#also this whole mentality being the main reason why he flips his shit at the start of the red r.obin run... because while d.ick explicitly
detectim · 8 months
thinking (rambling) abt tim and how he's never really seen himself as a sidekick . . .
idk exactly how i wanna structure this, and i already wanna do one of those comic weave things so i have an excuse to throw a ton of panels on the dash, but i just... from the very beginning, he's seen robin as an equal partnership, and i just think that's really interesting. he went into it knowing 1) that there was a 50% chance he ends up dead, but more importantly 2) that batman just doesn't WORK without robin. he lets the cops and the rogues and pretty much any civilian call him a sidekick or a baby and hardly corrects them, but he's so confident in the fact that he's a Partner. he doesn't see himself as less than or below batman, and while he does have a need for validation, almost all of it (at least at the start bc i'm re-reading and only on like #17, he's still a lil bird) comes from wanting to live up to the mantle and the legacy and the weight that the costume has on it, ESPECIALLY after jason's death. he puts such a heavy importance on symbolism and he just wants to do it right, to be the kind of robin that his younger self obsessed over before he got thrust into it.
also, a lot of the 93 robin run is him solving things on his own! i mean, yeah, it's a Tim Run:tm: but .. hear me out. half the time, they write bruce off as too busy with another mission, or busy w wayne stuff, or hurt, or whatever the hell happened w that jean paul dude (that's a whole other side ramble abt symbolism, tim said fuck ur 'batman' it's just robin now <3) , and i get that a lot of the time it's because he's got his own run. there's a point where jack puts him back in private school for a while, forcing him to go be robin over there, but you get the idea.. he's alone (without bruce, he's not lacking a support system he just isn't constantly connected to batman) a LOT. and i think that isolation along with everything else just feeds into the fact that he doesn't see himself as a sidekick, idk how to end this thank you for coming to my ted talk <3
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radiosummons · 2 years
Maybe I'm the dumb one or whatever, but ... I like Anakin because he's the worst.
I know some of y'all really love him for reasons and for some of you those reasons mostly just involve doing a bunch of insane mental gymnastics to somehow "justify" his heinous af choices (i.e. trying to blame the Jedi for literally every dumb little thing he did, but whatever).
But, guys ... come the fuck on. The reason Anakin's such a great character (please note I said *character,* not a *person*) is because he's a selfish piece of shit that ruined the lives of everyone he loved and then made the entire galaxy suffer for his mistakes.
My guy, that is tragedy and hubris at its fucking finest. That is some A-grade quality shit right there.
I'm really starting to doubt if some of y'all have ever read/experienced a piece of media where the main character isn't a paragon of all things good and moral. You don't have to flip over backwards to justify liking a villain.
Personally, I never want Anakin to change. I want him to keep making shit choices, I want him to keep hurting people and being a selfish butthurt dictator prick. I like that he's a piece of shit that abused the trust that his loved ones put in him because it fucking hurts to see him become the monster he is.
It hurts to see a character you care so much about actively making the choice to turn themselves into their absolute worst. It's downright heartbreaking to see them hurt their loved ones and it's all the more tragic when their love transforms into selfish obsession and possession.
Yes, Palpatine did manipulate Anakin. BUT-Anakin still made the choice to kill Mace, to burn down the Jedi Temple, to rob the 501st of their autonomy (something a former slave should never have been okay with btw), forced his men to participate in killing fucking children, killed his own wife and endangered the lives of his own unborn children, attacked and attempted to kill his brother/father figure, and then continued to subjugate and destroy the lives of millions, if not outright billions for nearly two whole decades.
(He also tortured his son and daughter, their friends, their allies, etc. And like ... maimed his own son 'cause like why the fuck not? Fuck, I haven't even gone into detail about the absolute horror he put Obi-wan and Ahsoka through. Fuck me).
Anakin is the worst. And he's an amazing character. Both of these facts can exist at the same time.
Tldr: y'all are really out here acting like Anakin wasn't a big boy who didn't make big boy choices. Let him be a prick.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
But what if, what if with Mike they are more of showing than telling because even though he is good with words (he even wants to be a writer) on this topic he just, he can't even explain it to himself??? What if it's also because he feels he doesn't really have a say?????
I would be more on board with this if there wasn’t the cloud of homophobia also being involved. That’s the main difference with Mike and Nancy’s arcs.
And even in the case he hasn’t been able to explain it to himself up to this point, that doesn’t mean he’ll never be able to confront it and face the truth.
It’s the 80s, there’s satanic panic (with them specifically mentioning sodomy and using words about hellfire spreading like a disease…), all while we’re looking at a character who grew up in a house that was presented as conservative on numerous occasions. Them taking the time to show all of that wasn’t for shits and giggles.
I honestly don’t think there is one definitive way to look at this, because it could be a combination of many things.
We know when Mike brought up his and El’s fight to Will at the junkyard, he says he didn’t know what to say, only to nod in agreement when Will says that it’s scary to open up and say how you feel (especially with people you care about the most), because what if they don’t like the truth.
There would be no reason for a sequence like that, among the many like it that imply there is something more to what’s going on with Mike than it seems, especially when we the audience know all Mike had to say was I love you in that moment, if it doesn’t lead to anything deeper being confronted in the end.
I find myself having to do a lot of mental gymnastics, to come to a conclusion s4 already led us to (with the intention to lead us astray). The ga is convinced all it boils down to is Mike being insecure and that’s that.
But we still have a whole season left and a lot of hints showing that there is more to it than that. And there arguably has to be if they want to flip the switch and make byler endgame.
They could go a route that takes away the deeper significance to all of those moments in previous seasons and make them lead to nothing, or have that all be intentional build up to a revelation.
I think Mike saying repeatedly in s4 the truth is only to have those several truths contradict each other, means that we arguably don’t have the full truth yet, because how could we if those truths don’t exactly align? We’re at the very least due for some elaboration from Mike’s end.
Mike does have the qualities of an aspiring writer, and with the many hints already surrounding it, we are very likely due for some words written of his own. And the details in his writing would likely connect a lot of his insecurities with fears that we already know of, combined with ones he hasn’t opened up about yet himself, warranting them waiting this long to make us aware of Mike’s feelings in the first place.
Bc if everything was always as simple as Mike just being confused with no grasp on why, they didn’t need to dramatically stretch it out the way they did. This last season has to top everything that came before it, so it makes sense to save a revelation like this for last. If how Mike truly feels is what he tells us in s4, they should have saved it for last, but they didn’t for a reason…
Arguably I’d rather just have Mike and El stay together if the only problem in their relationship is Mike being insecure and not being able to open up about that. But that’s not all there is to it, which is what we’re likely going to find out Mike’s side of things in s5 (unfiltered), along with El’s side of things, which has been out of our reach since their fight and notably during his love confession.
I do agree that Mike doesn’t think he has a say, but I would argue that doesn’t mean he has no idea what he feels/wants. Arguably, he’d have to have at least a taste of knowing what he truly wants, in order to be battling so much uncertainty.
The thing that makes byler so easy to ship for a lot of ppl now, is because they sense there are mutual feelings between Mike and Will, whereas we see Mike pulling back from El and struggling with something internally which is getting him in the way of committing to El.
If it was abundantly clear to me that Mike loved El romantically and she loved him back, Will’s feeling’s would be beside the point. And that’s how a majority of the audience looks at it, because they think there is no chance Mike could feel the same about Will.
The only reason a lot of bylers have an easier time shipping byler is because they see the opposite going on. They see that Mike is struggling bc of feelings for Will, which makes it so easy to root for them.
You don’t have to be with someone just bc they like you. And so if all there was to it, was Mike and El loving each other all the while Will is loving Mike too, it wouldn’t matter bc Mike loves El. Period. But the problem is, that’s not the impression bylers are getting when they pay attention to the details along the way that have led us to this point.
Again, if byler was a straight ship and Mike was straight, it would be a lot easier for me to come to a similar conclusion we’ve come with Nancy.
But since it’s not, I just can’t write off the implications that queerness and the fears that come with how that affects the situation bc it definitely does.
People still today struggle with coming out, and so just adding the 80’s setting alone makes it hard for me to write off Mike’s struggle as him just not knowing what to say or think, when he has every right to be scared if he even has a good idea of what the truth is.
And there’s no use in disputing that when the queer-coding is there for a reason. If we’re gonna say queer coding doesn’t matter, then at that point byler doesn’t either. Bc the queer-coding is what points to them being most compatible and presumably endgame.
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arlakos · 3 years
Miraculous Rant
Actually, you know what, while im still mad from the previous post I made, lets go off on a rant. No punches pulled. Lets do this.
The lovesquare is the most terrible ship in this fandom. One girl is a hyper obsessed stalker who tracks her crush with her planner for 3 whole seasons, while the boy couldn’t learn to take a hint and stop flirting for 3 whole seasons until he decided to move on with another girl. Ironically that makes them perfect for eachother, but its in a creepy kind of way, not a loving kind of way.
Adrigami and Lukanette in the S3 Finale were wasted events and never should have occured because they were immediately axed in the first few episodes of the next season. I feel sorry for those that were hoping their ships could be real for at least a short actual while, and it makes me want to curse the writers for their story-boner for the status quo of teases
Despite what I said earlier, none of the girls are good for Adrien. Marinette’s stalkery and a borderline yandere, Kagami’s somewhat controlling and too similar to Adrien help him grow as a person, Chloe is a queen bee beyotch and honestly too much like a sibling to Adrien, and Lila is garbage. Fuck it, have Luka date Adrien and they can play some sweet music together (not like that you pervs, I meant they both play instruments).
Nino needs more love. Not only that, but there needs to be more Adrien/Nino bro moments. If Marinette and Alya can have moments together, why not the bros?
Chloe’s character is a mess, and is neither redeemable, nor notably evil. Her role as a villain in season 1 is very hamfisted, such as in the episodes Mr Pigeon and Kung Food. Not only that, Chloe also lacks any of the qualities that makes a good “bully villain” or rival to Marinette, and her sympathetic moments (which are Written by Sebastien) are mostly overshadowed by the fact that Astruc wants her to be a bully, so it just makes her bipolar and confusing when her character is tugged between two writers.
Chloe should not have joined Hawkmoth in Miracle Queen, see my other post as to why I think so. TLDR, its kinda ooc  for her to go full on 2d villain like Hawkmoth especially after Miraculer, plus Lila was being build up to be the main antagonist of S3
Chloe got kicked from the Team in Miraculer because people know her identity? Fine. Kagami gets to be Ryuko again despite being known to Hawkmoth in Ikari Gozen? Not cool. Ladybug shouldn’t be a hypocrite and be willing to break her own rules just because “Kagami is my friend and Chloe’s not”. Same goes for her breaking the rule with secrect identities with Alya, only for her to go on and on about the rules to Chat when he pries.
Zoe is a bland character who’s only notable trait that she likes Marinette, which automatically makes her worthy of a miraculous after two episodes and no actual development.
Astruc is a petty frick who makes episodes that give the finger to fans of the show that have a different opinion than him. Queen Banana, Miracle Queen, and Reverser are good examples of this (Reverser did Nathaniel dirty).
Master Fu is a shit guardian. Read my post for more.
FRICK THE FEAST EPISODE. Not only did is ruin Fu as character, it ruined all the good theories as to why the order fell, and wasted the idea of a new villain being introduced or even taking over as the main antagonist! Speaking of Feast, despite the sentimonster destroying an order when he wasn’t even big, he still go beat by 2 kids even when he was supersized!
Marinette is not a good Guardian. Her ability to choose heroes does not make her capable, and just because “tradition is stupid” doesnt mean that Marinette shouldn’t be tested like others before her!
Despite the Kwami’s being ancient magical buildings, they seem to act like kids a lot, and that annoys me when in S1 they are supposed to apparently be mentors to their wielders, like how Tikki was before she was mentally de-aged.
Lila is trash and should be removed from the show. The only reasons her lies work is because the writers dumb down every other character in the show and ignore the fact the people have smartphones with google.
The “Miraculous” Ladybug spell should require both Ladybug and Chat Noir to cast, because not only does the power have nothing to do with creation, but it also “destroys” anything created by the akuma, which thematically makes no sense. Also it would place more emphasis on the two heroes being equals and “two halfs of the same coin”
On that note, Ladybug has too many powers. Not only is she the only one who can purify akumas, and can cast a spell that can fix Paris time and time again like its no one’s buisness, but she also now gets a new suit and the ability to nullify Hawkmoth’s akumas. Like COME ON! Give Chat some powers too.
Mayura’s feather’s shouldnt be able to be purified by Ladybug since they have no dark energy, and (thematically speaking) Chat should be given an ability that allows him to “vanquish” the energy in Mayura[’s feathers similar to how Ladybug can purify Hawkmoth’s akumas. At least it would develop a rivalry between Chat and Mayura, and would make Chat necassary against Shadowmoth rather than being replacable with any other hero.
The are too many temporary heroes. They should have just stuck with the 3 heroes from s2 and leave it at that. Sure, new heroes were cool, but the overuse has made the whole hero thing feel less special. It made sense for the first 3 to have them, but now it’s just like Oprah where everyone gets a miraculous. Except Gabe.
Chat Blanc was a stupid reason as to why secret identities cant be revealed, also Chat could have told LB who Hawkmoth once he returned back to normal was and the show would be over.
Hawkmoth should not be Gabriel. Frick the lore about Gabriel’s wife dying and him going evil to get her back, it makes the story feel too much like a star wars/Darth vader reference and leaves Gabriel acting bipolar, flipping from wanting to save his wife and doing this out of necessity to being a power hungry madman wanting to take over the world ( which is said in his canon music video). Having Hawkmoth be his own character means he can be an actual maniac who wants world domination and not just have villanous plot that rely on obtaining magical jewellery (perhaps doing other evil things/taking a more active role), while Gabriel being his own character means he can be a father that has become estranged from his son due to the lose of his S,O, and thus can have a plot about him reuniting with his son (I liked the end seen in Simon says, ok?)
On that same note, I think Mayura shouldn’t have been Nathalie. Considering Hawkmoth’s plans were repetitive as heck for most of the show, when I heard about the Mayura leaks back in Season 2 (when she was called “le Paon”) I was theorising that Mayura would actually being Hawkmoth’s boss, the villain the was responsible for giving him his Miraculous and the one who destroyed the Order of the Miraculous, and would take over as the main villain in season 3 due to Hawkmoth’s failures. However, that turned out not to be the case.
Not only that, but Mayuras power is a copy paste power with some modifications to make it complement Hawkmoth’s power, by basically giving his akuma’s magic pokemon.
Speaking of Hawkmoth’s power, for a miraculous that is supposed to be used for good, how can his power mind control people and make them become evil? More importantly, for a miraculous that is supposedly weaker than the main heroes of the show, having it be able to multiply and posses people to create an army is kinda strong.
Fuck the Maribat ship that the salt fandom came up with. Its trash, it was made to bash most of the Miraculous cast sans Marinette, and anyone thinks it is good are either those same salters or are the same people who think that Rey-lo and the Twilight Saga are masterpieces of romance.
Whew! I needed that vent. Hope you enjoyed it as as much as I did, and Tune in next time on the next episode of:  Arlakos loses his Mind and Rants for 2 pages of writing!
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tsunonotarou · 4 years
Being Childhood Friends to Lovers with...
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notes — Bro I fucking THIRST for this man he can rip me open
— Also I think I’m gonna start this series called “Being Childhood Friends to Lovers with...” because childhood friends to lovers shit is my kind of shit
— We’re debuting this series with Leona 🥳
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He cherishes you a lot even though he might not show it
You’re the first ever person who acknowledges him, first ever person who approached him first and talked to the second son
He thought you were strange at first, because why would you talk to a mere second born when the first is right here with you? So he distances himself and avoided you at first, thinking you have ulterior motives
You got the signs and didn’t pester him after that—which he is glad for—but he find himself secretly looking at you or purposely look for you in the castle whenever you come visit (let’s say you’re a royalty too and your parents’ are good friends)
It was when he saw you sulking and pouting by yourself, he felt bad and maybe, you just wanted to be friends
The servants always prepared your favorite sweets when you come visit but you didn’t want any after realizing that he’s ignoring you
So he took some, went to look for you and threw them at you
“H-Huh?—“ you got startled and quickly looked up, seeing his neutral expression on and looking down on you
“So, your parents bought you that whatever thing you want, and then what?”
The way he remembers your one-sided conversation with him before honestly made you tear up, you didn’t think he was listening
From then on, you were also excited to visit the king’s castle because you get to see him, and you made sure to bring various of things over for him and you to play
There was one time he accidentally overheard some servants of yours “advising” you to stop hanging around with Leona Kingscholar, saying how he isn’t worth your time and shouldn’t be influenced by him
Though he was sure of your loyalty and friendship with him, he still has his doubts, maybe, you secretly dislike him too
He waited for your response, your silence only made him more anxious as time pass by
“...Hey.” He bit the inside of his cheek, awaiting for your answer
“I’m gonna ask my parents to fire you all.”
His eyes were wide as ever, and so were the servants’
“B-But please, Princess/Prince Y/N-“
“I will not tolerate anyone who badmouths my friend, moreover, who do you guys think you are? Telling me who I should be friends with now?”
As much as Leona tries to stop it, his eyes watered, lips quivering at your words
He never told you how he eavesdropped your conversation with those servants, because eventually it’ll lead to how he reacted, and he’s never going to tell you he almost cried
He taught you how to roar once, got super red when he himself haven’t even mastered it yet
Glares at your form rolling on the floor laughing
He is two years older than you, so he got enrolled into Night Raven College first, during the times he was at the dorm you were bored to death
One of the main reasons (probably the only reason) why he’d go back home during breaks is because of you, he could care less about the grand welcome back party—which he was sure the servants were forced to put up—and the fake smiles from relatives, but he had to see you
Is always prepared for the uncalled tackle hug from you but somehow you always manage to knock him off balance, causing the two of you to fall down onto the sandy ground
You rambled and rambled, he listened but solely focused on how your features changed, you definitely grew up, got more attractive, too
Oh fuck
He mentally cursed when he finally realizes how his heart is beating in an unusual pace, feeling his cheeks warm up and how he felt like melting right there and then
Buried his feelings deep down because of his insecurities and acted as normal as he could with you after
You have never seen him panicked so much, got so angry and frustrated before, it happened once, when the topic of arranging a marriage for you and his older brother, Farena, was mentioned
He strongly opposes the idea but reminding him that he is only a second son, hence have no say in this matter was enough to shut him down
You tried to go after Leona who stormed to his room but decided you have more important matters at hand, matters that you need to clarify first
Politely declining the marriage and telling how Farena is a good person, but you have eyes for someone else
Everyone in the room (which consisted of both your parents and Farena) knew who you were talking about, and they were shocked, to say the least
You can clearly see the discomfort in yours and his’ parents faces, but you also can clearly see Farena’s secret wink towards you, telling you he approves
You and Farena never had any romantic feelings for each other anyway, and he was always teasing about you and Leona when you two were little
Knocking on Leona’s room softly then creaking it open, you peek your head inside to see him lying on the bed on his side with his back facing you
He winces and jolted up after you slapped his arm
Snaps and growls at you, rubbing the spot where you attacked earlier
He was all grumpy and upset until you tell him you rejected the marriage
Stares at you for a good ten seconds before sighing, slowly resting his forehead on your shoulder and wrapping his arms around you
You two have had naps together, held hands when you were little but have never been this physically close after you two grew up, you two are the best of friends but there are boundaries as friends, so this was new to you, naturally, your cheeks bursted in all shades of red
“I’m glad...” you can hear him mumble, placing a hand on his soft hair and patting it before give it a stroke, calming him down
You teases him so fucking much about being a dorm leader, like- how??? He’s just so lazy and unmotivated to do anything that you’re impressed
Surprisingly takes very good care of you both as a friend and a senior, it was surprising for the Savanaclaw dorm members to see Leona actually giving fucks about someone, a freshman no less, so they got interested in you very quickly
Which resulted in Leona scaring them away because they’re too close for his liking
He always suggests you to take naps and laze around with him though, so it’s no good since you have to get good grades
You’re the one who’s always dragging him to classes (if you’re lucky to get him to move)
You two never bothered to tell anyone that you’re childhood friends, it didn’t seem to have the need to
So everyone thought you two were dating because of how close you are 💀
Definitely got jealous at how you made new friends
He doesn’t mind if you have new friends, it’s natural, it’s only concerning if you don’t have any
But if you’re spending more time with them than with him? Best know that he’d trap you in his room and never let you go out
This won’t stop until you figure out why he’s like this and promise him he’ll stay as number one in your friendship list
You really shouldn’t be but you’re still laughing at how he’s repeating school years to this day
But you’re also kind of glad that he’s still here with you, it’d be boring if he weren’t
Plus, Leona wouldn’t leave you here alone anyway, there’s too many people he can’t trust and he just generally don’t wanna leave you alone
The confession was surprisingly normal and quick, no stutters or nervous twiddles of fingers from him
He kinda just, got tired of you being so physically close and attached to everyone else that he want to call you his and his only
He’s the type that’d suddenly pin you down on his bed while you’re talking about what you and your other friends did that day
Enjoys the deep blush and lip quiver on you as he finally confesses his feelings for you, leaning down onto your ear and whisper huskily about-
His arms quickly wrapped around his stomach and coughs as your strong kick jerked him back, he ended up kneeling on his bed, hunched over as he groans
He thought he invaded your privacy and made you uncomfortable so he quickly look up to check up on you, afraid of the terrified and disgusted look on your face, but what greeted him was a hot, hot face as you refuse to look him in the eye
He stared, and stared, a small blush slowly coming up to his own cheeks before a pillow was thrown at his face
Seeing you so flustered reminded him of the past few days when he debated with himself whether he should go for it or not, he might seem smug for now, but before this cocky smirk appeared he was a nervous wreck
So the two of you kinda just stayed like that in his room, freezing on your spot with dead silence
“A-At least give me an answer...damn it.” A miracle that he stuttered
He watches as you fiddled with your finger, looking down with mumbles he couldn’t make words out from
“I...I like you too.”
This is so lame, you two are like middle school kids confessing your love for each other and yet, those simple words made his heart flip like crazy
Now that he’s confirmed your answer, prepare for a wild but sweet kiss from him
It was a little bumpy at first, mostly from you though, because you’re just so used to being “just friends” with him that you don’t know how to act as his lover
He didn’t change much, maybe a little bit sweeter and considerate than before but he’s just the old Leona you know, which you’re glad for, you didn’t want him to change
He’s more protective now since you’re finally his, and he made sure to let everyone know that
Doesn’t really have a say on PDA, he’s fine with or without it, but he would definitely shove his tongue into your mouth right on the spot if someone even dare to look at you in the wrong way
Really likes wrapping an arm around your waist and put his whole weight on you because he’s lazy and tired of walking
Will actually fall on you when you’re in the botanical garden so that you couldn’t get up and is forced to take a nap with him
Play with his hair!! He loves it to death, though he might grumble and say he doesn’t, we all know he’s lying
You have to reassure him that he’ll always be your number one, he’s already suffered enough, if you end up leaving him he doesn’t know how to cope with it
Cuddles, cuddles and cuddles 24/7, he will not let you go
He sometimes just stares at you as you talk or do your own thing and think about how lucky he is to have you, it might not seem possible but literal hearts appeared in his eyes
If you ever catch him staring at you and tease him for it he’ll growl and pounce on you, how dare you make fun of your king like that? Prepare for a punishment my friend ;)
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faustonastring · 4 years
hi there! if it's not too trouble, could you do the main six reacting to an mc who's famous? (like a famous actor or the leader of a famous band)
Thanks for requesting! This is gonna be a modern au just to make things easier, also to make things more easier let’s just say they’re hella famous. Like Beyoncé famous.
Merry belated Christmas. I wrote this months ago but it was just chilling in my drafts so enjoy
Main six with a famous Mc (modern Au)
Asra strikes me as the type who doesn’t really give a flying fuck about celebrities, and only knows about them from Stan twitter. He also watches keeping up with the kardashians with Nadia, lucio, and Portia. Chances are he only knows who you are because you were trending on twitter for some reason
He’s super photogenic and looks good in every paparazzi photo. He’s also good at ignoring the paparazzi, especially if they catch you when your having a bad day. He won’t give into petty gossip, he’ll pull you down into an alleyway or a store, until they leave or your Uber gets there.
His red carpet outfits are fire. Sometimes they look better than yours, it’s not that he means to, he honestly just wears what ever they put him in, but it’s usually.....weird. And he some how, makes it work, which is why everyone loves it
She could care less about celebrities. Lucio can bitch to her all day about scandals a celebrity recently got involved in, or who said the n-word today, but she honestly could care less. The only celebrities she ‘keeps up with’ are the kardashians. (Lucio made her watch an episode once, she hated it, but stayed for kris)
She hates the paparazzi. She tries to avoid them with you as often as possible, and only leaves the house in a full face of makeup. No exceptions. (She’ll be damned if the paparazzi caught her slipping) and she ignores them all the time. No exceptions.
Her red carpets outfits are always polished and expensive. Pants suits, fancy dresses, suits, fancy hair, she can make anything look, but what looks best on her are outfits that don’t have a lot going on, simple, fancy things.
Grandma Julian devorak doesn’t know how to use twitter, and he only listens to twenty minute jazz tracks and Michael bublé. He ain’t going to know who you are, unless your in a movie, or multiple movies, then he’ll recognize you, but it will take him weeks to figure out from where.
He’s the second worst with paparazzi. He will make himself late for work gossiping with paparazzi. It doesn’t just end with work, dates, flights, meetings, if the paparazzi gets him, he’ll be stuck there talking for hours. He doesn’t mind the paparazzi, and he most definitely doesn’t talk with them for so long because he likes them, he just likes to gossip, and talk.
His red carpet outfits started out being all/mostly black, and it kind of became his trademark so he has no choice but to run with it now. Not that he minds, he likes the color black, he just wish he knew it was his trademark sooner. (He wore a red suit once and his stans rioted)
She knows who you are and does a shitty job hiding it. She just gets excited and giddy when she’s around famous people, even if she’s not a fan of you, they just make her anxious, but in a good(ish) way. She really wants to impress you.
She’s the third worst with paparazzi (we all know who’s the worst) if she’s in a hurry she won’t stay to talk for long, but if she’s not doing anything important she’ll stay and talk for a little longer. She has a weak spot for being interviewed. And they always catch her off guard.
Her red carpet outfits are usually very casual and cottage core(ish) and she has most definitely wore the strawberry dress from twitter atleast once. Sometimes she gets criticized for her outfits but she tries to let it roll off of her back because even if they’re not the fanciest things, she’s happy and you’re happy so that’s all that should matter.
He’s more clueless than Julian. The man doesn’t have WiFi, and doesn’t plan on getting it anytime soon. Hell I wouldn’t even be surprised if he still has a flip phone, like who’s he gonna call? (Asra maybe, or maybe Nadia) he’s the most clueless
Hates paparazzi with a burning passion. He doesn’t like crowds, or people talking to him. Especially strangers asking him a shit load of questions, especially if those questions regard you or your relationship. That’s none of their business. He ignores and glares at them if they get to pushy, so hopefully they learn they’re lesson
His red carpet outfits are usually very neutral. Greens and browns, maybe a blue here and there. He tries to avoid red carpets as much as possible but he’ll still go to award shows with you, especially if your nominated. (He’s also you biggest cheerleader when you win)
Oh my god he’s a mess. Like no literally he’s the worst one. He knows shit about literally every celebrity and he even some how has dirt on some of them. And what’s even more surprising is he has a (growing) mental list of all the celebrities he hooked up with. He’s very loud and....excited when he meets you for the first time.
Loves paparazzi. He’s the worst one. He’ll shit talk the whole music industry or the whole film industry within the first week they started hunting him down. He has no filter and has gotten some pretty big names canceled, he’s also pretty bad about leaking stuff for your new project.
His red carpet outfits are.....red. Red on red on red, with a touch of gold and some white to clean it up a little bit. They’re tacky. So tacky. He’s been the laughing stock of some award shows for his over the top tacky outfits but he could give less fucks. He’s happy, he’s sexy, and he’s strutting in his seven inch heals down the red carpet.
I don’t think this is exactly what you wanted, but hopefully it’s close!
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untitledtheunknown · 3 years
If you could have written Kerry in 2077, how would you have done it? Characterization, quests, whatever you're willing to share. 👀💘
Okay so wanna say first I do enjoy Kerry’s quests, I just wish they were longer that’s my main gripe with things overall. I am willing to accept what they’ve done, I just want more of him because well its him. I’m also no game dev or writer, I write fics and come up with OCs, we make game campaigns based on what exists already. I can’t say I understand or know why certain things get put in and other things get cut so there’s that. 
My biggest issue is the giant gap in Kerry’s timeline, went from 2023, Memphis concert in the 40s, to 2077. Some huge ass breaks in his timeline with no real reason why, and I can’t use things from the table top because 2077 doesn’t follow that timeline either. Samurai broke up in 2007, Kerry had a quite successful solo career from the get go, and in 2077 seems like none of that happened until much later on. He was writing Second Conflict with Johnny in the table top so it seems weird that its put out as this new album when he was talking about it back in 2013. I dunno its a whole thing. 
What I would have done differently is much of what I already said in the previous post. My main thing is I don’t like how from get go he still seems 100% hung up on and obsessed with his image to Johnny’s. Like I understand from the outside looking in, tabloids and what not making that comparison to rip into him, but that’s not Kerry. Its not him. Without a doubt I wouldn’t put it past Ker to want to do one last gig, so all that could stay the same, but I feel like they could have done a much better job explaining where Kerry was mentally. Because when you read into it you see its not just about Johnny, that’s the surface, but it happens so quick its easy to miss when you’re caught in the stare with those blue eyes. This also in hand goes for River where they kinda got screwed out being able to naturally develop. The sauce is there, but its being eaten too quick, where as Panam and Judy have the main story quests to break things down and have things develop more naturally. 
Quest wise I would have thrown another 1 or 2 quests in around the end. Maybe 1 more before the rooftop at Dark Matter, and another before Boat Drinks. They don’t have to be long quests, but something to allow more discussion, allow those feelings to kinda come in and show that there’s something more there. Because up to the rooftop scene Kerry is a flirt in some aspects, but that’s also just who he is, the romance gets packed on heavy and he’s confessing a lot really quick when its like a day ago V was just a wingman to arson and gunpoint demands. To me at least that’s a massive flip of what the hell, from both V and Kerry. So feel like shoving another quest in there to smooth things out, make the flirting a bit more obvious of hey something might be going on and allow that hesitant opening before a big confession later on would have just smoothed it out. Feel this would have also helped a shit ton with why he’s only attracted to male V. They could have built something out into that to make it more apparent instead of the shit show that was the twitter incident of “he only likes V for Johnny” and blow up that happens in his tag every month. Naturally developed romance scenarios can help a lot with preventing those kinda things. Takes the guess work out of it a bit, just saying.  
Other thing, I hate the new ex-wife and kids story. I don’t know why they changed it, I was hoping Kelvy was going to be in 2077. Kerry aint out here winning any dad of the year awards, but from what I took in he was a pretty decent dad to Kelvy. The only thing I can thing of why they tossed that whole thing out was because again they fucked over his timeline. Kerry got married early 20′s and Kelvy was born awhile before the actual marriage. But she proudly used to name Eurodyne, she loved referring to herself as Kerry’s daughter. She was famous in her own right as a media, had her own show and net presence. I can only think she got scrubbed because the game she was in (v3 2020) wasn’t that popular, and again the timeline wouldn’t work for what we see. But I don’t get why they changed it to an aggressively failed marriage and him not wanting to be with his much younger children. I get why in how he is at that point in his life, but from the actual writing I don’t get why that was a better choice than just changing Kelvy’s age. Hell could of had her be a whole quest of rekindling a dying flame with her dad and finding out more of what happened. If anyone would have known some better insight, it would have been her. 
Overall I think there’s good bones for Kerry’s stuff, I just wish it was more finetuned. Things did get cut, and feel like there’s a lot more missing than what we have found. As both a bias and a logical point he should have had another quest or two within his main run to allow things to develop a bit more naturally. I don’t mind him being at the end of the game but it does feel like he’s a ghost until then. My first playthrough I actually started to doubt he really was in the game until Johnny said “Hey lets go see Kerry” and I was just that motherfucker IS IN HERE OKAY. I also do feel that the stuff regarding his depression and attempted suicide could have been handled a bit better instead of getting swept away. This goes in hand with him probably needing another quest to just allow breathing room, but on the rooftop he is talking about some seriously heavy stuff and I swear to god if I have to hear that show saying “Rumors of Kerry’s depression was just noisy chatter” one more time Imma lose it. I don’t need details of what’s going on, but just something that its real. It wasn’t just a fad or a fake out. But because everything with him ends so suddenly and you get a drop of more in the endings and credits its just hard to accept that’s all we got. 
I dunno, basically less about Johnny in the beginning. More quest time. Give him his daughter back you cowards. 
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Leave No One Behind
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Ch9: Doctor’s Orders Part 3 Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Episode Summary: Hannah has a cold and of course Ari takes it upon himself to look after her. Once that little obstacle is out of the way trouble finds them once again on the morning of her birthday…and hell breaks loose at the Red Sea Diving Resort.
Episode Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut (NSFW no under18s)
Episode Pairings:  Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
Leave No One Behind Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Part 2
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 Once the diving tours and usual chores were done for the morning, the team gathered together again at lunch time. The aftermath of Ari and Sammy's fight still lingered but they had been avoiding one another like the plague all morning and as such, lunch was as civil as it could.
"So what’s in store for the afternoon, Red, seeing as you have an honorary getting old day off…" Jake asked as they finished lunch.
"Still younger than you Loop, in fact any of you round this table so…" she said, waving her hand at the rest of them.
There were a few mumbled groans about her being the baby of the group, and Max threw a breadstick at her which landed on the floor much to Simon’s delight. Rachel then appeared and nodded to Ari, telling him she had finished setting up what he had asked her to, and he smiled at her before he cleared his throat  "Actually I need Hannah to help me with something this afternoon." 
He cursed internally, rolling his eyes at himself, when he realised what he had just said. His words eliciting sniggers and oooooooohs from everyone around the table. Well, bar from Sammy of course, who was glaring at him and Hannah who was looking at him with curiosity.
"Want me to babysit Simon? You know, wouldn’t want the poor pooch to end up more scarred than he is." Max obviously wasn't letting the opportunity to tease pass him by.
Ari rolled his eyes. "It’s nothing like that, get your minds out of the gutter."
"Yeah, you know…" Jake agreed, eyeing Simon up. "I really shouldn’t wear shorts around him."
"You’d get tan lines then Loop." Hannah quipped.
Max sniggered. "He’ll be putting matches between his toes next and walking like a penguin."
That image of Jake sent everyone bursting with laughter and Jake shrugged. "Suppose I should be flattered I’m the fuckable uncle."
"Better than the grumpy one." Hannah deadpanned as she stuck her tongue out at Sammy who rolled his eyes, a flicker of a smile on his face.
"I think we all know I’m his favourite uncle…the food one." Max grinned with satisfaction.
Ari was listening to the conversation, checking his watch. He was anxious as the next part of his plan was set to commence in 10 and he needed to do something first but, at the same time, he was also glad the nonsense they were all talking had diverted Hannah's attention so that she wasn’t trying to guess what he was up to. Hoping there weren't any more setbacks for the day after Sammygate, he tapped her on the arm, grabbing her attention.
"Come on."
She looked at him, shrugged and stood up. She was even more curious now but decided to just roll with it.
Ari turned to Max. "Watch Si for us, will you?" 
Hannah looked at him amused, now he was talking as if he was a concerned parent who needed his kid looked after while he was busy.
Sammy glared at Ari. "Seriously..."
Hannah turned to her brother sharply, her hands on her hips. "Stop. Now."
Sammy groaned and sat back in his chair, clearly sulking. But Ari couldn't be bothered dealing with him, Rachel would have to cope with his petulance. He simply took Hannah’s hand and led her out of the room and down the beach towards her hut.
"You taking me to my hut, lobo?"
Ari chuckled. "Yup. But not for what you think though."
Ari laughed at that and looked at her. "Later sweetheart. We got all night and all morning now everyone knows."
She stopped and turned to face him, smiling. "I know the way it happened wasn’t ideal but…I’m not gonna lie. I’m so relieved."
"Me too." He smiled back at her and leaned down to place a lingering peck on her mouth that he had to break as a few cat calls erupted from a group of teenage boys on the beach. Hannah sniggered as Ari tossed them a sarcastic wave.
"Feels good to be able to just do that." she sighed contented.
"Damned straight." he agreed before resuming the walk to the hut. "You know Max made a good point before?"
"Yeah. He said us being together is an even better cover. I mean think about it. A couple making a go of a hotel here together is much less suspect than some random, single, white man in his late 30s doing it alone." he explained.
"Oh, so that’s why you’re with me?" she teased him.
Ari nodded. "Yeah, can’t think of a single other reason. In fact, I’ve been plotting this whole thing since the night of your 21st."
"Oh, I see, so seducing me was part of some huge plan was it?"
Ari raised an eyebrow at her.  "Seducing you? Now, you know that’s not exactly true Firefly."
 "I was an innocent little wallflower until you corrupted me." she retorted as they stopped at her hut door.
Ari opened the door for her to step inside and she followed. He waited to speak till he had closed the door behind him "Now open the first drawer in your nightstand."
"You’re so bossy." she rolled her eyes.
"Don’t pretend like you don’t like it, wallflower." 
At that Hannah gave a full on laugh causing Ari to grin as she headed to her nightstand and then paused and turned to look at him, squinting her eyes in the process. "Why do you want me to open my panties drawer?"
Ari hesitated, mentally cursing Rachel as she had earlier told him that was where she would leave his present. Think, Levinson. He looked at Hannah before he grinned cheekily.
"Because I bought you a vibrator. Isn’t that were you’re supposed to keep them?"
Hannah blinked for a second or two and then laughed heartily.  "Well, I hope it runs on batteries, not like I can charge it in reception, is it?"
Ari pondered for a moment. "I dunno, be amusing to see Sammy’s face."
"He’d go into cardiac arrest. And that’s not funny…"  Ari rolled his eye, he was done joking. "Just open the damned drawer Hannah."
"Eager much are we, lobo?"
Ari took a deep breath, she was pushing too far, and dropped his voice. "You know you’re paying for this tonight firefly."
"Oh no…" her voice sounded as sarcastic as it could be. "Please don’t threaten me with wild sex Ari…"
"You’re gonna beg for it, believe me…" he said, his voice a low growl which went straight to her core and her reaction didn’t pass him by. He smirked. "Now, open the drawer." Ari held his breath as Hannah finally did as she was told and found a little package nestled in amongst her underwear, wrapped in light blue crepe paper. She frowned and pulled it out before turning to look at Ari whose face was impassive but she could tell from the way he licked his lips, he was nervous.
"Ari, what…"
"Open it and see." He insisted.
She didn't hesitate and opened it as anticipation was killing her and she gave a little gasp as she took the silver and amber firefly pendant in the palm of her hand. She fell speechless. Ari saw her gape but nothing came out and then she looked at him, finally finding her voice. 
"It’s a firefly, Ari." she said so softly he almost missed it.
Ari laughed softly. "I know that. Why do you think I bought it?" Hannah looked at him, her eyes sparkling, and he smiled. "I saw that in Port Sudan when we went that time, we weren’t even together back then… nor was I dreaming we ever would be."
"That’s…that’s why you didn’t take me the last time? Because you wanted to buy this for me? I thought…"
Ari cut her off. "I know what you thought, and I hated making you upset but…"
She looked at him again, then to the necklace. "Can you…" she asked as she handed it to him and turned around, pulling her pony tail out of the way. Ari moved to drape it round her neck, fastening the clasp at the back. 
"You know, it shines in the dark too, just like my firefly."
She reached up to grab the pendant, tipping her head round to look at him with tears in her eyes and he smiled, steering her to the mirror. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, his chin resting on her shoulder as she looked at the necklace in the mirror. He placed a soft kiss to the crook of her shoulder, straightening up. 
 "I love it." she said, her eyes locked onto his in the mirror and he swallowed. 
Fuck it. He loved her, he damned well loved her and he should have told her 9 fucking years ago. So he took a deep breath and before he could chicken out he spoke, his voice soft but clear. 
"I love you, Hannah."
Her breath caught and she turned slowly in his arms to look at him, silent tears escaping her eyes as she cupped his face with her hands.
"You don’t need to say it back, not yet, I just…" 
Ari was dying to lean in her touch but she had fallen silent and he didn't want to push her into doing something she didn't want or feel. So he stayed put, letting his eyes do all the work for him.
"But I do. I do. I love you, Ari.” her voice was gentle, and Ari felt his chest doing flips as a huge grin spreads across his face. He leaned down, his mouth slanting on hers in a deep kiss that left them both breathless when he pulled away, pressing his forehead to hers.
"I should have told you that years ago."
"Better late than never." she whispered, her lips grazing his.
Late. That word made him remember something. Shit!
"Yeah, hold that thought sweetheart." he said as he pulled away from her and his arms fell to his sides.
"What?" she frowned.
"Trust me. I got a surprise for you." He brushed his hair out of his face with his fingers and smiled at her.
"Another one?"
Ari nodded and turned his eyes to the bed and Hannah for the first time saw one of their radio transmitters. She couldn't believe she had been far too wrapped up in Ari to pay any attention and notice the equipment on her bedspread.
"Was that there all this time?" she looked at him.
"Yup. And we’re late so…" Ari bent over and hit a button.  "Team leader to base."
There were some static crackles and a few seconds later, Ethan’s voice rang out. "Base receiving, we are secure."  There was a pause and then Ethan spoke again. "See you are as punctual as ever Ari.”
"Sorry, we got a little side-tracked…" Ari grinned at Hannah.
"Sure you did.” Ethan said sardonically “Congratulations Hannah, I hope you’re having a great day…"
Hannah was grinning ear to ear at the sound of the man’s voice. "Thanks Ethan, it’s been great. I’ve been spoilt and…it’s just been amazing…" she explained as she smiled at Ari while she sat down on the bed. Ari's stood beside her, his hand gently between her shoulder blades, his thumb skating the back of her neck.
"Glad to hear it, and I have someone here with me who is going to make it even better."
"What do you mean?" 
She looked at Ari who shrugged. There was a bit of rustling at the other end and then a voice spoke, a familiar voice which made Hannah’s hand fly to her mouth in shock, tears instantly filling her eyes.
"Hannah, are you there sweetheart?"
Hannah took a deep breath, her voice shaking with emotion. "Yeah, I’m here mama…"
"Don’t cry honey…”
"I’m sorry mama, I’m just so happy to hear your voice” she sniffed, “I miss you so much!"
"I miss you too my little girl, but you’ll be home for a visit soon, right? Feliz Cumpleaños, mi niña"
Hannah nodded, wiping her tears which were now falling uncontrollably at the sound of her mother wishing her a happy birthday in Spanish. "In a few weeks, yeah."
Ari bent down and kissed her cheek, whispering. "Let me go find Sammy."
Hannah smiled, knowing full well Sammy would want to speak to their mama too.
Ari left, giving Hannah and her mother some privacy and wandered down to the main building. Sammy was surprised when Ari came out of the blue into the reception area looking for him but was even more shocked when he explained him what was going on. He blinked and looked at Rachel who smiled and nodded. Wordlessly, he followed Ari to Hannah’s hut. Sammy went in and spoke to the radio and Ari heard Mama Navon’s exclamation as the 3 of them then began to furiously jabber away in a mixture of English and Spanish. 
He waited outside the door, for 20 minutes or so, sitting on the sand just watching the waves and smoking. He smiled as Simon trotted over, apparently having dodged Max again, and flopped down next to him.
"You shake off Uncle Max buddy?" he asked the dog as he scratched his ear. 
He heard Hannah calling so he stood up and went in, Simon following suit and jumped up on the bed, ignoring Sammy as he stood there wagging his tail which repeatedly hit him in the face. Ari chuckled as Sammy stood up before he greeted Mama Navon who thanked him for setting the call up and then told them all to stay safe. After a quick goodbye they ended the call and Hannah looked at him as she stood up.
"Thank you. Thank you so much." she said as she hugged him tight.
"I told you, anything for you firefly." he spoke, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her head. 
Sammy took a deep breath, looking away as he too composed himself from speaking to his mama. He then cleared his throat. "Hannah, can you give me a moment with Ari?" She pulled away from Ari and looked at him narrowing her eyes as he shook his head gently. "I promise I’m not gonna punch him again."
Hannah then looked at Ari who nodded. She turned to leave, but not before she pointed at Sammy. "You best not break your promise, or I’ll break your face Samuel." And with that she left, whistling to Simon who followed her, closing the door behind her as she went.
Sammy tore his eyes from the door to look at Ari and took a moment to assess him before he finally spoke.  "Listen, Ari…what you did for her there, with the call, it was just.."
Ari shrugged. He got what Sammy was trying to express but couldn't find the words to and decided throw him a bone. "Well I know she misses home so…"
Sammy shook his head. "We all miss home, Ari."  he sighed. "But that was…” he trailed off. “Look, sorry I punched you in the face."
"Call that a punch?" Ari snorted.
Sammy narrowed his eyes at him. "Don’t temp me."
Ari held his hands up. "Wouldn’t dream of it."
He gave Sammy a sincere smile. He was confident the call from their mother had done more to help his cause than all the words and apologies in the world could have done. Sammy looked for a moment like he was about to say something else but he didn’t, instead he nodded before turning and leaving.
Later that evening, Ari headed down to the dining area to find everyone, bar Rachel and Hannah already there. He knew that Rachel had been doing Hannah’s hair for her so he wasn’t surprised they were still absent. He nodded to Max and Jake, flashing a tentative smile at Sammy who returned it with a jerk of his head, and he walked through to the kitchen to grab a beer. He returned the dining room, settled himself in a seat and was watching a couple of guests settle at a table a few down when he heard Max give a low whistle. “Damned Girl!
Ari looked round and almost choked on his drink at Hannah’s appearance. She was wearing the outfit her mama sent her. The white crochet top was cropped, and fairly low cut, leaving not much to the imagination (not that he needed to imagine it) and the high wasted matching skirt finished mid-thigh. On her feet she wore a pair of flat, gold gladiator sandals that twisted up her legs to her knees. Her hair was cascading down her back in dark, silky curls, the top half of which had been twisted away from her face and fastened into some kind of loose braid. Her make-up was light, as always, but the subtle burnt gold she’d shaded over her eyelids made her blue eyes pop even more. She looked stunning.
God, was it hot in here or just him…
Max meanwhile was stood to the side of the room, watching Ari, whose mouth was hanging open. He nudged Jake who in turn glanced at the positively gawping man at the table and grinned.
“Radio base…Team Leader is unresponsive.” Max sniggered and Jake let out a groan.
“Man, and to think I was chasing after her myself when all the time…” he shook his head “I’ve been an idiot haven’t I?” Max gave a nod “Yes, you have.”
“That’s what I thought.” Jake confirmed, watching as Hannah approached the table.
“You never stood a chance pal.” Max patted his shoulder sympathetically “Not with Ari here anyway, they have history, you know that.” Jake sighed as they too made their way to the table. As they passed a group of tourists, one of the girls made a deal of looking Jake up and down before winking at him. He grinned at her, nodding, all the time keeping his eyes on hers as they passed. Max gave a snort.
“Can’t keep a good man down for long…” Jake smirked.
“There’s nothing good about you, you’re a dirt bag.” Max rolled his eyes.
As they got to the table, Sammy was complaining about Hannah’s outfit. “Seriously? Mama made that? Hannah, I can see-“
“Don’t you dare say it…” she glared at him. Sammy simply rolled his eyes as she moved to take her seat at the table, before he turned to say something to Rachel. Ari took his chance and dropped a soft kiss to her lips as she settled next to him.
“You look beautiful.” He smiled, and her cheeks flushed shyly.
“Thanks.” She looked at him, taking in his light blue button down. “You don’t look so bad yourself, Lobo.”
They ate a dinner of seabass, Hannah’s favourite, engaging in pleasant talk and a few drinks before Max stood up and loudly announced to the guests that there was a gathering planned on the beach with some music to celebrate Rosa’s birthday. After a few more drinks they migrated to the area on the sand which had been set up, the boys all carrying cool-boxes full of beer and spirits down with them. Drinks where handed out and over the next hour or so the group sat, Jake integrating himself with the girls he’d noticed at dinner. At some point Sammy’s guitar made an appearance and he provided the music for the group as Hannah sat on Ari’s knee as he perched on the wooden logs which were being used as seats.
Whilst everyone was clear that they were an item now, they still didn’t want to flaunt the PDAs too much, but the more alcohol they consumed, the less of a shit either of them gave. Soft stolen kisses became more frequent, Ari’s hand gently skated her bare thigh in a not-so-subtle way that was easily noticeable to anyone watching. When Jake and Max declared loudly that enough was enough of the strangled cat routine Sammy was giving (earning them the bird in response) the stereo kicked in and Sammy placed his guitar down, his eyes straying to his sister and Ari. They were both talking to one of the guests, Ari’s hand looped around Hannah’s hip as she perched on his lap, her own arm draped around his neck, the plastic cup full of gin and lemonade hanging in her hand.
Sammy placed his guitar down, took a deep breath and looked away. Rachel, not missing the look on his face gave him a dig with her elbow. “I thought you’d made your peace.”
“I apologised for punching him.” Sammy turned to look at her “Still doesn’t mean I’m happy about them. And I certainly don’ want to see it.”
“Sammy, look how happy she is, how happy they both are.” Rachel corrected herself. “Have you ever seen Ari like that?”
Sammy sighed, because he hasn’t, not even with Sarah. The fact was, Ari Levinson, or Guy Thomas as he was tonight, was behaving like a love sick teenager. The smile hadn’t left his face for a second.
“Exactly.” Rachel took Sammy’s lack of response as an answer. Her eyes strayed to Hannah, who tipped her head back in a loud laugh at something, and then she turned back to Sammy “Have you seen the necklace she’s wearing?” “Spotted it before.” Sammy replied “And now it’s glowing it’s kinda hard not to see it.”
“I was with Ari when he got it for her in Port Sudan, the day after he came back from his leave.” Rachel said simply and Sammy turned his head to look at her. “You should have seen his face when the guy explained the firefly glowed in the dark. He told me he’d spotted it weeks ago and had to come back to get it for her birthday…”
“Ok, I get it Rachel.” Sammy rolled his eyes “Look, I’m happy she’s happy and I guess, I’m glad Ari is too, I just…” he signed and shook his head “Forget it, it clearly doesn’t matter what I think.”
“You’re right, it doesn’t.” Rachel shrugged “But if you can’t learn to live with whatever is bugging you about it all so much, then they’re gonna learn to live without you.”
“Well then, guess I don’t have much of a choice then huh?”
Before Rachel could reply, the brash tones of In The Navy rang out of the speakers. Jake stood to attention, saluting Max who flipped him off and Ari shook his head, he drew the line at this musical abomination. Hannah pouted a little as he stood, jolting her from his lap but he simply gave her a kiss and told her he was heading off for a drink. When she declined his offer of a top up, he strode away from the group who were now marching on the spot, a few of the girls from the guest groups having joined in. Simon was also doing his best to remain part of the festivities, jumping around and barking.
Ari gave a chuckle at the dog’s antics and opened the lid to the cool box which was set a little further back from where they’d set up camp for the evening.
“Can you pass me one?”  
Ari jerked his head up to look at Sammy, before he gave a nod, grabbing 2 bottles from the box. He popped the lids on both, tossing the opener back down and handed it over.
“Thanks.” Sammy took it from him, taking a long pull.
They stood in silence for a while, Ari knowing Sammy well enough to know that he was currently contemplating how to say what he clearly wanted to. And, sure enough, after a moment or too he heard his friend give a heavy sigh as he turned to him and spoke.
“Look, I’m not ok about any of this but well, Hannah, she deserves to be happy and for whatever fucking reason you seem to do that for her so…” Sammy shrugged “But Ari, I am warning you, you hurt her and I will kill you.”
It was Ari’s turn to sigh “Sammy why do you always have to think the worst of me? Yeah I fucked up with her in the past but let’s not forget, not all of that was my fault.”
“Look, man.” Sammy shook his head “I gave the same warning to Andy ok. I can honestly say it isn’t personal this time.”
At that Ari cocked his head, looking at him. He knew that this was Sammy’s way of giving him and Hannah a very grudging go-ahead. Not a blessing as such, but still, it was better than open hostility. Ari’s hands fell to his hips and he looked down at his feet before he raised his eyes to look at Sammy, a small smile playing on his face.
“You know when it comes to it, I hope Rachel’s brother hates your guts too.”
“Rachel? I…what…why do you…” Sammy furiously blushed as he stumbled over his words. Ari said nothing, merely raised an eyebrow and Sammy shook his head, snorting “Guess you know too huh?”
“Hannah told me she suspected it a while back.” He nodded.
“She always has been a pain in my ass.” He grumbled.
“Yeah, well, I don’t think that’s ever gonna change.” Ari smirked, his eyes glancing back over at his girl, where she was still dancing.
“Probably not.” Sammy took a deep breath, “You know, for the record, I don’t hate you Ari…I love you man, and I love my sister.”
“So do I.” Ari looked at him, “And I don’t ever want to hurt her again.”
At Ari’s words, Sammy took a deep breath. Love…ok, that was a little unexpected. But as he stared back at Ari, there wasn’t a shred of insincerity on the man’s face. He gave Ari a small nod, and turned back to watch the group as the opening bars to YMCA rang out over the night air, along with Jake’s loud shouting. As the two men watched, he and Max jumped up onto the over turned logs, launching into the dance routine.
“Which one is the cowboy?” Sammy asked and Ari snorted.
“Max.” he concluded after a little pause. The two men shared a grin and Sammy slapped Ari’s back.
That was the point Ari knew that it was going to be ok. Not wanting to make too big a deal of it, he smiled and then changed the subject.
“Do you remember that time we were singing to Rod Stewart, Do You Think I’m Sexy in that car in the middle of New York?”
“Jesus…” Sammy half-chuckled, half-groaned. “You know I try not to think about that a lot. The windows to the car were wide open…”
“Yeah, and those girls walking past just stopped and stared at us like we were 2 crazy bastards.”
“You are a crazy bastard.” Sammy teased and Ari gave a little nod, conceding the point playfully.
As they stood, still watching, Hannah and Rachel were pulled up onto the log by Max and Jake and Sammy shook his head, chuckling.“You think we should rescue our girls from those two idiots?”
Ari paused, the use of the term registering in his brain. He grinned and looked at Sammy “So you’re there already? Calling her your girl?”
“Piss off you cocky bastard”
Ari snorted and turned back to the dancing in front of them “Nah, leave them, they’re having fun. Besides, they can handle themselves.”
This remained Ari’s sentiment until YMCA finished, and Hungry Like the Wolf started to play. He watched, the 4 of them step down off the bench as the beat started, and then Jake  looked like he was having a little too much fun with Hannah, his hands on her hips from behind as she swayed side to side.
Ari stiffened slightly and Sammy, not missing a thing spoke, his tone amused. “Want me to hold your beer?” Ari turned to give him a look before he thrust the bottle at Sammy and pushed through the group of dancers. When he reached the two of them he tapped Jake on the shoulder. “Do you mind if i…”
Jake raised his hands. “Sure man I’m gonna…ummmm….just go.”
Ari watched him leave before he turned to Hannah, fingers curling around her hips as his lips pecked her neck.
“Didn’t think it would take long before you showed up.” She quipped, tilting her head to look at him.
“Yeah, well, I don’t like him touching what belongs to me.”
 Hannah chuckled “You’re such a possessive bastard.”
Ari hummed in response as Hannah reached down, grabbed his hand and tugged him towards where Rachel and Max were dancing. He protested at first but then, for the first time in God knows how long just let himself go. He danced along, grinning as Max started doing some furious type of dance thrusting his shoulders inwards and be arched an eyebrow as they were joined by Sammy too. Hannah watched him carefully for a moment but he simply flashed her a huge grin which she reciprocated and continued her dancing. Ari spun her around, and she giggled, stumbling a little until he reached out and caught her, his own chuckles being drowned out by the music.
The group of agents remained on the beach in the middle of the temporary sort of dance floor, under the large wooden archway which was decorated with fairy lights, simply dancing and laughing for another few songs until the music slowed down and the opening notes of Your Song drifted across the sea breeze. Ari grinned as Hannah’s arms slid up his chest stopping on his shoulders, his hands falling to her hips as they gently moved their bodies a little closer than they had been. Ari leaned down and placed a soft peck on Hannah’s lips, her hand gently stroking his neck, fingers lightly dancing over his skin. If he was Simon, his damned leg would have started to shake as every time she did that it felt like fucking heaven.
“I saw you talking to Sammy before. Everything ok?” she asked, her blue eyes bright as she glanced up at him.
“Yeah.” Ari said honestly “Yeah, I think it is.”
“Good.” Hannah beamed “Because I can’t stand the thought of you being at one another’s throats.” “It wasn’t really a thought I was relishing either.” Ari said, before he grinned wickedly as he bent a little closer to speak into her ear whilst he spun them both around a little to the music. “Although one I am relishing, however, is just exactly how I’m gonna make you beg like I promised before.”
His hands gently squeezed her hips and she felt his fingers softly bunching in the crochet material at the side of her skirt. “I didn’t realise you liked my outfit so much.” She spoke softly as his fingers continued to play with the item of clothing.
“I do.” He grinned back, “But as nice as it is, I’m looking forward to seeing you with nothing but that necklace on Firefly.”
“Yeah, well I gotta admit I’ll be glad to take it off. I mean, it’s pretty and everything but the top is a little uncomfortable…” at that she wriggled her hips and Ari gave a grunt as she pressed up against him, her pelvis almost flush to his. “Or maybe it’s the fact that I can’t wear a bra with it.”
Ari blinked, looked straight down at her cleavage, making no attempt to hide the fact that he was ogling at her before he glanced up at her to see her biting her lip.
And that was it, he was done.
“Ok.”  With a swoop he bent down and lifted her so she was over his shoulder causing her to give a squeal. He swatted at her ass as he turned and began to stride away from the group of party makers. There were loud whoops and cheers, above which Max’s trademark filthy chuckle could be heard and a low groan from Sammy.
Hannah planted her hands in the base of Ari’s back so she could push herself up slightly to wave at everyone. “See you tomorrow guys!”  she giggled as Ari strode away from the group and down the beach.
Hannah’s hut was nearer so that was the one he made a bee line for. He opened the door, made sure Simon was inside before he shut it with his foot and set her gently down on the floor.
“I suggest if you like that outfit you take it off pretty quickly before it ends up in pieces on the floor.” Ari looked down at Hannah, his hands grabbing her hips and pulling her towards him.
“Wait…” Her palms fell flat on his chest, before her fingers nimbly moved to the buttons on his shirt. “I wanna unwrap my last present.”
Ari arched an eyebrow at her but didn’t protest as she undid the buttons on his shirt, before she reached up and pushed it back over his shoulders, her hands smoothing down from his pecs to his defined, but not ripped abs, biting her lip as she took her time appreciating him. She glanced back up, her hands following her eyes before she reached up and pulled his head down to hers in a searing kiss. His lips locked on hers Ari trailed his hands up her sides, brushing the bare flesh that was on display from her short top before he grabbed the hem of it. She moved back, holding her arms up so he could pull it over her head and then his lips were back on hers, his large hands splayed on her back, pulling her chest flush to his.
He trailed open mouthed kisses across her jawline, finding that spot by her neck, giving a nip, all the time listening to the soft whimpers she was making in his ear as he backed her towards the bed and rather unceremoniously shoved her back onto it. She gave a soft giggle and started to move herself to the middle but in a flash he reached out and grabbed her ankle.
“Ah ah.” He said, as he dropped to his knees. “I told you, you were gonna beg for it sweetheart.”
She looked at him, propping herself up on her elbows, Ari groaning internally at the sight of her bare chest. His hands slid up her legs, finding the waistband of her skirt and in a single movement slid it down, along with her panties, leaving her bare on the bed before he unbuckled her sandals and slid those down over her calves.
Taking her left leg in his right hand he pressed a kiss to her ankle and continued his affections upwards, pressing small yet sloppy kisses all the way up until his nose was skimming along the apex of her thigh. She let out a groan of delight as she gently bent her other knee to allow him access and this time he couldn’t stop the soft moan which bubbled from his throat and he snuck one glance up at her, to see her head was already titled back in arousal. He reached up, and pushed on her shoulder, causing her to lay flat and then set his mouth on her.
There was nothing gentle about any of his movements, his tongue lashing at her, teasing her sensitive bud before poking deep into her, positively fucking her with his mouth. Her hips bucked upwards, pushing onto his face and he couldn’t help but smirk at how easy it was to draw the reactions he wanted from her. One of her hands reached into his hair, as he continued to eat her out with the ardour of a man starved. Her sweet, salty tang on his tongue set every nerve in his body on edge and the more he tasted the more he wanted. He felt her grip in his hair tighten, as her hips rotated slightly, seeking more friction and the relief that came with it, and as he felt her breathing begin to quicken he abruptly stopped, pulling back. Hannah stilled and gave a low whine as his fingers gripped at her hips, his mouth moving to the insides of her thighs, away from where she needed and wanted him most.
“Ari…” she began to protest and then his mouth was back on her again, edging her closer and closer to her orgasm until, a short while later as her breathing and gasps became ragged, he once more he pulled back.
“Ari, please?” her voice was broken plea, and he grinned, rising to his feet as he looked down at her.
“Told you, you were gonna beg Firefly…” he said, shedding his remaining clothing and freeing his now painfully hard cock.
“Don’t…” she looked at him, shifting slightly as he crawled over her. “Don’t be mean, it’s my birthday…”
“I’m well aware…” he muttered, his lips ghosting a path up her neck to her chin “This time 9 years ago I was kissing you outside a Club in Tel Aviv…”
He nipped at her neck and she keened underneath him, her body begging him for more, so needy and so ready for him. His tongue licked a line up her throat as his hands slid up her bare sides, calloused fingers ever so gentle over her ribs. His hands found hers and he pinned them to the bed either side of her head as his mouth moved down and his tongue flicked at her nipple as he took it between his lips, drawling a loud groan from her as her hips bucked involuntarily at the sensation. 
His lips caught hers in a deep, sloppy kiss, and he moved his hips and with a powerful thrust forward he sheathed himself inside her, causing her to wail into his mouth, her lips open against his. He started moving his hips, slowly, deliberately. Each thrust measured and powerful, his open mouth never once leaving hers as they panted together, sharing air. With every rock into her, moans of delight and pure pleasure flowed from her throat to his, every inch of their bodies pressed as close as they could get.
Ari plunged his tongue into her mouth and it was a hotwire straight to her belly and Hannah squeezed her hands around his, the tips of her nails digging into the skin just below his knuckles as she was completely overwhelmed by him and powerless to stop her body’s reactions.
“Let go…” she gently flexed her fingers. “Wanna feel you…”
Ari obliged and she moved her hands round his broad back, her fingers skating over the expanse of muscle and he gave a groan at her touch, his mouth straying back to her neck, his lips and beard gliding over her skin. Hannah turned her head, nudging his jaw with her nose and he raised her head, allowing her to reciprocate the affection, her mouth kissing at his neck and jaw line.
“I love you Ari…” she muttered, and he gave a low groan, rotating his hips as opposed to thrusting, causing her to cry out, her hands grasping at his shoulder blades.
“I love you Hannah…” he said, repeating the motion, well aware she was fast reaching the end, his lips crashing back to hers, chests gliding together, both of them covered in a light glisten of sweat. Ari’s hands gently cupped her face as he pushed into her as deep as he could go, his movements becoming slow and deep, rocking into her as opposed to thrusting, not wanting any inch of his body to be away from hers. “I love you so much baby girl…”
In contrast to his furious actions before, Hannah noticed the shift. Everything about his movements now screamed pure love and affection, and that drove her wild with her own love and lust and it wasn’t long at all before she felt the heat beginning to swell in her lower belly.
“Ari…Ari…” his name became a mantra, punctuated by her breathy moans and pants, her lips moving against his as she repeated her chant until the words died in her throat and her head tipped back in a silent cry.
“Fuck, Hannah…” Ari groaned as he felt her pulsing around him as she came, a strangled moan escaping her mouth and his lips became furious against hers, the kiss deep, his tongue wrapping onto hers as he picked up the pace slightly. His hips pushed forward deeply, and with another few sharp thrusts his rhythm stuttered and the world around him positively span as he came, hard, with a surge that he wasn’t quite sure he’d felt before. He stilled, deep inside her, before he gave a few shallow thrusts, riding his own orgasm out before he collapsed down on top of her, completely and utterly blissed out, the pair of them waiting for the world to right itself.
And for the first time since their reunion, Ari realised, that there was no goddamned rush. There was nothing to worry about, no concern about them falling asleep and sleeping in too late.
The revelation sparked something in his chest and he swallowed, pushing himself up slightly so he could lean down and give her a soft kiss, his forehead pressing to hers, his eyes shining as she glanced up at him.
“You ok?” she asked softly, reaching up to brush his hair back off his face as she noticed the look on his face.
“More than ok.” He smiled, his lips on hers again, “Because I just realised, we got all the time in the world Firefly.”
She grinned and nodded “Yeah, yeah we do.”
Still inside her, not ready to put that distance between them quite yet, he pulled her with him as he rolled to his side, her leg hooking over his as his hands skated down the bare skin of her back, his mouth trailing soft kisses down her neck to the crook of her shoulder as she gave a soft hum of contentment. He pressed his lips to her temple as she sighed happily, tucking her head underneath his chin the two of them simply laying in the dark, alone, wrapped around one another as close as they possibly could be.
**** Chapter 10
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Shit you right about the AoU doing civil war better. Like I never considered it but like that a way less contrived reason for them to fight. It makes total sense how they react both bring up good points and I agree with anon bout the whole argument in CW a bad one for a MCU movie. But the AoU argument works perfectly for a MCU movie fuck it was already there why not just expand on that one? Its even the thing Tony references in Endgame.
AoU answered the question already, and they set up that there was no need to do a CW story as fast as they did (it was, what, a year between them?), if at all.
The question of who should keep superpowered individuals in check was answered by AoU - the heroes should have the control. They are the only ones who understand what other powered individuals are going through, so they can help out the ones who need it. And the character this narrative is directed at happened to be the same one in both movies: Wanda.
In AoU, she’s dangerous, and she’s aware of it, and she’s mentally in a fragile enough place where she can be manipulated to sway either direction morally. This is how she is in the comics too, and the more fragile she is, the more damage she can cause. To tie this with CW (comic), the Thor-clone, Ragnarok, was the truly dangerous secret weapon that SHIELD unleashed that caused such mass damage that everyone is left traumatized and has to pause to rethink what they’re doing and if it’s right - Wanda unleashing Hulk to destroy a town.
[This is where everyone turns on Tony (and Hank and Reed, but in this movie it’s Bruce as his right-hand man) because his creations are killing people, and they need to stop him from creating something else that can kill, even though he doesn’t intend on it and just wants to stop all the chaos and destruction. And Tony’s relationship with everyday people in both the comics and to an extent the movies is what stops him from being considered a villain in the narratives, because he cares about them and saves them before they can get hurt in potential crossfire. Conversely, Steve’s mindset is more he thinks of the bad guy first, the civilians second, but he’s also still saving the day so he can’t be a villain. Which is why SHIELD/Maria was the true villain. And why it wasn’t a random HYDRA villain because are you kidding me you had to force one in god I hate this movie so much why does everything think its the best.]
Wanda feels awful about what she’s done, paired with finding out that she’s teamed with someone who wants to cause extinction, and flips to redemption. And the Avengers, looking at her and seeing the person who just fucked with their psyches and did quite a lot of damage, know how to help her. And they do. And though she’s still shaky, they see her value and want to help her. Which is what CW started to do, but they never answered that one either. AoU knew to rehabilitate her image and help her gain control over herself, CW wanted to say she’s not dangerous and shouldn’t be kept under strict watch, but also when she’s under stress she is dangerous and should be kept under strict watch. CW had too many stories and didn’t want to go fully into any of them, and this was one of the bigger misfires. Which is why during the comic event she was prancing around elsewhere and hooking up with Clint.
The ironic thing is that AoU was a story that shouldn’t have worked, because in order to do it, you couldn’t use any of the heroes. The Ultron storyline starts with Hank and Jan, two characters who weren’t introduced yet, and the actual AoU’s main characters are Sue Storm and Logan (and Hank, and whether or not we should kill him). It’s a story filled with alternate timelines and numerous falls of humanity. But CW had majority of the main players, a semi-decent secondary cast, and enough lore set up that they could have introduced so many characters to help out but just... didn’t do any of it.
Listen, I get it, the Russos love directing action scenes. And CW is a comic with a ton of action scenes. But imagine fucking up that story so bad that a year before, the movie with a face-in-tits-plant did it better by a world-renowned creep. It pains me so much to see that they set up a good Cap 3 in CW and buried it under all these moral questions that no one wanted to answer anyway.
I don’t have access to either movie, but I feel the urge to rewatch AoU and CW to point out how AoU did it better without meaning to.
(Remember when Avengers 3 was going to be the CW movie? And Cap 3 was going to be an actual Cap movie? And then they fired JW. And now we have to realize that if we had gotten the JW version... it would’ve been decent by comparison??? Or not, JL was pretty trash, so... but odds are it would’ve done a better job at the conflict part. Big yikes.)
~Mod R
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Hey guys so, about the whole situation that had happened with me being fasley accused of being a pedo, I said I'd make a post telling our side of the story (cause this involves so much more than me and them) and involves about 10 other people.
Also, ahead of time, sorry if this is messy, I just really don't know how to make these kinds of posts to clear things up? Explaining things like this is not something I'm good at. I was also going to post this sooner, but stuff in my persona life happened, and I've also received threats from this person's friends if I tried to come forward with my side of the story (or more like made anymore posts about it, as there's already a whole call-out post about them on Instagram, which I'll be showing later). After some debate, I actually realized it would probably be best if I actually did, just to get a warning out, even though I know there's a chance this won't be recieved well cause this is fucking Tumblr... And again, I'm just trying to tell our side of the story and warn others so the same doesn't happen to them. Also because I do believe this guy might have a Tumblr account and might try to seek out more people to abuse. I sure as hell know one of his friends who helped stalk us have a Tumblr though.
So, the person making the accusations was someone who joined my discord server, and at the time of joining, he was saying that he was of age. Several members on the server can vouch for me when I say this. Of course, in regards to him telling us he was of age, this is apparently something he failed to mention when he decided to make that callout conveniently enough. I'm still unsure of what his actual age is, wether he actually lied to us about being an adult when he joined the server or if he was lying when he claimed to be a minor in his callout. 
Anyways, sometime after he joined the server, he started to become a problem. Me, being an idiot and feeling bad for him, allowed his behavior to slide, though I didn't know the full extent of what he was doing til a bit later.
He would constantly talk about how he was being abused and we'd try and help him with advice, which he never really listened to, and if anyone on the server mentioned that they had done something fun or had a great time doing something that day, he'd go off and make us feel guilty for having fun, cause his at home life was shit and apparently if he wasn't happy, we couldn't be either. He actually tried to pull some shit while I was celebrating my birthday with my family. This kinda becomes a bit important later? Or at least the day becomes important later.
He's also known as kind of a pathological liar on the server, claiming that they one of the official FNAF artists (one who doesn't exist, btw), and start rumors about YouTubers and other people we liked, and whenever I'd ask for proof, they'd get all defensive. This itself isn't a big deal, except he also has the tendancy to start rumors that people are pedos if he gets into a heated argument with said person. It's actually happened when one of my friends said he didn't feel comfortable with people shipping things between adults and children. This caused a giant argument to erupt and I had to temporarily boot said friend from the server. At this time, my accuser then decided to make accusations that the friend of mine was a pedo because he... Didn't like people shipping adults and children.... Of course, we told him to cut the bullshit and stop causing rumors.
Now, keep in mind, they got upset over someone being grossed out by shipping adults and children.
This becomes a bit important later.
We ended up having a few other problems with them as time went on, them critizing other members AUs (well, more along the lines of bullying them for their AUs and projects), more guilt tripping and at one point, even bragging about pushing someone to suicide (at least that's what 2 of the other server members are telling me, I can't confirm this, as it seems it happened during a period I had no internet, and there's a good chance they might have deleted it, but do feel free to take this with a grain of salt). 
Eventually, he actually ended up leaving the server for good because of Tupperbot. Adding the stupid bot was the second best decision I've ever made in regards to him, honesty.
However, for a lot of us, the main tipping point was the roleplays and private DMs.
He loved to roleplay some pretty fucked up shit with a lot of people on the server. We've actually had one member as young as 11 come forward and say he had tried to do shit with them too. Keep in mind, he told us he was an adult when he joined. He would love to roleplay all sorts of weird, incestous and pedophilic shit with us, and would force it on us out of the fucking blue. Another thing worth mentioning, me and a few others are victims of childhood sexual abuse and rape. He CONSTANTLY put this shit in most of the roleplays he did with no regard to how triggering it was for some of us. We never even got a warning or an ask if it was okay to have something like that put in a roleplay. Some members spoke to him about their discomfort involving the shit he was putting in the roleplays, but it was disregarded and he'd continue to do it. Some of us were even so scared to say anything about it, as we were afraid he'd lash out at us and threaten us, so we just put up with it. 
Aside from the roleplays were the really weird direct messages he'd sometimes send. There were times someone would be venting (this would happen in the server as well) and he'd respond with that they had no reason to be upset and that he's been through much worse. There would also be times when someone would be feeling depressed, and he'd make these private little group chats to try and "intervene" by inviting a few of us in there with the said person. This would be fine on its own, but he always made it a point to invite one person that we've REPEATEDLY had to tell him not to invite. I'll call this person Wah, cause I don't want to cause them any more stress by exposing their account name. Wah was someone we've told him not to invite because she was, at the time, experiencing a lot of suicidal idealations and we were worried putting her in a situation like this where one of her friends was feeling like killing themselves and her having to help to talk them down would be the sort of thing to set her off into hurting herself. We obviously didn't want that, so we made it a rule not to ever get Wah involved. Accuser knew this and went and always invited Wah anyways. And would shrug it off whenever we'd go off and remind him of Wah's own mental health issues. There has also been at least one instance with them and another user, who was feeling suicidal. They mentioned they had been wanting to kill themselves and accuser went off about how if they killed themself, accuser would kill themself too. This obviously scared the shit out of this person and made them feel more awful.
And there of course, is the shit they did to me. They'd sometimes randomly flip out on me in my DMs out of literally fucking no where, and purposely trigger my PTSD.
There's more, but I can't remember all of it because just so much went on.
Anyways, sometime after they left the server, people began coming forward with their experiences with accuser, telling all that he'd been doing in DMs, and mentioning his prior behavior on the server. We started venting about the way he had been treating us in the vents chat because well, we figured if we couldn't try to talk to him about his behavior, at least we could vent amongst ourselves. Apparently he had actually made a few friends on the server and they let him know we were talking about him.
Fast forward to my birthday celebration and I'm getting DMs from him. They start our fine enough but eventually he suggests we start a thing where we mention one positive thing that's happened to us each day. Cool, a fine idea on it's own, but as I've mentioned above, he's had the tendancy to make us feel like shit for having anything cool and fun in our lives, so of course me, and a few other people who apparently had received the same message, were hesitant.
I left him on read to think about it and also because, again, I was celebrating my birthday and I was about to blow out the candles on my cake and open gifts.
I don't remember all of what went down, and I don't seem to have access to the Instagram DMs anymore since I have him blocked on there too, but eventually, I received a message of him flipping out because he knew about our vents. I believe I might have ended up calling him out and telling him exactly why we were doing it, but I can't remember. This happened back in May so the memory is a bit fuzzy and I don't have the DMs anymore.
All I know is that most of the members of the server decided to cut him off.
After that, he tried to tell Wah I wasn't who I seemed to be and attempted to ruin our friendship, made several accounts to stalk the Instagram accounts of serveral other of the server members and I, and then we ended up having to kick a few of their friends from the server cause they were starting to cause trouble.
Then there was silence for a bit.
And then there was the incident. They had gotten a (at the time former) friend of ours involved by lying and manipulating them into believing I was doing all sorts of nasty shit. The friend, who I'm going to call Pasta, ended up bringing that stuff over to Tumblr, unaware that they had been lied to. I'm not sure if it was Pasta who reached out to us, or if it was one of us who reached out to Pasta, but we ended up telling them what was going on, and somehow, accuser found out, and accused them of being a traitor and freaked out on them. They admitted that accuser was responsible and we ended up making up.
I've also since then had some of accusers former friends come to me and tell me about the call-out, further confirming that it was them who started all this as a way to try and get back at me.
And, since of course some obligatory proof is required, I shall provide these call-out posts with some screenshots. And you can even see in the comments we're far from the only ones who have dealt with them.
These aren't the only things from them, obviously, but considering the fact that we've all now got them blocked and some of us have even deleted the DMs (because tbh, most of us thought that cutting them off would be the last of it), this is what we currently have.
Anyways, thanks for reading this long ass mess. Hope y'all stay safe.
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wolfsgravity · 3 years
I can’t sleep so I’m just thinkin’ about my range of Pokémon romantic F/Os. This series has meant so much to me for so long, and I know F/Os from that source make up a decent portion of my list. I’d feel more embarrassed about it if I didn’t make it abundantly clear that Pokémon is one of the most pervasive influences in my life from an exceedingly young age.
I just. I dunno. I find my collection of Pokémon series F/Os so interesting.
I’m just gonna ramble a bit.
I’m going to talk in Generational order, because my 1am brain couldn’t decipher a more cohesive timeline if it tried.
Giovanni is a funny one. As a kid, his character in the show intimidated me a little. But I really loved Team Rocket on some level. They were my first Pokémon villain organization, and with the Gen III games having Aqua and Magma, I decided pretty early that Team Rocket was my team. I had a stint in Magma since when I was young, I thought I’d specialize in Fire types, but eh it didn’t stick. No team really stuck nearly as much until Team Skull! So I had a lot of time for my intimidation from Giovanni to evolve into a fearful respect, to a mild devotion… by the time I played Let’s Go! and Ultra Moon, I was more than a little excited to see him in game. As in, I would quietly cheer when he appeared on my screen, in some weird giddy manner. It was only a matter of time before I realized I was crushing hard.
Steven Stone (he has a full name so more often than not I use it when referring to him) probably didn’t make the biggest impact on me in the original Gen III games? Hoenn was my favorite region for a while (in part due to pre- “Hoenn confirmed” hype), but he didn’t have a huge role in Ruby/Sapphire. Maybe I noticed him first in Emerald? I wish I could remember my real first inkling of crush on him, because I just remember when I played Omega Ruby… I was already obsessed with him. He showed up for the first time in game and I squealed. I spent the whole game seeking him out and already making romantic passes at him in my around-19-year-old head.
I am counting Grovyle for this, but it bears repeating that my S/I for the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games is a Pokémon too. Those Mystery Dungeon games enamored me as a teen! I got to BE! A POKEMON!! So I probably got Explorers of Time/Darkness for DS not long after it released in 2008. I was so excited to have Gen IV Pokémon to be and battle and recruit, ugh, this game meant so much to me. I will always remember being part of Wigglytuff’s Guild super fondly. And like, as I am super susceptible to mental role play, putting myself in my characters shoes (or lil toe beans I guess) has always been second nature for me. So a dashing Grovyle just jumped into my silly life and was the most honorable and misunderstood character and I am not even joking when I say I fell for him in my first playthrough. And I’ve played through it a lot. I was always jealous of Celebi. I hate every Dusknoir I see to this day. *chefs kiss* Good game.
Gen V is “oops all F/Os” Gen, where to even start..
Just kidding, N is the obvious choice to start for me. He was love at first sight. He just, ugh, he cares about Pokémon SO MUCH. I literally don’t know how to even expand on this. He literally rode the Ferris Wheel with the player character in the game, and I WASNT supposed to interpret that as a date? Wack. It was a date. I love him so damn much. Next question
Elesa comes next because I’ve always thought she was stunning. I mean, duh I guess, she’s canonically a model. Also, Electric types are in my top 3, behind Fairy and somewhat tied with Fire, so she was a woman after my own heart. Her Emolga kinda wrecked my team and I respect that. Also, she loves puns. So again. Woman after my own heart. The only reason she’s still listed as Crush and not as Dating is because she intimidates me. She’s out of my league and I worry she’d only see me as a friend. Well, not “only”, her and Skyla are bffs and that also looks fun. I just. Can’t imagine her romantically being interested in me sometimes. Heh.
Grimsley was a crush that came on yeeeaaaars after his Gen, and it hit me like a freight train. I swear, he made very little impression on me in B/W, because I was young and I was just excited to possibly see N again as champion. I was a little shit, okay. I also never played B2/W2 all the way through, which is a huge stain on my Pokémon record. Anyways. When he showed up in Sun/Moon, I gasped. I was like, that’s a familiar face. Why is he hot now? (The answer is we was always hot, and I just had a few years to grow between games). But like, I kind of tamped it back down? I think I legit tried to tell myself around Sun/Moon era that I can’t keep finding Pokémon characters hot, because I was drooling over another one in Moon. Anywho. Grimsley kept popping up as fanart on my Tumblr dash for a while and by the time I pulled him in Pokémon Masters, I slipped into love. Whoops.
Professor Sycamore, probably not my proudest moment of fandom. He was another one I liked from the very introduction. I made fun of him in equal measure, but I affectionately referred to him as “Professor Hotdad” for an embarrassingly long amount of time. He’s not even the oldest of my Pokémon F/Os. One of my other Pokémon F/Os is canonically a father. But nope. Sycamore was Hotdad. That all said, he did make me smile like a crush-stricken schoolgirl when he talked in game so it wasn’t all just memey objectification. I do love him dearly.
Gen VII! Alola! Guzma! Oh man, like I’d stated earlier, Team Skull really nestled it’s way close to my heart the way no team had since Team Rocket. It wasn’t all because of Guzma, I really did like the group of ragtag misfits banding together and creating a family. Guzma was icing on the cake. Oh boy, he made my heart do funny little flips even when he was threatening me in game. I loved his design, I loved his character, the way he talked, I just. Ugh, I was down bad for ya boy in Moon and Ultra Moon. He’s actually the inspiration behind my main blog url: its-ya-boi-remington. The “Y’all are stupid!” line and face lives in my head rent free at all times. Guzma protection squad.
(Nanu isn’t a romantic so I won’t talk about him here, just know I’m not forgetting him!)
Leon was, believe it or not, my actual first Gen VIII crush. I saw that fashion disaster and felt a warm comfort from him. It didn’t help that I mentally read every character in Galar with some UK/British Isles accent, that sweetened the deal. I was actually gushing to a couple then-friends about Leon while we all played Sword/Shield together and they kind of mocked me about it. They chided me that Leon “doesn’t bat for my team” and said either of them would have a better chance with him if he were real. So I was a little downtrodden about Leon after that for quite a while. It wasn’t until a couple months ago when suddenly it hit me that A- He’s literally fictional and my version of him can like me regardless of what “team he bats for” and B- I’m nonbinary? So rules get thrown out the window, anyone who likes me is both a miracle and some kind of gay whatever way you spin it. So I let myself warm back up to him, though I’m still a little skittish from before.
Piers, I guess, as awful as it sounds, was initially a crush rebound. Like, don’t get me wrong, I’d have been attracted either way. He’s a musician, a SINGER no less, and has that emo/punk vibe. But he’s also gentle and kind. Swoon. But it helped that I had my crush-feelers out full-force for a cutie in game to obsess over since I was still butthurt about my “friends” killing my crush on Leon. Obsess I did, and continue to do. I could probably snap this man over my knee like firewood he’s so lanky, idk why I put that in here but it’s staying. Piers is the one I most imagine jamming out with on a regular basis, and it makes performing for no one a bit more fun 🥰
I’m finally getting tired, I feel like I’ve been typing this for an hour. I probably have been. Ah geez now I gotta tag all these F/Os lmao. Thanks for letting me ramble.
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og-danny-dorito · 5 years
Bucky Barnes SFW Headcanons
a new hyperfixation to avoid my growing anxiety with my personal life? yall already know whats up, and i'm feeling angsty so brace yourself
PUBLISHED :  2 - 17 - 20
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S F W : 
- to start off of a positive and happy note (jk you already know thats not how it works) its very likely that upon first meeting, any touch directed towards him is met with an alarmed grunt and/or a slap of your hand away
- anything unsolicited makes him nervous and uncomfortable, so if you really do want to pat his shoulder or hug him or something like that you'd have to ask if it's okay first. now it's pretty easy to see the reasoning behind this but for those doubting it i will explain
- big man has been trained to kill in hand to hand combat and advanced weaponry and countless other things, meaning that he's pretty much wired by this point to have a gut reaction that automatically goes to the fight or flight instinct. it doesn't make logical sense that he wouldn't get uncomfortable and jumpy at loud noises and unsolicited touching since his ptsd has accumulated over the years to MAKE him react like that. he doesn't want to accidentally punch you in the teeth
- like yeah he's all tough and shit and could break the a dude’s neck if he really tried, but the issue is that once his walls are broken down he's sort of akin to that of a regulated killing machine having to redo its wiring to be “normal” again. the transition itself would be traumatic, but the process of initiating it would be even more difficult
- so that means that in the first few months of his recovery, he probably would do a lot of absent-minded staring and just long spells of silence where he just doesn't do anything. it's sort of like a reloading point for his brain, and he starts to pick up the habit of daydreaming a lot. sometimes you'll have to say his name a few times to snap him out of it, but when he does come to he looks a little embarrassed
- it's not that easy to elicit an emotional reaction out of him. you'd have to be fairly close with him to actually get most responses out of him that are more than a word long, and so thus starts my favorite trope; hard depressed kill man falls for person who just Keeps Trying
- it's not that easy to get under his skin, but meeting him somewhere normally and constantly talking to him will probably start to make him feel more encouraged to speak in the sense of making normal conversation
- he's a little awkward so in this case patience goes a long way (as does with pretty much everything with him). it gets to the point where after a month or so he may feel weird if he doesn't talk to you at that specific time of the day. if he's grown that fond of you he'll even go out of his way to ask a few people where you are
- part of him hates getting this attached for a number of reasons. there's that nagging feeling in the back of his mind that his environment is temporary and getting attached to the things and people there will hurt him more than he'd like. while he knows that it's not temporary, that he's not leaving anytime soon and probably won't for a while, it all goes back to the killing machine thing
- when he was under hydra’s control, the only thing that was certain was the base he resided in and it's hard to come out of a state of mind where the only thing you know to be continuous is your continued existence as a tool. the place itself brings back horrible memories, but you get what i mean
- so initially he may resist conversation for that very reason
- he tends to pick up on details more than anything, and most of your smaller traits tend to make him quickly used to you. like for instance, if you're prone to pursuing your lips and narrowing your eyes at something odd you've heard or seen, he might find it cute mentally and then immediately correct himself for it. if you tend to snort a little and roll your eyes when you laugh, he's going to notice that and MAYBE try to pay more attention when something funny is said to hear it again
- i would generally think that he doesn't really have much a type or preference at all. in fact, i'm pretty sure the only thing he seemed consciously aware of that he likes in a partner is ability to understand. cause if you can't forgive him for the things he's done and see why he does what he does now, he can't bring himself to feel like he needs to go through all of his self hatred and doubt more intensely than he already is
- he probably is asexual as well but that's sort of iffy considering he's canon been in sexual relationships so that's a maybe. but he's definitely demiromantic. it's not that easy for him to find people attractive anymore. when he starts to get to know you better he starts feeling some sort of way and picking up on MORE details that you may not even notice yourself
- bucky is also incredibly skilled at remembering things you might've said a month ago and completely forgot about. some find this off putting and that's understandable, but when it comes down to it, its a product of sorta okay memory
- “My cousin almost flipped his car over this week.”
- “Phillipe?”
- “Uh, yeah. How did you...?”
- “You mentioned him two weeks ago... when he almost fell of your roof the week before.”
- “I did?”
- remembers dates, names, eye colors, and a multitude of other things, so sometimes he'll just mention something important you may have forgotten and pretend like he definitely wasn't paying too much attention to you. it's surprising how good his memory is even though he can't remember any of his past. so this most likely means that he has issues with remembering events and how they happened, but not the details of them. like how you can remember your shirt color a few week s back but not what you did while wearing that shirt
- and on that note, he kinda shuts down if he gets a weird flashback in the middle of something. they're mostly triggered by smells and sounds, but sometimes if he sees something while he's walking down the street he'll just stop and stare at it. it's best just to stop and stare at it with him, or alternatively if you don't want stares, act like you're taking a picture. but don't talk to him while it's happening cause it'll interrupt the train of thought and derail him completely
- he tends to talk a lot about things if he's grown very invested in them (he's very good at keeping focus). if you're out walking together or just sitting down he might stare and absentmindedly reach out to touch you before stopping himself at the last minute. gently grabbing his hand and placing it wherever he wanted to touch makes him flustered every time. that and hes super soft but is afraid to be vulnerable around anyone
- just gently grabbing his hand makes him all mushy, and it’s more often than not that he finds himself weak when someone shows pretty much any form of affection or endearment towards him
- probably not into pda though, not that much. he will hold your hand if you want to, but don’t expect to like sit in his lap or like straight upstart kissing in public cause any attention in a public setting makes him nervous
- really likes a kind of homey s/o. someone who likes to cook or bake or whatever makes him feel a little bit like he doesn't have to worry about something for a while. like if he comes home and dinner is just waiting on the table for him or you’ve already drawn a bath for him and/or made the bed or whatever, he literally appreciates that above pretty much anything else
- love language is most likely acts of service. hes not very good with words unless he like thinks it out beforehand, but pretty much buys you gifts all the time because he likes seeing you light up when you see them. he does try to spend as much time as he can with you but either anxiety gets the best of him or hes literally too busy, and so it ends up being more distant with him coming over a few times during the week, even if you live together. and we already know the deal with physical touch so im not gonna restate my strong belief in “big man has trauma no touch big man unless A S K”
- but a lot of the things he does are situational. one day he may be very down to be super affectionate and the other he’ll be painfully distant, but the main issue with all of it is that hes very very bad at communication
- this poses an issue for a number of reasons, but his responses and reactions are more physical than anything. so for instance, if hes uncomfortable with something he’ll start to shift and stare and be very tense the whole time it’s occurring, or if he’s feeling a bit more sad or depressed he’ll isolate himself and consistently stand slouched or look as if he hasn't gotten enough sleep. it’s mostly body language, but after a while he’ll feel safe enough to tell you how he feels about certain things
- this takes a while to actually happen, but when it does he manages to just,,, say things that are on his mind. like you’ll be reading or scrolling through your phone or whatever and he’ll randomly be like “The table has a lot of scratches on it.” it’s just observations he has, but usually it translates to him wanting to change the stated fact. best thing to do is just to roll with it, since hes practically learning how to communicate again and he’s picking up on things socially
- now let's get to the “a little fluffy” and “kinda-already-known” shit, shall we?
-  miscellaneous headcanons;
gets jealous pretty easily in the early stages of your relationship, but only ever indicates this by staring the person in question down and refusing to admit to it later
likes having his hair put up into cool hairstyles and likes colored rubber bands (or hair ties if youre not where i'm from). seriously, he may loose his shit if you just like put cool braids in his hair one day like hes a viking or whatever
kind of tone deaf but his singing is more of like this raspy and slightly more “Misty Mountains” vocals sounding
is touch sensitive, so even doing something as small as like rubbing your thumb on his arm makes his hair raise on end
doesn't like his metal arm at all and quite obviously wears long sleeves all the time to hide it, but occasionally wears short sleeves when he's feeling less insecure
oh, super insecure btw and THATS why he feels all mushy when someone is kind to him because he KNOWS he's a freak and that he's weird but you're not still being sweet??? too pure, must protect
gives great hugs since he practically smothers anyone he meets with them, but is also basically a walking heater
is terrified of the idea of taking care of children or just anything weaker than him, but is good with them since they always hang on his arms and hold his legs when he walks
super strong
likes sweets a whole lot, specifically fruity sweets like apple pie or peach cobbler. never bring those wallmart cakes or whatever near him cause it'll be gone in like an hour flat unless you tell him to leave you some
- in conclusion, he needs therapy and probably won't be very responsive when he's not sure what to do. it doesn't mean he loves you any less, but he may have a hard time communicating it to you. all he really needs is some patience and a bit of understanding, and he'll get better with the whole s/o thing soon enough. cause you mean the world to him, and he doesn't want anyone or anything to make you feel like less than that
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flying-elliska · 4 years
Ok, I caught on to the last clips...😫😫😫 Bad shit is really starting now huh
To go over the Elu/Eliott drama first : yes what he is doing is dumb, no it's not ooc or irrealistic. He's only 19, under a lot of pressure, he clearly adores Lucas but doesn't want to weigh down their relationship. I can see him still idealizing what they have and wanting to keep it free from drama as a happy space ; at the same time he needs an outlet for his wilder side, especially at this time of his life where a lot of things are changing. Other have pointed out that he was in a toxic relationship for quite a while and he is probably used to people dismissing his needs and interests. I'll add that to me, hiding whole pans of your life because in part of mental illness is a very relatable coping mechanism. It's not healthy at all, but it's a way of regaining control when you feel it has been forcefully wrenched from you ; you learn to edit yourself to the more palatable parts so you can have some semblance of normalcy and before you know it, it becomes a reflex. And honestly I was an idiot at 19, and maladaptive coping behaviors like these are so hard to change, esp when they're rooted in place for survival reasons.
Of course it makes me sad, that Eliott doesn't feel like he can trust Lucas with this but again, he probably feels like asking Lucas for space is going to trigger his abandonment issues, not to mention completely flipping out at the idea that his boyfriend is out in the middle of the night doing illegal and highly risky shit. Like urbex isn't just some artsy quirky thing lol. It's highly probable that if he knew Lucas would either ask him to stop or would spend all his time worrying when Eliott was out.
We have had communication drama before but we have never seen Eliott work through his issues clearly before, so if that happens i am all for it (my main fear is that they will do it too quickly/not properly/in the background). Because I care about his character development, not just Elu, and that means having moments of serious down like Lucas had. That means really exploring his zone of darkness so that he can come out on the other side, and for Eliott that's definitely hiding things. I feel a lot of people in this fandom have this idealized image of the character as this perfect boyfriend who is allowed to cry prettily in the rain so that Lucas can come and save him, and that is such a narrow box to fit him in. Like...personally I always had this feeling that Elu would hit some rough patches once they were out of the honeymoon phase, they got together so young and both have such heavy baggage. Love doesn't magically solve all your issues, or make communication completely easy and fluid. I liked reading those comfort fanfics where once they got together it was all sunshine fluff and rainbows forever, but it always struck me as highly irrealistic. It doesn't ruin Elu for me, there is a lot of potential there, i just really hope they don't bungle it.
Also I find it obvious that Eliott empathizes with Lola and wants to help her, as an artsy outsider going through some rough shit that most people don't understand. He was alone with most of this shit, he probably wishes someone had helped him. It's depressing how quickly ppl twist that into sth else, and no throwing half of a second glance to her is not creepy (wtf). He is just such a different person around Lola and Lucas, how anyone can't see that contrast is mindboggling to me. We don't know entirely why yet but I think there is more backstory to come. I think Eliott's parents might have been a bit neglectful or didn't handle his MI in a great way. It's normal we don't know everything yet, Lola doesn't ! I have the feeling some people really want to be spoonfed everything right at the start and they can't deal w the fact that it's not a remake anymore where you already know most of what is coming so you call it "bad writing" bc you're not using your imagination/intuition/capacity to put 2 and 2 together like...
Anyway, for now i am still (cautiously) on board. I don't begrudge people being wary bc they have bungled a lot of promising storylines before. I just don't think they have yet with this one.
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xxpadfootxx · 4 years
🐾The Unexpected Wingman🐾
Summary: When your friends are so completely oblivious and hopeless when it comes to romance, you’ve got to push them together somehow. For Bakugo, that means by any means necessary
Izuku shuffled uncomfortably for the hundredth time that evening, his whole body on edge as he sat beside Ochako on the couch in the main dorm living space, the two trying to study for an upcoming exam. Despite his constant shifting, Ochako was too engrossed in her homework to notice, her face set in a calculated frown and her pencil tapping against her slightly parted lips as she analyzed her work. Izuku had been trying to work on the same project for the past hour but she was just so. damn. cute. How the hell was he supposed to focus when she was sitting so close to him, her outer thigh pressed inadvertently against his and her soft hair tickling his shoulder? He had tried to push the thoughts out of his mind but they had just come back with even more persistence, to his immense frustration. He needed to focus. He wasn’t too worried about this particular test, but he didn’t want to go into it blindly. Even though he had all of his books and papers spread out in front of him, he knew they wouldn’t be of much help if whenever he tried to remember the material he thought of Ochako instead.
“All righty, Deku,” Ochako said, snapping Izuku out of his reverie as she sat up and raised her arms above her head, the loud sound of her back popping echoing out. “I think I’m going to be done for the night. You should probably finish up sometime too, it’s getting late. Thanks for helping me study! I really needed help with those logarithms but now I’m not as worried!”
“It was no problem, Uraraka,” Izuku said, trying his hardest to fight the blush from rising in his cheeks as her warm smile lit up the room around them, making his heart pound. “See you later.”
“See ya!”
Izuku watched her leave, a look of longing in his eyes as she sashayed out of the room carrying all of her books. As soon as she rounded the corner, Izuku relaxed against the couch, throwing his pencil down on the coffee table in front of him in tired annoyance. He let out a sigh and ran his hands through his hair. He had had a crush on Ochako ever since she had kept him from falling flat on his face before the entrance exam that had only gotten stronger as he had become closer with her. But now it was starting to interfere with his hero studies. He had originally pushed any thoughts of romance away, not because he didn’t want a girlfriend, but because he wanted to focus entirely on achieving his dream of becoming the new Symbol of Peace. He had shoved down his feelings for the radiant girl deep into his heart and shelved it into a “never gonna happen” category. She was WAY out of his league and especially after their first year at U.A., her laser focus on becoming a hero started to rival even his own convictions. He didn’t want to get in the way of her dreams.
But now, the thought of pushing down his feelings was starting to fray at the seams. He struggled to think of anything besides Ochako nowadays. Izuku groaned and closed his eyes, leaning his head back to rest against the back of the couch as he tried to justify the problem in his head. He knew that the obvious answer would be to just tell her but he knew she would say no, his insecurities overflowing and leading to his fear of rejection, so he danced around that solution, trying to think of anything to give him at least some semblance of his sanity back. He sat like that for several minutes before finally giving up for the night, packing up his stuff and heading to his room as he concluded that he would just have to spend yet another day without her knowing his true feelings.
“Come on, Ochako! You HAVE to confess to him! What’re you waiting for!?” Mina squealed, her legs hanging over the end of Yaoyorozu’s bed.
Ochako covered her bright red face, desperately trying to cool the flames in her cheeks. She knew she shouldn’t have come to this little sleepover the girls had invited her to in Momo’s dorm. She loved them, but after accidentally letting it slip that she loved Izuku, she knew they would never stop pestering her.
“I can’t!”
“Why not?” Hagakure asked incredulously.
“Because he’s so amazing and so focused on being a hero! There’s no way he’d have time for a relationship! On top of that, he is way out of my league, there is no way he’d ever go for a girl like me.”
“Stop that!” Momo said sharply from where she was leaning against the pillows on her bed and brushing her hair. “You are just as amazing and Midoriya would be beyond lucky to have you as his partner.”
Ochako blushed at her friend’s words. She knew she shouldn’t put herself down but she just couldn’t help it. She knew her love was unrequited so what was the point of trying to make herself feel better about something that was never going to happen?
“Thanks, guys for being so sweet and trying to help but it’s just not going to work out. He’s much too busy, as am I. I just don’t want to be in his way,” Ochako said.
“You won’t be in his way!” Mina popped up again. “Are you kidding me? You guys have the same goal! You guys would totally help each other reach the top.”
“You really think so?”
“Oh my god, it is both a gift and a curse to see so clearly,” Mina said, causing the other girls to giggle a little.
“It wouldn’t really hurt just to find out, Ochako,” Tsu said softly, her finger pressed up against her chin in her signature thinking pose.
“But what if telling him makes our friendship weird?” Ochako asked quietly, staring at the floor as she sat on the edge of Momo’s bed.
“Come on, this is Midoriya we’re talking about! He’s not going to think about this too much. If he says no, I bet he’ll just go back to being normal friends with you the next day. Just so long as you don’t make it too overdramatic or weird then you guys should be fine. I know you love him but just so long as you also care for him as a friend, you should have all of the skills necessary to maintain your friendship with him,” Jirou said with a rare smile, giving her floaty friend a small pat on the shoulder.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Ochako said, still not entirely convinced.
The other girls eventually dropped the subject as they moved to watch a movie but Ochako still couldn’t stop doubting herself. What did she have to offer that he would ever want? She honestly didn’t even know if he was straight. She had no real reason to believe otherwise but she had never seen him show interest in any of the girls they were around, both in and out of Class 1-A. She tried to push the intrusive thoughts out of her mind as she turned her attention to the movie they had put on, wanting nothing more than to spend time with her friends and ignore the pit of despair and longing that had lodged itself in her heart.
Izuku gulped and raised his shaky fist up to the plain, unassuming door in front of him. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, mentally preparing himself for what he was about to do. He was still reeling from the fact that he had come to this decision in the first place but they say love makes you do crazy things. Finally steeling against his nerves, Izuku knocked on the door. He heard someone make their way to the door before it was flung open aggressively, revealing a very irritated Bakugo. Maybe now wasn’t the best time. Bakugo’s eyes narrowed once he saw who was on his doorstep.
“What do you want, you damn nerd?” Bakugo hissed.
“Um… Kacchan… I need your help with something,” Izuku said, his eyes darting to stare at the floor while his fingers twiddled mindlessly in front of him.
“Why the fuck would I want to help you?”
“Well um… you don’t have to, but I think you may be the only person who can really help me with this. Um… you know how you have been doing those weekly sparring sessions with Uraraka?”
Bakugo raised his eyebrow. The two had begun sparring shortly after the Sports Festival. Originally, Bakugo had been hesitant to work with her but Uraraka had been patient and kind with him, gently persuading him to work with her at least one time. It had eventually become a weekly regiment that Bakugo secretly enjoyed, the gravity girl containing much more skill than what meets the eye, allowing them both to expand on their quirks and hand to hand combat fighting skills. They had slowly developed a mutual respect for one another, the closest thing to a friendship the two had.
“Yes, of course, I know about the damn sparring sessions, what about them?”
“Well, since you’ve been spending so much time with her, I’ve noticed that you’ve learned a lot about her, what she is like, how she fights, how she uses her quirk-”
“Spit it out, Deku!” Bakugo snapped.
“Right! Sorry, um… do you think it would be reasonable to pursue a relationship with her?”
Bakugo was stunned for a minute, his eyebrows shooting up into his blonde hair. He had always guessed that the nerd had something for the gravity girl but he had never expected the kid to actually gain the balls to entertain the idea of courting her. Shaking himself out of his own jumbled thoughts, Bakugo looked down at Izuku.
“Tch, pathetic. I’m not gonna help you with some fucking love shit. Go ask someone who actually fucking cares.”
Bakugo then shut the door in Izuku’s face, leaving the green-haired boy down-trodden and tired. He let out a sigh of defeat. He knew he could ask any of his other friends but even Iida didn’t know Ochako like Bakugo and Izuku did. He could ask one of Ochako’s girlfriends but he was worried about them saying something to Ochako while they gushed about it. Padding back out into the main living space, Izuku tried to look as put together as possible and move on with the rest of his day. When Ochako smiled at him with the smile that always made the room feel several degrees warmer, Izuku felt the pit in his stomach increase and his heart flip as he mentally marked the day as another unsuccessful attempt of asking Ochako out.
The series of loud, furious pounding on his door later that evening made Izuku jolt in his chair where he had been trying once again to study for his exams. Standing up and making his way over to the door, he was surprised to see Bakugo standing on the doorstep, a determined glare in his eyes.
“Oh hey, Kacc-”
“Shut up and follow me,” Bakugo said before spinning on his heel and walking away, not checking to see if Izuku was following him. Izuku trotted after him, unsure of what was happening but unwilling to turn Bakugo down just in case it was something serious.
The explosive blonde made his way through the winding halls of the dorms and out the main entrance towards the U.A. school building.
“Kacchan where are we-”
“I said shut up!”
The pair scurried down the sidewalk and up to the side doors of the school, where Bakugo pulled out a small keycard and pressed it to the scan reader, allowing them in.
“I borrowed it from Aizawa so we could access the library,” Bakugo grumbled at Izuku’s shocked expression.
The boys then wound their way through the corridors until they arrived at the library. Bakugo used the keycard again and shoved Izuku inside, slamming the door behind them.
“Kacchan what is going on here?”
“I changed my mind.”
“I changed my mind.”
“About what?”
“About the whole romance thing. I just didn’t want to talk about it with our other classmates there,” Bakugo snarled.
Bakugo then moved over to one of the work tables and sat down, gesturing curtly for Izuku to do the same. Wasting no time, Izuku sat down across from his childhood friend and rival.
“So what was it you wanted to ask me?” Bakugo asked. “I wasn’t really paying attention before, I don’t usually care for romance stuff.”
“Oh, I was just wondering, since you’ve spent the most time with Uraraka if she has ever mentioned wanting to be in a relationship.”
“No, she hasn’t said anything to me, why do you ask?” Bakugo said, his gruff voice echoing throughout the empty library.
“Because… I’m in love with her,” Izuku mumbled.
“I didn’t hear that last part, speak up, you fucking moron,” Bakugo snapped.
“I’M HOPELESSLY IN LOVE WITH HER!” Izuku yelled out in compensation for his nerves.
Bakugo looked at him with a slightly shocked, slightly amused expression.
“Well, I don’t know anything about romance, but if I were you, I’d just tell her how you feel.”
“But she’s not going to say yes, she’s way too good for me! I mean, look at her, she’s gorgeous, smart, talented, strong, stunning… I don’t deserve that! I feel like such a coward because I want to tell her how I feel so bad, but I don’t want it to ruin our friendship or break her focus on being a hero.”
“While I agree with you that she is way too good for you, I still think you should tell her. You might be surprised,” Bakugo said.
“I don’t know, I’m just so afraid of rejection. It’s stupid and childish, I know, but I just, care about her so much, I don’t really want to see the look of disgust in her eyes when she realizes that I’M the kind of guy she attracted,” Izuku said softly, letting his insecurities get the best of him.
“Well if you ask me, she doesn’t look very disgusted right now,” Bakugo said, his eyes glinting with mischievous amusement.
Izuku froze, his eyes widening as Bakugo’s words sank in. Turning ever so slowly, Izuku rotated in his chair to find Ochako standing behind him, her arms full of books. Her eyes were wide and her lips were parted with surprise, the corners of her mouth twitching as if she were trying not to smile or cry or both.
Izuku closed his eyes as his face flushed in embarrassment. So that’s why Bakugo dragged him all the way to the library. He knew Ochako was going to be here getting books for her project and brought him here to force him to confess. He looked up when he felt a rough hand on his shoulder.
“Your welcome, brat. You owe me now and I’m not doing this again. But I think you two will make each other happy. Just remember that if you hurt her, you’ll be nothing more than a stain on the ground, got it?”
Izuku nodded as a slight shiver ran down his spine at his friend’s low threat. Bakugo then stood up and made his way to the doors, patting Ochako’s shoulder supportingly on his way out. He may be aggressive most of the time, but he could also be rather gentle with those he cared about. He held no romantic feelings for the gravity girl, but he had grown to respect and even care for her in their time spent together and he was determined to keep her happy. For competitive reasons, of course.
“So… Deku? Did-did you really mean it?” Ochako asked softly.
Izuku looked up. Damn, she looked so adorable in her small skirt and button-up white blouse. The light from the sunset outside set her beautiful hair on fire, her whole face glowing in the evening light. It took Izuku’s breath away.
Standing up, Izuku made his way over to her. Looking deeply into the dark brown eyes he loved so much, he reached out and gently grabbed one of her smooth hands, cringing slightly as he realized how rough and scarred his own hands were.
“Every word,” Izuku said. He was still afraid of rejection but he knew that since he had already confessed, albeit, on accident, he had to go all the way.
“All this time…” Ochako whispered to herself. “All this time, I thought it was unrequited.”
Izuku’s heart leaped up in his throat at her words. He felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes but he forced them back. Now was not the time to get emotional.
“You-you like me back?” Izuku asked, almost tempted to pinch himself to make sure it wasn’t a dream.
Ochako didn’t respond, she merely reached up to cup his face in both hands and bring his lips down to hers. The movement of their mouths against each other was inexperienced and clumsy at first, but they eventually got used to one another and it felt so good, finally being able to hold each other like they had both dreamed of doing. Izuku suddenly gasped as he felt his world turn upside down… literally.
Ochako opened her eyes and snorted as she tried to hold back a laugh.
“I’m so sorry, Deku,” Ochako said in between barely suppressed giggles as she stared at Izuku, floating upside down in front of her.
Izuku began to laugh too before grabbing her face and kissing her this time, completely ignoring the fact that he was hanging upside down in front of her. He felt her smile against his lips and couldn’t help but beam at her, his eyes so full of love for the girl in front of him.
Unbeknownst to the two new lovers, several pairs of eyes were watching them from the library windows.
“Oh my god finally!” Mina whispered excitedly as the girls of class 1-A crowded around to gush at the new couple.
“Tch, who cares?” Bakugo said, turning away from the window with a look of disgust on his face.
“Oh don’t act all tough now, big guy, if you didn’t care you wouldn’t have interfered. You’re happy they’re together and you know it!” Hagakure said happily.
Bakugo grumbled incomprehensibly but didn’t protest, sneaking glances at the pair inside, watching as Ochako helped Izuku down and the two embraced once more. The tiniest smirk flitted across Bakugo’s features.
“Not bad, you damn nerd,” Bakugo whispered, his eyes following the new lovers making their way back to the dorms, the moon shining down on them from where it was just peeking over the edge of the horizon.
“Not bad at all.”
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thanksjro · 5 years
More Than Meets the Eye #1- Meeting All Our New Friends
Okay, let’s see what happens when you give one man way too much power over a franchise, and he doesn’t use it for evil.
Before we get into the story, let’s take a look at the cover art! MTMTE, as well as its sister series, Robots in Disguise, started off IDW Phase Two, a brand new run of main comics to replace the by-then completed The Transformers (2009). To celebrate this momentous occasion, each comic’s first issue got FOUR separate covers, which could be combined to create a large, overarching image. MTMTE’s looked like this when all the covers were put together.
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The cover art here is by Alex Milne, who is on as the main artist for the series, but he’s not on issue #1- no, for our foray into this comic run, we see the return of Nick Roche.
The last time Roche and Roberts worked together was on Last Stand of the Wreckers, and other than MTMTE #6 and the Revolution one-shot, they won’t be teaming up again within the IDW run.
On a potentially-related-but-more-of-just-a-humorous note, it seems that Roberts is a huge stickler with his scripts, going into what sounds like an honestly horrific amount of detail for each individual panel. The average comic script is either between 20-23 or 28-30 pages long, not counting title and credit pages. Roberts has been cited as sending in comic scripts that approached 50 pages.
Which, if you know anything about the scriptwriting process, is a little… yeah. It’s a very good thing Roberts seems to be able to take criticism.
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The Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye- Liars, A to D Part 1: How to Say Goodbye and Mean It- holy fucking shit that’s a long title- starts off with the Story So Far, a comic book classic to catch readers up on what’s happened prior to the issue. The very nature of a Story So Far will become plot-relevant much later down the line, but as is, it’s just reminding us what happened during Phase One, in as basic a point as it can.
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And then the credits are right underneath.
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I can’t even imagine how friggin’ good seeing this printed must have felt.
So, what’s going on in the premiere of the sad, gay, space comic?
Not my phrasing, by the way, but the Wiki’s.
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So, the war’s over. What does that mean? Well, a lot of things, honestly, but the first thing we’re given in terms of what changes to expect with everyone’s favorite space robots is in relation to their wardrobes. Yeah, without a war to fight, what’s the point in having relatively identical blocky armor that protects all your insides? It’s time to get skimpy.
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Rodimus has switched out his toned calves and discernible ankles for the Uggs that are now positively iconic to his character. Drift’s mass has almost completely gravitated to his thighs, making him the curviest thing this side of the Milky Way. Ultra Magnus didn’t get the memo about not needing to be in uniform anymore, I guess, but somehow I doubt he owns anything casual.
Rodimus, Drift, and Magnus are holding a rally to invite Autobots to come on their party-barge to find the Knights of Cybertron, in an effort to heal the planet, because Rodimus took one look at post-war Cybertron and said “no thanks.” Honestly, I think most would, if these properly colored characters are any indication.  
Just the Autobots, by the way. We aren’t ready to be friends with the ‘Cons just yet. Swindle did some major damage on that front.
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Prowl and Wheeljack are off to the side discussing this turn of events, and while Wheeljack seems to think that a lot of folks will be boarding the ship and getting the hell out of dodge, Prowl’s expecting nothing to come of it.
So, that was yesterday. What’s going on today?
Inside Kimia, there’s a dead guy. He wasn’t dead when he was brought in, but he is now. Who is he, anyway?
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Oh, he’s one of the NAIL protesters, and he died because he was protesting by way of transforming on the steps of Autobot HQ, until his transformation cog burn out. Yep, that can kill you. Ratchet’s the one who performed the autopsy, as per Metalhawk’s request- he only wanted the best of the best on this.
Too bad the best of the best is starting to slump. After a brief scare with Rigor Morphis- the stiffening of the corpse into the body’s preferred mode- Ratchet explains to Bumblebee that his hands have started seizing up, and that’s why he’ll be leaving on the Lost Light with Rodimus. He just can’t do the work anymore.
This news is not well received by Bumblebee, who’s just about had it with everyone up and leaving him all by himself with the mess that is Cybertron.
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Phase Two will not be kind to Bumblebee.
Bumblebee accuses Ratchet of having been insnared in Rodimus’ siren song of reclaiming the Golden Age, but c’mon, this is Ratchet! He’s too cynical to fall for that. He’s more interested in finding the Autobots who’ve been lost over the millennia to the war. Ratchet’s already well aware of the true purposes of this little galactic road trip, almost like he’s read the plot outline.
It’s about helping people, and adventure, and being unapologetically gay and sad in equal measures.
Up in the sky, Cyclonus is displeased. He spent six million years in the Dead Universe, under the control of a madman, waiting for the moment he could return to his beloved homeworld, and what does he get? A ball of half-baked primordial cookie-dough, and it’s not even chocolate-chip like he was expecting; it’s fucking oatmeal raisin.
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Mmm, that is some tasty panel-breaking right there.
Of course, the I/D chip might not have worked anyway, seeing as Cyclonus got a little bit of a boost when Vector Sigma ejected everyone during the Matrix incident. It’s doing some weird stuff to his body, on top of whatever nonsense existing inside the Dead Universe does to a person.
Cyclonus is about to head over to the Lost Light- apparently he and Rodimus made a little deal off-panel- when he detects a familiar life sign and decides to see what that’s all about.
Over in Prowl’s office, things are tense. He and Chromedome can’t even look at each other, as Chromedome reveals that both he and Rewind are jumping on the Lost Light. Prowl doesn’t like this, not one bit. He needs Chromedome, needs his skills, his expertise. He tries to appeal to Rewind, knowing who wears the pants in this relationship.
Or, well, he tries.
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Prowl, they’ve been married for over 250,000 years.
In all seriousness, this is slightly before the first tentative steps Roberts took towards making the franchise as gay as he possibly could, at least when going by the story’s chronology. The thing about professional comic script writing is that plotting/planning goes for a ways beyond the current script one’s working on, so that everyone knows where everyone else is. Considering the somewhat congruent nature between MTMTE and RiD, planning ahead was especially important.
Chromedome and Rewind were originally (like, first draft originally) meant to be best friends. This was to fill a void in the department of close relationships Roberts felt within the Transformers franchise. Then Roberts saw how handsy he’d been writing them during plotting and realized he’d made something a little different happen. Which still sort of went with what he was going for, just in a slightly different fashion. Chromedome and Rewind are a rare case of a writer NOT leaning into the “they’re just bros, bro” mentality and just letting the characters be together as romantic partners.
Also keep in mind that it would be another three fucking years before the United States would legalize same-sex marriage, which is where the IDW offices are located. You gotta ease that sort of change in, that way nobody realizes what you’re doing until it’s already been done, then you can go hog-wild. We won’t be hitting critical mass on the homonormative civilization that is IDW1 Cybertron for a solid year or so.
So this bit of dialogue is just the start of the setup, and the “best friend” line is either a leftover from earlier versions of the script, or Prowl really just is that big of an asshole.
Rewind is, of course, recording everything taking place on his handy-dandy little head-mounted camera, because history is his business, and he’s not going to stop recording for the likes of Prowl.
Rewind doesn’t like Prowl very much.
It would seem that the feeling is mutual.
Chromedome suddenly remembers that trying to reason with Prowl is like talking to a brick wall, and the two of them leave. Prowl responds to this slight by yelling in the hallway and then flipping a table.
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I sure hope y’all like running gags.
Of course, Prowl wouldn’t be Prowl without having a few contingency plans in place for when things don’t go his way, and he makes a call to his inside guys to “load the cargo.”
That’s not ominous in the slightest.
Six million years prior to all this nonsense, a tiny little dude fell in a hole and broke his legs trying to get to work.
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This is Tailgate, and he’s seen better days. Not many, mind you, but at least a couple. He was making his way to the launch of the original Ark, when he decided to take a shortcut that would change the course of his life forever. Hence the whole “stuck in a hole” thing. Still, he’s got to get out of here, because without him, the entire expedition is doomed!
For being an idiot, Tailgate’s pretty smart- he figures that if he sets off his energon rations, it’ll blast up through the roof of the cavern he’s in and someone will be able to find him. Good thing energon’s so incredibly volatile.
Speaking of volatile, let’s jump back to the present and check on our buddy Whirl.
It looks like Whirl also got a makeover between series, because he’s now sporting a much sleeker, angular frame, complete with long, tapered head.
Whirl’s currently busy thanking his new friends for spending so much time with him. It really meant a lot to him, their patience. Not many folks have been patient with him before.
Of course, it probably helps that all these guys are dead as hell.
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It’s time for another Roberts’ staple- the suicide attempt. We won’t be using the robot-equivalent to Multiple Sclerosis though. This go around, we’ll be using a classic: self immolation!
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Title drop! Bet you weren’t expecting it to have such a dark connotation, huh?
Cyclonus interrupts Whirl’s monologue and suicide attempt. He thought he’d seen his best buddy, Scourge, on his tracker, and his immediate response is to lurk in the shadows looking like a night demon wearing a party hat.
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Fun fact: a group of Sweeps is called a Spring Cleaning.
Scourge isn’t here, and he won’t ever be. Scourge most likely died off-panel, never to be seen again, assumedly because nobody wanted to write for him. I think it’s the nails, puts people off.
Whirl doesn’t take kindly to the intrusion, and responds the only way he knows how.
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It’s always embarrassing when your self-immolation gets interrupted, but maybe try taking a first deep breaths before committing to more war crimes, Whirlybird.
While these two morons fill the post-Bay movie explosion quota, Red Alert’s hard at work screening the passengers on the Lost Light. Currently, he’s checking Brainstorm, who’s making it as difficult as possible, both legally and emotionally. Red Alert waves him on with a grumble, without even getting a peek at what’s inside his mysterious briefcase.
Up next is Swerve.
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His legs are so jacked, it makes me a little uncomfortable. Glad to see Swerve’s body reformat went swimmingly- seems he went for the classic “tires in the shoulders and ankles” model.
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Oh hey, it’s Rung! Hi Rung!
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This series will not be kind to Rung.
While Cyclonus and Whirl terrorize the folks just trying to get on board the dang ship, Rodimus is feeling rather pleased with himself with the turnout. Drift strokes his ego a bit, because they support each other, but things are still weird because Drift doesn’t know who he is as a person anymore, and Rodimus has a guilty conscience mixed with being the Matrix’s golden child, which really fucks with a guy’s head.
Ultra Magnus goes through the list of the folks joining their quest, and starts running through all their demerits and crimes like it’s his job, because it is. We get a little peek into Magnus’ world view and then it’s back to the Whirl and Cyclonus show.
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Also, Drift doens’t have a nose right now. He’ll get it back in time for the next issue, don’t worry.
Over with the flyboys, Cyclonus has decided to land and attempt to reason with Whirl. Not that he couldn’t totally kill Whirl if he wanted to.
He just doesn’t want to.
No, Cyclonus is far more concerned with his meeting with Rodimus, the one that he’s already friggin’ late for thanks to the detour he took checking that life signature. Whirl doesn’t care, far more worried about the fact that Cyclonus saw him talking to desecrated corpses and, far more importantly, vulnerable.
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Look at this jackass’ ensemble- demon helmet, a crop top, a skirt and bellbottom pants. What an icon. He and Eugenesis Wheeljack should trade fashion tips.
Whirl still isn’t done with him, even after scraping him across the side of a mountain. Feeling especially artsy, he scoops Cyclonus up and jumps into the air, since he apparently has a hundred-foot vertical leap.
Back in the past, things aren’t going so well for Tailgate.
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More cool panel stuff going on here- every time the panels have had rounded corners, it’s been when the scene takes place in the past. Now that the last panel has proper right angles to it, Tailgate’s in the present with everyone else. That middle panel probably covers a couple million years, at least. Poor guy.
Up on the surface, Ratchet’s met up with Chromedome and Rewind, and they’re all walking over to the launch site, Chromedome bitching all the while about how they’ve got to use their legs since Rewind’s alt-mode isn’t a vehicle, but a USB.
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Chromedome seems to have forgotten that his tiny husband is small enough to probably just ride on top of his alt-mode, if not directly inside, most likely due to his larger-than-life personality.
Whirl and Cyclonus fall out of the sky before Chromedome can say something that’ll get his ass divorced. Cyclonus gets knocked out cold, having taken the brunt of the impact. Unfortunate, seeing as Whirl’s taking the time to make up lies about him.
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You thought I was kidding when I said the armor was skimpy, but here we are, with a shot of Whirl’s battle thong.
Ratchet, who knows Whirl, because he knows everybody, tries to talk him out of straight up murdering Cyclonus. Whirl doesn’t like it when people try to talk him down, and is about to turn on the good doctor, when Tailgate enters the scene, by way of explosion.
Whirl doesn’t handle explosions terribly well. Probably why he was going to use one to kill himself.
With Whirl knocked out, Ratchet and the power couple pull Tailgate out of his hole, where he manages to ask about the launch before freaking the fuck out and fainting at the sight of a rather dead-looking Whirl. To be fair, I can’t think of a whole lot of folks who’d survive getting their tits blown off with enough force to clear a tunnel in solid rock.
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You said it, Rewind.
Ratchet grabs Tailgate and Whirl and brings them onboard the ship, seeing as Tailgate seems to want to be there, and Whirl’s too dangerous to be out of sight. They just kinda leave Cyclonus on the ground. I doubt the two guys who were on Kimia last month really want to deal with him.
Rewind breaks off from the group to see his dealer. This dealer isn’t selling the good kush though. He’s got something far more incriminating to offer.
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But we don’t get to find out what the fuck Rewind just bought from Swindle for a few more issues. Rest assured, it’s nothing good.
On the bridge, Rodimus is in his captain’s chair, ready to captain it up. The Lost Light raises into the air, as Bumblebee and Prowl watch on, about to exit the atmosphere and begin a adventure filled with hijinks and mild peril.
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And that’s a series wrap on everyone! I hope you enjoyed this wonderful one-shot written by James Roberts.
What do you mean there’s 56 more issues?
Alright, let’s see where this goes.
Back on the bridge, there’s alarms and sirens out the wazoo, as things have pretty much immediately gone to shit. The quantum engine the Lost Light’s outfitted with apparently went off prematurely, rocketing them into a completely random quadrant of space.
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Also, there’s a hole in the ship, and vacuum physics are doing their thing.
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This series will not be kind to Rodimus.
The Lost Light touches down on the planet they popped back into existence over to start looking for all the guys who got sucked out of the ship. They don’t have to look long, seeing as they’re all burning up in the atmosphere.
Welcome to the Lost Light. It’s a friggin’ mess.
Back on Cybertron, the aftermath of the explosion is seen, as Bumblebee and Prowl listen to a message that seems to imply a lot more heartache in the future.
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Prowl, you could at least pretend to give a shit.
That’s the end of the story, but not the end of the issue. In the back of the book, we get a welcome letter from James Roberts himself, thanking the reader for taking the time to read the beginning of MTMTE, and holy shit does he really try to sell it to you. This is a guy who wants you to be excited about the story that’s coming your way, because he’s excited about it. He’s a big dork who loves Transformers, and he gets to write about them for the next six years! That’s awesome. 
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rainandhotchocolate · 5 years
Tension - Part 6
A/N YEEEEWWWWW Happy first story of 2020!! Here’s is part 6 to Tension, lets be real here this series is going to end up being a long one cause I keep adding shit to it oops ANYWAY ENJOY XX
Part 6
“Sit up straight,” Abraxas hissed in Y/N’s ear, poking her sharply in the back with his wand. Y/N held back rolling her eyes and obliged, feeling her spine stretch upwards and chest push out as she was supposed to. Legs crossed, arms open, eyes batting, avoid killing self, Y/N rattled off to herself inside her head, gazing around the large ballroom that had been decorated for the annual Christmas eve ball. Or annual pureblood incestuous mixer.
There were twinkling snowflakes hovering above the whole room, moving slowly up and down in the space above the guest's heads. Large ice sculptures lined the outer wall, snakes twisted around each other, and the walls looked like they were covered in ice cracked in large mosaic designs. The ballroom had been re-floored as well, the Malfoy emblem embossed across the centre of the floor, snowflakes painted like they were floating towards the wall and chairs lined across the edge.
Y/N was sitting on the far right, next to a group of girls who were all whispering loudly beside her. Y/N could only catch snippets but was pretty sure she heard something along the lines of “hottest” and “Sirius”. Y/N huffed, stretching her back out as it began to ache on the stiff tall backed chairs. The dress she was wearing was tighter than she was used to, long draping white sleeves with curling lace and snowflakes sewn into the tulle that reached to the ground.
Lucius was standing across the room, leaning against the wall in an obvious attempt to be aloof. Y/N stuck her tongue out at him and he returned it.
“You look like a prat,” Y/N mouthed at him, leaning forward to grin.
“You –“ Lucius went to reply but turned quickly as the doors opened again, being pulled open by two house-elves that Y/N’s dad had hired from another family for the day. Y/N grimaced as one of them stumbled as the next lot of quests pushed through and she saw Abraxas’ eyes flash dangerously towards him. Y/N made a mental note to find somewhere to hide the house-elf before the end of the night.
Y/N glanced up when she noticed a group of people making their way into the ballroom, walking a little slower than normal to make an entrance. The Blacks were walking in together, the whole cousin clan, three girls with long curling hair falling down to their hips and two tall boys with similarly curly hair, one cut short and sleek and the other tumbling over his eyes.
Sirius looked immensely frustrated, pulling at his tie, his mother standing very close to him and kept glancing over to him with a dangerous expression. He looked up, surveying the room carefully and landing on Y/N. Y/N felt her stomach flip over as his grey eyes met hers and his face broke out into a grin. He winked at her, moving into the room alongside the rest of his family as Lucius and Y/N stood up and moved to meet them with their dad.
“Good Evening, Orion and Walburga, Cygnus and Druella, kind of you to grace us this evening,”
“Of course,” Orion smiled gracefully and stepped forwards to shake Y/N’s father's hand. The rest of the group shook his hand or kissed his cheek respectfully as they filed into the hall, Lucius and Y/N standing on either side to receive the secondary greeting. Y/N thanked Merlin that her dad had forced a witch to hold her down and smudge makeup across her face so no one could see the flush creeping onto her cheeks when Sirius grabbed Y/N’s hand and kissed it softly, grinning mischievously as Lucius scowled at him and pulled him off her and towards the rest of his family.
Y/N made a point of ignoring him for the next hour, whilst the rest of the guests were arriving and Y/N felt like she could adequately mingle around the room without meeting his incessant glare. She wasn’t quite sure why she was doing it, it wasn’t like he’d done anything it was just… him being here, in her house, watching her awkwardly try to move seamlessly from group to group with very little to say to each other. When it got to the point that she had done two rounds of the room and had begun to realise she was being an idiot, Y/N sucked in a shallow breath and moved towards where Sirius was pouting sourly in the corner of the room.
“So, someone is looking rather unhappy,” Y/N commented, sitting down beside him and following his gaze towards his parents, who were talking to the Lestranges in dulcet tones.
“Someone seems to have forgotten I invited them to join me tonight,” Sirius retorted, not so much as glancing at her. Y/N’s heart jumped, guilt running over her.
“Sorry, father said I needed to talk to a certain amount of people tonight wanted to tick it off early.”
“Hmmm,” Sirius hummed in response, his eyes still watching his parents closely. Y/N settled in beside him, hoping it was a sign that he was more concentrated on them than her. Suddenly he turned to face her, eyes dark and focused.
“Have they been to your house also?” Sirius asked, surprising Y/N with a change of subject.
“Oh, uh, yeah they have.” Y/N racked her brain to when they had arrived on the Malfoy’s doorstep with a bottle of Firewhiskey and apparently, a lot of information that Lucius and Y/N weren’t privy too, “They were over about three weeks ago.”
“Same here,” Sirius looked back over to them momentarily, “Did you hear anything?”
“Not really, I was trying to fight Luci for the one gap in the door.” Y/N huffed, “I heard something about a meeting? Dad was looking worried when he came out though, which is kind of weird if it’s one of…their meetings.”
Sirius snorted at her use of ‘their’.
“Yeah, it’s not about them, I heard something about a resistance being set up.” Sirius’ voice became lower, his eyes flicking between the two couples sitting on either side of them. Y/N’s eyes widened at him.
“Shush!” Sirius glared at her, smiling calmly at the boy who had looked over at the two of them. “Ok come on.”
He stood up and turned to face Y/N, holding out a hand and raising an eyebrow.
“What?” Y/N questioned, giving him a strange look. Sirius sighed exasperatedly.
“Dance with me you idiot,” Sirius re-presented his hand.
“Oh,” Y/N hesitated before taking his hand slowly and standing up to join him onto the dancefloor.
“Have you ever danced before?” Sirius laughed at her as Y/N awkwardly held both her hands on his shoulders.
“Yes, actually,” Y/N glowered, “With you know, an instructor. And in my room.”
“So no,” Sirius laughed, grabbing one hand from his shoulders and holding it in his hand, placing his other hand on her waist and pulling her closer to him. Y/N sucked in a breath and realised she could suddenly smell his cologne. He moved her in a circle with the music, elegantly directing her across the floor and between the other dancers.
“You’re pretty good,” Y/N felt his hand push and pull her body in the direction he wanted, keeping his feet moving in a simple waltz for Y/N to follow.
“Surprised are you? Wait till I start speaking French,” He grinned, clearly happy that he had somewhat impressed her.
“Shut up, Black,” Y/N hissed, rolling her eyes, “What did you want to tell me.”
“Right, so, I could hear only snippets from the hallway, but it sounded like they were worried about another group being set up, against the Dark Lord.”
Sirius spun her out and pulled her into his chest, her back pressed against him.
“I think they mentioned Dumbledore,” Sirius whispered in her ear before spinning her back towards their original position.
“Really?” Y/N felt her mind reeling at the information. Dumbledore setting up a resistance group, against a large chunk of the students’ parents at his school, and even maybe some teachers.
“I’m sure of it.” Sirius continued to move her slowly around the room, but turned his glance onto Y/N, his eyes burning into her own. “What are you thinking?”
“I don’t know what to think,” Y/N hummed, trying desperately to keep his gaze without blushing. “I mean, who do you think they are recruiting?”
“Who knows, our parents would have surely been discussing names if they already knew.”
“Yeah, definitely.”
There was a tension that had built between them. Each word carefully chosen, to make sure they weren’t saying anything out of line, anything that would imply that perhaps there was something more to the conversation than just sharing information.
“Have you told James?”
“Not yet.” Sirius stepped away as the song ended, bowing low. Y/N curtseyed slightly, going to follow him off the floor but was suddenly cut off by her father.
“Apologies, Master Black, I must steal away my daughter for a moment,” Abraxas’ smile didn’t reach his eyes.
“Of course, thank you for the dance,” He nodded at Y/N and walked back to his seat. Abraxas grabbed Y/N’s arm roughly and pulled her towards the entrance to the main house where they were more hidden.
“What are you doing dancing with him,” he hissed at her, eyes flashing and hand still digging deeper into her arm.
“He asked! I thought that’s what I was meant to do at these things,” Y/N winced, trying to keep her eyes from watering.
“You know damn well I said to stay away from that boy, Gryffindor troublemaker, you are not to be seen associating with him.”
Y/N almost retorted, too late, but bit her tongue when he dug in his nails. She wondered if this was the reason he had her order a long-sleeve gown.
“Yes, father.”
“Good, now go and mingle. I hear Master Avery was asking about you.” He let her arm go and pushed her in the direction of the Avery siblings. Y/N smiled tightly and made her way sullenly towards them, not daring to glance over at Sirius whilst her father was still looking.
Y/N didn’t manage to see Sirius for the rest of the night, every time she tried to catch his gaze he seemed to be busy chatting to other girls or his brother. When it came to the night ending she found him leaning against one of the side walls whilst the families had begun thanking Abraxas for the evening and wishing them a Merry Christmas. Y/N sidled over to him, taking the time to walk around the room before reaching him in case her father looked back at her.
“Finally found you again.” Y/N smiled at him, leaning against the wall beside her.
“How often does he do that,” Sirius replied roughly. Y/N paused for a moment. It wasn’t exactly something she spoke about, to anyone. She was sure that Remus had guessed, the bruises that always seemed to pop up when she went home for the holidays in the shape of fingertips and scratches but it was an unspoken rule that they’d ignored it, just like she ignored the steady increase of scars across his body.
“It’s fine, it’s hardly-“
“It’s not fine.” Sirius hissed back, his gaze falling on her father. “I… I get it too.”
Y/N didn’t say anything. She wasn’t really sure what to say back to him. It had sort of become a norm, something that Y/N didn’t really realise was wrong until she heard stories about Remus’ and other Slytherin parents who weren’t quite as fanatical about pureblood strength and grace.
“It’s not fine.” He repeated again, softer this time and stood up off the wall. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Yeah, I think there’s another event around New Years.” Y/N followed him towards the exit, careful to watch the back of Abraxas’ head. Sirius didn’t respond, walking slowly and kicking his feet. Before reaching his family he stopped and turned back to Y/N.
“You know that if you ever need to talk… you know,” Sirius shrugged, looking at his feet.
“Yeah, I mean, I do now.” Y/N responded clumsily.
“Yeah, well. Anyway, goodnight, Malfoy.
“Goodnight, Black.”
Taglist:  @averytruerayofsunshine @siriuslyjanhvi @blushingskywalker @blackpinkdolan @thebabblingbookworm @cherrie511 @imlukesnirvana @avengersassemblee @maraudersandco @sly-vixen-up2nogood @katbernoulli @sirius-lysad @evyiione​ @minerva26love @aikeia @gollyderek​ @greatwombatblaze  @songforhema​  @your-typical-giggle​ @myownviperroom​ @hermionie-is-my-queen​ @demiwitch527​@desideriaenigma  @laue-bb​  @fk12b​ @slytherpuffgal​   @fairtaldes @j-brielmalfoy​ @your-typical-giggle​ @davincibrocode​  @sleepingalaska​  
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