#also yes I am all about Nancy just throwing Jonathan in the car with her shower caddie and impressive knitwear collection
heavencasteel420 · 1 year
Assuming Nancy is still going to Boston, Jonathan going too and working for a year is one of my preferred plans. But like I don't think anyone is going to college for right now. Like what is Nancy going to go to Emerson and come home for a break to fight the apocalypse?
Anyways I would not be surprised if both of them don't go to college and just start working but what do I know
Oh, can you even imagine?
“Hey, Nancy, what are you doing for Spring Break? We’re thinking of going down to Florida.”
“Ugh, I wish I could go, but I promised my mom I’d visit. Also, I gotta fight Vecna.”
“Vecna? Oh, yeah, I forgot you were from that place in Iowa or wherever. Good luck?”
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runningupthatvecna · 1 year
the law of seat partners
alrighty so ya gurl had a dream about eddie last night and here i am trying to use that to base the following something off of.
part 2
cw/tw: eddie munson being a slightly touchy precious bean. a slight bit of angst. feeling left out/mentions of feeling unwanted if you squint. otherwise, none that i could think of, just my silly brain fluff. if you find something else, please let me know yaaa. no mentions of y/n.
summary: you're going on a high school field trip with your friends. and thankfully, a long haired metalhead is also there to keep you company and ease the pain of being around obnoxious children.
side note: this is literally the first fic thing i've written in literal YEARS (also in English) and first ever time writing for Eddie, so bare with me here, i've gotten quite rusty i guess so i truly apologise if it's rather bad. don't mind me and please reblog/leave me comments if you did enjoy this pure fluff something!
It was the sunniest May morning the town of Hawkins had ever seen. The bluest sky above the forests and fields, downtown, the infamous trailer park and the parking lot of Hawkins High.
You sighed as you placed your car in parking mode before opening the door and sliding out, just so you could grab your belongings - a rather big bag filled with all sorts of items that you were certain you were going to need for surviving the next week - out from the backseat.
A field trip with students with an age range from bloody twelve to the wise years of nineteen, well, twenty to be specific, was on your agenda in the almost last month of your last year of high school, and thankfully you were not gonna be stuck in some forest next to Lake Superior alone by yourself.
Being forced to exist around screaming twelve year olds who were about to enter puberty was your least favourite part of the whole expedition, which made the presence of your group of best friends so much more valuable.
There was one person whose attendance you'd specifically been hoping for. And yes, of course you and your friends had been talking about the trip months ago so it would be clear who would join in the fun, but with Eddie's tendency to be flaky when it came to decisions like this, one could never be fully sure.
I mean yeah, certainly you were looking forward to spending this week by the lakeside with Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan and the younger kids in freshmen year, but nothing could make the thought of being stuck with a group of middle schoolers and teachers more bearable than being stuck there with the one guy who you - to put it frankly - had a thing for.
You couldn't really say that you were as close with him as you were with Steve or Robin, you never really spent time with him outside of the group hangouts. But that didn't mean that there was any weird distance between the two of you when the lucky occasion of hanging out did come around.
Eddie Munson was a metalhead. Through and through. Tough exterior, soft baby cow personality but could turn stone cold when necessary. When people tried to shame him for being different, for example.
You were also very certain that his love language was touch, based on the times he would throw his arm around you when casually walking you to your next class or the way he would playfully wrestle Dustin or Lucas in the cafeteria during lunch break to show he didn't hate them.
"Oh my god, I'm so glad you're here!"
Max had spotted you in line and apparently didn't feel too much guilt for cutting it just so she could hop on the bus together with you.
You mumbled the same thing back to her, wondering if you were the first or last ones of your party to go through Miss Kelley's check-in.
She greeted the both of you with a toothy smile before she turned her focus onto the sheet with students' names. Your eyes wandered over the rows of seat pairs, and since you had arrived at the parking lot, let's say not late but also not early either, most of them were already filled with loudly chatting kids.
"Hopefully the others saved us a seat", you heard Max say from in front of you. Unlike you, she already had a pre-determined seat buddy. "Oh please, it's obvious that Sinclair kept one for you", you quipped back, silently hoping you could potentially be sitting next to Steve or at least Robin.
And even if Eddie was going to join you, he'd probably be sitting with Chrissy. Or Gareth.
"That might be true, but I'm sure you'll be just fine with where you'll end up."
Max stepped further into the bus after she gave you a wink and a slight grin.
Did she know more than you?
Good boy Steve was rather easy for you to spot. With that amount of hair peeking out above the sea of headrests? No wonder. In fact, most of your friends were already seated further in the back of the one-story bus.
A slight hint of disappointment clouded your brain at the sight of Steve and Robin sharing a seat pair, with Nancy and Jonathan right behind them. Your fear of being the one left out and behind was creeping out from the back of your mind, acting up.
People had always been kind enough to endure you, but no one ever really chose you. Or at least made you feel like you belonged.
Lucas indeed had the seat next to him reserved for Max, to where she continued her strut down the aisle to plop down, while Dustin and Will had agreed to share theirs.
Surprising they made it out of bed this early.
You took a few more steps towards the back of the bus. A wide grinned Erica was seated amongst her friends in the center of the very back row, your eyes scanning the seats until they landed on the wild dark mane of a certain metalhead, who was occupying the pair of seats right behind the stairs down to the back door.
He was practically lying in the window seat. Head resting against the glass, staring out to observe the students who hadn't set foot onto the bus yet. Parents who were lecturing their kids one last time before letting them go.
Was he daydreaming? What could possibly be going on in that pretty head of his?
Your heart jumped and your stomach fluttered when he shifted his gaze to the aisle where you were standing. The widest smile spread over his face at the sight of you, and you hated to admit to yourself that it did not leave you unaffected.
The seat next to him was empty.
It took Eddie a few seconds to remember what his initial plan was. As if something in his brain clicked, as if a bolt of lightning had hit him, he straightened himself and got up.
"Uh hi there. I, uh, kept you a seat if, uh, in case you'd like to sit with me."
Eddie the freak Munson. Had thought of and would be willing to sharing seats for a 10 hour bus ride. With you, of all people?
In the light of the sunlight flooded bus, you could see his cheeks adjusting to the colour of your own. Flushed pink.
And you just couldn't help the wide grin that was pulling at the corners of your mouth.
Now both of you were standing in the aisle facing each other.
"I would love to, Munson."
Quickly you took out the essentials for the journey from your bag: headphones and your walkman, your tape collection that you wouldn't leave the house without, a novel, some water and a tote bag with your carefully selected snacks.
Eddie waited patiently for you to get comfortable, standing there in the aisle in his signature leather jacket and denim dio vest, while leaning against the backrest of his own seat, watching your every move.
Once you swung yourself around into your seat, Eddie plopped down next to you with an equally wide grin plastered across his face while pointing his ringed index finger at the snack bag.
"You know, you're gonna have to share those with me."
You turned your head around to face him, eyebrow raised.
His chocolate brown doe eyes were so so softly looking at you. If you didn't know better they'd melt you on the spot.
"Oh really, do I?"
"Yeah, it's the unspoken yet official law of seat partners, sweetheart."
You chuckled at his silliness and the pet name, the nervousness which you had gotten from the thought of him very obviously thinking of you when it came to the decision of who to sit next to, all gone.
He wanted to be physically close to you.
He wanted to spend that time on the bus around you.
He chose you.
After Steve, Robin and all the others from your group had acknowledged your presence as well with genuine smiles, and the last few kids had found their seats, it was time to leave Hawkins.
The bus hit the highway towards Chicago pretty soon after departure.
Eddie let you sit in the window seat, which eventually led to him conveniently using your shoulder as a pillow. And no, you didn't mind the weight. It was Eddie.
Hell, you were having a hard time keeping yourself from wrapping your arms around him to pull him closer.
"Does this also fall under the law of seat partners?", you asked curiously, placing a hand on Eddie's head and slightly scratching his scalp.
The only thing you got in return was a satisfied, sleepy "mhm" and a squeeze and rub of his warm hand over your thigh, but it was enough for your mind to drift off, wondering which other of Eddie's love languages and further details of his ridiculous seat partner law you'd come to discover on this trip.
tagged: my beloved ellen @josephfakingquinn <3
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youmakemyhearthowl · 2 years
Punk Princess
Ao3| Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5 | Part 6| Part 7| Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10| Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 (Next Part)
Also please go check out THIS fan art done by @heavenlycrashes
Steve was about ready to vibrate out of his skin. He was absolutely over the moon when he woke up Friday, pulling on the Hellfire shirt Eddie had given him, and El had taken a bunch of fabric paint to, adding pastel hearts and flowers to it, mixed in with deep red and black ones. The pants he wore on the El and Max shopping trip slipped on easily, with the new patchwork pastel pink he’s sewn into a few places.  He’s got his fishnets under it, so they peek out through the massive hole on the left thigh that Dustin had said he should add and not patch for the vibes of it all.  He slips his jacket on with his vest over it and sighs.
Today, he was gonna ask Eddie out.
He was only mildly worried Eddie might say no. 
And like Steve wasn’t an idiot, alright. He knew that Eddie liked him too, knew that Eddie would say yes. But while he wasn’t stupid, Steve had learned he was a bad boyfriend. Even though he’d tried, like really tried with Nancy, to make her happy, and make sure she wasn’t alone with the guilt about Barb.
It was all just bullshit though. 
And he’s not really sure why that had hurt so bad, when Nancy and him had only dated a few months, before she went and slept with Jonathan at the end of the school year, and told Steve that everything about him was bullshit. Maybe it was because she was the first person he’d been really truly himself with, opened up to her in a way he never had, and to her the real him, was bullshit. 
He should have just let her go the first time he thought she cheated on him.
But he really had loved her.
And he’d gone off the fucking deep end after that, the bender, the bar fights, all of it, just pushed on by the fact that the first time he’d started to let his guard down he still wasn’t enough.
All this to say, he was terrified to ask Eddie out.
But he was going to do it. Today.
“You look like you’re going to throw up.” Robin chirped, slamming the car door as she climbed in. “
“I think I am probably going to throw up. Jesus Christ.” Steve leans his face on the steering wheel, “I’m gonna ask him, Buck. Today.” The fucking pitch of the squeal she lets out, turning towards him and grabbing his shoulders in each hand.
“Steve! Yes, oh thank god, I was so tired of telling people ‘no they’re just friends.’ Gareth owes me 20 bucks!” She's positively beaming at him, shaking him slightly as she babbles. “Steve, this is so big! Okay, okay how are you going to do it?” The unfiltered love, and excitement she has written all over her face makes his chest squeeze, God he loved her.
“I was gonna just…. Ask?” She pulls her hands off his arms, throwing them up in the air to emphasize her groan, scream, whatever the fuck that noise is she’s making. Steve makes a distraught noise at her in return shoving her back over towards her side of the car so he could put it in gear and start making their way towards the school.
“Steve, Steve , you have to do something like, weird and out there to ask him! It’s Eddie! I mean, you could write it in mud and he’d definitely say yes, but come on, this is months, months  in the making, Dingus!” Her hands are flying all over the place as she speaks, bouncing in her seat. “This is so good, I can not wait to rub it in Gareth’s face that you asked first!” That startles a laugh out of Steve as he pulls into the parking lot, looking over at his best friend while he puts the car in park.
“You’re gonna ruin it either way if you don’t chill out about it.” He can feel his face stretch into a smile, his anxiety pushed down in favor of the giddiness Robin is emitting around her. He reaches out and squishes her cheeks between his hands, her lips puckering slightly under the pressure, and she tries to glare at him, but the effect is, simply, not there.
“I’ve got a plan babe. He’ll lose his mind.” He smirks, placing a kiss on her forehead before releasing her face and climbing out of the car. Robin's excited energy always has a way of rubbing off on him and bringing any mood he was in, out of the gutter. He was bound and determined to hold onto that excitement and not dwell on the failed relationship of the past, when a hand lands on his shoulder just after Robin kisses his cheek goodbye before she bounds over to where Chrissy is waiting for her at her locker. 
It’s like thinking about her had somehow summoned Nancy Wheeler out of wherever she’d been the entire school year. 
His stomach clenches. 
They hadn’t spoken since the break up the day before summer break. Hadn’t even been in the same room as each other, even when picking up Mike. Mike always met him at the end of his driveway so Steve wouldn’t have to interact with her, but somehow the same day he’s finally ready to push forward and move on, her Wheeler senses tingled and there she was in all her Nancy glory.  He turns to face her, indifferent mask carefully sliding into place on his own face as their eyes meet. 
“Nancy.” He nods, tilting his head to tell her he’s not about to actively participate in this conversation unless she’s the one initiating everything. 
“I’m really worried about you Steve.” 
Steve’s muscles lock up suddenly, not really knowing what to expect from her, but definitely not her pinched smile or the judgment in her eyes. 
“And why, pray tell, is that?” God he’s been hanging out with Eddie too much, if he’s starting to talk like him too. He can feel his expression hardening from indifference to aggravation as she begins speaking again. 
“This isn’t you Steve. This whole look, and attitude you have going on. I don’t know what happened to you over the summer, and I was willing to let it slide for a while, figuring you were working through some things, but Steve what the hell is going on with you?”
Steve feels white hot anger inching into every crevice of his body, boiling around and seeping into the ache Nancy usually leaves in his chest. 
“You were willing to let me do this? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” He’s vaguely aware of Robin and Chrissy making their way closer to him at his raised tone. And he’s distinctly aware he wished Eddie was here too, because Eddie calms that anger that flickers in him sometimes. Eddie, although not a calm person, always brings calm and warmth with him. 
“Steve, you look like a-”
“A what? A freak? Yeah come on Nancy you can say it. Although I didn’t hear you complaining about freaks when you cheated on me with one.” He snaps, his hands balling into fists. He doesn't really feel bad calling Jonathan that, but it still brings an uncomfortable feeling to his gut. It feels like a flash of who he used to be, but he and Jonathan have long since buried the hatchet between them, Jon explaining that Nancy had told him she was already broken up with Steve when they had slept together. He’d felt just as betrayed as Steve but was happily committed to his long distance boyfriend Argyle now, and Jon and Steve actually would meet up once a week for a smoke sesh these days.
Nancy’s looking at him like she used to when they were together and he’d messed up something he wasn’t even aware could be messed up, and Steve felt like he was going to vibrate out of his skin with anger. Nancy had no right to him, or any part of him and here she was pretending like it was okay for her to speak her mind about his new everything. She takes a slight step back, like he’d slapped her but keeps her expression level. Ever the journalist. 
“Steve, what has gotten into you. It’s like I don’t even know who you are anymore.” 
“You don’t. And frankly I’m starting to realize maybe you never really did. Save your fake worry over who I’m becoming and keep your opinions on it to yourself.” Robin is at his side then, sliding under his arm into her spot there at his side, Chrissy surprisingly on his other side, uncoiling his hand and holding it in her delicate one. 
“I happen to really like who I’m becoming and I won’t let people, won’t let you try to tell me who I am anymore. It’s all bullshit anyways isn’t it?” He finishes, the anger gone at the contact of his friends, just a cool bored tone seeping back into his voice. 
And that’s the thing isn’t it? Nancy never really did know him. Sure, he’d been softer and kinder with her, hopelessly romantic and in love, but she was only ever wrapped up in her own desire to act out, which is why she’d dated resident party boy King Steve to begin with. She wanted to rebel and show people she wasn’t who they thought she was, so she only saw Steve as exactly who everyone else did, no amount of anything he had done was going to change that. And when Barb died, Nancy was so understandably wrapped up in the pain of that loss, she stopped giving a shit about anyone else’s feelings or anyone else really at all.
“Actually,” he starts as Nancy goes to turn around and walk away, “Thanks for doing this today. It helped settle some things in me that I needed to realize so I could move forward.” He tossed the last part over his shoulder as he wrapped his free arm around Chrissy’s shoulders and tucked her into his other side, making their way towards where the Hellfire club usually bumbled along in the mornings. 
“Steve, I’m so proud of you.” Robin smiles, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “I know how hard that must have been” 
“You know what Robs, I’m really proud of me too. I realized a lot of things from all that. And honestly can I just reiterate to you how thankful I am for your friendship over the last year.” He places a kiss on her temple before turning to Chrissy. “And that totally wasn’t your battle, but thank you for the support and comfort you offered. It helped a ton.” He hesitates for a second before he just decides fuck it and places a kiss to her temple as well. Chrissy giggles at the soft affection.
“Us ex.preps gotta stick together Steve.” Her face takes on a serious look, nodding to herself before continuing, “Speaking of, let’s meet up sometime this weekend, Hellfire and us, I wanna pick your brain about some things.” Robin beams at the other girl and Steve chuckles softly. He’s way better off now then he ever was before. 
And Yeah, sure, he was still terrified he was going to fuck everything up with Eddie. But the fact of the matter was he liked Eddie, and he wanted to be happy, and with his two girls under each arm he felt like for once, maybe he deserved that.
Originally, Steve was going to ask Eddie out first thing that morning, but Robin was right, Eddie deserved something more than a simple ask and he was bound and determined to make this perfect. It had been hard to not just blurt it out when Eddie had wrapped around his back like an octopus at the lockers, but he’d held his tongue because this needed to be perfect. He was so excited, he’d skipped his first few classes of the day, sneaking over to the middle school to hopefully corral his gremlins to offer him some help on his quest. 
Oh man he was calling it a quest now, he’d really been falling into the nerd herd with the rest of his favorite people. Not that he was complaining really, DnD although hard for him to really follow still sometimes, was one of his favorite things of the week, whether it was watching Eddie walk the kids through their campaign, or playing in the one on Fridays at Hellfire. 
And DnD was important to the people he loved, and it was an integral part of Eddie, so he knew a general idea of what he wanted to do with this ask, but he also knew he’d need the kids' help to really nail it down. 
He hoisted himself over the fence at the back of the middle school, over to where he knew the kids usually hung out when they were ditching class or if they had a free period. Usually, the little dorks didn’t skip classes often, unless it was gym or history, and lucky for Steve that was the first two classes of Dustin’s day today, so he was perched casually on the swing set over here, a DnD manual open on his lap, while he hurriedly wrote notes down into his notebook.  Steve smirked to himself, sneaking up behind him silently, and sucking in a deep breath ready to yell in the younger boy's ear, when Dustin let out a dramatic sigh.
“Steve, those boots are like a negative 12 to your stealth.” Steve blows out the breath he’d taken in, loudly groaning as he throws himself onto the swing next to his sudo little brother.
“I’m great at being sneaky, these boots make like no noise.”
“Well then maybe it's all the metal on your clothing I heard.” Dustin beams over at him, shoving his notebook into the DnD manual to hold his place in the text. “Or the metal in your face, Jesus, when did you get a nose ring Steve?” Steve’s hand instinctively goes up to his nose, touching the hoop gingerly. 
“I’ve had it for a while now, I got it the same time as the rest, I’d just lost my hoop for it and have been wearing the one that makes it look like a freckle. Not my fault, no one noticed it.” Dustins rolls his eyes as Steve speaks, twisting the swing he’s on back and forth. “Also you really shouldn’t be skipping class right now.”
“You’re one to talk!” Steve snorts, ruffling the hat on top of the younger boy's head.
“Yea okay that’s fair, and really I shouldn’t complain too much, cause if you weren’t here I wouldn't be able to ask for your help.” Steve turns in the swing, planting his feet to hold it in place facing Dustin, and Dustin mimics his exact movement. Steve braces himself for whatever reaction his next sentence it’s going to get outta the younger boy. 
“I need to find a nerd way to ask Eddie out.” He watches as the words sink in, Dustin’s eyes growing wider until he’s throwing himself off the swing and bouncing up and down on his feet.
“Fuck yes! I knew it! Although Lucas and Max were pretty sure you’ve been dating for months now. Oh this is so good. Yes!” Dustin’s practically sprinting around in circles in his excitement, pulling a loud happy laugh from Steve as he watches.
“So you guys are okay with it?”
“Okay with it? Steve! Me, Will, El and Max have been basically planning your wedding to Eddie since like January.” Dustin’s smile is toothless and happy, and so, so young, it sort of hits Steve again that these kids are like 14. Fuck, it’s so nice to see Dustin act his age. Steve lets out another bark of laughter, motioning for Dustin to come and sit back down.
“Alright, alright, well if you ever want it to get that far, I need your help on how to ask him out.”
“Oh I have the perfect idea!” Dustin lisps out, throwing himself back into the swing. “It’s a great way for you to not have to make all the choices, cause I know you kinda hate that, but that's sorta the whole point of asking someone on a date you planned right?” He spins the swing around and around as he’s talking, all excited energy. “But, The Party we have a great way to plan our hang outs! And it involves rolling a D20, so Eddie’s gonna looove that.” Steve’s just listening, a large smile over taking his face at the fact that not only do the kids seem to support this, but that Dustin is so ready to help, it makes Steve’s heart feel warm in his chest. These kids mean everything to him, and to know he means that much back its a little overwhelming, but in the best fucking way possible. 
“So basically, what I think you can do is, write a list of places to eat, places to hang after or before, and outfits to wear! Then have Eddie roll the D20 and whatever number it lands on is what you’ll do! That way, Eddie is still a part of the picking places process, but it’s still your date to plan!” Dustin lets the swing unravel from where he’d twisted it all up, spinning quickly round and round in circles. Steve watches with amusement, as Dustin tries to get his bearings again after spinning so much before he continues talking.
“Steve, seriously, this is the best news. Eddie is a super cool dude, and he seems to make you really happy. I’m like, ecstatic that this is happening.” Like a fawn trying to walk, Dustin stands on wobbly legs before throwing himself into Steve’s arms. 
“I still have dibs on being your best friend though.”
“That’s Robin.” Dustin groans at his response.
“Then I’m your brother, which means you’re stuck with me for life . And I get to be the best man at the wedding.” Steve’s pretty sure the entire middle school could hear his responding laughter.
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I saw this post and it inspired me to just point this out again. Just putting it out there again.
Oh, and I highlighted some of the cars so you can see that it’s the same place if that wasn’t clear already lmao. The green car is the byler heart-to-heart car.
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Playing junkyard golf (s4,ep.2 Vecna’s Curse)
Jonathan: I don’t know. Part of me expected her to be on that plane. Or something. Just like, “hey surprise! Here I am.” But also… I felt this… I felt this intense relief when she wasn’t there.
Argyle: No, no, that’s the Purple Palm Tree Delight working its magic, my man. Makes your troubles float away like the seed pods of a dandelion flowing in the wind.
Jonathan: No. No, that’s not it. Hey… If I show you something, you wouldn’t tell anyone, right?
Argyle: Who would I tell? You’re my only friend, Jonathan.
*Jonathan shows letter*
Argyle: What’s that?
Jonathan: It’s an acceptance letter to Hawkins Community.
Argyle: Thats where I’m going.
Jonathan: I know.
Argyle: But you’re going to Emerson with Nancy.
Jonathan: No, I’m not. She just doesn’t know it yet.
Argyle: Wait, hold on, what is going on?
Jonathan: Like, I... I can’t leave my mom and my brother to… to… chase a dream that isn’t mine.
Argyle: You’re dead, man. You’re so dead.
Jonathan: What was I supposed to do?
Argyle: Not lie!
Jonathan: Not lie?
Argyle: Yeah.
Jonathan: Not lie?
Argyle: Yeah!
Jonathan: What, so I just tell her the truth?
Argyle: Yes.
Jonathan: No. No. Because… because if I told her the truth, them she’d just throw her dreams out the window to come out here and be with me. And I.. I just can’t take that. Like, you know? Like… this, this huge knot of resentment would build, like…like some cancer, until eventually she hates me. And then, before you know it, we’re just like my mom and dad. We’re divorced, my kids hate me.
Argyle: shit!
Jonathan: Yeah shit! I mean, it’s all shit! The cycle never ends!
Argyle: Yeah man, your nightmare cycle! You want it so stop but what is your approach here, man? To just slow-motion break up with Nancy?
Jonathan: I guess.
Argyle: No, man!
Jonathan: I know, i don’t know what to do!
Argyle: Palm Tree Delight! That’s what you gotta do!
Jonathan: Palm Tree Delight?
Argyle: Go, go, go. […] Backpack, in the back of the van! […] got me stressed out and it’s not even my girlfriend.
Burying the body (s4,ep.5 The Nina Project)
Argyle: Okay. This is not the way it's supposed to go, okay? Oh man, oh man, oh man.Okay, this is so messed up. This is so messed up! This is so messed up! Okay. Dude's probably got, like, a family and kids, you know. All that shit. I think we gotta go to the cops with this. We gotta lay it all out for them, okay, the whole thing about your super powered girlfriend, the bad government dudes, the upside down dimension planet thing-
Will and Mike: No!
Argyle: But…. But listen! The bad government dudes are after your super girlfriend, right? Right? Okay, so maybe the cops can help us find out where she is! Because they’re gonna kill her, man, and if they kill her, they’re gonna kill us! Actually, they might kill us before they kill her! I dunno, man!
Jonathan: Argyle!
Argyle: Actually, i dunno in what order they wanna go-
Jonathan: Hey! Listen to me! Listen!
Argyle: What?!
Jonathan: Look, I think we can figure this out, okay? We just gotta… open our minds.
Argyle: Open our minds?! There’s an open grave in front of me, man! You want me to open my mind? What are you talking about!?
Jonathan: Dude, hey! Just relax okay? Why don’t you just go to the van…. and do your thing, huh?
Argyle: Purple Palm Tree Delight?
Jonathan: Right.
Argyle: Right. It’s all worn off.
Jonathan: It’s just worn off.
Argyle: I’m all emotional.
Jonathan: You’re emotional.
Argyle: Okay. I’m sorry.
Jonathan: You’re fine.
Will: Jonathan.
Jonathan: yeah?
Will: More weed? Is that really a good idea right now?
Jonathan: What? You got a batter idea to keep him calm? Let’s just get this done.
Will: You can’t let [Argyle] get to you. I mean, he’s stoned out of his mind, he doesn’t even know what he’s talking about.
Mike: That doesn’t mean he’s wrong. I mean if that guy would’ve lived one more second. One more second. Then we would know where she is. Why didn’t he just say the number? I should’ve explained myself, ‘cause then maybe Eleven would’ve taken me with her and things would be different, but… I didn’t, I didn’t know what to say.
Will: Sometimes I think it’s just scary to open up like that. To say how you really feel. Especially to people you care about the most. Because what if…. What if they don’t like the truth?
*Mike nods*
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finnyboywolfhard · 4 years
Song That The Morning Brings (Chapter Twenty Four)
Steve Harrington x Henderson! Reader 
catch up here 
summary: the final battle is fought and the time following brings them together 
warnings: angst, FLUFFFF, violence, cursing, spoilers ig 
A/N: this is the final chapter, but there is an Epilogue coming your way :)
word count: 5.3k 
“Do you remember where to go?” Y/N said shouting to Steve as he started to rush to start the car.
“Yeah, yeah I do.” He said as he pressed hard onto the gas pedal. He was going nearly thirty over the speed limit. The three were silent during the ride, through every corner they turned and beyond. They were speeding towards the mall when Y/N saw the stalemate that was ahead of them. There was Nancy standing outside the car with a gun and Jonathan trying to get that car to start, whilst Billy was reving his Engine a bit farther away.
“Fuck, Fuck that’s bad.”
“Y/N, when you said stupid for the promise, what exactly does that entail?”
“Not almost killing yourself.”
“So, purposely hitting Billy’s car might be stupid.”
“I say do it.” Robin chimed in from the back seat.
“If we’re being stupid, we might as well all be stupid together. Let’s do it.” He pushed his foot to the gas, watching to see exactly were Billy was going. Y/N squeezed her eyes shut as they slammed against Billy’s car causing it to spin out a little bit.
Once the car stopped moving, they all looked up to where the other group was. Steve turned towards Y/N and Robin saying,
“Are you guys okay?”
“Ask me tomorrow.” Y/N said, shrugging off the concern at the moment. Her adrenaline was pumping far too hard for her to fully come to terms with how she was feeling, both emotionally and physically. The sound of the monster snarling from inside the mall startled them all back to reality. The Toddfather group stood up in the car to look ahead, before jumping out and getting into the back of Nance’s oldsmobile. The crew began speeding away from the mall, the monster not far from them. The radio crackling once more, gaining the attention of the group awoken everyone back from the nightmare for a moment.
“Dusty bun, you copy?”
“I copy Suzie poo. It sounds much better now thanks.” Y/N and Steve locked eyes for a moment, both showing full shock that Suzie was real. The two lovebirds began discussing, Dustin asking her if she knew Planck’s constant.
“Do you know the Earth orbits the sun?”
“Okay, so I know it starts with two sixes, and then a…what is it?” He asks, losing track of the number.
“Okay, let me just be clear on this. I haven’t heard from you in a week, and now you want a mathematical equation that you should know so you can…save the world?” She asks, clearly pissed off. Y/N giggled a bit before saying,
“I think someone is in trouble.” This made Steve laugh to himself.
“Suzie poo, I promise, I will make it up to you as soon as possible.” He pleaded with her.
“You can make it up to me now.”
“I want to hear it.” This caused confusion for everyone in the car. They looked around at each other, looking to see if any of them knew what was up, most of the attention going to Y/N.
“Not right now.”
“Yes, now, Dusty-Bun.”
“Suzie-poo this is urgent.” This is when Y/N got nervous as to what she meant. She knew her brother and he sounded like he was attempting to distract her from whatever she wanted. Either to save himself from embarrassment or anger.
“Yes, yes, you’re saving the world, I heard you the first time,  but Ged is also having Earthsea and he’s about to confront the shadow, so this is Suzie, signing off.”
Y/N let out an anguished “No!” from the back of the car. They needed that number, and now they weren’t gonna have it. There is no way that they were ever going to figure it out in time to save them all.
“wait, wait, wait, wait! Okay! I’ll do it, okay okay!” Dustin yelled, gaining Suzie’s attention back. They all began waiting in anticipation for what he had to do. Dustin’s singing voice began to flood through the car as he sang The Never Ending Story. They all shared estranged look with one another while they continued the song, eventually turning it into a duet. They sang the entire song together, before she finally gave in and said the number.
“Planck’s constant is 6.62607004.” She said before expressing how much she missed him. They went back and forth before they were cut off.  Steve, Robin and Y/N were all sitting facing backwards, watching the monster. Yet, for some reason the monster was turning itself around, heading back towards the mall.
“Uh..It’s turning around!” Steve yelled towards Jonathan and Nancy.
“It’s turning around!” Y/N yelled once again, becoming flush with the glass.
“Maybe we wore it out!” Lucas said hopefully.
“I don’t think so. Hold on.” Jonathan spoke before turning the wheel as hard as he could to the left in order to turn the car around to follow the monster back to the mall. As he did so, Y/N got propelled backwards into Steve’s lap, her body lying flesh against his, faces less than an inch apart. Once the car had found its center once again, Y/N pulled herself off of Steve and back to her original seating position. She stared ahead, watching the way the monster moved around, ready to go back to the mall.
“What are we even going to do when we get there?” Robin yelled towards the rest of the group.
“We’re going to need to distract it from both El or the gate closing.” Will spoke up for the first time in a while.
“Isn’t there fireworks on the roof?” Y/N said towards all of the group.
“Yeah, why?”
“We all take some, we light them and torch the fucker.” Y/N said.
“Is that really the best idea?” Steve said mocking how she usually sounds.
“No, but if you all trust me it will be.” They all looked around the car at one another. Jonathan and Nancy grasped hands in the center console.
“Let’s do it.” Jonathan said as they pulled harshly into the mall. They separated into three separate groups, each of them taking a box of fireworks.
“Stay safe.” Jonathan said to everyone. They all muttered their ‘you toos’ and went to their dedicated areas. Y/N watched as Steve set down the box and Y/N lifted a lighter from the pocket of her now battered uniform. All at once, every single group was throwing their fireworks to the creature standing in the center of the mall. It was almost beautiful. Ironic really, how there could be beauty found in this chaos. All of the glowing bright colors, ricocheting and scorching the monster at hand. The rainbow was exploding from every angle, as each group threw firework after firework. Smoke started to fill the room.
“Hey asshole! Over here!” Steve yelled, throwing a firework making direct impact to the monster. They continued throwing until they had run out. Eventually, with each firework thrown, both the monster and Billy grew weaker and weaker. Everyone’s screams echoed around the room as they watched the monster begin to fall closer to the ground.
“Dustin! We’re out of time!” Y/N yelled into the walkie talkie to her brother. She placed the walkie down, ignited her final firework and threw it at the flayed monstrosity. From the balcony, Y/N looked down to where Billy was hovering over El. She couldn’t quite tell if he was still going to hurt her. For a moment, he looked more human than ever. El touched his face gently, as he rose to his feet and faced towards the flayed monster. The monster looked forward onto him, all of its limbs attacking Billy from every angle. Starting with his hands, eventually moving to his torso. Billy let out one more large scream before the monster shoved its largest limb to the center of his torso. Y/N watched as Billy collapsed to the floor. The monster began flailing around, as it’s life began to slip slowly away. The monster’s body flung itself towards the railing where the remaining members of the Scoops Troop stood. Steve pulled Y/N to the floor with him, making sure she wasn’t injured by this now dying monster. When they heard the final thud, they rushed over to the balcony to look down upon the monster. Now dead, they looked at it for a few seconds, before Y/N decided to run down the steps to check on El, Max and Mike who were down below. They all congregated for a moment, before rushing their way out of the smokey building. Dr. Owens and multiple other guardsmen guided them all out of the building. Y/N ran through the back of scoops to get out, grabbing the keys she had left there as she was going. She ran outside just as the ambulances and first responders were coming up to the entrance of the mall.
A few of them came up to her to ask questions, mainly the EMTs who checked for any extreme injuries. They walked her over to an ambulance that was sitting a bit away, just so she could ground herself for a moment. She sat on the edge, wrapped in a fire blanket, wishing and hoping that this was the end of their problems. Wishing and praying that everyone was okay.
“Y/N/N?” Steve’s voice woke her from her trance.
“Oh, hi Stevie. What’s up?”
“I just came to check on you. Are you okay?”
“I’m just trying to figure out what in the hell just happened. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, they cleaned up my face a bit and gave me some water, I honestly don’t think all of …well this will hit me until tomorrow. Why are you just sitting over here by yourself?”
“ I’m waiting to get cleared to drive home. I don’t think my mom has a clue what’s happening.”
“I forgot about that, my keys were taken by the Russians, how am I gonna drive?”
“I can take you back if I’m cleared, I’m gonna take Robin home. I’ll have to pick up Dusty and Erica first, but I assume the Sinclairs will rush to get both of them.”
“Oh sweet thanks.” A silence formed between them. Y/N’s focus was pulled away from Steve and over to where Joyce was standing, giving Will a big hug.
“Y/N/N, the reason I actually came over here was-“
“Steve wait, where’s Hopper? He’s not with Joyce.” She started to panic, watching as Will and his mom stood there hugging. Joyce’s eyes shifted over to El, her eyes brimming with tears. She shook her head a gentle no. Y/N felt her heart drop to her stomach. He was gone. Hopper was gone. Y/N ran over to Eleven as quick as she could, catching her before she fell to the ground in tears. Y/N kept whispering “I’m so sorry” to El over and over and over again. Joyce walked over and took control of the situation. Y/N walked back over to where Steve was standing and fell into his arms, letting a few sobs escape for Hopper. They stood for a moment in tears, before one of the responders gave them the good to go symbol. Y/N, Steve and Robin piled into her car, immediately going to get Dustin, who was alone after the Sinclair’s picked up Erica. Dustin apparently refused a ride, knowing that she was going to come get him.
               The car was overwhelmingly silent. Everyone sat in their own denial and pain. Once they pulled up to the Henderson’s Claudia ran outside, pulling her children into her arms. Quietly whispering in their ears how much she loved them and how glad she was that they were safe. After a few minutes, her attention was pulled away by an introduction.  
“Robin my dear, I don’t think we’ve met yet. “
“We have not; it’s lovely to meet you Ms. Henderson.”
“Please, call me Claudia.” The woman gave the girl a sweet smile. “It’s nice to see you again Stevie, I think the last time I saw you was Graduation. Wasn’t that such a good night?”
“Uh, yeah it was a pretty good night. How have you been, by the way?”
“Same old, same old. Too much work for not enough money. But I can’t complain, I didn’t have to escape fires at my job!” Claudia said with a cackle.
“Mom! Oh my god!” Y/N said with shock and laughter both appearing in her voice.
“What?! This is just as scary to me as your mother! I’m trying to add some levity to it! I’ll stop.” She leaned closer to Y/N, but barely adjusted the volume of her voice. “Have you told you know who about you know what?”
Y/N let out a sigh, realizing that her mom can tell something went down between her and Steve over the course of the mess. Which, had yet to be reconciled.
“I have not, but I will.” She couldn’t help but let her mind wander back to Hopper. He was gone. She would never get to have a Hopper hug ever again. She was never going to listen to his awful advice and his sage fatherly wisdom. She was never gonna get to hear him jokingly flirt with Flo. She was never going to ride shotgun in his truck while he complains about Hawkins again. She was never gonna see the day where he finally wore Joyce down enough to go to dinner with him. She was never gonna have Hopper again. Knowing how much this hurt her, she couldn’t imagine how much pain El was in. This wasn’t gonna be something that will go down lightly.
Claudia kept talking to the three others in the yard for a while. They all told her about all of the events from the past few days, from all perspectives. And not just the already news formulated truth, the REAL events. They stood around before Y/N’s focus came back onto the night.
“Do you guys mind if I change quick before taking you home?”  Y/N said in a reserved tone.
“No, I don’t mind.” Steve said gently.
“You’re both welcome to come in while she does so.” Claudia voiced.
“Oh yes! Can I come see your room?” Robin asked with excited curiosity.
“Yeah sure.” The group moved quietly into the house.
“Dusty, say goodnight to Robin and Steve, you need to shower and go to bed.” Claudia said looking to Dustin with pleading eyes. He did as he was told, bidding them goodnight with long hugs and sad eyes. He wandered into his room and came back out moments later with clothes for after his shower.
“Okay, Robin are you coming back?” Y/N said pointing her finger while she started to leave the room. Robin quickened her step slightly while she followed Y/N back to her room. Robin began wandering around her room looking at all the trinkets, pictures and items she had scattered around the room. Y/N hastily got out of her Scoops uniform and into a pair of sweatpants and the hoodie from Steve. She grabbed a makeup wipe and wiped as much gunk off of her face as she could. She would shower when she got back from taking them home, but this would do for now.
“Hey Y/N?”
“Are you actually okay with me?”
“What about you? That you like girls? Robin, I love you for who you are, nothing could ever change that.”
“Thank you Y/N, really. I’m so thankful for you.” Robin said with a broad smile. “What’re you gonna do about Steve? That was pretty heavy in the bathroom.”
“Yeah, I figured I would let that go until I take him back. It’s not like it’s gonna be a bad conversation. Anyway, you ready to go home?” She looked back and saw Robin stretched out nearly sleeping on her bed.
“Ugh, I guess so. Your bed is cozy.  I think I may have to come back and sleep in it sometime.”
“Are you asking me to have a sleepover Robin Buckley?”
“That’s exactly what I am asking.” She said as Y/N helped lift her from the bed by her hands. They began walking out before Y/N replied.
“You absolutely will have to come back.” The two girls let out a few giggles while walking into the living room only to see Steve with his arms wrapped around Claudia in a comforting embrace.
“Thank you Claudia, thank you so much.” He looked up from her shoulder and saw the two walking in. He started to pull away from the mother’s embrace.
“You ready to head out Stevie?” Y/N broke the silence.
“Yeah….Uh, yeah. I’m good to go.” Steve glanced between Y/N and her mom a few times.
“I call shot gun!” Robin said, running to and out of the door, yelling goodnight and thank you to Claudia. Steve rushed after her in attempts to race her, saying the same things as Robin.
“I’ll be back in like an hour or so. Head to bed, I’ll be okay, I promise.”
“Y/N, I love you so much. Please be careful, come back head right to the shower and then right to bed. Okay?”
“Okay, I will do that. I love you mom. Trees, Leaves, Needles.”
“Trees, Leaves, Needles.”
Y/N grabbed the keys from the side table and found her way back to the car. Robin and Steve were bickering about Robin getting shotgun.
“Why are you guys fighting? Haven’t you had enough for the night?”
“Settle it for us, who are you taking home first?” Steve asked from the back seat.
“I’m taking Robin back first, then you. Now buckle up.”
The three keep lighthearted conversation until they get to Robin’s house just a little outside of town. Y/N pulled the car to a stop in front of Robin’s home. Y/N puts the car in park and unbuckles her seatbelt. She walks to the other side of the car and wraps Robin in a warm and tight embrace.
“It was fun almost dying with you.” Y/N said in a completely dry tone.
“That’s one way to put it. Goodnight Y/N.”
“Night Rob!” Y/N said while getting back in the car, watching Steve and Robin say their goodbyes from the drivers seat.
He climbed into her car and looked at her gently, she signaled him to buckle up and he did as he was told. They began driving.
“How are you hanging in there Y/N/N?”
“I’m barely hanging by a thread. I just…I can’t believe that I watched Billy die and now Hopper is gone. I also can’t believe all the Russian shit but that will take a lot longer to unpack.”
“I get it, I am so sorry about Hopper. I know how much he means to you, and how much you meant to him.”
“He���s just…” Y/N took a long deep breath to ensure that she wouldn’t cry. “He’s just the closest thing I’ve ever had to a real dad. Same for Eleven, I just worry about her. Ya know? But anyway, how are you? How are you hanging in there?”
“I’m doing alright, feeling a little disgusting from the drugs but vomiting it all up and confessing my love for you helped wake me up a bit. Is it bad that I’ve gotten used to being so scared that this hasn’t even sunk in yet?”
“It is bad, but I’m the same way. I feel…numb.” The car became drowned out by the music playing on the radio. Y/N kept driving, letting the music fill the air rather than rambled thoughts. She knew she needed to tell Steve that she felt the same way, especially because he has apparently known for longer than she has about how he felt. But for some reason, she couldn’t do it. Each moment that felt like it would be the moment, fell flat. She just couldn’t do it.
As she pulled into the Harrington household, all of the emotions of tonight came rushing to her.
“Goodnight, Y/N/N. Promise me you’ll drive safe. Call me tomorrow?”
“Yeah, of course. Right when I wake up I’ll call.” She smiled at him. He started getting out of her car and she couldn’t move for some reason. “Goodnight Stevie.” He started walking across her lawn, and that’s when her body took over. She hurriedly unbuckled her seatbelt and jumped out of her car. She ran across the yard.
“Y/N/N, what’re you do-“ Steve was cut off by Y/N kissing him. Like clockwork the two worked in perfect sync and harmony.
Her hands worked their way to his cheeks, hand squishing his cheeks together. Her hands reached back to the nape of his neck, pulling him closer to her. This kiss felt different. Instead of the hungry, lustful kiss that they had previously shared, this one was gentle, soft but rushing with passion. Steve’s hands found their way to her waist, pulling her body as close to him as he physically could. Y/N began to pull her face away. The space between them stayed tight, but she opened her eyes slowly to look at the boy in front of her. There he was smiling like a dope, looking in her eyes deeply.
“In case you couldn’t tell, this is me saying I love you back.” She said with a giggle.
“Nah, nope. I didn’t catch that.” His eyes never left hers the entire sentence.
“Steven Joseph Harrington, I am wildly, deeply, crazy in love with you.” Huge smiles were mirrored on both of their faces.
“When did you know?” Steve asked. Y/N gave a timid smile. “Come on! I told you when I knew!”
“My dead honest answer is probably Graduation night. I think that there were feelings before that, but grad night kinda slapped me in the face.”
“Unbelievable!” Steve said with a sarcastic scoff.
“I knew SIX whole months before you? That’s baffling.” He said, pushing her away softly before turning right back to her.
“You’re the one who waited so long to kiss me.”
“What do you mean?!”
“You could have kissed me the moment we met and I would have fallen in love. But you waited until AFTER we graduated.” She mocked his jokingly angry tone. He softly grasped her chin, pulling her in for more kisses. He was kissing her lips longingly at first, but quickly started wildly pecking her all over her face. She cried out for him to stop a few times, breaking through her raucous laughter. Once he finally let her alone she cracked one final joke. “Oh my god, my brother got a girlfriend before I even got a boyfriend.”
“Barely, my parents thought you were my girlfriend the entire time.” She slapped his arm and pushed herself away, realizing how late it was and how bad she wanted to go home.
“Goodnight Stevie, I love you.”
“Goodnight Y/N/N, I love you.”    
 A week had passed before they held Hopper’s funeral. They organized a public wake for him but a private burial. Y/N dreaded the day as it had come closer and closer. He was really gone. They had never found his body, but it was no shock considering how the weapon exploded. The morning of the burial, when she got up, her legs felt weak and her heart was racing a mile a minute. She got dressed in her loose fitting black dress and didn’t dare put a touch of makeup on knowing how much she was going to cry. A knock on her door snapped her attention.
“Y/N/N?” Steve said, cracking the door a little bit. She looked up at him with a sad gaze. He walked a little further into her room, scooping her into his arms for a hug. Her rest his head atop of hers, making sure was encased in comfort. “Are you almost ready to go my dear?” His voice was softer than usual, showing how deep his care for her was.
“I’m ready. Did you tell Dustin it was time?” She said pulling herself away from his chest to look in his eyes. They were sad, but they were nothing compared to her eyes that were flooding with loss. She looked like she was becoming lost.
“Yeah, he’s already out in the car.” He said reaching down to grab her hand.
The drive to the cemetery was quiet, all of them mourning to themselves, yet also together. Steve’s hand rest against Y/N’s thigh, rubbing soft circles as he drove. Her hand sat on top of his forearm, just to make one more point of contact between them. They arrived at the cemetery, meeting up with the remaining members from that night. Y/N barely dropped Steve’s hand the entire time. Pastor Charles asked if anyone would like to speak about Hopper, Y/N instinctively raising her hand.
“When I moved to Hawkins, it was at a time where I needed a father the most, yet I was escaping my own. It’s already hard enough moving to a new school, but moving right at the edge of pubescence is even harder. The moment I met Hopper I knew he was going to help me. And he did. With everything. After all of the events over the past few years and everything in between, there was no one else I wanted to turn to for support, care, advice—well—pretty much everything.” Her voice started to shake, she coughed to cover it up. “Over time, Hopper took up the role of father for me in a way. Obviously, not to the same extent as El, but he was still there. Hopper, if you can somehow hear this. I need you to know how much I love you, and how much you have changed my life. I’m forever thankful for you. Goodbye.” She let the last word fall out, immediately rushing over to Steve to sob into his shoulder. He rubbed her shoulders as she let out more sobs, not once letting go. El and Joyce also decided to talk, but everyone else couldn’t bring themselves to speak over the other three women. The group started to dissipate but Y/N stayed with El for as long as she needed. She told the others to go, and that she’d bring El to dinner in a few hours. The two and cried and talked and bonded for a while, finding comfort in the pain.
 For a few months, being jobless was okay. They got some compensation for the loss of the mall, and they needed time to grieve and relax from the trauma they had endured. But eventually it reached a point, where they needed to get jobs and they needed them quick. So, Steve, Robin and Y/N decided, why not work together again? They had all agreed on Family Video and ran for the hills with it. Steve took them all there on a cooler morning, ready to get the jobs. He pulled in front of store and they all piled out of it.
“You put your mom down as a reference?” Robin asked reading over all of their applications, specifically questioning Steve’s
“Yeah, Why not? She’s like super well respected.”
“Why not? Maybe because she would be biased.” Y/N mocked her boyfriend as he held the door open for her and Robin.
“You are such a dingus.” Robin let out as she trailed past.
They walked up to the counter where Keith was working, handing him the applications as he examined them intently. They all just kind of stood there as he read over them again and again.
“Uh, just to be clear, we weren’t fired, you know the mall burned down and like, killed a bunch of people.” Y/N winced at the thought of all the death. Keith set the papers down for the first time and glanced across all three people.
“Thanks for sharing. Didn’t know.” He threw the papers back towards Robin before pointing at Robin and asking “Three favorite movies. Go.”
“Uh…The Apartment, Hidden Fortress, Children of Paradise.”
“You go!” He snapped towards Y/N’s direction, demanding her to answer.
“Girl Friends, The Graduate and Taxi Driver.” She said swiftly, having already thought about them as Robin was answering. He leaned his head slightly before shoving his finger towards Steve’s face, signaling his turn to answer.
“Favorite movies?” Steve said nervousness evident in his voice.
“Did I stutter?”
“uh… Animal House, for sure. Um…” Steve let his focus drift around, trying desperately to think.
“Eyes on me Harrington.” Keith said, pointing to his own eyes.
“Yeah…Uh, Star Wars.”
“A New Hope?”
“A new what now?” Steve said, Y/N groaned a little bit. They had just watched them all for Dustin a few days ago.
“Which Star Wars?”
“The one with the teddy bears, duh.” He said before mimicking the sound of an Ewok. “No, uh, Oh the one that just came out! The movie that just came out. The one with the DeLorean and Alex P Keaton, and he’s trying to bang his mom.” He let out a laugh as he finished his sentence, both Y/N and Robin sighing, knowing exactly where this was going. “The time…Yeah, those are my top three. Classics.”
Keith had his eyes wander around them a few times, examining them once more.
“You two start Monday.” He said pointing in between Y/N and Robin. “You start never.” He said with dead seriousness in his voice as he pointed at Steve. Y/N felt her hand go to rub his shoulder a bit, watching his head fall in disappointment.
“Will you just, um…Will you give us a minute?” Robin asked gently towards Y/N and Steve.
“Yeah, um, yeah. Come on Stevie, let’s look around.” Y/N began to pull Steve towards the section of the video store closest to the exit. They stood there for a second.
“God, why couldn’t I think of any movies? I looked like an idiot.” Steve said angrily.
“It’s okay Stevie, you were nervous, you couldn’t help it.” Y/N looked towards the counter, where Robin was leaning close to Keith, talking pretty seriously. “Plus, I think Robin is gonna help you out. Do you want to look for a movie to watch tonight? That seems fun!” Y/N said trying to get Steve out of this mood.
“I don’t know, I think that I might hold a grudge against them now.”
“Come on Stevie, we can watch a movie…and cuddle…and….” Y/N said leaving her flirtatious message on the table.
“Are you serious?” Steve looked at her as she shook her head slowly and gently, winking at him as they never broke eye contact. The boy stumbled backwards, letting out a harsh breath falling right into the cardboard cutout of Phoebe Cates that was right behind him. He spun around in attempts to catch it, ending up being successful. He looked over to where Robin and Keith were and let out a chuckle while saying, “Oh! Fast Times, Fast Times! Ever heard of it? Top three for me, Keith!”
They all laughed a little bit. Keith said one more thing to Robin before she waved them to follow her as they left. The group piled back into Steve’s car to head back to go back to the Henderson’s.
“Guys, just so you know, you might not want to show a lot of PDA at work.” Robin said from the back seat.
“Oh?” Y/N said turning around to look at her.
“I may have pretended like you guys weren’t dating and claimed that Steve would bring in droves of ladies that he would share with Keith.”
“Robin, did you just hoe out my boyfriend to get him a job?” Y/N asked sarcastically.
“I may have, yes.” Robin said with an upturned smile.
“Hey, at least I got the job.” Steve said before reaching over and grabbing Y/N’s hand.
taglist: @mochminnie @queen1054 @prettysbliss @voidnarnia
30 notes · View notes
barbarasbae · 5 years
Drunken Embarrassment
Billy Hargrove x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: underage drinking, attempted rape
Prompt: can you make a billy hargrove one where him and the reader have been dating for 2 years and one day at school she hears that billy is only with her cause he pity´s her and i somehow believe it and i go to his practice and I embarres him infront of everyone and he pulls me outside and I explain everything and I break up with him and later on Nancy takes me to a party and there is a group of guys and thy corner me somehow and billy sees everything and helps me out there and fights that guy and later on we get back together
requested by @kellysimagines
As you took another sip out of your red solo cup, your brain slipped back into thinking about why you were even at this party. Billy had been your boyfriend since tenth grade, only for you to find out he had initially asked you out because he pitied you. The thought left a bitter taste in your mouth. You took another gulp,  trying to shove down the embarrassment you felt which had driven you to confront him at the end of practice. He grabbed your hand and dragged you behind the gym, asking why you were so upset. Apparently you embarrassed him when you yelled for him during your entrance into the gym. “How could you do this to me?”
“You looked sad. Thought why the hell not, throw out a bone. But it’s not like that anymore, okay?” He tried to calm you down. Billy had gone out with you on a pity dare, but he really liked being with. Loved you. “I-I can’t believe you! Am I just a joke to you and your friends? Is that why they always give me weird looks when I come with you to parties? When they see us on dates?” He didn’t know what to say. He hadn’t noticed that to be honest, enjoying his time with her to the point that it never crossed his mind that his friends might think her presence was weird. “I think we should stop this, Billy.”
“Are you breaking up with me?” He asks incredulously. “Yeah.” You weren’t confident. Billy’s jaw is hanging open as you walk away from him and tried not to cry. Nancy had been determined to make you feel better, which is why you were now the drunkest you had ever been in your life. “Hey, you okay?” She asks, noticing the tears in your eyes. “Yeah, I’m fine. I need another drink.” She didn’t miss the slur of your words, trying to stop you but Jonathan got in her way, trying to talk her up. You pout when you notice the punch is empty but also noticed a guy digging around in the fridge. “You got any other shit to drink in there?” You ask, peering over his shoulder. He finds wine and you gladly take it. More alcohol is more alcohol. You go back to the living room and start dancing, finding someone to dance with. You’re giggling, someone grinding up against you. “You wanna go upstairs?” You had almost never been to a party where you didn’t end up having sex. But this guy wasn’t Billy and you didn’t know that going upstairs meant him, you and three of his friends. You stumble into a bedroom, feeling some hands on your body, gently pushing them off. “Come on sweetheart, give me your drink.” You do, squeaking in surprise when there were more hands. Your brain was trying to tell you that something was off, but you were too drunk to comprehend what that actually meant. Then your shirt was off. “Woah! Why are there so many of you?” 
“You just had a little bit too much to drink, it’s just me.” The guy you were dancing with said. But off all the hands on you, his weren’t any of them. “No.” You push away somehow, stumbling into the hallway. The hallway is spinning, a hand grabbing your wrist and tugging harshly. “Hey! Stop.” You protest weakly, brain too foggy and stomach flipping wildly. “She said stop, man.” A familiar voice barked. More hands were on you. You really wanted to sleep. “Fuck off. She said she wanted it.”
“Does she even know how many of you there are?” The sharp smack of skin on skin is distinct in your ears as you find the wall, sliding down it to sit on the ground. You heard more yelling and then there are hands on your face. “Sweetheart, come on, wake up.” You groan, opening your eyes. “Billy?” 
“Yeah, it’s me. Put your arms up. Did you drive here?”
“Nancy’s car.”
“Okay. I’m gonna take you home, alright? Let’s go find Nancy. Can you stand up?”
“I just wanna go to sleep.” You somehow got down the stairs, your hand firmly being held by someone with large warm hands. “Trashcan!” You suddenly yelp, your stomach flipping too hard that time. You’re retching, a hand rubbing soothing circles on your back, a smaller hand brushing your hair out of your face. “Y/n? Billy’s gonna take you to your house, okay?” You nod. “Do you think you’re gonna get sick again?” Nancy asks, petting your hair. “I’m fine.” 
Suddenly you’re in your bed, Billy looming over you. “When you wake up, you need to drink some water. You’re gonna feel awful tomorrow, alright? You’re gonna need to take it easy.”
“I don’t wanna feel awful!” You pout, rolling onto your side and hiding under your blanket. “You shouldn’t have gotten so drunk.”
“Will you stay with me?” You ask softly, eyes closed. “Sure.” You felt the bed shift, a comfortable weight on your middle.
Your head is pounding with a headache when you wake up. You hear the bed shift and are filled with panic. But it’s your room. Who could it be? “How you feeling?” Billy asks you softly, wrapping his arm around you. “Like hell.” 
“I’m sorry I got so drunk last night.” You apologize just as quietly, turning to hide in his chest, closing your eyes. “It’s okay. I’m just glad I was there before those dickheads got all your clothes off.”
“Billy, why did you keep going out with me?” You ask, trying to come to terms with why you had gotten so drunk last night. “Because I love you.” 
Your heart squeezes. “That’s not fair.” You whine, meeting his eyes. “It’s true. I started to really like you on our date and wanted to see where it went. I really like being with you.” He admits, blush on his cheeks. “I love you too. Take me back?” You ask tenderly, secretly bracing yourself for rejection. “Yes. I would kiss you but you smell like vomit.” 
“Romantic, Billy.”
“I’m being honest!” 
“Ugh, get off of me.” Billy laughs, watching you drink the water he put on your nightstand. “Glad to have you back, sweetheart.” He puts his head in your lap. “Me too.” You smile, playing with his hair.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please send me an ask or dm if you would like to be added to any tag list/permanent tag list. Requests are open :)
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mxtantrights · 4 years
MAY 21, 1984
It's my birthday. And I'm hiding out underneath the covers in fear that my mother is some weird memory erasing villain. I know I sound crazy, but it's not just me. It's also Dayton. He's called me almost everyday since the month of May rolled around, except for the past two days. He's on edge too.
I know the sun is out because I can see the light peeking though my comforter. I feel like I haven't moved an inch. Just to make sure. Not to give her any reason to come into my room and snatch my memory away.
But at some point this ruse has to come to an end.
My birthday falls on a Monday. School waits for no man or woman. Soon someone is going to come in my room and wake me up. Whether it be Mickey, My dad or my mom. And then my dad would have to start.
I don't think I play sick too well.
If I just jump out my window and book it to school I doubt I won't get reprimanded. Even if it is my birthday. Figures.
My dad has been throwing out things for me to do. Since I am turning 17 it is 'a lot of responsibility' and I should 'not take it lightly'. I don't know. I'm desperately wishing he brought me a car or something. It sucks having to be a junior and biking to school, or being driven by the parents.
I hear my door creak open.
Here we fucking go.
"Jessie? Are you up?" My dad's voice asks.
I slowly remove the covers from my face and take a look.
He's got a cupcake in his hand with a candle on top. The fire is dancing a little bit because I've got the window open. And I can't forget his partner in crime. Mickey is holding another cupcake with another candle.
Dad's cupcake as a one. Mickey's has a seven.
I smile. "Wow all for me?"
"It's your seventeenth! It's only up from here kid." My dad jokes and brings Mickey closer with him over to me on the bed.
They both hold up the cupcakes near my face for me to blow out the candles. If wishes really did come true, I really needed a miracle right now.
I wish to make it through my birthday without forgetting it.
I blow out the candle.
They cheer for me and put the cupcakes by my bedside. They don't say anything else as they walk out of my room and close the door. Looks like my day has begun already. If she doesn't know I'm up now, she'll know soon enough.
I throw the covers off of me and get out of bed.
Not even a second to spare and my bedroom door is being thrown open.
My mom looks at me with a smile. "Oh I didn't know you were up already. Well, now that you are I can ask what your plans are for today."
I need to lie.
I need to lie so well that even a part of me believes it.
"Well I'm going to school, there's an important test I need to take for math. And then after that is still up in the air. I'll think of something while I'm at school." I put lightly, walking to my drawer.
As I rummage though it to pick an outfit I can see her tense a bit. Wasn't expecting that now were we mother dearest?
"So you and me aren't doing our girl thing this year?" She asks, with a little pity in her voice. Like I'd have pity on her. She basically locked me in this house for two months. And after that it's like I'm on a leash with her. It's not fair.
And the whole, birthday thing.
I shook my head. "No mom. I just wanna try something new, something different. Don't mean to offend you."
I pick out a yellow tank top and some blue jeans. This will have to do. It get's hot here and it's not even officially summer yet.
She almost scoffs. I catch it at the last second but she turns it into a sigh. "Alright then. Happy birthday then Jessie."
She doesn't even close my door.
The bell that signals the end of last period rings. I can't get out fast enough because I'm flying out of my seat with my bag on my back. I don't need to linger here for any surprises. Today has been long enough with trying to keep a low profile with my mother.
Jonathan caught me at my locker and wished me a happy birthday, with a present in tow. It was a pick. Of course I had many at home but those were the ones that I had stuffed in my room from the old pawn shop. They were free with my guitar purchase.
He asked me if I was doing anything special and I told him no. I didn't tell him the whole truth, but some part of it. He's my closest friend here and I don't feel like lying to the only person who knows me well enough here.
Then Nancy caught me at lunch.  She wasn't with her usual posey. I don't know what happened with her and Carol and Tommy. But all I do know is that she just rolls with Steve now. It seems like he's really shaping up for her.
Anyways, she wished my a happy birthday. So did Steve, but it was kind of under his breath. Maybe he feels guilty about being friends with Carol and her goons. Or maybe he's was just trying to be polite for the sake of his girlfriend.
She then asked me what I was doing. And I lied. I told her that my family and I were going out to diner some place fancy. I didn't have to lie but I didn't want to air out my dirty laundry with her boyfriend standing right there. I know I can trust her because after all she was there that night when I went looking for Mickey and the gang.
I don't know it's just complicated.
My thoughts must have blocked my vision because I'm colliding with a body outside of the school building. I don't fall though, but I do wobble. When I look up to apologize to see who I bumped into I stand back up straight.
It was Steve.
"Uh hey, sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." I apologized- I was raised with manners. Surprisingly I remember them.
"It's fine." He nods his head once. I wonder where Nancy is? "H-"
My mother's station wagon pulls up right beside us with a skid.
My eyes search the vehicle for any chloroform or anything that could knock me out but I don't see it. Granted I doubt she'd carry a tank of it, or of anything in the back of the car. It'd be in like a napkin or something.
Instead I find my brother.
He rolls down the window and leans over to speak to me. "Come on sis, we've got plans remember?"
I almost collide with Steve again but he moves me out of the way. "Jes- sorry."
I don't hear his response as I run to the passenger side of the wagon and hop in. I slide my bag off and place it by my feet.
"What are you doing back? I mean- I'm thankful of course but, whats happening here?" I ask him as he drive out of the school parking lot and onto the main road. His eyes don't go off the road for a second.
"I'm here to make sure mom doesn't take you on a birthday special. And because school is out and I'm here for the summer." He explains to me.
"Wow for the whole summer? Aren't you gonna be missing your significant other?" I couldn't hide the smirk on my face when he looked over at me for a moment's glance. He was so whipped! I can't wait to meet him!
He chuckles at me. "Yes I do miss him. But he's back home in Pennsylvania. We can still call each other though and it's not like it's long distance forever."
"Oh you're so whipped! Wow! I really do want to see just who has a acquired your heart like this! It's amazing!"
Since my parents weren't expecting Dayton back home so soon, they didn't clear out the guest bedroom. It's filled with boxes of untouched stuff and clutter that neither of my parents wanted to throw away.
That means Dayton is camping out in my room for the foreseeable future. And I really really need to thank whoever it is that grants birthday wishes because I have been blessed with a miracle on this lucky day!
He fell asleep a few minutes ago- his snores gave it away.
The door creaks open and in pokes in Mickey's head. I rest on my elbows.
"Hey sleepyhead, what's going on?" I whisper to him.
He comes into my room and closes the door behind him. He never really comes into my room at night like this. Usually he comes in here to bother me, annoy me, ask me weird questions or whatever. But he has never in the dark of night walked into my room.
Mickey quickly hops into bed with me, under the covers and all.
"I had a nightmare." He whispers back.
And he never tells me about his nightmares.
This must be about the whole upside-down thing. It has to be. It's the only nightmare we share under this roof.
I turn on my side to face him. "What was it about?"
"And the accident you had a few years ago."
Accident? What accident? When did I ever get into an accident? I think I would re- unless it happened on my birthday. In that case I need to hear every single detail about this.
"Maybe talking about it will let the fear go, Mickey."
He sighs and shuts his eyes.
"You and me were out in the yard at our old house, in the tree house. You were going down to get something and then out of no where you just fell to the ground. I tried to wake you up but it wasn't working. You were just laying there until mom showed up."
Of course.
"But I'm okay now. I'm right here."
"I know that it's just that when El fell that night I remembered it again." He opens his eyes and looks at me.
Is that why he grabbed my hand? Because it was like reliving a memory for him? He got scared again?
I hold out my hand for him to take.
He takes it.
"I promise you I won't scare you like that again. I'm sorry Mickey."
"It's okay." he squeezes my hand as he says it. "At least you remember now."
"What do you mean?"
"When I asked you about it after mom showed you to the doctor you couldn't remember. And she said that because you hit your head, you wouldn't remember. A few things."
"Mickey, do you know what doctor I went to?"
If I can get the name, I can get the number. And I can ask for a file. A file that I can use to explain why there are so many gaps in my memory. I know that whatever fall I took can't be the whole explanation for it, but it could be what I need to spark a memory.
He shook his head.
He didn't know.
"You didn't go to the doctor. He came to you."
I don't remember my regular doctor ever going house calls. Yes we were a small town, but he had an office. And it's not like we personally knew the man. He was the whole town's pediatrician so he had a lot of patients. No one I knew back home got house calls.
I don't think it was my usual doctor.
I think it was my mother's memory eraser. Or something to do with it.
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janiedean · 5 years
For the halloween thing Nancy/Steve/Jonathan carving a pumpkin?
hi anon here you go! sorry it’s cracky but XD also, SOMETIME POST.S3 obv hopper didn’t die ;) ;)
“Whose idea was this, again?”
Nancy’s question is met with utter silence and a couple of shrugs, not that she expected anything less.
Admittedly, she should have figured that leaving those two in charge of pumpkin carving was a bad idea but they did volunteer and she had work while Steve was off shift and Jonathan still hasn’t found something new since he came back to Hawkins, so they did have the time.
Except that the pumpkin in question, right now, looks more like Swiss cheese — at least one of them had the sense to save the pulp for consumption, she supposes.
“Uhm,” Jonathan says, “technically it was my idea to say we should do something less obvious than the usual creepy smile thing, but it was his idea to carve a demogorgon’s head.”
“Excuse me if I didn’t exactly remember the shape,” Steve mutters, turning the knife over in his hands.
“Admittedly, I remembered it wrong,” Jonathan shrugs.
“And you two couldn’t, like, draw it separately and check while carving?”
They look at each other. “Didn’t think about it,” Steve admits sheepishly. Jonathan doesn’t say anything, but she figures it would have been the exact same answer.
She looks at her wristwatch. “So,” she says, “it’s six PM, this place is going to get swamped with kids including my brother, your brother and your adoptive children, pretty much —”
“Hey, I didn’t adopt —”
“Steve, can it. All of them, plus half of the neighborhood, and I suppose we don’t even have candy to give them. Or do we?”
“I bought some before,” Jonathan says, “that shouldn’t be the problem. No way we can find a new one now, can’t we?”
“Negative,” Nancy shakes her head, “there won’t be any left.”
“We could go to the pumpkin patch,” Steve proposes, and Nancy just flat-out glares at him.
“Yes, and Merrill has our heads.”
“He has a point, though,” Jonathan says, and Nancy can’t believe he’s down with that.
“What,” she says.
“Well, you drive us there, we rush out of the car, grab one, you drive us out. Can’t be too complicated.”
“See,” Steve says, grinning, “even he sees it!”
Nancy, who had been looking forward to relaxing a bit before the inevitable trick or treating started, sighs and glares at the both of them.
“Fine,” she says, “but I’m not washing the dishes for the next two weeks.”
“Deal,” those two answer at the same damned time.
Living together really has put those two on the same wavelength, hasn’t it.
Nancy sighs and takes her keys out of her pocket.
She really hopes Merrill is out with his nephews tonight, or something.
“Run,” Steve screams as both he and Jonathan about throw themselves in the backseat of the car with a medium-sized pumpkin in between them.
Nancy immediately presses on the accelerator and speeds out of the road as she hears Merrill freaking shooting behind them, thankfully he’s too far and he’s just doing it out of warning or something, but for fuck’s sake —
“Couldn’t you have stuck to the sides of the damned field?”
“All the pumpkins on the sides were half-rotten,” Steve says, as if that is a valid justification for almost getting himself shot.
“Jesus,” she groans, “we’re not fourteen anymore or have you forgotten it?”
“Well,” Jonathan says, catching his breath, his hand moving over Steve’s wrist, “that wasn’t so bad. I mean, I didn’t do that when I was fourteen.”
“It’s not the kind of teenage experience you couldn’t have done without!” Nancy tries to protest as she speeds out into the highway back to Hawkins, feeling very thankful that both Joyce and Hopper disappeared at his cabin and they won’t be there to ask them where the hell they found another pumpkin at five PM on October 31st.
“I don’t know,” Steve grins back, “it seemed like he was having fun. I mean, it was definitely more fun than going under that patch, anyway.”
“When we’re back,” Nancy says, “I am carving the thing, you two make soup for the next two weeks with all of the pulp we’ll have left and I sure as hell hope it’s good.”
“Hey, I could cook when I was fourteen, thank you very much,” Jonathan says, letting his head fall against the backseat.
“I’ll cut you the vegetables,” Steve groans, catching his breath, an arm still half around the pumpkin.
“Deal,” Jonathan says, and Nancy can see that their hands are clasped together.
She half-smiles.
She’ll make sure they thoroughly apologize for almost getting them all arrested later.
For now, she’ll just make sure neither of them gets even close to the damned pumpkin, and next year she’s not letting them near it either.
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eyeliveinabook · 5 years
Steve Harrington x Reader: Letters and Secrets
Author’s Note: I am changing the timeline. Steve, you, Nancy and Jonathan are all in the same grade in high school: Junior year. Word count 2306
Steve’s POV
He did not really understand it. You weren’t supposed to be someone that he thought about. You are a Henderson for Christ sakes. Dustin would skin Steve alive if he knew half of the thoughts that were running through his head as he watched you play D&D.  At the moment,
you were laughing, slapping your hands on the table almost snorting because Will was telling some incredible jokes. He just smiled, thinking about how beautiful you look at this moment. “Dustin, I swear if you role a Nat 1 I will string you from the ceiling for three days.” You say as you pop another (favorite candy) in your mouth. You all hold your breath watching Dustin throw his D 20. When he finally tosses it rolling it off the table and behind Steve’s foot. “Harrington what is it? The balance of the universe is hanging.” Will yells. He moves his shoe and sees a 1, which he now knows thanks to you and Dustin constantly explaining is a bad thing. “15” He picks it up and throws it to Dustin. You jump in the air in excitement. “Dude! How many times do I have to tell you? Do not touch the dice if it rolls off the table, as the DM I have to confirm the roll.” Mike whines. Checking your watch, you notice that you need to leave like now. “Shit Dust we need to go!” A crash of thunder, it is then that everyone realizes it is raining. “Steve can you drive us home?” Lucas asks. “Yes fine come on you shits.” He says “Hey I thought we agreed I am not a shit since I am your age.” You tease running up to him and playfully smacking his chest. “Ouch! You are turning more and more into a guy with each day (Y/N).” “Oh, don’t be such a baby.”  Steve just rolls his eyes and waves goodbye to Mike.
Arriving at your house Dustin jumps out of the car. You dig inside your bag and pull out a 10-dollar bill. “Hey, I am worth more then that at least.” Steve jokes. “Sure you are, this is for gas since you are always driving us around.” You hand him the money. Steve feels bad taking the money knowing that it is coming from you and not your mom. “Are you sure? I know you have been wanting to get that new tattoo.” “Yeah, also we agreed that you will never talk about that tattoo, last thing I need is Dustin knowing and telling my mom.” You chuckle hopping out of the car. “Thanks for everything.” You walk up your driveway knowing that Steve is watching you. No matter how many times you tell him he doesn’t have to; he always waits to make sure you and Dustin get inside safely. When you close the door your mom is there, “Have a nice time dear?” “Yeah, fun as always.” “Have a nice time talking to Steve?” You give her a confused look.  “Sweetie Dustin might not see it because he is young and a boy, but I know that look you give him every time.” She walks off while you shake your head. You mom has always been convinced since the day Steve came over for a project back in Freshmen year that you had a thing for him. I mean sure, he was super cute, and you may or may not have thought about him late into the night. But that was just female hormones plus he went out with Nancy. She was and still is you friend, you couldn’t stab her in the back like that. You sat down with your family and enjoyed a nice meal of pasta. Later that night, after saying goodnight to Dustin and your mom you pulled a shoe box from under your bed. Inside where some keep sakes, pictures of you Nancy and Barb, movie tickets and some photos Jonathan let you take. Also, inside were two different letters, both from a secret admirer that you had.
This seems so stupid to write and is probably one of the lamest things that I have done (trust me there is a lot), but I can’t seem to get you out of my mind. Today in class you walked into the school with (crazy favorite color) hair. Everyone was shocked, you however didn’t give a single fuck. I overheard Steve ask you why you did it and you told him that you wanted to change your look. In class a teacher was giving you a hard time about your hair, you then questioned them why your hair color should matter, it did not have anything to do with the lesson he was teaching that day. I swear you are such a badass! I wish I could just ask you out to the stupid homecoming dance, I probably won’t though.
-Secret Admirer
Yeah, I know this is cheesy and totally not how a guy should be acting, but for me I feel like this is a good way to talk to you. You know since I don’t have the guts to. Today I noticed how excited you got over the fact that we are starting to read Lord of the Flies, personally I haven’t read it. But if you like it maybe it won’t be that bad. I also saw you working at the Arcade today, you looked like you were having so much fun talking to some kids about one of the games. Wow this letter is starting to sound like I am stalking you, but hey small town. I saw the Terminator today and I thought it was good, I was going to ask you if you wanted to see it but then I thought you might not like that type of movie or worse maybe you saw it already…with someone else.
You held the letters close and laid on your bed. You thought about all the guys that it could be, Billy Hargrove came into mind but you new that tool would just walk up to you and ask you out. He did it all the time to other girls. You know it’s not Jonathan because he is madly in love with Nancy. Other boys swam in your mind, but you couldn’t settle on one. Finally, you figured that it would be better if you got some sleep. Turning off the light, you feel asleep.
Steve was siting at his table, once again he put off doing homework so he could see you. Now he was really regretting it. He was scratching his brain trying to come up with the answer to the question, but it wouldn’t come. He sighed, looking at the clock he knew you would already be in bed. He decided to call Nancy, maybe she would help him.
On the second ring she answered, “Hello?”
“Hey Nanc, it’s Steve-“ “Need help on homework again?” Grinning he asked “How did you know?” She chuckled, “Why do you always wait until the last minute to do these things?” “I don’t know.” Steve could hear Jonathan yell from the background “It’s because he was hanging out with (Y/N).” Nancy started laughing. “Boy you need to start prioritizing your schooling over seeing her. You see her everyday anyway.” “Yeah, yeah yeah. Isn’t it a little late to have a friend over Nanc.”  Steve shot back. “Isn’t it a little late to be calling Steve?” He could hear the smirk in her voice. “Alright point taken. I swear it will be quick. It’s for our math class.”
After Nancy walked him through the problem a few times he finally understood what he had to do. “Thanks, I’ll see you tomorrow.” “Not if I catch you putting notes inside (Y//N)’s locker again.” The water that he was sipping on came flying out of his mouth along with some coughing. Once again Jonathan’s laughter could be heard in the background. “Didn’t think we would catch on to it would you? To be fair though, we only know it was you because I saw you put it in their when I was walking to the bathroom one day. Not very sneaky Harrington.” Nancy said. “I-uh.” Steve was completely clueless at what to say. He thought he was being very careful, but it turns out he wasn’t. “Don’t sweat it. We won’t tell her. Not our place to, besides it’s super cute. I must go. Night Steve.” With that Nancy hung up.
Steve sat at his desk dumbfounded. He thought he was being cautious. Turns out he wasn’t and now two of his friends knew. Made him wonder who else knew. He finished his homework some how and figured that maybe it was time to tell (Y/N) the true.
-Next Day-
You walk over to your locker, but before you got there Billy Hargrove was already there. You stopped for a second wondering what he wanted. He normally stays away from you since the last time you talk you threaten to kick his ass on behalf of Max. Taking a deep breath you walk over there, “What do you want Hargrove?”
“Little birdie told me that you have been getting Secret Admirer letters. Just thought I would let you know; I know who it is.” He smirked when he saw another letter fall out of your locker. Bending down he picked it up. “Oh really and who is it?”  You held out your hand, Billy how ever did not give it. “Oh no, I don’t do things for free sweetheart. You’ll have to go out on a date with me first.” “And why would (Y/N) do that?” You heard Steve’s voice and within a second he was by your side. “Wannabe bad boy thinks he knows who my Secret Admirer is.” You say. “Ouch! Wannabe you know that something I am not Honey.” “Don’t listen to him (Y/N). He probably has no idea who it is.” Billy just glared at Steve then ripped the letter and throws it on the floor. “Asshole! You yell going to pick it up. The pieces were so small that there was no way you where going to be able to tell what it said. “Don’t worry, (Y/N). Just ask Stevie where what it said. I am sure he’ll be thrilled to tell you.” Billy walked away but not before shoving Steve. Steve on the other hand was beat red. You where going to ask him what Billy meant but then the bell rang and Steve left for class. You where just left there in the hall wondering what that was about.
In class you sat next to Nancy, pulling out a pen and paper you started writing notes to her.
Okay so the weirdest thing just happened. What? Billy was at my locker and told me that he knew who my secret admirer was, he wouldn’t tell me unless I went out on a date with him. As I was about to say no Steve came and told me he was probably lying. Billy then tore up the letter and after I called him an asshole, he told me Steve would know what it said. Then Steve just walked away. Please (Y/N) do not tell me you are this dense. What do you mean? Steve is your secret admirer. How have you not figured it out? Okay 1. Where is your proof 2. Steve is not 1.I saw him putting ne in your locker the other day. Also, why would Steve just walk away if he isn’t he. 2. Steve most definitely is. Okay but I can’t date him. Why not?!?!? Because he is your ex there is that secret girl code that you do not go out with your friends ex. Really so if he wasn’t my ex you would? You sat there for a moment and thought about it. Would you really go out with Steve, sure he was very handsome and kind. But…wait was there even a but? I mean, thinking about it logically what is the worse that can happen? Dustin might be mad for a second because he is also Steve’s friend, but he would get over it really fast. You would also have to deal with your mom and her ‘I-told-you-so attitude for a bit but it would go away. Was there any downside to dating Steve? Sure, it could ruin the friendship but him and Nany are still friends, so it is possible. Yeah, I would SO then go out with him. No, Nancy he is your ex. That would be awkward wouldn’t? No look (Y/N) it is okay if you want to date him, I am not going to be mad about it. The bell rang singling that not only did you and Nancy write notes the entire class period and not pay attention but you also that you would see Steve again. You ran over to his locker. He didn’t even look up when you hugged him. “Look about what Billy said-“ “Nancy told me the truth, but I need to hear it from you.” He wouldn’t even look at you while he ran his hand through his hair. “Yeah, okay, it was me. I was putting the notes in your locker. Look I am sorry I just didn’t know how to tell you and I didn’t think you would feel the same way.” When he looked up at you, you grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. Steve didn’t know it then; you didn’t even know it either until you thought about it but you where really happy that it was Steve that wrote those letters.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things 2 Fanfic
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Chapter One: MADMAX
A year had passed. Just a year since Will had gone missing, since the crazy adventure that had followed, since they had fought for their lives, since El had came and gone from their lives. Phina found that there was not one night she did not think of what had happened, not one night were she didn't wake in a cold sweat from the nightmares that plagued her, not one night she did not miss El. El was Phina's sister, not by blood, but by shared pasts, shared trauma. They had both endured Hawkins Lab, and Doctor Brenner, Papa.
Another thing Phina thought about frequently. Papa. When she had seen Brenner, laying on the floor, dying, her memories had flooded back into her mind, the damn built by her trauma no longer holding them back. She remembered every little detail, the experiments, the isolation chamber, her powers. Phina had been well aware of her gift of fire, it showed itself easily due to her temper. Her other affinities, were not as easy to access, but they were all the more powerful.
   With air, she could create winds stronger than a category five hurricane. They were strong enough to shred through anything in its path. With it, she could lift things, almost like El could, but different. She could create a ball of wind to surround the object and move it wherever she wished. Just before she had escaped Hawkins Lab, they had been trying to get her to use that power on herself, to lift herself, to fly.
   Her water was a little like her fire, more brute in attacks, but it was more controllable. Phina could form the water into whatever she wished, anything from small creatures like butterflies to her favorite, wolves. She created the wolves and they almost became alive, attacking where she wanted them to, but killing in their own ways, usually by drowning a victim. With water, also came ice, she could freeze the wolves and they could use their teeth to bite.
Then she had earth, her strongest affinity. Earth was so much more than plants and dirt, it was life. The plants and trees were alive, they had a consciousness, they saw Phina as one of them. She could control them, yes, but most of the time, she didn't have to. They protected her, they strenghtened her, they were a part of her. When she had explained this to the boys, Dustin had taken to calling her Mother Nature, and she guessed he wasn't really wrong. She was nature itself, anything related to it was at her command. And she was at their command.
   A year, so much can happen in a year, and so much did. Everyone had slowly healed, together, but the scars still remained. Phina grew stronger, but so did her shadows. Shadows plagued her, and every shadow she saw brought her back to the drawing. The one she drew last Christmas. It still rested in the first page of her sketchbook, where she would stare at it for hours. Nothing had happened, not yet, but it lingered in her mind, always reminding her that anything could happen at any moment. The paranoia arose in her from time to time, never truly gone, festering like an infected wound.
   Like right now, the moments when she was alone, when she had nothing to keep her mind at bay. Phina lay on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. With one hand, she gripped the blanket of her bed, tethering her to reality, and the other grabbed her necklace, reminding herself of her power. The little flame never left her neck, and it had become a life line to her, grabbing it whenever she felt uneasy. It brought her comfort, yet it also brought a face. Steve Harrington had given her the necklace last year, as a thank you.
   Another development over the year, Phina had found it harder and harder to hate him. Once he stopped hanging out with Carol and Tommy, he had become a lot nicer. He had even started to stand up for her against them almost every morning, and she had Nancy to thank for that. Nancy had changed him, for the better. Nancy and Steve were still going strong, and he grew better as a person every single day. It was a good thing, so why did Phina feel so bad whenever she saw them together. She was happy for her sister, and even for Steve, but, something was just wrong. Phina tried to say it was because of Jonathan, that him and Nancy had developed something together, and they did, there was no ignoring that, but she knew there was more to it. She just didn't want to face it head on.
   Phina hears yelling coming from Nancy's room, she was yelling at Mike. Arcade night, Phina chuckles, sitting up right waiting for Mike. On cue, her door was then thrown open as Mike rushes in, causing Phina to laugh even more.
   "Quarters are in the brown bag on the desk," Phina tells him without a moments hesitation, "share with Dustin, there is ten dollars worth for each of you, and a little extra if Lucas or Will need it."
   "Have I ever told you that you're the best sister in the world," Mike asks, breathing heavily.
   "You don't have to, I already know I am," she jokes, "now you better get goin' before Nancy catches you."
   He rushes out of the room with a quick goodbye, narrowly escaping Nancy as she was about to turn into Phina's room. She chases after him again, yelling at him as she goes.
   Phina shakes her head as she stands up to close her door. Those two will never stop will they, she chuckles. I hope they never do.
   As she walks back to her bed, she looks at a vase of flowers on her desk, roses from Jonathan on her 17th birthday in June. They were wilting. She smiles at them, lifting her hand to touch the closest one, they all regained their life, the soft petals kissing her skin as she filled the vase with water seemingly from nowhere. Life begins again.
   School? Dreadful. Her senior year? Even worse. Phina was taking her sweet time to get to school, taking the longest route she could. They were only a few weeks into the semester, and she was already about to pull her hair out. Being surrounded by carbon copies of Carol and Tommy, not to mention the stress of college and what she wanted to do with her life, she'd rather face the Demogorgan again than this.
   The road she was on was usually empty this early in the morning, giving her the freedom of how fast she went. So she took her sweet time, cruising along slowly, feeling the wind wrap around her like an embrace, and admiring the nature that surrounds her. The sounds, smells, all of it, calming her. That is, until the sound of an engine broke it. The car, a Camaro, flew past her, way to close. She swerves towards the side of the road to keep from getting hit by the asshole driver, which leads her towards the trees. She stops just in time not to hit one.
   The car was long gone already, due to the outrageous speed it had been going. Phina was breathing heavily, her adrenaline running high. That asshole could have killed me, her temper flared. Along with it, came a ball of fire that formed around her clenching fist. She shakes off the fire, willing herself to breath a little. It didn't calm her down, but it did help her focus. Oh this was going to be a bad day.
   Phina flies into the parking lot, going towards her usual spot to find a car already in it, the Camaro. Now she was livid. They had just parked, blasting Rock You Like a Hurricane. The drivers side door swings open, one jean clad leg coming out of it. Then comes the completely jean clad boy as well. On the other side, a younger girl gets out, taking her long board and leaving quickly.
   The boy looks around the parking lot for a moment and starts to walk towards the school, throwing a cigarette down as he goes. Phina glares at him, her temper rising again. She parks her bike in the space right next to his throwing down her stand. She stands up off the bike and storms towards mullet head.
   In Steve's car, Nancy and Steve watch her. Steve noticed instantly how mad she was when she parked, and all that anger was turned on the new kid.
   "This is not good," Steve says, jumping out of the car, "not good at all."
   "Hey asshole," Phina calls out to mullet head.
   He turns around, almost as if it was actually his name, "yes?"
   The pure arrogance in his voice stokes her rage, "I don't know if you noticed, but you ran me off the road earlier."
   "Was that you? Oh, well, I'm sorry Red," he smirks, his eyes trailing over her.
   "Don't call me that, and keep your eyes up here," she growls, "you could have killed me."
   "That would've been a real shame, to loose such a beauty as yourself," he shakes his head, his eyes still not meeting hers.
   "I'm flattered," she bites out.
   He smirks, "you should be."
   She snarls at him, "I oughta punch you in the mouth right here and now."
   "You wouldn't." His smirk grows wider. "Not with those delicate little hands."
   "You're new here, you don't know me," she snaps at him, taking a large step closer to him, "you don't know what I can do, and you don't want to find out."
   "What if I do, Red."
   The suductive undertone was maddening, "listen here asshole, don't call me Red, and if you even look at me wrong, your gonna find out what these delicate little hands really do, got it?"
   Phina smiles venomously at him, quickly going back to her harsh glare. She shoulder checks him as she walks towards the school. He is harshly turned around, forced to watch her go, he didn't mind at all.
   Steve, who had watched the whole thing, felt his blood boil as this new kid looked Phina up and down. He was about to go give this kid a piece of his mind when Nancy laid her hand on his arm.
   "Come on, where gonna be late for first period," Nancy says, watching the new kid and her sister.
   "Yeah, lets go," Steve nods, hesitantly.
-1777 words-
Ohhhhh, Phina is angry. So this marks the beginning of Season Two! Hope y'all are ready for this.
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manicpixietrashfire · 6 years
Love you too
So like I am surprisingly working on that fic where Billy lives with his mom sometimes and with Neil other times...it’s in the REALLY early stages and this snippet might make it in there but it also might not...i’mma post it anyway though.
 “You don’t have to stay,” Billy said. “It’s gonna be a blowout, what’s the point?”
Steve knows better than to eavesdrop on other people’s conversation, but Billy sounds nervous. Which is fucking wild because the guy barely ever sounds bothered. But Billy sounds nervous and anxious, like Jonathan when Nancy tries to get him to go to a party.
“I’m staying,” he could hear a woman answer stubbornly. “I promised myself I’d go to one of your basketball games, Billy, and I am.”
He kept himself up against the lockers even though he could hear their voices getting closer.
“You said it yourself, it’ll be a blowout,” she said. “Not many people are coming...I’ll...I’ll sit by the door so if I need air I can step out, but I’m not leaving you. I’m watching the whole game.”
“But ma--”
Oh. Steve’s eyes widened with the same shock rattling over him as it did in the car when Max told him. Of course he knows Billy has a mom, of course she exists, but hearing the sound of her voice, hearing her shoes against the linoleum is something else entirely.
“You’re being a worrywart, sweetheart.”
Steve decided essentially at the same time they rounded the corner that now would be a good time to start walking and to keep walking like he hadn’t heard anything at all.
“I’m not a worrywart, ma,” Billy snapped. “You’re the one that’s pushing yourself when it’s not that big of a deal. It’s a stupid basketball game, it’s high school basketball.”
“And you’re playing in it, so it’s not stupid. It’s important to me.”
She knew he wasn’t going to understand, partly because he’s just as hardheaded as she is; she could babble on about how important every aspect of Billy’s life is until she’s blue in the face, but he won’t hear it.
She’s not even sure if he understands.
Neil took that from them both.
“You know what Billy,” she said, “that’s your teammate, go catch up with him.”
“Ma, no,” Steve could hear Billy actually whine. 
“Yes, tough guy, you’re worried and it’s going to mess us both up,” she said.  “Take your good luck kiss and I’ll see you out there.”
Billy planted his feet, halting. “I don’t need a good luck kiss, we’re up against Gillsbury,” he argued. “We’re gonna wipe the floor with them.”
She eyed him. She’s sure this is the more evolved version of a toddler collapsing on the floor because they’re not getting their way. 
“Billy, take your good luck kiss, catch up with your teammate, and I’ll see you after the game,” she said, using that same stubborn voice. She pressed a kiss to his cheek, she stood on her toes to do so. “Go on.”
He was trying to glare at her, lips trying to curl into a snarl, but he was failing miserably. “Fine,” he huffed.
“I love you,” she said. 
Billy huffed again finally starting to move “yeah, cool, whatever, love you too ma.” Which to anyone else would sound like calloused dismissal, but it wasn’t, even Steve knows Billy wouldn’t throw out a ‘love you too’ for just anybody.
Steve tried to seem unsuspecting, tried to act like he hadn’t just heard his mom call him ‘tough guy’ in the sweetest, most maternal voice on the planet. It’s gonna be hard though, honestly.
“Hey, Harrington,” Billy called. “If you’re not on your A game we’re giving you up to Gillsbury.”
Yeah, it’s gonna be hard.
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hillywooddestiel · 6 years
Stranger Things Have Happened- Chapter Eleven
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Chapter Eleven: Over And Out
Characters: Y/N Winchester, Hopper, Joyce, Nancy, Jonathan, Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Eleven
Warnings: angst
Word count: 1.8k
Series description: Hawkins, Indiana, November 1983. The Winchesters got out of hunting and decided to settle down in a small town. The youngest of the three, Y/N, just wants to get on with her somewhat normal life and go to a good college. But that’s a little tricky when disappearances start occurring, including her friend Barbara Holland, and there’s reports of a mysterious new girl in town. Can she balance boyfriends, teen drama and monster hunting?
A/N: Thought I’d write another chapter, I can’t believe we’re quite so close to the end now. Also I’m about 7 followers away from 500 so I’m trying to think of a celebration. Anyways, enjoy xx Series Masterlist Masterlist
Hopper floors it to the Byers’s house and I have to cling on to the door handle to avoid flying into Nancy and Jonathan on the bends. Despite the whiplash I probably have from the sudden braking, I get out of the car quickly and speed walk to the front door. Joyce let’s us all in and makes a beeline for Will’s room while Nancy and I take a second to look around the living room. There are Christmas lights strung up everywhere, turned off; the sight is a little depressing really.
“Yeah…” I agree with Nancy. Tearing our attention away from the premature Christmas decorations, we proceed to Will’s room to search for his walkie talkie. Apparently each of the boys has one and use them to keep in touch all the time.
“I got it!” Joyce exclaims from under the bed, shuffling out and handing it to Nancy. It looks a lot like the kind Sam, Dean and I used on hunts from time to time.
“Mike… Mike it’s me, Nancy… Mike!” She speaks into the device and we all wait in silence for a response. Nothing. Well, nothing but static anyways. “Mike… you there? We need you to pick up. This is an emergency Mike, do you copy? Mike, do you copy?!” Still nothing.
“Maybe they didn’t take one with them.” I offer, not wanting to give up just yet.
“We need an answer. We need to know that you’re there Mike!” Nance just finished her sentence before Hopper takes the radio for himself.
“Listen kid, this is the chief. If you’re there, pick up! We know you’re in trouble and we know about the girl. We can help you, we can protect you, but you gotta pick up! Are you there? Do you copy? Over.” when there’s still no response, he puts down the talkie and turns to us with a sigh. We all feel a bit down; we really thought this would work. “Anybody got any other ideas?”
“Maybe they just don’t want to-”
“Yes, I copy. It’s Mike, I’m here. We’re here.” Mike’s crackling voice cuts me off. Thank God they’re ok!
They tell us where they are so we can come and get them: the old scrap heap at the edge of town inside the school bus. Hopper, being the all-guns-blazing maverick that he is, declares that he’s going alone and we shouldn’t follow him or send help. What an idiot. If by some miracle he makes it to the scrap yard undetected, he has to make it past all of the lab agents with the kids in the car. I’ve fought against people before. Well, they were possessed at the time but agents, demons, same thing.
“I’m coming with you.” I state, hopping into the front passenger seat while the chief sits with a bemused expression.
“No you’re not. Get back inside.”
“Yes, I am. After everything I told you, surely it should be obvious that in more than qualified to do this.” I tell him. To emphasize my point, I pull out my knife from my boot and hold it up ready.
“No! This is too dangerous. Go back inside kid.” he removes the key from the ignition, adamant that we aren’t going anywhere with me in the car.
“Too dangerous?! I have killed monsters before but God forbid I help you pick up some kids! Just drive.” I buckle myself in-I’m coming whether he likes it or not.
“Why are we parking here? The scrap yard is just around the corner.” I ask as we pull in to a refuge area. Three identical cars zoom past as I’m about to open the door.
“That’s why. C'mon, you said you were gonna help so help.” Hopper exits the car, gun in hand. I follow behind him at a brisk jogging pace through the trees until we come out in the scrap heap. There are men in suits approaching the rusted school bus with guns in their hands. This is insane!
All three of them walk together, not even checking the perimeter (lucky for us) so we creep up behind. I watch my footing on all of the crap that might give us away on the floor until we’re a hop, skip and a jump away from getting them. A mustachioed agent slides open the heavy doors to take a look inside and I’m sure he’s ready to fire his gun at the kids. Hopper leaps ahead and grabs him, knocking him over the head with the butt of his gun.
“Hey!” Another one yells at me as he turns around. I swiftly punch him round the face and take advantage of his dazed moment to yank the gun from his hand. He drops to the floor unconscious when I smack him in the side of the head with it.
“What the?” The last agent barely has the time to be shocked as Hopper takes him out with his fists.
“You good?” He asks me, a mildly impressed smirk on his face.
“Yeah, I handled it.” I tell him. Rolling his eyes, he enters the bus with myself one step behind. The kids look terrified at first but relax a little when they see it’s up. And they’re with that girl minus the blonde hair.
“Alright, let’s go… Let’s go!” They hop to it immediately. Get the kids… check!I
It'sa bit of a squeeze in the back of the car for the four of them to fit but it’s not like we’re going to get pulled over with the chief of the police driving. When we get back to the house, Nancy, Joyce and Jonathan all come rushing outside. While Nance reunites with her brother, I get an unexpected hug from Dustin.
“Thanks for helping save us from the bad men Y/N.”
“Oh, well… you’re welcome I guess.”
“But… how did you know how to punch those guys?” He looks up to me, unhooking his arms and waiting for an answer.
“It's… a long story. Let’s go inside and I’ll explain.”
“Yes. All of them. Well… most of them- just ask me and I’ll probably be able to tell you yes or no.”
“Vampires?” Dustin asks first.
“Yes. But not like you think, they have lots of teeth.” he gulps, eyes wide; whoops probably shouldn’t have said that.
“Ghosts?” Mike follows up.
“Yes. There are lots of different types but they aren’t all dangerous.” That’s a lie. Ghosts come from spirits still trapped on earth, they go crazy and start to hurt people.
“Alright, I think that’s enough for now.” Hopper jumps in before the kids can ask about any more, “The point is she can hunt monsters so we might have a shot at this. The plan is we go to the school and we make this sensory deception-”
“Deprivation.” Dustin corrects him.
“Sensory deprivation tank. We contact Will and Barbara, find out where they are. Then I need to somehow get into that lab and get into the upside down.”
“If you think you’re going to break in there and then go into another dimension without me, you can think again!” I argue, having noticed he said ‘I’.
“Kid, you can’t come with me.” He sighs, rolling his eyes yet again. Sorry for making sure you don’t die!
“Why not? I’ve dealt with the world nearly ending before, I’ve saved my life and the lives of others multiple times. You saw what I did back there, you know I’m more than capable.” I stand from my seat, getting in his face a little. It takes me back to my arguments with dad over him letting me go to school and do dangerous things like make friends. He would get incredibly mad at me for answering back and dump me at Bobby’s until I’d learned my lesson. Or Dean would step in, siding with me that I should be allowed to play outside with the kids from the motel room next door. Sam would be told to take me with him to get dinner and when we came back, Dean would be quietly hiding a fresh bruise or nursing a black eye. And then dad would be all friendly again, calling me his precious little girl and buying me a pretty dress from Goodwill.
“I know that you probably can but you are not risking your life for this. I won’t have it.”
While everyone else packs supplies for heading to the school, Nancy pulls me to one side.
“So… when I told you I saw a guy with no face, you actually believed me…”
“Of course I did! But I couldn’t just come out and say it and I didn’t want you getting hurt so that’s why I told you not to get into it. And then you went to hunt it with Jonathan so I had to make sure you didn’t get killed by that thing.”
“You were there in the woods?” Nancy asks in shock. Ah, didn’t tell her about that did I?
“And when you came to break up the fight…”
“Not my first time throwing a punch, no.”
“Wow…” she takes a step back while my guilt washes over me. It’s been awful having to lie to her and Barb all this time but I could never just come out with the truth, could I? I would have been branded a total nutcase and shunned by everyone in school.
“I hate always having to lie but it’s better than scaring people. My brothers barely even talk about that part of our lives anymore and we obviously never expected a monster to show up here.”
“Wait, you didn’t?” Nance looks scared.
“No! Dean picked the place because of the lack of activity. I told them I thought something was going on and they didn’t believe me!” I tell her. Running a hand through my hair, I turn away with tears on the verge of falling. I hate lying. It was always the worst part of the job growing up. The job. I was a kid! I still am a kid. And yet out of everyone involved in this, I am the most prepared for what we’re about to do and that scares me. It scares me because of anyone gets hurt, it’s going to be on me.
“Y/N/N?” Nancy taps on my shoulder, and I jump in shock, “I know it’s a lot, and… you shouldn’t have to do this. But if what you’ve said is true then… I think we need you.”
“I know, I know. Just old memories and stuff. I guess some part of me really did believe that that part of my life was over and now… it’s just becoming real.” she holds out her arms and squeezes me with a hug.
“Nancy, Y/N, let’s go!”
@marslovesme  @bluedefundead  @elenavaldez09 @mysanityisgone27 @adridedong @princess-of-erebor1992 @coffeeandwinchesters
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jancys-blue-bayou · 6 years
this isn't really a smut prompt but more of an after-sex prompt where Jonathan gets emotional after his first time with Nancy and cries a little and when she asks him what's wrong he tells her nothing, he just thought that nobody would ever love him enough to do stuff like that with him
A/N: Thanks for the prompt! So there’s no smut in this, just a lot of cute in love dorks talking. I’m yet to write my smutty take on their first time at Murray’s actually, but I’m saving that for a series of smut outtakes from my fic The Real Shit that I plan on doing at some point.
Also on Ao3 and FFNet!
”What’s wrong?”
She leans up on her elbow and asks the question when a quiet sniffle rouses her from where she was laying comfortably with her head in the crook of his neck. It was bliss, she felt satisfied, exhilarated and was content to just lay in silence and enjoy his company for a while. Here on this not so comfortable bed (that got way more comfortable when Jonathan lay down in it with her) in a strange conspiracy theorist’s bunker.
”N-nothing,” he deflects and quickly wipes at his eyes.
She studies him for a second. He doesn’t look sad, but she can tell he definitely just blinked away tears. He looks pensive, thoughtful. But also a little embarrassed and caught out. Looking like he’s torn between hiding from her again and the exact opposite, as they’re still laying naked pressed against each other and his arm around her has only tightened. She doesn’t want to retreat anymore, not when she feels this good, with him. She doesn’t ever want to retreat from this, from them. She realizes fully penetrating his trust issues is integral for that purpose. So she presses on.
”No, come on. Please talk to me. What’s up? Is something wrong?”
”No, nothing’s wrong,” he quickly shakes his head. She doesn’t say anything, giving him time. He looks deep into her eyes, seemingly considering, choosing his words. ”It’s just… I never thought anyone would want me… like this. Least of all you, you are everything I… I’ve been in love with you for like a year, you are perfect, I never thought you’d…” he trails off. She looks at him in awe. Seeing her look he quickly chastise himself. ”Sorry, way to ruin the moment Byers,” he adds, looking annoyed with himself.
She interrupts him with a kiss, pressing her lips to his and hoping to with it press away all his negative feelings he has about himself, even though she knows it takes more than a kiss for that. He’s caught off-guard at first but quickly finds himself and responds to the deep kiss. He’s a natural, she finds. She never wants to stop kissing him.
”Woah,” he breathes out when they break apart for air.
”You didn’t ruin the moment,” she tells him.
”Oh,” is all he finds to say to that.
How honest he just was, how he just laid himself bare floors her. She wants to be the same. No retreating.
”I’ve been in love with you for a year too. I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to handle it… I tried to deny it, tried to run from it. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for my own sake too because how I feel now… with you, I can’t believe I denied myself this for so long. To feel this good. Jonathan I’ve never felt so good before as I do with you.”
”I… I’m glad. I want you to always feel good,” he responds after a second of just looking at her in awe, taking in her words. He listens. So much and so carefully. No one listens quite like Jonathan, she’s learnt.
”I’m done with retreating. I never want to go back to how it’s been. I want to move forward. And I never want to retreat from this, us. You,” she continues.
”Me neither,” he quietly responds.
She thinks for a second, considering her next move. There’s something else he needs to know, needs to understand.
”Jonathan, do you trust me?” She challenges.
”Yes,” he answers after half a second. He thought about it, not just instantly throwing out an automated response. But he didn’t have to think for long. She likes that.
”Then trust me on this: Of course people would want you. I’ve wanted you for a year and I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you now. One thing I’ve learnt now is that life is too flimsy to waste your time and let what you want slide away from you. I’ve got you. Long as you want me, I’m not letting go of you. If I would, someone else would snag you up because you Jonathan Byers, is a catch.”
”I just want you,” he quickly says.
”I’m in love with you because you’re brave, smart, kind, strong, funny and sweet. But also because you’re beautiful, Jonathan.”
He blushes and looks away at that so she grasps his face with both her hands and makes him look at her.
”You are. Not to be shallow, or objectifying but seriously Jonathan, you’re beautiful. Cute. Handsome. Hot, really. Remember last summer, during the heatwave? My mom sent me over to your house to get Mike because he was hiding out there to try and avoid having to go visit our aunt in Michigan. You were in the driveway washing your car and wasn’t wearing a shirt since it was like 90 degrees out. I was NOT ready for that!” She grins. He blushes even more and shakes his head. ”Seriously, Mike caught me ogling you and gave me hell for it the whole way home.”
He’s completely red in the face now. She leans down and kisses him again.
”You ogled me?” He then says with a wry grin and a tone of laughter in his voice.
”Yup, and I’m not planning on stopping,” she grins back and makes a point of very obviously move her gaze down to his bare chest underneath her. He blushes again.
”You are so beautiful I can’t even wrap my head around it,” he then tells her, just like that. Looking up at her with wonder in his kind eyes. He says it so direct, he sounds so honest. It’s not a line. It’s his truth. She kisses him again, deeply.
”Speaking of not stopping…” she begins, while roaming her hands over his chest before sending them on an exploration trip down south where she’s certain she can feel something again. ”… I’m not tired. Are you?”
”N-no,” he immediately responds. His hands, who were firmly planted at her sides during their talk now starts to roam up her back. And down…
She kisses him again.
”I can’t get enough of you,” she whispers to him.
He captures her lips again and she knows the night is far from over.
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Lycanthrope [2] // Steve Harrington
Summary: Quiet about the knowledge of the dimension your boyfriend kept secret from you for a variety of reasons. One being that you were a werewolf hiding out from a determined hunter in your home town. When a fight ensues with Steve it forces a chain of events that may break your relationship permanently.
Characters: Steve Harrington x werewolf!Reader, Mike Wheeler, Chief Jim Hopper, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Byers family, Max Mayfield, Nancy Wheeler and Billy Hargrove.
Words: 2016
Disclaimer: I do not own Stranger Things or the characters involved. I only own the Reader and her plot. I also do not own any gifs or images that may appear in this either. The desktop theme provides the owner of the gifs.
Warnings: Swearing, verbal fighting, violence, death and angst.
Author: Caitsy
A/N: A request from an anon that is split into two parts. Left you on a cliffhanger than I may or may not resolve.
Part One
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“Take Denfield, then you’ll see a large oak tree.” Hopper began swiftly taking Will’s prone body to the car, “You’re gonna swing a right. That road is gonna dead-end. And it’s about a five minute walk from there.”
“Okay. Denfield to oak tree. Swing a right. That’s it. But it’s channel ten, right?” Jonathan asked while you watched it from the couch where Dustin was asking questions. Soon the group split into what they had planned out.
“Can you change at any moment?”

“Yes.” You blandly stated staring at your boyfriend.
“Do you only change into a full wolf?”
You sighed closing your eyes to look down before looking up at the curly haired boy with glowing yellow eyes and your face deformed with fur. He jumped along with the others in the room seeing your change while Nancy and Steve left to scavenge for materials.
“I inherited the ability to fully shift into a wolf.” You explained watching the exchange between Jane and Mike. Steve had returned still cold to you for understandable reasons.
“That is so cool.” Dustin exclaimed shaking his head. You shook your head in modest agreement while Steve peeked at you from the corner of his eye.
“Sometimes.” You sighed, “Other times it’s a pain to struggle every month and being bound by pack rules to follow your Alpha.”
Steve shook his head again as he followed the urging of Dustin to collect the dead demodog in a sheet before attempting to put it in the fridge.  You played with your fingers as Lucas went into more detail about the situation with Max while cleaning up the glass.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled when Steve turned away from the fridge and his honorary little brother. You refused to pay attention to other things when your anchor was angry at you, “You have every reason to hate me and want to break up.”
“Are you serious? I’m very in love with you! We’ve made plans for our future together! While I am pissed you didn’t tell me about your entire life that doesn’t mean I want to break up!” Steve exclaimed gripping your hands in his, “I love you goddamn it!”
“Real touching guys but we have bigger problems.” Max spoke quietly. You only zoned into Lucas and Mike’s conversation when Dustin called out to correct them. he had some kind of attachment to the name he had given the monsters that connected with the Mind Flayer.
“The chief will take care of her.” Lucas firmly spoke while Max shook her head in shock. It was still sinking in that there was more to the world than she had grown up knowing.
“Like she needs protection.”
“Listen dude. A coach calls a play in a game, bottom line you execute it. All right?” Steve said drying his hands on the towel while everyone stared in disbelief.
“Okay, first of all this isn’t some stupid sports game. And second we’re not even in the game. We’re on the bench.”
“Rig…so my point is…” Steve trailed off grasping for nothing, “Right. Yeah, we’re on the bench so uh…there’s nothing we can do.”
“That’s not entirely true.” Dustin began glancing at Steve, “I mean, these demodogs. They have a hive mind, when they ran away from the bus they were called away.”
“Bus?” You slowly questioned looking at your sheepish boyfriend.
“So if we get their attention.” Lucas spoke up while Max finished his sentence.
“Maybe we can draw them from the lab.”
“Clear a path to the gate.” Mike finished thinking solely for the sake of Jane and Will.
“Yeah and then we all die!” Steve raised his voice incredulous at the thoughts of the kids he was ordered to protect.
“That’s one point of view.” Dustin said.
“A very stupid one.” You muttered, “It’s not a point of view.”
“Exactly.” Steve said snapping his fingers in your direction, “No that’s not a point of view man. That’s a fact.”
“I got it!” Mike exclaimed shoving his way passed Dustin and Steve to a wall covered in drawings that you hadn’t noticed until now, “This is where the chief dug his hole. This is our way into the tunnel. So…here right here. This is the hub.”
You all followed the young Wheeler through the room to each different way as he rushed to explain his theory. You didn’t fully pay attention when Steve’s hand gently maneuvered into your hand and eased your racing heart and mind.
“Oh. Yeah? That’s a no.” Steve quickly shot the idea down.
“Mike in order to burn it we would have to be down there near the flames. It’s too dangerous, I heal fast but you guys don’t.”
“The mind flayer would call away his army.” Dustin spoke up.
“They’d all come to stop us.” Lucas inserted.
“We circle back to the exit.” Mike chimed in.
“Guys.” Steve failed to gain their attention again.
“By the time they realize we’re gone.”
“El would be at the gate.” Max joined in again providing with the conversation.
“No.” You shook your head while Steve got louder.
“Hey! Hey! HEY! This is not happening.” Steve shot down the idea with more force than before, “No, no, no, no. No buts! I promise I’d keep you shitheads safe and that’s exactly what I plan on. We’re staying here. On the bench and we’re waiting for the starting team to do their job. Does everybody understand?”
“This isn’t a stupid sports game!”
“We said! Does everybody understand that!” You screamed feeling your canines creep out from your gums and into visibility.
“I need a yes.” Steve slowly down but before anyone could speak again the unmistakable sound of a revving engine caught your attention.
“It’s my brother. He can’t know I’m here. He’ll kill me. He’ll kill us.” Max gasped leaning against the couch to watch the car speeding up the driveway. You grunted wondering if things could get any worse than they already were at this point.
The familiar egotistical jackass that stepped out sent a slight shiver down your spine, he had a disgusting mullet and a penchant for shirts only buttoned up twice. A girl by his side and cigarette permanently between his lips was all you saw. You stayed with the kids inside close to the windows while Steve stepped out to deal with him.
All was well until you saw Billy shove Steve onto the ground and kick him in the ribs. The growl fell from your lips as you watched your anchor in pain. You didn’t know how many hands kept you from jumping through the window and killing the fugly fucker.
The door slammed open and Billy stood in the entry wall for a minute before that sadistic smirk planted itself on his face.
“Well well well.” Billy coldly spoke slamming the door behind me, “Lucas Sinclair. What a surprise. I thought I told you to stay away from him Max.”
Everyone tensed up as he stepped way to close to a flinching Max and terrified Lucas.
“Billy, go away.” Max spoke keeping her eyes trained on her stepbrother. You didn’t step in knowing she needed to stand up for herself.
“You disobeyed me and you know what happens when you disobey me.”
“I break things.” Billy said before fluidly gripping the front of Lucas’ shirt and slamming him against the cabinet against the wall. All the while the kids and you screamed at him.
“Get off me!” Lucas weakly exclaimed struggling in the tight grip.
“Since Maxine won’t listen to me, maybe you will. You stay away from her.” Billy evenly spoke before he got more aggressive, “STAY AWAY FROM HER. You hear me?”
A moment of quiet before Lucas screamed, “I said get off me!”
Billy grunted leaning over when Lucas planted his knee hard up between Billy’s legs and you knew shit was about to hit the fan.
“You are SO dead Sinclair!” Billy yelled with eyes more wild than before, “You’re dead.”
Billy wasn’t able to make a move before he was violently pulled to face a newly appeared Steve  with one purpose in mind.
“No. You are.” Steve stated as he wound his arm back and landed a solid strong punch. It became a mess of kids yelling and Billy’s ugly laughter.
“Looks like you got some fire in you after all huh.” Billy excitedly spoke, “I’m been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody’s been telling me so much about.”
“Get out.” Steve slowly but firmly spoke giving Billy a glance over. Billy just watched him before swinging his fist at Steve who ducked in time before moving back up planting his fist in Billy’s face and sending him crashing into the table.
Billy stood there before he was knocked into another counter by another punch and into the sink with another one. Things were looking up until Billy’s hand found an object on the counter. Specifically a plate and slamming it on Steve’s head. Billy gained the upper hand with a solid punch and stalked into the living room with Steve.
“No one tells me what to do.” Billy growled had butting the other male teen with enough force to send him to the ground. A deep growl reverberated through the chest before your canines grew and your eyes bled yellow in the iris.
When Billy started throwing punches at your boyfriend your humanity completely disappeared, you charged the boy after the third punch to throw him into the wall. Billy tried to kick you but you gripped his leg and twisted until he fell on his face. He managed to kick your knee out and shove your elbow until a loud painful crack settled in the air.

“You really shouldn’t have done that.” You thickly spoke looking at the bone before raising your eyes to meet his.
“What the fuck is wrong with your face.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you asking the wrong questions?” You retorted, “Don’t worry by the time I’m done I’ll have beat your fucking name out of your mind for the rest of your life.”
“You and what army?” Billy spat.
“My fangs, my claws and my anger.” You laughed as he went on to sprout words that was too terrible to repeat. Pulling his up you grasped his neck squeezing as he choked, you heard the kids screaming at you.
You didn’t know the kids had a clear view of the ice blue colour leaking and taking over the yellow of your eyes. You only stopped when Max had plunged the syringe in Billy’s neck and the others dragged you away. The blue beginning to leave your eyes.
“It’s okay.” Dustin soothed as Lucas grabbed the bandaids and handed them to Dustin to place on Steve’s face.
“I’m so fucked.” You grunted leaning against the wall. A barely conscious Billy shared words with Max before he passed out with the markings of nails in the woods near his balls.
Life began to look up when the gate was closed and your relationship was reconciled with a better bond. Now your parents were more open with your supernatural life and Steve brought you along to drop off Dustin at the dance.
“Hey we’re here.” Steve whispered gently while Dustin slammed the door jarring you from your sleep.
“Hey.” You tiredly said leaning into his body while soft music played on the radio.
“I’ve been meaning to ask.” Steve hesitated looking down at you.
“Dustin said when you were choking Billy your eyes started to turn blue. What does that mean?” Steve questioned.
“For werewolves there are three colours of eyes. Red for Alpha, yellow for beta and omega while blue is more…disappointing and tragic.”
“What do you mean.”
“My eyes started to change colour because I was killing an innocent.” You admitted looking up at him. Steve was quiet as he pushed himself closer to you.
“Marry me.” Steve lovingly asked knowing there was no better time.
“What?” You breathed not sure how to answer.

“Marry me.”
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planetsam · 7 years
What about some jealous Nancy for the Jancy tag?
It takes getting onto the highway for her to let out all the questions she has.
She lets him get up to speed with the other cars, watches his hands relax and then turns in her seat towards him. He glances at her like he knows this is coming and focuses on the road. But she sees the minuscule nod he gives, like he knows there’s no getting out of this one.
“Where did you learn to do that?” She erupts finally, “that was—“
“Not my first time?” Jonathan offers. She nods and immediately feels stupid for the assumption, “it wasn’t,” he says dragging his tongue across his bottom lip, “I lost it six months ago, after doing inventory.”
She’s gape jawed at the fact that he did it. Did it before her. She knows Jonathan is attractive in a way a lot of people don’t see. But that’s something she knows. No one else is supposed to know it. They sure as hell aren’t supposed to act on it two years ago after doing inventory. She tries to think if she noticed anything changing about him but she can’t say she did. Then again, the only reason people knew something was different with her was because of a can of red spray paint. Not because losing your virginity changes you in any obvious way.
“Was it good?” She asks, teasing a surprised laugh out of him.
“I mean, yes?” He says, his face growing red, “I didn’t think about it that much.”
“Bullshit,” Nancy says, “I agonized over everything.”
“Yeah, but,” he shrugs, “I liked Stacy but it wasn’t like we were—“ he says, “she was beautiful and it just happened.”
Anything good about him not liking Stacy goes out the window at the small smile he wears when he calls her beautiful. He liked her. Enough to let her touch him. Jonathan doesn’t let anyone touch him, she’s barely seen him initiate a hug with someone who isn’t his mom or brother. Now he’s banging people in the stockroom? She’d say the whole thing is bullshit but the ache between her legs reminds her there’s some pretty compelling proof.
“So you thought she was beautiful, you were doing inventory and then?”
“Then what?” He asks and she raises her eyebrows, “then we had sex.”
“I mean did she kiss you? Did you kiss her? Why didn’t you start dating?”
Jonathan looks over at her. She’s on her knees leaning towards him, desperate for more information. She’s already plotting how she’s gonna ask her mom, who she can go to for gossip. Beauty of a small town. Did Stacy go to school here? She wonders how hard she has to bat her eyelashes to get back to the records place. If maybe she can get Stacy’s side of things. Or just see how she looks. Just to know what Jonathan is into. Or just in case she needs to know that this girl isn’t perfect for him.
“Are you jealous?” Jonathan asks.
“No?” Nancy says, going for a believable denial and coming up short, “I’m just curious.”
“About who I’ve slept with?”
“Yes! I thought that was your first time.”
He chuckles in a way that would be adorable if it didn’t send a lick of fire to her belly. She likes his laugh, she likes most things about him. And apparently she’s not the only one. She doesn’t know why she finds the idea so infuriating. This wasn’t her first time either, after all. But something about this makes her head want to explode. Actually it makes her want to suck hickey’s into his neck and brand him as hers. Which, again, is completely hypocritical because to the rest of the world she still has a boyfriend. A boyfriend who isn’t the man sitting next to her, who isn’t making her rage blind with the idea of someone else fucking him.
“When did you figure it out?” He asks and she chokes on confidence that she’s now seeing on him.
She shrugs helplessly and looks down at her hands.
“I can’t believe you had sex! And you didn’t say anything,” she says, “and I know, I know that’s not fair of me to say but—“ she stops, knowing she’s digging herself a bigger hole, “sorry,” she mumbles at the dumbstruck look on his face.
Jonathan is a good driver, he’s had Will in all sorts of states and his mom too and even his dad. It requires a level of skill to keep the car steady when people are yelling. Nancy’s quietness is throwing him for an entirely different loop though. It’s not like he hasn’t been expecting the ride back to just be fine, not really. Not after everything. It’s more that she’s very clearly jealous. Jonathan likes it when Nancy’s emotions are raw, when she goes supernova over things that don’t always make sense. Like her being jealous when she had a boyfriend—when she actually might still have one. Jonathan’s not exactly sure on where that stands. He’s smart enough to not push it on that topic.
“But?” He prods, cursing himself for not being smart enough to just keep his mouth shut.
“But you had sex!” She erupts, her eyes locking on him.
“What was I supposed to say? Hey Nancy, guess what, I’m a man now?” He says and nearly keeps the sarcasm out of his voice.
“We were still friends!” She protests.
“Yeah, but—“ he fumbles for a good explanation.
“But I didn’t want to be your friend,” he says. Her face falls and he wonders if he can pull off the highway to just shove his foot into his mouth a little more firmly, “I mean I did but—I liked you,” she keeps her eyes ahead and he wants to drive the car off a bridge, actually. “I was still in love with you.”
“Was?” She says, like they didn’t just have sex. Jonathan can feel his face getting hotter, “you—“
“Still. Yes. I am still—having those feelings,” he fumbles out, wondering why one stupid word can make him feel like such an idiot, “we just had sex,” he points out helplessly.
“And before that you accused me of only waiting a month,” she points out. He bites into his bottom lip again, “while you were off having sex in a stock room.”
She’s being completely unreasonable and, in some ways, completely reasonable. If the last year has shown her anything it’s that she is a mess of contradictions. Also that you can be physical with someone and long for someone else at the same time. Which makes her feel confused and disgusted with herself, which is something she feels a lot. Something that Steve will have every right to accuse her of, something she’s not entirely sure she can stomach from Jonathan. She also feels oddly betrayed, both at his accusation and the fact that he had sex and didn’t say anything.
“I’m sorry,” he says and she glances at him, “it was a dumb thing for me to say,” he tightens his grip on the wheel, “I say dumb things a lot, especially when it comes to people I like.”
“So does everyone,” she points out.
“Yeah, but—“ he shakes his head, “I didn’t think you were waiting for me.”
“What?!” She screeches, only realizing how loud she is when the car swerves slightly, “So you thought me showing up at your locker was—me being friendly?” He shrugs helplessly, “What about the part where I wasn’t wearing a sweater in November?” She challenges.
“I thought you were sick,” he says and she rolls her eyes, “Why didn’t you—“
“I took my sweater off in front of your locker in November, I could not have been more clear,” she says. Jonathan cringes, “your locker is so close to the door,” she adds and he nods again, “were you sleeping with her then?” He shakes his head, “when did you do it last?”
“Months ago,” he says. She keeps her arms folded, “I really didn’t think you were interested in me,” she keeps quiet, “why didn’t you say anything?” He gets out finally and she feels her face heat up.
“I wanted you to ask me out,” she says.
It’s an almost comical answer, he hates it the moment he thinks it because it makes sense in hindsight. Out of the corner of his eye he sees her shift and look at her hands. It’s unfathomable to him that this woman who will load him into a car, call people who killed her friend names to their faces and generally stare into the mouth of hell can be embarrassed by wanting him to get his shit together. He checks his watch and pulls off the highway. Nancy frowns but he shakes his head and pulls into the first diner he sees. He isn’t one for eating out too often but their motel budget for last night was saved. And even if it wasn’t he imagines he’d still be doing this.
“Lets get breakfast,” he says in a rush. His only response is a raised eyebrow from her, “please get breakfast with me,” he says, trying to show her that he hears her, that he is paying attention. That he wants to try.
“Okay,” She says finally.
Something cracks in his chest as they look at each other across the arm rest. Jonathan isn’t used to these kinds of risks, he’s even less used to someone reaching back. Having her there just as he opened the door handle was as surprising to him as him being there was to her. A part of him says that in the face of everything, none of this matters. The rest of him thinks this matters in a completely different way.
“Wait there,” he says and she gives a quick nod as he bolts around the car and gets the door for her. The moment she stands up, she uses the ledge of the car to level their heigh difference and kisses him firmly, until his cheeks are warm in a way that has nothing to do with the cold, “this isn’t how I saw our first date going,” he admits breathlessly.
“You can tell me about it inside,” she says sliding her arm into his, “though for the record, I totally saw this happening when the world was ending,” she tells him, clasping their scarred hands together.
“Really?” He says incredulously and the smile she gives him makes him almost weak at the knees.
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madharringrove · 7 years
Part One (By: Lys)
So this is the first story, this one is written by Lys and is in her character’s POV, Amanda Williams.
Amanda’s POV:
The only sound in the whole class was the basketball hitting the ground, the guys panting, the loud sounds from their running and Hargrove’s stupid taunting to Steve. Alex watched closely while I had my arms crossed and followed both Steve and Billy with my eyes. What do these girls see in him? Alex’s gaze was more focused on Billy than anyone else but I couldn’t blame her, it was shirts vs skins and Billy went skin. The guy’s an asshole but he has a great body, not going to lie.
“Do you ever stop staring?” I asked jokingly as I nudged Alex with my elbow. She scoffed and looked at me for once.
“I’ll stop staring when you stop staring at Harington,” she replied with a wide smirk and looked back at the game while hid my face behind my hands. “Yeah, yeah, you hate me. We’ve been over this, I love you too.”
“Alright, everyone hit the showers! We’re done for today!” As soon as he finished talking, I sprinted to the locker rooms and changed. I waited for Alex outside, while she took her sweet ass time. I looked around at all the guys coming out of the locker room. Some smirked and winked at me making me roll my eyes and do disgusted expressions just to see their small egos deflate.
I tapped my foot while some girls walked out and rushed away. Nancy walked out and waved at me as she quickly walked away, probably going to look for her boyfriend, Jonathan. They are a cute couple and Alex and I knew they would end up together sooner or later, I just feel bad that Steve was caught in the middle of that. He’s change over time though, stopped hanging out with Tommy and Carol and now hangs out with middle schoolers which is actually kind of cute. I looked up and saw Billy Hargrove walk out, he looked at me, a smirk spreading across his lips, and kept walking. Chills ran up my spine as I shook my head lightly and saw Steve walk out, he looked like something was bothering him but I didn’t want to look like a creep and ask so I peeked my head into the locker room again and looked for Alex who grabbed her bag and walked towards me. She smiled and pushed me with her shoulder and we both started walking out to the parking lot where our cars were. I pushed the door opened and Alex walked out as she looked around. She smirked when she found exactly what she was looking for, Billy leaning against his blue Camaro with a cigarette between his lips and the signature asshole look.
“C’mon, look at him,” Alex said when she saw me watch in disgust. “He’s a complete package!”
“An asshole isn’t a package, ya know?” I said rolling my eyes as we walked towards my midnight blue Chevy ’67 Impala that was parked next to her red ’59 Jaguar XK150S Roadster.
“And King Steve is?” She asked as she leaned against my car, batting her eyelashes innocently. “‘Oh Steve, when will you notice how in love I am with you?’”
“Shut it, shithead.” I groaned irritated to which she laughed and wrapped her arm over my shoulder making me face Billy’s car.
“He’s an asshole, but he has a great ass to make up for it.” She stated with a wide smirk and moved me with her arm to look over at Steve’s maroon BMW. “He’s also attractive and was once what you call a dick.”
“Yeah, yeah,” I mumbled and leaned against her car so I could face her. “Ally’s throwing a party, you down?”
“Hell yeah,” she replied instantly. “Hargrove might go and I don’t want Carol’s slutty hands all over what will be mine.” She growled with an evil grin. I laughed and looked over my shoulder to see Billy snapping at a middle schooler, his sister.
“That kid deserves better,” I sighed and looked at her. “Also, are you going to claim your place in the keg stand kingdom because King Steve is no more, now its King Billy...”
“Well, now it’ll be Queen Alex.” She smirked and moved away from my car towards hers. “Meet me there or do you want a ride?”
“I’ll probably go with Jonathan and Nancy because I don’t feel like being sober tonight,” I replied with a wink and unlocked my car and got in.
“Don’t forget to look nice for Harrington!” She shouted jokingly as I rolled my eyes and closed my door, turning on the car and pulling out of the parking space. I drove out of the parking lot and spotted Steve’s BMW parked in front of the middle school, five middle schoolers hoping in while he laughed and shut the door for them. He walked towards the other side of the car and got in and immediately pulled out and drove away. I smiled and drove home.
Yes, it was a Friday and yes, I am a very responsible human that spent hours doing homework to then go to a party and pretend I don’t give a shit about anything when I do. I walked around my house looking for my parents or sister and found a small note saying that all three had meetings and business trips so I would be home alone for a week or so. I sighed and walked to the phone and called Nancy to ask her if I could get a ride from Jonathan, who was with her because since they started dating they were and are inseparable. She asked him and he gladly said yes and that they would come for me in two hours giving me enough time to shower and get ready. I got dressed quickly in regular clothes topping it off with a leather jacket. I let my hair in its natural waves and put on some red lipstick and perfume and watched myself in the mirror. If Alex were here, she’d laugh and say ‘is that lipstick to leave trails down Harrington to claim him?’ which would result in me hitting her and walking out of the room while laughing. I sighed and walked down stairs and the second I stepped on the last step of the stairs, I heard a car horn and walked out locking the door behind me and smiling at them and seeing Steve sitting in the back of the car looking around. I got in, sitting next to him, and greeted everyone with a smile and running my hands through my hair.
“The great babysitter Harrington is here,” I said teasingly and saw him roll his eyes playfully and look over at me. “Did being king get boring?”
“Being with all those assholes got boring,” he replied and looked at Jonathan and Nancy. A bit of pain flashed in brown eyes as he saw how Nancy laughed at something Jonathan said and held onto his hand. I chewed on the inside of my lip and leaned back on the seat. “Plus, turns out I’m a pretty good babysitter.”
“I can see that,” I laughed and glanced at him who watched me and then out the window.
We reached the party and Steve and I got out in front of the house while Nancy and Jonathan parked the car somewhere else where no idiot could damage it. The air was filled with the smell of alcohol and smoke. Most guys were already drunk while girls danced together. Steve and I walked towards the kitchen and he grabbed two cups of beer and handed me one. I nodded as a thank you and chugged it while looking around for Alex. I heard cheering coming from the backyard so I made my way there to see Alex with her shit eating smirk while holding a can of beer and a small pocket knife staring down at Tommy H. I got closer and saw Billy watching her with amusement as one of the many wasted girls shouted ‘go’ and Alex and Tommy poked holes into the cans, placed their mouths over the whole and pulled the tab and began chugging down the beer. People cheered for Tommy while I stood close to Alex, who in seconds, threw the empty can onto the ground and raised her arms in victory. Some random guy pulled her arm higher making her pull it back while Billy came closer. Alex finally spotted me and smiled.
“Hey Williams!” She shouted happily and walked over dropping the pocket knife into my hand. “Someone get her a beer!” Within seconds, a girl handed me a can and another one to Tommy and some random guy. I laughed and saw the anger in Tommy’s face, he wouldn’t accept that another girl beats him. “Ready! Set! Go, fuckers!” The seconds she finished saying fuckers, I poked the hole in the can, opened the tab and chugged. In seconds, I threw the empty can on the ground and saw everyone cheer loudly while Tommy and Carol glared. I found Steve, Nancy and Jonathan among the crowd clapping and cheering while Alex wrapped her arm over my shoulder.
“Ready to become the keg stand queen?” I asked and she nodded furiously. I smirked and looked over at Billy. “Just pass forty-two seconds, alright?”
“We’re here to pass Hargrove or what?” I asked and she once again nodded and made her way to the keg stands.
The second she reached the keg stand, guys cheered and girls clapped along. She placed her hands on top of it and two guys held her legs up. A girl placed the tap on her mouth and she started chugging with everyone shouting out the seconds.
“35! 36! 37! 38! 39! 40! 41! 42! 43!”
“Holy shit, she passed Hargrove!”
“44! 45! 46! 47! 48!” She signaled to be placed down and swallowed the remaining alcohol before throwing her hands in the air. I ran up to her and cheered along.
“C’mon, Williams’ it’s your turn!” Someone shouted and I looked around and shrugged. I placed my hands on the keg stand and the same guys held my legs while the girl placed the tap on my mouth. I started to chug while Alex and the rest of the people shouted the seconds I was doing. My real goal here was to pass Billy but not Alex, she was the real keg stand queen here.
“40! 41! 42! 43! 44!”
I gave my signal and they dropped on the ground. I swallowed the bit of alcohol in my mouth and Alex pulled my arm along with hers, the same shit eating smirk from earlier taking over her lips.
“The new keg stand Queens!” Steve shouted from a corner earning a glare from Billy and laughing from my part. A guy next to us lit a cigarette and handed it over to Alex who took a drag and handed it to me but I shook my head and walked over to Nancy and Jonathan for her to have her moments of fame. “Don’t fail to amaze me, Williams.”
I laughed and got pulled away by Nancy. She pulled me to the kitchen and handed me a red solo cup and smiled. I shook my head because I knew exactly what she was thinking about. She raised an eyebrow and looked around, drunk girls making out with the first drunk guys they saw, people smoking in the stairs, girls pulling guys upstairs and people still cheering for the show Alex made outside with her incredible drinking skills. After what felt like hours, I was tipsy and laughing at everything. Let’s not forget to mention that I could barely walk straight. I stood next to Alex laughing while she threatened a guy that tried grabbing her by the waist. She got pulled away by some people leaving me alone near the wall, I watched what happened around me. Billy’s eyes followed Alex everywhere while she tried to punching the same guy. I looked around for Steve or Jonathan but didn’t find anyone I groaned as I ran my hands through my wavy hair.
“Hey there, gorgeous.” Some guy said as he leaned on the wall watching me. I rolled my eyes, visibly annoyed and shook my head.
“Get lost,” I calmly said and he moved pushing himself on me. “If I have to repeat myself, you’re dead.”
“Oh, so intimidating.” He said with a smirk and kept getting closer, if it was actually possible.
“Did you not hear her? Get the fuck away from her, asshole.” Steve’s voice rang through my ears, the guy pulling away and glancing at Steve. He stood there just carefully watching Steve while he glared. “Are you fucking deaf? Get lost, dickhead.” And with that, the guy scrammed. He quickly ran into the nearest crowd to hide from Steve, who just walked closer to me. “You okay? Did he do anything?”
“Nope,” I said and hiccupped. “Thanks, Harrington.” I replied and pressed my back against the wall. “Do you know where Jonathan and Nancy are?”
“They weren’t feeling it so they left.” He said and walked closer to me, I closed my eyes and groaned. I just want to leave and my ride just disappeared, great. “Want me to walk you home?”
“Yes, please.” I mumbled and he wrapped an arm around my waist and we both made our way out of the backyard and into the front one. Eyes were now on us who walked too close and Steve’s arm that was protectively wrapped around my waist.
“Look, Harrington scored a slut for the night and she happens to be good at swallowing!” Billy shouted and everyone started to cheer. Both, Steve and I, stopped walking and faced him. Steve’s arm slipped away from my waist and he got dangerously close to Billy.
“Don’t ever call her a fucking slut, Hargrove.” He hissed, teeth gritted and his hands balled into fists. Billy laughed and pushed Steve, he stumbled a bit and then swung a punch towards Billy who dodged and swung one back at Steve who also dodged but quickly landed a punch in Billy’s face. Everyone was now watching the fight while I leaned against a tree and shook my head to sober up a bit to pull them away. Billy swung another punch and landed in Steve’s jaw. Steve stumbled a bit and Billy took it to his advantage and punched him again making Steve fall to the ground giving Billy the chance to get on top of him and constantly punch his face. I quickly ran over to them and pushed Billy off of Steve, who coughed up blood. Billy stood up and looked down at me, anger very visible in blue eyes and his hands still balled into fists.
“C’mon, Hargrove, punch me! I fucking dare you!” I fumed, he looked at me one last time before spitting out blood and walking away. Everyone looked at me which only made me angrier. “What are you motherfuckers staring?” With that they all went back to the party. I helped Steve up and wrapped an arm around his torso so I could balance him. “Nice one, Steve, getting your ass kicked by that asshole...”
“And would do it again if he calls you any other name again,” he mumbled and groaned as the pain from his now fucked up face started to settle in. His jaw was bruised and swollen, his lip was now busted and bloody, he had a cut on top of his right eyebrow and blood dripped down his nose, it didn’t seem broken but I’m sure as hell it’s not okay. “Like what ya see?”
“An idiot beaten to a pulp?” I asked and he chuckled as we walked through the dark street. “You didn’t have to do that, you know?”
“Yes I did, actually.” He said, groaning again and slowly pulling his Ray Bans from his jeans’ back pocket and putting them on. “And guess what? I regret nothing.”
“You will tomorrow morning,” I chuckled and glanced at him. “Gimme those,” I said and pulled them carefully of his face and put them on as we walked. “You sir, have ruined my plans for the night.”
“And why is that?”
“My plan was be drunk as hell but you fighting Billy sobered me up pretty fucking quick,” I sighed and looked around. “Which house is closest? Yours or mine?”
“I think mine...”
“That’s where we’re going then.”
We kept walking but this time we were consumed by comfortable silence. Who would’ve thought that this would be how my Friday night would be like. I was now walking towards Steve Harrington’s house because he fought with Billy Hargrove just because he called me a slut... Great night. Steve let me know where to turn so we could reach his house quickly and after more minutes, he pulled his keys and opened the front door. I helped him up to his room and then walked to the bathroom, grabbing the First Aid Kit and sitting beside him on the bed. I pushed the Ray Bans on top of my head, pulling part of my hair away from my face so I could have a good look at what I was doing. I dabbed a cotton ball with alcohol carefully over the cuts and placing band aids where they were needed. I stood up and walked down to the kitchen and putting ice cubes into a rag and walking back into his room and handing it to him. He mumbled a quick thank you and leaned back on the bed, placing the ice over his jaw.
“I’m going to head home,” I mumbled and looked over at him. He quickly sat up and shook his head.
“No, you’re staying here. You’re still pretty tipsy and you don’t live that close to me plus its dark.”
“Are you looking for excuses for me to spend the night, Steve?” I jokingly asked with an arched brow and a small smirk.
“Would it be so bad if I was?” He asked and the smirk on my lips dropped and his came up. My cheeks heated up making him smile and stand up. “You’re folks would understand, right?”
“If they gave a damn about me,” I sighed and looked around the room. “But fine, I’ll stay because you actually have a point and I don’t need you walking me back and then walking back by yourself and getting killed because, like I said before, you’re an idiot.”
“Yeah, whatever you say.” He smiled and stood up, walking to his dresser. He pulled out some sweatpants and a hoodie and turned towards me. “Here, I’ll go sleep in my parents’ room.”
“Thank you, Steve...” I said and he nodded before grabbing clothes for himself and walking out. I locked the door and changed quickly, his clothes were a bit big on me but they actually felt comfortable. I unlocked the door and walked down to look for a phone to call Alex who might be asking where the hell I was. I reached the land line and called her house and within seconds someone answered.
“Hello?” Alex said and I let out a sigh before answering. “Amanda? Bitch, did you hear? Billy and Steve got into a fight and Harrington got fucked up pretty badly!”
“I know, I was there.” I said as I leaned against the wall and looked around. “Billy called me a slut and Steve got all up and mighty and went up to him. Point is, I’m at Steve’s because I wanted to clean the wounds and such and he won’t let me go home because I’m tipsy and live far...”
“At least one of us got taken home,” she said and I could feel her smirk through the phone. “Anyways, I’ll see you tomorrow so you can have fun with your new boyfriend.”
“He’s not my-”
“I love you! Bye!” She shouted and hung up. I groaned loudly and placed the phone back in its place and made my way up to Steve’s room. I walked by what may be his parents room and he sat on the edge of the bed, still holding the ice to his jaw but this time we was wearing sweatpants and stayed shirtless. I gently knocked on the door and smiled.
“How ya feeling?”
“I regret nothing if that’s the real question,” he laughed and stood up walking towards me. “Thanks for taking care of me.”
“Don’t mention it, do you have any pain killers or anything?” I asked and he nodded and told me where they were. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and handed it him along with the pain killers. “You’re driving me home tomorrow morning, alright?”
“Alright,” he smiled, he leaned against the door frame and looked at me closely. I could see how his eyes trailed down to my lips and I shook my head gently and he smiled again.
“Good night, Harrington...” I said and turned around to go to his room but he pulled my arm and spun me around planting a soft kiss in my lips and pulling away with a smirk.
“Good night, Williams.”
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