#also trying a different brush
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wimble-thimble · 6 months ago
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i havent been satisfied with the way ive been drawing benrey lately but i think i've got it down now
tommy's there too
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aspideronmywall · 2 years ago
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What can I say? I'm a sucker for galaxies.
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lazylittledragon · 7 months ago
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mombin pt 9!! it's been too long i'm sorry
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bellsartblog · 8 months ago
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i think that emmet and ingo can both be noisy but in different ways. emmet has sharp ears while ingo has sharp eyes.
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ar-mage-ddon · 5 months ago
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when in doubt draw ephemer
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nouverx · 8 months ago
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Day 1 and 2 of Lucilith Week: The Garden of Eden and The Fall!
Decided to participate to Lucilith Week on twitter and do a little illustration series just like I did for Radiostatic Week! I'm really proud of this series too eheh
(Also I switched day 1 and day 2 to have a chronological order of events 😇)
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sabh0 · 10 months ago
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Guys he's escaping someone stop him
Also chuuya with glasses bc
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beddybites · 5 months ago
Bite bite bite!! Have you ever done something with Kyojurou and Obani!! Like like specifically itty bitty Obi with tiny Kyo 🥺
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toddler who yaps and baby who listens and periodically repeats him like a parrot
kyojuro and obanai siblings agenda u will always be real
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bulionis · 2 months ago
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Silly stobotnik dancing I drew for my Instagram where I recently passed 500 followers ❤️
See the version with my awesome handwriting under the cut if you wish
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starscream-is-my-wife · 4 months ago
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When ur bf is too tall and both of your boobs are too big for you to kiss him but he can smooch you
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wandixx · 3 months ago
GIW made a lot of mistakes and the biggest one was going against Young Justice part 2
part one is here
@whimsicalchaosgarden you asked to be tagged, sorry it took so long
Trigger warnings: mentions of experimentation and dehumanization (tell me if there is more appropriate way of phrasing it)
“So,” Robin started, taking the voice recorder out of his utility belt. “It'll probably be best if we get an explanation while making an accident report. This way we get it all over sooner”
Everyone agreed with this idea, standing in the loose circle in the debriefing area to make it all feel more serious. They had limited time before the next batch of cookies needed to be taken out of the oven and there was no way they all wouldn't devolve into chaos when it happened. M’gann knew from experience. 
To make sure they wouldn't take too long and cookies wouldn't turn on the fire alarm (again) both she and Danny set a timer.
In the meantime they had to learn who actually attacked them earlier.
“Phantom do the honors”
Danny froze for a moment, looking like deer caught in the headlight before he asked in a bit squeaky voice:
“How do I make an accident report?”
“Just say what happened but make it sound fancy,” Artemis explained. 
“Make a mission report and we'll fix it along the way,” Kaldur proposed.
“Answer ‘When? Where? Who was involved? What happened? What have you done about it?’ without excessive use of puns to avoid Bat-lecture” Robin helped, already in handstand.
“Bat-lecture? Really Rob?”
“So it's like lab report lite” Danny said before Robin did anything more than squawk indignantly “Alright, I can do it. Do you have any set phrase to start? And which accident report is it, in the database?"
“44th… How about ‘[Hero name], report’? Sounds serious enough.”
Everyone agreed, so after a moment of silence Kaldur did the honors.
“Phantom, report”
Danny straightened, rolling his shoulders back and locked his eyes in the middle distance. It was a bit eerie how fast he went from relaxed and goofy to almost emotionless statue. M’gann wished to never encounter it again, thank you very much.
“Incident report no. 45 made by Young Justice member Phantom, regarding an attack from earlier today, 26th April 20XX. The Young Justice Team, later referred to as the Team, went on a trip to an amusement park staying currently in the city of Happy Harbour. It was an activity meant to strengthen interpersonal relationships within the Team, previously green-lit by Red Tornado. Every member was in civilian attire as per protocol. Around 3:15 PM, after two and a half hours, the Team were disturbed by a group of ten armed people, recognized by member Phantom as belonging to Ghost Investigation Ward, colloquially known as GIW or Guys In White because of their uniforms. Later in the report the organization will be referred to as the GIW. Two shots were fired by the assailants, targeting but not reaching member Phantom. Members of the GIW were hostile but with use of humor and threat of legal actions, the Team managed to diffuse the situation before it endangered passerbys. Despite direct attack, none of the Team members’ identities were compromised. Assailants left the confrontation with belief that Phantom left his ectoplasmic signature on an unrelated civilian. Agents refused to admit they were working for the GIW since its operations break a couple of laws of the state Rhode Island. Because of that, their appearance was reported to local law enforcement and taken care of. No injuries or damage to the city infrastructure were sustained other than two burns in the asphalt in the place of confrontation. Required follow-up with local law enforcement in civilian attire as victims of assault. End of report” Danny sighed, easing back into a more natural position. “This good?” he asked, with a sheepish smile.
“How are you so good at reporting? You didn’t even know what to do a second ago? That’s just unfair”
“I used to write my parent’s lab reports. It’s pretty similar in form”
“Follow-up to the report only, Kid-Flash,” Robin interrupted “Phantom. elaborate on who were the assailants”
Danny stepped back from himself again.
“GIW is a ghost hunting organization supported and accredited by the state government in Illinois, legally operating also in states Wisconsin and Ohio. Their goal is to catch and examine ecto-entities to learn more about their biology and ways to obliterate them. Obviously their plans for experimentation don’t include consideration of ghosts’ well-being”
“Damn, that’s messed up”
“They wouldn't catch a blob ghost if they tried,” Danny shrugged, though something was wrong with the gesture. She wasn't sure though, so she moved on.
“Then why were you scared?” M’gann pressed on instead.
“My parents… are, you know, prominent ghost hunters so when GIW opened we all got a tour around the whole building. The lab was… it made me imagine things I wished I had never thought about”
“They have labs? Like evil labs?” Robin perked up like a kid who just heard that Christmas came early. “How could you hide it from us?!” he added, falling to hang on Danny's shoulder. He twirled a bit to catch the left one even though before he stood on halfa’s right side. Dramatic as always “Conner, we have a birthday gift for you!”
“What does GIW’s lab have to do with my birthday?”
“The potential!” Robin yelled, straightening for a better effect.
Everyone started laughing. Well, everyone other than Conner who just looked at them confused.
“He probably wants to storm another lab, bring up nostalgia of our first meeting,” Kaldur calmed down just enough to explain.
“Tell me you wouldn't like to punch an evil scientist,” Wally added, almost dropping to the floor. 
“This does sound nice”
“And THIS is exactly the reason why I haven't told you all. Thanks for spoiling my surprise Rob,” Danny lied, though he did his best to sound truthful. He even projected some false mirth.
It would take much more to trick M’gann though. She abruptly stopped laughing.
“You're lying. Why actually haven't you told us?” she demanded maybe a little too harshly, but she was worried. Everyone froze for a moment, before turning to look at Danny.
“They're all bark no bite, and aim worse than Stormtroopers’, so I haven't considered them important enough to report”
Other's didn’t know, of course, but M’gann knew just how terrified Danny was during the confrontation and how echoes of that fear soured air around him even hours later.
Everyone did realize this explanation was a tone of bullshit though. 
Apparently incredulous stares were enough of the response.
“You and the Justice League have more important things to deal with than some shitty local laws”
“Bullshit again,” Artemis burst her lips “This is exactly what Justice League is for”
“I already found people to help me lobby against them”
“And why aren't we on the list?” 
Danny fell silent, not looking anyone in the eyes, which was quite a feat considering they had him in a half circle. M’gann considered moving to his side to show her support. Stare down like that had to be quite stressful.
Why not actually. She stepped closer, and drew him in the loose side hug. Danny tensed, which wasn't abnormal for him. He usually relaxed in about thirty seconds, if he didn't, she'd let go.
“I didn't expect them to breach the containment…”
“Each of these lies is worse, you know? Like, insulting our intelligence level of worse,” Artemis interrupted once more, pinning him with her eyes alone “Give us truth or stop talking”
Danny raised his head to look back at Artemis and mimed zipping his mouth shut and throwing the key away. 
Boy just shrugged, not breaking eye contact.
“Alright, let's move on to the next question, how did it get approved in the first place?” Wally interrupted, waving his hand between them. They both shook off like dogs fresh out of water.
“Couldn't you wait five more seconds until I won?” 
“Ha! You wish Artemis. Though you could give us a moment”
“I gave you literal ages”
Danny snorted “Sorry, I keep forgetting how impatient you are”
“Oh shut up, my brain is just faster than yours, you slowpokes”
“Sure, sure”
“He made a good point,” Kaldur said “This shouldn’t even pass. And even if, you’re legally a Meta”
“Normal ghosts aren’t and halfas being a thing is not exactly common knowledge among the living”
“I’ll never get used to this distinction”
“I believe in you, Rob”
“What about ‘Extraterrestrial, extradimensional and otherwise previously unincluded’ Optional Protocol to the ‘International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights’?”
“Oh my god Conner, you’re the only person to say the whole name ever”
“It all comes down to the definition of the ghost and the fact that Alien addition uses sentience and sapience as a ground to give anyone said rights. And also, US signed it but didn’t ratify it so…”
“Isn’t it same thing?”
“Nope. I thought so too, but apparently signing anything means nothing unless it’s also ratified, so I’m kinda fucked. Can’t even get the UN to frown at them disapprovingly, because officially, nothing was agreed to. And you know, even if they ratified it, ecto-scientists conducted enough research to prove we aren’t sapient enough to have these rights anyway. Just most of the states didn’t need to make a law out of it”
“That’s rough buddy”
“Are you really quoting Avatar at me right now? Really Artemis?”
“Wasn’t Avatar this movie with blue people? I don’t think they said that there”
M’gann wasn’t quite sure why human members seemed to be appalled by the question.
“We’re going to fix that later-”
“What exactly is there to be fixed, because I feel like we’re talking about to different things”
“- but for now can we go back to the whole ‘ghosts have no rights in Illinois’ thing” Robin continued, completely ignoring Conner’s questions.
“Illinois, Wisconsin and Ohio. There are portals to the Zone in two of these states. GIW already tried to send nuke through one of them”
“How Americana of them,” Kaldur muttered.
“If you have another insane tidbit about them, please share it all now. My mind can’t utilize any more revelations like that”
“I handled it, don’t worry”
“Someone tried to nuke literal Afterlife…”
“Yup, get on the schedule Kid Flash. You’re supposed to be fast”
M’gann knocked her arm into his, kinda as a ‘don’t be mean’ message. Danny kinda tensed, but soon relaxed back and moved his head as if he wanted to lay it on her shoulder. Excitement of the day was clearly catching up to him.
M’gann wouldn’t be mad if he did laid his head there.
“Why do we learn about it just now?”
��I wrote the report, not my fault you haven’t read it”
“Can’t fault us for assuming we’d know every important thing from your endless bitching!”
Danny straightened and laughed, in this horrible humorless way that made M’gann want to claw at her brain until she couldn’t hear or sense any of it.
Instead, she brought her other hand up and just held him tighter.
Thankfully the whole spectacle didn’t last long.
“It’s cute that you think I bitch about anything important”
“Don’t Phantom me right now. Even if by some miracle they managed to send the missile to the Zone, it most likely wouldn’t have worked. They’re mostly just a joke.”
“They managed to shot you. Right upper arm or shoulder”
“Don’t deny it, we’ve seen you wince when I leaned on you and when M’gann hugged you”
Martian tried to let go hearing that, but Danny held her in place. She stayed where she was but carefully moved her hand away from the slightly damp area on his shirt. She suddenly caught on everything that was wrong with him, now that she knew to look for it.
“I got worse from the hand of my house’s security system”
“You… understand that it’s… like… way worse, right?”
“You don’t know life until you hear threats of dissection against your alter ego after stopping death ray with bowl of cereal,” he said, relaxing more into her side again. He sounded absolutely exhausted.
“Do you want to move in here? Until we deal with this whole GIW and assorted mess?” she said instead. Conner nodded, surprisingly eager to share the space that he considered somewhat sacred.
“Nope, I’m good, I’m needed there”
“You could Zeta- yeah, no, nevermind, it wasn’t good idea. But we could make it work”
“You still should-”
“It’s fine. I mean, I have it handled and it doesn’t affect that many people. And we’re working on it. It’s fine”
“It really is not,” Conner growled.
“You need your arm patched up” M’gann demanded, ignoring previous conversation, with eyes still fixed on the blood that stained her forearm. She should’ve destroyed at least Operative K.
“I bandaged it up”
“It soaked through then. Let’s go to med–”
Loud shrill interrupted her, because of course it did.
“Oh, look, convenient distraction! Let’s take the cookies out before they get burned!”
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow,” M’gann stated in a way that allowed no argument “You’re getting away for now only because I’m holding most of your weight right now”
“Sure we will. And I can stand on my own, thank you very much”
“I’ve heard many lies today and this might be the worst of them. We’re going to Medbay as soon as the cookies are out”
“You’ve got it boss”
#dpxdc#dp x dc#dc x dp#dcxdp#it's been a while huh?#ALMOST HALF A YEAR?!#the funniest thing is I had this part written when I posted the first one I just wante one more as a back up#and then I rewrote this like three times insteas because I felt like it was getting too serious too fast#i wanted to keep the 'crack treated almost seriously' vibes for a little longer but they just didn't want to be kept#part after that is in theory written but now too has to be heavily rewritten#anyway on more plot related topics#as you can see#I made up an international document#during my studies I brushed against an international law mostly focused on human rights so while I wouldn't call it an expretise I know smt#I believe UN in DC universe would make a document that includes all non-human people runing around and the easiest way I found was#to make an Optional Protocol to the “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” that Conner mentioned#this is first of two convenants and it's basicly “people deserve to not be killed or tortured and believe what they want” document#the second one is “International Convenant on Economic Social and Cultural right”; basically “people deserve fair pay healthcare and school#I think the optional protocol would be#non-human being who [insert criteria that would be wide enough but also exculde Krypto for example]#also have these rights#I can try explaining it more in depth if someone asks#i know there is a difference between ratifying and signing an international treaty#but i barely understand how it works in Polish law so im not trying to figure out US one#its whole other law system (Poland uses continental law while US uses common law I can explain the difference if someone asks)#anyway#(almost) New Years fic special#part two of five#wandixx writes#have a nice day dear stranger who got to this part
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mementtoss · 5 months ago
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struggling with art block, have a Skiddo y__y
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nenoname · 6 months ago
Details in Stan's letter that still haunt me
(how long will I continue thinking about a two page letter that's technically not even that long because Stan's handwriting is fricking large? .....you don't need to worry about that.)
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The bro code only shows up in the Lost Journal pages, and to me Stan's message feels like it purposely echoes Ford's "miss you" in the college photo (and for some reason the message doesn't appear in the website version of the photo?) ....or alternatively Stan simply noticed how distressed Ford was about this entire thing and wanted to support him in a way so he can be sappy but without the kids knowing, or both!
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Stan's claim about the Oregon lottery contradicts what the Lost Legends website said about Tate McGucket's ability to predict the winning numbers!! ...but also breaking into the Lottery HQ is definitely a very Stan thing to do and it's not the first time small gags have been retconned
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Despite spending most of his letter nonchalantly destroying him, the taunt about ripping a dollar bill in half is the only part where Stan is directly responding to Bill. Maybe it's the two of them having similar ways of thinking but it's rather specific considering Bill taunts the reader about it...
And after Bill spends an entire book calling Ford Sixer despite normally using a pretty wide range of nicknames for him, Stan then spends his letter mainly referring to Ford as Sixer, even though post-Weirdmageddon he tends to use a mix of nicknames. And it's not like he'd gotten to see Bill himself for long, let alone see him steal that childhood nickname (that is only used twice in the actual show btw!). Did Ford tell him what happened or...?
With all this and the website's "still on your mind" message, what I'm getting at is my tinfoil hat theory of Stan somehow seeing some of the pages the irl readers saw, even when it should be personalised to the specific reader, and he's been lying about it for some reason. Considering that the book flat out doesn't make an attempt at convincing Soos, I find it a stretch that whatever Bill was telling Stan via the book was an attempt to convince him either.
Wouldn't be the first time Stan's skimmed through a book and lied about what it meant to him.
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(...Now I kinda wanna see a story about the family reading their versions of the book and making fun of it while Stan is improvising every single one of his pages and blatantly ignoring Bill's attempts to mock and taunt him)
But also I'm fascinated by the letters that only showed up on the website (aka the Soos+Wendy+McGucket+Pacifica ones). I'm assuming that Mabel had stuck them on after Stan's letter... but they were basically eaten by the book itself because seeing Stan's letter kick-started Bill's breakdown which takes up the rest of the book
#im wearing this tinfoil hat with pride i know something is up!!!!#like three things in one letter??? ...i mean the handwriting is another thing but for another reason that i already mentioned elsewhere#(of course i also love the idea of same coin theory being flat out the reason why stan's perceiving the book differently)#gf meta#stanley pines#stan pines#ford pines#book of bill#bill cipher#also i'm still kinda annoyed that pacifica got a letter over candy and grenda cos like.... she didn't really do anything in w3 lmao#meanwhile grenda literally ripped bill's eye out and the girls were the main ones holding him off!!! give them respect hirsch!!!!#they helped with the unicorn spell!!!! they're an extended part of the group!!!! they saved stan before!! give my girls respect!!!!!!#also some folks are assuming that the 'miss you' message was directed at mcgucket but if it was for him#i feel like it'd be scribbled on the page itself and not be part of college ford notes in the bg (and ford would use a different cipher)#mind you the photo itself is a day after he met mcgucket so there's no reason why ford would direct it at him#they literally just became besties!!!#and this is a ford recently estranged from his brother and is still trying to convince himself he only feels anger towards him#(i saw some saying that ford shared the bro code with mcgucket too and im ??? theres an entire page about him hiding his childhood stuff#i get there's the 'oh disney!!!' easter egg now but ford at that time was pretty touchy about anything regarding stan#(alex saying that if mcgucket had found his stan o war photo ford wouldve lied and#brushed it off as an inspiration to his career in science instead admitting that he's holding onto it cos he misses his twin)#plus he'd show another recent code that wasn't made by literally kids if he really wanted to share one imo#but also j3 is him using them to hide info from mcgucket!!!)#two sides of the same dollar bill#thisisnotawebsitedotcom
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sleepnoises · 3 months ago
my personal favorite pens and pencils
sakura pigma micron 08, 0.5mm — uniform line, waterproof, quick drying, medium juicy, dark ink, good for writing addresses on letters and messages on the backs of business cards in packages
sakura pigma professional brush pen, fine — precise yet springy tiny pointy tip, waterproof ink. good for drawing and for writing names on letters fancily. lifts a little when erased over alas but everything else is good
gold pilot metropolitan fountain pen, fine, converter installed / clear pilot kakuno, fine, brass kaweco clip installed — cheap precise fountain pens that i keep banging around in travel or letting dry out and they are A-OK. nice for fancy-feeling list making or journaling. fun for drawing but don't let your sketchbook get wet. I can't remember what ink I have in the metropolitan but the kakuno has green cartridges
pentel energel infree 0.5mm turquoise — just a pleasantly juicy gel pen
pentel twist-erase pencil 0.5mm — vintage style and big ol' replacable eraser. hard to break
pilot color eno erasable mechanical pencil in sky blue — just fun to have as an undersketch option
pentel vistage water brush, fine — mvp. ride or die. if you're doing a watercolor painting on location that's about five by five inches this is your girl
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alicenpai · 2 years ago
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i love...wanpee...........🍊🍶🧡💚
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humanmorph · 5 months ago
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fatt pin-up week 2: intimacy
a room & a bed
version from before i started messing with the bg & overlay colors (<- what a pain!!!). i like this one too.
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