#also yeah I definitely like this book a little too much
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victusinveritas · 2 days ago
comment that I'm replying to from @twinitiate:
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-I lost my original comment because I clicked the wrong button, but... To my knowledge, the CIA never really made that much of an effort to hide their involvement (setting up little nationalist 'democratic' revolutions was just kind of what they did, for funzies and practice before the Big Nationalist Capitalist Democratic Uprising that knocked over Russia and...that didn't really go off like that but the Company could dream as it killed lots of innocent people in the process--the Soviets did the same thing where possible, it's what empires, regardless of their political bents, do to other empires).
Want to read a depressing book about this? Yes, you do (blog review here). Check out The Cold War's Killing Fields by Paul Chamberlin (review from The Nation here) or another book by Luthi (Cold Wars) To my knowledge, there isn't evidence (yet) linking Nagy to the CIA, he just got caught holding the bag. The Dulles Bros were definitely whispering in the ears of everyone involved that, "sure, now that the Secret Speech happened and Rákosi is being a total dictator [accurate, the guy was fucker, though not nearly as bad as his predecessor], like Stalin-level man, Comrade Khrushchev will totally be cool, like so cool man, with you forming a National Communist government that is more Hungarian than it is Soviet and maybe getting out of the Warsaw Pact and just being neutral in everything and then we'll totally help you out, man." Because that's what Voice of America was there for, just...not too subtly pushing people to throw of the yoke of their oppressor if that oppressor ultimately happened to be Moscow (if it wasn't Moscow, was it really a yoke? Wasn't it just a country trying to best by all of its citizens through the democratic process).
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Nagy and co proceed to have a revolution, which...goes well until the tanks show up, and then it goes bad. The CIA meanwhile kind of looks on and goes "Well yeah see the problem there was you didn't have any tanks of your own. No we're not going to provide them to you! That would start a war, with the USSR, we're not...doing that, openly, because that's bad. We're just...pushing you to do it. Ya know, for your own good. And when we said help you out, we meant help you out out, like out of the country, if you wanted to leave when the T-54s went from being hypothetical to very, very, very concrete. But like you have to get to the border first, we're...not actually going in anywhere dangerous, we just...don't do that. It's not that we can't, it's that we don't want to. Also, good to know you've got goddamn Slendermnagy Pál, he'll definitely scare the Russians, notoriously skittish around tall guys as some of them are." The CIA says all of this while smoking cigarettes that may or may not be just covered in LSD which you wouldn't think you could smoke but it was a different time.
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The Hungarian Revolution, along with maybe the suppression of the Poznan Protests, some strike-breaking in the DDR with tanks (coal miners if I recall correctly), Prague 1968) gave the Soviets and their supporters the name "Tankies" (not incorrectly, turns out sending in tanks to crush protestors is kind of a douche move--then again, so is bombing Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia to glass and then encouraging genocides and disappearances (looks at history books) shit, everywhere). Stupid and vaguely related little family story: My father was born in 1943, and told me once about his experience listening to the radio in Catholic school (he would have been 13) taught by a Hungarian priest who was absolutely weeping over both the Hungarian Revolution being crushed and the US doing nothing to stop it. The same priest ran them through a "Was it good to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki?" scenario that pissed off some parents (because he was like, no probably not anyway and definitely not Nagasaki) who had served in WWII and saw the bombings as saving their lives (at the expense of people who 'had it coming anyway because of Pearl Harbor'). Anyhow, whenever my father talked about the Cold War he'd always both preface and end things with "Nobody won, everybody lost, to think there was a good guy (and that it might have been either America or the Soviet Union) was woefully naive."
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Cartoon by Bill Mauldin.
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Tankies forever vindicated as the declassified information about JFK shows that the Hungarian Revolution was indeed a CIA-sponsored color revolution
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bluebirdsfeathers · 16 hours ago
Her Office
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Relationship: Ceo!Wanda X Butch!Loser!Reader
Summary: Wanda tried to get to know you a bit better before you start working together but an innocent question bring out painful memories.
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: age gap relationship (R is early 20s, W is like 40), Past verbal and physical abuse, Slight hinted at homophobia, Mommy issues bc i have them too, power imbalance?
A/N: sorry this took so long. uni is really kicking my butt right now and just when i thought i'd have time to write my research supervisor gives me a 400+ page book to read.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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“I can’t believe you’re abandoning me… and for my sister!” Pietro joked as he helped you clear out your desk. You’d made yourself at home over the past few months working for him. You were sad to be leaving but excited to be working for Wanda, also incredibly nervous, like throw up into the recycling bin near the printer nervous. Not that that had happened of course.
“But seriously, we are going to miss you down here. Don’t go forgetting about us.” He patted you on the back handing you the last of your stuff.
“How could I forget you? I’ll be down here like every other day wont I? Wanda visits all the time.” you reply with slight confusion. Wanda was always coming down to check on things, like she must do with all the departments. You assumed most of your job would be to accompany her many visits around the building. Staying close and taking notes on what she says like you’d seen Theo do.
“Yeah, she definitely was just coming down here for routine check-ins.” Pietro mumbled with the faintest air of smugness of someone who knows something you don’t has. Before you could register what he said, the doors on the far side of the room swung open and in came Wanda.
 Her stride exuded confidence as she made her way over to you and your now empty desk. Her hair was slightly messy, shirt untucked, and instead of her usual high heels she wore flats.
“Got everything?” She sounded short of breath, like she had just been running. “The elevator to my office is being inspected so we’ll have to take the stairs.” Without another word, Wanda started walking back towards the door pausing to look behind her when she sensed you hadn’t moved. “Come on those 15 floors won’t climb themselves.” Suddenly her slightly dishevelled appearance made sense. You took a deep breath and gave one last look at Pietro, who seemed to be going to great lengths to not laugh at his sister, before following Wanda.
The stair well was in stark contrast to the rest of the building. Tall grey brick walls and bright white lighting. It seemed to also double as extra storage space judging by the stacks of boxes and pallets back here. You only seen them briefly while getting your monthly fire safety talks from a very unenthusiastic Dr. Banner, who once again felt the need to remind the group he had much more important things to be doing than this. As much as you found the man funny, he’s short temper made him a little scary at times.
People yelling had always been something you weren’t fond of. Your mom had always been so angry with you for not behaving like she wanted. The constant being told to sit, speak, and act ‘like a lady’ throughout your childhood had led to so many arguments. Femininity was just something you never had an interest in and the pressure to fit in from your family only made you reject it harder.
This never made the yelling easier, instead it had only made you desperate to avoid that sort of conflict. Wanda yelling the other day had scared you in a way you hadn’t felt since you were a child, and you were now desperate to make sure you were never on the receiving of her rage.
“Y/n, careful.” You had been so lost in thought you’d missed a step and stumbled forward. Wanda who had been talking non-stop about how inconvenient the elevator maintenance was stopped to help you pick up some pens that had fallen from the box you were carrying. “Do you need some help with that? It looks heavy.”
You saw this a challenge.
“No I’m fine, I’m very strong.” Wanda gave you a smile as she placed the pens back into the box touching your hand as she pulled away before turning around to continue climbing the stairs. Your face immediately flushed red.
“Only 4 more flights to go.” Her voice echoed off the bare walls was she turned another corner. You let out a sigh, the box was actually really heavy.
Once in her office you placed the box on an empty desk in the corner of the room. It was pushed up to the window and gave you an amazing view of New York. It was only then you realised how high up you were.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Wanda came up behind you making you jump slightly, all this achieved was making the red head chuckle slightly. “You’re so jumpy you know that?”
“I’ve been told.” You gave a small smile. Being alone with Wanda was terrifying and exciting all at once. The reality of the situation hadn’t really sunk in till just now. It was going to be the two of you, alone, very often from here out.
“Can I ask you something?” You nervously asked fiddling with the hem of your shirt not daring to look Wanda in the eyes. Her beautiful green eyes.
“Of course you can, darling.” Her final word rattled about in your brain momentarily making you forget what you even wanted in the first place.
“What you said, before,” Finally a coherent thought, “about wanting me, from the start. Was that true?”
“Yes, why would I lie.” Wanda raised an eyebrow giving you a no-nonsense look that you couldn’t if it was fully serious or not.
“No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that! I just, why didn’t you? You know, pick me the first time?” It was definitely a word salad that came out your mouth, thank God you were better at writing than speaking. “I’m sorry I don’t mean to pry…” you added after Wanda took a second to respond.
“No, no, don’t apologies…” She took a deep breath as if debating what to say. “That first day, I thought you had potential,” she began, clearly choosing her words carefully, “I just wanted to, see if you had what it takes to you know, be mine.”
“Be… yours.” The words caught in your throat as swallowed hard, struggling to speak.
“Be my intern, my assistant.” Wanda rushed to clarify but something inside you felt like her previous words were more honest. Not that you would dare push her on it. “And being my intern comes with a lot of responsibility, so I hope you are ready.”
“Yes ma’am.” You say saluting the older woman, who found the action quite amusing. “What do you need me to do first?”
Turns out Wanda didn’t want you to do anything just yet. Instead the two of you sat across from each other in the strange living room area of her office. Wanda lent back into a large leather armchair while you sat on the edge of the couch, almost velvety, black sofa.
She offered you a tea or coffee but instead you opted for the remnants of the energy drink you had tried to chug on the train this morning. Your choice in beverage clearly wasn’t approved by Wanda but she did little to stop you besides remind you of their negative health effects.
She asked you questions about yourself, clearly wanting to get to know you better but you held back from answering her questions too honestly, scared of being fired or disappointing her which was somehow worse in your head. They were all basic questions, and you asked some back at her.
She wanted to know about your favourite meal, how to you travel to work, where are you staying, and when you were going to get some proper work shoes. Your real answer being when they made comfortable ones but instead you opted to say when you get your next paycheck.
Then she asked something that caught you completely off guard. “How is your relationship with your family?”
“My family?” You repeat to make sure you were hearing things right.
“Yes, your family, you are one of the only interns not from a known family in the city, you mentioned you aren’t from New York originally, they must be proud of you?” Wanda spoke with a warm smile.
You hadn’t noticed but during the conversation you had leant back into the couch. It was like she had given you permission to relax for a change. You didn’t understand why but talking with Wanda made you feel comfortable, almost too comfortable at times making you need to remind yourself she was your boss.
“They umm,” your mind went to the argument you’d had with your father when you told him you were going to university miles away, almost across the entire country, “can we talk about something else.” Your voice shook slightly at the memory.
How angry he’d been, how angry he always was. The same with your mother, always so resentful, never protecting you from him. You spent your first semester coach surfing with a black eye till you had enough money to afford to rent a shitty little apartment.
“Sweetie, it’s okay.” Wanda had seemingly caught on that something was wrong and moved to sit next to you on the couch. She placed her arm around you and pulled you into a side hug that made your whole body tense. “For what it’s worth, I’ve seen your grades and watched how hard you work. I’m proud of you y/n.” Her voice had the same warmth as earlier, it was sickeningly genuine to you.
All you wanted to do was melt into her arms, but you couldn’t this was your boss. She was just being nice, there was no way she would let you get that close to her under regular circumstances. You told yourself you wouldn’t let yourself get attached. You’d seen how ruthless she could be, and it terrified you to think of being on the receiving end. Catching feelings would just make your eventual fuck up ever worse.
Besides there was no way in hell CEO Wanda Maximoff, multimillionaire Wanda Maximoff, Old enough to be your mother Wanda Maximoff would ever have feelings for you in return.
“I need to go to the bathroom.” You stood up as quickly as Wanda grip on you allowed. “Sorry.” You hurried to the small bathroom in the corner of the room, locking the door behind you before allowing yourself a moment to cry.
Cruel words from you parents fought the gentle reassurance Wanda had given you. You took a moment to collect yourself. Taking several deep breaths and trying to get rid of the redness in your eyes with a little cold water from the tab.
The bathroom, like everything in Wanda’s office screamed sophistication. The mostly white tiles with the smallest hint of red complemented the plush red hand towels, and several well looked after plants littered a shelf above the toilet. Most surprisingly was the shower and clawfoot tub in the room. Did she actually use them? Or where they just there because they could be?
Finally you were ready to leave the bathroom, stepping out you saw Wanda quickly look away from your direction. Had she been watching the door the whole time?
“Y/n, feeling better?” you gave a weak nod. “Good, right back to business then, first order is sorting out… this.” She pointed towards you clothing. Since Pietro had never required you to dress professionally, you had never updated your wardrobe. You wore the same baggy, teen boy esc clothing you always did.
“Yeah, I thought that would be a problem, sorry about the way I dress. I just…”
“No I like the way you dress.” Wanda cut you off. “I mean, you dress fine, it’s just not… appropriate if you are going to be accompanying me to important meetings and such.” You couldn’t tell if you were imagining it, but you could have sworn you saw a small blush creep onto the older woman’s face.
“Right, there should be a measuring tape in the third draw of the left cabinet in my office. I have some work to get on with you can’t help with.” Wanda began quickly pressing the button of the, hopefully, now working lift.
“I want you to measure yourself and note it down. I’ll sort you out some more work appropriate clothing.” Before you could ask any other follow up questions the doors to the lift opened and she rushed inside, disappearing almost immediately.
Walking into Wanda’s office you looked out at the city, everything seemed so quiet, so still from all the way up here. Grabbing the measuring tape you sat down at your desk, getting your phone out to look up exactly what measurement you need to give her. You’d never had to think about measurements when buying clothes before. Your face flushed a bit think about the idea of Wanda choosing you some clothes. Hopefully she wouldn’t put you in a pencil skirt, or God forbid heels.
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Tag list: @wandaslittlehorns @starfire1008 @mirage018 @viosblog112 @nebthetautora @ciaoooooo111 @cowboy-hunter @htinha157 @the-falling-avenger @reginassecretlover @canyonyodeler @mrsromanovaa @loneliestafterparty @imawandasimp @caramelcat123 @marvelwomen-simp @reginassweetheart @unadulteratedballoonduck @kei034 @coollemonsaresour 
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redbean-nom · 1 year ago
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redesign of the Vespa Kids from book of boba fett
thoughts & closeups under cut
so i tried to keep their general appearances/colors intact while adding some actual personality (because i think the main problem with the original designs is that they feel like extras, not side characters).
Red: Zabrak orphan who grew up on Tatooine. 18 years old, was a member of the local insurgent group around the end of the empire era. Has a combo blaster/interrogation droid arm. Speeder is a repurposed version of Maul's speeder from phantom menace.
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Blue: Human raised in the non-Tatooine parts of the Outer Rim. 23 years old, known assassin who worked for Jabba. Uses a scavenged magnaguard-type electrostaff. Has basically a version of the mandalorian helmet visors built into his face. Speeder is an abandoned scout trooper speeder.
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Yellow: Tusken orphan from the clans around the podrace area. 19 years old, became a bounty hunter after his tribe (and bantha) were killed by the Pikes to expand spice routes. Has a Vader-style chest panel and rocket feet. Speeder is a custom pod attached to one of Sebulba's engines, with attached rancor teeth and horns from his late bantha.
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Green: Human who grew up on Coruscant, but family fled the Empire to Tatooine around A New Hope. 21 years old, originally worked as a local enforcer for various Hutts. Has super battle droid arm & leg attachments. Speeder is stolen from local nikto gang.
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original designs for reference:
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#star wars#bobf#tbobf#book of boba fett#redbean art#vespa kids#i tried to keep at least one original design element completely intact for each of them#so Red has the same hair and similar vest#Blue has the grey slacks and similar shirt#Yellow changed a bit more because i couldnt find a full reference for yellow or green but he still has the grey jacket with orange shoulder#and Green kept the green ombre hair#the podracer speeder is mostly because i wish they had more salvaged podracer part stuff#like. those things crash a LOT. obviously local people are going to pick up whatever still works#Yellow definitely has the most distinct speeder silhouette#and Greens cybernetics turned out well#the original design for her looked a little too star trekky so i just gave her a flightsuit#but yeah part of the problem is that they originally looked too clean#not just shiny but also no scratches or dents or scorch marks#so for this i was going for something like the esb boba armor#and design wise something like krayts claw but dustier#so funny how pretty much everyone from tatooine tries to leave as soon as possible because its dry and sandy and full of criminals)#but then boba (career criminal who grew up on kamino) goes to tatooine once and is like I LIVE HERE NOW#also they originally didnt really have clear motives?#so for my redesigns Red is kind of ezra-like and sees bobas crime gang as sort of family (the rancor is their dog)#Blue is there because boba (and fennec) are famous and hes hoping to get recognized as an established assassin#Yellow respects boba's tusken family and wants revenge on the pikes#Green is there because she's getting paid
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katerinaaqu · 2 days ago
DUDE! You are praising me way too much! But I am so happy you find this consistent or understandable enough! ^_^ It really means a lot. (Dude not at all! You may say I am a yapper! Hahaha it comes as a power of habit really! And to be fair writing is always helping someone collecting their thoughts better)
I think you express yourself just fine! You do not need fancy words to mask some meaning! Sometimes simpler words work wonders (most of the time actually)
To be fair I would say it definitely helps to have some background information in regards to the texts and the era they were written. For example the theme of glory and how heroes want to achieve it (which ironically is not THAT much different than the spirit we still see today) or the customs of xenia and the way the ritual is presented and all so someone can see the differences between the one and the other but they are absolutely not necessary to enjoy the book for its literature value. But that being said I am beyond flattered! I wouldn't even dare to imagine that I have this kind of power! It feels unreal! Haha but I am honored that you feel so and obviously I want you to also see the text from your own point of view especially the parts that are subjective, ancient culture aside, your likes and dislikes for certain characters the way you would judge their actions or the motivations behind them etc it is definitely part of the process of reading these texts.
Hahaha maybe I love it WAY TOO MUCH and sometimes that shows that I might sound a bit stiff I guess but yeah I am one of those people who read the book and then they look disappointed if the book's greatness is not captured by the modern media! Haha! You are very sweet for saying that!
(Dude please! That's why I have the posts! For people to like reblog and comment to and engage with their thoughts!)
Yeah and as I said before I can actually SEE he is knowledgeable. It is not even a question. I know he knows the text and I know that he has read it. Arguably he is aware of some of the subtext too which is why I felt so sad and angry even how the original meaning of that was twisted as I said not just to some degree to speak on "loose adaptation" but to the point of the most basic parts of the plot being totally thrown out the window! And the sad part is that one could absolutely remain loyal to the original text and have the result they did and even if they didn't want to remain totally loyal and change some stuff (As I said similar to the first saga where we have Odysseus be given a choice which he follows. There is no hint whatsoever to the elements we have so far that it happened in the Epic Cycle for example Iliou Persis where we only have one lyric that Odysseus kills Astyanax by throwing him off the wall and that was all while in Little Iliad the murderer is Neoptolemous for instance) He took that small thing and turned it into a fantastic dilemma and arguably the most powerful song of his.
In the same spirit he could add small things (I know it makes no sense now given what a terrible mess the plot was compared to the Odyssey but) for example instead of whatever the hell we got with the "600 Strikes" which makes no sense neither in the story he created so far neither to the actual lore like yeah sure Poseidon could be defeated at any moment we only needed a freaking backpack full of wind... So instead of that let me throw ideas to the table here.
Why not have the actual scene with Leucothea!
Then we could have the whole thing of "Get in the Water" make some actual freaking sense like not show Poseidon like a boasting god that is all talk and no action! Odysseus ACTUALLY falls in the water. he is drowning! Leucothea comes to his rescue and gives him her magic belt (like whatever the hell he wanted to do with that goddamn sack of winds, was already in the freaking Odyssey! Leucothea gave him her magic belt so the dude could swim for TWO DAYS in a storm!)
Did he want to up the beat a bit? Make a song or a duet between Leucothea and Poseidon fighting each other! Leucothea be facing Poseidon with pleading or almost getting in the way of his trident, explaining to Poseidon that the gods decided his release. Give me a dramatic dialog between a sea goddess facing the ultimate sea god! Do you want to make it even more unnecessarily dramatic?!
Give that woman's talent more lines! Make the obvious connection with this whole "Penelope Penelope" thing that everyone sings every five seconds have SOME SORT OF VALUE since Leucothea will manifest the whole thing of Odysseus gaining power from his wife, his wife being a protective force, so she will have the same voice as the only goddess that actively helped him except of Athena herself. You will have your epic fight, be VERY LOOSELY adapting the help of Leucothea in the Odyssey AND at the same time not only give Penelope's VA more lines and song but also give more substance to the whole thing we had, daresay even connect it to the song we had during the 9 days he remained awake. Sneak in some of the lines of Penelope to the song of Leucothea like DO ANYTHING THAT REMOTELY REMINDS THE DAMN ODYSSEY and foreshadow the ending!
Anyways sorry closing parenthesis!
Yes I agree it sucks. In more way than one. I have nothing against people who even like the changes but I am not one of them. I feel we were robbed off a masterpiece of a similar respect to the source material as The Prince of Egypt. It was also insanely inaccurate compared to the Bible and yet it represented the time it was referring to and also following the basic spine of the actual story while this already from Polyphemus it was tripping at the changes but when I heard Circe I just knew...and the bad thing is that it wasn't bad till that point plot-wise...
Yes you get what I mean indeed. Sometimes when you see some books that at least follow the basic spine of the story they tell then you kinda feel ok but sometimes you just wanna scream to the heavens why on earth someone would choose that.
I understand. Although arguably we do see certain musicals be very good to the original material even with changes (one or two examples being Phantom of the Opera or Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde) but there are also others like Hamilton that is based on real events and that drove many historians to a state of confusion (some like it some don't because of the inaccuracies to the actual history) but ironically they follow the same direction lol. Like what the musical did with Circe for example in my mind is like my historian side see Hamilton say "Gosh I can't! Please don't make me do this!" to Mariah and then go and cry to her husband that "please forgive me!" and the dude goes "Oh sure I can understand dude! Ya have a kid! I had a kid too and I loved him so much so yeah you persuaded me..." That blasted "I can't!" in the musical with Circe gave me the exact same energy of this hypothetical twist! Like "oh yeah you don't say! I wonder why Homer didn't think of that being THAT easy! What happened to the sacrifice? What happened to the coercion? What happened to the blackmail where his men are literally hostages?" But yeah I definitely respect what you say and yes I see where you come from and as I said to my original point, I might love the book WAY TOO MUCH which is why the changes just drive me insane!
Plus the way it spread like wildfire similar to other retellings before it just doesn't feel right especially with misinformation inevitably following. And we already have been through with it at least twice; once with PJO and one with Miller's books and we keep going... So yeah that kinda reduced my openness to such changes even more than before... Sure we can definitely be grateful to the fact that many people got curious to the actual material thanks to any of them and decided to read but I think it did more damage than good at this point.
As I said before, and forgive me for my own yapping, I am happy to hear you like it and as I said I hope you shall enjoy it
I disagree! I think you brought some very good insights on your side of the spectrum!
Hello! I just stumbled upon your blog when I joined The Odyssey community! If it isn't too much a bother to ask, what things, reccuring themes and characterizations do you feel are most important and iconic within The Odyssey?
I am asking this mostly because I really do like your rants and opinions, I find myself agreeing to a lot of what you say, which sorta surprises me because of your clear dislike of Epic, whereas I personally adore Epic: The Musical. (I stayed away from it for a while -I was wary of retellings, adaptions and what-not- until I finally got into it like, a month ago and since, I have been listening non-stop)
So, when I came onto your posts, I was immediately drawn towards your Epic based rants and your translations. Point for point, you hit all the parts I disliked about the musical, albeit, my dislike is obviously much milder, since I still love it. I also completely understoond your stance on source material over so-called retellings since I have felt and still do feel the same about other (unrelated to The Odyssey) medias and fandoms.
If you'd like to talk, I love to hear more of your thoughts! Tell me all of what you loved about The Odyssey. Refresh my knowledge and give me your insight! I'm getting back into reading it, since I read it only once before a long time ago. I have always been more of a casual enjoyer, but now I'm really trying to dip my toes in.
(You don't have to say anything about the musical either, I just really liked your rants on it and the corrections you made on the misinformation rampant in the fandom due to preconceived notions... Sorry, I talk a lot-)
Why hello and I am quite honored you discovered me hahahahaha oh my, my once again being known for my runts huh? Hahaha XD I can see why though! I am really honored you decided to ask me such intriguing question! Hahaha how dare you! You know I am a yapper about this book! Hehehe!
I would say one reoccurring theme in the Odyssey that I rarely ever see in adaptations is the theme of seeking of knowledge. I find it so disappointing how it is literally one of the main themes of the Odyssey and yet I rarely ever see it happening. It is literally at the first lyrics of the poem:
πολλῶν δ᾽ ἀνθρώπων ἴδεν ἄστεα καὶ νόον ἔγνω
He saw many cities of men and gained knowledge from them
(Translation by me)
Odysseus was not just experiencing his homecoming. It was a cognitive trip; a trip where he learnt things and he achieved things on his way.
He didn't stop at the cave of Cyclops because he had nothing else to do or no food to go by. It is clearly stated in the Odyssey that the island of the Cyclops was extremely fertile and had many wild goats and other animals they could hunt and feed on. Odysseus entered the cave because he wanted to meet the people that lived there. He ignored the signs that showed the residents were non-human because he wanted to give a chance to whoever lived in that cave to show that they were more than what met the eye.
He met the land of Aeolia next. His stay in that land for one month was share knowledge with Aeolus. He told them his story, they also told him their own experiences, thus Odysseus knows about how Aeolus arranged the marriage of his children and all
He sent scouts to the land of the Laestrigonians and their city, he was though more prudent this time and assured a safe passage even if his comrades didn't follow his prudent stance this is what costed them their lives but one ship.
He shared knowledge with Circe, not only on the part of his trip that he needed to move on but also gained knowledge from her. One example is the mention of a cunning knot he learnt from her which he used later in his adventures. Small details like that.
He gained knowledge from Tiresias not only on how to break his curse but also on what happened the years he was away from his home.
He had no reason to hear the sirens! The sirens is exactly the manifestation of his trip being of cognitive nature. He wanted to hear them. He NEEDED the knowledge they provided! Removing that concept from his trip in any shape or form shows to me someone who does not understand the Odyssey (I know it is harsh to say but I feel like there is one part of the Odyssey that is so iconic like the 12 axes challenge and that is the sirens passage)
Odysseus learns in every part of his trip and uses that knowledge to future adventures. But what I also fail to see is how CONSCIOUS this knowledge-gain is. Of course he learns things accidentally too but most part of it is knowledge he chooses to acquire for himself.
Another theme that I do not see much is theme of fate and destiny. Odysseus is not some idiot who doxxed himself as most people use the overused joke. In fact his trip is so thick of plot that one way or another something would have happened to cause this wandering.
Troy was destined to stand 10 years (from the Iliad),
Odysseus was destined to go home in 20 (hence he needed extra persuasion to go to the war).
Polyphemus was prophesized before that he would have been blinded by a man named Odysseus (he just didn't know who that Odysseus would be)
but we also know that Odysseus was destined to meet Circe (Circe mentions how Hermes had warned her for the prophesized man coming to her isle. She probably was unaware on the identity of the man or how that man would arrive at her doors)
Odysseus was also cursed by Polyphemus that he would either never return or return alone without his companions and find misery at his home
The true line between fate and destiny and human will is very thin in greek mythology. However we also see that Odysseus tries repeatedly to change fate even if it is inevitable (see my analysis here). It is this human part of his that is so relatable! Also the fact that oftentimes in the joke people forget that Odysseus experienced the absolute horror in the cave of Polyphemus for days. Exhaustion and anger took the best of him as well as of course his ego being inflated that he had managed to take down such a powerful opponent. And of course the reoccurring misunderstanding that Odysseus never cared for anyone else but as I have also analyzed there that is simply not true. It is even stated in the Odyssey:
πολλὰ δ᾽ ὅ γ᾽ ἐν πόντῳ πάθεν ἄλγεα ὃν κατὰ θυμόν, ἀρνύμενος ἥν τε ψυχὴν καὶ νόστον ἑταίρων.
He suffered many torments in his heart out at the sea, seeking to win his own life/soul and the return of his companions
(Translation by me)
The whole trip was always about Odysseus wishing to return them all safely home. Which is also part of his tragedy and shows why he went in so many lengths to save them etc.
I am honored that someone that likes this piece of media can still understand and even liking some of these opinions. I understand that for someone that genuinely like it might be a bit annoying or tiring but yeah I guess I love the original way too much! Hahaha! And okay I understand the songs are really catchy so it can be getting into someone's head easily but I am really delighted to hear you say that! And of course to be fair there are many things one can like about the musical for example the talent of the people related to it and their passion
However ironically that was the source of my dislike as well hehe I know it is paradoxical but when I see someone with obvious knowledge of the sources and passion for something, twist the original material to THAT degree...dunno I feel it even harder. I mean of course one does not expect it to be accurate but when I hear that and yet someone claim to adapt material I would expect of course these small details changing here and there for example adding dialogs with Poseidon (that is like a must in every adaptation minus the 1968 version I noticed...like Poseidon never interacted with Odysseus but that is something every adaptation adds!) or extra scenes with Hermes or whatever or even some of the details added. The problem is that the whole plot was twisted beyond repair, basic parts of the plot that made the plot unique and beloved were thrown out the window And BECAUSE I recognize the talent of the people involved AND seeing they had the chance as they did to make not only the Odyssey available to public but also influence more people to see it and they could do it by staying respectful to the material and yet they chose not to which increased as I said my disappointment. I was also very warm when I watched the first two sagas even if they were also inaccurate because they had exactly what I describe. So yes of course I absolutely understand why people would like it. Dang I absolutely do at least on the artistic department but the way as you brilliantly stated not only the plot but also the fandom of it has been at times it really got to me more than many things
So it is really a good change to see more people see this point of view too and I respect the fact that some people like it and yet do try to see the other view too. You are very kind for saying that!
Hahahaha dude you are asking a dangerous question! Hahahaha! I can talk about it forever! Hahaha Honestly what is there to me not to love about the Odyssey? For starters the fact that it is an ancient Greek poem, something linked to my country and my history and being loved in such a great degree and continue to inspire even almost 3000 years later, fills me with so much pride! Makes me inspired to do something similar! Like not caring if I will be a celebrity but someone see my work and admire it even if they do not know who I am...someone that can see this and continue to speak on it for generations to come... Of course many writers do the same as well like classical literature and all but for the specific one I feel so much pride!
The Odyssey arguably has everything! Romance, friendship and companionship, horror and peace, war and bloodshed and also tenderness of a family, drama and comedy, adventure and domestic life even daresay sci-fi details with the Phaeakes island that have literal robotic dogs created by Hephaestus for them. Odysseus is one of the most complicated personas in all literature history and earned that position in the hall of fame. Arguably even ancient Greeks and Romans could not handle the guy with so many different opinions that paint him from hero till villain. The same guy that held back from the battle till the proper moment and then abandoned his last escape to save Diomedes in the Iliad is now sailing to the seas. The same man that took Ismarus and slay the men and took women of it as his property and mentioning it as casually as he could was also crying his eyes out in guilt upon hearing a song about Troy and the way the city fell. The same guy that tenderly held his son and cried like a baby holding him and kissing him was also the same person that slaughtered 108 men in his palace and executed their allies in less than a day. The same guy who reigned the kingdom like a father; who embraced and kissed his slaves like equals, was also undoubtedly a strong leader and king who defended his authority with iron hand and he was ready to even slay his own brother-in-law when he defied him. The same man that held back from volunteering to face Hector in the Iliad and made sure he would be the last to be chosen, in the Odyssey he armed himself ready to face an immortal 6-headed monster all by himself. The man known for his mind and cunning and indirect ways is also known for being one of the greatest warriors known. Arguably even his age being one of the oldest kings in the Iliad and yet as Antilochus said he was also one of the fastest and more agile and one of the best in spear. The most pious and religious people to the gods, favored by one of the greatest goddesses of all, Athena, and loved by Zeus was also one of those who suffered a great deal from his hubris.
This man is the absolute perfection of contradictions in one body and the way he is portrayed by Homer especially in the Odyssey where he is the protagonist is a masterpiece of emotions. Arguably Odysseus is also one of the earliest male rape victims in literature for he was not just attempted to be raped and seduced but he had to literally sell his body once to Circe and then he was being forced by Calypso. A warrior that was absolutely powerless before the gods
The Odyssey is also a great allegory of the spread of Greeks to the Mediterranean sea before the official set of colonies and the way it provides us information on how they moved around. It is also an allegory on the dangers humans faced out in the sea, how they struggled and how the families left behind also struggled with the consequences. How the power of nature can bend someone but also how human with seer will can do incredible things Odysseus survived the impossible not because he had gods as parents or hardly any help from the gods itself with the exception of Leucothea in the last adventure and of course finally Athena to the final stage. Odysseus survived because of his seer will and his need to return home. Odysseus can be any one of us; a person who struggles every day; everything can hold us down and we might have no help or very little help from others but we must keep pushing through. The Odyssey also shows us the importance of companionship and family bonds, loyalty and trust. Odysseus didn't slay the suitors because he was a mary-sue all-powerful person. He had help from three loyal slaves (Euryclea, Eumaeus and Philoetius) and his son Telemachus. He didn't do it alone. He used the help of those who believed in him and quite frankly he faced a much less bad situation at his palace because of his wife's seer will and loyalty to not abandon the throne of Ithaca to anyone till he arrived.
The Odyssey is also about how there are many forms of strength. Penelope was not less strong than Odysseus because she didn't kill anyone with a sword. She was strong for keeping more than 100 men and several parts of the household that were betraying them with her seer will and mind. Telemachus was both a fighter and someone who tried to see the best in people and that saved his life (when he spared Theoklymenos at his return from his trip. Theoklymenos was a man who had committed murder. Telemachus chose to give him a chance and in return he received the prophecy of Theoklymenos that the suitors were planning an ambush) Odysseus also learnt forgiveness in one way when he was ready to start another bloodshed by the end of the Odyssey when the families of the suitors saught revenge but Athena stopped it, making sure both sides stopped the never-ending circle of violence. Nausicaa is an example of loving someone and yet you must respect their wishes and let them go. Telemachus is an example of self-discovery... The very realistic scenario of someone not recognizing the place they left for so long and people not recognizing you back. That you have to work yourself through the very same place you left behind! Even Telemachus as a character not even knowing what to believe anymore about the father he never met, not knowing whom to listen and whom not to etc. like a realistic scenario of absent veteran fathers who disappeared a long time ago...
Honestly...what ISN'T the Odyssey?! It is in my opinion one of the most complete pieces of literature that opens the way in many things! I am really happy you shall decide to look at it more attentively and I hope you shall enjoy it because honestly it's worth it.
(My friend I do not mind at all speaking about it. I am just not a fan so I am just asking the understanding of anyone that I am not gonna be very positive about what I mention and say. However I shall try not to be hater with no reason or logic, that I can promise to try)
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daisymooonart · 1 month ago
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May my Emperor live ten thousand years!
An (un)official painting of the Emperor and Empress of Huaxia. I would absolutely bow for Wu Zetian. Maybe not Qin Zheng, but he is hot and communist so I am tempted.
This took me around 15-20 hours to make and it was so worth it <3
Details under the cut!
First off: the faces.
Because of how obscured it was going to be, I wanted to get a good sense of what Zetian would look like before the makeup and the mask. I tried to give her a kind of average appearance, because I wanted to try and make her look like a normal person under all of that Empress garb (she's only 18... she should have been at the clurbbb). Her face is purposefully a little asymmetrical.
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For makeup, I went for the blush-that-makes-you-look-drunk look that was apparently fashionable among Tang ladies. Her lips and yedian are pretty standard. I saved the xiehong on the wrong layer like a clown 😭 but it's still visible under the mask. Not entirely sure if her huadian would be accurate, but it's the one on the painting of Empress Wu that I see most often.
Would Qin Zheng have a stroke if he saw Zetian hang out with men wearing this mask? Absolutely. Am I Qin Zheng? Nope I'm an artist who spent wayyyyy too long drawing Zetian's face and didn't want to cover it up fully. Her haircomb is in the shape of an upside-down butterfly. The sharp bit on the collar is inspired by a shirt I saw in the Hunger Games once, it's a style that's supposed to force you into keeping good posture. I hc that Qin Zheng included it to piss her off, and it's definitely working...
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Now for Qin Zheng's face. I tried to go for a simple, smooth-wing look. I never really envisioned him as twink-y when I read the book and tried to go for a hot-and-scary-man look whilst keeping it a little bit androgynous. He'd never ever have his hair down for a formal painting but I want to separate his face from the rest of the piece. His eye is weaker on his scarred side. He looks a little feverish and a little bit infuriated: he is probably wondering why the hell he needs to be painted when photographs now exist.
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It's a very busy painting and I fully expect people to gloss over this, so here's a little zoom on Qin Zheng gripping Zetian's armour. He's a freak.
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Now for the throne. I tried to do a dragon/phoenix piece but it didn't show very well in the actual painting, so here it is. You can really tell how much I love scribble art lol.
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And here's the base of the throne, with two dragons to keep our lovely tyrants company
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I opted for a double-seated throne because I accidentally drew them too close together and couldn't move them because of the layers because feminism <3
Now for clothing. I noticed that on the HT cover, Zetian has a white gem whilst Qin Zheng has a black gem, but the clothes underneath are the opposite colours. I made the details on Qin Zheng's armour white and Zetian's details black, but Qin Zheng's armour ends up being darker whilst Zetian's armour is a lot paler. Symbolism... or something... Also they both get a heart because its cute, like a friendship bracelet.
I really can't draw scales though so erm. Yeah.
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If you notice any er,,,, imagery in their lower robes it was unintentional I swear
Even though Qin Zheng is very much the taller, dominant figure in the piece, I tried to actually put the focus on Zetian, by making her armour a different shade of gold to the throne and by keeping her closer to the centre. I don't know if it worked but my eyes think so. I think out of the entire piece though, Zetian took me the longest because I hadn't settled on what look I was trying to go for her. I redrew her armour about five times, but thankfully by the time it was done I had pretty much solidified where I was going with Qin Zheng's armour and I finished that in no time.
Again I absolutely loved making this painting, it was SO worth it. It might me my most detailed ever. I adore Heavenly Tyrant so so so much it might actually be my favourite book ever lol.
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txrully · 3 months ago
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·˚ ༘ ꒱ summary lovey-dovey things they'd do for you!
·˚ ༘ ꒱ characters isagi yoichi , bachira meguru , itoshi rin , nagi seishiro , mikage reo , chigiri hyoma , hiori yo , shidou ryusei , itoshi sae , michael kaiser , alexis ness .
·˚ ༘ ꒱ warning lowercase intended
·˚ ༘ ꒱ song inspo stupid in love - max ( ft. huh yunjin of lsrfm )
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·˚ ༘ ꒱ isagi yoichi
you know how isagi’s brain is basically soccer, soccer, soccer? well, this man rewires his ENTIRE system for you. suddenly, every time he scores a goal, he dedicates it to you. like, mid-celebration he’s shouting your name in front of thousands of people. embarrassing? a lil. cute? definitely.
he’s also the type to leave you notes everywhere. you’ll open your locker, and boom: "i hope your day is as perfect as your smile. also, pls drink water. - yoichi 🩵"
or you’ll find random sticky notes around the house with stuff like: "you're cuter than my dog. and that’s saying a lot." ( i hc he's a dog person, fight me 🫠 )
"yoichi, did you seriously compare me to your dog again?"
"is that bad?? you’re both my top priorities!"
·˚ ༘ ꒱ bachira meguru
bachira is a walking ball of chaos, and it only gets worse when he’s in love. he makes you weird handmade crafts—like a necklace with your initials carved into a random rock he found because “the vibes were immaculate.”
he’s also the king of grand gestures. once, he showed up outside your window in the middle of the night blasting your favorite song from a boombox. and no, he didn’t think it through—he got yelled at by your neighbors, but he swears it was worth it.
"meguru, why is there a rock with my name on it?"
"because i love you. duh."
"…you couldn’t just buy a necklace??"
"where’s the FUN in that?? D:< "
·˚ ༘ ꒱ itoshi rin
soft tsundere energy incoming. rin doesn’t say much, but when he’s in love, he SHOWS it. like, he’ll memorize your coffee order, your favorite book, and the exact way you like your hoodie sleeves rolled up. you swear he’s psychic, but he’s just that attentive.
he also sends you texts at random times:
"don’t forget your umbrella. it’s going to rain."
"i noticed you like this song. added it to my playlist."
you’re 99% sure his search history is “how to take care of someone without being obvious.”
"rin, did you... did you learn how to make my favorite food?"
"shut up and eat it."
"you’re so sweet it’s disgusting."
"i said shut up."
·˚ ༘ ꒱ nagi seishiro
nagi’s love language? pure, lazy dedication. he may not seem like the romantic type, but trust me—he will move mountains for you... as long as it doesn’t require getting up too much.
once, he spent HOURS figuring out how to build you a playlist of all your favorite songs, complete with a cover photo of you two. he even labeled it: "for my player 2 🕹️"
"sei, this playlist is amazing!"
"mm, yeah, it was exhausting. now can we nap?"
"you literally just sat there and clicked buttons."
"exactly. so tiring.."
·˚ ༘ ꒱ mikage reo
reo goes all out for you—no budget, no limits, no second thoughts. one time, you mentioned how pretty cherry blossoms are, and the next thing you know, he’s flying you to a festival in japan. casually might i add.
but the sweetest part? he remembers the little things. your favorite snack? stocked in his pantry. your favorite flower? delivered to your doorstep every friday. he spoils you rotten but somehow makes it feel like the most natural thing in the world.
"reo, this is too much—"
"no, it’s not. nothing’s too much for you."
"you’re literally insane."
"only for you, babe."
·˚ ༘ ꒱ chigiri hyoma
chigiri is the definition of 💌romantic aesthetic💌. he writes you poetry and leaves it in random places, like your bag or your coat pocket. sometimes, you don’t even notice until hours later.
he also takes you on dreamy dates—picnics in scenic fields, long bike rides at sunset, and slow dances in your living room when it’s raining outside. everything he does feels like it’s straight out of a romance movie.
"hyoma, did you just quote a shakespeare sonnet to me?"
"oh my god, you’re so dramatic."
"and yet you’re still here."
·˚ ༘ ꒱ hiori yo
hiori is the sweetest, softest boy in love. he keeps a journal where he writes down all the little things you do that make him happy. once, you caught him scribbling, and he turned BRIGHT red.
he’s also the king of quiet acts of service. your phone’s always fully charged, your favorite snacks magically appear in your bag, and you never have to ask for help because he’s already two steps ahead.
"yo, were you writing about me again?"
"no... maybe. okay, yes."
"you’re adorable."
"please don’t look."
·˚ ༘ ꒱ shidou ryusei
oh boy. shidou is CHAOTIC in love. this man would probably fight a wild animal to impress you. he’s all about making you laugh, even if it means doing the dumbest stunts imaginable.
one time, he literally climbed a tree to get you a flower. it wasn’t even a nice flower. but hey, it’s the thought that counts.
"ryu, you’re bleeding. what did you do??"
"got you this flower. cool, huh?"
"worth it."
·˚ ༘ ꒱ itoshi sae
sae is the definition of quiet but deadly romantic. he doesn’t show his feelings often, but when he does? damn. like, he’ll casually fly in from another country just to spend the weekend with you because “it’s no big deal.”
he also sends you fancy gifts out of nowhere. but if you call him out, he’ll play it cool like it’s nothing.
"sae, did you just buy me an entire designer collection?"
"it’s just clothes."
"just clothes?? this cost more than my rent!"
"and you look better than rent."
·˚ ༘ ꒱ michael kaiser
kaiser loves showing off, especially when it comes to you. he’ll buy out a billboard just to plaster your picture on it with the words "the love of my life 🩵."
but he’s also surprisingly sweet. like, he’ll carry your bag, fix your hair when it’s windy, or randomly pull you into a dance in the middle of the street just because he can.
"michael, did you seriously put my face on a billboard??"
"obviously. everyone needs to know you’re mine."
"you’re ridiculous."
"ridiculously in love with you, yes."
·˚ ༘ ꒱ alexis ness
ness is a total softie. he writes you little love letters and leaves them in your mailbox, signed with his initials like he’s a secret admirer. you obviously know it’s him, but you let him think he’s being sneaky.
he’s also BIG on cuddles. whenever he sees you, it’s like he can’t function until he gets a hug.
"ness, you know i know it’s you, right?"
"…you’re supposed to pretend you don’t!"
"because it’s romantic!"
© txrully
do not copy/translate/plagiarize/repost my works in any way. ( i will find you 😶‍🌫️ )
likes + reblogs appreciated ‹𝟹
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sflow-er · 22 hours ago
Including the tags by @andyouloveme:
#yeah for a show that has shuch fleshed out relationships it just felt so hollow?#and especially the sara wilhelm thing just re-enforced the impression that wilhelm doesn't really care about wider Simon's life that s3 gave#i think the writers must have thought that the settlement was the closure between the simon-august conflict but even if it was legally#wrapped up‚ it did nothing for their interpersonal relationship and conflict#strange choice given how prominent a plot line it was in s1#also the 4 of them driving off into the sunset and two of them have only had single line between them??? that just feels underdeveloped
by @realredbanana:
#this is once again reminding me that i wish that sara and wille and august and simon had more interactions#especially sara and wille!!#(like. with simon and august. even just a few more interactions that led to some semblance of closure for simon wouldve been nice#but i wouldve loved an initially awkward sara & wille friendship#especially given how complicated everyone close to hims relationships with her were at the time#and. based on wille saying about how august ‘just had to destroy/ruin another [family]’ in the gun range scene in 2.05#it kinda seems like he holds august largely responsible for what went down between her august and simon#and itd be interesting seeing him. i guess. acknowledging her agency whilst also acknowledging her desire to make it right?)
And Blue's comments from the replies:
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Some really good discussion here!
I've written before about how the lack of apology from August to Simon feels less like an intentional, character-defining writing choice and more like a mishap overlooking or even retconning the August-Simon conflict (as the director is indeed on the record saying "of course" August would apologise to Simon). I don't feel like repeating all my points from that post, but the gist of it is that the writers failed to convey their authorial intent for him. I wholeheartedly agree with everyone above that the conflict needed proper closure.
As for Wilhelm and Sara... This is just my opinion and I may well be wrong, but I think Wille's disinterest in Sara may be more of a Doylist reading than a Watsonian one. Like, I don't think there is meant to be quite that much distance between them in the world of the show.
Back in S1, it was realistic that they never talked in or outside of class, but they sat at the same table at the Parents' Day luncheon. It's very possible they interacted between the scenes we saw (Wille was on his best princely behaviour and making small talk around the table). Also, I doubt Simon never said anything about his sister when Wilmon interacted off-screen - or Linda about her daughter when they presumably had dinner after Wilmon's "gaming session."
In S2, Wille was definitely too deep in his own head to listen when Felice presumably talked about her other friends, but he must have interacted with Sara directly. They worked on the book report together for at least a couple of weeks, after all.
It also seems realistic for both Simon and Felice to have talked to Wille about Sara's betrayal in between the seasons. He comes across as sympathetic when they talk about her in 3.01, and I don't think it's meant to be his first time ever hearing their feelings. When we finally do see him ask Sara about Simon in the finale, he does it quite casually, and as Blue said above, there is also a friendly vibe between them when he gets in her car at the end.
I actually think it makes sense for them not to be close yet. There was very little overlap between Wilmon being together and Simon & Felice being on good terms with Sara, so there weren't that many opportunities to show them getting to know each other (aside from the potential off-screen interactions I outlined above). Similarly, Wille and August made up so late that there wasn't much space to show Wille acknowledging the nuances of Sargust's relationship and Sara's agency in it - although I fully agree with Blue that an honest conversation between them could have been great storytelling if S3 had been written differently.
But based on the finale, I do think they are meant to be casually acquainted already, and Wille is meant to have heard stuff about Sara from Simon and Felice. It's just that the writers completely failed to show that for some reason - and unwittingly made it seem like a meaningful omission when they cut the only line between the two in 2.06.
To be honest, I suspect the lack of Wille-Sara interaction may have even become a bit of an inside joke in the writers' room after S2, when the fandom noticed it and started speculating on S3. That would explain their decision to just put one very casual line in the finale. If there was never a good reason to withhold that interaction and the fans' expectations were always going to be let down, maybe they thought it would be funny to circumvent them instead.
If so, the joke didn't really work for me, especially when Wille was written as rather self-absorbed in S3. There's a lot of reason to interpret him as disinterested in getting to know Sara; I'm just not sure if that was actually meant to be the case.
My reheated s3 take is that August not getting a scene to apologize to Simon and Wilhelm not getting a scene to build a relationship with Sara (beyond exchanging one line) are letdowns in a way that feel deeply interrelated to me.
To be clear: my intention is not to draw a false equivalence between the harm August does to Simon in releasing the video, and Wilhelm’s failure to build a relationship with his boyfriend’s sibling. Instead, I’m struck by how the show tells us that Wilhelm/Simon and Sara/August are both important, formative first loves. The writers also emphasize Sara and Simon’s bond, especially in terms of how they need one another to navigate Micke’s abandonment of them, and likewise stress the need for Wilhelm and August to grieve Erik’s death together. Therefore, it makes sense to close the loop on the Wilhelm-Sara and August-Simon undercurrents running through the series, especially when Simon and August’s conflicts drove a lot of season one and Sara and Wilhelm’s arcs were so paralleled early on.
Maybe I’m biased? As much as I enjoy characters who will move mountains for their love interests, I fall ten times harder for a character who will engage significantly with a third character who means a lot to their love interest. Jane Austen rocks this trope, honestly. I wish we’d seen it play out a little more in Young Royals.
TANGENT: This trope certainly guided heliza and I’s writing when we started Heart and Homeland. In our fic Wilhelm deliberately tries to make sure he learns things about Sara and wins her over because he cares for Simon so much, and he ends up forming a queerplatonic bond with Sara in the process. I’m so invested in their relationship, honestly! Meanwhile, August’s near-reform followed by a dramatic fall from grace (into villainy, even, because I do write a decent villain August if I say so myself) hinges on a vow he makes to Sara—one where he’ll patch things up with Simon—that he later breaks. And much earlier in the story, August does save Simon’s life while Simon’s in the process of saving Wilhelm’s, something that Sara witnesses and remembers.
Anyway, not everything needs to be like my fic. I know I’m being a little ridiculous here. Cough END TANGENT.
At the same time, it was truly surprising to me that the writers of YRS3 didn’t pull on those Sara-Wilhelm or August-Simon threads more. Especially since the creators are on record as saying they assumed the audience would assume that August would apologize to Simon and attempt to repair his harm someday. And based on Sara’s reaction to Wilhelm in the car, I guess we’re also supposed to assume they’ll be friendly and develop a deeper bond someday.
Sometimes it feels like there was meant to be more on the August-Simon and Sara-Wilhelm fronts though. There’s little hints here and there in earlier seasons. Wilhelm being a former rider when Sara loves horses. The fact that the production team cut a line from Wilhelm to Sara in the s2 field scene (the only line that they’d really exchanged thus far) as if they were saving their interaction for something big in s3. The time when August defends Simon against Vincent after the whole rowing team drama. The fact that August has a father with addiction issues in common with the Eriksson siblings. Like. Were there storylines or sequences of dialogue that got cut? What’s the behind the scenes story there?
I specifically wanted to talk about this as an issue of the choices the writers made, rather than an issue of what good or evil innately lurks in a character’s heart. Again, the writers assumed the audience would know that August has become the kind of person who will apologize to Simon and repair the harm he did. Malte talks about August’s growth in interviews—not overstating it, but being honest about how the character’s changed. And I can see plenty writing choices that support that idea of August’s growth! I think there’s a lot that fanwriters can play with and expand upon! Yet those writing choices are undermined by the writers’ choice to not close the loop on August and Simon’s earlier conflicts, and differentiate those as separate from August and Wilhelm’s conflicts. I personally tend to see this as a reflection of the writers’ failure-to-communicate rather than a reflection of the eternal evil of August’s corrupted soul or whatever, and approach my fanfic accordingly. Yet I still see some analyses argue that he’s “canonically” a villain and… it just doesn’t quite mesh with what I’m seeing from the show.
Meanwhile, maybe it’s just me who has this arbitrary goalpost that Wilhelm should have had more meaningful interaction with Sara beyond the one line they exchange and her car being his getaway. But it still feels like their s3 interaction was meant to be more significant? Sara is the beloved-then-estranged sibling of the guy Wilhelm is in love with, she is the cried-over-and-missed other best friend of Wilhelm’s best friend, she is the girl who turned Wilhelm’s jerkass playboy cousin into a puddle of vulnerable enamored goo. She is Fröken Ramirez’s favorite Lucia FFS! (Okay the last one was me being silly, but you know.) If I were Wilhelm, I might be more curious about Sara, especially after she returns to school again and is ostracized by the school population at large. And maybe Wilhelm isn’t meant to be curious about Sara, but that still feels like a thread that got dropped given how it felt like Sara and Wilhelm were deliberately kept apart in earlier seasons. (Has anyone asked the writers about this? Does anyone know the official response? I’m dying to know, now.)
Anyway, this isn’t meant to be a “fuck the writers! fuck season 3 forever!” post because I genuinely did like some of the character arcs and some of the choices and I should probably rewatch season 3 over my upcoming time-away-from-work so I can post about that. But the dropped threads re: Sara-Wilhelm and Simon-August are what I ended up thinking about this morning. I really cared about how those relationships were gonna play out.
There’s a whole other post I could make about Felice but that’s for another day. Perhaps after a rewatch!
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rafedarling · 18 days ago
𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐮𝐭
pairing: drew starkey x actress!reader
summary: drew appears on the late late show with james corden to play the infamous game ‘spill your guts or fill your guts’. little does he know, you had previously been on the show and specifically requested he be invited.
warning(s): english is not my native language. mild language, secondhand embarrassment, extreme cheesiness and boyfriend material overload.
au: like, reblog and feedback are much appreciated. discussion can be send through my ask box, please feel free to send in anything. ⭐️ taglist | tagging: @rubixgsworld @rafeyslamb @bisexualcvnt @tracymbcm @maybankslover @anamiad00msday @stuffyownswrld @httpsdrewstarkey @mileyraes @enjoymyloves @akobx @noobmazter69 @victwrvale @xoxohoneymoongirl @xoxosblogsblog @wearemadeofstardust0 @saviorcomplexrry @percysley @littlelamy @winniemoe @emberaurora @watercolorskyy @kravitzwhore @issabellec7
based on this request
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“Alright, Drew,” James started, rubbing his hands together.
“First of all, welcome! We are so happy to have you here.”
“Thank you, man, I appreciate it,” Drew said, shifting in his seat.
“Though I gotta say, I have a really bad feeling about this.”
James let out a dramatic laugh.
“As you should! Because, as you saw, your lovely girlfriend Y/N was here not too long ago. And guess what? She personally requested you to be here tonight!”
Drew groaned playfully, running a hand through his hair.
“Oh, I knew it!”
“And,” James continued, “she also made sure we included dark chocolate, which I assume is some kind of inside joke?”
Drew exhaled through his nose, shaking his head.
“Yeah, uh, I hates dark chocolate. Like, passionately. So this is definitely her way of messing with me.”
“Well, my friend, she succeeded!” James laughed.
“Now, let’s get started! First up…”
He gestured toward the table, dramatically lifting the first lid.
James scrunched his nose.
“Oh, this smells absolutely disgusting. So, Drew, here’s your first question: What is the most annoying habit Y/N has that drives you crazy?”
The crowd gasped playfully. Drew tilted his head back, laughing.
“Oh man, I can already hear her reaction to this.”
“Would you like a bite of pickled pig’s feet instead?”
James wiggled his eyebrows.
Drew shook his head.
“No, no, I’ll answer. Uh… okay, Y/N is literally the most perfect human, but if I had to say something…”
He exhaled dramatically.
“She never puts the cap back on the toothpaste. And she squeezes it from the middle instead of the bottom, and it kills me.”
The audience burst into laughter.
“That is valid,” James agreed.
“She’s an amazing actress, but a toothpaste menace.”
James pulled out a glass filled with a murky, grayish-green liquid.
“This is a sardine smoothie. And your question is: What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for Y/N that she doesn’t even know about?”
Drew winced at the drink.
“That looks awful.”
“It is awful,” James confirmed. “So spill it.”
Drew thought for a moment, then smiled.
“Okay. There was this one time when Y/N had a bad day she didn’t say anything, but I could tell. She had this childhood book she lost years ago, so I spent weeks tracking down a first-edition copy. I left it on her nightstand with a note, but I never told her it was me.”
The audience awed loudly.
James clutched his chest.
“That is the most romantic thing I have ever heard in my life!”
Drew shrugged, grinning. “I just love making her happy.”
James lifted the lid, revealing a large, slimy cow tongue. Drew grimaced.
“Nope. Absolutely not.”
“Then answer this,” James smirked.
“Out of all of Y/N’s past on-screen romantic co-stars, who do you think had the best chemistry with her?”
Drew’s jaw dropped as the audience gasped. “Oh, come on!”
“Answer, or it’s cow tongue time!”
Drew groaned.
“Fine. If I’m being honest… I hated watching her with Jake Gyllenhaal. They just had way too much chemistry, and it made me so jealous.”
James burst into laughter.
“You paused the movie, didn’t you?”
Drew sighed. “Paused it. Left the room. Came back an hour later and still wasn’t over it.”
James lifted the plate.
“Drew, Y/N personally requested the chocolate, but we added wasabi. Your question: What’s the cheesiest thing you say to Y/N in private that you would never say in public?”
Drew groaned.
“Oh no. Nope. I refuse to expose myself like this.”
“You sure?” James taunted.
Drew sighed. “Fine. I call her ‘my little sunshine bean.’”
James lost it. “SUNSHINE BEAN?!”
Drew buried his face in his hands. “I knew this was a mistake!”
James wiped his tears.
“Alright, last one. You have to call Y/N and let her ask you a question. Answer, or take a bite of fermented tofu.”
Drew sighed dramatically before dialing your number.
“Drew?” your voice filled the studio. “Are you on Spill Your Guts?”
The crowd cheered.
“Yeah, baby, I am. And James is making me call you.”
You giggled. “Okay… If you had to get a giant tattoo of my face anywhere, where would you put it?”
Drew groaned as James cackled.
“Fine! I’d put it on my ribs. Right over my heart, happy now?”
You gasped dramatically. “That was actually a really good answer.”
James smirked. “What’s a role you regret turning down or missing out on?”
Drew sighed. “I was this close to being in a Western movie, and I regret not pushing harder for it.”
James lifted the bowl. “If you could travel anywhere right now, where would it be?”
Drew smiled. “Greece. I wanna take Y/N and just disappear on an island for a month.”
James leaned in. “What’s your dream project?”
Drew grinned. “Something I can do with Y/N. Whether it’s a rom-com or an action movie, I just wanna work with her.”
James clapped his hands.
“Drew, you survived!”
Drew blew a kiss to the camera.
“I did it for you, baby!”
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tinkerbitch69 · 9 months ago
I firmly believe a live action adaptation of Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin could fix this. I mean it’s perfect right? A gritty R rated post apocalypse drama with an explosive action packed finale?! it would make for a fantastic TV Series!!! and there’s plenty of popular shows that prove it could be successful. Fallout, the last of us, The Walking Dead!!!
But why isn’t it in the works? Simple. It’s about trans women. And not the clean, sanitized, cispassing trans women that don’t make cis people uncomfortable. It’s about messy, fucked up, complicated real trans women so mainstream networks and streaming services wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole. Plus the author dared to get angry with Jkr on twitter!!!😱 They’d never risk pissing her or her fucking sycophants off by treating it as legitimate literature worthy of adaptation.
Even if we don’t get an adaptation we need something that has the spirit of manhunt on screens, small or big. Something unflinchingly apologetic about the trans fem experience, even the ‘difficult’ or ‘uncomfortable’ or ‘gross’ parts. Something unafraid to call out cis women’s complicity in transmisogyny! Ofc people can’t handle when trans women are anything less than a saint irl when the depictions of us in most media they encounter are simplistic, unrealistic perfect uwu soft girls.
Gotta say I'm kinda fucking sick of every new piece of "landmark queer media" is just another kids show or movie, please make some actual queer cinema or at least let a trans woman set foot in the writers room before we start calling this shit a "masterpiece"
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inseobts · 1 month ago
Love is a Disease?!
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luffy x fem!reader
luffy keeps dreaming about you and ask chopper to cure him...
words count: 2.7k
tags: fluffy, sfw, soft, humour
masterlist || ko-fi
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Luffy jolts awake, staring at the wooden ceiling of the Sunny’s sleeping quarters. His heart is pounding, his face is warm, and his lips are still curled into a goofy grin.
It happened again.
Another dream about you.
This time, you were sitting beside him on the deck, your laughter ringing in his ears. You looked happy, so happy that he could feel it deep in his chest, like sunlight spreading through his whole body. And then, right before he woke up, you had leaned in just a little too close, your breath tickling his cheek.
Luffy groans, rolling onto his stomach and burying his face into his pillow “What the hell is this?” he mutters.
It’s been happening for days. No, weeks. Every single time he sleeps, you’re there. Sometimes you’re just talking with him, sometimes you’re laughing, sometimes you’re standing too close and making him feel… weird. A good kind of weird, but also a confusing one.
He sits up abruptly, gripping his hat “This ain’t normal” he decides.
Something must be wrong with him.
Luffy storms into Chopper’s office, his arms swinging wildly “Chopper! Fix me!”
The little reindeer jumps, nearly knocking over a stack of medical books “What?! What happened? Are you sick?!”
“I think so!” Luffy exclaims, flopping onto the examination table like a dying man.
Chopper gasps, immediately switching into doctor mode “Where does it hurt? Do you feel dizzy? Are you gonna die?!” He starts pressing his hooves against Luffy’s forehead, checking for a fever.
Luffy grumbles “It’s not like that… It’s weirder.”
Chopper frowns “What do you mean ‘weirder’?”
Luffy hesitates. He doesn’t really want to explain it, saying it out loud just makes it sound dumb.
Chopper crosses his tiny arms “Luffy, I can’t treat you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong!”
Luffy groans, throwing his arms over his face “Fine! It’s my dreams!”
Chopper blinks “Your dreams?”
“Yeah!” Luffy groans again, louder this time, like he’s in pain “Every time I sleep, I dream about Y/N!”
Chopper tilts his head “…And?”
Luffy lifts his arms just enough to peek at Chopper “What do you mean ‘and’?! That’s gotta be some kind of sickness, right?!”
Chopper strokes his chin, thinking hard “Hmmm… are they scary dreams?”
“Are they nightmares?”
“No! They’re nice!”
Chopper blinks again “…Then what’s the problem?”
Luffy sits up, frustrated “The problem is that I keep dreaming about her! Every single time I close my eyes!” He grabs Chopper’s shoulders and shakes him “Chopper, what if I caught a disease that makes me think about her all the time?!”
Chopper wiggles out of Luffy’s grasp, landing on the floor with a small thud “I’ve never heard of that before…” He rushes over to his bookshelves and starts flipping through pages. Luffy watches him, arms crossed, tapping his foot impatiently.
After a few minutes, Chopper sighs, rubbing the back of his head. “There’s nothing here about dreaming about someone too much.”
Luffy groans, tired “Then what do I do?!”
Chopper scratches his head “Uhh… maybe you should avoid y/n for a while? Just in case...”
Luffy gasps “In case of what? What?! That’s not a cure!”
Chopper huffs “Well, I don’t know what else to do! But if seeing her all the time in your dreams is making you feel weird, maybe staying away will help! If you don't see her maybe you won't dream abour her...”
Luffy pouts “That sounds stupid.”
“Do you have a better idea?”
Luffy doesn’t.
So he groans again, dramatically flopping back onto the table “Fine… I’ll try.”
That night, as he stares at the ceiling of his hammock, he tells himself that avoiding you will be easy.
Spoiler: It won’t be.
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The next morning, Luffy’s grand plan begins.
Step one: Avoid y/n.
Simple, right? He just has to stay out of your way. No sitting next to you at meals, no talking to you, and definitely no falling asleep near you. Easy...
Or so he thinks.
“Luffy! Come help me carry these crates!” your voice calls from the deck.
His whole body freezes. You’re standing there, waving him over with a bright smile. Normally, he’d rush to help, no hesitation. But today? Today, he’s a man with a mission.
“Uh… I can’t!” he blurts out, spinning on his heel.
You blink “What? Why not?”
Luffy panics. He didn’t think this far ahead. He blurts out the first excuse that pops into his head.
“Because… um… I forgot how to carry things!”
You stare at him, eyebrows raised “…You forgot... how to carry things?...”
“Yup!” He gives you a thumbs-up and then bolts in the opposite direction before you can question him further.
You watch him go, utterly confused “What the hell was that?”
Avoiding you turns out to be way harder than Luffy thought. You’re everywhere. Laughing with Nami, training with Zoro, helping Sanji in the kitchen. No matter where he goes, there’s a chance of running into you.
And Chopper, being the loyal doctor he is, decides to follow his advice too.
Which means he’s avoiding you too.
And both of them? They are horrible at it.
Every time you walk into a room, Luffy suddenly has “something important to do” and dashes off like his life depends on it. If you try to talk to Chopper, he lets out a nervous squeak and scurries away like a scared animal.
After a few days of this, you’ve had enough.
“Usopp” you huff, plopping down beside him “Something weird is going on with Luffy and Chopper.”
Usopp looks up from the gadget he’s working on “Weird how?”
“They keep avoiding me” You frown, crossing your arms “Luffy runs away every time I talk to him, and Chopper acts like I have the plague. Did I do something?”
Usopp snorts “Nah, if you did something, Luffy would just spill it. He’s a terrible liar.”
“That’s what makes it weird!” you groan “He totally avoids talking to me. He’s never acted like this before. Same goes for Chopper...”
Then you see Chopper, Luffy and Nami going out the kitchen and you norrow your eyes pointing them to Usopp "Look, they are there chatting normally. Now call them over here"
Usopp looks at you confused but interested, "HEY LUFFY, CHOPPER, I NEED YOU OVER HERE!! LOOK AT THIS" he yells showing them the thing he was working on until now.
The two look at him and their faces turn so excited to know about Usopp's new invention. This until they see you next to Usopp, then they both look scared...
"Oh sorry, I forgot I had something very important to do!!" Luffy says with a fake smile before running away.
Chopper looks at him and starts running behind him "LUFFY WAIT FOR ME!!"
In all this Nami shrugs in confusion and walks away.
Usopp turns back to you and taps his chin “Hmm… They’re hiding totally something, but what could it be?”
Your eyes narrow “We need to find out before I get crazy”
And just like that, a plan is born.
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Later that day, Usopp corners Chopper in the infirmary.
“Oi, Chopper” he says casually, leaning against the wall. “What’s up with you and Luffy?”
Chopper nearly jumps out of his fur “W-What do you mean? Nothing’s up! Nothing at all!”
Usopp smirks. Terrible liar.
“Oh, really?” he presses “Because y/n thinks you guys are acting weird. And I agree.”
Chopper sweats “I-It’s not weird! We’re just… uh… busy!”
“Busy avoiding y/n?”
The poor reindeer lets out a strangled noise “N-No! We’re just—!”
He stops himself too late.
Usopp grins like a predator catching its prey “Ah-ha! So you are avoiding her.”
Chopper claps his hooves over his mouth “I-I didn’t say that!”
“But you did.” Usopp leans in “And now I gotta know why.”
Chopper squirms “I… I promised Luffy I wouldn’t say…”
“Ohh, so it’s Luffy’s problem?” Usopp’s grin gets wider “Now I really need to know.”
Chopper shakes his head rapidly “No! I-I can’t tell you! A doctor-patient relationship is built on trust!”
Usopp sighs dramatically “That’s too bad. Guess I’ll just tell y/n that you both hate her now.”
“WHAT?! No, we don’t hate her!” Chopper wails.
“Then why are you acting like she’s a ghost haunting the ship?”
Chopper hesitates. His little hooves tremble “I-It’s because… because…”
“…Because what?”
Chopper takes a deep breath. Then, in a panicked rush, he blurts—
“Luffy keeps dreaming about Y/N and thinks it’s a disease!”
Usopp blinks “Wait. What?”
Chopper slaps his hooves over his mouth again.
But it’s too late. Usopp already looks like he’s won the biggest jackpot in the world.
“Oh...” Usopp grins “Ohhhhhh, this is golden.”
Chopper gulps “P-Please don’t tell Luffy I told you—”
“Don’t worry,” Usopp says, slinging an arm around Chopper “I won’t tell him.”
Chopper sighs in relief.
“I’ll just fix the problem instead.”
And that’s way worse.
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Usopp wastes no time.
He finds you on the deck, casually leaning against the railing, staring at the ocean with a frustrated pout. Clearly, you’re still confused about Luffy’s behavior.
“Y/N!” Usopp calls, throwing an arm around your shoulder like he’s about to tell you the best gossip of the century “Guess what?”
You raise an eyebrow “What?”
He smirks “Luffy’s been acting weird because of you.”
Your eyes widen “Because of me?”
“Yup.” Usopp leans in dramatically “Turns out, our beloved captain has been having dreams about you. Every time he sleeps.”
You blink “What kind of dreams?”
Usopp wiggles his eyebrows “You tell me.”
You roll your eyes “If this is another one of your dumb stories—”
“It’s not a story!” Usopp says, holding up his hands “Chopper accidentally spilled everything to me. Luffy came to him all panicked, thinking he had some weird ‘dream disease’ just because he keeps dreaming about you.”
You stare at him for a moment, processing. Then, realization hits.
“…Wait.” Your heart skips a beat “You mean—?”
“Yes bestie,” Usopp confirms, nodding smugly “Our dear, dumb captain is in love.”
Your brain short-circuits.
Luffy? In love with you?
You suddenly recall every weird interaction over the past few days. The way he’s been avoiding you, the way he stumbled over his words, the way he ran away from you yesterday. It all makes sense now.
You bite your lip, trying to contain the sudden warmth rushing to your face “So what do we do about it?”
Usopp grins mischievously “Oh, I have a plan already. Thank god I’m your best friend”
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Later that evening, Luffy is minding his own business, stuffing his face at the dinner table, when Usopp slides into the seat beside him.
“Oi, Luffy,” he says casually, resting his chin on his hand “You free after dinner?”
Luffy, mouth full of food, nods “Mhm. Why?”
Usopp grins “No reason. Just wanna show you something.”
Luffy shrugs, too busy enjoying Sanji’s cooking to question it.
Big mistake.
Because the second he follows Usopp outside, he realizes something is off.
“Hey, where are we going?” Luffy asks, tilting his head.
“Just trust me,” Usopp says, leading him toward the front of the ship “It’s something cool.”
Luffy doesn’t think much of it—until he turns the corner and sees you standing there, arms crossed, waiting for him.
His entire body freezes.
Usopp immediately bolts in the opposite direction.
“W-Wait—!” Luffy starts to call after him, but the sniper is already gone.
The trap has been set.
And now, he’s alone with you.
Luffy swallows hard. He should run. He should stick to his original plan of avoiding you. But his legs refuse to move.
You step closer, eyeing him suspiciously “Luffy.”
He forces a grin “H-Hey, y/n!”
“Are you avoiding me?” you ask, cutting straight to the point.
His grin falters “W-What? No! Of course not! Why would I—?”
You raise an eyebrow “Usopp told me everything.”
Luffy panics.
“W-What? Pfft! No, he didn’t! He doesn’t even know anything!” Luffy waves his arms dramatically, laughing nervously “That Usopp, always making up stories! Haha! I don’t even dream! What even is a dream? I don’t—”
He shuts up instantly.
You sigh “You know you suck at lying, just tell me the truth.”
Luffy rubs the back of his neck, avoiding your gaze “I, uh…”
You wait.
Luffy shifts uncomfortably. His heart is pounding, and he’s sweating bullets. Lying is so hard.
“…Okay, fine,” he finally mutters “I’ve been dreaming about you.”
You blink, surprised at his sudden honesty “…Every time you sleep?”
He nods.
You step closer “And it made you think something was wrong with you?”
Another nod.
You stare at him for a moment before breaking into a soft laugh. “Luffy… that’s not a disease.”
He pouts “It’s not?”
You shake your head, smiling “No, dumbass. It just means you like me.”
Luffy blinks “Like… like like?”
You roll your eyes “Yes, Luffy. Like like.”
For a moment, he just stands there, staring at you. Processing.
Then, realization hits him like a Sea King.
You burst out laughing.
Luffy stares at you, completely dumbfounded “Wait, wait, wait—so I’m not sick?”
“I’m just—” He points at himself “—in love”
You nod.
Luffy blinks. Then, suddenly, he grins.
“Huh. That’s kinda cool.”
You snort “That’s all you have to say?”
He tilts his head “Well, yeah. I mean… I like you. And you’re right here. So that’s good, right?”
Your cheeks warm “Yeah,” you admit softly “That’s good.”
Luffy beams. Then, without warning, he grabs your hand.
“Then let’s go tell the others!” he says cheerfully, already dragging you toward the dining area.
“I gotta tell Chopper I’m not dying!”
You groan, but you can’t help smiling as Luffy excitedly pulls you along, already shouting for the crew.
Usopp, watching from a distance, smirks.
“Mission accomplished.”
Luffy bursts into the dining area with you in tow, grinning like he just found the biggest treasure in the world.
“Oi, everyone! Guess what? I’m not dying!”
The entire crew freezes.
Zoro, who was mid-sip of his sake, lowers his cup “Huh?”
Sanji looks up from the stove, cigarette dangling from his lips “I didn’t even know you thought you were dying.”
Robin chuckles, setting down her book “I assume this has something to do with y/n?”
Chopper, who had been sitting on the table, gasps in relief “You aren’t sick?! Oh, thank goodness! I was so worried—I thought maybe I misdiagnosed a new kind of illness!”
Luffy laughs, slapping a hand on Chopper’s hat “Nope! Turns out, I just like y/n!”
Usopp throws his hands in the air “I swear, if I had to watch you two dance around each other for another week, I was gonna lose my mind.”
Nami sighs, shaking her head “So that’s what all the weird behavior was about.” She smirks at you. “And? How do you feel about all this?”
You clear your throat, feeling everyone’s eyes on you. Your hand is still in Luffy’s, warm and firm, like he has no intention of letting go.
“I, um… I like him too, I've been obvious about it, he's the only one who was oblivous, am I wrong?” you admit.
The crew erupts.
Sanji dramatically clutches his chest “Nooooo! My sweet Y/N has been stolen by him?! Life is so cruel!”
Zoro snorts “Tch. Took you long enough, rubber idiot.”
Franky wipes a fake tear “Young love is so super!”
Brook laughs “Ah, my heart is about to explode by all this cuteness—oh wait, I don’t have a heart! Yohohoho!”
Luffy grins even wider, turning to Chopper “See? I told you it was something weird!”
Chopper crosses his tiny arms “You literally thought you had a disease.”
“Yeah! And now I don’t!” Luffy lifts your hand triumphantly “Now me and Y/N are together, so it’s all good!”
Your face heats up “I don’t remember agreeing to that part.”
Luffy tilts his head “Huh? But you like me, right?”
“Well, yeah, but—”
“Then we’re together!” he declares proudly, as if that’s how relationships work.
The crew laughs, and you groan, hiding your face in your free hand “I should’ve known dating Luffy would be exactly like this.”
Luffy just beams, completely unbothered “Dating sounds fun! Let’s do that!”
And honestly? Looking at his bright, happy face, you can’t even be mad.
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cosmicporos · 3 months ago
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What Arcane characters would gift you for Christmas!
Jinx, Vi, Ekko, Viktor, Jayce
(Semi crack Drabble… sorry for going super long with Viktor’s and Jayce’s HCs. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH)
(Jayce is Hispanic in my hc :3)
Not proofread
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Hear me out… the first thing she would plan to gift you are decorated safety googles.
As a matter of fact everything she gifts you is handmade!
She knows you love to spend time with her when she’s in her workshop and the extra spare of googles she had were pretty crappy…
“Ugh, these old things? Pfft, they look like they’ve been through a freakin’ explosion… oh wait, they probably have! We gotta get you a new pair soon toots!”
They’d be totally decked out! Lots of character as she calls it.
“Okay toots check it out! Maximum protection but most importantly! They got style!”
The googles themselves would be in her classic style, very colorful paint, cute little heart scribbles all around! And of course lots of glitter….
“"I mean, you've got to stay safe while causing mayhem, right? And hey, if we're blowing stuff up together, you'll definitely need these. Plus, I made them perfectly for you. No one else will have goggles like these... trust me!"
I totally see her adding little handmade jewelry from her gears and spare parts, would totally make you a belt or choker out of spare bullets.
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She would totally panic on what to get you for Christmas. Like what if you suddenly hate the thing you’ve loved since the very beginning she’s known you???
Would end up both buying and making you something!
She’s make you something small but meaningful
“Okay Okay fine! You can open mine now. Just don’t laugh too hard Cupcake…”
You’d open the poorly wrapped gift to uncover a bright pink scarf she knitted you! The stitching is a mess.. there a hole’s through the project (no doubt a missed stitch) but in all honesty it so cute you feel like your heart might explode.
"Yeah, I know I'm not, uh, the best at this kind of thing," she mutters, scratching the back of her neck, "but I figured you could use something to keep warm... and, you know, 'cause it's winter. And... you're important to me."
Guys please tell her she did an amazing job PLEASE.
She would also totally buy you a pair of combat boots! Totally saved up for months in advance.
She loves the idea of being able to match and have a bit of her style on you!
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Just like Jinx (sobs) he’d also make something for you!
The first thing he’d give you would be a little sketch book full of drawings of you from random moments throughout your relationship he remembers oh so clearly.
"I've been working on it for a while... It's... it's just a bunch of drawings. I mean, not just anything. Stuff that made me think of you. Stuff we've done, or things I hope we do. I don't know, it just felt like the best way to show how I feel about... well, us."
Okay he would also totally make you matching jewelry (matching clock hand necklaces?)
You’d force him to take the hour hand since it’s shorter (heheheh little man)
Once you explain your reasoning as to why he should take the smaller one he sighs disappointedly…
"Okay, okay, I get it," he finally says, a little less playful now, his voice softening. "I guess if you want me to wear it, I can..."
Then, a grin creeps back onto his face as he adds, "But don't think I'm letting you off the hook with the minute hand. You're wearing that one for sure." He places the hour hand necklace around his neck, the smaller pendant resting there, and looks up at you with that mischievous gleam in his eye.
He pauses, holding up his necklace, "I'm still the one with the bigger job. You'll just have to keep up." A proud smug smirk now rests on his face.
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o k a y. He would just like Vi panic… not because he doesn’t know what to get you but because he totally is going Christmas shopping late… very very late.
As much as I would love to say he’d make some little invention to make your day easier and give it to you for Christmas I don’t see it happening.
Not because he wouldn’t do it but because he already does it all the time! A little example, you’re late for work often? A little robot that hits you with a plastic squishy hammer every morning at 7 am waking you up when he can’t!
He’d definitely want to make Christmas special, I see him buying you something and then doing something special for you too!
Christmas morning would be greeted with warm hugs and kisses along with an even warmer bowl of potato soup!
He wanted to make sure he perfected his mother’s Bramboračka recipe. It was a once a year meal him and his mother shared every Christmas day.
He’s not a good cook by any means… but this is the one dish he can make and oh boy can he make it.
"Don't expect perfection," he says with a small, self-conscious smile, as you catch him sneaking a taste of the soup. Viktor looks up, his gaze softening. "I hope you like it," he says, and despite his usual perfectionism, there's a quiet pride in his voice. You take a sip, and the rich flavors of mushrooms, potatoes, and herbs immediately comfort you, just like his mother's love must've comforted him all those years ago.
OKAY for the making gift he planned I see him commissioning something due to the fact a lot of his inventions lack aesthetics.
Specifically I see him commissioning a music box that functions as a a jewelry box as well! He would have loved to make it himself but he was worried he wouldn’t have gotten the look right.
"Do you like it?" he asks, his voice softer than usual, as if he's worried about the reception. "I had it made... I thought... it might remind you of us."
The detail was breathtaking-floral patterns etched into the surface, with tiny gears and delicate metalwork accenting the edges. The craftsmanship was stunning, and you couldn't help but run your fingers over the smooth finish.
you lifted the lid, and a gentle, lilting melody began to play. It was slow and sweet, a tune that felt timeless, and as you stared at the tiny figurines inside, your breath caught.
His fingers fidgeted with the edge of his cane, his gaze flicking between you and the music box. "I commissioned it," he admitted, his voice quieter now. "I had the craftsman use a sketch I made. It's how I see us... in my mind. How I feel when I hold you." He paused, his expression softening. "I thought... I thought you deserved something that would remind you of that. Of... how much you mean to me."
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Oh hon… Jayce would spoil you rotten.
I’m talking presents are overflowing underneath the tree.
You thought you lost your favorite piece of clothing? WRONG! He commissioned for more to be made in different colors and textures for you.
All the fragrances in the world he knew you would enjoy.
Cozy adorable pajamas we would give you Christmas morning so you could cuddle up drinking hot chocolate.
Spends Christmas Eve spoiling you and cuddling and being so tooth rottenly sweet.
It’s Christmas Eve, the scene was almost overwhelming. The living room looked like a perfectly curated holiday catalog-twinkling lights, a roaring fireplace, and, of course, an absurd number of gifts. Jayce sat cross-legged beside the tree, an excited grin lighting up his face as he handed you the first box. He had merely grinned, sheepish yet unrepentant. "What can I say? I got carried away?.”
"Open this one first," he urged, nearly vibrating with excitement. Inside was a bottle of an exquisite fragrance, the glass etched with delicate, swirling designs. It smelled divine-rich, warm, and entirely you.
"I figured you'd like that," he said eyes carefully watching everyone expression you make. You swear if he had a tail it would be swishing uncontrollably right now.
Christmas Day would be you spending Christmas day at his mother’s house!
(Listen I’m hc them as hispanic because for one HIS MOMS NAME HIS XIMENA… and two because why not :3 )
You have a great relationship with his Mother, she absolutely adores you and sees you as her daughter.
There’s lots of yummy food she’s prepared… perhaps too much for just 3 people?
Nonetheless, a pot of pozole, tamales de puerco and de dulce! And of course she made jayce’s favorite choco flan!
God she urges to to eat until you nearly pop! You have to undo your belt by the end of the night…
"Come, sit!" his mom insisted, pulling out a chair for you. "Jayce told me you've never had my tamales. That's a crime! Here, start with this." She placed one on your plate, her eyes twinkling.
Jayce sat beside you, his grin widening as you took your first bite. "Good, right?" he asked, nudging you playfully.
You could only nod, savoring the perfectly seasoned masa and tender filling.
Later in the evening, when everyone was too full to move, Jayce leaned over and slipped his hand into yours. His eyes were soft, his voice low as he said, "I'm glad you're here. This—" he gestured to the lively scene around you, "—feels perfect with you."
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evermoreness · 1 month ago
hi lovely!! i had a random idea for a fic where reader is harry’s kindergarten teacher and he lets it slip to you that single dad james thinks she’s pretty? im just imaging a little 5 year old letting that information slip like it’s the most casual thing in the world and meanwhile james is dying of embarrassment hahahha. i just thought it would be cute :)
— This idea is so cute! Thanks for sharing with me, hope you like it! @iloveremmy
secret crush | james potter
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pairing: james potter x muggle!reader
summary: dad!james is definitely ready to love again after some time, he just didn't think it would be harry's kindergarten teacher.
obs: feel free to send any requests!
The small classroom was filled with laughter, crayons, and the chaotic energy only a group of five-year-olds could create. The walls were covered in colorful drawings, some resembling actual objects and others looking more like abstract masterpieces only a parent could pretend to understand.
At the front of the room stood y/n, the most beloved teacher in the entire kindergarten. She had a natural warmth about her, making every child feel special. She was also quick-witted and funny, always finding a way to make the most mundane things exciting. Her students adored her.
And at the center of it all, sitting on one of the tiny chairs like he was some kind of prince, was Harry Potter.
Harry was an interesting child—smart, playful, and with a sass level that could rival a teenager. He had a mop of messy black hair that never seemed to stay put, big green eyes that sparkled with mischief, and a personality far too charming for a five-year-old.
He had been extra sassy today, insisting he was "way too advanced" for their ABC exercises and that "Uncle Moony reads him much harder books." You had learned by now to just nod along when Harry said bizarre things like that.
You had taken a particular liking to him. Not that you played favorites (at least, not openly), but something about Harry made you want to protect him even more than the other kids. Maybe it was the fact that he was being raised by a single dad, or maybe it was the way he always looked at you with that cheeky little grin whenever he was about to say something absurd.
Right now, that cheeky grin was in full force.
"Miss y/l/n," Harry said, swinging his legs under the table as he colored.
"Yes, love?" you replied, crouching down to his level.
He leaned in as if he was about to share the most confidential secret of his life. "My dad thinks you're pretty."
You blinked.
You opened your mouth to respond, but Harry, apparently very pleased with himself, continued. "He says you're too young to have this many kids"
Well, you definitely held back the laughter, but as you didn't have an answer to that, you just changed subjects. You leaned over to glance at Harry’s drawing. It was a messy but clearly heartfelt attempt at a stick figure version of himself and his dad, complete with what looked like… a broomstick?
“That’s a great drawing, Harry!” you praised, ruffling his hair. “Is that you and your dad?”
Harry nodded, proudly holding up his masterpiece. “Yeah! That’s me, and that’s Daddy, and he’s flying really fast on his broom because he’s the best at Quidditch!”
Let's say Harry Potter was a really imaginative kid. He would always say some really funny stories about witches and sometimes, he would full on create new words. Like he was just doing now. You found it cute, but little did you know that it was actually all true.
You grinned. “I bet he is.”
Harry’s little legs swung as he beamed. “Yeah! And he says he used to be the best Seeker at Hogwarts! I wanna be like him when I grow up!”
“That’s a great dream,” you said, genuinely warmed by how much Harry admired his father.
James was tall, lean, and had the same messy hair as his son. He was dressed casually, but there was something effortlessly charming about him. And then there were his eyes—warm, hazel, and currently widening in horror as he realized what his son was in the middle of saying.
"And my dad also said—oh, hey, Dad!" Harry greeted, as if he hadn’t just delivered a verbal nuke seconds before.
James, who had clearly heard enough, looked like he wanted the earth to swallow him whole. "Harry," he started, his voice a little strained, "what exactly have you been telling Miss y/l/n?"
Harry, completely unfazed, gestured at his teacher. "I was just telling her how you think she's pretty."
You had to bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing. You found it cute how a grown man was becoming all flustered right now.
“I mean—” James rubbed the back of his neck. “I might have said something along the lines of you being… you know… a good teacher.”
Harry frowned. “No, you didn’t.”
James glared at his son. A warning look. A look that screamed drop it, drop it now, child.
Harry, of course, did not drop it.
James let out an awkward, nervous laugh, running a hand through his already messy hair. "Yeah, um, I don't know where he got that from—"
"You said it last night," Harry reminded him. "When you were talking to Uncle Pads and you said—"
"Okay, that's enough, kiddo!" James cut in quickly, picking up Harry like he was a sack of potatoes. His face was an interesting shade of pink now. "Time to go, say goodbye to your teacher!"
Harry, enjoying this far too much, gave you a knowing look before waving. "Bye, Miss! See you tomorrow! Oh, and it's okay! My dad only likes you a little bit."
James groaned. "Oh, for Merlin's sake—"
You, to your credit, simply gave James a bright, amused smile. "It’s fine. Kids say the funniest things."
James, still trying to compose himself, let out a breath. "Yeah. They do."
You tilted your head, studying him for a second. "Though, I have to say, you do have a very smart kid. And very honest."
James gave you a sheepish smile. "Yeah… unfortunately, he gets that from his mother."
There was a flicker of something in his eyes—something sad, something that made you instinctively soften your tone. "She must've been wonderful."
James nodded. "Yeah. She really was."
For a moment, there was a comfortable silence between them. Then, because James couldn't handle any more embarrassment today, he awkwardly cleared his throat. "Right. Well. We'll be going now. Before Harry decides to share my entire life story."
You grinned. "That’s probably a good idea. Have a good evening, Harry. James."
James hesitated for half a second, then nodded. "You too."
As he walked out, still carrying a smug-looking Harry, you couldn't help but shake your head, laughing quietly to yourself.
James Potter, huh?
This was going to be interesting.
As soon as they were outside, James crouched down and gave Harry a look of pure exasperation. “Alright, Prongslet. Why?”
Harry just grinned up at him, utterly unapologetic. “I like Miss y/n. You like Miss y/n. Uncle Padfoot said you should talk to her more. I was helping.”
James dropped his head in his hands. “You and Sirius are banned from talking to each other ever again.”
The aftermath
James Potter was dying.
Not literally—he had survived multiple Quidditch accidents, a war, and Voldemort himself—but right now, standing outside of Harry’s kindergarten classroom, he was convinced that actual death would be less painful than the secondhand embarrassment he had just experienced.
His five-year-old son, his sweet, traitorous, utterly clueless son, had just casually exposed his very real, very secret crush on Miss y/n.
He was never showing his face in that classroom again.
…Okay, that was a lie.
He’d be back tomorrow.
And the next day.
And the day after that.
Because Harry loved school, and James definitely wasn’t going to pull him out just because he got caught being a pathetic twenty-five-year-old with a schoolboy crush on his kid’s teacher.
But, Merlin’s beard, how was he supposed to look you in the eyes again?
But instead, he found himself standing there like an idiot, because—screw it—he wasn’t actually opposed to talking to you.
At first, James had been mortified, barely able to meet your eyes when he picked up his son. But as the days went by, he found himself lingering a little longer each time. It started small—asking how Harry was doing, if he was behaving (spoiler: he wasn’t), and if he was making friends.
But then your conversations stretched longer.
“So, uh,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, “I actually wanted to talk to you about Harry.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
James nodded, trying to look serious. “Yeah. His, uh… behavior.”
You blinked, looking at Harry, who was currently playing with another student and doing absolutely nothing wrong.
“…His behavior?” you echoed.
James cleared his throat. “Yes. It’s, uh, very concerning.”
You folded your arms, clearly humoring him. “What exactly is concerning about it?”
James hesitated. “Well. You know. The talking thing.”
You bit your lip, trying not to laugh. “The talking thing?”
James sighed, knowing you weren’t buying it. “Yeah. You know. The way he just… talks. No filter. Says things. About me.”
You did laugh then, shaking your head. “James, you do realize that’s completely normal for his age, right?”
James groaned. “I was hoping you’d say there was a cure.”
You grinned. “Afraid not.”
James huffed, but there was a smile playing at his lips now. “Brilliant. Well, at least tell me—how do I make sure he doesn’t casually ruin my life every time he opens his mouth?”
You shrugged. “Sorry, but I think you’re doomed.”
James sighed dramatically. “That’s what I thought.” He glanced at Harry again, who was still happily playing, then looked back at you. “Well, I guess I should be glad he didn’t say anything too bad.”
You smirked. “Oh, no, just that you think I’m really pretty and smile a lot when you talk about me.”
James groaned. “Merlin’s sake, why would you repeat it?”
You laughed. “Because it’s funny.”
James shot her a look. “For you, maybe.”
You tilted your head, grinning. “Oh, come on, James. It’s not that bad.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You do realize that I’m going to be forced to relocate and change my name now, right?”
You snorted. “Is that so?”
“Yes,” James deadpanned. “I’ll be John Smith from now on. You’ve never met me before in your life.”
You shook your head, still laughing. “Well, John Smith, if it makes you feel any better…” you hesitated for a second, then shrugged, your voice softer. “I don’t mind what Harry said.”
James froze.
Your eyes were warm, teasing but also… something else.
And suddenly, James realized—maybe this wasn’t as embarrassing as he thought.
Maybe Harry had just given him the best excuse in the world to talk to the woman he’d been secretly crushing on.
And maybe—just maybe—he was okay with that.
For the first time that day, James grinned.
“Well then,” he said. “In that case, I think I can survive the humiliation.”
You chuckled. “Glad to hear it.”
From that day forward, James’s routine of picking Harry up from school became a little different.
At first, he told himself he was just being polite—nothing wrong with staying an extra minute or two to talk to Harry’s teacher, right? Totally normal. Every parent did that.
Except every time, those one or two minutes stretched longer.
And longer.
Until one day, he realized he was actively looking forward to pick-up time—not just to see Harry, but because he’d get to talk to you.
Getting to know each other
James had fully intended to keep his distance after the Incident—as he now called it in his head. He had absolutely not planned to linger when picking up Harry, nor did he intend to talk to you for longer than necessary. But that's not exactly what happened since they had been talking a lot lately.
"Everything good today?" James would ask, standing at the doorway.
"Harry was a little sassy during storytime," you would say, amused. "He insisted he already knew how it ended and started narrating over me."
James sighed, rubbing his temple. "Of course, he did. Did he at least get it right?"
"Surprisingly, yes," you said. "Honestly, he’s way too smart for a five-year-old."
James smirked. "He gets it from me, obviously."
"Oh, obviously," you teased, raising an eyebrow.
And then, the next day…
"Harry told me today that he was going to ‘summon his broom’ to get out of naptime."
James coughed. "Uh. Kids have wild imaginations, don’t they?"
"Mhm," you said, amused. "Though, I have to say, that’s a very specific thing to imagine."
James quickly changed the subject.
And then, the next day after that...
He found himself lingering near your desk, watching Harry shove his tiny arms into his backpack with all the grace of a rampaging hippogriff.
“So,” James started, leaning against the desk, “should I be worried about his academic future, or is struggling with backpack logistics a phase?”
You grinned. “Don’t worry, it’s a phase. I think.”
James sighed dramatically. “Merlin’s sake, that’s a relief. I was beginning to think I’d have to enroll him in some kind of Backpack Etiquette for Beginners course.”
You chuckled. “Well, I do give him stickers when he remembers to pack up neatly.”
James blinked. “That’s brilliant.”
You shrugged, smirking. “Bribery works wonders at this age.”
James laughed. “Noted.”
And just like that, their conversation stretched past the usual parent-teacher exchange.
James found himself not in a rush to leave.
You didn’t seem to mind.
And Harry, for once, didn’t interrupt with any more mortifying revelations.
A win for James.
A week later, James arrived earlier than usual and found you organizing a small shelf of children’s books.
“Expanding their literary horizons?” he asked, stepping closer.
You looked up, smiling. “Trying to. Some of them are still convinced books are just really boring building blocks.”
James smirked. “Ah, yes. The tragic underappreciation of literature.”
You chuckled. “Exactly.” you tilted your head. “Did you like reading when you were a kid?”
James shrugged. “I liked it. But I wasn’t the sit-quietly-and-read type. That was Remus.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Remus?”
“My best mate,” James explained. “Loves books. Absolute nightmare when you try to pull him away from one.”
You grinned. “Sounds like the kind of student I’d love to have.”
“Oh, absolutely,” James said. “Meanwhile, I was the kid causing problems in the back of the class.”
You pretended to gasp. “You? Causing trouble? I would never have guessed.”
James smirked. “Shocking, I know.”
You fell into easy conversation after that, sharing stories about school, books, and the different kinds of students you had over the years.
James barely noticed the time passing.
Neither did you.
"Alright, I have to ask," you said one day, arms crossed as you leaned against the doorway. "What’s up with Harry and the ‘Uncles’?"
James blinked. "What do you mean?"
"He talks about Uncle Padfoot and Uncle Moony constantly," you said. "Are they even real people?" you said, knowing that those names were definitely not usual. Maybe they were imaginary friends.
James tried not to laugh, he couldn't explain it to you in a detailed way, you were a Muggle after all. "Padfoot and Moony are my best mates. They are very real. It's just their nicknames. Padfoot is Sirius, Moony is Remus."
You smiled, trying to understand why they were even called that. "I swear, sometimes Harry sounds like a tiny old man when he quotes them."
James laughed. "That… yeah, that tracks. They’ve been around his whole life."
You smirked. "So, which one gives the worst advice?"
"Oh, definitely Sirius," James said immediately. "He told Harry once that he could read his mind and my poor kid spent the rest of the week scared to think"
You burst out laughing. "That’s terrible!"
"I know!" James said, grinning. "Remus had to be the voice of reason that day, convincing Harry that his uncle couldn't read his mind"
The small talk everyday was becoming a habit.
James would ask about your day, and you would roll your eyes and dramatically recount whatever chaos had ensued in your classroom—kids throwing crayons, glue disasters, the occasional crying over absolutely nothing. You were expressive, funny, and had this energy that James found… comforting.
You, in turn, asked about James—not just about Harry but about him. His work, his hobbies, things he liked. And James found himself telling you, actually enjoying your chats instead of awkwardly stumbling over his words like he thought he would.
But, of course, Harry noticed.
"Dad," Harry groaned one afternoon as James leaned against the classroom doorway, chatting away with you while other parents picked up their kids. "You’re doing it again."
James blinked down at his son. "Doing what, Prongslet?"
Harry huffed dramatically, grabbing his tiny backpack. "Talking and talking and talking."
You burst into laughter. "Oh no, Potter, you’ve been caught."
James narrowed his eyes at his son. "Maybe I like talking to your teacher, kiddo."
Harry groaned even louder, stomping toward the door. "Ugh, come on! We're always the last ones now!"
You laughed, nudging Harry’s nose playfully. "Oh, come on, am I that bad?"
Harry sighed dramatically. "No, but Daddy talks to you too much."
James cleared his throat. "Well, I just—y’know—parent stuff. Making sure you’re doing okay."
Harry squinted at him. "Uh-huh. Sure, Dad."
You smirked. "Guess I must be very interesting, huh?"
James ran a hand through his hair, looking away. "Uh… yeah. I mean, no—I mean—"
You just chuckled and waved at Harry. "See you tomorrow, little tornado."
Harry grumbled something under his breath about adults being annoying and led the way out.
James followed, but not before sneaking one last glance at you.
Getting some advice (from the professionals)
By the time a couple of weeks had passed, James knew he had to do something.
Because this? This standing-in-the-doorway-every-day-for-way-too-long thing? This was not normal behavior. He wasn’t just talking to you about Harry anymore. He liked talking to you, period.
And that? That was terrifying.
You were the first person he’d felt anything for since Lily. It wasn’t the same—Lily had been his great, big, all-consuming love. But you? You were warmth, laughter, easy conversations, and teasing smiles. And that was something.
Which meant he was going to do the scariest thing he’d done since facing off against Voldemort.
He was going to ask you out.
Sirius and Remus, of course, had opinions.
"You just gotta charm her, Prongs," Sirius said confidently, lounging on James' couch. "Lay it on thick—tell her she’s the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen, maybe throw in a ‘your eyes shine brighter than the stars’—"
Remus snorted from his chair. "Yes, James. Do that. That definitely won’t make her think you’re a lunatic."
Sirius furrowed his brows at his boyfriend "Hey! I think it worked wonders when i charmed you to like me"
Remus gave him a look "When did exactly you charmed me, pads?"
Sirius was quick to answer "Second year, of course, and it worked!"
Remus was trying not to laugh "Do you actually know that it didn't work, i just liked you back?"
Before Sirius could even snap back, his face surprised, James groaned, dropping his head into his hands. "I don’t need to charm her. I just… need to not make a fool of myself."
Sirius smirked. "Well, that’s impossible. But, hey, shoot your shot."
James was pacing his living room, gripping his hair. "I can’t do it. I can’t do it."
Sirius was looking deeply amused. "You, the James Potter, too scared to ask a woman out? This is history in the making."
Remus, sitting in an armchair, gave a long-suffering sigh. "James, it’s just coffee."
"Just coffee? Moony, I haven’t dated since Lily!" James threw his hands up. "What if she says no? What if she thinks I’m a terrible father for even thinking about dating?"
"Mate," Sirius said, sitting up. "I promise you, the last thing she’s thinking is that you’re a terrible father. She likes you."
James scoffed. "She doesn’t like me."
Sirius smirked. "Oh, yeah? Then why does she always smile at you? And laugh at your terrible dad jokes? And talk to you for an eternity?"
"That’s just—she’s nice!" James insisted.
Remus gave him a knowing look. "James. Just ask her."
James groaned. "Fine. But if I make an idiot of myself, I’m blaming both of you."
He was really going to ask you out.
Taking actions
It was a Friday afternoon. James had spent the entire day hyping himself up. This was it. No more standing around like an idiot. No more pretending he was just talking about Harry.
He was going to ask you out. Casually. Coolly. Like a totally normal, smooth person.
(He was absolutely not smooth.)
"Hey, y/n," James started as he leaned on the doorway of the classroom, trying to look relaxed.
You, who was organizing a chaotic pile of paper, looked up and smiled. "Hey, Potter. You’re right on time for the usual end-of-the-day complaints from your son."
Harry, currently sulking with his backpack, threw up his hands. "They played ring around the rosie today! Do you know how boring that is?!"
You laughed. "What, not exciting enough for you?"
James smirked. "That’s tragic, mate."
Harry crossed his arms. "Can we go now or are you gonna talk for twenty years again?"
James cleared his throat. Now or never.
"Actually," he said, looking at you, "I was wondering if you wanted to grab a coffee sometime."
You blinked. "What?"
James internally panicked. "Casual coffee. Like—like two people, drinking coffee, talking, existing in the same space—"
You raised an amused eyebrow. "Are you asking me out?"
James wanted to die. "I—I mean—yeah? But, like, you don’t have to—"
You grinned. "James."
He swallowed. "Yeah?"
"I’d love to."
James froze. "Wait. What?"
You smirked. "I said yes, Potter. You good?"
James stared at you, processing, before a slow grin spread across his face. "Oh. Well. That’s… good. That’s great. That’s—"
Harry groaned. "Finally!"
James turned to him. "Oh, what now?!"
Harry threw his hands up. "It took you forever to ask her! I thought you were never gonna do it!"
You laughed. "Seriously?"
James groaned. "Can’t anything be a secret in this family?"
You just smirked. "Apparently not."
James, still grinning, nodded. "Alright then. Coffee it is."
And for the first time in a long time, James felt something that wasn’t just surviving. He felt happy.
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honey-pages · 4 months ago
Weaker - Viktor X Reader (Study Date Part 2)
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This is part 2 to Study Date - as requested and crossposted to Ao3.
Description -
Viktor takes you to the lab, and then takes you in the lab.
1.8k words
Part 3
F/M. 18+. Smut. Pussy Eating, Sex , Dirty Talk, Semi-Public.
The colours of the books in the library seemed much more vivid as you moved to stand. You could not help but be both intimidated by Viktor and irresistibly drawn to him. The events of what just happened were written in blaring red pen across your thoughts and you wobbled a little as you stood up.
“Careful now, we cannot have you passing out before you even get to the lab” Viktor smiled, steadying you with his hand.
You returned the expression. Even looking at him, knowing what you had just been reduced to, was difficult. You felt as though your face was betraying your memories and that if you were to continue, soon the whole library would be alerted to the complete arousal you were drugged by. Almost as if some imaginary announcer would come over the loudspeaker and announce to everyone the slight noises Viktor’s hand made as he-
“(Y/N)? are you okay? You look a little pale; did I take things too far?” He whispered.
“No!” You reply, a little too quickly and sharply, “No, not at all. You have just made me so weak”.
“Weak in a good way?” He asks.
“Yes, definitely in the good way”, you clarify.
He appears happy with this, collecting his things into a bag, and placing the unnecessary extra books back on the return rack. Viktor is the only person you know who is both bold enough to finger you in the library, but also caring enough to double check with you afterwards that it was okay to finger you in the library. You chuckle to yourself. You would never have guessed he was so- out there. Or maybe you would, you had often fantasised about him doing similar things, but you would never have thought that they would leave the confines of your imagination.
The walk to the lab from the library was not too far. There was a passageway that fed between both, and this was the path Viktor took you down. You chatted as you walked. There was no awkwardness, he was as smooth as ever. Any visual signs of stiffness were hidden by his cool outward kindness and personality.
“I mentioned to you earlier about my project. Ill happily show you what I am working on if you are interested.” He suggested
“I’d love to see; it is some kind of robot if I am correct?” You reply.
“Me and Jayce are putting together some concepts to form a sort of robot - yes. Though there are a few other more… personal things, I’m working on.”
You wondered what this could be as you approached the lab. Passing through the large outer door, the lab was cold but intimate. To the centre was a large diamond like window, open fully, a thick breeze washing through. You had only visited this place in passing, bringing about notes and paperwork and strange little contraptions. It wasn’t a place that was widely accessible as it was usually kept just for Viktor and Jayce. It felt quite alien to be here, like you had walked into some mysterious world in which you were a little out of your depth.
“Water?” Viktor calls to you.
“Oh, yeah! Thank you!” You reply.
He fills you a glass from the water station labelled “DRINKING WATER- NOT COOLING FLUID.”
“We had an incident a while back” Viktor references the sign, “Jayce was a little chilly for a few days.”
You laugh, it was easy to imagine. Viktor props himself against the edge of the main table and hands you the glass, watching as you drink most of the water. You hadn't realised just how thirsty you felt.
“Better?” He suggests.
“It’s a good idea to keep your fluids up, considering how much you lost earlier” He grins.
You suddenly cannot drink more water. You flush red, but play it off coolly, sitting on the edge of the table not far from him and placing down the glass.
“It’s also a good idea to keep your fluids up considering how much more you are about to lose.” He adds.
Viktor closes the gap between the two of you, standing in front of you between your knees. Even with you sat down, he stands face to face.
“Do you know how long I have wanted to do what I have done to you today?” He asks, “For months I have watched you. I have sat next to you, hard and aching, waiting for the right time, for when I felt right touching you. I need to taste you.”
Your stomach is in knots once more, the wetness from not too long ago is now feeling extra sensitive as you begin to pulsate. Him confessing his need for you fills you with unexpected courage. You place your hands on his back and pull him in gently, closer. You press your hips against his, the table height aligning them both. You angle your face upwards, and lightly plant a kiss against his lips. He accepts and deepens it, testing the waters with the tip of his tongue, enveloping you and drawing you in until both tongues are dancing and passionate.
His hands are wandering as you feel his weight against you, they find first the edge of you face as he holds it, then your hair, following down to your shoulders, round to your breasts. He applies pressure; hands of a scientist feeling and curiously undoing, testing and taking apart. He gropes at you harder, and you feel him, firm and straining against his clothes.
He begins to undo your shirt, slowly removing it and sliding it off your body, at the feel of you in a bra he breaks the kiss, looking down in admiration at you before him.
“Ah, Miss (Y/N), you’re perfect.”
You catch his eyes as they gaze back up at your face, you hold them there, not removing your stare as you reach forward for his zip.
He grins, a laugh escaping, “Oh no, I have waited too long to touch you to be hindered by my own cock.”
He pulls away rapidly, searching around the room. He finds his chair, pulling at it until the wheels oblige and it drags in between your knees. He sits down, head level with your hips.
“I am adamant Miss (Y/N) that I taste you.”
He places a flat hand against your chest, pushing you down gently until you lay flat on his desk. When in this position, you can see up and into the sky through the other looking large window.
“Viktor, the window is open” You feign complaint.
“You were quiet enough in the library, I am sure you can behave for me again.”
His hands raise your hips, sliding down your clothes and underwear, leaving you almost bare in front of him. Your legs are closed instinctively, and he reclines back in his chair enjoying his view.
“You are hiding from me, (Y/N). Spread your legs for me. I want to see all of you.”
You hesitate out of nervousness but widen them for him. You watch the clouds in anticipation. The chair creeks and the wheels squeak. Viktor slides the flat of his tongue directly up the centre of you, gathering up your earlier wetness and sweeping it over your clit. He wraps both arms around each for your thighs and holds you down tight as he demolishes you.
You cry out loudly at the surprise of it, but he doesn’t stop. In fact, he increases his speed and pressure, curling and flicking his tongue around your clit desperately. You grab onto wood of the table to keep yourself from shaking.
“Oh God, Viktor- “
If he replies, it is buried deep inside of you as he continues to work, his whole face wet.
“I have changed my mind. I don’t want you to behave for me. I want to hear you; I want to know what I do to you. Let Piltover know.”
He replaces his tongue with an addition of two of his fingers. He tests you carefully when inserting to ensure you slide open for him and he meets no resistance. He rhythmically pushes his fingers inside of you, working you up and then crashing his palm against your clit. He sometimes breaks rhythm to rub you with his open palm. He utilises the whole of his hand when his tongue is not busy.
“Viktor, I need you. “You cry out.
“I’m sorry, I can hear you over the sounds of my hands.”
Louder this time, you moan, “Viktor please, I want you to fuck me.”
The outside world is somehow quieter, but you are not very aware of your surroundings, a blurring realisation sweeps over you that you do not care. All you need is Viktor. Viktor is restraining himself from releasing his cock and taking you. He is twitching and sensitive and very aware of just how easy it would be to give into his urges and fuck you into the table. He wants to focus on your pleasure. He adds another finger. Your moans are too much for him, you are too much for him. You weaken him and suddenly he is inappropriately touching you in the library, you always make him come undone. He debates whether to give you what you want.
“Viktor, please- “
With his face buried, he undoes his belt, buttons and zip, freeing himself. You are unaware of this as your vision is still fixed on your view of the labs window.
“Please what?” He asks in amusement.
“Please- “
As you say the words, he pre-emptively enters you, catching the words in your throat. You shout out loudly. You may hear mutterings from the street below, but you aren’t sure. Viktor makes an ungodly noise as he enters you, almost falling over the edge himself. His hands are now fixed in fists on either side of your waist as he pounds into you against the table.
He feels the pressure building. He needed this, needed you. He fixates on the way you look underneath him, splayed out on his desk all for him. He watches the open window, the people walking by below. If they were to look up, they would see him. You grip him, the sides of you holding him tightly, pulling him in, contracting against his length.
Viktor is about to make you undone. With each thrust the feeling doubles and you feel tighter than previously as your body works up to its release. You try to warn him but the only sounds escaping you are unintelligible.
A sudden hard thrust sends you over and you cry out. “Viktor, I- Im- “.
Viktor knows. He has felt the clench of you around him and feels you grip him tighter than before, pulsating and spasming. This is enough and he can’t control himself. He pushes deep inside and fills you.
“(Y/N)- “
Words seem to have escaped the both of you. Breathless, panting and messy, you cling to each other.
Viktor stays inside you for a little while after as he begins to soften. Seeing you filled with him, so vulnerable and bare, it rewires an emotional response. Something in him changes and softens more for you than it already was. He holds you for a long time and does not let go.
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bokutoko · 8 days ago
ʙᴏᴋᴜᴛᴏ ʙꜰ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ ౨ৎ
cw: ts!bokuto x f!reader (he calls reader ‘pretty girl’), slightest bit suggestive?
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- his love languages are physical touch and quality time. sweet boy loves giving you some much-needed cuddles at night after a long day, catching a whiff of your shampoo as you spoon in bed. he listens to you vent/yap about your day as you snuggle (if you feel up for it). if you don’t want to talk, he sits in silence with you, his fingers gently drawing little shapes on your tummy beneath your nightshirt (aka his shirt that you stole). he also loves running his thumb along your knuckles—it’s instinct at this point.
- and he loves when you touch him too!! holding his hand, kissing his cheek, his jaw, his neck… the love languages he likes to receive are words of affirmation and physical touch (with quality time right behind). so he always loves when you offer him a pick-me-up and a little peck on the lips (or a sloppy make out sesh) after having a bad practice.
- he loves when you wrap your arm around his bicep when you walk together. he feels his heart flutter when you also lean into his bicep as you walk. he lives for that shit 100%.
- he loves to delicately trace your figure beneath the sheets as you sleep, telling himself “five more minutes won’t hurt…” as he worships you with his eyes. yeah, and that’s how he’s late to practice—he tells himself five more minutes about 4 times and suddenly he has eighteen minutes to shower, dress, and drive to practice. you were just too breathtaking to look away from, with how the early morning sunlight making you look like an angel.
- imagine him accidentally waking you up when he gives you a soft kiss goodbye before leaving for an early morning practice. he’s on time this time! you give him a little grumble, and he coos a soft, “sorry, go back to sleep, pretty girl” with another little peck on the forehead before tiptoeing out the door.
- he always loves to see you at his games so he can receive some victory kisses afterwards (or consolatory kisses when they lose…). but at the olympics, he runs up to you when japan wins the gold and gives you the biggest, sweetest kiss for all the world to see (the alchemy style).
- he LOOOOVES when you run your fingers through his hair when it’s down/freshly washed. this man melts when you gently play with his hair between your fingers absentmindedly. he’ll have his head in your lap as you both watch a show/movie, relishing the feeling of your touch on him.
- he loves running his fingers through your hair as well, gently tucking it behind your ear and whispering a soft, “you’re so beautiful” as he stares at you with the most lovesick gaze. he loves seeing the pretty blush settle over your cheeks, how your face heats up after the simplest compliments.
- he’s genuinely so emotionally intelligent—much more than people give him credit for. the man knew when he was sad and hid beneath tables/told his team to not toss to him in order to not affect the game. so he definitely knows emotions can be finicky in high stress environments. because of this, he can read you like a book and know exactly what you need when you need it <3
- he actually likes his titties to be squeezed like stress balls. it makes him giggle (he’s only a little ticklish).
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a/n: first time writing hcs… don’t hate me i tried my best
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please do not copy, alter, or repost my work. ©bokutoko 2025.
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supernovafics · 2 months ago
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"i'll be there for you" universe masterlist
pairing: bestfriend!roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 4.9k words
warnings: explicit language, a bit of angst (bc of some family drama), lots of fluff, smut (18+), unprotected piv sex, tiny hint of praise kink
summary: in which a family wedding makes you think about the future
author's note: i love when i randomly get hit with inspiration for this universe<33
general note: everything in this universe/series can be read as standalone oneshots but to understand the full “lore” it would prob be best to read the other stuff too<333
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Summer 1986
You had been trying to stay on your parents’ good side. They hadn’t been pestering you a lot about your future— specifically college and transferring to the University of Chicago, where they had wanted you to go since you were a kid— and you wanted to keep it that way. And if that meant going to a family wedding in Illinois, then so be it. 
The only bearable part about it was that Steve was coming too, and it had taken absolutely no bribing to get him to say yes. 
“Is this my girlfriend privilege coming into play?” You asked him as you two sat on the couch in your apartment’s living room. “Because I swear if we were still just friends you would at least force me to do all of the driving or something.”
Steve gave you an amused smile. “Do you want me to make you do all of the driving?”
“Nope, not at all,” You shook your head. “So, actually, I’m gonna stop talking now.” 
Steve laughed a little and you focused your attention back on the random sitcom playing on the TV, a small smile on your face. 
“Do you think Dustin will wanna babysit Harold again?” Steve asked as he mindlessly reached out to grab your hand that was buried under the blanket draped over your laps and intertwined it with his. 
“Oh, yeah, definitely,” You answered with a nod, taking a look over at the brown and white hamster’s cage that was sitting on the low shelf you two had next to the TV. “Honestly, I think he’s starting to like Harold more than us.” 
“I’m pretty sure that happened right when we got him.”
“Shit, you’re right,” You said as you shifted a bit and wrapped Steve’s arm around you so that you were nuzzled more comfortably in his side and then intertwined your hands once again. “I actually feel kinda offended about that. Just so you know, I love you and Harold equally.”
“Equally?” Steve said, sounding playfully shocked. “I’ve known you for basically ten years.”
“Yeah, but Harold’s our son, so…” You shrugged, trying to contain your growing smile. 
“Okay, I guess I’ll share the number one spot, then,” He responded as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head.  
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
The four-hour drive to the town just out of Chicago where the majority of your family lived wasn’t terrible. You and Steve evenly split the driving time and spent most of it playing silly games; mainly the license plate game because it was a car ride staple, and also a game where you two had to try and think of the same word and say it at the same time, and you two were eerily good at it. 
By the time you made it to the hotel that all of the out-of-town family members were staying at because of how close it was to the wedding venue, it was the middle of the night. Even though Steve didn’t have to work today— he took off the entire weekend, actually— you two still decided to leave later in the day because you wanted to avoid as much unnecessary time with your parents as possible.
Unsurprisingly, you and Steve were the only people checking in at ten o’clock at night. 
“So, it looks like there are two rooms in the reservation,” The lady at the front desk told you; her name tag said Joan. “One under your name, and one under Steve Harrington.”
“Oh,” You said and then nodded after a second. “Um, okay.”
Joan seemed to take note of your slightly confused tone. “Did you not book two rooms?”
“My parents handled all of this, so I guess they did the two rooms.”
She nodded at your words. “I’m gonna go grab the room keys and I’ll be right back.”
She headed off to what you assumed was the back room and you turned to look at Steve who was standing right next to you. 
He let out a quiet laugh as his arm slipped around your waist. “Did your parents forget that we live together and that we've been dating for the last five months?”
“They probably think we still sleep in our own bedrooms,” You said, leaning into his touch and realizing just how tired you were. 
You truly couldn’t remember the last time you slept alone in the past few months since you and Steve got together, and even before that, you both had spent a lot of time in each other’s beds. It probably would’ve made sense for you two to downsize to a one-bedroom place, but you both loved the apartment so much that you couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. 
“Should I pretend that I’m actually staying in the other room?” Steve asked and you quickly nodded. 
“Yeah, just in case.”
“Bad idea that we decided to share a suitcase then, huh?”
When you came up with it, it seemed like the perfect idea for the quick weekend trip. Why bring two separate suitcases that would probably be half empty, instead of just sharing one? 
You sighed now as you took a look at the black suitcase that Steve was holding the handle of. “Very bad idea.”
Joan returned a moment later. “So, good news, the rooms are right next to each other, and they’re actually connecting, so you two won’t have to be too far from each other.”
“That’s great,” You said, grabbing one of the keys from her outstretched hand, and Steve grabbed the other. “Thank you so much.”
She smiled at you both. “I hope you two enjoy your stay.”
You and Steve said another quick “Thanks” before heading toward the elevators. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
“Your room is so much nicer than mine,” You said as you slumped back onto Steve’s bed, head quickly finding the pillow that was actually so soft. 
“Do you wanna switch?” He asked from where he stood by the suitcase, pulling on a fresh t-shirt for the night.
The door that connected your rooms was wide open and it would probably stay that way for the entire night. 
“No, it’s fine, I’ll deal with my shitty shower pressure and lumpy bed.”
“You can stay in here with me tonight, y’know,” He told you, moving closer and maneuvering so that he was settled on top of you. It was a comfortable position, even though it probably shouldn’t have been. The way your bodies molded so easily for each other always felt like two pieces of a puzzle coming together. 
You smiled under his gaze. “Thank you for the formal invitation.”
He nodded thoughtfully. “Of course, no problem. I wanna be a gentleman.”
You couldn’t help but laugh a little at his words that were said very seriously, but you knew they were anything but. 
You could’ve easily fallen asleep just like that if you wanted to, with his warm body pressed so comfortably against yours, pretty much equivalent to a weighted blanket. And it would’ve made sense to fall asleep after the long drive you two had to endure, but you really didn’t want to.  
His head dipped down and yours tilted upward, allowing you two to meet halfway in the softest kiss. 
There was something about kissing Steve that always felt so nostalgic, and also the complete opposite. Even five months into everything, there was still a newness to being with Steve in this way that you’d probably never get fully used to. Every time felt like the first one, but there was also so much comfort that had been there from the beginning and it only continued to grow.  
After a moment that you considered way too short, he pulled away from your lips and his mouth started immediately trailing along the underside of your jaw and then down to your neck.  
You let out the softest hum as you shifted underneath him, searching for any sort of extra friction. Steve’s low groan was the first thing you heard when you brushed against his hardness and you wished that you could pull off the few layers that separated the two of you in one quick movement. 
“You still tired?” He mumbled against your neck.  
“Yes, but I also really want you right now,” You whispered back as you threaded your fingers through his hair, which was slightly damp from the shower he just took. The only pro about not sharing a room was that you both got your own bathroom, even if the water pressure in yours sucked.  
“Yeah?” He asked as he pulled back a bit to look at you. His voice was teasing, playful, but you also knew how much he loved the reassurance too. 
“Yeah,” You nodded immediately. “Please.”
There was the sweetest smile on his face as his fingers found the bottom of your t-shirt and proceeded to pull the fabric up and off of you. 
You had opted against putting on a bra after your shower, so your chest was left bare for him once your t-shirt was off and he was groaning at the sight. 
“You’re so fucking pretty,” He whispered as the pad of his thumb brushed against your already hard nipple.
For the briefest moment, your eyes slipped shut and you bit your lip to hold back your moan, and then you were meeting his gaze again. 
“You’re really pretty too, Stevie,” You said, smiling up at him as you reached up to softly poke his cheek. 
He laughed a little and turned his head a little so that he was kissing your poking finger. “Thank you. You’re so nice.” 
Your shoulders upturned in the most nonchalant shrug, but the same smile was on your face; you were always the one to bring a bit of silliness into moments like these. “I try.”
Steve was smiling back at you as he gave your nipple a quick squeeze and then his hands moved down your sides and settled at the waistband of your pajama bottoms. He pulled your shorts and underwear off in one motion and tossed them to the floor somewhere along with your shirt. 
He kissed from your collarbone down to your belly button, stopping and teasing different spots along the way which made you squirm beneath him and you could feel yourself dripping onto the blanket below you with every teasing press of his mouth. He moved lower and lower, and then deliberately skipped past where you needed him to be. Instead, he started kissing your inner thighs.
Your fingers carded through his hair as you looked down at him. “You’re being very evil right now.”
“I’m sorry,” He told you, but you knew that he really wasn’t. He spread your legs further and pressed the most featherlight kiss against your clit before looking up at you again. “What do you want?”
There were a lot of things you could’ve said in answer— in that moment, you were craving his fingers and his mouth too— but after the exhaustingly long drive, you simply just wanted to be as close to him as possible as quickly as possible. 
“Honestly, I really need you inside me,” You told him softly, hand moving from his hair to his cheek. “I need your cock. Please. Is that okay?”
He let out a contented groan at your honesty, head falling against the side of your thigh. “Fuck, yeah, of course that’s okay.” 
Steve moved away from you then, his warmth leaving your body as he pulled back to look at you. The juxtaposition of you being naked right then and him still being completely clothed, made you pout at him.  
“Well, this is very unfair,” You said, reaching out to grab at his shirt. 
Steve was smiling as he leaned in to press a quick kiss against your lips. “I knew you were going to say that.”
Before you could playfully complain any further, he pulled his shirt off and your fingers quickly moved to the waistband of his sweatpants. He let you pull them down along with his boxers, revealing his hard cock that you bit your lip at the sight of, and then Steve did the rest of the work of pulling them off his legs and tossing them somewhere to the side. 
When his body was once again on top of yours, his warmth enveloping you completely, he didn’t hesitate to push inside of you, your wetness making it easy for him to fill you to the hilt. 
Steve’s thrusts were languid and slow, both of you simply craved the feeling of each other rather than anything else. His lips found yours in the most searing kiss that was so different from his unhurried movements above you. It was a messy clash of tongues and teeth and one of your hands came up to tangle itself in his hair. 
You broke the kiss when a particularly rough stir of his hips made him push deeper inside of you and you gasped. “Shit, yes, Steve, right there.”
He hit that specific spot again and again and you were moaning louder each time, not worried about how thin the walls maybe were in this hotel. “You sound so pretty screaming for me, honey. You’re so fucking good.”
You nodded profusely, trying to keep your eyes on his, but it was too hard not to let them slip shut with every perfect snap of his hips. “Only for you.”
It didn’t take long for both of you to reach your ends— it was his thumb on your clit that triggered your orgasm, and it was the feeling of your walls clenching around him as you came that sent Steve over the edge too, pressing his face into your neck. 
A quiet stillness took over as your racing hearts returned to normal and a deeper tiredness took over and made your eyelids feel heavy. 
After you weren’t sure how long, Steve started to shift so that he could move off of you, but you stopped him with a hand on his back before his softening cock could slip out of you and told him that you wanted to stay like this for a bit longer. He didn’t protest your words and instead buried his face back in your neck, pressing the sweetest kiss against your pulse point. You two slowly fell asleep just like that for the time being, too spent and exhausted to make any other movements. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
If it weren’t for the incessant sound of someone knocking on the door, you were certain that you would’ve slept for a few more hours. 
The sound woke you up slowly and then all at once. Your eyes opened and you got the urge to pull the blanket over your head. You weren’t even sure when exactly that had happened, but at some point, you and Steve finally made it under the covers and you had also grabbed his t-shirt and slipped it on too. 
You ultimately didn’t pull the blanket over your head to muffle the noise. Instead, you pulled it off of you when you realized that the knocking was coming from your room. 
The door that connected your and Steve’s rooms was still open and you were suddenly so certain that the knocks you were hearing were being rapped against your room door. 
“What’s wrong?” Steve asked when he felt you get out of bed. He tiredly rubbed his eyes; you, on the other hand, were suddenly the complete opposite of tired. 
“I’m pretty sure my mom’s right outside my door. Or my dad. Or both,” You answered him as you quickly searched for your underwear and pajama shorts and found them in different random spots on the floor. “It’s probably both of them, actually, and I’ve had no time to mentally prepare for whatever this conversation is about to be.”
“I can go answer it, if you want,” You heard Steve suggest as you hastily pulled on your bottoms. 
“I think it would be better if we kept the illusion up that we don’t sleep together,” You told him. “I’m gonna go see what they want and I’ll be back in a sec.”
You rushed over to where he was now sitting up in the bed and pressed the quickest kiss against his lips before heading over to your room and pulling the door that connected your room to Steve’s shut.  
You ruffled up the untouched bed so it looked like you actually slept in it last night and then went to open the door before another series of knocks were rapped against it. 
“Hi, good morning, sorry,” You rushed out. It was only your mom standing in front of you, and right then it was hard to tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. “The bed’s so comfortable, it was hard to wake up.”
She nodded at your words. “The bed in your dad and I’s room is terrible, we’re gonna try to switch to a different room tonight. Anyway, what time did you and Steve make it here last night?” 
“It was a little after ten.”
“And how was the drive?”
“Good,” You answered simply. “Me and Steve split the time so that made it easier.”
“That’s good,” She smiled. “Do you know if he’s still sleeping?”
“Um, yeah, he probably is,” You shrugged through your lie. “He’s right next door, but I haven’t seen him since last night.”
“Okay, well, your dad and I are going to have breakfast downstairs in an hour with your Aunt Tracy and Uncle Sean, you and Steve should come too.”
Her words sounded like a suggestion, but you knew that they were actually the opposite. 
You forced a smile. “Oh, okay, we’ll definitely meet you guys down there. I’ll go wake him up now.”
“Okay, great,” Your mom smiled back at you. “See you two then.”
You closed the door when she started walking away and headed back to Steve’s room. 
“So, what happened?” He asked as you climbed back into bed. 
You settled next to him and rested your head against his bare shoulder. “We’re having breakfast downstairs with my parents, and my aunt and uncle in an hour.”
Steve nodded at your statement. “Honestly, that sounds good. The last time we ate was right before we got here last night and it was shitty McDonald’s.”
“Yeah, those were the saddest burgers ever,” You said with a sigh. 
“Wait, which aunt is gonna be there?” Steve abruptly asked. “The nice one or the one that hates me?”
You laughed a little. “The nice one. But, I feel like I should remind you again that Cheryl does not hate you.”
“You don’t remember that party the way I do,” He said and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his seriousness. 
It had been a birthday party for your mom a few years back. Of course, Steve and his parents were there, and you and him spent most of the night camping out in your room, away from your mom’s friends and your overbearing family members. It had been your idea to sneak a bottle of wine from the kitchen and bring it to your room, but Steve was the one who actually went and did it. Or at least attempted to before he got caught by your aunt and, according to him, was harshly scolded by her. 
“I’ve seen her a bunch of times since that party and I promise you she doesn’t think you’re a bad influence on me or whatever,” You told Steve, lifting your head from his shoulder to press a kiss against his cheek. “And she definitely doesn’t hate you.”
“We’ll see what happens at the wedding later.”
You leaned in to whisper into his ear. “Don’t worry, if she does hate you, I’ll defend you from any and all shitty comments.”
He gave you an amused smile when you pulled back to look at him. “Thank you, that’s all I ask. You’re the best girlfriend ever.”
You smiled at him as you leaned your head back on his shoulder and closed your eyes, attempting to get a little more sleep before you’d have to force yourself out of bed again. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Steve was right and he didn’t hesitate to whisper an “I told you” in your ear seconds after your Aunt Cheryl gave a warm greeting to you and the coldest hello to him. 
You didn’t have time to respond to Steve’s whispered words because you two were being told by one of the ushers to find seats since the wedding was minutes away from starting. The weather was pretty much perfect; warm but not so much so that it made sitting outside entirely unbearable, which was a little surprising for the middle of August but you weren’t complaining. 
Steve was on one side of you and your parents were on the other, and you smiled in thanks when your mom complimented the dress you were wearing; the long pale pink floral dress that you bought only because you knew she would like it, and you had wanted to avoid her saying anything bad about your clothing choices like she usually did. 
About halfway through the ceremony, Steve’s hand found yours, and the simple action made you suddenly feel warm all over. You shouldn’t have felt so fazed by it— that was something that had happened practically a million times before— but the current circumstances made it feel a little different. 
Samantha was one of your cousins that you weren’t that close with— you remembered going to the sleepover for her fifth birthday party and that was one of the last times you two hung out before you and your family moved to Indiana, and then you only saw her during random family occasions— but she looked beautiful and seemed so genuinely happy that it was hard not to feel a little emotional; it was what weddings did to people. 
You tried to listen to the vows and everything else being said right then, but it was hard to fully focus when all you could think about was a future that would someday involve this with Steve, and how nice that sounded. 
Maybe Steve could suddenly read your mind or the subtle smile on your face, but either way, he was giving your hand a light squeeze, as if telling you that he agreed with everything you were thinking about. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
To probably no one’s surprise, you and Steve stayed attached at the hip throughout the majority of the night. Your hand was always laced in his or his was placed at the small of your back. 
You were grateful for that closeness and you were especially grateful for him because he made it a thousand times easier to deal with family members that you hadn’t seen in forever and the forced small talk that came along with that estrangement. 
It quickly became a revolving door of the same topics and questions— how was graduating last year, how is college going now, what are your future plans, etc, etc— and you thought you’d be able to put up with it for the entire night. However, there were only so many times you could say, “Fine,” “Good,” and “I’m still figuring it out” before it became too annoying. 
Therefore, the second the brief conversation with one of your uncles came to an end, your hand found Steve’s and you led him out of the big ballroom where the reception was happening. He didn’t question your current antics and you two ended up outside moments later— it was much cooler out now, but still comfortable— and you headed toward a little garden area with a bench that you had noticed earlier. 
 “Let’s just sit here for a bit,” You said to Steve, not explaining the why behind you wanting to do this right now, but you didn’t have to. 
He nodded, understanding just how exhausting this entire day had been for you, and sat down with you. Things fell into a comfortable quiet, the first silence all night, and you reveled in it. You shifted around after a few moments so your head was in his lap and your legs dangled off the side of the bench.
“Do you wanna leave? I think we’ve been here for a reasonable amount of time,” Steve said, breaking the quiet after a few minutes of you simply holding his hand and looking at all of the flowers in the garden. “We can go to that Dairy Queen we saw when we were driving here last night, if you want. I think it’s only like ten minutes away.”
You knew what he was trying to do— make things light in any way that he could, and in this case, it meant offering up ice cream— and once again you were reminded of just how fucking grateful you were to have him here with you in this moment.  
“I love you,” You said instead of answering his question. “Like, a lot, a lot, a lot.”
You immediately noticed the smile spread across his face as he looked down at you. “Hm, you’re not drunk right now, so where is this sappiness coming from?” 
“Shh, don’t question it. Just let me get disgustingly cheesy with you right now, Harrington.”
“Okay, sorry, continue,” He told you, but then he abruptly kept going before you could start talking. “And I love you too, by the way.”
You smiled up at him. “Aside from all of the family stuff I had to deal with today, this wedding was actually really nice and it made me think about you and us a lot.”
“In a good way or a bad way?” He was so obviously teasing you because you were certain that he knew the answer to his own question.  
You shook your head at him. “I don’t even want to dignify that insane question with a response.”
He laughed a bit as he pulled your intertwined hands up and pressed a soft kiss to the back of yours, and it was hard not to smile at the action.  
“This entire day made me realize that when we eventually, one day down the road, do this, I don’t want it to be anything like this,” You told him. 
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t want all of this huge fanfare and I don’t want a bunch of people that I don’t ever talk to, to be there either. If we just have the kids, and Robin and Eddie, and Nancy and Jonathan too. Oh, and Harold, of course. That’s more than enough for me. Is that okay? Does that even make sense?” You looked up at him to see if he understood what you meant, and of course he did. He always did. 
Steve nodded immediately. “That sounds perfect, honestly.” 
“I know that probably won’t be able to happen because of how involved our moms are gonna want to be with everything, but I just think the thought is nice,” You said with a halfhearted shrug. 
“We can do a small thing with just everyone that we want to be there and then let our moms take the reins on the huge fancy thing that they’ll force us to do.”
“God, you’re so smart,” You said and you wanted to sit up so that you could kiss him— you’d been craving it all night, actually— but you felt too comfortable to move right then. “So, is this a proposal, Steven?”
You were the one doing the teasing now, a smile playing on your lips as you looked up at him and he looked down and met your eyes again. 
He shook his head as he smiled at you. “Give me some time to plan the most elaborate one ever.”
“Take all the time you need,” You told him, and you genuinely meant that. In your eyes, there wasn’t any rush to get to that place. Even though you loved talking about the future with him, you didn't feel the need to make it happen before it was meant to. You two were already happy and in love and you felt so certain that that would never change, so you felt content being in this place with him. “Thank you again for coming with me to this, by the way.”
He lightly poked your side, making you let out the quietest breath of a laugh, before speaking. “You know I’d never say no to you.”
“Aw, I love it when you also get sappy with me,” You sat up then and finally leaned in to slot your lips against his. You hummed in contentment the second he eagerly reciprocated the kiss and your hand instinctually moved to the nape of his neck as you pushed yourself closer to him. 
You savored the moment for as long as you could before you had to pull away to take a breath. “Okay, now let’s get out of here and get ice cream.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
let me know ur thoughts<333
(requests are open for stuff you wanna see in the universe/series!🫶🏾)
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mygnolia · 8 months ago
to weave my love ⭒ n. riki [TEASER]
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⭒ SYNOPSIS -› Riki is good at many things- dancing, making fun of his friends, playing it cool (debatable.), Hell- he’s even good at saving people from falling buildings without getting whiplash. But the things he’s bad at? Well, it’s asking you out to prom, and trying to balance the shared assignment he has with you…while being Spider-man.
⭒ PAIR -› spiderman!nishimura riki x fem-pres!reader
⭒ GENRE -› fluff, banter, comfort ⭒ TROPES -› classmates to lovers, idiots to lovers ⭒ WC -› 6-10k (est.)
⭒ REN SAYS... spiderman niki is a need hes so cute i love riki sm 😕🫵 also poll voted for this and tbh i just wanna write downbad riki LOLZ | LIBRARY
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“God, I don’t think you can look at her any more down bad than you already do right now.” Jake picks at his food, and despite his concentration directed towards the olives on his pizza, he’s able to dodge the flying loaded nacho that goes his way, even if he wasn’t the one with superpowers.
“Can you shut up?” Riki grumbles, laying his head on his arms as he watches you smile and point to something. “I just got pummeled into a semi truck last night. Let me have this before I die in a week.”
“Very grim,” his friend notes, ruffling the younger’s hair. “I think this is exactly what all of those mental health assemblies that we get are for.” And Riki basically tunes him out, too tired to fight and too used to the teasing remarks to come up with anything useful in response.
Riki sits up a bit, letting his head rest on his propped elbow as he looks at the school food and touches another nacho gingerly. “Y’know, I read the book for English so she wouldn’t think I’m an idiot.”
His friend snickers, successfully pulling out yet another sliced olive from the cheese, much to the disgust of Riki. “She probably already thinks you’re an idiot.”
The superhero debates throwing another cheesy nacho in Jake's face, before deciding to eat it instead. “Don’t say that asshole! You make it seem like I have no chance with her.”
Jake shoots him an exasperated look that makes Riki break eye contact. “That’s because you don’t.”
“I’ll prove to her that I’m worth her time.” Riki says somewhat wistfully, still stealing glances from a few tables away. “Maybe I’ll ask her out to prom, show up to her balcony in my suit. Do that cheesy upside kiss shit people say Spiderman does.” When his friend raises an eyebrow at him, Riki shrugs. “I will! Well-maybe not the Spiderman thing, but prom definitely.”
Jake continues to look at him unconvinced as he takes a bite out of a slice of pizza with mangled cheese. “You barely talk to her in class and you think you can ask her out to prom as Nishimura Riki?” And the younger grins, his eyes still stuck on how your eyes crinkle and how your shoulders shake with laughter.
“Yup.” And his fate is sealed, just like that.
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“Are you going to prom, Riki?” Is the first thing you ask when he sits down, grabbing his book and laptop with a little too much enthusiasm.
“I’m thinking about it.” Yeah- whatever confidence he had 37 minutes ago really isn’t serving him well in this moment, because frankly, Riki feels lame as ever trying to be nonchalant around you. “You?”
“I’d have to set up, so I would be there, yes. But whether or not I have a date is another story.” You smile to lighten the mood, but Riki watches you and nods, focusing back on signing into his laptop and getting his notes.
“Well, you’re not the only single one here.” And he wants to reprimand himself for saying something without thinking. “If someone asked, would you say yes?”
You think about it, really- because you don’t really have anyone in mind when it comes to prom if Riki’s not planning on going. “It’d have to someone I know- someone I talk to somewhat regularly. I’d be nice to be with someone who doesn’t make it awkward.”
Nishimura Riki might die from overthinking if he keeps wondering whether or not he fits that description to a tee.
RIKI'S TO-DO LIST BEFORE PROM ☐ talk to ____ regularly ☐ don't make it awkward ☐ be..cute?
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