#also yeah that is a heteroflexible pride flag he is wearing
himemeiya · 3 months
POV Woke Akio just walked up to you and told you he's the new advisor for your school's GSA
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Wokio leaving the school (he gives student's rides home cause he's such a really cool and nice guy)
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the-scarecrxw · 2 years
4, 6, 38
I’m so bad at talking to people but I think about you all the time 🥺
- @nsfwitchy2
ahhh yeah I miss u so much witchy!!! I'm very bad at talking to people too but legit you see anything you think I'd like just dm me! pop me a meme, art, etc, IDC!! I'm always happy when people message me :)
(cw for brief discussion of sexual themes, not gonna go all out on tagging this thing, just beware ig)
Past labels you’ve used? + What made you realize your current labels fit you?
oh my god I've gone through soo many. first I was heteroflexible. then bisexual. then pansexual. then pan aromantic greyasexual. then then Gender hit me. genderfluid. genderqueer. then I dropped the aromantic bc I truly have no idea wtf romantic attraction is. then I just said fuck it and went with non-binary. then I back pedaled to bi mostly bc I prefer the flag over pan's flag. then I went full tilt nb butch lesbian for awhile, then went back to bi hesitantly. then I started having dreams where I was born male and dressed femme and I was so happy in the dreams and so so sad when I woke up that it hit me that oh wait I'm kinda a boy, huh. I don't fuck around much with labels now, I don't stress too much about it. To anyone outside the queer community I'll say I'm a bisexual transman, but if I had to define I'd say I'm biromantic asexual transmasculine, T4T preferred. truly the dream would be to be gnc amab but we can't have that huh. the bi is cuz like... as woman aligned I never felt comfortable being attracted to men, but when I realized I was transmasc I very suddenly had my attraction to men turn up to 11. But I'm picky about what type of man i would date. like a cis men would make me cautious, especially if they're bi bc I guess I'd be afraid they'd just see me as the "best of both worlds" sorta shit, male but pretty and has an easy access hole. A cis gay man I suppose I'd be more comfortable with bc he wouldn't see me as a woman bc he's gay. I think I'd also have that bi worry with cis women but honestly I feel so much more comfortable around women vs cis men that I couldn't be too picky. Straight women who date transmen tho? beloved. Also I'm very trans4trans. would love to date another trans person. tres magnifique. the asexual is bc I realized I don't... like... sex. for myself with other people. in person. I'll sext, I do nsfw rp, I'll jerk it on my own with porn, but I have never been totally comfortable or able to orgasm with another person (well. I've only been there twice but ejfjshdb) But I'm also a naturally kinky person but those lend well to some of my sexuality. and the transmasc instead of transman is bc I still feel a slight ... kindred spirit with femininity I guess. I like "girl" talks with my girl friends sometimes. Also if I could be very gnc and still be seen as a man I would. so fucking hard. like fuck. so yeah. also I still have no clue about romantic feelings but I think that's the autistic in me.
Do you own pride merch? Would you like to?
I would like to! But only from queer small businesses honestly. big corp pride can go home. I bought my pronoun pin from a queer Etsy store, and I think that's my only "pride" stuff. I do have a few rainbow items, like a pair of suspenders and a baseball cap my mom bought for me that says "love" in rainbow on it, but I rarely have opportunity to wear either (and I don't like hats) OH I do have a mini rainbow flag I got years ago for free at my first and only pride event I've been to, and also a rainbow patterned washcloth for free from the statefarm booth they had at the event lmao. but yeah I'd love more pride stuff ugh
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