#also thinking about alastor as not-so-well-off mixed race kid in the early 1900s
justanotherhh · 6 months
off the back of this post
@justletmeon12 this ought to exist outside of notes honestly:
justletmeon12 said: Now I suddenly want them to meet in S2. They hate each other because everyone in Hell hates everyone else when they meet, and whatever convoluted plot has caused the crossover has them briefly on the same side. Striker starts griping about everyone making it seem like a sex thing, because most of life ISN’T SEX, and Alastor looks at him like he’s the only rational person in Hell and offers to buy him a drink later. justanotherhh said: @justletmeon12 striker and alastor go out for drinks and it’s absolutely chill and there’s no tension whatsoever and they both sigh in relief (and then they go on their villainous ways, content that they can try to kill each other next time without anyone making it weird!) justletmeon12 said: @justanotherhh The next time someone (definitely not Vox, no sirree) wants to put a hit out on the Radio Demon, Striker volunteers to do it cheap, because succeed or fail, at least it won’t be awkward. justanotherhh said: @justletmeon12 sdfghjgfdsdfhj alastor and striker having a sort of chill “we can be enemies who try to kill each other” situation that makes everyone around them ??????????? because their framing for relationships is so alloromantic and they don’t understand this 5d galaxy brained dynamic at all justletmeon12 said: @justanotherhh “Sooo, are you two…” [awkward, vaguely obscene gesture] “Et tu, Angel Dust?” “That tears it. Free booze isn’t worth it. Next time, we’re getting drinks somewhere nobody knows either of us.” “Ha! Good luck with that, Strikering. There isn’t a bar in the city where I’m not a regular or banned!” justanotherhh said: @justletmeon12 ET TU ANGEL DUST!!!!!!!!!! cannot tell if it’s harder being aspec irl or in hell 😂😂😭😭 justletmeon12 said: @justanotherhh Well, murder isn’t an option in real life… justanotherhh said: @justletmeon12 *alastor grinning shiftily* … noooo…. sure…. isn’t……………. justletmeon12 said: @justanotherhh (I was hoping you’d do that)
@creepysora and I were also talking about how in all likelihood Striker wouldn't really be able to kill Alastor, because of the sheer power-difference (but, you never know... Niffty killed Adam after all), but it just becomes their way of hanging out. "FINALLY violence that's understood on both parties sides to be completely un-erotic and non-romantic!"
creepysora: I keep thinking that veeeeery slowly, Striker taking jobs to "assassinate" (unsuccessfully) the Radio Demon just start to morph into excuses to hang out with someone who Gets It. Neither knows how this happened. They start getting breakfast before trying to kill each other. Maybe this overlord can survive the class war actually. Mutually "hes useful so I cant kill him yet" delusion. Do they become better people through this? No. They encourage each other to kill people hitting on them. But everyone else surely is unhappy about this weird and unexpected development. not friends not enemies not lovers not rivals not a qpr but a secret fifth thing (aspecs desperate to connect with someone like them)
it's a good thing they both enjoy murder and violence so much, really gives them something to talk about
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