#also you do realize I’m just kidding right? I’m 31 I’m not actually old
superbattrash · 4 months
You gotta stop calling yourself old.
Nah 🥳
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sleepy-grav3 · 1 year
Parents - Uramichi x Reader
A/n: Random idea passed by and I couldn't make it go away, so uh yay
Summary: Uramichi, Kumao, Usao, and S/n (stage name) are made to go to a lovely mall event for father's day! Uramichi does a passionate speech about parents and growing up and Y/n couldn't help but tear up at what he had said, leading to an emotional bonding moment.
Tw: Angst (there is comfort), parent problems, swears, spoilers, depression, verbal abuse, some other stuff I might've ended up forgetting...
Also, your stage costume is a hip-hop dancer type with sunglasses. You always wear the sunglasses to hide your eyes that seem to always show your current mood (which isn't good for your job). Just a little thing.
And this is also not too romantic, but whatever.
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Y/n’s POV
“Y/n, I always see you with the sunglasses… They’re also really heavily tinted with a color and have different shapes. I doubt that Derekida actually buys those…”
I turned to look over at Usahara and smiled.
“Why do I wear these? Well people say that my eyes give away my current feelings! And since I work 2 jobs to keep living while having mandatory therapy to prevent me from going to a mental hospital, I don’t get sleep that often! So how do you think I feel every single god damn day?”
“U-um… Tired? Maybe?”
“Wow! You got it right! And what happens when you’re tired for such a reasoning every single fucking day?”
“You have heavy eye bags and get really angry really easily?”
“Ding ding ding! That must’ve been a hard question, Usao! I’m so glad the bunny learned yet another thing today!”
Usahara backed away, leaning over Kumatari’s shoulder.
“Is it just me or is Y/n sounding more and more like Uramichi as the days go on?”
“Please don’t talk to me.”
You mean the depressed 31-year old who’s having breakdowns about 10 times a day? Honey, I only break down to that point when nobody’s watching. This is nothing.
“You’re not a very good whisperer, Usao!”
To top it off, Uramichi entered the room with a blank stare and… what’s with the red balloon? He might as well be trying to cosplay Nicklewise with that balloon… but more depressed…
He turned his head to me with a more intense blank stare. I only tilted my head and gave him a more bright and sparkly smile. That seemed to make it worse as the stare became more… intense- how the hell is he doing that?!
“Hey, it’s Uramichi-san, good mor-”
“Morning. Want a balloon?”
“Nope. For someone in your line of work, it’s amazing how little that look suits you…”
“I look like a kid enough with this get up. Do I need a balloon and backwards cap to top it off?”
“... yes.”
“No ♥️”
I pushed Uramichi off stage for a moment, seeing as he broke down after a single comment from a child. Wimp.
“Haha! That was so nice of you to say, Tak-kun! It hit his heart so hard that he couldn’t help but cry from joy! Let’s give Uramichi oniisan some to convert that joy into energy instead of tears! And I think I know just the way! Let’s all get up and have a dance session with S/n!”
I could already see some of the parents hesitating along with some of the older siblings chuckling. I’ll teach ‘em-
Some music started up and I started to guide them through it, making sure I called out each and everyone who laughed at our Uramichi ^v^
“Today, as a special treat, Uramichi Oniisan and his friends will draw pictures of their daddies too!”
That’s not on the script-
“...Huh?” Uramichi turned to the hostess. “That… wasn’t on the script.”
“Us too? For real?”
“Don’t you want to know what their daddies look like, boys and girls?”
The audience cheered, making me realize how often we use these kids to support our own ideas to cover for our faults. Huh…
“Gosh! I don’t know if I can draw my dad that well! Do you guys remember your dad’s faces?”
“I love my dad, hippety! No… well, I guess I remember it, but can I draw it? Maybe not..”
“Me too, grr! I just remembered I haven’t visited my folks since two years ago.”
“Wow, to think I get to show my dad off to the kids! I bet he’ll be so happy! Absolutely, but I'm not giving him this satisfaction. Make it up, that's what I'm doing.”
"That's actually really sad..." Usahara drooped his shoulders a bit.
I ignored everything else that happened, focusing on drawing some random man that would fit my character. What would fit my character? Maybe I should just make him have some normal clothes and make it up as I go? Nah, I’ll just make him another dancer.
I turned to see how the others were doing until I saw the fuck up the animals made.
“What the hell happened to your characters?” I questioned.
“Seriously, what happened to your characters?” Usamichi repeated.
That’s when they realized their fuck up. That didn’t work though, the kids still questioned it.
“H-hey, let’s take a look at the other two, hippety!”
I launched myself over to Usao, wrapping an arm around his shoulder with a hearty laugh.
“Man, I was wondering when I would be up! This is my dad! He’s another dancer like me! Showed me the ropes, you know? Ain’t he cool!”
“But I’m better, right!”
“WOOO! That’s the spirit! Let’s move onto our amazing oniisan! Whatcha got the-... there…?”
The drawing he made was rough but it was of a muscular man throwing a crying kid and holding another crying kid. I had to strain my smile to keep it up as he spoke about his father. I’m… I’m amazed that he didn’t draw someone different like I did…
There was definitely more to this man, but children were present and he isn’t actually that close to us at the moment, so I doubt we’ll really get much more out of him unless we see through the lines…
Those lines have a pretty big gap though, so it’s not like it’s that hard.
“Weren’t you sad having him as a daddy?”
“If he hadn’t been my dad, I wouldn’t be here talking to you today!”
Wouldn’t that be a good thing?
“We all have only 1 life to live. Sometimes we think we’ve made a mistake, even if we can’t be sure whether that’s true or not… But in the end, if something brings us even a little happiness, it wasn’t a mistake at all! Whether you can reverse the mistakes of your mommies or daddies… all depends on the lives you grow up to lead. Even if you can’t live for somebody else… if you can live without blaming somebody else, I think that’s wonderful.”
Before a tear fell, I quickly wiped it away and went over to Uramichi, giving him a small side hug and a rub on his back. He put a hand on my shoulder, gripping it a bit tight for comfort.
Man, nothing can get past this man.
I couldn’t really see through my tears anymore as I sat down and took off my sunglasses.
“Fuck man… you need to warn me when you do those speeches..”
“Holy shit- are you crying?” Usahara asked.
“Shut up, I’ll clear up in a moment. Just… fuck…”
I felt someone pulling me into an embrace, petting my head so I rested against his shoulder.
“It’s ok to cry in front of us, just let it out.”
~Flashback | 3rd person ~
“Stop crying! This isn’t something to cry about!” Y/n’s dad exclaimed.
“I-I ca-can’t!”
Y/n curled up in their seat at the dining table, pulling at their hair to relieve some stress.
“It’s just homework, why can’t you do something as simple as this?!”
Y/n flinched, eyes wide from their mistake as they looked up in fear. Their dad grabbed their face with a hand with a tight grip, making them look into his eyes.
“Look at me. Don’t yell. Just take a deep breath and get back to work. You can have your break after you’re done.”
This wasn’t the only memory that flew by the current Y/n’s head either.
“Mom, I can’t find my notebook!”
“So? C’mon, stop wasting my time.” She rolled her eyes.
“Huh? Can’t you help me look for it?”
“And why should I? You lost it.”
“And you lost your keys yesterday! Why do I have to help you look for your stuff when you lose it but when I lose stuff, you don’t help me?”
“Because that’s reality. People are unfair and you have to handle problems yourself.”
“But I helped you…”
“That’s your problem then.”
~ Flashback end | Still 3rd person ~
“It must’ve sucked having a dad like that, right?”
Uramichi didn’t respond, knowing they had more to say.
“My parents were always really strict with my academic grades. I never got break and their word was law. So I decided to do just what they wanted. Yeah, sure, it was more extreme but… that didn’t fucking matter. They got even more angry at me. ‘Why won’t you help me find my keys?’ Because you never helped me with anything. ‘Why don’t you just ask us for help?’ Because when I asked, you said that it was nothing and to get over it. ‘Why won’t you hang out with your friends?’ Because you said they’re useless! Nothing mattered! They were never happy with me! It’s to the point they changed everything for my sister yet still treated me the same!”
Kumatani and Usahara awkwardly looked at each other. They never really saw Y/n look so distraught before. In fact, they got more and more concerned as Y/n rambled on and on, words soon becoming incoherent. Uramichi only continued to hug them, feeling a strange sense of comfort holding them.
“That’s way too many expectations. It makes sense why you chose to do that.”
“And they still ask why I’m depressed. They gave me a therapist and right from the 3rd day, they asked why I’m not fixed? Is severe depression supposed to be something fixable like that? NO!”
“That’s actually very angering.”
“And that’s not even the worst of it- They say this whole job is stupid! That I have college degrees and should be doing something with my life! But I- I feel happy here! Even if this job is draining, I get to make some people happy! Why should I give that up?!”
Uramichi could only agree with most of what they said. And honestly, he really did agree with Y/n. Their parents were the type to think they were always in the right, even after having a group talk with their therapist. Now that’s a fixed mindset.
Eventually, Y/n took a quick breath, wiping away their tears and pulling away with a bright yet awkward smile.
“Well, that was a great vent! I think I should call my therapist for an earlier meeting- anyway- Thanks for listening. I hope to never do that again.”
“That’s a quick switch!” Usahara exclaimed.
Uramichi got up as well, putting his hands on their cheeks gently to make them look at his face, rubbing circles with his thumbs.
“What they did was wrong, you know that. Family shouldn’t be the only people you could depend on. Friends are a good thing to have. Hobbies, even if you drop them, are good too. As long as you find some happiness in what you do, it’s ok. So you don’t have to listen to them. Do what you want. Stay here as long as you want.”
“Seriously, please don’t leave me in this hell of a kids show-”
“Here, how about we go out for a drink? I know you don’t usually drink anything alcoholic, so maybe a cafe might be better?”
Y/n blinked owlishly, blushing slightly as they had started to lean forward into his touch. He couldn’t help but squish their cheeks together.
“Uh, sure… When? What time?”
“How about today right now?”
“Yeah, um, sure. Great. Ok, let’s uh… go then…”
“You still have to change out of your clothes.”
“Right! Uh- I’ll be right back!”
Y/n quickly left to the stalls and Usahara crouched down.
“I can’t believe it… Uramichi is actually going on a date…”
“What are you talking about?”
Usahara jumped up, grabbing the gym rat by his sweater and shaking him violently.
“You idiot! Don’t you realize that you just asked Y/n on a date! A DATE! AND THEY ACCEPTED!”
Uramichi’s eyes widened, face going bright red.
“Oh shit, I did-”
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A/N: Would ya look at that! I had enough motivation to type another thing! It's awful but whatever. I'll eventually get something actually romantic on here... hopefully... It's probably not what you expected, sorry... Anyway! Hope you have a good day!
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roxyteal · 5 months
Honestly Idk what the point of this is, just belted this out over the course of a day. Also I know I've been slacking on the 🦈DENIED PROPAGANDA🦈 lately but hopefully I'll have more to share. Soon. Eventually. Gah. God I hope so.
It takes place between WTTW's ch 9 and 10 - Billy did get his ass kicked by Aldurra, but the Dave Gathering hasn't happened yet, stuff like that.
Billy’s eyes opened, adjusting to the morning light. When he was able to focus, he saw Dave’s arm, streaking over him, trying to reach the alarm clock. And he couldn’t.
Just as planned. A method of helping him wake in the mornings. As well as, opting for the annoying, droning sounds as opposed to music, which just lulled him back to sleep more often than not.
After watching him struggle for half a minute (and deep down, was entertained by it, though Billy knew better than to admit as such), he finally heard his partner groan, “Ugh, Billy, I can’t-… Could you please…”
“Mm, sure, I got it.” Effortlessly, he shut it off. Almost immediately, he felt Dave’s arm fall across his chest, sighing.
“That’s better…” Oh no. Billy just realized - he gave in. He wasn’t supposed to. He had to salvage this.
“It is 6:31 AM,” He informed him, “We should get up.” He went to exit the bed, only to be encased in Dave’s arms. Somehow, despite the drowsiness, his grip was nearly unbreakable.
“Already…?” Came another groan, “Five more minutes?” He shouldn’t. He won’t allow it. It’s not going to happen
“Five minutes.” And yet, he gave in again. Billy was doing a terrible job at this.
But Dave just grinned sleepily and cuddled him. And within moments, drifted off.
6:36 AM. “Dave. We should get up,” He said again, having to lightly shake him, “It’s been five minutes.” Dave’s eyes snapped open, instinctively.
“I’m awake!” No he wasn’t, but the well-made robot played along, sitting up.
“Good. I’ll meet you in the kitchen,” He replied at first, but still couldn’t escape. It was nice to know that his cooler body temperature wasn’t a deterrent when it came to affection, but right now, it wasn’t helpful. Gently, he tried to pry Dave off of him. “Please, um. Let me go. … I would like some space.” He felt a bit guilty having to say that, for while it was true, it wasn’t for the expected reason.
But it worked. Dave released him immediately. “Ah, sorry, sorry. Okay. I’ll see you there.” 
To show no harm done, Billy gave him a soft peck, of which Dave quickly returned. He saw his partner remain upright as he left to freshen up.
6:55 AM. The well-made robot, now prepared for the day, made it to the kitchen. Dia was already there, attempting to pour a cup of coffee from the pot. While appearing just as lethargic as his former teacher, the young gem still managed to drag himself this far. Admirable.
“Good morning, Dia.” He greeted, lightly. Dia stiffened, almost losing his grip on the handle. It didn’t seem to matter what approach Billy used, the poor kid was always jumpy.
“Uh, morning.” He quietly acknowledged. Then, his attention went back to his task. Should he even be drinking that?
“How old are you, again?”
“… Fourteen?” The question sounded strange to Dia, and his response showed it.
“Then you are too young for coffee,” The well-made robot asserted, then adding to soften the blow, “Maybe when you’re a bit older.”
“W-Wait! I lied!” Frantically, Dia tried to say, “I’m a-actually sixteen! Sixteen!”
There were multiple flaws to that logic, but Billy didn’t bring up any of them. “No you’re not. You cannot fool me.”
“Dammit…” Dia didn’t argue further, admitting defeat, “How will I ever get the strength to deal with today…”
Billy didn’t fold to the dramatic tone he used. “A good breakfast?”
“I guess…” Dia peered over at the sliding glass door behind them, noticing something. “Oh shit. The sun’s out.”
“So it is.” Billy nodded. He watched Dia leave the kitchen, to the backyard. By the time Billy followed him, the reflections of the young gem’s head were so abundant, he had to squint to see him. He had pulled down his hood, taking in the light.
“Whoa. Bright…” He couldn’t help but muse aloud, but in a low mutter.
“I feel like a solar panel.” Dia spoke when Billy was next to him. A solar panel…? Oh!
“I see… It charges you,” Though, he didn’t quite understand why; as far as he knew, Dia wasn’t an inorganic in the same sense as him, in fact, were minerals inorganic at all? And didn’t they thrive in caves, where it’s dark? How was this possible? No matter. “So that’s why you prefer sunny days.”
“Yeah…” There was a pause. Then, the young gem faced him, demeanor completely changed. Energized. “Okay! I can face anything life wants to throw at me! I’m ready!”
Billy smiled from his confidence. “You should probably still eat something.”
“Oh, right…” As the two headed back inside the empty kitchen, he asked, “Is Dave up yet?”
Oh God. Billy forgot about Dave. He marched out of the room. “I’ll check on him.”
“‘Kay.” Was all Dia said back.
7:11 AM. Please be up, please be up, please be up. This was the only thought that looped in his mind, as he reached the master bedroom. If Dave wasn’t in there, it would be a good sign. Billy opened the door, and…
Dave had fallen asleep. Again. This time, he lay on his front, upside-down from where the pillows were.
Billy covered his face in both hands, growing exasperated as he drug them down. But, he too was to blame - he knew better than to leave Dave alone on mornings like these. Mornings where getting out of bed felt impossible, compelled only to remain under the blanket and sheets and ignore the world around him for a while longer. Or mornings where he felt too depressed to see a point in rousing himself to begin with.
And in the past, having such days would’ve been more than acceptable. But now, the two had Dia. The two had responsibilities. And Dave couldn’t afford letting himself falter like this. Not anymore.
Collecting himself, Billy went to him, lifting him up by the shoulders and tapping his cheek. He had to be more firm. It was imperative. “Dave,” He called to him, “Come on. You must get up. Didn’t you want to take Dia to school today? You have…” His voice went tense as he calculated it, “Nine minutes.”
To all this, Dave fluttered his eyes open, half-lidded, staring through him blankly. “Buh… Wha…?” Then, to the well-made robot’s horror, he slumped over, onto his shoulder, emitting a quiet, breathy snore.
This was hopeless. For the third time, he gave in. Setting Dave back down, he told him, “Okay, you know what? Fine. I’ll do it.”
He hoped he didn’t come off as rude or snippy, but then again, he wasn’t sure if he was heard at all, judging by the lack of response from his partner.
Be strong, Billy. Be strong. He had thought, as he pulled himself together and returned to Dia. Meanwhile, the young gem had heeded his advice, sitting at the kitchen table and taking another bite of what appeared to be an egg in a basket, accompanied by a glass of juice. And… The coffee pot was still full.
Good, he didn’t try to sneak some of it while Billy wasn’t looking. But on the other hand, the sun gave Dia the energy he craved, so he wouldn’t need the caffeine anymore to begin with.
“Whoa. Amazing…” Back to the point, once more did his surprise show, but still low in volume.
“Any luck?” Dia asked, muffled from his mouthful of breakfast.
Billy allowed a sigh. “Unfortunately, no. I’ll be taking you today. Dave…” He struggled to find a way to word it. “Can’t seem to get out of bed.”
“Hm. Yeah, sorry. He’s just like that,” Unfazed whatsoever. “We used to try and get him to, like, back in the day. He’d. Uh. Y-You know.” He sounded like he was about to launch into something, before realizing it himself and stopping short. The well-made robot joined him at the table.
“I don’t.” Unless he did, but if so, it wouldn’t be making Dia nervous. Concerning.
Dia inhaled, a bit uncomfortably. “Well… He tended to. Growl. And hiss. A-And swat us away. So eventually we just… Just gave up. Then, he’d be mad at us for n-not trying. And also when we did try. It’s… Um. It’s just the way it is.”
More accurately, frustrating. He couldn’t imagine being in such an unbearable circumstance. Yes, issues between him and Dave have come up before. There was the occasional disagreement, fight, or anger - but that was par for the course. What mattered was if they could work things out, and there’d always been some kind of methodology, that was a healthy compromise for them both.
Such as, the alarm clock situation: placed where Dave has to work hard to reach it. Sounding wretched and annoying so he’d want to get to it. And Billy didn’t mind having to bear the noise or be in Dave’s direct path (again, it actually proved to be humorous).
Just don’t shut it off for him, no matter how much he asks (failed). Just don’t give him “five more minutes” (failed). Just don’t fall for him saying “I’m awake!” when he clearly isn’t (failed). And just don’t leave him to his own devices if he can’t even move to his wheelchair (failed).
The two agreed on this. Hammered out these details. And for a short while, it had worked. Until today, when Billy gave in to every one of the things he absolutely shouldn’t do. A stunning grade of zero. Zero.
But even then, even now, the events of just earlier were nothing like what Dia described. And it’s never happened before, either. “I’m sorry you had to deal with that. However… He did no such thing to me. Perhaps he’s gotten better?”
Dia looked at him for a minute. Then, muffled again, he mused, “That’s. So not like him…”
But, maybe, that wasn’t a bad thing.
Dave stirred, lifting his head to find the absurd position he was in. How in the world had he ended up like this? And how would’ve Billy even allowed something like that? Oh… He wasn’t here. How odd. What time was it? Memories were a blur at the moment. The alarm went off, Billy made it stop, and he thinks he gave him five more minutes, then…
Checking internally, the timekeeper of the Webspace told him.
11:42 AM. No. That… That couldn’t be right. Right?
Dave sat up, stretched, then glanced at the alarm clock. The time was the same.
Oh God. Oh God. OH GOD
In panic, Dave let out a yell, practically throwing himself off the bed, but forgot which direction he was facing, hitting the floor. “Ow…” But he bore the pain as he scurried over to his wheelchair, getting in and bolting out of the room as quickly as possible.
“BILLY!” He yelled again, “DIA IS LATE FOR SCHOOL WHERE IS HE I HAVE TO-” He cut himself off, when all he saw in the living room was Billy curled up on his sofa. A rerun of that one sitcom they watch together was playing on the TV. They’d decided to watch it ironically as nothing else was on that day, only to somehow get sucked into it, unironically. Some programs were powerful like that.
“Oh, good morning, Dave,” His partner looked over at him and replied, adding quietly, “Wow, it’s still morning.” Then, back to a normal volume, “I took him. Don’t worry about it.”
Dave tried to process the scene in front of him. Then, at last, put his head in his hands in relief. “Thank goodness. Thank you, Billy…”
“Of course,” After Dave recomposed himself, the well-made robot asked, “Do you need anything?” Dave looked away, heading to the kitchen, waving it off, almost defiantly.
“No no. I can- I can do it myself,” He’s already bothered him enough as it is. He couldn’t help his grumbling, as more pieces fell into place. “God, I… It’s all coming back to me. That must’ve been annoying. I’m sorry.”
“A little, but it’s fine.” It wasn’t. Dave blew it today. He’d been doing so well. What a waste.
So you made a mistake, chimed in his inner voice. Beating yourself up about it isn’t going to make things better. Just try again.
Yeah, but what about Billy? Remember how disappointed he sounded? “Okay fine, I’ll do it”?
That was hours ago. He said it was only “a little”. If he says it’s fine, then it’s fine.
Dave stared blankly at the microwave, which was currently heating up a pizza hot pocket, spinning. Spinning. Just like his mental state. He sighed. If that’s what his conscience believes, then… Okay.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Remove carefully, it’s hot.
He returned to the living room, moving over and sitting next to Billy on the sofa. Then, he heard him randomly say, “I’m sorry too.”
“I gave in at every turn. And, I was rude.” Oh.
“Well, yes, but…” Dave paused to collect his thoughts. “It’s not just you, you know? You can’t solely be responsible for me. I have to try, too. And I didn’t, not even once…” He tried to take a bite of the hot pocket, but stopped immediately. Dear God, it hasn’t nearly cooled down enough yet.
“I see. So, we’re really only upset with ourselves, and not so much with each other?”
“I wasn’t upset at you at all. You just had an off day. It happens,” He tried the corner instead. Just breading, but it didn’t burn him. “And you’re sure it’s fine?”
“Yes. In fact, actually, I could say the same to you,” Dave stopped. Oh darn it. He fell right into that one, didn’t he. “You also just had an off day. It happens.” He had a small smile on his face. It was hard to think suddenly.
He’s forgiven you, his internal voice spoke again, reinforcing it. Everything is going to be okay. There’s always next time.
“… If you say so,” He finally replied. He went to lean against the well-made robot, but stopped. “Do you still want space?”
“No,” The answer came easily. “Also, I only really said that so I could get out of bed. Sorry about that.”
“No no, that’s fine. That makes sense. In that case, may I…?” He saw Billy lift his arm.
“Sure.” As Dave moved in closer and rested against him, his partner’s arm draped around him. Dave exhaled, more content this time. Observing the episode of the sitcom, he saw the two dating leads have some dramatic argument about the third character in the love triangle.
“Think they’ll finally break up?” Dave asked. Every moment in the season thus far was pointing to it.
“I hope so. I don't think they’ve ever worked together. Even before now. It’s like they never wanted to be serious.”
“Boy, you can say that again.” Without thinking, Dave took another bite. Ah, it didn’t hurt. Finally, he could enjoy it.
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
AU Thursday: A Smattering of Random Valicer Headcanons
Mostly relating to the standard Modern AU, of course, but the more general ones could apply to any iteration:
-->You know how I have January 8th as “Smiler’s Creation Date” on the Valice( r) Calendar? Well, in thinking of what I wanted to do for it in the shower a couple of days ago, I referred to it as “Smiler’s birthday,” corrected myself with “no, wait, Smiler’s birthdate is the opening date of the coaster, May 31st” --
And then remembered “my human Smiler is ADOPTED -- maybe that’s their adoption day?”
So yeah -- Smiler’s actual birthday is 5/31, but the Altons have another little celebration on 1/8 because that’s when the paperwork all became official and Smiler was fully and legally their kid. Smiler was actually sad when they first learned that other kids just get the ONE birthday.
-->Smiler has a real talent for mixing drinks, both alcoholic and non -- they just seem to have a knack for eyeballing measurements and knowing how much stirring is enough. Any party they throw, they play bartender and knock their guests’ socks off.
-->Related to the above, Smiler’s job while attending college is as a barista in a coffee shop, where they develop a reputation for somehow getting even the most complicated order perfect. They like it when people’s faces light up after having one of their drinks! (Though that does make the “Karens” stand out even more, sadly. . .like this one couple who came in, the wife with a really complicated order that she kept criticizing them on as they tried to make it, and the husband with a simpler order that he refused to leave a tip on, saying it was unnecessary. . .guess how Smiler first met Victor’s parents.)
-->In keeping with the tech theme of the actual coaster, I’ve decided that Smiler, like Victor, enjoys building little robots from kits! They generally do more complicated projects than Victor does, though (hell, maybe they’ve done a mini-toy-like take on the Marmalizer, jokingly calling it their “brainwashing bot”), and they’re better at learning code and programming them. They’re also decent with HTML, as evidenced by the fact that, you know, they have a website with videos and suchlike. :p
-->Victor, for his part, gets into repairing and modifying things -- he finds he enjoys learning how things work and how to fix them, or make them work better, or even just look cooler. And he becomes a “right to repair” advocate after he discovers just how fiddly fixing electronics in this day and age can be, and how expensive it is for most people to replace them.
-->Constantly sending them to practice yoga in Sims 4 when I wasn’t sure what else to do with them has cemented in my head that Smiler just does yoga in general! In that same “crop top and short shorts” outfit that they so often wear as a Sim. Victor finds it very distracting. XD
-->Also, as mentioned in the tags of another post, I’ve recently realized that Smiler’s favorite animal is frogs! Probably as a result of all the breeding and collecting I had them do in Sims 4. They just think they’re neat. :) They also like dragonflies too.
-->Some new food headcanons for the trio -- all of their favorite fruits are also involved in their favorite desserts! Victor likes apples, and absolutely loves a good apple pie; Alice favors strawberries, and really enjoys a strawberry cake; and Smiler likes bananas, and will devour a banana split (they also like bananas foster). I think “chocolate cake” would rank as a second-favorite dessert for all of them though -- and I can see them working their way together through one of those big old “bucket” sundaes you can get at Ben & Jerry’s. (Though that would probably best be handled with the help of Victoria and Emily, and/or Oblivion, Th13teen, Rita, and Galactica. . .probably be a good date idea for the Running Headlong Into The Bullshit mega-polycule too XD)
-->As hinted at in the Christmas headcanons post, I’m tempted to have Alice pick up her father’s love of photography to capture special moments. It seems a fun way to carry on the family legacy! Though, yeah, this is something a modern Alice would be more keen on than a Victorian Alice for sure -- less dangerous chemical bullshit going on!
-->This one is a headcanon-in-progress -- part of me feels like Smiler should have or get a tattoo, but I’m not sure where or what. Something fun and colorful, sure, but beyond that. . .I’ve experimented with adding a tattoo in Sims 4′s CAS to my Smiler Always, but nothing really looked right. (Possibly because all of them are tied to such specific parts of the body -- I’d really like it if you could move certain tattoos to different locations!) Hmmm. We’ll see if this one goes anywhere as a result!
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
'It's about having open communication': Advice for families as online child luring reports rise
Canada’s tipline for reporting online child sexual abuse and exploitation has reported its website, cybertip.ca, has seen child luring reports grow from 220 in 2018 to more than 2,000 by the end of 2022.
Last month, the 815 per cent increase prompted the site’s executive director to call on governments around the world to regulate technology companies to ensure children are better protected.
“This dramatic rise in online sexual luring should set off alarm bells for everyone. Social media platforms provide ill-meaning individuals with a direct and unfettered access to our children 24/7,” said Lianna McDonald in a news release.
Last week, Cybertip.ca director Stephen Sauer told CTV News online luring poses a serious risk as perpetrators continue to target young people through apps and social media platforms.
“They’re consistently coming to the youth and saying, 'Send me a picture, send me a picture, if you don't send me a picture, I’m going to do this,'” he said.
Cases of child luring have also been making headlines. In Toronto, police recently laid nearly 100 charges against a 31-year-old Toronto man after an investigation into the luring and sexual assault of underage victims in Ontario.
Experts are increasingly concerned that advances in technology, like AI filters used to make people online look younger, may make it easier for predators to pose as peers.
“This is about having open conversations at home around the dinner table,” says Julia Drydyk, executive director of the Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking.
Drydyk says it’s important to make kids feel supported at home so they know they can talk about what may be happening online free from stigma or judgement.
“We need to be talking about what healthy relationships look like, we need to make sure that they're not keeping secrets,” she says.
“It’s about making sure that they have a robust safety net at home and in their community where they always know they can go to someone for help if they need it,” Drydyk adds.
She says it’s important for families to realize that human trafficking can happen anywhere.
“During the pandemic, we saw that while a lot of human trafficking happens in our commercial sex industries, some of it was actually happening in-home, through web-camming and remote sexual activity," Drydyk says.
She says that makes knowing the signs even more important for families.
“[If] you're seeing signs of maybe an older boyfriend or set of friends being secretive about what's happening, not sharing information about where they're going or what they're doing, and towards later stages you might see incredibly expensive things … that don’t make sense," says Drydyk.
“It’s really about withdrawal from their friends and their family,” she explains. “And those signs that something just ‘doesn’t feel right.’”
Experts advise families reach out for help and support if they suspect their child is a victim of online luring, exploitation, or trafficking.
The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking has a toll-free 24-hour hotline for anyone needing help, including victims, at 1-833-900-1010.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/3gCGb1J
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 324: Is There a Force Field Around Him??
Previously on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal was all “please tell Midoriya that I spent a concerningly small amount of money upgrading U.A. into a wacky physics-defying funtime grid so as to make the final battle much more confusing for everyone.” Present Day!Mic (or Present!Mic, if you will) and Jeanist were all “if only somebody could deescalate this dangerously unhinged mob, we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.” Ochako was all “LISTEN UP PEOPLE.” The mob was all, “god??” Ochako was all, “NO, IT’S ME, OCHAKO. I’M REALLY HIGH UP ON THIS BUILDING AND THE VISIBILITY IS LOW DUE TO THE RAIN, SO I CAN SEE HOW YOU MIGHT MAKE THAT MISTAKE. ANYWAYS, DEKU WAS OUT THERE RISKING HIS LIFE FOR YOU CLOWNS EVEN THOUGH HE’S JUST A KID, SO I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IF YOU COULD ALL REMEMBER HOW TO BE DECENT HUMAN BEINGS, THANKS.” Let’s see if her Big Scolding Energy has any impact.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “so I have this speech planned out, and it’s really good, but it also only really needs about 6 to 8 pages, but I’m gonna see if I can stretch it out to 17 pages so I can kill time before we get to the next volume cliffhanger two weeks from now.” Anyway but it really is a good speech though. There are feels, and tears, and more talk about how Deku is so in need of a shower that just looking at him requires a tetanus booster, and more feels, and more tears, and bonus ship drama, and an iconic callback to the very first chapter which reframes the entire series in a new context in a totally epic and moving way, and it’s all very good. Except that Horikoshi is determined to never let anyone actually give this kid a hug. Who hurt you, dude.
omg we are opening on a callback to chapter 212, a.k.a. the chapter with by far the cutest flashback that doesn’t involve any baby Todorokis
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baby Ochako is lethally cute. she could literally murder someone with her cuteness. I just want to scoop her up and play airplane with her until she accidentally activates her quirk while we’re spinning around and we both helicopter up into the air never to be seen again
“a child’s insistence” huh well that’s all well and good, but I sure hope this doesn’t mean we’re going to drag out the whole “sternly lecture the obnoxious citizens” plot for another whole chapter. no offense but I think we’re good
so page 2 is just continuing the whole happy/worried faces monologue, which of course is very important to Ochako’s character as it provides the context for why “who protects the heroes” ended up becoming her thing. and this is making me think we actually are in for a whole second chapter of this sob. when will my boy finally get to rest
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HORIKOSHI: [reaches for a box of tissues while tearfully penning an homage to his beloved Spider-Man 2, specifically the train scene where the crowd sees Peter without his mask and they suddenly realize just how young he is]
lol at this one guy who can feel the mood of the crowd shifting and is all “WAIT, NO, I WANTED TO KEEP BEING AN ASSHOLE DAMMIT”
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as many pointed out last week, this man is wearing an All Might shirt. that’s some fantastic irony there
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“LITTLE GIRL, I HOPE YOU’RE NOT SUGGESTING THAT WE SHOULD ALL BE WALKING AROUND DRESSED LIKE A SOVIET-ERA BUS STOP.” heh. last week I said I was ashamed of BnHA being my favorite manga. that was a lie, actually
(ETA: in the original Japanese Ochako’s next two lines are basically “the only ones covered in mud will be us heroes!” followed by “please give us some time to get rid of the mud”, with that second line basically being the single funniest thing I’ve ever read rdslkjl. Ochako thank you so much for supporting my running gags. “YEAH WE KNOW HE’S DIRTY. WE ARE GONNA TRY AND CLEAN HIM UP, BUT IT MAY TAKE A WHILE, I’M JUST SAYING. I MEAN LOOK AT HIM. HE LOOKS LIKE AN ASBESTOS COSPLAY.”)
doesn’t the megaphone kind of look ever so slightly like an axe that she’s wielding maniacally here
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easy there Lizzie Borden
also that’s a really bold claim to make there. and not one she necessarily should have to make, either. but as we all know, there’s nothing that shounen manga likes more than having its heroes bravely hoist heavy burdens of responsibility like good self-sacrificing citizens
p.s. lowkey loving how Kacchan is positioned here standing slightly behind Deku. not presuming to stand in front of him all overprotectively (because he would hate if anyone ever did that to him), and kind of being unobtrusive and letting others take center stage -- but still being close enough to Deku that he can catch him if he stumbles or passes out again
(ETA: or maybe not lmao.
DEKU: [falls to his knees]
KACCHAN: [glancing up from his phone a few minutes later] “someone just sent me the stupidest meme about milk crates -- oh. uh. you good...?”
really, son. “the burdens you can’t carry, we’ll carry them for you. ...later, I mean. right now it’s late, and we’re all cold and wet.”)
also lowkey loving this OchaTsu moment here
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I was going back and binging Ochako chapters this past week for reasons, and I gotta say it really stuck out to me just how often these two are paired with each other. they do everything together. it’s a really sweet friendship that often goes unappreciated but it’s very cute
meanwhile, not to be outdone by the OchaTsu, Iida is staring at Ochako with open admiration talking about how she’s fighting too. it’s been so long since we’ve had any IidaRaka you guys. I was starving and I didn’t even know it
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THE LIGHT IS BACK. he finally looks like him again. what a cathartic fucking moment omg
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BUT, jokes aside, truth be told this is the exact right approach to take imo, and something that’s long overdue. I’ve said this before, but this new generation of heroes is shaping up to be much more transparent than the All Might generation. they’re basically abandoning the almighty, untouchable Superman “heroes as gods” concept in favor of the more nuanced “heroes as people” concept instead. and that’s a good thing. seeing their heroes as humans, with human limitations and weaknesses and flaws, will hopefully not only lead to more scrutiny and accountability, but also more awareness of how hard some of them are working and how much they’re sacrificing. that’s something All Might never quite grasped back at the start of the series -- that the weak, vulnerable, injured him could be just as inspiring as the mighty, invincible him -- perhaps even more so. there’s a power in seeing otherwise ordinary people show extraordinary bravery and compassion. it inspires others to try and do the same
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so he was still back at the hospital this whole time?? smdh at this disrespect. that feeling when your sexy self-insert character’s powers of rationality are too strong, and so you have to nerf him so that he doesn’t ruin your Deku Angst arc twice over by (1) immediately talking some sense into Deku and making him come home Right This Instant Young Man, and (2) not allowing him to leave U.A. in the first fucking place. excuse me, you want to do WHAT now, Midoriya?? that’s it, go to your room
also living for Katsuki and Hawks’s soft expressions. Shouto’s too, although his is tinier and harder to see. and Jeanist’s 12-foot-long neck. imagine Jeanist’s head with Mic’s hair. maybe Jeanist had a mohawk back in the day and that’s why U.A.’s doors are so big now
speaking of soft faces, Enji’s is also excellent
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what could this random close-up possibly imply?? hell if I know. but Horikoshi truly fears no discourse and that’s what I love about him
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“smh my child is so dumb.” poor Ochadad. your child is cute af count your blessings
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I’m telling you guys. lethally, catastrophically cute
this speech is still ongoing lol. Horikoshi you’re doing so good but I think we get the point now my dude. you gotta learn how to transition out of these things
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“there we go” Horikoshi says, crossing off the last line on his list of Ochako ships. “that’s all of ‘em”
poor Ochako is just repeating the same “LET HIM REST, PLEASE, WITH EVERYONE’S COOPERATION, IF YOU DON’T MIND, WE APPRECIATE IT” talking points over and over again hoping someone will throw her a bone and acknowledge her already. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP HER
literally they’re all just staring up at her silently omg. work with me people!!
now she’s saying it for the 56th time but more dramatically all of a sudden
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they got so dramatic that for a minute I thought she had suddenly leaped off the building or something
look, not to rush you or anything Horikoshi, but I’m starting to get the feeling that this is yet another one of those “the volume is ending soon so I need to either hurry things up or slow things down in order to make sure we end it on my perfect cliffhanger ending” chapters where you go to ridiculous lengths to drag things out much to the exasperation of your week-to-week readers
(ETA: ftr, volume 31 ended on chapter 306, and I’m predicting that vol. 32 will end with chapter 316 (a.k.a. “you’re next!” [explodes]). I’m guessing vol. 33 will follow suit and likely end on chapter 326, so keep your eyes peeled for a big cliffhanger in two weeks’ time. Deku’s dad?? All Might in peril?? U.A. traitor at long fucking last?? we shall see.)
is Deku straight up falling in love with Ochako right on the spot lol what is happening
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I know I just said that I enjoy when Horikoshi gives zero fucks about discourse, but shipping discourse is a whole different beast lol. I hope he’s prepared
(ETA: and for the record, I have no interest in shipping discourse either, as always. and I think this scene can be interpreted as platonic, tbh, with the context being that Ochako was literally introduced as someone who was willing to help him so casually without a second thought, and now here she is saving him again.
I don’t think it really fully hit Deku until this moment how much he needed saving. like I said in another meta somewhere, selflessness is basically just selfishness on behalf of others. and Deku is selfless to a fault, but that’s okay, and it doesn’t mean he needs to change -- he just needs friends who are willing to be be selfish on his behalf in turn. and I think the full emotion of what it means to have friends like that just hit him at last. everything his friends have done for him, how much he needed it and didn’t even realize, and how grateful he is. anyways what a terrible day for rain.)
-- son of a --
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is he apologizing?? or pleading?? please tell me that’s not the case, because what the actual fuck. Deku you beautiful precious radiant selfless child, this is the exact opposite of how this should be. all these motherfuckers should be on their knees apologizing to you
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A KOUTA IS GOOD TOO!!! oh my god if Kouta hugs him I will seriously 100% straight up cry. go on and test me
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is this man expressly forbidden from drawing hugs in his contract or something. DO YOU DO IT JUST TO SPITE ME?? this is tyranny, sir
AND I KNOW, THIS PAGE ACTUALLY CHALLENGED THE VERY PREMISE OF THE SERIES ITSELF, AND HERE I AM COMPLAINING ABOUT HUGS, OR THE LACK THEREOF. “this is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes.” and just like that, he waves a polite middle finger at all of the Strongest Greatest Chosen One shounen protags of old, in favor of something much less conventional, much more interesting, and much more suited to Deku’s character. because if that one sentence doesn’t just sum up Deku to a T. he gladly relinquishes his Greatest Hero status in favor of acknowledging the hero in everyone. what a class act. that’s my protagonist
I love this kid so fucking much I swear. only just PLEASE. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. GIVE HIM HIS HUG
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rynnaaurelius · 3 years
Titan’s Curse But Make It Time Loop: Nico di Angelo Edition
-Okay so I’m at work and not doing much and who wants to actually edit your shit drafts for your actual WIPs so that they’re less bad? No one, that’s who
-So I had an idea: The Titan’s Curse. Also known as the book where people start to die. It sucks to be a demigod in this book--for the first time in the original series, it really does.
-Not everything is fixed, not everyone is saved, and people start to have to make really tough decisions.
-So we fix it. Not by throwing Percy, or Annabeth, or Thalia, or, hell, even Bianca or Grover into the mix.
-Throwing the marginally more grown-up, more trained, and more knowledgeable demigods into the fire, who’d get everyone alive and safe by the third time ‘round? Nah.
-We’re making Nico fix this.
-Because here’s the thing about Nico di Angelo: Sure, he grows up to become a major badass, the Ghost King, so on and so forth. But not yet.
-For now, Nico is baby, a ten-year-old whose experience with any kind of fighting consists of one (1) Capture The Flag game and who’s still half-reliant on Mythomagic to explain what the fuck is happening.
-He’s also got the worst knowledge makeup possible! He knows he’s a son of Hades, which is bad, he knows to stick monsters with the pointy end of swords but nothing else, he knows that Percy Jackson and Thalia Grace are Very Big Deals (But also doesn’t know why beyond parents), and he’s, at best, vaguely aware that there’s some kind of bad prophecy hanging around.
-Also by the end of the book, he’s just been told his last immediate family who isn’t Hades is dead in one of the worst ways possible, and he--pretty irrationally IMO, but Nico’s a kid who has been through a lot recently, so we’re not holding that against him--blames Percy Jackson.
-Literally, you probably can’t pick an angstier or worse choice to run through the time travel trope. I love it.
-We’re making this kid save Bianca’s life via time loop, which happens due to. . .hmm, we’ll say the Fates did it.
-So, Loop 0 = Canon, only at the end of the day on December 21st, after the conversation with Percy, Nico falls asleep only gods know where only to wake up the day he meets Percy Jackson:
Loop 1:
-Nico doesn’t actually change anything meaningful at first.
-Spends most of it shellshocked and not unconvinced the last week (For him, anyway) wasn’t a horrible nightmare; shellshocked and staring at Percy Jackson, anyway.
-(Percy’s wondering what’s up with the silent kid his sister had talked up as a cheerful chatterbox)
-It’s only when Bianca agrees to join the quest for Artemis that he starts kicking up a fuss; demanding to go, screaming that she can’t leave him even more, not again.
-(Bianca hesitates; briefly, enough to remind Nico that she loves him. But she’s not their mother, and she needs this)
-Bianca still dies. Percy comes back pale and guilty. Nico doesn’t yell at him when he returns--he already knows. He accepts the Hades figurine so that he can throw it into the lake.
-He slinks off back into Cabin Eleven and falls asleep, hoping desperately that he gets a third chance.
Loop 2:
-He does.
Loop 3:
-After a very painful death at the hands of Dr. Thorn, Nico, generally being a straightforward person at this stage of life, takes the obvious path this time around: He tries to tell Bianca--who brushes it off as a dream.
-Annabeth still goes over the cliff when Nico takes the initiative of attaching himself and his sister to Percy Jackson and Thalia Grace at the dance. He tries to tell Percy and Thalia when Bianca still joins the Hunt, promising Nico that whatever he saw, she’ll be extra careful.
-(Bianca’s fearful of what Nico's saying, and thinks that if these sworn sisters can’t keep her safe, who can?)
-Artemis gives Nico a speculative look but agrees when he begs her to protect Bianca at all costs.
-He doesn’t get on the quest. Being a reasonable demigod of questionable parentage, he sneaks out of camp.
-He gets caught, because despite being aware of his awesome new powers, he doesn’t know how to use them, and is still a ten-year-old who can barely hold a sword the right way.
-He gives Percy the puppy dog eyes and shows off said awesome new powers. Percy forces him back.
-Nico follows him.
-Repeat until Percy dies saving Nico from the Nemean Lion in Washington, DC.
-Nico can’t find it in himself to be terribly sad--especially when he doesn’t make it much longer.
Loop 4:
-He’s really stuck like this, huh?
-Oh, Di Immortales.
-(Before Percy gets his chest ripped to shreds by a lion and Nico meets skeleton cats, he learned how to hold a sword properly and curse fluently in Greek. Percy probably only meant to teach him one of those things)
-In unrelated news: Having a big crush on a guy who thinks he’s only known you for a couple hours? Terrible.
-Trying to hate the guy who let your sister die when he’s that stupid and nice? Even worse.
-That stupid lion.
Loop 5, 6, 7, 8, 9:
-Nico repeats: That stupid lion.
-Somewhere in Loop 7 he starts to steal supplies out of the camp store when he follows Percy following the quest.
-They forcefeed the lion enough trail mix and frozen ice cream in Loop 9 that they don’t die this time.
-At least until someone called the General shows up and Nico’s dead before he can raise his sword.
Loop 10:
-Nico wakes up in his and Bianca’s room in Westover and starts crying. Bianca tells the headmaster they’re both sick and Nico lets her hold him all day.
-They fall asleep and Nico swears he won’t let her die again.
Loop 11, 12, 13:
-He wakes up and he still can’t get out of bed without feeling that blade cutting between his ribs, burning like it’s on fire.
-Gods, he’s so sorry, Bianca. Dispiace tanto.
Loop 14:
-He can get up without feeling like he’s about to die again. Bianca fusses but assumes it was just a bad dream.
-Nico is caught stealing and can’t follow Percy until it’s too late.
-Everyone assumes this means he’s a son of Hermes, however, and Nico can’t correct them without opening his mouth and letting the sobbing laughter out.
-Figuring he’s about to get another chance next round anyway, he takes Travis and Connor Stoll up on their offer to learn a thing or two so that he doesn’t get Cabin Eleven slapped with kitchen duty from now until Doomsday.
-He likes the Stolls. He spent most of the time, pre-looping, actively avoiding everyone at camp as he waited for Bianca and Percy to come back, but they’re not that bad.
-Percy comes back with the figurine and no sister and Nico remembers why he’s stuck.
Loop 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23:
-After Loop 12 and being killed in Washington DC again, Nico realizes: He needs to learn how to fight.
-Unless he gets killed early or refuses to leave Westover, the loop resets after seven days. So, he has seven days to train each time.
-He gets to camp, finds the arena, and meets Clarisse La Rue. He demands she teach him how to kill monsters.
-She laughs, and tells him that attitude in his size will make monsters easy to kill, they’ll laugh so hard.
-Clarisse teaches him how to swing a sword each time--but only after mocking his unamused face.
-Somehow, Percy coming back with news of Bianca’s death only hurts more each time.
Loop 24:
-Nico wakes up before Bianca this time. He looks over at her bed and knows. He’s got to try this time.
-It’s disturbingly easy making friends with Percy Jackson after the last loops.
-Bessie’s new. Cute, but new.
-Nico wonders just how much he’s missed in the past--he thinks of Annabeth Chase, and hopes she hasn’t been dying each time.
-Percy doesn’t even argue when Nico shows up in the stables with a bag slung over his shoulder, and the sword he’s been stealing out of the shed strapped to his hip.
-Nico suggests the ice cream--again--to Percy in DC before
-Nico might be getting the hang of this.
Loop 25:
-Nico is not getting the hang of this.
-Zoë Nightshade’s refusal to accept Percy and Nico on the quest--violating a prophecy, and gods, Nico’s curious if that prophecy ever mentioned this--has so far gotten them attacked and killed by spartoi once.
-And again. As Nico bleeds out on the floor, he watches a panicked blond man--a demigod--plead for mercy.
-Isn’t he on the other side?
Loop 26:
-His name is Luke Castellan and he apparently wants the gods dead.
-Nico can relate at this point.
-The General is Atlas, and Nico knows enough about Greek mythology, real and wrong, at this point to know that is bad.
Loop 27:
-Twenty-six tries, but they finally make it out of DC. Threatening the questers with Atlas killing them all is more than enough.
-For the first time, Nico doesn’t know what happens next. He glues himself to Bianca’s side and glares at anything suspicious.
-With help that Percy refuses to name, even when Nico tries his hardest, they go to New Mexico.
-There’s a boar and it’s so close, they make it to what the others are calling “the junkyard of the gods”.
-Nico sees the Hades figurine on the ground.
-Bianca grins in delight and picks it up, calling for him.
-He can’t help it.
-Nico starts screaming.
Loop 28:
-His sister’s murderer was never Percy Jackson.
-His sister’s murderer was a force of mechanics that makes Nico fully understand, for the first time, what the gods are, beyond stats on a card.
-Nico is going to destroy him.
Loop 29:
-She dies.
Loop 30:
Loop 31:
-Loop 32, 33, 34, 3536373839FortyFo r t y O n  e--:
-Again. Again. Again. Again again againagainagainagainAGAIN--
Loop 42:
-Nico gets out of bed. He finds Percy Jackson at the dance, hugs him, and tells him he’s sorry.
-Nico walks outside and waits for Dr. Thorn in the snow. He can feel the shadows curling at the edge of the wood like a sixth sense, now. Waiting for him to summon the restless dead out of them.
-So many attempts to save his sister, ranging from sacrificing himself to sacrificing Percy--not that Percy needs the push, Nico has found--to any and all members of the quest.
-She dies. Always, always dies. Whatever Nico does, that junkyard is full of the death of Bianca di Angelo.
-He tried avoiding it. Once. Loop 33. Nico threw such a fit he’s surprised he wasn’t sent back to Camp Half-Blood by the Hunters, but it kept them out of the junkyard.
-He tries not to remember how little was left of his sister’s body by the monsters that time.
-Son of Hades. After all this time, Nico’s beginning to wonder if this is what it means. Death and death and death.
-Dr. Thorn walks outside, and Nico can feel a ghoulish grin crossing his face that has no place on a ten-year-old.
-One of them is going to die, this loop. And Nico will not go to New Mexico.
Loop 43:
-Nico wonders if there was a past life of his he needs to remember. Who could he have made this angry?
-He lies to Bianca and they stay in Westover again this time. Better than death, anyway.
Loop 44:
-Nico tries a different tack this time. A more roundabout way of things.
-He takes Bianca and throws the two of them in the way of the battle with the manticore.
-After all this time, he still doesn’t know much about Annabeth Chase. She gets kidnapped and returned safely to Percy every time, to the best of his knowledge.
-Nico dies holding up the sky, but at least Bianca lives, under the protection of Artemis.
Loop 45:
-Nico looks in the mirror and studies the new grey streak with fascination. And, maybe, some hope.
-Things can change.
Loop 46, 47, 48, 49, 50:
-Nico gets kidnapped a few times. Once, he’s killed in a rage by a Titan with horns, but it’s quick. Mostly, he holds up the sky to get Artemis out.
-She looks at him strangely each time and Nico wonders if she can see what he’s done.
Loop 51:
-They figure out he’s a son of Hades. They offer him Olympus. Olympus and Bessie--the Ophiotaurus, rather.
-Nico says no.
Loop 52:
-Nico says yes.
Loop 53:
-Being on the verge of overthrowing the gods and keeping everyone he’s grown to care for--in the case of several Hunters, against his will; in Percy Jackson’s case, Nico loves him as much as he hates him at this point--doesn’t do much, apparently.
-Nico stays in Westover again. He resists the urge to tell Bianca that would-be destroyers of Olympus don’t need to brush their hair, whatever she says.
Loop 54:
-Nico goes over the edge of the cliff again, but with Percy Jackson.
-This isn’t the first time; in Loop 46, Percy had taken the sky for both the sake of Artemis and Nico until it killed him.
-What’s different, is Nico’s in the middle of what’s become the usual panic attack when he’s about to die for the hundredth time, and his powers react.
-Percy holds him close and calls him cousin. Tells him he’ll never leave Nico.
-You have no idea, Nico whispers. You can’t leave me.
-You think I want to? Percy whispers back. You’re not alone, Nico.
-Nico’s sobbing sounds like laughter.
Loop 55:
-Nico tells Percy the truth for the third time. This is the first time he hasn’t told Bianca first.
-They’ve just found the Erymanthian Boar, Thalia’s told Nico his goth needs work--whatever that means--and Nico’s bracing himself for the junkyard again.
-Getting kidnapped by the Titans really gets old after a while.
-He still has the grey streak, and no number of excuses will fully soothe his sister, but the Hunt’s a good distraction from it.
-Nico doesn’t blame Bianca anymore for it. He thinks.
-Nearly a year into this loop and Nico’s finding it hard to blame anyone for much of anything, anymore. Especially when he sees what she’s faced. Again. And again.
-For now, this time, Percy Jackson is staring at Nico with wide eyes at what Nico’s told him--through these loops, Nico’s starting to wonder if he now knows more about Percy than Percy’s own best friends--and says he believes him.
-Once, Nico would’ve exploded from joy. Now, he just sighs and nods.
-Percy tells him how to condense the conversation for the next loop. He advises Nico to research Talos, “like Annabeth would.”
-He advises Nico to warn Percy’s next loop self about Annabeth’s kidnapping. Nico wonders if he’s gone insane that he’s considering it.
-Bianca dies.
Loop 56:
-Nico makes the executive decision this time to try and befriend Annabeth Chase. As such, he takes Percy’s advice.
Loop 57:
-It takes him two tries to befriend Annabeth Chase and learn about Talos.
Loop 58:
-Three times.
-But the nail. The nail in the ankle of Talos.
Loop 59:
-He hangs back at camp again this time and meets Charles Beckendorf, head of Cabin Nine, and son of Hephaestus.
-Nico figures that short of finding the god himself and committing temporary suicide--not that it hasn’t crossed Nico’s mind--his son will have to do.
-(He’s tried his hand at summoning ghosts, but Daedalus refuses to show, for some reason)
-Beckendorf frowns and tells Nico he would have to see Talos himself.
-Nico hadn’t realized just how much cursing he had picked up off of Percy and Thalia until that moment.
Loop 60:
-Nico knows what the prophecy says. One shall be lost in the land without rain.
-He knows it’s why he’s been failing so much.
-The trouble is, he no longer cares.
Loop 61:
-It took him a try, but he gets Beckendorf on the quest, prepared to defeat the Talos prototype.
Loop 62:
-Strike that, two tries.
-Nico really hates the Nemean Lion.
Loop 63, 64:
-Nico has solved half a problem: How to defeat Talos without putting someone inside the robot.
-The other half of the problem is now that they are all electrocuted by a dying automaton for their efforts.
Loop 65:
-Beckendorf’s crush--girlfriend? crush, they’re both insisting--Silena Beauregard comes along this time. Nico won’t complain over the extra manpower, even if he’s positive that eight campers and Hunters are patent overkill for one quest.
-Silena pulls Bianca out of the wreckage. Nico’s heart stops.
-Silena’s crying when she mentions that if they had been a bit earlier, she could have been revived.
-Nico wonders if Thalia’s going to stab him as he starts whooping. And takes notes about where Talos falls.
Loop 66:
-Nico swears, if Percy Jackson tries to sacrifice himself for Annabeth Chase one more time--
Loop 67:
-I found you, he sobs. I found you.
-Gods damn the Hoover Dam.
Loop 68:
-And again.
-Despite having the distinct inkling at this point that he doesn’t much like like girls, Nico could kiss Silena Beauregard and Thalia Grace when they manage to revive his sister each time.
-She’s shaky and leaning on him and was dead, he could see her soul floating away--
-But she’s there.
-Nico refuses to let his sister out of the sight at the Hoover Dam and Percy befriends the Naiads this time.
-At least, until the Titans--who Nico made the very big mistake of taunting at DC--sends monsters he can’t control.
Loop 69, 70, 71, 72, 73:
-They keep dying in various combinations at the Hoover Dam now that Nico’s figured out how to save Bianca.
-At least, until he gets separated from Percy in Loop 73 and he meets a redheaded girl with a penchant for calling Nico pint-size.
-Athena dislikes Percy, Nico, Bianca, and Thalia in equal measure. Having learned of the Great Prophecy in Loop 16 and Percy’s mooning over Annabeth in. . .well, every loop, Nico can’t quite blame her.
Loop 74:
-Her name is Rachel Elizabeth Dare and Nico likes her. She takes none of their shit and if it weren’t for the fact that they already have eight people on the quest, he’d want to take her along.
-Bianca gets in a fight with the Old Man of the Sea. Thalia electrocutes him when he throws Bianca in the bay.
Loop 75:
-Nico wakes up in Westover with the distinct feeling that he was drowned on dry land.
-He stays in bed shivering, that day.
Loop 76:
-Atlas is the father of Zoë Nightshade. Nico learned this around Loop 50. He had realized around five loops ago that this probably meant she was going to die “by a parent’s hand.”
-He hadn’t realized that it was going to hurt to watch.
Loop 77, 78, 79, 80, 81:
-Now that he’s figured things out to about San Francisco, it seems the world is out to get him. The number of fights or mistakes that he either makes himself or has to head off are ridiculous.
Loop 82:
-Nico is so very tired. And wishes he felt ten years old again.
Loop 83:
-If Thalia gets in one more fight with Nereus, Nico's going to walk into the sea.
Loop 84:
-He wanders off, in this one. Grover had been killed in Hoover Dam, so Nico’s waiting for the reset at this point.
-In the meantime, Nico figures there are worse things to do than enjoy a good afternoon in San Francisco. He even meets a boy in a purple shirt.
-His name is Jason and he has hair like the sun.
-If he ever fixes this, Nico wants to find him.
Loop 85:
-Nico’s not fast enough in the junkyard.
-In San Francisco, he tries to find the ugliest, biggest trouble he can find.
-He finds a pair of teenagers in armor who yell Latin at him instead.
Loop 86:
-There’s a dragon that will attack them in the Garden of the Hesperides if they make it angry enough and Nico is so tired.
Loop 87:
- Zoë Nightshade is dead. They’ve won.
-Funny definition of “win”, considering they’ve all almost died this loop about a dozen times each, and Nico can’t explain why he’s crying on the body of a Hunter he only met a week ago, in their eyes.
-She hates him, some loops. More loops, she looks at him with ghosts of old grief in her eyes and hands him a knife.
-The gods execute Bessie, and then, Nico watches as his father turns to him and Bianca with sorrowful eyes.
-Nico should’ve figured, after almost ninety loops.
Loop 88:
-Luke offers one of them the entrails of Bessie again.
-Nico takes them.
Loop 89:
-For all the good it does. Nico wakes up as he does every time now: Powerless, in bed, and with only a grey streak to show for his efforts.
Loop 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98:
-Nico doesn’t know how to save Zoë Nightshade. Bianca, he could trick and fight his way into it. Beckendorf and Silena and Percy and a loophole in lost could save his sister.
-Her, she just. . .dies. Sometimes in DC, sometimes in San Francisco, sometimes on the hills of Mt. Tamalpais. Always at the hands of Atlas.
-Always, being murdered by her father.
-It’s not as gutting as watching his sister die, but it aches more in his chest, somehow.
Loop 99:
-He sticks close to Zoë this time. Same as he’s done with Percy, Annabeth, his sister, Thalia, and Grover, time and time again. But not her, Nico is realizing. Not the clinging he’s achieving now.
-Hoping for. . .something.
-He knows better than to tell the immortal Lieutenant of Artemis the whole truth. The loneliness is enough.
-She’s less frosty to him from the start than to, say, Grover or Percy, after Annabeth goes over the cliff again. When he shows up in DC, she’s much less angry than he’s seen her.
-Along the way to New Mexico and then San Francisco, he listens. He’s grown better at it, this far in. When the others are asleep, when Bianca is being fussed over after Talos, when everyone but them is asleep by the fire, he listens.
-And she tells him about her sisters. About her father, when the world was young and Atlas had looked on every daughter of his with pride. She tells him, pride glistening in her eyes, of the battles she has seen, the hunts she has overseen at the command of a goddess, the monsters she has killed, and the epithets she has been given.
-He doesn’t ask anything of her. Not until they’re in the house of Annabeth’s father, drinking lemonade the night before the battle, and Nico knows she is about to die again.
-What do you want, he asks. You’ve done everything. What’s left?
-She stopped, ice seems to creep over her again, and Nico wondered if he’d hit some sore spot.
-He’s opened his mouth to make his apologies when she answers, so quiet and quick he thinks he’s imagined it.
-To be remembered. When my lady has taken another lieutenant, as she must, and I have gone to where all gods go when they die, I wish for my memory to remain. And. . .
-Nico waits, and ignores the sudden, terrifying thought that he no longer knows what he wants.
-I wish to see the stars again. I was born a nymph of the sunset; starlight is precious to me. I want to see it again.
-Nico dies to preserve the memory of Zoë Nightshade.
-Nico di Angelo wakes up in Westover Hall. He hopes for the last time.
-He does everything right: Annabeth goes over the cliff, his sister joins the Hunt, Percy is soon his friend, and he convinces Silena and Beckendorf to join the quest.
-The Nemean Lion never stands a chance, and Nico is glad to be rid of it.
-His sister lives.
-Nico watches Percy watch Rachel Elizabeth Dare go, looking like he’s just taken a frying pan to the face, and fights the urge to snicker.
-Thalia doesn’t start a fight with Nereus, but Percy certainly does. Nico could’ve sworn he saw the boy with sun-hair again, watching with curiosity.
- Zoë Nightshade dies in the arms of Artemis and is made into the stars she loves so dearly. Nico promises her soul that he will remember.
-For, he has found, the dead have a tendency of remembering things they shouldn’t.
-Annabeth and Percy now have grey streaks to match Nico’s, and Nico can’t wait to spend the rest of his life trying to explain that.
-It’s closer than he would like, but much less close than other lives with Olympus. The Ophiotaurus is alive and safe, and they are all alive.
-As Nico walks out of the council, he looks off to the side. By the fire is the familiar girl with red eyes--the Lady Hestia, looking much closer to Nico’s age than that of the Olympian she is.
-Besides her are three old ladies. Nico’s heard about them from Percy, in Loops 26, 53, 61, and 62.
-One lady holds a ball of string that is the color of a warm umber. The other is knitting what looked suspicious like socks. The last. . .
-Scissors, in one hand. Just as expected. Nico swallowed.
-In the other, was a knot of burnt string, tied to the socks. Behind her, Nico could see discarded string of all colors: an electric blue, a stormy grey, a black that seems to glisten with the promise of a storm, string the soft, hopeful pink of love, yarn run through with bright copper.
-Glowing threads that Nico could only describe as the color of starlight.
-As he walked out, firmly between Percy Jackson and Thalia Grace, the Hunt of Artemis behind him, Nico hears one last promise:
It is done, Nico di Angelo.
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leportraitducadavre · 3 years
Can we talk how trauma (Sakumo's suicide and war) gave a 6-year-old Kakashi the mental maturity of a teen (like, 14 years old, talking in a sense of daily life) and at the same time it was trauma (team Minato's and Kushina's death) what made him keep that mental age even at 31?
I don't know, I feel the shinobi system didn't let Kakashi grow further by sending him to the ANBU, making him unable to cope with trauma for him not to realize he was being thrown shit. For him to not, like any Uchiha less Itachi did realize, had right to be angry and say "fuck the system".
I sort of agree while at the same time I do not. I don’t think it is fair to merely blame everything wrong in Kakashi on trauma alone, sure, he was traumatized (how could he not be) but in the manga, there’s not much of that at display -the scene where he cries while doing the dishes is exclusively from the anime, I believe-. Kishimoto has never been shy when it comes to showing how much trauma affects characters’ decisions -particularly, and most of all, Sasuke-, and yet, Kakashi is not particularly driven by them. His personality when an adult, is more of a way to pay tribute to Obito, a kid who he started to admire minutes before his death because he -unlike most of Konoha-, considered Sakumo a hero.
We can’t know for sure if the position in which he upheld Obito was because Kakashi actually saw the light and therefore honestly started to believe in what Obito thought, or because he was desperate to give Sakumo some redemption -and grasped whatever positive light someone was willing to give to his father-. The answer to that is up to each reader. But when it comes to Kakashi’s “quirks” -his personality traits, which are the reason the fandom loves him for, I’m almost a hundred percent sure they are some self-taught mannerisms he picked up by observing Obito; he quite literally is mimicking him from his perspective (he’s copying how Kakashi think Obito was). 
I’m not even sure we ever saw the real Kakashi, sure, his grieving six-year-old self is actually his truthful way of coping mechanism, but he was too young back then for that behavior to be considered the actual personality of Kakashi. Furthermore, I’m not even sure Kakashi actually knows his true self. He, quite literally, lives as Obito -perhaps because he considers that Kakashi doesn’t deserve to live, while Obito does.
He believes that saving your comrades goes above any mission -but does he really, or he’s merely projecting Obito’s beliefs (and therefore, redeeming his father’s when no one else would), he cared for Rin -but did he, actually? Or did he try to protect her because it was a promise he made to Obito, who actually did care about her? He claimed to care for team 7 but went out of his way to properly teach Sasuke (who not only was a prodigy, but also an Uchiha -like Obito), even despite Naruto being his sensei’s child.
Perhaps it wasn’t the entire Team Minato he actually cared about, but only Obito -and that just because Obito validated Sakumo, something that hadn’t happened before. 
In which case, we can infer that, hypothetically, Kakashi’s driven force is -and always has been, Sakumo (and his suicide), which catalyzes in his sudden admiration for Obito (who was the first one who endorsed his father’s actions -the very same for which the entirety of Konoha considered him a pariah), and later on blind trust into Naruto (who, like Obito, proclaimed to care more for his comrades than the mission).
Sure, the shinobi system gave him no mental support, nor when his father killed himself, not when Obito died and not when he killed Rin, and in each and every one of those instances, we can turn around and literally point out the adult responsible for it: Minato, his Jönin captain. And yes, Minato was part of a system, a mere pawn, and yet, when you want to look for people to blame for the abandonment of a six or thirteen-year-old Kakashi, he’s no less responsible than Hiruzen, furthermore, since he was in direct contact with the child -being none other than his sensei, he’s far more guilty.
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girlactionfigure · 3 years
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There is a popular quote that circulates every once in a while that reads “One person can make a difference and everyone should try.”
This individual holds a special place in my heart and also the hearts of many long-time Peace Page followers, who found this page after reading a simple story which mentioned her and which became one of the most popular posts on the Peace Page. Her name is Harriet Glickman, she is the teacher who decided to write a letter to Charles Schulz and ask him if he could create a black character on his Peanuts comic strip - that character would become Franklin, one of the first black characters in a popular comic strip. Harriet Glickman passed away Friday morning, March 27, 2020, at her home in Sherman Oaks. She was 93. Her passing was reported by a Peanuts-based website, which quoted a personal friend who said, her passing was "peaceful, in her sleep" and that the former schoolteacher had been "well prepared for this." They say representation matters, and Franklin, even though he was a fictional character, was noticed by many who did not feel they were being represented enough during those days. The original Peace Page post started: "On July 31, 1968, a young, black man was reading the newspaper when he saw something that he had never seen before. With tears in his eyes, he started running and screaming throughout the house, calling for his mom. He would show his mom, and, she would gasp, seeing something she thought she would never see in her lifetime. Throughout the nation, there were similar reactions. "What they saw was Franklin Armstrong's first appearance on the iconic comic strip "Peanuts." Although Charles Schulz deserves the accolades and credit for having the courage to create Franklin and standing by him when he started receiving racist demands to remove him, it was all started by a school teacher who decided to write a simple letter. "Harriet has a very interesting place in history," according to The LAist. "In 1968, she wrote to 'Peanuts' creator Charles Schulz asking him to do something remarkable at the time: integrate his famous comic strip." "Harriet Glickman was a white, 42-year-old suburban Los Angeles school teacher and mother raising three children when Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968," according to the Press Telegram. According to NPR, she wrote, “Since the death of Martin Luther King, 'I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help change those conditions in our society which led to the assassination and which contribute to the vast sea of misunderstanding, hate, fear and violence.'” Glickman decided to write a letter to Schulz, not knowing whether he would actually read it or even whether he would receive the letter. Glickman was especially aware of the power of comics among the young. “And my feeling at the time was that I realized that black kids and white kids never saw themselves [depicted] together in the classroom,” she said in the Washington Post. She hoped this would bring the country together and show people of color that they are not excluded from American society. At the time, Schulz, the creator of the enormously popular “Peanuts” comic strip, was already being "published in hundreds of newspapers around the United States reaching nearly 100 million readers," according to the Press Telegram. Surprisingly, Schulz did respond, but wasn't sure whether it would be right, coming from him, he didn't want to make matters worse, he felt that it may sound condescending to people of color. Glickman persisted, however, continuing her correspondence with Schulz, even having black friends write to Schulz and explain to him what it would mean to them. She told Schulz that "the gentleness of the [Peanuts would be] 'the perfect setting' for such representation," according to CBR. “I am well aware of the very long and tortuous road ahead,” she added. “I’m sure one doesn’t make radical changes in so important an institution without a lot of shock waves from syndicates, clients, etc. You have, however, a stature and reputation which can withstand a great deal.” This conversation would continue until one day, Schulz told Glickman to check her newspaper on July 31, 1968. On that date, the cartoon, as created by Schulz, shows Charlie Brown meeting a new character, named Franklin. Other than his color, Franklin was just an ordinary kid who befriends and helps Charlie Brown. In a speech at American University of Health Sciences in Signal Hill, California in 2018, talking to a group of children and adults, Glickman said, the 1960s in the United States was “a time long before any of you were born, a time when not everyone was understanding of other people, when young African Americans couldn’t go to the same beach as white children and when schools were separate.” According to the Press Telegram, the Rev. Gregory Johnson, co-founder of American University of Health Sciences who invited Glickman to the event, said he wanted her to know what a profound effect her action with Schulz had on him. “I appreciate so much what you did in improving relations. I wouldn’t be here without you,” he said. Glickman was born in Sioux City, Iowa, and lived in Chicago before moving to Southern California and a job in the Burbank School District and eventually UCLA before retiring. Glickman explained in previous interviews that her parents were "concerned about others, and the values that they instilled in us about caring for and appreciating everyone of all colors and backgrounds — this is what we knew when we were growing up, that you cared about other people . . . And so, during the years, we were very aware of the issues of racism and civil rights in this country [when] black people had to sit at the back of the bus, black people couldn’t sit in the same seats in the restaurants that you could sit . . . Every day I would see, or read, about black children trying to get into school and seeing crowds of white people standing around spitting at them or yelling at them . . . and the beatings and the dogs and the hosings and the courage of so many people in that time." Glickman, according to The LAist, said someone once commented to her that "‘It took courage [to do what she did, to make a stand].’ I said, ’No it didn’t, it didn’t take courage for me to sit in Sherman Oaks in my comfortable home with my three children and type a letter.'" "Courage," she said, "was little Ruby Bridges, the little girl who integrated a school in the south who had to come with the National Guard with people spitting at her and yelling at her and throwing things at her and the parents who drew their children out. That was courage." Because of Glickman, because of Schulz, people around the world were introduced to a little boy named Franklin, and even today, when Franklin is mentioned, fond memories are evoked, such as those like the young, black man, who with tears in his eyes, started running and screaming throughout the house because he was introduced to Franklin for the first time. Barbara Brandon-Croft, the first African American woman to have a nationally syndicated comic strip in the mainstream press, was 10 years old in 1968, said, “I remember feeling affirmed by seeing Franklin in ‘Peanuts.’ ‘There’s a little black kid! Thank goodness! We do matter.’" When the Peace Page first shared its story about Franklin's birth, one Peace Page reader commented, "I normally don't comment on Facebook but I feel compelled to now. As a black child growing up in the 70's and 80's U grew up in mostly white neighborhoods. One of the most difficult things at that time is my sense of where I belonged in the world. I didn't have anybody in my position i could relate to on TV or in the movies. Then I started reading Peanut cartoons and I met Franklin and I saw myself for once. As a character, Franklin was so important to me I named my third son after him. thank you . . . for helping me find my place." That Peace Page story has now reached 22,498,877 people, receiving 2,091,450 reactions. It has inspired an Upworthy article and has been shared all over the world, including by media companies in Australia and Italy. When the Peace Page contacted the Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa, California, one of the representatives said that Glickman regularly visited the museum and she was fondly called "Franklin's Mom." When she saw that Peace Page post, she commented on the Peace Page, "It's always a joy for me to share the Franklin story. I consider him my fourth child and he is very much loved." In the speech in 2018 at American University of Health Sciences, she told the audience that it still “feels like yesterday [when Franklin was introduced].” She said some things have changed, but others have not. “We still have so many problems on how we see each other,” she said in an article by the Press Telegram. She told the children: “You can make a difference in making the world a better place. When you see something that makes you feel angry or upset, don’t just complain, do something about it. And remember that we all care for each other; we’re all the same loving, caring people.” She then autographed a book introducing Franklin to Charlie Brown, “Nice to Meet You, Franklin!” and urged each youngster “to make a difference.” Thank you, Harriet Glickman, also, for making a difference and making the world a better place. [Photo courtesy of CBR]
The Jon S. Randal Peace Page
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
I did my homework and i did my chores, time to tackle on the third book of this series, Son of Ogre
Chapter 1
Okay but the fuck is Baki planning to do if he stops fighting? That's literally all he has, he's not smart
King just went to have a snack. Also FUCK does that meat look tasty FUCKKK
This baby so cute 🥺
I'm so glad Yuji is doing stupid hilarious shit again it had been a while
Congrats on Baki for that mantis
Chapter 2
Who tf is this kid?
Poor kid lmao, i assume he will meet Baki
Look at my boyyy
Imagine Baki actually kills this kid HSJDYSSHCBT
Third comment with a ton of likes is "we do not condone child violence. We do, however, find it hilarious"
Chapter 3
But i like Baki memeing a round a lil
Chapter 4
🥺🥺 that's so sweet...
Yujiro is such a fucking threat to society lmao
I love seeing Baki with his eyes open, he's looking more like his old self
Oh, shadow boxing incoming, alright
Chapter 5
Yuri? 🥺 /j
Chapter 6
I love how there's our silly little mains after every cover LUV em <33
Baki just dissociating his ass out and using it on his favor, the king
Why is Baki eating sour prunes aren't those meant to be sweet?
We all salivating
Chapter 7
Love to see there are even more swears there now
I can put my face next to my foot too tho
Also i would LOVE to see Yuji fight an Orca
I love how everyone in the comments is calling out Rumina for not seeing issue going down to a dark hidden basement with a shirtless man older than him
Chapter 8
"piggy back me" USHSYFLFUDSY
This fight is going to be good
Chapter 9
Imagine Baki dies right here right know against an imaginary mantis lmao
Okay Baki getting damaged makes sense but the WALL?
Ffs it's true Baki COULD create himself a stand 😰
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
This fight is so boring i had to take a 6 hour break
Baki just can't win against nature eh
This reminds me of Garland pulling a suplex on that Anaconda
Chapter 12
I can't wait for the main cast to ACTUALLY appear, instead of just, you know, them in the covers
This fight is slow but cool but slow
To fight a mantis you must think like a mantis 😎
Though it's true in this manga you will most likely win if you steal your opponent techniques so
Chapter 13
This is so dumb i luv it
That mantis be swearing lmao
Love it when Baki goes full Yujiro
Chapter 14
Holy fuck do mantis fly?
Secret Chapter?
Is this how Yujiro got born?
Idk girl i would have killed him if i was you
I might just be sleepy but this is so confusing
Chapter 15
Why is he like this?
Is "he" with us right now?
...gotta admit that IS true...
I love Strydum sksgwhwg
Yujiro really went XD
I don't think my man Arun in the comments is aware how gay what he said is, though maybe I'm wrong
Chapter 16
I can't believe Bush is dead
8 of January? My god he's a Capricorn
I'm sorry, what?
This explains why Baki was in prison clothes in the anime teaser
Chapter 17
That one mf like 😐
Glad Baki is 18 now at least 😌
Love to see Oliva back
Chapter 18
This page not even bothering to charge the pages anymore
I'm sure there were better ways to go to jail, well, actually, no, but still
Toba used to just chew that off
Baki did that mantis hit you in the head too hard?
I. I watched way too many prison movies and shows. I don't like seeing someone as young and pretty as Baki in such a place. I rlly don't.
Chapter 19
Yanagi baby i miss you...
Mfkhsjsys 😳🥴
Eh got my hopes too high
I hope he swears too i want to see a boludo o pelotudo PLEASE
I mean para pelotudos lo veo a Yujiro todo el tiempo pero igual JSGWKEGWG me pone bien argento ver al Che carajo
Chapter 20
I can't take this omfg new fav I'm sorry Doppo but he just said boludo 😭
Pendejo is more used as pibe here but i will let it pass bc idk the lingo in Cuba and he spent some time there so
Why don't i speak like this too ffs? All i do is say eh and call it a day
He's cocky enough to call anybody any age pibe so I'll let that pass too
Por favor no lo hagas che sksgwj
Chapter 21
Che, pibe, it's a good day to die...
Chapter 22
GSHAGSTSG he should have said "no boludo"
I'm falling in love with this boludo myself
That's talented and brutal
Chapter 23
Hm that's, cringe
Honestly i too get pissed off when called American or European, though i won't throw shit to Baki, he's some random 18 yo japanese boy, no way he would recognize latinoamerican lingo lmao
King shit Baki boy
Chapter 24
Oh that's why he's called Jun Guevara, that's fair
I like how they are mixing a bit of truth and a bit of lie it's fun at least
Chapter 25
I like how they are drawing nipples now, occasionally
I can't wait for Viêt to complain about propaganda in the comments
😳 :Y
He's sooo nice 😍
Chapter 26
Only three? You mean the third is... 👁️👁️
I can't believe he works for the USA I'm crying and shaking rn
What a progressive manga, the three strongest and most dangerous men and none of them are white 😍
Chapter 27
Why is this guy sweating sm?
I like how the only time Baki was willing to kill a person was when he thought Sikorsky had hurt his girl
Chapter 28
I feel like Ian will die
Man i love how Baki is drawn in this book
Ffs i called it, i have watched way too many prison things to know how shit goes down
I have seen these three before in fanart but I'm curious to see what they can do
Chapter 29
Their faces remind me of Doyle
I'm gonna struggle to tell em apart but i think I'll manage
Okay I'm not the only one who thinks they look like Doyle, fair
Chapter 30
The mouth vs Yujiro when?
Someone mentioned the have the same vibe as the dudes that worked with Gaia and like 👁️👁️
Chapter 31
Lmao someone in the comments recommended the same thing
These three must be great at sex (sorry)
KSHALDHDKD NEW FAV COMMENT: "go to Japan and look for the word "defeat". That way you won't feel cocky anymore"
Chapter 32
Hehe hello Junnn~
La luna
Chapter 33
Okay that's funny, hocico instead of mouth (hocico is used for animal mouths)
I'm so glad i know Spanish
The two things that drive me insane and make me ramble are Doppo's beauty and this stupid argentinian
Chapter 34
Imagine he's doing that illusion thing Dorian did
With his own blood, that's so cool...
I did that once when i had a terrible nose bleed, didn't go well
Chapter 35
This book is fucking boring NGL
"now that you got no more urine left in you"
Chapter 36
HHH he kinda cute...
Oww :(
God piantao is an old word i had never heard it before
AND he took a piss.
Se me cayó un ídolo y yo que le quería dar 😔
Let's see if he lied to Baki about just liking eh /j
Chapter 37
I luv Oliva lol
I too wonder where the fuck Kozue is
Chapter 38
He is jealous of what you two have, it's normal, el Che just rejected his love after all ;/
Oliva is a king
Oh shit Oliva is like 45?! He looked so young
Te fuiste a la mierda, Che, el chabón estaba siendo re bueno con vos
Baki is just dead
Chapter 39
I love how realistic Che's fear is, he's rather smart, though not this time
I didn't realize Che said "what more, it may be a woman!" but to be fair they ARE in jail so
Chapter 40
I'm feeling kinda bad for him ngl
I feel happy for him tho 🥺
Bruh they added one page after the ending of some naked anime girl tf 😐
Chapter 41
These prisoners having fun is kinda sweet
Bitches be complaining about Maria's looks are just jealous 🥰
Chapter 42
Damn she lorge
He loves fighting naked eh
Only valid person is the one saying Oliva deserves better treatment which tbh true
Chapter 43
Fun fact i wear my jacket like El Che too, unless it's too cold
El che with the hair lose is so cute bro,,,
Something something fingering joke
Sikorski could fold a coin too
I bet the bandana will break
Chapter 44
I would have just fallen on top of him, how is he gonna counter that, eh?
Oh that super fun to know!
Oh the good ol dirty technique, i have seen this one before!
Chapter 45
This fight is super cool tho i love these two characters
Chapter 46
They just keep changing the rules i think Itagaki is just flexing at this point
Baki wants his protagonism back
I'm getting pissed off they keep putting semi naked underaged girls at the end of every chapter 😐
Chapter 47
Bruh just realized, the mouth got so hyped as this new cool villain and they died in their first appearance 😭
His damn bandana...
17 notes · View notes
staarshines · 4 years
It’s Not All Roses Chapter 1: astra (HighSchool!AU) || P.D.
| It’s Not All Roses Masterlist |
Warnings: cursing
Word Count: 3.1k
Excerpt: “Meet Rey! She’s in our english class, remember?” You can’t believe it for a minute—Wait, was this Poe’s doing? No, he was walking up the stairs with you… You look around, seeing him walk into the row from the other side. What the hell were the odds?
[A/N]: i haven’t been on here for months but we don’t talk about that❤️ also, the pandemic doesn’t exist here. bonne lecture.
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Your Sour Patch Kids and Sprite, Finn’s Milky Way and Gatorade… You look over the items in your hands once more, hurrying through the crowds of kids masked in orange and white, proudly showing off Amidala-Skywalker High School’s colors; a stark contrast to the crowd bathed in red and black on the other side of the podium.
You mentally curse yourself for even wanting to come to the Homecoming game between Amidala-Skywalker and Geonosis High—dragging Finn along with you on top of that.
If Homecoming was this overhyped, you were going to be pissed.
Lost in thought, you unavoidably manage to run into someone, wincing when you hear the crack of your Sprite can hit the ground and open.
“My bad.”
You look back up to see a cute guy looking back at you with apologetic eyes, grinning, while his wild chocolate-colored curls frame his face.
“No, you’re good. It was my fault for running into you.”
“Nah, that was me. Got a little too focused on the game.” Both of you erupt into awkward laughter, bending down to pick up the snacks now lying on the ground. “I’m Poe, by the way.”
You look up once more, breath hitching in your throat because of how close you are to him—had you moved five inches closer, your lips would be pressed flush up against his. Your cheeks heat up at the thought and you forget how to speak for a few moments, watching him hold back a smirk.
This fucker knew exactly—
“I’m Y/N,” you quickly blurt out, flashing him a quick smile and grabbing the candy and sports drink, noticing another Sprite can that Poe hadn’t picked up. “I think that’s yours.”
“No, that one’s yours.”
“Even if it is mine, I ran into you, so you should have it.”
“Honestly? I was hoping you’d say that. Rey would kill me if I didn’t come back with her Sprite.” You chuckle and nod, standing up and smiling when he motions for you to go up the steps first.
You’re thinking about where you’ve seen him on the way up to your row, realizing that he was the one who pranked a girl—you’re guessing Rey?—in your english class by removing her headphones from her laptop’s jack while she was in the bathroom. Mr. Kenobi nearly fell out of his seat when he heard “WAP” blaring at full volume.
Needless to say, she was not happy.
You slide into the row Finn is sitting in, throwing him his candy and the Gatorade bottle—the latter of which he nearly doesn’t catch, which would’ve resulted in it hitting the brunette next to him.
“Y/N! Meet Rey! She’s in our english class, remember?” You can’t believe it for a minute—Wait, was this Poe’s doing? No, he was walking up the stairs with you… You look around, seeing him walk into the row from the other side.
What the hell were the odds?
You then remember that Finn and Rey are watching you look around like a madman, snapping you back to the situation of introductions and small-talk at hand.
“Right! The girl who—”
“Whose music blared in a dead-silent classroom in the middle of our english class? Yeah, that’s me.” You chuckle slightly, nodding to her and sitting down. Poe’s gaze catches your eye and he quirks an eyebrow, tilting his head.
What are you doing here?
A quick tilt of your head in Finn’s direction, then the game’s direction. Watching the game, apparently.
Raised eyebrows and the hint of a smirk. You following me?
An eyeroll and a bit-back smile. Oh yeah, definitely.
He shrugs with a smile on his face and sits down next to Rey, and you stifle a chuckle when you see her snatch the Sprite and Airheads from him, cracking the can open.
“What, do you two know each other?” It takes you a second to realize Finn’s question is directed at you and Poe.
“I mean kinda, we just ran into each other a while ago. Oh, that’s Poe. Poe, Finn, Finn, Poe.” They exchange warm smiles but nothing more.
“Well, I promise I’m not aiding him in anything,” Rey reads your mind, winking and eliciting a giggle from you. You look over to find him scrolling through his phone, earning a slight frown from you as you resume your normal position and pop a Sour Patch Kid into your mouth, mindlessly watching the game go on. Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you lazily pull it out, checking the notification.
      Instagram Poe Dam(n)eron (@damndameron) has requested to follow you.
        You look over at him once again, finding him now watching the game. Hm, so we’re playing this game? All right. Opening the app, you accept his request and click on his profile, a bit surprised when you see that he’s private—he pegged you as the type of guy to have a public account. Nevertheless, you hit “Follow”, waiting a few moments before refreshing and seeing that he’s accepted, giving you full access to his profile.
You see about four posts and a few story highlights, but nothing out of the ordinary. You click on his most recent post, scrolling past the beach, a hot tub at a cabin, a picture of him and Rey at Pike’s Peak—was she his girlfriend?—and lastly, a picture of someone who you guessed was his mother and him as a baby. He’s standing on her feet in what looks like their living room and you can tell that they’re dancing, a grin frozen on his mom’s face while Poe flashes a toothy smile—his dad must’ve taken the picture. It was dated November 21, posted almost one year ago. Curious, you click on the comments and start reading through them.
kare_kun_ Thinking about all of you.
r.skywalker you'll always be her flyboy, poe.
snapwexley01 she’d be so proud of you, man.
j_pava  Wish she was still here with us. Stay strong, Poe.
The last comment makes it all click into place, and you feel a pang in your heart. He’d lost his mom. How long ago? He was maybe four years old in that picture. You suddenly feel so empathetic that all you want to do is give him a hug—he was a momma’s boy; you could read it right off his face. You keep the date in mind: November 21st.
“Well, we won.” You look up in a daze to see that the clock was 6 seconds away from halftime, the score being 31-9 in Amidala-Skywalker’s favor.
“How do you kick someone’s ass that badly?” you ask with a sort of wince even though you were on the triumphant side, clicking your phone shut.
“Like that, apparently,” Poe remarks, just before the halftime buzzer rings. “You guys wanna get out of here and go to the baseball fields or something? It’s a lot less noisy but you can still hear the game’s commentary.” You’re a bit surprised at his proposal, seeing as you four just met, but you’re definitely not opposed.
“Why not?” Finn responds, shrugging his shoulders. You four get up and leave the row, nearly getting trampled in the number of kids leaving their seats to either go get food or leave the game entirely.
“C’mon, flyboy, you’re gonna get lost!” Rey yells from behind you. Flyboy. Wonder where he got that nickname.
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“Oh my God, please— He did not!” you laugh, clapping a hand over your mouth while giving Poe a disbelieving look.
It’s pitch black outside now and you four are bathed in the floodlights of the baseball stadium, sitting on the grass just by home base.
“There’s fight, there’s flight, then there’s complete idiocy. Guess which one Poe has programmed into his DNA.” Poe narrows his eyes at Rey, throwing Finn’s empty Gatorade bottle at her which she catches with ease.
“It’s not my fault I wasn’t thinking—”
“Thank you for admitting that.”
“—I was panicked! There was a s’more in my hand and I just threw it in the other direction!”
“While not thinking that the bear would come after you for more,” you add, watching him huff, seeing a hint of a pout on his face. “Remind me never to go anywhere near the woods with you.”
“I like her already,” Rey remarks, to which you crack a smile.
“How long have you two been dating?” you try to crack the question as casually as possible, but let’s face it: the anticipation is eating away at you. To your surprise, they both burst out in laughter—so they’re not together?
“Oh my God, I wouldn’t date Poe in a million years. I couldn’t handle being that much impulse control for him—He’s already a liability as my best friend,” Rey laughs, shaking her head.
“I— Rude. But honestly, I wouldn’t date you either. You don’t know how to have fun,” he exaggerates the statement with his hands. You smile at their banter, a bit surprised at their relationship’s similarity to yours and Finn’s. “How long have you two been dating?”
“We’re most definitely not dating,” Finn chuckles, earning a slap to the shoulder from you.
“No need to act like you’d never date me! Remember the kiss on the playground in third grade?” you ask sarcastically, the memory bringing back a bout of nostalgia.
“That was third grade! And I was dared to do it!” You laugh, throwing an arm around him.
“I mean Finn, you seem pretty passionate about making sure she knows you don’t like her,” Poe winks, earning a fake gag from Finn.
“Oh, please. She’s like my sister.”
“Literally,” you add. “I’m pretty sure I saw you more than I saw my own parents during my childhood.”
“You, Ben, Han, and Leia, yeah,” he nods.
“Ben, Han, and Leia..?”
“Ben’s our best friend. The three of us practically grew up together with Han and Leia—his parents.”
“Han and Leia like—Dr. Solo and Dr. Organa? The ones who teach at the school?” You nod, answering Poe’s question. “I don’t think they’re married—are they divorced?”
“Never got married,” Finn explains. “Just two best friends who had a one-night stand and actually stayed civil with each other after learning about the pregnancy. They raised Ben together—and us, too, basically.”
“I miss him,” you murmur. “Why’d his stupid ass have to want to go to that college prep school way over in New York, anyway?”
“Probably just to make Han and Leia proud after all they’ve done. Mark my words, he’ll be back here in a year or two. You don’t get the high school experience at a prep school.”
“Are you talking about First Order Preparatory, the big one in New York?” Rey interjects. “That’s not a boarding school last I checked.”
“Nah, he’s living over there with his Uncle Luke. I mean, we FaceTime and all, but it’s just not the sa—”
“Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Poe, she’s coming over here.” Both Poe and Rey scramble to get up, leaving you and Finn to do the same while you steal a glance behind yourself, trying to see who Rey is talking about.
“Run,” Poe whispers in a panicked tone; Rey grabs his arm before he can take off.
“We’re not running, genius!” she hisses, looking behind you once more. You turn around, finally spotting a blonde wearing an orange shirt and white shorts, stripes of white paint just under her eyes. “We’re walking away. Quickly. Very quickly.” You turn around, finding them nodding to you and Finn; the four of you begin in the opposite direction from whoever the blondie was.
“Who are we r—walking very quickly away from?” you ask, keeping up at a brisk pace.
“Zorii Bliss. She’s been after Poe ever since fifth grade,” Rey explains, picking up her pace.
“Just tell her you’re not interested. Simple,” you mutter, arching an eyebrow.
“You think I haven’t tried? What was this summer, the seventh time I’ve turned her down?” Poe groans, and you suddenly feel terrible. They were actually running from this girl who’d been after them for five years. Couldn’t you get a restraining order or something? “She’s been with five guys—”
“Six,” Rey corrects.
“—six guys in the past four months. All she does is play them then blame them, all while still somehow looking like the victim. The Smoky Mountains trip we were just talking about—the bear and the s’mores? You don’t know how hard she tried to get in on that trip.”
“Sheesh,” Finn starts, “someone needs to—”
“Poe!” you hear someone, presumably Zorii, call out from behind you four.
“—get the hint,” Finn mutters, and the four of you turn around to find her just maybe fifty feet away. What the fuck, did she run to catch up or something?
“Hide me,” you hear Poe whisper, and before you can ask how, he’s already crouched behind you, arms around your waist.
“Long time no see,” she calls out, sauntering now. Aw c’mon, how about you run like you were doing before? Look all desperate for the cameras?
“What—She knows you’re here!”
“But I’m not.”
“Yes you are!”
“Nope.” You start to argue with him but then stop, realizing he really didn’t want to see her.
“Aw, that’s cute.” Christ, even her voice was insufferable. She looked like a bitch, too.
You really just wanted to punch her in the face.
“What do you want, exactly?”
“Who are you, his girlfriend? Funny, Poe hasn’t really ever dated anyone.” She shuffles a bit to the side and you copy her footwork to guard Poe, watching her raise her eyebrows and laugh in disbelief. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“And you didn’t answer mine,” you quip smoothly, hearing Finn quickly stifle a laugh from beside you. She gives Finn a dirty look, and you swear you’re about to drag her from her hair right now. “What do you want?”
“I just came over to say hi to Poe since we didn’t get to meet too much over the summer,” she shrugs. “Zorii Bliss.” You don’t respond, waiting for her to make her exit. “Aren’t you going to introduce yourself?”
“Couldn’t be more bothered to.” Rey sucks in a sharp breath and you’re worried that you’ve crossed some sort of line, but your stance doesn’t waver. She rolls her eyes and blows a kiss to Poe before turning on her heel and walking away—you’re sure she’s swaying her hips on purpose.
“Damn,” Poe murmurs, getting up from behind you. “You really said ‘no, bitch’ to her.” You laugh a little bit at his statement, shaking your head.
“She just really pissed me off. Hopefully that taught her a lesson and she’ll leave you alone now.”
“We can hope. I nearly fought her in the middle school parking lot once.” Finn raises his eyebrows at Rey but you just nod impressedly.
“Y’know, we should take a picture so we have something to post on Instagram,” Poe suggests. “I haven’t posted for a while.” He’s actually one of the boys who cares about his Instagram? Respect.
“Yeah, neither have I.” You shush Finn before he can start to whine about taking pictures, but Rey seems to have the same reaction as him. “Aw, c’mon you guys, it’s just one picture.”
“Fine,” Finn drawls. “Just one.”
“Maybe two,” you add with a giggle, watching him shake his head as you pull out your phone, opening the camera. “Okay, any ideas on where we should set it? Because the four of us sure as hell aren’t fitting in a square if I take a selfie.”
“If you have a popsocket, you can try to hook it inside the diamonds of the fence.”
“Good idea, flyboy,” you test the nickname out, watching his reaction closely to determine whether you’re crossing a line. He smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling up, so you breathe a sigh of relief.
After having set your phone up on the fence—“You’re taking too long. Let me do it.” “Finn, you’re not going to have any more luck than I am.” (He, in fact, didn’t)—you press the shutter button and quickly run back to the four, throwing an arm around Finn and watching Rey neck Poe, earning a laugh from you. It’s a bit too late when you realize the picture’s already been taken, and it takes about three minutes for you both to coax Finn and Rey into taking another one. The second one turns out almost perfect, though, seeming like one of those cliché VSCO pictures that everyone posts around this time.
“Numbers,” you state simply, handing your phone to Rey. She starts adding her contact information, taking a quick selfie for her contact picture and then handing the phone off to Poe. “And give me your Instagram handles, too. I’ll tag you guys when I post.”
“You already have mine,” Poe remarks while not looking up from the phone, and you’re sure that you’re the only one who can hear the slight smugness in his voice. He hands your phone back to you and you see that he’s set the picture of his annoyed face after Rey necking him as his contact photo, which makes you giggle a bit.
After you’d sent them the pictures—Poe had named the groupchat “the avengers”, which sparked a conversation about Marvel (Finn and Poe were arguing over the best Avenger right now)—you edited the pictures slightly to make them better, uploading them to Instagram with the caption, “no friendship is an accident.”.
You four were now walking out of school boundaries towards your neighborhood—yet another thing you four discovered you had in common—but you were lost in the stars, hearing traces of the current conversation on hand (something about Asgard and the Tesseract).
“Hey. Snap out of it.” Poe snaps his fingers in front of your face and you blink, shaking your head and looking back at him.
“Huh? Sorry.”
“Staring at the stars?” he asks, looking up at the sky himself.
“Yeah. Found Ursa Major and Cassiopeia,” you point out, watching him genuinely look for the constellations, humming when he sees them too. “You like stargazing?”
“I do, actually. Have a telescope in my room and everything.”
“Oh?” You’re stepping in stride with him, completely forgetting about the other two who are also with you.
“Yeah. Y’know… you need a nickname.”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
“I dunno, I just think…” he looks up at the sky then back at you, grinning as if he’s figured something out. “Astra.”
“Astra?” you ask, recognizing the word to be Greek for “star”.
“Astra,” he confirms, nodding. You raise an eyebrow, but you can’t deny that you like it.
“Well, it’s not terrible.” You were understating. You kind of loved it.
“I’ll take that as a win.”
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All taglists are open! Send me an ask or a message :)
Permanent: @becausewhyknotme, @criminal-cookies, @theladyoffangorn, @officialtonystarkprotectionsquad, @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam, @fantasticcopeaglepasta, @talk-geek-to-me, @letsmellowjello, @thescarletknight2014, @bbluespiritzuko, @brooklynsmorales, @marvel-dameron, @marvelinsanity​, @softly-sad, @yourbucky084, @mcolbz14
Star Wars: @kittyofalltrades​, @arkofblake​, @m1rkw00dpr1ncess​, @propertyofdindjarin​, @coldbreadbouquetworld​, @melvls​, @waatermelon-sugaar​, @thedevilwearsbeskar​
Poe Dameron: @yougottakeeponkeepinon​, @poe-damnnn-eron​, @lapilark​, @peterhollandkait​, @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol​, @twomoonstwosuns​, @writefightandflightclub​, @lady-sloan, @poes-stardust​, @legamelo​, @xremember-me-notx​, @imtheoutgoingsidekick-baby​, @yourbucky084​, @agents-assemble​, @asianravenpuff​, @daydreamerinadazedworld​
“It’s Not All Roses” Taglist: @marvelous-capsicle​, @fishswimbetterunderwater​, @r2fucku, @missmadwoman​
94 notes · View notes
texanredrose · 3 years
Okay, to put some limitations on this, I’m only including the WIPs that I’ve done more than a synopsis for... that I can remember... that’s on Google Drive... that I actually think I might post one day... but haven’t posted yet because my posted WIPs are fairly easy to identify... okay... I got tagged by @unsteadyshade and I’m tagging @faunusrights and @alexlayer69
1) Across Time - Inuyasha AU where Weiss gets thrown back in time to the ancient past, where she meets two demons (Yang and Blake) warring against each other over a misunderstanding.
2) Alpha’s Devotion - Omega’s Strength, but from Winter’s POV.
3) Bears, Oh My - An exhausted Winter, lost on a hike, comes across a cabin where Yang lives with her three pet bears.
4) Brave New World - Continuation of the Dishonored AU where Ruby and Winter reflect on the new Mantle.
5) Bruised - Third installment to the ace!Yang AU. 
6) Coming Home - Based on Dash’s Tiny Knight AU, Princess Blake is betrayed and stranded far from home and must rely on a reticent knight named Weiss to return to her kingdom.
7) Complications Always Arise - Papa Schnee is demanding Weiss marry before he’ll allow her to take his place as head of the SDC, so Yang volunteers to pretend to be Weiss’ beloved. No one else knows the relationship is fake, least of all Blake and Winter, and it’s just a bunch of pain.
8) Divided - Continuation of the By Moonlight AU where Whitley returns to the castle and Winter’s not upset by that- and Winter’s upset by the fact she’s not upset and has to figure out why her inner wolf is cool with this when she should, by all rights, be furious.
9) Dragonsbane - Mage Knight Winter hears tale of a dragon in the countryside that the local villages wish to see vanquished. Winter, however, has other plans.
10) Eye of the Beholder - Blinded and near death after a battle, Winter is rescued by the mysterious Yang and is nursed back to health despite her protests otherwise. (It’s a Medusa!AU.)
11) Fabled - Fable 3 AU where Princess Ruby and Princess Yang are forced to confront the fact that Queen Raven has lost her fucking mind, only to discover that fear drove the woman insane- a fear they must confront themselves.
12) Fields of Love - Farmer Yang offers a job and housing to apparent single mother Winter and her young daughter Penny. What starts as a kind gesture grows into something so much more.
13) Full Circle - Van Helsing (2004) AU, Winter and Weiss, amnesiacs employed by the church to handle all manner of unholy problems, are sent to discover what happened to King Taiyang. Along the way, they become wrapped up in a centuries spanning prophecy and a bloodline hanging in the balance.
14) High Bar, Low Blow - Yang owns a bar where the gimmick is that everyone’s an out of work actor and the staff is staging an ongoing drama on par with a soap opera to keep their customers coming back. Winter joins the staff and then things get a bit real.
15) Hoodlums and Hijinks - Robin Hood AU where Princess Winter and Princess Weiss are just as in favor for overthrowing the king as the group of bandits run by Ruby, Yang, and Blake. 
16) Last One 2: Electric Boogaloo (title subject to change) - a sequel to Last One where the haunt continues.
17) Lexical Access - Sequel to Tip of the Tongue, where Yang gives her girlfriend a bit of roleplaying payback.
18) Little Red - Carmen Sandiego AU where Ruby was kidnapped adopted by a group of thieves and raised to become the world’s greatest thief, but a chance meeting with Penny via a stolen phone opens her eyes to the wider world, and she meets the rebellious heiress Weiss, street smart Blake, and brawler Yang, creating a team that works to foil Ruby’s former friends while eluding capture by mysterious operatives with a somewhat familiar white color scheme...
19) Long Term Investment - Yang, a fae who lives in the woods, makes a deal with Princess Winter to save the Queen. The price? Winter’s firstborn. Winter misunderstands how she’s expected to get pregnant and Yang’s never actually intended to collect. Next thing Yang knows, Winter’s moving into the clearing beside her tree home.
20) Miscalculation - Another Omegaverse AU where Weiss is an omega and Blake and Yang are alphas, except Weiss lied and said she was an alpha when enrolling in Beacon and now she’s locked in a room with Blake and Yang on the verge of starting her heat. Sharing is caring.
21) More Than Words Can Say - Winter, rendered mute by a military accident early in her career, is honestly the best girlfriend Yang’s ever had. However, tonight’s the night they’ve decided to get intimate, and that includes showing some scars that they don’t show often. It’s less about sex and more about trust and intimacy.
22) Music of the Night - Phantom of the Opera AU where the mysterious, disfigured shade of the opera house, Weiss, finds herself at odds with the rich, jovial Yang in a competition for Blake’s heart. Then there’s Adam being a dick, too, and the opera house has never seen so much drama.
23) My Heart Will Go On - It’s the Titanic, but double the rich, unwilling-to-marry ladies and triple the won-a-ticket-to-a-ship ruffians. Penny’s there too; she, like Ruby, just really likes ships.
24) One Fucking Favor - Winter’s due for a long assignment and wants to make a sex tape for stress relief purposes. Yang doesn’t ask questions; she’s just the one with the camera. But then, Winter’s partner for the vid doesn’t show up. What’s Yang going to do about it?
25) Prophecy - Star Wars AU where Ruby, Yang, and Blake are trained as Jedi, Winter and Weiss are part of the clone army, and Ruby’s the chosen one. That’s a lot of pressure to put on someone, but Senator Salem is there to lend a helping hand...
26) Propositioned - Faunus experience bouts of heat; sometimes, they can safely ignore it and go about their lives, but every now and again, they really can’t. Concerned for Blake’s health as she’s skipped too many heats to be healthy, Yang sets up a partner for Blake’s heat. Blake’s not a fan but she does like the idea of banging Weiss Schnee.
27) Proven - ARK: Survival Evolved AU where Winter, after being ‘won’ by Yang, is taken into the bowels of the earth to learn how the underground tribes who inhabit the area survive in such an unforgiving environment. As she acclimates to the tribe’s ways, she finds herself carving out her own path, culminating in facing off against the Queen and proving herself worthy.
28) Reaping What You Sow - When Winter escaped to the countryside with Penny to start a farm, she knew she had her work cut out for her. In need of help and facing a harsh cold season, she hires Yang, a one armed drifter, to help her. The two end up needing the other more than they could’ve imagined.
29) Tear My Heart Open - Blake thought she understood how the world worked. As a member of the White Fang Gang, all she needed to do was keep everyone motivated to continue their ongoing street war against the police and authorities bent on keeping them down. But while running from the cops, she’s offered sanctuary in the home of one Weiss Schnee and her girlfriend, Yang. From there, her perception of the world is completely upended.
30) The Duel - After her father offered her hand in marriage to the winner of a tournament, Winter opted to assume a disguise and fight for the prize herself. In the final match, she faces Yang Xiao Long, a competitor she’s come to know quite well, and she finds her conviction to win wavering slightly. Is it enough to lose her the fight?
31) The Lies We Tell Ourselves - Weiss has made it; she’s opened her tattoo shop in Vale, well away from her father, and aside from a bad first impression with the florists across the parking lot, everything’s looking up for her- until her father finds her. Luckily, Blake’s been through some shit and doesn’t mind helping Weiss drive daddy dearest up the wall, even if it means letting her own parents think she’s dating Weiss. It’s not like either of them is going to catch feelings... unless...
32) The Princess’ Bride - After losing her fiancée to the dreaded White Fang Pirates, Yang vows to take to the sea herself and exact her revenge. Princess Weiss finds herself falling madly in love with Yang, who still loves Blake, and all this is thrown into even more chaos when Yang gets kidnapped and Blake comes back from the dead! 
33) Two for One - Yes, another Omegaverse AU. Five years after the fall of Beacon, Yang and Blake cross paths, each believing the other has spent the time keeping their mutual mate, Weiss, safe. When they realize Weiss is with neither of them, old wounds are torn open, but before they can resolve their dispute, Winter captures the both of them and hauls them to a remote part of Atlas where an SDC facility has been turned into a fortress. There, they find a mortally wounded Weiss clinging to life and raising twins daughters; she gives her mates until her death to endear themselves to their children, else the twins might opt to stay with Winter and be kept from Blake and Yang for good. Between learning about their kids, Blake and Yang navigate their complicated feelings and try to reconnect with Weiss, all while a sinister force gathers to destroy the fortress and steal the prize within.
34) Weaknesses - Loosely set in the Glamour AU, Yang is being forced to assume her mother’s position as leader of their vampire coven. Her fellow vamps disapprove of Yang’s werewolf girlfriend. Winter, of course, doesn’t care.
I got lazy and cut a bunch out. No, fuck you, I don’t have too many AUs, I will add more if I want. Also, some of these, the first chapter is posted on my Patreon. Don’t ask me which ones; I genuinely have no idea. I’m bad at this, y’all.
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zalrb · 4 years
@jayciethings​ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED.
1. I think the opening scene does a good job in establishing the central struggle of the season and it does it in 3 minutes: 1) things need to change and Joey wants them to 2) Dawson doesn’t see why anything has to change and doesn’t see what Joey is trying to say 3) burgeoning sexuality 4) Joey-Dawson friendship.
2. I also think the Joey-Dawson friendship is also established really well and it’s actually a time where dialogue and action work in tandem. They give a brief history/overview of their friendship: “you’ve been sleeping over since you were 7″ “i’ve seen you pick your nose, scratch your butt” while also showing them watch tv, playfight and ultimately end up sleeping in the same bed, like they did when they were 7.
3. I actually don’t find the dialogue as annoying right now.
4. I will forever be angry that they didn’t pay to have the original music with their scenes because Dawson’s Creek is not Dawson’s Creek without “I Don’t Wanna Wait”.
5. “He did it again, he grabbed my ass.” “Like you even have one.” Joshua’s delivery is perfect because it’s resigned and un-offended.
6. “I’m Jen.” “Oh right, the granddaughter from New York.” That actually isn’t clunky. It’s a good way to do exposition.
7. “You look different.” “Puberty.” LOL Joey Whitter sass.
8. Honestly, at least so far, Joey’s behaviour makes sense for a 15 year old girl who is in love with her best friend who doesn’t see her as a sexual being and then has to watch him salivate over The New Girl. No, that isn’t Jen’s fault but sometimes people on this site act like teenagers or adults for that matter don’t have messy and not-so-great emotions/reactions to things. Unless, apparently, they’re men who are rapists and serial killers, then the understanding is boundless.
9. It’s actually refreshing to hear “Mr. Leery” “Mrs. Leery” since teens in shows now just call adults by their first names, which I would NEVER do. I still can’t do that. If I had to address initiumseries’ dad it would be Mr...
10. I also think it’s funny that this dialogue is being made fun of but this kind of cadence and irony is the kind of thing shows go for now -- Riverdale tries to emulate this and I would argue Euphoria tries to do an edgier version of this. Like Nellie insulting Pacey, that kind of tone is what they’re trying to go for with Cheryl.
11. I’ll admit this is more fun than I thought it would be so far.
13. “I have it on pretty good authority that mothers have excellent sex.” LOL Pacey, dick move.
14. Renting The Graduate, how on the nose.
16. The soundtrack pisses me off so much.
17. Oh Dawson. I knew so many self-important, I’m-so-deep-I-like-these-kinds-of-movies or -this-kind-of-music boys in high school. Like I find it so typical that he thinks his obsession with Spielberg would interest Jen.
18. Dawson taking Jen to his studio is like Klaus taking Caroline to sees his drawings.
19. Oh man, I remember being a kid and watching these teen shows with my cousin and seeing how Capeside High School was with everyone on a quad and throwing footballs and being like HIGH SCHOOL IS GOING TO BE LIKE THAT and my cousin just being like
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20. I like how Dawson’s Creek is the whitest show and they still managed to have more Black extras than Gilmore Girls.
21. Dawson and Jen actually have a nice chemistry. But everyone is coming on super strong with Jen and she’s just kind of like, this seems normal.
22. The film teacher is a dick for no reason. I’ve had my fair share of dickish teachers but this is excessive right off the bat.
23. Lol poor Jen, she really is trying with Joey.
24. I like how a status of Joey’s class is the fact that her sister is engaged to a Black man *eye roll*
25. I don’t know of any school where teachers ate in the cafeteria with the students. In my school there were teachers who supervised the cafeteria but that’s it. Wow, I spent like no time in my high school cafeteria.
26. “I’m having a climax issue”
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27.  Tamara, Ms. Jacobs, you should be in jail.
28. I like how this school LOOKS like a school.
29. Ugh, a trans jokes. Ugh, there was so much of that in the 90s.
30. “Nothing has to change. We can talk about anything.” Honestly, from a screenwriting point of view, this is a solid pilot. I remember in a screenwriting class I took, we studied The Social Network and every 10 pages someone calls Zuckerberg either an asshole or a jerk or something in that vein as a way to reiterate a key part of the theme of the movie and while I don’t have the pilot script in front of me, DC does reiterate the theme of the season frequently without it being repetitive.
31. The dialogue isn’t as hyperbolic as I remember tbh. And I’m going to say it again, shows are aiming for this, even the one episode I saw of the Winx Saga, when they try to flirt about mansplaining, when she’s fighting with her mom about how she’s not a feminist, they’re trying for this. But DC manages to make it more natural and it’s because the Core 4 have a charm. Even if you hate Dawson.
32. Who is Dawson’s dad. Is he in something else?
33. No, I just think he looks like Dr. Cox.
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34. Dawson’s rant about sex not being important is hilarious. Yes, Dawson, you’re just pursuing Jen out of intellectual and philosophical desire.
35. I like how Joey is supposed to be a tomboy just because she’s the only girl/woman in Capeside who doesn’t wear a sundress.
36. Poor Jen.
37. Joey is super dramatic, I get that, but I kind of love it because I’m going RELAX but the way I would to a teenager. Like CALM. DOWN. Also “all I do is understand” is something that we needed to see more of before that argument.
38. Dawson, you never ask anyone else any questions about themselves, lol.
39. “How can you say you were just renting a movie??” Pacey is such a fifteen year old and I do wish the show would just ... let him be one? And what I mean by that is Pacey is supposed to be the friend with the edge, the fact that he “pursues” Ms Jacobs is supposed to attest to that fact, it’s framed as taboo and yet they’re presented as being on equal footing, even the way her date moves to grab him out of his seat when the fact of the matter is, he’s a kid, and if the show didn’t actually make the Tamara/Pacey relationship a storyline and made it about another way teenagers have certain idealized perceptions of relationships or apply kid knowledge to adult situations which still makes them kids, it would’ve been interesting too.
40. Dawson is literally dressed in different shades of beige. If that doesn’t say everything you need to know about his character --- which is intentional. But like jfc man.
41. I love that they can’t say “masturbate” so she has to say “walk your dog” I LOVE THE NINETIES.
42. And you know what, after that question was asked, the sheer heartbreak on Joey’s face and the sadness in Dawson’s eyes is done really well.
43. LMAO SO ANGSTY. No one does angst like the 90s.
44.  And legitimately, the ending of this pilot is great screenwriting because a change is noted, the beginning of the episode, Joey does end up staying the night, the end of the episode she leaves because they both realize it’s true that things are changing and yet Dawson answers her question about what time of day he masturbates and to who because they’re still Dawson and Joey. And that’s the way a pilot should be written.
OK. I’ve done it.
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Not fic: Cursed Twilight addition
So I’m about to have my BNHA rights revoked but I just finished Midnight Sun (at the time when I started writing this) and started thinking about the characters and that Rosalie and Bakugo are weirdly similar so now here I am outlining a Twilight Au that no one asked for (except me but I’m garbage) that I will never write because I can’t focus long enough to write an actual story (fun fact this outline is taking months to complete). To be honest though this is more of a background on all the characters as opposed to an outline of the Twilight story (oops) which may or may not come later. Author’s notes are in parenthesis if you haven’t figured that out.
Basically I’m replacing Twilight characters with BNHA characters, not everyone will have the same back story, it’ll be blended(future me: um so that was a lie). Everyone’s quirks are still mostly the same but as their vampire gift with some variation to fit the word. It still takes place in the Pacific north-west because I’m not super sure if there’s a place as cloudy as there in Japan besides the mountains like Mt.Fuji (but that’s more misty I think) but there’s too many people around places like that I feel. But then again I’m not actually writing this whole fic so you’re welcome to imagine them still in Japan. If I did write this as a fic I would actually do proper research to decide where to put them but meh, this is a not-fic. As it is I’m calling the town it would take place in Forks/Crossroads cause that would be a cool alternative name. The backgrounds take place all over the word but I never actually say where. My bad.
Also if you do read this I love you very much and I am so sorry, this is ramble-y and has way too many run-on sentences and is written as if I were speaking to you as opposed to an actual written story. It’s also taken so long to complete things I wasn’t sure about in the beginning become solidified later but it’s also written out of order so probably reads really bad. Again my apologies.
So the characters are as follows:
The Olympic Coven/Cullens - The Might Coven/Aizawa-Yagis
Carlisle Cullen- Toshinori Yagi
So obviously I made Toshi Carlisle because suave blond everyone loves is both of their MO. Toshi is probably around 500 years old and like Carlisle was turned while hunting vampires. I still want him to have two forms but I’m not entirely sure how to do that within the confines of the Twilight universe. Maybe he was injured in a battle where he literally lost parts of himself and can’t fully heal so he’s become weak but still can’t die? He’s a doctor but might be semi-retired because of his injury, the cover story is an undisclosed chronic illness. He’s also a part time stay at home dad. He definitely used his vampirism to help and protect humans in the past.
Probably had a coven when he was younger with Nana and Torino but Nana was killed and Torino sent Toshi away for his own safety. He may or may not have started out as vegetarian, I can see Nana as veg or only eats bad people, Torino is an eats bad guys type but will eat anyone when pressed. Toshi either started out as a vegetarian before meeting Nana or if she found him immediately and took him in he would go animal based pretty quickly, She always respected his lifestyle. Grand Torino respects it to an extent but now that Toshi is hurt wants him to drink from humans because he thinks it’ll help Toshinori heal or at least be better for his body. He was in his 40s when turned.
Esme Cullen- Shouta Aizawa
It should surprise literally no one that I’m making this Erasermight because I am soft for my boys and anything is an excuse to ship them. Shouta is honestly the person who has taken the longest to work out along with Shinsou. Like so, so, long. These two are also related, they’re cousins or uncle/nephew or something. They’re also the most different from their counterparts, probably because it’s taken so long for me to work their stories out I’ve just completely changed them from original Twilight.
So the time period is really vague with him, it’s either the late 1800s or WWI. Hitoshi was an orphan around the age of 12 and Shouta his guardian is 30-31. Either way there was a war (and I looked at the wars in the second half of the 1800s, it’s just so many wars. What is wrong with this world?) and it could have easily been the civil war (and if so they were Unionist, obviously.) But wherever he and Hitoshi lived there was a war happening and he was probably not in the army at the time, just protecting his home and neighbors. At the same time Toshinori and Izuku were in the area trying to help civilians because wars suck and they’re basically un-killable so they can help and with the chaos of everything if someone started to suspect something of them they could fake their deaths and leave. And they probably did. But while traveling through they stop in a town/village and meet Shouta and Hitoshi.
Shouta is his gruff no nonsense self and Hitoshi is a little in awe of Yagi because this is still pre-injury so he’s this huge imposing man who’s gentle and knowledgeable about medicine. Eventually even Shouta comes around to liking Yagi, who has the nickname All Might because of his strength, even though he thinks his over the top enthusiasm in front of others is exhausting. In private Toshi ends up letting his guard and persona down with Aizawa because he realizes he doesn’t have to keep it up, he doesn’t need to make Aizawa like and trust him the way he does with the others, it’s just natural the way they click. Toshi probably fell in love first, vampires fall in love fast and long and all encompassing in a way that if they were human would be rather unhealthy (and probably is anyway because this is fiction but I don’t really care because this is fiction and I relate to unhealthy love way too much). Shouta was more reserved because he is a cautious man by nature and probably loves in a similar but more healthy way to vampires, long and devoted, but he must be careful to whom he gives his heart. I still don’t think he meant to fall for Toshinori, loving a man in the time that they lived was dangerous and inadvisable if one could avoid it. But Toshinori Yagi is the kind of man one cannot help but loving.
They didn’t tell each other how they felt though. A few months after Izuku and Toshinori’s arrival there was an attack on the town, Hitoshi they found safe but Toshinori caught wind of Shouta’s scent and followed, finding him mortally wounded. Desperate to keep him Toshi turned him and split off from Izuku and Hitoshi while Shouta adjusted to vampire life. They quickly became lovers, though Shouta had a brief stint as a human blood drinker as revenge for the destruction of his village. But it started to test their relationship and in the end Toshi and his own morals were more important to him than human blood. The four of them reunite a year later and they try to keep their relationship a secret but both of the boys figure it out pretty quickly. Izuku accepts it immediately because his dad is finally with someone and is happy while it takes Hitoshi a bit of time because period typical homophobia and it’s going to take a while for Yagi to earn his trust back after turning Aizawa in front of him.
Aizawa has an erasure power same as in canon. Since he doesn’t need to blink he’s a bit op but opponents who are faster than his eyes can track and multiple opponents are his weaknesses. He’s a history teacher at Forks/Crossroads high but purposefully does not have his own kids as students. He’s a mystery to most of his colleagues who probably haven’t even figured out he’s got five kids in the school.
Rosalie Hale- Katsuki Bakugo
Bakugo has a pretty similar start to Rosalie but because what happened to her is so awful and  I have problems doing that even to fictional characters that part is different. He’s still a rich kid from the early 20th century, probably turned in the 1920s, but he and his explosive temperament pissed off the wrong people who jumped him in an alley and beat him almost to death, like actually thought he was dead so they left him there (I know this isn’t that much better than what happened to Rose but man she had a horrific end to her human life). He was around 17-18 when he was turned.
While human he had met Dr. Yagi, who was probably treating one of his parents for a chronic ailment, along with his son Izuku and his ‘companion’ Aizawa and Aizawa’s ward Hitoshi. All of the others gave him the creeps but Izuku was a relatively normal boy, a bit younger than himself and accompanied his father when visiting the Bakugos. Their relationship is pretty much the same as canon where Izuku likes Bakugo a lot and Bakugo is nothing but awful to him. They end up with a sort of ‘I hate you but you’re my best friend’ relationship except neither actually hates the other. When Yagi finds Bakugo half dead in an alley he turns him because he was weirdly fond of the angry young man and more so because he thought that the relationship between the two boys was growing into something more, he and Izuku hadn’t talked about it, as he was waiting for his son to come to him, and he didn’t have time to ask. He realizes later that no, Katsuki and Izuku are not star crossed lovers like he and Shouta but he can’t say he regrets turning Bakugo other than Bakugo’s own hatred of being a vampire. He loves his angry son okay.
Bakugo had a life goal which was probably taking over the family business though based off canon that would be fashion and I can’t see him interested in that. Whatever it was he was pursuing it with the same single mindedness that he possesses for heroism and since he can no longer achieve his goals as a vampire he resents it along with the fact that the decision to become a vampire or die a human was taken away from him. He does have a good relationship with Toshinori and Shouta even though he still acts like a brat. His cover story is that he’s Toshinori’s cousin’s son and is an orphan who they took in. He kept his family’s name.
Like a number of vampires Bakugo has a talent or gift. His is his incredibly powerful and dangerous explosion ability. He can cause explosions from his palms. So far the League has not discovered him but everyone worries that one day they will and the Might Coven will be hunted and slaughtered for Bakugo’s power.
Emmett Cullen- Eijirou Kirishima
Sometime around the 1930s  Bakugo was hunting and found a bleeding almost dead Kirishima. It was either an animal attack like canon or an accident where he fell off a cliff (that feels like something he would do). I don’t think he decided to turn Kirishima, he just smelled blood and lost control. He’s still ashamed about how he reacted to this day as he’s typically better than that around humans. Luckily the others were hunting with him and were able to pull Bakugo off. He’s never held what Bakugo did against him and his enthusiasm and friendship actually endeared him to Katsuki despite his guilt. Eijirou was turned at 19 and has never had issues with being a vampire, it sucks that he had to leave his human family behind but he loves his vampire one just as much and he got the love of his life out of it. It took awhile but Katsuki and Eijirou eventually admit their feelings and they start dating. They’ve been married a few times now because Bakugo is extra and Eijirou loves confessing his love.
With Kirishima’s gift it doesn’t work the same as in cannon where you can tell it’s activated. In fact they still might not know Kiri has a gift or if they do it’s only a suspicion. He’s just harder than the other marble like vampires. Where the others have almost certainly had mild injuries (mostly from Bakugo’s explosions) like cracks that heal immediately, Eijirou has never been injured as a vampire. At all. He’s also immensely strong, because he was as a human, and that has been enhanced but he’s nowhere near as strong as Toshi was pre-injury. His cover story is he’s a foster kid they took in and he keeps the last name Kirishima.
Alice Cullen- Denki Kaminari
Like Alice Denki spent the end of his human life in an insane asylum (I refer to it as such because these were not hospitals and more like institutions of torture). I honestly can’t figure out if mental health care was so bad in the early/mid 20th century that a 15-16 year old boy with ADHD being sent to one is unrealistic or not. I’m pretty sure it was similar to Alice where he saw something he shouldn’t and was put in it to silence him.( I should probably figure out what that was sometime) Either way that’s where he ended up and of course he had to deal with electroshock ‘therapy’ which both severely messed with his memory and sorta brought out a natural resistance and even control over electricity, so he had to receive stronger and stronger sessions. This manifested in Denki’s electric power when he was turned into a vampire.
While hunting in the woods surrounding the institution, Hitoshi spotted Denki in the window and was instantly taken by the boy with eyes as golden as his inhuman family’s. He would make trips by the asylum just to get a glimpse and eventually took a night job there to meet him against his family’s advice. When they met Denki recognized him despite how careful, and honestly far away, Hitsohi had been and instead of being creeped out he was happy just to make a new friend. They would talk as long as they could and Hitoshi would bring Denki little bits of the outside world like flowers or decent snacks. And he would take care of Kaminari when his ‘therapies’ would leave him incapacitated and the nursing staff would neglect him.
Even after his family moved away to a location where the weather suited them better Hitoshi stayed working at the asylum not willing to leave Denki to his fate there (And to note this is around the time the others realized how serious Hitoshi’s feelings are and start planning how to help Kaminari or bring him into the family. Before this they were starting to suspect but kinda thought he was being weird about a guy he saw in a window. To be fair though he was being weird about a guy he saw in a window.) One night after an ice bath ‘treatment’ Denki developed a fever and over the course of a few days had full blown pneumonia. In his delirium he confessed his feelings to Shinsou who reciprocated and decided he would steal Denki away when he knew the trip back to his family wouldn’t kill the sick boy. Of course being a poorly run and over populated institution his condition was overlooked and ignored especially since a ‘specialist’ was coming to perform procedures on several patients, aka some guy with no degree was going to lobotomize as many people as he could fit into one day. Shinsou didn't find out until he came in that night and found out Kaminari was already in the procedure room. He flipped out and killed most of the staff there and took a severely injured Denki home to Toshinori in the hopes of saving him.
The change seemed to take longer than it had for the others but does end up working, though when he finally comes to Denki is much more quiet and subdued and remembers almost nothing about his past. All he knows is his name, Hitoshi’s name, and that he loves him. He also has weird headaches periodically for decades later and slowly becomes more like himself before the lobotomy. He never fully recovers his memories, a bit here and a piece there, all moments shared with Hitoshi. He decides he doesn’t need the rest, everything he needs is here and in his future with his family.
His cover story is typically as a foster kid so he keeps his last name Kaminari. Sometimes he decides to change things up and goes as a Yagi or even Bakugo’s brother when Katsuki is feeling generous.
Jasper Hale- Hitoshi Shinsou
Hitoshi’s early years were spent in his small town or village (I think the difference is size but I’m american and I don’t think we have villages no matter how small a place is so...) Everything was uneventful up until the war, I don’t know which war, civil war in US or WWI in Europe, but around the age of 12 his village was destroyed, his guardian was turned into a vampire and he had to go live with Izuku while Aizawa learned to manage his bloodlust. During that time he and Izuku grew really close and even now they have the most brotherly relationship out of all the siblings.
So after a year the four reunite with a vampire Shouta and an overly protective Izuku and a very weary Hitoshi. Everything goes on as it did for Toshinori and Izuku before they split but now with their two new additions. Yagi gives Hitoshi the best education he can without sending him to boarding school although they had discussed it. They were in a precarious position with a human boy knowing their vampire secret and they couldn’t run the risk of news getting back to the League, the governing body of vampires run by a mysterious head known only as All for One.
Years pass but unfortunately news of the Might Coven’s human pet gets back to the League and due to past history involving Nana and Toshi, AfO comes himself to deal with the situation and brings his two most powerful underlings, his adopted son and second in command Tomura Shigaraki and . A fight between Yagi and All for One happens and AfO rips out a piece of Toshi’s side and Toshi ends up crushing AfO’s head, killing him (maybe but probably not). Tomura, who had been fighting against Shouta and Toga who battled Izuku, realize they can’t win.
Now the vampire known as All Might is pretty popular amongst his kind but the Might Coven was at the time nowhere near strong enough or influential enough to fill the void that would be left by the dissolution of the League, which would happen if they killed all three of the vampires there. So they took a gamble and spared Shigaraki and Toga thinking their loyalty to AfO was limited, since most vampires don’t form bonds the way ‘vegetarians’ seem to, and that they would be happy with their promotion. They also agreed at Hitoshi’s insistence that he would be turned so they would no longer have a human knowing the secret about vampires. So Yagi turns Hitoshi and they let Toga and Shigaraki go and continue about their lives as much as they can with Toshinori’s injury.
Just like the rest of his family, Shinsou's quirk is the same as canon. If someone answers his question he can control their minds. It’s probably a little stronger than in canon too, at least against humans. Vampires have better resistance. His cover story is the most truthful, he’s Shouta’s orphan relative. He sometimes takes on Aizawa’s last name though in this school he decided to use his original.
Edward Cullen- Izuku Midoriya
The more I plot this out the more I’m taking Twilight, stripping it down to the bare outline, and making it into something totally different. Like the only similarities are Izuku and Shoto’s relationship follows Bella and Edwards, somewhat. Izuku is the tanned skinned, freckled, green eyed boy in a family of pale golden eyed outsiders. He seems completely human even to other vampires, til you get him in the sunlight where he literally shines.
I’m not sure when Izuku was born, maybe the 1700s, but he was still the first of the Might Coven besides Toshinori. Sometime after Nana’s death Toshi finds an ailing pregnant woman named Inko Midoriya who’s bizarre husband still hasn’t come home from his business trip to a foreign country. She’s convinced she is going to die before he returns and her pregnancy is so hard and so seemingly fast but her baby feels strong enough to survive so she begs Toshinori to please take care of her son till his father returns. Inko dies before she can give birth to her baby so Toshinori takes the baby out himself as a last ditch effort but there’s something not right, not with the baby or the amniotic sac that’s almost as hard as Toshinori himself. And when the sun shines through the window Toshinori’s arm glimmers and so does the new born baby. Dread at the thought that he’s holding an immortal child wells in him but he’s never heard of an immortal child being born and he’s especially never heard of a vampire with a heart beat. So against his better judgement he takes the child and runs, he can’t wait for Inko’s husband, and he can’t risk someone seeing the child and reporting back to the League. So he and Izuku, a name Inko had picked out before her death, stay on the run for years as the boy grew until he was at an appropriate age to be around at least vampire kind. Conveniently the half vampire boy doesn’t need blood to survive and seems to have very little if any bloodlust at all. Or so it seemed.
Now some differences I’m making will be Izuku’s aging. I know Rennesme ages fast and stops when she looks 21-25 but I’m thinking Izuku either ages very slowly or stopped when he looks closer to 15-18? Probably the first one. Also I think male half-vamps have red/gold eyes but Izuku has green because I said so.
His cover story is that he's Toshinori’s son from a previous relationship. They tried to call him a foster child in the past but they’re too close and Izuku uses Toshinori’s given name and dad interchangeably. He likes to use his mom’s last name as a way to honor her. Not every school but it is a pretty common thing for him to do and he’s using it in Forks/Crossroads this year. He doesn’t seem to have a gift but he’s a half vampire, his presence is a gift.
Bella Swan- Shoto Todoroki
Time for ‘technically main character number two but I preferred everyone else in Twilight over Edward and Bella so he and Izuku get put down lower on the list’. So Todoroki and Bella’s similarities are: new kid comes to live with other parent after the parent they lived with got married. I really don’t think there’s a lot else similar? But Bella doesn’t have that much back story to begin with.
So Shoto’s parents grew up in Forks/Crossroads but moved somewhere sunnier before he was born. He grew up in a city, maybe Phoenix (almost certainly Phoenix for the name alone). His parents had an unhappy marriage but I honestly don’t think it was full on abuse, I feel like Enji still neglected them but never physically or verbally hurt anyone. And since Shoto moves back in with Rei I don’t think she gave him his scar either, I think it was an accident where young Shoto pulled maybe a hot kettle onto himself? It probably was the catalyst for his parents divorce but ultimately that was happening either way. Both parents blamed the other for his accident but I think the courts realized it was just that, an accident, maybe some negligence (I don’t really know how custody courts work and what happens when a kid gets hurt and this isn’t a real fic so I’m not researching) but either way Enji gets Shoto (maybe all the kids but Rei gets visitation, comes down for the summer like Charlie? Kids go up there for vacation and holiday? Or split the kids 50/50? No idea this is still more backstory than Bella got) Enji is still a workaholic and Toya ends up running away/leaving probably shortly after the divorce anyway and Fuyumi and Natsuo eventually leave for college and are still closer to Rei even if they lived with their dad.
So when Enji gets remarried Shoto asks to move in with his mom since she’s all alone and Enji wouldn’t be and ‘wouldn’t it be nice to just be two newly weds with the house to themselves’. He makes a very convincing case and Enji is trying to let his youngest make his own choices so he agrees. Shoto moves north and it isn’t the worst, he likes both the heat and the cold unlike his parents, Rei hates the heat and Enji hates the cold. School is weird because people actually want to be his friend; there’s a group of stoic, pale, intimidating students he’s 90% sure are vampires; and there’s a  beautiful boy who hangs out with them who looks partially horrified and disgusted by him, or like he wants to eat him alive, literally.
Renee Dwyer- Enji Todoroki (Technically)
So I ended up making Enji considerably less awful.
After the divorce Enji figures out his sexuality and eventually starts dating a much younger model who goes by Hawks after he saves him from a burning building (Enji is a firefighter). Shoto offers to move in with Rei after Hawks and Enji get married, he has nothing against Hawks and they get along as well as can be expected but they are newly weds and Enji might be going into semi retirement to travel with Hawks for his career. And the thought of being around his dad so much, who can get a little overbearing when not working, is just not something Shoto wants to deal with. Though it is weird his dad is married to someone so much younger, Shoto knows several other people in his class in Phoenix whose dads did similar and they cheated on their wives and didn’t even have a sexuality crisis in their forties so he’s letting his dad slide on this. Shoto definitely has a better relationship with Enji in this than canon Shoto but they don’t have Enji’s shity eugenics baggage here either. Overall Enji in this is just a neglectful workaholic who’s learning to work on himself with the guidance of the love of his life and is letting Shoto make his own decisions like living with his mom and this is all growth.
Charlie Swan- Rei Todoroki (Technically)
So Rei after the divorce moves back home because she hates Phoenix and hot weather. Maybe she gets custody in the summer or has Fuyumi and Natsuo since Toya took off and they split the kids? (I still haven’t decided how the custody went with those two but they don’t live in Forks/Crossroads or Phoenix so it doesn’t matter.)
After returning home she either started working at or opened up a yarn shop, I see her enjoying needle craft and she’s definitely not a sheriff type. She’s just a quiet, keeps to herself woman with a few close friends; children mostly grown and just happy to spend more time with her youngest.
Phil Dwyer- Keigo Takami
He’s a model who gets saved by Enji when his apartment burns down. He offers to take Enji to dinner and keeps offering to reward him until at Moe’s insistence Enji agrees. They hit it off and the rest is history.
Things I would have said in the tags but there’s a limit so I put the actual important stuff there and ramblings here:
It took me three weeks to finish this (midnight sun) audiobook. I literally drive for a living and couldn’t finish it in less than the entirety of my library rental time. Jake Able deserves more money.
I have read twilight three times now and it never gets easier. Yes I do have terrible taste.
I hope someone reads this. It took like three months to finish this post. I still have so much in my head. I haven’t even started talking about the League. Please ask questions, I want to actually write this but my brain won’t let me write full fics so this is what we get.
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headcanons cause i’m in flarrie hours
they are THE couple when it comes to halloween costumes
all their outfits for big events (parties, gigs where dirty candy and/or jatp perform) are coordinated
carrie my femme queen & flynn my nonbinary lesbian darling
go to protests & marches together
flynn lends carrie books by her favorite Black female authors & carrie lends her books by her favorite sapphic poets
they make playlists about each other but the other doesn’t know they do it (julie & kayla are the only ones permitted to know of the existence of these playlists & have been sworn to secrecy, though julie has a strong suspicion carrie also makes playlists about flynn and vice versa)
have a joint pinterest account for their wedding moodboard
carrie adopted a tiger cub and named it flynn for their three month anniversary
they go to the mall together every other weekend and shop, which they both love to do and when they get home they always model the new outfits they bought
flynn squeals every time they see a dog in public and always runs over and asks if they can pet it and carrie always watches her with such a fond look that the owner almost always makes a comment on what a lovely couple they are or asks how long they’ve been together (something that has actually been happening since even before they were dating, and back then you can imagine the flustered ness it caused)
flynn often comes to watch dirty candy rehearsals, cheer them on, make sure they’re staying hydrated/taking snack breaks and that carrie’s not overworking herself
carrie is the first person that flynn tells she wants to DJ professionally and carrie gets her her first gig
eventually flynn gets into producing as well and ends up making a track for carrie, who writes lyrics to it and it becomes dirty candy’s most successful song to date
carrie says i love you first one saturday afternoon while they’re watching a movie on flynn’s computer in her room. flynn laughs at a joke and carrie looks over at her, her beautiful, incredible girlfriend, and simply can’t resist the urge to say it
flynn’s shocked into silence so carrie panics and leaves and doesn’t answer flynn’s messages
that night flynn shows up at the wilson mansion and throws rocks at carrie’s window until she comes out
flynn is upset with carrie for running out and ghosting her and carrie’s trying to defend herself so they argue but then flynn interrupts carrie by kissing her and breathlessly saying, “i love you.” carrie kisses her and not another word on it is said
carrie steals flynn’s hats
they’re not really PDA-y, they just happen to engage in a lot of unconscious, casual affection, like flynn often absentmindedly intertwines their pinkies and carrie doesn’t realize her arm is around flynn’s shoulders until she’s doing it
even after months of dating will still flirt like they’re in their enemies who are secretly very attracted to e/o era
flynn really loves art, particularly murals, so she drags carrie to a lot of gallery openings and museums
at one point when flynn’s going through a hard time carrie enlists all their friends for help making a giant mural full of drawings of things that make her happy
flynn happy cries when she sees it and is pretty much always seen hugging carrie for the rest of that night
only really cuddle when one (or both) of them is sleepy, though flynn does often sit on carrie’s lap
before starting to date, carrie would tease flynn for having stuffed animals during their sleepovers at flynn’s until they started dating and flynn started spending more time at carrie’s and flynn discovers that her girlfriend’s a little hypocrite
flynn has a younger sister and brother (sister is six, brother is four) and they absolutely ADORE carrie and think she’s the coolest and carrie thinks they’re the cutest
flynn’s like no they’re little demons and carrie’s says who says demons can’t be cute? you once called me a demon right, and im cute, aren’t i? and flynn rolls her eyes and fights back a smile
flynn also has a college aged older sister who she looks up to a lot, like that’s her hero and absolute role model, so naturally carrie’s terrified to meet her, and though she tries to appear intimidating at first, she can’t keep up the act for long and starts being friendly with carrie pretty much right away
one day they’re supposed to go on a date but carrie’s sick and forgot to text flynn telling her not to come so flynn shows up at her house but stays anyway to look after her
flynn reads to her and makes her soup
trevor & flynn play video games while carrie naps
flynn makes jewelry in her free time and consults carrie for her thoughts on every piece (in junior year she starts selling them at school & turns out to be quite the entrepreneur)
they have an inside joke about cosmo and wanda
a couple of the dirty candy members sometimes jokingly flirt with flynn and are like “watch out! we’re gonna steal your girl!” and carrie gets possessive and apologizes for it pretty quickly but flynn thinks it’s hot so it works out pretty well
will watch bad rom coms to make fun of straight people and throw popcorn at the screen when they get together
pet/nick names: care, baby, babe, love, (from carrie to flynn who shuts down upon hearing it) honey, (flynn to carrie, who becomes very giddy the first time flynn says it in a text message) sweetheart
if you couldn’t tell before they ofc have an enemies to friends to lovers arc
move in together after graduating, neither planning on going to college (julie goes to berkeley and nick some other place in california where they have lacrosse cause that’s the sport he plays right) and their parents think it’ll be a disaster but it actually goes really well
the first couple of weeks they fight more, all petty arguments mostly out of the stress of moving, but they always talk it out
it doesn’t take long for them to be happy they’re living together and feel really glad they took that step
two years after graduating flynn gives her a promise ring
carrie cries her eyes out and replies “of fucking course, you dumb fuck” when flynn asks if she’ll take it
ten years later carrie’s a successful pop star/choreographer & flynn’s a record breaking producer/DJ and they’re about to buy a house when they realize they never got married
it’s just a moment where they’re relaxing together on the couch and suddenly are like. oh
and proceed to burst out laughing
it’s a small ceremony, thrown together in just three weeks
carrie wears a short, light pink dress with a heart cutout in the back that would probably be more suited for a high school sophomore’s spring fling but no one cares
flynn wears a suit, and is walked down the aisle by her older sister
they both tear up upon seeing each other and sob through the vows (the traditional pre written ones, they wrote vows for each other but they recite them to the other when they’re alone, so it’s something special only they can share)
julie & kayla are the maids of honor, nick and alex are the best men
julie & luke’s five year old hernando is the ring bearer & alex and willie’s three year old umi is the flower child
trevor, flynn’s older sister and parents cry
even flynn’s now teenage younger siblings, who as of late have often been stereotypically cynical and moody shed tears
jatp perform at the reception (they have also become a hit band at this point)
when they get back from the honeymoon the first thing they do is get a dog
they adopt a golden doodle rescue named stella
a couple years later they start talking about kids and look into getting a sperm donor
because they love being competitive they do little games to decide who will be the one to carry the baby
it’s all jokes though, they decided at the start of the process that it would be flynn for the first kid and carrie for the second
but then SURPRISE flynn has twins
a boy and a girl named tyler and ollie (who’s who i won’t tell you cause fuck gender)
they don’t even talk about carrie getting pregnant now cause they’re busy with the babies and trying to manage their careers but one night, when the kids are eight, and flynn has just flopped onto the couch with a dramatic sigh after putting them to bed, carrie puts down her kindle and quietly says that she wants another kid.
they talk for hours because while flynn wants another kid too, when you’re both celebrities with demanding jobs and people constantly trying to peer into your life, that decision involves even more factors
they decide to have another kid and carrie chooses to take a step back from her career for now-she’ll return to it eventually but for now she wants to be able to just be a parent without worrying about work and not have to deal with the guilt that comes with working when she feels like she should be being a parent
though the kids have always been their main priority and they have done quite well dividing their time between work and being with them, and have done decently shielding them from the public eye (majority of the pictures of ollie & tyler that the public has are blurry candids, and the few high quality ones are from when they were three and they no longer look like that anyway so it’s all good)
it’s a harder process for carrie to get pregnant as she’s almost 40 and flynn was 31 when she had tyler and ollie
but it happens though they’re careful about choosing the sperm donor-even briefly consider asking reggie or nick-because with this kind of thing there’s always the risk that other parent could track down where their kid ended up and want to be a part of that kid’s life later on which is uber complicated for many reasons so they get those scary possibilities out of the way by just finding someone who they know wants to be in the child’s life
preston choi, a thai & korean american mathematics professor ends up being their guy
he’s immensely genuine, sweet, respectful, polite, and gentlemanly
when he came out at fifteen his parents kicked him out of the house
it was a long and difficult journey but they’re in a decent place now
but it’s not the family he wants to have and he’s tried but has yet to find a partner
but doesn’t want to wait to have kids so here he is, more than happy to co parent with flynn and carrie
so that’s what they do! tyler and ollie become big siblings to miles wilson-choi on december 10th, 2044
miles grows up in the most multicultural home ever, being fluent in 4 languages (English, AAVE, Spanish thanks to their tia julie, Korean, and Thai) all their life
tyler & ollie welcome preston and miles into the family with open arms, as well as the addition of korean and thai cuisine to the already amazing dinner tables they had of soul and caribbean food
when miles is seven carrie goes back to work full time, with preston’s assurance that he’s got this when her and flynn are busy and tyler and ollie (who are now fifteen) promising they’ll help out as well
at that point the long awaited julie and the phantoms/carrie and flynn wilson collaboration FINALLY happens
flynn wins her 28th grammy for it, leaving her tied with beyoncé for most grammys won by any woman ever (its julie’s 14th, luke’s 6th, and carrie’s 12th, and the band’s collective 10th cause alex never did any solo projects and reggie released one country album but it didn’t win any grammys rip though it was nominated for 2 CMAs)
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popculty · 4 years
52 Films by Women: 2020 Edition
Another annual challenge complete!
Last year, I focused on diversifying my list. This year I kept that intention but focused on watching more non-American films and films from the 20th century. Specifically, I sought out Agnès Varda’s entire filmography, after her death in 2019. (I was not disappointed - What a filmmaking legend we lost.) 
I also kept a film log for the first time and have included some of my thoughts on several films from that log. I made a point of including reviews both positive and negative, because I think it’s important to acknowledge the variability and breadth of the canon, so as not to put every film directed by a woman on a pedestal. (Although movies directed by women must clear a much higher bar to be greenlit, meaning generally higher quality...But that’s an essay for another day :)
* = directed by a woman of color
bold = fave
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1. The Rhythm Section (2020) dir. Reed Morano - Not as good as it could have been, given Morano’s proven skill behind the camera, but also not nearly as bad as the critics made it out to be. And unbelievably refreshing to see a female revenge story not driven by sexual assault or the loss of a husband/child.
2. Cléo de 5 à 7 (1962) dir. Agnès Varda - If you ever wanted to take a real-time tour of Paris circa 1960, this is the film for you.
3. Little Women (2019) dir. Greta Gerwig - Still my favorite Little Women adaptation. I will re-watch it every year and cry.
4. Varda by Agnès (2019) dir. Agnès Varda & Didier Rouget
5. Booksmart (2019) dir. Olivia Wilde - An instant classic high school comedy romp that subverts all the gross tropes of its 1980s predecessors.
6. Girls of the Sun (2018) dir. Eva Husson
7. Blue My Mind (2017) dir. Lisa Brühlmann
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8. Portrait of a Lady On Fire (2019) dir. Céline Sciamma - Believe the hype. This film is a master thesis on the female gaze, and also just really effing gorgeous.
9. Belle Epine (2010) dir. Rebecca Zlotowski
10. Vamps (2012) dir. Amy Heckerling - With Krysten Ritter and Alicia Silverstone as modern-day vampires, I was so ready for this movie. But it feels like a bad stage play or a sit-com that’s missing a laugh-track. Bummer.
11. *Birds of Prey (2020) dir. Cathy Yan - Where has this movie been all our lives?? Skip the next onslaught of Snyder-verse grim-darkery and give me two more of these STAT! 
12. She’s Missing (2019) dir. Alexandra McGuinness
13. The Mustang (2019) dir. Laure de Clermont-Tonnere - Trigger warning for the “protagonist” repeatedly punching a horse in the chest. I noped right out of there.
14. Monster (2003) dir. Patty Jenkins – I first watched this movie when I was probably too young and haven’t revisited it since. The rape scene traumatized me as a kid, but as an adult I appreciate how that trauma is not the center of the movie, or even of Aileen’s life. Everyone still talks about how Charlize “went ugly” for this role, but the biggest transformation here isn’t aesthetic, it’s physical – the way Theron replicates Wuernos’ mannerisms, way of speaking, and physicality. That’s why she won the Oscar. I also love that Jenkins calls the film “Monster” (which everyone labels Aileen), but then actually uses it to tell the story of how she fell in love with a woman when she was at her lowest, and that saved her. That’s kind of beautiful, and I’m glad I re-watched it so that I could see the story in that light, instead of the general memory I had of it being a good, feel-bad movie. It’s so much more than that.
15. Water Lilies (2007) dir. Céline Sciamma – Sciamma’s screenwriting and directorial debut, the first in her trilogy on youth, is as painfully beautiful as its sequels (Tomboy and Girlhood). It’s also one of the rare films that explores the overlap of queerness and girl friendships.
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16. The Trouble with Angels (1966) dir. Ida Lupino – Movies about shenanigan-based female friendships are such rare delights. Rosalind Russel is divine as Mother Superior, and Hayley Mills as “scathingly brilliant” as the pranks she plays on her. Ida Lupino’s skill as an editor only enhances her directing, providing some truly iconic visual gags to complement dialogue snappy enough for Gilmore Girls. 
17. Vagabond (1985) dir. Agnès Varda – Shot with a haunting realism, this film has no qualms about its heroine’s inevitable, unceremonious death, which it opens with, matter-of-factly, before retracing her final (literal) steps to the road-side ditch she ends up in. (I’m partly convinced said heroine was the inspiration for Sarah Manning in Orphan Black.)
18. One Sings, The Other Doesn’t (1977) dir. Agnès Varda – Probably my favorite classic Varda, this film feels incredibly personal. It’s essentially a love story about two best friends with very different lives. For an indie made in the ‘70s, the diversity, scope, and themes of the film are impressive. Even if the second half a drags a bit, the first half is absolute perfection, engaging the viewer immediately, and clipping along, sprinkling in some great original songs that were way progressive for their time (about abortion, female bodily autonomy, etc) and could still be considered “bangers” today.
19. Emma (2020) dir. Autumn de Wilde
20. Black Panthers (1969) dir. Agnès Varda
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21. Into the Forest (2016) dir. Patricia Rozema - When the world was ending (i.e. the pandemic hit) this was the first movie I turned to - a quiet, meditative story of two sisters (Elliot Page and Evan Rachel Wood) surviving off the land after a sudden global blackout. Four years later, it’s still one of my favorite book-to-screen adaptations. I fondly remember speaking with director Patricia Rozema at the 2016 Chicago Critics Film Festival after a screening, her love for the source material and desire to “get it right” so apparent. I assured her then, and reaffirm now, that she really did.
22. City of Trees (2019) dir. Alexandra Swarens
23. Never Rarely Sometimes Always (2020) dir. Eliza Hittmann - To call this a harrowing and deeply personal journey of a sixteen-year-old who must cross state lines to get an abortion would be accurate, but incomplete. It is a story so much bigger than that, about the myriad ways women’s bodies and boundaries are constantly violated.
24. Paradise Hills (2019) dir. Alice Waddington
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25. *Eve’s Bayou (1996) dir. Kasi Lemmons – I’ve been meaning to watch Kasi Lemmons’ directorial debut for many years now, and I’m so glad I finally have, because it fully deserves its icon status, beyond being one of the first major films directed by a black woman. Baby Jurnee Smollett's talent was immediately recognizable, and she has reminded us of it in Birds of Prey and Lovecraft Country this year. If merit was genuinely a factor for Oscar contenders, she would have taken home gold at eleven years old. Beasts of the Southern Wild has been one of my all-time favorites, but now I realize that most of my appreciation for that movie actually goes to Lemmons for blazing the trail with her story of a young black girl from the bayou first. It’s also a surprisingly dark story about memory and abuse and familial relationships that cross lines - really gutsy and surprising themes, especially for the ‘90s.
26. Blow the Man Down (2019) dir. Bridget Savage Cole & Danielle Krudy - Come and get your sea shanty fix!
27. Touchy Feely (2013) dir. Lynn Shelton - R.I.P. :(
28. Hannah Gadsby: Douglas (2020) dir. Madeleine Parry - If you thought Gadsby couldn’t follow up 2018′s sensational Nanette with a comedy special just as sharp and hilarious, you would have been sorely mistaken.
29. Girlhood (2013) dir. Céline Sciamma
30. Breathe (2014) dir. Mélanie Laurent
31. *A Dry White Season (1989) dir. Euzhan Palcy
32. Laggies (2014) dir. Lynn Shelton
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33. *The Old Guard (2020) dir. Gina Prince-Bythewood – Everything I’ve ever wanted in an action movie: Immortal gays, Charlize Theron wielding a labrys (battle axe), kinetic fight choreography I haven’t seen since the last Bond movie…Watched it twice, then devoured the comics it was adapted from, and I gotta say: in the hands of black women, it eclipses the source material. Cannot wait for the just-announced sequel.
34. Morvern Callar (2002) dir. Lynn Ramsay
35. Shirley (2020) dir. Josephine Decker
36. *Radioactive (2019) dir. Marjane Satrapi – The story is obviously well worth telling and the narrative structure – weaving in the future consequences of Curie’s discoveries – is clever, but a bit awkwardly executed and overly manipulative. There are glimpses of real brilliance throughout, but it feels as if the director’s vision was not fully realized, to my great disappointment. Nonetheless, I appreciated seeing Marie Curie's story being told by a female director and embodied by the always wonderful Rosamund Pike.
37. *The Half of It (2020) dir. Alice Wu - I feel like a real scrooge for saying this, but this movie did nothing for me. Nothing about it felt fresh, authentic or relatable. A real disappointment from the filmmaker behind the wlw classic Saving Face.
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38. Mouthpiece (2018) dir. Patricia Rozema - I am absolutely floored. One of those films that makes you fall in love with the art form all over again. Patricia Rozema continues to prove herself one of the most creatively ambitious and insightful directors of our time, with this melancholic meditation on maternal grief and a woman’s duality.
39. Summerland (2020) dir. Jessica Swale - The rare period wlw love story that is not a) all-white or b) tragedy porn. Just lovely.
40. *The Last Thing He Wanted (2020) dir. Dee Rees – As rumored, a mess. Even by the end, I still couldn’t tell you who any of the characters are. Dee, we know you’re so much better than this! (see: Mudbound, Pariah)
41. *Cuties (2020) dir. Maïmouna Doucouré – I watched this film to 1) support a black woman director who has been getting death threats for her work and 2) see what all the fuss is about. While I do think there were possibly some directorial choices that could have saved quite a bit of the pearl-clutching, overall, I didn’t find it overly-exploitative or gross, as many (who obviously haven’t actually watched the film) have labeled it. It certainly does give me pause, though, and makes me wonder whether children can ever be put in front of a camera without it exploiting or causing harm to them in some way. It also makes one consider the blurry line between being a critique versus being an example. File this one under complicated, for sure.
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42. A Call to Spy (2019) Lydia Dean Pilcher – An incredible true story of female spies during WWII that perfectly satisfied my itch for British period drama/spy thriller and taught me so much herstory I didn’t know.
43. Kajillionaire (2020) dir. Miranda July - I was lucky enough to attend the (virtual) premiere of this film, followed by an insightful cast/director Q&A, which only made me appreciate it more. July's offbeat dark comedy about a family of con artists is queerer and more heartfelt than it has any right to be, and a needed reprieve in a year of almost entirely white wlw stories. The family's shenanigans are the hook, but it's the budding relationship between Old Dolio (an almost unrecognizable Evan Rachel Wood) and aspiring grifter Melanie (the luminous Gina Rodriguez) that is the heart of the story.
44. Misbehaviour (2020) dir. Philippa Lowthorpe – Again, teaching me herstory I didn’t know, about how the Women’s Liberation Movement stormed the 1970 Miss World Pageant. Keira Knightley and Gugu Mbatha-Raw’s characters have a conversation in a bathroom at the end of the film that perfectly eviscerates well-meaning yet ignorant white feminism, without ever pitting women against each other - a feat I didn’t think was possible. I also didn’t think it was possible to critique the male gaze without showing it (*ahem Cuties, Bombshell, etc*), but this again, invents a way to do it. Bless women directors.
45. *All In: The Fight for Democracy (2020) dir. Liz Garbus and Lisa Cortes – 2020’s 13th. Thank god for Stacey Abrams, that is all.
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46. *The 40-Year-Old Version (2020) dir. Radha Blank – This scene right here? I felt that in my soul. This whole film is so good and funny and heartfelt and relatable to any artist trying to walk that tightrope of “making it” while not selling their soul to make it. My only initial semi-note was that it’s a little long, but after hearing Radha Blank talk about how she fought for the two-hour run-time as a way of reclaiming space for older black women, I take it back. She’s right: Let black women take up space. Let her movie be as long as she wants it to be. GOOD FOR HER.
47. Happiest Season (2020) dir. Clea Duvall - Hoooo boy. What was marketed as the first lesbian Christmas rom-com is actually a horror movie for anyone who’s ever had to come out. Throw in casual racism and a toxic relationship treated as otp, and it’s YIKES on so many levels. Aubrey Plaza, Dan Levy, and an autistic-coded Jane are the only (underused) highlights.
48. *Monkey Beach (2020) dir. Loretta Todd
49. *Little Chief (2020) dir. Erica Tremblay – A short film part of the 2020 Red Nation Film Festival, it’s a perfect eleven minutes that I wish had gone on longer, if only to bask in Lily Gladstone in a leading role.
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50. First Cow (2019) dir. Kelly Reichardt – I know Kelly Reichardt’s style, so I’ll admit-- even as I was preparing for an excellent film, I was also reaching for my phone, planning on only half paying attention during all the inevitable 30-second shots of grass blowing in the wind. (And yes, there are plenty of those.) But twenty minutes in, my phone was set aside and forgotten, as I am getting sucked into this beautiful story about two frontiersman trying to live their best domestic life.There is only one word to describe this film and that is: PURE. I’ve never seen such a tender platonic relationship between men on screen before, and it’s not lost on me that it took a woman to show us that tenderness. Reichardt gives us two men brought together by fate, and kept together by a shared dream and the simple pleasure of not being alone in such a hard world; two men who spend their days cooking, trapping, baking, and dreaming of a better life; two men who don’t say much, but feel everything for each other. The world would be a much better place if men showed us this kind of vulnerability and friendship toward each other. Oh, and it’s also a brutal take-down of capitalism and the myth of the American Dream!
51. Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) dir. Patty Jenkins - My most-anticipated film for the past two years was...well, a mixed bag, to say the least. Too many thoughts on it for a blog post, so stay tuned for the upcoming podcast ep where we go all in ;)
52. *Selah and the Spades (2019) dir. Tayarisha Poe
I hope this gives you some ideas to kick off your new year with a resolution to support more female directors!
What were your favorite women-directed movies of last year? Let me know in the tags, comments, or asks!
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