#also yes. skizzes reach is. big
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basically inspired by this
their in a circle. square? sqircle 👍 and also hug
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enkays-den · 1 month
Skizz Week 2, Day 3: Fight/Fun
968 words, no warnings, Skizz, Doc
“What have you called me over for, Doc?” Skizz asked as the two of them stepped through the nether portal.
“I heard you’re a big fan of da win’ charges,” the German replied. “I have a new machine that I’ve already tested and I thought you might like to see it in action.
“Whoa,” Skizz said wondrously, looking up at the tall structure. “What’s it do?” He sounded like a little kid.
“I’ll explain once we go up, we need to get up top anyways to see it.”
Skizz was handed a rock climbing harness to step into. Doc then clipped one of the carabiners to an industrial pulley, and another to a bright red safety line. He also pulled all the straps of the harness tight.
“Hey, you’re gonna cut off circulation to important parts!”
Doc raised an eyebrow. “You wanna wanna take the fall down? Okay.” He reached for the straps again, but Skizz swatted his hands away with a beat of his wing. 
“No touchy-touchy.”
Doc’s laugh sounded almost like a scoff. “You’re so strange, Skizzleman.”
“I grow on you, like a mould.”
“I’m sure Impulse would agree.”
“Skizz giggled. “Nine days out of ten, yeah.”
“You all ready?” Doc was turning dials and cranks on a mechanical console.
“As I’ll ever be.”
“Okay, hold on to the redrope if you want. It won’t do anything.”
“Real reassur-AHHH!” Skizz’s retort was cut off by the winch pulling him up at a horrifically fast clip. His knuckles were white as he gripped the red safety rope.
“DOC YOU SUUUUUCK!!!” He screamed below. 
Doc’s maniacal laughter could be heard over the wind rushing in his ears.
The pair zipped up the structure, passing by large matrices of redstone that Skizz wouldn't hope to understand in a million years.
The winch slowed down when they were level with some of the mountaintops. There was a metal platform that the two of them stepped onto.
“You can let go of da rope now,” Doc said, smirking.
Skizz took a deep breath, releasing his lifeline. “Dude, that freaking sucked.”
“Funny, Impulse said you’re an adrenaline junkie, I thought you’d enjoy da ride.”
“Didn’t occur to you that maybe some of us normal people might want to take the elevator?”
“Dat is da elevator.”
Skizz laughed nervously as Doc unclipped him from the winch and to the safety wires.
Doc gave a quick tour and summary of the machinery on this level.
“So we are up here because dis is my wind charge farm. You see over dere is da glass enclosure with a breeze inside. Dis piston can basically catch da charges fired at da iron golem. Dey’re held in stasis and I accumulate them in dis spot.”
“So these aren’t wind charges we can harvest and throw ourselves?” Skizz asked, watching the breeze shoot windballs into the glass chamber.
“No, at da moment, I can’t only isolate the charges into one spot, but moving dem a distance in dis state isn’t something I’ve figured out yet.”
“Yet,” Skizz chuckled.
Doc just smirked. “Yes, yet. Hivemind is very powerful, wit all our minds combined.”
“If you can’t move the charges and don’t want to make them throwable objects, what do you do with them? And why am I here? I’m just the town jester!”
“I remember you were very enthusiastic about using boats and fishing poles for transport earlier in da season. Dis makes dat technique look like playing jump rope.”
Skizz’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”
“Dead. I can get stacks of charges here, get in a boat, activate them, and go over two hundred thousand meters in da air.”
“Holy moly,” Skizz breathed in amazement. He turned to Doc, eyes sparkling. “Please tell me that you brought me here to send me to space.”
Doc only grinned in response. Skizz cheered.
They got into a large oak boat made for four, Doc and Skizz on either end of the boat and some scientific equipment piled into the middle, some analog, some electronic.”
Doc gave all their altitude and accelerometer devices a final check. “Okay, I think we’re ready for takeoff.”
“Hell yes!” Skizz hopped into the boat and strapped himself into the modified seat.
Doc pressed the button to align everything, the boat shifting slightly as everything got pushed into position with pistons. He gestured to a very Dr. Frankenstein looking lever. “Skizz, want to do de honors?”
“It would be an honor.” Skizz grasped the handle. “Wanna count down and I pull on ‘go’?”
“Sure. Three… two… one… go.”
Skizz wrenched the lever down. A moment later, a deafening WHOOOOOOOM sounded and everything in the boat became glued to floor with the G force of their liftoff.
“Jeez!” Skizz yelled, peering over the edge of the boat. They were already so far up, he could see the edges of Joe’s Hermit Homdel. 
“According to dis” – Doc gestured to the equipment – “we passed da max height you were getting with da fishing rods within three seconds.”
“That’s crazy, dude,” Skizz laughed. Suddenly, he gasped. “That’s the hourglass! It looks so small from up here!”
“Da hourglass is not small!” Doc said indignantly. “Da hourglass is a monument to suffering on da server because no one will let me dupe sand!”
After a while, the novelty of watching the landscape below them shrinking wore off, and Skizz looked over at Doc, who was finished examining his equipment and noting things down. The goat-creeper-man hybrid was watching Skizz, seemingly happy he was enjoying the trip, but definitely looking a little awkward.
They still hadn’t finished going up, and the devices tracking their position and altitude was telling him it was already four minutes of vertical travel. 
This was going to take a while.
“So Doc… how’s the German basketball scene these days?”
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efoxkitty · 3 years
My new headcannon is that the reds do feel blood lust + the last emotion they felt before they died + the long term goal they had.
As an example have a part of my wip flower husbands fanfic.
(Takes place during week 5, flashback during week 4)
He sees Scott and Martyn bickering with the whole "My red could beat up your red." but he does not smile. Because the truth is, he knows he would lose. He remembers when Scar pulled him away with a concerned look and asked him if he knows how reds operate and what marks them as different, besides their red eyes. He remembers saying that red's can kill unlike greens and yellows and Scar shook his head in disagreement.
"The truth is a bit different. You see, it's not just that we are allowed to kill players, it's also that we feel the blood lust affecting us. We don't kill because we can, but because we want to, because it's the only thing bringing us joy. Have you noticed our emotions are muted? How we don't feel them as strongly as before? That's the mental change we go through. You see our gray skin, our wounds and our eyes, but no one will tell you how you will feel."
He looks up at Scar "So you're saying that I might feel an urge to murder?"
Scar pauses "Unfortunately. You will still feel other things and..." He pauses and for a moment he can see the exhaustion, the pain and he thinks he understands "And I think the other think you will feel the most is the goal you had before you died, the mindset you were in coupled with that specific emotion."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, for me, when I was yellow I just wanted to create Science Bros, have fun and scam people, scare them with my yellow status as a prank. But after I died, it was the only emotion I was capable of feeling. Threatening people makes me feel something, demanding their things and then killing them if they refuse brings me joy, yes, but not directly from the kills." Scar sighs, before whispering "But the worst part is, before I died I was scared Grian would leave me."
And Jimmy pauses, because he feels like he knows where this is going and he doesn't know if he likes it.
"So my goal was to make sure he would stay, that he would want to stay. So my urge is to protect him from dying, because if he never dies, then he never leaves me." Scar admits to the silence and Jimmy slowly puts a hand on his back to steady him. "So tell me, what emotions can you feel?"
And as their red eyes meet, Jimmy thinks he knows what he's asking, why he's asking. "I think my long-term goal was to help Scott and protect him, because I still feel the same about that."
"Good. That's good." Scar shifts and Jimmy takes his hand away. "I just... I just wanted to warn you, since Skizz is... You know "
Jimmy nods. If Skizz died hating Jimmy, he would feel the urge until he died. "Thank you for the warning, I appreciate that."
"You are a part of the red desert now, of course I would offer advice." Scar nods and Jimmy watches him leave.
But there is still a small fear in his mind, a big doubt, tiny voice telling him something is wrong, because he doesn't want to hurt anyone, or kill them and just the thought of it makes him sick. "Scar?" He calls out, to stop the other man from leaving."
"What if I don't feel it? The urge to kill." He asks and tries to keep his voice steady. And then in a surprising turn of events, Scar is holding a sword to his neck as Jimmy is pinned to the wall, the hard spruce wood pushing into his back.
"And what about now?" He feels the blade pressed to his throat, he sees the way Scar's eyes lit up and how he seems almost excited to take a life.
He could try to reach for his sword, to kill Scar in retaliation, to feel him dying in his arms. But the idea only leaves a bitter taste in his mouth, his stomach twists with displeasure at such a violent idea.He shakes his head and watched Scar's face fall.
"Really? Nothing?"
"No. I can't hurt you, it would make me feel terrible." Scar lets him go and he falls to the ground. He looks at his friend? Potential ally? And voices out his fears "I don't feel the blood lust as much, I know it's there, it's telling me to hurt you, but... But I can't."
He expects Scar to leave, but the man instead lays a hand on his shoulder "I'm sorry."
Jimmy looks up, shocked to see the pity reflecting on Scar, as the other man puts his sword back. "There's nothing to be sorry for." And he means it, it wasn't their fault he was messing around an active bomb, but Scar look to disagree.
"This is exactly why I'm sorry. You know it too, don't you? Your last emotion was guilt." He tries to look away, ashamed, but Scar is still speaking, so he listens. "I'm sorry we did that to you, I- I wasn't aware this would happen." It was true, wasn't it? They goal was to kill Ren and Martyn, not Jimmy and Skizz.
"I forgive you." It slips easily out of his lips, after all, he is not angry at them, he is not disappointed at anyone except himself.
Scar is however taken back by this "Thank you. I'm sorry I can't help you in your struggle, but if there's an advice I can give, don't tell anyone about your condition." Jimmy nods, too aware of the consequences, but Scar continues. "I know you and Scott tell each other nearly everything, but you know his plans. Can you be sure he will keep a red that won't be able to kill?"
And that makes him pause, because if it came to it, would he be able to fight? To protect Scott? Could he live with the guilt if it meant saving the only person he cared about? Yes, yes he could. "I will be able if he asks me too." He says honestly and Scar's eyes lit up.
"Then perhaps you might still survive." He turns around once again "It was nice seeing you, but know if you have to fight us, I'll not hesitate next time."
"Thank you Scar, you've told me a lot." And with that, he watches the oldest red climb up the stairs to his home and leave. He can hear Scott and Grian plotting outside and he smiles. He might be the easiest red to kill, but until anyone tries, he will try his hardest to be scary.
So when he looks back at Ren, he can see the shine in his red eyes, as Scott and Martyn talk about fighting, wars and enemies. He recognizes the desire for spilling blood and with a sobering realization remembers that Ren died, because he wanted to get revenge. It hurts to realize their friend is dead, replaced by a red king, a monarch out for blood, but it's true. Jimmy might be the weakest, but if they think they can kill Scott, they are dead wrong.
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Title: Golden Forest
Words: 1366
Description: Grian sacrifices himself to the creeper to save Scar’s life on the first day. Scar swears his allegiance to Grian and they settle in the Flower forest with Scott and Jimmy.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, if you were fine with Third Life you’ll be fine with this
@whyamihereat4am since I said I’d tag you
By the time Grian realized what was going to happen, it was too late. His only option left was to dive in front of the creeper before it could reach Scar and act like the whole thing had been a big accident. The other server members accepted that he had valiantly saved Scar from an incoming creeper, and that was a lot nicer than the truth of a prank gone wrong. He had not been expecting Scar to swear his complete loyalty to Grian as a manservant as thanks for the save, but oh well.
With Scar by his side, Grian settled at his starter house in the flower forest, where the duo discovered the Flower Husbands, Scott and Jimmy. The two pairs got along well and cut down the two dark oak forests on the server, giving them a monopoly on the material and forming a strong alliance between them. A mild surprise but still expected, Scar lost his first life in the logging process, swarmed by mobs in an admittedly unimpressive manner. After some thinking, he decided that since he had not died in defense of Grian, their deal still stood.
Grian and Scar soon began a rampage of scheming and hijinks, selling dark oak subscriptions, “reputation”, and no-kill passes (one of which was bought by BigB). Due to the two yellow-lives who had quickly become its public face, the Flower Forest became known as the Golden Forest. While Grian and Scar handled sales, Jimmy and Scott hung back at the forest to handle production of dark oak.
Despite his strong alliances with Scar and the Flower Husbands, Grian kept up ties with his fellow Blue Sword Boys, BigB and Martyn. He secretly planned to ditch the forest and team up with them if things got rough. Martyn had his own alliances, working under Ren at Renchanting. BigB, on the other hand, had kept to himself, staying friendly yet distant with everyone but not making any promises. For a time, there was peace, both in the Golden Forest and the rest of the server.
But no good thing lasts forever. Bored and hoping to start some fun, Cleo set fire to Joel’s house, pinning the blame on Scar when asked about it. Joel had earlier lost a life to Tango’s Dare to Flare game (which claimed Jimmy’s first life as well), and got caught up in the flames, becoming the server’s first red life. Enraged, he believed Cleo’s deception and went after Scar, despite Scar’s denials of commiting the act. Not wanting to rebuild his house, Joel talked Cleo, Bdubs, and Tango into a team-up, forming an expanded Team Crastle.
As conflicts between the Golden Forest and Team Crastle brewed, Ren, Etho, and Skizz met in Renchanting and agreed to stay neutral by any means necessary. Martyn tentatively agreed to join as well and act as a secret agent within the Golden Forest’s forces. Small battles erupted throughout the forest, fortress, and tower, and several more yellows and reds cropped up. Ren, Martyn, and Skizz were taken out by a tnt trap, leaving the former two on their yellow lives and Skizz on his red. After that, Renchanting found themselves embroiled in the fight, leaving three opposing sides. Jimmy and Grian both were left on their red lives after unlucky arrow fights, marking the Golden Forest a crimson red.
Soon enough, the unthinkable happened. During a particularly brutal fight that brought Scott to his yellow life, Bdubs (also red) stormed Jimmy and Scott’s lakeside house in the forest and struck Jimmy down, the server’s first permadeath. Scar quickly killed Bdubs in return. Scott was heartbroken briefly, but soon realized he could only feel rage. He did three things: first, he had Grian build a creeper farm; second, he collected as much sand as he could from the empty desert to the west, and third, he held a funeral for Jimmy, building the most magnificent grave he could. Scott stood on the grave and asked Grian to strike him down, so that he too could become a red life and avenge Jimmy’s death. Grian complied.
As the deaths stacked up, Grian began to consider his lie. It was wrong to hide the fact that he had led the creeper to Scar in the first place, yes, but at this point Scar wouldn’t be able to find a place in another faction, and telling him would only breed discord in their group, right? In the Crastle, Cleo felt much the same about her lie to Joel. With Bdubs gone, she slid into the position of leader, but hung back from the combat, preferring to lead with a silver tongue rather than a diamond sword. Impulse had tried bouncing between the three warring factions, staying sweet with each of them. But he soon found that despite standing with all three, none stood with him. Skizz and Impulse soon joined the permadead.
With a massive supply of tnt, Scott lay an insanely huge trap across the entire Golden Forest. Martyn saw what was happening and discreetly tried to slip away and warn Ren, but Grian had discovered the traitor in their midst. He killed Martyn in cold blood, leaving a stain on his hands that he couldn’t wash out. Once the trap was in place, Grian and Scar led everyone to the Golden Forest for a bloodbath. After killing Tango for the last time and ensuring that everyone but BigB was present, Scott detonated the trap. Scott died. Etho died. And Scar lost his second life, leaving him the last to turn red, even after BigB.
Six remained. Grian. Scar. Cleo. Joel. Ren. BigB. BigB got away from Grian and Scar with a no kill pass he had bought from them, leaving Ren as their next kill. Sensing it was the time to do it, Cleo admitted to Joel that she had been the one to burn his house down and had lied about it. He was confused at first, then betrayed, then filled with bloodlust. Bloodlust that did not take long for him to fill. By complete coincidence, at the same time, Grian confessed to Scar that he had led the creeper to him in the first place. Scar was dismayed, but still threw himself in front of Joel’s blade. His promise was fulfilled; he had died defending Grian’s life.
Grian fled, leaving a returning BigB to be cut down unceremoniously. Joel found him soon enough, cowering in the wreckage of Joel’s old home. They mutually agreed to a fair fight and relocated to the starting village, in a spot Grian recognized as eerily close to the one where he had sacrificed himself to save Scar. The two stripped themselves of armor and burned their items, leaving them each with one wooden sword. One a deceiver, the other deceived, they dueled in a ring of fire as the dead cheered them on. However, Grian’s spirit had been weakened by Scar’s death and he found himself unable to keep up with Joel’s hollow, holy fury. Grian died, beaten, remorseful, and alone.
Joel found himself wandering a silent world. The collapsed walls of Renchanting, the stripped sands of the desert, the home he had once known, the tower he had once called home, and, lastly, the Golden Forest. He found a smoking crater, but with one notable addition. An obsidian tomb nowhere’s above the wreckage, and after digging into it he discovered Jimmy’s grave, preserved from the tnt annihilation by Scott. Joel climbed to the top of the grave, and leapt. He respawned back in his bed, his life still a gleaming red.
As Joel made his journey, Grian found himself in the Golden Forest, restored beyond its former glory. New buildings, plants, and details that were exactly what he imagined the area could be. Jimmy, Scott, and Scar welcomed him to the barbecue, and as he sat down at the campfire, he realized that the grave had been replaced by two statues. One of Grian diving in front of the creeper, and other of Scar diving in front of Joel. He was home.
14. Jimmy
13. Bdubs
12. Skizz
11. Impulse
10. Martyn
9. Tango
8. Etho (Tie)
7. Scott (Tie)
6. Ren
5. Cleo
4. Scar
3. BigB
2. Grian
1. Joel (Winner)
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lunarblazes · 3 years
Hello I am loving your red watcher concept it's so cool!!! Please share more headcanons if you have any? I'd love to hear how the whole thing is affected the other people around Grian!
Also, do you have any tie-ins with this au for hermitcraft? If so I'd love to hear those as well!
SO SORRY I LET THIS ASK GO UNANSWERED FOR SO LONG. thank you SO much for asking aaahdkdjfldjfk i SWEAR i didn’t purposefully ignore this i have the memory of a squirrel and the attention span of a boiled peanut
hermitcraft isn’t canon to this lil au, really? i didn’t want to have to tie everything together HDKSHFKSJFKD I’M NOT SMART ENOUGH FOR THAT I’M SORRY. if anyone wants to make their own concepts to tie this to hc or related servers pop off :^)
THAT SAID here is some Information TM on the other members in the red watcher… thing?
nearly everyone on the server is affected by the weird shit that goes on, which is both based in my own ideas and the fact that people change their skins on red life lol. i don’t have super detailed ideas for a few of them— notably, being impulse, big b, etho, and joel! they just seem like they’d be funnier as humans.
bdubs: bdubs HIMSELF doesn’t change so much as his jacket. his moss jacket has my entire heart. it is alive now. he’s like a tangela. it moves on its own and it PUFFS bro. it’s like a parka
cleo: i’ve had the headcanon that as cleo dies she becomes more human instead of decaying further literally since day two of third life and i’m putting it in here. cleo is a patchwork of human and decay by the end of third life and it carries over to last life. it’s both hilarious and slightly angsty which is exactly how i like it
tango: tango’s just on fucking fire. he’s a flame spirit! a few of the people on the server are spirits in the world and tango’s one of them. obviously as he progresses we get more lava monster-y. like te kā from moana (i don’t think i used the accent marks right) but slightly more human-looking!
ren: yeah. wolf monster boy. you know the drill :^)! hes fluffy
martyn: martyn is actually a moon spirit even before everything, though the server brings out more of his inhuman traits. his design is based on dragons! he develops iridescent white scales, slit pupils, fangs, and horns, though one is torn off while he’s fighting grian in the battle of the red desert. i think he’s very cool
skizz: skizz is the most canon of the bunch: enderman void dude! he only changes once, on his red life in third life, but it sticks well. his arms are converted to void material, which means he can change their shape, and he can also dematerialize them in battle, though he has to be careful with that because it will also make him drop whatever he’s holding. his eyes are purely black except for red pinpricks of light signifying his life color.
scott: like martyn, scott is a spirit— a wind spirit, to be more exact! i actually don’t know how he changes exactly yet but! i do think his little crystalline headband thingy has something to do with it. think it might be fun if he sort of? cracked apart? in a similar way to how jimmy’s red life skin was dissolving. not sure yet! i do want him to take on more of a starborne look while he serves pearl. because obviously.
jimmy: speaking of jimmy dissolving. again, i’m not too sure what traits he develops, but that red life suspended state definitely carries over.
scar: SCAR IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES. i took crack, listened to gold by imagine dragons one too many times, and went damn. guess i have a new hc. scar is literally an automaton. don’t ask me HOW or WHY. he just IS. his red body is decaying, you can see his ribs, and inside is a golden ribcage with a ticking, mechanical heartbeat. he bleeds solid gold. he’s really fun to draw!!!
pearl: pearl is similar to martyn, only i think i’m gonna go more unicorn-inspired as she dies more! i think unicorns are neat and i think she deserves this. she hasn’t reached the point of change yet (remember, grian’s the only one who will just change randomly), but she will eventually, so! i’m putting her on this list
lizzie: reconciling her axolotl skin with her clear fae tendencies will take me a bit more research, but considering she lives next to a river, i’m thinking this is kind of a naiad type thing. yes she is a fairy yes she is a river spirit. she was a river spirit even before this and so she kept her axolotl gills and a bit of her scales but Oh Boy living in a fairy circle is not going to help you when you lose lives and the server decides that you need to change, lizzie :^)
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Legacy SMP in @martuzzio Space Outlaws AU
So, for... A while (since S2 started) I've been thinking about Legacy in Space Outlaws (including writing something I never finished & drafting out my ideas several times-) And I've come to find two ideas that I like.
So, under the cut will detail my ideas for how the Legates could fit into the space outlaws au and some thoughts on individual Legates! Of course, this is not canon! Just my headcanons for the AU.
The first idea:
The Legates' hubris gets the better of them. Experiments with plant-life escape their confinement and start spreading over the ship. When systems start failing, they choose to overload their engine in a last ditch effort, hoping to land on a nearby planet. They crash, sending the group of them spiralling across a wasteland. Now they need to use the remains of their ship to build shelter and survive, with various members injured, and that infection slowly spreading....
Also, the short bit I wrote for this one but never did anything with:
"Guys!" Pearl stumbles up the top of the hill, the sunlight hitting the back of her suit. Dark, almost black smoke billows up in front of her, blocking out the reddish sky of the planet. In front of her, down the slope of orange sand, lies the remains of their ship. Winding black threads are creeping across the metal, fires still burning tall. What silver isn't covered by the plant is battered, the ship broken apart in the middle.
Chimney doesn't stop to take in the sight, launching himself down the sand bank. Pearl is quick to follow, Logic and Jermsy with her.
"Where would he be?!" Chimney shouts, the radio in their helmets fizzling. Pearl winces at the static in hers. The UI isn't displaying properly, she had to close everything so it stopped giving her a headache. Logic stumbles in the sand as he runs, forcing himself back to his feet.
"The cockpit!" They angle their descent towards the front of the ship, Jermsy holding his blade in hand. The wreck grows as they get closer, until it's towering above them. Pearl sighs at the sight of a large thruster, broken off and standing nearly upright, half-buried in the desert. Their ship didn't deserve this. The heat is near unbearable, the sunlight bouncing off the metal, warmed by the flames. Jermsy cuts their way into the ship, Chimney reaching forward to help pull the metal away.
"Wow-" Pearl reaches her hand out to steady Logic when he stumbles. Her heart aches at the sight of their ship, their home, in this state of disrepair. The carefully decorated living space has fallen apart, anything not secured broken. Thick smoke obscures their vision, and she's relieved they know the ship off by memory.
"How are we supposed to find a way up to it?" Jermsy speaks the next problem. The entire ship is on her side. They're already at an angle, standing on one of the walls.
"Just cut through," Pearl decides. "There's nothing we can do to save her. But we need to save him." Jermsy nods, forcing himself upwards. Logic has activated the heavy flashlight on his suit, Chimney attempting to blow the smoke out.
The second idea:
The Legates are trapped on a ship/space station with an AI that is out to get them. They don't know what's controlling it, or what it wants from them. It sets strange rules and tries to control them. They have what they need to survive, but they're trying to look for a way out. They all agree that if somebody finds it, they should leave before it's closed off.
Personally, I think the second idea is a pretty fun way to incorporate the withering energy & events, but both are workable!
Also, some individual headcanons!
Pearl: I definitely see her as a winged creature of some sort, but I've always loved her as similar to a moth. Evidence: The optifine cape makes her elytra cape look like moth wings. Also, floof.
Logic: Either big-eyed alien, or goggles that make his eyes look super big. He's an engineer, and enjoys his work! He wants to discover things that help people.
Lime: A species similar to an elf. Pointed ears and white hair. Very knowledgeable of new technologies. A member of Mojang (I'm pretty sure there was lore related to them, but cannot find it please save me-) How the hell he got into this mess is anyone's guess.
Skizz: Somehow, Skizz ended up with this lot. ZIT's friend who suddenly dropped off the map. He's doing his best to help out, but is pretty worried he can't contact his friends. Not entirely sure what species he'd be. Since he was Impulse's childhood friend, leaning towards human.
Chim: Potentially a species related to bees! Mostly for the gorgeous wings. Otherwise, some kind of bee-related culture, to fit in with his bee priest storyline.
Anyway, that's all my current thoughts! They're very much concept ideas, but I just love Legacy a lot, and I think their plotline could be super interesting in this AU. Do I have any plans to write with them at the moment? No, I have so much to be working on jkhfd But am I thinking about them regularly? Yes <3
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