#also. basil with freckles anyone
daily-basil · 1 month
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I'm starting to understand how to render in MS Paint bear with me here,
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enignoema-a · 11 months
— character info sheet.
(repost, don’t reblog)
name: Edward Nygma
name meaning: Edward meaning prosperous, Nygma coming from 'Enigma' when he renamed himself
alias/es: The Riddler
ethnicity: Irish
one picture / icon you like best of your character:
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three h/cs you never told anyone:
He has lots of vocal stims. This man loves his own voice so of course he stims with it. The main ones are 'What's black white and red all over', talking bird chatter he picked up from tiktok, or repetitive song lyrics. Usually though he only does this when he's alone
He has freckles!! So many of them!! I try to depict it in picrews so maybe it doesn't count as never telling anyone but he's just covered in them on both his face and body
I know the domino mask is like part of the Riddler signature, but mine actually just wears purple sunglasses. He's never really been concerned with hiding his identity
three things your character likes doing in their free time:
Restoring/upgrading old tech He really likes old tech aesthetically, there's so many more wires and buttons and things to play with
Research. Just gathering any and all information he possibly can about literally any topic
Crosswords and sudoku
eight people your character likes / loves:
Batman is of course number one. He considers Batman his entire reason for being alive, and the 'game' he plays with batman to be his life's only purpose
Jervis Tetch aka the Mad Hatter. He fights and argues with Jervis a lot, but often finds that he genuinely enjoyed the time spent with the man. Edward needs a bit of nonsense in his life, and Jervis provides plenty (special mention to @alicesought here)
@oncegreatness Basil captivates him and they get along so easily, playing off of each other's energies in a way that is dangerous for everyone around them, but is wonderful for them
Harley Quinn. Ed knows she's a brilliant woman, and has actually gone to her for help with his mental distress more than once, trusting her despite never trusting any other doctor with his mental health
And Echo :) They're kindred spirits! Ed loves these girls probably more than he's ever loved anyone. They've been there for him during the toughest moments in his life, and are the sole reason he was able to get as far as he has in his criminal career
Penguin. Who knows why these two hit it off as well as they did, but Ed trusts Oswald and cares about him. Plus the man pays for basically everything Ed needs
@brutalage :) Ed is a man who is so easily manipulated and also Vandal just happens to be everything Ed likes in a man
two things your character regrets:
Killing his mother
Existing :,)
one phobia your character has:
His brain starting to fail. For Ed his intelligence is everything. The idea that one day he'd just wake up and not be able to do things he once could is terrifying.
Tagged by: @oncegreatness
Tagging: whoever (or if i tagged you in this prior)
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pinkmonsimblr · 3 years
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As a wedding gift to Aron, who is a serious dog lover, Bridget got him an adorable female puppy named Freckles. She’s a mixed breed with some Pitbull, some Boxer, and who knows what else. She’s the sweetest little nugget ever and all the kids are almost as obsessed with her as Aron is. She’s being spoiled with lots of love, treats, and a giant bed.
Also, clearly Julian and Juliette aged up! They both came out with their mother’s ginger hair color but Basil’s signature big curls. There’s no way anyone could deny they’re his kids. Poor Aron. 😬
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Bonus: Freckles’ family tree! Her parents are actually Tiffanie’s dogs! Tiffanie gave her to Bridget.
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ardent-musings · 3 years
The Carmi Thea Tonks
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Birthday: January 12, 1980
Status: Halfblood!
Nationality: English
Personality Type: ENFP
Hair: Long curly blackish brown hair. Looks a bit red in the summer.
Eyes: Hooded hazel green eyes
Height: 5’2
Weight: 150
Build: Curvy with small hands and feet
Skin Tone: Pale olive toned skin, freckles everywhere and rosy cheeks.
Distinguishing Marks: Some scars from being so clumsy and one snake bite on her wrist.
Hometown: England’s hillside
Mother: Exiled Black sister, Andromeda. 
After she left the confines of the Black household, she reunited with her one true love, despite the threats she received from her family. 
Andromeda and Carmi have a great love for animals and potions; they spent most of their time in the gardens every summer. Throughout her time at Hogwarts, she would confide in her mum about being a Slytherin and how hard that dynamic can be. Her mother convinces her that her being a Slytherin isn’t anything wrong, but a part of her that she should embrace.
They are both headstrong, snarky yet sweet women. Both are unfathomably determined and know who they are.
Father: Ted Tonks and his daughter share a far softer bond than her and her mother. Since Carmi was born quite a few years behind Tonks, Ted found himself incredibly soft and protective over the baby girl They never grew out of that dynamic. 
The two of them are very cuddly and enjoy spending their mornings together. Ted would often start the day, him with his tea and her with her chocolate milk as they danced around the kitchen to The Beatles.
As she gets older, he rejoices in the fact that she still keeps her softness, regardless of how strong and blunt she becomes. His gentleness influences her in everything she does.
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House: Slytherin
Quidditch: Chaser & Captain
Clubs: Divination Club — Herbology Club — Dueling Club — Frog Choir
Best Class: Potions and Herbology 
Worst Class: History of Magic
Favorite Prof: Trelawney and Sprout
Least Favorite: Lockhart
Boggart: Bellatrix Lestrange in her Death Eater getup 
Riddikulus:  Bellatrix transforms into a jewelry box ballerina
Patronus: Giant toad
Patronus Memory: Dancing on top of her father’s feet with Tonks and her mother laughing in the kitchens when she was younger
Mirror of Erised: Herself in the greenhouse with a cauldron in front of her
Amortentia (She smells like) Roses — Wine — Sugarcane — Grapefruit
Smells (What she smells) Basil — Wool — Maple — Clary Sage
11-18: Student at Hogwarts
19- 21: She spends a few years at St. Mungos, working as an apprentice under some of the best healers in London. There she specializes in potion based healing.
22-45 : After her few years at St. Mungos, she is recruited to work as the healer at Hogwarts, working alongside Madam Pomfrey who needed a successor.
While at Hogwarts she becomes the new Head of Slytherin at the request of Slughorn.
During these years, Carmi also starts her jewelry, crystals, and aromatherapy candles and creams in her shop; right beside Mo and Kate’s shops.
Most at Ease When: She can spend free time with her friends and family, getting lost in the gardens and playing with the snakes.
Stressed When: Anyone tries to get her to admit something she’s not ready to
Priorities: The trio, Quidditch, potions, and Neville
Strength: Intuition — Wit — Compassionate — Self acceptance
Weakness: Fear of vulnerability— emotionally confused as hell
Color: Forest and sage green
Song: “Is Everybody Going Crazy?” by Nothing But Thieves
Food: Her father’s blueberry pancakes
Drink: Chocolate milk
Weather: Rainy summers
Book: “Advanced Potion-Making” by Libatius Borage
Expletives: “Bloody Mandrake Ass Bitch!”
Hobbies: Reading her classmate’s natal charts, Quidditch, making candles, potion making, and Frog Choir
Fashion: She has integrated some of Tonks’ old skirts and boots into her wardrobe, but other than that she prefers more floral designs and dresses with some edgy pieces. She also has a proclivity for piercings. 
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Carmi firsts meets the lovely Neville when he loses his toad, Trevor, during their first year. She helps him find the little guy, but his fear of anyone in green robes unnerves the young boy. However, when she helps him after he passes out from the Mandrake cries during their second year, the two of them are inseparable. Everyone knows they love each other, besides them. 
They do everything together, which includes going to the Yule Ball together and attending Slughorn’s Christmas party together. It takes them until 6th year to fully lift the blinders, but when they do, they have the most supportive love. 
The two of them end up wit two little girls (Alice May and Frankie Elise).
Morgan Black is not only one of Carmi’s best friends, but the two had been each other’s favorite cousin. When they were younger, they would have sleepovers along with Tonks, but since Morgan and Carmi were closer in age and went to Hogwarts together, they were a force to be reckoned with. Morgan and Carmi are each other’s confidants, but they will do things to push each other. Both would throw hands for each other.
Carmi and Kate became friends after the Ravenclaw had some choice words with Mr. Marcus Flint; their mutual hatred of the vapid boy made them instant friends. They share one brain cell and often finished each other’s sentences. Since Carmi is quite close with Professor Trelawney, she always finds herself around Kate which is a plus. 
Luna Lovegood and Carmi both have a mutual love for making jewelry, and the two of them will use their skills to sell House themed bracelets and earrings. They are also quite whimsical and silly; the two girls never cared what anyone ever thought, so many people found them strange.
Ginny and Carmi were friends since they were younger; Carmi had been to the Burrow a few times when she tagged along with Tonks whenever she visited Charlie. The two girls would often find themselves running through the fields near the house, digging in the dirt and flying around on their ratty old brooms.
Cedric Diggory was always a kind boy, and he had helped Carmi find her classroom when she got lost during her first year. They both connected over their love of Quidditch, even if they were on separate teams. Once he started dating Kate, Carmi rejoiced and celebrated for days, finding the two of them a perfect match.
Pansy Parkinson and Carmi are an odd match, but the two balanced each other quite well. They were both witty and a bit snarky, but Carmi made the girl kinder wile Pansy kept her up to date on all the Slytherin gossip.
Fred and George like to give her shit for being a Slytherin, but Kate and Mo and Carmi would bop them upside the head. Snarky boys, but they loved her, and she loved them.
Carmi and Hermione Granger often butt heads over wanting to be the best in the class. The two are also fiercely competitive over their grades, Hermione would be an anxious and furious student while Carmi was just observant and confident. But both wanted to be the best. 
Crabbe and Goyle for being bafoons.
Draco and Carmi have an estranged relationship since their mothers are feuding, but they never really care to spend time together. Sometimes they’ll exchange words but the family situation was just more awkward than anything.
Marcus Flint was always a sore in the girl’s side, never understanding the hint that she just wasn’t interested in him. But he was relentless. Thankfully Mo and Kate were always ready to attack him if need be, but Carmi often out him in his place.
Carmi would destroy Bellatrix Lestrange if given the chance over what she did to Neville’s parents. Not only did she make Carmi ashamed to share blood, but she hated how deeply she hurt the man she loved. She would destroy Auntie Bella if given the chance.
Carmi and Neville own very random animals for pets since Carmi can’t help but house every abandoned creature she sees. Some of their more obscure pets were a possum, a skunk, toads, snakes, and cats.
The trio still have sleepovers, even if their grown. 
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@kc-needs-coffee​ @weasleysandwheezes​
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fungusbabey · 4 years
nurse - john b/reader
requested by @caliban-is-my-girl y/n is sick, and john b isn’t going to let her suffer alone
y/n woke up feeling like absolute shit. stuffy nose, sore throat, headache—the whole nine yards. she was supposed to go out on the boat with the gang today, but now that was definitely not happening. she could feel the heat radiating from her forehead. she reluctantly rolled out of bed, pausing briefly when her vision blacked, took cold & flu pills, and then crawled back under her comforter.
before going back to sleep, she figured she should let everyone know she wouldn’t be able to make it. she texted the group chat and was bet with an “aww, feel better babes :((” from kie, an “ew, gross,” from jj, and treatment advice from pope. nothing from john b. twenty minutes later, there was a knock on her front door. she ran a hand through her unbrushed hair and was just barely able to make herself walk to the front of the house, undo the deadbolt, and open it.
standing on her front porch was john b., with his always-messy hair and a smile on his face. there was a bag on his arm and a cup in his hand.
“m’lady,” he bowed, handing her the cup. “only the finest coffee from the wreck,” he winked. “your favorite.” he invited himself in and sat the bag on the counter. “you see, today, i’m gonna be your nurse... like one of those assistants that come and help old people all day,” he teased.
“and what exactly does that entail?” she questioned playfully, feeling a bit less congested now that she was upright.
“sit down first,” he insisted, gently pushing her back onto the couch. “first of all, we’ve got some tomato basil bisque, also from the wreck.” he took a decomposable container from the bag and gently handed it to her, as well as a spoon from the silverware drawer. “eat up,” he coerced. when she carefully spooned the warm soup into her mouth, he nodded and continued. “i got some snacks, popcorn and chips and stuff,” he listed, holding up several bags in turn and placing them on the kitchen table. “some nyquil, in case you can’t sleep tonight.” he sat that aside. “and um... some pajama pants, fuzzy socks, and lip balm. kie said girls like that stuff when they’re sick.” he may been blushing, but it could have just been a sunburn from the day before.
“i’m gonna stay here with you as long as you need,” he comforted. “i don’t have anyone to make me go home, and your parents are out of town, so...”
“hey, aren’t you guys supposed to take the pogue out today?” she furrowed your brows in concern. “don’t let me ruin your plans. go have fun.”
“i already talked to them,” he explained, waving a dismissive hand. “they didn’t want you to be alone, either. they’re just gonna go on a drive or something. don’t worry about it.”
she smiled gratefully and wondered how on earth she was lucky enough to have such great friends... and to have the cutest, sweetest boy in the obx voluntarily taking care of her.
“now, finish up your soup and go take a nice, relaxing shower. i’ll get everything ready,” he grinned, his dimples on full display on his freckled cheeks. 
she drank the remaining bit of the soup from the cup before taking the bottoms, socks and lip balm from the tall boy with a grateful grin. her face heated, and not just from the fever. she grabbed an oversized t-shirt and a pair of comfortable underwear from her room before heading to the bathroom and taking a long, hot, soapy shower. when she returned to the living room, she couldn’t help the surprised gasp that escaped her.
john b had transformed the pull-out couch into a bed, collected all the blankets and pillows he could find, and piled them on in a cozy disaster. toward the foot of the bed was a huge bowl of popcorn.
“come on, sicky,” he joked, patting the bed next to him. “let’s find something good to watch.” when she slid into the bed, he felt his heart race at the citrus scent that he could smell, hidden beneath strong vapo-rub.
after nearly half an hour, they finally settled on the princess bride. “always a classic,” he noted. she laughed along at the ridiculous movie, and she was so absorbed that she didn’t notice john b. sneaking lingering glances, covering a smile with his hand when he would catch sight of her natural, comfortable state.
she fell asleep not even halfway through and didn’t wake for another few hours. john b gently tucked her in and brushed a stray lock of hair out of her face.
she wasn’t awake to feel his soft lips press to her forehead.
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oooo how about 5 for the kiss promts??
thanks anon! I really enjoyed writing this one, so I hope y'all like it.
prompt: Throwing their arms around the other person’s neck, hugging them close before kissing them passionately on the lips.
My father gave me the Jag before I returned to Watford for second term. 
He said he was going to give it to me anyway, as a graduation present, and that I might as well start using it. (Personally I think he just likes the idea of me having a getaway car, on the off-chance everything goes to complete shit again.) (Unlikely, with the Mage dead.) I’ve not told him how often I use it to travel down to London. To see my boyfriend. To see Simon. (I think he might suspect, anyway, but he’s not said anything.) 
I’ve come down from Watford as often as I can this term; I can’t help myself. It used to be bad enough, being apart from Simon during holidays. Now that I have him, truly have him, it’s been near torture just being without him for a few weeks on end. A few days, even.
I try to give myself some credit. Try not to think of myself as weak.
I’m not weak. I’m just sick in love. And Simon needs me, besides. (Which I can barely bloody believe, sometimes.) 
He has Bunce, of course, and her family. And he has me, too, in a way; we talk on the phone every night, now that the Mage’s ridiculous mobile ban’s been lifted at Watford. (I’ve been using an old mobile of mine, since the bloody numpties destroyed my other one. I’ve a mind to buy myself something nice and new for graduation.) (I don’t need something nice or new to talk to Simon. Just something that’ll let me hear his voice. Something that’ll let him hear mine. Something he can send me ridiculous YouTube videos on, not to mention all the criminally good-looking selfies he’s been wont to send these last months.) (If I didn’t know better, I’d take it as a personal attack. Here I was thinking I spent a lot of time wanking feelings away at age fifteen, sixteen. I’ve been putting my younger self to shame, but that’s alright. I’m not trying to free myself from him anymore.) (It’s better, this way. Much better.) 
Come to think of it, maybe it is a personal attack. Just a more entertaining (and arousing) form of antagonism. (I do my best to give as good as I get, in any case.)
Bunce’s Hounslow neighborhood is familiar to me by now. The pull in my gut as I turn onto her street is familiar, too. It almost feels like the first time I met Simon, when the Crucible drew us together. (Fuck, I’m in deep, comparing this to the bloody Crucible. Aleister fucking Crowley.) (I was doomed from the start, really, all thanks to a fucking magickal bowl.) (I do thank it, honestly. Sometimes I wonder what school would’ve been like, if Simon and I weren’t roommates. The possibility alone terrifies me, and also I’m certain the last seven years would’ve been woefully predictable and a lot less entertaining.) (Less painful, too, I suppose, though I got what I wanted in the end. It was worth it, for that.) 
I pull up to the Bunces’ house, kill the Jag’s engine. The swell that rises in my chest is pleasant and petrifying all at once, because maybe, just maybe, this is the time Simon tells me it’s all been a mistake. That’s he’s done with me.
No, I think, and I remember all the late-night phone calls, Simon asking me to talk to him until he falls asleep, all those pregnant pauses at the ends of our conversations, and me saying I love you, I love you, I love you in my head and wondering if he’s thinking the same into the silence. The way he breaks that silence with anum or a huffed laugh. The way he tells me everything, when he wants to talk—like how Bunce’s little sister thinks he’s a Pokemon, or how he’s looking into courses for uni next term, finally, or how he’s made a batch of scones for me to try on my next visit (the scones never make it that long, but that’s alright). The way he tells me nothing, when he’s a million miles away, but still insists I stay on the phone. 
I undo my seatbelt. Open the door. 
I'm barely out of the car when I hear him. "Baz!" he shouts, and it doesn't matter how often we talk on the phone (or don’t talk at all), because nothing can compare to the sound of him now. He's right here. And he's grinning at me, which is absolutely lovely to see. It's not often I see him smile, not since Christmas, but it's been more lately, somehow, like he's coming back. Coming back to me.
He jogs down from the front door, across the drive, and before I know it he's plowed into me, his arms flung around my neck, his invisible tail coiling down my thigh. (There's one perk of being a vampire, I suppose; at least I'm strong enough not to be bowled over.)
He does manage to knock the wind out of me, however.
"Crowley, Snow," I say, but there's no venom in it. He just huffs into my neck as I pull him closer, let myself feel the sweet, burning heat of him against me. 
And then he's pulling back, almost too soon, grinning up at me crookedly, almost drunkenly. Grinning at me. Forme. The sun has kissed him golden since the last time I was here. He’s very nearly glowing, and if he wasn’t intoxicating before, well. 
I've memorized his face by now—of course I have—but that doesn't keep me from trying to count the freckles scattered across his nose. Because I'm close enough,finally. Close enough to touch him. Close enough to hold him. Close enough to know that'd I'd be here for hours if I truly tried to count every mark on his tawny skin. 
Snow doesn't let me get very far with the counting, anyway. No, he has better plans, apparently, because he's pushing me back against my car and pressing his lips to mine. 
We've kissed, since Christmas, but not like this. It's been pecks, mostly. Deeper, sometimes, soft and slow and sweet. But it's not been this, so heavy and heady and passionate. It's not felt like Simon's chasing the taste of me, not since that last night in my room in Hampshire. I'd started thinking that I'd imagined it, and then I'd swallow my shame, because Simon's been put through something trying and terrible. We all have, really, but him most of all. I don't forget that. There's no way I could.
I think, faintly, that we're doing this in public, right in the street, where anyone could see. I don't think I've ever cared about anything less, and Simon doesn't seem the least bit bothered, either.
So I let him in. Let him kiss and lick and suck at my lips. I let him take what he likes, and when he tilts his chin against me, I open for him. I think that his tongue has no right to feel this good against mine, but also it has every right. I'd let Simon Snow take me apart right here, if he wanted, right here in the middle of this quiet Hounslow street because Crowley, I want him. I think I've never wanted anything as much as I want him right now.
I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer, flush with me, as close as I can bring him, and he gasps against my mouth before tangling one of his hands in my hair. I think for a moment—no, I know—that he wants me, too. Simon isn’t the best with saying things in words, but the way he’s pressing close, so close, and the way he’s cradling my head in the broadness of his hand, the way his other hand catches at the dip of my waist and squeezes, the way his tongue is sliding wet and hot and sweet against mine…
He’s the only person I’ve ever kissed, but I know this isn’t how you kiss someone you don’t love. 
Simon Snow loves me, too, I think. It’s the only option, really, no matter how absurd it may sound. I should tell him, soon, tell him how much he means to me. Tell him that I love him, that I’ve loved him for a long time. That every time I think I can’t love him more, I prove myself wrong. 
I’ll tell him, soon. But not today. Not right now. Because his mouth is killing everything I’m trying to think. (He has a way of doing that, and I don’t mind. I could never mind, not when it means I get to have Simon Snow’s lips on mine.)
All I can hear is the sound of our mouths moving together, our breaths against each other's cheeks, the quiet sighs Simon's drawing from me, and the ones I'm drawing from him—
And the sound of our lips breaking apart as Simon pulls away. A rush of surprised air. 
When I open my eyes, he's flushed. I'm not sure how much of that's from kissing me, and how much is due to the fact that Bunce is stood at her front door, arms crossed as she gives the two of us her best exasperated look. (She’s perfected it, I’ll give her that.)
"Hello, Bunce," I say with a raised brow and a smirk. I keep my hold on Simon's hips, give them a squeeze.
"Hello, Basil," she says. "You done groping him in the street now, or should I leave you to it?"
I glance at Simon. His cheeks are burning hotter, and he's pulled his swollen bottom lip between his teeth. 
"What about it, Snow?" I say, softly. "Fancy a drive?"
His lips quirk back up into a grin, and I know what he's thinking. I'm thinking it, too, that I'd like to drive us out somewhere quiet, somewhere secluded, somewhere out of the city. Somewhere I can put the Jag in park, and push my seat back. Somewhere Simon can crawl into my lap and snog me until my mouth is sore. 
"We'll be back, Bunce," I tell her. She's not so far away that I can't see her quirk an eyebrow at me. "We're going for a drive."
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heirsofremnant · 5 years
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Elio Xiao Long Belladonna
(Based on The Sun God, Helios)
Nickname: ‘Eli’ by anyone.
Age: 18 (He has a special interest in a particular rich boy with blue eyes and confidence issues)
Gender: Male/Cis
Siblings: Little Sister (3 yrs) Esmeray Belladonna
Parents: Yang Xiao Long (Mom, Biological Mother), Blake Belladonna (Mommy), Jaune Arc (Biological Father/Sperm Donor)
Orientation: Homosexual
School/Year/Team: Beacon Academy/2nd year/ Team EBNE
Aura: Yellow
Semblance: Halo, a Semblance that gives Elio energy when in the presence of the sun and also make his hair glow similar to his mother Yang. His energy, along with his strength, speed, and agility is all given an extreme boost. When there is overcast or no sun to absorb, Elio can’t use his semblance and is generally more fatigued than usual.
Weapon: Gun Gauntlets that when combined transform into a Dust-Core Dual Scythe named Torrens Solis.
Emblem: A fist through a sun.
Personality: Laid-back, Confident, Protective, Warm, Loving, Kind-hearted, Fierce, Independent, Family-Oriented, Frugal, Smart, Hard-working
Voice: Brad Swaile (Rock from Black Lagoon)
Elio has been told since he was young that Jaune may have helped make him and was indeed his “father”, he was not his Dad. Instead of calling him “Dad”, Elio chooses to call him “Uncle Jaune”. He comes around on Birthdays and special occasions to see him and give him presents, but doesn’t see Elio as anymore his kid as Mars or Morgen are.
Elio couldn’t decide between learning his mother’s style of combat and his Aunt’s/Great Uncle’s, so the trio helped him build a weapon that could be both. He is a jack-of-all trades, finding it easy to pick up and wield but never quite master.
Due to his semblance giving him a good portion of extra energy, he stays out from Sunrise to sunset often. This leads him to being rather tan and even giving him a freckled complexion on his face.
He is the strongest upper body wise of all the Heir’s. Jet would be the strongest lower body wise in comparison.
Elio is extremely loved and popular at Beacon. He makes friends with a large majority of the students there. He has also been known as the ‘Dad Friend’, someone who can handle his alcohol and his sloshed friends at the same time. 
Elio is a glass half-full type of guy. He doesn’t really sweat the small stuff and usually holds a positive outlook on life. If you’re looking for a silver lining in a situation, odds are that Elio can help you find it.
Esme, his baby sister, is one of the most important people to him. He will drop everything if it means aiding her in something. She finds this somewhat annoying as she feels babied a lot by him, but she knows it comes from a loving place and tries not to put up a fuss.
He doesn’t really have a favorite food, as he isn’t a picky eater, but there is something about a grilled cheese with tomato and basil soup that hits the spot for him most days.
Elio loves his mother’s with all his heart and takes time to visit them often. Growing up he loved to sleep in their bed and be held by them. Play time with Mom was especially fun since she did weird stuff with her prosthetic arm.
Morgen and Elio knew each other since they’ve been little, but only since the Vytal festival in their Sophomore year did they really get to know each other. They both text one another at least once a day, venting and sharing their daily struggles with one another.
Elio is a trained horse back rider. He plans to own one at some point in his life when he settles down from Huntsman work.
He owns a Motorcycle named Chariot.
Elio has always known he was solely attracted to men. It was figuring out that not every boy was attracted to him that was the difficult part to figure out during his childhood.
He’s 6′3″
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let-love-run-red · 5 years
The Adventures of a Single Father-2
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Tag list: @0hour9am​ @siobhanlovesfilm​ @thefandomzoneisdangerous​ @sincereleygmg
I’m so sorry if the tag didn’t work loves, one of them didn’t want to cooperate
Day after day after day Adam went through the same routine. Wake up at least four times a night, take care of Cody. Get up in the morning, resist the urge to send a cinder block through his floor to shut his neighbors up, take a shower and bathe Cody at the same time (he'd found it was easier to hold him during a shower), then pack everything onto his bike and ride around looking for people hiring. His most promising job offer was at Grumpy's cafe. The manager Ray was an ass. Also a friend of Hannah's, and he didn't need to get mixed up with her shit again.
Today, however, his routine was interrupted when he heard a loud crash in the apartment next door to him followed by a distressed female voice. Adam shot from his sleep, glancing around frantically. Cody was still sound asleep in his crib. Adam breathed a sigh of relief, he hadn't been getting enough sleep lately.
"Matt! That was my favorite table, oh no." He heard through the wall. He groggily sat up as a male voice started yelling. Adam sighed and climbed out of bed, pulling on a pair of sweat pants and running his hands through his hair. He padded out of his room to the front door and opened it to see a crew of people moving things into the apartment next door to his. He watched for a moment, until a woman with (h/l) (h/c) hair stepped from the apartment, tapping at something on her phone before shoving it in her pocket and whirling around to look at Adam.
His breath caught in his throat when he saw her face. Her perfect (e/c) eyes shone with a light he hadn't seen in anyone before. Her skin looked so soft and radiant as she caught his gaze and smiled a perfect smile that made his heart leap to his throat. She was gorgeous.
"Oh I'm so sorry, did I wake you?" She asked. Adam found himself swallowing in an attempt to get his words out. He'd never had a problem talking to girls before, why was it so hard now?
"Y-yeah, yeah. Um, it's not a big deal I just, I heard you saying something about a table?" He said, squinting in her direction and stepping into the hall. She looked him up and down, her eyes lingering on his bare chest for a moment before returning to his face.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." She explained. Adam glanced back into his apartment, watching closely for any movement from Cody sleeping in his crib. Cody shifted slightly and Adam tensed, ready to run to him, but there was no sign Cody was going to wake up soon.
"No you're fine, I just had no idea anybody was moving in." Adam explained, returning his gaze to her. He almost couldn't look into her eyes, they were so incredibly perfect and nearly glowing. She tilted her head in confusion, her smile faltering a little.
"Oh, they didn't tell you? I'm sorry I should've gone around and introduced myself then." She said. She stepped forward and held out her hand. Adam took it in a firm handshake.
"I'm (y/n), I'm moving in next door." She said with a giggle. Adam smiled and was about to introduce himself when there was another loud crash. Adam stood up straight and bolted back into his apartment when Cody let out a startled cry. Adam quickly reached Cody's crib, picking him up and shushing him gently. Cody pressed his body against Adam's bare chest, using one tiny hand to grab at Adam's hair. Adam lifted Cody so he was resting against his chest, his head on Adam's shoulder, and walked back to the door. He felt bad leaving (y/n) so quickly.
When he looked out of his front door again, (y/n) was arguing with one of the men who had been moving things in and out. The man was easily twice her size, but she didn't seem to flinch as she berated him for dropping one of her boxes down the stairs.
"Honestly Ryan, I hired your company because you promise the upmost caution when moving things. So far one of your men has broken my dining room table, another nearly dropped the box clearly labeled fragile, and now you've somehow managed to break my washing machine." She ranted. The man looked at her, avoiding her gaze. (y/n) sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.
"I think that's enough for today. If you keep up this noise you're going to wake my other neighbors too." She said. Ryan cleared his throat and nodded, looking to the ground as he plodded back into the apartment. He returned a moment later with two other men, all of whom seemed sheepish as they walked out of the apartment. (y/n) let out a sigh before turning to walk back into her apartment and spotting Adam, her gaze quickly traveling to Cody resting against his chest.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, did they wake him up?" She asked, gesturing to Cody. Adam shrugged as Cody chewed on a lock of his hair.
"He's easy to comfort. He never cries for long." Adam said, gently pulling his hair away from Cody. Cody let out a quiet burble of protest before Adam lowered him and held Cody on his back, his head resting in the crook of Adam's elbow as Adam offered his finger for Cody to chew on.
"I'm Adam, by the way." Adam spoke, pulling her gaze away from Cody. She smiled and stepped towards him.
"It's very nice to meet you Adam." (y/n) said. Adam smiled at her, about to speak when a large dog came barreling up the stairs. It was larger than a Saint Bernard, and larger than any dog Adam had ever seen. He held Cody closer to him as the dog lumbered towards them, and (y/n) turned to look at the large creature. She let out a loud laugh and knelt on the floor, holding her arms open. The dog ran towards her and sat in front of her, allowing her to wrap her arms around the dogs neck.
"Moose! Good boy, oh I missed you." She said, ruffling the dogs fur. The dog panted happily and Adam heard somebody running up the stairs after the dog.
"Oh my God hun I'm so sorry his leash slipped out of my hand as we went up the stairs and I was trying to get him but I couldn't run too quickly bec-" The voice cut off as the woman reached the top of the stairs, catching sight of Adam in nothing but a pair of sweatpants.
"Who's this?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and looking at (y/n). (y/n) grabbed the dogs thick leather leash, standing up and looking at the woman.
"Laura, this is Adam, our neighbor. Adam, this is my roommate and my best friend Laura." (y/n) introduced the two and Laura walked towards them, holding her hand out for Adam to shake. Laura was rather short, only reaching Adam's shoulder, and had long brown hair with deep brown eyes. She had a sharp edge to her as she stepped back, looking at Cody in Adam's arms.
"This is my son, Cody." Adam explained. (y/n) cooed at Cody, who smiled around Adam's finger while Laura kept her distance.
"Cute. Hey (y/n) did they bring up that box yet?" Laura asked. (y/n) turned to look at Laura.
"Oh yeah, they almost dropped it. I don't think anything broke though." She said. Laura nodded and glanced down her shirt, sighing and reaching into her bra. Adam jolted in shock as she pulled out a spotted white snake. The snake coiled itself around her arm and stuck its' tongue out at her.
"I get it you don't like it it's cramped, but it's the only place I can keep you warm enough." She said to the snake. The snake stuck it's tongue out at her again, stretching it's body towards her. She sighed and let the snake drape itself around her shoulders and neck before turning to the stairwell.
"Oh Chris babe I said I'd help with my stuff in your car." She said, rushing towards the stairs to take a few boxes from the hands of a large man. He was about as tall as Adam, with dark brown hair longer than his own. His shoulders weren't quite as broad as Adam's own but Adam didn't doubt this man could hold his own.
"I guess you're meeting the whole gang today," (y/n) teased as Chris approached the two, arms laden with boxes he maneuvered into the apartment. He did the guy head nod to Adam as an acknowledgement as he kicked the door open and shuffled the boxes in his arms.
"That's Chris, Laura's boyfriend." (y/n) said. Adam nodded, watching as Laura followed Chris with a few smaller boxes in her hands. The two reappeared a moment later, Chris leaning in the doorway and Laura with the snake wrapped around her neck twice.
"So uh, Laura, the snake..." Adam trailed off, watching as Laura disentangled the snake from around her neck and allowed it to wrap around her arm. The snake stretched towards Chris and he stuck his tongue out at the snake with a chuckle.
"Oh yeah, this is Basil, short for Basilisk. He's a piebald ball python and he's my baby. Yes I keep him in my bra when we're moving because I definitely don't want him with anyone else and if he gets cold he dies so." She said. Basil stretched back towards her neck and Laura let him wrap around her neck once more.
Adam gave a slow nod before turning his gaze back to (y/n) to see her checking the time on her phone, letting out a quiet curse.
"Laura I'm running so late for Moose's vet appointment, are you ok, here, I mean?" She asked. Laura nodded and waved (y/n) away with a smile.
"You know we'll be fine (y/n), go get him his paperwork and the updated tags." Laura said, gently bustling (y/n) away. She waved a quick goodbye to Adam before jogging down the hall, Moose trotting at her heels. Adam turned to look at Chris, meeting his intense green eyes. He had a smattering of freckles across his nose and dark bags under his eyes. He looked older than his presumed age, but still confident.
"Well, it was lovely meeting you, and Cody, but Chris and I have some unpacking to do." Laura said, turning to Chris in the doorway. He chuckled and did air quotes as he mouthed the word "unpacking" and Laura shoved him in the door. Adam chuckled and called out,
"I'm headed out in about fifteen minutes and you don't have neighbors on the other side of you, be as loud as you want." He joked. Laura's face went red and Chris leaned out of the door to high five Adam. Adam chuckled as Laura dragged Chris back into the apartment and shut the door. There was a soft click from their lock as Adam stepped back into his apartment. Cody was staring up at him with wide eyes. Adam lifted Cody to his face, rubbing his nose against Cody's much smaller one and smiled at Cody's giggle.
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shinra-makonoid · 4 years
“I guess you can just call it semantics, but I’d argue that just saying “light/dark-skinned” is at least different in that it’s a straight-up description of skin colour without the modern day/Americanized cultural aspects attached to “white/black”. And tan is also used for a shade between beige and true brown, not just that someone is tanned from the sun.
“ European/Western European/African/SE Asian/Middle Eastern doesn’t bring any information on the skin color, any skin color can be any of those. Features don’t either. “
Uh, not really. If you tell me someone “looks western European” I’m not going to think you meant someone with dark brown skin, for example. And certain features absolutely have ethnic origins, or are at least more common in certain ethnic groups, like redheads being waaaay more common in Ireland and Scotland.
And the people in the pictures look pretty Jewish to me. I want to be absolutely clear here, I’m not trying to insult you in any way, but is it possible you’re just one of those people who’s just not very good at identifying ethnic features besides skin colour? I have a similar problem with accents, I’m absolutely crap at recognizing them. Which makes living in the UK tricky where the accent changes every few miles and everyone who lives here seems to have them all memorized.”
I’m making a new post because it was long and also I’m leaving the OP alone but ngl I’m kind of sick with that discourse.
I think white/black existed far before the American cultural thing. I understand your view about that though, I just disagree with the idea that it should only mean the things American say that it means tbh. 
For tanned, my point was that you can’t really make a difference between a tanned skinned person by the sun or by “genes”, it’s the same kind of color. My father who is French has a tanned skin from the sun and black hair, would probably look tanned 100% of the year in southern Spain. He still has a white skin color. Of course he also looks French (ethnicity), as in, he has freckles and blue eyes, but his skin color is white independently of if he lived in southern Spain or not. His ethnicity doesn’t make his skin color whiter than someone else who was born in Southern Spain. Skin color is skin color, not ethnicity.
“ Uh, not really. If you tell me someone “looks western European” I’m not going to think you meant someone with dark brown skin, for example. “
Sure but that’s bound to change so to me it’s not really reliable. Your average person in around Paris isn’t “light-skinned”, but if I said “A Parisian” someone would think I mean a white upper class person. That’s a stereotype which doesn’t picture reality. It’s bound to change.
“And the people in the pictures look pretty Jewish to me. I want to be absolutely clear here, I’m not trying to insult you in any way, but is it possible you’re just one of those people who’s just not very good at identifying ethnic features besides skin colour?” 
Well maybe, because if it wasn’t for the clothes, I would be clueless about their Jewish nature. I lived in big cities, with Europeans and North African from all sides, to me “features” don’t give me any indication of someone’s birth places. I have lived and live in very mixed places in which everyone is considered the same way, with only skin color as differentiation, and the occasional xenophobe who calls anyone with tanned skin and dark hair an Arab. I can also recognize very well that, for example, Swedes and Danish people don’t look like your average French person nor Slavic with Italians.
But you’re missing the main point of my first post altogether. My point was never about ethnicity. I literally kept saying that. My point was about skin color. My half brother who has part Asian ethnicity with Asian features (Viet), is white skinned, paler than I am. Those two things can be true at the same time. Him being white/light skinned doesn’t cancel his Asian ethnicity, but being from Asian ethnicity doesn’t suddenly make him non-white [skinned]. Those people in the above pictures being white/light skinned doesn’t cancel their Jewish ethnicity, but being Jewish doesn’t suddenly make them non-white [skinned].
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This dude, who became a meme on national French TV declared that he was not white because he was half Lebanese. To any person with two functional eyes, this is a white person, as in, he has white/light skin. It’s independent of his ethnicity, which is mixed.
Like I could concede that I shouldn’t have generalized over “all Jews” because black [skinned] Jews exist, but I have a limited comprehension of the world as everyone does and I’m sorry for that. But there are Jews that are white [skinned], as shown before. 
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ronweasleyisourking · 5 years
Next gen headcanons
Edward "Teddy" Remus Lupin
Nonbinary, uses he/him and they/them pronouns
Pansexual, but has mostly dated boys
Mixed bag of depression and anxiety
Tattoos and piercings everywhere. Also, a tattoo artist.
Walks with a cane due to chronic back pain
His first kiss was with his best friend, Basil Haywood-Karasu
He dated Victoire for a bit, but it didn't work out. They're better as friends
Lived in between houses for most of his life. His grandmother Andromeda and his godparents, Harry and Ginny share custody
When Andromeda began having a hard time getting around on her own, Harry and Ginny opened up their house to her happily, though this was after Teddy moved out on his own
Winifred "Winnie" Margaret Weasley-Wood
Daughter of Percy and Oliver
Gryffindor but almost Ravenclaw
Named after her late uncle and Grandma Molly, whose full name was Margaret, though she would never admit it
Has read every book in the restricted section, whether she was allowed to or not
Hands are constantly in motion. Does math in the air, taps fingers on surfaces, sometimes just does random stuff with her hands, has to stop herself from doing hand motions when talking, etc. Has no idea what causes it.
The shortest of all her siblings/cousins
Hosts a Qudditch Little League for her siblings/cousins
Victoire "Vic" Apolline Weasley
Sort of a preppy punk. Loves faux leather jackets but also loves tiaras :) completely beautiful, let's be honest
Curses in French all the time
Attended Magik N.O.U., a wizarding school in New Orleans in her 7th year, which sparked her love for travel
Learned wandless and non-verbal magic just because people thought she couldn't; the dictionary definition of "girls can be smart AND pretty"
Could totally kick Teddy Lupin's ass
Has to worst temper of anyone in her extended family. And that's really saying something
International Hit Wizard
Georgie Rhyme Jordan
Child of Lee Jordan, honorary Weasley due to his relationship with Fred prior to his Fred's death
Pansexual and Genderqueer; he/him or any pronouns
Feminist AF
Really into street art. May have graffiti-ed a few anti-Brexit and anti-Tory pieces around England, but there's no proof
Not vegetarian but has cut down on meals with meat
Was born with atrial septal defect
Megara "Meg" Rhys Weasley-Wood
Demigirl. Experiences some dysphoria but not a lot
Partially deaf due to an untreated ruptured eardrum.
Has a huge, fluffy, orange cat named Hercules
Blind enough that she has to wear coke bottle glasses.
Animal lover right to the core. Donates to any and all shelters that she knows have good practices and tries to adopt as many animals as possible from the bad ones
Loves divination. Has minor seer powers.
Has a magical disorder where smoke comes out of her hears when she gets mad.
Frederick "Freddie" Gideon Weasley II
Bisexual. In love with Taras Krum, who was in a student exchange program with Durmstrang and Hogwarts.
Suffered severely after getting hit by a bludger in his 6th year; a concussion and head trauma leading to epilepsy
Severe depression and imposter syndrome
Not much of a prankster
James "Jamie" Sirius Potter
Red hair + hazel eyes + freckles everywhere
Got a gold tongue piercing at fourteen and that's how he found out that he was allergic to gold
Smoked pixie dust once
Lover of poorly timed finger guns and funky socks (yes, he is bisexual, why do you ask?)
Not a professional quidditch player or auror
He runs a diner called "Lumos" that serves the best burgers in the wizarding world
Doesn't think he can do anything right
River Lee Jordan
Trans girl; lesbian
Allergic to cinnamon
Loves pranking; Dominique, Lily, Romany, and her prank their cousins all the time. They're terrifying.
Writer but she works as a herbologist assistant, waitress, and cashier at WWW on the side just to support herself
Can hear magic. It's an almost constant buzzing when she's around her family and at Hogwarts. Sometimes just needed to be alone so that she couldn't hear the buzzing.
Gwendolyn "Wendy" Lucille Weasley-Wood
Has a genderfluid s/o, Ari Spinnet-Bell
Very environmentalist. Tries not to be annoying about it.
Founded a Hogwarts theatre club and actually wrote a few, very very gay plays and musicals
Hosts a podcast/blog with her roommates (River, Ari & Susmita) called Witches Unstitched where they talk about anything and everything under the sun
Helped create a bunch of healing potions with all the plants she has in her greenhouse(s)
Dominique "Dom" Gabrielle Weasley
Pansexual and Aromantic
In a QPR with Lorcan Scamander, her best friend
Hates being compared to her older sister
When Lorcan got cancer and got pulled out of school, she took time off school while he was getting treatment
Shaved off all her hair when he lost his
Leader of the Pluto is a Planet society at Hogwarts
Best friend in the family is James, despite the fact that she and Arthur are in the Slytherin! Marauders together
Loves firewhiskey and menthol cigarettes (don't tell Wendy)
Illegal animagus - a white cat. Her nickname is Duchess.
Arthur "Art" Rubeus Potter
Gay + in love with Scorpius Malfoy
Dyed the tips of his hair green and silver when he was 12
Loves leather jackets, chokers, and combat boots
Has too many piercings to count, but his favorite is his deep purple nose ring. Hates the idea of a tongue ring
Trained himself in Legilimency and Occlumency
Learned Parseltongue, Mermish, and several other creature languages because "he was bored"
Knows quite a bit of dark magic, but is not a dark wizard
Had a lot of tattoos. Most were of creatures from the Black Lake, the Giant Squid taking up his entire back, and a merperson takes up his upper left arm
But over his heart is the Scorpius constellation, sketches of the four animagi are on his left hip, and on his ankle are magically fading footsteps that would eerily familiar to anyone who had looked at the Marauder’s Map
Went to a wizarding school located in the Great Barrier Reef, which offered courses for 18 - 21 year olds who had graduated from wizarding schools around the world
Loves puns, boxing, extra greasy pizza, potions, pet names, horror movies that are actually scary, singing in the shower, and his boyfriend, Scorpius Malfoy
Marine Mazoologist
Roxanne "Roxy" Fabian Weasley
Has been known to "experiment" with girls. In the Quidditch locker rooms. Forgets to lock doors. Oops
Her patronus is a coyote. Her happiest memory is of when her and Fred jumped of the roof of Hogwarts with their brooms. They had been trying to recreate the last scene of Pratical Magic, but like, with brooms
Loves cooking and knitting with her Grandma Molly
Studies in the strangest places. Lily once found her studying in the secret passage to Hogsmeade one night. Her brother found her sleeping in the Astronomy tower, with books strewn around her. Scorpius and Arthur once found her studying in a secret alcove (they still won’t admit to her why they had wanted to be in secret alcove in the first place)
Down to fight anyone for any reason
In love with Susmita Patil
Rosa "Rose" Bud Granger-Weasley
An absolute foodie
Named after a Charles Dickens character
Allergic to cats, which irks her mom and pleases her dad
President of the current Hogwarts chapter of S.P.C.W. (Society for the Promotion of Creature Welfare). Hermione has worked tirelessly in the ministry to get laws passed but even ministers can't change everything in a day
After graduating, her, Arthur, Dominique, Roxanne, Scorpius, Lorcan, and Lysander all went on a camping trip. Harry, Ron, and Hermione got really anxious about it
Loves reading trashy tabloids to call down. Circles all the stories about her family to torture her cousins with (jokingly)
It's a 50/50 shot whether she going to argue with you, and cite her sources, or if she is going to knock your teeth out
Spent her 7th year at The Salem Witches Institute in Massachusetts, a private all-girls school
Historian for wizarding history. Runs a small museum out of Grimmauld Place, which the Potters don't live in but Harry stills owns + has cleaned up a bit
Lily "Lils" Euphemia Luna Potter
Has meniere's disease
Vegetarian for medical reasons
Needs to wear glasses but never does
Gryffindor, but wanted to be in Slytherin
Will help out anyone and everyone if she can
Lived with Teddy for a bit after he moved out on his own
Asexual and Panromantic. In a polyamorous relationship with Frankie Longbottom and Estelle Huang
Had a pet snake named Besa. The snake was nearly longer than she was tall, non-poisonous, and the sweetest thing ever (at least, according to Lily)
Beat up James when he said that she "threw like a girl". She cracked one of his ribs, gave him a black eye, and broke his nose in three places. To this day, he claims that his nose is a little crooked (he was nine. she was five.)
Went to a wizarding school in the Himalayas in her 5th year, on the international student exchange program
Has very long hair that is almost always up in bun(s), braid(s) or ponytails. Has to magically shorten it for Quidditch games
Loves mysteries
Hugo "Go-Go" Cabret Granger-Weasley
Genderfluid [they/them]
Colorblind, dyslexic, and has ADHD
Dragonologist in Sweden, but almost went into wandmaking
In love with Allie Longbottom, who always painted her face Hufflepuff colors for games after Hugo got on the team
Uses medically prescribed pixie dust to help with their extreme anxiety; is careful not to take too much
Has a pet ferret that they named Star Boy
Joshua "Josh" Wilhelm Weasley-Wood
On the autistic spectrum
He takes his emotional support golden retriever, Laurel, to Hogwarts with him to help with the changing enviorment
Loves matchbox cars. Has hundreds of them. Carries one or two around with him at all times to fidget with
Loves hiking through the Forbidden Forest, with supervision from his dad, Professor Percy Weasley, or one of the other teachers, of course. All of them are willing to walk with him when they have time, but he loves hiking with his dad most
Has a hard time focusing when there's a lot of noise around him, so of course he has noise cancelling headphones
Learned how to fix up cars and bikes from his grandfather; opened up his own mechanic shop; loves riding the first motorcycle that he and his grandfather fixed up through the streets of London, especially with his girlfriend Lavi
It took him a while to overcome balance issues, but with training to be a seeker in Quidditch, and a lot of time spent taking practice drives on his bike in the fields around the Burrow, he was able to overcome them and once he did, he was on his motorcycle every chance he got
Has accomandations made for him when it comes to eating at Hogwarts, because the food can bother him sometimes
Hates when different foods on his plate touch
Romany "Romy" Charlotte Weasley-Wood
Lesbian-Oriented aroace; in a qpr with Maisie Greengrass
Is prone to accidental magic and has a bit of an anger issue that she works through with a punching bag, bring a beater on the Quidditch team, and playing drums
Her, Tessa Weasley, and Sariel Goyle formed a band called Bloody Bitchin' Babes that played underground gigs at Hogwarts parties before getting work at parties and bars
Hates all of her classes, except Transfiguration
Her plans look like the walls of detectives in murder mysteries. Photographs, post-it notes, paper ripped out of notebooks, red strings, and everything
Burnt Hufflepuff
Royal "King" Kingsley Jordan
Bigender + Bisexual; xe/xem pronouns
Loves all types of clothing but especially suits, flowery blouses, crop tops, chunky belts, scarves, and Doc Martins
Plays the piano all the time, xe even has a piano in xyr room
Gets chronic migraines, has been known to sit/lay in the dark for hours until the pain subsides. Hates taking meds for it
Never has her phone screen brightness above the lowest setting because xe hates that xyr light sensitivity may take xyr away from xyr phone, which is xyr life
Would love to travel one day
Louis "Louie" Antoine Weasley
Only has a little bit of veela charm, usually enough to get him out of minor trouble, and it isn't always permanent
Started taking in magical creatures when he was seven, when Luna gave him a suitcase like Newt Scamander's and got another one when he started adopting muggle creatures as well. He especially loves his mokes and his chickens.
He loves swimming in the Great Lake with the Giant Squid
Loves carmelized apricots, pumpkin gorgonzola flan, cinnamon roll cheesecake, molasses cookies, Bulgarian candy -specifically chocolate bars, sweet potato pancakes, and homemade butter-maple syrup
Was in a student exchange program with Beauxbatons in his 4th year and again in 6th year with the Canadian wizarding school and he loved both experiences
Tessa "Tess" Rue Weasley
Can see people's auras
An expert at potions. Began working on a cure for lycanthropy at the age of 13 and a long 17 years later, she finally accomplished it. She always says that she would have done it quicker if only she didn't have to sleep to live
Part of the potions club at Hogwarts, which is a much less snobby version of the Slug Club that actually has to so with potions talent and not just fame
With her cousin Louis's help, she was actually able to tame a baby raccoon and named him Meeko after the raccoon in Pochahantas to help her and also trained him to help her nick a few things from her cousins sometimes
Loves classic fantasy lit, especially Narnia. Tried to charm a wardrobe to take her to Narnia, and let's just say that it didn't turn out very well and that it was really hard to reverse
Shaves her head in fourth year, because she was tired of all the work it took to take care of her hair
Penelope "Penny" Elodie Weasley-Wood
Named after Penelope Clearwater, who was her father's best friend and who died in the Battle of Hogwarts
She was adopted from Ukraine and loves everything about the country. The language, the music, the art, the people...
Went on to be a dragon tamer at a Ukranian dragon reserve, which she applied to as soon as she turned 17, and when she got an offer, she took her N.E.W.T.s in her 6th year so that she could take the job immediately
At the dragon reserve, she met Norma Hawryluk, who she fell in love with and a baby Ironbelly whom she named Vera and raised. No one but she had Norma could touch Vera though, because of the dragons' extreme rage issues
Constantly stole her sibling's and cousin's clothing
Gets stuck in her head sometimes
Romulus "Rome" Wolff Jordan
Asexual and Aromantic
Has a fluffy white cat named Marigold (Royal named her)
Loves wearing a ton of rings. Like, one on each finger.
Will only eat rocky road ice cream, and no other flavor ever
Has aphantasia, or the inability to voluntarily visualize images in his mind, but can still dream, because it's involuntary
Loves to sketch a lot. Will sketch everything he sees
Loves turtlenecks; hates crocs to no end
Big windows with amazing views are his favorite thing
Genevieve "Genny" Maribel Weasley
Prone to anxiety attacks
Polyamorous lesbian, in a closed poly relationship with Noa Spinnet-Bell and Lyric Scamander
Best friends with Romulus, her cousin. She is loud and fierce, and he’s quiet and passionate, and together they’re going to take over the world two steps at a time
Figures out that technology works in the Room of Requirement and starts a tech club that meets on Wednesdays, and has movie nights on Fridays
Brought a pet pig named Prince to Hogwarts
Unofficially a freelance curse breaker, but worked as an intern at the dragon reserve in Romania with her Uncle Charlie the summer after Hogwarts. Eventually moves to South America because her girlfriend, Noa Spinnet-Bell, got recruited by their Quidditch team, Tarapoto Tree-Skimmers
They move to a farm where Genny gets her own horses!!!
Elias "Simon" Jacques Weasley
Has fibromyalgia, which makes it difficult for him to stay in Hogwarts. With the chronic joint pain, fatigue, dizziness, and difficulty with memory, it was easier for him to get privately tutored by his dad, who was the Ancient Runes professor
Severe anxiety and depression, which was most likely caused by his fibromyalgia, but there's no telling
Vegetarian for personal reasons, and had James teach him how to make vegetarian burgers and other vegetarian meals
Loves water-based magic and might have gone into the exchange program for underwater schools in the Bermudas or Oceania, but he didn't want to risk his condition
Can beat anyone at any board game. No one knows how he does it. Ron played wizard chess with him for eight hours once, but eventually gave up on ever beating him
Is the publisher of a Hogwarts exclusive magazine. Uses his older sister’s computers to work on it. Works on his novel in his spare time. Occasionally holds poetry slams by the Great Lake. Just loves writing in general
Matilda "Tilly" Honey Granger-Weasley
Has a photographic/eidetic memory
Got expelled from Hogwarts in her sixth year for using an unforgivable curse on another student who was bullying/harassing Elias, but doesn't regret it all.
Finishes up her studies at a small non-boarding wizarding school in Romania, where she lives with her Uncle Charlie and his queerplatonic partner, Barnaby, and their cat, Wick
With the help of Barnaby, dyes her hair platinum white (think Zoe Kravitz when she had white hair)
Moves to America almost as soon as she graduates
Travels the world to write about different wizarding communities for the Quibbler and for her sister's museum
A little too obsessed with Joan Jett
Loves lucid dreaming
Elliott "Ellie" Ryleigh Weasley-Wood
Has narcolepsy. Tired all the time and been known to dose off during class. And meals. And conversations
Needs to wear glasses but doesn’t, because they don’t want to look like a nerd. Looks like a complete nerd when they run into shit all the time and it doesn't help that their notes are always wrong because they refuse to sit in the front of class
Witnessed a car accident on a street one day and has been able to see thestrals ever since. Hates to think about it
Loves strong tasting food. Spicy, hot, cold, salty, super sugary, bitter... down to eat anything to be honest
Became a therapist for the wizarding community
Amare "Mar" Sabra Weasley
Own a huge shaggy grey and white dog named Ollie who she took to Hogwarts with her and is her best friend
Ellie, her cousin, is her other best friend and they love building huge forts and watching Disney movies together with tons and tons of snacks. Ollie always joins
Didn’t care one bit about school. Hated studying with a passion. Barely ever showed up to class. Was in detention more than all of her siblings and cousins combined
Worked as an intern at Lee Jordan’s radio broadcasting company for a few summers and hosted her own show that was based around old music after her sixth year
Alcoholic. Can't even be around firewhiskey
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sandyferal · 5 years
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Vieratom and Monty Darklight. The main characters of a story I’ve been working on for many many years.
I know I’ve posted character stuff for Vieratom before, but I just keep working on this and I like to keep it together.
HUGE DUMP of story, character, and world building info beneath.
Vieratom is the first-born Princess of a world with absolutely no natural sunlight. The average life span is a few hundred human years. Each of their years is two human years. So what they’d call fifty years, we’d call one hundred. Many of the animals in this dimension are light sources, and most residential areas are lit up like crazy with artificial light. The crops don’t need sunlight. Even so, there are still seasons because somewhere in this dimension there is a place with sunlight and weather etc. that is tied to their world, but no one can reach it. People use magic, drawing from a underlying well of dark and light energy that exists throughout their dimension. The dark is by far more powerful, but is rarely used as much as the light. The dark energy is easier to access the less life you have in you.
Despite being the first-born Vieratom’s right to the throne is in question. Mostly due to the fact that she was perfectly healthy in the womb, yet was born dead, and came back to life an hour later. Ever since, she and the magic she holds have grown in an incredibly rapid and unhealthy way.
While her survival was at first seen as a miracle, two (four of our years) years later she was upstaged by the perfectly healthy and normal birth of her sister Monty. From the moment she was born, Monty was far more beloved by the kingdom. It was very likely that she would end up ruling the kingdom instead.
In this world, when one reaches adulthood, their parents give them gemstones to symbolize that they’re their own person. On her twentieth birthday (fortieth in terms of human years), Vieratom still failed to recieve anything from her parents. When her grandfather died shortly after, she stole his gemstones (he had his dead wife’s too) and kept one for herself.
This gemstone gave her the power to make anyone (who is attracted to women) attracted to her, to the point where they were basically mind controlled. It changed her body, making her less gaunt and giving her more curves. She uses this power to travel to another dimension and try to take it over.
The other gemstone she left to Monty, not knowing what it did. It gave Monty the power to make anyone (romantically interested in women) fall in love with her. She doesn’t use it much, as she doesn’t want or need to make people fall in love with her.
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Basil is Monty’s childhood best friend. A gardener who helps grow food for the palace, and tends to the royal garden. Vieratom has had a crush on him since she was little. He knows this and has had to turn her down.
Violet is Basil’s girlfriend. She’s not royalty but she’s still pretty wealthy, and is very judgy. She and Vieratom get in fights a lot, but she’s not great at actually hurting her feelings, and at the end of the day will be able to sympathize with most people including Vieratom. Mad that she has weak magic (and practically no tits). Dates Basil mostly because he’s one of the only people who can stand her somewhat bitchy attitude. Not specifically because she’s sure she loves him.
Monty will eventually marry Basil, but despite this it’s unclear whether or not she has romantic feelings for him. They never date or court each other, their marriage is known to be an open relationship, and they have never said openly that they love each other. They have a child and they’re still both happy in their (possibly platonic) marriage. Monty is possibly aro, but could be pan, no one knows (harder to tell bc she’s definitely not ace).
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Tentacles are something that all people in this world have. It’s how they channel their magic. They all start as black and plain at birth, but develop and change as each person grows. How many tentacles you can grow and how much slime they produce are indicators of magical strength.
Ten is the maximum amount the most powerful beings can grow. The average is 3-4 for women, 2 or 8 for men (who usually either have weak magic or overly powerful magic) and 5 for royalty.
When Vieratom died right after she was born, her tentacles lost the ability to change. They’re stagnant, still black, and the slime that they are covered in is an unhealthy yellowish-brown. They have the color and texture of tapioca pearls, yet are a bit firmer. Despite their inability to properly change however, they became unusually powerful as she grew older. She can sprout seven in total, and usually has one or two out at all times. They are each at least twice as powerful as one of her arms, and more powerful than her legs, as she often uses them to walk. She can also use them to open up dimensional portals (or more accurate, rip the fabric of her universe where it’s already been weakened).
Monty’s are pink. They have developed the ability to spray a strangely appealing fragrance. While most of her tentacles are covered in a healthy clear slime, tips are not slimy, but very sticky. This allows her to grab and attach her tentacles to objects and surfaces. Underneath the slime, they feel like Satin. She can grow five of them, an average amount for royalty. She has never tried to use them to walk on the ground, but she’s just strong enough to be able to use the to cling to the ceiling. She will sprout one or two for a few minutes or hours on a daily basis then retract them.
Violet’s are, well, violet. They are not slimy. They are just slightly damp like grass covered in dew. They feel like velvet, except for the tips, which look and feel like violets. They are filled with water, which can be sprayed out like a hose. The violet on the end changes with the seasons just like a real violet, though it never dies, and doesn’t require sunlight (like most plants in this world). The pollen acts a bit like real sperm, releasing during a climax, and contains eggs. She can grow two in total, a below-average amount, which she is self conscious about. They are a little weaker than her arms. They are almost never out.
Basil’s are grass green. The tips are yellow in summer, orange and red in fall, white in winter, and pink in spring. It feels both somewhat like a vine, and somewhat like a frog’s skin. It’s slightly slimy (like a frog), more so in fall and spring, less so in summer and winter. They can photosynthesis using any light source, not just the sun, and this will make it so they use less of his body’s energy, and even provide him some extra nutrients. He can grow two in total, and they are usually both out and active. They are always a bit stronger than his arms, but are weaker during summer and winter.
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Tess lives in a different dimension than Vieratom. In Tess’s dimension, people live on isolated islands that don’t interact much. There’s not a lot of wars and countries, mostly states made up of small villages with many friendly rivalries. It’s always fall or spring, which means trees go from colorful leaves to blooming flowers. Pumpkins are the most popular crop and pumpkin spice is the most popular flavor. The days are longer and the nights shorter, and all people have either freckles or light to moderately brown skin from being in the sun so much (in fact those are the only two “races”). Many of the residents have physical traits similar to both dwarves and elves. This means that when it comes to things like body hair, size, and demeanor, they are often on either end of the spectrum, as opposed to being in the middle, despite the fact that they are all of the same species. They also have a lifespan lasting multiple centuries. However, time moves differently between their dimension and Vieratom’s.
Tess is genderfluid, and only a few years younger than Vieratom. He meets her when she comes to his dimension to take it over. He falls under the spell of her Gemstone instantly, and is brainwashed along with a good 60% of the population. Yet, even without the influence of the Gemstone, Tess adores Vieratom. He’s self aware enough to know that it’s not a good thing considering how violent she is, but he’s still hopelessly in love with her and will follow her to the ends of the Earth, or through different dimensions.
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Vent/Angst Art
{made some kind of vent art with Thalia, will tag accordingly, be forewarned there’s drawn glitching, ask me to tag anything else
also there’s a story if anyone is interested}
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There was... no way... It was a hundred years past when he should have been even long gone... A hundred years and she’d been sealed in a stasis container...
But there he was. A hand on her face, seeming to judge this new form, to watch it move and how very much it differed from the first one. The one he’d made...
“Oh... sweet little Thalia... How much this... creativity reminds me of your mother...” a tear had fallen down her cheek and his thumb wiped at it, “But we both know, my dear daughter... this form can’t last. You can’t just erase all that I made you into. What you originally were...”
A shiver ripped through her, it felt like she was being ripped apart under his gaze... She didn’t notice the visual glitches that danced over her form. In them she was... different. Lavender and pink hair was a soft brown, freckles disappeared, the pink and lavender kimono was turned into a black jacket draped over her arms and a white tank top. Her pink, fur covered legs looked like a normal, human pair in a pair of ripped jeans.
It looked so normal... so unlike her.
“Remember this, Thalia... No matter how far you go, how long it’s been...  Y͘ou ̸ca̷n'̶t͟ d̛e͜l̷e̷t̶e ̶m̨e̴ “
With a gasp, she threw herself awake in bed, nearly screaming at the feeling of being torn back into her older self. Thalia’s eyes wildly scanned her room, looking at every dark corner, every place where someone could hide. Nothing.
“... leave... leave me alone...” she sighed, bringing her knees awkwardly in, curling into a ball, “Leave me alone.... Basil.... You didn’t make me anything useful...”
She wished Vile were still here. She wished Bass or Blues were still around, or that her sisters, Piper and Tempo had joined the Hunters with her... Anyone would be better than no one right now....
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carryonmylovelies · 6 years
Heyyyyyyy my dude anyways can you write a fic that is literally just fluff and Simon spooning Baz? Cuz that's literally all I want in my life tbh (also you're lovely and amazing)
Hiiiiii my lovely anon!! Thank you so so much for being my first fic request, and I really, really hope you like this because I wrote it for you :D Let me know what you think of it! (I hope you don’t mind that I spiced it up a bit lol) I would also like to dedicate this to @bazypitchandsimonsnow because Theo is my best friend and she’s always there for me and this could not have been made without her. I love youuuu here on ao3)
Eyes On Me, Please
It’s been a long day. Two of my uni professors were late, arriving in a tired mess of coffee, ungraded papers, and the general mood of not wanting to be there, and one of them just didn’t fucking show up. I had to write a five page essay twice (I don’t want to talk about it), the students in my mathematics class wouldn’t shut up about communism, and the cafeteria didn’t have my salt and vinegar crisps.
I am very much ready to be home, in the flat I share with my best friend and my lovely, crazy hot boyfriend, and in said hot boyfriend’s arms, furiously making out with him. (I swear to Merlin, I should not be allowed to be in a relationship. Thoughts of the next time I can get Simon under me and in between the sheets of the queen-sized bed we share threaten to overwhelm every bloody rational thought I have throughout my day. I’m not going to lie; it’s a bit hard to focus on my professor explaining William of Tyre and the diplomacy of the Byzantine empire when all I can hear is the exact sound Simon makes when I bite the inside of his upper thigh.)
I am too goddamn thirsty.
I finally arrive at my door, exhausted, hungry, and a little turned on. I weakly hit my fist against the door. No answer. I knock again, more forceful this time, but I still don’t get a response.
“Fuckers!” I yell, digging for my keys in my bag and shifting my books to the other arm. 
I jam my key in the lock, wiggle it, and push the door open, letting it slam against the wall with a dull thud. That will totally leave a mark, but it feels good to do a little damage.
I kick off my shoes and leave my bag by the door, the flat sounding unnaturally quiet. I walk into our light, airy kitchen and notice that Bunce has buried herself in a book that’s larger than her head again, and it looks so old I think she has a bit of dust on her nose. I flick the side of her pastel-purple head as I walk by, and she doesn’t even look up as she flips me off. I smirk, and make my way to the our living room, which is stuffed with chairs and pillows and a large couch, all surrounding the television.
I find my boyfriend lounging, one elbow propped up on the top of the couch, his long legs and tail dangling off of the end, and his wings falling lazily around his shoulders. His white earbuds peek out from behind his curls, and he’s looking at his phone like he’s about to throw it at the wall. His fingers furiously tap at the screen.
I stand in front of him and put my hands on my hips because this situation is very deserving of my signature hands-on-hips look.
He continues to play his game, and I can make out the sounds of violence and fighting spilling from his earbuds. How mature.
He doesn’t hear me.
Still nothing.
“Snow, I’m leaving you. I’m leaving you for that cute barista at Starbucks.”
He is so engrossed in his game he probably doesn’t know what day it is let alone who’s right bloody in front of him, trying to engage him in conversation.
“Snow, you hear that? I’m leaving you for a fucking barista. No one can make a pumpkin mocha breve like Dave from Starbucks can.”
“We’re gonna have six children and name them all after you.”
“I would bake him sour cherry scones every morning.”
“Snow, I’m going to go walk down to the Starbucks right now and have sex with Dave the barista all over our favorite table in the corner.”
Bunce yells at me from the kitchen, “Basil, as much as I want this one-sided conversation to continue because it is fucking hilarious to listen to, he cannot hear you, so you better think of something else.”
“Yeah, yeah, shut up,” I respond, and she peeks around the corner and gives me a very reassuring thumbs up.
He has not acknowledged my existence in the 3 minutes that I have been home, and 2 of those minutes I spent physically speaking to him, so this calls for something a little bit stronger. I leave my stupidly attractive boyfriend (emphasis on the stupid) with his unruly curls and blue eyes glued to his phone, alone on the couch as I walk determinedly into our room.
I slip off my shirt and trousers and pull on the pair of jeans that I know are Simon’s favorite (plus they make my arse look illegal) and one of his worn jumpers. It’s a bit big for me; he has broader shoulders and more of a stomach, but the length of it is about the same. He knows that I know how much he loves it when I wear his clothes, so getting him to notice me should be easy now. And yes, I am going to all this trouble to get my very own boyfriend to notice me, and it’s because I am extremely petty and over-dramatic and because I really fucking love it when he looks at me like he’s starving and I’m the last sour cherry scone in the world. Sue me.
I saunter out, ready for the final part of my plan, and I suddenly can’t help but enjoy the sight for just a moment. The sun is slowly fading from the living room, but that doesn’t stop it from catching on the ends of Simon’s bronze curls, dousing them in a burnt orange, and the moles and freckles on his face and neck are just begging for lips to press against them. His blue eyes glow with the light from his phone and I just can’t take it anymore.
I cross the room in two strides and throw myself into his lap, promptly ending whatever game he was playing.
I expect Simon to be mad, or at least annoyed, but to my delight Simon just laughs, throwing his phone and earbuds onto the carpet and kissing my cheek. He slides back into the corner of the couch and takes me with him, pulling me to sit in between his legs. His arms snake around my waist, his fingers gripping my sides possessively and his chest is a solid warmth against my back. I sigh, and let my head fall onto his shoulder. He kisses the top of my nose.
“Hello,” he says, and I drown in his smile.
“Hi,” I say back, and then I pinch his arm. Hard.
“Owww! That hurt,” Simon whines, glaring at me.
I pout, “Well, you shouldn’t have ignored me when I got home! I’ve had a very long day.”
“I was busy,” he says sulkily, pushing his nose into my hair.
“Oh yes, you were very busy … playing on your phone.”
“… I was about to reach my high score.”
“And I was tired and stressed from school! All I wanted was some bloody love and affection from my adoring boyfriend but I guess that’s too much to ask from a prat like you.”
He growls and tightens his hold on me. I inhale sharply at the sound, and shift in his lap, cursing Simon for having growls like that.
He pushes his face into my hair and his hot breath makes the back of my neck tingle. Then he raises his head sharply, and squeezes my waist.
“Hey, is this my shirt?”
He groans and falls back into my hair, “I love it when you wear my stuff.”
“I know,” I say, smugly.
He bites my neck (who’s the real vampire in this relationship?) and then presses a kiss to the same spot.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention to you when you got home. And I’m sorry you had a hard day,” he mumbles. “Wanna talk about it?”
I open my mouth to tell him about the stressors of my day but surprisingly I’m not really bothered by them anymore. Hatching a plan to get your boyfriend to notice you is a great way to de-stress, with the added bonus of your plan working and now you just get to relax while he spoons you.
His arms are tight and hot across my middle, and his chest is practically forcing heat into me. Everywhere he’s touching me I’m burning up. And I love it. He smells like scones and my expensive shampoo even though I tell him not to use it and to use his own fucking shampoo. His legs are flush against the outside of mine, and I unconsciously snuggle closer to him, turning my head so I can press my lips to one of the moles on his shoulder.
“No, I’m okay, now.”  
I watch them from the doorway of the kitchen, and I’m glad to see that they worked things out. They’re talking now, in low voices, sharing smiles and small laughs. Simon has draped himself all over Baz, and Baz looks like there is nowhere else in this world he would rather be. Although, they aren’t really in this world anymore; they’re both in a world all on their own.  
They make each other so happy. Anyone can see it. It’s in the way Simon’s tail winds itself around Baz’s legs whenever he’s close by. It’s in the way Baz’s eyes light up whenever Simon walks into a room. It’s in the way they slowly built each other back up after the worst time of our lives, and it’s in the way they continue to hold each other when one of them feels like falling and not getting back up. I truly, only wish the best for them.
With their soft voices floating in from the living room and the hum of the refrigerator in the back of my mind, it’s easy to slip back into my book.
The next time I look up I’m not sure how long I’ve been reading for, but I can tell that something is  … off. I set my book down on the counter and pop my head around the corner.
God dammit they’re at it again!
I swear the number of times I have caught them on that fucking couch doing what they are now two seconds away from doing is a number higher than any of us want to admit.
I clap my hands a few times, disrupting the quiet, and they slowly break apart. Simon looks a little sheepish, but Basil looks like he has no regrets, whatsoever.
“Basilton Pitch! Simon Snow! Now, I know this may blow your small, idiotic minds, but I need you to stay with me through this okay?” I ask, cheerily, with a bright smile plastered across my face.   
They both stare at me.
“You two, have this thing, called a ‘bedroom’. Spell it with me, b-e-d-r-o-o-m. Do you know what bedrooms are for? They are for where all of THAT,” I gesture frantically at their tangled bodies, “belongs. Not. On. The. Fucking. Couch. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Penny,” Simon sulks, and he starts to get up but Baz yanks him back down.
“No,” Baz says, looking at me with a challenge in his eyes, “She’s not going to do anything.”
“Oh, shit. I wouldn’t test me if I were you, Basil. I really wouldn’t.”
Baz shoots me a long, cool look before grabbing Simon, pinning him to the couch, and kissing Simon like it’s the last fucking thing he’ll ever do.
I scream, and storm into the bathroom. I snatch up the squirt bottle I use for my hair in the mornings, and stomp back out to the eager 20-year-olds who are practically fornicating on. My. Couch.
I walk right up to them and unleash hell. I squirt water on them furiously, screaming at them to use their own fucking bedroom. They both shriek and roar with laughter, so I spray them harder. They stumble/fall into their room, and I personally slam the door closed.
I yell at them, “Fuck you both!”
They don’t answer.
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Part of Your World
Chapter 5: suddenly i saw you
Rating: T
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Word count: 4234
Chapter: 5/11 (All chapters)
Summary: Baz finds a mysterious man on his kingdom’s shores.
Read on AO3
AN: This chapter is longer than the previous ones, and they’ll be longer from now on. So enjoy some more Little Mermaid AU! :D
Baz sat on the cliff’s edge, bow dragging across his violin strings. He played the song perfectly, of course. Even if his only audience was the open ocean and the fish below. Malcolm had asked to play outside, out of earshot for Daphne. His music was apparently “too morose” for her nerves. It was always too morose. Baz was pretty sure his family just didn’t like violin music.
With tired arms, he let the instrument fall to his lap. He looked out at the roaring ocean. A shudder ran down his spine involuntarily. Two whole weeks later and the memories still gave him shivers. The yelling on the ship, fire roaring around him, the explosion hurtling his body into the cold, cold waves.
His saviour’s voice.
Malcolm was convinced that Baz had imagined it all. Simply the hallucinations of a drowning man, putting a person in place of the tide that had washed him ashore. Baz knew not to argue. Once his father had decided something, that was the end of the discussion.
Still, he had sounded so beautiful. The words were burned into Baz’s brain. The sound of his voice, from the alto pitch to the slightly rough accent, still rang in his ears. You’re incredible, Baz. I hope you know that.
“ARF ARF!” Max jumped on Baz large paws first.
“Max!” Baz yelled as the massive sheep dog knocked him over, licking his face happily. “Max quit it!”
He still giggled in spite of himself. Even the great solemn Basilton Pitch wasn’t immune to dog adorableness. He eventually pushed himself up again, scratching behind Max’s ears.
“Yes yes, you’re cute and you know it.”
Max panted and licked Baz’s hand again. Then his ears suddenly perked up. His mouth closed as his head whipped around, big black nose twitching.
Baz pulled back. “What is it, boy?”
The sheep dog bolted away, tearing up grass beneath him. Baz scrambled to his feet. If Max got lost or hurt, Mordelia and the twins would kill him. He chased the giant mop down the hill, around the corner and across the beach. Max stopped just behind a large rock, barking loudly at something there. When Baz saw what it was, or rather who it was, he didn’t blame Max for freaking out. He was freaking out too.
It was a boy, no older than Baz himself, lying face first in the sand. His hair was a damp mess of bronze curls tangled with seaweed. His skin was another shade of gold, covered in freckles and moles, but caked with wet sand. Slowly, he lifted his head up, blinking sleepily as he focused on Baz. Bit by bit, a smile crept across his unfairly gorgeous face, crinkling the corners of his eyes. Baz almost gave up on breathing. The man’s eyes were plain blue. Not navy. Not cornflower. Not shot with hazel or violet. Just, blue. Yet somehow, it was the most breathtaking colour Baz had ever seen.
“Oh my,” he whispered. Though this man was handsome, Baz had to look away. For he was also completely naked.
Baz looked around the beach, and his eyes landed on an old piece of sail cloth. Not exactly fine couture, but it would do. He quickly grabbed the white cloth and held it out behind him to the mystery boy.
“Here,” he said quickly.
Many moments passed and Baz was still holding the cloth. Cautiously, he turned his head. Max sat obediently next to the stranger, tongue hanging out and tail wagging, waiting with characteristic excitement. The boy himself was kneeling on the sand, looking at the sail curiously. His bronze eyebrows furrowed together, lips pulled into a pouting frown. Baz found it insanely adorable. But he looked away again to resist temptation to look any lower.
“You can wear it,” Baz explained, a slight annoyed edge to his voice. “As clothing.”
The boy finally took the cloth, much to Baz’s relief. When he turned, he was mostly covered, but still struggling to wind it around himself. Baz shook his head with a sigh. Whoever this infinitely gorgeous man was, he was a little clumsy and possibly a bit dim. But...in a very cute way.
Baz put down his violin and kneeled in front of him. “Here, let me help,” he grumbled.
He helped wrapped the large fabric piece around him, then threw a corner over the stranger’s shoulder, turning it into a sort of Greek toga. A piece of frayed rope hung around the middle. So Baz tied it his waist to better hold up the makeshift outfit.
“There. Now you’re actually decent.”
Baz took gave him a good once over. The robe looked strange, but at least it covered him. The mystery man pulled and scratched at the fabric, like he wasn’t used to the sensation of it. Baz chewed on his lip. For some reason, his blue eyes and gold colouring seemed strangely familiar...
“So,” Baz said, voice pretending to be disinterested, “I should say hello, I suppose. May I ask your name?” The boy’s head snapped up and he nodded vigorously, a smile splitting across his face. Baz gave a half smile back. The anticipation for hearing his voice was reluctantly building. “Well then, spit it out. Don’t feel the need to build suspense.”
The boy opened his mouth to speak, but much to Baz’s shock and confusion, nothing came out. His lips and tongue moved like they were forming words, but there was only silence. The mystery man’s face fell, mouth slightly open and blue eyes round. His expression was somewhere between disappointed and forlorn. He softly traced over his freckled throat.
Baz’s heart sank. It’s not him, he thought sadly. It was a long shot to start with, but he was still disappointed. And this stranger looked so sad. Baz usually had little sympathy for anyone, but he certainly felt bad for this man. With an expression like that, there was no way he couldn’t. He shuffled forward a bit, knees nearly touching the man opposite him.
“You can’t speak?” Stranger shook his head, damp bronze curls shaking sadly. The corners of his lips turned down in a frown. It was a truly forlorn expression rather than confused like before. Baz pondered what to do. How was he supposed to learn about this man when he had no voice? But, words didn’t have to be spoken to be understood, really.
“Hey,” he said, catching his strange companion’s attention. “Can you spell it out? Your name?” The boy perked up and nodded. Baz offered his palm. “Then spell it here.”
Mystery boy’s eyes went wide for a second. He cautiously cupped Baz’s hand, fingertips dragging delicately there for a little longer than normal. Baz found the his hands strangely smooth, like sea glass. Much smoother than his own rough hands. (Everyone in his family tended to have rough hands.)
He pressed a smooth finger to Baz’s palm, and began to move it. “S...” Baz started, following his tracing. “I...M...O...N” He looked up at him with pulled together black brows. “Simon? Your name is Simon?”
The boy, or Simon, nodded rapidly. Baz nodded along with him. “Okay. Hello, Simon. I’m Baz.”
Simon tried to say “I know” back, but only breathed out more silence. His face twisted in frustration. Considering how rarely he used his voice when he had it, it was strange how much he missed it now. He wanted to shout at Baz. Shout, yes! I know! I know you’re name because I saved your life. And I saved you because you’re honourable and brave. I’m here now because I want to know even more about you and your amazing world.
But Simon had no voice to use. He thought about spelling it out in the sand. But...telling Baz would lead to difficult questions. “Where did you come from?” “How did you save me?” “What are you?” All of which he didn’t know how to answer yet.
Quickly, Simon perked up again, and just waved with a wide grin. Baz couldn’t help but smile. It was too damn cute.
“Well,” Baz said firmly, “do you live in Watford? Anywhere to stay?” Simon sighed and shook his head. “Okay then. You’ll have to come stay with me for now, I suppose. It only makes sense. Alright?”
Simon nodded again, so hard Baz feared his head would snap off. Baz stood up, and Simon followed. But suddenly, his legs wobbled like an unstable fawn and he fell forward.
“Shit! Careful!” Baz shouted just as he caught him. Max barked furiously at them both. Simon gripped his forearms, breathing heavily. Wow, he thought, legs are fucking weird. He looked up at Baz nervously. Simon’s heart was beating so hard with anticipation and happiness he feared it would burst.
While Baz, he felt his stomach drop like a lead weight. He had a terrible feeling that he could get lost in those plain blue eyes, and spend ages mapping the constellations of moles and freckles on this Simon’s face. He was beautiful in a way that physically ached. Even when he was awkwardly bent over in front of Baz with shaky legs, clutching to him for dear life, and dressed in a bloody tattered sail. Baz knew he was playing with fire. That these feelings were dangerous in so many ways.
But Baz had always had a thing for fire.
He hoisted Simon to his feet, then wrapped one of his arms around his neck. Simon leaned against him. His skin felt unbelievably electric on Baz’s. But Baz tried to ignore that for now in favour of helping his new companion just walk. That was the more important task.
“C’mon, one foot in front of the other,” Baz grumbled, though still going slowly as an example. Simon followed and got steadier with every step. Max barked as trotted along, almost like he was giving encouragement. Baz didn’t let go of Simon until they reached the castle. And he certainly didn’t let go of Baz.
“What on earth were you thinking, Basil?”
His father’s tone made Baz flinch. The last time he sounded like this was when he caught Baz smoking a pipe in a shed. What was scary was that Malcolm didn’t even need to raise his voice. The cold disapprovement was cutting enough.
“I was thinking of being a good future ruler,” he replied coolly.
“By taking in a stray?” Malcolm stood from his chair to better loom over his son. But Baz wasn’t intimidated. He merely straightened his back, clasping his long fingered hands in his lap.
“By taking in a misfortunate youth with no voice who washed up on the shores of our kingdom, probably from a shipwreck. I say that’s a noble cause worthy of a crown prince. Wouldn’t you?”
Malcolm scowled, teeth grinding together. “How do we know he’s not a spy from another kingdom? Sent to collect information?”
Baz scoffed. “Your paranoia has reached new heights, Father. But no, I don’t believe a boy no older than myself, that I found naked on a beach and could barely walk a mere few hours ago, is a spy.”
Malcolm seemed to ponder this for a moment, slowly sliding his bottom jaw back and forth. Baz just sat there, pretending he wasn’t nervous, when really a storm was brewing in the pit of his stomach. But when Malcolm let out his breath, so did Baz.
“Very well,” Malcolm grumbled. “He can stay for the time being. But he’s your responsibility, Basilton. Understood?”
Baz stood up, straightening his tunic. “Of course. I’ll feed him, play with him, and take him out for walks when he gets restless. Just like Max.” He earned a glare from his father, but Malcolm still waved him away. Baz breathed a long sigh of relief the second he was out the door.
When Baz entered his room, pushing apart the double doors, he immediately froze. There sat Simon, sitting on his bed. He wore a loose silk salmon colored tunic with tight waisted white riding trousers. They were Baz’s, given to Simon after the bath Daphne insisted he take. The sleeves and pant legs were rolled up to accommodate Simon’s shorter height. They were definitely more comfortable than a tattered sail. With the seaweed out of his hair and mud off his body, Simon looked even more beautiful. His wild curls shone brighter bronze, his freckled skin now all a gorgeous dirt-free tawny.
Baz wished he could fully appreciate him. But Mordelia’s presence put a damper on it.
“Your name is Simon, right?” she chirped, and he nodded. “Where are you from? Do you have parents? Do you have friends? Is Baz your friend now? He’s sort of a tosser though, so I wouldn’t be his friend. Are you-”
“Mordelia!” Baz barked, making both her and Simon jump and stare at him. “Stop bugging him and get out.”
“Not ‘buts’, Mordy. Get out!”
Mordelia pouted, bottom lip unnecessarily pushed out. She shoulder checked him on the way out. Baz slammed the door behind her. He groaned, shaking his head.
“Sorry about that,” Baz grumbled. “My little sister is a royal pest.”
Simon shrugged, mouth spelling out but not saying, “it’s fine”. Baz sat opposite him on the bed. Simon was cross legged, hands holding his ankles. He was even more gorgeous up close. Baz could see the gold highlights created in his hair by candlelight and count every individual moles on his face. (Three on his right cheek, two below his left ear, and one under his left eye.) The smell of soap wafted off him. It reminded Baz of something brown and sweet. He tried very hard to ignore his brain, which just kept saying, there’s a beautiful boy in my bed, beautiful boy in my bed, beautiful boy in my bed!
Baz shook the thoughts from his head. “So how are you feeling? Much cleaner, I suppose.”
Simon smiled and held one thumb up. Baz chuckled.
“My father agreed to let you stay with us for the time being. Thankfully, he’s decided not to be a complete arsehole for once. You can sleep in the guest room next door. Is that alright?” Simon nodded. “Good. How are the clothes?”
He pouted again (how was it so cute?) and scratched at the sleeve. Simon shrugged, shoulders coming to his ears.
“Itchy?” Baz asked, and Simon nodded again with his cute frown. It wasn’t that bad actually, just unfamiliar to the former merman. Though he was starting to get used to it. Baz sighed exasperatedly, shaking his head. “It’s the softest silk I could find, Simon. I’m not sure we have anything better for your apparently delicate tastes.”
Simon rolled his eyes. Years of being friends with Penelope had trained him well for sarcastic remarks. His expression said with equal mocking, “I’ll live.”
Baz couldn’t help but give a lopsided smile. Just one half of his mouth pulled up. Baz didn’t like to smile, or show his emotions period. But this sunshiny boy, with his blue eyes and bronze curls, seemed to attack all his defenses. It was a scary and wonderful thing all at once.
“C’mon,” Baz said, gesturing as he slid off the bed. “It’s supper time.”
Simon jumped off the mattress with a bounce. He grinned with all his teeth, hiding none of his radiant joy. Baz chuckled under his breath. This Simon was certainly strange, but also entertaining, and endearingly sweet. Baz couldn’t ignore the way that made his heart stutter.
Dinner with the Grimm family was usually just that, grim. It was conducted without speaking, save for the occasional kingdom matters discussion between Malcolm and Daphne. So when Baz and Simon arrived at the table, the deafening silence was not out of the ordinary for the prince. But Simon found it a bit strange. Baz’s father looked like a white haired sea snake, ready to go for the kill at any moment. And everyone else, including the baby, just looked bored. Was this how all humans ate meals? Or just these ones?
“Basil,” Malcolm said.
“Father,” Baz replied coolly.
They took their seats opposite all of Baz’s younger siblings. Baz noticed that Simon looked down at the place setting with confusion, like he’d never seen one before. He picked up the fork and spun it in his fingers, examining it with a close eye. Then, to everyone’s confusion and slight horror, he started running the tongs through his bronze curls. He combed the ringlets up with a wide grin on his face. Malcolm and Daphne’s eyes went wide. Mordelia and the twins tried to contain their laughter. The baby didn’t even try, burbling with giggles. Baz put his fist to his mouth to hide the smile he couldn’t help.
Simon suddenly noticed everyone staring, freezing with the fork still wound in his thick hair. Baz slowly reached up and pulled his fork holding hand down. He shook his head slowly. Simon promptly turned beet red, flushed all the way to his ears and neck as he looked down. The children were still giggling. Baz patted Simon’s hand reassuringly under the table. Simon’s eyes flicked over to him, lips pulled up in an apologetic smile. He hooked a finger around Baz’s for, just a second. And Baz nearly turned just as red as him.
“Dinner is served,” a servant thankfully announced.
Silver plates were brought out from the kitchen, placed on the long mahogany table in front of every person. The servants lifted the silver covers. Puree for the baby, roasted chicken for the kids, and red crab with garden salads for the adults. Simon was immediately taken aback, pushing against his chair with wide eyes.
Simon didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t really explain that he was actually a merman who’d never eaten a sea creature. He ate sea vegetables mostly or animals captured from land. But never another living thing from the ocean. It felt sort of wrong. It would be impossible to explain even with words. So he just poked at the crab shell with his fork over and over again.
“Simon,” Baz started with exasperated tone, “don’t you know it’s rude to play wi-”
Simon looked up and Baz’s breath immediately hitched. He looked pained, face all pinched up like someone had needled him the gut. He poked the shellfish again and shrugged.
“What? Not a fan of crab?”
Simon shook his head, bent over in embarrassment. He didn’t like this. It was just reminding him that as much as he loved it, he wasn’t really a part of this world. But at the same time he couldn’t bring himself to do something so against his nature.
Baz sighed, long and heavy. If this were anyone else, he’d tell them to just get over it. But Simon’s face, red and ashamed and distressed, could somehow not be so easily dismissed by him. Once again, his cold defences faltered under sunshine. So he turned to the kitchen and called, “Chef Pritchard, it appears our guest here is picky and doesn't wish to eat the crab. Can you please get him something else?”
“Of course, your highness,” the chef replied.
“Thank you.”
A serving man whisked away Simon’s crab plate. Simon looked at Baz with what he hoped was a thankful enough expression. If Simon had complained like that to his father, he would’ve been told to suck it up. But for once, he didn’t feel stupid for voicing his opinion (well, voicing in a way.) Baz merely nodded in acknowledgement. But Simon didn’t miss the soft pull at the corners of his lips. It made Simon’s stomach feel so warm.
As Baz ate his crab, he tried to will his blush to disappear. He prayed to God his father didn’t notice. And maybe, just a little, that Simon did.
Later that night, Simon laid in the plush bed, staring up at the ceiling. Candle light from his bedside flickered shadows across the stone. The images was like nothing he’d ever seen before. Poseidon’s Beard, everything was like nothing he’d ever seen before. He didn’t know a bed could be so soft and not made of coral. He’d never realised how great clothes could feel, now that he was used to them. And even though legs were still strange (how did the humans operate two limbs at once to move?!), he took great enjoyment in the little things he could do with them. Like wiggle his toes and shuffle his feet on the carpet. He really liked this whole being human thing.
Simon bolted up in bed. He looked around his empty room. The only sound was a tapping at the window behind his bed. Cautiously, he turned to it. A seagull was hitting the glass with it’s bill. What in Neptune’s name, Simon thought.
“Simon!” It screeched again. Simon scrambled back, wondering if that spell had messed with his brain as well as changed his body. Wait, he knew that voice.
“Penny?” Simon mouthed. The seagull nodded.
“Yes, it’s me, Simon. Open the damn window.”
He cautiously crawled forward and unlatched the window. Seagull-Penny flew in, landing on Simon’s mattress. She ruffled her white feathers and grinned as best she could with a seagull beak.
“Neat, huh?” She said. “My possession has gotten much better.”
Clearly, Simon thought, nodding slowly.
“How’s the prince seduction going? He kiss you yet?”
He rolled his eyes and shook his head. It’d only been a day. Penelope was obviously being optimistic just to make him feel better.
She sighed, which came out more as a honk. “That’s too bad. Hope he does it soon.”
He reached forward and patted her feathered head, mouthing, “me too.”
“How is he, anyway, your prince? When he’s not unconscious. Do you like him?”
Simon chuckled, then sighed dreamily. It was odd. Baz was wonderful in the most confounding ways. He did nice things for Simon with sarcasm attached but did them all the same. And it wasn’t the truly cruel berating Simon was used to from his father. Baz was a very strange, very good person. So Simon did like him, quite a lot.
He could feel the colour creeping up his cheeks. (That kept happening today.) He bit at his bottom lip and nodded. Penny smiled brightly with her seagull face.
“Marvelous. Glad you didn’t sacrifice your voice and magic for nothing.”
He laughed without sound, head thrown back. Penelope the Seagull honked as well.
“Simon?” Baz said from outside the door, knocking once.
Simon’s spine straightened, and Penny-Gull froze. “Shit,” she hissed. “I’ll see you later. Promise.” Simon nodded in agreement as he shooed her out the window, latching it behind her. He rushed to the door, smoothing his hair once before opening it.
Baz stumbled back as Simon shoved his head through the crack. He nearly dropped the plate in his hand. Simon just looked at him with a grin, not moving to open the door further.
“May I come in?” He asked, both annoyed and amused. Simon’s mouth formed an ‘o’, then he nodded, opening the door all the way.
Simon sped walked to his bed and jumped on it with a thump. Baz sat gingerly in front of him. He placed the cloth covered plate between them. Simon looked at it with profound confusion.
“Ah, here,” Baz said. He pulled off the napkin to reveal six freshly baked pastries. “Compliments of Chef Pritchard. She wanted to welcome you with her specialty. They’re called sour cherry scones. Try one, they’re quiet good.”
Simon picked one up gingerly. It was warm, crumbly, and smelt wonderful. He took a cautious bite, and his eyes went wide. It was the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted. The sugary, fruity taste exploded over his tongue. He chomped down, finishing it in three bites. He took another and ate it just as ravenously. Baz make a slightly horrified noise.
“Dear lord,” he chuckled. “Your manners are absolutely atrocious.”
Simon stuck his scone crumb covered tongue out and took another defiant bite. Baz chuckled more, picking up a treat before Simon ate all of them. Far too soon though, Simon had consumed every last cherry flavoured crumb. He licked his fingers happily. Baz tried to shove down all the inappropriate thoughts that motion created.
“So,” Baz started, “tomorrow I have a dreadfully boring council meeting in the afternoon. But I’m free in the morning. Would you...like to do something?”
Simon nodded vigorously. Yes please, yes please, he thought. Baz nodded only once.
“Good. Get a good night’s rest, then. We’ll have to wake early.” He picked up the empty scone plate and stood straight backed by the bed. “Goodnight, Simon.”
Simon beamed brightly and waved, mouthing “goodnight” with a smile. Baz smiled politely, then grinned wider as he walked out the door.
Once he heard the click of the doorknob, Simon sighed and fell back onto his mattress. He felt like he was floating. For the first time, his life felt like his own. No worrying about his stupid magic or his father’s expectations. Just imagining what he would do with Baz tomorrow. And by Neptune, he couldn’t wait.
He blew out his candle and snuggled down into his pillow. As he dreamt, all Simon saw was grey eyes and raven hair.
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See you on Thursday! :)
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reversecreek · 3 years
The world bobbed like it’d gotten tipsy off of two hastily slurped cans. That was always the way, on her grandpa’s boat. Once a boy she brought back threw up over the edge because he said so, although that might’ve had more to do with the fact he lost a bet to eat an expired yogurt cup. She found out her grandpa had wagered he do so while he pranced about the place in a mustard stained vest and boxers, restless as a horsefly and just as limber, surprisingly, considering he was seventy-odd, all in the space of her speedily tinkled bathroom break. Leaving guests alone with him frankly wasn’t an option. Too much of a loose cannon. Good job he was out for the day.
Sat on the edge of the boat, feet dangling bare to catch the spray of the wobbling tide, Clem sighed as she pretended to read the small print on a tube of sunblock through the lenses of a jade green snorkel. She had no intention of going in the water with it on, sometimes it just seemed necessary so she could think -- her head felt compressed, that way, and she once read they did the same to cows to help relieve their heart rate, something about the simulation of a hug. Most of the time, it just gave her a headache and not much else, but there was a sort of comfort in adopting a routine, regardless. Anyway, it was better than the time she’d tried dolphin sounds -- her grandpa asked what the fuck the fuckers were laughing at that was so funny and she had to explain it was an animal recording, not a group call of strangers laughing live at his expense. The gawk he gave her made her retire the idea for good. Anyone would think he’d caught her doing something sick and unhinged like putting a tortoise into a panini press.
“This stuff always smells too good. Like, I think that’s, um... misleadin’, and stuff. I had a dream once where I squirted some on a hotdog and ate it. I really, like -- I just ate it, so fast, and I had no regrets. It made a really sweet relish. They should switch it up, cause that’s a total hazard, I think. I think that’s -- yeah, harmful, and -- yeah,” Clem abandoned the thought, then the sunblock on the decking besides her leg, and moved on to thumbing at thigh freckles, half convinced they’d disappear with a firm enough swipe. She was wearing a grey t-shirt with a teddybear on, basketball propped beneath its arm, and a pair of black cycling shorts, both of which she tugged at every so often, never comfy with how they fit. Another sigh. Air escaping from the cracks of a bubbling pot. She’d been putting this off since Eden first arrived, all the way from cutting them watermelon to share to mutually lurking on hot locals Instagrams, but by then it was starting to feel unavoidable.
“I did somethin’, like, intensely, um -- god, I can’t even -- ugh, it’s -- god,” she winced, scrunching her nose only to scoop her legs up and squeeze them to her chest, toes coiled like she’d swallowed milk with lumps. “I, like, -- god, this is so embarrassin’, I probably seem like a total freak,” Clem rushed, cheeks pink, before she reached up to clasp at them, sufficiently cushioning her face as if bracing for the impact of her impending confession. “I accidentally sent Basil a heart. Like, I don’t really know how it, um -- it just happened, I tapped it with my mutant thumb -- you know how I always say I have a mutant thumb? It’s, like -- It’s a Megan Fox situation, and it’s back. It grew back last night, or somethin’, I think it happens when I eat more fruit, I don’t know.” It was not a Megan Fox situation. Every other week, Clem had a crisis where she believed a different thumb had breached the accepted metrics of society. Some toes also regularly aroused suspicion for no valid reason. She’d yet to have sex with someone, asides from Josh, without conveniently wearing socks. Bizarre whims of worry like this weren’t uncommon. Her brain was ripe with all kinds of bright, scraggly little weeds that defied logic. “Like, we had that thing where we....” her voice lowered as if any passing seagull might squawk the intel to her grandpa at the hardware store, “you know, in his car, on top of that McMuffin. And I -- like, I felt bad, ‘cause I didn’t meant to squish his McMuffin, and he seemed really bummed about it.” Another sigh. “But now I’m, like -- like, I don’t wanna be the girl who squished his McMuffin, DM’d him to apologise at two A.M., and accidentally sent a heart. I said, like, oops, that was an accident, afterwards -- you know, the heart -- but he just -- god, he just read it. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever done. Like, I honestly -- I feel kinda sick talkin’ about it. He probably thinks I’m just some crazy McMuffin squishin’ -- stalker. I don’t even have anythin’ against McMuffins, I swear. And I’m not, like, in love with him, or anythin’, that’d be so intense, even if he has nice hair, so the heart was a total disaster.” Finally, Clem dared to look at Eden, though she still held her face in her hands. “Do you think that’s, like -- I probably can’t recover from that, right? Like, that’s bad-bad?” @halfrest​
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jadeythegardengal · 6 years
Cannon call!!!
I’m Jade Harley and I’m looking for everyone, especially Nep, Rose and Kanaya! I’d honestly be thrilled to find anyone. I’m not interested in kin dating. I’m okay with any age, but I’m 15 so keep that in mind! Doubles are 100% okay!! I have a lot of mems but I won’t list them ALL here.
I wore overalls a lot, my hair was really long and I had freckles. My skirt had really big/a lot of pockets, and I had pretty damn long hair.
I had unrequited (?) crushes on Dave and Rose.
I’m pretty sure I had something w Davenepeta Sprite or Davesprite @ some point
I dated Nepeta!! I loved her so much, we moved in together on earth C and had like a bunch of dogs and cats )I think we fostered them but kept getting attached.)
I was garden buddies with Kanaya!! I strongly remember a time when Kanaya and me were in the garden wearing dumb garden hats, talking and drinking lemonaid with some basil in it? Rose was hiding in the shade because she hated the sun )especially since she liked to wear all black, that emo gal..) Rose also stayed in the house most of the time with the cats oops.
Me and roxy had cute cliché sleep overs and once I found her just.. sobbing in a pile of cats cuz they were.. so good.
Me and Rose were really close and before sburb we used to have like, sleep overs over the computer? Via video chat. We’d go on forever but someone )hint: me) would fall alseep. We also colabed on a squiddles fic @ one point even tho we had very different writing styles and tastes.
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