govindhtech · 11 months
AMD Alveo MA35D: Your Media Acceleration Solution is Here!
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The introduction of the AMD Alveo MA35D media accelerator was greeted with a great deal of praise from the industry. This page contains the announcement, which may be accessed in the event that you are not yet aware of this new development or in the event that you would just like to experience the excitement. After presenting our most recent accelerator at the NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) Show, we were able to realize the culmination of years of learning, planning, and good old-fashioned hard work with the launch of the industry’s first 5nm ASIC-based media accelerator.
This accelerator was purpose-built for interactive streaming at scale, and it was the industry’s first 5nm ASIC-based media accelerator. The National Association of Broadcasters Show takes place each year in Las Vegas, Nevada. We are excited to announce the expansion of the Alveo Media Acceleration product range in conjunction with the launch of the AMD Alveo U30. Following the conclusion of the game’s debut and the early access program, it is now time to get serious about playing the game in question.
Yes, the production release of the AMD Alveo MA35D media accelerator has finally come, and the AMD Advanced Media Acceleration (AMA) Software Development Kit 1.0 is now available for download on Github. You may have both of these pieces of software in the same download. The combined hardware and software solution is ushering in a new age of media acceleration at scale by making it possible for developers to expand their video streaming solutions in a manner that is both efficient and affordable. The following are some examples of solutions that may be scaled to meet increasing demand:
Video collaboration
Social streaming
Live events
Cloud gaming
Watch parties
A video pipeline with enhanced video quality, ultra-low latency, high density (up to 32x 1080p60 or 64x 1080p30 streams per card), and low power consumption (1W per 1080p60) is what makes all of this possible. The highly scalable video acceleration solution that the Alveo MA35D card provides might be of use to streaming applications that are live and interactive. This approach does not lower the quality of the movie in any way.
The Alveo MA35D card offers acceleration for the entirety of the video pipeline. This comprises the processes of encoding and decoding, scaling and compositing, and using the ABR ladder.
Accelerating the Whole Video Pipeline
The 1.0 version of the Software Development Kit (SDK) includes a number of essential features, one of the most important of which is production support for video pipelines that make use of decoding, ABR ladders, and encode. SDK 1.1, which is anticipated to be published in the first quarter of 2024, is expected to include compositing and overlay features when they are finally made available.
When it comes to connecting their application with MA35D, developers have a variety of various interface options to pick from, including FFMPEG, Gstreamer, and the C API, thanks to this software development kit (SDK).
The following are some of the ways in which developer applications that make use of the H.264, H.265, and AV1 video standards will benefit from the full solution:
Up to 4x 4kp60 (H264, H265, AV1) + 4x 4kp60 AV1 yuv420p encodes or transcodes per card.
Options for Ultra-low latency and Normal latency modes
Creation of high quality ABR ladders
with the option to change encoding bitrate and standard in the ladder
Consistent frame generation time compared to other solutions.
We are pleased to allow members of the general public access to the video streaming community since they are working to expand their interactive media offering while also attempting to reduce expenses. Both the production release of the Alveo MA35D card and version 1.0 of the AMD AMA Software Development Kit are now in the process of being made available to customers.
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georgewilliam-blog · 2 years
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#gmpropertiesph #alveo #greenbeltmakati #shangrilacondominium #philippinerealestate (at Alabang, Muntinlupa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CowcoslulIB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aitan · 2 years
"Der reißende Strom wird gewalttätig genannt. Aber das Flußbett, das ihn einengt, nennt keiner gewalttätig."
Bertolt Brecht, "Über die Gewalt"
"Chiamano violento il flusso impetuoso del fiume. Ma nessuno chiama violento gli argini che lo costringono."
(La traduzione è mia. Il testo di Brecht "Sulla Violenza" risale agli anni '30 del secolo scorso.)
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Alveo Technologies: New Collaboration To Address Avian Influenza
Key Takeaways: Alveo Technologies’ New Initiative: Collaborating with x-OvO, Royal GD, and Pharmsure International Ltd. to develop a diagnostic test for avian influenza. Innovative Diagnostic Technology: Alveo’s test utilizes advanced LAMP technology for on-site, real-time testing. Addressing a Major Industry Challenge: The test aims to mitigate the impact of avian flu outbreaks, which have…
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realtyhubph-blog · 9 months
138 to 414 Parklane Settings Vermosa
Invest in the future with 3 adjacent lots at Parklane Settings Vermosa, Cavite! Each 138 sqm, ready for your dream home. Priced at Php 58,000/sqm, with flexible payment terms. Don't miss this investment opportunity! 🏡💼 #VermosaLiving #RealEstatePH
📌 Brgy. Pasong Buaya 1 VERMOSA IMUS , CAVITE PROPERTY FEATURES TYPE: 3 Adjacent Residential Lots📐 Lot Area: 414 square meters; 138 sqm per lot✅ Assume Balance, Payments on all 3 lots All due on November 2025✅ Can be sold individually ABOUT PARKLANE SETTINGS Parklane Settings Vermosa is a 12-hectare residential development located in the residential district of Vermosa, Cavite. It is Avida’s…
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klimt7 · 1 year
Capire ciò che è accaduto
Se a Modigliana [ paese dell'Appennino romagnolo ] ci dicono, che sono caduti 280 millimetri di pioggia (per millimetro quadrato), significa che su un singolo metro quadrato di terreno, sono scesi 280 litri di pioggia in circa 36 ore.
Ora se ci pensiamo bene, e utilizziamo una immagine subito comprensibile a tutti, è come immaginare che una mattina ci risvegliamo e aprendo la finestra, troviamo che su ogni metro quadrato del nostro giardino o cortile, ci siano tante pile verticali composte da taniche d'acqua da 20 litri, ciascuna.
Per essere precisi, quattordici taniche da 20 litri, impilate una sopra l'altra!!
E queste pile di taniche, su tutti i metri quadrati che riuscite a scorgere dalla vostra finestra, guardando verso strade, tetti, e tutti i prati che riuscite a scorgere.
Ovunque 14 taniche d'acqua, una sopra l'altra, in verticale.
È più chiaro adesso?
Riuscite a visualizzare questa distesa di colonne di taniche d'acqua per tutto lo spazio attorno a voi ?
Su ciascun singolo metro quadrato del vostro territorio.
Questa è la reale dimensione dell'evento che è accaduto quì in Romagna.
Sul nostro pianeta credo ci sia una sola area in cui spesso piovono simili quantità di pioggia. Si tratta della regione del Bangladesh, fra l'India e la Birmania (ora Myanmar).
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E questo accade nei due mesi di piogge monsoniche e determina le alluvioni annuali più catastrofiche, quelle con intere città e villaggi che vengono sommersi dall'acqua e il paese che si trasforma in una sola distesa liquida.
Ma noi non siamo una regione tropicale come il Bangladesh! E da noi non è mai esistito un fenomento paragonabile ai "venti monsonici".
Mai visti !
Eppure adesso, sul Mediterraneo, si formano, con frequenza sempre più ravvicinata, veri e propri Cicloni, ed è da questi fenomeni, che possiano capire che il clima sta mutando rapidamente.
Noi umani bruciamo combustibili fossili (petrolio, metano, diversi tipi di gas e combustibili come il carbone).
Emettiamo così "gas serra", che fanno crescere la temperatura complessiva del pianeta, aumentando l'energia termica che poi incide direttamente sul clima.
Il clima reagisce a questo riscaldamento del pianeta, facendo evaporare quantità sempre maggiori di vapore acqueo dai mari, oltre a riscaldarli a livelli pericolosi, per la vita stessa dei pesci e dei microorganismi che vivono negli oceani.
Infine scatena fenomeni mai visti prima, a latitudini ben diverse da quelle tropicali.
Comprese queste tempeste di pioggia monsonica sul Mediterraneo. E tutto ci dice che questo succederà sempre più spesso in futuro.
Ecco perchè dovremo investire miliardi di euro, nel ridisegnare e rifare il letto di tutti i corsi d'acqua, progettando innumerevoli bacini di contenimento e le "casse di espansione" per contenere le future piene di torrenti e fiumi.
In concreto, dovremo ampliare la portata, di ogni alveo di corso d'acqua, e iniziare a rimodellare ogni letto di fiume, approfondendolo, e alzando e rafforzando ogni singolo argine di pianura.
Ecco quel che serve: un piano straordinario di manutenzione e messa in sicurezza di tutto il territorio italiano.
Altro che PONTE SULLO STRETTO DI MESSINA, tanto reclamizzato, da quel bulletto cerebroleso che capeggia la Lega.
I coglioni e/o perditempo
si astengano dal settore
Trasporti e infrastrutture.
Che non tocchino nulla e restino piuttosto al Bar, a leggere la Gazzetta dello Sport e a spippolare sui tasti del cellulare, per scrivere cazzate varie, sui vari Twitter, Tik Tok, Facebook o Istagram.
Oppure, vadano immediatamente a Milanello, per assistere a bordocampo a tutti gli allenamenti del Milan o sugli spalti di San Siro !
Qui, da noi, oggi
le chiacchiere, stanno a zero.
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corneliusnolitta · 9 months
L'amore, un fiume che scorre.
A volte lento, a volte impetuoso.
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A volte il fiume esonda e tutto dirompe.
Cura l'argine.
Puliscine il letto.
Non dar per scontato il perenne fluire.
Senza cure, attenzioni. 
Potrebbe seccar la fonte e smetter di scendere a valle.
Non aspettar di veder alveo inaridito.
Cura l'amor perché nel tempo perduri.
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piccolopeccato · 1 year
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Don Camillo spalancò le braccia:
    "Signore, cos'è questo vento di pazzia? Non è forse che il cerchio sta per chiudersi e il mondo corre verso la sua rapida autodistruzione?".
   "Don Camillo, perché tanto pessimismo? Allora il mio sacrificio sarebbe stato inutile? La mia missione tra gli uomini sarebbe dunque fallita perché la malvagità degli uomini è più forte della bontà di Dio?"
   "No, Signore. Io intendevo soltanto dire che oggi la gente crede soltanto in ciò che vede e tocca. Ma esistono cose essenziali che non si vedono e non si toccano: amore, bontà, pietà, onestà, pudore, speranza. E fede. Cose senza le quali non si può vivere. Questa è l'autodistruzione di cui parlavo. L'uomo, mi pare, sta distruggendo tutto il suo patrimonio spirituale. L'unica vera ricchezza che in migliaia di secoli aveva accumulato. Un giorno non lontano si troverà come il bruto delle caverne. Le caverne saranno alti grattacieli pieni di macchine meravigliose, ma lo spirito dell'uomo sarà quello del bruto delle caverne. Signore, la gente paventa le armi terrificanti che disintegrano, uomini e cose. Ma io credo che soltanto esse potranno ridare all'uomo la sua ricchezza. Perché distruggiamo tutto e l'uomo, liberato dalla schiavitù dei beni terreni, cercherà nuovamente Dio. E lo troverà e ricostruirà il patrimonio spirituale che oggi sta finendo di distruggere. Signore, se è questo ciò che accadrà, cosa possiamo fare noi?".
   Il Cristo sorrise:
   "Ciò che fa il contadino quando il fiume travolge gli argini e invade i campi: bisogna salvare il seme. Quando il fiume sarà rientrato nel suo alveo, la terra riemergerà e il sole l'asciugherà. Se il contadino avrà salvato il seme, potrà gettarlo sulla terra resa ancor più fertile dal limo del fiume, e il seme fruttificherà, e le spighe turgide e dorate daranno agli uomini pane, vita e speranza. Bisogna salvare il seme: la fede. Don Camillo, bisogna aiutare chi possiede ancora la fede e mantenerla intatta. Il deserto spirituale si estende ogni giorno di più, ogni giorno nuove anime inaridiscono perché abbandonate dalla fede. Ogni giorno di più uomini di molte parole e di nessuna fede distruggono il patrimonio spirituale e la fede degli altri. Uomini di ogni razza, di ogni estrazione, d'ogni cultura".
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venusararara · 2 years
I am, very hyperfixated on my VN.
The working name is "Harvastor" but idk if I'd prefer "nighthive" or something, maybe a latin name if I'm feeling extra pretentious /j
Maybe "noctem alveo", the literal translation of nighthive bc I guess I think that it's kind of boring but noctem alveo may be a little out of place, lmk what you think
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corny-babe · 2 years
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Surprise! Will clear up stocks this Saturday at BGC Art Mart! Only found out I got accepted this week too haha but either way, see you all there if you're ever passing by BGC! ✨️🌼💕 . . . . . #artph #artistsoninstagram #bgcartmart #bgcartscenter #groovyart #smallbusiness (at Alveo Central Plaza) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1tlZOu-hy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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govindhtech · 1 year
The new AMD FGPA based Alveo UL3524 accelerator card
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Alveo UL3524 accelerator card specifications
The AMD Alveo UL3524 accelerator card, a new fintech accelerator created for ultra-low latency electronic trading applications, is presently available for purchase. The Alveo UL3524 offers proprietary traders, market makers, hedge funds, brokerages, and exchanges a state-of-the-art FPGA platform for electronic trading at nanosecond (ns) speed. It has already been implemented by prominent trading businesses and enables different solution partner offerings.
The Alveo UL3524 achieves less than 3ns FPGA transceiver latency for quicker trade execution, a 7X increase in latency over preceding generation FPGA technology1. It uses a cutting-edge transceiver design with hardened, optimized network connection cores to provide breakthrough performance and is powered by a bespoke 16nm Virtex UltraScale+ FPGA. In comparison to conventional FPGA alternatives, the Alveo UL3524 allows quicker design closure and deployment by combining hardware flexibility with ultra-low latency networking on a production platform.
Hamid Salehi, director of product marketing at AMD, said that “in ultra-low latency trading, a nanosecond can determine the difference between a profitable or losing trade.” “The Alveo UL3524 accelerator card is powered by the lowest latency FPGA transceiver from AMD purpose-built to give our fintech customers an unprecedented competitive advantage in the financial markets.”
Flexible Hardware and AI-Powered Trading Techniques
The Alveo UL3254 is equipped with 64 ultra-low latency transceivers, 780K LUTs of FPGA fabric, and 1,680 DSP slices of computation to speed bespoke trading algorithms in hardware, allowing traders to adapt their design to changing market circumstances and trading methods. The product is backed by global support from AMD domain experts and supported by conventional FPGA flows using Vivado Design Suite. It includes a suite of reference designs and performance benchmarks that let FPGA designers quickly explore key metrics and create custom trading strategies to specification.
AMD is offering developers the open-sourced and community-supported FINN programming platform to streamline the market’s growing usage of AI for algorithmic trading. The FINN project gives programmers the ability to use PyTorch and neural network quantization methods to shrink the size of AI models while maintaining accuracy, compile to hardware IP, and integrate the network model into the algorithm’s datapath for low latency performance. Being an open-source project, the solution offers developers freedom and access to the most recent developments as the projects progress.
Facilitating the Development of an Ecosystem of Ultra-Low Latency Fintech Solutions
Strategic partners are able to create specialized solutions and infrastructure for the financial business thanks to the Alveo UL3524 and purpose-built FPGA technology. Partner solutions from Alpha Data, Exegy, and Hypertec are now on the market.
The Alveo UL3524 accelerator card, powered by the AMD Virtex UltraScale+ VU2P FPGA, enables Alpha Data’s ultra-low latency appliances.
According to David Miller, managing director of Alpha Data, “the new Virtex UltraScale+ FPGA from AMD brings a step change to ultra-low latency trading and networking.” AMD created the ADA-R9100 rack-mount appliance so that users may readily utilize the new AMD FPGA device’s full capability.
The Alveo UL3524 card is supported by Exegy, a supplier of complete front-office trading solutions, with the aid of its nxFramework, a software and hardware development environment designed specifically for building and maintaining ultra-low latency FPGA applications for the financial sector.  
“We’re able to deliver a comprehensive solution that addresses the ever-increasing optimization needed to build the trading infrastructure of tomorrow by combining the cutting-edge ultra-low latency FPGA technology from AMD with Exegy’s expertise in capital markets,” said Olivier Cousin, director of FPGA solutions at Exegy.
To deploy in a 1U server form factor, Hypertec has customized its ORION HF X410R-G6 High Frequency Server for the Alveo UL3524.  
“The engineers at Hypertec specifically designed the HF X410R-G6 to extract the best out of the capabilities and speed of the Alveo UL3524 platform, catering our solution to the most demanding low-latency tasks,” said David Lim, director of product marketing at Hypertec.
Customers in the worldwide financial services industry are now receiving AMD Alveo UL3524 accelerator cards that are currently in production.
Regarding AMD
AMD has been a pioneer in the development of high-performance computing, graphics, and visualization technologies for more than 50 years. AMD technology is used on a daily basis by billions of people, top Fortune 500 companies, and cutting-edge scientific research facilities all around the globe to enhance how they live, work, and play. Building adaptable, high-performance solutions that push the envelope of what is possible is a top priority for AMD personnel.
Virtex, Vivado, Alveo, and the AMD Arrow logo are all trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are included simply for informative reasons; they can be trademarks belonging to their respective owners.
Alveo UL3524 accelerator card testing performed by AMD Performance Labs as of 8/16/23 utilizing Vivado Design Suite 2023.1 and Vivado Lab (Hardware Manager) 2023.1. GTF transceivers may be used in internal near-end loopback mode thanks to a design that is based on the GTF Latency Benchmark. The GTF TX and RX clocks have a 180 degree phase shift and run at the same frequency of around 64 MHz.
By latching the value of a single free running counter, the GTF Latency Benchmark Design gauges latency in hardware. When TX data is latched at the GTF transceiver and when TX data is latched at the GTF receiver before being sent back into the FPGA fabric, that is the difference in latency. Protocol overhead, protocol framing, programmable logic (PL) delay, TX PL interface setup time, RX PL interface clock-to-out, package flight time, and other types of latency are not taken into account when measuring latency.
A 250-frame benchmark test was performed 1,000 times. Citation of measurement results is based on GTF transceiver “RAW Mode,” in which the transceiver’s PCS (physical medium attachment) transmits data to the FPGA fabric “as-is.” All test runs for this setup measure latency consistently. System makers may change settings, producing various outcomes. ALV-10
 based on a simulated comparison of ultra-low latency GTF transceivers with Virtex UltraScale+ GTY transceivers.
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pettirosso1959 · 21 hours
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- Rottura di argini dove veri e propri “boschi” sono rimasti in alveo limitandone la portata e gravandone le sponde fino alla loro rotta. (Ma non si era detto che sarebbero stati tutti ripuliti?)
- Esondazioni provocate da accumuli di detriti non rimossi dagli alvei, che hanno formato vere e proprie dighe.
Dove invece si era intervenuto dopo le alluvioni di Maggio 2023, i fiumi hanno “tenuto” nonostante in alcune zone la quantità di pioggia sia stata maggiore di quella dello scorso anno.
Gli interventi effettuati in alveo e sugli argini sono stati sporadici, non coordinati e quasi “casuali” lungo i bacini idrografici interessati. Nonostante questo, il “poco” fatto è riuscito a salvare interi territori attraversati dai fiumi in piena. Figuriamoci cosa sarebbe successo se tutti gli interventi necessari e programmati ormai da molti anni, fossero stati fatti a cominciare dalle vasche di laminazione e dal taglio (e dalla rimozione) della vegetazione in alveo. Oggi, di sicuro non saremmo qui a parlare di un’altra alluvione!
P.S. Ovviamente è solo (e tutta) colpa del “Globbbal Warming Antropico”, vero Greta? Mario Malvi.
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ronaldpdansby-blog · 7 days
https://ayalalandpropertyfinder.com/property/caleia-vermosa-lots-for-sale-alveo-land-imus-cavite-2/ - Experience a well-balanced lifestyle with easy access to schools, shopping centers, and leisure destinations. Invest in your future today with Caleia Vermosa's exceptional lots for sale.
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realtyhubph-blog · 1 year
132 Metrogate Angeles
Pre-owned 132 sqm lot at Metrogate Angeles Phase 2 for only 15k/sqm
📌 Phase II Metrogate Angeles City, Pampanga PROPERTY FEATURES TYPE: Residential Vacant Lot📐 Lot: 132 square meters🧭 Inner Lot facing Northeast ✅ Clean Documents✅ Near the Main gate entrance ❎ Not Tumbok, Not Perimeter, Second Inner Lot 132 Inner Lot at Metrogate Angeles Phase 2 FEATURES & AMENITIES ClubhouseMulti-purpose HallFitness GymSwimming PoolCovered Basketball CourtOpen Basketball…
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dentist-treatment · 11 days
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ismakaev · 5 months
TV Tech Announces Winners of Best of Show Awards at 2024 NAB Show
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TV Tech has announced its Best of Show Awards for the 2024 NAB Show, April 14-17 in Las Vegas. The awards are judged by a panel of industry experts on the criteria of innovation, feature set, cost efficiency and performance in serving the industry.
The Best of Show Awards, from TV Tech and other brands at its parent company Future US, were chosen from companies that exhibited at the 2024 NAB Show and submitted nominations.
Congratulations to this year's winners:
AMD - AMD Alveo MA35D Advanced Media Accelerator
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