#although at this rate bananas really will be ten dollars...
bbq-potato-chip · 2 years
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The rest of the class:
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likexporcelain · 7 years
A Crack in Everything (Chapter 2/8) - Jonerys
Summary: Six years after their high school romance ended in emotional ruin, Daenerys Targaryen runs into Jon Snow by chance on Valentine's Day, forcing old memories to the resurface. This sudden reunion could be cathartic, but it could also deepen the cracks already in their hearts. The question Daenerys grapples with is, will this all be worth it in the end?
Rating: Explicit (eventually)
First two chapters up on Ao3 - additional tags/warnings/notes there
The next day, Jon didn't come see me at Martell's, and I hadn't really expected him to, but I had hoped. After a full week of hoping, I had given up any attempt to make myself prettier in the morning, opting for an extra hour of sleep rather than a longer shower and enough time to straighten my hair and apply the right amount of makeup. When I got to work looking my usual, slightly disheveled self, the male employees working my shift made similar comments about how they preferred my hair straight and Daario risked me filing a complaint with the bosses by smirking at me and saying “Done trying to impress me, huh? You know you're my favorite, Dany.” I rolled my eyes and tried to avoid him the rest of the day, but I couldn't help but feel like a fool for ever doing anything to impress anyone, even Jon.
It would be another week, the first day of March, that I would see Jon again. I had just had a rather annoying conversation with Daario where he tried to convince me it was still February. His version of flirting no doubt, judging by the way he would wink his eye and lean toward me across the register counter. I had been moments from leaving to use the restroom, just to buy me a couple minutes alone, when the little box above the sliding front door dinged.
He looked the same as when I ran into him at his work, but this time in a white t-shirt exposing an arm covered in ink and his hair was down in dark curls I remembered well. When his eyes found mine, I dropped my gaze to the counter top, cowardly.
“Hi there, Sir. Let me know if you need any help,” Daario greeted him.
I had wanted to see Jon for days, but now I found myself hoping my manager's long back was enough to hide me from him. I heard footsteps move further into the store and when I looked up, Daario was sending me a look of displeasure. “I shouldn't have to do your job for you, Dany. That's why I'm the manager and you're the floor associate. Now go see if he needs any help.”
As I walked past the isles, I ran my fingers through my hair anxiously before just giving up and using the black hair tie around my wrist to pull it all into a pony tail. I found Jon in the last isle, hands in his pockets and staring at shelves stocked with grain-free dog food.
“Do you have a dog?” I asked, trying to keep the nerves out of my voice.
When he turned to look at me, I forced myself to keep eye contact. “Do you have any pets?”
Seemed like as sure a sign as any that he had come in to see me, but my mind still raced with alternate explanations. He needed to buy a gift for a friend's dog's birthday party perhaps?
“Neither do I.”
“Do you have a lunch break coming up or something?”
“No, I don't get lunch breaks because I only work five hours a day.”
“Oh. . . I have work at two.”
It was already one, according to my watch.
“I could take lunch at five, if you want me to,” Jon suggested.
Did I want him to take lunch at five? I got off work at five. He obviously wanted to talk to me, or he was just doing this because he thought I wanted to talk to him. This felt horribly awkward. Jon and I had never been this unsure with each other, not even when we sat next to each other in Chemistry all those years ago. Did I really want to keep doing this? Keep having painfully awkward conversations with a guy I wished meant nothing to me?
“Yes,” I answered. “Yeah, okay.”
He nodded and for a few moments we just stood there in silence. But then his feet moved and he left.
As soon as I got back to the register, Daario threw up his hands at me. “Maybe if you'd kept up the beauty treatments, you'd actually get someone to buy something every once in a while.”
* * * * *
At the end of the last lunch period before Christmas break, Jon put his number in my phone and told me to text or call whenever I wanted during the two week period we would be away from each other. I texted him as soon as we got into Chemistry, telling him to do the same. This would be the first stretch of time he would spend at his uncle Ned's house without the reprieve of school and – I thought, optimistically – me. He didn't say so, but I knew he was nervous about it.
“Are you in hell?” I had texted him Christmas morning just after waking up. The night before he had texted me almost nonstop about a horrendous Holiday party his aunt Cat had thrown, inviting a slew of neighbors, Ned's employees, and their families. Every other minute my phone had buzzed with a new message detailing another insufferable conversation he'd had to sit through, or another bizarre appetizer he was forced to try, or another tipsy middle aged woman hitting on him before pretending like she didn't know he was only seventeen.
He had told me Christmas would be “family day” which was not a good thing. It wasn't that he disliked his family. Although he resented his uncle on behalf of his mother, Jon cared for him like one cares for family and he genuinely enjoyed his cousins. Jon just wasn't good at being part of a family. A lone wolf trying to be part of the pack.
“I've been pretending to still be asleep for an hour. Eventually they'll send someone in for me,” Jon replied right away.
“I wish I could pretend to sleep. I've got work today. Pray for me and I'll pray for you.”
Christmas was a busy day at the outlet mall. I'd worked every day since our break began and would work almost every day until going back to school. On the bright side, I was going to stop by the Apple Store after my shift and get the 64GB Classic I finally had the money for. A Christmas gift for myself, since I wouldn't get any from anyone else. That was what I thought at least.
A half hour before my shift at Banana Republic was up, I felt a gust of warm breath tickle the back of my neck as I fixed the 50% Off rack. I giggled and twisted, swatting Jon on the shoulder.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, trying to keep my voice down.
He looked nice. Too nice. Clear face, goop in his hair, and wearing clothes that looked like what we sold at Banana Republic, but more expensive. Not at all the sort of wardrobe I had imagined Jon would wear during his free time. A teal sweater – cashmere? – and black chinos.
“I snuck out.”
“You snuck out?”
“You would sneak out too, Daenerys. They were about to have a family portrait taken. Look at what I'm wearing right now. I told them I was going to the bathroom and went right out the window.”
Jon always used my full first name. He had found out on his own what Dany was short for and refused to use the nickname ever since. If he had been anyone else it would have annoyed me – I was self conscious about my name because it just highlighted the fact that I was a Targaryen, daughter of the infamous Aerys Targaryen, who was convicted of fraud when he stole over a billion dollars from his clients as a financial adviser – but the syllables sounded so soft on his tongue, never accusatory or cold. “I love your name. Your whole name. I want to know where it comes from,” he'd said to me, and when I reveled to him that both parts of my name were essentially made up – Targaryen being adopted some two hundred years ago when my ancestors wanted to stand out – Jon told me about his name. “My mom was a Stark obviously, but I never knew who my father was. Only Mom's name is on my birth certificate. As far as I know, when the nurse asked her what she wanted to name me, she said Jon Snow on a whim. All I know is that she never wanted me to be a Stark. I guess both of our names are made up then.”
After begging to be let off work a bit early, I made Jon go with me to the Apple Store and then we took a walk around the Outlets, buying a couple of cinnamon pretzels and talking like we were still sitting behind the basketball gym at school. While he had much more to complain about regarding his time cooped up at the Stark place, there were good things he shared as well. He told me about the strange things twelve year old Arya did to make him laugh and showed me goofy pictures of six year old Rickon. Apparently, ten year old Bran could scale the entire facade of the Stark mansion in less than sixty seconds, but got grounded whenever his mom caught him. Sansa, who I already vaguely knew as a freshman at our school, was quite the seamstress, according to Jon, and was already designing her dream wedding gown, despite not having a boyfriend and being only fourteen.
Lastly, Robb, just a bit older than Jon, was home for the holidays from USC and managed to get into Jon's good graces enough for an odd-couple friendship to form. Robb had graduated from Westeros Prep the year before. We had shared a math class but hardly ever exchanged words. He was always polite, though, and I hoped he wasn't trying to change Jon's opinion of me. If he was, Jon didn't mention it.
Even though they were Starks, I liked that Jon was getting along with his family. It made me feel like I could one day have a big family too and do alright.
I had no delusions that this was a date. Jon may have paid for my pretzel, but not once did he hold my hand and I didn't try to hold his either. However, this time together outside of school made me wonder what a date with Jon would be like. I wanted to find out.
The sun was going down and I was finishing up a hot chocolate when Jon finally looked at his phone. He cursed under his breath at all the missed calls and texts from his aunt wondering where he was. “Apparently I've ruined Christmas,” Jon told me with a small chuckle. I blushed at the irony, because from my point of view, it was the best Christmas I'd ever had.
I walked with him to his car and he offered to drive me home. I made up some excuse so that he wouldn't insist. Despite knowing Jon wasn't actually a rich kid, I didn't know enough about where he came from to feel comfortable enough showing him where I lived, alone in a tiny studio apartment above a Seven-Eleven on the wrong side of town.
“Okay, but before I leave, I have to give you your present.” He popped the trunk of the Mazda sedan his uncle got him shortly after he moved in.
“You shouldn't have gotten me anything, Jon. I didn't get you anything.”
“I don't want anything,” he replied and lifted a brown Ralph's bag from the trunk and presented it to me.
“You got me groceries? How thoughtful.”
“Just look inside, smart ass.”
Smiling, I dipped my hand inside and felt something soft. It was a sweatshirt in crimson and when I unfolded it, I saw big-print white letters running across the chest. “HARVARD.”
“That's where you're going to go, right? Sorry, I'm not really good at gift giving.”
I shook my head and hugged the sweatshirt to my chest with one arm. “Well, that's my first choice, but I think my chances of getting in are slim. Thank you, though. You're sweet.”
“Well, don't tell anyone. It'll ruin my cred.” He closed the trunk and leaned back on it. “Are you sure you don't want a ride home?”
“My gift to you will be you not having to drive me home. It's in the complete wrong direction, and it sounds like you might become the victim of domestic violence if you don't get home soon.”
He didn't move right away. His finger tips drummed on the car and his face scrunched in the way it would when he was thinking about something. I wondered for a moment if he was going to ask me out, or maybe even kiss me, but when he finally pushed himself off the car, he took me into a quick one armed hug and said he'd see me at school. I should have been happy. Jon had never really touched me before save for an accidental shoulder bump here and there, and that day, he had made the conscious decision to wrap his arm around my shoulders and bring me gently to his chest. But I didn't think of it as a step forward at the time. I thought of it as a missed opportunity, and figured I was doomed to wade in the frigid pond of friendship until he found someone he liked better.
* * * * *
The time on my watch read five o'clock and I realized that Jon and I hadn't discussed where to meet. Was I supposed to go to Whole Foods or was he going to come back to Martell's? I said goodbye to Daario, grabbed my purse from the back room and walked out into the breezeway in front of the shop. Figuring that if I walked toward Whole Foods I'd eventually run into Jon, I started moving. The sun was starting to fall and the lights lining the walkway were turning on. I got to the first set of Whole Foods' sliding doors just as Jon was coming out of them. I watched him pull out a cigarette and light it with a green Bic lighter before announcing myself.
“You're smoking for real now, huh?” I pretended like I hadn't already deduced that, just to have something to say.
He turned to me and expelled some smoke that puffed upward with the wind. “I know it's unhealthy, but I figure it's at least a better alternative than some things I could be hooked on.”
If he had been anyone else, I would have silently judged that excuse, but I knew Jon and where he came from. If he needed to smoke to avoid other substances, I wasn't going to give it a second thought.
“Yeah, I'm pretty much addicted to caffeine at this point. Still don't like coffee, but it's just Diet Coke and Dr. Pepper all day long. I once drank four Monsters in one day. I'm strictly soda now, though. But, I guess I don't really know the difference health wise.”
“Do you want to walk? I have to find something to eat that isn't organic.”
I followed him out of the Marketplace, across the street to the In-n-Out, both of us completely silent until I told him I'd save an outdoor table while he ordered. Despite the coolness in the dusk air, I was acutely aware of how much I had been perspiring and sitting inside a stuffy fast food restaurant would be torture.
After a bit, Jon sat down across from me with a tray of burgers, and two cups. “I know you didn't eat, so I got you a cheeseburger and a chocolate shake. You still don't like thousand island, right?”
“Yeah. Thank you. How much was it?”
Jon waved away my question away with a sweep of his hand before grabbing a burger and taking a bite. In school, Jon never ate during lunch period. He didn't want to bother one of the Starks' many servants by having them fix something for him and he didn't want to venture into one of the busy food lines on campus. On the few occasions I'd get to watch him eat, I enjoyed it maybe more than was normal. The way his jaw moved and his lips pursed while he chewed. . .
We both ate silently until Jon was half way finished with his burger. He set it down on the tray, wiped his mouth with a napkin and asked “So what the hell are you doing working at that stupid place?”
Swallowing hard, I took a sip of milkshake to sooth my throat. “Need money.”
“So you're still in school?”
I took another few sips, buying myself some time. “No, I'm not.”
“I don't understand.”
“What the hell happened to your face?” I asked instead, my anxiety turning to frustration at the way he was trying to interview me.
His eyes moved to the table top as he twisted a fry in his fingers. “Got cut,” he replied.
“How long have you been in Long Beach?”
“About a year. Sam lives here and I was staying with him for a bit, but it didn't really work out so I've been on my own for a little while.”
“Sam? Shit, I haven't heard from Sam in forever. I haven't heard from anyone in forever. How is he?”
“Are you serious?”
Nodding, he resumed eating.
My shoulders relaxed, thinking about Sam now instead of how insecure I was about my life.
* * * * *
I had been jealous of Samwell Tarly once. I had grown so used to being the only person at Westeros Prep that Jon could tolerate that seeing him and Sam become chummy in Chemistry made my heart beat a little more irregular. Sam had been in most of my classes since Sophomore year, but I didn't know much about him, just that his family was wealthy like everyone else, he was a straight-A student like I was, and he had no other friends, also like me. For a whole week I had convinced myself that Jon was replacing me with Sam, that he had realized I had a crush on him and felt it was time to get a friend who didn't think about kissing him all the time.
When Jon wasn't behind the basketball gym at lunch that Friday, I was sure that he was with Sam, but I didn't know where that would be. He had left me, and I needed to accept that. One would think that I'd be used to losing people, what with how many people I'd already lost, my father and oldest brother having died before my birth, my mother dying on the day of my birth, my other brother, Viserys, promising to take care of me and then doing the opposite until deciding I wasn't worth the trouble. This felt different, though. This was abandonment without explanation, without closure.
When the bell rang, I walked to Chemistry by myself, checking my phone once again to see if Jon had texted me with an explanation for his absence. Nothing. But then a hand landed on my shoulder and I stopped in my tracks, looking up and expecting to see Jon, but the boy beside me was taller, thinner, and his curls were blond and not black.
“Hey, Dany,” Loras Tyrell greeted me with his blue eyes shining brightly, like I wasn't just his math tutor. “You hear about the party at Dick's tomorrow night?”
“Like, Dick's Sporting Goods?”
Loras laughed one of his melodic laughs and smiled sweetly down at me. “You're funny, Dany. I always thought you were a cool girl. Everyone else at this school has there heads up their asses. No, I'm talking about Dick Tarly.”
“Tarly? Like, related to Sam Tarly?”
“Yeah, I guess. Look, I was wondering if you were planning on going, because if you are, I think it would be awesome if we went together.”
“Um. . .” My mouth had gone dry and I forgot all about the bell and that I had to be anywhere. “Okay?”
“Alright, sweet. So, I won't be able to pick you up or anything because I'm grounded from using the car and I've gotta hitch a ride with my sister. But, when you get there, find me, alright?”
And without another word, Loras was off and I was standing in an empty hallway, mind struggling to process what had just happened. Eventually I came to the conclusion that I had just agreed to go on a date with one of the richest and most attractive students at Westeros Prep. I was late to Chemistry that Friday and my punishment was not being able to take the pop quiz Mr. Baratheon handed out before I got to my seat.  
After the quiz, was a lab assignment. Sam had become Jon's lab partner after his last partner moved away during the break and I used that as a way to blame Mr. Baratheon for taking Jon away from me. If he hadn't banned us from associating in class, I could have been Jon's lab partner. Instead, I was Tyene Sand's, and not only did she outwardly despise me, she also had no problem letting me do all the work and then copying all of my answers. Watching how Jon seemed to get along so well with Sam at their lab table, I couldn't help but think about how many times I'd let Jon copy my homework. Had he just been using me for answers this whole time?
I would have my answer after the bell rang. I was usually one of the last out of the class because, unlike everyone else, I didn't start packing up until after class was over. Jon was waiting for me in the hall.
“Did you go to the basketball gym today?” he asked me. “My math teacher gave me detention. Forced me to scrape gum off desks during lunch. Why do people still put gum under their desks?”
“Oh.” My cheeks flushed. I felt like such a neurotic fool and then lied, saying “No, I actually had a tutoring session at lunch, so I guess it worked out perfectly.”
He chuckled and started walking with me in the direction of my next class, even though I was pretty sure his was in the opposite direction. “Well, at least we were both not having any fun.”
“You and Sam seem to be getting along.”
“Yeah. He's pretty cool. I mean, he's completely uncool, but I think that's kind of cool, you know?”
“Sam's really nice.” It was true. He was really nice. One of the only nice people at Westeros Prep, besides Jon.
“He told me about this party his brother is throwing. I guess their parents are out of town. Sam's pretty miffed about it all so I thought I'd go and keep him company. I asked if I could bring you along and he said that was fine. What do you say? Want to go have a miserable time with me at Sam's house tomorrow?”
Jon turned to head to his own class, but I stopped him quickly with a confession. “Jon, wait. I actually told Loras Tyrell I would go to the party with him. Well, not really go with him, because we're going to meet there, but you know what I mean.”
“Loras Tyrell? Isn't he gay?”
“I'm pretty sure he's gay, Daenerys.”
With a roll of my eyes, I replied “I've been tutoring him for months. I've known him for years. I think I would know if he was gay or not.”
“Maybe. But maybe you wouldn't, because he's definitely gay.”
“First you're pretty sure he's was gay and now he's definitely gay? Which is it, Jon? And why would he ask me on a date if he's gay?”
“I have no idea. But he's gay.”
“Whatever. Gay or not, I told him I'd go with him, so unfortunately, I'll be a little too busy hanging out with him to be miserable with you and your new friend.”
“Okay?” He looked positively perplexed. Hell, I was perplexed. I had no idea what was going on or how this argument happened. All I knew was that I liked Jon in a way that I had never liked anyone before and it was fucking with my mind. “If you would rather go to the party with Loras, then I think you should.”
I don't want to go to the party with Loras, is what I should have said, because it was the truth, but I suddenly didn't have the courage to speak truth. Instead, I replied “Good” and continued on to class, knowing I would be late to that one as well.
* * * * *
“I can't believe Sam is married,” I said, more to myself than to Jon. The weather and milkshake was finally cooling my body temperature and I was beginning to feel cold. I pulled my black cardigan from my purse and put it on. “I mean, I'm sure he's a great husband, but it's just so strange to think that there are people we went to school with who are now married.”
“They've got a kid too,” Jon added before plucking a pickle into his mouth. “Sam Jr. He's not Sam's biologically, but he met his wife while she was pregnant and the birth father is a real piece of shit that isn't around anymore. I don't know the whole story, though.”
“Wow.” I stared at my hands, clasped around the milkshake cup, thinking about babies and trying not to notice the sudden twist in my gut. “You said it didn't work out, living with him. Why not?”
He shrugged and if I remembered correctly, he wore an expression that would be best translated as I don't really want to talk about it. Eventually he replied “I do better on my own.”
“Yeah, I guess I do too. I have a roommate. She's really sweet, but I avoid her more often than I'd like to admit. She spends most of her time with her boyfriend anyway.”
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
I would have took the question in a more suggestive way, but when my eyes lifted to Jon, he was pulling another cigarette from his shirt pocket and sliding it into his mouth, his attention focused solely on lighting the thing. Once, six years ago, he had told me “No one wants to kiss someone who smokes. So I make the girls I'm not interested in think I smoke. It just saves everyone a lot of time.” Sitting there with him in front of the In-n-Out, however, I thought I wouldn't mind tasting the tobacco on his lips.
“No,” I answered. “Do you?”
“Nah. As for a girlfriend, though, I don't have one of those either.” He exhaled a plume of smoke and checked his phone. “I need to get back to work soon. You never answered my question.”
“What question?”
“What's going on with you?”
My hands had gone numb from the cold of the milkshake cup, but I hardly noticed. “Just living my life. Same as you, I guess.”
Drumming his fingers on the table top just as he had done so on the trunk of that Mazda that one Christmas evening, Jon stayed silent for quite some time. I made no attempt to break that silence, but at the same time, I didn't feel put off by it. It was Jon. When he eventually stood, he didn't put an arm around me and bid me goodnight, but he did ask if we could talk again soon. I wasn't sure what the point was, but I wasn't about to say no.
“I have weekends off,” he said. “I can pick you up from work on Saturday.”
With a short nod, Jon sucked on his cigarette and turned back toward the Marketplace.
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
How to Reverse MS Symptoms With the Wahls Protocol
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/how-to-reverse-ms-symptoms-with-the-wahls-protocol/
How to Reverse MS Symptoms With the Wahls Protocol
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Are you or a loved one looking for a way to reverse MS or autoimmune disease symptoms? Dr. Terry Wahls is a widely celebrated physician and researcher who was able to turn back the clock on her own progressive multiple sclerosis with lifestyle changes and a specifically tailored Paleo-type diet.
(To hear Dr. Wahls explain her story in person, listen to this Wellness Mama podcast when I had the privilege of interviewing her.)
Her journey started as it does for many of us… searching for answers to the puzzling health problems that can turn our lives upside down.
Dr. Terry Wahls and How She Found a Way to Reverse MS
Dr. Wahls started to experience symptoms of MS while she was in medical school. Her first official diagnosis of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis came in 2000.
It started with episodes of facial nerve pain that were ultimately diagnosed as trigeminal neuralgia.
Over the years, these episodes increased in frequency and severity. In 2000, after developing weakness in her left leg, she was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS). She went to an internationally recognized MS center, saw the best doctors, and took the newest drugs, costing tens of thousands of dollars each month.
Unfortunately, these efforts did not stop her decline.
By 2003, this former national tae-kwon-do competitor needed a tilt-recline wheelchair. Her illness converted to the progressive phase, secondary progressive MS. Her physicians told her that functions once lost would not return. She agreed to take more potent drugs but continued to worsen.
The future looked grim. Dr. Wahls feared she would end up bedridden and demented, suffering from uncontrollable face pain triggered by light, sounds, touch, speaking, and swallowing. But she had two young children and was a devoted wife, and decided not to give up.
Fighting Her Way Back
Dr. Wahls began reading everything she could find about the science behind MS, ancestral health principles, evolutionary biology, and functional medicine.
Then, she began designing a diet and lifestyle program around those principles. Dr. Wahls had switched from a low-fat vegetarian diet to a Paleo diet four years earlier, giving up all grain and dairy and eating meat again. The Paleo diet did not prevent her from needing a wheelchair, but she continued on thinking it might take years for the change in nutrition to change the course of her disease.
Based on her theories that mitochondrial dysfunction was at the heart of progressive MS symptoms and decline, she began experimenting with a mitochondria-boosting cocktail of vitamins and supplements. Those supplements eased the fatigue and appeared to slow the rate of decline somewhat.
In the summer of 2007, she had her “aha!” moment: what if she redesigned her Paleo diet to focus on getting the specific nutrients she had been taking in supplement form from food?
After intensive research, she started this new, highly structured, modified Paleo diet.
The Results
The results stunned her, her family, and her medical team. Here’s what happened:
Within three months, her fatigue, brain fog and face pain were gone. She began walking with a cane.
After six months on the protocol, she rode her bike around the block.
After one year, she completed an 18.5 mile bike ride with her family.
Dr. Terry Wahls knew she was onto something, and that millions of other MS sufferers needed what she had learned.
What Is Multiple Sclerosis?
What is this dreaded disease that strikes seemingly out of nowhere?
There’s still a long way to go in understanding MS, but it starts with the microglia, the brain’s immune cells, creating inflammation in the brain. This damages the brain and spinal cord.
Immune cells target the myelin, the fatty shield around nerve fibers in the brain, impeding communication between cells in the body and brain. This breakdown results in many debilitating symptoms, including problems with vision, pain, and/or muscle weakness.
Although the precise cause of MS is still unknown, there is increasing recognition that MS is the result of a genetic vulnerability combined with environmental triggers. These triggers likely include an infection that is not properly cleared by the immune cells, low vitamin D level, smoking history, and other environmental toxins, physical activity level, adverse childhood events, hormone levels, and other unknown environmental factors.
Dr. Wahls’ dietary and lifestyle protocol addresses many of these potential triggers.
The Wahls Diet Protocol: Hope for MS Sufferers
I met Dr. Wahls when I happened to sit next to her during a session at a health event we both attended. I found her so energetic and inspirational.
Her work now focuses on researching the impact of the protocol on others with MS and communicating her findings to the world. She conducts clinical trials at the University of Iowa and wrote a book, The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles, to explain her complete protocol of how she got better. The advice in this book is great for anyone struggling with an autoimmune disorder of any kind.
The newly updated and expanded version of Dr. Wahls’ book gives detailed guidance for meat eaters, vegetarian, and ketogenic eaters. It’s one of my guides on topics like ketone testing, various approaches to fasting, calorie restriction, and time-restricted eating.
She has also written a cookbook, Wahls Protocol Cooking for Life: The Revolutionary Modern Paleo Plan to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions, with recipes that follow the protocol and can help restore health.
So what’s in her plan to reverse the symptoms of MS and go from barely surviving to thriving again?
Here are the highlights:
Dr. Wahls’ Dietary Protocol to Reverse MS
Mitochondria are the body’s power producers. They are inside each of our cells, driving the work of our cells, organs, and body. So it makes sense that Dr. Wahls pinpoints their role in optimizing brain and immune system health. The basic tenets of her protocol for MS and autoimmune-specific conditions are:
Remove processed foods.
Remove foods that trigger abnormal immune system response, especially these three: gluten (the protein in wheat and many ancient grains), casein (the protein in dairy), and albumin (the protein in egg whites).
Eat 9 cups of vegetables and fruits daily (fresh, blended, or lightly steamed). Specifically:
3 cups of leafy green vegetables (spinach, kale, lettuce, etc.)
3 cups of bright fruits or vegetables, each different colors, and colored all the way through (like beets, blueberries, and carrots) Bananas, apples, and pears do not count.
3 cups of sulfur-rich vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, onions, and garlic.
Consume bone broth and fermented foods daily.
Eat high quality, wild-caught fish or grass-fed meat for dinner.
I love that Dr. Wahls focuses not so much on removing foods but on consuming nutrient-dense foods that support mitochondria function, which is so important for MS and autoimmune sufferers. Basically her message is: eat veggies, eat veggies, eat MORE veggies!
This protocol can not only help reverse symptoms of MS but can help anyone suffering from chronic disease, leaky gut, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, lupus, arthritis, psoriasis, chronic pain, diabetes, traumatic brain injury, depression, PTSD… and the list goes on. Food really is medicine!
Of course, getting support from your medical team is always key when you consider any protocol or dietary changes. Functional medicine practitioners and Wahls Protocol® certified health professionals can also be very helpful. They can assist with assessing your specific health concerns and personalizing the protocol to your unique issues.
Research, Help, and Hope on the Horizon
Dr. Wahls’ research is now receiving attention from the mainstream medical world. In 2016 the National MS Society awarded her a $1 million grant to conduct further research, a very exciting development for MS sufferers and the real food movement in general! You can read her research publications and see before and after videos showing improved walking abilities in study participants here.
More neurologists and neuroscientists are now recommending that all patients with multiple sclerosis begin dietary and lifestyle interventions to protect their brains and reduce the risk of early memory loss and dementia. The recommendations include improving diet quality, stopping smoking and reducing toxin exposures, adding a meditative practice, and increasing physical activity and exercise.
Sounds a lot like what Dr. Wahls recommends! Coincidence? I think not!
If you can’t tell, I am a huge fan of Dr. Wahls. If you want to check her out, take a few minutes to watch Dr. Terry’s viral TEDx talk from 2011. It’s worth the watch!
This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Terry Wahls, a clinical professor of medicine and clinical researcher and has published over 60 peer-reviewed scientific abstracts, posters, and papers. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.
This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.
What do you think of Dr. Wahls’ protocol? Do you struggle with an autoimmune condition or even MS, and have dietary changes helped you? 
Source: https://wellnessmama.com/13357/wahls-protocol/
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anneedmonds · 5 years
Sunday Tittle Tattle: Nippleback
I finally caved in, after over ten years of owning an iPhone, and bought myself a protective case. Why the prolonged hesitation? I’ll tell you why. I genuinely think that most phone cases are horrendous. They’re like the tech version of Crocs. Plasticky, garish monstrosities that just seem to be needlessly bad. Design abominations. And what’s worse is that they take an object of great design beauty, the iPhone – so divine in its apparent simplicity, so streamlined! – and clothe it in fancy dress.
Whether it’s a rectangular neoprene wetsuit affair or some kind of angular, metallic thing that adds four kilos to the total weight of the handset, pretty much all iPhone cases look shite.
But anyway I bought two. (I kept my old phone – see below.) One is all gold and shiny and jagged, like a teen’s drawing of a futuristic supercar, the other is a rubbery coral-toned sheath. A kinky flesh suit for my new iPhone 11 Pro Max, which was a very kind Christmas present from Mr AMR and I had no idea quite how kind until I accidentally stumbled upon the price online whilst looking for phone tripods. It’s the sort of price that warrants full-time security and a driver, or at least one of those briefcases with a chain that you can handcuff to your person.
Anyway, back to the rubbery sheath. It has this funny pop-out thing at the back that looks a bit like a weird nipple; it pulls out with a satisfying thrrrp and helps you to grip the phone, if having a phone almost entirely covered in non-slip material isn’t grippy enough for you. Perhaps your fingers are made of banana skins or the tips produce a constant flow of melted lard. I don’t know. You’d have to be pretty bloody clumsy to not get a grip on a silicon case.
And I look at these cases and think this: why have I spent a fortune buying an iPhone, an object that has surpassed all usual standards of design and function, an absolute tech icon, and then put a case on it that’s so ugly you have to question the designer’s sanity? It’s like throwing a polyester dog blanket over a George Smith sofa, or wrapping a Ferrari FF in sticky back plastic, or clothing Michelangelo’s David in a tracksuit from Boohoo.
But I’ll tell you why I’ve put a case on: because the iPhone is too naked and vulnerable without one. With its glass casing it’s more like a phone foetus than a fully-formed piece of tech – one wrong move, one rushed pants-pull-down to go to the loo when it’s in your back pocket, one child’s clumsy swipe and the whole shebang is game over. Carrying an iPhone about is like being responsible for a Fabergé egg – you’re constantly catching it mid-air, comedy-style, and breathing a sigh of relief when a knock results in “just a small crack in the corner but it doesn’t affect the screen”.
And all of this is the fault of the iPhone designers, who have made what is now our most-used modern-world thing out of the most fragile material they could think of. They may as well have folded it out of origami paper or covered it in the crumbling pages from a 12th century monastic ledger. I just can’t even conceive what was happening in the meeting where they discussed manufacturing.
“OK guys, I am loving this iPhone idea. It’s like a cell phone, but so much more. I mean, I totally see people using this all of the time – like all the time. Not just for calls, but for everything. Schedules. Emails. Taking photos. I want this to be in people’s hands constantly, I want them to carry it with them everywhere. In the car, walking down the sidewalk, at the mall, on a family trip to the ocean…”
“Yeah boss, this is so awesome. It’ll be, like, the accessory. The most-used thing people will ever own. Question is guys, what do we make it from? This piece of expensive tech that the world will carry with them and probably put in their back pocket loads? Let’s put our heads together here guys. Over there in the corner, you there – Sam, what d’you reckon? What should we make the iPhone out of?”
“Awesome Sam. Alright team, let’s go ahead and manufacture in glass. If you could also make it super-slippy to hold, and also create weak points in the screen and casing so that if a spider sneezes it immediately shatters, that would be super-awesome. Let’s go guys, let’s do this!”
I still haven’t gotten used to my sheathed iPhone. Sometimes it takes me surprise and I look at it and think “that phone cannot possibly be mine.” Alas it is. I feel as though I’ve had a horrific hairdye job and I sort of forget about it until I look in the mirror and then, for a few seconds, I have a sense of disbelief. How could I have gone so dreadfully wrong? 
But anyway, my iPhone now has the equivalent of a hi-vis hazmat bullet proof wetsuit on and so I’m sure it feels a lot safer. (It ponders upon this as it lies there on its charger-pad bed. The fact that it’s so brilliantly, perfectly formed, yet it needs so much help to survive. “Why did Daddy make me so weak?”)
I bought another case, too, for my old iPhone, the one that I didn’t trade in. WHAT? you may well ask. One always trades in, surely? Not I, friends, not in this case. And do you know why? Yes, the £350 was a massive temptation, but I can tell you a bigger temptation: having a spare phone filled with noisy/educational game apps for the sproglings to play on when I want a moment’s peace. Because do you know what I like to do when I’m having that moment’s peace? I like to play on my phone! There’s nothing more frustrating than sitting down with a cup of tea and a slice of Christmas cake (it’s still going strong, well done Mother) and realising you can’t actually scroll through Instagram or read the news because the very thing giving you a spare five minutes is the thing you need!
Anyway, I bought a case for the games phone (extravagant, but quite honestly there’s no price you can put on sanity, is there?) and good God it’s even uglier than my silicon nipple-backed one. (Nippleback. Could be a Nickelback tribute band!) It’s all angular and weird like Kryton from Red Dwarf.
The oddest thing about it is that it has a porthole cutaway so that the apple symbol can still be seen. Oh good! At least if people see the apple then they won’t think that the entire phone is an Early Learning Centre replica. It screams “there is good design inside me! You just have to look deeper! Beauty isn’t all skin deep you know!” Good bloody job really isn’t it?
Putting a sleek, flawless iPhone into the Kryto-case is like making Gisele routinely wear a suit made from egg cartons.
“Uhhhh, Clarissa?”
“We’re shooting Gisele for the cover tomorrow and we need to keep Chanel happy but she’s currently working with Dior, so…we have the bias-cut Dior drop-neck slip or we have the Chanel bikini styled with the snow boots.”
“Uhh, really? OK no, scrap those. Can you just go to fifth floor and ask if they’re still recycling the egg boxes? I’ll make them into a suit.”
“A…suit? We’re paying fifteen thousand dollars for a phone – I mean a model – and we’re going to hide her in an egg carton suit?”
“Yeah don’t worry, we can cut a hole out somewhere so that you still see how good her body is underneath.”
Don’t know where that semi-analogy was off to! Anyway you get the gist. I’m not impressed with these cases – even the apple ones look rubbish, although slightly less rubbish. To be quite honest I do wish I’d bought the silicon Apple one, which doesn’t have a Nippelback and is a nicer shade of pink. I think it was cheaper, to add insult to injury…
If you’re looking at these cases thinking I don’t actually think they look that bad then a) observe an unadulterated iPhone – isn’t it quite smooth and perfect and wonderful? – and b) you’re probably right but if I didn’t fully exaggerate all of my thoughts then I’d have nothing to write about.
Mind you, the three lens thing on the back of the new iPhones is almost as hideous as a Nippleback – I feel as though my new phone is an escapee from a robotics junkyard and any minute the front will open and little wheels will drop down and it’ll start beeping at me like R2D2. It’s an excellent camera but jeez. Chill out on the lens orgy!
Notes so that I don’t get sued: apparently Apple have made the new phone out of the strongest metal-strengthened glass known to the entire universe. The extra lenses are necessary for the super-duper image quality and both of the cases shown above are top-rated, high-performing cases that shouldn’t be mocked.
The post Sunday Tittle Tattle: Nippleback appeared first on A Model Recommends.
©2020 " Sunday Tittle Tattle: Nippleback published first on https://medium.com/@SkinAlley
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aboutearn · 6 years
It's worthwhile to examine Google's definition of Google AdSense and Click Fraud , before delving deeper into “AdSense Fraud” .  Google AdSense fraud is one of the diseases that plague the Ad Words advertisers. The AdSense program essentially allows website publishers/owners to sign up with Google, enabling them to display Google Ads on their sites. These publishers essentially act as “Google Partners”. The ads chosen by the Google bot for display are contextual and the ads are related to the contents of the publisher's website, more specifically that particular web page. The intent for Google is to capitalize on the traffic to these (in practice) niche sites and provide highly direct targeted traffic to the advertiser. A subset of the users of the Google Partner website, click on those ads and Google charges the advertiser per click. Google shares the booty with the website publisher but the revenue sharing ratio falls under Google's “undisclosed “criteria. While the exact amount can be reverse engineered, the take home lesson is that the final amount is proportional to Google's income from that click.  In theory it's a match made in heaven. The advertiser gets good ROI through targeted traffic, the publisher gets to monetize the traffic on their website and the web browser gets to buy that classic CD that he couldn't live without. Not to mention that Google gets a wad of cash. The gods of lucre smile beneficently on all.  Unfortunately, this happy façade hides blemishes. Severe ones. For all Google AdSense Publishers are not created equal. While (we daresay) many advertisers have a genuine website, providing a valuable or interesting service to the world wide community, there is a significant number of unscrupulous operators who are out there to prey on the advertisers. These creatures of the night (and we will explain later why we use that term), make websites for the express purpose of milking AdSense revenue.  This category of fraudsters deserves a taxonomy of its own, which we have developed (the other categories, click fraud and impression fraud are even bigger problems in some industries). In the interest of not being gender biased, we have alternated between genders. We hope that our lighthearted tone does not mask the revulsion that we feel towards these cheats.  Regressive Fraudster ( aka ClickMonkey ):  This guy is at the bottom of the food chain. Inspired by the riches of his neighbor Ms. Jones, who has been making more than ten grand a month in AdSense revenue, he plans a course of action. He “invests” in a clickbot software( a simple google search reveals many) and gets a list of anonymous proxy addresses. He then goes to register a few domains and hires someone off of elance to create a “network of sites”and “ click bot ” . He hopes that the interlinked sites will provide each some “link popularity” and increase his page rank. If only it were that simple! He then proceeds to use the 30 dollar clickbot to start clicking on the sites. Or he could click on them himself manually using the proxies. We don't call him click monkey for nothing. He clicks and clicks all the way to see his account getting banned. No banana for this monkey! His calls of despair to google fall on deaf ears. This person is likely to quit, but sometimes retries to get up the food chain, the Wanna -Be-Fraudster.  Wanna -Be Fraudster ( aka BOZO):  This girl searches for high paying keywords like “home loan equity” (current ad words rate: 45 dollar), or “web hosting” (ad words costing 20 dollar). She correctly guesses that the AdSense payout is proportional to what Google earns and therefore homes in on such words. Her strategy is to make a page with contents that are appropriate for the targeted high payout keyword. She moves ahead by clicking on the link multiple times and recruits friends and family to give them a click. Or ten!  Little does she know that Google has a 45 day inspection period before she get her nubby little fingers on that cash. With little to no knowledge of Click through Ratio , her greed couples with her ignorance. Seeing her ill-gotten paper wealth multiplying in her AdSense interface, she increases the clicks. Google however inspects the CTR and throws a fit when they see a CTR exceeding 20%. Furthermore, Google notices clicks mostly originating from a few IP addresses and that essentially seals her fate (or rather docks her earnings). That virtual cash is now just some deleted bytes on a hard disk on Google's servers. She moans, nay she rail against the cruelty of Google's policy. Some of these people wisely cease and desist such activities, perhaps philosophizing about the NFL (no free lunch) theorem. Others however see it as ground school for the next stage of nefarious behavior. The Almost-There Fraudster.  Almost-There Fraudster ( aka SmartAlec ):  The archetypical ATF is supremely confident in his ability to fool Google. Like the BOZO, he looks for high paying keywords and makes appropriate website(s). Let's assume that he is in a third world country, just to make the case more interesting. The case described here is 1 year old news. He has read this article and taken the learnt the subsequent lesson . He knows that that the clicks from the IP Addresses of USA, UK & Canada are worth much more than the clicks from the IP Addresses from the third world countries. He therefore seeks to befriend people from such IP addresses by logging onto messenger services.  This way, he gets the unique, unrelated IP clicks and (he hopes) that Google is fooled. Remember “creature of the night”. Well, these people typically are more than a few time zone removed from the US or Canada and therefore are up at odd hours whenever they feel that their targets are most likely to be active. Plus they sometimes have to deal with “inconveniences” like a day job.  AT fraud thinks that the clicks he obtained by trolling on these sites is a job well done. He has got clicks from the IP address of his choice .. An interesting factoid is that for AdSense, state also matters. Clicks from Washington and New York State have the highest payout for AdSense Fraud.  He has just one problem. His tragic flaw. While he worked so hard to get the unique IP and high earnings, he is not able to maintain a good CTR. He is likely to cross the limit of 30-40% of daily CTR and 10-20% of overall CTR. He ends up in the same purgatory as the BOZO. The account is banned, and he gets the abominated email. Yes, the “AdSense account closure”. Almost-There is never good enough in this nether world of AdSense gaming. Although it is possible that he would have made a few thousand dollars before the punishment catches up to his crime. Crime doesn't quite pay, now does it? Well, gentle reader, unfortunately crime _is_ paying to the next category. Fraudster Maestro ( aka Satan's Spawn).  Fraudster Maestro ( aka Satan's Spawn):  This category of fraudsters is the most sophisticated and rarely gets caught by google . She has researched the high paying keywords as well as the CTR issues well. She has the smoothest lines in the business of soliciting clicks. She can flirt online, and ask to click the “link” for her picture. Or she may claim that clicking the link causes the hungry child to be fed in Ethiopia . Let's follow a typical “simple” chat session:  US User : hello FM Fraud: what are your coordinates, handsome? US User : NY , NY FM Fraud: Oh! Wish I could be there. Can you help out a damsel in distress? US User : sure AT Fraud: I have made a site and want to see if all the links on this page are working or not. Can you please click on the links and see if the other page loads? US User: Sure. Link? FM Fraud:https://ift.tt/2DwoU6F US User : wait! Yes I checked all the links and they are working fine. FM Fraud: Thanks US User : so can we talk about you now? ( Message Not Delivered as the fraudster has blocked the User and is busy looking for a new victim) And she has lots of tricks up her repertoire besides chatting up strangers. She knows about opt in lists, usenet and blogs where she can snare the victims. Technically savvy and able to empathize with her victims she doesn't let arrogance get in her way to success. Since she is very mindful of the CTR issues she has a secret weapon. She has optimized her site for some low paying keywords which are really not competitive. She organically gets lots of traffic (but for things unrelated to those competitive high paying keywords). In her website, she may be giving away free greeting cards Or free screensavers. End result is a fabulous impression count. The second step for her is to makes unrelated pages on the same site and these pages pertain to the high paying keywords. These keywords are used to attract the victims of chat sessions. The process of getting the clicks is different but the results due to CTR are very lucrative.  So, how does all this geek talk affect the PPC advertiser? It's a 5 billion dollar+ dollar market(for exact projections onto the future, please check out our FAQ, and with a 20% + fraud rate, we are talking about a 1 BILLION dollars fraud per year. Even Dr. Evil may be impressed by such a number. It's greater than the cumulative GNP of a few banana republics. And a fair chunk is ending up in the coffers of these fraudsters. We know from anecdotal evidence, how people are clearing up to 20 grand a month. All, courtesy of the hapless PPC advertiser.  We want to emphasize that there are lots of authentic sites serving genuine content. But unfortunately the existence of these people (as discussed above) reduces the ROI of many advertisers to the extent that they rethink their interest in PPC. In the word of one of our organic SEO customers, with PPC “you always get a little less back than you put in”. It needn't be that way, if you watch carefully where your ad words traffic is coming from and take some steps (such as traffic analysis or at the very least a log file analysis) to protect arm yourself. Look for patterns, some of which are obvious(such as large traffic spikes from India). Unfortunately other patterns may require a doctorate in artificial intelligence. Still the keyword is to stay nimble. Convincing search engines to refund money is a lot tougher and a lot more work than proactively watching for problem visitors and taking steps that you deem appropriate. Before the situation goes out of hand. Remember, an ounce of prevention… We want to emphasize that there are lots of authentic sites serving genuine content. But unfortunately the existence of these people (as discussed above) reduces the ROI of many advertisers to the extent that they rethink their interest in PPC. In the word of one of our organic SEO customers, with PPC “you always get a little less back than you put in”. It needn't be that way, if you stay nimble. Convincing search engines to refund money is a lot tougher and a lot more work than proactively watching for problem visitors and taking steps that you deem appropriate.  Some things you can do to stay ahead of the game. This is by NO means an exhaustive list, but it's a start. It's sorted by the level of protection in ascending that you may need.  1> Let your visitors know that you are tracking them and know quite a bit about them. For instance, if you visit www.sofizar.com , you will see information about yourself. You can display this information to all your visitors, or only to some of them. It can be in-your-face or subtle, but it will remind at least some of the fraudsters that they are being watched. Sofizar provides free sample code and connection  to its database allowing you to display “premium” information(like City, ISP, ISP contact number).  2> Invest in a serious visitor tracking software. Set alarms based on the number of times a person clicks on your site in a certain time period(hourly, weekly, monthly). Display the same information to someone who is definitely PPCing your budget to death, as a custom message box. Something harsh, if the pattern keeps  up.  “We are logging the usage, and we are noticing that you keep clicking on our site through PPC. If you don't cease, we would be forced to call your local ISP at +91-23-344-5678”(if you see the information that we can glean about visitors, you will know we can get even more specific). This will weed some of the casual fraudsters.  3> Start checking for things that we have discussed earlier, by investing in an industrial strength data collection package. Based on your data collection, one strategy is to score each visitor, deducting(or adding points), based on the following (non exhaustive) list.  a. Visitor conversion/past conversion history.  b. Visit Depth Analysis.  c. Visit Time Analysis(time spent on each page, and time of day the visit happens).  d. Cookies/Javascript/”Unknown OS”  e. Keyword Cost analysis.  f. Anonymous Proxy Server  g. Is part of “Fraudster list”.  h. Country/Localization analysis(are you really targeting people in Sao Paolo , Brazil for your French Restaurant in New York ?).  4> Do pattern matching. See what your top 20% of your customers do as part of a “macro pattern” and match the visitor against that pattern.  Keep in  mind that you will get a few “false positives” and vice versa. A few innocent people may get tagged unfairly as “fraudsters” while a few “fraudsters” may well give you the slip. It's not an exact science, but over a period of time you can get fairly close. If you decide to take up your case with Google, you have to make a very convincing case. All based on meticulous data, instead of (what may be considered by them as) paranoia.  Over the long term, as the threat evolves and the  fraudsters improve, you have to keep adapting your strategy using your friends, diligent data collection, statistics and pattern matching.  If you have any further question, comments or want  us to give you a free evaluation if your PPC campaign  is a likely magnet for fraudsters, please email to: [email protected] .  For more information about adsense fraud visit: https://ift.tt/2RO2MaL
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trigafy · 7 years
New Post has been published on
New Post has been published on http://hypnotherapyhypnotist.com/naturewise-cla-1250-high-potency-natural-weight-loss-exercise-enhancement-increase-lean-muscle-mass-non-stimulating-non-gmo-100-safflower-oil-gluten-free-180-count/
NatureWise CLA 1250, High Potency, Natural Weight Loss Exercise Enhancement, Increase Lean Muscle Mass, Non-Stimulating, Non-GMO 100% Safflower Oil, Gluten Free, 180 count
NatureWise CLA 1250, High Potency, Natural Weight Loss Exercise Enhancement, Increase Lean Muscle Mass, Non-Stimulating, Non-GMO 100% Safflower Oil, Gluten Free, 180 count
Product Description What is CLA? Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid naturally found in beef and dairy products. Most CLA dietary supplements are made from safflower oil. Results from well-designed clinical trials suggest that CLA may reduce body fat mass.* A Wise Tool for Your Weight-Loss Goals Although there is no magic bullet for weight loss, there are tools to supplement diet and exercise. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that has become a popular weight management supplement because of its potential ability to reduce body fat.* The active ingredient in our NatureWise formula, CLA, is natural and non-stimulating, making it a preferred alternative to other weight management products that can carry undesired side effects. NatureWise CLA 1250 is always guaranteed non-GMO and gluten-free. A Certified Source of CLA Beef and dairy are natural sources of CLA. However, changing agriculture and processing standards may decrease these levels, making it difficult to obtain from food alone, which is why CLA has become a popular supplement. NatureWise CLA 1250 uses 100% pure safflower oil, premium quality throughout, extracted from trusted, non-GMO sources. We mandate each batch be standardized to 80% active CLA, ensuring you are getting the highest quality and most effective product available. Third Party Tested for Purity and Potency NatureWise maintains one of the most robust manufacturing safety programs in the industry. All NatureWise products are tested by specialized ISO 17025 third party laboratories for purity and potency, as well as physical, chemical, and microbial contamination, guaranteeing the highest standards for quality and safety. The NatureWise Difference NatureWise is a natural supplements company committed to delivering industry-best products and world-class customer service. With every NatureWise purchase our customers gain access to an extensive team of personal customer service professionals, available to help with any questions or comments regarding our products. At NatureWise we are passionate about helping people live healthier. Our products are designed to work best as part of an overall health and wellness program. Achieving a healthy you involves a balanced diet, regular exercise, and finding a source of support to help you reach your personal goals. Our NatureWise Pledge to You As a savvy consumer, only the best supplements—standardized, pure, and certified—make it on your shopping list. At NatureWise, we wouldn’t expect anything less. We apply the same oath of purity to every NatureWise product, including our NatureWise CLA 1250.
Price: $19.89
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that is thought to play a role in reducing body fat, increasing lean muscle mass and improving exercise performance.
CLA supplementation is becoming popular with nutritionists and fitness experts for its potential as a weight loss and energy enhancing supplement.
When combined with exercise, studies suggest that CLA may stimulate the breakdown of stored body fat and block new fat cells from growing.
As a non-stimulating, all natural weight loss supplement, NatureWise CLA 1250 from safflower oil is a safe alternative to diet pills that may carry undesired side effects.
NatureWise 1250mg CLA safflower oil capsules can be used as a fat burner for men and women. As with any dietary supplement, you should consult your healthcare provider before use, especially if pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, taking medications, or have known adverse reactions or allergies. For some, CLA may cause stomach upset, diarrhea, nausea, and/or fatigue.
Magical Banana Smoothie for Incredible Weight Loss
The banana is a powerful ally for people who want to lose weight. It gives us a full feeling, more energy for physical exercise, and improves mood—which certainly can become altered in initial stages of a new diet.
Here’s a banana drink recipe that you can add to your diet to help you lose weight:
– 1 banana; – Half a glass of kefir (yogurt made from goat or sheep’s milk) or plain non-fat natural yogurt; – Juice of two lemons; – 2 tablespoons flaxseed; – 1 tablespoon coconut oil; – 1 pinch of cinnamon powder; – Half a teaspoon of ginger powder.
Mix all the ingredients evenly in a blender. We recommend that you drink it every morning, before breakfast on an empty stomach.
For people with hypertension, it’s recommended to remove cinnamon and ginger from the recipe, or at least consult your doctor before making the recipe to find out if regular consumption of these foods can complicate pre-existing health conditions.
See how easy that is? You’ll improve your weight-loss diet with a nutritious and delicious drink.
Resource(s): https://www.caloriesecrets.net/are-bananas-good-for-a-weight-loss-diet/ http://www.livestrong.com/article/278737-why-are-bananas-good-for-weight-loss/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19334749
Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.
In the wake of the ongoing concern over the safety of prescription diet pills, the weight-conscious public is asking: Now what?
When taken properly, these nutritional agents carry none of the risks of prescription diet pills. Most of these products are simply nutrients, extracted from food or plants. While producing weight loss, they have a much gentler effect on your body than prescription medications have. You should consider using natural weight-loss supplements if:
You need to lose ten pounds or more.
You want to suppress your appetite and curb cravings naturally.
You don’t want to expose your body to the potentially health damaging effects of prescription weight-loss drugs.
You’ve given up on prescription weight-loss drugs and are seeking a safer solution.
You need temporary and safe weight-loss assistance while trying to change your eating habits permanently.
You really have nothing to lose, except unsightly fat, by taking a more natural approach to weight loss. In fact, you have everything to gain in terms of better health, more energy, and an improved self-image!
You may be wondering, Are these products safe? Good question! Unlike prescription medicines, nutritional supplements aren’t approved by the FDA. Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, supplement manufacturers can make nutrition support statements about their products statements that describe how the product functions in the body. But they aren’t allowed to claim that the product can treat or cure any disease.
Also, supplement labels must carry the following disclaimer: “This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.” But just because natural weight-loss supplements and other nutritional supplements aren’t approved by the FDA, that doesn’t mean they’re unsafe. Over the years, there have been many pharmaceutical agents that won FDA approval but due to serious, sometimes fatal, effects were pulled from the market.
Keep in mind that natural weight-loss supplements are derived from food or herbs and thus work with your body rather than against it (as many prescription medicines do). It’s always preferable to try the gentlest agent first. Some of these supplements do have some minor side effects, but they are far less serious than those of prescription diet pills.
Also, there is a wealth of scientific evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of natural weight-loss products evidence you’ll read about here. Plus, many of these supplements have other health-promotion benefits. Natural supplements do many things! That’s one of their most redeeming values.
Natural weight-loss supplements are one more weapon against obesity a disease that’s killing us and draining our pocketbooks. Health experts report that a majority of the world’s population is now overweight, and that obesity costs consumers billions of dollars a year for health care. In the United States alone, the financial toll of obesity is more than $ 100 billion annually.
In fact, the United States has one of the highest rates of obesity in the world. According to a recent survey, nearly 74 percent of Americans age 25 or older are overweight. After smoking, which causes an estimated 500,000 deaths a year, weight-related conditions are the second leading cause of death in the United States, claiming 300,000 lives each year. But other developed countries are not far behind. In 1997, the British Medical Journal reported that the prevalence of obesity in many countries is now so high that it should be considered a pandemic which means an exceptionally large portion of the world is on the pudgy side.
Although overweight and obesity are considered to be appearance problems, they are in fact serious conditions, directly linked to a number of disabling and life-threatening diseases. Among them are heart disease, stroke, some cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, gall bladder disease, osteoarthritis, and mental health problems.
Why is obesity so deadly? Take the number-one killer, heart disease, for example. Obesity places a strain on the heart. It enlarges the heart’s ventricles, alters its function, and leads to other structural abnormalities.
Studies indicate that obese adults aged 20 to 45 are at nearly four times the risk of developing diabetes and more than five times the risk of getting high blood pressure than normal-weight adults.
Obese men have a significantly greater chance of dying from cancer of the colon, rectum, and prostate, and obese women have a greater risk of developing endometrial and postmenopausal breast cancers.
Plump women whose body fat is distributed around and above the waist run a particularly high risk of developing endometrial cancer, one of the most common cancers that afflict women. It usually occurs after menopause, and if detected early, it’s almost always curable. Scientists speculate that one reason for the risk is that upper-body-obese women have higher levels of the female hormone estrogen, which can set the stage for endometrial cancer.
Like endometrial cancer, most breast cancers have a hormonal link. As noted above, women with excess upper body fat have higher levels of estrogen, and some investigators think that these women run a significantly higher risk of developing breast cancer. Obesity doesn’t cause breast cancer, but it encourages the spread of existing cancer.
If you’re obese, your bile may be oversaturated with cholesterol, a blood fat, and this can lead to the formation of gallstones.
Until only recently, it was assumed that a little weight gain at any age was okay. But studies have found that even a tiny gain can increase your odds of having a heart attack. In 1995, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) published new guidelines that said middle-age spread was un-healthy and that for good health, people in their sixties should weigh the same as trim people in their thirties.
Backing up the USDA’s recommendations was one of the largest studies ever to examine the effects of weight on longevity. Published in 1998 in the New England Journal of Medicine, the study concluded that slimmer is definitely better at any age, including middle age and beyond.
This conclusion was based on American Cancer Society data on 324,135 men and women enrolled in the study in 1960 and then followed up in 1972. The data revealed that being overweight tended to shorten life expectancy up to about age 75. After that age, being heavy didn’t make much of a difference unless someone was seriously obese. People who maintained a healthy, ideal weight generally lived the longest.
Overweight and obesity are caused by multiple factors, and natural weight-loss supplements can tackle many of them. Let’s take a closer look.
Overeating. If you habitually eat more calories than you burn off, the surplus is stored as body fat. So why do we overeat? There’s no simple explanation, really, but a lot of it has to do with hunger, appetite, and satiety mechanisms that tell us when to eat and how much. They are centered in the hypothalamus, a small area of the brain located in the middle of the skull. The hypothalamus is the body’s center for controlling food intake. It also regulates thirst, metabolism, and body temperature.
Hunger is largely a physiological drive. About every four hours, your body signals that it’s time to eat by creating sensations such as hunger pangs or a feeling of low energy. After you start eating a meal, it takes about twenty minutes for your body to send satiety signals to the hypothalamus that you’re full. Continuing to eat beyond that points leaves you feeling stuffed. By eating when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re full, you’ll have little trouble maintaining a healthy weight.
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aboutearn · 6 years
It's worthwhile to examine Google's definition of Google AdSense and Click Fraud , before delving deeper into “AdSense Fraud” .  Google AdSense fraud is one of the diseases that plague the Ad Words advertisers. The AdSense program essentially allows website publishers/owners to sign up with Google, enabling them to display Google Ads on their sites. These publishers essentially act as “Google Partners”. The ads chosen by the Google bot for display are contextual and the ads are related to the contents of the publisher's website, more specifically that particular web page. The intent for Google is to capitalize on the traffic to these (in practice) niche sites and provide highly direct targeted traffic to the advertiser. A subset of the users of the Google Partner website, click on those ads and Google charges the advertiser per click. Google shares the booty with the website publisher but the revenue sharing ratio falls under Google's “undisclosed “criteria. While the exact amount can be reverse engineered, the take home lesson is that the final amount is proportional to Google's income from that click.  In theory it's a match made in heaven. The advertiser gets good ROI through targeted traffic, the publisher gets to monetize the traffic on their website and the web browser gets to buy that classic CD that he couldn't live without. Not to mention that Google gets a wad of cash. The gods of lucre smile beneficently on all.  Unfortunately, this happy façade hides blemishes. Severe ones. For all Google AdSense Publishers are not created equal. While (we daresay) many advertisers have a genuine website, providing a valuable or interesting service to the world wide community, there is a significant number of unscrupulous operators who are out there to prey on the advertisers. These creatures of the night (and we will explain later why we use that term), make websites for the express purpose of milking AdSense revenue.  This category of fraudsters deserves a taxonomy of its own, which we have developed (the other categories, click fraud and impression fraud are even bigger problems in some industries). In the interest of not being gender biased, we have alternated between genders. We hope that our lighthearted tone does not mask the revulsion that we feel towards these cheats.  Regressive Fraudster ( aka ClickMonkey ):  This guy is at the bottom of the food chain. Inspired by the riches of his neighbor Ms. Jones, who has been making more than ten grand a month in AdSense revenue, he plans a course of action. He “invests” in a clickbot software( a simple google search reveals many) and gets a list of anonymous proxy addresses. He then goes to register a few domains and hires someone off of elance to create a “network of sites”and “ click bot ” . He hopes that the interlinked sites will provide each some “link popularity” and increase his page rank. If only it were that simple! He then proceeds to use the 30 dollar clickbot to start clicking on the sites. Or he could click on them himself manually using the proxies. We don't call him click monkey for nothing. He clicks and clicks all the way to see his account getting banned. No banana for this monkey! His calls of despair to google fall on deaf ears. This person is likely to quit, but sometimes retries to get up the food chain, the Wanna -Be-Fraudster.  Wanna -Be Fraudster ( aka BOZO):  This girl searches for high paying keywords like “home loan equity” (current ad words rate: 45 dollar), or “web hosting” (ad words costing 20 dollar). She correctly guesses that the AdSense payout is proportional to what Google earns and therefore homes in on such words. Her strategy is to make a page with contents that are appropriate for the targeted high payout keyword. She moves ahead by clicking on the link multiple times and recruits friends and family to give them a click. Or ten!  Little does she know that Google has a 45 day inspection period before she get her nubby little fingers on that cash. With little to no knowledge of Click through Ratio , her greed couples with her ignorance. Seeing her ill-gotten paper wealth multiplying in her AdSense interface, she increases the clicks. Google however inspects the CTR and throws a fit when they see a CTR exceeding 20%. Furthermore, Google notices clicks mostly originating from a few IP addresses and that essentially seals her fate (or rather docks her earnings). That virtual cash is now just some deleted bytes on a hard disk on Google's servers. She moans, nay she rail against the cruelty of Google's policy. Some of these people wisely cease and desist such activities, perhaps philosophizing about the NFL (no free lunch) theorem. Others however see it as ground school for the next stage of nefarious behavior. The Almost-There Fraudster.  Almost-There Fraudster ( aka SmartAlec ):  The archetypical ATF is supremely confident in his ability to fool Google. Like the BOZO, he looks for high paying keywords and makes appropriate website(s). Let's assume that he is in a third world country, just to make the case more interesting. The case described here is 1 year old news. He has read this article and taken the learnt the subsequent lesson . He knows that that the clicks from the IP Addresses of USA, UK & Canada are worth much more than the clicks from the IP Addresses from the third world countries. He therefore seeks to befriend people from such IP addresses by logging onto messenger services.  This way, he gets the unique, unrelated IP clicks and (he hopes) that Google is fooled. Remember “creature of the night”. Well, these people typically are more than a few time zone removed from the US or Canada and therefore are up at odd hours whenever they feel that their targets are most likely to be active. Plus they sometimes have to deal with “inconveniences” like a day job.  AT fraud thinks that the clicks he obtained by trolling on these sites is a job well done. He has got clicks from the IP address of his choice .. An interesting factoid is that for AdSense, state also matters. Clicks from Washington and New York State have the highest payout for AdSense Fraud.  He has just one problem. His tragic flaw. While he worked so hard to get the unique IP and high earnings, he is not able to maintain a good CTR. He is likely to cross the limit of 30-40% of daily CTR and 10-20% of overall CTR. He ends up in the same purgatory as the BOZO. The account is banned, and he gets the abominated email. Yes, the “AdSense account closure”. Almost-There is never good enough in this nether world of AdSense gaming. Although it is possible that he would have made a few thousand dollars before the punishment catches up to his crime. Crime doesn't quite pay, now does it? Well, gentle reader, unfortunately crime _is_ paying to the next category. Fraudster Maestro ( aka Satan's Spawn).  Fraudster Maestro ( aka Satan's Spawn):  This category of fraudsters is the most sophisticated and rarely gets caught by google . She has researched the high paying keywords as well as the CTR issues well. She has the smoothest lines in the business of soliciting clicks. She can flirt online, and ask to click the “link” for her picture. Or she may claim that clicking the link causes the hungry child to be fed in Ethiopia . Let's follow a typical “simple” chat session:  US User : hello FM Fraud: what are your coordinates, handsome? US User : NY , NY FM Fraud: Oh! Wish I could be there. Can you help out a damsel in distress? US User : sure AT Fraud: I have made a site and want to see if all the links on this page are working or not. Can you please click on the links and see if the other page loads? US User: Sure. Link? FM Fraud:https://ift.tt/2DwoU6F US User : wait! Yes I checked all the links and they are working fine. FM Fraud: Thanks US User : so can we talk about you now? ( Message Not Delivered as the fraudster has blocked the User and is busy looking for a new victim) And she has lots of tricks up her repertoire besides chatting up strangers. She knows about opt in lists, usenet and blogs where she can snare the victims. Technically savvy and able to empathize with her victims she doesn't let arrogance get in her way to success. Since she is very mindful of the CTR issues she has a secret weapon. She has optimized her site for some low paying keywords which are really not competitive. She organically gets lots of traffic (but for things unrelated to those competitive high paying keywords). In her website, she may be giving away free greeting cards Or free screensavers. End result is a fabulous impression count. The second step for her is to makes unrelated pages on the same site and these pages pertain to the high paying keywords. These keywords are used to attract the victims of chat sessions. The process of getting the clicks is different but the results due to CTR are very lucrative.  So, how does all this geek talk affect the PPC advertiser? It's a 5 billion dollar+ dollar market(for exact projections onto the future, please check out our FAQ, and with a 20% + fraud rate, we are talking about a 1 BILLION dollars fraud per year. Even Dr. Evil may be impressed by such a number. It's greater than the cumulative GNP of a few banana republics. And a fair chunk is ending up in the coffers of these fraudsters. We know from anecdotal evidence, how people are clearing up to 20 grand a month. All, courtesy of the hapless PPC advertiser.  We want to emphasize that there are lots of authentic sites serving genuine content. But unfortunately the existence of these people (as discussed above) reduces the ROI of many advertisers to the extent that they rethink their interest in PPC. In the word of one of our organic SEO customers, with PPC “you always get a little less back than you put in”. It needn't be that way, if you watch carefully where your ad words traffic is coming from and take some steps (such as traffic analysis or at the very least a log file analysis) to protect arm yourself. Look for patterns, some of which are obvious(such as large traffic spikes from India). Unfortunately other patterns may require a doctorate in artificial intelligence. Still the keyword is to stay nimble. Convincing search engines to refund money is a lot tougher and a lot more work than proactively watching for problem visitors and taking steps that you deem appropriate. Before the situation goes out of hand. Remember, an ounce of prevention… We want to emphasize that there are lots of authentic sites serving genuine content. But unfortunately the existence of these people (as discussed above) reduces the ROI of many advertisers to the extent that they rethink their interest in PPC. In the word of one of our organic SEO customers, with PPC “you always get a little less back than you put in”. It needn't be that way, if you stay nimble. Convincing search engines to refund money is a lot tougher and a lot more work than proactively watching for problem visitors and taking steps that you deem appropriate.  Some things you can do to stay ahead of the game. This is by NO means an exhaustive list, but it's a start. It's sorted by the level of protection in ascending that you may need.  1> Let your visitors know that you are tracking them and know quite a bit about them. For instance, if you visit www.sofizar.com , you will see information about yourself. You can display this information to all your visitors, or only to some of them. It can be in-your-face or subtle, but it will remind at least some of the fraudsters that they are being watched. Sofizar provides free sample code and connection  to its database allowing you to display “premium” information(like City, ISP, ISP contact number).  2> Invest in a serious visitor tracking software. Set alarms based on the number of times a person clicks on your site in a certain time period(hourly, weekly, monthly). Display the same information to someone who is definitely PPCing your budget to death, as a custom message box. Something harsh, if the pattern keeps  up.  “We are logging the usage, and we are noticing that you keep clicking on our site through PPC. If you don't cease, we would be forced to call your local ISP at +91-23-344-5678”(if you see the information that we can glean about visitors, you will know we can get even more specific). This will weed some of the casual fraudsters.  3> Start checking for things that we have discussed earlier, by investing in an industrial strength data collection package. Based on your data collection, one strategy is to score each visitor, deducting(or adding points), based on the following (non exhaustive) list.  a. Visitor conversion/past conversion history.  b. Visit Depth Analysis.  c. Visit Time Analysis(time spent on each page, and time of day the visit happens).  d. Cookies/Javascript/”Unknown OS”  e. Keyword Cost analysis.  f. Anonymous Proxy Server  g. Is part of “Fraudster list”.  h. Country/Localization analysis(are you really targeting people in Sao Paolo , Brazil for your French Restaurant in New York ?).  4> Do pattern matching. See what your top 20% of your customers do as part of a “macro pattern” and match the visitor against that pattern.  Keep in  mind that you will get a few “false positives” and vice versa. A few innocent people may get tagged unfairly as “fraudsters” while a few “fraudsters” may well give you the slip. It's not an exact science, but over a period of time you can get fairly close. If you decide to take up your case with Google, you have to make a very convincing case. All based on meticulous data, instead of (what may be considered by them as) paranoia.  Over the long term, as the threat evolves and the  fraudsters improve, you have to keep adapting your strategy using your friends, diligent data collection, statistics and pattern matching.  If you have any further question, comments or want  us to give you a free evaluation if your PPC campaign  is a likely magnet for fraudsters, please email to: [email protected] .  For more information about adsense fraud visit: https://ift.tt/2RO2MaL
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