#also too scared to actually tag wtnv for this
nightly-nightcat · 5 months
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day 75 - welcome to nightcat or whatever
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the-gay-cryptid · 6 years
I Am In Need Of Friendship
Homies, I am but a socially awkward girl who has no idea how to make friends outside of forced social settings, so instead of stressing over how to politely not be creepy in trying to talk to people online, I’ll just be flat out honest. I am a lonely person. It’s not a bad thing per se, and I’m an introverted person and all, but I still like meeting new people and making friends. I love hearing about your experiences and your ideas and your problems. I love learning about people because each individual person on this planet is unique and has something to share.
So, to get to the point, I want to make friends. I’ve never really had online friends, seeing as I was raised on a constant fear that everyone online who wasn’t my family or irl friend was a creepy man in his forties who wanted to molest me. I kinda feel like I’ve missed out. I don’t live in a small town or anything, but there’s no one my age in my neighborhood and it’s not safe for me to just drive to the city on my own to meet people. It’s kinda shitty and shady there.
I love interacting online because I don’t have to be face to face. People don’t get to see how I stumble over every word, how I laugh at stupid shit because I’m scared they already think i’m stupid. I can pretend I don’t have anxiety, or at least I can play it off in a way that implies I don’t mind it. I think everyone does that though, puts up a bit of a persona online. I’m never totally dishonest, not really (though, admittedly, no one actually calls me Allie. I’m just uncomfortable giving out my real name.) It’s just easier to edit how I say things. Make myself sound nicer, more confident, smarter.
I’m getting off track though. I’m making this post as a sort of invitation. If you’ve been watching my blog and were too scared to interact, then, first of all, holy shit, that is so flattering. Second, I promise you don’t have to be scared. I completely understand anxiety about talking to someone, even online, but I can promise you that I won’t be annoyed or creeped out. I’d actually love it.
If you just want to talk to me about some shared interest, then still please message me. I just want to make friends.
Some just general stuff about me:
I go by Allie online, I’m seventeen, I love reading and writing, and I’m really really gay.
I’m also super into podcasts like WTNV, EOS 10 (so psyched for season 3), The Penumbra Podcast, etc. I love to bake, my favorite thing to make is meringue cookies, but since they’re so temperamental, I usually make sugar cookies and chocolate chip cookies. I don’t watch a lot of TV, but I practically live off of YouTube and Netflix, though I don’t really have a favorite show.
I’m going to tag more of my interests, so if you want to talk about them, hit me up. Love all of you!
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