, begging to be let out, to rip her to shreds. But no, he wanted to be here for this, so she knows it’s Him and not just pure Instinct and Rage. He fought against it, that moment giving her the opportunity she needed to lunge forward, pinning him against the wall. He faltered for a moment as she loomed over him, feeling so small. Once upon a time this would have felt safe. Now it felt like staring at a snake ready to strike.
She ran her tongue across her fangs, fully extended, and went to tug his jacket and shirt down enough to have access to his neck and shoulder. Both ended up tearing slightly, as he struggled to push her away to no avail. Her teeth sank in and now he had a new problem, though one that calmed the other at the very least. The warmth and pleasure of her venom started to spread, though he continued to fight, scrabbling for anything he could use to get her away. The purple undid the buckle holding her axes, and they clattered to the ground. This was just enough noise for Solare to pull back, puzzled.
He took her looser grip and dropped like a rock, grabbing one of the axes and using what turned out to be the blunt side to smack her leg, causing her to stumble and fall back slightly.
He stood, taking the unfamiliar weapon in hand. It was cruel, and heavy, nothing he would use normally, and for a split second he wavered again.
Until he saw the dried purple.
He had no way of knowing where it was from. Himself? Ptillo? Oh Ptillo, she believed in him, didn’t she? He was doing this for her, for Keonin, for the whole pack.
And so
He swung
It took the bite of the axe for her to realize he was not just playing as normal, green splattering across the delicate purple. Heh, he looked good in her green, always had, and the way her blood splattered across the wall behind him gave him the illusion of wings. And for just a moment she could think about how things used to be, how good they were.
Maybe she had driven him to this. Did she regret it?
She did not get a chance to figure that out as the blade came down again, severing her neck.
Selene stood, breathing heavily as a glint of silver caught his eye. He dropped the axe, bending down to grab the pendant he had given her once upon a time. Despite its age it still was beautiful, though the green and purple that coated it hid much of that. He held it up to the sky, one dual colored necklace framed by the moons.
“This” he said, voice strained “This is all you will EVER get from me”
The moons, of course, did not answer, not even a breeze stirred the air. And so he turned, slipping the chain into his pocket and headed for home.
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