#also you wonder if masumi is a little jealous even though really. it’s not much
fisherrprince · 9 hours
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dummy trio let’s go ‼️‼️
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A3! Translation: ODAIRISAMA PANIC! Epilogue - A Fun Hinamatsuri
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Omi: Dinner’s ready. I made chirashizushi and clear clam soup from the clams we won.
Kumon: Awesome! It feels a lot like Hinamatsuri!
Taichi: It looks super delicious!
Kazunari: The food arrangements are so bright and colorful! Way to go Omimi~!
Banri: Hey, I got a whole bunch of hina-arare too. [1]
Omi: Okay, let’s have them after dinner.
Izumi: We’re eating dinner while looking at the hina dolls… It feels kinda nice~
Tsumugi: It really does.
Azuma: Guy and I went out and bought shirozake and sake. We also got amazake for the minors. [2]
Tenma: Amazake, huh.
Citron: Wonderful~! I would like to drink both sake and amazake!
Yuki: ……
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Masumi: …What’re you doing?
Yuki: Not much. I was looking at the hina dolls and thinking how rare it is to see them displayed like this.
Masumi: That’s it?
Yuki: ……
…It’s nothing important, but…
You know how Hinamatsuri’s an event for girls?
When I was little, I was jealous of the dolls that were laid out for my sisters.
Boys had to decorate with helmets on Children’s Day, right? [3]
I always admired the Ohina-sama and her sparkling outfit. I loved seeing them like that.
Masumi: ……
Yuki: There’s dolls at my family’s house, but I wanted to see them displayed at the dorm too.
So even though our goals were different, I was with you about wanting hina dolls.
We might have not gotten them as the prize, but I’m glad we got to see the dolls displayed like this.
I got to wear a cute costume during the contest too. Personally, I thought this was fun.
Masumi: …You should make her a costume too one day.
Yuki: Well, I’ll think about it.
Anyway, we should put these hina dolls away once Hinamatsuri ends.
Or else the Director might get married late. [4]
Masumi: I’m not worried about that, she’ll be my bride.
Yuki: Yeah, yeah… You’re seriously dogged.
Yuki: ……
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Kazunari: Hey, Yukkii! You came at just the right time!
Yuki: What is it?
Kazunari: Ta-dah~! Check this out!
Yuki: What’s this? A gold folding screen and tatami mats?
Kazunari: It’s a Hinamatsuri set my school used during their open house! They were gonna toss it, so I took it~
When I set it up like this, the courtyard becomes a Hinamatsuri photo spot! How about that?!
Yuki: That’s our party animal… Doing things differently.
Kazunari: Isn’t this a great idea~?!
Masumi: ……
Kazunari: Hey Massu! You gotta see this too!
Masumi: …What?
Kazunari: It’s a Hinamatsuri-themed photo spot! Ain’t it super cool?!
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Masumi: ——!
I can take a hina doll-styled couple’s photo with the Director…!
Hey, go make her a costume right away.
Yuki: Don’t be ridiculous.
Kazunari: Huh? Hey, what’re you guys talking about~?!
< Previous Chapter
TL Notes:
A sweet, rice puff snack commonly eaten during Hinamatsuri. They kinda look like pastel-colored cheese puffs.
Sake is the rice wine drink we all know and love (the original text is 日本酒). Shirozake is a sweet variation of sake also commonly drunk during Hinamatsuri. Amazake is a sweet, non-alcoholic rice drink.
On Children’s Day (formerly known as Boy’s Day), it’s tradition to display samurai armor so that sons could grow up strong and healthy. Nowadays, people tend to make paper origami samurai helmets (or kabuto) for decoration.
A common superstition was that if one doesn’t put the dolls away once Hinamatsuri ended, then the daughters would marry late (this was probably to encourage people to put the dolls away before they get damaged by the rainy season and humidity that came after the holiday).
After two months, I’m finally finished with this event story! Thank you for your patience! I should be starting a new job sometime soon (whenever they finish HR things that is), so here’s hoping that I’ll finish the final part of the Tetsuro TL by then!
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jumukus · 4 years
A3! Event: +3Ghosts Episode 3 Translation
Due to the things he heard at Masumi and Madoka’s campus, Misumi is not doing great during rehearsal. Meanwhile, Kumon...
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Kumon: "I wanted to participate as well."
National competition, huh…
*phone rings*
Kumon: Hello.
Yamaguchi: "Hello? Kumon, we won today's match!"
Kumon: What!? For real!?
Yamaguchi: "Our next opponent is a team that has never lost a game before. I feel like we could finally see the national!"
Kumon: That's awesome!
Yamaguchi: "I know, right!?"
Kumon: Don't let your guard down.
Yamaguchi: "I got it, man."
Kumon: Because I'll definitely go see the finals of the district competition.
Yamaguchi: "OK! How about you?"
Kumon: We've started preparing for our next play.
It's a story where the characters are aiming for the national dance competition. I'll be the co-lead.
Yamaguchi: "You're doing your best in acting as ever, huh. Let's work hard to aim for our own 'national,' kay?"
Kumon: Yep. See ya.
Kumon: ...How nice.
(No! What are you being jealous for, Kumon!)
(I'll be aiming for the national dance competition as Sora Natsukawa on the stage, along with the Summer Troupe members.)
(What I'm aiming for is different from Yamaguchi and the baseball club members.)
(My Koshien dream has come true during our First Crush Baseball play, so why am I concerned over this?)
(I should have gotten over it… I'm so pathetic to end up thinking about it even for a moment.)
(Get a grip, me! I've gotta do my best for everyone's sake, since they have entrusted this role to me!)
*door opens*
Muku: Kyu-chan?
Kumon: !?
Muku: The rehearsal is about to start. Are you okay?
Kumon: Y-Yep! I was just spacing out while reading the script!
Muku: Is that so?
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Kumon: "Ah, hold on, hold on! S-Say, can you teach me dancing!?"
Misumi: "Why me… Do you not have any dance clubs in your school?"
Kumon: "I can't go to school right now. Besides, I can only practice from evening to night. That's why…"
Misumi: "...I have physical therapy tomorrow."
Kumon: "I see…"
Misumi: "But I can come since I have quite free time."
Kumon: "For real!? Say, can I bring my friends too!? I'm sure they'll be happy! They've also been practicing dancing, after all."
Misumi: "Sure."
Kumon: "My name is Sora Natsukawa!"
Misumi: "I'm Kousei Kizu. Just call me Kousei."
Kumon: "Nice to meet you, Kousei!"
Izumi: …
(For some reason, both of them are not doing great.)
(Misumi-kun is spacing out, and I can't feel the enthusiasm Kumon-kun had when he asked me to let him play Sora…)
Okay. Let's end our rehearsal today.
There are still some parts that don't feel right to me, but I guess it's because today is still our first rehearsal--Not to mention that it's been a while since we last delivered a Summer Troupe play.
Let's get back on track little by little. Good work for today.
Misumi: Nice work~.
Kumon: Good work.
Izumi: Oh right, Misumi-kun, when will Madoka-kun come to watch? I'll secure a ticket for him.
Misumi: Oh, umm…
Tenma: You invited him, right?
Misumi: Umm~... Looks like he won't be able to make it since he's busy helping Father.
Izumi: Oh, really?
Muku: It's such a shame…
Misumi: I'm hungry, so I'll go eat some onigiris~!
Yuki: ...Don't you think he's acting kind of weird?
Kazunari: Makes me wonder if something happened with Madochin.
Tenma: He went to Masumi's uni, right?
Izumi: Shall we ask Masumi-kun?
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Masumi: He said he'd come, but he didn't in the end.
Izumi: What!? Is that so?
Kazunari: What happened, then…
Tenma: He said Madoka can't come since he's busy helping his father out.
Masumi: Busy helping his father--.
Ah, don't tell me…
Izumi: ?
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Izumi: I see…
Tenma: So that's what happened…
Izumi: Facing such a family now will be asking too much, huh…
While I don't know Madoka-kun that well, I'm not sure whether those words were directed towards Misumi-kun…
Kazunari: It's kinda different from his image~.
Muku: He looked like he wanted to get along with Misumi-san.
Yuki: Even so, those two have been estranged for a long time. It's not like they can get along right away.
Tenma: At any rate, they need time.
Izumi: It'd be nice if there's something that can help them get along…
Muku: Speaking of, you've brought some fireworks home, right, Kyu-chan?
Kumon: Ah--.
Kazunari: Fireworks! Sounds nice!
Tenma: When it comes to Summer Troupe, of course it's gotta be fireworks.
Kumon: But they may be dampened…
Izumi: (Something to do in summer…)
Ah! That reminds me! There'll be a summer festival taking place soon.
Kazunari: Sounds great! I have an idea, then… *whispers*
Muku: Okay, okay.
Tenma: I see.
Yuki: I'll end up sacrificing my costume-making time, though.
Tenma: Costumes should be the last thing you could think of when our lead actor is being like that, you know.
Yuki: Well, you have a point.
Kazunari: It's settled, then!
Tenma: You too, Kumon. Let us know if you need anything.
Kumon: ...Sure, thanks!
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Staff: Let's take a break!
Tenma: …
...1, 2, 3, 4.
Hiro: Hey, are you going to make your idol debut after this?
Tenma: No, our next play will be about a high school students' dance team.
Hiro: That's certainly a story that's unique to the young newborn troupe.
Back during our time, we barely performed sparkling stories about youth like that.
Tenma: What was your most favorite play, Hiro-san?
Hiro: …
There's a lot, I can't choose.
Tenma: Hakkaku-san loved the pirate play, right?
Hiro: --How did you know that?
Tenma: I heard it from the manager. He said it was a popular play.
Hiro: ...Yeah.
Tenma: We also did a pirate play with Misumi as the lead.
We found Hakkaku-san's treasure map at that time. We ran around to search for the treasure.
Hiro: Hakkaku-san's treasure map? Did you find that treasure in the end?
Tenma: It was in Ikaruga's residence. We had a little bit of a hard time getting that.
Hiro: What's the treasure?
Tenma: …
"Would you like to make a deal?"
Hiro: ...How cheeky. What do you want?
Tenma: We're currently looking for the video footage of the first gen's pirate play. Do you know something about it?
Hiro: ...Who knows. I don't have it.
Tenma: What a letdown…
Hiro: Show me what Hakkaku-san's treasure is the next time I stop by at the dorm.
Tenma: Got it.
< Episode 2 | Masterlist | Episode 4 >
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murasaki-murasame · 7 years
Wasn’t really expecting chapter 18 to be up this early. I feel like the last few chapters’ translations have come out a bit earlier than usual. Not that I’m complaining.
I think I remember hearing mixed things about this chapter around when it came out in Japan, but I liked it. Then again, I like Futaba a lot as a character.
Anyway, more detailed thoughts under the cut.
Seeing Touma with a Vita at the start of the chapter was kinda amusing, since I actually got myself one a week or two ago. I feel kinda jealous that he has a Slim model, even though I know his friend just lent him it. I wanted to get one of them, but I could only get an original model. I wonder if Touma’s kinda bad/inexperienced with technology, given that he seemed kinda confused by what seemed to be the Vita going into sleep mode. I guess it makes sense that he’d be less into gaming and whatnot than Taichi.
It’s really cute that Touma feels kinda guilty about wanting Taichi to visit him every day. Thankfully Taichi’s fine with it, and wants to come anyway. I like that they’re getting a chance to hang out, even if the circumstances are kinda awkward.
I wonder how long Touma’s been in the hospital for, by this point. Apparently we’re near the end of July in-story, but I forget when the accident happened. I doubt it’s been THAT long, otherwise the fact that Futaba and Masumi apparently never visited after the first time would be a bit weird.
Mami still bugs me a bit, but at least she’s being way less rude to Taichi than I was fearing. She does kinda need to learn to back off a little, though. I still can’t tell if anything important is being set up with her character. It feels like her whole thing with Touma is going to lead to something dramatic, but I dunno.
I know that Touma probably genuinely likes his other friends, but man I can only imagine how awkward it must be for him to constantly be around Those Kinds of straight dudes. I think this is the second time that one dude’s visited Touma and immediately implied that he must be looking at some kind of porn. I wonder if Touma ever has moments of being like ‘haha yeah c: totally c: I sure do love those big, beautiful, incredibly female women c:’. It reminds me of when I was at school like five years ago and a random dude I was sitting next to turned toward me and was like ‘so which girls in this class do you think are hot?’. Like . . . dude . . . . please. Stop. I’m glad that his other friends seem to be regularly visiting him, though.
Are we . . . meant to know who that other group of girls are, and why they seem to have some kind of an issue with Mami and co? I feel like we are, but I can’t remember them.
On the one hand I can’t really blame them for complaining about Mami behind her back because she kinda deserves it, but on the other hand, they were way out of line with insulting Futaba like that. Thankfully one of them [who I guess is a friend of Futaba’s??? maybe???] defended her.
I can kinda see how an outsider might assume the worst about Futaba’s motives and actions in terms of her obviously having a crush on Touma while also being friends with Taichi, but it’s still kinda uncalled-for.
I wasn’t sure how I felt about it at first, but I like how the story is handling this whole theme of Futaba’s confusion and frustration about all of the drama and baggage behind how society treats interactions and relationships between men and women. It really is awful that people, including Taichi herself, are giving her such a hard time because she just has multiple guys she knows who she likes and enjoys being around. It’s definitely kinda made wonky by the fact that she obviously DOES have romantic feelings for Taichi, but it sucks that the characters are basically all framing her desire to befriend and support Taichi as something manipulative and self-serving. It’s one of the reasons why I kinda hope that she doesn’t have an actual crush on Taichi, since it’d do a better job of hammering in the whole idea of ‘you don’t have to have a crush on someone to want to be around them and be nice to them’.
Usually I don’t care much for stories that are like ‘but what, like, IS love???’, but I kinda liked how it was discussed here. Probably because it also intersected with what I said above, of how Futaba is also grappling with the illogical and misogynistic ways that people view male-female interactions. It’s understandable why she feels so confused about it. Especially since she has pretty valid and clear reasons for why she’d feel strongly about wanting to support Taichi right now even if you ignore her probable crush on him. Like, she’s already witnessed how badly he’s taking this whole thing and how much he’s beating himself up and isolating himself over it. It makes perfect sense why she’d be hurting for him, and why she’d want to help him through it. You get what I mean.
I guess this explains why Futaba, at least, hasn’t really been visiting Touma. I hope she can come to understand that she doesn’t have to only choose to be around one of them, though.
I can really feel for how awkward Futaba must feel, being made to basically pit her feelings for Touma and her feelings for Taichi against each other, to justify why one of them is more important to her than the other one. Which, of course, also means having to label one of them as being the ‘less important’ one, which she obviously doesn’t want to do. Especially since, in this whole context, the idea of someone being ‘less important’ comes with the baggage of ‘you should just avoid them, then, and only stay with the person who’s more important to you’. It actually makes a good amount of sense that Masumi would kinda see things this way as well, with what she said earlier about not having any interest in caring about people outside of her immediate circle. It makes sense why she’d be more open to the idea of basically ranking people’s importance to her than Futaba is.
I can see where Masumi was coming from, in trying to dig deeper into Futaba’s feelings by seeing how she felt about the hypothetical idea of either of the boys already being in a relationship with someone else, but hoo boy do I not want to sit through that incredibly uncomfortable panel of Futaba imagining Touma and Masumi dating ever again. Yikes. It kinda hurt to see her gripping her arm like that when she talked about the hypothetical scenario of herself dating Taichi. I guess other people can read it differently, but she seems clearly uncomfortable about the idea of it because she’s, you know, not attracted to him like that. But on some level she might still feel almost guilty about not being able to experience those feelings.
[Also I really like the panel of Futaba thinking about Taichi after that. He looked really pretty in it. It also makes me even more envious of how Kaito draws hair. It’s a lot harder than it sounds to draw hair in a way that looks nice and actually ‘feels right’ when you look at it.]
And yeah this part makes it pretty clear that Futaba genuinely has a crush on Taichi. Which I have mixed feelings about. Like, at least in a vacuum, I really like her dynamic with Taichi, and I would probably ship them if they were in any other manga, but in the overall context of this series, it feels a little . . . too easy, I guess, that Taichi’s feelings might be requited. Since from day one the story has been all about unrequited love, it’s sorta disappointing to think that the protagonist’s crush would end up being requited, especially since it’s probably the one one that’ll go that way. I still think it’d just kinda suck if this ends with Taichi and Futaba hooking up, while Touma and Masumi just have to deal with their unrequited feelings. Especially since, even in that case, I doubt we’d get to actually see them properly move on and find other partners before the story ends.
I like the current conflict and tension between Taichi and Futaba, and I’m excited to see them overcome that, but it does leave a bit of a sour taste in my mouth to think that it’s probably going to end in a romantic way. We’ll see how it goes.
I know that, with the whole unrequited love theme, it’d kinda go against that if anyone’s crushes worked out, but it’s pretty undeniable that it’s just predictable and conventional to have the straight people get what they want in the end. At least if we got a Taichi/Touma ending, if not also a Futaba/Masumi ending, that would be genuinely surprising, unconventional, and against the norm for the genre. It’d be hard to call that a ‘betrayal of the central theme’ or whatever when basically nothing else like this actually ends that way.
Also, it must be bittersweet for Masumi to be increasingly aware of Futaba’s crush on Taichi, since it just makes it even clearer for her how her own feelings are doomed to stay one-sided.
I see why Futaba feels that way, but it’s sad seeing her feel like it’d be better if she stayed away from both Taichi and Touma now, in case she makes things worse for them.
I wonder how the next chapter will go. Given how long v2 was, I think the next chapter should be the end of v3, so if it’s anything like the last two volumes it’ll probably be something dramatic.
I can see why a lot of people probably disliked this chapter, but even though I have my aforementioned reservations about the idea of her having a crush on Taichi, I really do love Futaba as a character, so these sorts of chapters are nice.
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the-evolving-falcon · 8 years
♛(my url)
[ [♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: I’m rather neutral about Yuzu and she’s neither complex, nor morally gray enough for me to truly develop an interest in her. Her relationship with Yuuya is adorable, though, and I just love her interactions with Masumi and Serena. Too bad she never really got to interact with them later in the story :(Regardless of my overall disinterest, however, I still believe she deserved much better than what has been happening to her from the second half of the Synchro Arc, as she used to be much more than a plot device to motivate Yuuya and to be a damsel in distress for him to rescue.
how they play them: Your take on Yuzu is just wonderful - and has long surpassed her canon self. She is exactly what she should have been, had the writers not ruined her, and the balance between badassery and her feminine side is just perfect. She feels very real and human, and her relationships with other muses are always genuine. I just adore your Yuzu and she’s the reason I went from disliking Yuzu in general to being neutral about her. Your Yuzu muse and my interactions with her are also the reason I got into Serenadeshipping in the first place, so... yes, your Yuzu muse is muuuuch too good to be true
the mun: You are such an adorable sweetheart, Kita
I also have to thank you for being the first to ever RP with me in this fandom, and for being the main reason I was able to successfully establish this blog in the first place
do i;
follow them: Yes - and from day one at that.rp with them: Yeswant to rp with them: Always ship their character with mine:
Shun + Yuzu: It’s a good platonic ship, and I’d love to see Yuzu try to bully a confuuuused Shun into adopting her as his little sis, while he teaches her to be more realistic about the impending war and her role in the Professor’s plans.
Serenadeshipping: It’s the only same face ship I like - but goooosh, it is adorable
Ruri + Yuzu: I’ve never really thought of it, and while I don’t ship them romantically at all, I do see the potential for interesting platonic interactions - especially when it comes to possible jealousy over Shun
what is my;
overall opinion: You are a true blessing to this fandom, Kita, and Yuzu should be grateful to have such a dedicated mun never failing to do her justice - unlike certain canon writers. Regardless of what some of those nasty anons say: You and your muse are absolutely wonderful and those bastards are only jealous and don’t have a hobby. Keep up the good work!
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.]
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