#always Sunny is weird like that in the sense that you somehow end up equal parts rooting for them and wanting their downfall
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ricketycr1cks · 1 month ago
And if I say Mac grew up equating love to cigarette burns and absent fathers and getting told to toughen up, that Mac doesn’t understand love that isn’t conditional, love without equal parts hate or distaste, that never in his life has Mac understood earnest love, that even though Dennis isn’t trying to, he often ends up re-confirming this idea in Macs head, that love is hatred, that-
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uglyshirtsinc · 3 years ago
Thanks for the input!!! Ill still probably stay in the unlabeled side which i honestly don’t really mind.
its just nice to know that if i decide to slap a label, then i dont have to worry too much on the technicalities.
The horror things makes sense, i like the creepy eye imagery but do i want to be stared at? hell no.
Skipping all of that. Do you have a specific meet cute/love at first sight scenario you just love to death? or do you like them all equally? Anything you wanna rant about?
glad it could help!! i get how weird it can be to figure out labels n i personally like having one because it makes me feel better, but if you don't want one or like one that's just as chill!!
the horror thing is how i've had to explain it to folks in the past because i've answered a similar question once!
and okok i do and the reason its in my head is two ocs of mine so im gonna use them to ramble about said trope because theyre my favorite depiction, probably because theyre mine but it's technicalities
it's for a project a friend and i made and so the info needed for it is the girl is kaede, the boy is hiro, she's a hero in training, he's a vigilante and later becomes a hero in training against his will,
so kaede is the golden retriever friend, loud and happy and overly friendly and overall the life of the party, and hiro is very much... not? at first he's not directly unfriendly or mean, he just always looks bored and like he very much wants to leave, and only later once he's forced to become a hero is he outwardly unfriendly and pissy towards people that aren't kaede, his little brother, or his few friends
and its SO cute and SO good because they weren't intended to compliment each other, or to like each other it all just happened accidentally, but their designs ended up just somehow fitting? hers are baggy and make her silhouette look larger while his is fitting and isn't loose, because where she's slower, a tank, and relies more on heavy hitting, he's nimble, swift, and uses his speed to his advantage, so they are literally direct opposites
they aren't love at first sight, he actually finds her incredibly annoying and she's always trying to catch him, but it's bright sunny skies meets dark night and faint stars and i adore it so much.
honestly just something about person who really just doesn't like being there and person who avidly enjoys being there is so good to me, maybe not always direct opposites attract (sun vs night) but subtle ones like introvert x extrovert also are so GOOD
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freetobeafcknriot · 4 years ago
apocalypse world midam for the hc ask please? thank u
hello! okay so, i got (unsurprisingly) carried away. i kept it at five but they're a bit long, so i'll put them under the cut. also i wasn't sure whether you wanted the apocalypse world from the show or not; i went with a generic, completely unrelated au, tell me if i got it wrong!
i hope they're not terrible! :')
𝑚𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑚 + 𝑎𝑝𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑝𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑!𝑎𝑢
okay so — they meet by accident. and by accident, i mean that adam was hiking his way up to a meeting point after he got separated from his mom and the group of people he basically grew up with. we’re several generations from now in the future; the world is at its limits, nature has taken its course, and the few humans that still walk the earth are descendants of the ones who survived a big extinction-level event a few decades ago. they live in units, basically, with very little ways to communicate with each other, but they manage somehow. anyway, yeah, it’s not a safe world to live in if you count natural disasters, wild animals, and strange beasts that are kind of like the monsters preternatural tales talk about. what happens is, one day, adam is alone. it’s a miracle that he managed to survive to see another day honestly, it wasn’t a good night for him and being the sane person that he is, he’s freaked out, to say the least. but he manages to stay rational enough to decide that if the others are still alive they’ll make their way up to one of the nearest safe zones. so he gets his bearings and moves. which is easier said than done because what the sea didn’t reach, the forests did. but yeah anyway — one day, he meets michael.
it would be more accurate to say that michael saved his ass, actually. adam’s not a scaredy cat or a damsel in distress by all means, but remember the monsters i mentioned before? yeah, they suck and there is very little chance of survival. so this stranger appears out of the blue and saves adam. it’s unclear if he did it out of the goodness of his heart because later on, when adam tries to take a look at an ugly scratch on his arm, the response isn’t great. he finds out that the strange man’s name is michael and apparently his strength equals his idiosyncrasies. he’s kind of rude, stubborn, haughty, and overall interacting with him is unnerving and weird, and he thinks the exact same thing about adam. they argue more than they talk, but they end up sticking together (out of convenience and need at first, then later on things start to level up).
michael has cryptic mannerisms and apparently, he doesn’t have anyone left. he seems lost, but not in a childish way, there is some sort of sorrow and something old and unique that adam can’t pinpoint and michael won’t reveal. point is, the plan is to go north and hope to reach this camp adam never saw before but has heard of. he knows where it is, but the trail is long and exhausting; there is two of them though, and they sort of compliment each other. once michael begins to patronize adam less and stops giving off the impression he would rather be literally anywhere else, and once adam gets less snarky and impulsive and starts to approach him in a different, more patient way — they get to an agreement and it’s good! because adam has the knowledge of a healer and is actually smart, so he knows when to keep out of the rain from the color of the clouds and which berries and herbs are good to gather. and michael, for his part, knows his way around nature, it’s like his senses are enhanced, and he’s strong beyond belief. heals fast, too. man, the things he can do with a small pebble. . .
they travel and they get close, eventually. especially when they reach their destination and find it in ruins — the damages are pretty recent, and there are bodies here and there, plagued with some sort of disease. it’s a lot, but they have each other. so they decide the best course of action and move on with the intention of finding other humans. some days, the fatigue gets so much they have to stop (it’s mostly adam, and he’s so stubborn michael literally picked him up and went and dropped himself under a tree once, legs on either side of the younger man’s body. adam got him back when he was the one being insufferable, he all but snapped, ‘i love you, but if you don’t rest for a godamn minute and let me see that wound i’m gonna smack you’. wasn’t the best way to say i love you but it worked). other days, they manage to go more than 24 hours without threats (sometimes they run into abandoned places and they’re lucky enough to find supplies. michael managed to put together something resembling a sweet once and it was so worth the sunny smile on adam’s face!). it’s ups and downs, really,
the one thing that never changes is, they always talk. and they always find something good to be seen in one another. they sit on top of some old tree every day before sunset, because it’s safer, and they share what little they have. they stay in each other's space — both as companions seeking for warmth and as lovers. the sky doesn't look right. the color is off and there is always the possibility that one day the sun might just go out; they know, they talked about it. so michael puts his arm around adam's shoulders and adam takes his hand, and they discuss which way they'll go look for other people that surely are out there the following day. that is, until their conversations shift to anecdotes about the long-gone species and plants that adam got to know through his mom and old books, and old tales that go way, way back in time and that michael got so good at telling one could almost think they really happened or that he was there too. they have each other until the very end, and that's... good. you have to find some sort of reason in a world like that, right? well, there it is! at some point, their own ‘sort of reason’ started to be right next to each other.
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 years ago
Maybe...a fic where Dust, Horror, and Killer come across Dream, capture him, and take him to Nightmare?
Fandom: UTMV
Characters: Dust, Horror, Killer, Dream, Nightmare
Warnings: cursing, kidnapping
Word count: 1,537
Summary: Boss is in a bad mood, probably due to the new sans who popped up and causing all sorts of trouble, so naturally his three generals - Dust, Killer and Horror - capture said Sans and bring him to Nightmare.
Taglist: @anxiety-is-married-to-depression @angelofthehalfmoon @trainwreck-of-skeletons @hisame-amadashi​ @therandomskelekey
"So... What should we do to surprise the boss? He's been in a worse mood than usual, and if we don't come up with something,he's going to send us back ot liek a HELP_tale or something equally fucking awful and cursed to try to recurit allies." Horror rumbled "We have to come up with something. Something good."
Killer hummed, scratching his chin with the tip of one of his knives "I've noticed that boss has been in a really bad mood recently... Do you remember that annoying, gold and light blue little shit we fought like... Two weeks ago? Boss had nearly had that neutral Underswap timeline before sunshine boy, the swap or at least a Swap, a fell and fucking Ink of all beings showed up and chased us out. The little archer? If we get under his guard and drag him back to teh castle, I'm sure that the boss would be fuckin' delighted to break him."
Dust nodded "He's pretty light and fast on his feet - but if we pin him with blue magic, I'm sure we can nab him. Might have to knock him unconscious first to avoid screaming. I'd really like to know how he managed to convince that capricious bastard to enter in the fight. LIke Nightmare makes sure not to destroy timeline, like Glitchy-boy does, so Ink used to leave us alone. But Sunshine was clearly the one who convinced him to help... Did you see how... Weirdly protective Ink was of Sunny?"
"Yeah, I noticed that too. Boss seemed... Taken aback at Sunny's presence too. Maybe we could get the little goldilocks to explain why once we nab him." Killer responded, a wide grin appearing on his face. "Now, the question is - which timeline do you think he's from. He sort of looks like a swap, but I've never seen a swap wear clothes like that. Ever."
"He does fight with Ink - and from what I've heard on the grapevine.. He helps Ink fight Error. He might be small, but he's clearly a powerful fighter. We shouldn't dismiss him just because he looks adorable. Remember when that outcoded Blue smacked you from the one end of a swapfell to the other, Dust?" Horror cautioned with a sigh. Why was he always the voice of reason? But it was a good idea, if they could manage it.
"I think that was the swap sans who goldie and painted bastard were fighting with... Considering he has no timeline to go home to, I suppose that makes sense."  Dust pointed out. "We just gotta scope out timelines that the painted bastard frequents - he likes to drag his companions of the day to those AUs. He has done that in the past, and he's probably done that now."
"Right... let's get going." Horror responded, standing up. Dust and Killer quickly followed suit and the trio made their way out of the neutral Underfell AU they'd been talking in. This Grillbys' had been abandoned for a while, but the grub was still good - and with no one there to claim it, they could take whatever they wanted.
It took them searching a half-dozen timelines before they finally found the strange gold and blue sans. It was... Kind of anticlimactic. The Underswap Sans had been freaking out about something, and Ink had been distracted trying to calm him down about it, while Dust had teleported over to where gold-and-blue had passed out in a table on the aborted no-mercy run of a Swapfell. The other had just been left in the snow, face down as if he'd fallen asleep on the spot. Which was weird, but made their lives easier. 
The three of them headed into the castle through a portal that Horror had opened, with Dust using his Blue magic to carry the sleeping sans, just in case the other did wake up unexpectedly. 
"I wonder where -" Killer began as they had just barely entered the castle, having taken a couple of steps down to the throne room - which was just as good a place as any for them to start looking for Boss when Nightmare teleported in front of the three of them, his visible eye light shining brightly.
"Dream ar-... How... Please explain to me how you have captured him? Is he injured?" Nightmare responds, staring at each of them briefly before walking quickly over to Dust "Give him to me."
"Yes boss. Err, we figured that part of why you've been in a worse mood than normal is because Goldie somehow talked Ink into fighting us a couple of weeks ago. None of us know who he is but..." Dust explained, floating the other over to Nightmare, somewhat surprised by how gently boss wrapped a couple of tendrils around the unknown sans "He isn't hurt, at least not from any of us. We found him in the snow, passed out in an aborted no-mercy run of Swapfell." 
"That would certainly do it. I'm not sure he could create a portal to such a timeline on his own. Do you know if he was accompanied by anyone?" Nightmare responded, oddly cryptic. "And his name is Dream, not goldie. Although I can guess why you'd call him that."
Each of them had questions about how and why boss knew the answer to that - and why gol-Dream's name meant the opposite of Boss's... Was he... Nightmare's swap self? Because Boss wasn't pointy enough to be a fell sans of some sort. But they knew better than to just demand questions. Horror continued the tale "That outcoded Swap sans and Ink were in the timeline, They were arguing about something, although I couldn't tell you what it might have been about. We just grabbed him and came directly here, as I figured that you'd like an enemy - especially a new one... Or at least an enemy new to the three of us - to be captured if at all possible."
"You're right... Though he wasn't always an enemy. Up until recently he was trapped in a stasis spell... Trapped in as stone for roughly... Five hundred years? Give or take a few decades. It's been... A very long time since I've seen him alive and mobile." Nightmare murmured, focused mostly on Dream, gently tilting the other's chin a little "He is the guardian of positivity... And an AU like that swapfell does not have a lot of positive feelings, which will weaken him quite a bit... In an AU like that, where positive feelings are generally low in good circumstances... The fact that in a darker timeline of that AU... being there for more than a handful of minutes would likely be enough to drain his magic to the point of him passing out. It certainly explains a few things. Thank you for bringing him to me. I will properly secure him, then explain just... Just who precisely he is, as I imagine that each of you has questions. When I return, I will answer what I am willing to do so."
Hatchet, Killer and Dust all nodded, glad and grateful that Boss was willing to answer their questions. Hatchet was the one who spoke up "Thanks boss. We'll carefully consider the questions that we'd like to ask you. Hopefully without them being too personal or possibly rude."
Nightmare nodded, holding Dream (as the brightly colored sans was apparently called) a little bit closer to the other, a contented expression appeared on his face as he glanced at the other as he walked off in the direction of the dungeons. He paused for a moment before saying "Dream can be... Very charming, in part due to the way his magic affects others. It is an ever-present ability of his, and not something that he can turn off, though he is aware of it and has on occasion used it to his advantage in order to convince others to aid him - or to allow him to escape. I will explain more about why after he is secured." With that, boss vanished behind a door.
the three of them looked at one another an dKiller murmured "I think Dream is nightmare's opposite. You know, how like... how Reaper sans has a counterpart in the goddess of life? Only in regards to... Emotions."
Dust shook his head a little "That's a myth, a rumor spread by boss's enemies If the guardian of positivity existed this whole time, why has goldie only just now started to fight in the supposedly better timelines, when boss has been consolidating power for centuries?"
"Dream might have been trapped somehow - Boss did mention that Dream had been in a stasis spell for a while - that might be why the guardian of positivity or whatever his title might be hasn't been fighting boss. He hasn't been able to. And stasis spells do wear off eventually, no matter how powerful they are." Hatchet pointed out with a considering frown, humming a little in thought. "Standing here and speculating isn't going to do much good, we'll just have to wait for the answers that Boss will give us." The other two nodded as they debated which questions to ask Nightmare when the other eventually came back.
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yellowcanna · 5 years ago
Beneath the Dress (♂)
(An alternative universe where alpha Dazai never pulled omega Chuuya into the Port Mafia, but instead took Chuuya as his personal dog and hid him from the Mori's eyes.) 
The Armed Detective deals with many things within Yokohama. Mysterious cases, supernatural cases, murder cases—they’ve dealt with it all. Each member has seen more weird things than an average person could in their lifetime.
Despite all that, nothing could prepare them when Dazai announced that he would bring his mate in on their latest job. 
Yes, Dazai Osamu, the human bandage gobbling machine, failure as an alpha—was mated. Yes. There was an omega in this world that wanted Dazai. 
Words such as mated and married never sounded so wrong when put in the same sentence as Dazai. Especially not when the omega turned out to be a gorgeous woman (?) with pumpkin orange hair and piercing sapphire blue eyes.
Pairings: Soukoku (Dazai x Chuuya)
Rating: T
Genre: Crossdressing, humour, fluff
Author: Canna / Yellow Canna
Status: Complete
The Armed Detective deals with many things within Yokohama. Mysterious cases, supernatural cases, murder cases—they’ve dealt with it all. Each member has seen more weird things than an average person could in their lifetime.
Despite all that...their perspective of reality was completely shattered on that faithful day.
It happened on a sunny Friday morning in late spring.
It was a golden weekend. Families were having fun outside; the birds were chirping with the cool breeze blowing into the office.
Inside the Agency, the Armed Detective members were discussing a new case they’ve been tasked with. It was the largest mission they had this year.
There will be an underground auction at the harbour in exactly two days. The auction sells everything, from stolen artifacts to living human beings. It was an organization the Japanese government spent years trying to locate. The auction change places every year it opens, and this year, they came the coast of Yokohama.
Because of the sensitivity of this case and the high possibility that the auction has Ability users guarding it, the Armed Detective Agency was asked to help.
The Agency members were all stressing over this case. They have all the preparations done. Katai had hacked into their system and stole a list of guests attending to the auction. All of them were people in the higher up of society, be it being simply rich, or corrupted politicians.
It was the perfect opportunity to capture all of them at once, but to do so they must send someone to control things from the inside. They can’t risk letting a single person escape. They had to capture the mastermind and shut down this auction for good.
Akiyama Eito was the CEO of Japan’s largest jewelry company. Five months ago a huge scandal regarding said CEO broke out. The company’s stocks instantly fell and the company was now on the verge of bankruptcy.
Akiyama had a son named Akiyama Fumihiro, who was one of the guests that will be attending this auction. According to their information, there was only one word to describe the son.
He was an idiot.
A spoiled, pampered brat enjoying all the luxury his dad's money had brought him. He took drugs, sped on his sportscar, had three cases of hit and run resolved secretly with money and etc.
After his daddy’s company went on peril, this idiot son spent nearly a million just to get his hand on the auction invitation card. He was somehow delusional into believing that as long as he could make friends with the owner of the auction, he could continue his past lifestyle.
Secretly arresting this kind of idiot was quite easy. The members of the agency all went out to capture him, not for his importance on their mission, but due to his striking resemblance with Dazai.
It was quite interesting to watch Dazai’s face spewing idiotic threats such as “Do you know who my daddy is” or “My daddy will hear about this!”
With Akiyama Fumihiro taken out, all that’s left was for Dazai to take his place in the auction. The only problem left was that the idiotic son had registered to bring a female omega companion to attend with him.
The only omegas they had in the agency were Naomi and Atushi.
Naomi was impossible. She wasn't suited to go into such a dangerous place. Even if she was they will have to get her over Tanizaki’s dead body which would be a pain.
Atsushi would have fit perfectly for this job if not for the fact that the omega’s gender was already registered. They thought about dressing the boy up as a woman, but after a couple of tries they gave up on that idea. By the end, the poor lad was almost in tears.
They thought of having Yosano or Kyouka (alpha and beta) disguising as omega, but the security will be strict. No matter how good artificial omega scents are nowadays, it could still easily give them away.
If they don’t bring an omega companion, the people at the auction will question Dazai. Likewise, if they bring an omega with the wrong gender registered.
Any changes will alert the securities. That was how strict this auction was. If they don’t want to risk exposing Dazai, a female omega companion was necessary.
“Dazai!” Kunikida barked at the dark-haired man lying on the couch with a book covering his face. “Stop slacking off and help us think of a solution!”
Dazai lazily pulls off the book and looked to the group gathered around the table.
“It’s easy~” The man yawned as he stretched his arms as if coming right out of a good nap. “I’ll just get my omega to go in as my partner.”
A moment of silence passed by.
And then…the group turned back to discuss amongst themselves, promptly ignoring their strategist.
“I said, I can get my omega to help us with the mission!” Dazai's call was completely ignored.
“You’re not taking Naomi!”
“No one said anything about taking Naomi!”
“Anyone listening?”
“Maybe we should shove Atsushi in a dress after all.”
“I saaaaaid—”
“Eeeeh?! No way! That’s never going to work!”
Soon, the discussion just turned into a jumble of noises. Each of them started throwing out random ideas only to get rebuked.
Just when their heated conversations started to turn into an argument, a scent they hadn't smelled before flooded the office.
The group froze. Their mouths stopped moving as they only inhaled through their nose to taste the sweet citrus scent exclusive to omegas. And within this unfamiliar scent, there was another scent. This scent was heavier and richer, possessively dominating the sweet omega scent.
And more importantly, they knew this second scent.
All at once, they slowly turned their head to a certain raven-haired man sitting on the couch. The bandages around the man's neck were unwrapped, revealing a pair of prominent bite marks on each side of his neck.
That was where the source of the scent was flowing from.
Those were mating marks.
Omegas were precious creatures.
They were beautiful and alluring beings that can give birth regardless of male or female. Omegas were delicate, so they needed protection.
Alphas were the protectors. No alpha was ever born weak. With their superior physical abilities and heightened senses, these creatures were made for combat.
In the ancient past, when alpha and omega mated, the alpha will provide everything for the omega. They take care of them, protect them and cherish them. In return, omegas will give all their loves to their alphas. It was a pure, uncontaminated relationship until societies are built and people eventually forgot this special bond they were capable of.
Due to their superiority, alphas soon ruled over each kingdom.
Contaminated by greed, money, and lust, they started to see omegas as objects. Alphas began to enslave omegas and use them for pleasure. A single alpha was allowed to mate as many omegas as they like. Omegas at the time were treated no different than cattle raised for slaughter.
It was around that time that betas began appearing.
Neither alpha nor omega, the only gender to define a beta was by male and female. Females were the only one capable of giving birth, but that was it. They were ordinary beings with no higher senses or stronger physic. Due to this, betas were seen as monsters. The churches branded them as the devil's children. When an omega gave birth to a beta, the alpha will kill the child and the omega mother will be hanged as they are contaminated by evil.
However, when nearly all omegas began giving birth to betas, even the less intelligent alphas realized something was wrong.
People began to research and realized that the omegas that gave birth to betas were mostly captive ones. Treated as nothing but playthings, those omegas weren't even marked (or rather not allowed to) when they give birth to children of their rapist. And those children were all born as betas. Even if the omega was marked, if the alpha himself has marked other omegas, then the children of those omegas will also be beta.
This discovery led to some people realizing just how wrong the world had become. Battles took place over the world as people fought to free the omegas from the greedy clutches of corrupted alphas. It was thanked to this that many omegas were able to escape their confinement and survive in the outside world.
Ever since royalties were overthrown and governments were established, the law quickly came into place to protect the few omegas that were left.
With great care, omegas started giving birth to alpha and omegas again. Over time, these two dwindling dynamics slowly rise back up.
In modern society, beta takes up a population of seventy-five percent, Alpha at fifteen percent, and omega at ten percent. While all three dynamics stand at equal right, the law, as well as societies, will always favour the omega. After all, histories had taught them that omegas needed to be treated with care.  
While their dynamics had changed over time, one thing never changed.
No matter what, Alphas were always stronger ones. Be it their physical strengths or their intelligence, alphas always stand above betas and omegas. Nowadays, alphas were dubbed as “winners in life”, as they were fated to achieve great things no matter what career they chose.  
Miraculously, there was one alpha that defied all these alpha stereotypes, and that alpha's name was Dazai Osamu.
Lazy, bum, hobo, slacker, no-good, scheming, bandage-wasting machine, suicidal maniac…none of these were words used to describe an alpha. Yet, they were all used on Dazai Osamu.
“Dazai? What part of that bandage-squandering machine looks like an alpha?”
                                                                  — Doppo Kunikida (Beta)
“To be honest I thought Dazai-san was a beta when we first met…”
                                                                  — Nakajima Atsushi (Omega)
“Genetically speaking he’s an alpha.”
                                                                  — Edogawa Ranpo (Beta)
“Makes you want to cut him open and examine just how that guy’s an alpha, don’t you agree?”
                                                                  — Yosano Akiko (Alpha)
“His dynamic is as hard to tell as his past carrier…”
                                                                  — Tanizaki Junichirou (Beta)
“I still haven’t met anyone that could guess he’s an alpha at first glance!”
                                                                  — Tanizaki Naomi (Omega)
“In the countryside, Alphas were always the ones that take care of the fields.”
                                                                  — Miyazawa Kenji (Beta)
“Oh, he’s an alpha?”
                                                                  — Izumi Kyouka (Beta)
“…Regardless of dynamics, Dazai-kun is an important member of the agency.”
                                                                  — Fukuzawa Yukichi (Alpha)
Yes, this human bandage gobbling machine, failure as an alpha—was married.
To an omega.
There was an omega in this world that wanted Dazai.
Words such as mated and married never sounded so wrong when put in the same sentence as Dazai.
Soulless, petrified statues waited in the office the very next day. None of them could remember how they even got home after being blasted by such shocking news. Perhaps they didn’t go home. That would explain how none of them remember how they manage to come into the office this morning.
Ranpo was the only one that acted normal. He was munching on his snacks as usual, but no one else seemed to notice him in their mindless state.  
Time agonizingly ticked by.
The entire office was drowned in silence as they waited.
The moment the clock struck twelve, the door open.
Coming back into reality, the members finally moved. They all whipped their heads around, wanting to see just what kind of omega would choose that kind of alpha as mate.
Was this omega being threatened?
Was this omega blind?
Was this omega suffering from some sort of amnesia and was tricked by Dazai into marrying him?
What they saw made them turned back into stones.
A slender woman walked through the doorway with her black heels clattering against the green floor tiles. She wore a black, large big brim hat with decorated with reddish-orange flowers. The hat sat slanted over her head, blocking her face and showing only the tip of her chin and some strands of pumpkin orange hair brushed over her shoulder.
The woman’s chin was tilted up in confidence. Her long, black dress swayed with her movement. Occasionally, when she took bigger steps, her long and slender legs could be shown through the opening on the side. A black scarf was tied around her neck and flowing behind her back as she moved.
Even without seeing her face, just from the way she carried herself already gave off the image that the woman was a beauty.
Within her gloved hands, she held a small black purse. Yosano immediately recognized that bag. She had seen it when flipping through the magazine that was released just yesterday. That was the 1001 Nights Diamond Purse.
The female alpha doctor raised an eyebrow. So not only was the woman an omega but she also got a strong background. Normal people wouldn’t be able to afford that kind of money on a purse. Then...why Dazai?
None of them even saw Dazai until the alpha popped into their view and wiped off nonexistent dirt from the couch to let his mate sit.  
When the woman sat down and lifted her head, they were once more blown away by her feature.
She was as beautiful as they imagined.
The woman's face was sharp and refine like a sculpture carved out of ice. She got perfectly pointed chin with fair skin and thick lashes framing her eyes to bring out that blue in her pupils. Her eyes were like sapphires, shining vibrantly despite being such a poorly lit room.
Despite the cold and distant aura the woman was giving off, her eyes were burning vibrantly with fire and defiant. It was an unusual contrast, yet it was such a contrast that made her all the more eye-catching.
On the base of her long and slender neck, just below her scarf, were two mating scars. One on each side, the scars was the perfect replication of Dazai’s teeth mark. From those marred scent glands, the alluring scent of the omega’s flowed out, carrying the mixture of her alpha.
“Honey, meet my co-workers.” Dazai sat right up against his mate, practically gluing himself to her side as he held one of her hands in his and planted a kiss on the back of her wrist.
The sight made the corner of Kunikida’s glasses cracked.
Atsushi's brow twitched as he stared at the raven who was openly flirting with his own mate.
“From left to right is Tanizaki-kun, his sister Naomi-chan, the detective of our agency Ranpo-san, our physician Yosano-sensei, Kenji, Atsushi-kun, Kyouka-chan!”
“Is it just me or were our introductions really short?" Atsushi sweatdropped. Dazai even said all three of their names in one swift breath.
The woman didn’t say anything, but her blue eyes shifted to a certain blond who never got an introduction. His brows were twitching and a vein could be seen pulsing beneath his forehead.
"Oh, you don't need to bother about him, my love," Dazai purred, grasping both the woman's hands and leaned over her so much that the beautiful woman had to lean away. "You only need to look at me."
“HEY!” Kunikida shouted.
The rest of the members stared flatly at the pink hearts practically gushing out of Dazai. The alpha was saying every single cheesy line while the woman just looked away expressionlessly as if she couldn't even bother sparing a glance to deal with the idiot.
Atsushi couldn’t help but wonder just how those two become mates.
“And this!” Dazai wrapped his arm around the woman’s slender waist and pulled her into his side. “Is my lovely wife, Chuuna-chan!”
Atsushi jumped when a sudden chill crawled down his spine.
He heard it.
He definitely heard a snap just now. As someone sensitive to how other people think, Atsushi keenly caught the sound of someone’s rationality snapping in two. He couldn't tell where it came from though. He looked over the woman's cold and stoic face, then to the other members of the agency. All of them looked like they had swallowed a fly.
The only one that looked pissed was Kunikida due to Dazai’s fooling around. Perhaps that was from Kunikida—Atsushi convinced himself, though something just didn’t feel right.
“So~” Dazai waved at the group. “Briefing over the mission?”
The visible vein on Kunikida’s forehead twitched, but he held it in and took a seat on the opposite couch of the pair. The rest gathered behind the couch, curious about the woman that was Dazai’s mate. Even Ranpo was very interested.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Chuuna-san. I am Kunikida Doppo.” Kunikida introduced himself politely to the woman. “We appreciate your help in assisting with our job. This will require you to go undercover into an underground auction. The security is extremely tight and there are possibilities of Ability users guarding that place. Are you certain you can take this job?”
The woman just stared at Kunikida with those firm, unwavering eyes. Kunikida felt goosebumps crawling all over his skin just from this woman’s stare. Just keeping eye contact with those sharp blue eyes made the beta break out cold sweats. The air even felt thinner and harder to breathe.  
If he had any doubts about whether or not this woman could take the job before, it was gone now. This woman was strong. She was stronger than anyone he had ever met. Just who exactly was she? Kunikida couldn't believe that he had never heard of someone like her before.
“Ah, Chuuna-chan isn't the talkative type. Just give her a basic briefing on what she needs to do and she'll have it done."
Kunikida wanted to kick Dazai out the window, but the woman’s presence made him held his foot back. He flipped open his notebook and began reviewing the mission with the omega.
The mission was simple. Dazai and his wife will infiltrate the auction and steals the data of all of the auction’s clients and dealers from the database. The police want to capture every single trail connected to the auction, include every single person behind it.
It was an extremely huge task, but that got nothing to do with them. Their job was just to get the information they needed.  
When the day of the mission finally came, the agency fell into another shock.
Dazai showed up, wearing a white suit with black dress sure and orange tie. His hair was groomed and he looked…decent for once. Handsome even.
No one in the agency even thought this was possible. They didn’t even know that Dazai even owned another set of clothes let alone something that looked so costly.
Chuuna stood by Dazai’s side.
She wore a long, red trumpet gown with her wavy orange hair were wrapped up in a bun on the back of her head—decorated with freshly cut crimson camellias. Her slender hands were fitted into a pair of long black leather gloves that reached past her elbow matched with black lace-up heels. A long scarf made of white fox pelt wrapped around her neck and flowed down her finely curved figure.
Around her bare shoulders was a large white coat protecting her from the chilly spring air. The coat was too large to be the woman’s, so it was obviously Dazai who put it over his mate’s shoulders. The way the large coat wrapped around the petite woman gave off a sense of protection from the outside world.
The alpha smoothly took his omega’s hand and led her to the white limo.
“Let’s go.” Dazai opened the door like a gentleman for his mate to get in first before following after.
Kunikida’s brows twitched, but he managed to swallow the urge to retort as he pulled open the driver’s seat.
“Oh, Kunikida-kun!” Dazai suddenly called, popping his head out of the window. “Drive slowly and steadily! What if my darling Chuuna chips a nail because you recklessly made a turn or went over a bump?!”
“DO YOU THINK WE’RE HERE FOR FUN?!” Kunikida all but screamed, not caring if Chuuna was present or not anymore. That bastard! Did Dazai think they're going for a picnic or something?!
Fuming, Kunikida went into the driver seat and slammed the door shut. He started the engine and stepped on the gas as they headed for their destination.
Never was the blond so thankful for driving a limo. With a limo, he wouldn't have to endure Dazai’s harassment. The two passengers on the back weren't able to see him, but Kunikida certainly can. The limo was installed with a camera showing driver the situation in the passenger seat in case of emergencies.
Unfortunately for him, Kunikida underestimated Dazai's ability to irritate people. Even without the alpha purposely pushing his buttons, Kunikida was on the verge of vomiting rainbows five minutes into the drive. To his defense, anyone would when they hear the things Dazai was saying to his mate.
Things such as;
“Oh Chuuna! There isn't a word in the dictionary for how beautiful you look tonight.”
"Look only at me, alright? Otherwise, I would be jealous of all those eyes looking over Chunna's gorgeous body."
To things like,
“Your hand looks heavy, Chuuna. Here, let me hold them for you.”
Kunikida had to control his grip so that he wouldn’t rip the wheel off in frustration. What was that idiot doing?! That's not how to start conversations with a lady! No, scratch that, they were on a mission, not for him to throw his omega dumb cheesy lines!
And what’s more, the entire time the alpha was blabbering, the omega didn't even spare that idiot a glance! She was looking out the window, completely ignoring her alpha who was practically rubbing his face into her palm like some sort of lost puppy crying for attention.
Were they seriously mates? Kunikida was skeptical, but mating marks and scents can’t lie.
Unable to look anymore, Kunikida shut off the camera. He had a feeling if he continued to listen to these nonsenses, he will kick Dazai right out of the car, mission or not.
At the back of the limo, burnt umber eyes shifted to the direction of the camera where the small green light had disappeared, indicating that it has been turned off.
“Kunikida-kun sure loves peeking. I wonder if it’s your beauty that mesmerized him.” Dazai said teasingly as he looked at the woman sitting by his side.
The red-haired woman was still looking out the window, completely ignoring him. Dazai smiled, not bothered by the slightest as he warmed the woman’s hand in his own.
“Jokes aside, you do look stunning tonight.”
The woman scoffed.
“I am being serious.” Dazai chuckled as he rolled his omega’s glove down until that small wrist of hers was exposed and placed a kiss there. “It’s been a while since the two of us went on a mission together. I’m very happy.”
The woman finally turned her head from the window and gazed down at that man whose lips were still on her wrist. She pulled back her hand and shoved the raven’s head away.
“Liar, I can tell you’re happy as well!" Dazai said teasingly as he fixed the glove for his lover. “But compared to that, I missed having you by my side.”
The woman gave him a pointed look.
"Just meeting during the night isn't enough! I want my omega with me during the day too! Isn't it time for you to leave underground?"
The woman huffed and turned back to the window.
“I know, I haven’t forgotten that I dragged you into this. I don’t regret it though.”
After a long while, the woman turned back to Dazai with a questioning look on her bright blue eyes.
“Of course I can understand.” Dazai laughed. This time it wasn’t his overly dramatic or teasing laugh, but a genuine one that came from the bottom of his heart. He reached out and tucked a loose strand of orange hair behind his mate’s ear. “I know everything about you after all. Your timing, your attack, your behavior, your habits, what you like…I even know the tempos of your breathing. What kind of mate will I be if I can't even tell what you're thinking?"
The woman seemed taken back before she hurriedly whipped her head away. Dazai chuckled as he watched the tip of the woman's ear slowly reddened. Unable to help himself, he leaned down and bit into that soft earlobe, causing the omega to suck in a shuddering breath.
When they arrived at the destination, Kunikida got off the car and opened the door for Dazai and his omega, playing the role of a dutiful driver.
All around, cars were parked in a straight line, all of the drivers doing the same as they open the door for their employers.
Men and women, all dressed up in fancy gowns came out of their cars. If an outsider sees this, they would probably think it was just some rich people having a get together on a cruise. No one would even think that these people were all dealing in shady business.
The moment Dazai exited the car, all eyes were drawn to him.
Most of the guests are well over their thirties, so suddenly seeing someone so young and handsome has caught many off guard. Women blushed at the sight of such a handsome alpha, while the men and alphas gawked at the gorgeous omega accompanying him.
Whispers traveled around as Dazai wrapped an arm around his mate’s small waist and pulled her close in an almost possessive way.
The people around parted ways to let them by, staring as these graceful pair walked across the red carpet.
Kunikida never wanted to beat Dazai up so much. The raven's omega was standing out like a sore thumb. Or rather, both of them were completely standing out! This was supposed to be a stealth mission! How are they supposed to perform stealth if they stood out?!
Whatever Kunikida was thinking, Dazai didn’t know. But even if he did, he wouldn’t care.
They entered the cruise after shoving the guards their invitation card. The securities there performed body check on every single guest. Phones and all electronics were compensated. After all that was done, they were asked to provide their fingerprints and DNA. Having all prepared that beforehand, Dazai and his omega got in quite easily. The two were led to a ballroom with the other guests. It was a place for them to relax, as the auction won’t start until the cruise departs into the sea.
Being the center of attention, it didn’t take long for someone to come up and talk to them.
“You are Akiyama’s son, aren’t you?” An alpha in his forties said as he walked up to the pair with a glass of champagne in hand. “I know your father. He’s an old colleague of mine.”
Dazai immediately recognized this man. He had memorized every guests' information and their connections to the Akiyama father and son. This middle-aged man was the chairman of Chiba University Hospital, Omura Hayato.
“Omura-san. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Dazai greeted politely with a slight dip of his head to show his respect.
“What happened to your father's company was a pity.” Omura sighed. Although he was talking with Dazai, his eyes were roaming all over the redhead standing beside him. More than once his eyes had stopped on the small, A-cup bump on her chest and the curve of her hips.
“But I can’t understand what was going through your father’s head. To think he accidentally killed one of his omega staff while attempting to rape her. If he wanted an omega, he should have just use money to buy them! I can't understand why he wasted so much effort on that kind of commoner. Don't you agree, boy?”
The man’s voice wasn’t soft. If anything, he purposely spoke loud enough for the bystanders watching them to hear.
“You are correct. I too disagree with what my father did.” Dazai replied professionally, never once did the smile on his face disappear.
The lack of reaction from Dazai clearly put the man off, but he still stuck around, making small talks until he finally got to his point.
“A lovely omega you have here.” He complimented as the lust in his eyes became deeper. His eyes swept by the woman’s mating marks, but the fact that the woman seemed to have mated wasn't off-putting for him in the least.
After all, to these people—to every single one of them here—omegas meant nothing. To them, omegas were just toys used for pleasure. Even in this auction, there will be omegas auction out as slaves. In the past when alpha enslaved omegas, some of them will mark the poor creatures as a show of property right, not mating, so these people thought the same.
Despite being all dressed up, Dazai was still had on his bandages underneath his suits. His mating marks were hidden under those bandages while his wife's marks were exposed for all to see. The people here will only think that the dark-haired alpha brought his specially trained slave to show off tonight.
They all know how stupid and spoiled this son of Akiyama Eito was. They had a fair share of laughs at all the scandals Akiyama Eito had to cover up for this idiotic son. While Dazai may act decent and polite, the other guests just brushed him off as him putting up a fake front.
“A beauty indeed…I’ve never seen such fine omega.” As Omura said that, he reached out a hand towards the redhead’s delicate face. Just when his finger almost brushed against that soft-looking skin, a glass of red wine intercepted that greedy hand’s path.
“My apologies.” Dazai smiled as he held the stem of the glass in his hand gracefully. “But did I say you could touch her?”
The man’s face burned bright with anger that someone so much younger than him dared to talk to him like that. However, Omura knew he can’t cause too big of a scene, so he cleared his throat. Muttering some words to Dazai before he turned to leave.
"This glass is dirty," Dazai said, looking down at the wine before he casually placed it onto a tray of a passing waiter and took a new one. He offered it to his omega who elegantly accepted it.
The redhead looked down at the red wine, gently swirling the fluid around to let the aroma rise. Then, she pressed the rim of the tall glass against her rose-red lips and tipped the cup upward.
The people around stared at the woman’s fluid movement.
Such elegance matched with that stoic, alluring face gave the audiences a feeling that this omega came from a wealthy family like themselves. An omega like this was different from any other omega slaves they had played with. Men and alphas felt the urge to wreck this woman, to throw her under them and strip her of dignity and hear her begs them for mercy.
As fantasy spread through these men’s mind, the pheromones thickened within the grand ballroom.
It didn’t take long for another man to come up to them, then another, followed by another.
They all greeted Dazai and spoke to him, yet all their eyes were trained on the orange-haired omega. More than once they hinted on buying the gorgeous omega off his hand or even just renting for a day, but Dazai just smiled and dismissed them all.
After an hour of enjoying themselves at the party, the auction was finally going to commence. Rather than having all of them enter at once, the guests were taken to the auction one by one while the rest waited in the ballroom.
When a waiter came up to inform them that it was their turn, Dazai took his omega by the hand and followed their guide.
They came to the lower part of the ship and into a huge stage that took up the space of two floors. The hall circling the stage was made with glass panels. There were private rooms on both floors for the guests to participate  
They were lead down the ship and into a stage surrounded by private rooms for each guest where they can enjoy the auction in private. Once they settle into their room, they won’t be allowed out until the auction ends. Any needs they can just ask their waiter for them to bring into their room. Once the auction ends, they will be taken out of their rooms one by one just like how they entered.
This way, no one will know who was in which bidding room bidding for the item.
There was a hundred percent privacy for guests and what’s more…
Dazai’s eyes narrowed at a row of men dressed in waiter uniform standing against the side of the wall like statues. While they looked like ordinary waiter dutifully waiting for orders, the raven-haired alpha could tell they weren't waiters at all.
They were trained killers.
Should anything happen during the auction, they will immediately take out every single guest trapped in their rooms. While each room looked sturdy, the walls facing the hall was hollow inside. A normal gun could easily pierce through the thin woods and into the target inside.
"Here's your room, sir." The waiter bowed as he held the door to Dazai’s room open.
“Yes, of course!” Dazai smiled as he let go of his omega. "May I ask if the person behind the auction will also be watching?"
“Of course, the boss will be watching to ensure the auction goes smoothly.” The waiter replied without a beat.
No matter how much the waiter tried to hide it, Dazai keenly caught the belittlement hidden within that waiter's eye.
“Then can you put in some words for me to your boss?” Dazai asked, the calm mask he was wearing broke, showing eagerness. “This omega here, I’ve trained her for years. I’m sure the boss will like it. There are some things I wish to discuss with him, could you put in some words for me?”
“I’m afraid that is against the rules, sir.” The waiter said with a troubled look. But once more, the way those eyes roam over the redhead did not escape Dazai’s eyes.
Dazai discreetly stuffed a rolled-up bill into the waiter's hand before shoving his omega forward. "I'm sure your boss will be pleased with her. She is the finest omega you'll find anywhere in the market! I've trained her in many places; she knows how to make a man scream.”
The waiter continued to act hesitant, but after some push from Dazai, he finally complied. He did not take Dazai’s money. He just hurriedly gave him back the bills and assured him that he will get the job done.  
With a satisfied smirk, Dazai walked into the room without giving his omega a second look.
Once the door closed, the waiter speedily called over two other waiters to watch over the closed door.
Then, under his co-worker's jealous gazes, the waiter grabbed the omega roughly by the arm and dragged her away.
The waiter sped down the hall as if he couldn't even wait for a second longer as he brought the omega into the upper floor and into an old storage room.
The waiter threw the omega into the storage before stripping off the cameras attached on him. He disabled it and set it aside on a shelf. He closed the door shut behind him as the clicking sound of the door locking resonated through the small space.
"What an idiot!" The waiter laughed, finally revealing his real nature as he leered lustfully at the omega in front of him. After all, as alpha, omegas were too alluring for them to pass the chance. "Your dumb master seems to think he could use you to get close to the boss, what a joke! He doesn't even understand his own position." He mocked as he undid his tie and unbuckled his belt.
"My name is Adam, memorize it because that's gonna be name of your alpha from now, little omega." He chuckled as the alpha's thick musk filled the room.
The omega had her head dipped, slowly backing up until she hit the wall.
The alpha chuckled at that as he advanced on her, mouth already slaving from the scent coming from the delectable omega before him.
“Your master said you know how to make a man scream, let see if that’s true!” And then, the alpha eagerly closed the last distance between them, reaching out to tear the omega’s dress off. However, at the last second, his hands were grabbed by a pair of slender gloved ones.
Sounds of crackling bones came from the alpha's wrists before those delicate-looking hands completely crushed all the bones inside. The flesh was distorted from the tight pressure as blood burst out from those wrung wrists and splattered over the floor.
The waiter was in so much pain that he could only let out dry screams until this throat doesn't even work anymore. He had collapsed on his knees, held up only by his broken hands still being gripped by the omega. He was wheezing as he stared at his mangled wrist in horror.
“You want to scream, then I’ll make you scream, master.” Came deep, husky voice came from above.
The waiter shakily looked up and was met with a pair of chilling blue eyes looking down on him as if looking at a piece of garbage.
After every honorable guest has settled into the private rooms, the auction finally began. On the stage, a beautiful lady would walk out, carrying all types of items while a man at the counter shouted for price. Behind the two was a huge screen, showing all the information about the item being auctioned.
A waiter walked along the windows, looking down at the items currently being bid on. It was sixteen complete sets of organs, all in perfect condition with different blood types and genders. It was obvious where the auction had gotten these organs from, and it certainly wasn't from donors.
The waiter stepped into the elevator. He pulled out a key card from his pocket and swiped it over the key slot before pressing the highest level button.
Once arrived, he strolled out into the bright hallway. He looked around before finding a door with another key slot. He swiped it over, causing the door to open, revealing the boat’s control room.
“Who are you?” One of the men looked up from their work.
“I got orders from the boss to deliver a message." The waiter replied as the doors slowly closed behind him…
Dazai watched impassively as an omega was put up onto the auction stage. The omega was a male. Thick chains wrapped around his neck like a dog with a leash as he sat in the center of the light and cameras. His eyes were glazed over, clearly drugged and dressed in transparent fabric that hid nothing of his pale body.
The man at the auction was going wild, screaming out prices that just kept stacking higher and higher.
It appeared that omegas were very popular amongst the guests tonight.
The door opened up right then, revealing a waiter holding a tray of appetizers Dazai had called for. The appetizers were a plate of king crab legs, raw oysters, a glass of wine with apples and grapes.
The waiter set the food onto the table, turning to leave when Dazai called out to him.
"Hold it!" Dazai commanded without even looking away from the auction. He clicked his tongue in irritation as he slammed against the bidding button, stacking the price on the omega even higher, but he was soon outbid once again. “My crabs aren’t even deshelled, these apples and grapes aren't skinned either. You expect me to eat these?!”
“My apologies sir, I will bring them back to the kitchen and have them remake it.” The waiter said, about to take the tray away when Dazai stopped him.
“Forget it! You stay here and peel them for me!” Then Dazai slammed his fist against the bid button again.
The waiter paused. He looked back to the other two waiters guarding by the door. When he has gotten the signal, the waiter picked up a slice of apple and began to peel the skin off with a fruit knife. Seeing that, the other two waiters outside closed the door to allow their guest privacy.
The moment the door shut, the waiter dropped the apple and stabbed the knife into it.
“Well now, that’s not a very good service. I should reconsider the tips I was going to give!” Dazai said dramatically, losing the cold expression he just had as he smiled at the waiter standing over him.
The sound of knuckles crackling echoed throughout the room.
“I was just kidding!” Dazai stretched out one long arm and wrapped it around the waiter's slender hip. With a pull, he had the petite waiter fitting perfectly onto his lap. "If you feed me though, I’ll consider giving you lots of tips tonight~”
He whispered slyly into the waiter’s ear. He watched as the tip of the other man’s ear turned red before the standard white gloves of the waiter pushed his head away.
“Stop messing around!” A deep voice hissed. “The mission—”
“Is over,” Dazai finished for him, holding out a hand. Knowing what he wanted, the waiter reached into his pocket and handed over a USB drive. “All we need to do is to relax and watch the show now.”
The waiter didn’t speak for a long time. Blue eyes turned down to the auction, just as the bidding for that male omega ended.
"He'll be saved," Dazai promised.
The waiter huffed as he reached for the wine on the table. Before he could touch the bottle, his hand was caught by a bandaged one, causing him to look over to the alpha in irritation.
“Now what?”
“I want crabs.”
“Hah? Go get them yourself!”
"But you can break the shells faster than me!" Dazai whined.
Sighing in irritation, the red-haired man grabbed a crab leg. With a simple press of his fingers, the shell completely shattered, revealing the tender flesh inside.
“Here," The redhead snapped as he held the crab to the dark-haired alpha.
Dazai smiled as he gently took that small wrist within his hand. He guided the other man's hand until the piece of crab was against his lips. He took a bite into the juicy meat and slurped it out of the rest of the shell.
Blue eyes stared at the way the alpha ate. He grabbed another one, breaking the shell just as easily before feeding it directly into Dazai’s waiting mouth. On the stage, the omega boy had been taken away. Now, the guests were bidding for an omega girl.
From the corner of his eyes, the waiter watched the amount these rich people poured into that poor girl. It was sickening.
Licking the crab juice from his lips, Dazai was finally satisfied as he looked at his lover whose attention was on the auction.
“So…when are you going to change back, Chuuna-chan?”
“AH?!” A vein popped over the waiter as blue eyes glared darkly at the man beneath him. “Why the hell do I still need to wear that stupid getup!? Didn’t you say the mission’s finished?!”
“The mission itself is complete, but there’s still one more role for Chuuna.” Dazai explained, dropping his smile as he regarded the other with a serious face.
“I threw that stupid dress away." The redhead gritted out. He couldn’t hide his cringe at the memory of that dumb thing he was forced to wear.
"Oh, no need to worry about that! I have it all prepared!” Dazai sang as he pulled out another dress from under his coat.
The waiter’s brows twitched as he stared at the white dress filled with flowers and laces in disbelieve. He jolted out of daze when he felt hands starting to unbutton his shirt.
“The hell you’re doing?!”
“Helping you change?”
“I can do that on my own!”
With that, the bathroom door slammed shut, leaving Dazai all alone in the room. The raven-haired alpha stared at the closed door for a long time before letting out a soft chuckle.  
He held up the bottle of wine and smirked after looking over its brand and years. He knew his mate would pick the most expensive one from the winery.
He grabbed two glasses and poured out the wine.
Dazai watched as the female omega was brought off the stage. That was the last of the human trafficking. Now, they were into newly developed drugs that aren’t even out in the market. Dazai popped a grape into his mouth as he waited for his lover to come out. Occasionally, he would tab the bid button when the time was just right to show his participation.
Dazai was swirling his wine in his glass when the bathroom door opened. He looked up and smiled at the beautiful woman that had reappeared before his eyes.  
The white tea-length dress was practically made for his omega with the way it showed off his narrow waist and slender limbs. Dazai had every single one of those dresses custom-made just for this day, and the results were better than any of his fantasies. His lover never ceased to amaze him with that beauty of his.
“Here, love," Dazai called, patting his lap as if the omega was some kind of dog that would jump on his command.
A frown appeared over the orange-haired male. The rejection on his face was clear as day.
"I need to add the finishing touches," Dazai said innocently with large, wide eyes.
“Why do I have to sit on your lap to do that?”
“Do you see any other place to sit?”
The redhead looked around and realized that his mate was right. There was only a single couch in this entire room and Dazai was occupying it. Even the table where he set the food was small, not big enough to fit in a person.
“You…don’t tell me you planned this.” He hissed, feeling the urge to pummel his alpha into the wall. He wasn’t going to believe that this auction was so lousy that they can’t even afford to give their guests proper sofa and tables.
“Of course not!” Dazai urged, patting his lap even harder. “Hurry up!”
The redhead gritted his teeth. He told himself to calm down. He can beat this shit up all he wants after they get home. He had promised Dazai to listen to all of his order on this mission, so he will do that.
Crimson light outlined the petite figure. With a simple leap, the omega flew across the room and landed right onto the raven’s lap. Dazai’s arms snaked around that perfect little waist and pulled the redhead back so that his bareback exposed by the dress was pressed against his chest.  
"Don't move," Dazai whispered into the other’s ears when the omega tried to get up.
He carefully held his mate’s hand and pulled out a pair of white gloves from his pocket. Slowly, as if treating some kind of delicate and important task, he pulled the glove over his mate’s lovely hands—one finger at a time.
Blue eyes softened as the omega watched the alpha’s ministrations. The redhead began to relax into his alpha’s warm body and allow himself to be taken care of.
After Dazai finished setting the gloves over his mate's hands, he pulled out a bracelet and secured it over that pale right wrist. After that, he pulled out a diamond necklace and earrings, putting them onto his mate carefully to make sure everything was perfect. Then finally, he pushed the pumpkin orange bangs over the omega’s right ear and clipped it up with two simple white clips.
The redhead’s face was slightly flushed at his alpha’s tenderness. Blue eyes darted everywhere but his mate in an obvious sign of shyness.
Dazai grinned as he gave that cute earlobe a nip, causing the other to jump in surprise.
“You—…what’s that?” The omega blinked when he saw his alpha slowly untying the bandages around his left wrist. He didn’t notice at first, but now closer, he could tell those weren’t bandages at all, but white ribbons made of fine silk.
“For your neck," Dazai answered. “We have to hide your Adam’s apple after all.”
The omega didn’t say anything after that. He leaned forward, giving his mate space for him to tie the ribbon around his neck.
The fabric was extremely soft and with the alpha’s gentleness, the redhead didn’t feel the slightest bit of discomfort.
Dazai wrapped a couple of layers of ribbon that beautiful pale neck and tied a large bow to the side. Fixing the bow up just right, he pulled his mate back against his body and his hands slid down to those smooth, well-defined legs.
"W-what are you doing?!" the redhead spluttered, pressing the dress down when the alpha suddenly pulled his right leg into the air.
“Shoes of course! What did you think I was doing?” Dazai asked innocently as that perverted hand stroke down his bare leg. “Now come a bit closer, I can’t reach your foot like this.
“Wait, stupid!” Chuuya yelped when Dazai pulled his knee against his chest so he could grab his foot. The omega shivered at the feeling of the cold air stroking his bottom. He never felt as embarrassed in his entire life as this very moment.
Chuuya felt the familiar weight of woman's heel slipped onto his foot and tied around his ankle. When Dazai was done, he slowly put his mate's leg down, making sure to slide his hand back up that smooth skin as he did so. Then without any warning, the redhead had his other leg pulled up as his dress pooled around his waist.
Although Dazai was slipping on the white heel for his lover, his eyes were focused on that pale hip exposed to his sight. He could see the smooth linings of the lingerie he had sacrificed two ribs just to get his mate to put on before heading out.
It was a plain white bikini made of satin.
The way that thin piece of fabric slid against that milk white skin made the saliva in the alpha's mouth increase. When the omega shifted around as he tried to cover his private area, the silky fabric of his underwear was pushed up a little, revealing a red kiss mark a certain alpha had left from last night. Saliva nearly spilled out of the alpha's mouth at the alluring sight.
The moment he finished putting on the shoe, the weight on his lap was gone. Dazai sighed in disappointment as he watched his lover landing ever so gracefully on those five-inch heels with the white dress fluttering around him.
Dazai got up, grasping his mate's hand and guided him to the bathroom to stand before the wide mirror.
“What do you think?” He purred into the omega’s ear.
The redhead stared at himself with wide blue eyes. When the two of them standing stood together in front of the mirror-like this, the omega realized how matching their outfits were. It wasn’t just the colour scheme, but also their style—especially the way Dazai did his hair.
The alpha’s hair had combed back on his left side, and he had done the same thing for the redhead’s right side.
It was like they were wearing a lover’s set of clothes.
Colours rose to the redhead’s cheeks at this realization. It was even enough for him to forget that he was dressed up as a girl. Just as he turned to the alpha and parted those rosy lips, the ship shook with the loud sound of explosion coming from below.
“What was that?!” The redhead gasped, using gravity to steady himself on the floor.
"Looks like we're not the only ones that infiltrated into this auction." The alpha said as those sharp eyes narrowed.
“Who—” The redhead’s words got cut off when the ship shook again as another explosion blasted from somewhere below them.
“No good, they’re trying to sink the ship!” Dazai said urgently. “Chuuya! Get the ship to the beach!”
“Tch! Grab onto something, shitty Dazai!” Chuuya ordered as crimson outline spread through his body. Kicking off the floor, he flew across the room, kicking the door right off the hinge as he came out into the hall.  
The moment he did, the sound of gunfire echoed across the cruise.
The disoriented guards that were shaken from the blast instantly found a target the moment Chuuya appeared before them. Bullets flew towards the red-haired woman dress in white. The moment the bullets touched her, it all froze in midair as if held onto by an invisible force.  
A wide, devilish smirk tugged apart those rosy lips. With a spin kick, all the bullets were sent back flying to the guards. The moment white heels touched the ground, the omega was off into the air, shooing into the enemies at a speed faster than their bullets. He easily destroyed them with kicks and punches.
Just as Chuuya was about to thrust a leg into another guard, all of his hair shot up upon the heavy static rumbling in the air. A split second later, the redhead let out a choked cry when electricity zapped through his entire body.
“Now, now, that’s no way for a lady to behave.” A grating voice sang as Chuuya stumbled, his body momentarily numbed from the shock as he glared up at a blond, rat-faced man standing in front of him dressed in those standard waiter uniform. His body was practically glowing with electricity dancing around his body like docile pets.  
The man let out a high pitched laugh, licking his lips as he eyed the omega before him.
As Chuuya tried to steady his shaking hands, sharp blue eyes darted around to see a few more waiters coming up to surround him. These people must have been hiding somewhere waiting for an opportunity to attack. The air around these newcomers was different from the ones he had taken down. That means these are the Ability users guarding the auction.
“Heh…saves me the trouble of finding all of you." Chuuya snickered as the numbness in his body finally subsided. These Ability users weren't expecting such a deep voice to come out of the feminine-looking omega, so they were all taken back.
Taking his chance, Chuuya appeared in front of the rat-faced man in a blink of an eye. The man couldn't even react before he was sent flying across the hall. Crimson light outlined his body and slammed him with a force so strong he went right through the floor.
Without a pause, Chuuya spun on his heels, about to face the rest when his ankle twisted.
“Damn it!” Chuuya gasped, cursing his mate as he watched an Ability user sent out a blast of fire towards him.  
Chuuya could already feel heat licking at his exposed skin as he watched those flames came at him. Just as he was about to activate his ability to pull himself away from the fire, a warm arm wrapped around his waist, breaking his fall as Chuuya saw a bandaged hand stretched towards the flame. The moment the scorching fire touched that hand, it disappeared in a flash of light.
“Getting rusty there, partner.” Dazai’s voice came from above his head.
“This wouldn't happen if you didn't make me wear this stupid getup!" Chuuya growled. He put his hands onto his lover’s shoulders, using the tall lanky alpha as leverage as he flipped over the alpha and slammed his heel into an ability user that tried to sneak up behind them, bashing him right through the floor to join his teammate.
Dazai smiled as he sidestepped a bullet. He grabbed his omega's hand and intertwined their fingers. With a pull, the two of them switched place. With his gravity, Chuuya sent the bullets that had aimed for Dazai flying back while Dazai nullified some weird, jelly-like substances shot at Chuuya.
The two of them fought with grace. Their movements were completely in sync like a dance as they mow down the ability users one after another.
After the enemies were taken care of, the pair made it out into the deck where Dazai stopped and let go of his lover’s hand.
The redhead flew towards the sky on a small piece of board ripped off of the deck. The ship was already half-sunken by this point with the rear of the ship completely in water.
"That's why I said we should have done this from the beginning." The redhead smirked, spreading his arms as crimson light outlined the entire ship. Without even breaking a sweat, the omega lifted the ship out of the greedy clutches of the sea. Changing the gravitation, he sent the ship hurling towards the beach.
From the sky, the redhead was able to see the people gathered at the beach. Police cars were flashing blue and red lights and he could even see the familiar faces of his mate’s co-workers.
“He knew this would happen?" The redhead frowned. He looked to the deck, eyes searching for his mate but Dazai was nowhere to be found.
Just as the ship slid onto the beach, the omega changed the gravitation again and made it come to an abrupt stop. With his ability, he deformed the bottom of the ship until it was completely flat so that it can stand upright. After letting it sink deep into the sand and making sure it wouldn't fall over, he released his power over it.
Tossing aside the piece of wooden board he was standing on, the redhead was about to just drop down like usual when his dress was blown upward by the strong wind. The feeling of the cold air flowing between his legs made him tremble as his face flared up in red.
His legs clamped together tightly and was about to shove his hands between his legs to push the dress down when he remembered there were people around. He had to act natural. He can’t do such an embarrassing pose. Chuuya convinced himself that it was fine. From their angle, they couldn't possibly see anything.
Chuuya slowly and carefully drifted down. With his power, he added weight to the dress so it wouldn't fly up to his face as he came down. He took slow and steady breathes, hoping that the embarrassment on his face hadn't been seen.
The people below hurriedly moved away at the sight of the woman descending from the night sky. Wearing nothing but white, she was practically glowing beneath the moonlight. Her hair lightly swayed in the windless air and her dress twirled around those slender legs.
At that very moment, there was only one thought that ran through everyone’s mind.
This woman was an angel.
As Chuuya flew down, he saw a raven-haired man in white suit standing on the sand gazing up at him with those soft umber eyes. He extended a bandaged hand up towards the omega like a gentleman offering a lady to a dance.
Without thinking, the redhead reached out. He placed his hand onto the alpha's larger palm. Long fingers wrapped securely around his hand before blinding light burst from their joined hands. Chuuya let out a small gasp as his control over gravity was nullified. The omega fell into the alpha's waiting arms as his white dress fluttered around them.
Under the silvery moonlight, the alpha and omega stood by the seashore dressed in white and embracing one another. It was truly a sight to behold.
“Welcome back, my dear," Dazai said affectionately as the redhead blushed from within his mate’s arms.
Chuuya opened his mouth, about to say something back when the sound of someone clearing their throat cut in.
The redhead hastily jumped out of his alpha's arms and turned to see rows of people standing there gawking at them. At the very front were his mates' co-workers from that detective firm.
A silver-haired alpha dressed in kimono and wooden sandals walked up to them. He was the one who had interrupted just now.
“Well done on your missions." The alpha complimented as sharp eyes gazed down at Chuuya. “It was thanks to you that we have successfully captured the targets and the data containing all of their trades. We were also able to safely apprehend all the people on the ship, including eight Ability users that were taken down. You have my thanks.”
Chuuya opened his mouth but snapped his jaw shut when he remembered that he was still pretending to be a girl. In the end, he just nodded as a response.  
“I have heard about your situation from Dazai-kun.” The man continued. “Nakahara Chuuya, former King of Sheep.”
Blue eyes widened for only a split second before reverting back to normal. Chuuya looked towards Dazai who was smiling all innocently at him. The bastard, what in the world was he planning now?
"During the crossfire between Port Mafia and the Sheep that had allied with the Gelhart Security Service, you faked your death to escape from Port Mafia’s eyes. Since then, you've gone underground together with Dazai-kun. I have seen the reports of missions you had performed together with Dazai-kun secretly behind Port Mafia’s back. Dazai-kun also vouched for your excellency in handling with paper works as well. The Agency could use someone of your skills. Welcome to the Armed Detective agency. You may begin your work first thing tomorrow morning. I am sure Dazai-kun will show you the steps.”
“…Hah?” Chuuya could only utter dumbly.
Unfortunately for him, the silver-haired man didn't care to elaborate. With his speech said and done, he walked off, leaving one petrified Nakahara Chuuya.
“Um, congratulation!” A voice snapped him out of daze as Chuuya blinked and found the rest of the Armed Detective Agency members gathered before him. The one who spoke just now was that boy Dazai picked up with the tiger ability.
Chuuya had been there that time in the warehouse when his mate confronted the boy. Dazai had told him there would be something fun and called him over. To avoid being noticed by his mate's co-workers, he had been sitting on the rooftop watching everything from there.
“Your ability was amazing, Chuuna—I mean…Nakahara-san!” The boy continued, looking at the redhead with sparkling eyes.
“I’ve never seen such strong ability before!” Yosano commented, thoroughly impressed.
“That was gravity was it?” Tanizaki asked timidly.
The group's voices began to turn into a jumble of noises. Through Chuuya’s ringing ears, he couldn't pick out anything but congratulations and welcomes. Before he could process everything that had happened, his hands were grasped by a larger pair…but ones that definitely did not belong to his mate.
“WELCOME!” A certain blond with glasses was literally in tears as he shouted these words to him. “Finally! Finally I won't need to deal with that human waste of bandages anymore! Welcome to our Agency…really…welcome…!"
Chuuya sweatdropped as he watched a grown man broke down into sobs right before his eyes. If he remembered correctly, this was Dazai’s…partner?
The corner of Chuuya’s lips twitched. He had a pretty good idea what this was about already…
“Ku-ni-ki-da-kun~” Dazai’s singsong voice cut in as Chuuya found a pair of arms wrapping around his shoulders from behind. With a hard pull, the omega stumbled into his alpha’s chest as his hands slipped out of the weeping beta’s.
“Could you not go around molesting my darling Chuuya?” Dazai asked with a bright smile. Though he was smiling, there was an eerie shadow cast over his eyes with veins throbbing beneath the thin skin of his forehead.
Kunikida kept on crying as he wiped his face into his sleeve, completely oblivious to his partner's (soon to be ex-partner) threats. The blond was too overjoyed to notice anything around him anymore.
"So there you have it, everyone!" Dazai exclaimed to the rest of his comrades. “My mate, Nakahara Chuuya, will be working in the Agency starting tomorrow, please look after—”
“JUST WAIT A FUCKING DAMN SECOND YOU SCHEMING BASTARD!” A very husky and unmistakably a male’s voice roared throughout the air, causing every single bystander to turn into stones as they stared at the source of where that deep voice came from.  
Even the President who was quite far away staggered when he heard the voice.
The only one that didn’t seem the slightest bit shock was Ranpo. He was cackling as he took in everyone's reactions as if this was exactly what he came here for.
That beautiful memory of the angel in white drifting down from the night shattered in every single one of their hearts. Right now, that ethereal being was clutching onto the raven-haired alpha's collar and shaking the life of him while screaming in a man’s voice, “What did he mean hire?! When did I say that I wanted to work at your place?!”
“But Chuuya!” Dazai spluttered as his eyes swirled from being shaken so violently. "Didn't you miss going onto mission together? Instead of hiding in the dark helping me with jobs like back in the old days, we can now work together all the time!”
“Like hell I want to work with you every single day! I thought it was weird, you’re the one behind those explosions on that ship, weren’t you?! And what did that guy meant by I'm good with paper works? You shitty vagabond! Don't tell me you're planning on pushing all of your works onto me!”
“Chuuya! How could you accuse me of something like that?!”
“You were doing that way back in your Mafia days, you bastard! Don't tell me you forgotten how you brought home stacks after stacks of your paperwork every fucking night, threatening me to do them for you!”
“CHUUYA!” Dazai suddenly shouted. His outburst made Chuuya jumped as his grip over the alpha’s collar loosened.
“I want to work with you again, Chuuya," Dazai said seriously as he cupped the redhead’s face within his hands. He leaned down towards the omega until their forehead touched. Chuuya unconsciously held his breath as he stared into those warm brown eyes gazing at him, portraying nothing but love and adoration.
“This time, I don’t want to keep you in the dark anymore. I want you to come out into the light. What do you say, Chuuya?” He whispered so softly that Chuuya could barely hear over the ocean breeze.
It wasn’t the first time Dazai mentioned working in the light and all that. Every time he did, Chuuya would just brush him off.
On that faithful day, after his comrades betrayed him, Dazai gave him an offer. Join Port Mafia, or serve under him. Should he choose the latter, Dazai will use his position within the Port Mafia to help him get all the information with regards to Arahabaki. In addition to that, Dazai also promised him the members of the Sheep’s safety.
Chuuya didn't like the raven-haired alpha at the time, but he didn't like the idea of being part of the Port Mafia even more, especially after such betrayal. With nothing left, Chuuya chose the second option. As much as he hated Dazai, from just their short time together Chuuya knew the man was one to keep his words.  
Dazai indeed kept his words.
First, he pulled the Sheep out of the battle while both the Mafia and GSS were distracted by one another and sent them away. After that, he faked Chuuya’s death before the eyes of his men and handed in a false report to his boss. Since then, Chuuya had always been in living under Dazai’s arrangement.
Ougai Mori never investigated the matter. It wasn’t like Mori completely trusted Dazai. If anything, Mori was always watching Dazai in fear that the youngest executive would one day overthrow him from his position. The reason was simply because Chuuya wasn’t important enough to have him take any actions.
Chuuya’s ability was strong, but not so strong that Mori would waste efforts to dig out a person Dazai had hid. To Mori, Dazai’s existence was more important than Chuuya, so creating a rift between them over Chuuya simply wasn’t worth it.
However, all that was built upon the fact that Chuuya and Dazai got no relationships.
That was why even when Dazai started working at his new job, Chuuya chose to keep hiding.
The Port Mafia might be alright with their ex-executive jumping to the Armed Detective Agency, but what if Chuuya got involved? If he appears, then the Port Mafia might not quietly watch from the distance anymore but would do everything to take Dazai back.
As mates, they were essentially one. By taking Dazai back, not only would Port Mafia regain their most powerful strategist, but they will also have their hands on the vessel of Arahabaki.
They would become a two in one deal which would be too tempting for the Port Mafia to pass. Anytime the Port Mafia needed Chuuya’s power, all they need to do was to put a gun against Dazai and Chuuya would be forced to do their bidding. Likewise, Chuuya could also be used for Mori to control Dazai.
That was one thing that can never happen.
Chuuya rather live in the shadows for the rest of his life than to become Dazai’s leash. Besides, his current lifestyle wasn't bad. It was very laid back...though sometimes he did found it boring, especially with his mate having to work most of the time.
Tonight was probably the first in a while that he felt this good. He missed using his Ability and getting some actions to stretch his muscles.
Chuuya sighed as he pulled his face out of his mate’s hands. “The Port Mafia—”
“We will deal with them when the time comes. As long as we’re together, Mori-san won’t lay a finger on you. Not without risking the entire organization.”
“Aren’t you confident?”
“Of course.” Dazai smiled. “Because Chuuya is my mate.”
“Hmph…” Chuuya snorted, seemingly much calmer than before.
“By the way, Dazai…” Chuuya breathed softly against his mate’s lips.
“Yes, love?” Dazai breathed back tenderly.
“There was no reason for me to change back to this getup, was there?”
A moment of silence passed between the lovey-dovey couple.
“Chuuya!” Dazai pulled back with a loud gasp as if he had received some sort of huge shock. With a face full of seriousness, he clasped his omega’s hands tightly within his own.
“You were like an angel descending from the heavens.”
Chuuya’s automatic Dazai translator: “Your underwear is sexy.”
Dazai could have avoided the attack easily.
He knew his lover's timing and patterns, evading his attack was as simple as breathing. However, for the first time, the alpha was completely rooted in his spot.
His eyes were blown wide and as a curtain of white parted before his eyes. That beautifully shaped leg of his mate was seemingly coming at him in slow motion. Dazai’s eyes hungrily raked over that smooth and elastic skin. His eyes trailed higher and higher until his caught a glimpse of that heavenly sight just before the side of a white heel made contact with the side of his head.
Later on, someone from the Agency looked back at this moment and asked Dazai why he made the omega change into a dress knowing he would get beat up for it.
The alpha’s response was this…
"I’m going to get kicked either way, why not get some benefits out of it~?"
                                                                  — Dazai Osamu
The veins on Chuuya’s head throbbed as the omega watched his mate drew a perfect arc in the sky and fell headfirst into the sea. The redhead didn't know why, but he felt even more irritated despite landing a hit just now.
With a huff, the omega turned to leave.
The mackerel could swim back for all he cared. He was too tired for this shit. The moment he gets home, he will use his power to mangle the lock to all their doors and windows so a certain someone wouldn’t be able to lock-pick his way in. After that, he will jam the doorbell, close the curtain, blast their home with loud rock music, throw out all of those canned crabs and get some well-deserved rest in his and Dazai's king-sized bed.
Each step the red-haired omega took, the ground beneath his five-inch heels would split and cave in from the force. Nakahara Chuuya walked through the petrified statues that were the Armed Detective Agency as the morning sun slowly rises from the horizon.
From that day on, a new rumour began to spread throughout Yokohama.
An unstoppable duo has formed within the Armed Detective Agency that even the Port Mafia was wary of.
They called them,
Double Black.
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retrauxpunk · 5 years ago
sv 6.04
spoiler-filled recap post under the cut
i swear every single episode is gonna have me feeling like that because IT’S SO INTENSE i think i’ve forgotten how intense this show is because it’s prior to the release of s6 it’s been 2 years since i watched new episodes? and so i just know the storylines quite well and am familiar with everything?
but jesus christ!!
okay let’s start at the beginning:
FUCK ethan!!
I had the vague inkling of a feeling that bringing on ethan would be the same as bringing on the carver, russ hanneman, jack barker, etc. in that it would seem to be good at first and then it would magnificently blow up AND THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED WHAT THE FUCK
there were so many intertwined storylines in this episode? i feel like there were more than usual? there was: richard and his conflict with ethan; gavin’s book thing; monica’s misadventures with feminism; gilfoyle’s budding friendship with john stafford (I STAN); jared’s story with his parents and gwart
last episode my fingers couldn’t keep up with my thoughts because it was such an amazing uplifting kickass episode, but this time i just feel, i dunno, kind of clogged with feelings/thoughts because there was a lot that happened in this episode and it was................ MOSTLY SAD????? mostly unpleasant?????? like it was a great episode but all the things that happened to the characters were like ... real shitty
HOLY SHIT the guy who plays ethan is SO GOOD at playing the role of the emotionally manipulative jackass prick who mistreats you and then acts like you’re the shitty one if you don’t ‘play along with the fun’ and so on like HOLY MOTHERFUCKER those types of people are the fucking worst and god i wish richard’s punch hand gotten him in the mouth instead or something (more on that later)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was so terrible to richard! it fucking hurt! i was with dinesh! i watched richard’s balls getting kicked and my balls hurt in solidarity!! fuck!!
richard what are you doing
it was, no lie, a little nice and fuzzy and heartwarming to see dinesh like sticking up for richard and trying to help him
even if it’s through the ‘dumbest thing i’ve ever seen’, that alpha male video. 
i don’t object to it being in the show because, y’know, it’s within the bounds of the absurdities of the show and so on, but
WHAT! that had the exact same energy as the fight milk ads!!
i really like that richard’s initial reaction was ‘this is the dumbest thing i’ve ever seen’. what a shame he succumbed to it!!! ........but at least it wasn’t something worse that he succumbed too i guess???
this is one of those episodes where i am entirely on richard’s side and have no complaints about him, he didn’t do anything wrong
omg i just remembered when he caught ethan’s eye in the opening scene and waved him in because of ‘dumb social shit’ (#relatable) ................WAS THAT BECAUSE HE WAS REFLEXIVELY REGRESSING TO HIS DOWNTRODDEN WAYS from when he was ethan’s report and was consistently having to defer to him and put up with his shit? and that’s why when ethan motions to like invite himself into richard’s office, that’s why richard just invites him in?
yeah that’s my opinion now
this is one of those times when richard’s like, trying to do a good/right thing and be nice and so on WHEN HE SHOULDN’T BE. like when he was ‘trying to respect’ erlich by refusing to hire jared patakian despite erlich giving him his blessing. and (to a lesser extent) when he went to have those chats with seth after gilfoyle stole the endframe login credentials, and when he gifted laurie some pied piper credits (where they credits? don’t remember the word)
UGH he was trying to be ~chill~ and not so uptight and so on BUT NO THIS IS NOT THE TIME RICHARD and no this is not what being a cool/nice person is! it is not putting up with this kind of shit!
i just felt so bad for him!!!
god what a cock
I’M SO GLAD RICHARD PUNCHED HIM IN THE FACE and honestly??? i wish the punch had fucking landed!! for once i’m sick of richard being an ineffectual klutz! i want him to try to kick ass and succeed!!! god!!
that’s what i want out of season 6, one (1) time when richard tries to do something physically badass like socking a deserving douchebag in the face and actually succeeds
can’t fucking believe he bought into dinesh’s dumbfuck alpha male video. UGH RICHARD
i mean at..........at least it makes him........feel better? idk
(in my personal hc richard manages to watch that fucking always sunny style video and not develop misogynistic tendencies as consequence because that would be lame if it happened)
6.3 was intense in the same way that like an adrenaline-fuelled ultimately victorious battle is intense, or like, idk, the lovechild of MDMA and acid???
6.4 is intense like the COMEDOWN. god
IT IS THE COMEDOWN, it’s the terrible fucking low that occurs in the wake of the soaring high of buying hooli!! fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay so that’s the richard storyline covered
y’know i was suspicious when ethan wanted to move things onto hooliphones, i thought it was maybe some kind of thing to sabotage pied piper in some way? but now i see maybe it’s just a way to get himself a job. and the bullying of richard is a way to soothe his own fragile ego i guess? hmm
gilfoyle’s friendship with john stafford! I LOVE IT! i love that the guy from the underground pits of jack barker’s box plan has returned! and he announces each hooliphone the way he announced each box ... excellent callback. AND THEY PLAY CHESS! AND HE BEAT GILFOYLE EVERY SINGLE TIME! YES!!! 
some kind of lame-as-fuck attempt to maintain an idea of power in the dynamic? viewing the vulnerability of accepting a friend request as somehow being weak/lame?? just upset because he lost so many chess games??
hope it’s the the last one becaues that’s the least lame/sad of the three i thinkkkk
also his fucking feed full of dinesh hate. what a loser lmao perfectly suited to dinesh
i want them to kiss
ummmmmmmm monica!! lmao i enjoyed how they made her a female character who is successful but not actually personally interested in being a feminist activist, because i think that’s a thing that’s pretty real/relatable. like, you can be a woman who believes in gender equality but who doesn’t actually do stuff to actively advocate for it, and i think that’s a lot of people, and honestly i don’t think i’m quite like monica (i wouldn’t say the things she said about foxhole HAHAHHA) but i relate to it! i’m not a very politically active person at all, my ~activism is limited to being generally educated on stuff and calling out/discussing shitty things if friends/colleagues say them. so i guess i felt seen? #guiltyfeminist
when monica went to the panel........... and then priyanka totally outshone her ........ i felt a little bad for monica but she was pawning off foxhole to priyanka entirely selfishly because she herself didn’t want to be involved and so i didn’t feel too bad for her :pp
good on priyanka! all that stuff  she’s doing sounds awesome!
except the beginning where she referenced her ‘network of awesome women coders’ or something like that, i found that phrasing uhhhhhhh cringey. cliquey. didn’t like it, but that’s just my subjective feeling. also i suspect it was meant to be a little satirical of uberwokeness so fair :P
richard giving monica foxhole ‘for optics’ and then doing the handwavey ‘just make it work, for women’ ........ a brilliant sad-funny representation of extremely superficial and empty meaningless ‘feminism’
laurie lasering in on gwart because she’s also eating that vegetable in a weird way! nice.
we see him set up in pied piper’s offices meaning he at least took up richard’s offer which is nice
his parents?
fuck ‘em
they deserve to rot, obviously
i............................... it was an upsetting scene, i’m not sure why it’s in the show............ perhaps to give rise to jared’s whole ‘i must have rejected them and rejected everyone else who’s been kind’ thing that he’s doing in a desperate bid to understand/make sense of his suffering ....... which gives rise to his thing about rejecting richard...
i guess maybe he’s doing that thing where he’s repeating past cycles of trauma/abandonment? that’s what’s (at least partially) driving his stubborn refusal to rejoin richard? is it that he (on some not-necessarily-conscious level) believes himself unworthy of happiness and self-sabotages? and all of that mixes with his fear of fucking up pied piper with his feelings (the way he did in 6.1) and that keeps him away from richard?
that thing he said about how he has to stay with gwart . .............. god this stupid entirely arbitrary rule he’s set for himself, it’s so fucking painful
good on you holden i guess!! .....?
i HATE the whole ‘jared threatening holden and emotionally abusing him into the perfect assistant for richard’ arc because that was painful and i feel like it was played for laughs but i didn’t find it funny or good at all
so in this case it was kinda vindicating to see holden no longer terrified of jared and kind of sassing him (’don’t you have somewhere to be’)
..............what was with the end of the cold open where richard’s like ‘holden i wanted water’??? or something? didn’t holden give him the water partway through ethan’s presentation? ugH
YEAH SO OF COURSE OUR BOY JARED WANTS TO BE WITH RICHARD and now that gwart (his temporarily chosen ‘leader’/person to be devoted to) has given him orders (and therefore permission) to fuck off, he CAN BE WITH RICHARD without feeling like he’s, i dunno, being disloyal.
so the episode ENDS on jared asserting that there is a space for him to be with richard? homg seems like 6.5 is gonna go HEAVY ON THE JARRICH again?????
this was a tense episode and i’m upset
like it was a decent episode, i didn’t think it was bad quality, i’m just sad
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ilovethings-somuch · 8 years ago
Private Lessons (2/10)
Dad!Chris Evans/first person OFC (Elaina)
A/N: Hello friends! This was supposed to be posted earlier but I really like procrastinating 🤷 sorry!! So this is like fluff, I guess. No warnings other than swearing (I’m sorry I can’t help it)
Synopsis: Elaina is teaching swimming lessons to a little boy named Lukas when she discovers that he is the son of Chris Evans. When Chris approaches Elaina to do private lessons with Lukas at the Evans’ home will things heat up? Will Elaina turn into a homewrecker that she never wanted to be?
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I spent (too much) of my weekend arguing with myself about how to back out of my arrangement with Chris. It went something like this:
It wouldn’t be that hard to back out. I could just tell him that my boss didn’t want me teaching private lessons outside of our facility. But that’s not true, and lord knows I can’t lie to save my soul. There’s no real reason I can come up with for why I can’t teach Lukas privately. I mean, other than the whole, Chris FUCKING Evans thing. But it’ll be fine. You can be cool, Elaina, just remember deep breaths, he’s just a normal person. You’re doing this for Lukas, not Chris. Hell for all I know Chris won’t even be there when I’m teaching, Lukas probably has a nanny. Or, oh god, what if Chris’ wife is there. Does anyone even know who she is? *googles for 3 hours* Why the fuck is google not helping? Okay, tumblr time, the fandom HAS to know right? *searches tumblr for 5 hours (I may have gotten sidetracked)* WHY DOES NOBODY KNOW WHO SHE IS?! Wait. Maybe she’s not in the picture, oh god, I hope she’s still alive.
All in all, the weekend went by too quickly and before I knew it, it was Tuesday and time for swimming lessons. Class went smoothly, I got everyone to go underwater again and there were 0 tears. Eva and Liam were a piece of cake, and when Lukas got scared all I had to do was remind him how proud his dad was going to be when he went under again. Worked like a charm; plus, waving at Chris with Lukas may have given me an excuse to look at Chris during the lesson.
Afterwards, Eva’s mom wanted to talk to me so I avoided an awkward moment with Chris then, and I was somehow able to get my belongings and leave before he had gotten Lukas changed so I avoided him again. I have mixed feelings about whether or not I’m happy about that. I mean, it was the goal; but maybe a small part of me wanted him to talk to me.
Thursday is the last day of the session, which means it’s a fun day. For the older kids that means playing Sharks and Minnows and going off the diving board. For the little kids, it means spending the class playing with water toys and jumping off the side. Near the end I take my kids over to the deep end to try jumping off the diving board. They all get a life jacket and I swim near the end of the board to catch them when they jump in. I tell them they all have to jump once, and if they want to they can go twice. Liam is very excited, he even tells me not to catch him. Eva wants me to catch her, but other than that she doesn’t hesitate. Lukas, on the other hand, needs a little help. He is completely against jumping, I even try to coax him by giving him a noodle for “extra help floating” but he doesn’t budge.
“Lukas, you gotta try once. If you don’t like it then you never have to go again, but I want you to try one time”
“I don’t wanna” he whines once again, his eyes brimming with tears. I got him to walk to the end of the board and talked to him from the water. I give Kenna, the lifeguard on duty, a signal that he’s going to need help.
“How about if the lifeguard helps you bud” at this point Kenna is already on the board behind Lukas and is about to pick him up to set him into my waiting arms. The tears overflow as she sets him in the water, but as soon as he realizes that he’s in my arms they stop. “Good job Lukas! Look at that, you didn’t even go underwater! I bet your daddy is going to be really impressed”
“I did it! I went off the jumping board!”
“You did! You did so good” I assure him while swimming to the side with him. “Do you think you want to try again all by yourself?” His face drops with my suggestion so I back track quickly. “You don’t have to bud, only if you want. Or you can stay here by the wall okay?”
“I wanna stay here”
“Okay, just keep your hands on the wall while I help Liam and Eva”
Liam and Eva both jump again before class is over. When they get their towels on I give each of them their report card and a piece of candy before walking them over to their parents. I’m not exactly sure how, but somehow I was left alone with Lukas and Chris again.
“Good job today buddy!”
“Did you see me go on the jumping board?”
“Of course I did! You were so brave”
“That’s what Miss Lainie told me too” Lukas tells him with a proud smile.
“Well Miss Lainie is a very smart lady” Chris says, looking at me with a smirk. I can’t help but blush at hearing him use my nickname.
“Well it’s always good to know who the bravest little boys are” I tease back, tickling Lukas’ sides.
“So, uh, tomorrow at 9:30 right?”
“Yeah, you still have to send me the address” I remind him.
“Oh shit, thanks for reminding me!” He immediately pulls out his phone and starts typing.
“Daddy!” Lukas whines while hitting Chris’ shoulder. “No bad words”
“I’m sorry buddy, you’re right. No bad words” he repeats before looking at me with a smirk. Goddamn that smile is going to be the death of me. It’s quiet for a few moments and I’m about to make my exit when Chris finishes typing and looks back up at me. “I just sent it to you”
“Okay, thanks. I’ll, um, see you tomorrow then”
“See you then” I give him a small wave before retreating into the office to grab my stuff. All my coworkers are already in there and someone is taking a shower in the room where my keys are, so it looks like I’ll be stuck here for a little longer. I spend the time looking through my phone, making sure to save the address Chris sent me, and talking to my coworkers. Thankfully no one asked me about what took me so long.
When I get home it’s already 7 and my plan to go for a run goes out the window. Instead take a shower before I pull out my laptop and fool around on the internet while eating my dinner. I end up facetiming with my best friend from back home before going to bed, simply so that I can express my excitement about befriending (yeah, that’s what we’re going to call it) Chris with someone who hasn’t actually met him. She’s equally if not more excited than I am, which makes me feel slightly more at ease in the sense that at least I’m normal, but also more anxious because I don’t want to mess it up.
My body finally allows me to fall asleep sometime around midnight, leaving me around 7 hours of sleep. My alarm going off is a cruel awakening, but at least it’s sunny outside. I finally roll out of bed around 7:45, only to discover that my hair is an absolute mess and going to take awhile to tame. I want to make a good impression on Chris. Even though we’ve already met, he’s never really seen me..dry. I want to prove that I can clean up nicely, even if I’m not exactly sure why I feel the need to prove that. Dammit, Elaina it’s not a date!
I end up having to straighten my hair to get all the kinks out, which takes close to half an hour. A half an hour that I didn’t plan for. Thankfully I had a mental idea of what to wear and it didn’t end up looking awful when I put it on. Makeup was another issue. Listen, when you’re working in a wet environment, makeup isn’t something that happens often. Now, I know what you’re probably thinking, “do you ever go out Elaina?” the answer to that is, not as much as I should. And I used to, but when I decided to take a break from trying to act the people I had befriended when I first moved here kind of ditched me. It was probably for the best, that lifestyle wasn’t really me.
I finally get my makeup to not look like a 5-year old did it and make it out of my apartment around 9:10. Which is 10 minutes later than I planned on leaving. The coffee shop is supposedly only 15 minutes away, but you never know when it comes to California traffic. Today proves to be no different, thankfully I make it to the shop only 2 minutes late; and let me tell you, my heart is pounding. I can’t tell you the last time I went on a date. Wait, fuck, Elaina it’s not a damn date! Either way, I can’t tell you the last time I met with someone at a coffee shop. Do I find him and sit down first? Do I order? Who knows! But I thank the lucky stars above when I see Chris walking towards the shop coming from the opposite direction as me. He seems to spot me at the same time I see him and give me a big grin. He can wear whatever glasses and hat he wants, there’s no way I wouldn’t recognize that smile. We reach the door at about the same time and he holds it open for me to enter first. I stand just inside, waiting for him to make a move towards a table or to a line. He heads towards the line and I follow slightly behind.
“Hi, the regular?” the barista asks him when it’s his turn.
“Yeah and whatever she’s having” he sounds so casual about it that I think my heart stops.
“No, Chris you don’t have to pay for me”
“It’s just a coffee, relax” he chuckles.
“Um okay, I’ll just have whatever he’s getting” The barista gives me a small nod before moving to make the drinks. I follow Chris to a table while we wait for our drinks.
“So, where’s Lukas?” I ask, not that I expected him to be here, but it’s weird being around Chris without Lukas.
“He’s at home, with the nanny for a couple hours while I take care of a few things”
I nod, thankful for our drinks arriving to give me something to do. Nanny means his wife must be busy, or not around? God Elaina you’re insufferable, give it a rest.
“He gets really upset when I have to leave, it’s going to be hard when school starts and I have to leave him everyday”
“Yeah, I bet. How does that work with you filming and such?”
“Um, I don’t know yet” he chuckles. “I’m still trying to figure it out. I really want him to go to a normal school. I mean, maybe a private school but definity one where he just goes 8 to 3 like a normal kid and gets to hang out with friends. As much as I would love to just have him home schooled so that he can go with me everywhere, I can’t take away his childhood like that”
“I get what you mean. It would be a pretty incredible childhood to grow up on movie sets though” I suggest with a smile. “But I get it, you want him to be a normal kid, that makes sense”
“Right, he’s had a pretty normal childhood so far. I try to get him outside as much as I can and with kids his age”
“Does he go to daycare?”
“No, I’m usually home with him or I have a really great nanny who comes over when I have things to do. We have regular play dates with some neighborhood families regularly though and he always has fun.”
“Yeah, he’s really sociable! The first day of lessons he was really shy, but by the second class he was telling me all about what he did that day and he was always trying to make games with the other kids”
“He loves to make up games” he says fondly.
“He’s a really smart kid. When ever I was explaining something new it was like I could see the gears turning in his head while he tried to figure it out. Maybe smart to a fault, he tends overthinks things and get scared”
“He’s definitely like his father” Chris mumbles before giving me a smirk.
“Maybe so, but clearly you’ve faced fears and he has too. So it’s alright, it’s definitely not a bad thing for him to be like you”
“Thank you, Elaina, that means a lot” he touches my hand while he’s talking, giving it a light squeeze before moving his hand back to his coffee. I can feel my face heating up and I’m not sure my makeup is covering it up. I try to change the subject casually, but my voice sounds flustered.
“So, um, do you have an idea of what days and times work for you? I’m usually open Monday, Wednesday, Friday after 3 and Tuesday, Thursday after 6 and then totally free on weekends”
“Well my schedule is not that consistent. I can do Monday, Wednesday, Friday at say, 4 this week. But they the week after I’m only around on the weekend, and then the week after I’ll be home Tuesday and Thursday”
“Okay, well as long as the times work with what I wrote here” I pause, pointing to the note I wrote, “I can do whatever. I’ll just let my boss know that she can’t schedule me outside of these times so I’ll be free”
“Really? That would be amazing”
“Yeah, of course. So are you thinking half hour, hour?”
“Whatever you think is best”
“Well if I can keep up his progress I think we could get a lot done in an hour. But it also depends on the setup of your pool. I won’t know everything I can do until I see that, but I think an hour would be the best”
“That’s fine with me. Um so how much do you charge?”
“Fifteen dollars per lesson. But you don’t have to pay me like everyday, we can do it weekly or whatever works for you”
“Fifteen dollars? That’s it?”
“Yes? I wouldn’t say that’s cheap..” I trail off, unsure.
“In hollywood, that’s cheap” he assures me.
“Well you can feel free to pay me more, but that’s my baseline” I say with a chuckle. He doesn’t give me an actual answer, just laughs heavily. The conversation turns to a lighter topic and keeps flowing with a few more casual touches. This is, until Chris notices the time and realizes that he has to go.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize it was so late. I told the nanny I would be back by now and I haven’t even made my other stops yet” he tells me quickly, while picking up his notes and empty coffee cup.
“No, it’s totally fine. I’m sorry for keeping you” I stand along with him and follow him towards the exit.
“I’ll see you Monday at 4 then? I’ll text you my address”
“Yep, don’t forget” I tease.
“You might need to remind me” he says honestly.
“I’ll remind you tonight” I assure him
“Great! I’ll see you Monday” he calls while walking backwards away from me.
“Bye, Chris”
When I get in my car I take a few moments to just sit and process everything. Why did that feel so much like a date? It wasn’t supposed to take that long but somehow it’s already 1 o’clock in the afternoon. When I finally get my bearing I make my home, stopping first at the grocery store to restock my kitchen. I decide to stop at a sandwich shop on the way home, knowing I won’t feel like making dinner after putting all my groceries away.
I’m finally getting settled into my couch when my phone chimes from my purse in the kitchen. I groan slightly before getting up to retrieve it.
Chris: I think someone forgot to remind me of something 🤔  *address attached*
Me: wow look who remembered something all on their own! Someone’s growing up☺️
Chris: Was that sass I detected from you, Elaina? I’m appalled, maybe I don’t want Lukas spending time with you
Me: Trust me, that boy had enough sass before I met him. (I think he gets it from his father)
Chris: Take that back now!
Me: can’t make me 🤷
Chris: hahaha yeah okay.
Chris: I had a really nice time with you today
Me: I had a nice time too, sorry for making you late. Hopefully you didn’t get in too much trouble.
Chris: No worries! Thankfully the nanny is very understanding.
Chris: I gotta go make dinner for Lukas, I’ll talk to you soon!
Me: Bye Chris, say hi to Lukas for me!
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sleepy-giggles · 8 years ago
The Cursed Tea
Hi friends! This is the first chapter of my ‘A Lemon A Day’ series. It will contain multiple smutty one-shots of Gruvia; some will stick to canon material, while others will be AU. Hope you guys will enjoy, and happy reading! ^^
Summary: Gray and Juvia accidentally drink tea that’s been infused by a dark, mysterious magic. It is said that whomever ingests it will lose every ounce of control and succumb to their sexual desires. 
Rating: M (Contains sexual content, please read at your own discretion)
Pairing: Gruvia and some Nalu
Can also be read at https://www.fanfiction.net/~scarfsan
“You two look like shit.”
The dragon slayer and celestial mage remained slumped in their seats, looking dead and soulless despite Gray’s blunt remark.
“What in the world happened?” Wendy leaned across the table in concern.
“Aghhh… don’t even mention it,” Happy groaned, clearly exhausted. “I couldn’t get any sleep last night and was even kicked out of my own house by these two… these two ANIMALS!”
The exceed erupted into tears while the others looked on in confusion.
“What do you mean?” Erza demanded. “Natsu, Lucy, explain yourselves.”
The pink-haired mage opened his mouth, but whatever words that came out was slurred and incomprehensible. Lucy made no attempt to talk; her face turning a bright shade of red was her only reply.
“I can explain.”
Everyone turned their heads to see Porlyusica walk into the guild hall.
She took out a small green can that had a picture of tea leaves on the front, and in the corner, there were tiny black letters that said ‘Warning: potent lust spell’.
“These idiots didn’t check the label and drank a special tea that’s infused with a dark, powerful spell. It turns the unfortunate souls who drink it into horny, savage beasts. Disgusting… only humans could come up with such a thing”.
Shock settled in the faces of the onlookers, and jaws dropped.
“Hey! How were we supposed to know that this reward we got from a mission is actually a sick love potion some bastard cooked up?!” Natsu jumped out of his seat, having finally recovered from his stupor.
“HA! I wouldn’t be surprised if you shoved the whole thing in your mouth the second you heard it was edible.”
“What the fuck did you just say ice princess?!”
“I said, only a flame brain like you would let this happen—”
“Stop it, both of you!” Lucy slammed her hands on the table just as Erza knocked their heads together to break up the fight.
“By the time we realized something was wrong, we had finished the whole pot. That’s when…,” Lucy blushed furiously.
“That’s when Happy had to come get my help,” Porlyusica finished for her.
“They started wrestling each other naked, making all sorts of weird noises. I was so scared!” Happy wailed. “And then Natsu threw me out of the house, saying that I was in the way.”
“Forgive me Happy,” Natsu mumbled, shedding a tear as well. “I wasn’t myself last night….”
The elderly woman sighed. “Anyway, the worst is over. I followed them here today to make sure that the antidote they took is working as it should. There has been four other cases of people falling victim to this distasteful prank. You should all be cautious too, since it is a spell that can reduce even a saint to nothing but an animal. It will corrupt the mind and enslave the body to act on your most carnal desires.”
Gray sighed. There’s no such thing as a peaceful day in this guild. But he had more important things to do than loiter around and tease Natsu and Lucy. For today at least.
“Well, I’m gonna head back now. Make sure flame breath here doesn’t get into any more trouble.” He waved off Natsu’s threat that he’s gonna kick his sorry ass all the way to Edolas when he gets better, and strode out the guild doors.
“Gray-san is leaving earlier than usual,” Wendy noticed.
Erza smiled proudly at that. “Ah. It must be because Juvia is cooking him dinner tonight.”
Gray let out a satisfied sigh as he set down the empty tea cup and gave his stomach a hardy pat.
“That was delicious, Juvia.” His girlfriend had promised to cook him a proper meal today since he just got back from a week-long mission, but little did he know that she had prepared him a feast. Actually, he really shouldn’t be all that surprised. It was Juvia after all. It was the first time he got to enjoy such a generous display of food all by himself, without Natsu around to fight him for the best parts of a chicken.
The blunette who sat across from him smiled shyly. “Juvia’s glad to hear that, Gray-sama!”
“By the way, where’d you get this tea from? It’s really good.”
“Ah! Juvia bought it from the local market down the street. This brand is very popular right now!” The water mage left briefly and came back with a small green can. When she handed it to Gray, his gaze settled on the familiar looking label. Then, his eyes widened to the size of saucers.
“No.” His voice came out so soft it could barely be heard.
Juvia cocked her head to the side, puzzled. “What was that Gray-sama?”
He lifted his gaze and with a grave expression, told her about everything that had happened at the guild earlier that day. About how their two friends suffered a most embarrassing and shameful night, how Happy was kicked out of his house, and how Porlyusica’s intervention had put a stop to the spell.
“They drank the same tea.” Gray finished.
“It can’t be…” Juvia covered her mouth, horrified. But then, her imagination ran wild and a dreamy look washed over her features. “It can’t be…,” she said again, more excited than before.
“Oi!” Gray could tell that she had the wrong idea already. “It’s not the type of potion you’re thinking of! This particular spell will literally turn us into animals, and we won’t have an ounce of sanity to control what we do.”
“Oh no, is there an antidote?” If this tea truly holds such power, then Juvia doesn’t want herself or Gray to be under its manipulation. Having experienced Invel’s Ice Lock was traumatizing enough.
“Let’s hurry to the guild. If we’re lucky, Porlyusica might still be there.”
“Okay!” Juvia scrambled around trying to remove her apron, just as Gray got up hastily to make a dash to the front door. In the madness of it all, the water mage slipped on one of the tails of her apron and crossed her feet with Gray’s in the process, bringing him down with her.
The force of the fall resulted in Juvia sprawled out on top of Gray, with their limbs tangled up in awkward positions. Their eyes locked then, lips inches apart.
The devil slayer could feel his heart beating a fierce rhythm against his chest, and instantly he felt that it was difficult to breathe.
‘This can’t be right,’ he thought, panicking. ‘The effects of the tea are this fast?!’
To make things worse, he was torturously aware of the blunette’s ample breasts pressed against his bare chest, and her squirming made his blood rush first to his head, and then to his other…head.
“J-Juvia!” He sputtered.
“Yes?” She squirmed some more. “Juvia is trying to get up, but Gray-sama’s elbow is on her dress.”
“Oh.” Gray lifted his arm and sneaked a glance at her, and he instantly regretted it. Were her eyes always this blue? Not just any kind of blue, but a deep, royal blue that reminded him of the ocean on a sunny day.
His unwavering gaze caused her cheeks to grow unbearably hot, and she became equally captivated by his intense eyes. Somehow, this closeness felt very different from the many times she’d thrown herself at him into a hug. This was not an act that was initiated by her random expressions of love; this situation felt as foreign to her as that fateful day when Gray finally gave her the answer.
“We uh…should really get going.” The deep, rich tone of his voice broke her out of her reverie and released butterflies in her stomach.
“Ah, yes,” her fingers moved delicately against the hard lines of his abs. “We should…go right now…”
“Before it’s too late,” he finished, mesmerized by her thick, fluttering eyelashes. But neither made any indication of moving.
Her eyes hooded with a strange desire, Juvia’s face dipped dangerously close to his. Was she giving in too easily to this cursed spell? She doesn’t know. She only knows that whatever motivation she had before to fight the effects had left without warning, leaving her with a yearning so strong that it no longer made sense to get up.
A hand reached up to tenderly caress her cheek, and before she knew what was happening, Gray had leaned over and parted her lips with his own in a firm, sultry kiss.
Her gasp was muffled as he moved his mouth skillfully against hers.
“We have to stop, Gray-sama.” Her actions betrayed her words as Juvia pulled him closer, moaning into their kiss.
“Do we?” They separated only briefly before Gray crushed their bruised lips together yet again, this time more hungrily than before.
His hand wandered down to her small waist as he relished in the delicious, sweet taste of her mouth. Despite knowing that he was very heavily drugged, he couldn’t stop slipping his tongue inside, or trailing his hand lower to her voluptuous hips. The pressure of her soft body on his sent a wave of pleasure to his groin, and he winced when he felt his pants tighten.
It was as if every ounce of inhibition he possessed had dissipated. All that existed in his world at that moment was the sexy woman on top of him.
The curse be damned. He wanted her.
In a swift movement, Gray flipped their bodies over and had her pinned beneath him. His eyes traced over her flushed face, and down to the bow made out of flimsy string that barely covered her cleavage. If he wanted to, the string would come apart easily with a slight tug….
“Um, Gray-sama.” Her voice made him stop. His hand was mere centimetres away from the bow.
Suddenly, it dawned on him that what he was about to do would be a huge step in their relationship. It hasn’t been long since the war with Alvarez ended, and they’ve both been taking things slow when it came to expressing intimacy.
Gray peered over at her before quickly looking away, a blush spreading across his face. “Sorry… I got carried away.”
Juvia caught his hand before he could pull away, and shyly placed it on top of the bow. “No, it’s okay. Juvia doesn’t mind…if it’s Gray-sama.”
That seemed to be all the encouragement he needed. Even though somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that they should get to Porlyusica right away, his brain was simply not in charge right now.
Without a moment’s hesitation, he pulled the string that held the dress together, revealing the blue transparent bra underneath.
The sight of her took his breath away. She’s so beautiful, and he couldn’t believe that he came so close to losing her in the war.
He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on the nape of her neck. The sensation made Juvia shiver and bite back a moan. She gasped when Gray nipped at the skin on her neck, and then he bit down gently before soothing over the bruise with his tongue.
The pleasure was so intense that it left her feeling light-headed. Every brush of his lips, every touch of his long fingers made her hardened nipples strain against the thin fabric of her bra. His hand finally made it to her breast and he grazed her stiff peak with his thumb.
“Ah!” She bit her bottom lip in an attempt to hold back more moans.
She probably didn’t know that the sound she made drove him crazy. As if they were opposite ends of a magnet, he slammed his lips to hers in a smouldering kiss. This time, he took his time exploring her hot mouth with his tongue.
“Mmm, you taste so good Juvia,” he growled as she took his bottom lip into her mouth and sucked on it.
Gray’s fingered worked fast and swiftly ripped her bra and dress off, tossing them to a dark corner of the room. Juvia parted her lips in astonishment when she felt his erection on her inner thigh.
Heat immediately pooled to her nether regions at the contact, and although she couldn’t think clearly, she knew with every fibre of her being that she needed more. She pulled him closer and used her legs to shift their position. Bringing her hips up to meet his, she proceeded to grind against his hardness.
The ice mage groaned deeply. His manhood throbbed achingly against the constraining fabric of his pants, which were getting tighter and tighter by the second, and Juvia’s grinding wasn’t helping one bit.
Sensing his problem, the blunette reached a hand between their hips and undid the zipper. He shrugged off the stupid article of clothing, leaving only his boxers. He pushed his erection against her wet mounds, and they both shuddered with pleasure.
“Fuck.” Gray took both her breasts into his hands and squeezed as he rubbed himself on her frantically. He could feel every ounce of self-control leaving him, and at the same time being replaced by an euphoric sensation so addicting that he couldn’t get enough.
“Gray-sama!” Her fingers gripped tightly at his muscular back when she felt herself getting so wet to the point that she could almost not feel her underwear at all. Their grinding became slippery due to the wetness created by both their arousals, and it served to heighten the sensations even more.
Juvia pulled desperately at his boxers. “Take it off.”
He obeyed eagerly and almost ripped hers off at the same time. Now completely naked, the water mage redirected her gaze to his thick, rigid arousal, and the muscles between her legs reflexively clenched in anticipation.
Gray’s breathing became quick and laboured as he grabbed one side of her hip and moved his thumb along her moist, swollen lips. She writhed in absolute bliss under his touch, and it only served to encourage him more. Rubbing the pink nub of her clit gently, he watched as she jerked forward and cried out his name. He continued teasing her until Juvia’s vision blurred. She was drowning in pleasure, and was afraid that if it kept building up, she was going to lose herself completely.
Unable to help himself, the devil slayer nuzzled his face against her heavy breasts before taking one of the stiff buds into his mouth and suckling hungrily. Juvia grasped a handful of his black hair and moaned loudly. When he swirled his hot tongue around her sensitive tip, she felt her whole body tense up and immediately clamped her legs tightly on his hand.
“Please,” she gasped out. “Juvia can’t…take it anymore.”
“Oh? Can’t take what anymore?” He smirked in amusement. “This?” He slipped his index finger into her crevice and growled deeply in pleasure at how wet and tight it was. “Or this?” Another finger was inserted, and he began to pump her repeatedly.
“Gray-sama!” She screamed, voice dripping with desire. “Please…I need you… inside.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. Without warning, he forced the tip of his manhood inside and they both shivered at the raw contact.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” With a final push, Gray forced the rest of his shaft inside and groaned. The feeling of her hot core gripping every inch of him was almost too much to handle.
“Ahh,” she moved her hips instinctively, losing herself to the ecstasy of being stretched to the limit by his cock. “It feels… so good.”
He thrusted deeper and harder each time their hips met, with a rhythm only known to them. Every wave of pleasure spread to their core and continued to build up, threatening to overflow.
Juvia panted and dug her nails into Gray’s skin, leaving long red marks along his back. He moaned in response and thrusted faster and faster, repeatedly hitting the sensitive spot within her folds. The feeling of being inside her alone was enough to push him over the edge.
Her muscles squeezed around his length and she cried out as an intense, almost ethereal sensation reached her. Gray tensed and threw his head back when his own climax washed over him. He grunted as he spilled his hot cum inside her, and they both rode out the last waves of pleasure together.
The ice mage collapsed on top of his girlfriend, absolutely spent. When she found her strength again, Juvia wrapped her arms around his head and played with the soft strands of his hair.
“Gray-sama, Juvia thinks that we should go get the antidote now.”
His eyes snapped open. Due to the heat of the moment, that whole thing about the cursed tea had completely escaped his mind.
The doors of the guild flew open, revealing two Fairy Tail mages who were completely out of breath.
The remaining members of the guild stared questioningly at them.
“Where’s Porlyusica?” Gray demanded.
A figure with long pink hair stepped out from the shadows. “What do you want at this goddamned hour?”
“Porlyusica-san, please help us,” Juvia approached her hesitantly. “Due to Juvia’s carelessness, we drank the same tea that had drugged Natsu-san and Lucy.” She gave Porlyusica the small green can that had started this whole mess, and bit her lips nervously.
The pink-haired lady smelled the leaves inside, took one look at the can and chucked it at Gray’s head.
“Ow! What was that for you old hag?!” The devil slayer rubbed the growing bump on his head tearfully. “We just wanted the antidote.”
“Antidote my ass!” If possible, Porlyusica managed to look even more irritated than before. “Hmph, you two are even more dim-witted than that hot-headed moron and blondie over there.”
Laughter erupted somewhere from the back of the guild hall, and heads turned to see Natsu clutching his stomach.
“Did you hear that popsicle-for-brains? She said you’re more stupid—” Lucy whacked him across the head in embarrassment.
The elderly woman ignored them and continued impatiently. “The drink your two had wasn’t drugged at all, it’s just normal tea leaves. I can tell by just looking at it.” She then pointed an accusing finger at the couple. “Would it kill ya to read the label for once?!””
Gray and Juvia just stared at her in dumbfounded silence.
Looking them up and down with disapproval, she said, “Don’t use the tea as an excuse for whatever disgusting thing you two did. I’m going to show myself out, don’t bug me unless someone’s dying.”
And with that, Porlyusica left, leaving behind many dropped jaws and saucer eyes.
“Whoa, does that mean they finally did it?!”
“Atta boy, Gray!”
“BWAHAHAHAHA! Did you hear that Lucy? They did all that stuff even without being cursed—”
Lucy walked away while massaging her arm. ‘That idiot,’ she thought angrily. ‘Why did he say it as if it was such a bad thing….’ A blush found its way to her cheeks as she looked over fondly at the unison raid pair. Maybe someday, that blockhead of hers would realize his feelings….
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