#also would like to note that i text edited and posted this via my laptop rather than my phone so hopefully theres no fatal errors LOL
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slightlyunconventional · 2 years ago
Here goes:, because this has been swimming around in my head:
K/az has injured his arm(s) on their last job. He’s sore, having trouble moving it, it's in a sling, etc., something like that.
And on top of it all, for reasons of your choice, he’s SUPER sneezy.
I just want to read I/nej helping him tend to his nose. Since K/az can't reach it himself (or he can but not without immense amounts of pain). Like, I/nej rubbing his nose gently for him, massaging his nostrils through cloth to help him sneeze or not sneeze, soothing the itch, cleaning it up--anything, just give me I/nej tending to Kaz’s super sneezy irritated nose ^__^; only if you like
THANK YOU for this prompt i adore it so much and i genuinely had so much fun writing this! i hope you enjoy :D
assistance (basically, k/az is a TOTAL mess and i/nej is lovely as usual)
After a nasty run-in with some thugs from a rival club during a job gone sour, K/az found himself in quite the predicament. The kind of predicament that meant both of his arms were out of action. To his credit, he’d held up his own against the gang for a surprisingly long time but still walked away with a broken wrist and a very painful forearm that was most likely fractured - not to mention the sizeable purple bruise he was sporting on his jaw. 
K/az threw open the door and stomped into the Slat looking positively bedraggled. His hat had been discarded somewhere amidst the conflict. 
“It was twenty versus one! I can’t believe he wouldn’t let us get involved!” 
“What, and blow our own cover? Did you want us to die?”
“He probably died!”
“Saints, J/es, N/ina, calm down. He was putting up a good fight, I’m sure he’ll be- oh, K/az,” I/nej said, spotting K/az as he entered the room. She stood up from the table where J/esper and N/ina were bickering and approached the rain-soaked man.
“Yes, I took care of them all,” Kaz rasped, answering Inej’s question before she could even ask it. 
The gap between them was almost closed as Inej stepped forward, looking closely at his face. 
“Are you okay?” she dared to ask.
Kaz let his expression soften at her words.
“I’m okay,” he hesitated, “well, I’ll be okay.”
Concern blossomed in Inej’s eyes like the petals of a crocus.
“You know that’s not what I want to hear.”
Kaz remained silent. He was suddenly acutely aware of each and every droplet of water sliding from his hair and onto the floor, and the way his sodden clothes clung to his skin, and the warmth he felt in his cheeks from Inej’s proximity even under the sting of a fresh bruise. Another drop of rain slipped from Kaz’s mess of soaked black hair, falling down right between their faces. Inej’s eyes tracked the droplet down as it fell to the floorboards. She lifted her gaze to meet his. The heat in Kaz’s cheeks grew, much to his resentment.
“I think you dropped something,” she said quietly, looking back down at the rain-spattered ground.
The corners of Kaz’s lips twitched. He noted the glint in Inej’s deep brown eyes.
A (surprisingly clean) towel ruined the moment by soaring right into their faces. Kaz and Inej looked up simultaneously, met by Jesper’s shit-eating grin.
“Good fight, boss? I knew you’d come out on top,” he said smugly.
“Were you not just panicking because you thought he was dead?” Nina asked with her eyebrows raised.
Inej snorted.
“No idea what you’re talking about, Nins.” 
Now it was Kaz’s turn to raise his eyebrows. “And why did you throw a towel at me?”
Jesper shrugged. “Looked like you needed it.”
Kaz sighed. He took the towel from Inej who had picked it up off the floor where it had landed. Inej clocked the way he winced when reaching his arm out.
“Thank you,” Kaz said quietly. He made his way over to the stairs, the gazes of everyone in the room like lasers on his back. Inej watched him closely and, seeing his extra-pronounced limp and the shake of the arm holding his cane with every step, decided to follow him. 
“I don’t believe I asked for an entourage.” 
“It’s not just your room that's upstairs,” Inej replied, a little too quickly. She knew Kaz didn’t believe her, but he still let her trail behind him as he ascended the stairs lopsidedly. They walked in silence until they reached Kaz’s room, when he looked back at her with a single eyebrow lifted. Inej took this as her cue to pretend to disappear into her own room. She definitely didn’t imagine the pained sigh that escaped Kaz. As soon as he’d shut his door, she slipped back out into the corridor and stood quietly outside, listening.
She heard the creak of Kaz’s chair as he lowered himself into it, then a heavy clatter on the floor.
“Shit,” muttered Kaz. The chair creaked again. Probably dropped his cane, Inej thought, strange, though, that’s not like him. The patter of the rain on the roof and windows severely hindered her ability to listen in on him, however. 
After a few moments, Inej did manage to hear a rather wet-sounding thump, presumably Kaz discarding his thick, wool greatcoat onto the floor. Another sigh. Part of her wanted to enter the room and see him, help dry his hair, hang his coat up by the window, fall asleep with her head resting on his firm shoulder, but she knew she shouldn’t. So she waited, she listened. 
“Oh, Saints,” Inej heard after a short while. She had not a second to wonder why Kaz had said that, as the next moment she heard a sound she hadn’t heard in a very long time. 
She then heard what she thought was Kaz sucking a sharp breath in through his teeth. He’s in pain, she realised. A million thoughts barrelled through her mind - is he sick? Injured? Both? Inej worried at her lower lip, knowing now that Kaz was in way worse condition than he was letting on. Against her better judgement, she slowly pushed open the door… right as Kaz was (trying to) stifle another harsh sneeze.
“hH’GKKTTSChhiew! Huhh…” 
The hand he used to pinch his nose was shaking slightly as he lifted it from his face. His brows were drawn tightly together and his teeth were gritted, hard - Inej had never seen him looking so pained. He looked up at Inej who was hovering in the doorway, hand still lifted cautiously in the air, as though he was scared to put it down. 
“Saints above, Kaz. You said you were fine,” Inej said with worry.
Kaz averted his eyes. “I am fine,” he replied shortly. 
Inej approached him and gently took his gloved hand in hers. 
“Don’t-” he started, teeth still gritted. He yanked his hand away instinctively. She noticed how his face paled slightly.
“What happened to your hands, Kaz?” asked Inej, quietly but firmly. Kaz still didn’t meet her gaze.
“You can’t expect me to believe that.”
Kaz hesitated. He looked down at his hand.
“Broke it. My wrist,” he muttered with reluctance, “Think the other arm’s fractured, too.”
Inej held back a gasp. “Tell me you’re joking.”
Kaz shook his head, hair still damp from the torrential rain.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” she asked incredulously, “In fact, nevermind that, we need Nina to fix-”
“No, we don’t-!” Kaz cut in. His words were tinted with a note of panic that she’d never heard before.
Inej let her shoulders lower. She sighed. “At least let me patch you up, then.”
“Right. Good. I’ll get the first aid kit,” Inej said, beginning to turn away.
“-hahH’KKSCHHhiew! Oh, God, I-” Kaz sneezed wetly and openly, cringing at the mess it left on his upper lip. He raised his hand weakly to his face to cover it.
“Saints, and I’ll get some tissues. Try not to move your arms around too much, okay?” Inej said. She left the room.
A short while later, Inej returned to Kaz’s room, clutching a box containing the Slat’s first aid kit, as well as a rather old-looking box of tissues. He was still sitting at his desk, one arm hanging at his side, the other with its hand resting carefully on the tabletop. His nose had become significantly pinker since Inej last saw him, which was only mere minutes prior. She was greeted with another grating sneeze.
“Bless you,” Inej offered.
“I’m sorry, I… cah-cahhn’tseemtostop-! huhH’KTSCHHh! ‘GKKSCHH! hah-hAH’KKTSCHHhiew!”
“Wow. Bless you, bless you, bless you,” Inej said with a sympathetic smile, “Oh, you’ve made a real mess of yourself there, Kaz.”
He lifted his hand to clean himself up, but tensed up at the pain. Inej leaned forward and gently helped his arm back down.
“Here, let me.”
“There’s a hahh-handker-’TSSCHhiew! Ugh. Handkerchief, in my coat.”
“That’ll be soaking wet, Kaz. I have tissues.”
She plucked a couple of tissues from the box she’d placed on Kaz’s desk and used them to gently clean up Kaz’s face. He sighed.
“You know I can do it myself,” he said thickly, voice muffled by the soft tissues in front of his face.
“I know you can, but is it going to do you any good?” Inej asked; a rhetorical question. She made sure to keep her touch on his face gentle. She knew how sensitive his nose could get. As if on cue, Inej felt Kaz’s nose flare under the tissues.
“‘Nej, I’m going to-” His breaths were rapid and shallow.
“I know.”
“But I don’t wanna sn- haHH’GKKTSCHHhew! haH’ISCHHhiew!” He cut himself off with two heavy, messy sneezes, right into the tissues in Inej’s hand. “Saints, I’m sorry,” he added breathlessly.
“Bless you, bless you. It’s okay.” Inej gently cleaned his face once again. The pure exhaustion in his coffee-brown eyes sent a pang of pity through her heart.
“You really don’t need to say ‘bless you’ every… hahh… every- oh- sorry, I’m- haHH’KKSHHHhiew!”
Inej smiled. “Bless you.”
Kaz rolled his eyes. Inej tightened her hand on his face slightly.
“Blow,” she instructed. Kaz looked up at her in disbelief.
“I really don’t think that’s-”
“You heard me,” she cut in, “By the sound of those sneezes, you need it.”
The dark haired man hesitated, but eventually leaned into the tissues with a sigh, and blew his nose heavily. Inej smiled sympathetically. Kaz emerged looking positively mortified.
“Never doing that again,” he muttered.
“You wouldn’t have had to if you didn’t insist on taking on that entire gang on your own,” Inej pointed out. Kaz shot her a look. She tilted her head at him, still smiling softly. “Now let’s get you bandaged up, okay?”
He nodded. Inej opened the first-aid box and pulled out a roll of wide bandages.
“Roll up your sleeve for me,” she said gently. He obliged.
Inej got to work wrapping his broken wrist in bandages - it was the best she could do, considering Kaz refused to let Nina see to him, at least for now. It wasn’t long before Kaz’s breath caught again. He turned his head away from Inej, trying his best to keep his hand still as she tended to it.
“Sorry- hahH’KKSCHHIEWhh!” 
“Bles-” Inej started.
Kaz shook his head. “N-not done-” he said, panting. “hAH’KTSCHHUHh!”
His whole body shook with the force of each sneeze, his shoulders tensing and legs jolting slightly upwards. Luckily, Inej had finished wrapping his broken wrist, so she could stop to once again tend to Kaz’s nose. She pressed two fresh tissues to his face and massaged his nose ever so gently. His breath caught sharply.
“Don’t, that’s too- hahH-! Too gentle, I’m g-go--huHH’GKKSCHHHh! ‘SSCHHHhiew!”
“Oh, Saints, sorry. You really can’t stop, can you?” Inej said, still cradling his face with the thick wad of tissue.
“It’s the rain, or something. Apparently it really g-gets to… to… me-'' Kaz's eyes narrowed and Inej felt his nostrils flare desperately even through the tissues. His breath hitched.
“haAHhdt-! huh-hUH-huhHh- oh, S-saints, it’s not comi- haAH-!”
“Stuck, huh?” Inej teased, “Happens to the best of us.”
Inej decided to reuse her “too-gentle” massaging technique to ease Kaz along. Perhaps it worked a little too well - he exploded into a series of tearing, messy sneezes, each outburst just barely caught in Inej’s hand.
He was left panting, almost unable to catch his breath. Inej reached for a few more tissues, keeping the used ones braced to Kaz’s face in case of another incident. She now held a thick wad of tissues, pressed to Kaz’s streaming reddened nose. 
“Bless you - I don’t even know how many times,” Inej said with a slight laugh. She cleaned up the rest of the mess that had gathered on his face with the tissues, all while Kaz’s cheeks turned pink in true mortification. Inej noticed this and added, “You don’t have to be embarrassed. This happens to everyone.” 
She saw Kaz’s shoulders relax slightly and he exhaled slowly.
“Saints, that was awful. I’m sor-” he started.
“Don’t apologise. You know I value being able to care for you. I’m glad you let me.”
Kaz nodded silently. He leaned back in his chair, exhaustion now clear in his face.
“Let’s get to that other arm now, shall we?”
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mittensmorgul · 5 years ago
The Tumblr Beta Version: an objective analysis
I was tempted to just type “it sucks.” And while that is an objective analysis, it’s not exactly helpful. I’ve sent several requests to @staff and @support to restore my account to the old tumblr dashboard format, and received the same automated reply twice now. I’ll copy/paste it here so everyone is on the same page:
(lol, I had to go back and edit this, because apparently the beta version doesn’t display block quotes on the dash. So I’ve also put the block quotes in italics... hopefully it’ll display properly... note after editing: nope, it doesn’t display italics either... how the heck am I supposed to differentiate quoted text? I’ll start each quoted bit with an asterisk, I guess...)
*Thanks for reaching out about the beta dashboard.
*We're currently testing it out, and your account seems to have been selected to take part in the test. Thanks for your patience while we work on it! At this time there is not a way to opt out of testing. You may see your Tumblr experience return to normal as we continue testing.
*In the meantime, check out some of the new features available only in the beta dashboard:
OKAY TUMBLR, IF YOU INSIST, though I would MUCH rather have back all the functionality I personally invested into this website through xkit... you know... making the site ACTUALLY FUNCTIONAL. Let’s see what this beta version has given me instead of functionality:
*Change Palettes: Go to the person icon, then click "Change Palette." You'll find the classic Tumblr blue, dark mode, and a few other color palettes for your dash.
So I tried out all the color palettes. In addition to the ones mentioned here, there’s one that’s trying to look like a green screen terminal that gives me flashbacks to the early 80′s. There’s a reason we stopped using green screen terminals... Another one is “canary yellow.” It’s very yellow. The “classic tumblr” isn’t actually classic tumblr... all the post boxes are dark blue with grey type, not white with black type. And all the other colors are the insanely bright fluorescent of the new Dark Blue standard tumblr scheme. Which means links are practically invisible unless I highlight them. It’s migraine inducing. The one theme with a light colored background is called “Concrete” or “Cement” or something like that and even that only works for about half an hour before the migraine aura really kicks in. I just want my Old Blue via xkit back. You know, what tumblr actually used to look like. I don’t want any of these horrible color palettes. None of them work for me.
*The new "meatballs" menu: This is where you can copy the post link, unfollow the Tumblr who made or reblogged the post, or report a violation to our Community Guidelines.
I could do all of this from the user menus with xkit, too. I don’t regularly report violations or have the urge to block people I have chosen to follow. Why on earth would I want to do any of this? And why would I want these features located directly beside the post link copy feature? 
You know what I do miss? I miss the xkit timestamps feature. I didn’t have to hover dangerously close to the KILL IT WITH FIRE meatballs menu in order to see when a post was made, and in this era of disinformation and misinformation spreading around this site faster than Covid-19, being able to see when a post was ORIGINALLY created is a far more useful feature than an easier way to block people. For reference: I currently have three blogs blocked. Two of them are pornbots. One is a nazi. If I don’t want someone’s content on my dash, I don’t follow them. This “feature” is entirely useless to me.
*A quick note: Pagination is not supported in this beta test, but we're collecting feedback to send to our engineers.
THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE WORST. This beta test might actually be tolerable if I wasn’t trapped into endless scrolling. If I could page through my dash, refreshing it every ten posts or so. You know why? Because once I scroll about 30 posts down my dash, tumblr starts overheating my laptop under the load of ALL THOSE POSTS. Things start malfunctioning-- it takes longer and longer to load new posts the farther I scroll. And the keyboard navigation (both page down and hitting J to advance to the next post, and even just using the down arrow to scroll as I read a long post) freeze and stop functioning. One of my laptop fans has actually begun to malfunction.
You know why this wasn’t a problem on the old version? If the data load got to heavy, I could open a post in a new tab, click view on dash with xkit, and voila! Brand new tab! I could close the malfunctioning tab and everything would be refreshed to normal! But without pagination, THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.
Also, after reblogging a few posts, the beta version of this site breaks, and doesn’t open a post tab to add commentary or even tags. It just... reblogs the untagged post with no warning whatsoever. You know... that’s really really not cool. I tag EVERYTHING. Well, almost everything. The tags are the only way to keep track of the 40k+ posts on my blog. And warn people that I am posting potential spoilers, or other specific content. It’s REALLY inconvenient to have to either immediately go to my blog to edit the post and add tags, or even comments. The alternative is to scroll up to open individual posts I want to reblog in a new tab, and then reblog directly there. Ironically enough, THOSE pages actually open with xkit installed, and everything (surprise!) functions perfectly there.
It’s perfectly reasonable to understand why this specific issue has limited the number of posts I reblog. Reblogging content should not be this much of a hassle. Creators have been complaining for a while that reblogs have drastically slowed down, and I think making it even more annoying and difficult to reblog posts will not help this problem.
Also, with xkit enabled, there’s a function that auto-loads images as you scroll, so the images are always visible BEFORE they appear on screen. I don’t have to look at the colored boxes and wonder if this is a post I’ve already seen or something I should sit and wait for. Don’t even think about watching tumblr videos. Loading priority is given to the ads that you cannot pause or dismiss, so that video loads and plays in choppy two second bursts instead of being given priority. Since that’s the content I am actually here to consume, it kinda makes me want to do the opposite of patronizing anyone who advertises here with graphically intense ads. And then when you scroll away, with xkit, gifs and videos you’ve scrolled past STOP loading and playing, which I think might be contributing to the intensity of the resource hogging that’s literally melting down my laptop.
And for reference, I have a pretty decent little gaming laptop. A blogging platform shouldn’t be driving it to the brink of frying itself. I didn’t realize just how much xkit worked to streamline this and provide basic functionality to this site.
*And lastly, if you're an XKit user, know that the XKit team is working hard to update things on their end to make it compatible with the beta dashboard.
And this doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of what I’ve lost without xkit. And this is a really REALLY garbage response to user complaints. “Oh, yeah, sorry we made our site suck even worse, but those nice people who do our jobs for free will surely fix our garbage soon!”
Dear wonderful people at @new-xkit-extension, I love you, and I miss you, and while I wish xkit worked with this beta version I’ve been forced into living with, I truly feel for y’all who are trying to deal with this nonsense on behalf of all of us.
And to the folks at Tumblr... maybe try to just... make your site actually more like xkit. You know, actually functional. None of these special new features are useful or functional to me. I respectfully request for a fourth time to be removed from this inane beta test.
Give us OPTIONS. Let us display ALL THE TAGS without having to click a button. Let me have back my Activity+ that actually allowed me to interact with people from my dash! That showed me real-time inline notifications in a way that I could reply to with a single click! Bring me back to my column of open messaging conversation icons so I have easy access to the people I talk with throughout the day instead of closing them all every time I refresh the page. I already feel socially isolated in freaking quarantine, please stop shutting off all my avenues of communication!
Let us have pagination! I mean, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to force heavy users of this site into a beta version that doesn’t allow us to opt out until your engineers had actually figured out how to make it work in a very basic way.
*Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!
(one final quick note... I’ve only been back on my dash long enough to make the parenthetical edits-- i.e. adding italics that don’t display and then adding the asterisks at the beginning of each section of quoted text, and already my laptop is overheating again. For reference, I originally typed this entire post from within my tumblr inbox page-- which still functions normally with xkit-- and spent over an hour on it. My laptop was fine the entire time. Clearly the issue is this beta version of the website. I will never forgive tumblr if y’all fry my literal only portal to the outside world at this time. PUT ME BACK TO NORMAL NOW. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY INFURIATING AND ENTIRELY UNACCEPTABLE. Thanks)
(oops apparently i lied... when the asterisks and the previous final note failed to display, I thought that seemed suspicious, and realized that I literally needed to refresh my entire dash in order to see edited changes. Funny how xkit enabled me to do that in real time, which is just another bit of functionality I’ve lost with this beta program. Please guys, this is really, really not working for me at all, just put it back.)
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clarawatson · 4 years ago
Give us some book or poetry recommendations, Please.
This ask has blessed me 💖💖. This is also a long post, promise I'll put it under 'read more' once I turn on my laptop
Hmm let us see. I'll try to get my finger into every pie.
I am very white in my poetry consumption, I admit this. (And very limited, poetry confuses me) so I'll give you 2 categories: ones that inspired my Quiet Birds AU and poems I know my friends enjoyed).
Quiet Birds Inspo:
Do Not Stand At My Grave and Weep (Mary Elizabeth Frye) ~ I read this in highschool and it ended up in every book I own. (Genuinely. It's in my art book of all places).
Caged Bird (Maya Angelou) ~ I just love this poem tbh.
Poems my friends enjoyed:
The Love Song of Alfred J Prufrock (T.S.Eliot) - "the poem gay, kids" is the note I have at the bottom of my notes on that poem.
Poetry (Marianne Moore) -- it's a poem about hating poetry.
Mary Szybist's Incarnadine -- this is an anthology I did not enjoy but my friends did.
Gone Girl (Gillian Flynn)-- even if you've watched the movie or know spoilers, this book is a treat. It is so well done.
The Cry (Helen Fitzgerald) -- it's only small (307 pages!) But if you're interested in original work vs TV adaptation I highly recommend watching the 4 part mini series and reading the book, it's interesting how the two approach Joanna (I'm inclined more towards TV Joanna).
History based dystopian(s):
The Handmaid's Tale (Margaret Atwood) -- i had to make sure I was in a good headspace to read this (it has some very heavy topics and I would NEVER tell anyone they had to read it, it made me very uncomfortable) but I am grateful i did.
The Natural Way of Things (Charlotte Wood) -- is a modern day take on Women's Prisons or "reformation centres" those places for ""troubled girls"" (y'know, they had sex, lock them away) very arty but very good and makes you think!!
Queer Young Adult:
Amelia Westlake Was Never Here (Erin Gough) -- two lesbians take down homophobic, racist and sex offending teachers via an allias in the school paper and accidentally fall in love.
Her Royal Highness (Rachel Hawkins) -- falling in love with royalty at a Scottish boarding school only it's lesbian.
To be taught, if fortunate (Becky Chambers) -- novella!! 134 pages!! an astronaut sends back her final letter to earth, not knowing if anyone survived. Incredibly diverse, has everything. (A pansexual MC and a trans biologist and an understanding the whole ship is poly?? So good)
Red, White & Royal Blue (Casey McQuinston) -- the president's son falls in love with the prince of England. Has quite explicit smut sometimes, wouldn't recommend reading anywhere someone can read over you shoulder.
Stardust (Neil Gaiman) -- again, another one that isn't spoiled by knowing the movie or the book. Both stand alone perfectly.
Four Dead Queens (Astrid Scholte) -- this book was incredible. It's got a bad rep on goodreads because two of the dead Queens are queer (not a spoiler) but it's genuinely a good book (i, a queer, say so) and pulls off its plot twists effortlessly and always has you looking in the wrong direction.
Children's fantasy:
Strangeworlds Travel Agency (L.D. Lapinski) -- 11 year old girl and her new 18 year old friend pretend they're in Doctor Who via suitcases and there's a bunch of canonical queers.
Nevermoor (Jessica Townsend) -- you gotta fight through that first 200 pages (it works really hard at NOT being Harry Potter) and then it comes into itself. Townsend was also very quick to speak out against Rowling (also evident in source material that constantly has people pulled up for being mean, and calls out human rights violations, also Queer characters).
YA Fantasy:
The Medoran Chronicles (Lynette Noni) -- 5 book fantasy series featuring female protagonist. I only read them last year, they're brilliant. First book kind of reads like Harry Potter fanfic but it does not continue in that direction.
Authors i would just recommend in general:
Patrick Ness
John Flanagan
Lynette Noni
If you're looking for something more visual:
Illuminae (Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff) -- it's a compilation of ship blue prints, emails, chat logs, classified files, debrief interviews, transcripts and security footage. Such a good book.
Favourite text(s) I studied:
Dracula (Bram Stoker) -- my best friend bought me a collectors edition for my birthday because I ruined my first edition when I read it at the Gardens and it started raining.
Animals People (indra sinha) -- a fictionalised account of the Bhopal Disaster, meant to draw attention towards it.
Swallow the Air (Tara June Winch) -- May sets out the find her Aboriginal identity while her family falls apart after her mothers death.
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cillianmurphy · 5 years ago
32, 36 & 47 :~)
32 - What is your favorite tool/adjustment layer in Photoshop
I love curves and selective colour!! also the mask tool can be a lifesaver!
36 - Do you gif with something specific in mind or do you just wing it
I like to have something specific in mind, it’s just the way I am but sometimes I will wing it
47 - Any advice for novice gif makers/people who want to start making gifs
read tutorials and do it for yourself, not for notes. I know the ratio is so discouraging atm but in the end, make edits because you want to and are motivated to. Experiment a lot, don’t feel like you need to make your gifs look like what you standardly see on this website. Who cares if your gifs are oversaturated, too bright or dark or whatever, its your gif and if you like it, then that is what counts. Do it for yourself, not for others. 
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Heck I used to gif on my phone and what helped me get used to photoshop when I got my laptop last year was asking around and reading tutorials and experimenting a LOT. It was a lot of trial and error. Also, I know that some people cannot afford photoshop and stuff but if you want to make gifs, use ezgif and photopea, its a free alternative to photoshop online and it is super good. 
I would recommend keeping them under 3mb, 4mb at the most. I know tumblr updated the limit but gifs get compressed and the quality reduction is noticeable, so i would recommend keeping them under 3mb because then they will not be compressed, 4mb at the absolute most for ok quality still and a slightly longer or bigger gif. 
tldr, do what you like. Make your gifs any way you want and ask for help if you need or want it because most people are definitely willing to help. If you want to ask me, just dm me, they’re always open! :) good luck!!!! (one thing, upload them via desktop not mobile app, bc otherwise its formatted as a text post and they won’t show up well)
send me questions for gif makers!
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nightwatchman6455 · 6 years ago
GPO Abuse and You
I recently took the Red Team Tactics course through SpecterOps (which is a great course and I highly recommend everyone take it if given the opportunity) and one of the topics that the instructors touched on briefly was abusing Group Policy Objects (GPOs) to exploit a domain. While I had known about Group Policy (and even used it for network reconnaissance while on target) I had never thought about using them as a lateral movement technique. So I started digging.
Talking to fellow Red Teamers made me realize that use of GPOs to laterally pivot through networks isn’t anything new, but I was somewhat disheartened by how others used this technique. From the small (very small, admittedly) sample of people I discussed this with, it appears the common technique is to RDP onto a domain controller or use the Group Policy plugin for Microsoft Management Console (MMC) in order to manipulate GPOs. The problem with these techniques is they either require domain admin credentials (in the case of RDP) or a proxy connection into the network (in the case of utilizing MMC). If you already have clear-text domain admin credentials, then utilizing GPOs for lateral movement is a moot point. Just get the hashes you need through DCSync and laterally move to your target through other means. On a different note, utilizing a proxy connection into the network to use MMC can result in more network traffic that can get you caught by defenders.
Which leads me to the question I wanted to answer. Is it possible to manipulate GPOs via command-line (without RDP or MMC)? So I started doing research. In the post below, I will discuss what I discovered about using GPOs for exploitation purposes. Additionally, I figured I would talk a little bit about what GPOs actually do and what they look like (for those who, like me, might not know). A lot of this information is pulled from Andy Robbin’s (wald0) GPO post and Will Schroeder’s (harmj0y) similar GPO post. If you already know this, I would recommend just skipping on down to the fun part about abusing these policies!
An Introduction to GPOs
GPOs are one of the mechanisms used to manage large Windows enterprise networks. They allow admins to push out system changes to groups of devices on a network. Admins will decide exactly what changes they want to make to a group of devices, create the GPO, and then apply the GPO to an organization unit, or OU. This is typically all done either on the actual domain controller for a network (through the Group Policy Management Console) or from another system on the network through the use of Microsoft Management Console (with the Group Policy Management plug-in).
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So what exactly can you do with GPOs? The proverbial sky seems to be the limit. Do you want to add local users to a group of computers? There’s a GPO for that. Do you want to change power settings for all laptops connected to your domain? There’s a GPO for that. Do you want to add a startup or shutdown script to certain computers? There is a GPO for that. Do you want to add or remove specific registry keys or values? Well, there’s a GPO for that too.
So what do GPOs actually look like? As mentioned above, they can be created through the Group Policy Management Console on domain controllers or with the plug-in for Microsoft Management Console. Once they are created, they are viewable in Active Directory under the grouppolicycontainer objectclass. This can be done using either a tool like PowerView/SharpView or using the Windows tool DSQuery.
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Each GPO in a domain will have three distinguishing attributes: a display name, a name, and an objectguid. The display name, assigned at creation, is a human-readable name for the GPO, a name is the actual “name” of the GPO (yeah, confusing), and the objectguid is a globally unique parameter for identifying the GPO in the domain. Additionally, each GPO has a few other attributes which help us to understand more about what they do (since display names can often be unclear). The attributes I want to focus on are gpcFilePath, gpcMachineExtensionNames, gpcUserExtensionNames, and versionnumber. The gpcFilePath attributepoints to where the GPO files exist on disk. This location is in the SYSVOL directory/share. The gpcMachineExtensionNames and gpcUserExtensionNames are GUID-esque extensions which appear when GPOs are configured to do certain things, such as scheduled tasks (a handy list of these GUIDs can be found here). The versionnumber attribute is an integer which increments every time that there is a change in the GPO. This attribute is critical for computers knowing when there are changes in a GPO.
Another important attribute to mention when talking about GPOs is the gplink field. This isn’t a field you’ll find when looking at a GPO in Active Directory, but instead when you look at OUs in the network. The gplink will tell you what GPOs are applied to an OU. Since multiple GPOs can be applied to the same OU, you will find all GPOs listed in one field. The order they are in appears to be, in my experience, based on the order that they are applied to the OU (based on priority) when a system reaches out for policy updates.
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As mentioned above with the gpcFilePath, each GPO also has a presence on the file system of the domain controller. In the SYSVOL share there is a policies folder which contains a folder for each GPO, sorted by GUIDs. You can find these policy folders remotely at \\<domain>\sysvol\<domain>\policies or locally on the domain controller at C:\Windows\SYSVOL\SYSVOL\<domain>\Policies. Within these folders are any files necessary for the configuration changes which the GPO is set to apply. If there are necessary scripts for the GPO, those are in here. If there is a registry change to apply through the GPO, there will be a registry.pol file located in these folders.
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Abusing GPOs for Fun and Profit
So what is the “so-what” factor of GPOs? Why should we as Red Teamers care about using them? Well, like everything else in a Windows network, GPOs can be misconfigured and that misconfiguration opens up a whole range of possibilities for us. And this is the part that got me excited to write this and where I did a ton of research into how GPOs are applied in a network. What if we as Red Teamers could target GPOs as a means of expanding our access or gaining SYSTEM-access on targets we didn’t previously have SYSTEM-access on? All before domain compromise!? One of the cool things about enumerating GPOs is stumbling upon a GPO that can be edited by users other than domain admins. Windows allows admins to assign permissions to GPOs in a similar fashion to files and directories.
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In the above picture we have what looks like fairly hardened delegation of GPO editing privileges. Your typical domain admins and enterprise admins can make changes, but no one else. On the other hand, below you’ll see that a random user has privileges with another GPO...
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As seen above, other user accounts and service accounts could be granted the permission to edit a specific GPO. There are two easy ways to enumerate these permissions. The first, and simplest, is using the windows executable icacls.exe. You can point icacls.exe at the folder in SYSVOL related to the GPO in question and see the permissions assigned to that GPO. Below is the icacls.exe result for a GPO in my home test network (which conveniently has this normaluser guy added in!).
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The other easy way of enumerating GPO permissions is en masse using BloodHound. One of the cool things which BloodHound spits out after running is GPO information and what users have permissions to edit those GPOs. This is a great way of figuring out the road from a user account that you have credentials for all the way to domain compromise. Just be careful, it can generate a LOT of network traffic. I won’t be going into detail about how to use BloodHound here, but be sure to check out the BloodHound wiki if you have any questions about it  (located here).
With this information, how exactly can we manipulate GPOs for expanding our access (and is it possible to do this via the command-line)? The answer I came up with took the form of a tool written in C# which allows a user to query for necessary information on a GPO and then use that information to set certain attributes in Active Directory, allowing a user to abuse the GPO. Since this is the first tool I have written, I wanted to give it a fun name: METRONOME (get it? C#? Music? Metronomes?). I decided to focus my efforts for the time being on two techniques for expansion of access using GPOs and this tool: adding scheduled tasks to a computer and adding users to a local administrator group.
Leveraging Scheduled Tasks for GPOs   
Scheduled tasks exist as a configuration change in GPOs under both Computer and User configuration changes under Preferences and Control Panel Settings. When added as a configuration change, three things are added to the GPO. First, a unique extension name ([{AADCED64-746C-4633-A97C-D61349046527}{CAB54552-DEEA-4691-817E-ED4A4D1AFC72}]) is added to the gpcMachineExtensionNames field (or gpcUserExtensionNames field) in Active Directory and the versionnumber field is incremented to show a change. In the file system for the GPO, the XML for the scheduled task will also appear in the <policy>\Machine\Preferences\Scheduled Task folder as the file ScheduledTask.xml. Multiple tasks can be added per GPO, but only one XML file will be present (with the multiple scheduled tasks being wrapped in this file).
If you are targeting a GPO which does not apply any scheduled tasks, there are a few things that need to be done. First, the gpcMachineExtensionNames field in Active Directory needs to be updated with the unique extension name above and the versionnumber field needs to be incremented so machines know there is a change in the GPO. Both of these changes can be done with METRONOME. First, you use the tool to query the existing attributes and then use these existing attributes to add the unique extension name and increment the version number.
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Once the Active Directory attributes are changed, the scheduled task XML needs to be added to the scheduled task folder on the SYSVOL share. This is where the GPO will look for any scheduled task XML when updating configurations applied. These XMLs can either be setting tasks on a schedule or they can be used to apply an immediate task to the host. Additionally, these tasks can be targeted via hostname (DNS or NetBIOS) or IP address. This is useful if you are trying to laterally pivot to a specific host or if you simply want to limit the effect your task might have on a network (i.e. if the GPO is applied to an OU that contains thousands of hosts).
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With these pieces in place, the only thing left to do is wait. Unless changed (via GPO) workstations and servers on a network will check for updates to GPOs every 90 to 120 minutes (domain controllers update every 5 minutes). If you are feeling impatient and are trying to affect change on the computer you are currently on, you can also run GPUPDATE /FORCE. This can be run as a normal user and will force the host to check for GPO updates and apply any changes.
When you are finished with the scheduled task, clean up is straight forward. METRONOMEl can be used to set the Active Directory attributes back to their original state and then you simply need to remove the task XML which you added to the policy folder. Keep in mind though that you will also have to remove the task from every computer to which the GPO was applied. This is why using targeted tasks is useful. If you are concerned with clean up it can be difficult to clean up all hosts that the GPO applies to (especially if that OU the GPO applies to is large or stretches across multiple OUs).
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If the GPO you are targeting already applies a task, then all you need to do is slip your task into the task XML file which already exists in the policy folders. Since the GPO is already configured to push out a scheduled task, there is no need to update the gpcMachineExtensionsName field, only the versionnumber field (which METRONOME can do). Once you update that you just wait for the GPO to update on its own or run the GPUPDATE executable to force an update. Once you are finished, all you need to do is delete the task out of the task XML file. Below is a great example simply slipping in your task. You’ll see that the third task in this XML is my “malicious” task (so creative) running as SYSTEM on all hosts in an OU (since I don’t target any specific hosts).
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I wanted to try this with an actual backdoor instead of just using the task to kick off calc.exe or notepad.exe, so I booted up a Kali VM and dusted off my Empire listeners. The task embedded in the policy handles both the arguments flag as well as a blob of Powershell encoded characters, resulting in a SYSTEM-level callback from a user-level callback within my test network!
First all I had to do was add in the PowerShell blob into the task like so...
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...and then wait for it to update. After the computer reached out for updates, it looks like it was applied!...
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...And now we just need to wait for the task to kick off and....
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...VOILA! Look at that lovely SYSTEM callback!
Adding Users to a Local Administrators Group
Adding users to a local admin group appeared to be pretty simple. Once again, the option to add users to local groups exists under both User and Computer preferences in the Control Panel options. I figured initially that it would be a simple matter of adding an extension name to the proper Active Directory field and incrementing the versionnumber after adding the proper XML file. It turns out that if a GPO is already doing this, there will be a policy collision and the policies will be applied by priority. Since only domain admins can modify this priority, the GPOs which I edited always lost this conflict in my research. So what do we do? Thankfully, it is actually simpler than I initially thought.
There exists ANOTHER way to add users to a local administrators group through GPOs. It is a configuration option in the Administration preferences. Instead of adding a user to the local administrators group, you reset the local administrators group and add all new users to it through this interface. In order to do this without the GUI, you simply drop a file titled GptTmpl.inf into the <policy>\Machine\Microsoft\Windows NT\SecEdit folder in the SYSVOL directory. This file follows a pretty simple format. Simply add the objectsids for all users/groups that you want added to the local administrators group. With the help of tools like PowerView/SharpView/DSQuery, it is easy to find the objectsids for not only account you need added to the group, but also the objectsids for all the other groups currently being applied through any other GPOs.
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With this information, simply plug in these objectsids, set the file in the folder mentioned above with the same name, and use METRONOME to update the version number of the GPO you are targeting. As with the scheduled tasks, either wait and be patient or force the system to update its policies. Clean up is easy. Just delete the file and reset the version number. A word of caution though, there is no way to target this policy within the OU (similar to tasks). Whatever user you apply to the local administrators group will be added on all systems within the OU that the GPO applies to.
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Now that certain users are in the local administrators group, I think we can figure out what to do next...
Parting Thoughts
As mentioned above, the culmination of this research is the GPOEdit tool which I wrote in C#. If you wish to use this tool, feel free to download the .cs file from my github located here. The code can be compiled with csc.exe, no need for Visual Studio. Included in this repository are two task template XML files (one for filtering by hostname and the other for filtering by IP address) and then also the GptTmpl.inf file necessary for manipulating local administrator groups. Again, feel free to use them. Just make sure to put in the right IP addresses and hostnames!
As a side note, while I was putting this post together (it took me way too long to type this out), Petros Koutroumpis over at MWR Labs put out an incredibly verbose tool, SharpGPOAbuse, which also abuses misconfigured GPOs. The tool can be found on their github with more information on its use on their website. It looks like it is still an ongoing project, which is awesome!
GPOs have turned out to be a potentially valuable means of moving through a domain. With my research I only looked into using them to push out scheduled tasks and local administrator changes, but judging from the list of configuration options in the GPMC, this is only scratching the surface. There will be more research on my end on how these can be leveraged for nefarious purposes and I will be sure to post them here!. Those firewall changes look particularly interesting....
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kobemoorfestivals · 6 years ago
Final Podcast Outcome
Here is my final podcast with trailer.
(Note: If you cannot see the video or YouTube link, the podcast can be found on YouTube at "Kobrandom" I'll also put a link at the bottom of this post.)
The podcast overall went well. The audio gathered was balanced pretty well, there were nearly no moments of silence and Zak and I had a quite good chemistry as we new the topic we were speaking of. I captured the audio using the professional microphones, mixer and software within the radio room of the college. Using all that I learned over the past few weeks, I was able to do this without any assistance or extra help and I feel the final product was a success.  
Before I began recording however, I created two separate but similar podcast sheets explaining the basis of what I wanted to talk about, possible questions I could ask, the expected length of the podcast, podcast name ideas and other things. I also filled out an "Outline for my podcast" sheet found via the internet, to finite the details of what I wanted with my podcast. Below is an image of that sheet:
Furthermore, after I had captured and exported the audio. I began to edit it on my laptop using premiere pro. I used Premiere primarily because I am the most efficient on it than other editing software. In retrospect, It may have been better to use audio editing software like Audacity. Nevertheless, I was able to edit my audio fine on premiere. There was only a single word I had to edit out, despite being inoffensive, it was not appropriate for college. I used the basic cutting tool to do this and made sure It was unnoticeable.
After cutting and manipulating the audio to a standard I was happy with. I started to work on my podcast logo of which I planned to have in the centre of the screen. I used Photoshop CS6 as always and began by creating a document designed for web purposes. This was a setting you could select when creating a new Photoshop file. With the document created, I changed the background to black using the quick command 'alt + backspace' however I had to also make sure my primary colour was set to black and not white.
With the canvas now black. I selected the 'Type tool' found on the left hand tool menu or by simply pressing 'T' for Type/Text. I then began to type out the text required. Which was 'The Isometric Podcast' the word 'The' was typed on a separate layer however. When typing I made sure the colour was set to white, and the font was set to 'Digital Tech' previously used in another aspect of my project. Found on Dafont.
After typing the text I made sure to centre it, with the word 'The' above the main text to the left a little. Once positioned, I then created a red box using the square shape tool. I made sure the colour was set to red and not white or black and moved it so the 'Isometric Podcast' text would be in the centre of the box, with 'The' on the red outline of the box. As the red square I just created was solid red, I changed the fill to about 0% to just keep the outline. Then went into the properties of the box and added a 'Stroke' to make the outline thicker and more noticeable. Finally as I did not want 'The' to be on a red outline, I selected the eraser tool and holding shift I erased the parts of the outline I did not want.
Now with the basic logo made, of which I thought looked much better than the first iteration I made and showed in a prior post, I then deleted the black background. Of which was mainly there as a template so I could see what my logo would look like on a black backdrop. And saved the file as a PNG as opposed to a JPEG.
With the logo made and saved, I imported it into my premiere pro project, Where I then started to play with different effects in an attempt to make an intro. Before adding any effects, I created an Adjustment layer. Similar to last time. With an Adjustment Layer created, I put it on my timeline. I mainly used the 'Ripple' effect similar to my trailer as it created a nice wave effect. I of course had to tamper with several settings to get it as I wanted. As well as adding effects, I used key frame to animate the logo. I use the small stopwatch next to position and moved the logo out of frame. This is so when the intro is done, the logo would move from the screen. Now, after finalizing my intro's animation and effects, I started to look for appropriate music.
Originally, I was going to create my own track. However I didn't have enough access to the software and wasn't very familiar with making music. With the time restraints also it wouldn't have been possible. Or at least I wouldn't have been happy with anything I could've made.
Nonetheless, I used the same website I got the music for my trailer 'Free Music Archive' and I input the tag 'Gaming' to try and find all game related tunes. I came across a few, but the one I decided to go for was called "Epic Champ" by L'homme Manete.
Moving forward, after making the quick intro sequence, I started to work on the main podcast. For the visuals, I had the same logo centred but static with a brick wall background of which I found online. I changed the opacity of the wall backdrop to around 80% as I felt it looked cleaner when it was slightly darkened. I also used a faint cloud effect to add some atmosphere to the podcast visual. The cloud effect was a sapphire plugin. This means that It wasn't apart of Premiere pro originally. So, as the podcast revolves around video games, I input some gameplay of a major game 'Apex Legends' this is because we talk about it within the podcast and because it's the number one trending game currently. I captured the gameplay via my PlayStation.
In conclusion, I feel that my podcast was a marginal success. The audio was near on perfect, the conversation had a nice flow, I had next to no issues when editing besides it taking time and I was able to successfully upload onto YouTube.   
YouTube link: 
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soaimagines · 7 years ago
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Request: Imagine your old man Happy has a gun shout wound to the chest. You’re a trauma doctor and while trying to save him he flat lines three times.
Pairing: Happy Lowman x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of gun shot wounds?
Authors Note: I have absolutely no experience or knowledge in medical procedures so I’m sorry if there are inaccuracies or mistakes in this. And please excuse the formatting on this, I’m posting it via mobile and it fucked my layout 😭 I’ll edit it once I’m on my laptop! Hope you guys like it, let me know! Ps. Do people still use pagers?! Lol
You stabbed a piece of lettuce with your fork as you scrolled through your phone aimlessly. You were eight hours into a twelve hour shift and this was the first break you’d had. Being a trauma doctor was demanding and your department had been short staffed today. Finally there had been a break in the constant flow of patients and you had managed to sneak off to the staff room for a ten minute salad and coffee break. Happy had sent you a text this morning and you hadn’t had a chance to open it. You smiled as you read the message and quickly typed back. It had been five hours since he’d sent the first text and you knew he would be worried that you hadn’t responded yet. He didn’t love your career. He liked aspects of it, sure. He liked that you loved it and he liked that it kept you busy, but that was also the main reason he didn’t like it. When you were busy your job came first, and he always panicked when he didn’t get an immediate response from you. But it made you happy and you weren’t exactly stoked with his lifestyle choices either. You would never change him, you didn’t want to, but you hated the danger and the risk involved in what he did. But you compromised and for the last two years you had made it work. Your love for Happy far outweighed any hangups you had about his club, and vice versa. And as much as you hated to admit, his band of misfit bikers was pretty damn loveable. You sipped at your coffee. It was far too hot to really be enjoyable but you weren’t sure when you’d get another chance to have one so you sacrificed your tongue for burning and swallowed.
Beep beep!
The pager on your hip rang out, signalling an incoming ambulance and you quickly stood. You tossed your rubbish into the trash and quickly downed the rest of your coffee before dashing out of the room.
“What do we got?”
You asked as you rushed out to meet the paramedics. They wheeled the trolley towards you, the red and blue lights of the ambulance flashing behind them.
“Hispanic male, Gun shot wound to the chest.”
You nodded and grabbed hold of the trolley, ready to wheel them into the emergency ward. Only when you glanced down at the patient you froze.
No. No, no, no.
This was it. Your worst nightmare, happening right in front of you. The only thing you had been worried about for the last two years was unfolding before you and your heart was ripped from your chest. His eyes were closed, his skin paler than usual and his bloodstained white tshirt had been ripped open, exposing his tattooed chest and bullet wound.
“Oh my god.” You whispered.
The paramedics stared at you and you took only a second to gather yourself. There was no time for hysterics. He needed you.
“Happy? Can you hear me?”
He groaned in response and you took that as a good sign. His hands were red with his own blood and they laid across his torso. You needed to stop the bleeding. Find the bullet, remove it. Stabilise. Close. That’s it. You can do this. You told yourself. You’ve done it before. This was your job. This was just a patient. This was no different. Right?
Wrong. This was different.
This wasn’t just a gun shot wound. It wasn’t just a patient. It was the man you loved, the love of your life, dying in front of you.
“What’s his status?” You asked, your voice coming out stronger than expected. As the paramedics listed his vitals off you went into business mode.
You had to set your emotions aside.
You had to do this.
You had to save him.
“Clear!” You yelled and slammed the paddles down on his chest. His body jumped and you waited to hear that beep.
That beep that would make everything better, because it couldn’t get any worse. You immediately placed your hands in the centre of his chest and started pumping. You closed your eyes, trying desperately to escape the nightmare unfolding in front of you.
“(Y/N) this is the third time he’s flat lined. You need to call it.”
“No!” You yelled.
The palms of your hands pounded against his chest and you barely noticed the tear rolling down your cheek. You barked an order at a nurse to charge the crash cart and you grabbed hold of the paddles.
“Clear!” You placed them on his chest and his body jolted.
“Don’t you dare, Happy!” You said.
You took a deep breath and began the cycle again. 30 pumps. That’s it. On the fourteenth you heard it. The beep of the monitor signalling his heart beat and you stifled a sob. Drew pulled you away from the bed and you collapsed against him, sobs taking over your body.
“Happy!” You fought against him and he let you go.
You leant against the bed, your hands stroking Happys peaceful face.
“Cmon, (Y/N).”
“I’m not leaving him!” You snapped.
Happy squinted as his eyes opened, the harsh bright light making it hard to adjust. Slowly the room came into focus and he studied the unfamiliar setting. He tried to sit up but a pain ripped through his chest. His hand felt weighed down and he glanced down. He recognised your hair immediately and he watched you sleeping against his side, your head resting on the side of the bed and your arm draped over his torso. He shifted his arm gently. The movement woke you and you bolted upright.
You leapt out of your chair and hovered over him.
“Oh Happy!” You broke into sobs, suddenly overwhelmed by the lights events.
He reached up and pulled the mask from his face. “Baby,”
Hearing his raspy voice only made you sob harder. You leant over him and smothered his face with kisses. His forehead, his cheeks, his chin his brows. You kissed every inch of his face and you kissed his warm lips. He lifted his hand and reached for you. You pressed your forehead against his and his hand cupped your face. His thumb gently wiped away your tears that continued to flow and when you pulled back you could see his eyes glistening too
“I thought I lost you.” You sobbed. “I did.”
Happy ran his thumb over your lips.He had never been an emotional guy. He kept his feeling s to himself but seeing this raw emotion in your eyes, the thought of leaving you, it resonated with him and he didn’t fight the tears forming in his eyes.
“You saved me.”
You nodded.
“Baby I’m sorry.”
You laughed and shook your head. “I don’t care, Happy. I don’t care about anything. You’re all that matters and your here.”
Happy smiled and pulled you in for another tear filled kiss. “I’m here, baby. I’m not going anywhere.”
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cherrypixelbun · 7 years ago
RAMBLE: Booting a portable DOS collection, the pros and cons
Quite a while ago I posted screenshots of a bootable FreeDOS USB stick that I have with a collection of games installed. Like I mentioned in my initial Twitter post about it, I was inspired to do it by Lazy Game Reviews, who made a video where he had a full install on a high-end PC. After that I had an idea. “What if I could run my DOS games from anywhere, not just on a single PC." I got a USB stick, and went to work finding a portable solution.
What I did was not a full installation of FreeDOS. Instead I used a program called Rufus for making bootable USB sticks. Normally you’re supposed to give it the ISO of whatever OS you wish to boot but it gives you MS-DOS and FreeDOS as built in options. While I could have gone all in with actual MS-DOS, FreeDOS has better compatibility with modern hardware. FreeDOS also has a USB installer available on their website, but it’s just that. An installer for putting the operating system onto a hard drive. When installed via Rufus, you don’t get the full packages that you can download from the FreeDOS website. Instead you get just the kernel, the very bare essential thing needed to boot the operating system. While this works good enough for a lot of games, quite a few of them require extra memory of some kind. DOS on it’s own only uses 640k of RAM, even if you have 4GB on your system. After manually creating and editing my own CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT (the two important system settings files), all my DOS stick boots at startup is HIMEMX (For that extended memory), CuteMouse (A wonderful generic mouse driver), and 4DOS (An enhanced command line interface). In retrospect I probably could have extracted a full setup from a virtual machine, but what I have now is functional. This so far works with just about everything I’ve thrown at it, aside from games with CPU speed issues, but this was a problem even when DOS was relevant and not a modern incompatibility.
I’ve tested this USB stick on a handful of computer setups to see how much compatibility varied. The first was my personal desktop. It’s got an AMD FX-4350, an Nvidia 750Ti, and 8GB of RAM. The second was my HP Spectre x360 laptop. The third was a salvaged embedded all-in-one PC that was originally part of a fancy restaurant cash register. It has an Intel Celeron 420, no GPU, and 2GB of RAM. I use it pretty much as a DOS gaming machine with Xubuntu on the hard drive for the pitiful amount of Linux and Windows games (via Wine) that it could run as well as downloading/moving games without having to use my main desktop. Each computer booted into DOS just fine.
First, I should address the issues that were present among all three computers. The first and what is probably a dealbreaker for a lot of people. The sound, or lack thereof. While modern video displays are just as capable of running FreeDOS as ones from decades ago, none of the sound devices in any of the computers I tried had compatible drivers. The only sound I could get was from the “PC Speaker”. A simple device that can play simple square-wave tones and not much else. Sure a clever developer could get some decent sound effects and music but for the most part all you get from it are beeps and boops. Back in the day this was an actual loudspeaker in IBM compatible PCs, but most beepers these days are tiny piezoelectric beepers. While it still works, it doesn’t produce as good of sound quality. The DSS MP3 player was impressive in DOSBox, but on my home computer you had to really try and pick out the music as the poor little buzzer struggled to play pretty much anything from the new wave pop of XTC to the heavy metal of Aria. There is the OPL2LPT that I could plug into the all-in-one for some FM synth music but it’s expensive and would only be used on one machine. I don’t mind the beeping however, I’d rather have that rather than no sound at all.
Video is a better story, but still one with caveats. The first thing to note is that newer Nvidia cards don’t seem to play too well with CGA and EGA graphical modes. While the HP laptop and the all-in-one had no issue displaying those outdated visual standards, my 750ti gave everything a green tint. Some text modes, like when trying to play PC-Man or Paratrooper had invisible text. LGR also ran into this issue in his video so it is something with Nvidia GPUs. While disappointing, I can’t really fault Nvidia for not playing well with graphics modes that aren’t used by modern computers. This second quirk is more of a nitpick than anything serious. This “problem” is the aspect ratio. While you can set most monitors and TVs to correct aspect ratios, this could potentially cause issues with the more “unusual” video modes. I wouldn’t know firsthand with DOS, but I usually handle aspect ratios on the driver-side of things because my monitor can be weird about some resolutions even when using Windows 7. Of course DOS doesn’t do this in software, so whatever you’re running gets stretched to the aspect ratio of the display. It’s a pet peeve of mine to see 4:3 stretched but it’s not a dealbreaker. If you’re lucky, some 3D games like Car & Driver let you adjust the aspect ratio or set a custom resolution.
So putting aside those limitations, what can you play on this USB stick? Here’s a list of the things I’ve got on here and run with no issue:
Doom I & II
The Oregon Trail 2nd Edition
Super Street Fighter II
Retro City Rampage 486
Sim City 2000
Arkanoid 1&2
Jazz Jackrabbit
Paku Paku
Rise of the Triad
Shadow President
Ancient Domains of Mystery (The free version, which still gets updated but lacks features from the paid release. Said paid release only supports modern PCs AFAIK)
Tales of Middle Earth (2.0, Maj’Eyal is only for modern PCs)
Golden Axe
Alley Cat
Catacomb 3D (original)
Softdisk Catacomb Trilogy
ChampProgramming games
Wolfenstein 3D
Duke Nukem 3D
A lot of much older DOS games have their speed tied to the CPU so are completely unplayable on modern PCs, hence why it’s mostly 90′s games on there. Your mileage still varies, but it’s nowhere as much of a crapshoot as trying to play something from 1983. Overall, I’m happy with the results. It boots fast and without having to run another OS underneath like DOSBox means that I don’t have to worry about a game struggling on my new space age machines. I recommend anyone who has a spare USB stick try the same thing. It’s easy, doesn’t take up much space on the stick, and probably will run on your machine just fine.
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ixvyupdates · 7 years ago
Podcast459: Highlights from OETC 2018
This podcast features three different recordings from the 2018 Ohio Educational Technology Conference, which was held in Columbus, Ohio, February 12-14, 2018. The first is an interview with high school students who have learned how to create interactive games using Scratch software. They also have created DIY game controllers using the MakeyMakey and supplies like tin foil, cardboard, alligator clips, play dough, and bananas. The second interview is with high school senior Arthur Bodenschatz, who is part of the broadcast journalism team in North Canton City Schools, Ohio. Arthur and his classmates use an amazing “mobile storyteller” converted RV to conduct professional quality interviews at events like the Ohio educational technology conference. The third interview is Arthur’s interview of me at OETC, in which he asked me about my reasons for becoming a teacher and technology director, the pace of technological change in our society, and a few other topics. Two of these three recordings are also available as videos on YouTube and Vimeo, which are linked in the podcast shownotes. In addition to these three recordings, a few reflections on some additional highlights of OETC 2018 are included. These focus on Eric Curts’ (@ericcurts) 3 hour workshop “Write Right with Google Tools: Improving Writing in all Subjects,” Todd Beard’s (@teacherbeard) session on Minecraft for Education, and Apple Education’s workshop on updates to iOS 11. Please refer to the podcast shownotes for links to referenced resources, as well as a raft of Wes’ tweets from OETC 2018 sharing additional tips and links from sessions. (Since Storify is going offline and doesn’t support the creation of new Twitter archives, this blog post will hopefully serve that function to archive these learning takeaways.
Subscribe to Moving at the Speed of Creativity Podcasts
Follow Wes Fryer on Twitter: @wfryer
The EdTech Situation Room Podcast (@edtechSR)
Eric Curts on Twitter: @ericcurts
Generate random student writing prompts with emojis!” (using a Google Sheet and script) by @ericcurts
Google Drawings for Graphic Organizers by @ericcurts
Rhyme Finder Google Add-On via @ericcurts
Read & Write for Google Chrome (extension and free/paid service)
Language Tool Add-on for Google Chrome via @ericcurts
Highlight The Music – Google Docs add-on via @ericcurts
Writeful (Thesaurus Google Extension) via @ericcurts
Addressing student cheating in Google Apps by @ericcurts
Hour webinar by @ericcurts: “Fantastic Feedback Tools for Google Docs”
Sample comment banks for writing feedback by @timbowers33 via @ericcurts
Recommended touch-screen enabled Chrome laptop: Acer Chromebook Spin 11 via @ericcurts
Playback a Google Doc’s revision history with the free extension “Draftback” via @ericcurts
Create basic/simple student writing / project rubrics with WriQ Google Add-On via @ericcurts
Create more customized writing project rubrics “Orange Slice Teacher Rubric Add-on for Docs” via @ericcurts
Todd Beard on Twitter: @teacherbeard
Video: OETC 2018: The Casady School- Dr Wesley Fryer
Video: The Mobile Storyteller of North Canton City Schools, Ohio
  So excited to be attending @ericcurts’ #OETC18 workshop this morning “Write Right with Google Tools: Improving Writing in all Subjects” in person/F2F! https://t.co/n0iBEiHO53 #googleEDU pic.twitter.com/rZoHdMVQQ1
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
"Generate random student writing prompts with emojis!" (using a Google Sheet and script) by @ericcurts #OETC18 https://t.co/25i1shinKx
(randomly grabs adjectives and nouns, puts them together & shows 20 at a time)
cc @sfryer @_MFreeland @emerson_glen #googleEDU #CasadyLearns
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
What a great tool to use when creating "5 photo stories" with students & teachers! How many emoji's do you want: 2, 3, 4 or 5? (Google Sheet script) https://t.co/25i1shinKx
h/t @ericcurts #OETC18 #DigitalStorytelling #create2learn #googleEDU cc @cogdog
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
What a great use of Google Drawings for a collaborative compare and contrast planning documents with students! h/t @ericcurts #OETC18https://t.co/9yRqyzgmh9
cc @sfryer @_MFreeland #create2learn #OklaEd #nwp #CasadyLearns pic.twitter.com/KvHdwW30r9
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
"You can share a Google Drive document / file with up to 200 named people, and synchronously collaborate with up to 50 people"
via @ericcurts #OETC18 #googleEDU
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
Google has changed "revision history" to "version history" in Drive documents now
via @ericcurts #OETC18 #googleEDU
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
Litmus test of "tech-savvy" = "willingness to click"
by @alicekeeler via @ericcurts #OETC18 #edtech #clever
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
The "research" tool in Google Docs is now the "explore" tool h/t @ericcurts #OETC18
Good post by @DitchThatTxtbk highlighting features: https://t.co/SsyX37FArO#googleEDU #edtech
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
great resource by @ericcurts: "Google Drawings for Graphic Organizers" https://t.co/9yRqyzgmh9 #OETC18 #googleEDU #edtech pic.twitter.com/yx3M6iHuez
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
.@sfryer For an upcoming poetry unit your students will do: Rhyme Finder Google Add-On https://t.co/RnMN7e6BDE (Highlight a word, and it suggests rhyming words. How cool is this?!) #OETC18 #googleEDU #writing #CasadyLearns #OklaEd
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
Self-Editing papers: Consider using text to speech tools like "Read&Write for Google Chrome" by @texthelp https://t.co/fxzTnsSZXx to help students with proofreading. It makes a big difference to hear "someone else" ready back your own words! via @ericcurts #OETC18 #googleEDU
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
super-helpful Google tool #googleEDU clarification from @ericcurts: "Google Add-Ons get installed INSIDE a specific Google Drive file/document. Google Extensions are installed and available within your Chrome browser for all docs / files" #OETC18
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
Really powerful for proofreading: "LanguageTool add-on for Docs" https://t.co/020LzGOKvX
via @ericcurts #OETC18 #googleEDU
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
Visually analyze your essay / paper to see patterns and outliers in your sentence length. POWERFUL! Highlight The Music – Google Docs add-on https://t.co/FS0GEmI7tB via @ericcurts #OETC18 #googleEDU #writing #CasadyLearns
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
Recommended Thesaurus add-on for Google Chrome: @Writefullapp https://t.co/BqWj7iqGXs via @ericcurts #OETC18 #googleEDU
cc @sfryer @_MFreeland @emerson_glen #CasadyLearns #OklaEd
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
Writefull Thesaurus: A Google Docs add-on that uses AI to give you synonyms! ? https://t.co/aIWfpDBpUu pic.twitter.com/1DO4EurREP
— Product Hunt (@ProductHunt) April 20, 2017
Excellent blog post by @ericcurts: "Addressing student cheating in Google Apps" https://t.co/UjyQkHDzSj #OETC18 #googleEDU
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
Would be a super after-school #CasadyLearns video-powered workshop for MD: "Fantastic Feedback Tools for Google Docs" (1 hour) by @ericcurts https://t.co/P3Ibh0AW1a #googleEDU #OETC18
cc @BiggestMeow @joshbottomly @emerson_glen
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
#WOW (all writing teachers please take note…)
Sample comment banks for writing feedback by @timbowers33 via @ericcurts #OETC18 #googleEDU https://t.co/lUdWyQahVH
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
Fantastic demo by @ericcurts today at #OETC18 on how teachers can integrate Google Keep lists (of writing comments / feedback or stickers) and readily use / copy/paste those into student Google Docs! (with a s/o to @i3algebra) https://t.co/crwpPhaxzx #googleEDU
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
I like this language by @ericcurts, responding to a question about when we let students use powerful tools to assist in their writing… Similar to teaching problem solving AFTER learning multiplication, using a calculator:
"Now we're using the technology to step higher" #OETC18
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
#oetc18 Recommended touch-screen enabled Chrome laptop: Acer Chromebook Spin 11 https://t.co/wOsoMjNo0t via @ericcurts #CasadyLearns cc @emerson_glen @BlackDogOKC @techsavvyteach #edtechSR
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
#GreatTip for student writing:
Google Docs "version history" now lets you rename different iterations… can be very helpful when different writing milestones are reached. Like different draft versions, steps in the writing process. via @ericcurts #OETC18 #googleEDU
cc @sfryer
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
Use the free Google Chrome extension "DraftBack" https://t.co/HIQbjO8ut8 to replay a Google Doc as a video and show how content was contributed / edited (doesn't work in Drawings, Sheets, etc however – just Docs) via @ericcurts #OETC18 #googleEDU #edtechSR
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
Fantastic Google Docs Add-On for creating simple project rubrics: WriQ by @texthelp https://t.co/NvnF6466Ar via @ericcurts #OETC18 #googleEDU #edtechSR #CasadyLearns #PBL #pblchat
cc @sfryer
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
Attending #OETC18 this week? Don't miss @ericcurts! I attended his morning workshop on Google Writing Tools – It was AMAZING! Chock full of so many practical suggestions, tools, apps & strategies #WOW All of Eric's session details & resources are linked on https://t.co/4UaqlkwZy0
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
Looking to create a more customized writing project rubric with Google Docs? Check out "Orange Slice Teacher Rubric Add-on for Docs" https://t.co/0NQVJWyNdj via @ericcurts #OETC18 #googleEDU #edtech #CasadyLearns #edtechSR #OklaEd #nwp
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
"When students create for the WORLD, they make it GOOD. When many students create for a teacher / for an assignment, they make it GOOD ENOUGH." by @rushtonh
via @ericcurts #OETC18
(Another reason @sfryer & I need to publish a book for @digishare!)
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
What a treat to meet the amazing @ericcurts in person at #OETC18 and also attend his three-hour workshop on Google writing tools! https://t.co/n0iBEiHO53 #edtech #googleEDU pic.twitter.com/UlZqsg5A70
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
new post: Inspired by Ohio Student Interactive @Scratch Games https://t.co/8s0q7QDrkp #oetc18 #STEM #STEAM #coding pic.twitter.com/eRlIa1inpF
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
I updated my presentation handouts page with links to slides from today's #OETC18 keynote "Sparking ? Conversations about Digital Citizenship" and other recent #DigCit parent talks https://t.co/aQgUTfWMkw #InternetSafety #security #ScreenTime #wellness
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
#OETC18 Ways to continue the conversation and keep learning together: https://t.co/3T8rN56m4U #DigCit #edtech pic.twitter.com/mAq0KHmOrm
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 13, 2018
Great #oetc18 dinner with @schinker and @mr_rcollins
s/o to @cheryloakes50 @edtechtalk & @k12online pic.twitter.com/9FnArqZbil
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
Slides and links to referenced resources for my Feb 14th #OETC18 breakout session "Security, Privacy, and Digital Citizenship" (and Feb 13th keynote on sparking #DigCit conversations) are available on https://t.co/qPlmZaLQRr pic.twitter.com/jLe1GcfEFz
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
Now attending @teacherbeard's #OETC18 #OETC2018 session "Intro & Part 2 of #Minecraft Education Edition" #STEM #STEAM (Todd is a teacher in Flint, Michigan specializing in #STEAM)
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
[VIDEO] by @TeacherBeard: Teaching Personal Finance, Checkbooks, and Life Choices https://t.co/0KNlo9sNdx #oetc18 #oetc2018
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
Hearing @TeacherBeard share his story of starting to use #Minecraft in 2010 in an after-school program!
"Start w small goals, & start playing. Build a small city. Leverage competition which can complement the collaborative aspects… Lots of teachable moments"#OETM18 #OETM2018
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
"Each of our islands in #Minecraft [after-school program] developed their own bill of rights – priceless conversations. Wool was very scarce & became super valuable." [super economics discussions] by @TeacherBeard #OETC18 #OETC2018
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
Learning about @msphilanthropic and #YouthSpark from @TeacherBeard in Ohio – great work on #coding with disadvantaged students #OETM18 #OETM2018
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
Remember #Minecraft is more than just mining! Great #oetc18 stories and project examples for High schoolers too by @TeacherBeard
“We are always moving from failing to sailing in my classroom”
“Consider starting conversations about Minecraft with Digital Citizenship” #DigCit pic.twitter.com/hcZfQxrgFN
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
"Encourage students to create visual performances of understanding within #Minecraft. Have it be an acceptable way to demonstrate knowledge" by @TeacherBeard #OETC18 #STEM
cc @emerson_glen @sfryer
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
"Meet students where they live. The majority of our students are connected to some kind of video game. A passion for learning is there, they are just not learning what we normally expect." by @teacherbeard #OETC18 #OETC2018 #STEM #STEAM
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
Love ?? these ideas about why we need to use #Minecraft with our students by @TeacherBeard #OETC18 #oetc2018 https://t.co/fSOSgHvmK1 pic.twitter.com/AxHoWqlMDI
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
"Play is our brain's favorite way of learning" by Diane Ackerman via @teacherbeard #OETC18 #OETC2018
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
Reasons to consider purchasing (annual license per student) for @Minecraft Education Edition via @TeacherBeard #oetc18 #oetc2018 pic.twitter.com/7Q6DD9HAM5
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
"Chalkboards" are new signs in Minecraft EE which lets you include live links, including YouTube videos, which students can view without leaving the Minecraft environment via @teacherbeard
Also "fixed inventory" is new on the Minecraft player hotbar #OETC18 #OETC2018
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
I published an audio-only version of my #OETC18 #OETC2018 presentation today "Security, Privacy, and Digital Citizenship" to YouTube: https://t.co/s3FnIPO82A #DigCit
(Recorded on an iPad with "Voice Record Pro" (a free app) & published with the iOS YouTube app)
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
At the "What's new w iPad & iOS 11" #OETC18 session, they are sharing the 3D virtual reality app "JigSpace" https://t.co/9lFj23P2rk
See attached image for the description. Now you can just explore 3D models created by others, but "coming soon" is the ability to create your own! pic.twitter.com/dYeNuCuy9k
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
I'm excited to announce the entirely unofficial winner of this year's #oetc2018 #OETC18 "most amazing conference tweeter" is @JChanter22! Way to document, amplify, and positively share conference learning Jamie! Keep it up! ?
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 14, 2018
We use Vectr (free) app. Students can design on chromebook and then send over to Tinkercad for 3D printing. https://t.co/T1qzmG3592 For the lithophanes (pics), we use https://t.co/yHB0emXWex Some info:https://t.co/MiUXS8EaFX
— Vicki Turner (@VTurner8) February 13, 2018
new post: The Mobile Storyteller of North Canton City Schools, Ohio https://t.co/yaJMzYxolH #edtech #oetc18 #oetc2018 (includes 2 min 11 sec video!) pic.twitter.com/PLmLqtdpBE
— Wesley Fryer ??? (@wfryer) February 15, 2018
Tumblr media
“Wes Fryer and Eric Curts at OETC 2018” (CC BY 2.0) by Wesley Fryer
Did you know Wes has published several eBooks and “eBook singles?” 1 of them is available free! Check them out!
Do you use a smartphone or tablet? Subscribe to Wes’ free magazine “iReading” on Flipboard!
If you’re trying to listen to a podcast episode and it’s not working, check this status page. (Wes is migrating his podcasts to Amazon S3 for hosting.) Remember to follow Wesley Fryer on Twitter (@wfryer), Facebook and Google+. Also “like” Wesley’s Facebook pages for “Speed of Creativity Learning” and his eBook, “Playing with Media.” Don’t miss Wesley’s latest technology integration project, “Mapping Media to the Curriculum.”
Podcast459: Highlights from OETC 2018 syndicated from https://sapsnkraguide.wordpress.com
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plogan721 · 5 years ago
It is almost time (Planner setup)
Disclaimer: P. Lynne Designs is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
Today, I want to talk about time.  I know, boring subject, but there is a purpose for this topic.  I am not going to talk about time too much on this post, except for when it comes to setting up your planner.
How much time do we really have?
Photo by P.Lynne Designs (c) 2019
We all know what time is and how valuable it is in a day.  I feel that if I have a lot of time on my hands, I am not being productive when I watch a video or playing a game on my tablet. I like to be productive, as I am sure many of you do.  I am not saying don’t play games or watch videos.  Find a set time in the day/night to do that sort of thing.  This is part of your scheduling.  I do not write it down in my planner, but I make a conscious effort to note that in my head. 
Experts say that went you go to bed each night, turn off the screens.  What does that mean?  It simply means turn off your computer, turn off your phones and tablets, and do not play the television all night.  If you cannot do that, at least put them in the next room.  If you put them in the next room, you now have to physically get up to answer any texts or comments on your posts on Facebook, for example.  I know if I have to do that, I do not want to get up, so, I save it for the next morning.
For instance, I turn off my phone.  Not because the experts say that I have to, but I have a phone that constantly needs charging.  It is a Samsung Note 4 and on its last lap around the mobile bin. I will get into my issues with my phone at a later time and hopefully, I can change my phone soon. Next, there is my desktop computer.  I keep it on all the time, except when Windows 10 updates without my knowledge, and it automatically turns off the computer.  I have the computer downstairs because where I really want my computer, which is in the next room, my nephew and his girlfriend are living there until they can find an apartment.  My laptop is powered down for the moment and in my backpack for when I want to work in my room or decide to go to a coffee shop or the library to work. Those are examples of turning off the screens.
I have a flaw that I am working on.
One problem that I still have is my Ipad.  I carry it to bed with me.  I look at my messages, play games, read articles, and watch YouTube videos.  This is a bad example of turning off the screens.  When I don’t do these things that I mentioned, I find myself walking over to my Ipad, unlocking it, and just let the light from the screen put me to sleep.  It is my 5 minute night light, which I am trying to correct right now.
My tips for scheduling:
In addition to powering down your screens, which is more of a “how to get a restful night of sleep” than “How to schedule” tip.  I have these other tips:
Get a good planner. 
I have I ready mentioned in Part 1 of Planning for Beginners 2020 Edition, steps for buying that first planner if you do not already have one.  I have watched plenty of YouTube videos prior to writing that post, to make sure that I was pointing the reader in the right direction.  This is sort of part 2, and I apologize for not writing a proper post for this second part.  What I have learned from my experiences and watching those videos is get a planner that is right for you and how you plan. 
Photo by Pixabay
No two people can have the exact type of planning and planners.  I have mentioned that I have 4 different planners.  One is for my business, for my personal life, for my budget, and I am trying out bullet journaling, after a failed attempt of it for 2019.  The planners are all from Erin Condren, but I am open to trying new ones.  This is the brand I have chosen for me.  There is also the Happy Planner, Moleskine, The Simplified planner, Mead has a planner, Emily Ley, and Carpe Diem, to name a few thousand.  It seems that everyone has a planner to sell.
Have a “Think Tank” session. 
Choose a day to think about what you want to do and accomplish for 2020.  You do not have to take the whole day, but take a good chuck out of your say to set up your system and your schedule.  Place standing dates and dates (such as doctor’s appointment) that were scheduled in 2019 and place them in your planner. 
So, decorate or not decorate it according to your tastes.  Make a schedule that you are comfortable with.  I have 4 planners, and I am fine with that concept.  I know others who have 8 or 5.  There are some people who stick with one paper planner and have a digital planner. Do what makes you happy. 
Take ideas from people and make them your own.  You do not have to make an exact copy of their setup.  Before you begin, ask yourself, how can I make this work for me?  Use a scratch piece of paper, and write out a budget on what you are willing to spend and what you can spend.  Next, draw or write out your sections, such as Home, Business, Budget, and personal.
If you can, have a separate budget book. 
Yes, that is what the Erin Condren Monthly deluxe planner is for with me.  This is not a new concept.  I adopted this technique from Shay McMillian, AKA Shay Budgets.  What I like about this planner is that there are notebook pages inside of each monthly section, where you can write down your notes, your income, your expenses, your sinking funds (I am still learning about those), and your financial goals.  You do not have to go all out like me.  I am testing this system for the first time.  What was not working for me was using Excel for a budget, and placing it in my main planner.
Business/Work Planner
Also if you can, have a separate business planner (or work planner if you still have a corporate job).  When I planned out My Ambiance Life and decided to talk about business ventures, I did not realize that I had a whole audience of readers who were both entrepreneurs and corporate workers, or corporate workers ONLY.  So this tip is for you too.  Many times, for example, we often find ourselves not only placing appointments in our personal planners dental appointments for our children, but that “all-inclusive” staff meeting from XYZ company, or meeting with a client, who wants to do 14 fittings of a wedding dress that she is not sure of in the first place into that planner.  Why not have a separate planner?  Even better if you can leave on at the office and carry the other one around. 
Photo by Pixabay
Not feeling the need to have to carry one around.  Does pocket-size mean anything or using your phone as a digital planner?  That is why I carry my Ipad.  I put all my dates in there
5. Putting it all together.
Find a way to coordinate your system.  Make a conscious effort to look at it every day.  Decorate if you want to.  I know of some people who go wild with the decorating and some who take on a minimalist approach to it.  I am in the middle.  If I feel like it, I will decorate it.  I do not make a habit of it.  I like stickers, which goes back to my days of making scrapbooks. 
I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject of setting up a planner.  Place them in the comments section.
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robertbryantblog · 5 years ago
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dydturktek · 6 years ago
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AgeMatch Review June 2019
AgeMatch Review June 2019
Dating internet site for those who are into age space dating
Plenty of features readily available for standard users
Functions for community relationship can be obtained
Has strict security and fake prevention measures
People usually do not appear to be that active
The internet site is very distinctively bland
Signing Up: 3.5/5 Making Contact: 4.0/5 Profile Quality: 3.5/5 App: 3.5/5 Real Lifestyle Review: 4.0/5
Our Review
AgeMatch is just an accepted spot that celebrates love inclined as we grow older huge difference. It’s a medium where older guys are absolve to date more youthful ladies, and older women can be absolve to fulfill more youthful males. This type of dating is more popularly known as “age gap dating.”
The website was launched in 2001, which makes it one of many dating internet site pioneers that provide solutions geared towards those people who are enthusiastic about age space relationship. Since its conception, it’s aided form enduring, intimate relationships and https://myukrainianbride.net friendships. This has a big account pool with more than one million users around the globe.
Then this site might help you find one if you are looking for someone more mature or younger than you. It really is a place that is safe individuals of various many years in order to connect and fall in love. The working platform isn’t just created for those people who are looking for their perfect matches, but in addition for people who want one thing casual and enjoyable.
Member Framework
Gender percentage is significantly evenly distributed
Greater part of the users are older males
Many people are searching for severe relationships
Most of the populace is through the united states of america
The target that is main are those enthusiastic about age space dating
Your website claims to function as the leading age space dating website, with more than one million registered members worldwide. Most of the known users come from the usa of America, getting back together significantly more than 1 / 2 of your website’s populace.
The sex circulation is very good with a two is always to three feminine to ratio that is male. Your website is filled up with older and founded guys that are interested in severe relationships. These males are shopping for more youthful women that can truly add an excitement that is little their everyday lives.
In the population that is female here be seemingly more young women that have an interest in age space relationship. The majority of the ladies who join AgeMatch are the ones who’re 18-34 years of age, to locate an adult guy.
Age Circulation
Effortless signup process
It is possible to register via Facebook
E-mail verification required
Takes just at most of the five minutes to accomplish
Fundamental information needed
Signing as much as AgeMatch is easy and quick. It will require for the most part five full minutes to help you complete starting your bank account. Your website provides two other ways to register. You may either register manually or simply connect your Facebook account into the web web web web site.
Within the process that is manual you need to offer some necessary data and an operating email for validation. On it will be linked to your AgeMatch profile if you choose to link your Facebook account, all the essential information you have.
Whenever registering, you must prepare an unique username since your website doesn’t utilize individuals names for recognition. You can even upload a profile photo in the final end associated with the procedure.
Making Contact
Initiating contact is for premium users
Provides ways that are various community conversation
It is possible to deliver winks without having any cost
Build a listing of your favorite users for free
A chat is had by the site function
AgeMatch is promoting various ways to speak to other people. They will have features that fit both communication that is personal community relationship.
Your website is very like a social media website where people can like individuals pictures, touch upon statuses, and so many more. Moreover it provides a medium where individuals are able to show their thoughts and have concerns towards the community, like blog sites and discussion boards. These features are free for everybody to make use of aside from account kind.
For a far more way that is personal of, you can easily elect to deliver winks, include visitors to favorites, or deliver personal messages. If you are a member that is standard you can’t deliver communications to individuals who didn’t contact you first. It is possible to just answer communications you have obtained.
Profile Quality
Pages of all users are quite detail by detail
You will find enjoyable concerns you are able to respond to anytime
It is possible to edit your profile information
You can easily upload personal and photos that are public
Web web Site safety suspends dubious records
The profile informative data on AgeMatch is very detail by detail. It gives a broad concept of a|idea that is general of user’s fundamental information, appearance, history, lifestyle, as well as others.
Greater part of industries you are free to finish are multiple-choice items where you have only to pick the clear answer that best matches your viewpoint. About yourself, you can give more personal details on the “About Me” section if you want to tell more. You are able to elaborate regarding the match that is ideal on “About my match/friend” section.
Your website has many fast questions you can answer anytime you want. These concerns are simply tiny extra information about yourself; a lot of them are answerable by yes or no. Your profile part may also add a comparison that is side-by-side of facts about yourself as well as your match details.
Watching pages, doing your profile, and uploading photos are free. several types of pictures you are able to upload: personal plus . Personal pictures is only able to be accessed by those known users you give authorization to. On top of that, it is possible to just see other individuals’s personal pictures if he or she has grant you access to it.
Remember that your website constantly checks profiles. Any act that is suspicious breach for the web web site policy can lead to a merchant account suspension system.
The application is able to down load
Available on Bing Enjoy and also the Apple App shop
Comparable user interface with desktop variation
All site features are available in the application
The application possesses user interface that is good
The AgeMatch software is available to down load at no cost on GooglePlay together with Appstore. It offers the functions available on the site, such as the features that are special. Its practical and appropriate for any screen size, also it doesn’t just take that much room on your unit.
The application possesses user that is good that is just like the desktop variation, rendering it very easy to scroll and flick through record of web site users. The software is really a alternative that is good those that usually do not their laptop computers or desktop, those who’s lifestyle are often on the run.
Real World Review
You do not understand just exactly how much delight this website has offered me personally. I’ve lost the passion for my entire life early in our relationship, and because then, We have actually been troubles that are having a new one. I’ve for ages been quite drawn to someone younger I was hesitant to court one than me, but. Primarily I can pamper because I am looking for a serious relationship and not just someone. like to begin a relationship with a person who simply has cash as her motives. I would like you to definitely be because I can provide for her with me because she loves me and not. To cut a long story short, I got a free account on AgeMatch, met the absolute most great girl in the world. She has the smile that is sweetest plus the purest heart, an unusual treasure. We have been venturing out for quite some right time now, which is going very well. I might happen still alone if I experiencedn’t tried this web site away. Because of that, I’m able to state that the premium registration had been really worth every penny. – Engineer (43)
Design and Usability
AgeMatch has design that is basic folks of any age can certainly realize. Its program is a mixture of both old and brand brand brand brand new designs, depending on which page . Your website makes use of a serious complete large amount of texts for tabs and menu choices. It will utilize some icons too, however it is often labeled along with its function or name. This is certainly significantly a thing that is good due to the fact they even offer their solution to older audiences.
The website utilizes white whilst the main color with a few accents of blue on its tabs and menu club. The texts utilized are mostly in black colored, rendering it readable. All pages and posts on the website are arranged nicely, plus it won’t have a complete large amount of pop-up adverts that may disturb your browsing.
AgeMatch Expenses and Costs
Create Blog Sites
View other members’ profile
Join discussion boards
Respond to communications and chats
Forward wink
Include visitors to favorites
Access users’ first date some ideas
Fundamental search filters
Include photos that are public
Include photos that are private
Check out the latest tasks
discuss pages, pictures, and blogs
Answer questions on discussion boards
Like pictures and articles
Usage of “Why don’t we Meet” function
Initiate talk and communications
React to users’ first date a few ideas
Check a person replies to communications
Check lists that are online
Advanced search filters
See whom viewed and favorited your profile
See who liked your picture
Hide others from search engine results
Include notes that are personal pages
Browse anonymously
Highlight profile
View appropriate matches and reverse matches
Priority consumer care
Duration / Credits / Coins Costs per month Premium that is total / Month / Month
Is AgeMatch costly or low priced?
In comparison to other providers AgeMatch is typical.
0 notes
itesfashion · 7 years ago
Internet Proofreading Program: Appreciate Informative Course of action
Internet Proofreading Program: Appreciate Informative Course of action
There region number of primary featuresthat identify us from my competitors. Firstly, it is really level of quality. Ourprofessional cardstock crafting servicecan comprehensive your old fashioned paper without having any supplementary work. We are accountable for everydelivered old fashioned paper. If you do not like some thing. You have got 14 days of 100 % free revision time. Ship your recommendations and then your publisher will proper your papers. Furthermore, it is easy to prolong this era if you are paying for extra two, 3 or 4 many weeks of revision time. For anybody who is undecided about thegrammar in your own cardstock, just orderadditional editor’s serviceand your essay or thesis newspaper shall be refined and offered without moderate flaws.Our authors are professionalsthats whywe can assure nicely-elaborated paperwithin the expressed time frame. With any hesitate, our authors are significantly reprimanded and therefore we burn our history since the most beneficial personalized posting enterprise. We can’t get rid of your confidence, that’s why our admins and sustain products be sure that our freelance writers monitor the regulations of our own enterprise. In our24/7 on the net chatyou can get your totally free promo code to save your hard earned money. Ourstandard cheap is 15Percentbut we provide you with even larger models for many who installed at the very least two to three buy on our site. I am hoping we had been able to reveal youwhy it is best to pick out our organization.
Utilize the guidebook of possibly the best proofreading solutions internet on the ultimate way to discover English language without having further endeavors.
Many people are excited about knowing English language while not tiring web based classes or long lasting training lessons. Sad to say, online is satisfied with phony publications that will milk products capital of your stuff. It got a long time but we was able to complex their list of solutions with regards to their unique endorsement experiencing checked via a multitude of an honest way to obtain info. You can find no specific technics of understanding Language without having campaigns but we does our very best to lessen these endeavours.Request thesis or croping and editing serviceson our blog and grab 18Per cent lower price in the future proofreading orders placed.
1) Aesthetic system.
This is probably the most effective ways to educate yourself Language and then your treasured flicks may help you using it. You just need a laptop computer to write down downwards the whole set of unfamiliar words and phrases to study them by center eventually.Also, by way of this approach, you can view this ideas actually in operation, put simply, inside of a specific communicational predicament to find out how to make use of it. This can be a group of motion pictures permitted by our company:
Creation. Picture the field of visions are usually governed. Also, you can easily submit another person elses desire and placed a concept and allow it to improve starting to be specific a. The leading personality is definitely a guy that does it by a professional. He should get could be the most difficult obtain in the lifespan, several degrees of perfect, plan to always be put should consider looking for instance a all natural a particular. Yet, anything fails whenever our hero’s spirit begins personification dark areas of his recent. Position anorder with proofreading or modifying servicesto ensure that your cardstock can be of the very best quality.
Everlasting Direct sunlight of your Sparkling Psyche.It will be very not easy to appreciate what is occurring in that video. The creator relates us the current additionally, the earlier of this fundamental characters and exhibits what occurrences swayed several options that are built. Now you ask , uncomplicated. What is going to occur in the event you remove every one of the experiences from a particular particular person through your imagination? It will be not very likely to become achievable as your thoughts might be sufficiently strong to interrupt this wall membrane.
The Pianist.It is deemed an art work rather than combat. The chief hero can be described as Jewish pianist who has been seized by Nazi and brought towards focus camp out. This picture provides the concern with people this camp out. Individuals who misplaced wish for the higher down the road. It would be tough to look over similar to that, but you should know your story.Learn more about Nazi focus campson this amazing site.
2)Paying attention technique.
Don’t fail to teach your being attentive and presentation proceeding offshore. As long as you understand, audio tracks guides are generally propagated nowadays in order that it won’t become a challenge to look for it via the internet. Sorry to say, you may want your laptop to jot down decrease new words and phrases considering literature terms is reasonably vibrant and jam packed with appealing keyword phrases and expression. Just activate the report on a way to the project or to the way house or whatever you decide and go. Basically a several section will undoubtedly be adequate. Possessing heard it up until the conclusion, examine it and put on paper new thoughts you identified. Do not ignore to master them by heart and soul. Our authors would like to propose you a number of handbook with extremely complex The english language. It could be tough but you will definately get employed to it. Essentially the most remarkable models would be the pursuing:
Three or more Comrades by Erich Maria Remarque.It is not easy to review this fresh and say what this fresh is centered on. To start with, it can be about relationship and absolutely love. It focuses on some mental health complications of posting Initially Planet Conflict period of time. A variety of reflections and remarkable incidents that can be shown in your own remembrance. By the use of quick daily happenings,this writer attempts to indicate the how unrespectable lifespan is usually.
Marten Eden by Jack United kingdom.It is a report in regards to individual who performed his very best to turn into a considerably better human being yet the a person he liked showed up to not ever be worthy of these endeavours. Around the technique for progress, you can observe that consumers with you are position also when you are continuing to move forward. Now you ask , whether or not this was truly worth turning out to be smart. Thedifficult opportunities which were produced by Jack Londonare perfectly mentioned within this biography.
Lord of flies by William Golding.We read numerous instances the experiences around a mankind or several consumers stuck on some tropical isle devoid of society. The creator is meant to present young boys and girls away from society and assess their tendencies. It showed up that kids are far more vicious and aggressive then people including a minor adventure turns into a headache.
3) Enjoying way.
There are various video game titles that will assist you to know English language usually as well as terms you encountered by to kill a mockingbird essay topics pdf using two earlier approaches. For people with some mates remarkable in The english language without or with The english language ability, you can actually look for their aid. A handful of strange functions in the 2000s which might be helpful for youhttp://findwritingservice.com/blog page/top rated-considerable-functions-of-2000s.
Notes.This video game is pretty effortless and you could quite easily achieve it by themselves. In the first place, it is advisable to have a bright page of old fashioned paper and work into a variety of components. In one facet take note of anything or maybe manifestation you desire to master, on the opposite side post description or concept of that one. Find the credit card and looking through a description aim to do you know what message might it be.
Seem put in writing. Have your note pad and go walking available your house and strive to convert the things you notice, also the most basic models. There are many handy written text available for you as your studio might be stuffed with appealing information you didnt think about.
Look and feel – summarize. On this occasion you must require a several thing and attempt to discuss it as a in-depth because you can which include its form, volume, colouring, intent and so forth. It will permit you to make use of know-how in reality. New terms could be invaluable just for this online game.
That is you cannot assume all the ways of considerably approaches to research project The english language, but those are the basic handiest and fulfilling kinds. This is often a period that you should make progress and discover your tricks to master The english language. Just about the most expertise one has, the more often difficult procedures will probably be. Fail to worried to try out your ways. The most beneficial methods to eradicate sadness is set in our essayhttp://findwritingservice.com/web site/depressive disorders-its-control-and-way-to-manage-with-it.
There are many good reasons to buy on our web site. Our business energies many of the part of our company to follow along with rigid policies and that we undertake each of the occasions that present themselves throughout crafting. Our plagiarism insurance policy will shock you. With regards to you comprehend plagiarism is compared with toxic sin around the school and now we do our very best to stay away from this sort of frustrating problems. For starters, we reprimand our authors for just about any plagiarism. Any plagiarism matters should really be promptly permanently fixed. In addition, there exists a exceptional preference identified as 100 % free plagiarism document. What you need to do will be to insert a checkmark close to to this very provider and our assist real estate agent will examine your report through sophisticated plagiarism checker and publish this article utilizing your document penned. We do our very best to never ignore any output deadlines. Any article author is reprimanded for latter supply too. If you happen to concerned with the improvement of this pieces of paper and would like it to be supplied on-time, you can purchase VIP help support provider and in addition we can provide a assistance broker running simply with your request and telling you of the alters or difficulty with your papers. Inserting the transaction you may have recognized two to three superior quality quantities of posting: basic, cost, and platinum. So what does it suggest? To begin with, even among the brilliant freelance writers you will find a some finest products and purchasing the service we will assure the fact that the most expert author with complex The english language addresses your request. If you find yourself a fresh user we will offer you your own private promo code. Our initial present is 15Percent and then with further more cohesiveness, it is easy to turn into our frequent consumer and find an eternity inexpensive on most of the sales you set. Get in touch with our service staff for more information about it provider.
The post Internet Proofreading Program: Appreciate Informative Course of action appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2sDqsad via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2C3MQO1 via IFTTT from Ladies Fashion http://ift.tt/2oenJyL via IFTTT
0 notes
fashionoutfit6 · 7 years ago
Internet Proofreading Program: Appreciate Informative Course of action
Internet Proofreading Program: Appreciate Informative Course of action
There region number of primary featuresthat identify us from my competitors. Firstly, it is really level of quality. Ourprofessional cardstock crafting servicecan comprehensive your old fashioned paper without having any supplementary work. We are accountable for everydelivered old fashioned paper. If you do not like some thing. You have got 14 days of 100 % free revision time. Ship your recommendations and then your publisher will proper your papers. Furthermore, it is easy to prolong this era if you are paying for extra two, 3 or 4 many weeks of revision time. For anybody who is undecided about thegrammar in your own cardstock, just orderadditional editor’s serviceand your essay or thesis newspaper shall be refined and offered without moderate flaws.Our authors are professionalsthats whywe can assure nicely-elaborated paperwithin the expressed time frame. With any hesitate, our authors are significantly reprimanded and therefore we burn our history since the most beneficial personalized posting enterprise. We can’t get rid of your confidence, that’s why our admins and sustain products be sure that our freelance writers monitor the regulations of our own enterprise. In our24/7 on the net chatyou can get your totally free promo code to save your hard earned money. Ourstandard cheap is 15Percentbut we provide you with even larger models for many who installed at the very least two to three buy on our site. I am hoping we had been able to reveal youwhy it is best to pick out our organization.
Utilize the guidebook of possibly the best proofreading solutions internet on the ultimate way to discover English language without having further endeavors.
Many people are excited about knowing English language while not tiring web based classes or long lasting training lessons. Sad to say, online is satisfied with phony publications that will milk products capital of your stuff. It got a long time but we was able to complex their list of solutions with regards to their unique endorsement experiencing checked via a multitude of an honest way to obtain info. You can find no specific technics of understanding Language without having campaigns but we does our very best to lessen these endeavours.Request thesis or croping and editing serviceson our blog and grab 18Per cent lower price in the future proofreading orders placed.
1) Aesthetic system.
This is probably the most effective ways to educate yourself Language and then your treasured flicks may help you using it. You just need a laptop computer to write down downwards the whole set of unfamiliar words and phrases to study them by center eventually.Also, by way of this approach, you can view this ideas actually in operation, put simply, inside of a specific communicational predicament to find out how to make use of it. This can be a group of motion pictures permitted by our company:
Creation. Picture the field of visions are usually governed. Also, you can easily submit another person elses desire and placed a concept and allow it to improve starting to be specific a. The leading personality is definitely a guy that does it by a professional. He should get could be the most difficult obtain in the lifespan, several degrees of perfect, plan to always be put should consider looking for instance a all natural a particular. Yet, anything fails whenever our hero’s spirit begins personification dark areas of his recent. Position anorder with proofreading or modifying servicesto ensure that your cardstock can be of the very best quality.
Everlasting Direct sunlight of your Sparkling Psyche.It will be very not easy to appreciate what is occurring in that video. The creator relates us the current additionally, the earlier of this fundamental characters and exhibits what occurrences swayed several options that are built. Now you ask , uncomplicated. What is going to occur in the event you remove every one of the experiences from a particular particular person through your imagination? It will be not very likely to become achievable as your thoughts might be sufficiently strong to interrupt this wall membrane.
The Pianist.It is deemed an art work rather than combat. The chief hero can be described as Jewish pianist who has been seized by Nazi and brought towards focus camp out. This picture provides the concern with people this camp out. Individuals who misplaced wish for the higher down the road. It would be tough to look over similar to that, but you should know your story.Learn more about Nazi focus campson this amazing site.
2)Paying attention technique.
Don’t fail to teach your being attentive and presentation proceeding offshore. As long as you understand, audio tracks guides are generally propagated nowadays in order that it won’t become a challenge to look for it via the internet. Sorry to say, you may want your laptop to jot down decrease new words and phrases considering literature terms is reasonably vibrant and jam packed with appealing keyword phrases and expression. Just activate the report on a way to the project or to the way house or whatever you decide and go. Basically a several section will undoubtedly be adequate. Possessing heard it up until the conclusion, examine it and put on paper new thoughts you identified. Do not ignore to master them by heart and soul. Our authors would like to propose you a number of handbook with extremely complex The english language. It could be tough but you will definately get employed to it. Essentially the most remarkable models would be the pursuing:
Three or more Comrades by Erich Maria Remarque.It is not easy to review this fresh and say what this fresh is centered on. To start with, it can be about relationship and absolutely love. It focuses on some mental health complications of posting Initially Planet Conflict period of time. A variety of reflections and remarkable incidents that can be shown in your own remembrance. By the use of quick daily happenings,this writer attempts to indicate the how unrespectable lifespan is usually.
Marten Eden by Jack United kingdom.It is a report in regards to individual who performed his very best to turn into a considerably better human being yet the a person he liked showed up to not ever be worthy of these endeavours. Around the technique for progress, you can observe that consumers with you are position also when you are continuing to move forward. Now you ask , whether or not this was truly worth turning out to be smart. Thedifficult opportunities which were produced by Jack Londonare perfectly mentioned within this biography.
Lord of flies by William Golding.We read numerous instances the experiences around a mankind or several consumers stuck on some tropical isle devoid of society. The creator is meant to present young boys and girls away from society and assess their tendencies. It showed up that kids are far more vicious and aggressive then people including a minor adventure turns into a headache.
3) Enjoying way.
There are various video game titles that will assist you to know English language usually as well as terms you encountered by to kill a mockingbird essay topics pdf using two earlier approaches. For people with some mates remarkable in The english language without or with The english language ability, you can actually look for their aid. A handful of strange functions in the 2000s which might be helpful for youhttp://findwritingservice.com/blog page/top rated-considerable-functions-of-2000s.
Notes.This video game is pretty effortless and you could quite easily achieve it by themselves. In the first place, it is advisable to have a bright page of old fashioned paper and work into a variety of components. In one facet take note of anything or maybe manifestation you desire to master, on the opposite side post description or concept of that one. Find the credit card and looking through a description aim to do you know what message might it be.
Seem put in writing. Have your note pad and go walking available your house and strive to convert the things you notice, also the most basic models. There are many handy written text available for you as your studio might be stuffed with appealing information you didnt think about.
Look and feel – summarize. On this occasion you must require a several thing and attempt to discuss it as a in-depth because you can which include its form, volume, colouring, intent and so forth. It will permit you to make use of know-how in reality. New terms could be invaluable just for this online game.
That is you cannot assume all the ways of considerably approaches to research project The english language, but those are the basic handiest and fulfilling kinds. This is often a period that you should make progress and discover your tricks to master The english language. Just about the most expertise one has, the more often difficult procedures will probably be. Fail to worried to try out your ways. The most beneficial methods to eradicate sadness is set in our essayhttp://findwritingservice.com/web site/depressive disorders-its-control-and-way-to-manage-with-it.
There are many good reasons to buy on our web site. Our business energies many of the part of our company to follow along with rigid policies and that we undertake each of the occasions that present themselves throughout crafting. Our plagiarism insurance policy will shock you. With regards to you comprehend plagiarism is compared with toxic sin around the school and now we do our very best to stay away from this sort of frustrating problems. For starters, we reprimand our authors for just about any plagiarism. Any plagiarism matters should really be promptly permanently fixed. In addition, there exists a exceptional preference identified as 100 % free plagiarism document. What you need to do will be to insert a checkmark close to to this very provider and our assist real estate agent will examine your report through sophisticated plagiarism checker and publish this article utilizing your document penned. We do our very best to never ignore any output deadlines. Any article author is reprimanded for latter supply too. If you happen to concerned with the improvement of this pieces of paper and would like it to be supplied on-time, you can purchase VIP help support provider and in addition we can provide a assistance broker running simply with your request and telling you of the alters or difficulty with your papers. Inserting the transaction you may have recognized two to three superior quality quantities of posting: basic, cost, and platinum. So what does it suggest? To begin with, even among the brilliant freelance writers you will find a some finest products and purchasing the service we will assure the fact that the most expert author with complex The english language addresses your request. If you find yourself a fresh user we will offer you your own private promo code. Our initial present is 15Percent and then with further more cohesiveness, it is easy to turn into our frequent consumer and find an eternity inexpensive on most of the sales you set. Get in touch with our service staff for more information about it provider.
The post Internet Proofreading Program: Appreciate Informative Course of action appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2sDqsad via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2C3MQO1 via IFTTT from Ladiesfashion25 http://ift.tt/2CurbtV via IFTTT
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lesliepump · 7 years ago
How Lawyers Work: Mary Juetten, Persistent Advocate for Change and Online Shopping Maven
In this week’s edition of How Lawyers Work, we hear from Mary Juetten. Mary is the CEO of Traklight and the managing director of Evolve Law in Bellingham, Washington.
You can follow Mary on both LinkedIn and Twitter.
What’s your elevator pitch?
I don’t practice law—yet (more on that in 2018). Instead, out of law school, I created software that helps small businesses self-identify risk and intellectual property; it doubles as lead generation for companies or issue-spotting for lawyers. Along the way, I created the Evolve Law community to accelerate the pace of change within the legal industry. In my spare time, I write and consult on practice management, law reform, and small business issues.
What apps or tools are essential to your daily workflow?
To run two companies as well as write books and consult, I need mad project organization. These are some of the tools I use daily to do just that:
Google Apps. (1) Google Docs – I use this for project lists and collaboration (cannot live without this); (2) Google Calendar; and of course, (3) Gmail – I use my email to organize myself and work towards inbox zero (I panic if it’s over 50).
Slack. It’s much better than email. I now use it to run Evolve Law with Above the Law.
iPhone on T-mobile. The hotspot allows me to work anywhere in all 3 countries I travel to including my kid in Canada, my homes in the U.S., and my husband’s work in Mexico.
iPhone apps. (1) Notes – I have written entire blog posts during a car or plane ride; (2) Dragon – It’s come a long way and great to dictate for books or blogs; (3) Kindle (unlimited) – It keeps me sane in long lines and while traveling.
Asana. However, If I practiced or worked with more than one person, I would use Trello as it is more visual.
Post-its, colored pens, and legal pads. I not only run all my businesses with these basics, but I also use them in our household (the kids all lived in the house into their twenties; it’s basic but it works).
Whiteboards. When I write, I use these for storyboards. When we had a Traklight office, we painted the walls with whiteboard paint, and I would do that in a heartbeat for any office.
Google Home. I can play peaceful piano music from Spotify to work by—soothing but not distracting.
What does your workspace look like?
Click to view slideshow.
Which one? I am a nomad with three residences, plus I can work on the airport floor if necessary or traveling in the car. I carry post-its and colored pens with me at all times and have whiteboards in all three places. They say sitting is the new smoking so I move around during the day from table to countertop, etc. When I leave one place, I take pictures of the lists, post-its, and whiteboards to go to the next stop.
How do you keep track of your calendars and deadlines?
Google Calendar. It’s on my laptop and phone and accessible anywhere. I calendar all my tasks as appointments and create repeating calendar invites. Each week, I create a master to-do list on an old-fashioned yellow pad—one for each of my companies and writing projects. I also have large lined Post-its for daily tasks and regular Post-it notes for reminders. Lastly, I print out my daily calendar and am delighted to cross off tasks.
What is your coffee service setup?
I only drink coffee until noon. If I am lucky enough to be in the same city as my husband, he brings me coffee in bed. I will drink green tea, but my go-to is coffee with almond milk and I like the regular grind and drip. We have some complicated machines in our houses that I do not use!
What is one thing that you listen to, read, or watch that everyone should?
I read and watch to escape. I’m not sure anyone shares my obsession with Criminal Minds or now, Mindhunter. But I think everyone should listen to music every day.
What is your favorite local place to network or work solo?
Our cabin deck in Washington for solo work. Networking is something that I do for a living so I have no favorite city or place for that!
What are three things you do without fail every day?
Click to view slideshow.
(1) Text my family; (2) Write; (3) Be thankful
Who else would you like to see answer these questions?
Juliet Peters. (Editor’s note: We made Juliet answer these questions a couple months back!)
How Lawyers Work: Mary Juetten, Persistent Advocate for Change and Online Shopping Maven was originally published on Lawyerist.com.
from Law and Politics https://lawyerist.com/how-lawyers-work-mary-juetten/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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renfys · 7 years ago
My Blogging Process
So, I thought I would write about my blogging process. From inception to publishing and promotion, this is how the blog post is born on QLF. I follow the same routine most of the time and I post at least once a week. It’s not the way other people do it I’m sure, but it’s how I work.
The Idea
I get ideas from a few different places. Posts about my cat and my son are obvious, some things just come to me. others are prompted by current events or something on tv I’ve seen. Others are based on holidays and awareness days. I tend to have a draft post with a list of ideas, I also tend to create drafts posts with the idea as the title and nothing else or if it’s a list, a few of the points that have come to mind before I forget them.
Sometimes I’ll start writing straight away. Sometimes they’ll sit in the drafts waiting patiently to be written. I usually have four or five ideas there. If I;m out and about I write ideas down in notebooks and then transfer them to a draft post – I can never guarantee I’ll have the same notebook with me a month later. Or a week later. Or a day.
I don’t have much of a format when it comes to actually writing a post. If it’s a list I’ll start with an introduction and then write the list items in an order that makes some sense and so the points segue. At least I hope I do. Otherwise, I tend to just go for it, write and write until the story is done. Because that’s what they are, little stories. I like to round them up nicely but I find it’s not always easy to ‘end’ posts. It’s what I find the hardest, I think in part because the story isn’t always over and there isn’t always a lesson to be learned.
I do like to add a list of links for more information at the end of more informative posts though. Some sites that can help readers find out more and understand my story a little more.
I tend to write most posts in one evening, but some take a little longer, over the course of a few days. Whether it’s down to my mood, or my schedule at home or the topic. Most of the time I have a couple of, posts on the go. If I’m struggling to write or finish one post I’ll work on the other.
Unless it’s time sensitive (such as an awareness day is imminent and I’m behind as usual) I edit the next day. This gives me some space between writing and editing to get more perspective on what I’ve written. It also allows my mind to process the changes that need to be made better. I use Grammarly, the free version, which isn’t perfect is great for removing (or adding) those pesky commas. Something I definitely struggle with.
Any posts I worry about – whether they be controversial or about topics I’m not 100% confident with I ask bethend to look it over.
This is the point in which I add in any links through the text to other posts I’ve mentioned or sites and so on.
Images break up blocks of writing, though I forget why this is a good thing. Something about the internet means that people;e can’t handle long chunks of text with a picture. Though most of us stopped reading books with pictures in them when we were teenagers. Sometimes I use pictures to do just that, break up the text. A lot of the time I use them to illustrate my point. It makes it easier to imagine my mum giving me if you can see her face. I tend to source pictures from my own photos, Pixabay and Wiki Commons. Edit them in photoshop if they need a little bit of light or love, and put them in my branded templates. I always have two images, usually three. I have templates for Instagram sizes, Facebook/Twitter and Pinterest. I slot them in, assign the featured images and I’m ready to go.
Rarely do I publish when I’m done. Usually, because I finished a post sometime in the evening and depending on the day I prefer to publish on certain days. Mondays and Thursdays if I can or whatever day the post I’m writing about falls on. So mostly I schedule my blog posts for the next day or whenever. Usually around ten.
Just as important as the content so they say is the promotion of a post. Once my posts are published they’re immediately posted to my social media accounts. I used IFTTT to do this, though there isn’t a recipe for google plus yet. In the evening, I repost the link to social media. I also make a graphic or share a picture from the blog post to Instagram. I also post in on various blogging groups on Facebook and their sharing threads and add them to various link-ups throughout the week.
Back To The Beginning
Then I start the process all over again. a new idea, a new draft, a new post. It’s an endless cycle but I enjoy it for some reason.
Your Blogging Process
I asked a few other bloggers about their own blogging process:
Louise from Pink Pear Bear says: I take all my photos first and then sit down in my office with my laptop and most importantly a cup of tea. I write the whole post in one go usually, then read back and make changes and edits and add in the photos at appropriate points. Finally, I check the SEO, that I have a featured image chosen, add tags and then publish. After that, I share on social media.
Leona from Wandermust Family says: To make sure I can publicise posts enough when published, I tend to batch write posts (try and always have a month scheduled) then can give sm plenty of time after publishing.
Pete from Household Money Saving says: When I have an idea for a post, I’ll write it down on my phone. Then, it’s a matter of finding an hour or two to sit down and research/write it. Once written, I find and add images, then double check spelling and grammar before publishing.
Carol from Virtually All Sorts says: I use printouts to keep me organised and tick off all the things I need: keywords, optimise images, Yoast, badges, keep a record of each URL and if shared to social media. I batch too, optimising all my images for a fortnight in one sitting.
Kayleigh from Candyfloss and Dreams says: I work exclusively on my blog between 9.30-1pm every day and I do things in batches like taking all photos, creating optimised images, writing up posts and scheduling. I find if I do it all together I don’t miss anything out or forget something!
Natalie from Mumworthy says: I write a post on the train in notes on my phone, or at night after my little ones in bed. I basically let my mind spill out. I then have a break and things I’ve missed come to me and I go back and edit and chop down. It’s hugely cathartic. I then add pictures and links. I will reread several times and spell check.
Kelly-Anne from Mimi-Rose and Me says: I tend to write down anything that inspires me on my phone which is normally at night time. In the morning I’ll sit and write the whole post, then in the afternoon take photos as this is better for lightening, edit and place them in the blog post. Proofread and then publish. All fuelled with tea of course!
And check out this post by Luke at Confessions Of A Blind Guy on how he puts together a blog post.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2xMXjLU via IFTTT
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