#also yeah pls dont reblog any of my posts!!!!!
ilovebeverages · 2 years
so i decided to make a personal blog bcs i am going lowkey insane and i just need to talk/vent somewhere privately bcs i cant...talk to anyone from back home OR from here about this stuff and i just need to complain ig bcs things are really hard rn :( long story short i emigrated to ch/*^na for studies and..........things have been so difficult and complicated so far and i cant tell anyone back home bcs they’ll be worried + i’m afraid of ‘i told you so’ comments and like i know things will def get better i just need to make it thru this beginning part ig but yeah just need to uhm let it all out hahahahhaahhahaha....ha....haha.....ha....... ok peace n love!!
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catinasink · 3 months
greetings from the sink
am i in post limit jail? nope :3
posting less due to school 👍
most recent edit: 9/21/24
im the one and only cat btw. if you even care.
also im the ultimate faggot btw
im not a vampire im notttt im notttttttt
main shit
minor. (my birthday is november 8 :3c )
i go by cat and nico and pluto and neptune and siffrin and calypso mainly and you can call me any of those (more about that here)
it/any/ask :3c
my labels arent any of your business blast. polyam + aspec + queer if you really need to know
dont call me your friend + no /p tonetag (im aplatonic :] )
no chain asks + no tag games + no donation asks please.
uhh no real dni? just no porn blogs follow me pls im a minor 👍
what youll find here: reblogging. og posts. gayposts. ventposts (tagged #neptune is complaining again or #delete later). lyricposts. fandom posts.
i spam reblog a lot. like a lot. do keep this in mind
i have two cats, kim and shego (or floorshitter); a sister (she/her); and the irls (in real life people i know; i tend to use irl as a term to describe the people i am close to irl) i mention most are pb / pissboy (he/him), cherry (they/any), and eve (she/her)
pst timezone (usually)
scorpio sun saggitarius moon scorpio rising . ok yeah thats a fucking Lie the constellations have shifted but i cba to check again lol
i speak english + russian, learning german + hebrew + ukranian
couple sideblogs, including @nymph-of-the-sea (rp blog for calypso from pjo) (no i never use it); @catinabath (for when im on post limit); two gimmick blogs; i definitely dont own @totallynotcatinasink; as well as @forehead-kiss-mutual-kill-polls :] a few others but ill keep those secret 💥
matching descs w @shrimpysstuff (shrimpy !!!) and banners w @homoashell (starr !!!)
i have four very lovely qpps mwah mwah <3 also a very dear spouse <3
i have an ao3 if that matters :]
discord server link :3 preferably join if youre around the age of a minor so everyone feels comfortable
literally just a cat in a sink btw
fandoms im in / rb from
warrior cats. i love em
will wood. hes so silly . is this a fandom idk
genshin impact. grhghrhgr
pjo. whoag
isat. save me isat
object shows. i like object shows
danganronpa. uhmmm yeah haha dont look at me
most of my og posts: #cat's rambles
asks: #cat's asks
schoolposting: #cat's schoolposting
ventposting: #neptune is complaining again
lyricposting: #cat's lyricposting
art: #cat's art
music i write: #cat's lyrics
polls i make: #cat's polls
pics of my cat: #cat's cat
yearning sighhhh: #nico catinasink is yearning
queued or scheduled posts: #queue you
posts i write in my notes app: #drafts
submissions: #eris' submissions
the penis saga: #the penis saga
pissboy mentions: #my lovely pissboy
lightning anon: #lightning anon
blender anon: #cat's blender anon
rizzler anon: #rizzler anon
brain anon: #🧠 anon
pineapple anon: #pineapple anon
sparkle anon: #sparkle anon
mcchicken anon: #mcchicken anon
sink lore: #happenings of the sink
dreamscape nexus: #dreamscape nexus
posts i want to look at later: #fave
posts of mine that are more popular than others or i want to find em later: #save
i tend to only tag the following tws: sui, sh, ed / eating issues, and emetophobia pls lmk if i should tag anything else !!!
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have a good day
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spaceezstuffz · 3 months
hey guys! i wanna start using tumblr as a main social media platform because summers boooring soo yeah heres my abt me!
★ interests!
Currently hyper-fixated on ride the cyclone! (pls we need more merch and a bigger fandom 😭‼️)
I also like hamilton, heathers, regretavator, splatoon, miffy etc etc (ill show more fandoms i like in my posts!)
♥︎What i will post
Just random stuff! Usually just reblogging some rtc stuff!
✰DNI (ohhh boy)
dont be a dick. Just dont support wilbur or anyother problematic shit. Sorry not sorry!
Pls call me out on things if im wrong, in the wrong, or just doing weird things! I will listen!
And with that! I think that covers everything!
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⚠️⚠️HEY NINJAGO FANDOM (and any others) I THINK WE ALL NEED TO HAVE A TALK. OK.⚠️⚠️ So for one dragons rising s2 part 1 comes out tomrrow for those in the United States and some other areas, but there’s also been some slight debates about Misako on tumblr (maybe not but I keep getting posts related to her).
and it’s a little annoying tbh. Well not annoying but difficult. Some posts are saying “Oh well misako wasn’t s good mom but the ninja weren’t better!” Which I am NOT trying to call anybody out or attack them. However yeah none of them were really ‘great’ at raising Lloyd however there’s also other factors that go into it as well.
I myself am more neutral about Misako. I don’t like her. But I’m willing to hear out genuine debates on her. However yes, I agree Misako is a complex character and while I and I’m sure many others who might dislike her or feel neutral about her understand that and understand that she had reasons for her actions- that does NOT mean we still cannot dislike a complex character. (Also you don’t always HAVE to have a reason on why you dislike or like something and sometimes you might not even know yourself why)
for example on tiktok there’ll be videos saying “We need more complex characters!” And usually the video will go to “you couldn’t even handle (insert character(s)).” And it’s one thing if they mischaracterize the character and don’t understand it. But if they still know the characters complex and understand the reasons that doesn’t mean they have to LIKE the character. They aren’t entitled to. And nobody is entitled to be upset at someone else for disliking or liking a character. You can debate civilly about a character if you want but don’t go throwing accusations like “OH YOU DONT LIKE (insert character) YOUR PROBABLY RACIST, MISOGYNISTIC, ETC.” And while I’m sure in a few cases that might play into it. But also- that’s not always the case. Like if I dislike a female character for reasons am I misogynistic? No. Not unless I hate her BECAUSE she’s a woman. Not because she might’ve done something I personally don’t agree with. And I think we all need to understand that,
EVERYONE can form opinions based on their own personal experiences and morals. You don’t have to LIKE someone else’s opinion but you don’t have to berate them for it either. And I’m sure someone might say “OH YOU JUST DONT LIKE MISAKO.” NO. I don’t like her- but I don’t hate her. I have mixed feeling about her. But it’s no different if someone else also disliked a complex character such as Garmadon or Wu. (Most of the time from what I’ve seen) It’s not because of a racial or sex issue with the character. It’s just because that character in that own individuals opinion isn’t their favorite.
so if you can relate or have anything to add onto or maybe speak with me about feel free to reply or reblog. THANK YOU, HAVE A NICE DAY.
Tagging some of my mutuals/pookies/ or just someone who could give a good opinion so they can help spread some awareness! @clovercreationscc @froggityboingerrr @hollowflight-propaganda @iamsonormalaboutninjago @nyaskitten(I want ur opinion on this lol)
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razbotz · 6 months
VERY LOUD HELLO AND WELCOME TO MY BLOG BELOW. (byf, dni, page navigation, other stuff under the cut. please read.)
haii!! my name is raz or hiro, though i go by other names those r the ones i prefer most (click here for my pronouns.cc, with said other names)
i go by he/him and it/its pronouns predominantly
this blog is a good chunk of the time reblogs about whatever. art, memes, just anything i like. sometimes i ramble and rave and post my silly stuffs so look out 4 that :3
i have soooo many to list. this blog is multifandom though!! pls go to my spacehey if u want a good chunk of all of em.....
- i cant pick up on tone that well, that often... please use tone indicators with me! i really dont mean to offend u in any way! i try my best to use them as often as possible myself lol
- i forget a ton of stuff! blame my adhd as the main culprit
- as with the tone warning, i also cant normally tell if something i say or do or reblog is bad or not... please let me know!
dni! if..
- you fit basic dni criteria
- just in general bigots.
- proship, comship, or darkship in anyway. what i mean by this is shit like incest pairings, minor x adult, abusive, stuff thats bad and illegal and wrong.
- wilbur soot or dteam supporters.
page navigation!!
#hiro says important stuff - all the important stuff i reblog and sometimes comment on goes here! u should navigate dis b4 interacting full time.
#hiros memes - my funny hahas go here :)! might also apply to "edits" (i say in quotations)
#hiros headcanons - my silly headcanons, mainly 4 wilro and future4!
#hiro writes - my writing! when i do it. reviews, fics, or au's, they go here!
#hiro stims - my stimboards! my most well received stuffs lol >_<
#hiro rps - sometimes, for comfort or for fun, i rp as certain characters and when i do i use this tag! ^_^
i WILL update this as i go along because stuff comes to me very slowly! be warned!
thank u for taking the time to read otherwise
oh yeah, and i am the self-proclaimed ceo of wilro, or as i like 2 call dem, time machine. they are my otp and comfort ship. they mean a lot 2 me, theyre basically the face of my page LOL.
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(psst. i made this image and blinkie btw. so silly, right?)
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cherry-sunday · 1 year
Edit: RESOLVED!! No more reblogs or replies are necessary, thanks! ^^
[Regular text: Edit: RESOLVED!! No more reblogs or replies are necessary, thanks! ^^]
Pls reblog!! Even if you dont have an answer for me. I'm a small blog and am worried this might get nowhere if I dont ask for rbs :(
[Regular text: Pls reblog!! Even if you dont have an answer for me. I'm a small blog and am worried this might get nowhere if I dont ask for rbs :(]
Post/question/information under cut
I was wondering if there was any term for uhh my kind of speaking stuff??? i really dont know how to talk about this topic bc i know very little on it so im really truly sorry if I use any terms wrong or say anything bad or offensive!!!! I'm just trying my hardest to explain the best I can
So I'm autistic (I think low needs??? Not entirely sure) and I know (a little) about non verbal and semi verbal and selective mutism and all that. I um. I was wondering if there was a term for my experience with all this??
I'm uh fully verbal most of the time. But sometimes when I get overwhelmed I have a hard time speaking. I can push out words but it's hard, but I can still manage to sound like a fully verbal person (maybe with slight hesitations in words). Like I said I can push out the words, but I'd much rather not speak or speak very little (i.e. if I'm overwhelmed and mom comes in my room and asks what I want for breakfast, I can force myself to say "I...want...cereal. Coco Puffs" or smth, but I'd much rather just not speak at all and just get up and point to the cereal box. I dont do that though because I dont want my mom to question why I'm not speaking, which would force me to speak more...) Also online when overwhelmed, like with speaking, I can push myself to type..um.. "correctly"? But I feel more comfortable typing...."incorrectly"?? I dont know how else to say it, but basically the difference between typing full sentences out like "I'm really uncomfortable right now, its so hot and uncomfortable and i'm overwhelmed and i want to stim but stimming just makes me warmer bc im moving around. I hate summer its so hot." and, quote from something I actually said once, "ICKY ICKY ITS TOO HOT ITS TOO HOT :(( im so overstimulated Stimmy doesnt help s +b@ becaus 3 it makes me warmer Icky icky icky icky I ahte hate Iss i hate Summer Its too w@z warm and and &u$bd uncomfy and make s me overstimmed especially when already overwhelmed an$d/or under pressure I hate this" like im rlly bad at explaining sorry but like. When overwhelmed I'd rather type like that?
And I see posts here from some autistics who type like this also, like with spaces before periods and incorrect grammar. That whole speech pattern?
Restating what I said at the beginning of this post:
So yeah wondering if this kind of speech......thing... has a term like nonverbal or semiverbal? I feel like it's similar to selective mutism but I dont go completely mute, its js harder for me to speak correctly
I don't know very much on this topic so I'm extremely sorry if I use any terms wrong or say anything bad or offensive!!!! I'm just trying my hardest to explain the best I can so I can get an answer
[Regular text: I don't know very much on this topic so I'm extremely sorry if I use any terms wrong or say anything bad or offensive!!!! I'm just trying my hardest to explain the best I can so I can get an answer]
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girlreblogger · 1 year
honestly i don’t understand how ppl get mad because others don’t wanna read no traumatic, struggle love, lowkey violent, cheating, smut galore toxic shit. the amount of thug, plug/drugdealer, bum!, straight up scary, PRISONER (which is crazy yall romanticizing mfs getting outta/being in jail??) black reader fics (from all kinds of fandoms btw) is actually concerning.. like frfr let’s be honest with ourselves cause the things i’ve seen on here has truly been interesting. (thanks to the ppl who’ll put warning tags tho ig) and ofc ima eat up some of them fics cause they be good sometimes but also that’s all i be seeing. i truly wanna read sumn cute and sweet that don’t leave a bad taste in my mouth like i don’t wanna read the fic and then be pissed off after. obvi we all can just scroll and not read what we don’t want which (if you harassing ppl for what they write it’s never that deep… be fucking fr. write something in your notes to fulfill you or sumn until you find something. don’t use that as a reason to spread negativity) and ik a lot of ppl get at blk writers abt how yn talk which (???) idc cause i talk the same so we’re not talking abt that. also i gotta say sometimes the drug dealer fics be treating yn like a princess (which 🫶🏽) but that’s every now and then when it’s not toxic or drugs, extremely excessive smut and cheating isn’t involved. ofc ofc write what you want but pls bffr and don’t act like them characters don’t be putting yn through some bullshit. yeah tension and stuff is cute cause yk you don’t want it to be boringg but toxicity and attractive tension isn’t the same. there’s sooo many ways of going abt getting that tension. and so many other blk girls say the same and it’s just can we get something positive please. and that legit can just be maybe possibly no aggressive smut.. or a annoying situationship, or all the other lowkey scary shit i be seeing. it’s disheartening to wanna read something abt blk girls and your fav that’ll have your feet kicking up and stuff and then getting pissed off cause your fav character just manipyadipped and cheated on yn or sumn. i’ll keep writing self indulgent fluff in my notes app tho until then. (and if you want to read something positive write something for yourself then too if youn wanna post it or be a writer but PLEASE reblog ppls stuff when you not at least) and not to mentionnnnnn all the fluff on here that is for black readers we barelyy find like you can type “x black reader fluff” and barely any will pop up honestly. which some ppl don’t want certain ppl interacting with their stuff and some ppl don’t gaf abt fluff at all so that writer gets no interactions (or half as much of what they would get on something with smut or etc) and it discourages them from writing it more and it’s also harder for ppl to find what they did write. so even if you don’t care for it at least reblog or sumn pleasee to support the writers. i really appreciate all the blk writers or their works that don’t get enough attention. that’s why i post fluff or just more positive fics for the blk girls who are tryna find them. i’ll def make a list of writers that i like as well. if you want sweet rainbow glitter blk reader fics you gotta do sumn in return too dont just read and do a lil scroll nawl you can make a lil side blog and reblog stuff. mfs have lives tho ian reblogging every sec in general tho i feel like blk writers don’t get enough attention and exposure sometimes but that’s… another thing .. anyway dont stop writing what you want but idk dont act funny or be rude when someone don’t want to consume the same shit as you alllllll the time. i just felt like saying this cause i legit can’t go on here no more and find something that’s not toxic. when i heard ppl saying this i thought they was just talking to talk but nawll. anyways i wanted to say that bye.
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i think im gonna start a series called "Kaiden-Shenandoah's random life tips" bc there's just some odd things i do that make my life easier/more enjoyable. that. like. i dont think make me special?? but most of my loved ones i babble to, when i mention them, will look surprised and be all "damn, that's clever. that's an issue i never thought about, but yeah, i can see how thatd help others/myself. ill have to remember that"
so. this post is all JUST IN CASE it helps someone, even just one person, then the effort will have been entirely worth it. bc sometimes living life is hard and sometimes you just need to hear someone say "oh, what about this possible solution?" to help you out by applying such to your routines or use that suggestion as foundational inspiration for something more customized to your own life or whatever else— just to make living life that little bit easier. and if me sepcifically needing a lot of "oddball" solutions and pre-cautions helps others??? that makes me feel awesome (and less alone), so hell yeah, ill do my best to remember as many tips as i have and be consistent about posting them within this thread. just in case and all that jazz ✌️
(and, even tho this likely DOES NOT need to be said out loud, ill say it anyway as my own proverbial "Bill of Rights" style just-have-it-written-down-in-case-the-worst-happens-in-the-future (but hope for the best) PSA: if these dont apply to you?? or if you think "wtf, people need help with this?? our generation/the next generation is doomed"??? maYHAPS THIS POST ISN'T FOR YOU. this is applicable only to people with lifestyles and/or brains that are similar to me and my loved ones. if you arent of that lifestyle or brain-typage, then thats that lol of course you cant relate. it's an "apples and oranges" thing, y'know. not better/worse or special/normal; just different. it's not something you need, and that's super okay. just don't be rude about the difference. if youd like to be kind and reblog anyway in case any followers or loved ones of yours could be helped by any of this?? that's so fantastic. some of this stuff has some really bad internalized shame about it, or else people have been conditioned to just "keep that to themself; don't talk about it", and either way some of these topics (not all, but still) have people who are hiding their struggle from others as best they can. you don't know what you don't know; and you don't know what people don't tell you. so it's very generous of you, as someone who cant relate to some/all of this stuff, to reblog just in case one of those silent strugglers follow you and/or are a part of your inner-circle. thank you so much for sympathizing with struggles you know your life as is doesn't share and thank you for being kind ♡)
i dont expect this to be helpful to EVERYBODY, and def feel free to just screenshot what is valuable to you and abandon this actual post (just pls dont crop my name out, esp if you end up re-posting your copy to your own blog or on different social-media elsewhere. bc credit is nice lol) bc i assume this will become a long/repetitive post as i update on/off. and most people dont like long posts lmao rip so you dont gotta reblog it if you hate long/repetitive posts or are worried about your followers disliking any long/repetitive post (besides: ill sometimes make one-offs not attached to this post, probably. esp since im forgetful and tumblr is broken/i lose things easily. but ill try to reblog this one for most of them, since thats easier organization for my brain 🫶 lmao)
(but yeah i only have three ideas i wanna do today, but ill come back to this whenever i remember another one ive done thats been helpful to me and/or that i created alongside a loved one that helped them lol)
also pls note that i am dyslexic and do not plan on editing any of this too seriously. so forgive me for mispellings, for forgetting an entire word, and so on. this is me being very casual, so ill inevitably miss some mistakes i make and whatnot
hugs and kisses xoxo best wishes see you later babe
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ABOUT ME!!! (strawpage for more info(?))
Names: Ace, Obsequious, Oliver/Oli (Oli being a nickname that I like for that name :3) + any nicknames idrc (as long as they're not weird)
Pronouns: he/they/it
Art blog: @ace-draws-stuff
Matching icons/pfps with @/projectcolorcast right now!!!! :D
.> Vocaloid
.> GHOST And Pals
.> Project Sekai
.> The Post Traumatic Manifesto (WeevilDoing)
.> Slime Rancher
blue = current main hyperfixation
red = current hyperfixation that will NOT leave my brain and I will reblog lots of probably XD
Project Sekai Player ID (feel free to friend req lol): 443164046783647750
I have a youtube channel btw :3
and a soundcloud acct :3
Art Requests: OPEN!!!! X3
Just put a request into my ask box and I'll get to it eventually. But rn I'm only accepting requests from mutuals/followers (sorry other ppl) and it has to be a character from a fandom I know OR an OC (bcuz yeah I don't trust myself to draw characters I don't know 99% of the time- sorry :/)
FEEL FREE TO DRAW MY OCS AND SONAS!!!!! ^^ Just credit/tag me in the art pls!!!! :]
Tags (or whatever they're called idfk): #COOL ART ALERT‼️‼️ <- Art reblogs, #my art <- self-explanatory but it's my art :3
If I go offline for more than, like, three days or smthng, just assume that I'm either hella busy, or my mom took away all my technology because she found out I'm on this site lol
DNI (do not interact) if ur any of the following:
• Nsfw/kink blogs
• TERF/RadFem/Gender Critical
• Racist
• Proship/Anti-Anti
• Any Exclusionist
• Ableist
• Anti-Neopronouns / Xenogenders
• Anti-Kin
Other stuff:
This blog is MAINLY Ghost and Pals and vocaloid stuff (maybe occasional pjsk stuff idk)! :)
My ask box IS open... Pls ask me stuff I'm lonely /hj--
I POST RANDOM SHIT IDFK (Also I talk in all caps 85% of the time >:3)
Oh yea I swear/cuss (idk which one is the right word) sometimes btw
If I start typing/talking differently (ex: more/less emoticons, more/less all caps, ect.) it either means I'm just feeling REALLY SILLY (probably a kinshift)!!!!!! or I'm just really eepy/just woke up lmao
I tend to make humor out of my own problems- sooo when I make the occasional vent post (I usually don't tho) and I put 'lmao' and stuff in there, I'm NOT making fun of anything, I'm just brushing off my own problems :3
I apologize. A lot. If I THINK I did something wrong I WILL apologize profusely-
If I say something like "Sorry I'm so stupid XD" or smthng like that, it's not in a pick-me way- Idk how else to explain it?? Idk I make fun of myself all the time tho lol
ANYWAY fun fact: My birthday is May 14th :3
yea I think that's all you need to know! :]
Side note: If we're mutuals, expect a LOT of interaction from me :3 /silly
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dizzybizz · 1 year
ok i need someone elses (especially- but not exclusively- other afab autistics, cis or trans) thoughts on this shit cause im losing my goddamn mind i just have so many feelings about gender and its fucking me up
ok so.
ive always sorta felt disconnected with my gender and i dont think me being autistic helps with it either. what with trying to pinpoint feelings and all that being hard. and it has i guess planted a lot of doubt surrounding my thoughts and feelings about my own gender in my mind. i question if everything im feeling is just bc im autistic. which is why im making this post!! i just need some outside perspectives and thoughts and i guess i want to know that im probably not alone in my struggles with this.
idk how i wanna structure this post but ill just write down the things that come to mind.
like before i hit puberty i was not into the idea of it at all. and before i had considered the fact that i might be trans, i thought it was just because i didnt like the thought of change. and i think thats normal, being hesitant about puberty.
BUT uhm. now im not religious. but i vividly remember praying to god that i would at least be as late a bloomer as possible. if not, never ever going through afab puberty. and i always felt more inclined towards amab puberty, and i thought it was a MUCH better deal than whatever afab puberty was going to do with me.
and i feel really silly writing this cause that does not sound like something a normal cis girl would do or think... and i feel quite confident in me being not cis. but i guess this is just a post to seek some validation in my suspicion and feelings. but i also want to know if it is an experience others share.
my gender thoughts as i call them have been particularly prevelant since 2019, thats when i think i first started contemplating whether i might just actually be trans. at that time i believe it was more towards the non binary, but nowadays its ftm
and i just idk. im kinda lost and lonely here, i havent talked about with any family members which are the people i spend most of my time with currently. i wanted to get the perspective of people who are also autistic and might relate to the gender feelings and yeah
and ok no sorry, jumping back, cause its always at its worst before and during shark week (like right now :)) and that has also thrown me off quite badly
cause what if its just pms, or just some kinda hormone imbalance or some shit like that. am i crazy cause sometimes i feel like im driving myself mad with this stuff. is it common to have really intense thoughts about gender anytime your period is about to kick in.
also growing up with a younger brother (who also has a whole ass army of guy friends) when you have these thoughts is fucked up ngl who allowed this. youre telling me he gets to just get that puberty for free. fucking hell wtf
sorry i lost it pls just idk tell me your thoughts wherever, replies, i think im turning off reblogs for this but, my inbox or dms anything ok thanks so much, means the world
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kennyisaloserr · 1 year
LAST UPDATED ;; 10 / 08 / 23 !
WAVES HI HELLO HII !!! im kenny ! you might have originally known me as slime (@vicchaos) ! ive decided im going to recreate my blog , brand and new . and this is my intro !! :3
;; ABOUT ME !!
my name is kenny !
i use he / they pronouns & im a transmasc omnisexual ( fem pref ! ) :3
my birthday is 04 / 01 ( april 1 ! ) and i am a MINOR ( age range 12 - 15 )
i love south park !! im also a previous dsmp fan ( previous since it sadly came to an end )
i also like total drama , stranger things , et cetera
i love singing , drawing , and im also a gachatuber !
my blog is SFW !! requests are open :3
fandoms i will currently write for include only SOUTH PARK and DREAM SMP ( only some characters , mainly being c rather than ccs ! )
i WONT write ; NSFW , fandoms i dont know
i wont post fics all the time , but ill try and post some occasionally :3
i WILL write ; south park fics , dsmp fics , angst / fluff / hurt+comfort , ships
pls dont request nsfw fic prompts ... i will just ignore !
i will write for any south park character ! adults , kids , etc .
regularly , i will not age them up or down , ages would range from 6 - 13 if i were to change their ages though
any characters that are not on this list , you can request ! i will only write c ! smp members
the only characters i will NOT write for dream smp wise are ...
- dream
- george
- sapnap
because of problematic issues .
- punz
- boomer
- antfrost
- connor
- ponk
- michaelmcchill
because ive never watched them and dont know how id write them
( list may be continued if recommended certain characters)
✩ i am a MINOR !!
✩ i use tone indicators
✩ i make kys jokes and have south park humour ( lmk if uncomfortable !! )
✩ might take a bit to respond to dms , etc cuz of my timezone + lack of social skills
✩ i might be dry sometimes but im sorry if i come off that way !! /gen
✩ i use a typing quirk ( have not adapted toward many of them , the only one i have is spaces before punctuation )
additionally ( i dont think this counts as a typing quirk but i add it just incase ) , i sign off of all my posts . originlly i used ' -slime ' , now i will use ' -kenny ' :3
✩ i misspell words sometimes
✩ i use silly emoticons !! ( ^_^ , :3 , :] , etc! )
✩ basic dni !! ( nsfw, homo / trans phobes , racist , etc )
✩ kyman / proship
✩ TW // self harm twt / sh tumblr + eating disorder twt / ed tumblr
✩ dteam supporters ( sorry old dteam moots )
✩ hellparkies
✩ if you dont use tone indicators
✩ 20 or over ( unless sfw ! )
all my posts will be tagged accordingly ,
#kennys-thoughts - random posts
#kennys-reblogs - posts i reblog
#kennys-askbox - asks
#kennys-fics - 5+ paragraph fics
#kennys-ficlets - 4- paragraph fics
#kennys-art - my drawings :3
( fics will be tagged fandom accordingly as well ! )
my twitter !
my youtube !
my discord !
more links might be added but this is all i can think of rn LOL
thats it !! if u follow me on my old acc ( again , @vicchaos ! ) pls refollow n btw I WILL FB EVERYONE :3 unless ur weird or follow my dnf / dni criteria i will block u
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freebooter4ever · 2 years
how did you get into art? or is it just something youve always done? youre so good and it makes me want to try drawing again (even tho i am not good (which im not mad at, we all have our strengths!))
Thank you!!! I dont think im any good either, i look at my old art and i cringe and then i wonder how much i will hate my current art one day. I think, finally, in my *thirties* im starting to accept that this feeling will never go away and i cant let it shame me out of drawing. (also pls dont let my feelings about it stop anyone from reblogging or liking my old art on here! I really enjoy that as painful as it is. Someone liked one of my steve aoki sketches from like 2018 the other day and i got sO EXCTIted like omg that drawing is terrible but also someone liked my steve aoki art! (a rarity)). If you look through my wip tag: freebooter4ever.tumblr.com/tagged/wip there should be lots of process stuff and then one post where i talk about the old art i have on here. Im determined to keep everything up no matter how much i hate it bc i know how much it means to me to see more experienced artists' old works. It made the leap from scribbles to 'oh that actually looks like what i was trying for' seem less impossible.
Anyway if you want to see the OLDEST art on here go into the archive and my very first post is a sketch of batman :P
My dad -bless his soul- has only ever kept one drawing of mine: a drawing contest entry from when i was like 4 yrs old. It was of Putt-Putt (from Putt Putt's Parade) and i won, lol. This was back when art was 'aw so cute' and not 'you're fucking ruining your engineering career'. My dad also kept putting me in art classes so he really only has himself to blame for how things turned out. for art internet stuff? I was really REALLY into neop*ets - I idolized artists like Quest, Sithel, IndigoKitten, all those old comics artists in The Aisha Pack. I was also obsessed with the Legend of Zelda drawing style - it was kind of a combo of d*sney and anime - big eyes and crazy flowing hair but with that 3D illusion of life. Aaaaand then there was Arc*hie Comics. I did more fanart of those characters than anything else back then. And lastly D*sney of course. I desperately wanted to be walt for years until i grew up enough to realize that one man didnt draw an entire 2hr full length feature. I was crushed by this revelation, naturally.
And I know most artists are like ‘yeah i was a horse girl when i was in middle school’. But that wasn't me. I was obsessed with fir trees instead. just constant drawings of fir trees. I was really proud when i leveled up and learned how to draw fir trees in SNOW, this was the highlight of my middle school drawing career. I dunno, i was a weird kid. Growing up in the pacific northwest it was either fir trees or salmon i guess.
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cal-writes · 1 year
⭐️star⭐️ for the writers ask game if you're still doing it? 🥺
Fanfic Writers: Director’s Cut
Reblog this if you want readers to come into your ask box and ask for the “director’s commentary” on a particular story, section of a story, or set of lines. 
did you have a particular story in mind though? you can specifiy if you'd like. other wise mhh sth ive been dying to talk about
well a lot of my wips im dying to talk about but they arent done so i'll stick to something ive already published!
Fun Fact for my RvB Fans
A Fragmentary Picture was written partially in 2014 while i was working in a hotel doing breakfast service. some days were so slow id just write fanfic on the notepad i had for taking orders with. i used to do that a lot actually. most of the fics written like that never got typed down. i always really liked the dynamic of wash and maine and the whole idea of how wash got from prison to going on a manhunt with the meta was intriguing. i usually have a problem of thinking in one shots - many of my story ballon into big arching adventures and end up abandoned in my wip folder. im happy i got this one polished and done though! there was some more stuff in that story that i didnt publish or really finish - yet. who knows maybe one day
Most people here are probably more interested in Detco stuff I imagine so
I was really worried posting Glue Trap I even considered posting it anonymous or making a second account that wasn't tied to my main. its fucked up content matter and fandom really hasnt been kind to that sort of thing in the past. but people surprised me and were really nice! it was a good feeling to know i can explore fucked up shit without getting cancelled haha (pls nobody get any ideas) but yeah
for the Future Detco AU actually another fun fact. originally the stories happened in a different order. the order of the series is the chronological order but when i initially drafted the timeline (yes i have a whole spreadsheet with the order of events post canon and its massive) i had Make a Home and One Trick Pony switched. dunno why i think mostly just because i always intended for shinichi and heiji to get their shit together muuuch later. they still arent even together adjhgdjk slow burn my guys. i have parts of them actually getting together written already but Lucky Charm needs to be done first. im usually working on several installments at once so i also have parts of their engagement storyline written but thats muuuuuch muuuuch later in the pipeline for me. i also got another one shot for future au basically done, i should polish that up. my beta reader has been very busy currently sadly so i dont want to swarm her with work
i have also plotted out the Black Org AU with some significant changes to what i already posted here. got a few scenes written. i do hope to have that out eventually but its not a priority right now. sadly the reaction to that one and some people's entitled comments made me less enthusiastic about it so i pushed it back but depending how i feel the whim of writing that is a future possibility.
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I posted 42 times in 2022
That's 4 more posts than 2021!
5 posts created (12%)
37 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 42 of my posts in 2022
#not writing - 32 posts
#not mine - 10 posts
#art tag - 6 posts
#lol - 4 posts
#resident evil - 4 posts
#@hermione-grander - 2 posts
#my love! - 2 posts
#i dont think im capable of normal anymore - 1 post
#me w/ my villians - 1 post
#next tumblr april fools pls and thank u - 1 post
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#like i adore all of the adaptatiosn but am also sad that were loosing the og myths
My Top Posts in 2022:
hey... r u alive??
Am,,, I...?
(Lol, jk- yes I am. And I'm working on stuff I promise.)
((On A Totally Unrelated Note: Do NOT stop masking and get covid again because it can literally steal months of your life.))
0 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
not for nothing but i absolutely do see the trend of newcomer tumblr users only liking posts and not reblogging them
0 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
actually have a wip!!!
6 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
update. ask box still closed.
i survived the fall semester only to get covid.... ugh. omnicron is no joke.
stay safe out there y’all!
-Mothmom 💚
7 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Nurse!Reader x Carlos Oliveira & Nikolai Zinoviev Headcanons
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A/N: (Everyone’s a touch OOC as I doubt either one would willingly drag a civilian along, albeit for different reasons: Carlos because once you’ve been escorted to safety, you’re no longer his immediate concern; Nikolai because he was never all that interested in saving civilians, to begin with, but let’s say you’re just so darn cute/special that you alter canon circumstances, okay? Okay. Also, all of them survive RE3 in this, so yeah.)
☣     ☢     ☣     ☢
When shit starts hitting the fan, you don't panic immediately. After all, you work in a hospital, what better place to be during a pandemic, right? 
Wrong! Oh so wrong. 
You see the effects of the T-virus up close and personal, and it’s not pretty. Prior to this point, you thought such viruses only existed in science fiction or cheesy B-grade horror movies. But here it was in your workplace, quickly overcoming all quarantined forces, hospital staff, and security. 
So you flee. You leave through a back exit and get the hell out of dodge, or at least, the center of dodge. You soon find, however, that it’s not just the hospital that’s overrun, but the city as well.
Maybe that’s how you meet them…
He swoops in and saves you from a hoard of zombies, looking like an A-list action star as he does it. (It’s the hair- it’s incredible.)
He tells you his platoon is rounding up survivors in the subway, that it’s a temporary shelter until they can get the trains up and running again. That he and his teammates were sent in to get everyone safely out of the city. You’re not sure if you believe this plan, but you follow him eagerly as he leads you to the subway. 
On the way, you tell him who you are. When he finds out you’re medical personnel, he’s both impressed and relieved. He tells you his captain has been injured, and they haven’t come across a doctor or nurse that hasn't already been infected. You of course offer to help in any way your can. (Because you’re awesome like that.)
You’re not surprised when he tells you he’s working with Umbrella because you also work with Umbrella as a hospital employee. But to you, they’re a pharmaceutical company, why would they need military personnel? It doesn't sit right with you, but Carlos is an absolute sweetheart. (I mean the man is cracking jokes in the middle of the apocalypse.) So you trust the guy.
Carlos does his best to assure you you’re not a burden or some sort of unwanted weight when you first arrive at the subway car. Mainly, because he can tell by the way you keep offering to help get the trains running, even though you’d be no match for the horde, but also because of Nikolai’s snide comments about Carlos bringing in “yet another one” when the cars still weren’t working. “Hey, don’t worry about it,” he says. “It’s our job to protect you.”
Carlos takes you to his Captain- Captain Mikhail Victor in charge of Umbrella's Delta Platoon. You try and treat the Captain’s injury the best you can, using what little supplies from the first-aid kit that’s available. You apply a generous amount of first aid spray and wrap a makeshift bandage around the cut. You would have attempted sutures if the kit had any but unfortunately for the Captain, it didn’t. The wound isn’t deep but it’s in a compromising place. You know this man won’t make it out of here on foot. 
Overall, you feel you’ve done an inadequate job because you know the Captain is still incredibly vulnerable, but both Carlos and Mikhail assure you, you’ve been more than helpful. 
But you want to help more! When Carlos admits he and Tyrell won’t be catching the train and will instead stay behind to look for Bard, you offer to come with them, to help them navigate the hospital. 
Of course, everyone thinks it’s a horrible idea. One: because Bard is supposedly at the police station, not the hospital, and Two: because you have no weapons training whatsoever. You’re a walking liability. Nikolai teases Carlos about “taking on the burdens of strays”. You flip him off behind his back. 
After a ton of back and forth, you insist you go with Carlos and Tyrell, refusing to get on the train. At one point you take a seat on the ground of the platform and cross your arms stubbornly. (You’re not going and they can’t make you!)
Carlos is the first to accept the situation and roll with the punches. “Alright. But I have one rule.” He says. “No dying on me.” 
You stand, smile, and shake his hand. “Deal.”
The three of you make it to the police station, where you hang back with Tyrell in the main lobby as Carlos looks around for Bard. Once it’s revealed that Bard is still at the hospital, you offer to escort Carlos there. After giving him your best “I told you so” smirk that is.
On the way you find Jill, clearly having been infected by something, even though you’re not certain what. But none of that matters as you and Carlos bring her to the practically abandoned hospital. 
Once Jill is settled, you give Carlos some directions and a rudimentary drawing of where to locate the asshole Bard’s office. “You’ll need a voice key,” you tell him. “You’d have to look around these rooms for one of his cassettes.” 
He thanks you before asking you to look after Jill for the time being. You promise to radio him if her condition worsens. 
When Carlos comes back with the vaccine, you could practically kiss the man. You don’t, of course, it wouldn't be appropriate. (But the thought does cross your mind very briefly.) Carlos lets you administer the vaccine to Jill, you being the trained nurse and all. With all that's happened, being able to do some actual healing feels like nothing short of a miracle. 
You begin to take notes on Jill’s condition, commenting that although it doesn’t seem to be a speedy cure, her fever’s going down and her skin doesn’t look as clammy. 
The miraculous feeling doesn't last long, however, as Tyrell comes bursting through the room, clearly out of breath and pretty banged-up. He turns on the TV and to your horror, you find you have only hours to make it out of Racoon City unless you want to be vaporized. (Which, no, thank you! You certainly don’t!)  
After catching up, Tyrell being high-key surprised you’re still alive, (which honestly, you’re like ‘same’ lol) you decide to go with Carlos underground, to locate the stockpiled vaccine as a last-ditch effort to save the city. You hope whatever they made, that there’s tons of it. 
Before going underground though, Carlos gives you a gun from one of the killed security guards. It only has a few bullets but he feels safer knowing you’re not just going to walk completely weaponless into whatever danger Umbrella has waiting for you. 
See the full post
187 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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robinisademon · 2 years
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I posted 3,553 times in 2022
That's 2,022 more posts than 2021!
11 posts created (0%)
3,542 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,060 of my posts in 2022
Only 42% of my posts had no tags
#mcr - 858 posts
#g - 705 posts
#art - 469 posts
#ofmd - 256 posts
#sandman - 87 posts
#q - 63 posts
#esc22 - 37 posts
#green dress tm art ref time - 35 posts
#jellycat - 34 posts
#les mis - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#but however i have been seeing the trend in university lately that when youre ill the teachers sometimes still exoect you to follow class-
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Blackbeard in art nouveau style, sad edition.
Background inspired by Mucha's "Fox-Land Jamaica Rum" (1897)
Flowers are wild rose, sweet pea, and butterfly weed. All badly drawn at 3 AM.
plus heres a horrendously coloured one! it's muddy and includes really shit bucket fill! enjoy!
See the full post
73 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
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quick lil draw,, im hfhsfjsfhjakfajkd so not sorry
(based on "Fruit" by Mucha, 1897)
85 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
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okay okay this is still a Sketch so dont scream at me i know the face is like a smiley and the arms are different lengths but shhhhhh. the vision is coming together
EDIT this now has a finished version
138 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
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Just gonna drop this here...
it's a silly little powerpoint with some outfit images on the slides, sorted by date. not complete, dont come for my throat. working on it though!
Edit 23/09: Completed all shows up to today. Would love feedback on any potential mistakes.
Edit 24/09: it's temporarily down bc onedrive is a bitch. hopefully will be fixed soon! more info on this in the comments of this post.
Edit 25/09: Microsoft. is a fucking. twat. Theyve blocked my account, probably because my powerpoint is seen as spam. Apparently on of their spam policies is "Don’t send content to people you don’t know or to many people at the same time" which is dumb because why do we have a fucking share function then? YeAh pLs sHaRe iT bUT LikE dOnt sHare it ToO mUCh. Bastards. cant have anything fun.
Anyway. I cant get my account back (well, i could but i dont want to give them my phone number), which means its time for the next plan:
Ill replace the link to the powerpoint with a link to a google drive, and I'll upload new versions of the powerpoint on there. Sadly all previous reblogs will keep the wrong link so i really hope they will see this message. Ill also put it in the comment section to make that a little more likely. I might also make a brand new post, additionally to this one.
Sorry for all the inconveniences and i hope we can share a little joy in a new way. fingers crossed.
317 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Alright. I'm just gonna quit painting and post this before I go insane. You can scream at me now.
Background design and colours heavily based on "La Dame aux camélias", Mucha (1896).
Flowers in the background are lily (yellow), honeysuckle (really badly drawn), and thyme (didnt even bother to draw the shape right).
Pose based on "Médéé", Mucha (1898), especially the arms hands and knife situation.
Character is from Our Flag Means Death (2022). Obviously.
1,172 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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narryffdreaming · 28 days
Hey Dani! I saw your post about how invasive fans can be and I can't stop thinking about it since I read it. It's something I think about every time I post something in here because many times I use content that it's not from shows or harry's IG (you know photos we get from fans that met him or pap pics or things other people say about him etc.) Every single time I post, there is a thought that pops up immediately in my mind: "Is this disrespectful?" and when I decide to post it after all it's because I'm telling myself that I don't post about him because I see him as a content but because I want to express the admiration I have for him and also because it's a way to distract myself from things that makes me anxious (I mean it makes happy talking about him). Although I know that I'm trying always to be respectful (and I think I have achieved it, at least at most parts), the thing you said it's always a thought that comes to my mind when I do something that involves him. And that's why I feel so at ease when he is not working and we don't get any photo or whatever. Because sometimes we crave to see him and get glimpse of his life but that's selfish. He doesn't own us anything.
hellooooo <3 i completely get being here and posting things because we want to distract ourselves from reality (things that make us anxious, sad, etc), and i dont want to come across as someone who's above any of that. after all, here i am, writing fanfic and posting about how much i love harrys arms lol (btw, i also have internal dilemmas when it comes to my stories, i just wont get into that rn bc I'll end up losing track of my thoughts and never stop talking hehe).
SO YEAH, that all being said, im gonna answer your ask in the only way i can right now, which is reading """between the lines""" of what you wrote—but pls keep in mind that my brain is exhausted so take this in a gentle way <3 first, from my perspective, i think that if you have to CONVINCE yourself that what you're doing (whatever that is) isn't disrespectful to others because it brings YOU joy, then that's already enough to show that deep down you already know something is off and maybe, just maybeeeeee (bc im speaking in general not just about this situation), that it isnt the case. and second, are you really showing admiration for him if you're posting pictures he didn't consent? if you're posting pictures that are invading his privacy or that were taken when he wasn't aware of someone even watching him? arent there better ways to show admiration than to share/spread pictures of him trying to live his "normal" life? i get wanting to distract yourself from reality, i do!! i just think there are a million things there could be posted instead of these pictures/videos that are taken in a context where he isn't being treated like a human being. let's go back to old shows. let's go back to his instagram posts. lets go back to his interviews. his music videos. his movies. his outfits.... idk!! is it repetitive? well... yeah. but it is what it is. it is what we have until he's willing and ready to share more 🤷‍♀️
at the end of the day, engaging or not with that kind of content is a choice. and yes, whether we like to admit it or not, pictures and videos of him are content. content to feed your blog. content so people interact with your posts. so people engage, follow, etc, etc.. and it is my choice not to post or reblog that kind of content, and sometimes i have to ignore the urge to make an exception bc he looks so cute or so hot or whatever in one specific picture. i have to actively choose not to engage, and i do it bc i believe he deserves better than that. and bc i believe that my own entertainment or distraction arent above his personal space or boundaries or whatever. do i wish he would post 24/7 and let me in in his life? YES. do i wish i could know everything he does and stare at his beautiful face everyday? YES. is that healthy? probably not!! lmao. should i fulfill my wishes no matter what? HELL NO.
so yeah, i dont own the truth and i dont want to make anyone feel bad or anything, but i feel like we're the ones encouraging this behavior around him—we aka his own fans. so i do think it's also up to us to point out when it's too much or when we are crossing lines. not with hate or canceling people or embarrassing anyone... just bringing up the conversation and encouraging people to think about it, so maybe they'll eventually see things in a different way.
OKAY I'LL STOP NOW but thank you for sending this 💕 i tried my best to choose the correct words but im so tired that maybe i didnt and just know that i meant all this in the nicest possible way! <333
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