#also yeah I doodle on ms paint sue me
onesidedradiostatic · 6 months
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something about these 2 next to each other is so funny to me
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doktorcrimson · 8 years
(Sort of a) Acorn Press Acrylic Charm Review
Yoooo~~~~ my acrylic charms came today during a snowstorm and I totally did not expect it XDDD I thought the storm was going to delay it for sure. Kudos to USPS delivery guy (stay warm and stay safe man). It really made my day ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
Here are the references for my Yuri on Ice and Overwatch characters charm set. I will be selling these at future cons and events. So check out my con schedule if you’re interested in purchasing them! I will probably sell them online for leftovers. I don’t have a store yet (as of 2/9/17) so check back on my tumblr or other social media (or you can message me) for updates!
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Also, I find it super funny that overwatch and YOI characters came during a BLIZZARD, COLD and ICY day (no pun intended lol) 
They look super nice thanks to @acornpress ! I would highly recommend them if you are interested in selling acrylic charms for cons/online in the future. This is my first time ordering acrylic charms so take my words with a few grains of salt. Also I’ll be rambling all over the place and spamming run-ons so be aware :P
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So if you were following me on tumblr or other social media you’ve probably noticed I wanted to make acrylic charms for my next upcoming events. After doing some research online and comparing different companies that offer acrylic charm services, I decided to go with Acorn Press. The few major reasons include:
They’re on the cheaper end of acrylic charms and based in the US so no international shipping for me (less risky). I believe Vograce (company based in China) may have cheaper options, but if you don’t speak Mandarin communication may be an issue since their service people’s English isn’t that good (according to other reviews I’ve seen).
They allow you to have more designs with a smaller quantity (and flexibility!). This is especially good if you’re new and just want to test the waters out. Other companies like Zap Creatives and Chilly Pig require you to order a lot more charms. For example, Chilly Pig requires at least 50 charms per order for up to 3 designs and for Zap you have to order at least 25 charms for up to 2 designs. You only need to order 10 for one design from Acorn Press! And if you order say 20, you can order 5 and 15 for each design respectively! Super useful when you know one charm will sell better than the other while other companies divide them evenly.
Good communication! They respond pretty fast with email. I asked them about setting up files and I got a response the next day. I think they may be backed up if there are a lot of upcoming cons/orders but they do get back to all the emails!
Lots of specialty material options. I didn’t order any of them this time but if you check out their website they’re super pretty and would look really nice with certain designs (according to pictures posted by other artists).
The only con about Acorn Press I have to say is that they should probably do a video or a step by step tutorial for setting up files (there wasn’t really one when I ordered them). The thing I would be aware of for clear acrylic charms is that you should flip your artwork horizontally before setting up the files. It says on their website that your front image (image underneath the acrylic) will be a mirrored image on the final product. This is because all the printing is done on one side of the acrylic. That confused me a little but email them if you have any questions and they will respond. However, I think it’s still more beneficial to have one tutorial instead of answering every single file setup question via email. 
So now I’m going to tell everyone a story (Skip to the end of this post if you’d like). I’ve been talking with @phoodledoodles about my acrylic charms a lot the past 2 weeks. I was very excited about them and she was very excited about my Yurio charm (cuz she’s trash for Yurio <_<). I had a dream (or a nightmare) the week before my charms came. In my dream, my charms didn’t come until the morning of my next con. So I was super worried until one of my friends delivered them to me at my table. I became relieved and phoodledoodles really wanted to see them so I said yeah sure, check them out!
Somehow, all of my acrylic charms turned out to be shrink charms, and the images weren’t even drawn by me (it looked like some doodle with MS paint). I described them as “faces cursed by an ancient spell.” (#゚Д゚) The printing was off everywhere and clearly, nobody would want them. My friend phoodledoodles in my dream accused me of being a horrible human being and told me I should be banned from all future cons. I was pretty sure I was gonna sue Acorn Press afterward... ヽ(`Д´#)ノ
That wasn’t the worst thing that happened. I then realized I forgot all my prints at home so I drove all the way from the con back to my house to get them. There was also this real time artist rating app on my phone for cons and my rating dropped to 1 star or something. I immediately received a call from the con saying that they were canceling my table. I woke up with tons of sweat in bed (;o;)
Thank god that didn’t actually happen.
So today there’s a blizzard in the New England area. I didn’t expect my charms to arrive on time at all. (They did send me a tracking number so I knew it was supposed to come today)
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(Yo who the hell wants to deliver stuff in this type of weather)
Until I actually received this tiny box this morning.
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I was sooooo excited because I knew those were my charms! Yoooooo my charms actually came!!!! I was pumped until I opened the box and saw this.
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WTH man??! I didn’t order blue charms??? I stared at them for 10 seconds and was thinking: They actually F-ed up my charms my nightmare came true they actually F-ed up my charms my nightmare came true they actually F-ed up my charms my nightmare came true they actually F-ed up my charms my nightmare came true....
After spending a few minutes calming down. I looked in the rest of the box and saw this.
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So don’t be shocked if you see that your charms are all blue. It’s just the protective adhesive (Although I would like to point out that the adhesive is kinda hard to peel off but whatever ╮(╯_╰)╭). The charms are actually good so don’t sue them lol (Also whoever wrote the labels your handwriting is really neat :D)
Acorn Press also sent me extra charms and candy, too! (I ate the candies already so unfortunately no pictures lol) I liked the kiwifruit gummy one. Yum~ I’m probably gonna spend the rest of the day assembling them. It’s cold outside but the charms really warmed me up a bit~
I hope this gives people a better idea of what their charms are like. If you are considering adding acrylic charms to your inventory, Acorn Press is definitely a great choice for beginners! Try their specialty materials, too if you think it fits your design. I’ll definitely be ordering from them again if I decide to add more designs or restock my charms~
This concludes my half-ass review and I hope you guys have a nice day~
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