#also you're so courteous when you do these lol- you put the questions in the ask with the emojis
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thelingering · 1 month ago
Ask game :0!!!!
honeycomb 🐝 (do you want a big family or a small one?)
echo 🕳️ (what’s a habit you want to start?)
birch 🌳 (what’s something you’re proud of?)
GASP hiiii!!!!
ooOOoOo, good question :0 I sincerely hope my family's on the larger side one day lol :> As I myself have grown up in a decently sizable family (especially for this day and age) I just feel it's such a great thing and a real blessing to have; but! if'll be whatever the future holds :) (though a big family would be pretty awesome lol :3) ALSO ALSO ALSO thought from after I finished typing this: my family is most certainly gonna be more than just the people I'm related to; E'RAHONE is welcome in MAH household >:33
GASP a question I know the answer to right off the bat lol :0!! /silly- I would VERILY like to get off tumblr more and construct mine brain a tadd more than I have recently lol- I HURKLE DURKLED UNTIL NOON TODAYYY (in case that tumblr vocab has escaped your dash it's a funny word that means to procrastinate getting out of bed or something XD) so yeah! getting off tumblr (and yt shorts lol) more, and possibly drawing/writing/reading/listening to podcasts (jrwi our beloved....)/etc etc :D!
Oooo, something I'm proud of! Let's think: My 'stick out my chest a little cuz I like it that much' things have two categories: Things I did to earn, and things I Just Have :> when it comes to the latter, I am SO proud of my religion, and all the family and friends I have in my life (*points repeatedly*)
then for the other category, I'm rather fond of my music c: I think it's just such a great thing that the years have payed ofc and now I have a whole 'nother language to offer people! I can gibs joy and sad and good and bad and overall happysad :3
thank youuuu for the askk!! I enjoyed the questions you picked for me lol, those were good :>
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ome-magical-ramblings · 3 months ago
Don't be a fucking battery, Have a goal and walk toward it.
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A bit of an intense title from a Hiatus but I needed to get this out there and it is primarily inspired from Eye of the Sorcerer/Brother Moloch's blogspot. The message is really the same of these two blog posts and they boil down to the following excerpt:
Now to make this work I will repeat this request daily until my request is fulfilled. Repetition gets fulfilled or “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” as the old saw goes and it is true in the spirit world - ask any experienced Houngan, Palero or Santero if this is not the case. The rabbi Jesus the Christ said, “Ask, and it shall be given unto you;” Matthew 7:7 and this is a spiritual truism that can be found worldwide in many cultures. The problem is most people never ask and those that ask, only ask once and give up.
Power is never gained by merely trying and giving up. You must wrest it by force and will. To do this you have to decide what it is you want then go after it until it is yours. Do you understand? Ask! Insist! Demand! There is nothing wrong with this. If you’re following a path and a plan, what is wrong with insisting you get what you desire? Demand it. You deserve it, do you not? Just remember you may not get exactly what you want so don’t be a child at Yule crying about it. Missing the mark by a fraction is not that bad.
Why the "don't be a battery" statement, is because you want to have a clear idea of where you're are going, what you're going with, what's happening.
Really all these stuff you should be journaling them and really questioning if what you're doing is improving you or burning you, building you or breaking you down. Your spirits can be good and earnest spirits also who wants what's good for you but you're not reaching out to them, or it could be the opposite. If you're not taking a step back to see yourself, who's gonna do it for you? If you don't have a good friend who would tell you that you're tweaking off then you're gonna be tweaking off the same wheel. That same wheel will become a habit and you will keep on your merry way like a fool.
Have a goal, Have a statement of Intent, grind at that. breath that every morning, every noon, every evening. Really put your heart and mind to it and you will get it. of course it's easier to get more money if you already have money but if you're not grinding for it, are you really gonna get it? I hope it's not seen from the point of view of wishing you to grind till you reach burnout( I tend to do that lol) , really have that sense of grace of steadfast but not rushing. You want to open the door of grace, if you can imagine how some people function throughout life without burning out is because they're not stressing themselves out and if you're stressing yourself and your spirit then that will get amplified back at you. If you don't take anything else from this post, then I would summarize it as:
Demand what you want but always be respectful and courteous.
Go in light and enjoy your life.
Find a good friend who would tell you when you're tweaking off
Work with your spirits not for your spirits.
Be Consistent and Have an objective plan
Journal positively and honestly.
Take ritual bath if you need to wash yourself off
Approach spirits with respectful and positive attitude and they will return that to you.
55:60(Quran) Is there any reward for goodness except goodness?
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