#also yes this is hot yaoi base lol
chicinlicin · 11 months
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average sharlayan thaliak thoughts
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togalnu · 11 months
Do you have any specific hcs for fem togainu or just fem nitrochi as a whole? I'd love to hear them! ^^
Oops I meant to answer this earlier. Anyways yes! I will be putting this under a read more because. Lol. Enjoy!
You wanna know a secret? Earlier this year I was researching parodies and the legalities of them because I had the grand idea to make a togainu remake but yuri and with some story changes. A whole ass visual novel. I was seriously planning on making it. Suffice to say I have put in some thought in turning these yaoi boys into yuri girls.
We will be here all day if I list every little thought and headcanon I have! I'll def make more posts about my visions in the future, but for right now I need to talk about Shiki. I NEED TO TALK ABOUT SHIKI.
First and foremost, my overall thoughts about Shiki: wasted potential. His route was a huge disappointment when I finally got to it. It was fumbled so fucking badly and it pains my soul because Shiki is hot and I love the concept of his character but.. man. What a let down. I ended up thinking about him a lot because of this. What I would do if I were in charge of writing his route, parts of his characterization that I'd rid of or ameliorate, and maybe even giving him some new quirks to not make him so one-dimensional-evil-villain type. And then along with this, I started thinking about what if he was a woman. because I am attractdd to women. Typical thought process.
First, his design. I am a sucker for black haired red eyes bitches. I love black and red. I'm dying my hair black and red at the end of the year. The majority of my wardrobe is black and red. I do not play around #EMO. I love the almost leather gothic look he has but unfortunately it is not enough for me. I felt that he needed more unnecessary accessories and belts and other clothing items, as any goth should have. I've had a few ideas in mind for Shiki girl outfit and they all lean into these more, like giving her extra bracelets, belts, necklaces, crosses, whatever. I want her DECKED OUT!!! But I also struggle coming up with outfits so I can't really decide what looks good LMAO
Things I love about Shiki's outfit:
- The gloves. UGHHH gloves are so fun. The longer the gloves are the better.
- His stupid coat
- The spikes and crosses. The silver adds a lot to his appearance
- Turtleneck<3
Things I don't like about Shiki's outfit:
- those stupid ass notches on his pants. I can't tell if he has insane thigh-high boots or strange pants, and neither can a lot of artists it seems like? Though it seems pants are the consensus. SAD!
- Turtleneck should have long sleeves
- Or his coat should have long sleeves. One of those two
- What the hell is going on with his belt. It'd look fine if it didn't have those strange hanging.. circle... things
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I like the idea of her having a corset and fishnets, so I've been including that in whatever iteration of her design I'm working on. I gotta keep the coat too as it's like, a Shiki classic. I've also been trying to decide how a skirt for her might look (I love the idea of it having a slit so you can see her fishnets and thigh high boots).
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But I'm torn on including the turtleneck as much as I love it.... I feel like it kinda clashes. Idk maybe i should just move her skirt up so it's not hanging off her ass but also it's fun to draw it that way.
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Although adding another belt with the skirt could work too, and have the fishnets peaking out from the skirt slit... not gonna draw that rn though im just brainstorming here
Like I said earlier I'd love to give her way more accessories than base Shiki has but I need to definitely play around with outfit ideas more bc I don't want her to look too cluttered either. Also sorry all the pics are torso only because for some reason I struggle HARD with drawing calves and feet
I don't have much to say for hair ideas.. I just like the idea of it flairing out + two long.. idk what to call them... strands of hair? Down her cheeks?? Okay well u see what I mean in the pic. Bangs pretty much stay the same
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And ohhh my god I know togainu is set in the post-apocalyptic future, but considering it came out in 2005 I feel obligated to rework some of the designs to be a little more y2k.. Akira with low waisted flared jeans... making Shiki even more gothic... it's so fucking fun HOW CAN I NOT!!
Also the other day I saw this one corset that I LOVED and wanted to see if I can Shiki-fy it but hmm... idk... I definitely need to play around with the idea more but here's a quick sketch i did just for funsies so you get the idea
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Okay moving on
Second, his characterization. I love the idea of what they were going for in terms of his relation to Nano. I wish so badly they had expanded on this past Shiki just hating line users and killing them because he's unable to kill Nano (although I do think this is a pretty good bit of characterization). I'm pretty sure the Chayamachi manga goes more into this but idc we are talking about the game so I'm gonna pretend it doesn't exist.
Shiki is smug and cocky. Incredibly so. But a big part of his character is how hateful he is, so much so that it's this hate that motivates everything he does.
I love it. I love his hatred. I wish the game went more into it sooo badly and like if he found out Akira had anti-line blood before the end of the game and there was time given to show his reaction? Would he hate Akira for it??? Would he feel any kind of resentment?? If I was Shiki I'd definitely feel complicated as fuck over it!!!
Anyways I'm still working out how fem Shiki could be improved upon in terms of this, and I LOVEEE LOVE LOVE LOVE writing personality and backstories and relationships with other characters and how they all interact with each other. I have very deep oc lore because of this but i will not get into my ocs rn because they have nothing to do with togainu.
This post is already long enough however and if I were to talk about all the ideas I had for Shiki characterization upgrade... well it'd take even longer. To say the least. One day I'll talk about it though! In a more comprehensive post including other characters and whatnot. It's something I definitely also need to work out in my head more tho
It's been a pretty fun project so far that I hope to do more with in the future. Side note that doesn't really matter but there's this song that I always imagine fem Shiki amvs too oops.. RIDE IT by LustSickPuppy... this part especially.......
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(the part is around 1:17 if you don't feel like listening to the entire thing. But u should)
Urggghhhh I love lsp ugh ughhhhhfuhrhhcuuhfhuufghh sorry for posting lyrics and a spotify link. It will happen again
I do not give a fuck if all of this seems too self indulgent. If anything it's supposed to be!!! It's a labor of love!!!
Thank u to anyone who read this far. I appateciate it
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deadscoutz · 2 years
Ye olde list of my dankest oldest yaoi
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I made a meme template for my fella. You can see how he filled his out on his blog. You should do this too! Just save the image and repost it with your ships, no credit necessary.
10 years ago can also be 10+ years ago, just any ol' fashioned classic yaoiyuri.
My ye olde ships:
Slade/Robin (now Nightwing/Slade lol)
Kefka/Terra (ff6)
everyone including random monsters/Vincent Valentine (ff7)
Harvey Dent/Joker (dark knight movie)
Riddler/Scarecrow (batman comix)
Kaiba/Yami Yugi (ygo)
Malik/Yami Bakura (ygo)
Sniper/Spy (tf2 /neg)
Superman/Batman (capeshit)
Deadpool/Cable (capeshit)
These don't include some of the obvious ones that I'm still drawing to this day LOL like Scout/Spy or Goblin yaoi.
Warning for LONG ASS rambling about each ship under the cut.
The common thread is that 86% of these were memes posted to 4chan's /co/ board. When I WAS. A YOUNG MAN. I just liked whatever I saw other people posted cuz i couldn't form my own opinions yet. I think that's just a general age thing, as you get older you hone your personal tastes more, whether it's books or yuri or food, and it's less satisfying to wait around at the buffet for other people's tastes.
It's a lil interesting how much easier it was to just let other people feed me things to enjoy. Now that I'm older and pickier, I have to proactively seek very specific tastes and sometimes make dishes for myself!
Some thoughts on thots:
Slade/Robin: This is like, baby's first "dark ship". Lots of 8 yr olds saw the Apprentice episode, and pogged out cuz of the evil groomy tension. Then you get all the 8 yr olds posting their dark yaoi on deviantart LMAO.
The default back then (And still now?) is evil daddy dom Slade making poor widdle babby Robin cry. I didn't have particular tastes back then in regards to that ship cuz I was 8 and just followed what was popular LOL. In [current year], I only like the pairing if Slade gets his anus slapped and slorped by the dude he tried to groom. What can I say, I get older and the old gnarsty dudes keep getting older too...!
Also, I'm really shocked that new people are getting into this pairing because of Teen Titans Go's chibi Robin. It's time to bring chad manlet Dick to public consciousness!!!
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Kefka/Terra: 👴 Back in my day, I did not see any FF6 shippy stuff on the internet at all. The doujins and fanart were mostly for the FF7 and above 3d games. So this was something I thought up for myself while playing the game, without any outside influence... incredible for a kid I must say! The dynamic is "evil clown grooms psychic girl into a MAGITEK WEAPON". It's really funny how things change, I wouldn't find interest in that dynamic now :p But I understand why a depressed edgy 10 year old (me) would find that interesting to explore.
Everyone/Vincent Valentine: I just thought Vincent was cute! I still like goth dudes who look like ladies with long hair (Who also turn into monsters). I tried to get into ships proper for Vincent, like Sephiroth/Vincent, Cloud/Vincent, Cid/Vincent.. but none of them really struck my fancy. I didn't really care for their character dynamics. I just liked Vincent LOL. So my favorite doujin I found when I was a wee lad was a monster x Vincent manga, cuz Vincent was cute :3c That segues into the other side of the fujo spectrum: A lot of my fannish thoughts when I was a kid (and even now) was based on having one favorite character and just wanting to see them look awesome and hot and cool and sexy. I think that's actually more related to gay manga culture than fujoshi culture, where gay manga can commonly just focus on one guy getting gangbanged with no emotional pairing necessary.
I could live with just seeing sexy Green Goblin and never shipping him with anyone else, ya know? And I'd be happy just drawing my sexy Senspai without any annoying Scunts around. The annoying younger halves of my pairings are often just projection opportunities, ya know? But I don't have the mental ability to do self-inserts because I have no conception of self.
Harvey Dent/Joker: Hey, when you're a kid and the new Batman movie comes out, you get sucked into it! You can see this in action with all the new Riddler fans cuz of the edward cullen batman movie! Nurse Joker was a huge meme on /co/ when this movie came out, and as the joke says.. /co/ is gay. And probably full of closet fujos. I had no emotional connection to this pairing, or even thoughts on their interactions, but I have quite a bit saved of these two on my computer. Plus I stole a lot of Aaron Eckhart's Harvey for my character Angus. Blonde and buttchin!
Riddler/Scarecrow: Again with the new Batman movie at the time, this time reviving interest in characters that weren't even in the movie! I liked Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow even though he only gets 5 minutes total of screentime in all 3 Nolan movies combined. Because I like girly men with killer cheekbones and kissy lips. I also REALLY enjoyed Jeffrey Comb's voiceover for BTAS Scarecrow. And Frank Gorshin Riddler was also a beloved meme on /co/.
I don't remember what the dynamic even was between these two. I just remember a small imageboard split off from /co/ for just Batman yaoi at the time, and this being a popular ship. Sometimes I wish it could be this easy for me to get into media and enjoy it with random strangers again LOL.
Kaiba/Yami Yugi: I loved Yugioh as a kid. This was one of the most popular ships, so as a kid you're just ecstatic that so much art and writing and fans existed for this one thing. You never starve, even if you don't have especially strong feelings for the food! Kaiba/Yami is still pretty cool to my adult brain though. I love the obsessiveness of Kaiba, and Yami is just an eternal waifu.
Malik/Yami Bakura: You can blame the abridged series for this one! Yaoi bait begets yaoi bait. This falls under the "dumbass x grumpy" archetype that I still enjoy. No especially strong feelings for this one, though I do have more modern headcanons of Malik, Rishid, and Bakura living together in a strange poly-angle. It's just cute!
Sniper/Spy: Ah, TF2chan.. a place where dreams live and die. Sniper, Spy, and Scout were part of the cursed twink trio on that chan. REAL MEN liked MANLY ships like Heavy/Medic, Demo/Soldier, or Soldier/Engie. You're a gay stupid yaoi fangirl if you liked any combination of Sniper/Spy!!! Jokes on them, I liked pretty much every pairing for TF2 back in Tha Day.
TF2 truly was a milestone in the fujo pipeline, from anime twinks to middle-aged slightly more naturalistic twinks to finally burly hyper testosterated manly men. We can blame the SSS twink trio for helping many transition (And I mean that in every way of the word 😜).
I think now I'm just sick of anything TF2. Reminds me too much of assholes and shitfucks! The transition of TF2 from edgy gamer chan culture, to tumblrites, to twitter geeks... eugh. I only care about fearless Scout/Spy allies :)
Superman/Batman: Hey, it's the NaruSasu of superhero ships! I have a lot of these two saved on my hard drive from my /co/ days. Once again, because gay art of these two was posted constantly as a meme. When the "straight dudes" on the edgy imageboard acknowledge the inherent homoeroticism of a pairing, it's validated in the young fujo's eyes. (cuz what girls like is stinky? and what men like is cool and real? lol lots to unpack) Still think this one is cute! I'm not AS invested in this as some people are as an endgame OTP that gets married and love each other ONLY, but it falls under the genki x grumpy archetype that I enjoy. It's a good relationship for Bruce to have and ruin!
Deadpool/Cable: Ah, the final channer-approved pairing. Complete with channer-approved fanart and pornography I still have on my hard drive! I might actually have the most art of them together saved out of all these ships...They had a comic together called Cable and Deadpool. Deadpool flirts with Cable and dreams about putting lotion on Cable's bare back (heh). What's not to like? Still cute, still genki x grumpy! Again, not an invested endgame ship for me right now, but certainly something I'm grateful to have enjoyed and shared with Shane :) Especially having enjoyed this before the Deadpool movie came out, and before all the weird fucked up Waid comics! I WAS HERE FIRST!!!!!!
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How To Train Your Dragon Saga
In the beginning, I was never really interested in watching the movie and never even bothered to watch the trailer, since we thought it was one of those cliche failure movies (and Dreamworks hasn't really had a very good track record of good animated movies at the time), but after being bombarded with tons of Toothcup fanfics and fanarts and after very high recommendations by my friend Jello13 from dA, I finally got down to watching the movie. Boy, was I glad I took my friend's recommendation to watch this movie, and the subsequent sequels after that, because after 3, 4 friggin' times, I still fucking LOVE this movie!!!
Here's my findings of the saga:
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Apparently this movie was based on a children's novel written by Cressida Cowell which focuses on the 2nd book in a 10-volume book franchise. There are certain deviations between the real Hiccup and Toothless and the storyline as a whole, but after reading the summary of the original story, I think I like the movie version better. In fact even the writer said so in her blog that she likes the deviation as the movie captured the core essence of her story and it was amazing to see her story to be interpreted this way.
The storyline and the pacing is very good, and the sarcastic humour and slight optimism of Hiccup despite people thinking he's anything BUT a Viking is very intriguing. I love his catchphrases like "I'm way too muscular for their tastes. They wouldn't know what to do with all...this" and "Thank you for summing that up" and his famous line "You just gestured to ALL of me!" is just some of the LOL-worthy lines the talented Jay Baruchel who voices Hiccup does.
I was totally shocked to find out that Gerard Butler plays the role of Stoick, Hiccup's old man! I have never expect him, who is known for his brawniness and action-packed persona, made famous in the movie 300, would actually play a voice-over for a cartoon character. After finding out, spotting his voice and hearing the familiarity was much, much easier.
And of course, the creme de la creme of the entire movie: TOOTHLESS!! He is just so, so, so, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo uber cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute~~~~!!!!! When I read about him in fanfics and caught glimpses of him through fanarts, I was thinking, "Hey, this dragon is quite cute." Now amplify that feeling by a gajillion times more. That's how I feel about Toothless. He started off a little vicious with his snake-like slit for eyes, trying to act strong and tough like the dragon he was, but the moment he let his guard down a little, he got these pair of big doe eyes that is just so MOE and SQUEE-worthy. And of course I finally learn how he got his namesake: with retractable teeth that he can materialize at will
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My most favourite scene of the entire movie would be this scene where Toothless finally was at peace with Hiccup and allowed him to touch him. The way Toothless tried to copy his drawing, and then growled whenever Hiccup stepped on his drawing, then Hiccup moved to avoid the lines in tune with the music until finally they were so close they were allowed to touch was just so AWW-worthy. And the music score was perfect too, especially the title of that score: Forbidden Friendship. Isn't that just sweet?
The part where Hiccup and Toothless slowly develop that bond while trying to get Toothless back on his flight feet again was also very interesting as they slowly worked together and forget each other's differences to reach a common goal, while at the same time trying to learn about each other, and Hiccup using that knowledge to good use (the eel and the scratching of the neck part was really epic), making him the life of the team, much to his crush, Astrid's chagrin.
I also love the part where Hiccup tries to convince everyone during the final exam of killing a dragon that dragons are not what they think they are, and tried to pacify the Monstrous Nightmare only to be interrupted by Stoick and having Toothless coming to the rescue (damsel in distress much, Hiccup? XD) and revealed their relationship. It felt really sad and my heart just broke when Hiccup shouted Toothless for him not to kill Stoick and Toothless looked at him with his doe eyes, then Hiccup tries in vain to stop everyone from hurting Toothless, and that argument which led to his disowning, and earning back his role as a son by proving his worth and Toothless' reputation, though a cost of his leg. I was wondering where would be the scene where he looses his leg, since I read that he had a prosthetic in fanfics, but turns out it happened in the near end of the movie, and literally mirrored Toothless' missing left tail fin.
Ending is a bit cliche where he gets the girl, he is lauded as a war hero and gained the respect of everyone including his father, the dragons made peace with humans and all that, but still it was a very heartwarming cliche scene. One that leaves a smile on your face and a sigh of contentment in your heart.
Speaking of Astrid, not really sure it's because of that yaoi in me, but I never really saw Astrid as a suitable pairing for Hiccup. I know, I'm not usually one for bestiality, but seriously, can't you just FEEL the love between Hiccup and Toothless to the point where you can consider them as lovers? Toothcup (Toothless/Hiccup) pairings are in the rage right now since the movie has been uber popularize, and you cannot deny that sort of relationship exist, right?
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This one, personally I feel, is almost as par as the first one. Not better, not worse, but more or less par. Hiccup and Astrid are still together, but the Toothcup shipper in me just don't feel like they match somehow. Moreso, suddenly out of the blue, Snotlout and Fishlegs were heads over heels with Ruffnut, which I ABSOLUTELY have NO CHEMISTRY feel whatsoever! Even after I've watched their TV series that led to the second movie, I STILL don't get the vibe or the chemistry between those three people. It's like "Wait, what?" moment.
Although that moment when Ruffnut was just totally thirsty for Eret was absolutely hilarious though. I couldn't help laughing and cringing at the same time.
When the moment Hiccup's mom Valka showed up, I was not expecting her to be so... skinny. Stoick said that he made helmets out of Hiccup's mom's breast plate, and it seemed pretty big, but looking at her, she didn't look like someone who was close to being a big bosom woman, but what is continuity anyways? LOL Though Hiccup definitely has inherited her knack for dragons. Guess it's in the blood after all.
I teared up a little when Stoick died, and I felt so bad that their bromance was threatened by this, but thankfully Hiccup still loves Toothless and is willing to forgive him and try to bring him back to his side. Goes to show how deep their bond is, and Toothless ended up becoming the Alpha Dragon was one of the most epic moments in the whole movie.
It also kinda interesting that Hiccup has somehow became pretty hot in this movie. Was pretty surprised at how he transformed from the awkward tiny little runt of a boy to a strapping man LOL
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Plot feels similar to the 2nd one, but the ending was so so SO bittersweet. A fitting ending, but sweet yet painful for me to watch.
My heart broke at the scene wen Hiccup was complaining about Toothless being in love n said "Am I not enough?" and I was like internally screaming "YES! U ARE ENOUGH!! U TWO ARE ENOUGH!! FUCK THAT LIGHT FURY!!"
Throughout the courtship scene btwn Toothless and the Light Fury i was like internally screaming "NO, SHE'S A TRAP! SHE'S A FUCKING TRAP! HICCUP, WHY ARE YOU OKAY WITH THIS?! I'M NOT HAPPY WITH THIS! I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS!!"
I cried like a fucking baby, especially at the end of the movie. It was like I knew it was happening, that they were gonna break up, but I was in denial, then when Toothless hugged Hiccup goodbye, I lost it, waterworks all over. In fact, waterworks all the way to the end at their final reunion ugly-cried like a fucking baby.
It did ended perfectly; perfectly bittersweet and perfectly heartbreaking and I was like "This is it. It's official. It's over. My Toothcup ship has fucking sank!!"
Fuck you, DreamWorks, you have killed my bromance!! Gahh!! I hate and love this movie at the same time!
Overall rating:
HTTYD: 9/10
HTTYD2: 7.5/10
HTTYD: 9/10
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i-did · 4 years
hi mlm here. so i want to write andreil smut but im a virgin so i have no idea what exactly sex is like. but i do not want to write it for the.... straight women gaze. what are some things that are accurate to write about. this is prolly super nsfw but i dont know who to ask.
Okay so this response took me literally months, and I'm sorry about that. I honestly was so excited when I got this question. I don't know why I put off responding?? But here I go: 
CW for discussion of NSFW, STD’s, and a lil homophobia
I bet a lot of people who write smut are virgins tbh, that's not to insult anyone or anything, but like writing is a non physical way to explore sex and fantasies by yourself, so you’re definitely not alone lol.
So you're MLM and want to write smut, (and others who want to get my opinions on writing non-fetishistic smut).
Porn is porn and can have unrealistic circumstances to fulfill said fantasy, such as anything from people messing around in locker rooms to tentacles.
To get a general sense of what is common in MLM sexuality, (rather than the typical feminine gaze that is seen in smut) looking at gay porn and gay porn categories is good insight. 
Bear culture, muscle culture, leather culture, etc. 
These are obviously still porn and unrealistic, however being attracted to sweat, jockstraps, and muscles is very common outside of porn. 
Bear culture is a body-positive movement that started because of the gay community's fat-phobia, age-phobia, and overall shittyness about body hair. 
Leather culture is also really big, it started because of the belief that gay men couldn’t be dominant or “masculine”, even in bed. So in America, leather culture was a way a lot of MLM embraced themselves. 
Going to pride, you will see many men wearing those leather harnesses, it doesn't indicate a preference of topping or bottoming necessarily, they're just something mlm wear and has grown quite popular in the culture, I've known some men to say it feels like a security blanket for them. 
And I think it’s very important to understand these cultures or at least be aware of them on a base level if you’re going to write gay porn. 
Also looking at erotic MLM art made by men, there is Tom of Finland, who was very historically significant, and is the most famous erotic gay artist. There is gay literature, one that openly talks about sex quite frankly is the book “We Both Laughed In Pleasure: The Selected Diaries of Lou Sullivan” which is a series of diary excerpts from a real gay trans man where you follow his life up until he died during the aids epidemic. He talks about sex with partners and discovering himself as well as what being a gay man means to him. He has a real love for sex in a way that is very unashamed and interesting to read about. We know that he wrote the latter half of his diaries with the plan of compiling them and publishing them but he passed away and people in his life carried out this wish for him. He is considered a significant part of gay and transgender history because of this, and his diaries are in LGBT museums. 
Reading gay poetry, looking at gay art, erotic, romantic, grungy, whatever, and you will find and see how they portray things differently than when it’s not portrayed by gay men usually. I mean there is a clear difference between yaoi and bara and that's the audience and authors. Some yaoi are made by MLM, (well technically their called gei comi, or gay comics in Japanese)
“Also known as ‘gei comi’ or ‘men's love,’ bara comics are by men, for men. There is a yaoi equivalent to this, and it is called ‘gachi muchi’-- it is written by women, for women.” – myanimelist.net (lol)
 but more than 90% aren't. I haven't ever heard of a non-MLM bara artist, but I'm sure there's at least one. 
Of course, I've seen things depicting MLM just together pretty realistically that didn't feel like it was written by someone who definitely wasn't MLM, but these scenes tend to be more writing in the general sense of art in the general sense rather than porn, which has a huge gap in characteristics between stuff usually written by MLM vs when it's written by women. (sorry about the binary language here)
I know some people don't like any realism in their porn, but I personally really like small details such as prep being mentioned, foreplay, even acknowledgment of the existence of condoms even if they choose to go without.
Especially as an MLM who lives in America currently, the ever-present acknowledgment and stigmatism of AIDS is around us. We think about it, even when we don't want to. An entire generation of MLM, trans people, and a lot of POC were wiped out. Not necessarily a PWP detail, but including discussion of prep, PrEP (the anti HIV medication) and/or getting tested, even for diseases besides HIV, is a small detail that I think is nice. MLM often have to have a moment when opening up a conversation about sex where HIV is mentioned, our dating apps and hook up apps have sections where you put positive, negative, non-transmissible/undetectable, or prefer not to say. The books take place in 2006 so PrEP didn't exist yet, but also the aids pandemic was happening when they were being born and as young kids, so it wasn't that long ago in society's mind. It's still illegal for many trans people and MLM to donate blood despite that the blood is screened for diseases after donation. 
Also, some realism I like is when a character isn't getting their ass ate first in the morning. Like, for me that's a huge turn-off because I think “holy fuck hygiene.” specifically with anal play I just really think even casually mentioning “washing up” or basic prep, or if you want more accuracy/details mention time between last meals or “x only ate a salad, so he would be fine”. It's like a joke in the gay community to eat chili fries or some shit on a date to indicate that either there will be no anal, or if there is you’re not going to be the one to do it, because you just fuckin ate those fries to say so. 
A cock just going in without prep and no condom is going to A) hurt very bad the body does not do that naturally and can cause injury B) get shit dick.
An also not sexy detail that is common for sex is just laying down a towel so you don’t have to wash sheets. Lube on hands? Wipe off on the towel that you’re on rn. Laying down a towel is pretty normal especially for anal. But this is if you’re going for a much more playing for accuracy sex scene. 
Honestly just writing fingering and prep and stuff like that in my opinion goes a long way and also gives the audience more to read. 
Also, sex is way more than peen in hole. Get creative, frottage, mutual masturbation, docking? Idk like thigh fucking, fucking buttcheeks but not hole, handies, blowies, anal oral, Neil doesn’t have to be the only one who gets his ass ate and things don’t have to follow formulas, in fact, they’re better when they don’t. 
Sex comes in many forms, and like I’ve definitely been with someone and he took off his shirt and I was like what, because he was skinny and clean-shaven and I didn’t expect him to have nearly as much chest hair as he did. I bet honestly Neil has a massive bush, like fuckin, massive. 
Andrew and Neil don’t have to like everything the same amount, Neil could be like “I wanna lick your armpit” and gets really off on it, Andrew is neutral but likes that Neil likes it and agrees even if it does nothing for him physically. Honestly, Neil having a sweat kink imo is pretty fitting lol. 
Try not to categorize the characters into “the bottom” and “the top”, or “the man” and “the woman”
This is something I see a lot and pay attention to how “the bottom” tends to adopt traits that are seen in straight porn that are over-exaggerated. I’m not saying it's inherently wrong to write someone as slim, but we know Neil isn't delicate, but I personally wouldn't categorize him as slim. He's a college-level athlete and is definitely muscular and defined, he has some bulk at least, he isn’t model lean for sure imo. You also often see PWP where the bottom makes a bunch of noise and the top makes none, or the top grunts and the bottom mewls, these are things I personally feel gives the bottom the role of a woman in porn. I don’t think Andreil have rough sex necessarily, but I do think when Neil does make noise, it would be because it was practically punched out of him by the feeling, and would sound more like a gasp than a kitten or whatever. There's nothing wrong with writing them both grunting, both of their voices being lower. Someone bottoming doesn’t suddenly magically not have secondary sex characteristics and stubble and body hair or a deep voice or however, they’re like everywhere else. 
When I read an over-emphasis on Neil’s slim waist and swaying hips and ass I’m like,,, okay someone please mention Andrew looking at Neil’s dick or bulge or shoulders. As an MLM, what do you find hot about men? I like stomachs and arms and shoulders, jawlines, collarbones, asses yes but like in a different way than how I like women’s asses (I’m bi lol) they are smaller and I like them muscled and squared almost. I look at veins on hands and noses and shoulders and backs, I look at a lot and I honestly don't have a type. But yeah so think about what you like, why you like it, what you might want. Or look at what others like, and why and how they want and like it.
what would Neil like, how would he feel about it? And Andrew. I kinda feel like Andrew is low-key masc 4 masc but that's just me lmaoo. Anyways, good luck writing. 
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nipahcos · 6 years
NipahCos (NipahDUBS) FAQ
First off let me say thanks for wanting to know more about me, here is my FAQ to save you the trouble of asking if the answer is here! Cosplay related questions are towards the bottom. Before asking me something like that “How do I make/do _____” Please take a moment to do a little research yourself. Most questions I get can be answered by a simple google search, while I don’t mind answering them, you can usually find your answer that way.
Name: Nipah (Pronunciation: Knee.Paw) Age: 7
Height: 5′10 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Religion: None Ethnicity: Filipino and European Single or Taken: Taken, my fiances name is Andrew, here is his blog
Hair color: Dark Brown Eye color: Dark Brown Do you live with Andrew: Yes Where do you live: Illinois Where did you grow up: Florida How long have you dated: Over eight years How did you meet: Through a skype call for a chorus group.
Picture of you two: Here
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NipahDUBS DeviantART: nipahcos.deviantart.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/NipahDUBS YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/NipahDUBS
Instagram: Nipahcos
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/nipahdubs Favorite anime: Higurashi no Naku koro ni, it’s where I got my name from. Favorite manga: Ranma ½ or Fushigi Yuugi
Favorite yaoi: LOVE STAGE!!
Favorite Food: Mac and cheese, chicken anything.
Favorite foreign food: Longanisa and Tocino Favorite singer: Avril Lavigne Favorite color: Teal/sky blue Favorite animal: Domesticated would be cat, wild would be panda. Favorite anime character: I don’t really have one. Do you listen to KPOP: I have started too. I like Twice and BlackPink.
Virgin or not?: I get asked this a lot for some reason or questions along this line. If you send me an ask that is asking “Have you and Andrew had sex” or anything like it I will block you. That is none of your concern and it is not something I wish to talk about, I have zero tolerance for asks like this. Please respect my wishes on this, thank you.
Favorite game:
Fantasy - Shadow of Colossus
RPG - Kingdom Hearts / Pokemon / Final Fantasy
Action - Resident Evil
Fighting - Bloody Roar/ Mortal Kombat
Classic - Banjo Kazooie
Dating sim - DRAMAtical Murder
Shooting - Left4Dead
Horror - Silent Hill
Multiplayer - Mario Party
Simulation - Viva Pinata
MMORPG - Perfect World (Don’t play anymore)
Sports - Mario…Tennis lol
Favorite Animated Movie: Lilo and Stitch
Favorite Live action Movie: The Fifth Element
Favorite Actor: Mila Jovovich
Favorite Pokemon: Shinx
Favorite Pokemon game: Ruby and Sapphire.
Fears: Snakes and heights
Favorite gaming system: N64
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Favorite season: Autumn
Favorite TV show: Charmed / Desperate Housewives Favorite Cartoon: Jackie Chan adventures/ Gravity Falls
Favorite Disney Princess: Rapunzel - Tangled Favorite Disney song: Be Prepared from The Lion King
Favorite Disney villain: Scar Do you watch PewdiePie or cry or gamer vlogs: No
When do you have lives: Randomly, they’re never scheduled.
.::Cosplay Questions::.
Where do you get your wigs: Ebay, Amazon and Arda-Wigs, though nowadays you will most likely only see me wearing wigs from Arda-Wigs.
Where do you get your contacts: I buy all my contacts in person from a local store by my house, the store is literally called “K-POP” They do not have an online store but they’re found in Carrolton in Texas.
Where can I buy contacts: Try Honeycolor or Pinkyparadise
Do you make your cosplays: Most are hand made
Favorite cosplay: Aoba, Sora or Howl
Do you take commissions: I take wig commissions. https://www.facebook.com/Nipahwigs
Materials you use most: Craft foam, Hot glue, gorilla glue, acryllic paint, spray paint, Air dry clay, paper clay and resin. Materials used to style wigs: Hair scissors, thinning scissors, tacky glue, GOT2B freeze spray
What won’t you cosplay from?: Death Note, Hetalia, Homestuck, Most live action series and most animes with a school uniform cause I find the outfits boring.
Why not?: I just don’t want to.
Make up:
Kay-Von-D concealer
FIT Maybelline concealor and matte mineral powder
Maybelline dark circle concealer Hard Candy glamoflauge concealer Loreal liquid eyeliner Black eyeliner pencil White eyeliner pencil ELF eye shadow kit
Favorite thing about cosplay: Styling wigs
Cons you usually go to: A-Kon and Anime Fest
Do you go to cons outside Texas: I do not usually, I don’t have the money to afford to go to many cons outside of my state, unfortunate as it is. Though you can request I attend a convention around you and I may be able to go if the staff invites me! How to keep a wig tight on your head: Answer
What are your keyblades made from: Insulation foam, you can get it at Lowes.
How much are wig commissions: Depends on the wig, I usually charge anywhere from $100-$200
.::MMD questions::.
How long does it take to make a model: Depends, 3 hours to a day or two
Favorite model maker: Hzeo Favorite Model base: YM and TDA Favorite effect: Selfoverlay, ssao and diffusion
Favorite Model: Don’t have one Will you release your models: Not sure How do you make them: PMXEditor and Blender
.:: Other Questions ::.
Do you like Homestuck?: No, I have nothing against it I just don’t care or it.
Do you like Hetalia?: I do not.
Why didn’t you answer my ask?: I get so many a day it is hard to get to them all, I don’t answer every compliment cause there are only so many ways I can say thank you. Some questions get repeated constantly and while I do answer them periodically, usually someone else will come around and ask the same question you did so I don’t feel the need to answer the same question twice within a couple days. I also refrain from answering hate messages or oness that are too personal.
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frankensteindotpdf · 7 years
All of them
Who’s your crush/squish?
I......tend to have a couple at a time (go unreciprocation whoop whoop) anyhoo the main one is this girl who is SUPER CUTE AND HAS THE CUTEST LAUGH AND IS LOWKEY EMO AND JUST BRILLIANT TBH and fun fact she’s the one who made me realise I’m bi! annnnd there’s a guy....who I just realised I have a crush on....like yesterday....and I’m dying a little
Who’s your fictional crush/squish?
Hahahahahahaha that talks like there’s one.....Remus obviously...Tonks....Dean Winchester...Jughead .....Rapunzel.....Duke Crocker from Haven (holy crap bro).....I used to have a crush on Klaus Baudelaire and also Yo-Yoji (shut up Carina)..... massive squish on Sherlock Holmes....and more I’m forgetting
Worst joke you’ve ever told?
Crap bro my life is full of stupid jokes I can’t choose one
Worst insult you’ve ever given?
Just really dumb ones, nothing specific
Got any weird kinks?
not any weird ones
How did you find out about sex?
No idea, probably like parents or sex ed classes? I don’t remember
Trashiest thing in your wardrobe?
Literally none? I mean I have trash like a billion HP t shirts but nothing revealing or anything
Worst Phobia?
Needles. I literally cry everytime. 
Hentai or the real thing?
Ew neither thanks
Ever been arrested?
lol i never go outside no
What are you most selfish about?
This question is worded weird....uh my..sketchbooks? maybe? like I don’t really get the q but I never let anyone draw in my sketchbooks so ig that counts?
Who would you let die if given the chance to save them?
Who would you sacrifice yourself for?
Something silly you believed as a kid?
Well I didn’t think “washcloth” was a real term, for some reason (I have literally no idea why) I thought it was just a word my family used but they were really called something else. I mean washcloth is so... on the nose
Weirdest/most embarassing thing you’ve drawn?
I once.....drew a picture....of my crush.....with a stupid nickname above it....and little hearts....and little pics of the stuff he liked.... UGH I CRINGE JUST THINKING ABOUT IT I WAS IN GRADE 2 DONT JUDGE ME
Controversial role models?
I can’t think of any? 
Cringiest fandom you’ve been in?
for like A MONTH I was into... Justin Bieber.
Cringiest thing you’ve shipped?
Trans Gilderoy Lockhart and Snape
Ever had “an accident” in public?
I mean when I was real little I did once after school but like no one was there besides my family so it wasn’t a big deal
What helps you fall asleep?
Honestly watching Bob Ross. He’s just so soothing
What childish things do you still do?
I dunno man...Lots I just can’t think of anything specific
What’s your age?
Grossest thing you’ve eaten?
Some people would say crickets (they tasted great though) I would personally say (not eating but) gargling salt water. I literally threw up. Thanks, father.
Honest opinion on religion?
I definitely like the idea and totally respect other’s beliefs, but I’m still working it out. I mean I know mine pretty darn well but the more I learn the more it just sounds really convienient idk
What does your laugh sound like?
From being told to shut up so much it’s changed a lot....It’s kinda squeaky but mostly silent? I’m a bit self concious about it tbh
How would you describe your smile?
stupid. it scrunches up my face all wrong and makes me look even fatter than I already do
Did you go through any regrettable phases?
“Liking” music everyone else liked to fit in
Ever dropped plans/projects and not said a word?
Not one-on-one stuff (though social anxiety makes me want to every time) but like I guess? nothing noteworthy
Personality Type?
Ugliest thing in your wardrobe?
I have this nightgown that I never wear that looks like something out of an 1800s movie...floral pattern and all
Would you wear pajama’s in public?
If I was with friends who were 
Weirdest thing that turned you on?
uhhhh I have no idea 
Pineapples on pizza????
hecc yes
Do you use the XD emoticon?
Only in an ironic way
Do you have a dark sense of humour?
Worst thing you ship?
Ms. Frizzle and Brendon Urie
Top or bottom?
Oh I cant believe I’m answering this on the internet gosh well from my personality I’d say...bottom 
Top or bottom bunk?
Also bottom because I feel like I’ll fall off or break the top bunk
Pettiest thing you’ve cried over?
Dude I cry over everything...My sister said she’d rip one of my books
Pettiest thing you’ve gotten mad over?
Bro again like I usually get upset at myself rather than mad at other people but like at my family basically everything?
Longest time you’ve cried?
lol well multiple times I’ve cried for a few hours straight, I cried through an entire movie once (I’m not evenexaggerating I had to pause it because I was sobbing too hard literally 5 times)
Do you touch the art in museums?
Do you have a fandom OC?
Kinda? I mean just self-inserts tbh
How much do you believe in astrology?
not at all
Have you ever used a base for drawing?
I mean I’ve copied them down but not traced
Have you ever used MSPaint for drawing non-ironically?
yup. there was a time when I had a laptop and sucked at drawing so when I got bored I’d draw on MSPaint
Controversial opinion?
I’m a feminist and I think everyone should be
Ass or chest?
I hate answering this I’m just gonna do it quickly and get it over with female ass, male chest
Chest or genitals?
Genitals or ass?
Any scars?
Yup. I have one on my arm from burning myself while baking in grade 8, and two others on the inside (of the same arm haha) that are from somehow managing to hit my arm off a staple sticking out of an old recliner
Do you pirate anything?
Only music for animatics, but even then only songs I’ve already bought but cant transfer. I don’t see the point. The artists I like I don’t just like for their music (or movies or whatever), I like them as people too. I want to thank them for making such awesome stuff, so a little donation is totally reasonable to me
url for an old cringy social media account?
I mean this one? I wasnt allowed to have social media when I was younger so yay none of that
Any post’s you’ve deleted and why?
Only ones I accidentally reblogged onto my art blog, but I always reblog them onto my main first
How long does it take you to get up in the morning?
depends. if I have nothing to do, hours. If I have school, anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour (I set my alarm real early)
What will instantly turn you on?
idk man nothing really...someone being good with kids is always sweet tho
Fave eye+hair colour combination?
Nothing specific, I like basically all colours?
Have you already named your future children?
If I have any they will be named after someone in one of my billions of fandoms (probably someone from hp)
Do you do drugs?
Just Ibuprofen amirite lol even then I am in pain way more than I take it I hate swallowing pills
How tall are you?
about 5′5 or 5′6
Did you go through a “RANDOM XD” phase?
Dumbest thing you believed?
No idea, probably something from when I was little but idk
Dildo of choice? (besides an actual dildo)
boi i’m not even coming near this question (get it?)
Daddy kink?
I mean I find it hot when some people say it? but not really
Who could change your sexuality just by looking at you?
I’m...bi....so like.....no one? I’m confused mate there’s no way to answer this question
none tbh i dont even know what 2/3 of those mean
What area’s of your body are most sensitive?
besides the obvious my knees, stomach, back, neck....okay everything I just hate people touching me thanks oh and my feet oh gosh I got a pedicure once and it was the worst experience of my life
Weirdest dream you’ve had?
A bunch man, once I had a dream where Peeta was transformed by the Capitol or smth to look like one of my friends and he was also heavily drugged and at my school for some reason and I was trying to help him get to safety....I had a dream where my family and I lived in a trailer park and our neighbour had a big dog that attacked my little brother, first by biting and then picking up a stick with its paws and beating him with it....one where my friend tried to touch my stomach and i panicked, punched him in the face, and then had a panic attack because I felt so bad
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imploder · 8 years
Response to Ikimaru Hate/Fandom Hate in General
“Based off nothing” spend 5 mins on ikimarus blog or the homestuck store lol. Check the links I provided dude I literally typed blocks of text for proof. “Based off nothing” my ass tf
I hope you and other people read this to the end. It’s important. We’re going to go step by step here. First off, you’ll have to forgive me for being a bit over the top and angry. Sunny is a close friend of mine, so I’m sure you can understand why I’d get emotional when people not only spread unjustified hate but also celebrate it. I’m sure if someone did the same to one of your friends, you’d feel the same way.
ikimaru ruined homestuck
Complete nonsense, but I’m sure you don’t care about that one because it’s written to be a “joke.” We’ll get into why this is a problem later.
She’s lowkey homophobic. She doesn’t show it much but she’s basically a yaoi fangirl who sexualizes mlm couples
If you think Sunny is a “yaoi fangirl”/fujoshi, you really don’t know what you’re talking about. Have you seen works that actually do fetishize mlm relationships or sexualize them in a harmful way? The insistence of the seme/uke dynamic and using mlm smut as a means to their expressing their non-mlm sexuality are hallmarks of that. And those kinds of tones/qualities aren’t really found across her works. Yes, she ships DirkJake. Yes, she even sexualizes it. No, that does not make inherently bad. She’s not showing it in an unhealthy way nor is she claiming ownership of it. 
and she INSISTS dirkj*ke wasn’t abusive so a bunch of people blindly agree because for some God forsaken reason they think her art is in character and canon.
DirkJake being abusive is a FANON interpretation. Sure, there are some qualities of it, but at the end of the day, it’s a webcomic in which we didn’t get to directly see any of their relationship. We are just told about it through the monologues of Dirk and Jake. Was it abusive? Maybe! It’s perfectly fine if you see it that way. But it’s not CANON LAW. 
Also insisting that people are simply agreeing because they blindly follow her is just ignorant to other peoples’ own opinions on autonomy. Guess what? Other people have different opinions than you. Scary, I know! But that’s life. Shipping DirkJake or thinking it wasn’t horribly abusive isn’t wrong.
Her treatment of roxy was BEYOND awful. She makes her nothing more than a ditsy drunk who likes cats and helps Dirk get laid. Despite her struggle with her feelings for him, but that would get in the way of Hot Yaois.
So Roxy is a recovering alcoholic. Is depicting her drinking alcohol wrong? This is a really interesting question, and is one I don’t have a straight answer to. But again, in regards to the other stuff, this is coming down to how you are policing how other people interpret and draw characters. Attacking someone for depicting Roxy as “liking cats and helping Dirk get laid” is uncalled for. Literally no one is being harmed by someone doing that. You don’t get to decide what is  and isn’t okay when drawing a FICTIONAL character.
As for the “Hot Yaois” comment, see my response above.
Evey character is a 2D stereotype of themselves, and again, people TAKE IT AS CANON. This horrible mischaracterizing is definitely something that hurts the fanbase. Also, I’m not gonna rip on her art style but she only draws characters as skinny white people or skinny white people with a tan. She may give Jane bigger boobs and a bigger butt so she’s the “acceptable” type of fat. If she draws a POC they still have white features. All trolls “just 12 white people colored gray”.
People taking it as canon is not her fault. Hussie draws all the characters LITERALLY as skinny 2D stereotypes of themselves. And Hussie’s drawings are UNIVERSALLY CANON. Does that make it not okay to draw characters with different bodytypes/skin colors/etc.? Of course not.
And again you’re policing how people draw characters. Drawing characters with less common body types or as POC is great! But that doesn’t mean drawing them any other way is bad or wrong. We can discuss to what extent it’s harmful, but at the end of the day, you’re saying all these things because you think Sunny doesn’t draw people fat enough or POC enough. You’re inciting hate because she’s drawing a fictional alien race in a way that you don’t agree with. 
And the worst part, is how the homestuck store is monopolized by her. If you want diverse designs you’re out of luck! Here’s more Ikimaru!!
All this stuff combined is a huge drag on the homestuck community in the long run because she’s so goddamn influential and everyone thinks her POV is Canon
The WLF store being largely populated by her works was and is not her decision. She signed a contract with WLF a while ago. They ask her to draw things, and then she draws them. She’s not willy nilly deciding to deciding to flood WLF with unsolicited submissions. In fact, outside of WLF, she hardly even draws or wants to draw Homestuck anymore. 
As I’ve told other people in the past, your frustration here is totally justified. It’s understandable that you want to see different things in the store and that it angers you when all you see is art that you don’t like. However, Sunny is not the person you should be hating for this. That’s all on WLF’s end, and believe me, I will not get upset if people go around criticizing WLF.
But again, other people thinking her POV is canon isn’t her fault. She’s never claimed that how she draws characters is the canon or correct way. Sure, she has a HUGE following in the fandom, but that’s just what it is: a following. People follow her because they enjoy her art and interpretations. She’s drawing fanart. She isn’t creating what is suppose the be the correct image of the characters.
Yes, she’s my friend, but I’m not going to say people have to like her or her art. You don’t have to agree with her opinions; I know I don’t, and she knows that.
I think people are honestly giving her too much credit. I’ve seen this kind of thing happen on Tumblr dozens of times before. People hold Sunny to these unreasonable standards. People put her on a pedestal like she’s the CANON FANARTIST. And when she does things that people deem wrong or harmful, it creates that much worse of a reaction and backlash.
But there’s something you and everyone else has to remember, especially when saying shitty things about someone publicly. Sunny is just a normal person. She’s human. She has here own emotions, ambitions, problems, and causes for anxiety (which I might add is pretty much 100% from people like you). You shouldn’t hold her to this ridiculous standard just because she’s popular in one niche fandom on Tumblr. You don’t know her. You do not get to make sweeping judgments based on a couple of self indulgent drawings she’s posted over the past 5 years. 
That brings me to the most important part of this. A lot of the discourse near the top about interpretations of characters is something that isn’t 100% black and white. I could be wrong about those things. But even if I am, that does not justify inciting hate or encouraging people to write horrible things like “I’ll kill her,” even in jest. SHE’S A REAL PERSON. Posting that kind of stuff publicly is NOT OKAY. That is not how you act online or in the real world. I know Sunny has been deeply affected and truly hurt by seeing things like this. The worst part is that this kind of witchhunt fandom policing is still going on after multiple instances where it caused someone to attempt suicide. Why is this still going on? This kind of behavior is unacceptable and needs to stop.
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