#althea wanted to go back out and try to find the other kitten. i saw him running around the apartment building
I've had an eventful night
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Althea called me at 8:50 after she left for her walk
Found some kittens in a storm drain and 2 adult calicos keeping close by
Animal control is closed
Got a big plastic tub and some wet food to lure them out
We managed to catch one kitten. Didn't have much of a game plan. We decided we needed a second container to stick them in before moving them to her apartment. She ran back up to get her other tub and a trashcan deep enough that they'd have trouble jumping out of it and used the other tub as a lid
So im sitting on this fuckin storm drain holding onto this kitten for dear life and he's clawing the fuck out of my arm and biting my fingers trying to get away from me. The 2 calicos are hissing at me. I'm honestly surprised I was able to keep calm and keep talking to them in a soothing voice during all this lol
Althea got back and we tried to put the little guy in there but he ended up getting away from us and running up towards the apartments the adults kept hiding near. One of the calicos (we think the mom) went after him.
Managed to get the braver of the kittens next. Althea volunteered to get them out since the other one clawed me up so bad. This one didn't put up any fight -_- got them into the trash can and put the other tub over it to keep it in there.
Waited a bit....the last kitten came got into the tub with the food and we managed to catch it too.
Now we just had to get the adult in the storm drain
Which was actually really fuckin easy
She came out of the drain. Althea offered her some treats. Then she just. Picked her up.
Now after a second she did start trying to claw althea so we trapped her in the tub with the wet food.
Unfortunately weren't able to get the little guy that escaped or the mom. Thankfully her and the little lady we did manage to catch seemed to be coparents.
Got Honey (the adult we caught) and the babies up to altheas place. Her cat Kabota was IMMEDIATELY interested. He LOVES other cats. Seemed VERY concerned while they were in the tubs while althea got her bathroom cleared of anything she thought could hurt them.
Finally got them into the bathroom. Honey was NOT happy. Althea didn't want to risk them escaping when she opened the bathroom door to leave so she just left the trashcan on its side and the lid of the tub loosely on it and just left to let them sort themselves out.
At this point we're both sitting on the stairs and Kabota immediately comes over to check things out
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"Friends???? Mother has brought friends???? Why are friends in small water room????"
After we heard Honey escape her box we cracked the door to peek back in to make sure everything was all good
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We think she was yelling at her reflection before this
Anyways I peek in a bit later cuz I figured my mom would want pictures and she had moved to the top of the toilet
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(Screenshot from the video I took)
Then we were talking and decided I should go in and move the kittens into the bath tub where the litterbox is cuz at this point they still hadn't come out of the trashcan. Honey immediately darts into the tub. Shes hissing and yowling at me. I tell her she's very big and very scary and im very afraid of her. She did not seem to believe me.
I get the kittens into the tub and she IMMEDIATELY calms down. Kittens start rubbing up against her and they start calming down. Honey let me give her a head scratch.
I left pretty soon after that cuz the cat pee on my clothes was giving me a headache and I figured I should go home and clean my wounds.
All three are doing well. Altheas hanging out in the bathroom with them and making sure they eat and get some fluids. Honey is being very sweet and is going to althea for pets and purring LOUD. Kittens have decided althea is not a threat and also going for pets.
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The little stripey one (altheas calling him hercules) is VERY curious about kabota.
Honey was curious but now that the kittens are out shes hissing at him through the door. He has moved to the top of the stairs to give her some space. Kabota is a little gentleman. Sylvie (light grey baby) is very shy.
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everstarry · 5 years
ethereal (2/?)
words: 3764
chapter two: the bluebell
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Althea found waking up to be easier than she expected. She woke to the smell of cinnamon. The young woman stretched in her bed under the soft linen. She arched her back and curled her toes, flopping back down onto her bed with a small huff. It made her think of a little black cat that frequented the halls of her old home. Remi used to chase it out but it always somehow managed to find a way in. Althea wondered if it missed her as much as she missed him. All she could think about were the times where she used to sneak scraps of her breakfast to the kitten. Or how she sometimes found him playing in the flowerbeds of her garden. She smiled at the fond memories of the little creature. Althea knew she couldn’t think of the kitten all day. She would eventually have to get up. She yawned and sat up, eyes blinking blearily around her suite. 
“Good morning,” Remi called from the lounge area. She must’ve heard her begin to stir.
Althea looked toward her friend’s voice before getting up and walking to the table area. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the spread of fruits, honey, and bread that decorated the top of the wood. “Did I wake up late?” she asked, popping a grape into her mouth before facing Remi.
“Not any later than usual,” Remi stood to greet her even though Althea told her time and time again not to bother. She didn’t like that whenever she entered the room Remi felt the need to stop whatever she was doing just to let Althea know she was aware of her presence. Old habits die hard and Remi’s old master was strict. “I was told to let you sleep in case you were deprived of it during the journey.”
Althea turned to the spread again and picked up a piece of the cut up strawberries that laid in a pile. “Told by who?” she asked curiously, popping one in her mouth. The red fruit was sweet on her tongue. She motioned for Remi to sit back down, grabbing for a few more pieces of the fruit.
“Cara, who was most definitely told by King Mando.” She could hear the grin in her friend’s voice as she got comfortable again. “You woke up on time anyway,” Remi pointed out. Althea was used to waking up early to tend to her garden.
“You should try the bread,” Remi urged, “It’s pretty tasty.” 
Althea looked at the knife beside the loaf of uncut bread before looking at her friend. “You already had breakfast?” she asked. There was no other reason for her friend to know what the uncut food tasted like otherwise. She nearly sighed at herself for not picking up that fact earlier. “Earlier, I mean,” she corrected herself.
Remi nodded, “I went to the kitchen and it was prepared for me there.” Althea cut two slices and slathered them in honey. She walked over and handed her friend the other piece before settling down in the seat next to her. Remi took the bread with grateful eyes. 
Althea knew breakfasts fed to the servants were nothing more than essentials which meant that Remi was probably just given a piece. Althea jokingly nudged her piece of bread with Remi’s in a sort of toast. Her friend grinned at her and repeated her action. “To us,” she said excitedly.
“To us,” Althea exclaimed and bit into her piece of bread. Remi was right, it was a little slice of paradise. The cinnamon and honey created a lovely savory flavor. She wondered if it was served everyday or just on special occasions. It was odd to refer to her arrival as a special occasion, the young princess didn’t believe she was all that special.
“Even better the second time,” Remi joked before taking another bite. Althea laughed, covering her mouth with the back of her free hand. She wouldn’t mind if she could spend her every morning like this. She felt happy and at peace, it was such a beautiful feeling. She thought of her marriage again and wondered if this would be her permanent residence or if she would share a room with her husband. Just the thought of waking up with the Mandalorian sent a sort of shock through her body. 
She realized she hadn’t said anything for a few minutes and Remi had already finished her piece and was staring at her curiously. “Promise me,” Althea looked to Remi, “That if you are ever hungry or just want more of something you will take it from the plentiful spread they give me.”
“I couldn’t–” Remi started but Althea shushed her by feeding her a bite of her own bread. Remi began to chew which let Althea talk. 
“You always go above and beyond for me. It’s the least I could do. There is no way I can finish all this food by myself anyway,” she shrugged, finishing her bread as she said it. Althea would rather share anyway, knowing that if she didn’t finish sometimes the food was wasted.
“You’re too sweet,” Remi pinched her cheek playfully between her thumb and index finger. “Then you won’t mind me helping myself to another piece of bread then?”
Althea smiled, holding her cheek, “Not as long as you get me another piece with just as much honey as my last one.”
“Of course,” Remi got right to it. She relaxed into the cushioned chair as Remi hummed a soft tune. If she closed her eyes she could almost imagine being back home in Saneca. Her new room and her old room tended to blend when she thought of home now. She supposed it was constantly correcting herself, reminding herself that this was home now. That although she could go back she was nothing more than a visitor now.
“How do you feel about exploring the garden later?” she asked, looking down at her hands.
Remi continued to spread honey on a piece of bread for her, “Didn’t we already do that?” she teased. 
Althea turned to look at her with a slight pout, “It’s not the same in the dark,” she explained. “I need to see it in the day time to see where the sun is the best and–”
“I know,” Remi turned and held out the bread for her. Althea took it, swiping her thumb across the edge of bread to gather up some honey. She licked her finger and savored the sugary substance. “You want to go talk to Kuiil about planting your marigolds.”
“Guilty,” Althea said quietly but knew her friend would still hear her. “I can’t remember if I saw any last night. Plus, he was so frazzled about me knowing so much about all the flowers he wanted to show me.” 
Remi sat next to her and began to eat her own bread. Her friend had piled her piece with a bunch of fruits. Remi hummed when she took her first bite. “I wouldn’t mind going down to the garden,” she brushed a few crumbs off her dress. “It’s not like we have all that much to do.”
Althea agreed. Back home she would often spend the day with her sisters. She supposed the only thing she had to do was to write to them. “When do you think the wedding will be?” The thought of the ceremony seemed to set her nerves ablaze. The longer she thought about the more nervous she became. Althea barely knew the Mandalorian king and she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with him.
“Soon,” Remi shrugged. “From what I heard you’re the only one for him.” Althea blushed crimson as Remi laughed. “I meant that you’re the only woman who has entered or was interested in an engagement with him. He’s going to want to marry you as fast as he can. Gotta make sure you don’t run away,” she grinned. 
“I wouldn’t,” Althea made a face as she imagined the Mandalorian standing alone in the castle. For some reason it made her very sad. 
Remi made a humming sound as she looked at her friend. “Because you like him or because you don’t want to back out of the deal?” Her blue eyes gleamed mischievously.
“It’s not like I don’t like him but my father needs the extra armies,” Althea tasted the words as she uttered them. It didn’t feel right in her mouth. It felt like something she wouldn’t say. “I was promised to him so I’m not going to back out,” she said finally.
“Even if he offered to break off the engagement?” Remi asked. “I mean maybe you have a thing for armor and a nice voice…” she trailed off.
“He does have a nice voice though,” Althea conceded with a small laugh. There was a moment of silence where Remi just blinked at her but then she burst out laughing.
“I didn’t think you would agree,” she grinned. “I’m kind of glad that you did. Now I can tease you with it.”
Althea groaned playfully. “I’m going to get dressed,” she said, changing the subject. She stood up and made her way to her wardrobe.
“Do you need help?” Remi asked, looking at Althea’s back as she rocked back and forth on her feet.
“Yes,” she said picking a blue gown. Althea knew that she needed to pick a gown that was made of a lighter material and that wouldn’t show dirt or grass stains if she decided to help Kuiil. Remi took the dress from her hands and off the hanger as Althea stripped from her nightgown. The blue dress had shorter sleeves than her other dresses. Remi soothed out her sleeves before tying the dress in the back. “Thank you,” she said as Remi crouched down to help her with her shoes. 
“You’re welcome,” her friend stepped aside as Althea began brushing her hair. “To answer your other question, I wouldn’t.” She pulled a few pieces of her hair back so they wouldn’t get in the way later.
“Wouldn’t what?” Remi gave her another pin for her hair. 
“I wouldn’t break off the engagement even if he told me I could,” she said simply, looking herself over in the mirror. 
“Why?” Remi asked softly behind her. 
She turned slightly to look at her friend. “There could be worse people to be married to.”
“You don’t even know him,” her maid said solemnly. There was something in her voice that made Althea realize that Remi was concerned. That she was worried about her princess. It gave her a glimpse into her friend’s thoughts. Althea was glad, Remi was always reluctant to sharing her worries with anyone.
“Yet,” Althea paused to brush her hand against the back of her friend’s, “I feel like I do.” She was trying her best to comfort her. “I don’t know what it is but I saw him and I just… I felt like pieces of myself—some I didn’t even know existed—fell into place,” Althea smiled.
Remi still looked skeptical. “You didn’t want to be married to him the entire journey here and suddenly, he says five words to you and you’re swooning?”
“I couldn’t explain it even if I tried. Maybe we are made of the same cosmic dust,” she met her own eyes in the mirror and gave herself a small smile. “It’s going to be okay,” Althea promised. “I’m going to be okay,” she added, knowing that was what her friend wanted to hear the most. 
Remi let out a little sigh. Althea didn’t expect her to understand when she barely understood herself. “Okay,” she relented. “Are we going to go to the garden or what?”
They took their time on the walk over so they could explore a bit more of the castle. Althea wanted to look at the tapestries and carpets and all the things she missed out on when Cara took them up to their room for the first time. Kuiil met them at the entrance almost as if he expected her to return. “Good morning, princess,” he greeted with a slight bow.
Althea smiled at him, “Good morning,” she replied. “I’m sorry for dropping by so unexpectedly,” she apologized. 
“I’d figured you’d want to see the flowers and other plants during the day with how much you were enthralled with them last night,” Kuiil smiled bashfully, straightening his posture as if he was pleased she loved the garden. 
“I think she enjoyed being out here more than she enjoyed the actual feast,” Remi teased while Althea laughed.
“I was wondering if you could point me to your marigolds,” she inquired. “That is if you have any,” she added, not wanting to make the royal gardener upset if he didn’t.
“I’m not sure if we do,” he replied honestly, ushering them down the many rows and flowerbeds. She admired all of the plants as she passed. “I think we have some violets and pansies,” he mentioned offhandedly.
“If it’s not too much to ask,” Althea began shyly, “I was wondering if you had any empty spaces or if you could tell me where in the castle I would be able to garden?” she asked. 
“I think we can arrange for your flowers to be added to the garden. I think the gesture of your flowers joining our garden is symbolic,” the gardener nodded to himself. 
“I wouldn’t want to impose,” Althea shook her head. “Besides, I don’t even have the seeds with me.”
“Nonsense,” Kuiil began. “I have spoken.” He nodded to himself again. “I’ll even let you pick the spot.”
Remi smiled, “I’ll go grab the seeds.”
“Perfect,” Kuiil began walking. “There’s a few spots that I think would be perfect,” he turned to look at her, “Come along,” he motioned for her to follow him.
“I’ll be back soon,” Remi promised before leaving the garden to get the flower seeds. 
“If you tell me how often they need to be watered or taken care of I can gladly help,” Kuiil began, ushering her to one sparse spot in the garden.
“I couldn’t ask that of you. I’ll take care of them,” she smiled. Having a small garden to take care of would allow her a taste of her home. She needed to be back in a garden to feel like herself again. “Besides, I love taking care of flowers,” she explained.
“If those are not enough to satisfy your need of gardening, maybe you can help with the other plants found in the garden,” Kuiil softly touched the leaves of the flowering plants next to them.
“I would be honored.” Althea felt her heart swell at the thought of helping the older man in the garden. She looked over the spot where Kuiil had taken care of her but felt like she needed a bit more sun. “Is there any spot that has full sun?” she asked.
“I have some by the bluebells,” he motioned for her to walk with him. “If you want to find it, I’ll grab some supplies for you.”
“Thank you,” she said gratefully. “I’ll meet you there.” When Kuiil had left, Althea made her way to where the vibrant blue flowers were planted. She crouched down to look at the soil and the spot where she thought the gardener meant. It was a perfect spot and she knew that the gold would compliment the blue of the flower planted next to it. 
Althea looked at the small weeds sprouting from the rich soil and began to pluck them. As the first smear of dirt appeared on her hand she felt herself smile. She held onto the small weeds as she continued to get the spot ready for her first addition to the royal garden. The young princess set down her small pile of weeds and kneeled down to get more comfortable while she worked. She leaned over to start working on the bluebells, picking the flowers that looked like they were beginning to droop and the weeds that tried to overtake the soil.
“Do you not like them?” She nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the Mandalorian’s voice. Althea nearly fell back in shock when she turned and saw him standing behind her. She wiped her hands free of the dirt that clung to them and hurried to stand. 
“Oh no, these are beautiful!” she exclaimed. “I was just helping, cleaning it up so it could bloom fuller as the season continues,” Althea blushed, embarrassed that he caught while she was so disheveled. He didn’t seem to mind her state as he bent down to pick up one of the delicate flowers she had plucked from the plant.
“Cara told me that I would probably find you here and that you liked flowers.” His voice was honey smooth and she wanted more than anything to hear more of it, more of him. 
“Yes,” she replied breathlessly. “Kuiil is letting me plant some of the seeds I brought with me… I hope that’s okay with you,” she added timidly. Althea looked him over and wondered if he was hot in the dark clothing and armor. The sun was shining bright, she could feel the heat as it settled over her. Though, there was a slight breeze that gently swayed his cape.
“If I would have known you were coming I would have prepared the garden for you,” the Mandalorian admitted. Althea found she nearly closed her eyes to savor his words. They seemed to cover her exposed skin in a way that made her yearn for more. 
“Thank you, my king,” she breathed, bowing her head slightly. “But your garden is already beautiful.” She meant it. The garden at Saneca wasn’t as big as the one before her and she found that she was in awe at the number of flowers that covered the land.
The Mandalorian seemed to want to say something but refrained from doing so. “Has everything been to your liking?” he asked finally, something close to concern dripping from his voice. 
“Perfect,” she smiled, clasping her hand behind her back as she swayed slightly. “Is there anything you need me to do?” Althea asked, wanting more than anything to be helpful.
“No,” he started and then sighed, “Yes.” Althea gave him a confused look. “The Queen Mother wants to speak with you,” he explained. She picked up the disdain in his voice.
“Your mother?” she asked, hands falling to her side as her heart dropped to her stomach. He seemed to wince at the question, as if those two words had burned him.
“Sort of,” he twirled the stem of the flower in his gloved hands. “I think it’s about our wedding,” he added, sounding at least a bit more hopeful. The way he said ‘our’ made her heart skip a beat. 
“I was expecting that,” Althea laughed softly, trying to put him at ease. It seemed like the Queen Mother was a touchy subject. “I have some ideas about what I wanted but I wanted to make sure those were okay with you,” she paused, trying desperately to gage his reaction when he realized that she wanted to please him more than anything. The young princess also wasn’t sure if there was traditions that she needed to abide by. “But I’m sure she’ll help guide me through some of the tougher decisions.”
There was huff of air that came from the helmet wearing man, she wondered if it was a laugh that escaped him. “Don’t let her bully you into anything you don’t want to do, Althea.” The way he said her name made her shiver. She wondered if he noticed. “I hate thinking that someone like her would take advantage of you,” his voice was soft again which made her cheeks dust with a rosy pink.
She held out her pinky before she could stop herself. “I pinky promise,” she heard herself say.
“Pinky promise?” he asked, helmet tilting to the side. The rasp in his voice was still there even with the teasing question.
“As in, I promise I won’t let her walk all over me,” Althea mumbled, somewhat embarrassed that she still held out her little finger to him. Even though her sisters told her to never mumble, even though she only pinky promised her brothers when she was much younger than she was now. “I’m sorr–”
The Mandalorian suddenly wrapped his pinky finger around hers. It was awkward because of his glove but he gripped her finger tight in his own. “It’s a promise then,” he breathed out.
“Promise,” she agreed with a smile. Althea leaned down to kiss her thumbnail, his finger seemed to tighten around hers and his eyes followed her every move. She found that she enjoyed being watched by him. She leaned away.
The Mandalorian cleared his throat. “Please don’t feel the need to apologize to me,” he began. “There was no need.”
Althea hummed. “What if I do something awful or I mess up?” she asked. “Then I would need to apologize to you,” she teased. 
“There is nothing you could do that I would ever think warrants your apology.” For some reason, his words made her sad. It made her think that he thought he didn’t deserve any of her grief or sorrow. All she could see was the lonely Mandalorian in his dark castle. He let her pinky go and the distance between them seemed to grow. Althea wanted to reach out just to hold on to him, just so he wouldn’t slip away. “I told the Queen Mother that you were busy today but that only means she’ll said someone to fetch you in the morning,” he said. King again, almost not the person she was just talking to.
“Okay.” She fought to keep the frown from forming on her face. Althea didn’t want him to know just how sad that had made her. She wanted to protect him from her own feelings. 
Silence filled the space between them, and the Mandalorian king looked down. He stretched out his hand to offer her the wilting bluebell. Althea noticed a slight tremble in his gloved fingers. She looked at him but found it was impossible to tell where he was looking, if he was even looking at her at all. “It goes with your dress,” he said simply.
She weakly smiled, “Thank you.” Althea took the flower from his hand as if he offered her something precious, in a way he did.
taglist: @munted-llama @bittersweetamor
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