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schemelin · 6 months ago
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iamromao · 6 months ago
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tymberwolf02 · 4 months ago
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This took two days to draw, but it was so worth it. A rare depiction of the six Champions of Altairus just before the final battle with the Heart of Darkness.
If you like what you see, please do check out my book series based on this here.
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retrohearts-gaming · 6 years ago
Drake of the North Wind.
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magician-kelly · 6 years ago
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Země Altairu 📸 @photography_pechlatova (v místě Dvur Kralove Nad Labem) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwU9MsGnIDl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pj2sy0hkl02e
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khaamara · 8 years ago
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I’ll never forget the time I was running Vortex Pinnacle and I happened to be the first one up the stairs to Altairus because I was in ghost wolf form
and the tank said in chat
‘wait dog’
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zlatnavrata-blog · 6 years ago
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50 GODINA ČOVJEKA NA MJESECU ZABRANJENI PLANET / ForbiddenPlanet, 1956. Ponedjeljak, 29.04. - 20:15 sati  #action#adventure#Sci-Fi#kinotekazlatnavrata#film#split Spasiteljska misija sa Zemlje dolazi na planet Altair IV otkriti preživjele s prethodne misije. Na planetu pronalaze dr. Morbiusa i njegovu kćer Altairu, koji su iskoristili znanje nestale civilizacije Krela, nekadašnjih stanovnika planeta. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw1EZy6n1Dr/?igshid=644wp0xhlpla
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wifeonwarcraft · 8 years ago
Back. Again.
Because I can never stay away too long. Been enjoying Legion thus far, took about a month haitus that I recently returned from because of RL, and said RL is keeping me from being raid-worthy at the moment. Decided to use the time to keep my toon caught up as much as possible, and to try to catch up on some mount farming.
Current goals:
All four Falcosaur mounts. Requires dailies and pet battles. I apparently suck at pet battles.
Drake of the North Wind. Requires Altairus in Vortex Pinnacle to give it up. Have discovered that my fledgling Demon Hunter is my favorite pharm too, as the mobility makes it super quick to get in and out and reset. Currently 20 kills in, no dice. But my last set of 10 instances took a mere 42 minutes (clearing to the drake and resetting), giving me an excuse to be productive with my main in the offtime.
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bronzedragonflight · 9 years ago
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The Vortex Pinnacle
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tymberwolf02 · 6 months ago
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Hi! This is what I've got done of my animated project, "Jack Thunder and the Thing in the Night," so far! It's a bit rough, but it's a start at least!
Jack Thunder, Altairus are mine.
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tymberwolf02 · 1 year ago
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The entry for Storm Gremlins in the Altairian Bestiary starring Jack Thunder.
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tymberwolf02 · 12 days ago
A New Feathered Friend
"Ugh. We've been circling this place for hours and still nothing!"
Shadow-Paws rolled his eyes. He was pretty sure they hadn't been walking for hours. But it definitely felt as such to the faery snail. That or she was just upset that Kirami had told her off. Probably both.
Shadow-Paws heard leaves rustling above him. Turning his gaze upward, he caught sight of a silhouette in the trees. At first, he thought it might have been a bird; it had feathered wings and a large beak. But more and more it changed to look like San before his eyes. The figure popped its head out of the veil of leaves it hid itself in. Shadow-Paws spotted a being with ash gray feathers and golden skin. A valkyrie. He wore a pair of heavy-looking goggles on his head.
The stranger popped his arm out from his hiding spot. In his hand was a rather fancy-looking camera. He held it up to his face and began snapping pictures with it. It was a few minutes before he looked down and spotted the two on the ground.
He flared out his wings a bit in surprise. He removed something from his ears before shouting down to the two of them. "Sorry! I didn't hear you coming! I had my earbuds in! What brings you here?"
Snotter jumped, brandishing her axe. Shadow-Paws stepped forward. He held Lethal Joke in both of his paws, showing the stranger he had no harmful intentions. "We came here because we sensed Excalibur was around here somewhere! Do you know anything about it?"
"Excalibur?" The stranger slid down the tree, meeting his indigo eyes with Shadow-Paws's own. "Wow, I came here because I heard this place harbors great treasure, but I didn't think that Excalibur would be here, too!"
Snotter scowled. "Who are you, some kind of thief?!"
"Snotter!" Shadow-Paws gave her a sharp nudge.
"No, no. Don't worry. It's fine. I see why you think that. My name is Saturn. I'm part of the League of Exploration. They sent me over here to survey the Grotto of the Young and see if there are any artifacts I can recover. They wanted them for a museum exhibit, I think they said." His face fell. "I didn't know there were people still living here..."
"Survey?" Shadow-Paws asked. "So you know this place? Have you seen anything that looks like it might lead to an underground tunnel?"
"An underground tunnel? No, nothing like that. I could try and look for one, but it could take a while."
"But you have wings, don't you?! So why not just fly over and look?!" Snotter interjected.
Saturn flinched a little. "Well, I would, but... you see... I can't."
"What do you mean, you can't?!" That's when the two noticed Saturn's left wing. It was terribly withered, crooked, and sticking out at an odd angle. It hung uselessly from his back.
"I broke it," he answered. "I went into an old temple and tripped one of the traps. Couldn't get to a healer in time, either, so it's bent out of shape."
Shadow-Paws nodded. No wonder Saturn couldn't fly.
Snotter, however, was not so understanding. She let out a long sigh of exasperation before kicking the side of the tree Saturn was just perched on. All of a sudden, a deep rumble shook the ground as a doorway opened in the tree's trunk, revealing a secret passage. Saturn stared in awe.
"Wow... I didn't even know this was here."
Without hesitation, Snotter dove headfirst into the passageway. Shadow-Paws, followed close behind, a worried expression plastered on his face.
"Hey! Wait for me!" Just before the passageway closed, Saturn dove straight in. He made his way into the underground depths.
An excerpt from "Jack Thunder and the Fragments of Anima" Book 6. Check the series out on Amazon here.
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tymberwolf02 · 12 days ago
Jack Thunder and the Fragments of Anima - Book 4: Earth - Full Audio Rec...
Book 4 reading is out!
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tymberwolf02 · 16 days ago
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Oh, hey, look. I modified the cover for Book 7 because I thought the old one looked stupid. Hopefully this one looks a bit more menacing.
Check out the series this is for here.
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tymberwolf02 · 1 month ago
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The sixth installment of "Jack Thunder and the Fragments of Anima" is available for purchase!
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Check out the full series at the link below:
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tymberwolf02 · 1 month ago
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Got a new shipment of book copies! Already donated some to the library 📚
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