#also yeah wtf Mike that was u called for >:(
italiansteebie · 1 year
Love on Screen
Episode 3, also on ao3 , Episode Two, Episode One
Dustin sighed as he trudged up the stairs to his room. 
“Only one video before homework, Dusty!”
“Okay, mom!” He shouted back, closing his door with a quiet click. He set his backpack down on the floor before settling into his desk chair in front of his laptop. He opened his laptop, immediately clicking on the youtube icon, searching for one of his favorite streamers to watch to decompress after school. Corrodededdie’s content was great for doing just that, especially since Mike had harassed the guy for hours and ended up getting them 12 hours of content that he’d only really made a dent in because his mother said she’d take away his laptop if he stayed up to watch the live 12 hour stream. So now he’s catching up with the compilations and freakouts he missed when he clicked out of the stream at the 8 hour mark. 
He was mindlessly scrolling, trying to find a video he’s never seen or one that’s funny enough to rewatch when a new upload catches his eye. It was only occasionally that corrodededdie uploaded videos that weren’t compilations for his live, so when he did it was particularly good. And this one was even better. 
“Holy shit,” he had to text Mike. 
‘Dude dude dude did you see Eddies new video? Steve goes to hell is in it asbfjdhcnbd’
‘Wtf no hav u watched it yet’
‘Watching rn’
He clicked on the video titled “Steve gets corroded,” and settled in, he could tell this one was going to be good. “What’s up shit heads! I’ve got Steve goes to hell here with me today to play the slenderman game,” Eddie’s voice floated through his speakers, “You call your subscribers shitheads?”
“Yeah, what do you call yours?” 
“Uh. Usually I just say ‘hey guys.’” Dustin could see the connection through the screen, and he let the smile spread across his face. He was positively enamored with this new duo and he could only hope that they did more videos like this. It was Steve’s first time playing the slenderman game and it was hilarious. He kept screaming and barking at the screen like that was somehow going to help him. And Eddie was trying to help but couldn’t get the words out because he was too busy laughing at Steve. “You do this for fun? Jesus, it’s giving me a heart attack,” Steve said, and Dustin watched as Eddie laughed maniacally. “It is fun!” 
“No it’s not! Agh!” 
 As the video went on, Dustin grew more and more confused. They were a good duo but it seemed like they were closer than they let on. Eddie would scare Steve and then immediately comfort him afterwards. It was still his normal brand of chaos but a little softer? How interesting. He briefly wonders if he’s reading into this too much, and maybe they’re just really fast friends, but a comment pops up from another viewer telling them to ‘get a room.’ 
The video came to an end as Steve screamed at the 6th time slenderman killed him, and Eddie cried with laughter in the background. “Eddie, that was awful.” Steve said, scrubbing a hand over his face and turning away from the monitor. “It wasn’t that bad.” Steve shook his head and pushed at Eddie’s shoulder, and then the screen went blank. Dustin sat back in his chair, searching through the comments. 
‘Nancy and Rob: You guys are so gross’
‘El212: are they dating??’
‘Madmax44: they’re a couple for sure’
‘Corrodededdie: a couple of besties’
‘Steve goes to hell: the fuck dawg?’
Dustin shook his head at their antics. Whatever was happening with them was kind of weird, but it worked out in Dustin’s favor. If they make two videos together, one for each of their channels, that was twice the content! 
‘I don’t like that guy,’ it was a text from Mike, who was notoriously grumpy, he sighed, of course Mike didn’t like Steve. Mike didn’t like anything fun except for DnD and the only sessions they’ve had were the online version which, to be honest, sucks. So he ignored the text from Mike and pulled out his calculus homework. That would be more fun than trying to get Mike to see the appeal of ‘Steve goes to hell’ anyways.
It had been a few weeks since Eddie and Steve’s first collab and Dustin was getting antsy for new content. Luckily for him, Robin of “Nancy and Rob” had uploaded a new vlog, and although she wasn’t his favorite, it was still content. And the fact that she was friends with both Steve and Eddie gave him a sliver of hope that there’d be at least a few crumbs of content from both of them. And oh boy was there. The video started out with Robin opening the door to Steve, pulling him inside and sitting him on the couch. She immediately got into the video and asked Steve what the last text he sent was. She had quite the mischievous grin on her face. Steve read the last text, it was talking about some guy. 
Dustin watched as Robin wrestled the phone away from Steve before showing the screen to her camera. It was a screenshot from one of Eddie’s videos. Oh my god, Steve was asking for Eddie’s instagram. This must’ve been from a few weeks ago, seeing as Steve and Eddie definitely knew each other now. Dustin wiggled in his seat excitedly. Two of his favorite creators were becoming one. (If the influx of videos they were making together said anything.)
Though, there was still the debate of whether or not the two were dating. Dustin considered what they had shown on camera, and they were pretty cozy with each other, but whenever asked about their relationship they only ever said they were “besties,” with matching grins. 
And look, Dustin wasn’t blind, he could see that the two were feeling some type of way about each other, he just couldn’t tell what type of way that really was. Dating feelings? Best Friendly feelings? When he talked to Will about it, the resident gay of his closest friends, he’d only shrugged and said maybe. Now, he’s probably right, that they were just friends, but Dustin has never acted like that with any of his friends. 
In the end, it didn't really matter because they were making content together and that was good enough for Dustin, and apparently everyone else. Soon enough it wasn’t a ‘Steve goes to hell’ video if Eddie didn’t at least make a cameo. 
In their most recent video, they had made a birthday cake for Piggy, Steve’s beloved but albeit, raggedy old cat. And this particular video didn’t help the relationship allegations because whenever Steve would talk about his friend Tommy, or any of his exes, Eddie would go “The fuck dawg?” Like he was jealous or something. Despite the debate the content that came out of it was hilarious, Eddie’s chaotic energy matched with Steve’s mildly anxious energy created something wonderfully funny, and something about the two was so endearing it made Dustin only want more. 
And he wasn’t the only one who thought so. Whenever Eddie would go live anymore, the chat would be full of questions asking where Steve was until Eddie finally gave in and called for him to come make a cameo. Luckily for the viewers, it seemed like he was always there. And it made Dustin wonder if Steve ever went back to his own house. 
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kylejsugarman · 10 months
do au squared jesse's feelings of inadequacy or self hatred mean he ever neglects baby, physically or emotionally?
yeah :( i know im number one conflict avoider but giving a 24 year old drug addict who experiences The horrors a literal infant to take care of is not going to go perfectly. he makes a lot of mistakes early on due to ignorance and sometimes due to being high or just not paying the right attention, but thats part of the learning curve and theyre more like direct concrete mistakes that he can be like "oh shit" and try to fix. as the show goes on and things just continually Get So Much Worse though, jesse understandably feels Tormented and like hes the source of the evil thats slowly poisoning his life and that really exacerbates his ongoing inner conflict of "wanting to be the sole provider for baby and not trusting anyone else to take care of her, but also feeling disgustingly inadequate and like his poison is eventually going to destroy baby too". when hes in his really low pizza sonic crackhouse place, he struggles the most with this conflict and does emotionally neglect baby because he Thinks this is the correct course of action. he's a murderer and the bad guy and baby shouldn't even be close to him. he leaves her with demi whenever he possibly can and is distant and sad when she's around, feeling even worse every time he looks at her. obviously, baby doesnt understand wtf his damage is and gets upset as they spend more time apart both physically and emotionally, which just reinforces his notion that he's bad for her.
jesse's on the verge of straight up handing over baby to demi despite the absolute agony that would cause him when a night comes that throws everything back into perspective for him. it's shortly after the "gus decides to invest in jesse and keep him from killing himself" arc begins where the Party is beginning to wind down, but theres still some people around and hes still using intermittently. hes coming down from a high downstairs when he hears baby crying upstairs in her room, which he always keeps closed and locked with one of those child proof (and meth head proof) locks so no "guests" can never enter her room. her crying doesnt just trigger that parent, "let me go see what they need" reflex: it Hurts him. terrified that someone got in and is hurting her, he hurries up the stairs and fumbles with the lock for a long moment before finally managing to let himself in. there's no one else there, thank god, just baby wailing in her crib. he picks her up, automatically checking to see if she's wet (nope), then notices that she feels a little warm. he knows by now that babies get sick all the time—"u look away for five minutes and they'll start running a fever," mike will say to him later on during a drop—but that realization still feels awful. jesse's about to have the "i did this and baby needs to be away from me" thought and call demi when baby makes her grabby hands. desperate for a hold. desperate for Him. he obliges, holding her close and feeling her little body wiggle around to eliminate any possible space between them. she wants him. in spite of Everything, she wants him specifically. he ends up sitting there in her room for a long while, just cuddling her as she cries and eventually calms down and nuzzles his neck even though his scruff is probably all scratchy. there's stuff to do (the baby thermometer is downstairs and he should still have some infant tylenol around), but he just sits and cuddles her first. baby still loves him. he hasn't poisoned her and the distance has just been hurting the both of them instead of protecting her. he loves his baby so, so much and he promises her in his head that he's going to be better for both of them. they both deserve it.
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lighthouseas · 1 year
17, 21, 29, 30!
hi jo! thank u for the ask :)
17 - post a line from the wip you're working on
okay instead of spoiling my bylerween fic more, i'll do something different hehehe >:)
Mike exhales shakily. “I think,” he reiterates, “I have to kill myself.”
i promise this is meant to be funny not sad okay. Okay
21 - tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? what is it about them that you admire?
oh well that's a lot....hm. i guess in terms of fanfic writers, i really admire my beloved @wayward-sherlock. wayli is so talented and all of the ideas she has are like...insane. Bonkers Fucking Insane /pos and how she finds time to execute all of her amazing ideas, i have no clue, but it's amazing and i really, really, really admire them for it. also, they're just super duper supportive and sweet and so fun to brainstorm with !!!!
and. well. noah @pimplepogue i hope u don't mind me calling u out but having gotten some Sneak Peeks of your writing...falls to my knees at your feet. sir you are SO talented and i greatly admire the way you Write About Things and Think About Things and Come Up With Things....ur just. ur so good at it and SO creative and ur big brain gets my creative juices a'flowing (<- hahahahaha. HA). so. yeah. i admire u a Lot in that aspect (but in SO many other aspects too ofc )
+ ofc there's a lot more writers i admire because. well. look at me. but i can't think of them off the top of my head sooooo pls accept this lols
29 - do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
all of them jk lol um....probably my Iumax fic, yesterday i got so old (it made me want to cry) .... i really really enjoyed writing for them and was really proud of it. also it's just. so fluffy and sweet.
also, probably my highler fic (i believe you've already read it question mark?), i would tell you that i loved you (if i thought that you would stay) which is. kind of a sad fic but whatever i was really proud of it and think it deserves more love....sigh....(desperately needs to write more highler)
also don't mind the fact that both of these are named after the cure songs okayyy
30 - in contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
lol , probably the first byler fic i ever posted tbh strange sleeping arrangements. only because yk. it wasn't That good in my opinion but ended up getting like 1k+ kudos which was like ???? wtf. i mean it's funny i Guess but i feel like i've written SO much better than it lol
fanfic writer ask game
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oboes-bos-hoes · 1 year
The byler brainrot is real and taking over, so let me share some lyrics from my fave songs that give me byler vibes
links for the songs will be at the end of the post
"Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down, when they do, I'll be right behind you" - Everybody wants to rule the world by Tears for Fears
(this is gonna be a long post)
"I'd die at the thought of the loss of your heart" - Love is reason by a-ha
"I'd never mean to hurt you, baby, I'm not that kind of man; I might not say I'm sorry, yeah, I might talk tough sometimes, and I might forget the little things, or keep you hanging on the line" - I'd die for you by Bon Jovi
"Something happens and I'm head over heels, I never find out until I'm head over heels" - Head over heels / broken by Tears for Fears
"I've done all I can do, all the letters I've sent through; put my life in the palms of your hands, maybe now you can see, that it's got to be me, but if you leave me, I'll understand" - You are the one by a-ha (THIS LINE IS LIKE. SO MIKE WHEELER CODED??)
"Turn in my sleep, a bad dream is over, think of you and shall I ever recover?" - I want to wake up by Pet shop boys
(fun fact, the lead singer of pet shop boys, Neil Tennant, is gay :D)
(this means theres gonna be a lot of songs from them in here bc gay boi in the 80s??) (also they r my fav band/pop duo(?) so. )
'It's mad, to be in love with someone else, when you're in love with he, she's in love with me, but you know as well as I do I can never think of anyone but you" - I want to wake up by Pet shop boys (this is kinda jumbled but if u kind of like. pretend that it makes sense for byler then it makes sense so go away)
"To fall in love, is it so uncool?" - I want to wake up by Pet shop boys ("i'm not.. gonna fall in love")
"Every time I see you something happens to me, like a chain reaction, between you and me, my heart starts missing a beat" - Heart by Pet shop boys
"If I didn't love you, I would look around for someone else, but every time I see you, you have the same effect, my heart starts missing a beat, my heart starts missing a beat, every time" - Heart by Pet shop boys
"Every time I see you, no matter what we do, there's a strange reaction, can you feel it too?" - Heart by Pet shop boys
"I don't care whether it's wrong or right, I want a lover tonight" - I want a lover by Pet shop boys
"Put your arms around me, it doesn't mean you love me, just that you want me and you need my company" - I want a lover by Pet shop boys (ok Micheal we get it, its just a hug)
"I'll never let you see, the way my broken heart is hurting me, I've got my pride and I know how to hide all my sorrow and pain, i'll do my crying in the rain" - Crying in the rain by a-ha (i'll do my crying in the van rain)
"And you think love is to pray, but I'm sorry I don't pray that way" - Tainted love by Soft Cell
"But now you're leaving... How many hearts must you break? How many calls must I make? But now you're leaving... In this world, all that I choose has come unbearable, but love is in your touch, ooh, it's killing me so much, only when you leave I need to love you" - Only when you leave - Spandau ballet
"Yeah she's my man" - She's my man by Sigue Sigue Sputnik (mike wheelerr) (i'll let u figure this out, i dont wanna try make a whole point here)
"You always wanted me to be something I wasn't" - What have i done to deserve by Pet shop boys (everytime i hear this lyric i get so sad)
welp that is it for noowww but feel free to reblog with ur fav byler coded lyrics :)
last one is She's My Man by Sigue Sigue Sputnik
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minimuii · 4 years
I saw s3 Will as trying to hold onto normalcy and friendship after he got traumatized in the first 2 seasons and his best friends being too caught up in teen romance and hormones to be there for him. Can't blame anyone really, but I wasnt a fan of Mike's reaction of "not my fault you don't like girls," when they want relevant and all Will wanted was to hang out and have fun like they used to :(
Ahh when u put it that way- See that is why I do feel for him a bit :(( it’s tough -
Honestly mike and elevens romance ,,,, I wish it wasn’t such a focus this season, I’m not a huge fan of that whole dynamic tbh and in a way that whole plot element caused a lot of the stuff that bothers me about s3 lol
Back to will though: Essentially, I wish they could’ve explored Wills full return to their friend group after s1 and s2’s events before stuff got to a more complicated social level so we could feel more for what he’s missing.
We have so little of a grasp of that dynamic post s2 and I feel that’s why at first glance I didn’t pity his situation as much even thoguh when I look at it again, I do feel for him a lot.
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love-strawberry · 2 years
sunshine on a cloudy day
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summary : in which they're lovers on screen and off screen.
pairing : jamie campbell bower x reader
warnings : language, stranger things season 4 spoilers
author's note : okay so SPOILERS peter is NOT vecna in this, he's just 001 having powers, his brother, imma call him harry is vecna and he killed (yourcharactername) so yeah, i'll be publishing a peter ballard imagine soon with this plotline so you'll be understanding this a bit better. also, volume 2?? wtf was that?? killing eddie huh? he deserved a better ending, he died with the town believing him to be a murderer and im so mad ahshbsjaksb and using will to develop mike and el?? will doesn't deserve this im so angry rn but here you go
tagged : @cmccarthy21-123abc @ateliefloresdaprimavera @slut4benbarnes @0oolookitsme @ellora-brekker @sapphireshields @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive
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liked by finnwolfhardofficial, josephquinn, joekeery_ and 3,529,618 others
y/n_ someone tell him to stop being so fucking beautiful or else i'll fall in love with him even more
tagged bowerjamie
username t h e m
username why is he so beautiful??
finnwolfhardofficial bowerjamie, stop being so fucking beautiful or else y/n will fall in love with you even more. there, how stop being gross
username he's so 😳
username 🦋🦋
sadiesink_ you guys 🤍🤍
username 😭😭
username remember when jamie said "y/n's like sunshine on a cloudy day with a rainbow, she just makes your day a 1000 times better. i love her" because i do
username 🤍👄🤍
username 🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️
milliebobbybrown love you both 🦋
username imagine y/n y/l/n being your gf and posting about you
bowerjamie stop i'm blushing i love you so much <3 you're my heart
-> y/n_ i love you more, you're my soul <3
username !!!
username peter and (yourcharactername) 🤝 jamie and y/n : being madly in love with eachother
username yup crying in the shower
josephquinn if anyone was wondering, yes. jamie is blushing
-> joekeery_ i can back that up most certainly
username s4 broke me i need answers
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liked by y/n_, dkharbour, noahschnapp and 3,529,615 others
bowerjamie my 🤍
tagged y/n_
username "don't you get it? i had to get out of there, for you?" </3
username fucking harry messing everything up
noahschnapp those marks 👀
username wow excuse me jamie what are those lipstick marks?
username im crying them>>
gatenm123 🤍👄👁️
username my serotonin 📈📈
y/n_ my ♀️🐕 <3
-> bowerjamie what's this supposed to be?
-> y/n_ my bitch <3
-> bowerjamie i-
username 💟💟
username i was so sure that peter would be vecna but it was harry and he was the one who killed (yourcharactername) i-
therealcalebmclaughlin gross (<3)
username i am not okay after that flashback i need answers i need peter and (yourcharactername) to be happy together and i need will and mike to confess
username their relationship is the best
milliebobbybrown love love love loveeeee you both
username ❣️❣️
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liked by noahschnapp, therealcalebmclaughlin, joekeery_ and 3,519,916 others
y/n_ he is more excited to wear his pink sneakers more than he is for our date night
tagged bowerjamie
username i love him sm
username i would be too i mean that pink is so good
username me being in love with jamie and y/n be like 👁️👄👁️
josephquinn i am borrowing those the second you get back from your *gag* date night bowerjamie
-> bowerjamie gonna let that last part slide but i obviously ordered them for you, me and joekeery_
-> joekeery_ im in love with u
username i love (yourshipname)
username 😭
bowerjamie i waited 4 weeks for these let me enjoy them
-> y/n_ stfu and give me attention <3
nattyiceofficial please come back soon, the kids are going feral. charlie.r.heaton is no help
-> y/n_ charlie.r.heaton fucking help her or so help me god
-> charlie.r.heaton yes ma'am
winonaryder my babies 🤍
username imagining this an a modern!au for peter and (yourcharactername) as a way to cope
username i just Know that jamie is rocking those sneakers
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liked by y/n_, gatenm123, maya_hawke and 3,418,916 others
bowerjamie 🦋 h e r 🦋
tagged y/n_
username HER
username she's an icon she's a legend and she is the moment
username ladies and gentlemen and nb pals her>>
maya_hawke im in love with your gf no kidding
username me and who?
therealcalebmclaughlin stop she's literally sitting in your lap stop making us feel single
username screaming crying throwing up
username ☹️
dkharbour 🌝
username please reject me so i can move on please
y/n_ holy fuck im in love with your gf can i get her number?
-> bowerjamie sorry she's taken
-> y/n_ bet her bf's a loser
-> bowerjamie hey now that's mean
-> y/n_ sorry ily 👀
finnwolfhardofficial throwing up rn stop.
milliebobbybrown stop you're both so cute
username 🤍
316 notes · View notes
deanismysavior · 2 years
I feel like a lot of bylers are ignoring the weird things Kendra has been saying cause it’s starting to get weird. I loved her analysis videos in the beginning but her calling el a tool, and the mike using el as a beard video along with that weird tweet about the pizza paralleling Wills dead body is starting to get strange but ppl are just not caring cause she’s had some good points before.
Also u can delete the post if you want I just don’t have the reach to talk about things like this in my acct and ur one of my fav bylers on here.
Yeah...ngl some of her more recent takes have been questionable. I didn't see the thing about the pizza and Will's body (wtf???) but I did watch the beard one and it didn't sit right with me because Mike was definitely not knowingly using El. His getting into that relationship was not ill-intentioned. It's weird.
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wheeier · 3 years
no taking back
summary: it was only fun and games. but steve had other plans.
warnings: modern au, tooth-rotting fluff i guess, little but of swearing
+ olivia rodrigo’s sour album (stream besties), the movie tangled at the end because it just radiates as a comfort movie
yes a modern au !!! i just saw this on tiktok (the sour part, but the rest was my idea!) and thought it was so cute so it gave me an idea to make it as a fic, enjoy !!!
steve harrington x fem!reader
olivia rodrigo’s new album just released and you were thrilled to listen to it and stream it the whole day.
when you finally got to listen to it, you asked your friends—robin, nancy, and the party, if they listened to it and which ones were their favorites.
robin told you that her top three were hope ur ok, jealousy, jealousy, and brutal.
nancy said she really loved favorite crime.
max said hers was also brutal.
el told you that she played good 4 u and traitor on repeat that hopper had to go into her room to turn it down.
when mike comes over to the cabin he can assure that el does indeed play them on repeat and get pissy about it (but he secretly loves the album, but he wouldn’t let her or anyone know that).
and lastly lucas and dustin are fans of deja vu and 1 step forward 3 steps back. max even told you that they would sing the bridge of deja vu on the top of their lungs.
you slightly laughed at the memory of them telling you about it.
however, there’s one more person that you haven’t talked to about it yet.
your smile faltered and faded when he came across in your mind.
your feelings for him had deepened over the time and listening to the sour album made it feel like you two had broken up, which in fact, is not true because you were never together in the first place.
suddenly, an idea popped in your head. instead of being sad about steve, you thought about texting him, although it’s almost 1AM, you knew he’d still be up.
Sailor Man
You: hey
You: u up?
Sailor Man: duh
Sailor Man: this has been our nightly routine u always bother me when i’m about to go to sleep
You: fuck off
You: don’t pretend that you’re not binge watching outer banks until 4am
Sailor Man: i’m not?!?
You: yeah right
You: anyways
You: can u do me a favor
Sailor Man: will i get free pizza afterwards
You: no
Sailor Man: k
You: what the fuck
You: fine
Sailor Man: hehe
Sailor Man: what’s the favor ;)
You: dont get me started with that winky face i swear ure so dead when i see you at the wheeler’s house tomorrow
You: have you listened to olivia rodrigo’s new album
Sailor Man: ohh the bitter album?
Sailor Man: I DONT KNOW?!?
Sailor Man: shut up
Sailor Man: i’ve heard some of the songs but i haven’t fully listened to them
Sailor Man: why
You: can you like
You: ask me to be ur girlfriend then break up with me right after so i can experience and actually feel the whole sour album
Sailor Man: what
You: just do it !!
Sailor Man: you’re so funny (y/n/n)
Sailor Man: okay
Sailor Man: will you be my girlfriend?
You: yes !!!
You: ...
You: hello
You: dont tell me u fell asleep
Sailor Man: i’m not doing the last part you might as well forget about it
You: wjat
Sailor Man: :D
You: wtf
You: okay steve cut it out i’m not doing this anymore u’re not funny
Sailor Man: nope
Sailor Man: go to sleep we’re dating now that’s how this works
Sailor Man: okay i dont know if you’re still reading this now and i am terrified to say this to you in person like TERRIFIED. might piss my pants if i did. so (y/n/n), my favorite dumbass, my favorite person to talk to at night even if it interrupts my binge watching marathon, you make me so happy to the point that even when i sleep you’re still in my dreams. i like you. i have like the biggest fattest crush on you. and thank you for doing that sour album thing or whatever, because of that i get to finally ask you out
you rolled on your back after you read the message, facing the ceiling as your mind processed what just happened. was he playing with you? was he actually serious about asking you out?
Incoming video call...
Sailor Man
you took a deep breath before tapping the green button and placing it back down on the bed.
“hey,” you can tell that he was tired based on his voice. “can you show your face, please? i miss you.”
ignoring the butterflies in your stomach, you hesitantly lifted the phone and shifted your position to lay on your side. “hey.”
“hey yourself.” steve grins. that stupid grin that makes your stomach turn, that grin you always want to see everyday.
“what’s..up?” you avoided looking at him and started to admire your surroundings and the posters placed on your wall. this was the only time you were glad you weren’t with him in person.
“i just wanted to see if you’re okay.” of course he will ask that. he's steve. he cares about other more than himself.
“i am, thanks.” you showed a smile that doesn't reach your ears and steve knew something was bothering you. “hey, look. i'm sorry about my confession- if it made you uncomfortable i'm sorry-”
“no,” you cut him off, looking back at his face on the screen. “i’m fine, really. you don't have to apologize. i was just, surprised.”
there was silence between the two of you for a few seconds, before you spoke again. “did you mean it?” you voice was only above whisper but steve managed to hear them. “of course,” he answered almost too quick, without any hesitation. “i've been trying to find the perfect opportunity and had been asking god for signs because i can't make a move myself-”
“asking god?” you chuckled and steve smiled hearing them, glad that he somehow lightened the mood. “well, more like begging.” he continues and you giggled.
once your laughter died you both fell into silence again. you still couldn’t believe that out of a fun joke, it would turn into a whole another situation. “so, um.. just so you know, i’m not mad, or upset, or anything. i really was just surprised. it felt like a dream because i didn’t know that you like me back and all i did was just supposed to be a fun joke but—”
“hold on, back?”
“like you back. you said i like you back.” steve sat up on his bed and fixed his hair as his eyes widened. “i did...” you said slowly, not catching up.
“does that mean you..”
then it hit you. “oh, right. yeah. i- i like you..too.” you waited for his reaction and once you saw him smile you couldn’t stop yourself from doing the same.
“i knew it. and well, i guess that confirms it. we’re dating now. no taking back.” he smirks then laughs when your rolled your eyes. “don’t flatter yourself, harrington. i did not say shit.” you pointed your index finger on the screen, barely containing your giggles.
“based on your beautiful smile i think you don’t need to say it. i like you, and you like me. we’re dating.” steve gives you a teasing smile. you tried keeping your serious face but it won’t last longer so you finally smiled again. “alright, fine. no taking backs. we’re dating.” you said then laughed as he whisper-yelled ‘yes!’ while fist pumping the air.
he soon joined your laughter and you stayed like that until your jaw was pretty much in pain because of your smiles. when it was all quiet again, you both just admired each other’s presence through the screens of your phones. “i wish i was there with you.” he mumbles. “yeah, me too.” you hugged your cold pillow beside you, closing your eyes for a moment and imagining it as steve.
“are your parents home?”
you snorted at his random question. “i’m actually alone right now, they’re out because dad got promoted at his work so he and mom and i think a few friends went out to celebrate. they should be home by an hour or two. why?”
“nothing.” was all he said before hanging up. you were left confused but then he’s your best friend after all, so you knew right then and there that he’ll do something stupid. after you turned your phone off you suddenly felt watching a movie so you went to the kitchen to make some popcorn.
when it was finished and had been put in a bowl, that’s when you heard your doorbell rang—in a pattern which you recognize, and only one person does that.
you let out a quiet laugh when you realized who it was and set the bowl on the counter before opening the door.
“hi!” steve greeted you with a smile. “uh, hi?” you laughed nervously and stepped aside for him to go in. “i smell popcorn, are we having a movie night?” he says as he steps inside and shrugged off his jacket. “actually yeah, i’m planning on watching—”
“tangled.” he finishes off, you subconsciously smiled upon hearing your favorite movie. “how’d you know?”
steve snatches a few popcorns from the bowl as you both arrived in the kitchen. “(y/n), you have watched that movie 7 times this week and always gush to me about it.”
“well, you’re the only one that is around my age that i can talk to with that movie. robin and nancy aren’t that into it.” you replied, grabbing the bowl and making your way back to your bedroom, steve following your heels. “and you think i’m the best option to talk to about that?” he asks, plopping down on your bed and resting his back on the headboard.
“you’re not complaining.” you shrugged as you grabbed your laptop and sat beside steve.
“yeah, probably because i like you.” it came out of his mouth casually. you froze in place and felt your cheeks heat up, finally nodding your head slowly, “..probably.” as you typed in the movie in your laptop you felt steve scoot closer, making your breath hitch.
you were both in a comfortable silence while watching the movie, except for a few jokes and comments that steve makes and him explaining how similar he was to flynn rider.
“you know, since i’m eugene, you could be rapunzel.” he suddenly says. you eyes were still on the screen but your eyebrows furrowed. “why? i’m nothing like her.”
finally looking at steve, you almost screamed how he was already looking at you. “oh, you are so rapunzel. you may not have the longest hair in the world, but you are pretty much similar.” he replies, smiling and not taking his eyes off of you.
you paused the movie and shifted your body towards him, intrigued by his explaination. “how so?”
“well, first off,” steve starts, resting his hands on the soft mattress. “you’re both sweet, you’re both a huge ray of sunshine, have gorgeous eyes and smile, and eugene is head over heels over you — and since he doesn’t exist in real life, i’d like to be the substitute.” he finished with a confident smile.
after about three seconds, you burst out of laughter. you laughed. as much as he loves the sound of your laugh, he can’t help but pout. “(y/n), i’m trying to be sweet here!”
“i’m sorry!- it’s just- i can’t help but laugh at your flirting.” you managed to say between your laughs. you know he’s kidding but he looked at you like he was offended.
your laughter died down and held steve’s face. “it’s cute, sorry.” you mumble with a little laugh. when he finally smiled you turned to your laptop and continued the movie.
steve gazes at you for a few more seconds before watching the movie with you again. “thank you.” you whisper, glancing at him.
“you’re very much welcome, my rapunzel.” he says smiling before he slides a bit down on the bed so his head could reach your shoulder and rests it there.
you giggled as you heard him whisper,
“thank you, olivia rodrigo.”
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literally just a random idea like i have no basis for this but what if in the new “””messed up””” season some of the supernatural stuff going on with the creel house and possibly the hellfire club has some actual satanic elements to it, basically what i’m saying is someone’s going to die and be resurrected i’m calling it now
HOLY SHIT. here comes a rant because i love rethinking all our """established""" theories...
i literally since day one (okay since after finding out it wasn't going to be a group of numbers/kids with superpowers cuz... xmen) have wanted the hellfire club to be a cult. my og theory was that they were random hawkins residents (including some SUPER SIDE characters that have been vaguely mentioned by name or shown up once or twice/have 'experienced' the supernatural elements... like even one of the two other cops like theyd be IN THERE) who like. worshipped the mind flayer. either that or they were trying to piece everything together like a secret society being like wtf happened. and there would be a scene where dustin and mike (this was before we found out mike dipped like i really thought i was getting my fav logic v emotion duo BACK. LIKE COULD YOU IMAGINE THESE TWO DISCOVERING A CULT. IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO FUNNY) found one of those Conspiracy bulletin boards and it was all dramatic shots with stupid angles of newspaper clippings and their own yearbook photos smiling back at them ??? OR A 'I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT A GRAVEYARD PROF' MOMENT WITH EDDIE. like u know in harry potter gof where theyre talking to eddie n hes Knows smth he shouldnt. hell fuckin yeah. I WISH THERE WERE SOME SATANIC ASPECT. but then again, i appreciate the commentary on the actual reality of the time. i dont think someone is gonna die and come back, purely bc. hopper. like it's too much. even if it's just for one sec. i do think finn was talking ab smth having to do with mike: see el's whole story. i want the lab shit to be fucked up. like. i dont. bc i dont want el to have a bad time. but alsoooooo. make the govt scary again. like s1 was Good. though they didnt have to do the real fucked up shit. but i feel like theyre gonna go into detail ab el's past and the lab stuff and and and it's gonna be "messed up" BUT ALSO WHAT DO YOU MEAN SIR WHAT DO YOU MEAN
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faerielleart · 4 years
who is here for a really bad and random high school au that is completely self indulgent yo
in which levi loses a bet with erwin and mike and is forced to audition for their school’s production of les misérables, he tries to mess up the audition but somehow he still sucks less than everyone so he ends up getting the part of marius??? and he can’t quit because it will influence negatively on his grades??? idk imagine levi reading the script without knowing shit about the play and reading all the cheesy lines for the first time and him hating every single thing about this situation until the first day of rehearsal where he meets the person who will play cosette, his weird schoolmate hanji who shares some classes with him who is always spending time in the school laboratory to do experiments and shit and oh. Oh.
at first dude wants to Scream because he just can’t bear the thought of acting like a booby who is madly in love (quoting old les mis memes from years ago here) with this wEiRdO who somehow has a pretty fucking amazing voice and wow maybe this weirdo,,,,, isn’t a bad weirdo. how bizzarre
Maybe just maybe as the days go by they start spending time together because hey! Looks like they are polar opposites but at the same time they have SO! MANY! things in common!!! and they eventually use rehearsing as an excuse to spend even more time together! and they bond over the fact that they’re supposed to play characters who are SO distant and different from how they are irl and levi finds out that hanji tried to audition as a joke but got the part bc she can actually S I N G like an angel and has a really solid head voice and range despite being a mezzo and cosette needing a soprano bc her parents forced her to take lessons, while levi despite having a decent singing voice actually had to have the songs lowered a lil bc bby is a baritone in a tenor role and has never had lessons and can’t support all the notes but fear not! Hanji offers to teach him some tips and tricks and whoops now they’re spending even more time together
And maybe just maybe it becomes easier for levi to sing “in my life she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun, and my life seems to stop as if something is over and something has scarcely begun”, maybe it comes natural for levi to stutter his line in “a heart full of love, a heart full of song, i’m doing everything all wrong” because?? he is looking right at hanji’s really pretty brown eyes and he can’t concentrate?? and he hates feeling like this lmaooo like sweaty palms butterflies fast heartbeat,,,,, boi is in love and he doesn’t realize it he just thinks he’s constipated
anyway let’s spice shit up and add erwin to the mix! erwin knows hanji, they’re childhood friends and they actually met through their singing lessons, the dude who was going to play enjolras gets idk chicken pox and the director is frantically looking for a substitute, levi wants to get back at erwin for making him audition in the first place (it’s all in good faith tho it’s a joke and they’re best friends dw he just wants to have a lil revenge) and suggests erwin, not knowing that he and hanji know each other and that he actually has been trained in singing so yeah erwin gets called for a last-minute audition and dude SMASHES it the director’s crying tears of joy they found their authentic tall hot blonde enjolras who looks like he’d be a great commander and people would die for him (;DDDDD) and during rehearsal levi finds erwin and hanji chatting like old friends!! and dude’s like wtf do u know each other??? and hanji says hell yes we studied together since we were children :D and just because i am huge huge erumike trash lemme say that mike got a lil part bc they needed ensemble members and he got to play grantaire so yeah enjoy both e/R and erumike there we go erwin gets to act with his boyfriend!! and they both watch levi and hanji during rehearsal and see how they obviously pine for each other but are far too oblivious for their own good so they decide here and there that they must get those two together bc it’s exHAUSTING to watch them stare lovingly into each other’s eyes and hold hands and kiss and then brush it off saying “it’s just acting we literally have to play a couple”
anyway the day of the show is here ladies and gentlemen levi is nervous af but doesn’t show it, he has to act like a lovesick fool in front of the whole school, the students, the teachers, the parents, EVERYONE and oh my god i hate it here might become his gratuation quote but all he needs is hanji backstage who squeezes his hand and whispers “can’t wait for you to sweep me off my feet shorty” which is extremely cringy but hanji did it on purpose just to see levi get embarassed and he does lmao so yeah the show goes amazingly! levi went flat a few times on the higher parts but it’s totally normal bby’s not trained and he did great everyone praise the birthday boy he deserves it
it’s after the show that things get a lil sad for our boi bc now he doesn’t have to rehearse anymore and is afraid that hanji won’t spend time with him anymore bc the show’s over :(( but fear NOT hanji plans on glueing herself to his side for the rest of the schoolyear and until they graduate and even after that and years later they’ve graduated college they’ve been living together for a while and they go to see the actual show on bway done by professionals and hanji acts weird all evening and OH as they’re going home she stops in the middle of the streets and whips out two lil matching rings,,,,,,, and says the cringiest cheesiest fucking thing in the world that has levi groaning and facepalming,,,,,, hanji says “will u be the marius to my cosette” and yeah levi just sighs and puts the ring on his finger and they smooch under the moonlight aw isn’t that CUTE and they lived happily ever after victor hugo is smiling down at them from the afterlife and patting himself on the back for helping them get together
NOW THERE’S TOO MUCH FLUFF AND I NEED ANGST TO BALANCE IT OUT so imagine this is also a reincarnation au and whenever levi sings “empty chairs at empty tables” he gets a weird feeling in his stomach and he gets really emotional singing “oh my friends my friends forgive me that i live and you are gone, there’s a grief that can’t be spoken, there’s a pain goes on and on” and “oh my friends my friends don’t ask me what your sacrifice was for, empty chairs at empty tables where my friends will sing no more”?? He blames it on the character getting to him too much but then he sees the scene where the students sing drink with me and the lyrics “drink with me to days gone by, can it be you fear to die, will the world remember you when you fall, could it be your death means nothing at all, is your life just one more lie” sound really familiar and resonate with him somehow as if he heard similar words somewhere else already, he sees erwin playing enjolras and being a commander giving orders and singing “let others rise to take our place until the earth is free”, he sees the scene where all the students get shot at the barricade and die one by one and he feels his head pulse and he has the strongest feeling of deja-vu and suddenly everything goes black and he wakes up in the infirmary with a very worried hanji sitting on a chair beside him and he really can’t explain what happened except that he feels like he just woke up from a very long dream and he feels like he fought through a battle and hanji just waves it off as him taking the stanislavski technique a bit too seriously for a high school play but the feeling doesn’t really ever go away and sticks with him even years later whenever he hears les mis being mentioned
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smallblip · 4 years
Aight *scraps canon into the trash* if they are in an au, how do you think their confession go? Like who confess first? And how do they realize they've fallen hard for the other? Aaaa, i just wanna read some fluffy au hc, it's been so depressing lately. And i love your writing so would love to know your opinion. so if you want to answer this please do (*^3^)/~♡
Eeeeee🥰💕 hello bb! Always more than happy to scrap Canon and indulge in AUs! Ugh... this exercise has made it very apparent that I always indulge in the same trope? *stews in self-awareness and feels very called out*.
My HC of them clumsily falling in love is that Hanji would make the first move. But in a way that’s not very reflective/self-aware? Hanji would always tease Levi/flirt with him/use pick up lines on him. “Hey babe, wanna go grab some lunch?” Or “oh... dinner? I can’t tonight... got a hot date with Levi!” Even though it’s really not a hot date, it’s more like a habit where they grab takeout and head to Levi’s to watch a movie. Or they could be having a chicken dinner and Hanji would lift a piece of chicken and say “are you a piece of chicken? Because you’re impeccable!” And Hanji would be so amused and proud? Like Hanji doesn’t really /think/ of what they’re doing? Hanjo just rolls with it. I don’t think there would be a conscious moment where they’re like “okay this is definitely crossing the lines of friendship. I’m definitely doing this because I think Levi is hot and he’s got a cute butt and I love the way he scowls and grunts and I’m the only person in the world who finds it endearing”. It’s more like “lolz, Levi’s gonna love this new joke I read on the internet! Am gonna use it to annoy him!”
And this goes on for the LONGEST time. And everyone’s just like yeah they’re definitely a thing. So whenever friends can’t seem to get Hanji (this happens a lot because Hanji’s phone is on mute all the time), they would call Levi. And Levi would sigh and immediately he knows? “Hey Nanaba... hold on...” and he’d pass the phone to hanjo.
And I feel although Hanji makes the first move, Levi would be the first to put a name to things. Like he would be really annoyed at whatever Hanji’s doing, but it’s all superficial annoyance? Like he’s going with the flow of being annoyed, but if he were really offended, the other person would know for sure. And he scolds hanjo all the time, but there are moments of unconscious tenderness where he snatches their glasses off their face and just feels his heart stop, he carries them to his bed when they fall asleep on his couch, he cooks for them, cleans their house. It’s A LOT. And maybe one time when she’s over he’s looking at her do the most disgusting thing (idk, maybe she’s shoving spaghetti into her mouth and there’s sauce all over her face and she talks to him with her mouth full. And they are also in his ugly old t-shirt and his shorts that are too short for them and he’s just like ?!?!? What is this feeling in my chest ?!?! Why can’t I breathe? And it hits him like a fucking truck. Oh no. Fuck no oh god no no no. I’m in love with THIS?!?!? /gestures to all of hanjo/
Beautiful. Now the cogs in Levi’s lil head are turning on overdrive. And he’s hyper aware and everything Hanji does now sets him off? And idk maybe he asks her out one day and Hanji just thinks it’s a normal hang out sesh with Levi. But he comes dressed really cute (maybe a notch better than he usually does), and he did this cute slick back thing with his hair and Hanji’s like “excuse me something dropped...” and he’s like what? And she’s like “my jaw!” And he has just gone red at this point. And Hanji is like oh should we ask Petra along? She really wants to watch this movie! And Levi’s like wtf? But he just allows it to happen because he’s too proud to tell her this is A DATE. And so she calls Petra and Oruo and Erwin and Nanaba and Mike, basically the whole crew. And EVERYONE is awkward because they realise. But Hanji’s the only oblivious one.
And when Levi’s coming out of the bathroom he overhears Nanaba talking to Hanji, and apologising. “Sorry we crashed your date Hanji... we didn’t know...” and Hanji’s like “HAHA WHAT? DATE?!? NO WAY! Levi would never- WHA? We always hang out! He doesn’t- no way!!!!”
At the end of the day they’re back in Levi’s apartment, after their friends leave with a very quiet, very sorry “good luck Levi...”
And Levi is at wit’s end so he coughs out a “Hanji. I don’t know how else to put this, but you’re so fucking dense so here it goes. I like you.”
And Hanji still god forbids thinks it’s a joke? “Knock it off Levi! This really is one of your weaker jokes!” And they’re laughing very awkwardly because it’s slowly dawning on them that it is NOT funny. Because Levi is just staring at them. And Hanji’s like... OH.
And for the first time in god knows how long Hanji’s thinking about it, and it hits them? And they kiss? But nothing changes between them because they’ve essentially been married all along?
Ew! As I’m writing this I realise this is written into almost all of my LH fanfics?!? (The one I’m writing is ESSENTIALLY this dynamic.) 😔 this is me liking one thing and doing it to death.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this 💖💕 I love this and love u too.
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discotreque · 4 years
LwD 1.10, “No Small Parts”
Well, that was the most fun I've had watching Star Trek in literally a quarter of a century.
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I had high hopes for this series. I love TAS, largely because of its wacky outsized concepts that could only have worked in animation—not that they all did work, but the potential was so apparent to me, even as a kid reading the Alan Dean Foster novelizations—and as an adult, there's something about the imagination of Lower Decks's FX setpieces that transcends even the glorious CGI bonanzas of Discovery.
Pause for a confession. I've long pushed back against criticism of serialization in new Trek. That's just how TV is now, okay? Might as well complain about it being in widescreen. But I'm backing down a little, because I've realized there is something about Star Trek that's inextricable from at least a partially-episodic format. And while Picard was telling a different kind of story, I can't deny that my favourite episodes of Disco have been the ones with a mostly self-contained A-plot. After 10 delightfully episodic instalments of LwD, its focus on long-term development of characters instead of a season-spanning puzzle-plot (okay, mostly just Mariner, but we only have 10 × 22 minutes and she is the star) has been downright refreshing.
So here we are, at the end of the most consistent and well-executed Season 1 of a Star Trek series since, arguably, Those Old Scientists. And sure, if they'd had to produce another... yikes, 42 episodes? Then sure, they probably would have dropped a clunker or two—but they didn't, and winning on a technicality is still winning. I'm practically vibrating with excitement for Disco to come back next week, but damn, I'm going to miss this little show while it's on hiatus.
Spoilers below:
Something I've been keeping track of finally paid off this week! (Which never happens to me, lol.) The destruction of the USS Solvang marked the first present-day death(s) of any Starfleet officer on Lower Decks, the only other on-screen killing at all being a flashback in "Cupid's Errant Arrow". Which makes sense, being (a) a comedy, and (b) about typically "expendable" characters: it hasn't been afraid to flirt with a little darkness here and there, but killing people off at Star Trek's usual pace wouldn't just be wrong for the tone, it would be downright bizarre.
But... people die on Star Trek. That's one of the core themes of the show, really: space is full of knowledge and beauty, but also danger and terror, and believing that the former is worth the risk of the latter is (according to Trek) one of humanity's most noble traits. I'm the least bloodthirsty TV watcher I know, but the longer we went with a body count of nil—ships completely evacuated before they were destroyed, main characters hilariously maimed without permanent consequences, etc.—well, I didn't mind per se, but the absence of truly deadly stakes was definitely getting conspicuous.
Turns out they were saving it up for maximum impact. And holy fuck, I've never felt such a pit in my stomach watching a ship get destroyed that wasn't named Enterprise. It felt grim and brutal and somehow both much too quick and dreadfully inevitable—and yeah, it looked extremely fucking cool—and I'd like every other Star Trek property for the rest of time to take notes under a large bold heading labeled RESTRAINT.
Comedy doesn't need to do this, but my favourite comedy does, and in a way that few other art forms can even approach: lower my emotional defences by making me laugh, endear character(s) to me with goofy-but-relatable antics—then BAM, sucker-punch me in the motherfucking feels. M*A*S*H is probably the classic example on TV, Futurama was notorious for it, and even Archer has pulled it off a few times; it's also a staple of some of my favourite standup. I wasn't sure if Lower Decks was going to go there in Season 1—and wasn't sure if they'd earn it—but I knew if they did, that they'd nail it, and damn. Feels good to be right.
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Last batch of notes for the season!!! I rambled enough already, so let's do it liveblog-style:
I fucking KNEW they were going to use "archive" visuals from TAS at some point, I KNEW IT :D
"THOSE OLD SCIENTISTS" ahahahahahahahahahahahaha
I like chill and confident Boimler a lot? You can really see—
That opening shot of the Solvang tracking down to the red giant was extremely Discovery-esque... minus the motion sickness, that is
A lady captain AND a lady first officer? That's—oh hey, it's Captain Dayton's brand-new ship. Hahaha, that means they're totally fucked, right?.
Yep! They sure a—umm, wh—shit, okay, but—oh no—no, you can't—wait DON'T
Narrator: "And then Amy needed a five-hour break."
[live-action Star Trek showrunner voice] "Gee, Mike! Why does CBS let you have two cold opens?"
Okay, yes, the bit with Rutherford cycling through all the different attitudes in his implant was transparently an excuse for Eugene Cardero to vamp while waiting for something to do in the story, but as far as I'm concerned they can contrive a reason for him to do a bunch of different silly Rutherfords in a row any time they damn well want, because that was classic!!!
The slow burn and now the payoff of the Mariner-is-Freeman's-secret-daughter plot has been executed so well. I'm beyond impressed with this writer's room, y'all—they are threading a hell of a needle here
"Wolf 359 was an inside job" would have been a spit-take if I'd had anything in my mouth
...how many memos do you think Starfleet Command has had to issue asking people to stop calling the USS Sacramento "the Sac"?
Is, uh, is it weird if I'm starting to ship Tendi and Peanut Hamper a little? It is weird, isn't it. I knew it was weird...
Coital barbs??? I take back everything I said about wanting to know more about Shaxs/T'Ana.
The "good officer" version of Mariner is... kind of hot, tbh! But Tawny Newsome has done such a great job of building this character all season that her voice getting uncharacteristically clipped and martial and "sir! yes, sir!" is also deeply, deeply weird
Ah, so this is literally exactly like when TNG (and DS9) would bring in, and then blow up, a never-before-seen Galaxy-class ship, just to underscore that we're facing a real threat this week, baby. And hey, it fucking worked—my heart was in my throat, omg, for the reveal of the—
The fucking PAKLEDS have been gluing weapons to their ships for the last 15 years. GREAT.
(We interrupt the SHIP BEING SLICED INTO SCRAP for an interesting bit of world-building: on Earth, the traditional First Contact Day meal is salmon!)
"I need a dangerous, half-baked solution that breaks Starfleet codes and totally pisses me off! That's an order." I'm starting to think Captain Freeman might actually be overqualified for the Cerritos, y'all—she's REALLY awesome
"How much contraband have you hidden on my ship?" "I don't know! A lot!"
Awwww, Boims!!!
F U C K ! ! ! ! !
ahaIOPugdfhagntpgjrq90e5mgu90qe5;oigoqgw4ouegrw5SP;IAEHURVa IT’S THE TITAN???????????
i'm screaming I'M SCREAMINGGGGGG​TGGGTGQER;​LBHAOIBVNV;​OAPBIJNVagr;h;​oagruipuwtnaetbaetgq35ghqet
(Just a brief 20-minute pause this time)
And oh wow, seeing Will and Deanna hits different after Picard too, in a few different ways, which I may even get into later now that my heartrate is back to normal, lmao
Oh, I am always here for some jokes at the expense of the Sovereign class. The Enterprise-E sucked. They should have built a new bigger model of the D and new Galaxy-class interiors for the TNG movies, and I will die on that hill
Awwww, Shaxs though :( Congrats on the single most badass death in Star Trek history, dude. The Prophets would—well, the actual Prophets would probably be slightly confused about most of it, but Kira Nerys would be proud of you and I feel like that probably counts for more. RIP, Papa Bear
I am here all damn DAY for the Mariner–Riker parallels, ahahahahaha
Pausing it to record my prediction that Boimler's commitment to not caring about rank anymore is going to last 3... 2...
Bradward, how DARE YOU.
"Those guys had a long road, getting from there to here." OH FOR THE LOVE OF—
What a brilliant way to resolve and renew the various character arcs and relationships moving into Season 2! The writers could easily have brought everything back to status quo—chaotic Mariner fighting with her mom and being a bad influence on Boimler, etc.—and done another 10 just like these, but I suspect that wouldn't have been ambitious enough for these writers. What a blast. I cannot wait for more.
Thanks for following along, friends! Stay tuned for my (similarly patchy and amateur) coverage of Discovery, starting next week!
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arce-elliot · 3 years
Magnus Archives - First Impressions (Ep. 26-50)
Into Season 2 now! More reactions from someone who had 75% of the series spoiled for them.
EP 26 (A Distortion): - !!!Sasha Statement!!! - reaching INTO her shoulder??? fucking no?? michael can you chill??? - OH okay he was helping nevermind
EP 27 (A Sturdy Lock): - this is just a sad old man
EP 28 (Skintight): - MELANIE!!!!! - G E O R G I E  N A M E D R O P
EP 29 (Cheating Death) - Wowee another war one - Fiona Law sounds familiar from somewhere - AYYY Gertrude you old hag
EP 30 (Killing Floor): - Meat 2 Electric Boogaloo: this time with more meat - Remember that one scene in "What Remains of Edith Finch" yeah i get those vibes
EP 31 (First Hunt): - HUNT EPISODE HUNT EPISODE - Oh America? Nice - "i heard whistling" FUCKING BYE - Jon is so tired I'm sorry little bastard man
EP 32 (The Hive): - GOD that was so unsettling wtf - Jane Prentiss is terrifying - Also OLIVER BANKS i think NEAT
EP 33 (Boatswain's Call): - TIMOTHY MY BOY - ah shit peter lukas time - Elias: "research the statements no not that one"
EP 34 (Anatomy Class): - "bone, blood, fruit" IS THIS THE FUCKING APPLE TEETH THING - lmao gimme ur bones - these poor eldritch horrors just wanted to learn :c
EP 35 (Old Passages): - "teenager in all black" ah yes hello Gerard - listening to regular people just dealing w/ Gerard is hilarious - BREEKON AND HOPE??????
EP 36 (Taken Ill): - aww poor old people - Trevor and Julia up to some bullshit I see - ah shit here's that fuckin table
EP 37 (Burnt Offering): - Jon being annoyed at Martin, nice start - Ayy old lady that's Gertrude - DING DING DING i'm a genius - Jon take a nap good lord
EP 38 (Lost and Found): - OH HELL YES HOMOPHOBIC VASE TIME HERE WE GOOOOOOOO - every time Sasha speaks I get so sad I don't want her to go :C
EP 39 (Infestation): - not the bye bye sasha episode :c - stop YELLIN u nerds this is CHAOS - Martin and his fuckin corkscrews lmao - "i refuse to become another goddamn mystery" jon bestie i'm afraid to tell you this - "i don't know what happened to gertrude, she's officially still missing" yet again, jon, bestie, i'm afraid to tell you this - someone right "tim over here" on a piece of fuckin paper and slam it on the window - SASHA NO YOU DUMB SHIT - YES MARTIN GET HIS ASS - oh nice we're trauma bonding - Timmy to the rescue! - SASHA NO MY BABY - this podcast sucks i'm crying i hate it here
EP 40 (Human Remains): - I LIVED THROUGH THAT AND THIS IS MY REWARD, A STATEMENT FROM RAT BASTARD??? i hate it here - hey jon? yell at martin one more time see what happens - your boss is an eldritch monster but oh no scawy gun
EP 41 (Too Deep): - jon really soundin like a whole dumbass here ngl
EP 42 (Grifter's Bone): - *Holt voice* BONE??? - hey lady maybe dont do -gestures to the entire episode- - LEAVE MARTIN ALONE YOU SHIT
EP 43 (Section 31): - wait do i know this voice? she sounds familiar might be from tiktok tho - BASIRA! BASIRA! AYYYYY! FINALLY ANOTHER BRAIN CELL! sasha: dies elias: shit fuck Jon needs a brain cell basira: -makes a statement- elias: perfect are you currently employed - wait is this the fucking uhhhhh other burned dude in the gerry hospital episode???? - B O O K - OH FUCK DAISY - supplementals be like "dear diary, i am still paranoid as shit, end supplemental"
EP 44 (Tightrope): - GERTRUDE! - this statement giver is a clown purist - ah shit circus of the other lol
EP 45 (Blood Bag): - mosquito stinky - stop spying on Tim damn it - HE'S YOUR FRIEND YOU FOOL
EP 46 (Literary Heights): - MIKE CREW AYYY - Run boy run the enderman's gonna get ya - Jon continues to be a Perfectly Reasonable Individual
EP 47 (The New Door): - Michael time? Please Michael Time - OH HELEN? - helen being a real estate agent makes everything i know about her make sense now - MICHAEL THERE HE IS! THERE'S MY BOY!
EP 48 (Lost in the Crowd): - "there's a purity in being alone when you travel" must be nice to be a cishet white man - WAIT IT'S A WOMAN WTF LADY UR GONNA DIE - "long black hair" oh lord hello my dear Gerard gerard: i'm going on holiday this lady: -reeks of the lonely- gerard, grumbling: i swear I have to do everything my damn self
EP 49 (The Butcher's Window): - "Butcher's Window" oh boy we love a good flesh episode - Ah yes the other Jared - we love bi king Tim
EP 50 (Foundations): - I wasn't paying attention to the date so when the statement giver said "Dear Jonah" I about shit myself - Tim no I like Basira
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britishchick09 · 4 years
danger force return of the kid livewatch
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the version i’m watching on dailymotion is slightly chipmunked and it’s adorable ^_^
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awww  sweetest hug ever! ♥
chapa: “don’t make me get the crowbar!” omg :o
miles: “you hate to see it” and you love to see the meme ;)
henry’s dad is graduating from an online school how 2020
mika: “we once caught a guy that was stealing books... FROM THE LIBRARY!” omg shocking! :o
henry just said ‘noice’ wtf mr. hart
henry spent ‘his whole childhood’ defeating people but wasn’t he like a tween when he became kid danger?
ray: “henry’s MINE now” awww :)
idk if henry can still become kid danger (i haven’t seen the henry danger finale) but i really hope he does
henry: “everyone thinks kid danger is-“ chapa: “hot?” miles: “dead?” lol
ray wants henry to pick his nail color awww :)
henry wants them to ‘handle it themselves’ does that mean he can’t transform? :o
henry just deleted ‘where are you?’ messages from charlotte HENRY DID YOU SERIOUSLY ABANDON YOUR FRIENDS FOR RAY YOU’RE NOT JOHN WITH YOKO
the audience just gave a quiet ‘aww’ when henry deleted the messages same :/
ray: “you wanna see my axe storing room?” your WHAT room
henry: “do i even have to axe?” eyyyyyyy ;)
ray and henry are the best of friends! :D
they’re playing a just dance ripoff how sweet :)
henry: “this has been so much fun!” ray: “I LOVE YOU TOO!” henry: “what?” ray: “I SAID GET READY FOR ROUND TWO!”
the game is calling for a tango STOP THE SHIPPING
and the game is called PRANCE PRANCE REVOLUTION lol :D
ray wants the kids to leave to spend more time with henry ♥
ray: “quit your bellyaching!” henry: “yeah, this is what you get paid for!” the kids: “YOU GOT PAID???” lol :D
ray wants to stay up there ‘as long as he can’ wowza what a shippy shippy
the intro pops up nearly 6 minutes into the ep what a long and exciting cold open! :D
chapa to mika: “we got your heart to start beating again...” wtf happened :o
bose’s mouth was full did he have a towel in his mouth lol
mikes screaming “I HATE YOU!!” is better than anakin lol
mika isn’t up for this bs YOU GO MIKA!!!!!
omg henry and ray started a totally sick rock band yo!
henry: “don’t need to practice when you’re already perfect, dude!” hannah montana wants to know your location
why is ray obsessed with henry’s mom creepy
henry: “gotta save my messages to the cloud!” F U T U R E!!!!”
char’s messages are like ‘you can’t run from this’ HENRY WHAT’S GOIN’ ON HMMMM?????
ray: “...that didn’t sound like your mom.”
henry asked if he was ‘totally untrackable in the man’s nest’ WHAT DID YOU DO HENRY
ray: “finding you in here would be like trying to find a gray hair on my head!” henry: “there’s one right there.” ray: “whaaat?”
henry’s been there for 3-4 days HENRYYYY!!!!
chapa: “we also think we should be able to vaporize someone FOR NO REASON AT ALL!!!!” daang chapa p-i-double wuble s-ed too!
ray: “time is a tall glass of water” henry: “please don’t punch my glass-” ray: *PUNCHES GLASS LIKE A BOSS*
ray: “next crime that calls is goin’ home in a body bag” sweet serenity celestia captain man calm down
henry: “who knows when the next call will come in?” call: *comes in* lol
HENRY TRANSFORMED YAAAS!!! and i guess the dark outfit he wore in the insta teaser pic is his new hero form?? :o
henry: “up the tube!” captain man: “...we go down the tube.” lol :D
and awayyyyy they go!
robber: “part of the reason i rob people is for the connection i feel and i feel like you’re (the cashier) not here with me right now!” awww ♥
the cashier walked past captain man’s book first of all awesome call back and secondly why is a book being sold at a convenience store
captain man: “let’s slow fight this crime”
robber: “is this your sidekick?” ray: “naw, we’re just vibing!” henry: “you don’t even know what that means” ray: “it’s means, like, we’re together but not really” johnlock wants to know your location
henry really wants to get back to the man’s nest what’s goin’ on here????
a drone just said ‘henry hart located sending bounty hunter’ first of all wtf and secondly BOBA FETT CROSSOVER WHAT
even captain man’s like ‘wtf dude?’
mika: “i finally got mom and dad to fall asleep! you know what that means...” others: “SCREEN TIME!!! :D” kids these days...
chapa; “i wish i had a phone!” the way she said it is a total ‘god i wish that were me’ meme
the ad on is for ‘imdb tv’ THEY HAVE A STREAMING SERVICE??????
mika has a big phone or a tiny tablet
mika to a caller: “WHAT DO YOU WANT????” miles: “YOU’RE INTERRUPTIN’ SCREEN TIME!!!” sweet serenity you two CALM THE FRICK DOWN
captain man: “the kid and i are in a bit of a jimmy jam...” jimmy john’s wants your location
henry: “you want to fly the mancopter? get a bunch of puppies?” you’d think the kids would want to fly the flipping mancopter but they want puppies instead. kids these days! :D
captain man: “what’s gotten your brisket in a basket?” lol
henry: “dystopia’s really scary-“ well duh you live in a town called DYSTOPIA what did you expect
henry messed with a guy WHO EATS PEOPLE’S SOULS WTF
captain man reaction: “...so you didn’t come to swellview to see me?” i think you should be focused on the, i don’t know... EATING PEOPLE’S SOULS PART RAY
the lights just went out OH MAN
henry: “we’re gonna die, dude!” captain man: “hold on gotta try and think of an opening quip-“ this is like yakko saying ‘we need a perfect opening’ line in the animaniacs reboot lol :D
captain man: “knock knock-“ the blackout guy: *shoots captain man into a wall* captain man: “typically you’d say ‘who’s there?’“ lol
shoutout: “how did you miss the floor awol?” awol: “at least we’re here! we could’ve been in another country!” oh miles! :D
chapa: “why are the lights out?” henry: “it’s blackout! he’s a bounty hunter from dystopia-“ chapa: “aaalllllready stopped listening.” why does nobody care about a soul-sucking bounty hunter tho??
captain man has a wall on his back like peter being stuck to the couch in that one family guy ep lol
the lights go on and everyone cheers! :D
captain man: “i said i wasn’t done with my quip! knock knock-“ *gets thrown to the ground* he’s never gonna get to that quip huh
henry: “looks like captain man is taking care of him.” no i think HE’S BEING ATTACKED HENRY
henry: “tell schwoz he can keep my dirty laundry-” why didn’t he pick it up before he moved tho
awol: “captain man says you’re the best superhero he’s ever seen!” henry: “that doesn’t sound like him.” brainstorm: “he also says you have a surprisingly good singing voice.” henry: “i guess i’m alriiight...;)” lol
volt: “captain man says that we’re garbage and we’ll never measure up to you” geez ray be a bit nicer to them (especially chapa) not everyone’s your bf henry
awol: “let’s take this guy down together! ... that sounded really cheesy” lol i love how they all agree except for shoutout :D
the blackout guy wants to know why captain man’s not dying DOES RAY NOT HAVE A SOUL????
blackout falling down because of a scream is the best :D
yay they did it!!! :D
captain man: “what do you get when you cross a duck with a shutzu?” nice dodging the nickelodeon censors ray ;)
barrow raffle ad: “you could win a million dollars! if you ask us, that’s a win-win” a win-win is letting me finish this ep
captain man kicked blackout and he didn’t respond IS HE DEAD??? :o
schwoz left an alive present in henry’s jeans WTF SCHWOZ
henry: “tough group of kids you got there.” ray: “yep, it always surprises me how much grit and determination each one of them has- oh my god, they’re baby-talking the puppies” lol what a perfectly delivered line :D
henry: “buh-bye dangers!” awww dangers!!! :’)
the higher-pitch of the vid makes mika’s puppy voice SO ADORBS! ♥
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*phone alarm* henry: “that’s my guber!” i know it’s an uber pun but henry’s getting a goofy goober ride awwww yeah! B)
ray doesn’t want to let go awww :)
yo schwoz put a turtle in henry’s pocket lol :D
ooh there’s a post credit scene! :D
and it’s bloopers how sweet :)
that was a great ep as always (probably my fave ep along with the quarantine special)! him and captain man have awesome chemistry and henry with the kids is great too ♥ see ya soon henry! (and danger force)
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cogneartive · 4 years
The Beach Boys go to the Museum
A crackfic. Read if you want to immediately lose all your brain cells.
    Once upon a time, Brian Wilson was daydreaming about girls going to the museum which was very educational. More educational than daydreaming about girls which is good for you which is why he was daydreaming about going to the museum instead of girls. 
    “Yoo hoo brothers!” he said. 
    “What is it, big brother?” shouted Dennis and Carl Wilson from another part of the Beach Boys ResidenceTM
    “I have decided to go to the museum which is a very educational activity for us to do which will be beneficial for us,” said Brian. “I will call our cousin, Michael Edward Love, and our friend, Alan Charles Jardine.”
    “Oh ok, big brother,” the two younger Wilsons said. “As soon as we get out of the shower and clothe ourselves (which will probably align with the arrival of our cousin, Michael Edward Love, and our friend, Alan Charles Jardine), we shall take off in the Beach Boy MobileTM to go to the museum as you wish.”
    “Incredible,” said Carl Wilson. “We have finished showering and being clothed just as our cousin, Michael Edward Love, and our friend, Alan Charles Jardine, have arrived.”
    “Now we can go to the  Beach Boy MobileTM to go to the museum Brian Wilson, my big brother, wishes.”     “I hate this story,” said Michael Edward Love, a man with no taste.
“Do not attempt to break the fourth wall,” said Brian Douglas Wilson, extremely annoyed at Mike Love’s lack of taste.
“Harrumph >:( !” harrumped Michael Edward Love.
Suddenly, Bruce Arthur Johnston appeared out of Norway. “May I come too?”
“Permission accepted,” said Al Jardine
    The beach boys arrived at the Museum of Interesting Plot which interested them very much. They headed into the museum, where they bumped into GASP! The Beatles - an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1960 with a line-up comprising John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, who are regarded as the most influential band of all time. 
    “THE BEACH BOYS!” the bug boys ejected.
    “THE BEATLES!” the sand children exclaimed.
    “What a coincidence that we have bumped into you guys in the exact same museum,” said John Lennon. “I bet you were trying to sneak behind us and steal our songwriting ideas >:O”
    “Absolutely not >:O” said Brian Wilson, putting his hands on his hip in a gesture of frustration. “I bet YOU were trying to sneak behind us and steal OUR songwriting ideas”
    “We were not >:O” said Sir James Paul McCartney.
    They started fighting and in the moment of anger, they broke!! The statue of David (not Crosby unfortunately for the statue of David Crosby has cursed the museum for over a century now)!!!!!!!
    “HEY” said The Manager of The Museum (which was an unfortunate name given to him by his parents sad emoji)
    “Oh no” said Brian Wilson.
“Oh no” said Carl Wilson.
“Oh no” said Dennis Wilson.
“Oh no” said Mike Love.
“Oh no” said Al Jardine.
“Oh no” said Bruce Johnston.
“Oh no” said George Harrison.
“Oh no” said Paul McCartney.
“Oh no” said Ringo Starr
“Yoko Ono?” said John Lennon. “My wife in the future, depending on the era.”
“Ouchies!” said Micky Dolenz.
“OMG” said The Manager of The Museum (who happened to also be a clone of  Ringo Starr) He was angry. Very angry. So angry, that he was angry. “You guys better pay for this.”
“But we can’t,” said the Beatles (for Brian Epstein did not give them their allowance that day)
“We can’t either,” said the Beach Boys (for they had already spent enough on getting a nintendo switch to play animal crossing: new horizons.
This is left the poor, poor Monkees. “Bruh we poor af.”
“Then you have to work to pay for it smh,” said The Manager of The Museum.
“OH NO!” said all of them at once.
“You must go around the museum to find three fragments of the broken statue that you have broken, which somehow have been transported into the museum which you must complete challenges to get!”
“Like Dora the Explorer?” asked George Harrison, the youngest member of the Beatles. 
    “Yea,” saidThe Manager of The Museum. “Ok bye im gonna play animal crossing: new horizons now :))))))”
    “Ok. We must split up into three groups.”
    “Wow, how convenient is that we have coincidentally walked into the hall of things that have to do with water,” said Denny Wilson. “It is as this was planned.”
    And then…………………….”oh my god a wave,” said M*ke Love.
    “QUICKLY INTO THE BEACH GEAR” shouted Brian Wilson as they proceeded to use the sims animation to change into their beach gear. “NOW WE MUST.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,..,.,.,”
“We thro Dennise into da water bc he is da only 1 who can surf XD” said Mke Luv as he tossed Deniise into da water liKE A BOSS AND HI-FIVES ALL ROUND WAPOOSH WAPOOSH TAHK YOU GUYS FOR WATCHING AND I’LL SEE U IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!! *outro plays*
“Ahem,” said Ctrl. “We did not bring a surfboard,,,,,,,,so how is he supposed to surf??? Thonk emoji. Lmfao roasted XD”
“We use (drumroll pls) AL SARDINE as Da Surfboard Lmao!!!” said Miiiiiike lov e as they all jumped on Al Jardine.
“I did not feel a thing, lol” said ALAN JARDINE because he was a super strong boy (stock image of a blond guy flexing his muscles).
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
“Bruh we reusing animation bro,” said Denal Wilson.
“Oh look an island,” said Brain. Dey all hopped off and landed on the island. On the island was Kurt Cobain.
“Wow Mr Kurt Cobain,” said Broose Honda. “I did not know you lived on dis island.”
“I don’t rofl,” said Coq Au Vin as he handed them a statue fragment.
“Oh wow thx Coco Van,” as they flew away.
    “Lmao is that Stephen Arthur Stills, an American singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist best known for his work with Buffalo Springfield and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young,” joked Micky Dolenz, pointing to a mirror in front of Peter Tork.
    “Lol yeah,” said Stephen.
    Micky screamed.
    “Here you go broski,” said Stephen Stills, handing them a fragment.
    “But what did we do?” asked Mike Nesmith.
    “Allowing the author to make the awful, often repeated annoying joke about me and Peter Halsten Thorkelson looking like identical twins.”
    “Ok thanks brewski,” said the Monkees as they headed off. “Come on Peter, don’t just stand there.”
    “But I’m Stephen.”
    “Wait,” said Davy. “But Peter was standing there just now.”
    “No, I was standing there.”
    The Monkees looked at each other and had a collective sigh. It was not gonna be as easy as they thought.
    And to make this complication more complicated, the author decided to make David Crosby, Graham Nash and Neil Young walk into the scene.
    “Bro Stephen wtf,” said Neil. “I knew you were small but I didn’t think you could crawl into the vents like that.”
    “But I’m Peter??????????”
    “Oh no not again,” said Graham Nash, already getting another headache.
    “Wait, wait wait, just a moment,” said Davy Jones. “Go back a bit. What do you mean by crawling through the vents.”
    “Please do not question the plot,” threatened David Crosby. 
    “YUH DAVY” said Micky. “Come on now, Peter,” - he grabbed Peter’s hand -” we gotta advance the plot.”
    “But I’m Stephen.”     Micky looked at him with such an expression that expressed a deep amount of hatred for the author. “It doesn’t matter. You guys are the same person anyway.”
The other lads shrugged and took poor Peter Halsten Dorkelson who was too confuzzled and befuddled and bamboozled to be crying.
    “This is so boring,, (-_-)” said Jawn Jennon. “I think George Harrison fell asleep.”     “L M A O i did rofl lol,” said Heorge Garrison.
    “I am surprised because there is so much paperwork lying about that all look so boring!!” said Paul McEyelash.
    “Someone should clean this up smh,” said Ringone Starone.
    “YAAWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!” they all sed at 1nce. That yawn pushed a stack of paper off a table, which caused a chain reaction, leading to a bucket falling down, a train being activated, a cow mooing and the members of Queen being awoken from their frozen-in-som-kind-a-tube state.
    “BRO WTF WHOMST WOKE US UP (((p(>o<)q)))” said Roger Taylor, stretching. “I was still having my beauty sleep.”
    “(O.O) omg (O.O)(O.O) oh mah gawd (O.O)(O.O)(O.O)” said Freddie Mercury. “Are those (O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O) the legendary (O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O) bug boys????????”
    “Ja” said gH.
    “ヽ(★ω★)ノ” said Brian May
    “(¬_¬") smh you woke up my cheese toast,” said John Deacon.
    “I guess, we should thank u for waking us up,” said Freddeh.
    “We wuz nevah gonna wake up,” said Briaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Mei.
    “Take dis,” Rogah Taylah gave them a statue fragment that had landed in his hair.
    “Wow thanks that was EZ lmao,” said the bug boys as they went away.
    “(●^o^●)” said The Manager of the Museum as he stuck the broken statue fragments of the broken statue of the Museum of Interesting Plot Idea (well I think that what it was called Lmao I didn’t check don’t correct me doe lel)
    “It was’t very challenging at all doe…” said Sand Children. “And for a story with out name in the title, we did not seem to get much attention at all.”
    “Shut up you’ll get your moment later,” said the others pointing down to the rest of the story. “See look at that.”     “None of this is very good,” said Mike Hate, a man with no taste.
    They all went into their respective vehicles and drove away.
    “WAIT!!!!!!” said Dave Jone of the Monkees, pausing the time. “We did not resolve the plot point of us actually kidnapping Steven Stills?????”
    “Help me,” said Stepe.
    “STFU IT’S OUR STORY (◣_◢)” said the beach of the boys, so infuriated with them that smoke came out of their ears like a boiling kettle and their eyes started glowing red which indicated anger.
    “Oh ok sorry lel, he’s British Lol,” said Mike Nesmith.
    “STFU Myke Gessmith.”
    “;~;” said Mike Nukesmith.
    “Y do u guys always have to take the spotlight?!” asked the Beaky Bubs.
    “Bc we’re the author’s favourites, unfortunately,” said Micky, shivering at the memories of what had happened to them before in previous crack fics.
    “Sux for u lmao.”
    Uh how to end dis. Boom. Story done lel.
.Al Barmine
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
back at it again w/the hxh, heres my recap of the last few eps 
ok so i totally forgot to recap that one ep at the end of the hunter exam arc lets see what i remember from like 3 wks ago lollll
i thiiiiink i left off in the middle of ep 21 lol. i really dont remember much tbh so im gonna skim the ep to refresh
exposition time! its so wild that if you lose ur hunter card That It like u cant get another or retake the exam hgabjdfuhasjf Ls 
also the fact that you can sell it is rlly interesting 
leorio & kurapika backing up gon as he confronts illumi again :’) good lil family 
illumi u fool. gon is a shounen protag. he can do anything he sets his mind to
the fact that gon thanks illumi for telling him where killua is....hes literally THAT polite like...what a perfect boy 
hisoka just fuckgin stepping out of the shadows....ok bitch 
the fact that gon fucked up illumis arm that bad with one hand....boi is STRONK 
ok but like is illumi implying that hisoka is a fr p*do bc uhhhhh thats so nasty oh lord. pls stay away from gon, and killua, and like everyone as a matter of fact 
no but rlly what IS hisoka gonna do now. im assuming he’ll show up p soon (tho probs not in the zoldyc arc like i thought bc its shorter than i thought) 
ok the fact that they have the internet is hilariously wild to me for some reason....it just seems like this would be one of those fantasy shounen worlds with very little tech (a la one piece) but lol nope we can just google shit hvbhjdhjdfks
gon: it was fun when you beat me up for 3 hours and broke my arm! seeya dude!
i love gon he is so chill and doesnt seem to hold grudges except when it really matters (like hisoka and illumi) 
hanzo has.....ninja business cards....thats amazing hvbhsdjkujfnd
dont worry pokkle, leorio was basically carried thru the hunter exam by various people and also won by default. he still deserves his license tho
an exotic game hunter sounds pretty cool! i wonder if we’ll see pokkle again. kinda doubt it? that sounds pretty firmly non-combat based, and therefore probably pretty far from any plot lol
so gons dad is a bigshot huh.....whatever hed be a bigger deal if he didnt abandon his son tbh 
gon swinging his feet on the bench....sooo cute 
so ging could restore a bunch of ruins but he couldnt raise his son...ok
im just gonna be bitter at this guy for abandoning the most perfect boy vhbhjfbsjhdhbfsk sorry dude but being a good hunter doesnt make up for being a shit father 
gon is so precious ;_; 
why does it look like theyre googling things on MS paint 
ah yes, padokea, on the continent of Africa But Sideways 
idk if i talked abt it before but the world map is WILD lmao i love how its all the continents/landmasses scrambled around.....im super curious abt that weird island in the top center of the map, thats the only thing that immediately sticks out as not having a real life equivalent 
the music in this show is so charming :’) i love the main theme sm 
gon is sooo precious i literally cant get over it. and his hurry to rescue killua is so sweet....and i love how naturally charming/charismatic gon is....pretty much everyone he meets likes him, especially leorio and kurapika, who basically adopted him after knowing him for like a day, and continue to be completely taken by him
ok wtf is satotz & co talking abt......do they know something abt ging that they arent allowed to tell gon???? shouldnt gon have access to the same info now that hes a hunter? i need ANSWERS
i bet this whole thing abt the hunter exam not rlly being over is a metaphor abt the hunter exam NEVER truly ending bc youre always being tested, or st
ok the ED continues to be So Much like especially the last shot where the 4 main characters look like theyre posing for a JC Penny catalog while the singer goes FULL metal-screamo
ok ruth and i just rewatched the next two eps woohoo
i love that there are tourist busses that take people to the front gates so they can like pose for pics and stuff vhbhjafdsfkj and its like ‘ah yes here are where the local assassins live!’ thats so funny yet it makes so much sense
i love that leorio passed tf out during the bus ride. big big mood 
gon is so cute...hes like ok yes i understand that we’re not supposed to go in but i think they can make an exception for me bc im very polite. 
those 2 dudes r so ugly and so dead god bless
that bigass buster sword....sir please 
ruth and i rlly thot that the old guard guy was gonna turn out to be grandpa zoldyk or st lol
the fact that the dog managed to eat All their flesh but left some clothes....skill 
also the dog is named mike but it sounds like the guy is calling him miku hvbjdfssk
this cant be the first time some morons have been killed here likeeee 
i cant believe nobody has visited the zoldyk estate in 20 years damn they all rlly b havin no friends. depressing 
the whole gates thing is wild. also that part where gon gets the math wrong on the weight.....BIG mood kiddo 
ok the part where gons on the phone w/the butler is soooo good oh man. i love how gon just calmly dials the phone again after hes hung up on the first time and then YELLS....and leorio and kurapikas faces r so good 
also the butler guy unfortunately has a point, it isnt foolproof that gon is here Legit....but he IS let him see his tiny bf :( 
as ruth pointed out, the butler guy is reminiscent of kuro from one piece. same vibes 
maybe if leorio was jacked like he is in the manga/1999 anime he couldve opened the gate that first time around....Ls 
god i love this shows approach to Everything so far,....as ruth put it, half the time its like ‘oh wow they should do [x]/i wish theyd do [x] but ofc they wont cause its a shounen’ but then they DO do [x] and its like damn thats dope 
anyways i love how gon is increasingly approaching situations with his Plucky Shounen Protag Attitude in full swing, and he pretty much gets shot down every time. BUT his general determination to see killua bc killuas his FRIEND and hes gonna RESCUE HIM is still a good and pure motivating force 
like here, when hes climbing over the wall and hes like whatever i dont wanna have to deal w/being tested thats bullshit, i wanna see killua, my intentions are pure, im gonna try my luck with the dog....i was like ok yeah he’ll get over and like tame or defeat the dog and the guard will be suitably impressed bc nobodys ever done That before, and then gon will continue on to get killua 
but NOPE instead the guard calls him down and explains that gon Will Die if he tries that, and then the guard will die too for letting that happen. and gon is like oh shit my actions have consequences for people other than me, wow. 
and THEN the guard takes them in to meet the dog. and hot DAMN that is a scary creature. not even really a dog tbh. they did an excellent job making the dog Legit Scary and not just like, big and flashy looking....those eyes are so soulless, and the proportions are freaky 
and the guard says exactly what i was thinking - that gon would use his Country Boy Woodland Creature Skills to workaround the dog....but then the subversion - this creature is NOTHING like the woodland critters gon is probably used to dealing with. theres no way gon stood a chance here. the guard just saved him from a really unfortunate death 
i love all the Super Heavy Stuff in the servant house that seems so inconvenient vbhjdkfasjfld. also forgot to mention earlier but the guard guy being Absolutely Ripped was wild and kinda funny 
training montage! gon continues to be so cute. and i love so much how leorio and kurapika are like no, you rest, we’ll take care of this. good parents!!!!
and then!!!! they sync up and use the power of gay love to almost open the gate. but then gon uses the power of Improbable Shounen Protag Healing Speed to toss that arm sling off and help out
i feel like leorio was side-eyeing gon like w8 a sec u broke that arm like a few days ago that aint right.....
oh man i almost forgot abt that scene with the zoldyks torturing killua :( :( this poor kid he doesnt deserve that 
also mom zoldyck seems truly awful but i must say her aesthetic does fuck. the victorian-lookin outfit paired with the futuristic cyclops visor thing....excellent. also im betting this face bandages are from killua cutting her face 
this family is so fucked up hvbsjdhjfbakdfn
killua telling his mom that gon is definitely gonna make it there :’) hes got such unshakable faith in his bf thats so good.....
back w/the gang, and immediately they run into more trouble in the form of the young girl butler, whose name i dont know, but i love her....her design is SO good oh man. a non-caricature black person? who also isnt sexualized? in MY anime??????
 i love how gons approach to conflict is currently ‘let more powerful person beat me up for hours straight in hopes that they get tired or something idk bro’ like....i love him lol, is it in an effort to show how determined he is? he doesnt even try to dodge her blows or get around her....id be tryin to hop that fence lol 
oh shit the tiny zoldyk kid from earlier is spying on them....she was w/the mom so im sure thats not good
when he punches the rock part and it breaks....strong boiiii 
oh man that little flashback from when killua first came back and told her that he made a friend ;_; bruh 
i love butler girl :( she wants to let gon but knows it isnt allowed....and as soon as she starts to waver BAM here comes mom zoldyck JFC that was so sudden and jarring....im assuming butler girl isnt dead cause that would be lame and anticlimactic 
also IS THAT NEN??? NEN>>>??? NEN??? HM? NEN????????? 
im so annoying abt nen i need to make one of those ‘is this a pigeon?’ memes w/’is this nen?’ bc thats me anytime anything remotely weird happens lmao
i do think its rlly nen this time tho
anyways shit is wild, cant wait to meet the full zoldyck family 
as i said above i doubt hisoka will show up now bc this arc is a lot shorter than i anticipated. also im doubting that illumis even gonna show up honestly 
i think we’re gonna have this OP for a while, as the part just at the end shows gon and hisoka fighting in what looks to be an arena, and ik the next arc is the heavens arena arc, which im assuming is the tournament arc....
also i have no idea what that weird building in the OP is but my guess is that its the building w/the heavens arena in it bc its tall and,,,,heaven 
i predict there wont be much fighting in this little arc bc how tf else is it so short. at this point i rlly think gon is just gonna grab killua and go lmao. im super curious abt how thats gonna go down, considering that killua is currently strung up just bc he wont apologize...so i cant imagine his family would just let him leave w/gon. i wonder if killua will fight them, or if gons determination will impress them and then theyll let killua go (doubt it)
thats basically it....we’ll see abt the next few eps holla
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