ask-drawdroid · 3 years
Ah! Im gonna get a comm just gotta wait till pay day!
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ask-drawdroid · 3 years
Hey liver i saw this funné rat tiktok a while back i think you'd enjoy can i show it to you
If its a rat tiktok chances are ive already seen it
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ask-drawdroid · 3 years
You've always been such an inspiration to me your art and characters are so cool! Sorry the tumblr guidelines are making it hard for you to post stuff here :P (No need to reply if you don't want an ask like this filling up the blog, I just wanted to say how much I love your stuff)
its ok!!! im glad i can be an inspiration
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ask-drawdroid · 3 years
What brushes do you use in procreate?
Tumblr media
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ask-drawdroid · 3 years
Yes! Please do return! You dont have to but I've missed your art so much ;-;
with the stricter guidelines on here cant even post edgy furries smoking 😔
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ask-drawdroid · 3 years
should i come back?
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ask-drawdroid · 6 years
Who is the guy that Camilla is drowing? Or it's just a background comun furry...
just a backround character who didnt pay back danny the money he owed
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ask-drawdroid · 6 years
I’ve been inspired by your art to start drawing. Any advice on how to start?
you could start my practicing basic anatomy and body proportions. you can look up a bunch of refs for that all over tumblr! but also be sure that you dont just copy what you see because the main idea is to study it. you can do photo studies aswell!
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ask-drawdroid · 6 years
Camilla looks adorable in that new shirt of hers, keep up the neat work
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ask-drawdroid · 6 years
What’s the best way to send y’ an image?
uhhh usually people tag me on twitter if they want to show me something cuz like the pms are for emergencies only, tumblrs searching system is fucked and i get so many notifs here that tagged posts just,,, disappear. submissions arent open because people sent me some gross stuff like mutilated animal corpses n shit. if you dont have twitter im sorry but for now thats the only way to reach me (but if you do its @/sarcasticnood)
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ask-drawdroid · 6 years
Oliver, compadre Did you think one time to make animation memes?
no and NEVER
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ask-drawdroid · 6 years
did camilla just fricken spike the drinks at the prom
yes she did
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ask-drawdroid · 6 years
If i may ask, what kind of summer job?
oh i work at the zoo. take care of the animals n stuff
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ask-drawdroid · 6 years
Do you have tumblr
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ask-drawdroid · 6 years
Hey dude, how are you doing? In your answers you seem happier, at least I hope so
Well i got prescribed a huge dose of antidepressants because I attempted to kill myself back in april but now that im constantly on drugs and now that i found a nice summer job my mind is too occupied mostly to get depressed
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ask-drawdroid · 6 years
andy and gary.,,,,,,Pure. thank u
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ask-drawdroid · 6 years
How does clarices parents feel about sam?
Theyre both always at work so they barely ever see clarice. They probably dont even know when is her birthday
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