#also unfollowed him on Twitter a long time ago. it was after he promoted someone who had a nazi pfp. why isn’t that in the lists of bad
poppyseed799 · 2 years
got a bit nostalgic for YHS looked in the tag and just WOWW. Why were so many people 9 when they watched it?? I was 13/14!!! Am I just old???
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AITA for making dinner plans the same night my friend arrived in the country to stay at my place?
My friend Erin (27F) and I (25F) are both citizens of Country A and have lived/worked in Country B for about ~3 years; up until about a year ago when she got a promotion that sent her back to Country A. She's sent back to Country B for work related things about twice a year, and she tries to use a few vacation days to arrive a little early or stay a little late for personal visiting time. She was set to arrive last week and had asked if she could stay at my apartment for a few days before she got the company hotel, and I said yes. All she had said in advance was she'd arrive at night; trains and public transport are really good in Country B and we know the language / city very well, I didn't need to pick her up at the airport, just at my local station to walk to my apartment.
The day of her flight, my boyfriend (27M) asked if we wanted to go to dinner. He absolutely did not mean a nice dinner - just meeting up for chicken or traditional noodle place, nothing fancy or long. He's a Country B local and lives south of where I live/ my office is, so, deciding where and when to meet up would really affect timing to meet up with Erin. From my morning onward I began messaging her asking about when her flight would arrive/ when she'd get into the station. I was mindful of the time difference and I was sure I would catch her before the flight. I'm not allowed to be on my phone at the office, but I kept checking and texting / messaging on different apps throughout the work day, to ask when she would arrive, hoping that even if she was on airplane mode and on the flight, she would get at least one of the messages. At one point I did add that my boyfriend and I were thinking of getting dinner after I finished work and so wanted to know when she would arrive, and that I could still meet her at night. Verbatim one of my messages: "I'm not sure what time your arrival is but we might have dinner plans, but the night is good - I'm just trying to figure out timing." The last few hours of work I couldn't check my phone at all. I also told my boyfriend that dinner probably wouldn't happen, unless he wanted to get up and meet us for a later dinner once Erin arrived, but I couldn't tell him when.
Finally when I finished work, I went to see if Erin had responded at last. She had blocked me on Instagram and Snapchat. I went on Twitter, checking the apps I had messaged her, and she had unfollowed me, but she had a public account, and was saying: "some girls are the fakest" "quality over quantity cut the dumb bitches off" etc. So I iMessaged her asking what happened and what I did, and she said, "you're a bad friend, so I don't want to be your friend anymore." "I asked you like five times before coming if I could stay at your place and now you want to see what's up with that dumbass looking boy." "I'm super burned off by you."
I told her I was kind of in shock and didn't know what to say. I told her "I just needed to know timing" - I didn't even know when she was sending the messages if she had landed or had plane wifi. She said she had found someone else to stay with last minute and just kept saying I'm a bad friend and she doesn't need me as a friend.
I'm stunned. I've seen her be angry and irritated before but we've been friends since undergrad and we've never had a fight. I'm rereading my messages I sent her through the day and trying to see if I said anything in a way that implied I was cancelling on her. I genuinely only meant to know when she was arriving so I could figure out how to spend my evening and what to do for dinner. All I knew was "night" - I didn't know if she was coming at 5, at 8, at 9, at 10:30, and what I would do or could do for dinner depended on when she would be at the station. Maybe I shouldn't have said that the option I was specifically thinking of was dinner with my boyfriend? But I mean - I really didn't mean to imply her time was deprioritized or that she couldn't stay at my place? So maybe I shouldn't have tried to make other plans at all? I'm really just trying to logic this out and if I shouldn't have tried to do dinner too.
What are these acronyms?
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scarlettedwanda · 5 years
Alright so here's the deal, I don't use Tumblr anymore. Ever since last year when the guidelines were changed and the website just turned into absolute shit.
I do still occasionally pop on here, look through some tags and what not and yes, I did post not too long ago, about Unas Annus.
So naturally, I'm going to make a post and it's going to piss a whole lot of people off and for once in my life, I'm embracing the idea of losing a whole lot of followers.
Pewdiepie. Lately and for absolutely no reason, has been getting a whole other wave of hate and people genuinely happy that one of his places was robbed and worse, people wishing he'd kill himself or get killed and for absolutely stupid fucking reasons.
This dates back a few years, to the time he said a word that he shouldn't have said. But is Felix the only white person to ever say that word? No. Did he make a mistake? Yes. Does he deserve the title of being a racist? Absolutely not. Felix did not say the word to intentionally hurt someone. It slipped out as it does with thousands and thousands of gamers only this time, Felix had caught it on video.
Just this summer I overheard my white as fuck younger brother, saying the word over his headset in a heated game of Rainbow Six Seige. And the thing is, he's a nobody so no one will ever be upset with him the way people did with Felix. My brother isn't some rich Youtuber so these people over Tumblr, or the people over Twitter who crave the feeling of ruining a rich man's career, will never go after my brother like a pack of hyenas.
Now Malcolm, this isn't the only proof that he's a racist. Let us not forget the Fiver video where he paid some kids to hold up nazi propaganda. Yes he did, but he also wasn't expecting it to go through. Half the fucking people on YouTube are looking for that shock factor, need a way to gain views and you're damn right that Felix thought it would be an interesting way to pull attention.
In that same video, Felix apologized. He was shocked and clearly felt bad enough that he found the need to apologize for the incident happening. It's a joke that stems from far too many jokes on television shows or movies and yet, no one freaks out whenever South Park teases about the idea of an actual eight year old imprisoning red heads, or actively dressing as a member of the KKK. We live in a society which pushes the line for humor and entertainment and people don't think. Celebrities and such say things, do things that they don't mean or feel or want. Felix was just another example of a guy who got boned for something that some people took a bit too seriously.
So why not take it down? Why even post that part? Simple; Felix made a mistake and wanted everyone to learn from it. Without someone making roughly the same mistakes as he's stumbled into. He wants people to take from this lesson and realize that these people on Fiver, will do whatever they're paid to do, whether they realize what they're promoting or not. He is warning everyone not to do that, showing people that he's capable of mistakes and will take the back lash from it because he genuinely doesn't have those views.
Now, onto the latest stupidly. The woman from Dr. Phil where he made yet another mistake. Fuck, people obviously didn't watch the video before going on this rant that Felix is a transphobe, because in the video he only misgenders this person twice. He doesn't call her by the wrong pronouns on purpose, he takes in her appearance, her voice and her name and made a conclusion that this person reminded him a lot of Jeffrey Star.
In fact, for most of the video he calls her "Walmart Jeffrey Star" and it's literally no different than any nickname you would give to a character on television or movies. Never once does she state her pronouns and if you aren't reading the description under her name when she first appears, then you can easily make the mistake of not knowing her pronouns.
Felix corrected himself the first time it was brought up that she was a transgender woman, he apologized and yet people on here are labeling him unfairly for a genuine mistake.
Now let's move onto my proof. The proof that people are blowing him up and ignoring hard facts that Felix is a genuine guy. We'll start with his wife, Marzia, the sweetest person I've ever seen. Even the most avid Pewdiepie haters can agree that Marzia is precious, so why the hell would she still be with him after everything, if he really was a racist? Or if he was a nazi or transphobic? The simple answer; he isn't. She is the closest person to him, and yes hypothetically he could be hiding the dark sides of himself, but Marzia lives with him. She married him and she is also on YouTube and online and I'm positive she's being flooded with these stupid comments that the man she married, is a racist transphobe.
After being together for only two years, my fiancé and myself know everything about one another. Neither of us can hide parts of our personality from each other because the truth is, you get lazy over time. You stop worrying that the person you're involved with is going to hate you over it, and you let your guard down. Felix and Marzia have been together far longer and even after all these accusations came out, Marzia still agreed to marry him.
And then there's Seán. Seán who advocates mental health and who is a very sweet person. And does anyone actually think Seán would lie about how genuine Felix is? Do people think that this person, who's struggled with depression, would surround himself with a person who hates other people? Do people genuinely believe that Seán would invite Felix over to his house, hang out with him, collaborate both in person and over line, for views? Or do you think that maybe, just maybe, they really are close friends? That Felix is the good person that Seán has said he is?
Honestly, a lot of people's opinions are misguided by people who just hate the rich. Pewdiepie is a successful YouTuber, arguably the most successful so of course he's going to have a lot of haters. But unlike people like Donald fucking Trump, a good comparison in this case being another successful rich man; Felix actually cares about his viewers. He cares about his community and doesn't have some stupid superiority complex. If you want to hate on a successful rich man, complain about a guy who actually wants to build a wall to keep the Mexicans out of his country, throw hate at a man who created his own concentration camps for children because this idea that Felix is a bad person, is absolutely disgusting.
So, please unfollow me, block me, or whatever. Because this idea that Felix is disgusting is wrong. I'm not going to fight every post I ever see, I'm going to ignore them and let my own post speak for itself.
But to any Pewdiepie haters; go fuck yourself.
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alexwinfield-blog1 · 6 years
Do we really know who we follow online?
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This definition was provided by a 52 year old male (parent) when asked to explain what he associated with the term ‘following’.
With the Oxford Dictionary defining ‘following’ to be the action of “coming or going after a thing or person (proceeding ahead)”, it would seem to be that he is correct. However, in recent years, this definition has been twisted and redefined by social media, now connoting the action of interacting - via liking, retweeting and sharing - with other social media users. But what about the definition of a ‘friend’? It could be argued that Facebook has distorted this definition of what defines someone as a friend. In real life? Someone who you can trust, a companion who you can relate to exclusively from family relations. Someone who can keep you company. Someone who doesn’t judge you for being you. And online? Mostly people you know, people who occasionally like your posts, but overall, perhaps people you know… but don’t really know? The girl that sits in front of you in one of your lectures? Yep, her. That guy you met on a night out who you exchanged Snapchats with. Him too. Despite having thousands of followers or hundreds of friends, could you confidently argue that your social network is a space free of judgement? Or a welcoming community which rids you of your loneliness? Perhaps not. If you were given a list of all the faces you have befriended online over the years, could you put a name to these faces you supposedly know? What criteria needs to be met in order for you to truly ‘know’ someone?
So, does this concept of ‘friending’ and ‘following’ replace maintaining relationships in real life? You meet someone once and now you follow them on Twitter, you’ve requested to follow them on Facebook, and you’ve assessed how ‘follow worthy’ they are on Instagram. You know all you need to know… and more! It makes you wonder how in the ‘olden days’ people put a name to a face. Let’s say you pass someone in the street, in your local town, minding your own business. They smile at you, and you smile back. However, you’re puzzled by this familiar face. An hour passes and you’ve searched for this face across all social medias, and hey presto, it turns out she’s a friend of a friend you met last summer. Thank God you sent this her a friend request all that time ago. Within the depths of our ‘followers’, we provide people, ultimately strangers, with front row seats to spectate our lives. The familiar stranger knows about your holiday to Greece in the summer, she undoubtedly read the twitter spat you had with one of your besties last week, and by the looks of things, she was one of the first people to watch your Instagram story this morning and knew exactly where you were off to -  thanks to the beauty of Snapmaps. 
It seems that an apology may be in order to our parents as those valuable ‘stranger danger’ lessons appear to have gone out the window at this point. Do we really know someone’s intentions online? What about our own intentions?
In order to get a better idea of the online networks people are affiliated with, I reached out to my Instagram followers through an online survey, and this is what I found.
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When designing these questions, this result was most expected, but how can this be explained? Well, with Boyd and Ellison (2008) defining and considering a social network site to allow it’s users to “articulate a list of other users whom they share a connection”, it could be argued that it doesn’t matter who makes up this list, as long as you’ve got one. Is it not ‘cool’ to only have a few hundred followers? Or is it simply a case of social media users not being particularly bothered about who watches and interacts with their ‘content’?. So, could we agree that following someone on Instagram isn’t “all that deep”? Is a follow just a follow? But is it the connection that is the greater deal? How can a ‘connection’ be defined? For example, if a follower and I (who I have followed since activating my account in 2013), mutually and consistently like each other’s posts each time one of us uploads, is this a connection? Does having a connection with someone NEED to take place in real life, or can a connection be as effortless and shallow as liking a Facebook post?
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Next up, the awkward unfollow. Some say they won’t unfollow someone, despite not necessarily being friends, because they like to “see what people are doing”, or feel they are particularly “nosey”. It was also made apparent that having “shared interests” with their ‘list’ of connections meant following someone can be sparked by curiosity and the desire to be inspired. On the other hand, it became clear that people are ‘likely’ to follow someone, despite their interests/values not appealing to them, because they “can’t be bothered” to unfollow others. Who knew unfollowing someone was such a gruelling process? More controversially, another respondent claimed to unfollow people, (even FRIENDS!!) if they were negative posters or found themselves becoming disengaged with their content. However, could it be argued that perhaps having ‘weak ties’ with other social network users has its perks? They aren’t high maintenance followers, and they open doors to other networks consisting of diverse modes of thought, without requiring you to actively expand your social network horizons. Is this a savage approach, or simply a logical way to filter and customise your feed to appeal to your interests?
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And finally, can social networking sites easily manipulate its users in brainwashing them to believe they know someone through the content they post and the mutual friends they share? Let’s start by explaining this using Kylie Jenner as an example. Would you consider to ‘know’ her? You may be thinking, “but why wouldn’t I?”. She shares her daughter, Stormi, with her followers, and we know she has an extremely tight bond with her sisters. She’s dating Travis Scott, alongside owning a million-dollar beauty range. She promotes the tea she drinks, the hair vitamins she takes, and recently how her best friend created turmoil amidst cheating rumours with Khloe’s boyfriend, Tristan. So, if we know all this, is it no surprise then how invested people can become in her life, or just celebrities in general?. Are the lines blurred between an Online Network and an Online Community? Just because you actively engage in Kylie’s content, for example, liking her posts and watching her SnapChat stories, does this mean you know her? Or does this simply mean you share a common interest/goal with her and her other followers?
Perhaps we are worrying about nothing. So what if someone wants to have 3000 followers and interact with strangers every day? That is THEIR community. Alternatively, if someone else wants to have a minimum of 80 followers, and only share content online with a small network of people, then that is THEIR chosen network. But, what about YOU. No, not you personally, but the Netflix series ‘YOU’. This series outlines how social media can be used as a powerful tool in ultimately providing strangers with a search engine to your life. Through sharing your social media content publicly, you actively invite other social media users to learn all there is to know about YOU. Have you ever thought about how your friends and your followers may know you just as well as you know yourself? Have we become obsessed with oversharing our lives or is this just the norm? Maybe we all have a burning desire to be visible online? Let me know what you think.
Jones, R. H., & Hafner. C. A. (2012). Understanding Digital Literacies. London: Routledge.
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stardust79260 · 8 years
Rant on a Super Fan
I normally would never ever EVER do something like this but I feel like this has to be said, especially if this person makes every super fan look bad. Now if I offend anybody or make anybody but this person mad, I deeply apologize, I just feel like I have to get this out one way or an other. I feel like I have to let people know how this person really is towards people, how they really are towards their “friends” aka fans. I do apologize if this is gonna be a long ass rant, but like I said, I want to let people know how I feel this individual really is.
It began on 7/17/14 where a (Former) AJ Lee fan by the name of Alexander asked me for a follow back and I followed him back and he seemed like a cool dude, him and I talked and when it came to AJ Lee, we had a lot in common. Like we agreed that she was a good role model for everybody and such. I remember being at the mall that day when him and I tweeted each other. At the time, I was happy to be friends with someone in my favorite diva (What women were called at the time.) fandom. Had I known what he was really like, I would have never even acknowledged him.
Over the next few months him and I talked less and (slowly) started to see how he really was. I didn’t want to unfollow him because I still thought he was a good person and at the time I was worried about losing a friend, so I just muted him and life went on. The last time I talked to him was 3/25/15 my birthday two years ago. We talked for a bit and that was the end of that. We never talked again.
Darning the time I was friends with Alexander I met another friend but that friendship was short, Darning it I saw how Alexander really was always asking for followbacks, always asking people to interact with him. After I stopped talking to him for good he talked to me 2 more times, and it was him asking me to “Interact” with him darning WWE shows aka like and RT his tweets. To me, Interacting with somebody is talking to them and whatnot and he never talks back Darning WWE shows, because he’s too busy tweeting about them.
Then I had enough one day, I blocked and unblocked him so we wouldn’t be following each other. I realized he was never my friend, I was only a “fan” to him. I’m not going to lie, I was a bit hurt, I take friendship seriously and for someone to just use someone like that, they have to be a complete jerk, but I’ll get to that later. One day I saw one of my friend’s talk about him with someone else who he blocked so I decided to put my two cents in and I said “He was a nice guy now he thinks he’s famous or some crap.” Little did I know Alexander would read that and block me!
Here’s where the rant begins, for some reason I used my undercover Twitter account (where he follows me.) and saw how he really treats his “friends” First off he switched from being an AJ Lee fan to being an Alexa Bliss fan. Basically he asks for follow backs like I mentioned above. He also asks you to like and RT his tweets and if you don’t, he disposes of you like you were nothing to him and I’m sorry to say that you are nothing to him! What I’m saying is that he uses people just to get noticed by Alexa.
That’s not all, he says he live tweets Smackdown Live, it’s PPV’s, Talking Smack and the four inter brand PPV’s because he was tired of being bullied on Monday nights. NO! That’s not true, he live tweets that stuff because he just wants his tweets on Talking Smack. He just wants attention from WWE and Alexa Bliss and he’s using other Alexa Bliss fans to do it. He even started “helping” the other Blissfits to get noticed. If you quote a tweet and tag somebody, the person who quoted the tweet gets the notification and NOT the person who posted the original tweet unless they’re tagged. And sometimes, he DOESN’T tag the person who posted the tweet. Just Alexa.
People may claim he’s nice and he kind of is, I’ll admit that. He wishes people Blissful days and encourages them to have fun but ONLY if you follow his rules of liking and RTing his tweets which is bullshit. I get it, according to him he “Can’t be ignored” if that’s the case then why doesn’t he prove it instead of making people like and RT his stuff? Because if he was really their friend which he’s not, he wouldn’t force them to do that.
Another thing I have to mention is how he treats people in general. He’s nice to a select few but other than that he’s a jerk! I read an interview with him recently and the person interviewing him said he was “One of the nicest people I have come across while covering professional wrestling.” I’m sorry to say that that’s not the case. Asking him one thing like even telling him no when it comes to him asking to like and RT his tweets and he’ll either be a jerk to you and or block you. Just asking him one thing and he’s like “Shut up!” Or “Leave me alone! I do what I want!” Or “Support me or get blocked!” Is that how a friend acts? Or even a nice person in general? I don’t think so!
One nice thing I have to say is that I do respect his passion for WWE and Alexa Bliss. I do. And I respect that he shows it each and everyday to the Blissfits that follow him. I wish I had the courage to show that passion on twitter like I do on here with my other favorites. I just wish he wasn’t a jerk to a lot of other fans when he doesn’t get his way with them. If somebody is “being mean” to him or whatnot he sticks his followers after that person and or blocks them. After I post this, I might be attacked too and I’m prepared for that.
Alexander’s friends, before you do attack me, think about this: Would a real friend constantly ask for likes and RT’s from you everyday? Would a friend constantly brag about how many times their tweets were on Smackdown and Talking Smack? Would a friend constantly brag how many times they were noticed by Alexa? Would a friend threaten to dispose of you if you don’t “support them” aka like and RT their stuff so they would get noticed?
To Alexander if you ever read this, I have no problem with you having me blocked on Twitter, I could care less. Why did I write this rant though? Because like the truth or not, you use people to get noticed by Alexa Bliss, before you rant on twitter about this, think about it. Think about all of this, Would a real friend constantly ask people for likes and RT’s over and over again? Would a real friend have a huge ego? Would a real friend brag how many times they were noticed by Alexa? Would a real friend brag over and over how many times they were on Talking Smack? Would a real friend be mean and rude because somebody asked a question or stated their opinion? I get that you play a heel but people think you really act like that. People dislike you because of the way you are towards people.
One last thing about this rant which really bothers me. Alexander says he’s a wrestling fan but that’s a lie. He’s a WWE fan and WWE is sports entertainment, he only watches WWE and that’s it when it comes to “wrestling” He doesn’t even try and learn about other promotions. He just jumps on the bandwagon when they come in and when they leave (Like AJ Lee) he jumps off. Ever since he became “King of the Blissfits” (#NotMyKing) he abandoned all the AJ Lee fans and doesn’t even acknowledge them anymore and barely acknowledges AJ Lee which proves my entire point, he just uses his “fans” to get noticed. He got mad because I saw right through him and a few others as well.
So to a lot of people, I apologize if I made you mad with this rant, I apologize if this was too long but I felt like I had to get this out. To the Blissfits who are “friends” with him, keep being his friend if you want, I won’t stop you, I can only tell you how he is. But he doesn’t have to be the leader of you guys, he doesn’t have to be your voice. Be your own voice, your own leader! And to Alexander if you ever read this, instead of ranting about this on twitter, you’re welcome to make an account on here and prove me wrong but that’ll be hard since the proof is all over your twitter account. I’m not trying to be mean, I do respect your passion for WWE and Alexa Bliss. I just don’t respect how you use other fans or how you treat them.
With that, I bid you a Goodbye and Goodnight
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