#also what. is an apt precalc
maraczeks · 1 year
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rose-dragomir · 4 years
rose in college headcanons
@chaoticemobookwormpickles and @sayly (who i can’t actually tag for some reason) asked for these a little while back so, here ya go!
right so
rose doesnt have a great track record with academics
she never really felt like her classes in school were actually contributing to her education, unless they were guardian theory classes
when she had to take precalc she got so annoyed 
her exact words to dimitri were “its not like in a fight with a strigoi one of them is gonna stop and stay ‘wait! graph this function and i’ll leave!’”
he responded with “you never know” under his breath
not helpful
but by the time rose and lissa get to college, lissa is freaking out about queen stuff 
so she majors in political science so she can get a better grip on it
but now shes freaking out about school
shes pulling a C- for the first time in her life
like she figured it’d be a little challenging, but that she’d pick up on it pretty fast
she didnt
none of the material makes sense to her
she literally thinks shes gonna fail one of her law classes 
rose however, is excited about school for the first time in her life
she wasnt doing great with some of the theory at first, not bc she didnt understand it but bc she thought it was stupid
she never really got over that but once she saw how it applied to moroi politics and dealing with council, she figured it was worth it
she loves her law classes 
she doesn’t just think they’re interesting, but she realizes that by studying law, she can figure out how to work around the rules without actually breaking them
when the have a break and come home to dimitri and christian, and she tells dimitri exactly that, he gets scared
like “great, now she can get away with anything, just what we needed”
christian has the same thought.
shes excited for school for the first time 
despite dimitri’s initial fear of rose’s law breaking, he’s really proud of rose and so happy for her that she found this
when abe gets wind of this, he’s also super proud
and can’t stop thinking of all the mafia family possibilities
just one more thing for dimitri to worry about
when they graduate rose has a higher gpa than lissa
and she wont stop talking about it
rose sorta becomes lissa’s unofficial advisor
which works out perfectly
so rose spends hours and hours with lissa pouring over official document, planning for meetings, writing and editing speeches, researching ancient moroi law
between that, her guarding shifts, and the desk work/ planning she has to do as a royal guard, lissa realizes shes taking up a lot of rose’s time
so she starts to pay her for it
rose is like lissa wtf
but she just goes with it after a while
lissa consults her on almost everything
and rose is really great about advocating about dhampir issues that lissa hadn’t even thought of bc they’re not discussed and lissa doesn’t have that lived experience 
i have this one scene in my head that i can never stop thinking about
lissa, christian, dimitri, and rose are all having a little family dinner sorta thing in lissa and christian’s apt complex, royal living quarters or whatever
lissa and rose are on the couch/ coffee table area going over laws strategizing for a council meeting about guardian rights and benefits, so they’re also going over some really old laws and trying to figure out exactly what they’re saying
and they’re super caught up in it
and dimitri and christian are making dinner (and by now they’re really good friends; i wanna write about their friendship development at some point)
they’ve done this so many times that they’ve got a really good rhythm going 
one of them call out that dinner is ready
and lissa mumbles back something about “wrapping it up”
and dimitri just pauses and looks at rose
and he’s just like
and christian does the same
and they’re gushing to each other about how cool their significant others are
and rose gets up from the couch and she’s all
“talkin’ about us?” knowing full well that they were
dimitri’s just like “yeah” and leans in for a kiss
and lissa comes up to join everyone
they start setting the table and sitting down to eat
and its just super cute and domestic
sometimes its the reverse
where dimitri and christian are working on lesson plans and proposals for moroi defense classes and mandates and such
and lissa and rose cook
except its mostly lissa cooking and rose reading ingredients and instructions and then doing paper work or something
sometimes they’re all too busy
and they sit around working on all their respective stuff together bc they just enjoy all being in the same space
so they order in
they have a drawer full of takeout menus from around court
with all their favorite orders marked 
ugh i j love them all so much
wow this really got away from me
feel free to add stuff! i always like to hear what you guys think!
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