#also- a happy year of the ox if that's the zodiac you follow!
i-windwater · 11 months
2024 Chinese zodiac forecast part 2: Rabbit, Dragon, and Snake
2024 Chinese zodiac forecast part 2: Rabbit, Dragon, and Snake
This is part 2 of the 2024 Chinese zodiac forecast, featuring animal signs of the Rabbit, Dragon, and Snake.
We are following the sequence of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from the traditional zodiac wheel, so it is easier to find your animal sign.
Read more about Part 1: Rat, Ox, and Tiger here - https://picturehealer.com/blog/2024-chinese-zodiac-forecast-part-1-rat-ox-and-tiger
4. Rabbit sign forecast for 2024, the year of the Dragon
Lucky stars for Rabbits in 2024
Rabbits have fewer lucky stars in 2024. The major star is the “Transforming star”. It can transform challenges into positive outcomes, or bring breakthroughs in your career or personal life.
Unlucky stars for Rabbits in 2024
The 3 negative stars are related to illness, accident, and conflict. Pay extra attention to your health and safety in 2024. Avoid conflict and fighting.
Top 3 lunar months for Rabbits in 2024
Pay attention to these 3 lunar months in 2024
Overview and suggestions for Rabbits
Health is the main concern for Rabbit this year. Be flexible about your plans, and keep a positive attitude to transform any challenges into positive outcomes.
5. Dragon sign forecast for 2024, the year of the Dragon
Lucky stars for Dragons in 2024
Since 2024 is the year of the Dragon, the Tai Sui god is directly in the position of the Dragon this year. It can bring authority, power, and support, but also stress and unpredictable changes.
Unlucky stars for Dragons in 2024
Tai Sui (The Yearly God) can bring unexpected changes, illness, accident, or conflict. It is advised to stay conservative if this is your Tai Sui year. Avoid risky business or risky trips.
Top 3 lunar months for Dragons in 2024
Pay attention to these 3 lunar months in 2024
Overview and suggestions for Dragons in 2024
Participate in festive events such as weddings, House-moving, or birthday parties, can increase your luck. Charity work by donating money or blood can build up good karma. And carry protections such as jade stone or Tai Sui card to ensure a peaceful year.
6. Snake sign forecast for 2024, the year of the Dragon
Lucky stars for Snakes in 2024
Snakes are very fortunate in 2024 with multiple lucky stars. The “Tai Yang” star brings strong Yang energy, power, fame, and financial luck. This is especially lucky for male snakes.
You also have a happiness star, an intelligence star, and the “Heavenly Kitchen” star for enjoying good drinks, food, and social life in 2024.
Unlucky stars for Snakes in 2024
The unlucky stars are minor stars for Snakes in 2024. It seems harder to save money, and you might feel more lonely this year. Pay attention to avoid conflict, quarrels, and legal issues.
Top 3 lunar months for Snakes in 2024
Pay attention to these 3 lunar months in 2024
Overview and suggestions for Snakes in 2024
Snakes are very lucky in 2024 overall. You can expect happy events, increased status, intelligence, and fame.
Manage your finances conservatively to avoid money loss. Follow your values to avoid any trouble.
Watch our video of the 2024 Chinese Zodiac Forecast - Part 2: Rabbit, Dragon, and Snake
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presidentcrane · 4 years
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Happy Tết or Lunar New Years to all who celebrate! 2021 is the year of the buffalo! It’s already gotten hectic here so it’s on the late side of things, but hey, what can ya do?
note: please do not actually try to lift a water buffalo, or any other kind of buffalo for that matter- they much prefer to be on the ground
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chinaaesthetic · 4 years
Chinese New Year! 新年快乐!
*please note that the information below isn’t celebrated by everyone in the same way. Some customs are more common in northern China rather than southern China and vice-versa.
How to wish someone a Happy Chinese New Year:
1. 新年快乐!Xīnnián kuàilè! - Happy New Year! (This can be used one the first day of the lunar calendar as well as the Gregorian calendar).
2. 新春快乐!Xīnchūn kuàilè! - Happy Spring Festival!
3. 新年好!Xīnnián hǎo! - Hello! (This is how you greet people during Chinese New Year).
When greeting or wishing someone a Happy Chinese New Year, many Chinese people wish their family and friends things like: “I hope you have a happy and healthy family,” “I hope you get a job promotion,” “I hope you have good fortune and pockets overflowing with gold.” Here are some examples:
4. 恭喜发财!Gōngxǐ fācái! - Wish you a successful and prosperous year! (This saying is known well because of this Chinese New Year song you can watch here).
5. 阖家幸福! Hé jiā xìngfú - Wish you a happy family!
6. 事业有成! Shìyè yǒu chéng - Hope you have a successful career!
You can watch this YouTube video or read this article to learn more about how to wish someone a Happy Chinese New Year!
What is Chinese New Year?
Chinese New Year, also known as lunar new year or the spring festival, celebrates the first day of the new year on the lunar calendar. In 2021, this holiday falls on Friday, February 12!  This holiday is the most important holiday to those who celebrate this - its importance can be comparable to how Americans celebrate Christmas.
People have been celebrating Chinese New Year for about 3,500 - 3,900 years. It’s exact origins are unknown, but this tradition is believed to have started in the Shang Dynasty (1600-1049 BC) when people would make sacrifices to the gods and their ancestors towards the end of a year. However, the tradition was recorded and official during the Han Dynasty (202 BC - 220 AD) when Emperor Wu began using the lunar calendar. He chose to follow this calendar because it would let him know when second new moon after the winter solstice was.
Now, many Southeast Asian countries and people besides the Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year such as: Koreans, Vietnamese, Tibetans, etc. However, it is common to not see Japan celebrate Chinese New Year.
Why do I keep hearing about the Year of the Ox/Cow?
Just like in western culture, there are zodiacs in eastern culture that the Chinese follow. There are 12 zodiacs, and these zodiacs follow a cycle of 12 years. Each new year represents one of the zodiacs. 
In order, they are: Rat/mouse, Ox/cow, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.
2021 is year of the Ox/Cow - 2020 was year of the Rat/Mouse - 2019 was Year of the Pig... and so on. 
Because each zodiac has its own characteristics, they define a year. Chinese zodiac scholars have said in 2021, Year of the Ox, will be a flip-around positive change. They believe this year will be lucky and that it will be a good time to focus on love and relationships. People who are born in years of the Ox are known to have a lot of endurance, be calm and confident, but are also stubborn.
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Just like in western culture, these zodiacs are believed to affect personality, fortune, etc, and instead of getting your zodiac by your birth month, you get your zodiac by your birth year. If you are interested in your Chinese zodiac, you can type in your birthday on this calculator and read about it.
What happens during Chinese New Year and how long do you celebrate it for? Lantern Festival?
On average, Chinese New Year is celebrated for about 15-16 days (from about New Year’s eve to the first full moon). Preparations start seven days before New Years because stores and restaurants close and people travel to be with their families. Most students are also on their big break during this time - they get off from school around the beginning of january and go back after Chinese New Year. It should also be noted that Northern China and Southern China celebrate the new year differently.
During the preparation period, people go shopping for food and decorations. They also clean the house very well. If living in a different city than one’s family, many people will travel back to their hometown to celebrate with family.
During the New Year’s Eve period, the house is decorated with New Year’s decorations, and there is a reunion dinner with family at the host’s house. Out of all the dinners you have during the year, it is incredibly important you don’t miss this dinner, which is why there are so many issues with travelling during this time. At this dinner, you eat many lucky foods such as dumplings and fish. Also during this time, the older generations will give younger generations something called 红包, which translates to “red envelope.” These envelopes are filled with money and are only given on very special occasions such as new years and weddings. Friends give these to each other, but it is not common at all for a younger generation to give one to an older generation person. There is a custom where families stay up late to “watch over the new year,” which is called 守岁. Late at night, people also like to go to temples to hear the first bells of the new year ring because they believe it will drive away bad luck.
On Chinese New Year’s Day, fireworks go off, families cook and eat large meals together, sacrifices are made to ancestors, etc. (Fireworks are especially important because they believe it will make your business more successful.) One popular tradition you might know of is the dancing lion/dragon parades where people wear a dragon costume and parade through the city. Dragons are very representative of Chinese culture and are thought to bring luck to a community. Lions are a symbol of protection.
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For about a week after the first day, most people go visit family and friends. A lot of times people will visit the other side of their family. For example, someone will spend most of the time with their mother’s side of the family during the new year, then during this week, they will go visit relatives of the father’s side.
After that week, most people go back to work. This is around day 8-10. Businesses, restaurants, and stores reopen, and many people leave their hometown to go back to jobs in the city.
Day 15, the final day of Chinese New Year, is the Lantern Festival. On this day, the first full moon of the new year happens. To celebrate, people will light more fireworks, revisit family, eat sweet dumplings (called tangyuan), and participate in the Lantern Festival. People release lit lanterns into the sky to honor dead ancestors. This is called 元宵节.
You can read more here.
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What foods are eaten during Chinese New Year, and what do they represent?
During Chinese New Year, many special foods are eaten, and these are foods that are considered to be lucky and to bring fortune into the new year.
1. Dumplings - represent wealth. Dumplings take hours to make and involve family help. They’ve been eaten for at least 1,800 years and are especially popular in northern China. It is said that the more dumplings you eat during the new year, the more money you will make.
2. Fish - represents prosperity and success. The word “fish” in Chinese sounds like the word “surplus” in Chinese.
3. Glutinous Rice Cake/Nian gao - represents success in your work (more money, better position). 
4. Spring rolls - represent wealth. They get their name because they are most often eaten during the Spring Festival which is CNY. This dish is more popular in eastern and southern China.
5. Oranges, tangerines - represents luck and fortune. This is originally a Cantonese custom, but many people grace their tables with citrus fruits. The word for “tangerine” sounds similar to the word for “good fortune” in Chinese.
6. Longevity noodles - represents longevity. These noodles are longer than usual to represent a person’s long and happy life. This is more commonly eaten in northern China. *It should be noted that these are mostly eaten on birthdays but can be eaten during the NY as well.
7. Sweet rice balls/tang yuan - togetherness in family. This food is eaten during the Lantern Festival, the last day of Chinese New Year. The shape and pronunciation is associated with closeness of the family.
8. Snacks - represent a sweet and pleasant life. Any sweet snack like dried fruit, candy, tanghulu is eaten during this time.
When it comes to food during Chinese New Year, there are superstitions about how foods should be prepared and what makes them lucky. You can read more about them here as well as here.
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What kinds of decorations are put up in houses during the new year? What do the colors represent?
1. Spring/door couplets - These couplets originated in the Shu era. As seen in the picture below, you post these on doors in couples - in Chinese culture, even numbers are seen as good luck. On many of these couplets are written wishes or poems for the new year. Each couplet should have the same rhythm and the same number of words.
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2. Paper cutting - Translated as “window flower,” these intricate, red paper cutting pieces are placed on windows and often represent the zodiac of the new year or other symbolic animals such as fish, dragons, and phoenixes.
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3. Upside down characters/Fortune - Many Chinese people during the new year hang up positive characters such as Fu, which means happiness and good fortune. It is written in calligraphy on a red piece of paper and then put upside down on doors and windows. It is hung upside down because the people want the good fortune to fall down onto them.
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4. Red lanterns - These lanterns push away bad luck and are seen during both the Spring and Autumn Festival. They can be hung on trees, outside houses, etc. There are also many styles - they can come in many shapes and have symbols written on them.
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5. Kumquat trees - As said before, citruses represent good luck and fortune. People place kumquats and citrus fruits on their tables or decorate their homes with small kumquat trees.
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You can read more about decorations here as well as here.
Common colors seen during Chinese New Year are red and gold, but green can also be found.
The color red is not only dominate during Chinese New Year, but it is also very representative of Chinese culture as well. Red signifies fire, good fortune, and happiness. It is representative of good luck, keeps the holiday very joyous, and scares away bad spirits.
Gold or yellow is considered to be a very beautiful color. Gold symbolizes wealth, riches, and prosperity.
Green represents money, harmony, and growth. 
Though these are the most common colors, it should be noted that a color combination of green and red is considered to be tacky in Chinese culture. 
What do people wear during Chinese New Year?
On the first day, it is traditional to wear new clothes and new accessories as it symbolizes new beginnings. However, there are people who like to wear sentimental accessories to respect and remember their ancestors.
Some people like to wear traditional Qipao/Cheongsam, Tang Suits, and Hanfu, but many people stick to western clothes like skirts, dresses, and pants. There is also a tradition of wearing lucky, red underwear for New Years.
Tang suits are the most popular to wear during the New Year, Qipao is also popular, but it is often too cold to wear during the winter months. Many people are starting to wear Hanfu again to celebrate the new year, but it isn’t widely accepted yet to wear during the new year.
During the new year, people wear a lot of red and gold. It is important to NOT wear mostly white and/or black. These symbolize death, and white is worn at funerals. Anything that is bright, bold, and upbeat should be fine to wear, but you should go for something that is red.
*If you want to wear something that is traditional Chinese for New Years, please make sure you know about cultural appropriation and know how to wear these properly.
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As there is so much information about Chinese New Year, I cannot possibly tell you all about it in one post. It is truly something that you must experience in your lifetime. It is very beautiful, fun, and there are so many things to do and celebrate. I ask you that you please research this more and look at all the beautiful pictures of food, lanterns, fireworks, etc. 
Please stay safe and 新年快乐!
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🧧Happy Chinese New Year 2022!🧧
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This year’s zodiac sign is the Tiger, following from the Ox last year and the Rat in 2020.
Those born in the Year of the Tiger are supposedly kind, adventurous and enthusiastic, but also display aggressive, short-tempered and anxious traits. The tiger comes third in the Chinese zodiac, and is considered the king of all beasts.
Previous years of the tiger come in 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 and this year, 2022. Hopefully this Chinese New Year you will be able to scare away bad luck and be blessed with good luck all year long.
Gong xi fa cai! 恭喜發財! 萬事如意!🧧🎉
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mistergrass · 3 years
Zodiac Mom Headcanons: Hatori’s Mom
This post in the series is a little different because it incorporates a lot of my headcanons about the dragon bloodline in general
If you’ve read my behemoth of a fic, you probably know the gist of it, but to keep it brief, here is the tl;dr before we get into the Mom Stuff
Other than the god, the dragon is the only member of the zodiac to come from one singular bloodline
No other zodiac bloodline can erase memories
Members of the bloodline, even if not cursed, are expected to become doctors and to learn the memory-erasing technique
Non-cursed dragon family members have the ability to erase memories with a lot of training, but it is not nearly as potent or powerful as when an actual dragon does it
(Also thanks to @lilbeehive​ for bouncing around ideas with me.)
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Rat & Snake Mom | Ox Mom | Tiger Mom | Rabbit Mom | Dragon Mom
Hatori’s parents knew early on that a love marriage was never going to be in their future.
Hatori’s father is the grandson of a dragon, and the only child of his parents. It was decided from a young age that he would become a doctor, and once his grandfather passed away, it was also understood that he was expected to have a child — a child that would be the next dragon.
He doesn’t resent this — being from a well-known zodiac bloodline, he grows up knowing that his loyalties need to lie with the Sohmas and with the zodiacs. And, quite frankly, he’s very suited to medical work, especially the kind demanded by the family (which I’ll talk about more later on).
The point is, this parental situation is unique. The other zodiac mothers have varying levels of surprise when they find out their child is a zodiac. But to ensure the safe and healthy birth of a dragon, this is something that is meticulously planned in advance. That means the mother must have full awareness and revere for the curse.
Initially, Hatori’s father was engaged to another woman — the granddaughter of the former rabbit and a woman five years younger than him. The plan was to marry as soon as she finished high school, but a few months before their wedding the woman gets cold feet and runs away with a man she fell in love with in school.
It’s then that Hatori’s mother is chosen, as the great granddaughter of the former ram. She’s also three years older than Hatori’s father.
Almost immediately, Hatori’s mother is informed that — following a successful medical examination — she is now engaged to be married. She accepts this gracefully. Her family’s long-standing wealth and status come from their zodiac ties, as well, and she knows that this is a duty she must accept.
And, quite frankly, she was never a woman who thought much of marriage. It’s not as if she considers it a big sacrifice.
In a few short months the two marry. And suddenly these two very obedient, introverted people are stuck alone in an inn for their honeymoon, never having said more than a few words to each other.
Hatori’s father has also never been with anyone previous to this, and the two are rather socially awkward. Hatori’s father has always been the kind of person to put his studies first, which developed a very serious and aloof persona. Hatori’s mother is much the same, and has never really been one to enjoy a lot of company, regardless.
They both do their best to try and follow through with it, but Hatori’s father (fumbling through it all himself) recognizes his new wife’s nerves. Without any prelude, he stops before it can get any further. After a very long, weighted silence he says, “elephants can stay pregnant for up to 23 months.” When she states her obvious confusion, he simply replies “these things take as long as they take.”
They don’t say anything for the rest of the night, but Hatori’s mother finds she appreciates both his attentiveness, and his straight-forward (if bizarre) nature (she’s not the type of woman who enjoys being coddled or talked down to).
All things considered, they find they’re actually very suited to each other.
Neither ever develop true romantic feelings for the other, but neither ever really viewed marriage as a romantic institution to begin with. Them becoming each other’s closest friends ends up being the best case scenario.
In Sohma social circles, they’re considered the odd couple. Hatori’s father’s dry, monotone way of speaking tends to make the delivery of jokes or earnest questions come off harsh and offensive. While his wife, who has come to understand the nuances of his personality, never seems to care to bother to clear up misunderstandings this could cause — and even seems annoyed at people’s inability to read her husband with the same fluency she quickly acquired.
Hatori’s mother also takes a deep interest in her husband’s work. Not just as a doctor, but specifically as a zodiac doctor.
The doctor’s position is not only to erase memories, but to provide proper care for the zodiacs when traditional hospitals are not an option. In addition, because of the supernatural nature of the curse, and the longstanding tradition of zodiac doctors within the family, Hatori’s father not only studies conventional medical science, but old records kept from previous Sohma doctors, some veterinarian studies, and even holistic/witchdoctor practices. The true science behind the Zodiac Doctor’s work tends to become an experimental gumbo of many different healing practices through history. Something Hatori’s father is fascinated with, and tends to lean into more heavily than maybe previous generations had.
(He also becomes deeply superstitious as he gets older and continues his studies, which only intensifies after his wife passes away).
Hatori’s mother is also just as taken by his practice, and ends up becoming something of a research assistant for him. She’s a fast reader, a very quick learner, and overall an extremely intelligent woman. Something Hatori’s father values highly in his wife, and is more than happy to allow her into his work. In the last few months of medical school, she even reads over his final papers and makes corrections.
Eventually they’re comfortable enough with each other to have sex, which they only ever do in order to try and get pregnant. Two years into their marriage, and just as Hatori’s father is graduating medical school, Hatori is born — the first zodiac of this generation.
She does love her son, but just as she was raised that her life and marriage was not her own, she knows the same applies to her child. On paper, she is the perfect mother — home cooked meals, proper clothes, clean house, books and toys purchased. Yet, she has no real idea how to interact properly with a child, and generally treats her son like she would any other adult in terms of the expectations she places on him, and her general lack of verbal and physical attention.
She also takes up tutoring Hatori in what will eventually be his occupation. They study for three hours after each school day as soon as Hatori is old enough to spell. Though neither of his parents get angry easily, and both are generally very patient people, Hatori’s mother can still be very strict and has no problem scolding her son when he doesn’t pay proper attention.
However, Hatori’s father does insist that they have dinner together every night. Though his parents are strange, and seemingly-cold people, these dinners never feel forced. It’s clear to Hatori that his parents enjoy each other’s company, and because they treat Hatori as if he were an adult, it feels as though they enjoy his company, as well. Not quite the same as a loving pat on the head, or being told “good job”, but it’s something he remembers fondly as an adult.
Hatori, as a result, grows up very disciplined and with a deep sense of duty and loyalty that is exemplified by every aspect of his parents’ lives.
With the birth of other zodiacs, it becomes natural for the mothers to begin to befriend each other, as well.
Hatori’s mom and Shigure’s mom had already been family friends for as long as she can remember. Though Yuki’s mom and Kureno’s mom, with their change in status, also become incorporated in this circle.
She finds an unlikely friend in Kureno’s mother. She likes her earnest, down-to-earth nature, and her friendliness has always seems genuine. She does not, however, hold the same opinion of Yuki’s mother. Their problems start early on, and slowly escalate all the way up to the final years of Hatori’s mother’s life.
The problem is Yuki’s mother’s embarrassingly apparent desire for status. The way she acts, dresses, and talks all come across as desperate and irritating. Hatori’s mother, admittedly, is a bit of a snob. She’s been in a high-class family her whole life, which means she’s never had to think about acquiring status. She also has a very secure position as both the wife of the current Zodiac Doctor, and the mother of both the dragon and the first born zodiac of the generation. And when Yuki’s mother tries to insert herself into Hatori’s mother’s life, she is, politely, but undeniably rebuffed.
For that, she holds quite a grudge against the woman. One that only gets exceedingly worse a few years later when Hatori’s family become the first and only people to discover Yuki’s father’s extramarital affairs.
It happens like this:
Fed up with his wife’s needless possessiveness of him, and irritated by her instance that they become pregnant with a second child, Yuki’s father starts to become more and more distant in the months during Yuki’s mother’s pregnancy. By the time Yuki is born, they hardly even speak to each other. Six months later, Yuki’s mother decides to take a trip and leaves her children behind with a swarm of maids and her stranger of a husband.
Deciding he wants to sleep in his own bed for the night, and reveling in his wife’s absence, he invites one of his many mistresses to his house instead of a hotel. In the middle of the night, the woman is woken up by the sound of a baby crying. She finds the nursery, and in an attempt to soothe the restless newborn, she goes to pick him up.
Yuki’s crying may not have woken up his father, but the piercing, terrified scream of his mistress certainly did.
Yuki’s mother knew about his affairs, she knew about his slew of mistresses. But she had made him promise that no one else would ever, ever find out about them. What’s worse is when Hatori’s father asks to question them about what happened (a standard procedure before erasing anyone’s memory), he doesn’t even have the decency to show up.
But Hatori’s mother is there. And so is Hatori.
Though the young dragon boy is only ten, it’s a good opportunity to learn one of the most valued aspects of his future role. As his tutor, and as her husband’s unofficial research assistant, Hatori’s mother is also included in the process.
Yuki’s mother finds herself hating the woman’s calm, clinical stare as she is forced to explain the most grievous humiliation of her life and marriage.
Convinced that Hatori’s mother will eventually let slip the truth about her marriage, Yuki’s mother sets out to turn the other mothers against her. She even develops a small resentment for Ayame, who she is believes will learn the truth from his friendship with Hatori. Shigure’s mother, who has always been happy to follow the social tide, goes along with this very easily. Haru’s mother, new to the group, is also easily swayed against Hatori’s mother. Even Ren and Akira find themselves taking Yuki’s mother’s side, causing Akira to advise that Hatori’s mother no longer assist with her husband’s work.
This might have been a more devastating blow, if it hadn’t already become an impossibility.
What Yuki’s mother never seemed to understand, was that the family of the dragon deals in privacy. Hatori’s mother would never have told a soul about Yuki’s father. Hatori’s mother doesn’t even tell her own son when she starts to get sick.
Hatori’s parents believe that everyone’s affairs should be their own, and there are certain things you just don’t tell children. So for the two years that Hatori’s mother is ill before her death, no one other than their immediate family knows.
Hatori’s father is heartbroken having to watch his dearest companion slip away, and he leans even further into holistic remedies in order to try and aid her recovery. As a child, Hatori knows something is wrong but is never told what. But he has clear memories of coming home, his mother absent from the house again, to his father having deep, serious discussions around the kitchen table with men who called themselves shamans.
Eventually her illness gets so severe that she stays in the hospital full-time, though she still tutors Hatori over the phone. Her unexplainable absences from the Sohma social circles make it easier for the other mothers to believe that she’s snubbing them out, just as Yuki’s mom is saying. And by the time Akira orders Hatori’s mother to stop assisting her husband, she’s already been too sick to do so for months.
The only person who knows among the family, is Kureno’s mother. She comes to visit the hospital at least twice a week, and promises not to say a word to any of the other family members. They become quite close, in the end.
Her death comes as a surprise to everyone but her husband and Kureno’s mother.
At the funeral, Hatori doesn’t cry. Instead, there’s a heavy, leaden weight in his stomach for weeks. Though she was never conventionally affectionate, she was a consistent, reliable, and comforting presence that is suddenly gone. One that, in hindsight, he realizes he misses terribly.
Because his father is not an expressive man, Hatori wonders if his father even mourns her loss. That, along with his father’s general nature, causes a distance that lasts between the two for a long while. It isn’t until Hatori starts to apprentice with his father in earnest at the end of middle school that he realizes how wrong he was.
All the notes, research, reports, and every other contribution his wife attributed to his practice, Hatori’s father has preserved so reverently that they look more like freshly printed medical journals than well-used notebooks. Hatori isn’t sure he’s witnessed a greater demonstration of love. This is cemented further when he stumbles upon old research papers from his father’s days in medical school covered in abundant, but neatly written, notes.
“I like her handwriting,” his father explains. “It always helps me focus.”
This conversation becomes Hatori’s most prominent memory of his father after he also passes away two years later.
Friends with: Kureno’s mom, Shigure’s mom
Doesn’t like: Yuki’s mom
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dweetwise · 4 years
have a semi-rushed riconti one shot because i couldn’t not write them for valentine’s day 💕
ship: ace x felix warnings: none word count: 4180
The problem with secret admirers
Holidays usually weren't something the survivors had the luxury of celebrating.
The occasional seasonal decorations in trials along with some ridiculous, thematical outfits seemed more like a sign of their Eldritch captor's morbid sense of humor than evidence of the passing of time. But sadly, lacking calendars and all, it was the most accurate estimate they had.
So when the Entity plopped down some fireworks and talismans on the generators to proclaim the Chinese new year, it barely affected any of them.
Yui and Feng seemed more on edge than usual, the decorations crude imitations of the festivities they were used to back home. Adam had told the group about the year of the ox and the Chinese zodiac, the teacher donning a new hoodie he’d received for the occasion.
For Ace, the holiday meant nothing more than looting as many firecrackers as he could manage, along with making questionable “horny” jokes to the few killers that had received ox-themed outfits.
But in the midst of the survivors' celebration or lack thereof, they'd completely forgotten about another well-known February celebration.
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When Ace returns from a successful trial and goes to stash yet another firecracker into his generous collection of items, he immediately notices something that doesn't belong.
Inside the trunk, on top of the organized chaos that is his pile of items and add-ons, lies a note.
Curiously unfolding the piece of paper, Ace makes out somewhat messy handwriting on a worn piece of paper.
'Your smile lights up the room'.
“Oh, ha ha, very funny,” Ace says, turning to face the small group of survivors by the campfire.
“Huh? What's up?” Steve perks up, others following suit and turning to watch the spectacle.
“Someone left me a little prank note,” Ace says, rolling his eyes and flicking the slip of paper over his shoulder.
“What?” Claudette says with a frown, immediately reaching for the discarded note.
“What does it say?” Cheryl asks curiously, coming up beside the botanist.
“'Your smile lights up the room,'” Claudette reads.
“Aww, that's adorable!” Kate exclaims. “A Valentine's day card!”
“The joke being that we're continually outdoors,” Ace explains. “Meaning my smile does jack shit.”
“Are you sure? Maybe they meant figuratively,” Claudette gently prods.
“Yes Claudy, I'm sure I'm not getting mystery love notes,” Ace snorts at the incredulous suggestion, before turning back to the others. “Come on, whose idea was it? Fess up!” he demands, looking over the group
When nobody makes a move to come clean, others also looking around in confusion, Ace eventually focuses his stare on Nea, Meg and Feng, the trio of troublemakers sitting together by the fire.
“The hell you looking at me for?” Nea cusses.
“That’s lame as fuck,” Meg agrees.
“I'm tempted to make one now just so you’ll see—” Feng starts.
“That's a great idea! We should all make Valentine's day cards for each other!” Kate suggest, missing the gamer's point entirely.
“Look, there's a drawing too!” Cheryl suddenly exclaims, pointing at the back of the mystery note still in Claudette’s hands.
Ace sighs and leans over to look, fully expecting a doodled caricature of himself or even a crude phallic sketch.
Instead, he finds a pretty good drawing of some sort of flower. It’s not perfect, but it looks like someone clearly put a lot of work into it.
“It's a clover,” Claudette informs, glancing up at Ace with a smile. “No doubt for luck, even if it doesn't have the iconic four leaves.”
“Uh. Maybe,” Ace says, a little taken aback at the information. Someone really went through a lot of effort just for a small prank.
“So? Who's it from?” Steve asks impatiently.
“It still doesn’t say, Steve,” Cheryl sighs in irritation.
“I mean, Jeff and Jane are the artists,” Quentin points out.
“Uh-huh, sure, Jeff would draw a flower card for Ace and not his botanist girlfriend,” Meg snorts, making Claudette duck her head bashfully.
“And Jane—" Steve starts, excitedly turning to the former talk show host.
“No,” Jane interrupts the teen. “I mean this in the nicest way possible, but hell no.”
“No offense taken, sweetheart,” Ace grins good-naturedly, the cheesy flirt making the woman grimace.
“What about Bill?” Nea suggests out of the blue.
“What the hell are you on, kid?” Bill snorts, and even Ace has to bite back a laugh over the thought of the gruff veteran writing love letters.
“Just trying to think of someone in his age range!” Nea protests.
“Well, did anyone see anything?” Quentin asks. “We can’t all have been in a trial when the note was placed.”
“I’ve been in like three trials today,” Feng complains.
“I don’t think any of us really keep track of people at the fire,” Kate says. “Anyone could have walked by and put it there.”
“Aww, so we’re not gonna know who it was?” Steve frowns.
“Maybe that’s for the best,” Jane says.
As the commotion seems to die down, Claudette hands back the note back to Ace.
“You should keep it. It seems you have a secret admirer, after all,” Claudette says, smiling.
“Guess it can’t hurt,” Ace says, reluctantly pocketing the card. He’s still not sure it's genuine, but is intrigued by the sudden turn of events nonetheless.
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Surprisingly, it seems the kids aren’t quite ready to give up on finding out the culprit. Some time later, Ace sees Cheryl, Steve and Quentin huddle together by one of the tree stumps, Cheryl looking to be taking notes on a map.
“Did you ask the ones who just got back?” Cheryl asks.
“Yup! Steve says. “Jeff was mostly confused, and David laughed his ass off. Laurie said she hadn't seen anything weird before she got taken to the trial. And Tapp just looked like he'd lost all hope for humanity,” Steve summarizes.
“Sounds about right,” Quentin huffs.
“Okay, so we've ruled out us three, Laurie, Jeff, Claudette, Jane, Bill, Tapp and David,” Cheryl recaps.
“And Nance has Jonathan, and Felix has his girlfriend,” Steve reminds.
“We should definitely rule out Nea too, since she’s way younger than him,” Quentin says. “Meg and Feng too, I guess."
“You're right, they always bully Ace too,” Steve casually remarks.
Ace rolls his eyes behind his shades and keeps shuffling his cards, not understanding why the group is so hell bent on talking about him like he’s not even there.
“Oh, and Yui,” Cheryl says.
“Good point,” Quentin says.
“Huh? Why?” Steve asks, confused.
“She, uh…” Cheryl falters. “Girl talk. I know it's not her.”
“Okay!” Steve beams.
And that pretty much sums up Ace's expectations for their little operation to succeed. If Steve somehow still hasn't figured out that the Japanese woman is solely interested in other women, Ace doesn’t have much trust in his detective work.
“Kate?” Cheryl suggests.
“She’s making Valentine’s cards for all of us as we speak,” Quentin snorts. “I don’t think she’d play favorites.”
“What about Dwight?” Steve suggests.
“Well… it’s definitely awkward and weird enough to fit his MO,” Cheryl considers.
“I thought he was into Jake?” Quentin says.
And that’s about the time Ace tunes out and goes to bug Tapp to play cards with him, hoping the detective will be happy to pretend like this entire thing never happened.
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Ace doesn’t know how long it is before he’s finally taken to a trial, but it feels like an eternity. The atmosphere around camp is awkward as people trickle in and out from trials and someone always feels the need to point out he was on the receiving end of an anonymous person’s affection. The reactions, unsurprisingly, range from awkward confusion to straight up laughter.
So when the fog finally surrounds Ace, he actually welcomes it. The familiar sight of the Autohaven gas station is enough to take his mind off the teasing back at camp, at least momentarily.
But another problem presents itself right as he rounds a corner of scrap and finds Élodie on a generator—
“Hey, come here often?” Ace jokes, crouching down next to the machine to get to work.
—And the woman immediately gets up to leave.
“It wasn’t me, so don’t get any ideas,” Élodie scowls in his direction.
“Huh? I didn’t—” Ace tries to explain, but she’s already taking off in a sprint, and Ace thinks he hears her mutter “creep”.
Ace sighs and barely resists the urge to bash his face against the generator in frustration. This day just keeps getting better.
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To Ace’s utter delight—that is to say, absolute annoyance—his mystery admirer becomes the biggest source of entertainment for the survivors. He doesn’t mind playing along for the first few jabs at his expense, thinking the others will surely get bored after just a few hours.
They don’t.
Most of the group still seem determined to figure out the person behind the note, others are content to gossip and joke about the possibilities, and some go as far as to blame Ace for intentionally stirring up drama. His not-so-subtle suggestions to let it go are shrugged off, and after a few days, Ace resigns himself to his fate and figures the sooner he lets the whole thing sort itself out, the better.
It doesn’t mean he’s happy about it.
To add insult to injury, even the killers seem to have a sudden hard-on for him, focusing Ace with single-minded determination every chance they get.
It's only a few days later, when the Pig kneels down Ace's prone form to place a trap on his head, that he realizes why.
“There you go, lover boy,” the woman's voice sounds mocking despite being muffled by her mask.
“Wah?” Ace asks, the device attached to his jaw making it hard to speak.
“I heard someone has a little admirer,” the Pig says. “I figured it warrants some special treatment.”
The word is accentuated by throwing Ace up on a hook, and the gambler's following scream is as much from pain as it is from frustration.
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When Ace gets back to the campfire after having his head popped by the killer’s trap, he sits down on a log furthest from the group, hoping to get a breather—
“Hey, look who it is!” Ash immediately interrupts his moment of solitude, sitting down uninvited next to Ace. “How you doing, champ?” Ash grins, elbowing him in the side.
“What do you want?” Ace asks, feeling much more irritable than usual because of the constant teasing.
“I mean…” Ash says, before looking around and lowering his voice. “Have you figured out who it is?”
Ace rolls his eyes and resists the urge to slap the man with his own prosthetic hand.
“Come on, you can tell me!” Ash grins in a very suspicious way.
“If I find out, you’ll be the first to know. Trust me,” Ace whispers, lying out of his ass.
“That’s what I’m talking about!” Ash laughs, way louder than necessary. “I’m happy for you; at least someone around here will be getting laid!”
Half of the camp erupts into snickers and the other half turns to glare at Ace, notifying him that their conversation was definitely loud enough to overhear.
“Not in front of the children!” Jane sneers, like Ace enjoys having his sex life publicly broadcasted.
“Oh, would you look at that!” Ace quips with fake cheer as fog starts creeping up his legs, thankful for the Entity’s timing even though he barely got back to the campfire. “Time for another trial!”
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When the fog clears from around him, Ace is in the killer shack in Red Forest with Cheryl and Felix right beside him.
“I'm gonna go find Zarina,” Cheryl whispers to Ace, informing him of who their last teammate is.
“Sure,” Ace says, knowing it’s good to split up, as Felix has already started repairs on the generator in the shack—
“I need to privately ask her about the note!” Cheryl beams and is sprinting away before Ace can reply.
Which is just as well, because he might have said a few choice words to the kid through his annoyance. Thankfully, he's left with Felix, one of the few people who have treated Ace normally throughout this entire thing.
“Fuck this,” Ace curses, joining the handsome German on the generator. Felix glances up but doesn't ask, and Ace appreciates being given the space to rant. “This is the worst thing that's ever happened!”
“The note?" Felix asks.
“What else? It seems it's all anyone ever talks about!” Ace rages, throwing one of his hands up in frustration and nearly causing the machine to explode. “I swear, this is worse than middle school,” Ace huffs. “I have girls gossiping, kids pestering and killers bullying me. And for what? A shitty piece of paper!”
Damn, it feels good to get this out. Ace doubts Felix cares, but it's nice to get to vent to someone he knows won't make the situation worse.
“Whoever left the note must be an idiot,” Felix comments bluntly, and it gives Ace pause.
Sure, Ace is frustrated, but he's still a little sentimental over the note and cute gesture behind it. Regardless, he shouldn’t be surprised that the no-nonsense architect would find the notion ridiculous.
“I'm just so done with it,” Ace sighs. “At this point, I'd take any explanation. Even an 'oops, wrong trunk, it was never meant for you'. Sure, I like being in the spotlight, but this is getting unbearable.”
Felix doesn't say anything, only keeps working away; probably embarrassed being forced to discuss Ace's (lack of) love life.
“I—” Felix starts after an awkward silence.
“Shit, I'm sorry,” Ace interrupts with a chuckle, not wanting the German to be any more uncomfortable than he already clearly is. “Didn't mean to talk about ear off about this stuff. Let's get this gen done, huh?”
Felix immediately seems relieved, and Ace jumps at the chance to change topics.
“You ever been to China?” Ace asks, nodding at the firework decoration on top of their generator.
As they chat about one of Felix's business trips to Shanghai, Ace is simultaneously glad for a distraction from his Valentine's fiasco and melancholy about their shallow friendship.
Maybe he'd take this whole thing more seriously if there was any possibility it would actually lead to something with the one person he's even remotely interested in. If Ace was in his prime, he'd probably have made a move on Felix months ago, girlfriend and heterosexuality be damned. Young and reckless Ace wouldn't have cared, happily flirting his ass off.
Meanwhile, old and slightly less reckless Ace has to settle for shitty jokes and sneaking glances at Felix.
When the Ghostface finally makes an appearance during their second generator and proceeds to chase and tunnel Ace to death despite the others' best efforts to save him, Ace isn’t even surprised anymore.
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“I'm starting to wonder if the note is even legit,” Quentin says one day.
“How come?” Kate asks, cocking her head.
“Don't you think Ace's secret admirer would have come clean by now?" Quentin prods.
“Maybe it was just the Entity messing with us?” Laurie suggests.
“If it was a prank from someone, I’m kinda proud of them for pulling it off,” Nea says. “Especially for this long!”
“I think it’s mean,” Claudette says. “They’ve allowed this to go on for way too long. Just look at poor Ace!”
Everyone turns to collectively look at Ace, who is just trying to play some goddamn solitaire in peace while the rest, again, seem content to talk about him like he’s not even there.
“He looks the same as always,” Meg snorts.
“He’s been tunneled to death the last then trials in a row,” Laurie scolds.
“I’m fine,” Ace insists.
“I think his secret fan is just shy!” Kate continues and sparks another debate, oblivious to Ace’s annoyance.
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When Ace gets back from yet another unsuccessful trial and sees a group of gossiping people and a grinning Nea, he groans in exasperation.
Before anyone can bring up Ace’s least favorite subject, Felix butts in.
“Ace,” Felix addresses, coming up beside the group. “Do you have time to teach me that perk you used the other trial? With the longer aura-reading?”
“You want… one of my perks?” Ace asks, surprised.
Felix has always seemed more altruistic than others, and it’s no secret Ace's perks were only used by… Well, Ace.
“Um, yes. If it’s not a bother,” Felix says, discreetly glancing at the group of gossip-hungry survivors waiting to attack Ace’s misery.
And it dawns on Ace that Felix is giving him a distraction to slip away.
“Oh, of course!” Ace grins. “Right this way!”
As soon as they’re out of earshot from the campfire, Ace starts prattling away.
“Thanks for covering for me!” Ace beams. “I thought they’d have gotten bored by now—"
“It was me,” Felix interrupts grimly, making Ace pipe down and turn to look at him.
“Uh… come again?” Ace asks, confused.
“I did it. I wrote the note,” Felix confesses, looking at Ace in determination.
“What? Why?” Ace asks, incredulous. When Felix's bravado falters, he keeps going. “Look, you don't have to cover for whoever it was,” Ace sighs. “I don’t blame you for wanting this entire thing to be over—"
“I'm serious,” Felix says. “I've been lying for way too long. I should have come clean before, but I was too much of a coward.”
Alright, what the actual fuck? Why would Felix, of all people, have sent Ace a love note?
While he’s gaping stupidly, Felix continues:
“Claudette was right, it’s my fault for letting this go on for so long. I’m sorry.”
“But… your girlfriend—” Ace starts, struggling to wrap his head around the whole thing.
“Will hopefully move on once she realizes I'm not coming back,” Felix says. “I've started to accept that I'm not getting out of here.”
“Well, that sounds cheerful,” Ace comments.
“Sheiße, I didn't mean it like that,” Felix winces. “I just… thought I'd do things differently this time. Since I never had the courage to, in my old life.”
“So… where do I come into the picture?” Ace asks, skeptical.
“I…” Felix says, wringing his hands in a nervous gesture. “Wanted to see how you would react to the note. It was stupid.”
“Huh? How come?”
“I caused you nothing but harm,” Felix sighs. “First you thought I was mocking you, then the others kept bothering you, and even the killers were giving you a hard time. I'm sorry, I should never have done it.”
“No, I mean—” Ace flounders for an explanation. Sure, he'd been annoyed, but none of the things that happened were Felix’s fault. “Why give something like that to me?”
“Isn't it obvious?” Felix says, scratching at his neck while averting his eyes. “I admit I haven't celebrated Valentine's day much, but I assumed…” he trails off.
What? Felix was seriously trying to test the waters of… getting together with Ace?
It slowly starts to make sense. Felix’s strange behavior. The messy handwriting on the note, probably from Felix’s nerves. The surprising artistic talent of the sketch, after a lifetime of architectural drawings.
“Well, this is unexpected,” Ace says with a smirk, not able to keep the cockiness from seeping into his voice at the knowledge that Felix, somehow, seems to be interested in him.
“I said unexpected, not unwelcome,” Ace interrupts.
And then gets to watch the realization slowly dawn on Felix, the perpetual worried frown on the other’s face smoothing out as his eyes widen in hope.
“You don't mind?” Felix asks.
“Let's just say I'm surprised you haven't caught me looking,” Ace grins. “I never expected someone as handsome as you to return the attention,” he can't resist flirting.
“Ähm, well, I…” Felix flusters from the compliment, looking at the ground. “Am not very good at this.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” Ace says.
Then, he reaches into his breast pocket, pulling out the infamous note he’s kept on him this entire time. Felix’s gaze follows his movement as Ace carefully unfolds the paper, crumpled and smudged from having been with him trial after trial.
“I thought you threw it away,” Felix says quietly, eyes wide in awe.
“You don’t just throw away a good luck charm,” Ace chastises playfully, pointedly brushing his thumb over the clover drawing. “Especially not one that’s the nicest thing anyone’s done for me in a long time.”
Ace bites his tongue to stop prevent more mushy sentiments from slipping out. Felix is still staring way too intently and not saying a word, so Ace clears his throat self-consciously tucks the note safely back into his pocket.
“I can’t believe you kept it,” Felix finally says, an adorable smile on his lips as he meets Ace’s eyes.
“Well, seeing as we’ve now established that we’re both sentimental saps…” Ace starts with a smirk, stepping closer to Felix to test the waters. “I have a question.”
“Oh, umh… Yes?” Felix says, straightening his back but still seeming nervous.
It's adorable, and Ace wants to kick himself for not noticing anything sooner. Still, there's no time like the present.
“Be my valentine?” Ace asks with a grin.
Felix's posture instantly relaxes, and the smile is back on his face.
“I'd love to,” Felix says.
Ace’s grin widens until he feels like it’ll be permanently etched onto his face. This is a much better outcome than he ever expected when he found an unassuming note with his items.
“So, ehm…” Felix starts after they’ve been staring at each other for a beat too long, snapping Ace out of it. “Do you… should we…?” Felix falters, nervously brushing a stray lock from his face.
“Wanna find a place to sit down and chat?” Ace suggests, not feeling any need to rush things now that he knows where they stand with each other. “I don’t know about you, but I could use a break from the others.”
“Me too,” Felix says, seeming relieved. “I admit I’m not looking forward to what the others will say about this.”
“Fuck em!” Ace says. “They’ve had their fun, I’m not gonna let them put you through the same shit as they did me. We don’t even have to tell them.”
“No, I want to,” Felix insists. “If I have to hear one more rude joke about you from Feng…” Felix’s mouth pinches into a thin line.
“Aww, babe,” Ace teases, the pet name slipping out before he can stop it. “You don’t have to defend my honor.”
“I do, and I will,” Felix says with surprising determination.
“Well, in that case, I won’t stop you,” Ace grins.
“Good,” Felix says with a smug little smirk.
And the sudden assertiveness makes heat creep up Ace’s neck, quickly starting to regret his suggestion to take things slow.
“I, uh, I think I saw a pretty cozy clearing not far from here,” Ace says, eager to get the chance to get to know more about his companion.
“Lead the way,” Felix agrees.
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They end up sitting next to each other under the stars and talking for what has to be hours, but goes by in the blink of an eye. No longer having to filter himself and keep their conversation casual is a much-needed break from the past few days, and the smile never once leaves Ace’s face.
Talking to Felix makes the feelings Ace has tried so hard to ignore come back full force, reminding him of why the man caught his eye in the first place. Sure, Felix is still more attractive than anyone has the right to be, but he’s also insanely smart and surprisingly witty past the initial anxious exterior. The way he smiles and gives his undivided attention even when Ace talks about silly, insignificant things not only makes Ace forget all about his recent frustrations, but also takes his mind away from the strange world surrounding them.
And when Felix eventually scoots even closer and looks at Ace with nothing but fondness in his eyes, Ace has no trouble throwing his initial hesitance out of the window and going in for a kiss.
It’s not earth-shattering or particularly intense, it’s just really, really nice and makes Ace’s heart do stupid leaps in his chest. It’s been so long since he even kissed anyone, and getting to smooch the person he’s been secretly pining over for months and have said person eagerly return the kiss?
“Why the hell haven’t we done this sooner?” Ace voices his thought when he pulls away from the gentle kiss, making Felix huff a quiet laugh into their shared breathing space.
“I should have just signed the note,” Felix says.
“Good thing you can make it up to me now, Valentine,” Ace grins.
Felix chuckles warmly and a callused hand comes up to gently cup Ace’s cheek before tilting his head up into another kiss.
And even though Ace isn’t normally one for holiday celebrations, he’s looking forward to spending many more with Felix by his side.
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thezodiaczone · 4 years
Capricorn Compatibility
CAPRICORN + ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) Aries is the Alpha in most relationships, but here the Ram meets his match. In the Goat, Aries finds a more seasoned pack leader, and backs into a rare state of obedience. This weighty respect comes from Capricorn's ruler, wise old Saturn, the planet of maturity, authority and command. Capricorn is the zodiac's father sign; Aries is its firstborn child. It's the difference between a king and a knight, a queen and a duchess. Both are noble, but one is clearly the elder. This can be a dealbreaker for Aries in some cases, as too much paternalism makes this independent sign run for freedom. However, it usually works. Although Aries can be a hellish brat, Capricorn is unruffled and even amused by the tantrums, giving Aries space to act out. If you accept your cosmic roles, you can make excellent partners in both love and business. Aries is ruled by warrior Mars, and Capricorn is a four-star general by nature. You both see life as a battlefield to conquer, and with Aries' grit and Cap's determination, there's no goal you can't achieve. Earthy Capricorn excels at structure and planning, and is the terra firm beneath the Ram's restless hooves. Fiery Aries is a daring playmate who amuses, excites and entertains the sober Goat, especially in the bedroom (where Capricorn has a lesser-known lusty side). Aries is a flirt, and this can spark jealousy in traditional Capricorn. Over time, trust and mutual respect abolish the Goat's fears, and you make supportive lifelong partners.
CAPRICORN + TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 20) ♥♥♥♥ You're fellow Earth signs who really vibe well together. By day, you're both hard-driving workaholics. Taurus is the plodding Bull, Capricorn the sure-footed Mountain Goat. Any business venture you launch together will thrive, and you share a deep respect for tradition, family and long-term security. You're both shrewd financial planners, though your love of earthly pleasures can break the bank, too. Once you punch out and uncork the Sancerre, you morph into a pair of hedonists. Sleeping and lounging are favorite pastimes, and on weekends, a forklift couldn't pry you off the sofa. However, Capricorn is far more self-disciplined than the indulgent Bull. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the goddess of beauty and pleasure; Capricorn by strict Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster. Where Taurus is a megalomaniac forever humming his own praise song, poor Cappy flogs himself for even the slightest misstep. Saturn's repression also gives Cap an eccentric side; he can fall into melancholy or fatalistic spells that confound Taurus. The Goat is always planning for rainy days—and as karma goes, plan for a downpour, and you'll surely get one. Taurus refuses to pack an umbrella, for he can't fathom worrying about something that hasn't even happened yet, nor shown up on the radar. You both have something to teach each other. The Bull is gifted at savoring the present, while nostalgic Capricorn obsesses over the past and the future. Strive to get your timing right.
CAPRICORN + GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUNE 20) A metaphor for this match: a music producer combines a soulful 1970s classic (Capricorn) with funky electronic hooks (Gemini) and delivers a mashup that's either a mess or a chart-topping hit. You couldn't be any more different if you tried, yet you can really benefit from each other's natural resources. Gemini is ruled by speedy Mercury, the lightning-fast trickster who speaks in silver-tongued half truths. Capricorn's overlord is Saturn, the cautious, conservative planetary patriarch, who only trusts that which stands the test of time. Gemini is versatile and restless, like a fusebox with a million criss-crossed wires. Capricorn is the dutiful ox who carries the yoke and plows the field, rarely diverging from routine. While Capricorn's dogged consistency and family loyalty can frustrate Gemini ("How can you let these people walk all over you?" Gemini asks, referring to Cap's elderly parents), it also grounds the scattered Twins.Gemini is Capricorn's one-man circus, keeping the Goat amused and entertained, adding color to his monochromatic world. You both have a lusty, experimental side, too. The magic really appears when you get physical, which happens fast, since your sexual attraction is intense. In fact, Capricorn is one of the few signs that can spike Gemini's jealousy. There are so many people who rely on sturdy, supportive Cap, and Gemini doesn't like to compete for the spotlight. To make this work, Gemini will have to accept that Capricorn's loyalty extends to family and lifelong friends. Stoic Cap will need to show a little more emotion, since impish Gemini needs to know he can get under Capricorn's skin. It will take time to work out the kinks, but the erotic tet-a-tets will be worth the trouble.
CAPRICORN + CANCER (JUNE 21 - JULY 22) ♥♥♥♥ Paging June and Ward Cleaver! Cancer is astrology's mother and Capricorn is its patriarch. You're opposite signs that might very well polarize into these retro roles. On the zodiac wheel, Cancer rules the fourth house of home, family and femininity. Capricorn governs its tenth house of fatherhood, authority, masculinity and ambition. In many ways, it's nice to have a mate who happily redresses your shortcomings. Yet, it can also be off-putting. Cancer longs for touch and affection, misty-eyed Hallmark moments and emotionally naked conversations. Stoic Capricorn can be stiff and formal, a closet neurotic who pooh-poohs Cancer's feelings as overblown melodramas. In truth, Capricorn just internalizes his feelings, then falls into depressions or flogs himself mercilessly. You must learn the other's "love language" to succeed as a couple.Cancer shows caring through sentimental gestures, food, togetherness and well-intended nagging. Capricorn's expression is through duty—bringing home a steady paycheck, showing up on time, holding it together when everyone else falls apart. Capricorn must learn to honor Cancer's feelings and intuition; the Crab must develop gratitude for Capricorn's loyalty and quiet wisdom. Parenting is where you really shine as a team. Raising children is the ultimate honor for your signs, as well as a creative challenge. You're both loyal to your families, no matter how much they drive you crazy. This is a quality you respect in each other. At the end of the day, you share enough common values to make a solid, lifelong match.
CAPRICORN + LEO (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) You're insatiably attracted, but you often end up hurting each other through a series of misunderstandings and ego battles. Leo is ruled by the confident Sun, Capricorn by self-doubting Saturn. That's just the start of your differences. Leo is a starry-eyed Fire sign who believes that anything can be achieved by sheer willpower and the refusal to take "no" for an answer. Capricorn is a traditional Earth sign, equally ambitious, but rarely willing to color outside the lines. He approaches life like a steady Mountain Goat, taking tentative steps toward his ten-year goals. Your different pacing could drive you both mad. Although loyal Capricorn is usually the stalwart partner in relationships, Leo is far more devoted in this match. Lusty Capricorn is mostly interested in sex. While you'll have plenty of hot romps, Leo can mistake Capricorn's physical attraction for love. Oops! The Lion must perform due diligence, and assume nothing. Unlike Leo, Capricorn's love is hard-won, not something he hands out like candy to Trick-or-Treaters. Then, there's the cheerleading that grates on the Goat. Leo urges Cap to believe in himself, which the Goat laughs off as fluff ripped straight from a cheesy self-help tome. Yet, lo!—Leo follows Covey's seven steps and becomes a highly successful person. Instead of congratulating Leo, war is declared: Capricorn scoffs at Leo's dreams, and Leo sets out to prove Capricorn wrong ("I'll show you!"). Before long, you stay together just to spite each other. What's the point?
CAPRICORN + VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) ♥♥♥♥ You're pragmatic Earth signs who strike a perfect balance between sensible and sensual. You bring out the best in one another. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the communication planet. A natural psychologist and articulate speaker, this sign likes to talk everything out. Stoic Capricorn is ruled by stern, repressed Saturn, and struggles to voice his feelings. Capricorn benefits from Virgo's ability to draw him out of dark thoughts. When Virgo's anxieties take hold, practical Capricorn brings a helpful dose of perspective. Dutiful souls, you take care of parents, friends and family members, and your cozy home is everyone's favorite crash pad. Holidays and parties are warm, congenial affairs, and nobody wants to leave. Marriage is a sure success, and you laugh often, excellent medicine for your serious signs. The lovely thing about this combination is how natural you can be—a refreshing break from your formal public demeanors. A favorite example: One Virgo friend, a singer-songwriter, was stricken with a creative block. Her Capricorn husband poked his head into her studio, and found her obsessing. She launched into complaining, and he deftly interrupted: "Wanna f---?" A satisfied hour later, she finished the song. Offensive to prim Virgo from any other sign, but Capricorn can go there. You relax into your carnal natures around each other, loosening up in ways that few other signs can elicit.
CAPRICORN + LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) Capricorn is the provider sign, forever seeking a mate in need of financial backing. Libra is a vain dilettante who's happy to play muse to an Earthy benefactor. You have your oft-irreconcilable differences, yet you stay together all the same. In many ways, you have what the other needs. Libra is a master of social graces with a billion air-kissed "friends." Capricorn can be an antisocial grumble-puss who cleaves to childhood cronies and family. Libra spends on impulsive pleasures; Capricorn plans for tomorrow. Battles can be brutal. You're both convinced of your natural superiority; your haughty contretemps and ego showdowns merit a Bravo series. Of course, antisocial Capricorn would never allow cameras into the estate, while Libra would whip together a stylist, understudy and five-star craft services. Therein lies the difference: your values. Not an easy hurdle to scale, even for a determined Goat or a patient Judge. A successful relationship will require much compromise. The fawning affection romantic Libra craves will be in short order. Capricorn shows love through acts of service and loyalty, not pandering. Libra must learn to accept love in a less-adorned package, and trade a few parties for cozy nights in. Capricorn must exit the cave to meet new people, play host and smile once a season. You can do it—but will you be happy? That's the question.
CAPRICORN + SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) ♥♥♥♥ If you were to sign a pre-nup, Schedule A must clearly designate who will play the "Top" and who will be the "Bottom." After your attorneys haggle over the prone position, you may just call off the engagement. An inability to reach settlement is likely for two uncompromising Alphas such as yourselves. Although your business-savvy signs can make quite the contemporary Napoleon and Josephine, LLC, there are terms that must be negotiated in advance. For one, you'll need to swear off secrecy—and that will be the true test of your relationship. Scorpio and Capricorn are masters of underhanded power plays that could topple this merger fast. Your first job: learn and practice direct communication ("whip me like THIS" or "no, darling, the leather corset, not the PVC"). Master it, and the rest is a cakewalk. You can lash each other to bedposts, tryst on the conference table in your glass-paned office tower, or earn your mile-high wings with nary a flight attendant knowing. The 2.5 kids you produce will have some interesting conception stories, that's for sure. Not that you'll ever tell. A little secrecy with the rest of the world is fine. Just make sure to erase those sex tapes before the housekeeper finds them.
CAPRICORN + SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21) The fate of this match rests in your ability to merge your strengths. Sagittarius is the visionary and the starry-eyed optimist; Capricorn is the master architect and builder, the ultimate realist. You each excel where the other is weak, and you make excellent business partners. However, your values and lifestyles can be vastly different, complicating romance. It's like the class clown dating the class president—an odd couple indeed. To Sagittarius, it's fascinating that anyone could possess such restraint. Stoic Capricorn cracks hard-won smiles at Sagittarius' antics and amusing insights. Yet, Sag optimism soon clashes with Cap pessimism, and here's where you reach your impasse. Restless Sagittarius needs a playmate to dream and scheme, but cautious Cappy shoots holes in the Archer's impetuous ideas, pointing out the foundational flaws. Yet, it's that grim, unvarnished realism that saves the day in a crisis. While Sagittarius freaks out and lapses into denial, Earthy Capricorn holds a powerful, Zenlike acceptance of "what is." Love truly blooms when you make it through a dire breakdown and realize your incredible teamwork turned the ship around. For the long haul, independent Sag must allow Capricorn to be the rock, and the Goat must learn to take a few more bold personal risks.
CAPRICORN + CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) Two ambitious Capricorns are on a lifelong mission to get ahead. If you can reach the brass ring faster by teaming up, then why not? You certainly admire each other's unflagging determination and crafty tactics—and you apply your business savvy to courtship, much like a game of chess. Name-dropping is akin to sexual banter for your sign, and "getting into the VIP section" sounds like a kinky metaphor. In a way, it is. You're titillated by power and yearn to be part of the elite. Sure, it may sound cold and calculating, but by nature you're a goal-oriented sign who lives by a long-term plan. Thus, your mate must fit neatly into the picture. You're a pair of workaholics with a closet kinky streak, and if you can leave the office before midnight, you'll enjoy a lusty connection behind closed doors. At the same time, you cleave strongly to time-honored tradition and remain loyal to your childhood friends for life. Parental approval and proper stock is a must. No matter how much you love someone, if he/she doesn't fit into the family dynasty, it's a deal breaker.
CAPRICORN + AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) This is the match of the traditionalist and the rebel, the rule-maker and the rule-breaker. Capricorn is the guardian of history, and Aquarius is an innovator who has little regard for the past. If you can meet somewhere in the present, it's sure to be interesting. Disciplined Capricorn can teach Aquarius the value of structure, and Aquarius can help Cap think outside the box. You're both competitive and controlling in your own ways, and few signs can rival your work shared work ethic. The wheeler-dealer light never switches off in either of you—you'll hand out business cards at a funeral. Still, you might be better off as professional partners, since your bedside manner is so different. Lusty Capricorn may be aloof in public, but this sensual Earth sign is a bona fide freak in the sheets. Although Aquarius may love to shock people in public, behind closed doors your interest in sex can be tepid at best. (As the ruler of electricity, gadgets may be preferable.) Socially, Capricorn can be cold or snobbish, choosing friends based on status. Popular Aquarius befriends everyone—don't be surprised if the Chinese food delivery guy ends up at the dinner table sharing your Hunan chicken. Still, Capricorn can be an important grounding force for Air-sign Aquarius, preventing you from floating off into the ether. Life is never dull with an unpredictable Aquarian.
CAPRICORN + PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 20) On the surface, you might seem like an odd match—imagine a Harvard MBA in Armani dating a paint-splattered artist in Oshkosh. Yet, your signs pair well, even if you don't want to admit it. With classic good looks and a dutiful nature, Capricorn fits neatly into the system. Pisces is a flowy Fish who excels at playing the the artsy rebel, the indie darling, the adorable mess. By comparison, Capricorn seems structured and regimented—but appearances deceive. While Pisces may delight in coloring outside the neat lines Capricorn draws, the real surprise is that Capricorn is the bigger freak behind closed doors. Capricorn has a dominant, even cruel streak that can play out in the bedroom (not that submissive Pisces doth protest). Leather, whips and kinky fun—it's all fair game. You both love to find lesser-known wine, music, and art, a pride yourself on having cultivated tastes. Together, you can traverse the tony uptown spaces to the lowbrow dives, discovering cultural jewels wherever you go. Your diverse strengths could make you great business partners, too. Open a gallery, with Pisces as curator and Capricorn as financial backer.
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stacijya · 4 years
K personality break down!
I spent way too much time on this but here we go! (am willing to do other idols as well)
K has such a strong personality. To me its a beautiful thing. I think he is passionate, kind, hard working, and exudes natural confidence that I find very magnetic. However, I can see how some people may misunderstand that. So, in response to some “fans” who seem to not understand this beautiful creature for all his complexity and nuances, and armed with the information available on his profile, have researched and put together a breakdown of the facets of his personality. 
(disclaimer, I cannot pretend to know K on a personal level. I used parts of articles and descriptions that I thought best described his interactions within ILAND and that could be supported by i-cam footage or clips from the actual show.) 
Zodiac: Ox (1997)
Much like the image of an Ox, people born in this year tend to be persistent, honest, and straightforward. They are “talent leaders with strong faith, and strong devotion to work. They are contemplative before taking actions, not easily affected by the surroundings but just follow their concept and ability.” (travelchinaguide.com)
This is most likely where K gets the image of being arrogant or  stubborn. While this might be the undercurrent, I think the other facets of his personality are more often highlighted. Mind you Jungkook, Jaehyun, Cha Eunwoo, Mingyu, and Yugyeom are all Ox’s as well. These people hardly strike me as arrogant now, though I can see their stubborness and devotion (all positive ways). 
Blood Type: A
K, according to his profile, is blood type A which is often described as sensitive, passionate, clever, loyal, calm, consistent, and perfectionist. However type A’s can also be stubborn and overly sensitive. Generally, type A’s are stoic, majestic  and confident, three qualities that can often be misinterpreted as intimidating or rude when in actuality they are very sensitive and caring as well. 
Star Sign: Libra-Scorpio cusp
Libras are known for their flirtatious magnetism while scorpios are known for passion and power. This article sums it up pretty perfectly so I’ll just post a screenshot: 
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Libra-scorpio cusps are also known for their fierce loyalty to friends and family. They would willingly sacrifice themselves for their people. They are a combo of water and air which means they blend together the free spirited nature of an air sign with the calm and honest nature of a water sign. Sometimes their honesty can get away from them however and they have to take care not to hurt anyone with their words. 
K is an ENFP, also known as the Campaigner or the Creative Idealist. They move through the world in a way that draws natural attention. They have a wonderful knack for dividing work from play. They are driven idealists while working but passionate free spirits in their down time. 
Function stacks: extroverted intuition, introverted feeling, extroverted thinking, and introverted sensing. (Look up cognitive functions and function stacks if you need more context). This is also known as NeFi types which prioritize extroverted intuition and introverted feeling. 
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ENFPs are passionate, motivating, and versatile. Their primary function is extroverted intuition which means they pull meaning and draw connections out of the social world (relationships and interactions). They then use those meanings to better understand people, their motivations, and their true intentions(Fi). ENFx’s highly value genuine and honest people who don’t have ulterior motives or forced personas. They are very open and honest and expect the same returned to them. 
Also, ENFP’s are very creative, independent people who struggle to work within rigid structures and hierarchies. They hate being micromanaged and would prefer to have the time and space to do the work. Too much micromanagement can cause stress in an ENFP which often leads them to neglect their personal health and happiness. They tend to give more than others are able to reciprocate. 
But above all, ENFPs are kind. They “are very emotional and sensitive, and when they step on someones toes, they both feel it.” (16 personalities). They love open communication and want to listen as well. They really believe that everyone should take the time to recognize and express their emotions. 
Age Hierarchy in Japan vs Korea:
(I am not Korean or Japanese so I looked up scholarly articles to help me with this section. But, for context, I have been to both countries) 
In broad terms, Korea and Japan both have a system of age hierarchy that stems from Confucianism. The general idea is that older people, or people in positions of power, are to be highly respected by the younger generation or my subordinates. However, Japan and Korea have different interpretations of this ideal. 
The Japanese version is focused on “Senpai-Kohai” (student teacher) relationship. This is expressed in many contexts even outside of school. The idea is that the older generation is responsible for teaching the younger generation manners and skills. The Younger generation is expected to listen and learn all the lessons of their teacher or mentor. These roles aren’t always associated with age however. In fact, in recent years, the younger generations, especially in work places, have somewhat turned their backs on the idea that an older colleague is deserving of more honor simply because of their age. In some instances, Kohais will fake their respect for their senpais. Many companies have been forced to abandon this ideal all together, promoting and giving raises to workers who are more skilled rather than workers who are older, thus abandoning age in their hierarchy of honor. 
In Korea, however, the ideals of an age hierarchy are intenched much deeper in the culture. The age hierarchy is encouraged by confucianism but enforced by language and military culture. The korean language is organized around the idea of informal and formal speech in reference to someones age. One of the first questions asked in a conversation with a new person is “what is your age?” This established the social context and solidifies they type of speech a person must use. Older people must be spoken to with formal speech unless they give express permission otherwise. This is also enforced by military culture and the concepts of hoobae (subordinate) and sunbae (older/more experienced person). These roles have specific social expectations attached to them and carry significant weight. 
Physical Appearance
K is physically intimidating, no denying that. He’s tall, athletically built, outwardly confident, and mature. He shows his emotions plainly on his face and takes up a lot of space with his body and energy. His presence is felt regardless of where he is in a room. 
How it all works together
K is a wonderful person, but he has many aspects about his personality, culture, and appearance that can be misinterpreted as intimidating. Again, not only is he physically dominate in the space, his libra-scorpio cusp trait also make him ooze enigmatic appeal,  and his ENFP fills him with passion and drive. He dislikes hierarchy yet must work within a very hierarchical system and culture. He is the oldest among people much younger than him. He’s attempting to use his NeFi personality to create open bonds with many people who are afraid to share their feelings with him. He doesn’t speak enough Korean to fully express his emotions despite that being a fundamental part of his personality. 
K is enigmatic and mysterious with a combination of traits that are easily misunderstood. Every person, regardless of their personality, can grow and work through weaknesses, but, please be kind to them on their journey. We are all humans who must grow and learn as we develop and we can only hope that grace is granted to us as well. So give K grace as he learns to adapt to his surrounding, just as we gave grace to Heeseung, Jay, Niki, and all the others. 
I hope fans of K appreciate him even more and I hope those who doubt him can be more understanding of his perspective. Spread love not hate! 
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kelleah-meah · 4 years
Year of the Ox
Just a little info on what this year may mean to those of us born in the year of the Snake.
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Snake Birth years of the Snake: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013. Next year of the Snake is 2025.
Anticipate a fortunate and successful year because Snake is in a harmony trine with Ox and Phoenix (Rooster). There will be opportunities for advancement, career goals can be attained, and relationships deepen. Snake’s work will be recognized and rewarded. Others admire your wisdom, insights, and resourcefulness. Just don’t allow Ox’s stubborn influence to make you unreasonable or too demanding. Be mindful of how you approach difficult subjects or manage certain relationships. Intelligent compromise benefits everyone. The element Metal empowers Metal Snake born in 2001 or 1941, and Water Snake born in 1953.
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* The prediction is valid for 2021 (year of the Ox) starting from Feb. 12, 2021 and lasting to Jan. 31, 2022. In Chinese zodiac, Ox, Snake and Rooster are San He (triple harmony) for each other, so you Snakes will be compatible with Tai Sui in the Ox year 2021. In the aspect of horoscope, it is mainly expressed in auspicious stars, constant good news and happy events, and help by others in work and career for smooth development. Therefore, the 2021 horoscope of Snake people can be very good and you will often be pleasantly surprised in life. So just forge ahead and strive for better results.
With good luck for wealth in 2021, you people born in the Snake years will get some windfalls and many opportunities to make money with the blessing of the auspicious star Tian De. Make sure you keep clear accounts in the cooperation, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble. In 2021, you will get considerable income from work and it may even keep rising. However, it is worth reminding that you should be restrained from spending extravagantly even if you are paid well.
As for work and career, everything will go well with you Snake people and you may even get promoted to be in power. If you have always worked hard, you will stabilize the foundation and usher in the opportunity of promotion. Governed by Shang Guan, a star in charge of creativity and talent, you Snake people will constantly come up with ideas and inspirations this year, and show your talents fully. This will be definitely good for brain workers. However, Shang Guan is also a star of sensibility and individualism. Influenced by it, you will display a strong character, even become opinionated and make a showy display, which will cause you a lot of trouble and bring interpersonal obstacles to your work and life. In view of this, you are suggested to be modest and low-key this year, do more and speak less, as out of the mouth comes evil.
Under the positive impact of San He, you will not have too much trouble in health. Children can bounce with health, but parents should guard against accidents. For adult Snakes, you may feel a little stressful at work, but still can be in good health as long as you alternate work with rest and keep regular hours. As for the elderly, you will remain hale and hearty, enjoy the peaceful later years, and even have the energy to participate in the leisure activities or go out to travel.
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* General overview of the personality of those born in the year of the Snake
Snake Personality
Enticing Snake is creative, attractive, and talented. Snakes can be very sociable when they want to be. When they are in the mood for it, they enjoy making friends and creating contacts and networks.
Snake is known for thinking and intellectualizing. Therefore, Snake can appear cool and aloof at times. Snake possesses both charm and a mysterious quality; she won’t reveal her thoughts to just anyone. If she allows you to get close, you will discover that Snake is caring, sensitive, compassionate, and a humorous person.
Snake is extremely determined, strives for success, and follows desires regardless of circumstances. Unlike Dragon who accomplishes goals through intense outward actions and activities, Snake accomplishes goals through careful plans and calculations. Snake is not afraid to take risks and has immense mental capacity to turn the outcome in her favor.
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i-windwater · 2 years
Part 2 of 2023 Chinese zodiac forecast - Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig
Part 2 of the 2023 Chinese zodiac forecast - Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig
I-Ching, or the book of change, can be a fortune-telling tool to peek into the future. For the 2023 year of the Rabbit, we cast a hexagram for each animal sign and cast a transformation line to turn one Yin line to Yang, or one Yang line to Yin. This creates a second hexagram and reveals more information about the second half of 2023.
Read our first 6 animal signs (Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, and Snake) 2023 forecast here:
In this article, we will look at the second half of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs, including Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.
Chinese zodiac number 7: Horse in 2023
In 2023, the year of the Rabbit, the animal sign of the horse has the I-Ching hexagram number 30, “Li” or Fire. This is a very auspicious sign indicating brightness, beauty, passion, and rising energy. It is a good time to go full speed ahead in the first half of the year.
For the second part of the year, the hexagram is number 21, Eradicating. This could mean some more work needed to be done during this time for Horses. You might have to fight to prove yourself. The hard work will be paid off in the future.
Chinese zodiac number 8: Goat in 2023
The Goats have the number 19, Approaching. It means arriving or getting close. This hexagram usually means upper lever people visiting the lower level. It is a positive relationship such as mentorship or helpful people (Gui Ren).
This also means watching closely (management) and paying attention to details to prevent problems.
Chinese zodiac number 9: Monkey in 2023
The I-Ching hexagram for Monkey in 2023 is number 2, Kun or the Earth. This is a very auspicious sign. It is like Mother Earth, accepting everything, and growing everything. This is especially lucky for females because Earth represents Yin energy.
It is lucky to follow nature, lives a simple life, and go with the flow. You will see abundance and prosperity this year.
The second half of 2023 for Monkey is the hexagram number 7, Leading. This can mean a teacher, a wise man, or a commander in wartime. You might be the leader to guide others this time, or you have to follow a good leader to overcome challenges.
It is important to have a good leader during this time. The leader’s experience, vision, and attitude can make a big difference.
Chinese zodiac number 10: Rooster in 2023
The I-Ching hexagram for Rooster in 2023 is number 8, Alliance. This can mean teamwork, friendship, attaching, following, or mutual nourishment.
The focus is on combining different people’s power, to form a stronger force and achieve bigger goals.
In the second half of 2023, the I-Ching hexagram is changed to number 3, uncertain beginning. There will be uncertainty and obstacles. That is natural in the beginning stage of your project.
This is the time to put in hard work and keep going to accumulate strength and experience. You will be rewarded in the future. Be patient now.
Chinese zodiac number 11: Dog in 2023
The I-Ching hexagram for Dog in 2023 is number 45, Uniting or Gathering. It is about gathering, extracting, meeting, or combining different people to create prosperity and abundance.
It is lucky to work with others or join some groups to help you achieve your goals faster.
The transformed hexagram for Dog is number 17, Following. In the second half of 2023, good fortune will come if you follow the right group or leader. Follow opportunities and you will see positive results.
Pay attention to avoid distractions and stay focused. Focus on your goals and you will reach the level you want this year.
Chinese zodiac number 12: Pig in 2023
In 2023, the hexagram for Pig is number 37, Family. The focus is back on households, families, or people from the same group.
This is a lucky hexagram showing everyone is in the right position and doing his or her work. This brings peace, harmony, and happiness.
In the second half of 2023, the transformed hexagram is number 9, a Small Accumulation. It could mean a small accumulation of wealth and power or a small accumulation of obstacles or negative people.
Even with the slow growth and possible delays, you are putting in your effort and progressing steadily. Be patient and you will see the payoff in the future,
Watch the I-Ching forecast of 2023 zodiac signs
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warau-okami · 5 years
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Family ties: The rat is associated with family and fertility, so expect this to be a year of hanging with parents, siblings or your kids. 
Divining fortunes and reading blood types in the Year of the Rat
明けましておめでとうございます! (Akemashite omedetō gozaimasu, Happy New Year!) The 2010s are done and we’re now in the 2020s. 心機一転頑張ろう! (Shinki itten ganbarō, It’s time to turn over a new leaf!)
Another thing that starts over in 2020 is the 干支 (eto, Chinese zodiac), and the cycle starts with 子年 (nezumi-doshi, the Year of the Rat). This kanji also introduces our first lesson of the 2020s, ネズミ (nezumi, rat) is often written in kana as its kanji, 鼠, is kind of complicated. You will note, however, that the first kanji used in 子年 is 子 (ko, child). The kanji came first, and there are several explanations as to how it came to be associated with the rat. One story says that the upper classes in the Shang Dynasty (starting in the 16th century BC) wanted a way for the common folk to understand the zodiac, so they associated the cycle with 12 animals. Rats were associated with fertility and therefore were assigned to 子. Another legend has it that 12 animals took part in a race in which the rat was victorious and therefore assigned the first cycle, 子年.
Either way, 子年 is associated with family and fertility, and if you were born in the Year of the Rat (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 or 2008) then you are in for a lucky 12 months.
You can ask your friends, “何年生まれですか” (“Nani-doshi umare desu ka,” “What’s your Chinese zodiac sign?”) to which they may reply, “ネズミ年生まれです” (“Nezumi-doshi umare desu,” “I was born in the Year of the Rat”). Those born in the year of the current zodiac are also referred to as 年女 (toshi onna) or 年男 (toshi otoko) for women and men, respectively.
As 干支 follows a 12-year cycle, the years that come after it will be:
丑年 (ushi-doshi, Year of the Ox)
寅年 (tora-doshi, Year of the Tiger)
卯年 (usagi-doshi, Year of the Rabbit)
辰年 (tatsu-doshi, Year of the Dragon)
巳年 (hebi-doshi, Year of the Snake)
午年 (uma-doshi, Year of the Horse)
未年 (hitsuji-doshi, Year of the Sheep)
申年 (saru-doshi, Year of the Monkey)
酉年 (tori-doshi, Year of the Rooster)
戌年 (inu-doshi, Year of the Dog)
亥年 (inoshishi-doshi, Year of the Boar)
Just remember that the kanji in the names of the years don’t necessarily match the kanji used for those animals.
If you’re the same zodiac year as someone but 12 years apart, then you’re 一回り違う (hitomawari chigau, one round different). If you’re 24 years apart, then you’re 二回り違う (futamawari chigau, two rounds different). Just be careful not to point out these differences with your elders.
So, when would knowing your Chinese zodiac be useful? Well, it would come in useful when you visit a 占い師 (uranaishi, fortune teller), for example. 占い (uranai, fortune telling) has a long history in Japan from anywhere between 手相占い (tesō uranai, palm readers) to new year おみくじ (o-mikuji, slips of paper with fortunes written on them).
In addition to 干支占い (eto uranai, fortune-telling via the Chinese zodiac), Japanese people will sometimes pay attention to 星座占い (seiza uranai, fortune-telling via the Western zodiac). Monday brings 今週の12星座占いランキング (konshū no jūni-seiza uranai rankingu, the ranking of the luckiest Western zodiac sign for this week) on morning television and radio programs.
While Westerners use the zodiac to figure out an individual’s 性格診断 (seikaku shindan, personality assessment), the Japanese decipher it via 血液型 (ketsueki-gata, blood type).
When engaging in conversations about personality, you may be asked, “血液型は何ですか”(“Ketsueki-gata wa nan desu ka,” “What is your blood type?”) or, more simply, “何型ですか” (“Nani-gata desu ka,” “What type are you?”). You can respond with, “A型です” (“Ei-gata desu,” “I’m type A”), which means you may have a 几帳面な性格 (kichōmenna seikaku, methodical personality), or “B型です” (“Bī-gata desu,” “I’m type B”), which suggests that you are マイペースな性格 (maipēsuna seikaku, a type of a person who does everything at their own pace).
Type O can mean a few different things, and to convey the idea that you are explaining what you are, use the connective construction なので (nanode, so): “O型なので大雑把です” (“Ō-gata nanode ōzappa desu,” “I’m type O, so I’m not particular about details”). You could also talk yourself up by saying, “O型なのでおおらかだと思います” (“Ō-gata nanode ōraka da to omoimasu,” “I’m type O, so I think I’m pretty generous”).
My blood type is AB, so I may reply with, “AB型なので二重人格と言われます” (“Ei-bī-gata nanode nijū jinkaku to iwaremasu,” “I’m type AB, so I’m said to be dual-natured”). Sadly, AB型 are believed to be kind of two-faced. On the other hand, they’re also 天才肌 (tensaihada, having the temperment of a genius).
It’s up to you as to whether you believe this kind of stuff or not. Fortune or no fortune, 人生はあなた次第 (jinsei wa anata shidai, life is what you make it).
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aroihkin · 5 years
Ask Game!
tagged by: @hostilemakeover
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
name: Aroihkin
nickname: Aro
zodiac sign: Taurus/Ox, my birfday is cinco de mayo.
height: very short
languages: English
Nationality: MURIKKKA (sigh) more specifically a typical american caucasian mutt
favorite season: Fall I guess since it’s not at all cold here in central Cali, but the part of the state I live in isn’t literally on fire. Usually. Knock on wood. Spring can kind of go fuck itself because what little rain we get usually happens then, and in huge bursts that don’t actually seep into the ground, and I have to work outside in it.
favorite flower: I have no idea lmao
favorite scent: Lately whenever I walk into my apartment and the strongest scent is from my welding bag sitting in the living room, that makes me pretty happy. It’s a combination of molten steel offgasses, burning flux, and warm leather. IDK it just smells like ‘I did a good job’. I also like that my apartment smells so little like anything else that my welding bag can sometimes be the strongest scent in the room, considering it’s not potent at all.
Otherwise, probably blackberries.
favorite color: Light turquoise/aqua, in that zone.
favorite animal: All animals are good! But every dog I see is a good pupper.
favorite fictional character: Probably Zevran Arainai, but I have a lot of favorites.
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: I like all three, and regularly combine coffee with hot chocolate.
average hours of sleep: I aim for 9 and hope.
cat or dog person: Both are great but I have kitties right now and no doggos. They’re just a lot easier while living that apartment life. Someday I’d like to have a couple of both.
number of blankets you sleep with: I will lay there freezing for a while before I’ll pull my one blanket on. It’s a side effect of the eight years where I wasn’t allowed to sleep more than four hours at a time before someone would be pounding on the wall demanding my immediate presence. It’s something I’m actively working on.
dream trip: IDK I’ve never had the option so I don’t give it much thought.
blog established: November 2011
followers: 647 which I feel like ain’t bad for not being a fandom blog
a random fact: Uhhh... I own a robot vac (Neato D3) who I named Beep Boop in the app, but usually call Beeper when I invariably talk to it while it does its beeperly bidding. There’s something awfully endearing about it when I get a message on my phone that’s like: Beep Boop: I’m stuck! like aww, buddy.
It’s not just a novelty item, either, beeper cleans the floor real nice. I got rid of my upright vac during the move because beeper does just as good a job.
tagging: @dorianpink @emotionalmorphine @jesting @felassan @ceremonial-motions @elenilote @foxghost @shadowy-dumbo-octopus @bitterotter @soiscrewedmycompanions @thrien @strangeshrimp @rhpotter @oltrekain @visnomer @thooluu @feynites @cakemagemae @ayu-ohseki @fell4
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gnbrkrs · 5 years
Mun questionnaire
NICKNAME. Eli, Murr( mostly among my SWTOR friends), Halcyon and variations of it( among my FC mates due to my main's name)
REAL NAME. Eli is a shortened version of my real first name, but I think I'd rather not reveal the full name at this point.
ZODIAC. Pisces/ Ox
HEIGHT. 5'7''
FAVORITE MUSICIANS / GROUPS. Hmmm... So many... Okay, I guess judging by the amount of liked songs on Spotify it's Muse, Imagine Dragons, Within Temptation, Ruelle, Florence + The Machine, Queen, Tangerine Dream, Garbage, Dance with the Dead, Carpenter Brut, Daft Punk... There are so many more. I also really like listening to various movie/ video game soundtracks, they inspire me to write things.
FAVORITE SPORTS TEAM.  Sorry, I don't follow sports.
OTHER BLOGS. As of now, just @averysleepyfrog​
DO I GET ASKS? I do, and I am very happy each time I get one!
HOW MANY BLOGS DO I FOLLOW?  Only 90 so far.
TUMBLR CRUSHES FRIENDS. …… Crushes? What crushes? You mean mutuals? Yes, I love my mutuals, and my followers in general!
LUCKY NUMBER. I don't think they work on me.
WHAT AM I WEARING RIGHT NOW?  A gray hoodie and black pants that I wear practically all the time.
DREAM VACATION.   Gosh, there's so many... But out of places I haven't been to, I'd love to visit London. And Paris. Also, Norway looks awesome too.
DREAM CAR. I don't have a definite dream car yet, although some of them look nice. Since I don't have a license yet, I haven't thought about it much TBH.
FAVORITE FOOD. Ice cream, cake, pizza, steak, burgers, cheese... I guess there isn't anything healthy that I like XD
DRINK OF CHOICE. COFFEE! Also tea, water, mulled wine, and just wine. Oh, and I also tried this thing called Bubble Tea on a comic book convention. It was awesome. 
LANGUAGES. English, very basic level German, Russian, Ukrainian.
INSTRUMENTS. I used to learn the piano. Alas, I haven't practiced for more than 10 years and barely remember anything.
CELEBRITY CRUSHES. It has been a very long time since these happened to me( I'm sorry, I'm a goober that lives under a rock and hasn't been following celebrities for the last... 4-5 years?), so I don't exactly remember all of them... Michael Fassbender? I thought he was hot in the X-men. Also, Colin Farrell looked hot in the first Fantastic Beasts movie. Oscar Isaac looks cute too.
RANDOM FACT. I really wish I wrote more, especially FFXIV-related things, but alas, two things get in my way. First, I am a huge slowpoke when it comes to writing. Second, I get so tired from the uni my brain cell refuses to work after that and come up with coherent, logical plots.
TAGGED BY.  @ishgard​, thank you!
@demonakira22, @biconic-disaster, @dragons-bones, @rain-in-plaid, @knightoftheeternalloadingscreen, @smitten-miqitten, @anomaliewrites, @sugarspuncoeurls, @jump-n-dive, @eremiss, @usagi-mitsu and anyone who wants to do it!
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bearsimz · 5 years
21 questions tag tagged by @sul-sul-in-sulani thank you for tagging me I can’t believe anyone would actually be interested in me asfhkl
rules: answer 21 questions, then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
nickname: like my url says, lex or lexi
zodiac: pisces through and through baby, sun and moon
height: I think about 5″...6? 5″ 7? i’m 5′ something anyway
last thing i searched: chicken noodle soup mv jhope becky g 
favourite musicians: bts, lp, loona, dreamcatcher, keaton henson (particularly his piano album), superfruit, years & years, tones and i 
if you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future? oof that’s hard. i could go back to when i was really young and happy and didn’t know how shit life was or to the future where it’s potentially better....probs back
do i get asks: not very often but i do like it when i do 
following: 240
would you rather be rich or famous? rich because then i could help my family and have them be financially stable, and donate to people that need it. i used to want to be famous but i don’t think my anxiety or sensitivities could handle it
amount of sleep:   oh god not a lot at all. i usually go to bed around 3am-ish and get up about 11-12-ish but like i’m always very up and down in and out of sleep in between those. though i recently learnt that apparently it’s rather normal/common for people with autism to have difficulties with sleep
what im wearing: right now? plain black t-shirt and fluffy black pj pants
dream job: maybe something with my art. i mean really it’s to be a singer, cause that’s what i’ve wanted since i was tiny but i don’t think i’m good enough whatsoever so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
dream trip: oh i don’t really do well with travelling. i mean, it’d be nice to go lots of places if i could but i don’t cope well. it’s not really the same thing but i’d really love to go to a bts concert or one of LP’s performances cause i love them a lot
if you were an animal, what would you be? a cat, my cats have the life man just lying around no responsibilities or nothing, people do everything for you. 
what are some of your favorite books/films/shows/games/etc? well I used to be really into Haikyuu, I need to rewatch it. obvs the sims 4, i play disney tsum tsum and both bt21 games on my phone a lot if they count. animal crossing. and it may be a bit childish but the winnie the pooh movies are a big comfort for me. 
play any instruments: i taught myself a few songs on bass (ass backwards by msi, im not ok by mcr and i can’t remember what the other was) but I ended up not playing it for like a year after that and then sold my bass cause we needed money. also i tried to learn guitar in school but my fingers were too short and fat and just too stubby to reach across the strings properly
language(s): mostly only english. a little japanese (it was one of my best subjects in school), a little korean, “hi” “goodbye” “yes” and “no” in like a dozen languages asdhk i need to use duolingo more
describe your aesthetics: uhhhh a mix of/day to day swap between like bubblegum pink hearts and glitter, dark rockish fairy queen and lesbian chic. idk if any of those make sense
i tag (and feel free not to if you don’t want to or already have done this) @queersimming @gloom-and-bloom @demi-sims @simsofstardust @sim-sizzlin @copperpawsims @eleanorjtumbles @simmingwithg @blurri-sim-kid @starry-eyed-simss @yonderlysims @cf-sims @pixlpancakes​ @plasmavamp​ @littlegaycc​ @bubbysim​ @swirlix-sims​ @pixelchalk​ @little-simmer-ox​ @valocity @ombre-falls
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taurusjaehyun · 5 years
💋 50 Questions Tag 💋 
 THIS HAS BEEN WAAAY OVERDUE LMAOOOO. Thank you to the wonderful @nctatnightnight and @nctobsessedhours for tagging me 😍😘
1.What takes up too much of your time? Twitter
2. What makes your day better? Food
3. What’s the best thing to happen to you today? Had pizza and soda that I haven’t had in a while!
4. What fictional place would you like to go to? Hmm.. haven’t thought about it.
5. Are you good at giving advice? I’d like to think so, but I can’t follow my own advice so...
6. Do you have a mental illness? Diagnosed as depressed since I was a kid and anxiety recently.
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? Once, I feel like?
8. What musician inspired you the most? Beyonce, Frank Ocean, Dean
9. Have you ever fallen in love? Yes
10. What’s your dream date? Bed all day!!!!! 
11. What do others notice about you? How big I am lmaoooo
12. What’s an annoying habit you have? Eating too much
13. Do you still talk to your first love? Idek who my first love is.
14. How many exes do you have? 3 serious relationships, the others dont matter lol
15. How many songs are in your playlist? I have lots of playlists but my most fave one (the one I made for Jaehyun!!!) has 78 songs as of now!
16. What instruments can you play? Octavina and guitar
17. What do you have the most pictures of? Nudes... if I’m being honest. Jaehyun, Jongin, pretty girls and pretty architecture.
18. Where would you like to go before you die? West End and Broadway specifically.
19. What’s your Zodiac? Taurus sun. Year of the Fire Ox.
20. Do you relate to it? Yes lmaoooo
21. What is happiness to you? Seeing my friends that I love the most. Good food. Singing. Reading. Hearing my fave songs.
22. Are you going through anything right now? My depression and anxiety lol my bitchass aint taking meds bc i can’t afford it :)
23. What’s the worst decision you ever made? I have lots ider
24. What’s your favourite store? I love uniqlo and the shoe department esp for heels uwu
25. What’s your opinion on abortion? I think any woman can do whatever they want to do with their bodies, whatever it may be. 
26. Do you keep a bucket list? I do?? i think so but its only in my head.
27. Do you have a favourite album? Frank Ocean’s Blonde, Beyonce’s Lemonade, Jorja Smith’s Project 11, EXO’s Ex’act, SZA’s Ctrl
28. What do you want for your birthday? Just a lot of money that I can blow right away lol
29. What are most people’s first impressions of you? They feel like I’m scary and intimidating bc I’m big lmaooo but usually, they think I’m friendly and open.
30. What age do you seem according to most people? Mid-20′s... RIP ME
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? Right next to me, plugged in.
32. What word to you say the most? I curse a lot. LMAO. I say ‘cute’ a lot.
33. What’s the oldest age you would date? I’ve dated someone 9 years older than me but he didn’t look old so... lol but I’d date someone not older than 10 years than me.
34. Whats the youngest age you would date? I don’t date guys my age or younger. Probably 2 years older than me.
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you? Lawyer. A diplomat? Also a singer.
36. What’s your favourite music genre? R&B!!!! Theatre!! Hip-hop trap.
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be? Belgium lol idk or Norway, Switzerland.
38. What is your current favourite song? Stay With Me by Miki Matsubara
39. How long have you had this blog for? 2 months ago lmaoo omg
40. What are you excited for? Nothing tbh lol
41. Are you a better talker or listener? Talker
42. What is the last productive thing you did? Wrote baby, good night lol
43. What do you want for Christmas?  Money
44. What class do you get the best grades in? No idea like, I’ve long graduated from uni lol
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now? A 5
46. What can you see yourself doing in ten years? Lawyer!!!!!!!!
47. When did you get your first heartbreak? My mom lol
48. What age do you want to get married?  Never
49. What career did you want to have as a child? Doctor
50. What do you crave right now? Water
Tagging: @jae-ffrey @maknaesdancersrappers @sips-tea-anon @ilyunoh @parkchanyale
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ask-thediangelo · 6 years
Answer these questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better!
tagged by: @crew-from-capulet
tagging: @i--believe--in--your--galaxy @blue-gold-demigod-clouds
nicknames: Gabby (by my family and some friends), Lazy Bones, O. M. G. (a joke about my initials - M. G. O.), and Pipsqueak (I'm 4'11, and my friends never let me forget it.)
Zodiac: Sagittarius and The Ox
Height: 4'11
time: 6:29 PM
Favorite band / artist: Panic at the Disco, Pentatonix, Heather Dale, and a whole lot of showtunes
Song stuck in my head: Waltz for the Moon from the Final Fantasy VIII OST
Last movie I saw: Bohemian Rhapsody
Last thing I googled: How much coffee can a person drink without dying? (College life)
Other blogs: @godofsunandselfies @trickeyarchangel (dead/inactive blog: @whatsgoodinthehood )
Do I get asks? : Not a lot, really.
Why did I choose this username: I wasn't all that creative with names in the early tumblr days, so I just went for the straightforward route with titling the blog as "ask-thediangelo" since I always wanted to make a Nico di Angelo roleplay blog. Also with Nico's last name, it can be translated as "ask the angel" and I found that cute.
Following: 412 (-pats myself on the back-)
Average amount of sleep: On a good (not busy) day, I get 6-7 hours of sleep. On a bad (very busy day), I get at least 3 hours of sleep. On a terrible day, no sleep at all.
What I'm wearing: Floral shorts and a black t-shirt with a skeleton Elvis Presley on it
Dream job: A writer (Specifically an author)
Dream trip: Just send me to Europe, and I'll be happy to explore every bit of it. Although, Greece and Italy would be my top two choices.
Favorite food: Chocolate chip cookies, fudge brownies, and cinnamon rolls (and coffee)
Play any instruments: I can play the piano and, I was once a choir girl so if a voice counts as an instrument too, I can sing.
Eye color: Dark brown but it looks black majority of the time...
Hair color: Black
Languages you speak: English, Visayan, Cebuano, and a bit of Japanese (can't read it though)
Most iconic song: Defying Gravity (Wicked)
Random fact: In high school, we were tasked to make a play about any of the past stories that we covered in the school year as our final exam. My classmates and I chose "King Arthur", and I wrote the script with my best friend. I also was cast to play Mordred. (Also this was an all-girls Catholic school, so imagine a bunch of young ladies in cardboard/foam armor. It was great.)
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: The smell of freshly brewed coffee, soft teddy bears, the smell and feeling of books, and music heard through a wall.
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