#alt color after da break.
vuldarian · 3 months
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korealog · 2 months
[1] I‘m still standing (ENG/DE) —Monday, 15.07.24
So, even though my clothes are sticking to me and I feel like I'm dripping out of every pore, I'm back at my accommodation in a good mood. Today I fell straight back into my old sleeping pattern and didn't wake up until 10am. Before you say, for God's sake, you need to get out of bed earlier to make the most of everything, I made the most of it. Here in Korea, real life doesn't start until the evening. So I took my time to get ready and then took the subway back to the "Semyeon" district. From there, I first went to the "Busan Citizien Park". A beautifully designed walk with as much greenery as possible. It has to be said that despite the ultra-modern buildings here, there is hardly a spot where you won't find any plants. A big plus point. After the tour of the park, I made my way to the temple called "Samgwangsa". The walk there was anything but easy, but I accepted the challenge. Once at the top of the hill, the temple turned out to be 5 individual buildings that made up one temple. The view was breathtaking. The structures of the roofs and walls alone, with all their colors and patterns, are admirable. Several staircases led to new buildings again and again, the last staircase I came to led me directly to a small hiking trail & I ended up in the forest. You're thinking, forest? In the middle of the city? Yep, that's right. The mountains here are natural and almost completely untouched. It's like being immersed in another world, so I just followed my nose & the path. At some point, after about 15 minutes, I came back to civilization & made my way to the metro. I walked through the city for 50 minutes & saw something new to photograph & admire at almost every corner. I then took the metro to "Gwangali Beach", where I spent the rest of the day. Strolling along the promenade, watching the waves break and listening to the sea. A perfect moment. Except that my stomach was starting to crave food, this time it was pizza ;) Five Cheese Pizza, it felt like heaven, also the waitress was super kind and took some photos of me because I loved the view I had from my seat.
To be continued…
So, auch wenn meine Klamotten an mir kleben & ich gefühlt aus allen Poren triefe, bin ich gut gelaunt wieder in meiner Unterkunft gelandet. Heute bin ich direkt wieder in mein altes Schlafmuster zurückgefallen und erst 10 Uhr morgens aufgewacht. Bevor ihr jetzt sagt, um Gottes Willen, du musst eher raus aus den Federn um alles auszuschöpfen, ich habe das Beste aus allem gemacht. Hier in Korea fängt das wahre Leben nämlich erst am Abend an. Ich habe mich also in Ruhe fertig gemacht & bin dann per U-Bahn wieder ins Viertel „Semyeon“ gefahren. Von dort aus ging es für mich erstmal in den „Busan Citizien Park“. Ein wunderschön hergerichteter Rundgang, mit so viel grün wie möglich. Dafür muss man sagen, trotz der hoch modernen Häuser hier, gibt es kaum einen Fleck, an dem man keine Pflanzen findet. Großer Pluspunkt. Nach dem Rundgang im Park habe ich mich auf den Weg zum Tempel namens „Samgwangsa“ gemacht. Der Weg dorthin war alles andere als einfach, aber ich habe die Herausforderung angenommen. Oben auf dem Hügel angekommen, entpuppte sich der Tempel als 5 einzelne Gebäude, die einen Tempel bildeten. Die Ausssicht war atemberaubend. Alleine die Konstrukturen der Dächer & Wände mit all ihren Farben und Mustern sind bewundernswert. Mehrere Treppen führten immer wieder zu neuen Gebäuden, die letzte Treppe die ich beklomm, führte mich direkt auf einen kleinen Wanderwegs & schwupps bin ich im Wald gelandet. Ihr denkt euch jetzt, Wald? Mitten in der Großstadt? Jap, ganz genau. Die Berge hier sind naturbelassen und fast völlig unberührt. Als wäre man in eine andere Welt eingetaucht, also bin ich einfach der Nase nach & dem Weg gefolgt. Irgendwann, nach ca. 15 Minuten traf ich wieder auf Zivilisation & machte mich auf den Weg zur Metro. 50 Minuten bin ich dafür durch die Stadt gelaufen & sah fast an jeder Ecke etwas neues zum Fotografieren & bewundern. Mit der Metro ging es dann zum „Gwangali Beach“, hier habe ich den Rest des Tages verbracht. An der Promenade entlang schlendern, den Wellen beim brechen zuschauen und dem Meer lauschen. Ein perfekter Moment. Bis auf das mein Magen langsam nach essen verlangt hat, diesmal wurde es Pizza ;) Five Cheese Pizza, es schmeckte himmlisch. Und die Kellnerin war super nett und hat ein paar Fotos von mir gemacht, weil ich die Aussicht von meinem Platz aus so toll fand.
Fortsetzung folgt…
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sciencestyled · 4 months
When Art Hits Ctrl+Alt+WTF: The Wacky World of Interactive Installations
Greetings, Earthlings and digital nomads! Buckle up for a wild ride through the zany intersection of technology and art. Today’s adventure is all about interactive installations. Imagine walking into a gallery, only to realize the art is eyeing you back, like Mona Lisa after too many espressos. Yes, we’re talking about art that’s alive—sort of. These installations react to your presence or actions, like a digital Labrador eager for a belly rub. Welcome to the quirky, unpredictable, and outright bonkers universe of interactive art!
Picture this: you step into a dark room, and suddenly, lights explode in a cacophony of colors as if you’ve just hacked into the Matrix but with better aesthetics. That’s the magic of light installations that change with movement. It’s like a rave, but instead of sweaty people in neon, you get a sophisticated visual symphony that responds to your every step. Move left, and the lights follow, move right, and they chase you like a caffeine-deprived squirrel on a sugar high.
Let’s talk specifics, my friends. Remember that time when Kanye decided he was not just a musician but a living, breathing art piece? Think of interactive installations as the Kanye West of the art world: loud, in-your-face, and impossible to ignore. Take Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s “Pulse Room,” for instance. This beast of an installation reads your heartbeat and translates it into a pulsating light show. It’s like Tinder for your pulse—a match made in electrocardiogram heaven. Imagine your heart rate going viral, literally lighting up a room. It's intimate, personal, and a little creepy, kind of like Facebook's targeted ads.
But wait, there’s more! Remember those touch-sensitive exhibits that make you feel like a wizard in a Hogwarts hallway? Step right up to “Petting Zoo,” an installation by Minimaforms. These robotic tendrils react to your touch, swaying and curling in response. It’s part science fiction, part snake charming, and entirely mesmerizing. The tendrils don’t just move—they emote. Touch them gently, and they purr like contented kittens; yank them, and they recoil faster than you can say “Expelliarmus!”
Now, if you think that’s the peak of crazy, let’s throw in a dash of augmented reality for good measure. Imagine walking through a park where the sculptures burst into song and dance when you point your smartphone at them. This is the reality cooked up by teams like TeamLab, whose digital forests and oceans ripple and shimmer in response to your gestures. It’s like being trapped inside a Pixar movie, with fewer plot holes and more dopamine.
But why stop there? Let’s dive into the significance of these digital da Vincis. Interactive installations are not just art—they’re a full-contact sport. They engage viewers in a dynamic dialogue, making you part of the masterpiece. It’s not about standing in hushed reverence before a painting, trying to decipher what the artist meant by that weird blob in the corner. No, this is art that shouts back, “What do YOU think?” It’s an existential Twitter thread with more coherence and fewer trolls.
Think of it as an artistic Roomba, constantly adapting and learning from its environment. It democratizes art, making it accessible and relevant to a generation raised on Snapchat filters and TikTok duets. Interactive installations are the ultimate blend of technology and art, where the viewer’s participation isn’t just encouraged; it’s essential. You are not a passive observer but an active co-creator. It’s like playing a video game where you’re both the player and the NPC, breaking the fourth wall and rebuilding it with memes.
Speaking of memes, let’s not forget how these installations tap into our collective psyche. They’re like the perfect TikTok loop, designed to hook you in and keep you engaged. Remember “Rain Room” by Random International? A room where it rains, but you stay dry. Step in, and the water stops around you, a millennial Moses parting the sea of precipitation. It’s Instagram bait with a capital I. You’re not just experiencing art; you’re curating your digital persona, one #RainRoom selfie at a time.
Now, for the pièce de résistance, let’s dissect the chaotic beauty of interactive sound installations. Picture a space where your footsteps create symphonies, each movement a note in a grand orchestral cacophony. Think of Janet Cardiff’s “The Forty Part Motet,” where 40 speakers play different voices in a choir, each one positioned to give you a surround-sound experience that’s more immersive than a VR rollercoaster. Walk through it, and you orchestrate your own personal soundtrack, a maestro of madness in a concert hall of chaos.
What’s the takeaway here, folks? Interactive installations are the love child of technology and art, born from the delirious minds of artists who see the world not as it is, but as it could be. They transform passive viewers into active participants, turning galleries into playgrounds and art into an adventure. So, next time you encounter an installation that responds to your presence or actions, don’t just stand there—engage, interact, and let your inner artist run wild. After all, in the wacky world of interactive installations, the only limit is your imagination and maybe your phone’s battery life.
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom, season 3 episodes 3-6 thoughts!
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-johnny was actually pretty civil with danny and left when he asked! thats nice. also, SKULKER?? HAD A FRAMED PICTURE OF EMBER?? oooo fuck wait had they established they were a Thing Before?? I dont think so. thats weird. its like that country boy/goth girl meme lmfao. I think i am going to choose to ignore this new info and pretend I didnt hear it. 100% unrelated to the jazz/ember fanart I already drew and posted....😳
-LADIES NIGHT EPISODE THIS IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. wish it didnt really center around the guys or them being pissed at them, but. willing to bet this was written by men lol
-THEY ERASED ALL THE MEN??? meanwhile, jack and danny are fishing at. silent hill or something. im glad jack is trying to read a parenting book and making an Attempt. (theyre at lake erie, but, they made it actually eerie...thats fun)
-the girls alt outfits...cute. EMBER MADE A NEW SONG TOO!!! kinda. jazz being one of the backup singers and being AWFUL. NOOOO
-'how are we going to get kitty to blow a kiss?' 'she'll have to think there are still some males in town!' ...i dont know how to break it to you, but I dont know that a 100% het girl would wish for all men to Begone. I think. I mean im not a het or a girl so I dont really know for sure. she Is probably Bi tho. esp having the other ladies in town chanting NO MEN!!! excitedly............(then again, the kiss is to get Rid of men, so, she probably would have blown it at the ladies only if they were actively trying to attack/stop them, so...I MEAN. THE DRESSING LIKE DANNY BIT WAS SO EXTRA)
-I feel like an all female cast ep couldve been way way way way cooler than that was. like. why was it still somehow all about Men. ...anyway. (where was valerie...)
-next ep opens with the observants, and, way way more of them than I expected...existed? I mean I guess them being a council/jury of some kind is what I expected from their first appearance (bc at that time they were basically TELLING clockwork to kill danny, not asking,, so I figured they had SOME kind of authority) but. there were so many. anyway, here goes vlad! letting his own hubris go brrrr. releasing a weather ghost for political gain! #justvladthings
-okay say what you will about him (he IS an asshole) but having an umbrella with his own face on it and more prepared to share is SUPER FUNNY. and him being fanned by huge wads of money by his bodyguards. SO ineffective but so Dramatic. He UNDERSTANDS that if youre rich you need to be. you know. obnoxious and kinda eccentric about it! fuckign hate when rich people are boring about it. I would trust vlad with nothing except to not be a boring rich asshole who wears...fucking khaki or some shit. man knows his Presentation Skills. and that 'V' chair in his mayoral office. is that fucking embroidered?
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-maddie get your MAN PLEEEEASSSE. IM SO EMBARRASSED FOR HER. the way jack stays simping for this man. in FRONT OF HIS WIFE!!!! ...my god its like a love triangle. jack clearly loves vlad, who loves maddie, who loves jack. jack fenton is at the very least bi, right................. this is an OBSESSION . 'THE V MAN COMETH'???? i...my god. (also, on a serious note, to have a friend THIS SUPPORTIVE...and still be SUCH A DICK TO HIM (TRYING TO KILL HIM AND STEAL HIS WIFE??) NOT COOL VLAD. JACK IS YOUR 1 AND /ONLY/ HYPE MAN. if someone loved and supported me THIS HARD...LIKE. CMON DUDE.
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-STOMP the fucking GAS, JACK
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-this would make a great shirt design, looks like a metal band design! we love The Maelstrom
-oh, so vlad did in fact get a mansion in amity park. and its purple! good color choice! not as flashy as a CASTLE or MURDER CABIN, but still pretty eccentric, which I appreciate.
-...vlad knows the difference between picasso and da vinci? in the ep last post where we were watching him fail at conquering every historical time ever he didnt seem to know history well enough to like. be effective...was vlad taking art history at college?? (was he an art MAJOR??? we never DID KNOW WHAT HE WENT TO SCHOOL FOR. I kinda assumed business because in the masters of time ep he was still rich without ghost powers so he had to have..known something about business or something, right...but also, art and or theater FITS HIS PERSONALITY. possibly also something science-y, I guess, but I always felt like he got roped into that, esp how pessimistic he was about the ghost portal in the flashbacks to college, like, i felt like he was just there for maddie and was uninterested/un-invested at the time...)
-the way this random man with a camera sees the mayor laying in an alley covered in TRASH AND DECIDES TO TAKE A PICTURE HAHAH
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*snap* this ones going in my cringe compilation!
-vlad 'if we're going to defeat vortex, we're going to have to do it together!' *immediately dips after dropping danny off in front of vortex* JKASDFHKJHJKN
-DANNY CAN DUPLICATE!!! ...he couldnt even attack with it, but he DID IT!!! INTO (4) OF HIMSELF!!! SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!!
-'THE ROLLER COASTER EMOTIONS OF A TEENAGER THREATEN MY PLANS!' ...0 self awareness of his own dramatic moodiness. incredible, how dumb this man is. its very close to circling around to endearing, if he was less of an asshole. at least its very very funny to see danny shooting him with tiny lightning bolts anytime he's even slightly irritated! vlad you should be nice to danny anyway. this is what you GET
-...making sandwiches and ice cream and playing video games with your nephew is a totally normal thing. WHY is vlad acting like this is the end of the world. if you were a GOOD UNCLE YOU WOULD ALREADY BE DOING THESE THINGS!!! bitch I make my nephew food all the time and dont forget what he does and doesnt like. if u didnt know danny didnt want tomatoes, thats on u. if u, a grown adult, are gonna piss of the 14 yr old by not letting him win, u deserve to have to pay for the arcade machines he ruins because he now has uncontrollable storm powers because YOU THREW HIM INTO A FIGHT WITH THE STORM GHOST. fuck u vlad. paypal me $400,000 while ur at it tho. (also, gamer vlad confirmed)
-VLAD CAN COOK THOUGH???! I assumed he had...people working for him that did that. I mean. billionaires usually dont do that. then again, we've only seen those vultures working for him (and I guess the dairy king was AT his old mansion, but it was never really clarified if he worked there...I think he probably just Hung Out and they Enjoyed Cheeses Together. thats what I think, I dont think a KING would be working for anyone and also the dairy king was nice <3) but then again he would be a private person and we cant have anyone accidentally finding Ghostly Things, so...still, that's hilarious. pour one out for that really cute banana split that got ruined 2 seconds later
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-danny seeing those animal commercials and feeling sad is the biggest 2000s throwback so far. i legitimately had to change the channel or walk out of the room when those came on bc id CRY AND BE SAD ABOUT THEM FOR DAYS AFTER. fuck those commercials and fuck that IN THE ARMMMS OF AN ANGELLLL song 😭
-'vlads ego almost got the town destroyed!' yes danny thats the entire episode. the entire series anytime vlad shows up honestly. this episode was just him being really embarrassing the entire time, and, me laughing about it. 10/10 would laugh at him again
-NEXT EP WE HAVE A SHAPESHIFTING GHOST?? I've said it before but shapeshifting is the power I would want when asked those 'what superpower do you want' questions...its the Best power! this guy looks like a homestuck character. ive never read homestuck but thats the vibe
-I love every time we see tuckers family, they are by far the most functional family. and dash has a lil chihuahua!!! named pookie!!! i am crying (I've had 3 chihuahuas, so I am very biased, but...) AND HE WATCHES THE ROMANCE CHANNEL WITH POOKIE. POOKIE I WILL DIE FOR YOU YOU SWEET LITTLE BABY.
-danny can lift a bus! I shouldn't be surprised, but i am proud of my son. hes got lil kid fans. i am going to cry about this
-JAZZ KEEPS A SCRAPBOOK WITH DANNY'S LIL HEROICS AND NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS!!! we've actually seen it on her floor before, but I didnt realize it was a scrapbook!! thats sooo cute.
-...and danny has to stand there listening to his parents saying danny phantom sucks and is a 'filthy ghost' and calling him egotistical...i am once again stealing their kids!
-yes, maddie, the one with red eyes is For Sure Actually Your Son. ignore the, red eyes... (CLEARLY she hasnt watched the other 2 eps where danny has been evil, she doesnt know red eyes= evil!!!)
-'billy fenton'.......................
-danny being stuck as phantom in his own house, no way out is a fucking NIGHTMARE. his parents pointing giant weapons against him and SHOOTING AT HIM. THIS IS A HORROR MOVIE.
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-this is the most screenshot of all time
-amorpho turning into mr. lancer because hes 'someone no one will want to be around' BUT HES WRONG, I WOULD BEFRIEND AND HANG OUT WITH MR LANCER SO FAST.
-tucker dressing as danny, now I have the full Tucker set of him being sam and also being danny. also saying 'the ghost...uh...RIPPED MY FACE OFF.' and then running. SMOOTH. NOT AT ALL CONCERNING TO ANY PARENTS.
-sam accepts the toast from jack. and then 2 seconds later is like 'why am i eating this.' THIS SHOWS HUMOR IS SO UNEXPECTED SOMETIMES ITS REALLY GOOD. and then the scene after, mr lancer running into his ghost doppelganger and being like 'YOURE GORGOUS' THEN FAINTING. I AM CRYING. AND DASH FAINTING TOO.
-sam disguising herself as danny again to help tucker run from the fentons. but leaving him shirtless in the streets. incredible. 'plEASE DOnt NOTice MY FACELessNESS I MUST LIVE IN EXILE' this episode is destroying me the humor in this show is exactly my brand of corny and cheesy
-the impromtu story made up by danny and amorpho to explain stuff to the fentons. my god they are both such bad liars. but amorpho is a good egg. wish danny wouldnt have said he didnt wanna see him in town again!! I want him to be reoccurring. not that thats gonna matter since I'm almost done with the series, but the idea of this being the Only Time We See him is :(
-NEXT EP SAYS STARRING MARK HAMILL??????!!! hello ! mr . joker....mr. star wars.... I feel like I should be. idk. taking off a hat im not wearing in respect. I shouldnt be surprised tho bc hes in a lot of cartoons as a very good voice actor, and dp has already had a lot of talented ones so I've been looking out for ones I might know, but....mr. hamill....
-sam has her own greenhouse, names all the plants, and says thank you to them (in the languages from where the plants are from) whenever she harvests from them. thats SO cute. and her lil gothy lunch box...
-and danny's lil red fuzzy lined jacket!!! ive said it before but every time the characters get alt outfits im like :D
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-danny's lil 'holy hibiscus!' first off the 50s batman swearing is hilarious. 2nd. my username is from the flower sanchoyo hibiscus, so, shoutout to ME this ep. hi :)
-EURGH UNDERGROWTH MAKING EVERYONE PLANT ZOMBIES. HIVEMIND PLOTS SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME. and this dude made the city SO overtaken so quickly like how long was danny asleep?? oh god
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-evil fucked up sam! now the whole trio has gone evil at some point! the voice actress did a really, really good job with making her sound like a zombie...
-frostbite's paws are so so so big compared to danny. oh my god. i want to hug the snow dog...
-the far frozen has an advanced medical stuff!!! very cool. very smart snow dogs
-im so glad danny has a friendly ghost snow dad to explain this new power and teach him!!! this is so sweet. DANNY'S GHOST SENSE WAS A PART OF HIS ICE POWER?? OOOH. COOL. we love a training montage!!!
-danny saying if he cant defeat overgrowth, that he'd want to stay with frostbite...oh my god...do you think this is the first real supportive adult figure in his life (I am NOT counting his parents because they threaten him on the daily even if they dont realize it.) I mean mr lancer is a Teacher, but he was also nice but this is different, but this is a GHOST WHO IS WILLING TO HELP HIM with his powers and also will help him when hes injured and is so so nice and comparatively so much more mature than 90% of the adults in this show!!!! god. dad frostbite is my everything.
-the framing and lighting this episode, and all the angles...they went all OUT and it looks really really good. this is my nightmare scenario, tho. like, FUCK zombies and dead city zones and hivemind shit. and using the humans as 'nutrients for the children' i am going to THROW UP.
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-MALEFICENT VIBES WITH THE HORNS AND GREEN EYES! this costume kicks so much ass. sam is now mark hamills daughter, I guess.
-danny's ice powers making his eyes blue!!! thats neat. and him going for the roots underground was SO SMART. i will not stand for danny ever thinking hes stupid, hes SO smart.
almost done with the show... :"( thats a sad thought!!!
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frost-skyder · 5 years
This person started the stalking on deviantArt, but has also posted the stolen artwork on here, and has harassed a fellow artist for about 3 years. The original beware is on dA and is linked above, but I’ll share a few examples below and under a readmore, I will show the beware as it is written on dA.
This is beware is about the tumblr user @pipermccloud / @the-sly-fox-artist / @stefano-and-obscura​ / @oka-and-kokona-against-bullcrap / @ask-albert-vanderboom​
Not only did they trace, copy, and color-pick designs from another artist, but they stalked him, harassed him, tried to frame him for various things, emotionally manipulate him and others, and continually block-evaded when he made it very clear he no longer wanted any contact.
Some Examples of tracing/theft before the Readmore:
Stolen (Traced & Color-Picked): https://pipermccloud.tumblr.com/post/168634706953
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Orignal: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/OTA-frisky-pirahna-700430168
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Stolen/Traced: https://oka-and-kokona-against-bullcrap.tumblr.com/post/190797235061/
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Custom-662483238
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Stolen Character:
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The Full Beware Below
Disclaimer: The purpose of this journal is for awareness purposes only. It is to make the community aware of activity happening that is harmful and causing someone harm. This journal is not to be used to bait or harm others; only to spread awareness. If I see others using this journal to perpetuate harm, they will be blocked and no longer have access to this journal.
This is unfortunately a continuing issue, which I had tried to be resolved privately, but has been going on for years. Paper-Piper / TheOneWhoInks / lil-ol-cricket-bug (also known as oka-and-kokona-against-bullcrap, pipermccloud, ask-albert-vanderboom, the-sly-fox-artist, and stefano-and-obscura on tumblr) has been stalking another user, a friend of mine named Elias here, best known as LambRot. 
Due to the fact that this stalking, harassment, and purposeful theft, I'm going to have to break this journal down into segments. I'm going to try to go into chronological order, but this has been an issue going on for years, so apologies if I make some minor mistakes. This is going to be a long journal, and I apologize for that, but it has been years of harassment and stalking.
1. The Start of Harassment
The character was reposted due to the rude comment deterring from the art, and them throwing a fit.
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The comment chain is no longer attached to the art, but the comment chain remains:
 •  www.deviantart.com/comments/1/…
They chose to not leave it at that, and tried to play it off, despite several people telling them what they did was inappropriate. Warning that some of the comments on the journal are also innappropriate, and not the best way to react to the situation:
  In Case of Removal: archive.is/cickf
After this, to harass him further, Piper went on to actually copy his character designs despite their criticism of his style.
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Changeling-Adoptable-617044276
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Serene-ota-582682563
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Stolen (Forgot to save a close-up all that long ago, so need to show two pics to point out the white horse with blue hair): 
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Cloud-Duster-682526649
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Piper got caught, and their response was to once again, blame the original artist for not being able to take "criticism" instead of acknowledging that they purposely copied and harassed the user. 
In Case of Removal: archive.ph/VJ5WM
They chose to contact me on my previous account, the one I had confronted them on in the past, acting as though nothing had happened.
The stash links in the notes went to this, which just shows that I had originally discussed with them that it was evident that they had mimicked designs.
 •  sta.sh/2bjcy1jfz7k
They admitted to stalking and harassing Elias, to doing this out of a sick enjoyment on their Quotev. They denied being this user previously, but were unable to prove themselves innocent, refused to report identity theft to Quotev, or do anything to actually show that this wasn't them. Not to mention their other multiple accounts, the personal info their shared on this account, and others, it was obvious that this was in fact them. 
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Them lying on another account:
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Proof of the previous account belonging to them, because it links to their tumblr, and the post exists before the other Quotev was created:
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Linking to their dA:
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Linking to their dA:
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(During the time the screenshot was taken, they had renamed the account, hence why it was now called sugar)
Admitting to having a Quotev account before the Tataina one existed:  • www.deviantart.com/comments/4/…
2. Continuous Stalking
The harassment initially started Sep 21, 2017. Unfortunately, it did not end even that year. Piper went on to continue to steal/mimic/reference designs from Elias. The journal is old and unfortunately, because the deviations were removed, it is missing the pictures Piper made, but I have screenshots to show what they were. The journal is for proper timestamp purposes.
Some of these designs were stolen a whole year later. They were obviously still watching Elias and what content he was making. It was discovered later that they used an alt account of theirs to follow him and stalk him.
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Neon-Bitch-sold-764528076
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Oktober-765720469
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Banana-Bread-ota-764524791
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Sweet-Sweet-Candy-746615778
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Stolen (forgot to save original image, but saved them lying about it):
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(In this case, the drop tool was even used and the hex codes copied, so the exact same color was used)
Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Pumpkin-761615110
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There were even more, but I didn't think to save all the evidence at the time. I thought that would be the last time this person was going to copy and harass Elias. They had been caught twice, I thought this was over with.
Not only were they trying to copy and reference his designs, but they were reposting his art on Quotev, still criticizing his work despite their trying to get away with copying him.
Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Adoptable-sonic-character-395008883
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When we found it on Quotev:
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It happened more than once sadly.
The Quotev, one of many: 
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This doesn't even take into account the various comments they made on tumblr, prolonging drama. If I find more screenshots of that in either my archives or in the archives of someone else affected, I will add them.
Also chose to use their alt accounts to bait Lambrot into action, trying to get him to react to their harassment:
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They also went on to impersonate him on ponytown. There were a few messages like this sent to Lambrot, and Piper denied being the one, but even before he started getting messages, the same day Piper was seen continuously getting on and trying to see his account for activity, which is highly suspicious, like they obviously knew what was going on.
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3. Continual and Consistent Theft
Fast forward to now, 2020, this user is still an issue. There is more traced, referenced, and blatantly stolen characters. It is obvious that they have been still trying to stalk/watch Lambrot, after 3 years.
Here's a few found from just this new year
Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Hentai-758479481
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Trace, submitted Feb. 10th, 2020: https://sta.sh/028vup6l0ak7
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Wo-ve-yo-u-409663027
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Trace, submitted Feb. 10th, 2020: https://sta.sh/0181esrllez7
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Orignal: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Custom-662483238
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Trace, submitted Feb. 10th, 2020: https://sta.sh/027m0cnozkpl
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The Character They Keep Referencing and Taking (Will be more evident in the stash linked below): https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Pretty-In-Pink-780234661
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Liar-436104299
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Heavily Referenced, submitted Feb. 12th, 2020:
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Heavily Referenced/Traced, on one of their tumblrs: oka-and-kokona-against-bullcra… 
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Ranting about his journals/polls, further proof of stalking...  • www.deviantart.com/lambrot/jou…
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Yes, these happened right after his poll. No, it's not a coincidence.
And now stating they are going to be doing a gallery purge, most likely to hide the evidence:
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Piper has been a stalker, emotionally abusive, and even went so far as to impersonate him on ponytown and harass people to try and make him appear hostile.
There's much, much more theft of characters, more traced images, more color-picked and copied designs, but at this point the journal has gotten long and I think the point has been made clear. I've made a stash with more evidence of copied characters, tracing, and overall proof of stalking: 
-- sta.sh/21crbhj20uqn --
This person has gone out of their way to harass Lambrot for years, stalked him continuously, obsess over him and block-evade multiple times. The worst part isn't that they've been stealing this long, but that they've made it a mission to purposely try to harm someone. This isn't some off the cuff petty act; this is premeditated at this point, calculated, and Piper has gone out of their way to try to defame Lambrot not only on this site, but on tumblr as well.
To Note:
Lambrot wants nothing to do with Piper. He wants no connection with Piper, he does not want to talk to Piper at all. Piper was blocked for a reason that exact day they chose to be rude on one of his pieces, and he has every right to block someone and not interact with them. Their behavior towards him, the copying, the stalking, and the continued baiting has given him no reason to ever want to make amends or speak to them ever again.
I had at one point offered to be Lambrot's representative and speak to Piper to try to reach a resolution, and Piper continued to ignore that invitation even at the request of a "friend" of theirs.
Blocking has not resolved this, reporting to dA has not resolved this, privately trying to resolve this did nothing. This has been going on for years and isn't acceptable.
Please do not cherry pick images and state "poses aren't under copyright," "you can't own colors," or that these are just "coincidence." It's obvious that you can't own colors or positions, and not the argument. These are not coincidence; this person has color-picked and stalked Lambrot for years. If it were not a stalking situation, maybe there would be more room to consider this. 
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sciatu · 6 years
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Oggi le parole mi hanno lasciato spaventate dal senso di lutto con cui, nel primo giorno di primavera, raccolgo tante vite che sono rimaste spezzate, come fili di una ragnatela che il vento rompe e lascia ad ondeggiare nel nulla. Rivedo il senso di queste vite per ricordare legami che non vi sono più, amori, sogni, giorni e ricordi, l’esempio che ci hanno lasciato e che qualcuno, in un momento eguale a tanti altri ha tentato di cancellare tra le lacrime ed il sangue. E’ come se vi fosse stata una guerra e dovessi andare trincea dopo trincea a raccogliere un morto, a consolare una madre che l’ha perso, una moglie o un marito che l’aspetta ancora, un figlio o una figlio che non capiscono perché non sono più tornati. Sopravvivere a loro, ci riempie di doveri che non avremmo mai pensato, di obblighi che non avremmo voluto, ma è questo peso che sono venuto a portare per poter continuare a chiamarmi uomo. Se vi fosse stata una guerra, sarebbe iniziata cento e più anni fa e prima o poi sarebbe finita per stanchezza o perché la morte avrebbe nauseato i sopravvissuti. Invece, la nostra guerra continua ancora nelle strade, nelle stanze oscure dei municipi, nelle complicità delle banche, tra chi nega i diritti degli altri e chi difende i diritti di tutti. È questa la battaglia tra chi si considera al di sopra di tutti gli altri e chi crede che la legge è più forte di ogni violenza, che la giustizia, anche se corrosa dall'ipocrisia e offesa dal mal governo esista nel cuore di ogni giusto. 
Oggi le belle parole e le rime colorate non mi servono, cullo il nostro dolore perché non sia più solo speranza ma abbia la forza invincibile di una certezza. Per questo sono qui, in questo campo sterminato di grano mietuto anzitempo con la forza e nel sangue, qui a mangiare il pane amaro e nutriente del ricordo che da quel grano abbiamo preparato, qui a ricordarli, per ringraziarli e non dimenticarli uno ad uno per come sono stati uccidi. 
Oggi le parole mi hanno lasciato spaventate dal mio lutto, volano alte nel cielo per nutrirsi del nostro dolore e tornare presto vestite con i colori di un’altra primavera.
21 MARCH DAY OF MEMORY AND COMMITMENT IN MEMORY OF THE MAFIA VICTIMS Today the words have left me frightened by the sense of mourning with which, on the first day of spring, I gather so many lives that have remained broken, like threads of a spider web that the wind breaks and leaves to sway in nothing. I see the meaning of these lives to remember bonds that are no longer there, loves, dreams, days and memories, the example they have left us and that someone, at a time like many others, has tried to erase between tears and blood. It is as if there had been a war and I had to go trench after trench to collect a dead person, to console a mother who lost her husband or children, a wife or husband who is still waiting their love, childrens who does not understand why their parents never came back. Surviving them fills us with duties that we would never have thought of, obligations that we would not have wanted, but it is this weight that I came to bring in order to continue to call me a man. If there had been a war, it would have started a hundred and more years ago and sooner or later it would have ended by fatigue or because death would have sickened the survivors. Instead, our war still continues in the streets, in the dark rooms of the municipalities, in the complicity of the banks, between those who deny the rights of others and those who defend the rights of all. This is the battle between those who consider themselves above all others and those who believe that the law is stronger than any violence, that justice, even if corroded by hypocrisy and offended by bad government, exists in the heart of every right person. 
Today the beautiful words and the colored rhymes do not serve me, I cradle our pain because it became no longer just hope but has the invincible strength of a certainty. This is why I am here, in this endless field of wheat harvested beforehand by force and blood, here to eat the bitter and nutritious bread of the memory that we have prepared from that wheat, here to remember them, to thank them and not forget them one by one, how they were killed. 
Today the words have left me scared of my mourning, they fly high in the sky to feed themself by our pain and soon they’ll come back dressed in the colors of another spring.
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art-critics98 · 6 years
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Hier ist etwas das ich nicht verstehe.
Von all den Malereien die Van Gogh gemalt hat wieso ausgerechnet diese Sonnenblumen so berühmt geworden sind.
Sie werden im Unterricht in der Schule behandelt, nicht nur im Kunstunterricht… ich meine es sind Sonnenblumen! Klar Van Gogh hatte Talent.
Seine Pinselstriche, sein still seine Farbwahrnehmung und Wahl, einfach einzigartig.
Aber es sind doch „nur“ halbvertrocknete Blumen.
Ich meine denkt man an das „Nachtcafé“ oder an „Starry Night“…in diesen Gemälden ist es als würde man in ein anderes Univers/ in eine andere Galaxie gebracht/teleportiert werden in dem eine Ruhe und Stummheit herrscht doch keine leere.
In der „Starry Night“ in welchem nur knapp ein kleines Dorf zu sehen ist mit einem hohen, auffälligem Kirchenturm und weiten Feldern zieht der Nachthimmel den Blick auf sich/ steht der Nachthimmel im Mittelpunkt.
Es geht vielleicht um die Schönheit des Himmels den wir viel zu selten appreciaten. Jede Nacht ist er von der Erde aus zu sehen und nur viel zu selten sehen wir auf und sehen ihn uns an. Keine Nacht sieht er gleich aus und wir nehmen uns nie die Zeit ihn uns anzusehen und einfach in seinen Schein zu baden und kurz durchzuatmen.
Wir leben in dieser Welt in der alles einfach viel zu schnell läuft. Wir kommen selber nicht hinterher. Ständig will jemand oder etwas etwas von uns. Ob es das neuste IPhone ist oder eine neue Kampagne die unsere Meinung hören will. Jemand will immer etwas. Wir alle leben in Wirklichkeit schon im morgen. Wir leben nicht wirklich im jetzt und hier. Nein wir denken schon an den nächsten Tag, die nächste Woche, sogar ans nächste Jahr.
Und dabei vergessen wir uns um unselbstständig zu kümmern. Mal innezuhalten und in uns hineinzuhorchen und zu tun was wir wollen, was unser Organismus braucht. Er ist nicht dafür gemacht in der Zukunft zu leben. Er kann nur im jetzt leben. Er braucht Zeit um hinterher zukommen. Und das wird in „Starry Night“ gut dargestellt, finde ich.
Im Gegensatz zur „Starry Night“ von 1889 sind im „Nachtcafé“ von 1888 Menschen und ein kleines Viertel zu sehen die unter einen Sternenhimmel ihr Leben mit ihren liebsten genießen. Sie sehen aus als hätten sie no care in the world. Als wäre ihr Leben für diesen einen Moment, perfekt! Wie in einer kleinen Blase in der sie von der restlichen Welt abgeschottet sind.
Und ganz sie selbst sein können. Und geht es uns nicht allen so? Wünschten wir nicht all, dass wir uns in ein anderes univers zurückziehen könnten und dort ganz wir selbst sein könnten. Ich weiß nicht wie es bei euch ist aber wenn ich erst ein Stück Blatt und einen Stift in der Hand hab zusammen mit meiner Musik habe ich auf jeden Fall das Gefühl in einer anderen Welt zu sitzen wo mich nichts und niemand was tun kann und ich ganz ich selbst sein kann.
Aber genug von mir, zurück zu Van Goghs „Sonnenblumen“, natürlich kann es auch sein, dass die Sonnenblumen in Wirklichkeit für den Lebenslauf steht. Wie das Leben verläuft egal wer man ist oder was man in seinem Leben erreicht oder auch nicht hat. Das Leben fängt mit der Geburt an genau so wie das erblühen einer Sonnenblume und genau wie eine Sonnenblume verwelken auch wir irgendwann. Manche früher und manche später je nachdem wie man sich um seine geliebten gekümmert hat oder auch nicht. Aber genau werden wir das sowieso nie wissen, wir können uns alle nur unsere eigenen Gedanken machen und Meinungen bilden.
See here is something I do not understand.
Of all the paintings that Van Gogh painted, why is it that those sunflowers have become so famous.
They are topic in school, and not just in art classes ... I mean, they're sunflowers! It’s clear to see that Van Gogh had talent.
His brushstrokes, his color perception and choice, are simply unique.
But they are "only" half-dried flowers.
I mean think of the "night cafe" or "Starry Night", in these paintings it is like being transported / teleported to another universe or another galaxy, where there is a silence and muteness that does not feel empty.
In the "Starry Night" in which only a small village can be seen with a tall, striking church tower and wide fields, the night sky is the eye catcher. It may be the beauty of the sky that we appreciate too rarely. Every night the night sky can be seen from the earth and only too rarely do we look up and look at it. No night looks the same and we never take the time to look at it and just bathe in it’s beauty and remember to take a break. We live in this world where everything just goes way too fast. We do not look after ourselves. Constantly someone wants something from us. Whether it's the newest iPhone that we must buy or a new campaign that wants to hear our opinion. Somebody always wants something. In reality, we are all livning in the next day. We do not really live here and now. No, we are already thinking about the next day, the next week, even next year.
And we forget to take care of ourselves. Stop and listen! Do what you want, what our organism needs. Our organism is not made for living in the future. It’s made for living in the now. Our organism needs time to be able at keeping up with our new lifestyles. And that is well illustrated in the “Starry Night", I think.
In contrast to the "Starry Night" of 1889, the "Night Café" from 1888 shows people and a small neighborhood enjoying their lives with their loved ones under another starry sky. They look like they have no care in the world. Like their life for now, in that moment was perfect! Like in a small bubble in which they are isolated from the rest of the world and they can for once be themselves. And don’t we all feel that way sometimes? Do we not all wish that we could retreat to another univers and be ourselves there. I don’t know about you, but once I have a piece of paper and a pen in my hand along with my music, I definitely feel like I am in another world, where nothing and nobody can harm me and I can do and be myself.
But enough of me, back to Van Gogh's "Sunflowers", of course, it may also be that the sunflowers in reality stand for the circle of life ( anyone else thinking of lion king?). As life goes on, no matter who you are or what you have achieved in your life life begins with the birth. As well as sunflower who will always blossoming and just like a sunflower we eventually wither and die. Some earlier and some later. Never mind how you cared for your loved ones. Where you giving them enough love and water? Yes? No? It does not matter. Because eventually we will all leave this earth. But if that is in fact what Vincent Van Gogh wanted to express with his paintings we will never know anyway, (and i think that is good so) so all we can do is to just form our own opinions.
Se her er noget, jeg ikke forstår.
Af alle de malerier, som Van Gogh malede, hvorfor er lige disse solsikker blevet så berømte.
De behandles i klasser i skoler, og jeg mener ikke kun i kunstklasserne ... Jeg mener, de er solsikker! Klar Van Gogh havde talent.
Hans penselstrøg, hans farveopfattelse og valg er simpelthen unikke.
Men de er "kun" udtørrede blomster.
Jeg mener, ​ tænk på "night cafe" eller "Starry Night". I disse malerier er det som at blive transporteret / teleporteret til et andet univers / en anden galakse, hvor der er tavshed og stilhed, men uden at det føles som tomrum.
I "Starry Night", hvor kun en lille landsby kan ses med et højt slående kirketårn og brede lange marker, tiltrækker nattehimlen fokussen. Det er skønhed i himlen, som vi alt for sjældent sætter pris på. Hver aften kan man se himlen fra gaderne, og kun sjældent ser vi op og ser på den. Ingen aften er som den næste og alligevel tag’ vi os ikke tiden til at se på den. Bare for at bade i dens skønhed og for at tage en dyb indånding.
Vi lever i denne verden, hvor alt går alt for hurtigt. Vi kan slet ikke holde med det tempo vores liv køer på. Konstant ønsker nogen noget af os. Uanset om det er den nyeste iPhone vi skal købe eller det bare er en ny kampagne, der ønsker at høre vores mening. Nogen vil altid have noget. Og i virkeligheden lever vi alle i næste dag. Vi lever ikke rigtig i her og nu. Nej, vi tænker allerede næste dag, næste uge, selv næste år. Og vi glemmer at tage vare på os selv. Stop og lyt! Gør hvad du vil, hvad din organisme har brug for. Vores organisme er ikke skabt til at leve i fremtiden. Den leve kun i nutiden. Den har brug for tid til at komme med. Og jeg synes det er godt illustreret i "Starry Night".
I modsætning til "Starry Night" fra 1889 viser "Night Café" fra 1888 et lille kvarter med mennesker der nyder deres liv med deres kære under en stjerneklar himmel. De ser ud som om de ikke har en bekymring i verden. Som om deres liv for det ene øjeblik var perfekt! Ligesom i en lille boble, hvor de er isoleret fra resten af ​​verden. Og de kan være dem selv. Og vil vi ikke alle sammen lige præsis det? Ønsker vi ikke alle, at vi kunne trække os tilbage til et andet univers hvor vi kan være os selv?
Jeg ved ikke om dig, men når jeg har et stykke papir, en blyant og noget godt musik, føler jeg mig bestemt som om jeg sidder i en anden verden, hvor intet og ingen kan røre mig, og jeg kan være mig selv. Men hvad angår Van Goghs "Solsikker", kan det naturligvis også være, at solsikkerne faktisk står for lives cirkle. (Ellers nogen der tænker på Løvernes konge?)
Livet, uanset hvem du er eller hvad du har opnået i dit liv begynder med fødslen ligesom blomstringen af ​​en solsikke og ligesom en solsikke vil også vi til sidst dø. Nogle tidligere og nogle senere. Uafhængigt af hvordan du plejet din elskede. Gav du dem nok kærlighed og “Van”? Ja? Nej? Men det er også ligegyldig. For vi allesammen kommer til at forlade denne jord på et eller andet tidspunkt. Men om det er hvad Vincent Van Gogh ville udtrykke med sine malerier vil vi alligevel aldrig finde ud af (og jeg tror det er også godt sådan). Så det eneste vi kan gøre er at vi kan alle tænke vires tanker og danne vores egen meninger.
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techguruseo · 4 years
Systums Flexible Gorillapod Tripod with 360° Rotating Ball Head Tripod for All DSLR Cameras (Max Load 1.5 kgs) & Mobile Phones + Free Heavy Duty Mobile Holder (Black) (12 Inch, Black and Red)
Price: ₹ 999.00 - ₹ 699.00 (as of Feb 15,2021 23:33:15 UTC – Details)
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UPGRADED IN STRUCTURE FOR BETTER PERFORMANCE <p> This phone tripod is upgraded in both material and structure for better performance. With waterproof legs and aluminum alloy tripod ball head, it gives possibility of wider applications. ALUMINUM ALLOY BALL HEAD The ball head of our flexible tripod is made of aluminum alloy, high quality design allows your phone tripod to be used for a long time. TRIPOD LEGS FLEXIBLE AND DURABLE Flexible tripod legs which allow you to angle your phone in various angles, also allow you wrap the tripod in anywhere, like lampposts, fence posts, tree limbs, chairs, doorknobs etc. <img alt="ddd" src="https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/x-locale/common/grey-pixel.gif" class="a-lazy-loaded" data-src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/aplus-media/sc/19a8a534-e9a5-4b15-9ba9-de7b379571cc.__CR185,0,600,600_PT0_SX300_V1___.jpg"><img alt="ddd" src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/aplus-media/sc/19a8a534-e9a5-4b15-9ba9-de7b379571cc.__CR185,0,600,600_PT0_SX300_V1___.jpg"> <h3 class="a-spacing-mini"> Carry With Where You Go </h3> Our Flexible Tripod Kit Set is also compatible with cameras, such as Nikon Canon Pentax Sony Panasonic Ricoh Olympus Kodak Fujifilm Casio DSLR cameras / Compact Cameras/mirrorless cameras / Camcorders. The flexible legs allowing you to capture different angles on your trip waterproof feature improves the outdoor experience as you can now set it on the beach or even in the water! Don't be afraid of breaking, Bend out the shape you want. Flexible sturdy legs can be curved randomly for all kinds of places by attach anywhere for better creativity. For instance, it can easily wrap around a tree branch, fence, bench, bicycle, allowing you to capture different angles on the go. You can use also a vlogging stick for live streaming. <img alt="ff" src="https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/x-locale/common/grey-pixel.gif" class="a-spacing-mini a-lazy-loaded" data-src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/aplus-media/sc/b0b2fa35-1545-4f0f-adbe-0fff416a8c38.__CR137,0,725,967_PT0_SX300_V1___.jpg"><img alt="ff" src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/aplus-media/sc/b0b2fa35-1545-4f0f-adbe-0fff416a8c38.__CR137,0,725,967_PT0_SX300_V1___.jpg">
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Rotating Sphere: An Anodised finishing rotating sphere in tripods for mobile or gorilla tripod Portable & Lightweight: A portable design ensures that you can carry and use your mini tripods for mobile effortlessly throughout the day tripods
The post Systums Flexible Gorillapod Tripod with 360° Rotating Ball Head Tripod for All DSLR Cameras (Max Load 1.5 kgs) & Mobile Phones + Free Heavy Duty Mobile Holder (Black) (12 Inch, Black and Red) first appeared on Shopping World. from WordPress https://ift.tt/2NvR7k4 via IFTTT
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silviakonishi · 4 years
amsterdam, couchsurfing experience
(scendi per leggere il post in italiano)
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Remember Pinocchio’s Pleasure Island? Okay, now let’s just take that idea to the next level and adapt it to an adult concept of  'Pleasure Island'. That's what Amsterdam is about. It's just insane. I like to describe it as "the city of contrasts" due to the great divergence between its traditional roots and the open minded culture. As I walk through the city, I can’t help but be captivated by the houses: tall, skinny and colorful, reflecting their architectorial beauty in the calm waters of the romantic canals, when all of a sudden, surprise surprise! I see a pair of tits in a shop window and realize I ended up in the red light district.
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My friend and I are sitting by a canal and we’re overhearing a conversation between an old man in his 70s and a guy in his 30s. The old man is saying that today he smoked pot for the first time in his life and that he „kinda liked it“. I can’t help but imagine my sweet grandpa just chilling with his old good homies smoking a spliff getting blazed in a coffeeshop in Amsterdam. Just crazy
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But here's the cool part of our trip: a few days before coming here with my friend I’d received her text „wanna couchsurf in Amesterdam?“. Couchsurfing.org is a community of people who host and/or get hosted by someone at their place for free. Millions of users use couchsurfing.org and you can leave reviews on your host‘s or guest’s profile. This is really useful, although the fact of sleeping over at someone’s you‘ve never met before could be kinda questionable, but at the end of the day you only live once, right? I texted her back: „Great idea, we can save money and get to know some locals, I’m down.“. So my friend got us a place to stay at this dutch guy‘s.
My friend and I are having some 7 Up and chilling at Hunter’s.
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„So what does he look like?“ I ask. „Dutch“ she says. “Aight.” I respond.
It’s getting dark and it’s time to take the metro and head to this guy’s place. We get on the subway and a good 10 stops later we get off somewhere deserted in the outskirts of Amsterdam. It’s dark and quiet and nobody is around.
„So, which way should we go?“ I ask. She says „he texted me the way. So when we exit the metro we’ll need to go left and walk 500 meters, on the right there should be a parking lot, we gotta go in the parking lot and go thourgh the pedestrian underpass. When we exit the underpass, we should find a condo. We can’t go wrong because he said that’s the only building in the area.“ I look at her with my eyes popping out of my eyeballs „mmh, are you sure about these directions? Like, it sounds somewhat suspicious.“ „yeah, right? it sounds like the beginning of a horror movie.“ She laughs nervously. I say „Well, yeah… should we go?“ She says „well, at this point we can at least go and meet him, if he gives off some weird vibes we’ll just leave I guess.“ I say „Fair enough. Let’s go then.“
It’s getting kind of chilly and we’re rather quiet while walking towards the house of our host. All I can hear is our footsteps. 500 meters later we arrive at the parking lot. It’s very big with just a few cars parked and there are just a few lights on here and there. We look around and finally find the underpass covered in graffitis. I never liked tunnels, they make me feel claustrophobic, but we walk through it. „We should be close“ she says. We get to the end of the tunnel and see an enormous building: the only building in the area. All lights are off and it looks abandoned.
„Wait, is this like a hospital or something?“ she asks me. „mmh, kind of? looks like nobody’s living here.“ I answer. She says: „Let me call him“… „Hey, we’re here. Where you at? … Ok, see you.“. „is he coming?“ I ask. „Yeah, he should be here in a minute.“
We are in a very isolated area and this building looks like an abandoned hospital or hotel. I’m a bit anxious but I know we’ll be OK.
A few minutes later we hear a door opening and then footsteps on grass and twigs. We can hear the steps getting closer but we can’t see anybody as it is really dark. All of a sudden this tall, thin, blonde, smiley guy pops up from the building’s yard smoking a cigarette in his slippers: „Hi, I’m sorry. How are you? Nice to meet you, sorry for keeping you waiting.“ We shake hands and introduce ourselves. I have to admit the whole situation looks kind of bizarre and potentially perilous, but this guy gives off very genuine and trustworthy vibes. „How was the trip?“ he asks. „Fine, we arrived this morning.“ says my friend. „You’re coming from Brussels, right?“ „Yes, we came by train, it’s just a couple hours from here.“ she says. „Yeah, it’s not too far. I’m happy you had a safe trip.  So let’s go this way, I live here.“ he says.
We walk through the gate. The yard is messy, the grass is tall and I can’t really see where I step. As we walk towards the entrence he breaks the silence and asks: „So are you both american?“. „No, I come from a town near Bologna, in Italy.“ I say. “Oh, cool. I love Italy, I actually have many friends in Bologna because I did my erasmus there.” “That’s cool, did you learn any italian?” “A little. I mean, I understand the general sense of a conversation but I can’t speak it very well unfortunatey.”
We arrive at the entrance and get in. The building is dark, the electricity must not be working.
“Oh, uhm, by the way my apartment is on the 7th floor, unfortunately the elevator is out of order.“
We go for the stairs and we keep climbing and climbing and climbing. We get to the 7th floor, he opens the door and there is a long hall. We follow him and walk past a few closed doors.
„I live here.“ he says with a bunch of keys in his hands as he looks for the right one. He finds it and  opens the door. I wasn’t expecting to see this. We are in a nice lux apartment with a huge window with a superb view of the city. „Welcome, make yourself at home“. I put my bag on the floor and walk towards the window. The city lights are incredible. There are a few tall buildings in the distance. It looks like a movie. I could stare out the window for hours.
„We brought you some wine, I hope you like it, it‘s red italian wine“ says my friend. „Sure, cool, thank you! I should have a bottle opener somewhere.“
We drink some glasses of wine on these big leather couches in his apartment and talk about lots of different stuff. He seems a really nice person and I feel very comfortable around him. The wine makes me feel warm inside, it’s such a relief. He teaches us interesting facts about the dutch culture and the Netherlands. Did you know that with its network of more than 100km of canals, Amsterdam has a little over a thousand bridges? The oldest one, The Torensluis Bridge, was built in 1648 and it’s the widest one of the city. In 2010 UNESCO recognised Amsterdam’s inner canal ring as a world heritage site and placed them under protection. Nevertheless, up to 15.000 bikes are unfortunately fished out of the canals every year due to vandalism and incorrect disposal. After all, Asmterdam counts more bikes than people! In terms of numbers, Amsterdam counts around 821.000 inhabitants and more than 170 nationalities. It is a very multicultural and open minded city. The Netherlands indeed was the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage in 2001 and the recreational use of cannabis in coffeshops in 1972. I’m too drunk to memorize all the other data. But I promise it’s very interesting. We laugh and have a blast and lose track of time. We go to sleep very late at night.
It’s Sunday morning and we wake up rather late. We get ready and go out for breakfast all together. We walk through the city, take pictures, get some souvenirs and have some lunch. We walk towards the train station „Amsterdam Centraal“. Our train is leaving soon. We thank and say goodbye to our host and hope we will meet again in the near future. Now it’s time to head back to Brussels.  
Couchsurfing is an authentic travel experience, which differs from a touristic trip. Couchsurfing gives the opportunity to experience the real life of the city as a local and to become part of it. I am very thankful for this trip and for the kindness of all these humans. Bless.
Xo, Silvia
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Ti ricordi il paese dei balocchi di Pinocchio? Bene, ora prendi quel concetto e adattalo a una versione adulta. Questa è Amsterdam. E' pazzesca. Alternativamente, la descriverei come "la città dei contrasti" per la forte contraddizione che c’è tra le sue radici tradizionali e la cultura moderna e di mente aperta. Mentre cammino per la città vengo catturata dalla bellezza delle case: alte, strette e colorate, che riflettono la loro bellezza architettonica nelle calme acque dei romantici canali, quando, ad un certo punto, vedo una donna nuda in una vetrina e mi rendo conto di essere finita nel quartiere a luci rossi. Sorpresa!
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La mia amica ed io siamo sedute in riva ad un canale a riposarci un po’. Abbiamo camminato molto e ci fanno male i piedi. Per caso sentiamo la conversazione tra un uomo sulla settantina e un ragazzo sulla trentina seduti su una panchina a pochi metri da noi. L'anziano dice che oggi ha fumato marijuana per la prima volta e che "gli è piaciuto abbastanza". Dopo questa scena mi sto immaginando mio nonno fattissimo che si fuma un cannone con i suoi vecchi cari amici di una vita in un coffeeshop ad Amsterdam. Grande nonno!!
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Ma qui viene la parte bella del nostro viaggio: qualche giorno prima di partire, ho ricevuto un messaggio dalla mia amica "ti va se ad Amsterdam usiamo couchsurfing al posto di andare in ostello?". Couchsurfing.org è una comunità di persone che decidono di ospitare viaggiatori, o di essere ospitati, nella loro casa gratuitamente per un paio di notti. Milioni di utenti di tutti i paesi del mondo e di tutte le età usano couchsurfing.org. Si possono lasciare recensioni nel profilo del tuo ospite o di chi hai ospitato. Le recensioni sono molto utili, anche se il fatto di dormire a casa di uno sconosciuto trovato su un sito internet potrebbe essere un po' discutibile, ma alla fine si vive solo una volta, no? Le ho risposto "Bell'idea, così possiamo anche risparmiare soldi e conoscere qualche persona del posto. Ci sto.". Così la mia amica si è messa in contatto con questo ragazzo olandese trovato sul sito e si è accordata per farci ospitare una notte sul suo divano.
Ora siamo a un pub chiamato “Hunter’s” e stiamo bevendo una 7 Up.
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"Quindi come ti è sembrato questo ragazzo?" le chiedo. Manda giù il sorso e dice "olandese" Scoppiamo a ridere.  
Sta venendo buio ed è l'ora di prendere la metro e avviarci verso la casa di questo ragazzo. Saliamo sulla metro e una decina di fermate dopo scendiamo in un posto deserto nella periferia di Amsterdam. E' buio e silenzioso e non c'è nessuno in giro.
"Da che parte?" le chiedo.
Dice "mi ha mandato un messaggio con le direzioni. Allora, quando usciamo dalla metro dobbiamo andare a sinistra e camminare per 500 metri. Poi sulla destra ci dovrebbe essere un parcheggio, dobbiamo andare nel parcheggio e attraversare il sottopassaggio pedonale. Quando usciamo dal sottopassaggio troveremo un condominio sulla sinistra. Non possiamo sbagliarci perché ha detto che è l'unico palazzo in quella zona."
La guardo confusa e sgranando gli occhi le chiedo ridacchiando "mmm, sei sicura di queste indicazioni? Mi sembrano un po' sospette." "Si, vero? sembra l'inizio di un film horror" ride nervosamente. Le dico "Bhe quindi andiamo?" Lei dice "A questo punto possiamo andarci e incontrarlo, poi se ci fa una brutta impressione o non siamo sicure torniamo indietro". Dico "Dai ci sta, andiamo."
Sta venendo freschino e siamo abbastanza silenziose mentre ci dirigiamo verso la casa di questo ragazzo. Si sentono solo i nostri passi. 500 metri dopo arriviamo al parcheggio: è molto grande e ci sono solo un paio di auto parcheggiate. Ci guardiamo intorno e troviamo il sottopassaggio. Non mi sono mai piaciuti i tunnel perchè mi fanno venire la claustrofobia, comunque proseguiamo.
"Dobbiamo esserci quasi", dice.
Usciamo dal sottopassaggio e vediamo un palazzo enorme: “l'unico palazzo nella zona”. Le luci sono spente e sembra essere abbandonato.
"Aspetta, ma è un ospedale o cosa?" mi chiede. "Mmh, sembra che nessuno viva qui" le rispondo. Dice "Aspetta che lo chiamo"...."Ciao, siamo qui, dove sei? ...ok, a tra poco....” ha detto che tra un minuto è qui".
Siamo in un'area isolata e questo palazzo sembra un vecchio hotel o un ospedale abbandonato. Ho un po' d'ansia ma so che andrà tutto bene: le recensioni erano positive.
Qualche minuto dopo sentiamo una porta che si apre e dei passi nell'erba avvicinarsi, ma non vediamo nessuno: c'è troppo buio. All'improvviso questo ragazzo alto, magro con i capelli biondi spunta dal giardino con una sigaretta in bocca indossando un paio di pantofole. "Ciao, scusate il ritardo, come state? Scusate se vi ho fatto aspettare."
Ci presentiamo.
Devo ammettere che questa situazione è alquanto insolita e potrebbe potenzialmente essere  pericolosa, ma questo ragazzo sembra molto gentile e genuino.
"Com'è andato il viaggio?" chiede. "Bene, siamo arrivate stamattina". dice la mia amica. "Venite da Bruxelles, giusto?" "Si, siamo venute in treno, sono solo 3 orette da qua" dice. "Si, non è troppo lontano. Sono felice che il viaggio sia andato bene. Venite da questa parte, vivo qui".
Entriamo nel cancello del palazzo. Il giardino è abbastanza disordinato. L'erba è alta e non vedo bene dove metto i piedi. Mentre camminiamo verso l'ingresso rompe il silenzio dicendo "Quindi siete tutte e due americane?" "No, io vengo da un paese vicino a Bologna, in Italia" gli dico. "Ah, bello. Amo l'Italia, ho molto amici a Bologna perché ho fatto l'Erasmus lì". "Wow che bello, hai imparato un po' di italiano?" "Un pochino, capisco il senso di una conversazione ma non lo so parlare molto bene, ma mi piacerebbe impararlo un giorno".
Arriviamo all'ingresso e entriamo. Il palazzo è buio, l'elettricità probabilmente non funziona.
"Ah comunque brutte notizie, abito al settimo piano e l'ascensore è fuori uso."
Prendiamo le scale e continuiamo a salire, a salire e a salire. Finalmente arriviamo al settimo piano, apre la porta e c'è un corridoio lunghissimo. Lo seguiamo e passiamo davanti a tante porte chiuse. Si ferma davanti a una di queste e dice "vivo qui" e cerca la chiave giusta in un mazzo pieno di chiavi. Finalmente la trova e apre la porta. Non mi sarei mai aspettata di vedere questo. Ci troviamo in un appartamento di lusso molto grande con una finestra enorme con una vista stupenda sulla città. "Benvenute, fate come se foste a casa vostra". Appoggio il mio zaino sul pavimento e cammino verso la finestra. Le luci della città sono incredibili, sembra una scena da film. Potrei guardare fuori da questa finestra per ore e ore.
"Ti abbiamo portato del vino, spero ti piaccia, è vino rosso italiano" dice la mia amica. "Certo, grazie mille! Dovrei avere un apri bottiglie qui da qualche parte"
Beviamo qualche bicchiere di vino su questi divani neri in pelle e parliamo di tantissime cose. Finalmente sono tranquilla e mi sento a mio agio. Il vino mi da una sensazione di calore, è un sollievo. Il ragazzo ci insegna delle cose interessanti riguardo la cultura olandese e i Paesi Bassi. Lo sapevi che i canali di Amsterdam si estendono per 100km? e che ad Amsterdam ci sono più di un centinaio di ponti? Il più antico, il "Torensluis", fu costruito nel 1648 ed è il ponte più grande della città. Nel 2010 è diventato patrimonio dell'UNESCO ed è una grande attrazione turistica della città: ogni anno milioni di turisti scattano foto su questo ponte. Nonostante il centro di Amsterdam e i suoi canali siano un luogo storico e turistico importantissimo, ogni anno vengono pescate in media 15.000 bici dalle acque dei canali a causa di atti di vandalismo. Dopo tutto è risaputo che ad Amsterdam ci sono più biciclette che persone! Sempre parlando di numeri, la città conta 821.000 abitanti e più di 170 nazionalità. �� una città multiculturale e di mentalità aperta. Infatti i Paesi Bassi sono stati il primo stato al mondo a legalizzare il matrimonio tra persone delle stesso sesso nel 2001 e l'uso ricreazionale di cannabis nei coffeeshop a partire dal 1972. Ora però sono troppo brilla per seguire il discorso, però giuro che questa conversazione è molto interessante. Ridiamo e perdiamo il senso del tempo. Ci addormentiamo molto tardi.
È Domenica mattina. Ci prepariamo e andiamo a fare colazione tutti insieme. Passeggiamo per la città, facciamo delle foto, compriamo qualche souvenir e pranziamo in un ristorante thailandese. Ci incamminiamo verso la stazione del treni "Amsterdam Centraal". Il nostro treno parte tra qualche minuto. Ringraziamo il ragazzo che ci ha ospitate e lo salutiamo, sperando di rivederci presto. Ora è il momento di tornare a Bruxelles.
Couchsurfing è un'esperienza di viaggio autentica, che si differenzia dal classico viaggio da turista. Couchsurfing.org da la possibilità di vivere la città con gli occhi di una persona del posto e di diventare parte di essa. Sono molto grata e ringrazio molto per questo viaggio e per la gentilezza e il buon cuore degli esseri umani.
Xo, Silvia
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closedspeciesdrama · 7 years
Burningwhite - PSA
Hey! LunarLilac here from DA sharing this journal with some updates!~
This is a PSA to beware the person known as @/Burningwhite on DA also known as MunkWhite on Discord/Skype and Shire on FA. They may go by other names as well, but these are the ones I know of.  I implore all of you to share this journal! Post it everywhere, DA, Tumblr, FA, Facebook, on everything you’re on! Save others from going through the same thing and protect your fellow artists! ————————————————————————————————– Update 9/3/2017: Linking whites accounts that I know of for people to block~ Toyhouse - toyhou.se/Burningwhite and toyhou.se/Input Furaffinity - www.furaffinity.net/user/shiir… and www.furaffinity.net/user/burni… and www.furaffinity.net/user/degil… ————————————————————————————————– Warning 9/5/2017: Unfortunately I have to mention this. Any comments regarding the LGBTQ community will be hidden. That is not the point of this post just because it is mentioned that White is trans doesn’t make all trans people bad. Please keep all commented related to White’s actions (not her sexuality/identity of what she identifies as), what they’ve done to you and the degil species. You are entitled to your own opinion, but as I stated, White being trans is NOT the main point of this journal.  ————————————————————————————————– Update 9/8/2017: So if any of you have been checking degils or looking at my gallery and may have noticed I tried to revoke the Sunset Tiger mascot design from degils. Turns out I cannot legally revoke this design since White now owns the copyright and will not relinquish it back to me, but I’ve just learned something else. White seems to be trying to find “sleazy loopholes” to revoke designs from people.  I have blacked out the name of the person I spoke with about legal rights of my design and revoking it as I do not wish to cause any drama for them. I am assuming the person they’re talking about is @/Roiell-arts also known as Zena because white has been trying to get their Roiell character ever since Zena left the degil species and took the design with them.  Roiell also has a small psa on white - 
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PSADA/FA user Burnignwhite/Shirree and any alt accounts. White has tried to blackmail Zena out of 150$ to allow them to keep their own character and so White would back off from taking that character. She did not “sell” Roiell to Zena since Roiell was already Zena’s. She blackmailed 150$ out of Zena to make her leave Zena alone. White manipulated another user into taking the 150$ from Zena into their paypal as white did not want Zena having her paypal. This money was later returned by the 3rd party user and white turned around saying that user “scammed” them out of the 150$ - sta.sh/2mlosaz22ki However no sooner after telling me that she left Roiell alone she turns around and tells me she wants to stress Zena out more. White was giving them trouble before for no reason just because she wanted to get a character (Vesta) back from them -   ————————————————————————————————– I will not be taking down this journal regardless of what they say even if they post on this journal or have their friends post on here.  For those of you who care about pronouns please let me state now that White never told me whether them to call me he/she/they/it. Therefore you may notice I tend to call White “him/he” more than anything as that is just my default pronoun and I truly apologize if this offends those of you who care about pronouns.  White has caused a lot of people grief and stress, including myself. Earlier this year White had asked me to make a base for the @/Degil-Hollow group after I had entered a mascot contest for the group. I had agreed to try making a base, however they never discussed payment for this. They had later also asked me to do the trait sheets to which would be asked as compensation for backing out of the base, trait sheets, and most of all their Shara commission. White had asked for all of these things to be done in 1 month and every time I tried to do them they were pushed to the back burner and he asked me to do something else be it his shara ref or a piece of gift art.  This is the commission of Shara he asked for -  This is not all of it, it is missing the nsfw portion on it as I am still a minor and I didn’t want to draw those pieces. When I am 18 those sketches will be posted to my FA. I was offered a single character as payment for this whole ref. Some things on there were not agreed to when he first asked for it such as the 3 outfits. During the process of the sketch which White constantly had me stream to him, he was extremely picky about every little detail passed the point of frustration. When I had asked for more payment I was thrown low quality adopts as “payment” to pick from. When I said no to those they showed me the two characters of theirs I liked and told me I could have them on the terms that I - 1. Don’t make gore art of them. 2. If the “friendship” between white and I broke off the character would be returned to them. and 3. Any ships the character was in with whites characters had to stay the same. I declined those terms as I do not think its fair that I would have to return a character over a friendship. White would be making off with a free reference of his char pretty much while I had lost the “payment” I would’ve gotten for that reference.  Now before I go on let me say that White is a minor, they are only 16 years old. They have been commissioning NSFW stuff from other artists and asking other minors to do gift art of nsfw things even if they decline it. This can get people into trouble as it is illegal to sell NSFW things to minors. White had also guilt tripped a piece of gift art out of me.  There are 4 different versions to this gift art. The two shown above are the SFW versions, the other two are the same ones above except with nipples on the art. There was only supposed to be 1 version of this piece of art and White forced me to make 3 other versions, one without the halo I had put on it and then two others with nipples on the first two versions.  White also had me design their kobalt creature for them for their animation class which I tried colors I wanted to test on them that White hated so he went with different colors. I later used those colors on one of my characters in slightly different hues and White forced me to change them calling it a ripoff of his kobalt and that he’d see it as his character because it was basically one of his “old” designs from the designing process of his character. On top of all of this, White had been trying to get between me and my current boyfriend of 2 years. At the time I had known White only a few weeks if maybe a month and he claimed to have loved me. He tried to force me into a poly relationship with him to which I did not agree to. He then told me he was trans (male to female) and wanted me to be bi-curious/lesbian for him when I told him many times I was straight. His response to me being straight was “a noodle is only straight until its wet.” When that did not work White constantly complained about my boyfriend and tried to find ways to make me break up with him, even trying to force me to split my time by giving White 50 percent of my time and my boyfriend 50 percent of my time. He demanded movies every Fridays, calls every night before he went to bed at 2-4am my time and wanted me to spend every single evening with him talking about art, degils, fluff, and his characters.  He tried to get me to teach him art, but most of the time he just sat there crying about not knowing how to do the sketch and didn’t even bother trying to do it. He later blamed me for the reason he couldn’t draw.  This is the proof for everything above - sta.sh/2daftob1pj4?edit=1 Soon after this I had blocked White for the first time on Skype, White then contacted me on DA crying that they missed me and wanted a second chance. He begged to try to regain my trust back on DA.  So I decided to give them a second chance. It took something drastic to make them lay off a little.  They had recently opened up designer applications in their degil species and I decided to try it out, but I found out that was the worst choice I’ve made. On all the designs I’ve made so far from their species they constantly complained about the nose being wrong and they forced me to change themes on their whims because they thought a certain pose looked more like this theme. They were constantly making me do the designs to what they liked, they have a bias against leopard/cheetah spots and hate the color black so they tried to force me not to use either of those things. On the egyptian blues, I had put snow leopard spots, I was forced to remove them because White hates spots and believes they are overused and has told me they’re not allowed on degil designs, however this would mean requiring all previous degil designs to remove any type of spots they have. During the sweltering fire designing process white had forced me to change its pose from a rainbow theme to a fire theme, when I said I was going to do a black base he claimed there had been too many black bases recently as to why I couldn’t use the color black at all on the design, but when I looked there was only 1. He had approved the fire I had on the hooves and when it was finished he changed his mind and forced me to remove it and fought with me about the color of the fire being green. When I told him the green fire did not match the design he went on to complain about the silk color being ugly since it was black and constantly nagged “what about the silk?” until I changed it.  According to white he thinks designers do whatever the owner tells them, when they tell them to do it and it has to be exactly their way down to every detail meaning that designers don’t really get to pick anything about the design. The designers aren’t even considered staff to him.  I had asked White to remove me from designer as I was tired of the drama and instead he cried about being stressed as to why he does everything he does (he uses this stress excuse for every single thing). He then turned me over to the co-founder to tell her what was going on and she understood completely. All white had to say to me was “please don’t leave, think about staying, you’re the only designer I have!” The other designer White had in the group was not making any designs, hence why I was the only designer. White refused to remove them from their designer status for whatever reason despite both me and the co-founder telling him to get rid of them if they’re not doing their job. The degil species will die with White so long as he is owner. White’s co-founder was the one doing everything in the group and once she is gone he will be lost with how to run the group. A few of us have been telling White to step down from owning degils as they can’t run the group properly and don’t treat their staff nor members with the respect he demands from us. White refuses to give up degils and claim they will either succeed with them or die with them. White currently claims to be trying to change within 3 months and will probably claim that this is ruining his reputation even more that he says hes trying to “fix” right now.  This is the proof from this recent bit - sta.sh/23dve9jh2lx?edit=1 I apologize for how long this journal is. Those of you who have had dealings with White are welcome to share your proof in the comments, but for those of you who have yet to deal with White let this be a warning to you as this is what may happen to you. 
If you cannot see the stash files above here is the drop box with my screencaps - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8sJSUUHwaO2b205S1U0ZW5qaWc?usp=sharing
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mikrokosmos · 8 years
Hensel - Das Jahr
The main reason I wanted to share music by Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel [besides the fact that I’m using a colored sketch of her portrait as my icon at the moment] is because I feel that she is unfairly ignored compared to her more renowned younger brother. Ironically, I find this piano suite, “The Year”, to be more interesting and engaging than most of Felix’s piano works [his Preludes and Fugues are fantastic, I have to admit]. Then again, part of the reason for her lower popularity [another break here to point out that you most often hear her name in conversations about female composers, not as often about “Romantic composers” or just “composers”] is because most of her music was left unpublished until after her untimely death. Otherwise, since she was a woman and it wasn’t considered lady like for women to write music at the time, she wasn’t as encouraged to compose as Felix had, and some of her early piano works were published under her brother’s name. Felix had her later songs, piano, and chamber works published in her memory. Another example of historic sexism undermining a woman’s achievement. Hensel wrote the suite when she and her family were spending a year abroad in Rome, and it acts almost like a musical diary of her time. Each month doesn’t necessarily correspond with a more “impressionistic” painting of the month, but rather a personal view of how the month felt to her. For example, July isn’t a happy sunny dance as you might expect a Romantic era composer to depict it as, but rather it is a darker piece with heavy use of tremolos in the bass. That is because Hensel was going through depression and homesickness during that month. And while the work has its darker moments, it is also full of joy and optimism, and the work ends with a short nod to the chorale from Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, “Das alte Jahr vergangen ist”, the Old Year has Passed. In this meta-musical gesture, Hensel is acknowledging that, whether it be ups or downs, life goes on, and the future will continue to have surprises for us. Overall the music is deeply indebted to Beethoven, and looks forward toward the mature works of Liszt and Schumann. If anything, it does remind me of a Schumann suite, except there are more transitions than I’d expected, and the music is so lively, so passionate, constantly moving forward at a vivid pace, and even when the slower elegiac months come in, you feel yourself gliding along.
1. Januar: Ein Traum
2. Februar: Scherzo
3. März
4. April: Capriccioso 
5. Mai: Frühlingslied
6. Juni: Serenade
7. Juli: Serenade
8. August
9. September: Am Flusse
10. Oktober
11. November
12. December
13. Chorale: Das alte Jahr vergangen ist
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Steph Houghton speaks for the first time after her husband Stephen Derby was struck by an illness
Until last September, time was always Steph Houghton's friend. Every year they bring new worlds to conquer and new horizons to catch a glimpse.
Of course, she had injuries and setbacks like any other football player does, but she swept them aside and forged them through and through. In 2014, women's football started to become mainstream, she was named captain of England at the age of 25.
It's hard to think of many people in sports, would you rather go into battle with Houghton. There is something about her that exudes responsibility and intolerance. Her selflessness has made her popular with her teammates. & # 39; She has a big heart & # 39 ;, says English manager Phil Neville. & # 39; The girls love her because they know she cares about the players. & # 39;
<img id = "i-738a9c1ab3cd4ffd" src = "https://dailym.ai/2VpiPhr -7_1554579617112.jpg "height =" 418 "width =" 634 "alt =" Every year they brought new achievements for Steph Houghton and more respect from teammates & # 39; class = "blkBorder
Houghton is sitting in her training suit in England in a quiet corner of the Football Association's training complex in St George's Park, where she prepares for Tuesday is friendly to Spain in Swindon and laughs when she thinks about how far she has eaten since the day she joined Sunderland Ladies at the age of 13.
She recalls the days when her father used to drive from their home in the old pit village of South Hetton in Count and Durham in their sky-blue Peugeot 306 to train at the Charlie Hurley Center in Sunderland. The rest of the family wanted the car to be red because they were Sunderland fans, but her mother was sky blue.
Aspiring female soccer players had to pay to play in those days. Houghton & # 39; s subs for the Sunderland Ladies & # 39; team were £ 250 a year. & # 39; That was a lot of money back then & # 39 ;, she says. They wore hand-me-downs from the men's team. Now she looks at young girls who arrive at her club Manchester City, in their own set, without having to worry about an early finish, because they can't afford spotlights.
In 2012, she played for Great Britain at the Olympic Games and scored the winner in the last group match against Brazil for more than 70,000 fans on Wembley. In 2015, she led England to the semi-final of the World Cup in Canada. The team's slogan was & # 39; Inspire a Generation & # 39; and they did it. More and more girls started playing the game.
In September 2017, she became engaged to Stephen Darby, the Bolton Wanderers and the former player of Liverpool and Bradford City. She announced the news with a message on Twitter.
[19459158] Women's football began its rise to the mainstream, she was named English captain
Women's football started coming to the mainstream, she was named England captain
She has had injuries and setbacks like any other footballer but has put them aside
She has had injuries and setbacks like any other football player, but she has pushed them aside.
& # 39; So yesterday I said yes & # 39 ;, she wrote. & # 39; I can't wait to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you! #PerfectProposal #MrsDarbyToBe. & # 39; He added a happy face, big red heart and cartoon parables of the bride and groom.
Congratulations flooded in. Darby is also known as one of the nicest men in the game. They got married last June and the photo is on Twitter from Houghton
Two From now on, Houghton, 30, will lead England to the World Cup in France and this time they will not get to the tournament, the brave underdogs but one of the favorites to win it.
But something has changed. [Bewerken] [lijst toevoegen] Eat [bewerken] [lijst toevoegen] Eat But something has changed. Time is no longer her boyfriend. The march is something to be told against and to scream. Last September, three months after they were married, Darby (29) announced that he had stopped playing football immediately and had been diagnosed with motor motor disease, a condition that gradually damages the nervous system and for which there is no cure yet. Houghton, a leading, unyielding central half, has not spoken of it so far. She has a horror of hassle and sympathy. She hates the idea that special attention should be given to her because of what happened. And when Neville offered her the chance to miss a training session just after her husband's diagnosis, he said & she fought with the teeth & # 39; to participate. It is typical of Houghton & # 39; s dedication to the ethical team that she has now decided to speak only because she did not want the subject to be distracted when the World Cup came closer. She is the captain on the side and she accepts that brings accurate investigation.
It's hard to think of many people in the sport you'd rather fight than Houghton
It's hard to think of many people in sports, you would rather fight with Houghton
<img id = "i-806f705315991b24" src = "https: // i. dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/04/06/20/11947482-0-In_September_2017_she_got_engaged_to_Stephen_Darby_the_Bolton_Wa-a-16_1554580487414.jpg "height =" 725 "width =" 634 "alt =" In 2017 she became engaged to the former Liverpool , Bradford and Bolton player Stephen Darby (left) "class =" blkBorder img-
& # 39; We want the professionals to be treated and like the m ale football players, & she says, & # 39; and I know there will be much more interest in me, not just a football player, but in my my life in general and my personal life.
& # 39; Clearly, it has been a very, very difficult year on a personal level, but I cannot do that. be honest and say that I am here in English colors and that I really focus on England. Of course Stephen is my number 1 priority and he will always be.
& # 39; He has been an incredible person in the way he dealt with it. He / she / it has been everything.
& Hopefully, if you read this when it is in the newspaper, he will think that he
I ask her if some time has passed since her husband's diagnosis when she was considering leaving the game. Neville has made it clear to her that she has the freedom to take whatever she wants. & # 39; I told her: & # 39; You write your own script. If you want to miss a day, miss a day & # 39; & # 39 ;, he says. & # 39; Football is not as important as what it goes through. & # 39;
But Houghton says her husband will not abandon her face. & # 39; I am here because I feel that I am right to be here & she says. & # 39; And it is powered by Stephen. He wants me to go. He says, "Get out of the house."
There is something about the captain of England who exudes responsibility and immovability
<img id = "i-a233fba68a4ed830" src = "https://dailym.ai/2TZhFHY 06/20 / 11948388-6894435-image-a-18_1554580773510.jpg "height =" 777 "width =" 634 "alt =" In 2012, she played for Great Britain in the Olympic Games and the winner scored against Brazil "<img id = "i-a233fba68a4ed830" src = "https://dailym.ai/2CVuRbp" height = "777" width = "634" alt = "<img id =" i-a233fba68a4ed830 "src =" https://dailym.ai/2VzSHk0 .jpg "height =" 777 "width =" 634 "alt =" In 2012, she played for Great Britain in the Olympic Games and the winner scored against Brazil "Olympic Games and the winner against Brazil "
In 2012, she played for Great Britain in the Olympic Games and scored the winner against Brazil
& # 39; happened, it would all depend on how Stephen is. He is my priority. If anything changes in the near future, it's my job to be the best woman I can be and take care of him. But at the moment everything is great. He's as good as ever.
& # 39; He comes to all my games and he is my biggest advocate and he does so many good things for other people that I don't know if I am hopeful in the next few months, it will all be announced.
& # 39; He is the ultimate inspiration for me and my family and he has been so strong. My focus is now on the World Cup and with my fingers crossed it never comes when I have to get off. If I am selected, he will eat the tournament. He is everywhere now. I also came to America last month for the SheBelieves Cup.
& # 39; Not playing football gives you the chance to take a break. He has been a professional since he was 16 and it gives him a chance to do what he wants to do and I fully support him in everything he wants to do. & # 39; Because she is the competitor she is, because she is as strong as she is, Houghton has continued to play as well as she has ever played. & # 39; I think she has become an even better leader, more determined & # 39 ;, says Neville. & # 39; She has had her best year in football & # 39;
& # 39; She will lead England to the tournament at a high level. They won the SheBelieves Cup by defeating Brazil and Japan with the US and there is a sense that the party has the perfect mix of youth and experience to be realistic challengers to the US, who are the holders, host from France and regular competitors, Germany.
She laughs when she thinks about how far she has eaten at Sunderland Ladies
She laughs when she thinks about how far she is since Sunderland Ladies has eaten
<img id = "i-be35d5f2324ffca0" src = "https://dailym.ai/2TZhFHY 06/20 / 11947304-0-image-a-15_1554580248775.jpg "height =" 419 "width =" 634 "alt =" In 2015, Houghton led England to the World Cup semi-final that inspired a generation "
In 2015, Houghton, England to the World Cup semi-final that inspired a generation "England led to the World Cup semi-final that inspired a generation
& # 39; With the talent that we have in our team, the experience that we have
I know that I have improved enormously since the last World Cup and I went to Cana da, I had only been in City for half a season and it was my first time as a professional football player, training every day, eating the right things, playing football every minute of the day.
& I Since then I have become the role of captain. When I was appointed captain under Mark Sampson, there were many questions about whether I was ready. I was not a sure starter. I tried to find a way to get the job done, I tried to get a job, I tried to get a job, I was only 25, I tried to pin it down to a midpoint and it was a difficult situation
someone I was not. I tried to be everyone's partner. I tried to please everyone. But you are getting a little older, you realize that that is almost impossible. I went back to basics and realized that I had to earn the right to become a captain and from there it was about how I could develop as a leader.
The excitement about England's prospects is only part of the optimism surrounding women's football in this country. Last month, the Women & # 39; s Super League announced a three-year deal with Barclays that thought it was worth £ 10 million as a result of a change in the way the ladies' game is viewed. Last week, Boots announced a multi-million pound three-year deal to sponsor the homeland and Republic of Ireland women
Houghton is sitting in her training suit in England in the corner of the football training center in a corner of the football training center
Houghton is sitting in her training suit in England in the corner of the training center of the football association
& # 39; We can take the women's game as far as we want & & # 39 ;, Houghton says. & # 39; We need to support the competition and all players have full time, full time coaching and two strong divisions.
& # 39; I am a professional soccer player and I get paid for doing my job. It is not so long ago that I had to pay £ 250 a season to play. I don't think it will ever compete with the men in my life, but we've made so many big steps.
Away from the field, however, with a future that is heavy with uncertainty, it is now that it matters more to Houghton than anything else.
& # 39; That's not her & # 39 ;, says Neville. & # 39; She is not & # 39 ;, says Neville. & # 39; She is a humble person. She doesn't want to know anything about it. & # 39; De Houghton looks ahead to France this summer, the time refuses to stand still, she knows that this is her moment to seize the day for her husband, for her team and for herself.
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homepictures · 6 years
Five Things You Didn’t Know About Interior Design Suggestions | interior design suggestions
English-born Vanessa Gilbreath launched her best ceramics rental aggregation afterwards hosting a examination affair at her Marietta home for Prince William’s wedding. She was inundated with guests, who went agrarian over her tea sets and ancestors china. Since then, she’s accumulated added than 1,000 mix-and-match abode settings from country abode auctions and British manufacturers, which can be busy for weddings, banquet parties, and added contest beyond the Southeast.
Interior design suggestions, small bedroom paint color … – interior design suggestions | interior design suggestions
What’s appropriate about English china?When I was growing up, we would appointment august homes and distill over the banquet sets on display. I formed as a assistant at some rather appropriate country homes and castles and was able to absolutely analyze the butler’s abdomen and advance an acknowledgment for the quality. Also, visiting the sites area ceramics and ceramics accept been fabricated for hundreds of years gives me an acknowledgment of ability and adroitness that I adulation to share.
Do you accept a favorite?I admire chintz, which comes in a countless of styles, colors, and patterns. Best accepted is the Summertime pattern, which appearance added pinks and burgundies, but the chicken backgrounds with sprinkles of wildflowers are adamantine to beat. Again there’s paisley chintz—extraordinary!
Any admonition for bond patterns?Relish it! I like to aces out one blush on a plate, generally from abounding colors, and again acquisition addition allotment that appearance that color, too. Nothing’s amiss if you like it.
You’re from the acreage of manners. What tabletop “rules” do you break?Just because a boullion basin is fabricated for boullions and soup doesn’t beggarly it can’t authority shrimp and grits or ice cream. Use teapots for florals—it’s whimsical. And plates are fun: Hang them on the walls! A aphorism I follow: Consistently lay flatware correctly—do not abash your guests.
Credits: Linen and placemat, BBJ Linen Rental, 700 Miami Circle. Bentick by Royal Cauldon banquet plate, Minton bloom plate, Minton aliment plate, Charnwood by Wedgwood boullion bowl, Westland by Wedgwood demitasse and saucer; all accessible to hire from Best English Teacup and her Etsy armpit (minimum adjustment $400).
Photography by Jason Lagi
UK – Oxford – University of Oxford – Natural History Museum interior 01_DSC7088 – interior design suggestions | interior design suggestions
Lifestyle designer, clear artist, and columnist Khristian Howell creates ablaze patterns and poppy motifs she licenses out for aggregate from iPhone cases to wrapping paper, cards, and pillows. Formerly a bolt artisan for Nordstrom, Howell boasts absolute blush eyes (that’s a thing) and makes use of it as a trend and architecture agent for AmericasMart. She has additionally served as an able antecedent for the brand of HLN and Real Simple, area she gives tips for creating blessed spaces and hosting absolute parties.
What new tabletop trends are you loving?Mixed metallics are the new normal, but don’t beddy-bye on silver. It is advancing aback able to mix up the balmy metals we’ve accepted for years now. Colored bottle is advancing bottomward the pike, and I’m additionally admiring matte black—in flatware, glass, and alike stainless accessories and accouterments in the kitchen.
Do you accomplish your own placecards?These were fabricated by bounded artisan Niki Malek of Hey Lux. I adulation them because they are a abundant analogy of how a accurate artisan can accomplish what is so elegant, expert, and well-crafted attending absolutely effortless.
What’s your ambush for avant-garde florals?This is a preserved plumosum from South Africa (thank you, Anthropologie!). I am so color-driven that I am usually fatigued to authoritative one able blush account with florals. I like them to feel absolutely amenable and accept that I-woke-up-like-this sensibility.
What abroad makes a table feel special?Candlelight—even in the daytime.
Credits: Glenna banquet plates ($88), Waterfall glassware ($16), preserved floral ($28 for eight flowers); Anthropologie. Banquet plates, aliment plates, flatware; Peachtree Tents & Contest rentals. Stones, Blue Ocean Traders, AmericasMart.
Série sobre Amsterdam, Holanda – Museu Rijks, Museu Nacional da Holanda – Series about Amsterdam, Netherlands – Rijks Museum – National Museum of Netherlands – DSC00705 – interior design suggestions | interior design suggestions
Photography by Jason Lagi
Lance Jackson and David Ecton, the consistently preppy brace abaft autogenous architecture close Parker Kennedy, are accepted for their awakening Palm Beach appearance and a ability for entertaining. Over the years, they’ve accumulated a barn abounding of best and aged furniture, china, and chinoiserie, which they advertise via Chairish and Instagram. Their accepted above architecture activity is their own—a century-old Mediterranean Revival in Commerce that already belonged to Georgia governor L.G. Hardman. The dining allowance will bench 14. @parkerkennedyliving, @pklthecellar
What is your best admired ceramics pattern?Antique Rose Medallion (on egg cup) and Aged Famille Rose (bread plate). We adulation them because of the mix of colors—pinks, blues, green, and touches of orange. They can brace with about anything.
Where are the best places to collect?Auctions are a abundant abode to acquisition the best of the best after a abundant price. We adulation the coursing and get so aflame if we’re in a baby boondocks on a backroad in the average of boilerplate and acquisition an 1800s allotment of Rose Medallion. I consistently try to brainstorm how it got there—who endemic such a accomplished allotment of ceramics and what all it has apparent in its lifetime. We accept about eight sets of ceramics appropriate now.
What tips do you accept for accumulation florals?Arrange fresh-cut flowers in assorted vases and heights. First, consistently cut your stems at an bend and blight the ends with hot, hot water. Add a tiny bit of achromatize to the boutonniere to accumulate flowers fresh.
Credits: Custom emerald blooming and white Schumacher chinoiserie tablecloth. Best white Fitz and Floyd pagoda-style alkali and pepper shakers.
Interior Design Suggestions – House Beautiful – House … – interior design suggestions | interior design suggestions
Photography by Jason Lagi
Emily Hertz, the appearance and affairs blogger abaft Born on Fifth, celebrates about any break and doesn’t authority aback (she brought in an Atlanta Ballet ballerina for her daughter’s Swan Lake–themed additional altogether party). The above administrator of business for Spanx is now a affair stylist accepted for tabletop spreads that are classic, decadent, and overflowing with blooms. You can boutique her appearance (including ceramics and flatware) on her dreamy-hued Instagram and website. @bornonfifth
What floral trends are you seeing?I am consistently addicted of big-faced flowers like garden roses and peonies, but carnations are absolutely accepting a moment—who would accept thought? With carnations, blush is key. Go for nudes or dimensional tones. Red carnations are still evocative of Valentine’s Days gone by. For tips, I’d advertence Cathy Graham’s book Additional Bloom. She’s a huge antecedent of inspiration.
What ceramics patterns do you adulation to mix?I like to alpha with a acceptable charger or banquet basin and again add a pop of blush and delicacy with the bloom plate. Herend’s Rothschild Garden arrangement is on my list. I additionally adulation Sasha Nicholas plates if you’re activity to monogram.
Who does your tabletop calligraphy?Kathryn Christenbury of Fleur de Letters is the best calligraphist in the city! Brent Fraim of Dear Elouise cardboard appurtenances angry me on to Kathryn. Brent does cardboard for some of the best acclaimed weddings in the South, so she’s in the know.
Credits: Juliska Madeleine banquet basin ($40), Madeleine bloom basin ($38), Belle Botanica ancillary plates (set of four, $98), Arabella pink-footed beaker ($39), Arabella ample blush aerialist ($32), Sferra hemstitch banquet napkins (set of four, $49), Kim Seybert Natural Capiz placemat ($81), Flare napkin arena ($39), herringbone napkin ($30); Neiman Marcus, Lenox Square. Chantilly silver, eight-piece ambience from $2,500, Beverly Bremer Argent Shop, 3164 Peachtree Road. Hibiscus Linens cocktail napkin ($22.50). Il Papiro Firenze floral placecard (set of 12 for $24). Flowers, Cut Flower Wholesale.
Elegant Interior Design For Luxury Office Nurani Interior … – interior design suggestions | interior design suggestions
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mixtake · 7 years
2017 according to mixtake
Este é o ano da 10ª coletânea anual! Desde 2007! Não vai ter festa de comemoração, mas é provável que role uma edição especial! É sempre um trampo do caralho, mas vale MUITO à pena!
O download, playlist no spotify e link direto pra cada ano tá lá no fim do post. A coletânea de 2017 tem 140 faixas. 9 horas e 47 minutos de música!
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Artist : Song : Album Aimee Mann : Good for Me : Mental Illness Airiel : You Sweet Talker : Molten Young Lovers Alex Chilton : Every Time I Close My Eyes (Alt Version) : Take Me Home and Make Me Like It Alvvays : Dreams Tonite : Antisocialites Andrew Bird : Lazuli Bunting : Echolocations: River Angel Olsen : Only with You : Phases Angus & Julia Stone : Snow : Snow Arcade Fire : Creature Comfort : Everything Now Baxter Dury : Mungo : Prince of Tears Beach Fossils : Down The Line : Somersault Beach House : Baby : B-Sides And Rarities Beck : Dear Life : Colors Belle & Sebastian : Fickle Season : How to Solve Our Human Problems Part 1 EP Benjamin Gibbard : December : Bandwagonesque The Black Angels : Medicine : Death Song Black Grape : String Theory : Pop Voodoo Blondie : Already Naked : Pollinator BMX Bandits : Forever : BMX Bandits Forever Bob Dylan : These Foolish Things : Triplicate The Brian Jonestown Massacre : Dropping Bombs on The Sun : Don't Get Lost British Sea Power : The Voice of Ivy Lee : Let the Dancers Inherit the Party Broken Social Scene : Protest Song : Hug of Thunder Carla Bruni : Enjoy the Silence : French Touch The Cars : Just What I Needed : Live at The Agora, 1978 Cast : How Can We Lose : Kicking Up The Dust Chain & the Gang : I Hate Winners : Experimental Music The Charlatans : Plastic Machinery : Different Days Charlotte Gainsbourg : Lying with You : Rest Chilly Gonzales & Jarvis Cocker : Tearjerker : Room 29 Chris Robinson Brotherhood : Get Out of My Life Woman : Betty's Blends, Vol. 3: Self-Rising, Southern Blends Chuck Berry : Lady B. Goode : Chuck The Church : Before the Deluge : Man Woman Life Death Infinity Cigarettes After Sex : K. : Cigarettes After Sex The Clientele : Lunar Days : Music for the Age of Miracles Conor Oberst : A Little Uncanny : Salutations Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile : Continental Breakfast : Lotta Sea Lice Cults : With My Eyes Closed : Offering Dan Auerbach : Never in My Wildest Dreams : Waiting on a Song David Bazan : Inner Lives : Care David Bowie : "Heros" (French Single Version, 2017 Remastered Version) : A New Career In A New Town (1977- 1982) David Bowie : When I Met You : No Plan EP The Dears : Guns or Knives : Times Infinity Volume Two Destroyer : Tinseltown Swimming in Blood : Ken Dope Lemon : Neon Lights : Hounds Tooth EP Ducktails : Cemetery Dance : Daffy Duck in Hollywood Ducktails : Solitary Star : Jersey Devil Echo & The Bunnymen : Friction : It's All Live Now El Mató a Un Policía Motorizado : La Noche Eterna : La Síntesis O'Konor Elbow : Magnificent (She Says) : Little Fictions Fazerdaze : Misread : Morningside Firefriend : The Black Hole : The Black Hole The Flaming Lips : How (Live ISS Concert For Peace) : Live Onboard The International Space Station: Concert For Peace The Flaming Lips : Sunrise (Eyes of the Young) : Oczy Mlody Fleet Foxes : If You Need to, Keep Time on Me : Crack-Up The Fresh & Onlys : Qualm of Innocence : Wolf Lie Down Future Islands : Cave : The Far Field Goldfrapp : Moon in Your Mouth : Silver Eye Gorillaz : Saturnz Barz (feat. Popcaan) : Humanz Grandaddy : Evermore : Last Place Guided By Voices : Goodbye Note : August By Cake Half Japanese : The Preventers : Hear The Lions Roar Hope Sandoval and the Warm Inventions : Sleep : Son of a Lady The Horrors : World Below : V Iron & Wine : Song in Stone : Beast Epic James : What For : Justhipper: The Complete Sire & Blanco Y Negro Recordings 1986-1988 Jamiroquai : Something About You : Automaton Japandroids : Arc of Bar : Near to the Wild Heart of Life Jeff Tweedy : Hummingbird : Together at Last Jesu/Sun Kil Moon : The Greatest Conversation Ever in The History of The Universe : 30 Seconds to The Decline of Planet Earth The Jesus and Mary Chain : Amputation : Damage and Joy Juliana Hatfield : Kellyanne : Pussycat Laetitia Sadier Source Ensemble : Committed : Find Me Finding You Lali Puna : Bony Fish (feat. Mary Lattimore) : Two Windows Land of Talk : In Florida : Life After Youth Laura Marling : Nothing, Not Nearly : Semper Femina LCD Soundsystem : Call the Police : American Dream Lee Ranaldo : Let's Start Again : Electric Trim Liam Gallagher : For What It's Worth : As You Were Lo Tom : Overboard : Lo Tom Los Campesinos! : 5 Flucloxacillin : Sick Scenes Luna : GTX3 : A Place of Greater Safety EP Luna : Fire in Cairo (The Cure Cover) : A Sentimental Education Mac DeMarco : For The First Time : This Old Dog Marc Bolan : Girl (Acoustic Session) : Skycloaked Lord (of Precious Light) Mark Kozelek : Astronomy : Night Talks EP Mark Lanegan Band : Drunk on Destruction : Gargoyle Mew : Nothingness and No Regrets : Visuals Mogwai : Party in the Dark : Every Country's Sun Monster Movie : Going Backwards : Keep the Voices Distant Moon Duo : Creepin' : Occult Architecture Vol. 1 Moon Duo : Sevens : Occult Architecture Vol. 2 Morrissey : Jacky's Only Happy When She's Up On the Stage : Low in High School The National : Guilty Party : Sleep Well Beast Neil Young & Promise of the Real : Almost Always : The Visitor Neil Young : Human Highway : Hitchhiker The New Pornographers : Whiteout Conditions : Whiteout Conditions Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds : She Taught Me How To Fly : Who Built The Moon? Orchestral Manoeuvres In the Dark : Isotype : The Punishment of Luxury The Orwells : Vacation : Terrible Human Beings The Pains of Being Pure at Heart : Falling Apart So Slow : The Echo of Pleasure Paul Weller : Hopper : A Kind Revolution Phoenix : Telefono : Ti Amo Pia Fraus : Endless Clouds : Field Ceremony Radiohead : Lift : OKNOTOK The Raveonettes : Fast Food : 2016 Atomized Ray Davies : The Deal : Americana Real Estate : Darling : In Mind Ride : Cali : Weather Diaries Royal Blood : Where Are You Now? : How Did We Get So Dark? Ryan Adams : Streets Of Philadelphia : Live at Rough Trade Ryan Adams : Do You Still Love Me : Prisoner Ryan Adams : Broken Things : Prisoner (End of World Edition: B-Sides) Saint Etienne : Take It All In : Home Counties Singapore Sling : Evil Angel : Kill Kill Kill Slowdive : Sugar for the Pill : Slowdive The Smiths : Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others (Demo) : The Queen Is Dead (Deluxe Edition) Sondre Lerche : Siamese Twin : Pleasure Spoon : Hot Thoughts : Hot Thoughts Stars : The Gift of Love : There Is No Love in Fluorescent Light Starsailor : All This Life : All This Life Stereophonics : All In One Night : Scream Above the Sounds Sufjan Stevens : Death with Dignity : Carrie & Lowell Live Temples : Certainty : Volcano Thee Oh Sees : Animated Violence : Orc Thurston Moore : Smoke of Dreams : Rock N Roll Consciousness Tim Bernardes : Talvez : Recomeçar Tindersticks : Peas and Ques : Minute Bodies: The Intimate World of F. Percy Smith Tricky : The Only Way : Ununiform Ty Segall : Waterloo Sunset : Something Else: A Tribute to the Kinks Ty Segall : Break a Guitar : Ty Segall (2017) The Underground Youth : Alice : What Kind of Dystopian Hellhole Is This? Van Morrison : Roll With the Punches : Roll With the Punches The War On Drugs : Knocked Down : A Deeper Understanding The Waterboys : Love Walks In : Out of All This Blue Waxahatchee : Brass Beam : Out in the Storm Whitney : No Woman (Demo) : Light Upon the Lake: Demo Recordings Widowspeak : When I Tried : Expect the Best The Willowz : Just Can't Wait : Fifth Wire : Diamonds in Cups : Silver/Lead The XX : Say Something Loving : I See You
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Art F City: Documenta 14: Learning From Athens, Learning From Crisis
Marta Minujín and Pierre Bal-Blanc, “The Parthenon of Books,” 2016 – ongoing. Photo by Anastasia Tuazon.
You don’t need to go to Kassel, Germany to know that the world seems on shaky ground. But this year’s documenta exhibition, “Learning From Athens,” nails home that idea, nonetheless. That’s quite intentional, given that documenta 14 artistic director Adam Szymczyk, along with a team of more than a dozen curators, chose to stake out a markedly “political” point of view. Though the word “political” can refer to pretty much anything or nothing when it comes to curation, Szymczyk and team have carved out a specific focus: the local is the global. And right now, documenta envisions that the world is in need of being rebuilt entirely—from the ground up.
When national and international coalitions have been unable to prevent the dispersal and death of refugees, a major focus in both the Athens and Kassel editions of documenta, the crisis cannot be remedied by the powers that be. There must be alternatives, and as far as the curatorial through-line goes with documenta 14, those alternatives rely on finding strength in what we have around us. With this void in place, “everything is possible now.” That statement, both powerful and cliche, comes from a video shown in Norwegian artist Joar Nango’s collaborative installation “European Everything” (2017). The text-only video moves at a rapid-fire speed, spitting out bold-Arial font text telling how to reinvent the Norwegian “eskimo,” the indigenous Sami people, by poking fun at Eskimo-brand refrigerators. The video and installation, located in Kassel’s glass pavilion section, is one of the stronger, stranger, and sillier works in Kassel.
Given that this year’s documenta lacks much humor whatsoever, the comedy of refrigerators gives the breathing room necessary to imagine that hope still exists. Indeed, “European Everything” does portray a hopeful dystopia, however constructed out of scrap materials from Athens, built with traditional Norwegian hand-axes, strewn with furs, and covered in knick-knacks. Think Mad Max, but less murder; after all, the video describes how, without the need for electricity, “fridges will be dance floors.” That sounds like a fun party, maybe, but not a world I’d want to live in. Regardless, that world seems near on the horizon when artists like Nango feel compelled to prepare for a time when what once seemed solid (like the EU) might break apart. As you can tell, documenta 14 is about as much fun as waiting for the world to end.
That seriousness is by no means a jab at documenta; a year of dour art is much preferred to, say, last year’s Berlin Biennale, where sleek, post-internet works embraced the gloss and branding of international corporations. In 2017, seriousness of purpose has taken over passive compliance.
Additionally, that seriousness is in keeping with documenta’s reputation for dryly conceptual wall work. That’s not my favorite genre of art making, but thankfully those works tend be found inside the museums and exhibition halls, rather than on the streets, where performances, sculptures, and concerts will continue through the end of documenta in mid-September. At the very least, it’s a new turn for documenta, which deviates from the overbearing conceptualism of its last edition, directed by curator Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev. In the words of critic Roberta Smith, documenta 13 was an “incomprehensible, viewer-defying vastness,” that was “most effective as a disembodied state of mind.” Five years later, documenta 14 may be more targeted in purpose, but the disembodiment, in terms of imaginary projects rather than actual political action, continues. More on that in the commentary and images we’ve compiled below. (Corinna Kirsch)
Photos by Anastasia Tuazon.
Hans Haacke, “Wir (alle) sind das Volk—We (all) are the people,” 2003/2017. Here: located on the corner of a department building off of Friedrichsplatz. Note that above the building’s portico you can see Thomas Schütte’s little-people sculpture, “The Strangers,” (1992), permanently installed at documenta 9.
Hans Haacke, “Wir (alle) sind das Volk—We (all) are the people,” 2003/2017. Location: Wienerstrasse tram stop across from the Aral gas station.
Corinna Kirsch: Definitely one of the most noticeable public works at documenta: these rainbow signs are everywhere. The banners and posters show “We (all) are the people” in several different languages. That statement could be a slogan for documenta 14 itself, as so much of the work leans towards upending what it means to be a local, national, or global citizen. It’s an uplifting message to have on a bus stop; on the other hand, it might be a feel-good update to “We are the World,” the 1980s USA for Africa anthem. I sure hope not.
Of course, this is a work by Hans Haacke, whose works of institutional critique, among others, rarely feel straightforward or easy-to-place. They hide as much as they disclose. If there’s a way out of the feel-good-vibes, it’s with the “all” hidden inside the parentheses. Stuck, buried inside a parentheses, “all” is both an afterthought and interlude.
But I’m still conflicted about this work. It’s too open-ended.
Olu Oguibe, “Monument for Strangers and Refugees,” 2017. Location: Königsplatz. Photo by Corinna Kirsch.
Anastasia Tuazon: Haacke’s banners and posters seem to resonate with Olu Oguibe’s massive obelisk. With the phrase “I was a stranger and you took me in” inscribed in a glittery gold color on each of its four sides in English, German, Turkish and Arabic, it heralds a kind of utopian togetherness intended to speak to people of various backgrounds.
Corinna: I wonder if those are the most widely spoken languages in Germany? Regardless, they’re all languages you’re bound to hear or read at some point when you’re here.
This might sound obvious, but like any multicultural state or city, no such reality of “Germanness” or “Americanness” exists any longer. Berlin has nearly as many foreign-born residents as New York City, and as a whole, 10 million people living in Germany come from another country. And those are just the official numbers. This obelisk is a big finger shoved in the face of “Make America Great Again.”
Anastasia: “I was a stranger and you took me in” happens to be a well-known line from the New Testament—but I wasn’t aware of where that phrase came from until another documenta-goer mentioned that to me. It may be well-known, but to whom? Again, like the Haacke work, “Monument for Strangers and Refugees” invites questions of who precisely the “we” and “you” might refer to, or whether the words could ever function as truly open signifiers.
Hiwa K, “When We Were Exhaling Images,” 2017. Located exterior to documenta Halle.
Close-up of Hiwa K, “When We Were Exhaling Images,” 2017
Corinna: So these are micro-housing units that nobody except circular people can live in. But I guess you can hide in them fairly well.
Anastasia: It seems like a sort of pre-fab, post dystopian dwelling. The furniture and objects contained within the pipes don’t appear to be unique or personal to an individual, though the plants make the interiors a bit more inviting, though the plants make the interiors a bit more inviting. It’s kind of reminiscent of Andrea Zittel’s “Living Units,” which are self-contained structures equipped with items to meet the needs of their inhabitants—just much, much more austere. 
Regina José Galindo, “El objectivo [The objective],” 2017
Anastasia: It might be heavy-handed, but this performance-installation succeeded in making visitors, such as myself, uncomfortable. Galindo has built a stark white chamber within a room at Kassel’s Stadtmuseum, and each of its four corners has an assault rifle attached to it, facing the inside. Anyone who visits, and is willing, stands in front of a rifle and views Galindo through its viewing mechanism, which contains a green target. You can also pull the trigger, which does nothing. Some people immediately grabbed it, others hesitated, and how many pulled the trigger—and where they targeted the gun—I don’t know. She rotated her body at intervals, taking a turn facing each gun, and the whole time she had an absolutely affectless expression. According to documenta press materials, the work comments on how major weapons industries export their products to “conflict zones in the Americas” where they ultimately fulfill their function. But that doesn’t quite capture the emotional quality of the performance. When Galindo is not inside her white cube, anyone can come in the room to become the target. I suspect people might have some fun playing with it, which could be part of the intended concept, darkly enough.
Pope. L, “Whispering Campaign,” 2016 – present. Mobile sound performances and installations. Locations: Königstrasse and throughout Kassel.
Corinna: We tried so hard to find one particular location of this performance. We never did, but we tried so hard!
Anastasia: Many performances at documenta are not fixed in a specific location, making it sometimes hard to encounter them, like when we attempted to find Pope.L’s “Whispering Campaign” performance. It was happening somewhere on one of Kassel’s main roads between the rathaus (town hall) and a plaza, but we never saw the people with speakers we were told to look out for.
Corinna: Exactly. According to the official documenta map as well as documenta staff, we were told to look out for people who “may or may not” be carrying a speaker around their neck. We walked up and down the street, but nothing. Point is: don’t rely on the map to find a performance.
Irena Haiduk, “Spinal Discipline,” 2017. Location: Outside Neue Galerie.
Anastasia:  While we couldn’t find that Pope.L performance, we did run into Irena Haiduk’s “Spinal Discipline” shortly after, in which part of the artist’s so-called “army of beautiful women” march together with matching outfits and books by Proust balanced on their heads. Conceptually, I find this piece puzzling—others might find the Proust addition pretentious—but it was a visually arresting sight to come across.
Corinna: Yes, at documenta 14 you’re better off letting the performance come to you, not the other way around.
Guillermo Galindo performing “Sonic Borders 2,” 2017.
Galindo’s installation-cum-music-instrument,”Fluchtzieleuropahavarieschallkörper,” 2017.
Anastasia: Galindo, an experimental composer originally from Mexico City, filled the hall with this solo performance, a “sonic ritual” in which he played the strings of massive musical instruments made out of the remains of fiberglass boats. In the performance, bottles full of liquid, a wooden pipe, and a handheld rainbow fan were a few of the objects used to generate sound, and his synthesized vocals added to what struck me as a haunting lamentation on the perilous realities facing migrants. Curator Candice Hopkins writes that Galindo has been developing scores for documenta 14 (in both Athens and Kassel) to function as “odes for border crossers.” Even when he’s not performing, these scores find a material connection in his instruments-as-art-pieces on display in Kassel: they contain remnants from a boat wreckage near Lesbos in which dozens of Turkish refugees drowned.
Corinna: Truly, truly haunting and mesmerizing. By far, Galindo’s performance was the most packed I’d seen: the hall downstairs near where he played was standing-room only; those wishing for a more distant view from above, stood shoulder-to-shoulder in the stairwell to hear him play. His guttural utterances, strengthened by the sonic feedback could have been shaking the walls. You couldn’t make out all the words he screamed, whispered, and barked out, but that didn’t matter. This digital-analog cornucopia of human-animal sounds and repurposed instruments transformed him into an electronic shaman. An apt song for those who have perished at sea. But were “we,” the visitors to documenta Halle, the ones who needed to hear it most? Probably not, but I definitely needed some catharsis given that
  from Art F City http://ift.tt/2t4Lie2 via IFTTT
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homepictures · 6 years
The Shocking Revelation of Interior Decoration For The House | interior decoration for the house
Manchester United administrator Jose Mourinho appeared to accept an Eric Cantona-esque “when the seagulls chase the trawler” moment as he able for his side’s animosity bout at Anfield by bizarrely comparing Liverpool’s spending to autogenous adornment of a house.
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Cod philosopher Cantona abashed the accumulated columnist backpack aback in 1995 aback the Red Devils figure delivered his now-infamous band comparing the media absorption over his ban for kung-fu blame a Crystal Palace fan with contest involving fishermen and wildlife on the aerial seas.
It seems that the artistic juices for metaphors are still abounding advisedly at Old Trafford added than two decades after as the under-fire Portuguese bang-up spouted out a band that seemed added ill-fitted to BBC appearance ‘Changing Rooms’ than article from the alteration room.
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Despite accepting a band with the accomplished boilerplate allowance in the absolute Premier League and United accepting a net absorb of £307.35million aback the summer of 2016 compared to Liverpool’s £121.9million, Mourinho attempted to advance that the Reds are outperforming their absinthian rivals (the table toppers go into the accoutrement some 16 credibility advanced of sixth-placed United) because of their contempo spending in the alteration market.
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Laurence Griffiths/Getty Images
Mourinho said: “Is not aloof about the money they absorb in the summer, is about abounding things.
“Is not aloof about spending money and reinforcing the squad, a football aggregation is added than that, a football aggregation is not aloof about spending the money.
“A football aggregation is like a house, too, a abode is not aloof about affairs the furniture. You accept to do assignment in the abode and aback the abode is ready, afresh you buy the furniture, you absorb money on the best accessible appliance and afresh you are accessible to alive in an amazing house.”
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Mourinho – who beforehand in the division delivered an affronted three-fingered address to admirers referencing the Premier League titles he has won – additionally seemed to be falling aback on accomplished glories afresh to abstract from his accepted asperity while accepting a dig at Liverpool analogue Jurgen Klopp who has absent his aftermost six cup finals with both Borussia Dortmund and the Reds.
Former Liverpool captain names three Manchester United players that would get into Reds aggregation
He added: “I anticipate trophies matter, it matters, abnormally aback you accept the abeyant to action for trophies and abnormally aback you acutely say the cold is to win the trophy.
“I anticipate sometimes to aloof say is not actual intelligent.
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The midfielder to break Liverpool arresting crisis – and the BIG hurdle he charge affected
“But aback you accept the potential, you accept annihilation to hide, you apperceive from day one that your abeyant and your admiration has a affiliation with the potential, because to say we appetite to win anybody can say that, addition affair is to say in a acquainted way in affiliation to the abeyant you have.
“But, I don’t apprehend much, I anticipate Jurgen told already they appetite to win the Premier League, is their objective, is to win the Premier League.”
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